Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20240622 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20240622

the phone that he was giving up. >> there was a three-minute incounter i would say. they said they loved each other and at that point mr. tyree said he was going to surrender, his words, to come out. >> reporter: but just before noon six hours after the standoff began, he came out shooting. it appears given the way the man chose to die that what happened here may have been a matter of "death by cop." steve langford, cbs 2 news. garland tyree has a long criminal history. according to investigators, he has 18 prior arrests and had been in and out of prison. he had been on probation since last summer. a newspaper clip he posted on instagram shows he was arrested in the 1990s for the shooting death of a neighborhood rival but was convicted on a lesser charge. and that firefighter injured in the shooting is recovering at richmond university medical center on staten island. that's where cbs 2's christine sloan joins us live. christine. >> reporter: that's right. the lieutenant firefighter is here at this hospital listed in stable condition. this is the first time in 21 years that a new york city firefighter has been shot in the line of duty. both the mayor and commissioner at richmond university medical center visit fire lieutenant jim hayes shot by the suspect, who barricaded himself in the home on staten island. the mayor calling hayes a hero. >> lieutenant hayes very, very impressive guy. cool, calm, collected, making light of his injuries, thank god -- thank god his injuries were as limited as they are and that's extraordinary given the situation he was in. >> reporter: the 31-year veteran of the department with ainge come. his injuries not life- threatening. both bullets exiting his body. the commissioner says the father of two surrounded by his family is in pain but his spirits are high. >> he came very close to not being with us and, um, seeing his family. he is very happy. >> reporter: authorities say when firefighters arrived at the scene, they had no reason to believe the man inside was armed and dangerous. so lieutenant hayes rushed in as fellow firefighters stood at the door. >> smoke was building up. lieutenant made a decision to go in and fight this fire and find this person who was possibly unconscious. lieutenant in crawling in and looking for the fire and looking for a possible victim was suddenly shot twice. he was able to turn around, go past the door where the perpetrator was hiding in the bathroom. more shots were fired that missed the lieutenant. he made his way to the entrance to the apartment. his members got him out to the street. >> reporter: hayes not just a hero here but also during the attacks on september 11th. how much pride does he take in his job? >> he loves it. when 9/11 happened, he had just became a fire lieutenant. i used to see him every day. >> reporter: the mayor calling all of the firefighters heroes. now, the lieutenant comes from a family of firefighters. three of his brothers with the department. we are live in the west brighton section of staten island. christine sloan, cbs2 news. as we continue to follow this developing story, coming up at 6:00, fallout from mayor de blasio over his actions during the standoff. where was he? why didn't he show up at the crime scene? traffic a mess in hell's kitchen. a manhole explosion happened earlier today. cbs 2's dave carlin is live with the story. >> reporter: ninth avenue a mess here. let me tell you about the coned crews in this truck right now. they are in there waiting it out because they can't get down into the manhole. it's still hot and smoking down there and they have the water going in to try to cool it off. very heated right now over here traffic and the drivers not happy at all on this friday commute because it has been bad here on ninth avenue in hell's kitchen but also all over manhattan as a result of this blast that began around 11:30. >> i heard just boom the cover came off. >> reporter: chopper 2 over ninth and 45th where an underground explosion sent a manhole cover flying. witnesses estimate it shot some 15 feet in the air landed on a fire hydrant. no one was hurt. >> there's one with the lid on still smoking a little bit and one with the lid off. >> we were just right over there and we heard a huge explosion. and we all just screamed and ran out the juice bar. we thought everybody blew up behind us. >> reporter: more than 10 blocks of ninth avenue closed for the start of the friday evening commute. now open again but the jam is intense. [ music ] [ beeping ] >> trying to get to jersey right now. um, don't think it's going to happen for like another two hours. so i'm feeling pretty not okay. >> reporter: coned workers say the likely explanation, underground cables overheated sparked and blew possibly taxed by the extra energy demands on a hot day. one lane of ninth avenue here closed from 45th down to 42nd. coned crews saying this repair job will go well into the night. live in hell's kitchen, dave carlin, cbs 2 news. >> what a mess over there. and things are slowly returning to normal in northwestern new jersey. route 80 finally moving again after the back end of a truck separated from its cab. right now we are going up to chopper 2 with joe biermann trailer accident. joe what can you tell us and where are you? >> reporter: well, we're in elmwood park another rush hour to nowhere. this time it's a tractor- trailer out of he will westbound route 80 up on to the divider. the divider stopped him from crossing the barrier. major delays in both directions. this accident has been here since about 3:00. your alternates for this delay would be route 46 route 80 is bumper-to-bumper for 40 miles in both directions of the parkway. joe biermann, cbs 2 news. once again, things slowly returning to normal in northwestern new jersey. route 80 finally moving again after the back end of a truck separated over there from its cab. it landed on supports above new jersey transit railroad tracks. cbs 2's tony aiello joins us live in roxbury township with the latest on this one. >> reporter: i went down on those railroad tracks looked up and got a good view of that dump truck hopper 20 feet above. i got to tell you i have never seen anything quite like it. drivers were stuck on i-80 for hours. trains were stopped and buses used to replace them after this morning's accident which also sent three people to the hospital. talk about a close call the rear part of a dump truck the hopper toppled on to the girders of an i-80 overpass. down below, new jersey transit railroad tracks, 20 feet below the 15,000 pounds of danger precariously perched above. >> we heard the huge crash noise. and then you just hear the horn honking nonstop. >> reporter: this woman was working nearby when the truck and this ford suv collided in the eastbound lanes of interstate 80. this picture posted on social media shows the suv upside- down on the road. marlin medrano heard the suv driver panicking. >> you hear the lady screaming like, oh, my gosh, like screaming like basically in terror saying help me, someone help me! >> reporter: nj transit stopped train service between mount arlington and hackettstown while workers with powdermill towing examined the truck hopper from a cherry picker trying to determine how to remove it. the back of the dump truck was empty. but big chunks of the cab went tumbling down alongside the railroad tracks. this piece of the hood and even what looked like the truck's e-zpass. there were lane closures eastbound and gawkers delays westbound for more than 6 hours. eventually workers attached cables to the hopper and lifted it off the girders using what's known as the rotator arm on a heavy duty tow truck. the dump truck driver, the driver of the ford suv and a young passenger in the ford all tank to local hospitals with nonlife-threatening injuries. live in roxbury township, next, morris county, tony aiello, cbs 2 news. a major step towards normalized relations between the u.s. and cuba today when the u.s. reopened its embassy in havana. but despite the new policies, real differences remain. we have a live report from >> reporter: dick, i know that this is something that a lot of people in the cuban- american communities in new york and new jersey never thought they would see. maybe never wanted to see. but like it or not, the stars and stripes are flying high above the u.s. embassy in havana. a castro may still be in power but there's no denying, some things actually do change. the raising of the flag at the embassy in havana a sign of diplomacy at work and it's clear both the u.s. and cuba are working hard at the process of normalizing relations. it's also clue the two countries still have major differences. >> total lifting of embargos and the return of the land taken illegally at guantanomo and reparation for human and economic damages. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry says this is a process and that opening mutual embassies is a crucial step. >> the normalization of relations is not a favor that we do one nation to the other. it's something that we do together because both of our citizens we have determined have the ability to be able to benefit from the relationship. [ applause ] >> reporter: at this morning's ceremony, the same three marines who took down the u.s. flag 54 years ago presented it to a new generation to raise it. new beginnings, fresh hope. >> jose marte once said that everything that divides men is a sin against humanity. clearly, the events of the past, the harsh words, the provocative and retaliatory actions, the human tragedies, all have been a source of deep division that has diminished our common humanity. >> reporter: and after today's official events, dick, secretary kerry met with cuban dissidents and took an hour stroll around little havana a little hand-to-hand diplomacy. coming up, hope amid the heartbreak a miraculous rescue caught on camera. he survived a massive explosion and then spent 32 hours buried in the rubble. a firefighter saved more than a day after a tragedy. plus -- >> i woke up and felt like the house had cracked. >> an earthquake in new jersey! people woken up in the middle of the night by some unusual sights and sounds. >> towed and taken for a ride. cbs 2 gets action after a driver complained about an expensive bill that wasn't her fault. >> too much skin or beautiful at 57? the new sharon stone photos that have lots of people talking and looking. lonnie. >> okay. um, well what we are talking about today is a nice looking day out there today. [ laughter ] >> it's friday. it's all about the weekend. will this nice weather carry on? we'll talk about that in just a bit. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. in brooklyn in 1907, four courageous ladies saw the despair of the poor, old, and sick and founded what would become mjhs. today mjhs provides quality home care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing, and advanced hospice and palliative care for adults and children, but the values of the brooklyn ladies still guide us. mjhs. caring every minute, every day. a dire warning tonight from the head of the city correction union. fix the jails, mr. mayor, or people will die of. it charges a cbs 2 expose' a safety hazards in jails and prisons. cbs 2 political reporter marcia kramer investigates. >> people will definitely die from either smoke inhalation and/or burns or trapped in. >> reporter: the corrections union president knows what's going on at city jails as well anyone. and he says a report obtained exclusively by cbs 2 on the lack of fire alarms and fire suppression systems at city jails may be just the tip of the iceberg. >> the newest facility that they built is the rose singer wing to it. the fire apparatus equipment is not working. if a fire alarm system went off right now in the housing area, there would be no way of sprinkler system dousing that fire. >> reporter: among the things found in the report to a federal monitor at the north infirmary on rikers newsroom russ life safety issues not being addressed. at the cross center on rikers, the recommendation that special smoke detection be provided in every cell was ignored. manhattan detention center an inoperative system to keep smoke out of stairwells. 30,000 people could be in danger. he lays the blame on mayor de blasio. >> the mayor has to get involved because he is responsible for the safety and well-being of the people of the city of new york. and correction officers are not second class citizens to anyone. >> reporter: as for a response, a de blasio spokesman said the city added $157 million as to the budget of the department of corrections doc for life safety fixes. meaningful reform takes time, she said, and doc is working closely with fdny to remedy these long-standing concerns. and further improve fire safety within the jails" > city hall has to be responsible to ensure that the commissioner of the agency and his underlings are doing what they are supposed to do. >> reporter: the report says that the department has dragged its feet so long, it could take 11 years until the year 2026 to fix everything. but norman seabrook says he thinks it will take a decade longer. alice and dick? >> thank you. >> a small earthquake in central new jersey shook some people awake early this morning. >> officials located the center of the quake in the town of bernardsville but people in neighboring morris and somerset counties felt it. cbs 2's andrea grymes has more. >> in the middle of the night, what was that? >> reporter: the couple had no idea at first an earthquake woke them up hitting their town of bernardsville, new jersey. >> we thought the bed was going to go through the house. >> reporter: the u.s. geological survey confirms a small 2.7 magnitude quake struck just about 2 miles north around 3:30 a.m. >> it was just kind of like a thunderclap more of a rumble. i woke up, the windows were shaking. >> as we were having coffee, i said i think i felt something. i slept through it. >> i woke up and i felt like the house was cracked in the night. that felt like an earthquake. >> reporter: authorities here in somerset county and in neighboring morris county say several residents called police to report rumbling. officials say no one was injured. >> there was no reports of damage. but an hour later we had a transformer fire. but we don't know if that was related to the earthquake or not. >> reporter: jersey central power and light says the issue knocked out power to about 40 customers this morning. as for the earthquake, local barber art liardi is glad it wasn't worse. >> i checked my house, i woke everybody up. everything was fine. >> reporter: although rare, earthquakes in the area are not uncommon. back in 2010. reporting in bernardsville, 2 news. more information on that >> you know what, when you think about an earthquake in this country you think about the san andreas fault out west but here in our area, small earthquakes are common. i'm talking smaller than today. most of them just can't be felt because our area actually rests right on a fault line. you take a look at where the earthquake hit today right there in bernardisville. the bigger picture will show you it's the ramapo fault line that runs through bernardsville. it runs through like a tributary into the east coast fault line. you don't get big ones in this area but they happen regularly. tomorrow hot and humid. for the most part you have a good-looking day. it will get hot. first 90-degree day. could be a string of them. more coming up. [ music ] coming up, long dramatic and now expensive. new information about the 23- day manhunt for two escaped prisoners, shocking estimates on how much money was spent. plus -- >> in this neighborhood, all waterways lead to long island sound. now westchester county and four municipalities have been sued for dumping sewage! >> later check this out. a new view of the city that could top the empire state building. but would you want to stand on a deck thousands of feet off the ground. >> i don't know. tonight on cbs 2 news at 6:00, a man accused of treating over 100 patients and he is not even a doctor. see the evidence police say they found in his home. now to a cbs 2 exclusive. a bloomfield new jersey woman's car was stolen and then things got worse. >> police found a car and then they wanted them to pay to get it back. we went demanding answers and we got action. she finally got the car back. unfortunately she is having to tow it to her house because the guys who stole it nearly a workingrd. >> i'm getting my car back. whoever stole it, the ignition isn't working. >> reporter: she is happy to be off the hook for hundreds. her car was stolen on july 16 and found the next day but nobody told her. so it sat there for weeks in a pound until she finally was told to pick it up as long as she paid $800 in storage fees. she turned to us. >> no one is willing to help me. >> reporter: so we went demanding answers. the essex county sheriff said it was the bloomfield police department's fault. bloomfield said they weren't notified the car was found but everyone agreed a mistake was made. it turns out, bloomfield councilman joe lopez was watching the story on cbs 2 and he was outraged. >> i thought it was an injustice. i thought it wasn't her fault. >> reporter: lopez got the fees reduced to just $200 and then raised the rest. >> i'm going to put a portion in myself. and i spoke -- i told several friends about this. and they said that they were willing to contribute the rest. >> reporter: and when the tow company twin towing found out what happened, they dropped all the fees. now the woman has her car and didn't have to spend a cent to get it back. >> reporter: i'm very grateful to cbs and they really helped me to, um, you know, get my car back. >> and how about this? the money the councilman lopez raised to pay the fees, they got rid of the fees so he gave repairs. >> nice job, dick. >> everyone else did good work after we got the ball rolling. it's a '98 honda civic. she may want to get rid it of but she got it back. >> and she has the money to repair it if she wants to. a drug dispensary too close for comfort. >> the high school is around the corner. >> medical marijuana coming to long island. but not everyone is happy coming up. >> plus the royals firing back what photographers are doing to get a picture of prince george. >> and a whale gets a helping see the video and see what happened after. medical necessity or trouble? controversy over marijuana dispensary on long island. brennan. >> welcome back. i'm alice gainer. new york residents will soon be able to fill prescription for medical marijuana close to home. the state recently named the will open. but in one town lawmakers are moratorium. cbs 2's carolyn gusoff has the story new at 5:30. >> reporter: it's a small town on the rise new shops, restaurants, a theater. some residents say a medical marijuana dispensary doesn't long here around the corner from the high school. >> to ask us to bear the burden of that responsibility for all of suffolk county is really unreasonable. >> reporter: the site on busy route 58 riverhead's main road. this pto board member says it sends the wrong message to kids. >> some drugs are medicine and some drugs are not. and that that can be a slippery slope for kids. >> reporter: riverhead considering a moratorium even a ban. among the concerns, increased traffic from an unknown number of patients. and crime. the town would reap none of the tax benefits. the town supervisor said they were blindsided by the site selection. >> it should be in an industrial area. it's my belief that this is just a first step in an inyesments tal approach to the legalization -- in an incremental approach to the legalization of marijuana. >> reporter: drug prevention advocates think it will get into the wrong hands. >> it's a cure for certain illnesses and not harmful but use increases. >> reporter: it would dispense extracts, oils, edibles not smoking. >> they need relief. >> reporter: a coalition of patients says most communities have not seen an increase in traffic or crime. >> these are folks in need of medicine and i don't think that they are going to pose a significant problem for communities. you know, we have pharmacies on every corner. >> reporter: medical marijuana should be available in designated dispensaries throughout new york state by january. riverhead town plans to draft its moratorium quickly for debate. >> the company approved to run the dispensary says it's looking forward to becoming a productive member of the community but didn't address the location controversy. a new law signed by governor cuomo makes powdered alcohol also known as "palcohol" illegal to sell in new york state. the governor called it a dangerous product that can too easily be used by children. the freeze dried alcohol comes in small bags. users just add water to create potent drinks. the makers say one bag of powder equals one shot of liquor. new york joins more than 20 other states in banning the sale of "palcohol." new information tonight on the hunt for two escaped murderers from the clinton correctional facility in june. payroll records in the state controller so that it cost more than $1 million a day to search for escapees david sweat and richard matt. over time costs alone for state troopers and corrections officers were $22 million higher than last year. more than 1100 officers took part in the search. matt was shot dead and sweat was wounded and captured. we often hear that some local beaches are closed after heavy rain. sewers overflow and run into the long island sound. one group is taking action to do something to solve it. cbs 2's lou young has the story from mamaroneck. >> reporter: on a perfect midsummer day the beach at harbor island in mamaroneck is crowded and it's been a good summer because frankly it hasn't rained all that much. >> usually when it really came down like you had two inches of rain, bingo, the beach would be closed for two or three days. >> reporter: we have seen in often the overtaxed sewage systems along the sound shore being overwhelmed or simply breaking down as it did two summers ago in blind brook. now a connecticut based environmental group is suing westchester county and four sound shore communities over the periodic large sewage spills and the constant drip of smaller leaks from pipes along the shore. under the light save the sound samples waters from new london to city island and their scientists say the westchester towns have shown a consistent problem. in these communities you can storm drains clearly marked they drain into waterways in the long island sound. the environmental group believes the local governments here really should know better. these samples were taken where? >> all from [ indiscernible ] pond. >> reporter: westchester official complain the county has already spent millions trying to upgrade sewer systems along the coast and end the familiar summer ritual here. >> there are times when the beaches are closed. >> reporter: because of the sewage? >> mm-hm. and it's usually after like a huge thunderstorm. >> reporter: are you glad somebody is holding their feet to the fire? >> i think so. >> reporter: a federal judge could now order a faster fix and even levy fines. lou young, cbs 2 news. the australian surfer who survived a shark attack returned to competition for the first time. this is the terrifying video of champion is yourer in mick fanning being attacked off south africa last month. he was competing on television when the shark tried to pull him under. he is hitting at waves in a world competition now in tahiti. >> that's a big shark. >> also in australia take a look at this. the whale popped up near some boats. fishermen saw a plastic bag and fishing like stuck near the mouth. the whale got close enough for a wisher man to clear it away. -- the fisherman to clear it away and they took selfies. >> a whale selfie. okay, that's a new one. [ laughter ] [ music ] new developments for people with heart problems. 3d technology giving doctors a view of the heart like never before. how it could help patients in the future. >> moving to shopping what you need to know about college including the hidden costs. >> and today in history in 2003 a major power outage across the eastern united states and parts of canada. thousands walked the city streets because of traffic jams. passengers were stuck for hours on the subway. new heart devices usually are tested on real people before going to market but 3d imaging may change that. cbs 2's dr. max gomez shows us the virtual technology that may be a game changer. >> she has had four pacemaker operations beginning since she was 2. >> reporter: steve's daughter jesse was born with a rare heart defect requiring multiple surgeries and a pacemakers. >> see this had three wires break inside her body. >> reporter: so steve launched a living heart project using 3d technology to give doctors and scientists a virtual view of the human heart like never before. >> a lot of doctors struggle with is looking at a 2d slice or representation their minds having to imagine the 3d manifestation. that's what they have to fix. so we create that connection for them. >> reporter: using 3d glasses doctors can tour the heart seeing the muscle movements electrical impulses and blood flow through four chambers. this room sized experience in a smaller portable version will allow doctors to study a healthy heart and see what happens when something goes wrong. and one day with ekg and mri data they will make custom 3d models of patients's hearts to test therapies before predescribing them like new pacemaker leads for people like jesse who is now 26 but still has challenges. >> when i think one day my daughter's life will actually be dependent on the work i'm doing, it is really a profound feeling. >> reporter: other companies are using this kind of virtual modeling to let doctors and researchers visualize complex 3d human structures such as the brain, colon, head and neck. the idea is to be able to plan complicated procedures like cranial and facial reconstruction on the computer before trying it on a patient. dr. max gomez, cbs 2 news. a new building in midtown will have the tallest observation deck in new york city. developers announced today the deck at the hudson yards development will be 1100 feet high. that's 50 feet higher than the deck at the empire state building. people will be able to get views of the city 360 degrees. part of a $20 billion complex with hundreds of new shops and restaurants. the deck should be completedded by 2019. >> getting nervous just looking a it the. >> don't look down! an alleged case of revenge caught on camera. two people hit by a speeding car, police say on purpose. find out what happened before the crash. >> plus, sharon stone hits newsstands baring all. reaction to her poses and what some people are doing to get a body like hers. >> and ahead at 6:00, a 3-year- old boy travels across the world to get cured of laughing. his unusual disorder and what doctors did to give him a normal life. >> plus, new tonight, how you can get the chance to meet pope francis. new video of a firefighter rescued in china two days after an explosion in a warehouse with hazardous materials. the 19-year-old was trapped for 36 hours. investigators say it was his strong will that helped him survive that blast that sent fireballs into the sky. >> i think the strong will helped him to hold on. we kept pepping him up urging him to hold on and telling him the ambulance was arriving. >> google released satellite pictures of the area around the warehouse before and after the blast. the death toll now stands at 56. but that number is expected to rise. caught on camera unbelievable video that landed a robbery victim in jail. surveillance video captured two people being run down on a watch again. you see one launched into the air and the other jumps out of the way. an 18-year-old behind the wheel, they were part of a group who robbed him and when he got in his car he ran them down. >> that could have been a fatal injury. very easily. you never excused when you're easing your vehicle as a weapon. >> incredibly the two suspects in the video weren't seriously hurt. both are in police custody. because of his move chavez chase charges. the royals have been releasing authorized pictures of prince george hoping to keep the press at bay. but they say it's not working. the palace says photographers monitor the movements of prince george and his nanny around london parks. sometimes they even use other children to draw the young prince into view. photographers have even hid in sand dunes to get pictures. all these actions are a sensitive subject for prince william. and judgment are very much clouded by what happened to princess diana who he still by the paparazzi. >> the palace has threatened legal action if prince george or his baby sister princess charlotte are put at risk. 57 and flaunting it sharon stone has a set of provocative interview. cbs 2's scott rapoport shows us what people are talking about. >> reporter: does this look like 57 years old to you? >> wow. >> amazing. >> fantastic. fox sharon stone. stone. that? >> i think i need to start working out more. [ laughter ] >> reporter: rocking a, well, a birthday suit and that's agelessly amazing. >> she looks fabulous. hope to look like that. >> reporter: defying nature's basic instincts. >> it's nice. >> reporter: her stunning photo shoot for harpers bazaar is getting front page play and full-on stares of disbelief from heavily worked out women we showed it to at new york sports club. >> she looks better than i did and older than me. >> reporter: and, of course, questions about how she does it. >> you know, i do like it. but i guess everything feels photo shopped these days. so what is photo shopped? what does she get done? >> she has a lot of money for a trainer. >> reporter: stone has said in previous interviews she achieves and maintains her stunningness through yoga, a low carb diet and steering clear of alcohol. 63-year-old debby says stone is inspirational but doesn't get what all the fuss is about. >> i like to think i look as good. [ laughter ] >> would i pose like that? [ music ] >> reporter: melissa a trainer and exercise physiologist says not everyone can look like sharon stone but it's possible for anyone to improve their physical being through exercise. no matter what their age. >> better skin. better posture and musclen to. better weight. >> not bad. i'm going to the gym. >> reporter: no pressure there. scott rapoport, cbs 2 news. >> i'll meet you at the gym. despite the photos, stone says she thinks her back side looks like, quote, a bag of flapjacks and when it comes to men she says she never gets asked out. do you believe that? >> it's so hard being beautiful. a movie star. a bag of flapjacks. how about that, lonnie? [ laughter ] [ pause ] >> where do we go from here? i don't know. >> i like pancakes. let me show what you we have for you outside now. the weather watchers, take a peek. the pictures are beautiful today. low humidity once again so you get here's anthony sending me that picture with blue skies and white puffy clouds and stalks of corn. outside now in new york city, there's the picture. it's a clear sky. it's 85 degrees. high temperature was 88. and you're hot today. you know what? tomorrow. there's going to be a fair as well. is there any rain as we look at this weekend? we could see some of tonight. there's nothing brewing out there. but push the map down a little bit to the north around albany a few thunderstorms there. the heavy stuff will stay to the north but some could make its way down to sullivan, ulster and dutchess the northern fringes of the counties. computer models picking up on it a little bit of activity. then saturday anytime after 2 p.m., could start to see a little bit like north and west of the city. not too much though. could the beaches see some? less than 20% chance for the beaches. but again, north and west could see a little bit. and then you get into your day on sunday and yeah, a little bit once again. so not going to rule out a rain shower. just not a big part of this forecast. so if you are heading to the mountains, rain chance about 30% chance for you. 84 to 88 for you on saturday. sunday warm. less of a chance you could see a little afternoon shower. 85 to 89. the beaches. that rain chance on saturday is -- well, it's there. it's a low chance. it's around a 20% chance or less. 85 to 89. sunday is a warm finish. 852088. it's a nice weekend at the beach. if you look across the board, the heat is on. starts tomorrow at 90. then we go 91 on sunday. we go 92 on monday. we are going to go 90 on tuesday. even wednesday, you're looking at 87 so you're up there, um, and just to give you the update, it's been since -- not since 2013 have we had a three- day run of 90-degree days. and the possibility right there is for four days maybe even stretching into five days. >> i have that song the heat is on stuck in my head now that you said that. >> the heat is on >> you always said -- >> casio keyboard there? [ laughter ] >> all right. thanks very much. still ahead, college can be expensive but it may cost even more than you think. the hidden living expenses and how to avoid overspending. >> coming up at 6:00 this staten island house doubled as a doctor's office. but police say the man treating dozens of patients was no doctor. how he allegedly tricked people for years. there are more and more amenities offered for college students and the prices adds up. cbs 2's meg baker has the hidden costs. >> reporter: college a step towards independence but at what cost? >> i think that young boys and girls should learn a sense of responsibility. >> reporter: kids may be out of the house but many are still financially dependent on their parents asking for things beyond the necessities of housing, food and books for luxuries. >> the conversation about sort of what the needs are, what the expectations are, what parents are willing to support or not, um, it's a good place to start. >> reporter: some of the latest add-on,s debit cards for off campus restaurants, meal delivery, an app for earned running and private gym memberships. >> i know kids who go to planet fitness. i just use the free school gym. >> reporter: walking on the campus of stevens institute of technology in hoboken i met a mix of students some that work for their extra spending money and others who get an allowance from their parents. this person gets $500 a month for what she calls extra things including having someone else do her laundry. then, um, like -- $20. admissions expert says some parents do clues to pay for additional amenities to save time and focus on studying. >> there are some parents who know their kid would say i know that they need to do, you know, one thing versus another. and other parents who say, oh, i want my kid to learn how to do the laundry. i want them to be able to kind of do these things that they are going to have to do probably on their own after they graduate. >> reporter: some parents we spoke to say college is the time to learn how to multitask. >> she went to a college where they offered a laundry service. it was ridiculous. they should learn. >> reporter: this insurance expert says parents should discuss the value of belongings. get insurance and leave expensive jewelry at home. inventory. you're sending them off to school. being an adult. so let them put together that home inventory. >> reporter: experts say the conversation about budget and value are all a part of the growing up experience that will shape them to make smart decisions for the future. news. >> now, before purchasing anything extra parents should check what is included in their tuition and activity fees. >> you know, up until recently i stuff use my laundry bag from college? i don't know if i should admit that. >> i hope you didn't bring it home to mother. >> no. >> i know at least one kid who brings her laundry home so won can do the laundry. that's it for us here at 5:00. we'll see you again at 11:00. the news at 6:00 starts right now. new developments in the deadly standoff on staten island. what we're learning about the gunman's last moments. >> plus, where was the mayor? mayor de blasio criticized for what he didn't do during the tense confrontation. >> also ahead -- >> ha ha! >> this is no laughing matter. this child is actually having a seizure. it's a rather disease and this little boy traveled thousands of miles to our area to get cureed. >> but first dozens of people allegedly duped by a man police say claimed to be a doctor for years. good evening, i'm dick brennan. >> i'm alice gainer. dana is off. patients, prescriptions and psychology sessions a staten island man accused of masquerading as a doctor for three years. and police say he had at least 100 patients. cbs 2's ilana gold has more on this doctor deception. >> reporter: police call him a dangerous scam artist running a fake medical practice outside his home and put a lot of trusting patients at risk. police say he has no license to practice medicine but convinced patients otherwise. everything was legit. >> reporter: including kim brody who tells us he saw him a few weeks ago at his makeshift office on gordon street in the stapleton section. >> he's treating me for depression.

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20240622

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the phone that he was giving up. >> there was a three-minute incounter i would say. they said they loved each other and at that point mr. tyree said he was going to surrender, his words, to come out. >> reporter: but just before noon six hours after the standoff began, he came out shooting. it appears given the way the man chose to die that what happened here may have been a matter of "death by cop." steve langford, cbs 2 news. garland tyree has a long criminal history. according to investigators, he has 18 prior arrests and had been in and out of prison. he had been on probation since last summer. a newspaper clip he posted on instagram shows he was arrested in the 1990s for the shooting death of a neighborhood rival but was convicted on a lesser charge. and that firefighter injured in the shooting is recovering at richmond university medical center on staten island. that's where cbs 2's christine sloan joins us live. christine. >> reporter: that's right. the lieutenant firefighter is here at this hospital listed in stable condition. this is the first time in 21 years that a new york city firefighter has been shot in the line of duty. both the mayor and commissioner at richmond university medical center visit fire lieutenant jim hayes shot by the suspect, who barricaded himself in the home on staten island. the mayor calling hayes a hero. >> lieutenant hayes very, very impressive guy. cool, calm, collected, making light of his injuries, thank god -- thank god his injuries were as limited as they are and that's extraordinary given the situation he was in. >> reporter: the 31-year veteran of the department with ainge come. his injuries not life- threatening. both bullets exiting his body. the commissioner says the father of two surrounded by his family is in pain but his spirits are high. >> he came very close to not being with us and, um, seeing his family. he is very happy. >> reporter: authorities say when firefighters arrived at the scene, they had no reason to believe the man inside was armed and dangerous. so lieutenant hayes rushed in as fellow firefighters stood at the door. >> smoke was building up. lieutenant made a decision to go in and fight this fire and find this person who was possibly unconscious. lieutenant in crawling in and looking for the fire and looking for a possible victim was suddenly shot twice. he was able to turn around, go past the door where the perpetrator was hiding in the bathroom. more shots were fired that missed the lieutenant. he made his way to the entrance to the apartment. his members got him out to the street. >> reporter: hayes not just a hero here but also during the attacks on september 11th. how much pride does he take in his job? >> he loves it. when 9/11 happened, he had just became a fire lieutenant. i used to see him every day. >> reporter: the mayor calling all of the firefighters heroes. now, the lieutenant comes from a family of firefighters. three of his brothers with the department. we are live in the west brighton section of staten island. christine sloan, cbs2 news. as we continue to follow this developing story, coming up at 6:00, fallout from mayor de blasio over his actions during the standoff. where was he? why didn't he show up at the crime scene? traffic a mess in hell's kitchen. a manhole explosion happened earlier today. cbs 2's dave carlin is live with the story. >> reporter: ninth avenue a mess here. let me tell you about the coned crews in this truck right now. they are in there waiting it out because they can't get down into the manhole. it's still hot and smoking down there and they have the water going in to try to cool it off. very heated right now over here traffic and the drivers not happy at all on this friday commute because it has been bad here on ninth avenue in hell's kitchen but also all over manhattan as a result of this blast that began around 11:30. >> i heard just boom the cover came off. >> reporter: chopper 2 over ninth and 45th where an underground explosion sent a manhole cover flying. witnesses estimate it shot some 15 feet in the air landed on a fire hydrant. no one was hurt. >> there's one with the lid on still smoking a little bit and one with the lid off. >> we were just right over there and we heard a huge explosion. and we all just screamed and ran out the juice bar. we thought everybody blew up behind us. >> reporter: more than 10 blocks of ninth avenue closed for the start of the friday evening commute. now open again but the jam is intense. [ music ] [ beeping ] >> trying to get to jersey right now. um, don't think it's going to happen for like another two hours. so i'm feeling pretty not okay. >> reporter: coned workers say the likely explanation, underground cables overheated sparked and blew possibly taxed by the extra energy demands on a hot day. one lane of ninth avenue here closed from 45th down to 42nd. coned crews saying this repair job will go well into the night. live in hell's kitchen, dave carlin, cbs 2 news. >> what a mess over there. and things are slowly returning to normal in northwestern new jersey. route 80 finally moving again after the back end of a truck separated from its cab. right now we are going up to chopper 2 with joe biermann trailer accident. joe what can you tell us and where are you? >> reporter: well, we're in elmwood park another rush hour to nowhere. this time it's a tractor- trailer out of he will westbound route 80 up on to the divider. the divider stopped him from crossing the barrier. major delays in both directions. this accident has been here since about 3:00. your alternates for this delay would be route 46 route 80 is bumper-to-bumper for 40 miles in both directions of the parkway. joe biermann, cbs 2 news. once again, things slowly returning to normal in northwestern new jersey. route 80 finally moving again after the back end of a truck separated over there from its cab. it landed on supports above new jersey transit railroad tracks. cbs 2's tony aiello joins us live in roxbury township with the latest on this one. >> reporter: i went down on those railroad tracks looked up and got a good view of that dump truck hopper 20 feet above. i got to tell you i have never seen anything quite like it. drivers were stuck on i-80 for hours. trains were stopped and buses used to replace them after this morning's accident which also sent three people to the hospital. talk about a close call the rear part of a dump truck the hopper toppled on to the girders of an i-80 overpass. down below, new jersey transit railroad tracks, 20 feet below the 15,000 pounds of danger precariously perched above. >> we heard the huge crash noise. and then you just hear the horn honking nonstop. >> reporter: this woman was working nearby when the truck and this ford suv collided in the eastbound lanes of interstate 80. this picture posted on social media shows the suv upside- down on the road. marlin medrano heard the suv driver panicking. >> you hear the lady screaming like, oh, my gosh, like screaming like basically in terror saying help me, someone help me! >> reporter: nj transit stopped train service between mount arlington and hackettstown while workers with powdermill towing examined the truck hopper from a cherry picker trying to determine how to remove it. the back of the dump truck was empty. but big chunks of the cab went tumbling down alongside the railroad tracks. this piece of the hood and even what looked like the truck's e-zpass. there were lane closures eastbound and gawkers delays westbound for more than 6 hours. eventually workers attached cables to the hopper and lifted it off the girders using what's known as the rotator arm on a heavy duty tow truck. the dump truck driver, the driver of the ford suv and a young passenger in the ford all tank to local hospitals with nonlife-threatening injuries. live in roxbury township, next, morris county, tony aiello, cbs 2 news. a major step towards normalized relations between the u.s. and cuba today when the u.s. reopened its embassy in havana. but despite the new policies, real differences remain. we have a live report from >> reporter: dick, i know that this is something that a lot of people in the cuban- american communities in new york and new jersey never thought they would see. maybe never wanted to see. but like it or not, the stars and stripes are flying high above the u.s. embassy in havana. a castro may still be in power but there's no denying, some things actually do change. the raising of the flag at the embassy in havana a sign of diplomacy at work and it's clear both the u.s. and cuba are working hard at the process of normalizing relations. it's also clue the two countries still have major differences. >> total lifting of embargos and the return of the land taken illegally at guantanomo and reparation for human and economic damages. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry says this is a process and that opening mutual embassies is a crucial step. >> the normalization of relations is not a favor that we do one nation to the other. it's something that we do together because both of our citizens we have determined have the ability to be able to benefit from the relationship. [ applause ] >> reporter: at this morning's ceremony, the same three marines who took down the u.s. flag 54 years ago presented it to a new generation to raise it. new beginnings, fresh hope. >> jose marte once said that everything that divides men is a sin against humanity. clearly, the events of the past, the harsh words, the provocative and retaliatory actions, the human tragedies, all have been a source of deep division that has diminished our common humanity. >> reporter: and after today's official events, dick, secretary kerry met with cuban dissidents and took an hour stroll around little havana a little hand-to-hand diplomacy. coming up, hope amid the heartbreak a miraculous rescue caught on camera. he survived a massive explosion and then spent 32 hours buried in the rubble. a firefighter saved more than a day after a tragedy. plus -- >> i woke up and felt like the house had cracked. >> an earthquake in new jersey! people woken up in the middle of the night by some unusual sights and sounds. >> towed and taken for a ride. cbs 2 gets action after a driver complained about an expensive bill that wasn't her fault. >> too much skin or beautiful at 57? the new sharon stone photos that have lots of people talking and looking. lonnie. >> okay. um, well what we are talking about today is a nice looking day out there today. [ laughter ] >> it's friday. it's all about the weekend. will this nice weather carry on? we'll talk about that in just a bit. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. in brooklyn in 1907, four courageous ladies saw the despair of the poor, old, and sick and founded what would become mjhs. today mjhs provides quality home care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing, and advanced hospice and palliative care for adults and children, but the values of the brooklyn ladies still guide us. mjhs. caring every minute, every day. a dire warning tonight from the head of the city correction union. fix the jails, mr. mayor, or people will die of. it charges a cbs 2 expose' a safety hazards in jails and prisons. cbs 2 political reporter marcia kramer investigates. >> people will definitely die from either smoke inhalation and/or burns or trapped in. >> reporter: the corrections union president knows what's going on at city jails as well anyone. and he says a report obtained exclusively by cbs 2 on the lack of fire alarms and fire suppression systems at city jails may be just the tip of the iceberg. >> the newest facility that they built is the rose singer wing to it. the fire apparatus equipment is not working. if a fire alarm system went off right now in the housing area, there would be no way of sprinkler system dousing that fire. >> reporter: among the things found in the report to a federal monitor at the north infirmary on rikers newsroom russ life safety issues not being addressed. at the cross center on rikers, the recommendation that special smoke detection be provided in every cell was ignored. manhattan detention center an inoperative system to keep smoke out of stairwells. 30,000 people could be in danger. he lays the blame on mayor de blasio. >> the mayor has to get involved because he is responsible for the safety and well-being of the people of the city of new york. and correction officers are not second class citizens to anyone. >> reporter: as for a response, a de blasio spokesman said the city added $157 million as to the budget of the department of corrections doc for life safety fixes. meaningful reform takes time, she said, and doc is working closely with fdny to remedy these long-standing concerns. and further improve fire safety within the jails" > city hall has to be responsible to ensure that the commissioner of the agency and his underlings are doing what they are supposed to do. >> reporter: the report says that the department has dragged its feet so long, it could take 11 years until the year 2026 to fix everything. but norman seabrook says he thinks it will take a decade longer. alice and dick? >> thank you. >> a small earthquake in central new jersey shook some people awake early this morning. >> officials located the center of the quake in the town of bernardsville but people in neighboring morris and somerset counties felt it. cbs 2's andrea grymes has more. >> in the middle of the night, what was that? >> reporter: the couple had no idea at first an earthquake woke them up hitting their town of bernardsville, new jersey. >> we thought the bed was going to go through the house. >> reporter: the u.s. geological survey confirms a small 2.7 magnitude quake struck just about 2 miles north around 3:30 a.m. >> it was just kind of like a thunderclap more of a rumble. i woke up, the windows were shaking. >> as we were having coffee, i said i think i felt something. i slept through it. >> i woke up and i felt like the house was cracked in the night. that felt like an earthquake. >> reporter: authorities here in somerset county and in neighboring morris county say several residents called police to report rumbling. officials say no one was injured. >> there was no reports of damage. but an hour later we had a transformer fire. but we don't know if that was related to the earthquake or not. >> reporter: jersey central power and light says the issue knocked out power to about 40 customers this morning. as for the earthquake, local barber art liardi is glad it wasn't worse. >> i checked my house, i woke everybody up. everything was fine. >> reporter: although rare, earthquakes in the area are not uncommon. back in 2010. reporting in bernardsville, 2 news. more information on that >> you know what, when you think about an earthquake in this country you think about the san andreas fault out west but here in our area, small earthquakes are common. i'm talking smaller than today. most of them just can't be felt because our area actually rests right on a fault line. you take a look at where the earthquake hit today right there in bernardisville. the bigger picture will show you it's the ramapo fault line that runs through bernardsville. it runs through like a tributary into the east coast fault line. you don't get big ones in this area but they happen regularly. tomorrow hot and humid. for the most part you have a good-looking day. it will get hot. first 90-degree day. could be a string of them. more coming up. [ music ] coming up, long dramatic and now expensive. new information about the 23- day manhunt for two escaped prisoners, shocking estimates on how much money was spent. plus -- >> in this neighborhood, all waterways lead to long island sound. now westchester county and four municipalities have been sued for dumping sewage! >> later check this out. a new view of the city that could top the empire state building. but would you want to stand on a deck thousands of feet off the ground. >> i don't know. tonight on cbs 2 news at 6:00, a man accused of treating over 100 patients and he is not even a doctor. see the evidence police say they found in his home. now to a cbs 2 exclusive. a bloomfield new jersey woman's car was stolen and then things got worse. >> police found a car and then they wanted them to pay to get it back. we went demanding answers and we got action. she finally got the car back. unfortunately she is having to tow it to her house because the guys who stole it nearly a workingrd. >> i'm getting my car back. whoever stole it, the ignition isn't working. >> reporter: she is happy to be off the hook for hundreds. her car was stolen on july 16 and found the next day but nobody told her. so it sat there for weeks in a pound until she finally was told to pick it up as long as she paid $800 in storage fees. she turned to us. >> no one is willing to help me. >> reporter: so we went demanding answers. the essex county sheriff said it was the bloomfield police department's fault. bloomfield said they weren't notified the car was found but everyone agreed a mistake was made. it turns out, bloomfield councilman joe lopez was watching the story on cbs 2 and he was outraged. >> i thought it was an injustice. i thought it wasn't her fault. >> reporter: lopez got the fees reduced to just $200 and then raised the rest. >> i'm going to put a portion in myself. and i spoke -- i told several friends about this. and they said that they were willing to contribute the rest. >> reporter: and when the tow company twin towing found out what happened, they dropped all the fees. now the woman has her car and didn't have to spend a cent to get it back. >> reporter: i'm very grateful to cbs and they really helped me to, um, you know, get my car back. >> and how about this? the money the councilman lopez raised to pay the fees, they got rid of the fees so he gave repairs. >> nice job, dick. >> everyone else did good work after we got the ball rolling. it's a '98 honda civic. she may want to get rid it of but she got it back. >> and she has the money to repair it if she wants to. a drug dispensary too close for comfort. >> the high school is around the corner. >> medical marijuana coming to long island. but not everyone is happy coming up. >> plus the royals firing back what photographers are doing to get a picture of prince george. >> and a whale gets a helping see the video and see what happened after. medical necessity or trouble? controversy over marijuana dispensary on long island. brennan. >> welcome back. i'm alice gainer. new york residents will soon be able to fill prescription for medical marijuana close to home. the state recently named the will open. but in one town lawmakers are moratorium. cbs 2's carolyn gusoff has the story new at 5:30. >> reporter: it's a small town on the rise new shops, restaurants, a theater. some residents say a medical marijuana dispensary doesn't long here around the corner from the high school. >> to ask us to bear the burden of that responsibility for all of suffolk county is really unreasonable. >> reporter: the site on busy route 58 riverhead's main road. this pto board member says it sends the wrong message to kids. >> some drugs are medicine and some drugs are not. and that that can be a slippery slope for kids. >> reporter: riverhead considering a moratorium even a ban. among the concerns, increased traffic from an unknown number of patients. and crime. the town would reap none of the tax benefits. the town supervisor said they were blindsided by the site selection. >> it should be in an industrial area. it's my belief that this is just a first step in an inyesments tal approach to the legalization -- in an incremental approach to the legalization of marijuana. >> reporter: drug prevention advocates think it will get into the wrong hands. >> it's a cure for certain illnesses and not harmful but use increases. >> reporter: it would dispense extracts, oils, edibles not smoking. >> they need relief. >> reporter: a coalition of patients says most communities have not seen an increase in traffic or crime. >> these are folks in need of medicine and i don't think that they are going to pose a significant problem for communities. you know, we have pharmacies on every corner. >> reporter: medical marijuana should be available in designated dispensaries throughout new york state by january. riverhead town plans to draft its moratorium quickly for debate. >> the company approved to run the dispensary says it's looking forward to becoming a productive member of the community but didn't address the location controversy. a new law signed by governor cuomo makes powdered alcohol also known as "palcohol" illegal to sell in new york state. the governor called it a dangerous product that can too easily be used by children. the freeze dried alcohol comes in small bags. users just add water to create potent drinks. the makers say one bag of powder equals one shot of liquor. new york joins more than 20 other states in banning the sale of "palcohol." new information tonight on the hunt for two escaped murderers from the clinton correctional facility in june. payroll records in the state controller so that it cost more than $1 million a day to search for escapees david sweat and richard matt. over time costs alone for state troopers and corrections officers were $22 million higher than last year. more than 1100 officers took part in the search. matt was shot dead and sweat was wounded and captured. we often hear that some local beaches are closed after heavy rain. sewers overflow and run into the long island sound. one group is taking action to do something to solve it. cbs 2's lou young has the story from mamaroneck. >> reporter: on a perfect midsummer day the beach at harbor island in mamaroneck is crowded and it's been a good summer because frankly it hasn't rained all that much. >> usually when it really came down like you had two inches of rain, bingo, the beach would be closed for two or three days. >> reporter: we have seen in often the overtaxed sewage systems along the sound shore being overwhelmed or simply breaking down as it did two summers ago in blind brook. now a connecticut based environmental group is suing westchester county and four sound shore communities over the periodic large sewage spills and the constant drip of smaller leaks from pipes along the shore. under the light save the sound samples waters from new london to city island and their scientists say the westchester towns have shown a consistent problem. in these communities you can storm drains clearly marked they drain into waterways in the long island sound. the environmental group believes the local governments here really should know better. these samples were taken where? >> all from [ indiscernible ] pond. >> reporter: westchester official complain the county has already spent millions trying to upgrade sewer systems along the coast and end the familiar summer ritual here. >> there are times when the beaches are closed. >> reporter: because of the sewage? >> mm-hm. and it's usually after like a huge thunderstorm. >> reporter: are you glad somebody is holding their feet to the fire? >> i think so. >> reporter: a federal judge could now order a faster fix and even levy fines. lou young, cbs 2 news. the australian surfer who survived a shark attack returned to competition for the first time. this is the terrifying video of champion is yourer in mick fanning being attacked off south africa last month. he was competing on television when the shark tried to pull him under. he is hitting at waves in a world competition now in tahiti. >> that's a big shark. >> also in australia take a look at this. the whale popped up near some boats. fishermen saw a plastic bag and fishing like stuck near the mouth. the whale got close enough for a wisher man to clear it away. -- the fisherman to clear it away and they took selfies. >> a whale selfie. okay, that's a new one. [ laughter ] [ music ] new developments for people with heart problems. 3d technology giving doctors a view of the heart like never before. how it could help patients in the future. >> moving to shopping what you need to know about college including the hidden costs. >> and today in history in 2003 a major power outage across the eastern united states and parts of canada. thousands walked the city streets because of traffic jams. passengers were stuck for hours on the subway. new heart devices usually are tested on real people before going to market but 3d imaging may change that. cbs 2's dr. max gomez shows us the virtual technology that may be a game changer. >> she has had four pacemaker operations beginning since she was 2. >> reporter: steve's daughter jesse was born with a rare heart defect requiring multiple surgeries and a pacemakers. >> see this had three wires break inside her body. >> reporter: so steve launched a living heart project using 3d technology to give doctors and scientists a virtual view of the human heart like never before. >> a lot of doctors struggle with is looking at a 2d slice or representation their minds having to imagine the 3d manifestation. that's what they have to fix. so we create that connection for them. >> reporter: using 3d glasses doctors can tour the heart seeing the muscle movements electrical impulses and blood flow through four chambers. this room sized experience in a smaller portable version will allow doctors to study a healthy heart and see what happens when something goes wrong. and one day with ekg and mri data they will make custom 3d models of patients's hearts to test therapies before predescribing them like new pacemaker leads for people like jesse who is now 26 but still has challenges. >> when i think one day my daughter's life will actually be dependent on the work i'm doing, it is really a profound feeling. >> reporter: other companies are using this kind of virtual modeling to let doctors and researchers visualize complex 3d human structures such as the brain, colon, head and neck. the idea is to be able to plan complicated procedures like cranial and facial reconstruction on the computer before trying it on a patient. dr. max gomez, cbs 2 news. a new building in midtown will have the tallest observation deck in new york city. developers announced today the deck at the hudson yards development will be 1100 feet high. that's 50 feet higher than the deck at the empire state building. people will be able to get views of the city 360 degrees. part of a $20 billion complex with hundreds of new shops and restaurants. the deck should be completedded by 2019. >> getting nervous just looking a it the. >> don't look down! an alleged case of revenge caught on camera. two people hit by a speeding car, police say on purpose. find out what happened before the crash. >> plus, sharon stone hits newsstands baring all. reaction to her poses and what some people are doing to get a body like hers. >> and ahead at 6:00, a 3-year- old boy travels across the world to get cured of laughing. his unusual disorder and what doctors did to give him a normal life. >> plus, new tonight, how you can get the chance to meet pope francis. new video of a firefighter rescued in china two days after an explosion in a warehouse with hazardous materials. the 19-year-old was trapped for 36 hours. investigators say it was his strong will that helped him survive that blast that sent fireballs into the sky. >> i think the strong will helped him to hold on. we kept pepping him up urging him to hold on and telling him the ambulance was arriving. >> google released satellite pictures of the area around the warehouse before and after the blast. the death toll now stands at 56. but that number is expected to rise. caught on camera unbelievable video that landed a robbery victim in jail. surveillance video captured two people being run down on a watch again. you see one launched into the air and the other jumps out of the way. an 18-year-old behind the wheel, they were part of a group who robbed him and when he got in his car he ran them down. >> that could have been a fatal injury. very easily. you never excused when you're easing your vehicle as a weapon. >> incredibly the two suspects in the video weren't seriously hurt. both are in police custody. because of his move chavez chase charges. the royals have been releasing authorized pictures of prince george hoping to keep the press at bay. but they say it's not working. the palace says photographers monitor the movements of prince george and his nanny around london parks. sometimes they even use other children to draw the young prince into view. photographers have even hid in sand dunes to get pictures. all these actions are a sensitive subject for prince william. and judgment are very much clouded by what happened to princess diana who he still by the paparazzi. >> the palace has threatened legal action if prince george or his baby sister princess charlotte are put at risk. 57 and flaunting it sharon stone has a set of provocative interview. cbs 2's scott rapoport shows us what people are talking about. >> reporter: does this look like 57 years old to you? >> wow. >> amazing. >> fantastic. fox sharon stone. stone. that? >> i think i need to start working out more. [ laughter ] >> reporter: rocking a, well, a birthday suit and that's agelessly amazing. >> she looks fabulous. hope to look like that. >> reporter: defying nature's basic instincts. >> it's nice. >> reporter: her stunning photo shoot for harpers bazaar is getting front page play and full-on stares of disbelief from heavily worked out women we showed it to at new york sports club. >> she looks better than i did and older than me. >> reporter: and, of course, questions about how she does it. >> you know, i do like it. but i guess everything feels photo shopped these days. so what is photo shopped? what does she get done? >> she has a lot of money for a trainer. >> reporter: stone has said in previous interviews she achieves and maintains her stunningness through yoga, a low carb diet and steering clear of alcohol. 63-year-old debby says stone is inspirational but doesn't get what all the fuss is about. >> i like to think i look as good. [ laughter ] >> would i pose like that? [ music ] >> reporter: melissa a trainer and exercise physiologist says not everyone can look like sharon stone but it's possible for anyone to improve their physical being through exercise. no matter what their age. >> better skin. better posture and musclen to. better weight. >> not bad. i'm going to the gym. >> reporter: no pressure there. scott rapoport, cbs 2 news. >> i'll meet you at the gym. despite the photos, stone says she thinks her back side looks like, quote, a bag of flapjacks and when it comes to men she says she never gets asked out. do you believe that? >> it's so hard being beautiful. a movie star. a bag of flapjacks. how about that, lonnie? [ laughter ] [ pause ] >> where do we go from here? i don't know. >> i like pancakes. let me show what you we have for you outside now. the weather watchers, take a peek. the pictures are beautiful today. low humidity once again so you get here's anthony sending me that picture with blue skies and white puffy clouds and stalks of corn. outside now in new york city, there's the picture. it's a clear sky. it's 85 degrees. high temperature was 88. and you're hot today. you know what? tomorrow. there's going to be a fair as well. is there any rain as we look at this weekend? we could see some of tonight. there's nothing brewing out there. but push the map down a little bit to the north around albany a few thunderstorms there. the heavy stuff will stay to the north but some could make its way down to sullivan, ulster and dutchess the northern fringes of the counties. computer models picking up on it a little bit of activity. then saturday anytime after 2 p.m., could start to see a little bit like north and west of the city. not too much though. could the beaches see some? less than 20% chance for the beaches. but again, north and west could see a little bit. and then you get into your day on sunday and yeah, a little bit once again. so not going to rule out a rain shower. just not a big part of this forecast. so if you are heading to the mountains, rain chance about 30% chance for you. 84 to 88 for you on saturday. sunday warm. less of a chance you could see a little afternoon shower. 85 to 89. the beaches. that rain chance on saturday is -- well, it's there. it's a low chance. it's around a 20% chance or less. 85 to 89. sunday is a warm finish. 852088. it's a nice weekend at the beach. if you look across the board, the heat is on. starts tomorrow at 90. then we go 91 on sunday. we go 92 on monday. we are going to go 90 on tuesday. even wednesday, you're looking at 87 so you're up there, um, and just to give you the update, it's been since -- not since 2013 have we had a three- day run of 90-degree days. and the possibility right there is for four days maybe even stretching into five days. >> i have that song the heat is on stuck in my head now that you said that. >> the heat is on >> you always said -- >> casio keyboard there? [ laughter ] >> all right. thanks very much. still ahead, college can be expensive but it may cost even more than you think. the hidden living expenses and how to avoid overspending. >> coming up at 6:00 this staten island house doubled as a doctor's office. but police say the man treating dozens of patients was no doctor. how he allegedly tricked people for years. there are more and more amenities offered for college students and the prices adds up. cbs 2's meg baker has the hidden costs. >> reporter: college a step towards independence but at what cost? >> i think that young boys and girls should learn a sense of responsibility. >> reporter: kids may be out of the house but many are still financially dependent on their parents asking for things beyond the necessities of housing, food and books for luxuries. >> the conversation about sort of what the needs are, what the expectations are, what parents are willing to support or not, um, it's a good place to start. >> reporter: some of the latest add-on,s debit cards for off campus restaurants, meal delivery, an app for earned running and private gym memberships. >> i know kids who go to planet fitness. i just use the free school gym. >> reporter: walking on the campus of stevens institute of technology in hoboken i met a mix of students some that work for their extra spending money and others who get an allowance from their parents. this person gets $500 a month for what she calls extra things including having someone else do her laundry. then, um, like -- $20. admissions expert says some parents do clues to pay for additional amenities to save time and focus on studying. >> there are some parents who know their kid would say i know that they need to do, you know, one thing versus another. and other parents who say, oh, i want my kid to learn how to do the laundry. i want them to be able to kind of do these things that they are going to have to do probably on their own after they graduate. >> reporter: some parents we spoke to say college is the time to learn how to multitask. >> she went to a college where they offered a laundry service. it was ridiculous. they should learn. >> reporter: this insurance expert says parents should discuss the value of belongings. get insurance and leave expensive jewelry at home. inventory. you're sending them off to school. being an adult. so let them put together that home inventory. >> reporter: experts say the conversation about budget and value are all a part of the growing up experience that will shape them to make smart decisions for the future. news. >> now, before purchasing anything extra parents should check what is included in their tuition and activity fees. >> you know, up until recently i stuff use my laundry bag from college? i don't know if i should admit that. >> i hope you didn't bring it home to mother. >> no. >> i know at least one kid who brings her laundry home so won can do the laundry. that's it for us here at 5:00. we'll see you again at 11:00. the news at 6:00 starts right now. new developments in the deadly standoff on staten island. what we're learning about the gunman's last moments. >> plus, where was the mayor? mayor de blasio criticized for what he didn't do during the tense confrontation. >> also ahead -- >> ha ha! >> this is no laughing matter. this child is actually having a seizure. it's a rather disease and this little boy traveled thousands of miles to our area to get cureed. >> but first dozens of people allegedly duped by a man police say claimed to be a doctor for years. good evening, i'm dick brennan. >> i'm alice gainer. dana is off. patients, prescriptions and psychology sessions a staten island man accused of masquerading as a doctor for three years. and police say he had at least 100 patients. cbs 2's ilana gold has more on this doctor deception. >> reporter: police call him a dangerous scam artist running a fake medical practice outside his home and put a lot of trusting patients at risk. police say he has no license to practice medicine but convinced patients otherwise. everything was legit. >> reporter: including kim brody who tells us he saw him a few weeks ago at his makeshift office on gordon street in the stapleton section. >> he's treating me for depression.

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