Cab Drivers: In an incident in October last year, a pizza delivery man in Pune, Maharashtra, was assaulted and threatened by firing in the air by an angry customer due to late arrival of the pizza at his doorstep. "According to the data, 41.5% of the delivery persons reported that they have faced some kind of violence at work. 64% do not get support from companies when faced with violence," the findings of the survey report claimed.
Nearly 47 per cent cab drivers and 41.5 per cent delivery persons face some form of violence at work with a majority of the latter demanding the 10 minutes delivery policy be discontinued, a survey report has revealed.
Several companies offer discount and provide the order for free if the
New Delhi, Mar 11 (PTI) Nearly 47 per cent cab drivers and 41.5 per cent delivery persons face some form of violence at work with a majority of the latter demanding to discontinue the 10 minutes delivery policy, a survey report has revealed.
‘Gymtimidation’ strikes many people – mostly women – who fear going into fitness centres dominated by beefy men and filled with equipment they don’t know how to use. Experts offer tips on how to get fit anyway.