The film bagged the Third Best Film Award in the Asian Competition category at the prestigious 14th Bengaluru International Film Festival in March, last year. Moreover, the film was nominated for ICFT-UNESCO Gandhi Medal as well.
From Son Ye-jin’s star-making role in The Classic to searing documentary Repatriation, and Park Chan-wook’s revenge saga Oldboy, we pick the 10 best films from South Korean cinema’s banner year: 2003.
The film is choreographed and produced by Brigitte Leilani Axelrode, who is pursuing a graduate certificate in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at UH Mānoa.
Got no plans to sleep tonight? (Photo : Cineclick Asia / Big Blue Film / Screenshot taken from Netflix) We know Halloween is still months away but, well, any day is a good day to watch a scary movie on Netflix, don't you think? Well, scary movies are really never for the faint of heart, even more so when we are talking about Asian horror movies.