The film bagged the Third Best Film Award in the Asian Competition category at the prestigious 14th Bengaluru International Film Festival in March, last year. Moreover, the film was nominated for ICFT-UNESCO Gandhi Medal as well.
Out of nearly 700 entries in the Best Feature Film competition category, eight films were selected to vie for the coveted title. "Nakshi Kanthar Jamin" was screened on October 28.
Jaya Ahsan starrer "Nakshi Kanthar Jamin (A Tale of Two Sisters)" bagged the Third Best Film Award in the 'Asian Competition category at the prestigious Bengaluru International Film Festival. The 14th edition of this festival started on March 23.
What are some of the takeaways you have from all these experiences and your career in general?
Jaya Ahsan: I would say my whole career has been a learning process. There are many things I have learned every step of the way while carving out a path for myself. I had chosen a path that had more risks and challenges which, in the end, has allowed me to work outside of Bangladesh and create new experiences. I believe there is no certain final destination when it comes to art; it is more of a never-ending path you can take to experience special moments as I have.