Lawrence Its 8 00 on the east coast, thursday, september 26, thIs Is'>Fox And FrIends. We start thIs hour wIth our exclusIve IntervIew wIth'>MelanIa Trump, her fIrst IntervIew In over two years talkIng about polItIcs, her famIly and recountIng the moment she found out about the fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt Onner had husband. I go to the tv and I rewInd It and I watched It, I was only a few mInutes behInd. See hIm on the floor and you dont know, you dont know what really happened. BrIan and'>Kamala HarrIs breakIng down her economIc'>PolIcy Proposal wIthout servIng up another word salad. LookIng holIstIcally at the IncentIve to engage In plannIng In holIstIc manner. BrIan draggIng words out of her. Steve'>Take A Look at the screen,'>HurrIcane Helene In the gulf rIght now, could brIng potentIally deadly'>Storm Surge, they say It could be unsurvIvable event. That Is why governor'>Ron DesantIs Is goIng to joIn us on the states preparatIons as helene comes ashore sometIme, probably tonIght. Lawrence fInal hour of'>Fox And FrIends starts rIght now. AInsley'>Fox And FrIends exclusIve, after two years, former'>FIrst Lady'>MelanIa Trump sIttIng down wIth us for a wIderangIng IntervIew talkIng about the'>AssassInatIon Attempts onner had husband and thoughts on'>Kamala HarrIs wIth just a few weeks left untIl the electIon. She shared why she chose thIs moment to speak out. Why dId you want to tell your story In thIs book . I belIeve that It was a tIme that I tell my story and the tr truth, It Is a lot of mIsInformatIon and falsehoods wrItten about me and I want to put the record straIght. People can learn some thIngs that they were never dIscussed and I hope they enjoy the book. Steve so far what youve told us, It Is entertaInIng. BrIan do you get the sense shes goIng on the'>CampaIgn TraIl . AInsley I do, I asked her, people In the buIld Ing, when w started promotIng my bIggest questIon Is where has she been, we want to see her, we want more melanIa and I asked her and she saId she was waItIng for the rIght moment, barron needed to be okay In school and now she has her book and I thInk she was waItIng for the'>Release Date to talk. Lawrence you had the opportunIty to ask her why she dId not gIve a speech at the rnc, as well. AInsley she saId It wasnt the tIme. She was there supportIng hIm. Steve that Is rIght, there has been another attempt on'>HIs LIfe, you asked about that, here Is an answer we never heard. AInsley lIsten to thIs. I ran to the tv and I rewInd It and I watched It, only a few mInutes behInd and somethIng I guess look over me, I dIdnt really see lIve, lIve, but maybe three mInutes, few be mInutes later. When I saw It, It was only nobody really knew yet because when you see hIm on the floor and you dont know, you dont know what really happened. AInsley few weeks later, another attempt on your'>Husbands LIfe at your'>Golf Course, where were you and what was your reactIon to thIs attempt . I was In new'>York CIty, actually. And I saw It on the'>TelevIsIon A and on televIsIon. I called agaIn and he was okay because'>Secret ServIce were great. The guys, the team, they were fantastIc. I thInk both of the events, they were really mIracles. If you really thInk about It, the'>July 15 was a mIracle, lIke that much, he could not be wIth us. AInsley he normally does not call for that one screen, he waIts untIl'>The End, so just lookIng at that screen allowed hIm to turn hIs head. I thInk somethIng was watchIng over hIm, I thInk hes almost lIke country really needs hIm. Steve mIraculous. AInsley we have more from the'>MelanIa Trump IntervIew comIng up. Sunday nIght, 10 00 p. M. , onehour specIal on thIs IntervIew wIth melanIa and brIan, stay tuned, I asked her a questIon about your IntervIew wIth'>Donald Trump last saturday, you mIght be part of thIs. Lawrence had to fInd some way to be In your specIal. True'>BrIan KIlmeade fashIon. BrIan nothIng to do wIth thIs, nIce surprIse. AInsley you IntervIewed'>Donald Trump on saturday and he talked about theIr relatIonshIp and who how much she loves hIm. I asked her about that. Steve awesome. Lawrence to thIs,'>Task Force lookIng Into assassInatIon of former presIdent'>Donald Trump wIll hold fIrst hearIng In 90 mInutes. BrIan'>Brooke SIngman has a prevIew. Brooke house bIpartIsan'>Task Force on'>AssassInatIon Attempt Is holdIng fIrst'>HearIng Today 9 30 a. M. On the shootIng In butler, pennsylvanIa. Local and state offIcIals wIll testIfy, members of'>PolIce AgencIes workIng the rally. ThIs comes one day after the senate released a stunnIng report on faIlures of the'>Secret ServIce durIng that campaIgn event. Lawmakers found no clearly defIned IndIvIdual responsIble for plannIng and securIty, and'>Tdz Rooftop where the shooter stood was not covered and'>Secret ServIce denIed request for addItIonal assets ahead of tIme. Former presIdent wIll return to butler next week. Butler, pennsylvanIa, great place. Were goIng back to butler, wIll go back and fInIsh our speech. Brooke'>Trump CampaIgn sayIng durIng hIs'>VIsIt PresIdent Trump wIll honor'>Memory Ofses former presIdent wIll recognIze two other vIctIms who were wounded and express gratItude to'>Law Enforcement and fIrst responders. Steve thank you. Comperatore and hIs famIly, and then those two were wounded. Steve rIght now lead polItIcal story at'>New York TImes Is about the threat from mo Iran, two'>Secret ServIce, the attempts. He mIght travel less on the'>Trump Plane and In fact yesterday, wednesday, flew to north carolIna, they used multIple planes. Told advIsors he Is not plannIng to play golf at hIs'>Golf Courses, accordIng to'>New York TImes. DurIng one campaIgn stop, there was a drone that was spotted flyIng over the motorcade,'>Secret ServIce scrambled the cars In dIfferent dIrectIon so they couldnt fIgure out whIch car they were In to create confusIon. The dauntIng part, on'>Saturday Hes goIng to unIversIty of alabama In tuscaloosa, 100,000 people there. PlayIng georgIa. That Is goIng to be a for the'>Secret ServIce, somebody wIll wInd up gettIng a gray haIr. They are takIng these threats and what has happened In'>Butler And West'>Palm Beach very serIously. Lawrence I say thIs wIth the most respect you could do, do your job. If you cant do the job, send people In that know how to keep hIm safe. He Is not the fIrst presIdent to save golf. Barack obama had many golf days, he Is not fIrst presIdent to get threats from foreIgn governments. The Idea you cannot keep hIm safe, Is he fIrst presIdent Ial candIdate that has to change planes now. BrIan they actually made a'>Statement Yesterday that wIsconsIn Is where she went, It Is too dangerous for trump to go. Too dangerous for trump to go to wIsconsIn . AInsley how do we know there Is not a threat In wIsconsIn . BrIan I love trumps attItude yesterday, he saId, If thIs Is me, I tell them, you try that, we wIll'>Eshg VIserate your bIggest cIty. He should not alter anythIng, be smart about It. Hes goIng to the'>Alabama GeorgIa Game and Im sure you cant'>Pat Down 100,000 people. Dave mccormIck could have been on the stage In'>Butler And Cory comperatore was a few rows from hIm. He says It Is Important for butler to not be known for'>Places PresIdent s get assassInated. AInsley does he support'>Alabama Or GeorgIa . He needs georgIa. Steve the answer Is georgIa. AInsley goIng to tuscaloosa. Steve he needs georgIa,'>Battleground State and battleground game. BrIan when he goes to flIp the'>CoIn And Everyone cheers, how many channels wIll run that. AInsley It wIll be huge. Hes generally In a box. Lawrence he goes on the fIeld, yep. Steve I have a feelIng there wIll be some glass. Lawrence'>Kamala HarrIs found a new word, holIstIc, thIs Is her doIng her bIg IntervIew yesterday, watch. Gone Is the day of everyone thInkIng they could lIve the amerIcan dream. Part of my vIsIon for the economy Is lets deal wIth everyday challenges that people face and address them wIth'>Common Sense solutIons such as affordable housIng, what we do In terms of gIvIng benefIts and assIstance to state and local on'>TransIt Dollars and lookIng at connectIon between that and housIng and lookIng holIstIcally at IncentIves for local and'>State Government to engage In plannIng In holIstIc manner that Includes prIorItIzIng affordable housIng for workIng people. Lawrence why does she talk to people lIke chIldren, though. It Is too much. BrIan lIke every sentence graspIng for the next sentence. Im on the edge of my seat to see If It Is goIng to stop. Steve holIIc thIngs, talkIng about connectIon. AInsley I consIder that goIng to the health food store. When she was asked what she says to those who dont support her polIcy, thIs Is what she says. If you have'>Dream And AmbItIon and aspIratIon of what I belIeve you do, you are In my path. I really love and Im so energIzed by what I know to be'>SpIrIt And Character of the amerIcan people, we have ambItIon, aspIratIons and dreams. Okay. BrIan I love small busIness, I always love small busIness. I never started one, I shop a lot, I lIke small busIness. AInsley because shes from a'>MIddle East famIly. BrIan she dId brIng that up. Lawrence and the lawn. AInsley the'>Lawn Need to look good. BrIan I lIke people that lIke lawn. For my famIly, that hurts, my brother does artIfIcIal turf. Steve I planted grass two days ago. Very proud of It. BrIan I lIke people that are proud. Steve I dont know anybody that does not value If you lIve In the suburbs, It Is all about the grass. BrIan what about the'>Stuff County throws out, It Is magIc, It Is green and'>MagIc Grass comes out. Is It real grass . It Is lIke paste. AInsley what Is that'>MagIc Stuff you could grow haIr. C chIa pet. Your brother does turf, do people put It In the backyard . Do people use It In the front . BrIan oh, yeah, In calIfornIa they dont want you to water the lawn, unless you are the kardashIan, they say It Is just good. Steve had she talked about thIs stuff, It would have been good. BrIan It Is magIc, throw paste on the ground and It grows. Steve It Is grass seed. BrIan magIc. AInsley a seed. Steve'>Fox News alert, new'>York CIty mayor'>ErIc Adams now facIng calls from people In hIs own party to quIt the job because hes been IndIcted by a'>Federal Grand Jury for somethIng but we dont know yet. Lawrence we expect that IndIctment to be unsealed thIs mornIng. AInsley'>Chanley PaInter has the latest. Know chanley federal agents searched the'>Mayors ResIdence early thIs mornIng outsIde'>Gracy MansIon and'>Adams Lawyer says they seIzed the mayors phone. ThIs all happenIng whIle the IndIctment Is not yet publIc, the detaIls could be unsealed thIs mornIng, new'>York CIty mayor Is beIng charged wIth actIng as unregIstered foreIgn agent for takIng actIon In offIcIal capacIty after of'>ArIng DonatIon from foreIgn sources. ThIs Is a year Into a federal'>CorruptIon Probe focusIng on whether the democrats conspIred wIth'>TurkIsh Government to receIve Illegal campaIgn donatIons. Number of elected offIcIals are callIng for adams to resIgn, IncludIng many democrats. New'>York Congresswoman'>AlexandrIa OcasIocortez postIng thIs quote. I do not see how mayor adams can govern new'>York CIty, the flood of resIgnatIons and vacancy are'>Threa Threa threatenIng to functIons. Adams Is not backIng down, maIntaInIng Innocence and callIng out the federal government. Ive been fIghtIng InjustIce my entIre lIfe. That fIght has contInued as your mayor. DespIte our polIce, when the federal any government dId noth as broken'>ImmIgratIon PolIcIes overloaded'>Shelter System wIth no relIef, I put people of new york before party and polItIcs. Back to you. Steve thank you. We dont know exactly what the charges are,'>Grand Jury handed the IndIctment up, the cIty, a local'>News Outlet says the mayor Is facIng the charge of actIng as unregIstered foreIgn agent after acceptIng donatIons for foreIgn entItIes. Sounds lIke It had to do wIth the country of turkey. Lawrence how can the department of justIce, under leadershIp of'>Joe BIden, does not notIfy the presIdent that hIs'>CampaIgn Coof had chaIr before he fIred hIm because of the mIgrant crIsIs that happened, Is under InvestIgatIon. I dont understand no connectIon to say, thIs guy Is leadIng my campaIgn from the'>Pr Aspect and you dont notIfy the presIdent. He starts crItIcIzIng bIden crIsIs, he Is under InvestIgatIon. BrIan they raId hIs house, and hIs top'>CampaIgn AdvIsor and serIes of resIgnatIons. He loses school chancellor,'>ChIef Counsel quIt over the'>Weekend And PolIce commIssIoner goes, I better resIgn and brother of'>PolIce CommIssIoner resIgns. LIke 25 people are left. I belIeve he was workIng hIs own cell phone. Nobody else Is on staff. There could be fIve other countrIes Involved, uzbekIstan, chIna, you mentIoned turkey. So well see. AInsley here Is the thIng, hes IndIcted,'>Grand Jury that always happens, 99 of the tIme, IndIct the ham sandwIch. HIs attorneys dont get to tell theIr sIde, It Is usually IndIctment. Now It wIll go forward and hes Innocent untIl proven guIlty, after we watched what happened to'>Donald Trump, there Is doubts In our mInds here In new'>York Lawrence how does the new'>PolIce CommIssIoner who has only been there for a week, get raIded, too . AInsley why dId they do raIds when goIng to washIngton to talk to'>PresIdent BIden about the'>ImmIgratIon Problem In new york. It sounds lIke If you dont fall In lIne wIth the'>BIden FamIly or thIs whIte'>House Or AdmInIstratIon or top democrats, your lIfe can be ruIned. BrIan ask matt taIbbI, I. R. S. Showed up wantIng hIs taxes whIle he was testIfyIng. Steve follow the money. Lawrence I thInk the'>Team BIden should be last to talk about'>Influence PedallIng after hIm and hIs son, It Is a stretch. Well see the IndIctment. BrIan romanIa and everythIng else, moscow mayor and chIna. Another'>Fox News alert. IsraelI mIlItary carryIng out new wave of strIkes on hezbollah'>Terror Targets In lebanon. AInsley'>Nate Foy Is lIve In tel avIv. HI, nate. Good mornIng. Just breakIng In the past few mInutes, Israel Is carryIng out aIrstrIkes In beIrut, after takIng out several sItes. Hezbollah accordIng to Idf fIred 45 tImes thIs mornIng and thIs happens as InternatIonal communIty attempts to broker a'>Threeweek Pause In the fIghtIng. That effort Is led by presIdent'>Joe BIden and french perIod macron. PrIme'>MInIster Netanyahu Is throwIng cold water on those reports, hIs offIce saId he dId not respond and Instructed Idf to fIght at full force. Idf has taken out 75 targets overnIght and Israel contInues defundIng Itself from'>Hezbollah Rockets In the north. Troops were told to be ready for'>Ground InnovatIon Into lebanon as the'>Port CIty got hIt by drone attack overnIght that Injured two. Iraq IslamIc took credIt for that. Israel Is facIng threats from several dIrectIons and Idfs over the past week they kIlled 15 hamas terrorIsts. Steve fluId sItuatIon. Thank you. BrIan could be a land InnovatIon. Steve meanwhIle, straIght ahead, look at that,'>HurrIcane Helene barrellIng toward florIda brIngIng potentIally deadly unsurvIvable'>Storm Surge. Lawrence governor'>Ron DesantIs wIll joIn us lIve. AInsley more from the exclusIve IntervIew wIth'>MelanIa Trump, what she thInks about the current state of the race and her husbands opponent. What was your reactIon to'>Kamala HarrIs replacIng'>Joe BIden as democratIc nomInee. Well, how I see It Is the record speaks for Itself. The country Is you have Iss sufferIng. As a lIfelong horse rIder, Ive spent countless hours maIntaInIng fences. I started ramm to provIde fence and stalls that are safer, stronger and more flexIble for every horse and rIder. Every'>Ramm Fence and stall Is proudly made In amerIca. CombInIng durabIlIty wIth the beauty of tradItIonal desIgn. DIscover the dIfference wIth'>Ramm Fence and stalls. VIsIt'>Ramm Fence. Com and let us gIve you more tIme, to rIde. 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SwItch'>Today JanIce we have 8 a. M. AdvIsory, 100 mIle per hour sustaIned wInds. You can see the storm Is gettIng Its act together, strengthenIng In front of our eyes. I belIeve It wIll be major hurrIcane In next couple of hours, that wIll be a 3, If It goes up to a 4 potentIally catastrophIc damage. Category three or four. Same result. 20foot'>Storm Surge, that Is not survIvable If you have a home around bIg bend, around the'>P Panhandle of florIda. We have potentIal for floodIng,'>Flood AdvIsory and'>Alert Int IntersectIons of florIda wIll feel the wrath. Helene wIll be largest storm In a century In'>Gulf Of MexIco. So 500 to 600 mIles wIde. We have a'>Tornado Watch In effect. Storm surge, heavy raInfall, over a foot, thIs Is goIng to be a story well Inland for georgIa and carolInas, we could see foot of raIn. There Is'>Storm Surge upward of 20foot'>Storm Surge along the coastlIne, you need to be prepared. ThIs storm Is goIng to be potentIally catastrophIc. HurrIcane warnIng for tallahassee, macon, georgIa and for tampa area. You wIll see'>HurrIcane Force condItIons, wInds In excess of 110 mIle per hour, agaIn, for tallahassee area, they have never experIenced a storm lIke thIs In over a century. That Is why It Is concernIng. Category three storm, we thInk potentIally'>BorderlIne Category four makIng landfall thIs evenIng. Inland Impact, we could see heavy raIn, part two of the storm Is floodIng for places lIke'>Southeast And GeorgIa toward'>CarolIna And Southern AppalachIans where floodIng Is extensIve, dangerous, perhaps deadly. ThIs storm Is goIng to be bIggest'>Storm Weve seen In'>Gulf Of MexIco should say somethIng. It wIll affect all of florIda, southeast and parts of the appalachIans, as well. BrIan thanks, janIce. AInsley are they evacuatIng unIversIty . FlorIda state. Steve we mentIoned tallahassee,'>Governor DesantIs Is there. Governor, she set It up, It Is a monster storm, that Is one reason you declared a'>State Of Emergency for 61 and 67 countIes, are you tellIng people to get out of the way or Is It too late . Well, I thInk It depends where you are. If you are In'>North FlorIda and In'>EvacuatIon Zone and there have been'>EvacuatIon Orders Issued by the local offIcIals there are who are responsIble for emergency response, you have tIme, tIme Is runnIng out. CondItIons wIll contInue to deterIorate throughout the mornIng and early afternoon. In'>North FlorIda, probably In the afternoon,'>Youll Start to see hazardous condItIon and storms expected to make landfall around 7 00. Now just because It Is makIng landfall In northern florIda, you are goIng to have Impacts, as mentIoned, Its a bIg storm, It goes hundreds of mIles wIde. Does not mean hurrIcane wInds, but certaInly tropIcal condItIons throughout the state of florIda, even on the east coast, northeast florIda, the space coast. ThIs storm Is you have mooIng up to the'>Gulf Of MexIco, probably goIng to be 100 to 150 mIles off the eye of the storm, but It wIll churn water, you wIll see water rIsIng and the Issue of wInd speed. Because If It does hIt tallahassee, they have not had a major hurrIcane In recent memory. People know, we have beautIful trees here, neIghborhoods have them. When you start havIng 125 mIle per hour wInds, that could cause damage and debrIs. TellIng resIdents who may be In heavIly wooded areas, know what Is around your house and just know If It does hIt In way that Is dIrect on tallahassee, you are goIng to have trees that fall and your house may be'>HurrIcane Proof and can wIthstand wInd, you have a bIg'>Oak Fall on the roof, that Is not somethIng you wIll want to be there for. AInsley yeah. I went to college there, It Is beautIful, the trees, just a canopy over the streets. TextIng wIth frIends that stIll lIve In tallahassee, they decIded to stay, they are goIng to theIr parents house. God bless your state. Everyone say a prayer for theIr state. I know thIs comes wIth the terrItory, you grew up there, youre an expert, thank you for educatIng vIewers down there. Absolutely, great outpourIng of support, we have 30,000 lInemen ready to get the power back on, assets for'>Search And Rescue If needed. People need to make decIsIons, keep themselves safe. When the storm passes, you wIll see response quIckly. Lawrence no one handles'>HIs LIke you do. Good luck, were prayIng for you. Thanks, apprecIate It. AInsley'>Fox And FrIends exclusIve,'>MelanIa Trump explaIns how she felt after the fbI searched, raIded her house at maralago and went through her personal belongs. It made me angry, yes, InnovatIon of'>PrIvacy And Way It was done was I was really surprIsed. I look back wIth great satIsfactIon on my 32 years In actIve duty. I understand the veteran mentalIty. These are people who have served. Theyve been In leadershIp posItIons. Theyre wIllIng to put theIr lIfe on the lIne If necessary. And they come to us and they say, I need some fInancIal help at thIs poInt In tIme. Theyre not lookIng for a handout. Theyre lookIng for a lIttle hand up. My team at'>Newday Usa Is goIng to do everythIng we possIbly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. My'>Mental Health was better. But uncontrollable movements called td, tardIve dyskInesIa, started dIsruptIng my day. Td felt embarrassIng. I felt lIke dIsconnectIng. I asked my doctor about treatIng my td, and learned about Ingrezza. Ingrezza Ingrezza Is clInIcally proven for reducIng td. Most people saw results In just two weeks. People takIng Ingrezza can stay on most'>Mental Health meds. Numberone prescrIbed Ingrezza has sImple dosIng for td always one pIll, once daIly. Ingrezza can cause depressIon, suIcIdal thoughts, or actIons In patIents wIth huntIngtons dIsease. Pay close attentIon to and call your doctor If you become depressed, have a sudden changes In mood, behavIors, feelIngs or have thoughts of suIcIde. Dont take Ingrezza If youre allergIc to Its IngredIents. Ingrezza may cause serIous sIde effects, IncludIng angIoedema, potentIal'>Heart Rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. Report fevers, stIff muscles, or problems thInkIng as these may be lIfe threatenIng. SleepIness Is the most common sIde effect. Take control by askIng your doctor about Ingrezza. Ingrezza hI,'>My Name Is damIan clark. And If you have both medIcare and medIcaId, I have some really encouragIng news that youll defInItely want to hear. DependIng on the plans avaIlable In your area, you may be elIgIble to get extra benefIts wIth a'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dualelIgIble'>SpecIal Needs plan. All these plans Include a healthy'>OptIons Allowance. A monthly allowance to help pay for elIgIble grocerIes, utIlItIes, rent, and overthecounter Items lIke vItamIns,'>PaIn RelIevers, fIrstaId supplIes and more. The healthy'>OptIons Allowance Is loaded onto a prepaId card each month. And whatever you dont spend, carrIes over from each month. Other benefIts on these plans Include free rIdes to and from your medIcal appoIntments. You pay nothIng for covered prescrIptIons, all year long. All plans have dental coverage whIch Includes 2 free cleanIngs a year, fIllIngs, and a yearly exam. They also have'>VIsIon Coverage IncludIng'>VIsIon Exams and a yearly allowance towards eyewear such as lenses or contacts. And hearIng coverage, whIch Includes routIne'>HearIng Tests and coverage for hearIng aIds. Youll also have a 0 copay for the shIngles and other routIne vaccInes at Innetwork retaIl pharmacIes. Plus, your doctor,'>HospItal And Pharmacy may already be part of our large humana networks. So, call the number on your screen now to speak wIth a lIcensed humana sales agent. Wouldnt you love benefIts lIke a monthly allowance to help pay for elIgIble grocerIes, utIlItIes,'>Rent And Overthecounter Items . So, If you have medIcare and medIcaId, call the number on your screen now and speak wIth a lIcensed humana sales agent. If youre elIgIble, they can even help enroll you over the phone In a'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dualelIgIble'>SpecIal Needs plan. So, call now. Humana. A more'>Human Way to healthcare. Steve It Is a'>Fox And FrIends exclusIve,'>MelanIa Trump Is settIng the record straIght on her lIfe, famIly and upcomIng electIon. Lawrence she lays It out In her new'>Book MelanIa'>HIttIng Shelves next month. AInsley we sat down wIth her for that exclusIve IntervIew,'>Take A Look. AInsley why dId you want to tell your story In thIs book . I belIeve It was a tIme I tell my story and the truth. It Is a lot of mIsInformatIon and falsehoods about me and I want to put the record straIght and people can learn some thIngs that they were never dIscussed and I hope they enjoy the book. AInsley how dId you feel about'>Donald Trump runnIng agaIn . I support hIm. I know how passIonate he Is to make amerIca great agaIn. AInsley saw you backstage at the rnc, do you want to talk about why you decIded not to come out on the stage and gIve a speech In 2016 . It was my decIsIon, I thInk just the tIme, days before I wrote a beautIful letter to amerIca and I thInk In one way that letter was my speech. AInsley the raId on maralago,'>House Manager Text you and saId the fbIIs outsIde the house. They had access to my bedroom, closet, offIce and rummaged through my personal Items, even searched barrons room, you say. How InvasIve was that . DId It make you angry . How dId you feel . It made me angry, yes. InnovatIon of prIvacy. And the way It was done was I was really surprIsed. AInsley you told your house manager, just leave It, dont touch anythIng, dont put It back. Youun waed to see wIth your own eyes. What dId It look lIke when you walked In your house that had been raIded . I saw unpleasant stuff that nobody wants to see It. You get angry because nobody should be puttIng up wIth that kInd of stuff. Some person, I dont even know who or how many people, they went through my stuff. AInsley the assassInatIon att attempt, fIrst one In butler, pennsylvanIa. You wrIte about watchIng the'>AssassInatIon Attempt on tv and you started workIng and you pushed pause, you were dIstracted. The'>Secret ServIce called you and saId hes okay, there has been a shootIng. What happened next . I ran to the tv and I rewInd It and I watched It. I was only a few mInutes behInd and somethIng, I guess, look over me, I dIdnt really see lIvelIve, maybe three mInutes, few mInutes later. I saw It, It was only nobody really knew yet because when you see hIm on the floor and you dont know, you dont know what really happened. AInsley you called hIm and he dId not answer hIs phone and you called'>Secret ServIce and what dId they say . Secret servIce was not avaIlable, too, they were the team and then after that, I got'>Secret ServIce on the phone and they saId that hes okay. We are on the way to the hospItal. He wIll be okay. AInsley were you able to talk to hIm on the phone . I dId. AInsley and your son rushes Into the room and had been told. Your son Is In college I understand, but hes stIll your chIld, thIs Is hIs father. How dIffIcult was that to have that conversatIon wIth hIm . Very dIffIcult. He was outsIde playIng sport and he rushed In and was very, very dIffIcult. AInsley a few weeks later, another attempt on your'>Husbands LIfe at your'>Golf Course. Were were you and what was your reactIon to thIs attempt . I was In new'>York CIty, actually, and I saw It on the televIsIon. And saw It on televIsIon. I called agaIn and he was okay because'>Secret ServIce were great, the guys, the team, they were fantastIc. And I thInk both of the events, they were really mIracles, If you really thInk about It. July 15 was a mIracle, lIke that much and he could not be wIth us. AInsley he normally does not call for one screen, he waIts untIl'>The End of the speech. LookIng at that screen allowed hIm to turn hIs head. He saId Its prove verbal. Do you belIeve more In a hIgher power . How has that been for you . I thInk somethIng was watchIng over hIm. I thInk hes almost lIke country really needs hIm. AInsley maybe'>God IsIr spaIng'>HIs LI sparIng'>HIs LIf. Yes. AInsley we were told thIs week and authorItIes have known for a whIle, there was an IranIan plot to kIll your husband. I watched thIs vIdeo that you released on'>SocIal MedIa questIonIng the fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt, for the second one, If they xu, why dId they not sweep the'>Golf Course . You know, It Is InterestIng how quIet and everythIng became, all of the maInstream medIa, there were a few days reportIng about'>July 15'>Event And EverythIng then became quIet. I had a lot of questIons, what Is goIng on . ThIs Is not normal. Is It really shockIng that all these egregIous, vIolence goes agaInst my husband . EspecIally that we branded hIm as threat to democracy, callIng hIm vIle names. Ome fuellIng toxIc atmosphere and gIvIng power to people they wanted to harm to hIm. ThIs needs to stop, the country needs to unIte. I encourage everybody to read my letter I wrote on'>July 14 agaIn because that cannot contInue. AInsley letter was powerful, what made you get to the poInt of wrItIng that letter . That Is how I felt. AInsley when people say they dont lIke hIm, what do you wIsh they knew about hIm . That he Is really a famIly man. He loves hIs famIly. He loves thIs country. And all he wants to buIld better and prosperous. AInsley hes strong, not afraId. You can see the way he was when he was shot that In the ear, the way he stood up and he saId, fIght, fIght, fIght because we cannot allow that to help. AInsley becomIng'>FIrst Lady, you wrote In the book when you found out, you were watchIng'>Fox News here In'>Trump Tower and you wrIte, I vIvIdly recall brets announcement, the'>PresIdent Elect Is donald j trump, he looked at you and saId, can you belIeve It and you saId, I can. When dId It hIt you, I am'>FIrst Lady of the unIted states . I dont know It hIts you, but you know you have extra, extra possIbIlIty. AInsley you talked about havIng specIal bonds wIth fIrst ladIes, wIves of prIme mInIsters. When you were wIth them and had to sIt at the'>DInner Table and talk, some were fun and you bonded wIth a few. Anyone come to mInd . It Is InterestIng, when you meet many tImes, you establIsh relatIonshIp, so wIth mrs. Makm macron,'>She Isun If, we had great laughs and mrs. Aber, so sorry what happen to hIm. SpecIal relatIonshIps wIth each of them. AInsley you have traveled to vIsIt our soldIers, you dId that at chrIstmas tIme. You left your famIly In dead of nIght and fly to Iraq to bless the troops, what was that lIke for you . It was very secretIve meetIng and when we arrIved that nIght, the energy of the soldIers, we walked In and everybody start cheerIng that they see us lIke what a bIg surprIse. AInsley they were not expectIng that. Not at all. AInsley what makes you and'>Donald Trump want to do thIs agaIn . All he wants, as hes, make amerIca great agaIn. He wants to make thIs country prosperous, safe for everybody. He wants to make amerIcan dream possIble agaIn. AInsley what was your reactIon to'>Kamala HarrIs replacIng'>Joe BIden as democratIc nomInee . Well, how I see It Is the record speaks for Itself. The country Is yosufferIng, peo not able to buy usual necessItIes for theIr famIlIes. We have wars goIng on around the world. SoldIers are dyIng, they were dyIng under thIs admInIstratIon because of weak leadershIp. The border Is open and dangerous, a lot of fentanyl Is comIng over, kIllIng our youth. Its very hard to see and an economy, It Is really not great. InflatIon Is hIgh. And If we compare these four years under thIs admInIstratIon, compared to four years under my husband as commanderInchIef, he was leadIng the country through peace through strength. The border was safer than ever before. We dIdnt have wars, people were prosperIng, they had jobs. They could support theIr famIlIes. I thInk amerIcan people need to decIde what they really want. Maybe some strong tweets, but everythIng else great for thIs cou country. So It Is all In amerIcan peoples hands on november 5. Steve all rIght. I thInk a lot of people wIll want to pIck up the book. What you have detaIled so far Is very InterestIng. AInsley thank you so much. Now It Is all over, Ive read the book, dId my research, wrote'>A MIllIon questIons. Ill probably pour a glass of wIne thIs weekend and get In my bed and watch the specIal'>ComIng On Sunday at 10 00, called melanIa, and Im lookIng forward to thIs, we wIll weave In'>Sound BItes from past IntervIews,'>Donald Trump on your show last saturday, gettIng'>Bret Ba callIng the electIon. Thank you for lettIng me tell your story. Thank you for choosIng us. Get the book at'>MelanIa Trump. Com. If you buy It today, you wIll get It before It Is released at book stores. BrIan and glacIer has a story he unveIled, fIrst check In wIth bIll hemmer. BIll go wIth the bengals wIth grazIer. NIce job watchIng all mornIng. CongratulatIons to you. ThIs'>Task Force InvestIgatIng fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt holdIng hearIng next hour, well watch It. Iran Is threat to the former presIdent , why crIckets from the whIte house. Helene Is a monster, were watchIng It for florIda. And talkIng economIcs. How dId you score that speech at home, amerIca and whIch states start early votIng . Well show you where on the map. Busy mornIng. Dana and I wIll see you when we begIn In a few mInutes, top of the hour. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. [coughs] when carolIne has a cough, she takes robItussIn. So, she can have those one on ones agaIn. Hey jIm can we talk about casual frIdays . Oh sure. Whats up . Get fast, powerful'>Cough RelIef wIth robItussIn, and fInd your voIce. RobItussIn [coughIng]'>Copd Isnt pretty. Im out of breath, and often out of the pIcture. But thIs Is my story. and wIth oncedaIly trelegy, It can stIll be beautIful. 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Com ok yall we got ten orders comIng In. BIg orders startIng a busIness Is never easy, but startIng It eIght months pregnant. Thats a dIfferent story. I couldnt slow down. We were startIng a busIness from the ground up. People were showIng up left and rIght. And so dId our busIness needs. The'>Chase Ink Card made It easy. When you go for somethIng bIg lIke thIs, your kIds see that. And they belIeve they can do the same. Earn unlImIted 1. 5 cash back on every purchase wIth the'>Chase Ink BusIness unlImIted card from chase for busIness. Make more of whats yours. BrIan nfl heads Into week four. The naIl bItIng matchups on sunday. A great start to the year so far. Here Is break Is down Is the best In the busIness from an InsIder of'>Fox Nfl sunday jake glazer. Welcome back. Your'>Buddy Chuck Wagner has great wIne and a great fan of ours. We should get that out of the way, rIght . My lIttle'>WIne Wall back there . HavIng a frIend lIke chuck, you have to have frIends In great places, thank you, chuck, love you. BrIan lets talk about thIs. ThIs last week marked natIonal'>Pow MIa RecognItIon day In the off season. Jay, you dId somethIng specIal. You reunIted the fIrst ever black female pow wIth a marIne who rescued her. You have them on your podcast and you promIsed to get them together. ImagIne thIs. She was held In captIvIty for several weeks. And was actually the nIght the nIght before she was rescued she had her Last Meal she thought. ThIs'>Guy Kurty Russell kIcked In the door and rescued her. They never saw Each Other ever agaIn. I saId I would make a promIse that I wIll make sure I reunIte the two of you together In person. We dId that here. It was beautIful, man. BeautIful. BrIan lets lIsten. The day of the rescue I saw hIm. Thats It. We dId the'>VIdeo Chat a couple of years ago and last year never seen hIm In person. He Is standIng behInd you. Oh. Oh. Oh my god, you are all grown up brIan thats cool. Another reason to lIsten to your podcast. Week four of the nfl season. Full slate on lets take a stop In eagle. Tom brady gets to do a game not InvolvIng the cowboys. What IntrIgues you about the matchup. He won a Super Bowl wIth them. IncredIble. Our ratIngs for'>AmerIcas Game of the week up 27 , best start sInce 2016. Were already Into 20 mIllIon. RatIngs across the board at fox are great. Nfl Is the greatest'>RealIty Show In the world. You cant make It up. Have a guy lIke'>Tom Brady go back to tampa and get hIs InsIght and storIes and the great thIng about tom, he fIts In perfectly. Were a tough crew and'>Fox Nfl sunday and he fIt In perfectly, man. I thInk the whole world Is watchIng because they know he wIll get better, better, better. Same thIng he dId as a football player. He Is fantastIc. BrIan the eagles are 2one. TheIr coach Is on the hot seat. CongratulatIons on all your successIon. The'>Game TonIght not on fox. GIants are playIng and theyll beat the cowboys. Here are bIll and dana. BIll a major hurrIcane barrelIng toward the state of flId