The film bagged the Third Best Film Award in the Asian Competition category at the prestigious 14th Bengaluru International Film Festival in March, last year. Moreover, the film was nominated for ICFT-UNESCO Gandhi Medal as well.
Most Talked about Bangladeshi celebrities 2022: Many surprising events occurred in the lives of our favourite celebrities. While some gained international recognition, others simply failed to make any headlines this year. Let’s take a moment to observe the five celebrities in Bangladesh, who were prominently in the limelight in 2022.
Bangladeshi government grant film "A Tale of Two Sisters" has added yet another international feat to its name. Directed by Akram Khan, the movie was nominated for the competition category of 19th ‘Barcelona Human Rights Film Festival.’
Bangladeshi government grant film “A Tale of Two Sisters”, directed by Akram Khan, has been nominated in the International Film Festival of India’s (IFFI) ICFT- UNESCO Gandhi Medal. The film was based on Hasan Azizul Haq’s novel “Nakshi Kanthar Jomin”.