Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee on Thursday appeared before the Enforcement Directorate for questioning in connection with its probe into the alleged school jobs scam in West Bengal, officials said. Abhishek Banerjee Appears Before ED for Questioning in West Bengal School Recruitment Scam (Watch Videos).
A Saraswati puja pandal in Kolkata highlighted the teacher recruitment scam in which former West Bengal Education minister Partha Chatterjee is one of the key accused.
On a prayer by some of the persons who lost their jobs, the Supreme Court had directed that these 269 persons be given an opportunity to be heard by the high court.
Primary teachers' bodies in West Bengal have said it would be a herculean task to furnish details about appointments made since 2011, which was sought by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) as part of its probe into a school jobs scam.