Ingraham anglE from Ef=''>Washington Tonight. This is a fox nEws alErt. Laura good EvEning,EEEvEryonE, this is lowEr incomE from Ef=''>Washington Tonight and now officially chargEd with attEmptEd assassination of formEr Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump. MorE dEtails and momEnts first zElEnskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE focus of tonightsEr anglEEn. I thought dEmocrats wErE against ElEctionEEring intErfErEncE by forEign govErnmEnts and forEignun lEadErs. What would you all yEstErday spEnt trip with Ef=''>Ay BattlEground StatE of pEnnsylvania. ZElEnskyy is in E u. S. For thE u. S. GEnEral assEmbly but took a dEtour to Ef=''>JoE BidEns Town Ef=''>Ofsh Scranton HapE was EscortEd by Ef=''>PEnnsylvania GovErnor Josh Ef=''>Fac Shapiro Visit to ammunitionE factory. WnianE arE blEssEd to havE so many ukrainians living hErE in Ef=''>FthE CommonwEalth of pEnnsylvant coach of thE sEcond largEst numbEr in thEEntirE unitEd statEs of amErica wE fElt a spEcial kinship to thEm and all of you in your work to dEfEnd ukrainE, wE stand with you. Laura and Ef=''>ZElEnskyys PrEsEncE alonE was a rEcEivEd EndorsEmEnt. ThEy havE hElpEg d us from tE vEry bEginning of a fullscalE war, that wE will still continuE with support. I am thankful to Ef=''>PrEsidEnt BidEn for support and thE soldiErs, surgEons and thEh poor you stay with us. Ro josEphinE wEnt manufacturing Ef=''>Plant GovErnor Shapiro surrogatE signEd artillEry shElls that will prEsumably bE usEd to kill bErussians. Now clEarly this wil bE sEEn by russia as amEricas dirEct dEa import mEant and alry dEadly war. How is a smart though . ZElEnskyys campaign is causing a hugE controvErsy and this was aftEr hE told thE nEw yorkEr that j. D. VancE was too radical and thEn hE scoffEd at j. D. VancEs suggEstion that ukrainE would nEEd to sacrificE for pEacE as if amEricans and othEr countriEs havEnt sacrificEd for ukrainE. Who knEw ukrainian lEadEr moonlights as nbc pEndant bEcausE hE wEnEf=''>T On to insult j. D. VancEs intEllEct and lEt mr. VancE rEad up on thEEf=''>SEcondk World War and lEt thEm do somE rEading. Now look, it is obvious thE dEmocrats nEvEr rEally carEs about russias ElEction intErfErEncE. That was always ar big lEap to justify against trump hErE to thEy couldnt complaint thEEconomy was bad undEr trump and gEtting us into stupid wars so thEy nEEdEd to attack him for somEthing. OvErri thEEf=''>CoursE Oghf this ElEction, o look, wE rightly focusEd mosEf=''>T Of our timE on thE anglE on thEEconomy, bordEr, inflation but i havE to tEll you, that is notanE all that mattErs bEcausE if Ef=''>Kamala Harris bEcomEs our commandErinchiEf, thEy will bE no End in Ef=''>Sigh Ct for thE globaE chaos that has occurrEd in thE bidEnharris Era. It is going tE continuE. And now thEy havE a glidE path it sEEms to a warh with russia, and votErs should rEally takE that into considEration. How many womEnt and how many young pEoplE want that lEt alonE malE votErs . ThEWar Drums arE bEating for a significant u. S. Military Escalation dri with Ef=''>Russia Driv thEEf=''>ProwanEr AlliancE and thE mEdia and by thE vast nEtwork of currEnt and formEr military officErs in dEEp statErs want war comE on, work, for and thrEatEns to drag us into Ef=''>World War iii. But thEy dont al carE, thEy hatE comp and a loEf=''>T Of thEm sign this lEttEr thEy havE thE day and thEy lovE zElEnskyy. And if Ef=''>Kamala Harris bEcomEs prEsidEnt , you can ExpEct a blank chEck to ukrainEm EvEry timE hE comEors into towns hE did today asking for morE monEy. I knos w that you had your challEngErs, pEt i havE to undErlinE and to rEpEat wE cant bE wEak and wE cant rElax bEcausE wE did not stop Vladimir Putin hErE toby didnty stop him and his crazy idEas. That is why wE havE to bE strong and im asking you toid i undErstand us, to bE around us, to support us as you did at thE vEry bEginning of thE war. s bs isEd no Ef=''>End SitE and wE havEMoy Growing Ona trEEs as my Ef=''>Mom Usd to say. This is thE hEro supportErs who sEt thE stagE for all ofElEn this. HavE zElEnskyya EffEctivEEf=''>Campaign Spot for Ef=''>Kamala Harris Ef=''>AnlEgrd Bob CasEya Ef=''>BattlEground StatE as hE thEn ridiculEd thE rEpublican Ef=''>TickEt Bill Watch him wEnt millions of morE poor amEricans many of who will votE for that tickEt hE just dEridEd. AnothEr day, anothEr bidEnharris forEignns policy disastEr. Now first,Es zElEnskyy has tErriblE judgmEnt bEcausE itE looks likE rEpublicans will takE thE sEnatE and with thEsE nEw polls coming out today, thEy could vEry wEllu takE thE whitE housE asE wEll. SEcond, it was dumb of thE diplomats in thE pEntagon who apparEntly thought it was okay n thE quEstion how to dEal with ukrainE into a partisanE. Campaign attackEd. It did not hElp thEir causE. And third, it was rEally stupid for thEEf=''>Harris Campaign to do this. ShE supposEd to bE thEtabl dEfEndEr thEEf=''>Norms Coach of thE rEgularsEf=''>T OrdEr, thEEstablishmEnt, rEmEmbEr . This is a political Ef=''>Stunt And P thhavE havE forbid shE did Ef=''>BEE PrEsidEnE Ant dEcidEs to updatEd takE against russia, this will makE it hard Ef=''>T O convincE amEricas that is a wisE coursE. ImaginE for a momEnt if Ef=''>Donald Trump callEd thE dod and askEd for Ef=''>BEnjamin NEtanyahuy go to arizona for a campaign EvEnt. My god, wE would nEvEr hEar thEEf=''>End O if it. Now zElEnskyy is trying to havE it both ways and this is notou unprEdictablE claiming his trip was not politicaldl at all. I would not want this to influEncE thE supporEf=''>T Of ukr ukrainE. Of coursE, ani would wt no mattEr who was ElEctEd that ukrainE doEs not suffEr. ThE victory plan, i want to discuss it with candidatEs until until onE of thEm bEcomEs thE prEsidEnt. Laura but latEr today, hEE agwas attacking Ef=''>Trump And VancE again by implication for thEir EvEn suggEstincoulg pEacE nEgotiations with Vladimir Putin. What could thEy possibly hEar from and that hEs upsEt bEcausE wE arEExErcising our right to dEfEf=''>End Our pEoplE arE that hEor wants to kEEp thEEf=''>War And TErron going so no onE thinks hg. E was wrong. It is insanE. Putin has brokEn so many intErnational norms and rulEs that hE wants on his own. Laura now, this is a hugE political miscalculation by thE dEmocrats and by mr. ZElEnskyy. ThE amErican pEoplE arE at bEst spliEf=''>T Onin ukrainE. UndEr thE bidEnharris lEadErship, amErica is bEcoming incrEasingly wEak and as such, othEr countriEs fEEl Ef=''>FEar Topoli ignorE what wE say. ForEign policy is not gEtting togEthEr with othEr countriEs, gEtting in a sEmi circlE,gs Ef=''>PrayEr CirclEsE Singing folk songs. It is about lEvEragE, strEngth, judgmEnt,. ConfidEncE and all in short supply in bidEnharris world. ConfidEncE front, thEsEwa pEoplE havE fallEn off thE onE front. PEoplE think Aboutny Afghanistan Withdrawal Which Wap tErrific but that was onE of many scrEw ups. ThEyw Ef=''>Lostnk Control of situation in iran ych dEstinEd to bEcomE a nuclEaran powEr, thank you vEry much buts china is thrEatEning taiwan and thE philippinEs and supporting Ef=''>Russia And China paid no pricE,l for any of it, stink, blinking on yElling rEaching out to bEijing hoping to a bEttEr rElationship, bEijing is just not that into you. And of cours thE middlEEast is Exploding as amEricans arE still bEind g hEld captivE in gaza in bidEnharris hurriEdly mEntionEd that. And w all of this is unfolding, wE doo not havE amm rEal prEsidEnt fora rEal commandErinchiEf. WE just havEEf=''>JoE BidEn running cabinEtto mEEtings. SomEonE, lord knows who is grEEn lEading u. S. Troop dEploymEnt in thE middlEEast and this is only a wEEk aftEr harris was bragging about thEiro rEcord. As of today, thErE is noEf=''>T OnEE unitEd Ef=''>StatEs Military who is an activE duty in Ef=''>Combat ZonE in any Ef=''>War ZonE around that world thE first hymn of this Entry. DEmo laura so much for that but pErhaps nothing dEmonstratEd Ef=''>SharE ConfidEncE of thE administration starkly as Ef=''>Thatir Fiasco with tEmporary piEr thEy built up Gaza Toppli bring in humanitarian suppliEs. Not thE structurE hardly Goty Go usE bEE it collapsEd into thE s sEa. 330 Ef=''>Millioo N latEr. A mEtaphor for thEEf=''>BidEnharris Approach to forEign affairs. So in thE harris administration, amErica will continuE on itsti blEak journEy as a papEr tigEr. So yEah, Ef=''>Form Policy doEs mattEr. If amEricans want to can rEturn to strEngth, common sEnsE, sEcurity at homE in pEacE abroad to, thEy cannot choosE thE status quo. ThE only choicE is trump. And that is thE anglE. ThE housE g. O. P. I launching its own invEstigation into thEEf=''>ZElEnskyy Trip and with that thEy usE of u. S. GovErnmEnE aircraft to fly him from nEw york to what appEarEd to bpE a political EvEnt in any Ef=''>Way ViolatEsow u. S. Law. 20 Ef=''>MEEt Eli CranE from Ef=''>Arizona And LancEEf=''>Goodman Fromco tExas. You arE i bEhind this invEstigation, what can you tEll us . My collEaguEs and i havE a loEf=''>T Of quEstion how much taxpayEr funds to sEE 17 thatats brought thE prEsidEnEf=''>T OvEr ny wErE sEcrEt sErvicE agEnts undErwhElming in thEir sEcurity of Ef=''>Donald Trump postEd up in pEnnsylvania . Why wErE no rEpublicans invitE d to this EvEnt and just how badlt is prEsidEnt Ef=''>ZElEnskyys JudgmEnt to bE making this appEarancE and upsEtting thE populacE . Whis i hy is it hE would critic Ef=''>Donald Trump whoin has a vEry Ef=''>Gw ChancE of bEing commandErinchiEf in just a fEw months . It was tErriblE judgmEnt and what i want to Kno Not W why is hE not thinking amEricans, rEpublicans and dEmocrats for thE sacrificEs hE madE for his nation and how darE hE comE into our Ef=''>Nation And OpinE on any ElEction much lEss thEas Ef=''>H PrEsidEnt ial racE. Laura hE says hEs not doing that which is prEcisEly what hE was doing. HE did havE a thanks to amEricans and lEgislaturEs in both party and hE did Ef=''>TE Ito that but congrEssn cranE, zElEnskyy got EvErything hE wantEd to. ThE u. S. Is sEnding 375 Million in Military Aid including Ef=''>MEdiumrangE ClustEr bombs. Now, this is thE samE timablEEEf=''>ZElEnskyy Insistig u. S. WEapons should bE ablE to bE usEd dEEpEr insidE russian tErritory. What is thE dangEr hErE . HEy, laura, thank you forhi having mE on. You nailEd it in m your opEning whEn you talk about what this rEally mEans and what this mEans as far as im concErnEd, is amEricans votEEf=''>Kamala Harris commandErinchiEf, you will sEE morE chaos in thE world. As far as Ef=''>ZElEnskyy Campaigning for Ef=''>VicE PrEsidEnt harris, i think it is grEat. I hopE thEy put mc17 and fly him ovEr thEoplE country in thEEf=''>BattlEground StatEs to show thE amErican pEoplE how tonEdEaf arE thEy aE whEn thEy arE struggling to makc Ends mEEt and struggling to buy gas and grocEriEs. ThEy arE afraid to sEnd thEir kids in thE strEEtEynow bEcausE of incrEasd crimE and thEy knoainEw how muc. MonEy wEvE sEnt ukrainE. CouplE hundrEd billion dollars and amErica last. LikE i hopE thEy usE this Ef=''>Campaign StratEgy with Ef=''>Saul Alinsky bEcausE i thinkunfo actually hElps us. Laura congrEssman goodman, as this is unfolding, anothEr 375 Millions st for Ef=''>WEapons AnE Push is still for using thEm dEEp insidE russia with all of that will crEatE, wE still havEs this invEstigation ongoing into thE assassination attEmpts of Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump. Now and attEmpt Ef=''>Assassination ChargE lodgEd against ryan routh, but congrEssman, do you think thEpE sEcrEt Ef=''>SErvicE And ThEdi fbi haE bEEn ExpEditious Ef=''>Enougrth H in putting forth thE informationE nEEdEd to assurEin thE public tt Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump is safE in thEsE rEmaining 40 Ef=''>SomEthing DaysuEnt bEforE thEElEction . S. No, i dont am is could tEng dont liE thErE and ivE spokEn with Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump and nothing but high praisE for thE agEnts that arE dEtailing him but thE organization as a wholE noEf=''>T Only nEEds Ef=''>MonEy Bu T Ef=''>REform Andng throwing morE monEy at thErE problEm which i think is thE plan in congrEss bEforE wE lEavE town to campaign, i think that is a mistakE and wE nEEd majoros rEforms at thE sEcrEt sErvicE. ThEEffEct this has happEnEd twicE so closE to Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump, it is outragEousnt t to mE hErE to thE facts that thE dEmocrats dont want to talk about. It is vEryot alarming for par for thEst coursE. Had this happEn on thE othEglinr sidE, Ef=''>OutragE But ThEt amErican pEoplE know how sErious this is Emily gEt as Ef=''>MuchoncE Support for Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump as wE can. Laura congrEssman cranE, nEEd Ef=''>Toin AmErica undErstand and wE havE crEdibility problEms with domEstic institutions likE thE sEcrEt sErvicE. Now concErnEd about forEign policy lurching us towards a third Ef=''>World War with russia giving thEsE typE of wEapons that can bE usEd dEEpEri insidE thE formEr soviEt tErritory. How concErnEd arE you abouEf=''>T Our troop lEvEls going into potEntial major Ef=''>World War with russia if thE six is ElEctEd . Had bEEn concErnEd about it thE wholE timEimE,ra, laura. I o E sEparatE timEs and this is somEthing mE and sEvEral of my collEaguEs havE bEEn trying to kEEp us ouEf=''>T Of, but Ef=''>Kamala Harris and you sEd Ef=''>YoE Tn Campaign shE pullEd withoing zElEnskyy. This is Exactly whErs wE arE hEadEd to. WE will continuE to EscalatE this work with thE biggEst supErpowEr on Ef=''>PlanEt Earth in a vEry corrupt country most amEricans Ef=''>Cant Point to on a map is vEry dangErous. I think it is foolish, and i think it is Erict and. Laura according to thE fEw polls amEricans donhankt want a thank you vEry much. Copycat Ef=''>Kamala CEiling anothEr pagE ouEf=''>T Of thE playbook and poinEf=''>T Out which nExt. Ryan t. WritEs, moving is strEssful. Can you hElp mE takE onE thing off of my to do list . ugh, movings thE worst. With xfinity, you can transfEr your intErnEt in just a fEw taps. Just a fEw Easy movEs. Did somEbody say Easy movEs . Oh no. No, i was talking about moving your intErnEt. This will movE thE intErnEt. Ooh, ooh. LEts kEEp it profEssional. ProfEssional dancErs ok stay connEctEd during your movE with thE bEst in homE wifi. Easily transfEr your sErvicEs in thE xfinity app. Bring on thE good stuff. Introducing a rEvolution in Ef=''>Pain REliEf. AbsorbinE junior pro, thE strongEst numbing Ef=''>Pain REliEf availablE. Its thE only solution with two Ef=''>Max StrEngth anEsthEtics for fast pEnEtrating Ef=''>REliEf AbsorbinE junior pro. Nothing numbs pain morE. Laura all right, wE havEEf=''>AE Fox NEws alErt, thEEf=''>BordErs ArEna is finally going to thEEf=''>T BordEr . HE last timE it was a Ef=''>ZElEnskyy Stunt in tEn points down on Ef=''>TunnEl Trump on thE immigration issuE, Ef=''>Kamala Harris as a board or stEnt. ThrEE yEars aftEr thE last visit, Ef=''>BordEr Czar Ef=''>Kamala Harris finally gEtting to work. REportEdly shEs hEading friday. It is agEst political ploy, dEspEratE, shE wants to appEar tough on thE biggEst crisEs facing our country that shE is gEttingEr hammErEd on in thE polls. But this is what hEr Ef=''>BordEr Policy actually looks likE. Salad dorian national EntErEd thE unitEd statEs unlawfully ani icE officials callEd horrific and dEspicablE crimEs includinng indEcEnt assault a and Ef=''>BattEry N a child undEr 14. I. C. E. ArrEstEd brian daniEl aftEr rapEgnmEnEf=''>T On child chargEs and busy on thE island arrEsting a brazilian man whoy h rEEntErEd thE unitEd statEs illEgally chargEd with indEcEnt assault and battEry. Laura Ef=''>Kamala BordEr carnagE, that is just nantuckEt by thE way. WE sEE thEEf=''>BordErEcr EffEct in st. Louis whErEEf=''>OfficEr David LEE was mowEd down allEgEdly by drunk, illEgal aliEn. David was amazing. David wasy humblE. David didnt judgEvi pEoplE but hE lovEd pEoplE forll who thEy wErE and david EmbracEd all of us. David was all about protEcting all of us. Laura wE arE sEEing hEr Ef=''>B Policy right along thE bordEr itsElf. TExas dps troopErs arrEstEd 15 illEgals for criminal trEspass this h wEEk. AftEr scrEEning thEm, thEy discovErEd, wEll, won Ef=''>HavEovEr TError tiEs. Dan patrick, Ef=''>Campaign Advisor is tElling fox hEr positions havE bEEn shapEd by thrEE yEars of EffEctivE govErnancE as parEf=''>T Of thE bidEnharris administrat administration. Dan, from Ef=''>Yourha PErspEctivE of Ef=''>LiEutEnant GovErnor says thE biggEsEf=''>T BordEr statE, what is EffEctivEEf=''>GovErnancE Look likE in tExas . WEll, if thEir goal was to havE tErrorists and criminalsur and just millions of pEoplEllEg coming into our country illEgally and giving thEm a pass to not knowing whErE thEy arE going or who thEy arE or what crimEs thEy havE affEctEd, than thEy Exist. You talk about but want your arms to gEt around this, wE havE 3,000 childrEn who comE hErE illEgally and Ef=''>Kamala Harris doEs not know whErE thEy arE. WE can tEll you whErE wE sadly think many of thEm arE, that is thEy arE bEing forcEd to havE fivE, six, sEvEn timEs omEna day as tEEnagErs and young womEn bEcausE thEy arE put into thE sEx tradE industry. Hos can you possibly allow hundrEds of thousands of childrEn to cross thEEf=''>BordEr And LosouE traEf=''>T Of thEm and knowing you havE turnEd thEm ovEr to somEonE you dont know if thEy wha arE a fay mEmbEr. That is what has happEnEd. Kamala harris and Ef=''>JoE BidEn arE rEsponsiblE for as Ef=''>SEx Child TradE and it makEs mE sick to my stomach to think what thEsE childrEn arEEnduring that Ef=''>MaarE BEinlag SEx traffickEd inE country. Kamala Ef=''>Harris DoEsntcE carE about thEsE childrEn. ShE h says shE carEs. PrEsidEnt trump carEd about it and hE put a stop to it and would not havE lEt this happEn. This is outragEous and pEoplE arE thinking about who thEy Ef=''>ArEa Voting for . You havE complicit Ef=''>JoE BidEn and Ef=''>Kamala Harris Running Forly prEsidEnt who purposEly and knowingly childrEn arE bEingthou sEx traffickEd. Thousands and thousands. Laura try dans, thEy triEd o markEEf=''>T On compassion and all about sEparating thEcomm familiEs. I rEad somEwhErE in Ef=''>SomEonEs CommEnt at lEast thE kids wErE alivE whEn thEy wErE all sEparatEd to. Who knows whErE thE poor childrEn arE in this casE. Dan, i want to gEt back ts o this and im calling t a bordEr stEnt. As shE invitEd you or Ef=''>GovErnor Abbott to join hEr on this trip on friday . Sh of coursE not and shE pass nEvEr bEEn to thEEf=''>BordEr Iy Frn tExas. ShE camE to Ef=''>El Paso walks away from thE actual bordEr. Look, shE is conning thE amErican pEoplE. Shn has changEd hEr position at all and shE said shE hasnt changEds hEr valuEs and hEr valuEs arE to gEt rid of i. C. E. And lEgalizE thosE crossing thE bordEr illEgally. Im jusEf=''>T On onE amErican who carEs about this Ef=''>H Country that wE think about voting for hEr. I know thE solid Ef=''>DEmocrat BasE out thErE, but for anyonE who is an indEpEndEnEf=''>T Ort anyonE opEn mind thinking about what is going on in this country, wE havE bEEn invadEd, laura, and now thEy acknowlEdgE20 Million pEoplE in thE0 Ef=''>Mi Nur i havE said for yEars, 20 Million pEoplE arE in this country illEgally laura that is thEir goal. That is EffEctivE. Laura thEy said rEpEatEdly amErica is an awful, racist placE, systEmically racist and if systEmically racist, it has to bE complEtElyEf=''>T Ob ovErturnEdd changEd. Obviously that is what thE policy is dEsignEd to do. E Ef=''>Laura Cnn is tryinthg to covEmalar for Ef=''>Kamala Harris Andy May bE thEEf=''>BordEr Hasnt bEEns hEr solE focus. Watch. OnE of thE things about this momEnt, thEEf=''>Harris Campaign hasm trying to float abovE it all and float abovE immigration implodE abovE, thE nittygritty dEtails on somE of thE policy but this shows that thEy rEalizE thEy havE to do somEthing. Laura dan, float abovE. ThEy thought thEy could float abovE from thEir vacation homEs. VE you know, laura, aftEr 9 11, wE will rEad thE lisEf=''>T Of thosE killEd to mEmorializE that. LEt mE tEll you somEthing, if wE gEt all thE pEoplE killEd by drunk drivErs, gamEs, mEn dEll mEn and womEn rapEd during that Ef=''>Kamala Harris and Ef=''>BidEn Administration in across thE bordEr and noEf=''>T Only arE thEy dangErous gang mEmbErs in our tE country, to rEst upon tErrorist across thE bordEr, wE know it and thEy arE waiting to strikE. ThEy havE sold ouEf=''>T OurrE country. Laura thEy knEw what thEy wErE doing. This is thEir policy, opEn bordEr is thEEf=''>L Policy and what has happEnEd isg thEy arE goal. EvErybody has too rEmEmbEr as i go to votE for tEf=''>H PrEsidEnt ial ElEction. LiEutEnant govErnor, thank you vEry much for joining us. WE apprEciatE asif always. AhEad of, Ef=''>Kamala Cannoto AnswEr if amEricans arE bEttEr off than thEury wErE four yEars ago but trump just did thE. WE will bring it to you nExt. OvErthEcountEr drops dont do this. ThEy only hit pausE on my symptoms. But twicEdaily xiidra givEs mE lasting rEliEf. Xiidra trEats thE signs and symptoms of dry EyE disEasE. Dont usE if allErgic to xiidra and sEEk mEdical hElp if nEEdEd. Common sidEEffEcts includEEyE irritation, discomfort, blurrEd vision, and unusual tastE sEnsation. Dont touch Ef=''>ContainEr Tip to your EyE or any surfacE. BEforE using xiidra, rEmovE contact lEnsEs and wait fiftEEn minutEs bEforE rEinsErting. Dry EyE ovEr and ovEr . Its timE for xiidra. Laura all right, in casE you arE suffEring from Ef=''>AmnEsia Or Kamala wantEd to, you forgEt how grEat thEEconomy was in 2019, trump rEmindEd and inflation was low, and thE bordEr was bEing EnforcEd and hE can do it all again. WE will bring back thE amErican drEam biggEr, bEttEr, strongEr than EvEr bEforE. Sounds good to mE and cutting taxEs. WE arE cutting Ef=''>BusinEss Tax 21 down to 15 which makEs us thE most compEtitivEEf=''>Tax AnywhErE in thE planEt, buEf=''>T Only for thosE who makE thEir product in thE usa. C . That is incEntivE. UndEr Economy thE u. S. Will grow and thE u. S. Again will bEcomE a manufacturing. This nEw amErican industrialism will crEatE millions and millions of jobs, massivEly raisE wagEs for amErican workErs, and makE thE unitEd statEs into Ef=''>Manufacturing PowErhousE likE it usEd to bE many yEars ago. Laura hE will namE a nEw ambassador who is rEsponsiblE to hElp to bring thosE jobs back from ovErsEas. To Exploit thEsE pro manufacturing policiEs and thEy arE thEir full potEntial will happEn and i will havE a sold task and it will bE a grEaEf=''>T OnE to go around thEEf=''>World And ContEnt major manufacturErs to pack up and movE back to amErica. Laura now, thosE arE somE of thE things hE plEdgEd to do and hE was vEry spEcific about thEm, but what about kamalas spEcifics . And glad shEs from middlEclass family, grEat, and shE fEEls pEoplEs pains, grEat what arE thE fivE things you can do dirEctly for you . PEoplE nEEd to havE a connEction and if thEy sharE thEir ExpEriEncE, thEy undErstand thEir livEs. I think that is what shE is Establishing. Laura wait a sEcond, shE actually said hEr policy is a connEction. Joining us florida Ef=''>CongrEssman Anna Paulina luna, congrEsswoman bass, grEat to sEE you tonight. AmEricans having troublE paid thEir bills, rank, Ef=''>HEalth CarE costs arE just happy to havE a connEction with kamala i guEss bEcausE shE workEd at mcdonalds, rEally . I mEan, it goEs to show how disconnEctEd thEsE pEoplE arEErato Ef=''>Nancy PElosi is not going to tEll you violEnt crimEs arE at 61 and womEn arE largE platEs that targEt targEt so i hEar that Ef=''>FrEdErick Coach of thE numbEr onE issuE im hEaring from my votErs is whats happEning at thE bordEr and inflation. PEoplE want Trump Back in officE. Laura hE also Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump had a mEssagE for thE autoworkErs in michigan today. LEts look at this. To thE autoworkErs in michigan, gEorgia, all points of thE country, i am planning to your industry, thEy havE bEEn EstimatEd by incompEtEnt lEadErs political and at thE company lEvEl. WE arE going to turn it around and turn it around fast. Laura congrEsswoman, what kamala do for Ef=''>Auto Industry othEr than i should say mandating Evs . Frankly, i rEally havEnt hEard much of hEr policy positions ExcEpt for hEr laughing. What i can tEll you, as far as i know, shE will not bring thosE jobs back. As you statEd EarliEr, thEy arE massivEly pushing Evs and bEnEfiting largE donors in washington, d. C. , and thE corporations giving to thEir campaign. I dont think it will bE much for thE amErican pEoplE but good nEws, wE arE pulling ahEad may nEEd to go to thE polls votEEarly, this novEmbEr. Laura thErE arE somE good numbErs out today in thEEf=''>Quinnipiac Poll and a fEw othErs, othEr show shE might havE a lEad hErE or thErE. But wE wErE lEd to bEliEvE i think ElEctric bill may collEct tourEttE, trump was losing stEam and favoring Ef=''>Kamala Harris but aftEr that dEbatE amEricans arE having troublE paying thEir bills and worriEd about thE bordEr and still not thrillEd wE arE shoving this monEy out to ukrainE and i dont think that changE bEcausE of thE dEbatE. Not at all and zElEnskyy showing up to a campaign for kamala, do amErican pEoplE want to support ukrainEs pEnsions . I dont think so. I was just with Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump ovEr thE wEEkEnd and hE is working so hard for thE amErican pEoplE and massivE amounEf=''>T Of womEn support. I was in Ef=''>North Carolina and thE amounEf=''>T Of womEn who want safEty, protEction, a lEadEr likEEf=''>PrEsidEnt Trump to fight a loEf=''>T Of thE violEncE with illEgals coming hErE. It is just going to continuE until Ef=''>ElEction Day so wE will hElp him bring homE this win. Laura spEaking of thE spEEch in Ef=''>North Carolina, this commEnt is making a loEf=''>T Of wavEs from thE fEminists out thErE. Watch. And makE this statEmEnt to thE grEat womEn of our country, sadly womEn arE poor and thEy wErE four yEars ago and arE lEss safE on thE strEEts thEn thEy wErE four yEars ago. I will fix all of that bEcausE i am your protEctor. I want to bE your protEctor. Laura Ef=''>CongrEssman Coach of thE lEft wing mEdia havE bEEn attacking him for that. Do womEn hatE hEaring a man say, i want to bE your protEctor . No woman i know, but apparEntly somEonE intErmEdiatE is and i guEss thE dEmocrats. No, not at all and again, i will go back to smith thE things ivE hEard ovEr thE bEacon. ViolEnt crimE up 61 and rapE up 40 bEcausE of Ef=''>Kamala Harris Ef=''>BordEr Czar and lEft wing lEts makE no mistakE lEft wing is Ef=''>Propaganda Arm at thE dnc attEmpting to ErasE hEr rEcord on Ef=''>BordEr SEcurity bEcausE thE numbEr onE most targEtEd dEmographic is amErican womEn who havE bEEn hurt thE most by hEr policiEs. ThEy will sEEk to dEmonizE a man likE trump who put womEn and positions of powEr. Look, ivE known Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump ovEr thE last four yEars and hEs donE grEat things for thE country but morE importantly, hE is right. AmEricans arE having troublE paying for grocEriEs and womEn arE largEly infEctEd not just from crimE but also thE pockEtbooks. Many amEricans join us this novEmbEr. Laura if you likEEf=''>Status QuotE you should votE for Ef=''>Kamala Harris but if you want things to changE, votE for Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Trump. It is that simplE, thank you. HEd tEddy notorious partiEs and what it mEans, thE dEEpEr mEaning nExt. WE plannEd wEll for rEtirEmEnt, but i wish wE had morE cash. You think thosE two havE any idEa . That thEy can sEll thEir Ef=''>LifE InsurancE Policy for cash . So thEyrE basically sitting on a goldminE . I dont think thEy havE a cluE. Thats crazy wEll, not EvEryonE knows covEntrys hElpEd thousands of pEoplE sEll thEir policiEs for cash. EvEn tErm policiEs. I cant bEliEvE thEyrE just sitting up thErE sitting on all this cash. If you own a Ef=''>LifE InsurancE Policy of 100,000 or morE, you can sEll all or parEf=''>T Of it to covEntry. EvEn a tErm policy. For cash, or a combination of cash and covEragE, with no futurE prEmiums. SomEonE nEEds to tEll thEm, that thEyrE sitting on a goldminE, and you havE no idEa hEy, guys yourE sitting on a goldminE comE on, guys do you hEar that . I dont hEar anything anymorE. Find out if yourE sitting on a goldminE. Call covEntry dirEct today at thE numbEr on your scrEEn, or visit covEntrydirEct. Com. PEtE g. WritEs, my twEEn wants a nEw phonE. How do i not brEak thE bank . WE gotcha, pEtE. Xfinity mobilE was dEsignEd to savE you monEy and givEs you accEss to wifi spEEds up to a gig. So you gEt high spEEds for low pricEs. BEttEr than gEtting low spEEds for high pricEs. Right, brucE . JEalous . YEah, look at that. HonEstly. SomEonE gEt a hElmEEf=''>T On this guy. Xfinity intErnEt customErs, ask how to gEt a frEEEf=''>5g PhonE and a sEcond unlimitEd linE frEE for a yEar. Switch today introducing a rEvolution in Ef=''>Pain REliEf. AbsorbinE junior pro, thE strongEst numbing Ef=''>Pain REliEf availablE. Its thE only solution with two Ef=''>Max StrEngth anEsthEtics for fast pEnEtrating Ef=''>REliEf AbsorbinE junior pro. Nothing numbs pain morE. T laura all right, wE got a loEf=''>T Of rEaction last night to thE story wE brought you fromok Ef=''>Washington StatE whErE taxpayErs arE on thE hook for somEthing callEd party kits. That is supposEdly containEd itEms that hElp addicts gEt a safErut ahigh. Okay, imaginE in Ef=''>Washington StatE but today in thE indianchan dEath, wE lEarn Ef=''>H Baby KillEr sEx changE surgEry, that is somEthing. National Ef=''>CorrEspondEnt KEvin CorkE has all thE dEtails. QuitE a storyti for you tonight, laura, Ef=''>REalbE OutragE in thE hoosiEr Ef=''>StatE Tonight as thE fEdEral judgE rulEd it would bE unconstitutional for a prisonEr to dEny transgEndEr Ef=''>InmatE SEx REassignmEnt surgEry. ThE aclu no surprisE suE at dEpartmEnEf=''>T Of an transgEndEr inmatEEf=''>Jonathan Richardson also knon as autumn who was convictEd of strangling to Ef=''>DEath Hisling 11monthold stEppEd out in 2001. WhilE thEEf=''>Stat E prohibits thE dEpartmEnEf=''>T Of corrEctions using Ef=''>TaxpayEr MonEy to fund Ef=''>SEx AssignmEnt surgEriEs, aclu said that his violation Eighth Ef=''>AmEndmEnt Prohibition of cruEl and unusual punishmEnt and a prEpostErous argumEnt from somE critics. Nowi thanks to richard young surgEry for Ef=''>InmatE Richardson sErving out 55 yEar prison sEntEncE, wEll, according to thE judgE, that surgEry is dEEmEd by thE court to bE in mEdical E mEantimE on x,s. Ag rEpublican said hoosiErs do not want this and rEviEwing thEEf=''>Courts Opinion but undoubtEdly ExpEcts thE officE to appEalwE this dEcision. Just to givE you a sEnsE of what wE arE dEaling with whEn wE talk about this particular inmatE, in a sEparatE lawsuit hE accusEd thEEf=''>Prisonsf Chaplain of kEEping him from wEaring hijab dEspitE bEing a muslim woman. 2019, Ef=''>Kamala Harris postEd working bEhind thE scEnEs to gEt EvEry Ef=''>Trans InmatE AccEss to Ef=''>SocallE GEndEr affirming surgEry. That was thEn and havE not sEEn orwo. HEard hEr Ef=''>PaintEr Opinion out. Back to you. Laura wow, kEvin, com thank you so much. John did it comEs to gEtting movEd to a diffErEnt sEction of thE jail today. SourcEs tElling carEn bE sEEn as a Ef=''>Barracks StyE that currEntly has 1820 inmatEs with spEcial protEctiona that includEs Ef=''>CryptocurrEncy Sam bankmanfriEd and anothEr woman accusing Ef=''>Rapp ModEl of assault and shE said shE was druggEd, bound, bEach, rapEd back in 1999. ThE intErnal pain aftEr bEing sExually assaultEd crEdibly dEEp and hard to put into words. It is a pain that. REachEs into your vEry corE. Laura now, wE arE lEarning nEw dEtails what wEnEf=''>T On insidEw infamous whitE partiEs thatgoss diddy through and all thE ragE in thE gossip columns. I want to bE clEar, thEsE arE not rEportEd frEE golfs but cElEbrity things hE thrEw in thE hamptons. TakE a look at thE photos, thEy wErE not stuffy rEd carpEt EvEnts but thE champagnE flowing and thE womEn toplEss in a big jokE and . PEoplE wErE laughing about it and thought it was funny. What arE you wEaring . Oh, whitE. I rEmEmbEr rEadingfrE about thEsE yEar aftEr yEar. FriEnds of minE with housE out in thE hamptons and bEautiful placEs. What wEnEf=''>T On why thE partiEs and ragE among thEEf=''>CElEbrity SEt . WEll, laura, it sEEms that frEak off thE wEst wErE not limitEd to thE frEak offs. I thought it was intErEsting Ef=''>LEonardo Dicaprio is rEally thE first a Ef=''>Listound CElEbrity N howlEd around with him and photographEd at thEsE whitE abo partiEs and hamptons. I had thEsEg to do with partiEs, i havE nothing to do with this Ef=''>Gur Y for yEars. I thy now, wE arE going to sEE as with Ef=''>HarvEy WEinstEin thE drip, dripy drips morE accusErs comingand forward with vEry crEdiblE i ndclaims. I think wE arE going o sEE this lab rEal industrial complEx and around diddy that facilitatEd all of this for dEcadEs bEgan to crumblE. Laura and you sEEEf=''>Justin BiEbEisr rEports that hEs i guEss in sEclusion and somEtaE outlEts arE saying hE is anddEvastatEd by this story. OE pEoplE running scarEd to. I dont know what to makE up any. Of thEsE storiEs it sounds likEd a complEtEEf=''>FrEak Show to mE. ThEsE arE pEoplE worthtota hundrEds of millions of dollars and thE fortunEs rEally all whtotalEd in hundrEds of billios of dollars. WhEn you Edit all up. This is thEEf=''>PowEr BasE of thEEntErtainmEnt industry. At lEast ind soci somE way connEctd socially, friEndship, whatEvEr,a but this man you saw in that vidEo who would pull that woman across thE carpEt and kick hEr in thE facE. Th cassiE, who brokE this EntirE thing opEn with civil suit in nEw york last yEar a wEEk bEforE that mob that allowEd Ala Look Back was about to ExpirE. AndnE, shE was incrEdibly bravE. I mEan, you mEntionEd, laura, at thETothisp How Diddy has bEEn d into this othEr sEction of thE prison for spEcial prisonErs. I think thE rEal concErn with diddy is that hE is so powErful, so dangErous, so connEctEd, that thErEEf=''>Ison T rEal concErn for witnEssEs and victims on thE outsidE that hE could concEivably gEt to still. Laura so, it is not for his protEction, you arE saying, it is for thE authoritiEs bEing ablE to monitor him whilE hEsis in thE spEcial arEa . It is Exactly that. It is to kEEp him from gEtting to his pEoplE on thE outsidE, his EnforcErs, his thugs. That is what hE has to do, thrEatEn, and sorEf=''>T Of got away with this forid so long. HE would thrEatEn,d th intimidatE, all in thE indictmEnt, fEdEral indictmEnt. This is why pEoplE closE to him wErE just silEncEd. ThEy wErE pEtrifiEd that thEy would losE thEir livEs. Laura thEsE wErE a lisEf=''>T Or os so again, i rEmEmbEr hEaring about thEsE partiEs and rEading about thEm for yEars, Vanity Fair that thEy wErE thEEf=''>Alist Party invitations and pEoplE arE wondEring who is on our list for rapE victims. 11 pEoplE havE comE forward and thEsE arE allEgations, obviously, EvErybody dEsErvEs thEir day in court that my goodnEss 100s of this truE,a lo this is a nondisturbing a loEf=''>T Of pEoplE look thE othEr wayk. PErhaps. WE will find out morE,m thank you vEry much for joining us tonight. Dams trikE ranch whErE thEy wait to rEach youngyg votErs and Ef=''>Travis KElcE, is hE pardoning too hard and is at thE way hE has a mustachE . Jimmy failla has it all nExt laura it is timE for wtf, what thE failla. Joining mE is jimmy failla. DEmocrats arE tEsting nEw way to rEach out to votErs. Im hErE with voluntEErs, thEy arE cooking with gas. That Ef=''>HousE Party slayEd. Im calling votErs, rizing thEm up. Trump wants to ship job ovErsEas, not chill. Trump wants to hElp billionairEs, im lEaving thE chat. Jimmy Ef=''>GrEtchEn WhitmErs job is to makE kamala look sobEr. ShE comEs out hErE and doEs whacky stuff. That is walzs job. ThEsE two gEt donE and kamala shows up with hEr mErlot tEEth. Laura wait, did you just say mErlot tEEth . Jimmy whEn pEoplE arE bombEd on mErlot and show up and laugh in placEs whErE it doEsnt bElong, as formEr cabdrivEr, wE would call that mErlot tEEth. That is what shEs thErE to do. It is cringy and you know that. Go ahEad. Laura trump is lEading kamala in thE cookiE poll. It is accuratEly prEdictEd EvEry ElEction outcomE, sincE 1984, as of Ef=''>Today Trump has 3006 cookiEs, just 398 of kamalas wErE sold. Jimmy dont gEt ExcitEd, thEy havE to count thE mailin cookiEs. Im not surprisEd, Ef=''>Kamala SupportErs havE bEEn told milk is bad bEcausE of cows. ThE passion is trump. Laura now Ef=''>Travis KElcE gEtting hit for partiEs too hard in thE offsEason. Is that why hE has a mustachE that looks likE a Ef=''>Porn Star . Jimmy hE wants to bE gron gronkowski. HE wantEd to wind up in EvEry commErcial, hEs trying too hard and that is thE problEm. Laura hEs a grEat playEr, sEEms likE a grEat guy. LosE thE mustachE is all im saying. JEssE is nExt. Todd a fox nEws alErt, brEaking this hour, nE