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Xenophobic attacks repudiate freedom and are shameful : comp
Xenophobic attacks repudiate freedom and are shameful : comp
Xenophobic attacks repudiate freedom and are shameful
Internationalism and pan-Africanism have been foundational values of the liberation struggle. It is shameful that this generation, many of whom are former freedom fighters, dishonour that legacy and encourage the spread of xenophobia.
Related Keywords
Morocco ,
East Timor ,
Mozambique ,
Nigeria ,
Soweto ,
Gauteng ,
South Africa ,
Zambia ,
Zimbabwe ,
Atteridgeville ,
Israel ,
Zeerust ,
North West ,
Johannesburg ,
Nigerian ,
South Africans ,
Zimbabwean ,
Moroccan ,
Nigerians ,
South African ,
Palestinian ,
Pixley Ka Isaka ,
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa ,
Khumbudzo Ntshavheni ,
Aspanashe Chigumadzi ,
Southern African Relief Fund ,
Nigerian African National Congress Friendship ,
Cultural Association ,
United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid ,
Albert Streetfire ,
Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni ,
Freedom Charter ,
Daily Maverick ,
Panashe Chigumadzi ,
Mandela Tax ,
Young Nigerians ,
Youths United ,
Southern Africa ,
Isaka Seme ,
Zimbabwean Exemption Permit ,
Albert St Fire Bill Of Rights Freedom Charter Khumbudzo Ntshavheni Panashe Chigumadzi Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Raymond Suttner Xenophobia Zimbabwe Exemption Permit ,