We have winners! At a recent meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Captain John Oldham Chapter, four amazing young people from our local high schools were honored. Each
Mystic Massacre of 1637
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The Mystic Massacre of 1637 (also known as the Pequot Massacre) was the pivotal event of the Pequot War (1636-1638) in New England fought between the English (along with their Native American allies the Mohegan and Narragansett tribes) and the Pequot tribe of modern-day Connecticut. The conflict was initiated by the English who accused the Pequots and one of their tributaries, the Niantics, of murdering English traders. Even though governors Sir Henry Vane (l. 1613-1662), and John Winthrop (l. c. 1588-1649) both accepted the explanation of the Pequot chief Sassacus (l. c. 1560-1637) for the murders, as well as the
By Victoria Penate | Staff Writer
From left, Cindie Eberhardt, regent for the Captain John Oldham Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution; Clara Luisetti, local and statewide winner of the Good Citizens Program and Scholarship Contest; and Joanne Sweeney, Good Citizens chair for the Captain John Oldham Chapter.
Submitted to The Union
Submitted to The Union
Submitted to The Union
Submitted to The Union
After being named this year’s winner of the Good Citizens Program and Scholarship Contest by the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Nevada Union High School student Clara Luisetti has also been named winner of the contest at the statewide level.