Fathom regularly invites writers to select their favourite books about a subject. Here, Matthew Bolton recommends three on critical theory and antisemitism. A much longer piece than the norm, the edit.
Performance Studies Ph.D. candidate, Sol Cabrini was awarded to be apart of the next class of NYU Urban Doctoral Fellows and the NYU Cities Collaborative Summer Urban Public Humanities Fellowship at the Center for the Study of American Exile and Expatriation (CSAEE).
In 2021, we declared our commitment to hear every voice and share every story. Throughout the twists and turns of this challenging year, WKAR's commitment to those ideals was demonstrated through special programming initiatives, virtual community events, original documentaries, local and national partnerships, and more.
Manuel Valenzuela and Olivia Segura were joined by filmmakers John J. Valadez and Carleen L. Hsu to share the story of the making of the film, American Exile.
served in vietnam. and in 2009, decades after coming home, both american heroes received deportation notices. the threat of deportation is on pause for now. their story is far from isolated, which is the focus of a new pbs documentary called american exile. it follows the brothers in their unified fight for justice not just for themselves but for thousands of fellow vet who s have either been deported or faced deportation. joining us now, writer, director, and producer of american exile, john valadez. thank you so much for being with us. did you find this story, or did this story find you? this story found me. you know, i wish i could claim credit, but i was actually in colorado a number of years ago doing a screening of another film, and manuel and valente came up to me and told me, you know, that they knew what my next film ought to be. and i was like, oh, really?