Genomic sequencing can detect and track virus variants, but the United States is sequencing relatively few coronavirus test samples. Lab technicians at Duke University prepared samples for sequencing earlier this month.Credit.Pete Kiehart for The New York Times
As Americans anxiously watch the spread of coronavirus variants that were first identified in Britain and South Africa, scientists are finding a number of new variants that seem to have originated in the United States and many of them may pose the same kind of extra-contagious threat.
In a study posted on Sunday, a team of researchers reported seven growing lineages of the coronavirus, spotted in states across the country. All have gained a mutation at the exact same spot in their genes.
WHEELING, W.Va. The day had finally arrived.
After nearly a year in lockdown for the residents of Good Shepherd Nursing Home eating meals in their rooms, playing bingo over their television sets and isolating themselves almost entirely from the outside world their coronavirus vaccinations were finished and the hallways were slowly beginning to reawaken.In a first, tentative glimpse at what the other side of the pandemic might look like, Betty Lou Leech, 97, arrived to the dining room early, a mask on her face, her hair freshly curled.
“I’m too excited to eat,” she said, sitting at her favorite table once again.