Developers and new homebuyers in Carroll County have been granted another reprieve from paying impact fees when constructing and purchasing a new home.
Following more than 20 hours of discussion during multiple work sessions, Carroll County commissioners voted Thursday to adopt a proposed fiscal 2023 budget for the county. The next step is to host a series of community meetings at public library branches to explain the budget, then county residents may provide feedback at a public hearing in May.
Carroll County Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services Director Michael Robinson told commissioners Thursday that the county’s fire and EMS needs are sometimes not being met due to inconsistent staffing levels. Robinson intends to change that as he works through plans to hire hundreds of new employees for the newly established department.
Carroll County residents will vote to elect members to the Board of County Commissioners this year. So far several incumbents are preparing to run for re-election and several new faces have added their names to the ballot.