Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 6 20130126 : compare

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 6 20130126

rally at the national mall. thousands of local leaders, organizers and gun control activists marching for stricter gun laws. john henrehan was there with the latest. john? >> reporter: a crowd of 3 howe in washington -- 3,000 in washington is not a sure turnout. one participant said today's rally for gun control laws was not the end point but the beginning of a crusade. they marched on constitution avenue from the grounds of the u.s. capitol to the grounds of the washington monument carrying signs decrying the power of the national rifle soccer. some -- association. some carried signs with the names of individual victims of gun violence other and signs asked the country to remember the massacre in newtown, connecticut. a small contingent joined the organizers on the stage. at the rally, the crowd appeared to be about 3,000 strong. organizers warned the foot for more gun control legislation would be a tough one but -- . >> look at all the changes people said could not happen. civil rights, women's rights, don't ask/don't tell -- sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly change will happen when we work for it as a country. >> let us come together through a cross this nation to re- instate the assault weapon's ban. ban. [ applause ] >> reporter: they required background checks for all gun sales and clips. after the massacre at sandy hook elementary school, eleanor holmes norton said the onus is on ordinary citizens to get involved. >> no more meaning. -- moaning. it's time to do something about it. >> in the crowd, some people did not agree with all gun checks. >> this will not work. >> reporter: what will make a difference? >> prosecute guys committing the crimes. >> reporter: a minister askedd crowd to pray in the direction of the white house for success of the obama administration's efforts to -- administration's efforts to control guns. arne duncan reminded participants it's going to take more than prayer. >> we'll do everything to make sure we pass legislationha makes our children, our families and our communities safer, but we can't do it by ourselves. we need all of you, if we stay together, nothing can stop us. can you so much and god bless. thank you. >> reporter: a spokesman for the nra did not have an immediate response to the rally. in the past, the nra opposed any further restrictions on gun sales. laura. >> thank you. i want to give you a leave look outside. there is -- a live look outside. there is some lingering snow on the ground and a chill in the air for sure. a mid-week warm-up could be on the way. gwen tolbart is tracking the forecast. we looking forward to the warm- up. >> reporter: i think everybody is, laura. >> yeah. >> it's been bitterly cold. let's look at the maps and we'll put this together and show you some of the numbers from today. and where things might be headed. 37 degrees our high at reagan national airport; 33 dulles and 34, bwi thurgood marshal. these temperatures are almost continue degrees and we should be at least into the low 30s and didn't make it. right now, it's currently 32 in annapolis; 33, d.c. and we have 32 at baltimore and 27 at gaithersburg. that is the same at frederick and 30 degrees at dulles. a few snow flurries that made their way to the course of today. right now, not a lot is happening on our radar. we got a few passing flurries here and there and things will improve into the course of tonight. partly cloudy and a cold night only about 20 degrees for your overnight low with a light northwesterly wind flow. a warm-up is coming, i'm happy to say, and you're going to love where the temperatures are headingfo. we're going to see a -- heading to. you're going to see a return of spring luke weather n a way, and that is go -- spring-like weather in a way and i will have the details coming up and the accuweather seven-day forecast. back to you. >> looking forward to that. thank you, see you soon. meanwhile, winter weather continues to blast parts of the country. residents bundling up to stay warm, creating dangerous conditions on the roads for drivers. here's more on that. >> reporter: residents across the midwest in the northeast are frozen to the core, piling on layer upon layer, busting out the heavy coats, the jackets, mittens and scarfs. thousands are freezeing and black ice are making roadways treacherous. a winter storm blew through yesterday dropping up to a few inches of snow and ice and creating hazardous driving conditions. north carolina taking the brunt. that state seeing hundreds of car accidents from slick roadways. across the northeast, temperatures have been 10 to 15 degrees below normal for much of the week. the department of transportation crews and contractors in new jersey are not taking chances, monitoring the streets and putting salt on the state's 13,000 miles of highway to keep people safe. >> they predicting the temperature is going to go up. i don't think it's going to come up above freezeing. the salt will help the streets from freezeing up. we going to salt it knew and putting down rock sat. we have -- salt. we have a lot. >> reporter: the deep freeze began in the midwest and spreading east. the temperatures plummeted to negative 50 degrees in some parts of the upper midwest and northern new england, but the cold weather some should relinquish its hold by early next week in many places. arctic air can be deadly for our homeless populations across the region. shelters are popping up and those in place are adding beds n. new york, anna -- in new york, fox news. >> ken an eye on we -- keep an eye on we post school slowings and -- closings and delays there and don't forget our weather app for mobile access. >> a developing story out of northeast d.c. metropolitan police are investigating a overnight shooting outside of a night club. five peopler shot at d.c.'s sound stage on benning road at 2:30 this morning. the police say a woman and four men are suffering from non-life threatening injuries. we're told they will make a full recovery. so far, though, no suspect or a motive in the shootings. we'll have more developments as they come in. the followup on the story we broke on friday. we know the name of the victim in a deadly car crash in southeast d.c. the 31 yeared on christina congress of waldorf ---year-old christina king of waldorf died in the back of an ambulance. the crash caused king's car to flip and catch on fire. two passengers were injured. no word on their condition tonight. to maryland now where police in frederick are investigating an armed robber. it happened at a rite aid before midnight. the is spent stole a tv from the store on key parkway. here's the suspect here. come the manager approached him issue he pulled out a knife and took off. -- approached him, he pulled the out a knife and took off. no one was hurt. we're weeks away from the start of spring training for the nats. the fans did provide an extra boost today. lindsay murphy has more on nats fest 2013. lindsay? >> reporter: i can't tell you how many players said a few years back other they would not have had the crowd they had today. the national's crowd base exbanded easily. they finished with the best record in baseball and the nl east. more than 7,000 fans, look at them, packed the washington convention center downtown trying to catch a glimpse, get an autograph and in some places, snap a picture with the favorite player. harper, dissmond&and others were a few in tanneddance this afternoon. -- in attendance this afternoon. they gave time to the little ones running the bases. you never know who the next super star will be. the big, vent was the unveiling of the newest racing president, william taft, and he will join teddy, abe, thomas and george in the traditional fourth- inning showdown at nationals home game, a monumental moment that mayor gray didn't want to miss. >> well, we'll see if he's going to be a big loser or a winner. we'll see. >> group study? [ indiscernible ] >> i don't know what is going to happen. we'll see. >> i'm thinking about joining them a couple of times and see if i can do that. [ laughter ] >> reporter: what did you think of the event today? >> i think it's great. i think four or five years ago -- i don't think anyone will have came, wanted to come see. i think for us it's great. over 7 thopeople have come today and they're excited. everyone's having a good time and that is great. >> you can see bryce harper over dismond's shoulder. we'll hear from him later and from more players on moving on after a heartbreaking end to the 2010 season. laura? >> it was. thank you. coming up on fox 5 news at 6, an important alert tonight. consumers about wear. starting -- beware. starting tomorrow, using credit cards to pay a bill could be expensive. the new fees you will have to pay. plus. >> okay, repeat after me. i am proud to say my mama took a cosby sweater. >> say what? >> a flatout silly video of the presidential inauguration making the rounds. this will likely make you laugh.  a big story just into the fox 5 newsroom. iowa senator tom harkin is stepping down, the third of big- name senator who announced their leave of office in the past week. senators saxby change bliss of georgia and snapped jay rockefeller of west virginia announced their -- and senator jay rockefeller of west virginia announced their plans to leave office. a news alert tonight. the hacker activist group anonymous strikes again. this time over the recent suicide of an internet activist. they hacked the sentenceing commission website this morning and posted the following message. quote, when aaron schwartz killed himself two weeks ago, a line was crossed, end quote. they infill straighted several government computer with which they plan to go public. they said he killed hill because federal prosecutors were hacking him over charges. more changes coming to the white house. the president is nominating candidates for several key positions, including senator kerry for secretary of state and chuck hagel for defense secretary. peter deucey has more tonight. >> reporter: this week, president obama's nominee to become the next secretary of state, senator john kerry, was received very well at his confirmation hearing by democrats and republicans. >> i commend this nomination to you without reservation. >> he will be a terrific bridge from the hill to the administration. >> reporter: senator kerry's support in the senate is not ex- - not expected to dwindle this week, so he's likely to become the next secretary of state. but, handicapping the odds for confirmation of president obama's other nominees for important positions is tricky, like richard considered-- chordrua for director of consumer protection bureau. >> after the senate refused to give him an up or down vote in 2011, i took action to appointment on my own. >> reporter: that expires at the end of the jeer. the president renominated him this week but senator mike crappo was one that opposed the nomination last year and said this week, until key structural changes are made to the bureau to insure accountability and transparency, i will continue my opposition to any nominee for director. confirmation hearings for deputy national security advisor john brennan to be cia director and chuck headacheel to become defense secretary could be bumpy, but both men have been making the rounds on alcohol trying to convince -- on capitol hill trying to convince senators they are able to do the jobs they are nominated for. an important consumer alert tonight. starting tomorrow, it could cost you more to shop with a credit card. merchants who accept visa and mastercard will be allowed to add on a service fee for the total perchase. it's supposed to equal the cost of processing the credit card transaction, which is capped at for%. the merchants can't add the surcharge to debit card transactions, however. the credit card companies used to prohibit businesses from charging consumers this fee but as part of the tate settlement -- antitrust settlement, it's consumers getting the short end of the stuck here. sally greenberg is here to talk. thank you for join us tonight. >> my pleasure. >> does this mean we should stop using our credit cards to avoid paying the fee? >> reporter: thening you don't know now is how many merchants are going to pass along what is called an interchange fee. every time you swept car, the merchant is paying a fee to the credit card company. we don't know how many merchants are going to charge people the fee. the thinking is it might be the smaller merchants and may not be too great for their business, i think a lot of merchants are thinking twice about whether they want to pass that fee along. >> it being, obviously, potentially turn a consumer away. >> and that is right. first of all, you're supposed to be warned ahead of time you're going to be charged a fee. >> and, sally, you're supposed to be warned verbally? is that correct? >> there has to be a sign there. if you're shopping online, there should be a broad warning there that we're passing back that interchange fee to you as a consumer. >> uh-huh. >> can you do several things. one, can you ask and i always will ask in the future. whether i am going to be charged the interchange fee. secondly, you can pay in cash, in which case there is no fee. that is hard if you're buying a big-ticket item, obviously. can you pay with a debit card. if you're going to be charged the fee. again, very important. ask upfront. we don't know how many merchants are going to be charging that back to the consumer, so you can alspay with a prepaid card. there is -- or a check. there are things can you do as a consumer to keep from preparing the fee. >> is the state legal in all states? >> it's the -- legal, under the settlement, unless the state it said it's not legal to pass the fees. in maryland, there is no law saying they can't pass the fees. continue states passed laws saying you can't pass the fee along to consumers. >> can we as consumers do anything to try to stop a retailer from charging this fee, if they are? >> if the practices they're charging the fee, can you say i object to it and don't think it's fair. you never charged me this fee before. because it's legal now, doesn't make it right and that can go to the legislature and say we think it shouldn't be allowed to pass the fee along. merchants are getting certain protections with the credit card. it's better than a check. when you get a check as a merchant, it could bounce and you're getting protections when you use the credit card and the merchant is deriving protections from that and that is why they're paying the fees. sometimes, you know, they're arguing the fees are too high. we can't afford them and have to pass them along to the consumer. and there is some things consumers can do. >> certainly, voting with your wallet makes a message loud and clear. >> yeah. >> to the retailer. you is for -- thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you. coming up next, a behind- the-scenes look at casino schools, students learning to be card dealers in an ever- growing job force. >> and if you have a story idea, call the fox 5 tipline at 202-8 november -3,000 or [email protected]. you probably heard the saying play the hand you're dealt. some people are preparing them for a new line of work. beth parker went back to school with them today. >> reporter: next to anonymity building, un -- an empty building, down an escalator and inside a mall, these people are going to school. dealer school. >> i am soaked. i can't wait to finish up black jack and move on to roulette and we have our carnival games. >> reporter: in november november, maryland voters approved live dealers instead of the elect tronnic kind and they're sponsoring a 12-week class to learn how to be a dealer. the course, black jack. and craps. >> you remember? >> reporter: what they see in 4 class is -- in this class is their future spread out before them. >> reporter: work with the people, a perfect environment. >> watching people gamble and have a good time, being in a cubicle and getting people coffee. >> reporter: withtys, a dealer gets pate -- with tips, a dealer gets paid $50,000 a year. >> no realplayers playing, no money on the table and this is dealers playing here. can you hear the hustle and bustle, the excitement and the energy in this room is overflowing. >> reporter: customer service is key as we found out trying to cut a sack of chips of dexterity helps, too. >> the only thing that needs to move -- >> sliding, index finger up. off the top. >> reporter: if i do it a thousand more times, i will get the hang of it? >> that's right. >> the free class is run by ann a rundle community college. >> they have a strong need to serve the business community. we get go out to businesses who have needs to train their incumbent workforce or, as in this situation, they need new employees. >> reporter: 9,000 people a plied for the course and 80 error 60 were enrolled. and maryland live plans to hire 16 new dealers. they're feeling lucky. >> and in glen burnie, beth parker, fox news. an icy dip for folks at sandy point state park in anne arundel county today. the annual polar bear plunge. it's the 17th year for the effort and this year's goal is to raise 2.8 ms. that includes pledges from so-called superplungers who swear they will get in the water every hour on the hour for 24 hours straight. they have about 17 1/2 hours to g. gives me chills looking at them. they're very issue very brave. i consider myself brave and tough. i don't know that i will be that tough. >> reporter: won't think about doing that. >> they're downstairs. >> had talk to -- hats off to them and i'm a canadian born in december, but i don't want to hear about that cold at all. >> the wimpiest canadian. >> that's right, love the snow and not the cold. we're going to get warm conditions. >> good. >> into the week and a nice mid- week surprise for you. in the meantime, you have to deal with some of the cold and so do i. bundle up, folks. we have another cold night ahead under some partly cloudy skies. it's not going to be too bad. but a beautiful shot outside. we don't have a lot of clouds to talk about, and that is because there is a ridge of high pressure building in across the area. that is what we're tacking about and look at our satellite radar composite for you. we have a few flurries that passed into the course of yesterday and a little this morning and i aspect rule out the passing flurry into tonight and so be aware of that. know there of at reagan national; 34 at bwi marshal and we should be in the low 30s and in to all three airplanes. the cold conditions are settling in and there is not a break until midweek. we're not chris olin. and looking at the areas of the northeast and that is in affect. this is going to head our way and we're going to see it live in our temperatures in a few days and, in the meantime, winds are cam and that is adding up to cool conditions into the overnight hours and this is what we're expecting. overnight lows into the 20s, 25 gaithersburg; 20 in d.c.; 27 in monasses and martinsberg; 18 as we look at cumberland to the far west. this is going to be a chilly night. this is a look at the planner tonight. partly cloudy skies, the winds will stay light. overnight lows remaining into the 20s and we're not going to warm up too much into the course of tomorrow. as i mentioned, the best treat is to come and that is going to be in the extended forecast. i will be happy to share that with you. i want to tell you, laura, it's going to be short-lived. it's going to be one of those enjoy it while we have it. reality is going to kick us again and we'll see where we should be temperaturewise in our doorstep. >> something to look forward to. >> yeah. >> thank you very much. >> all right. volunteers today spent the day at arlington national cemetary collecting wreaths. over the holidays, more than 100,000 wreaths were placed on grave sites there. the volunteer cleanup ran from 8-1 and the event was open to the public. for several years now, a spoof group known as bad lip reading has been known to make some spoofs out of current pop culture events. look what they did to the 2013 presidential inauguration. take a look. >> the buggy. >> i'll dot spaceman buggy. >> i'll brush on my sassy face. >> i'll brush on my sassy face. >> there is go different einstein's. >> there is two different einstein's. >> and your makeup. >> and your makeup. >> okay. that is all. >> in the wake of monday's 57th inauguration, it was almost a given that blr was have going to recast the stately ceremony. hard to watch the spoof and keep a straight face, of course. a new york toddler, lucky to be alive after sitting in a below-freezeing car for several hours. the outrageous story is still ahead tonight. plus, this face -- does facebook make you see green? how looking at other people's status updates and pictures is making some people slightly jealous. next. next.  . another big story we're following tonight. a march on the national mall demanding meaningfulak to curb gun violence. thousands of people came together with area leaders to make the stand. some people were holding signs with names of victims they knew. speakers called for measures like what president obama has proposed, limiting the size of ammunition clips and requiring background checks for every gun sale, including private deals. about 100 people from newton, connecticut, came to the march to get together with local as l. a father in new york forgets to take his 1 year ole to day care and leaves the child in a freezeing, cold call for hours. he realized the sun was in the back seat. the temperatures never reached higher than 12 degrees. the pediatrician said the car must have been warm and the baby heavily bundled up. >> they really aren't prone to resisting extremes of temperature. they're little. the bodies don't have the mechanism to should offer and create heat. >> investigator say the baby showed no signs of hypothermia and had a normal core temperature of 98.6 degrees. the child was sent to the hospital and released a few hours later. secretary hillary clinton might be suffering from double investigation after her concussion. the new york daily news is reporting that a spokesman confirms she's wearing special glasses because of the result of the concussion. the glasses contained an etched lens, which might be designd to help bring double vision into focus. a news alert involving burt reynolds suffering from the flu. he was hospitalized for treatment. he's being treatd in the a florida facility for severe flu symptoms and dehydration. he's reportedly getting about ther and could be released as early as tonight. he is 76 years ole. the man who played the voice of charlie brown is talking about the stocking charges against him. peter robins was arrested as he returned to california from mexico earlier this week. he's accused of threatening his ex-girlfriend and her plastic surgeon. police say he followed the surgeon and made repeated phone calls to her and the ex- girlfriend and reportedly threatened to kill the woman. >> i apologized to the doctor. i tried to prove a point and did it badly. i a pol guys to shawna kerr for making her -- i don't know. maybe can you get her explaining. >> robins confessed he lied to those women claiming he has pancreatic cancer but he does not. >> kids, at let's, people of all ages drink it. we're talking about gatorade and customer complaints are getting a shocking ingredient taken out of the drink.  pepsi is removing an ingredient from gatorade. a mississippi teenager gathered over 200 signatures claiming the ingredient fromenated vegetable oil was patented as a flame retardant. it was used in select varieties, including orange and citrus cooler. the company said the ingredient is used to distribute flavoring evenly and agreed to remove it. you may have to pay extra for a popular super bowl snack this year. the u.s. department of agriculture said the cost of chicken wings rose almost 6% because of a summer drought and a decrease in the number of chickens. 1.23billion chicken wings are estimated to be eaten on super bowl sunday. and we're a week away from the super bowl. the ravens will face off against the 49ers in new orleans and as the city said, it's taken years but it's ready for the big day. >> reporter: for two years, the 73 planned for it. worked on it and mayor landrieu said completed. a task that other cities would consider overwhelming. >> our great city, new orleans, is ready for mardi gras and the super bowl 47 roll, i'll guarantee you -- super bowl xlvii, i'll guarantee it. >> reporter: members of the media are starting to arrive. >> it's, in fact, the largest media platform in history. the tv viewership the last super bowl was over 111 million viewers. >> reporter: stories are told on the international stage about new orleans and as super bowl xlvii approaches. >> to take this opportunity to show the rest of the world how far new orleans has come for a city that is, seven years ago, 15 feet under water and the last on every list in mark that mattered and we find ourselves in a city on the stage. >> reporter: the city's goal is to the hotels ry football fan and to the streets with. have a good day.i.p. treatment. the pro-- with. have a good day.i.p. treatments and projects include $300 million in renovations at the airport, 336a at the super dome and the hallway underwent $93 million of renovations. >> and we invested $75 million in highway streets, sidewalks, street cars and street scapes. >> reporter: with 150,000 visitors in town just for the super bowl and a lot more coming for mardi gras, security is a priority. >> we're all hands-on deck. >> reporter: the chief said that nopd officers have their assignments. >> we provided police service to our neighborhoods first. when we created the plan, we ensured every single neighborhood in new orleans will be cover and the will have police at higher levels than normal. >> reporter: about flee 00 officers from -- 300 officers from outside law enforcement agencies will be in town to help. >> this is a huge effort and the big story is this is not the end of the road for us. >> reporter: the city's hope is to pull off the greatest super bowl ever and put new orleans in a position to host more in the future. >> and we're the best place to host the super bowl. coming up tonight, facebook is playing with your emotions. how the social media website can make you jealous. kind of hard not to laugh when you see somebody doing this, although you feel sorry for her. watch the top left corner of your jean. a british woman caught up in sending text messages, she walked into a canal. she thought the ice on the canal was pavement because it looked dark out of the corner of her eye. someone did try to shout out a warning to her, but it was too late. she went right in. the woman was not badly hurt, by the way. she will not be texting and walking anymore. a recent study out of germany shows facebook is not just about the pictures of cute kids and puppies, but it's make something people unhappy. in a study issue 20% said the last time they felt jealous was when they were looking at somebody's update on a social networking site. the biggest source of envy were holiday photos and being jealous that someone else got more likes or comments than the respondents did. new yorkers are no strangers to living in small space. now apartments in the big apple are getting smaller. fox's ashley masternardi has more on the winner of new york city's new microapartment. >> reporter: at first glance it's a spacious apartment. generous closets, a cook's kitchen and state-of-the-art bathroom with a couch that turns into a bed that mayor bloomberg can almost lift with one finger. >> one finger. >> reporter: this could be the apartment of the future for new york singles, and even couples. >> there are 1.8 million, in one in two person households in the city, there are 1 million studio and one bedroom apartments. >> reporter: last summer, bloomberg posed a challenge to designers to create a tiny apartment that packed the most bank for its space. he received 33 submissions and announced the winning tomorrow this morning. they're planning to break grounds on my microand y later this year, a building made up of units like these ranging in size from 250 to 370 square feet. this model is not the actual apartment but it's pretty similar in theory. >> this is a 325 square foot apartment designers are using what they call transformable furniture, meaning the television turns into a bar and this cabinet turns into a desk. >> the idea is to have a real life and not just as a crash pad. >> reporter: the apartments will go to low- and middle- income families for anywhere from 940 to $1,800 per month. on the upper east side, ashley mast ermardi, fox news. >> the upside, won't cost you a lot to heat the apartment. >> that's right. as i said earlier, the good news is we have changes coming up. i want to tell you what to expect. this is a look outside. we don't have a lot of clouds to talk about tonight. some of you saw a few flurries passing by. can't rule out that another flurry or two won't come through another course of tonight and really, we have a ridge of high pressure in control. so, we're looking at fairly clear skies to partly cloudy skies tonight. another very cold night out there with temperatures well below the seasonal average. the high pressure, as i mentioned s in control and early week winter precipitation in my forecast and a big temperature rise to talk b. i am happy for that. it's bitterly cold lately. and this is a look at our highs today. well below the seasonal arm. we should be in the low 40s, 37 degrees at reagan national of the -- national; 33, dulles and bwi marshal. the current temperatures, cold as well. bundle up if you're going anywhere. 33 degrees in d.c. and gone at gaithersburg. 32 at monasses, 29 at martinsberg, 26 at hagerstown and 34 degrees at quantico. so, you can see the chill is still in the air issue the light wins, not a lot of clouds and that is going to translate into a cold overnight. can you see we have a little bit of cool air here into parts of the mid-atlantic to the south of d.c. and we get this warmer area where we're going to see a bit of a change for us. the jet stream's going to take a bit of a different curve and that is going to allow the warmer air to head right up to where we want to have it and boost our televisions as we move through into mid-week. in the meantime, it's going to be fairly chilly. satellite radar composite showing you some light snow that moved through the past 24 hours or so. as i mentioned, some of you seeing that this evening, especially areas of the west dealing with a light flurry or a snow shower through there and not expecting much of that to linger into the overnight hours tonight. the ridge of high pressure is in control and we don't have a front or anything. there is a trough there but not a lot of action. as we move in tomorrow, the ridge of high pressure is going to slide to the south and we're talking cool conditions and chilly. and sunday in the overnight hours, we're going to see a bit of a change where we have a chance of seeing some freezeing rain and that can develop. be prepared for that and that is what we're going to deal with into monday and that is going to affect the early morning monday commute. this is future cast for you. can you see 6 a.m. we have a bit of light snow mixed to the south of us, rain to the west and that starts to get javier. and then as we progress into the course of the morning hours, that mix moves in and we're going to see the freezeing rain settle. that is going to cause some slick conditions on the road and as we head through into the afternoon hours, it heads out with rain behind it on the back side and some of that is lingering a bit here and there. tuesday, most of the moisture stays to the west. a warm front is going to head in and that is going to move through to the north. we're going to see a nice influx of milder air as we move into wednesday. also, with that overriding moisture, we're talking a wet day on wednesday with rainfall. and we have a rise in temperatures and deal with the rain. twenty degrees for tonight. very cold as we move through into tomorrow and talking mostly sunny skies. overnight on sunday night, the freezeing rain moving in about the for a.m. hour, 45 degrees and that is going to be your monday story. freezeing rain. by the afternoon, it changes into just rain and clears out on tuesday. wednesday, 61 degrees. unbelievable. back to spring temperatures. the wet weather sticks around and can't get through that until we hit thursday. laura? >> thank you very much, gwen. an increase in the price may cause kraft beer it replace a glass of wine at the dinner table. it's cheaper and the drink is starting to pair up well with food. patrick manning has the story. >> reporter: with over 2,000 different breweries operating across the country making so many unique beers, more and more people are swapping out wine and spirits for kraft beer. the beer is cheaper and better tasting than ever. >> reporter: think thatd flavors and the uniqueness of the kraft beers out there provide a lot of value for the customers. >> reporter: like wines, more beers are starting to pair up nicely with delicious cuisine. a nice sweet riesling usually goes well with indian curry. customers are trying to enjoy it with a hopi india pale al,. >> this type of hops character with the spiceyness of the dish is amazing. >> reporter: a pinot grigot pairs up with a fish dish but a whittaker key is the way to go with the beer. >> you have flavors in the beer that will complement the sea food. >> reporter: skip the sweet wine. how about a coffee beer. with kraft beers getting popular the last few years, restaurants say that their kraft beer lists have gotten longer and the wine list shorter. in stores in el paso, they're seeing the same trend. >> kraft beer sales are off the chart here in el paso, compared to five years ago. seven years ago, we had a dozen now we're in the hundreds. >> reporter: with kraft beers pairing up so well with foots, should the wine industry be worried? the american wine society told us no. many people who love kraft beers love the diversity of wine. >> patrick manning, el paso, fox news. >> a big serving of college basketball on today's sports menu. maryland on the road at duke and georgetown at home against louisville. pulling off the upset. lindsay murphy is up next. jwwñ good evening, 17 games into the season and the georgetown basketball team is fining its identity. last week, they lost to usf who is one and 6 in the big east. this week, they rebounded beating notre dame on men. today, fifth-ranked louisville on tap. the crew has to do this and that is don to the science. they convertd the court to the hoyas court today and first half off of the miss, smith rivera to hopkins for the jam. georgetown led by four points at the half. seven-plus minutes left. starks on the wing. the nice move. and frees himself. hits the jumper. hoyas up five and starks with 17 points. less than four to go, game tied at 50. smith rivera misses, check out aaron bowen with the acrobatic tip-in and proved to be big ones. the hoyas up two. the final minute, the lead is one. off of the miss, grabs the rebound and tied up. instead of a foul being called, it's a jump ball. the louisville possession. j.t.-3 is livid. the final seconds, louisville takes the lead. with the jumper and no good. the rebound this time and to porter who is fouled. the blue devils coming off of a gone -point loss to miami. in the early going, duke tips the rebound to quinn cook. he loves to mason plumly for the alley oop and up five with 19 points on the day and this is as good as it gets, alex drives the base line and throws down the two-handed reverse jam and that is worth another look and had eight points. duke with a monster game from the freshman and a season high 25 points, including six threes and giving duke a 10-point lead. the terps go on an 8-2 run. the terps within four. and that is as close as they get. they were down by 8 at the half. late in the game, cook. drives and misses this. plumly does his bestm problem. another incredible reverse. maryland falls to duke, 84-64. virginia hosting boston college. the cavaliers with the early success half. gamifyed at 28. and the -- game tied at 28 and the foul. evans, a game high sixth, the fifth, and mitchell matching a team high with 16 points. the freshman gave the cavaliers a spark off of the bench. and he stops and banks it home and the foul, scoring 16 points of 7 of 9 shooting. virginia defeats boston college, 65-51 and improve to 4- 2 in acc play. mike lonna gan and george washington playing hosting charlotte at the smith center. mcdonell to joe capriva and banks in the colonials up by 10 points and that is going to get bigger. gw breaking the press. to croma and hangs for the lay- in and catches the foul w.12, the lead up to 17 points. the colonials not done. this time to patrice with for the dunk. a team-high, scan points and gw rocks -- 16 points, gw rocks charlotte. are you ready for baseball? spring training is earn the corner. the first full squad workout is february 17th. in the meantime, nats players are enjoying the final weeks of their offseason is come taking time to meet with fans. today was nats fan's fest at the washington convention center. more than 7,000 fans in tappance to meet with and get pictures with autographs. a welcome site for the team who won the division last season and saw the post season end with a thud in game five of the nlds. it's three months since the moment, but the bitter taste is still there despite the accomplishmets along the way. >> and look at it as a stepping ton is asfo what we want to do -- as to what we want to do this year. we have to feel good to what we did and have that bitter taste in our mouth. >> after a loss like that, and that is obviously the most devastating loss in my career. easily. and, you know, that is, you know, insettling and will be with you for a long time. >> you we had a great year, had a great team, you know, and we're going to be greater this year and have a great bullpen, got laroche back, exciting, and you know, i'm excited to go in spring training and get things done. >> the bitter taste for me is gone. i think the excitement and an tis passion of 2013 overtook that. i think management did a great job and brought quality guys. and excited to see. we're go all going to bring the best out of -- . >> and the third round of the farmer's insurance open. ten minutes of gulf is played due to the fog that settled over the course atter toy pines. -- at tori pines. monday is likely to be the finish. tiger woods has not taken one shot and leads by two shots. the wizards win last night and they're back in action hosting the bulls. >> okay. thank you very much, lindsay. that is it for us at 6. we'll see you at 10.

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