Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20151116 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 5 20151116

france and the military increasing their military response. you're looking at french fighter jets headed to the city of raqqah in syria. they say they drop 2ped 20 bomb on isis yesterday. just in the last hour they're doubling spending on aviation security. thaw ire also recruiting thousands more security and intelligence agents. several countries are collaborating on an international manhunt for one of the suspects in the attacks. officials believe he was directly involved in the attack on the paris concert hall. french police also have his brother in custody right now. we told you we just learned who officials believe is the master mind behind the attacks. we're working to learn more on that investigation right now. people in paris are visiting memorials for the 129 victims of the attacks. in california, a university will pay tribute to an american who died. >> she went after it. she found a way to get it done. >> noheme gonzalez's family said she went to france to study design. students and faculty will hold a vigil this afternoon. at 5:02. they vowed to step up isis. it's a suspect the two have vegas didn't views on. ahead a woman who murdered her husband. she shot her husband after a fight inside their home in 2013. her husband was a police officer with the airport security. there was a long history of domestic violence in that home. also today police in prince george's county searching for a killer. they say he was outside an apartment building with what they're calling trauma to his upper body. there is an award for his information. a developing story this morning out of texas. three inmates from a juvenile detention center have escaped. one inmate beat up a guard, took his keys and radio and let the other two prisoners out. one was facing murder charges. the facility is looking at why the guard opened the inmate's door alone. ail forwards are supposed to open cell doors in pairs. police say a 15-year-old boy assaulted two members of the spotsylvania high school football team. they say older members of the team ganged up on and sexually attacked the boys during a hazing last month. the sheriff said more arrested could be coming. right now commuters in spotsylvania county are taking a new ride into work. the new virginia express station is open for business. it eels at union 17 and crossway parkway. it's the first major expansion for that organization. the first train left for d.c. almost ten minutes ago. "news4's" kristin right is at the spotsylvania station for us and we'll check in with her at 5:25. state transportation officials say if you pay before midnight they'll waive any late fees. if you don't pay, your vehicle registration could be suspended. you can pay online at e-zpass locations and over the phone it's 5:05. after a huge win, huge. >> huge. >> the skins dominated them. kirk cousins led the team to four touchdowns but his most important pass might have come after the game was over. >> yeah. it was my dad's first game back since he was diagnosed with cancer and couldn't make the first half of the season. to to have him back was exciting. and to have a game like that was exciting. and to give him the game ball, he was like, thanks. >> thank you, cousins, for a great day. his dad started being treated for skin cancer at the time they started training camp in july. next up they're facing the 9-0 carolina panthers. we can do it, have some faith. >> amen. breaking news just coming in from the mid east. the clash that has left two people dead at a palestinian refugee camp. bomb sniffing dogs and a plane evacuated. what prompted this before takeoff. >> take a look at current temperatures right now. we're off to a chilly start. will you want your jacket or your coat before you walk to the met right now, violence in the west bank. two palestinians are dead and several more hurt after a fire fight with israeli troops in jerusalem this morning. this happened by a palestinian refugee camp. hundreds clashed with forces as they demolished the home of a man israel claims was a murderer. this is the latest in a wave of a violence that has spiked in the last couple of months. aaron, eun? >> breaking news right now, angie, in northwest washington. we still have this problem at k street, l street, m street northwest all closed from 18th street to 21st here this morning. that is because of that police situation. here's a live look right now from 21st and k. you can see the police cars and the actual police officers out there blocking the intersection because of that barricade situation. right now frederick here coming out of frederick down to 70 to the spur, taking you 27 minute this morning. no real problem southbound. nice and clear northbound. also rolling along just fine here. 66 and 95 looking good. 95 has cheered up quite a bit. northbound through quantico, that is looking much, much better. one little issue in prince george's county. a disabled vehicle. sounds like that's off to the shoulder. chuck? >> i love it when it's off to the shoulder. nobody has to be slowed on their early monday morning travels. overall weather impact on your day today, nice and low. love a low impact monday for sure. sunshine coming your way start to finish today. cool this morning for sure. 36 now in college park, 30 in manassas and bull run, virginia, 39 toward leesburg. dulles airport, 34. weather slowdowns, nah, nothing to worry about for the morning commutes. temperature-wise out the door, 30s and 40s. it will be a sunny and cool ride in to work and school and a sunny and mild one on the way home. highs today into the low 60s. it will rain at least one or two days this week. i'll let you know at 5:21. a scare for passengers on a flight out of d.c. why officials had to bring in the bomb sniffing dogs. plus what's being added to your child's food that could be dangerous. and breaking news we've been following all morning. police just updated us on the suspect and the 5:16. several streets are shut down due to a barricade situation. let's get to molette green live with more. molette? >> reporter: good morning. want to tell you the latest information from d.c. police is to avoid this area particularly around 19th and k. just seconds ago, a united states secret service vehicle just pulled up here. we've got the pleeg tape. we're at 19th and n. you can see the flashing lights down the street there with police working the office building that is the focal point at 19th and k. the streets around this area as melissa mollet has been telling us are blocked off. right now we can tell you this is a barricade situation that happened shortly after 1:00. this person having some sort of mental health crisis. this is not an active shooter situation. >> 5:16 our time right now. new details on what led to a shooting inside union station. police say rashad bug bay slashed a victim outside saturday night. they then went inside the station. an off-duty baltimore police officer saw the suspect with the knife and ordered him to drop it. he came at the officer with the knife and he shot him. the body found saturday is that of lisa wyche. the police found the body on the patuxent bridge. she's been missing since halloween. the family had set up a gofundme page. we have a link on nbc washington app. search "missing." police say two years ago philip chism followed his high school math teacher into a bathroom and then raped, strangled, and murdered her. they found colleen ritzer's body dumped in a pile of leaves. the trial will begin next month. a new study from university college lawn found stress, commuting time, and where you live may be significant factors. researchers looked at five cities. more than 60 million people. 400 people have diabetes. more than two thirds live in cities. now the warning about use of antibiotics. they say adding antibiotics to animal feed may make the drugs in effective. the new study says children are at the a greatest risk. we'll find out tonight whether a redistricting plan will be approved. they want to remove them from growing areas like gaithersburg. tonight's meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. at the board of education in rockville. crews are cleaning up. you take a look there. that is a funnel cloud you see in the middle of the screen. the national weather service says it touched down near modesto. it knocked down trees and fences and ripped off a church roof. breaking news in northwest washington. still have this problem on k street here, l street, and m street northwest. everything shut down between 18th and 21st this morning because of that barricade situation where molette green was just a couple of minutes ago. she's still there on the scene. she's going to be giving us updates. this is a live look. as you can see, some police there on the scene. inner loop a crash there. it did just pop up in our system, so warning for you there. a big look at the beltway. inner loop and outer loop, everything rolling along just fine. too much right now this morning. aaron and eun? >> melissa, thank you. we're going to check out our chilly forecast. >> it's going to be weird. i wore my coat this morning. might leave it here? >> i think you'll be sorry about that tomorrow morning. >> you'll be kaying your coat out as rew e respond to an abundance of sunshine coming your way. the skies are clear. that's allowed for a cool day. the windiness over the weekend back on now. all the sun yu want for your monday. temperatures well above average as well. no more of that crazy wind leak we had to deal with over the weekend. we're going to stay on the mild side. weekly temperatures all in plus territory between now and thursday. in fact, thursday might even be close to 70 degrees. that comes with a chance of some thunderstorms on thursday. then cooler weather returns just in time for the weekend into early next week. rain chances this week. there may be a slight chance for a few showers late in the day on wednesday. by and large, the real rain threat comes up on thursday. so your monday morning, nothing to worry about. mid to upper 30s in morn montgomery county now. mid-30s from college park to buoy. joint base, 44. 34 at dulles national airport. temperatures in the suburbs, 30s and 40s. but a big quick jump in temperatures. 50s by 9:00. 60s by 11:00 and most of your afternoon sitting in sunshine today. just a delightful day to be outside. going out on the town for tonight, mid to upper 50s between 5:00 and 8:00. not too cold at all. clouds will start to come back into the picture for tomorrow. skies will go to mostly cloudy. it will be a touch cooler. still a little above average. future weather, and here's this next little chance for rain coming up. tomorrow, nothing really to worry about. cloudy skies will keep us cooler than today. clouds continue to thicken up by late tuesday into the day on wednesday. wednesday looks mostly cloudy and though i think most if not all the day will be dry, by late in the day on wednesday toward supplyingset, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, there could be showers comesiin in. 67 today. mostly cloudy tomorrow. temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60. there's that chance for rain. lots of rain chances for thursday and cooler and dryer by the weekend. we'll given you the four things you need to know coming up in ten minutes. back over to you. >> thank you, chuck. search and rescue teams are combing through a landslide in eastern china. at least 25 people have died. heavy rain unleashed mud and rocks burying nearly 30 homes friday night. one survivor has been found but 12 people are still missing. north korea could be preparing for a missile launch. they have declared a no sail zone until december 7th. this is a parade showing off the missiles back in 2012. they've officially declared it a no-sail zone. tragic story out of philadelphia this morning. two children found, a baby girl and dead, saturday night near a dump at a used car lot. police are looking for the person who left them there. police say there are security cameras in the area. the 9-year-old boy who found the babies said at first he thought they were dolls. >> that's when they checked. i went home and told my dad. >> police are not saying how the babies died or how long they had been there before they were discovered. new video in after a mosque is set on fire in canada. take a look. police now saying that this fire was set on purpose. they're calling it a hate crime. no one was inside at the time. no reports of injuries. the church was targeting before. church members saying they were targeted right after 9/11 was that. backlash over the paris attack has become a concern. a d.c. plane was evacuated because of suspicious activity. the airlines were concerned. they took everyone off the plane and brought n-bomb sniffing dogs. after the plane was cleared, passengers reboarded and made it safely to boston's logan afrmt those airport. those on board didn't mind. >> they check it it from top to bottom. >> the two passengers who prompted that incident were questioned and then released. major news out of paris where police have identified several including master mind. what we're learning straight ahead. >> you might need your sunglasses. the four things you need to know about the forecast next. i'm angie goff at the live desk with breaking news out of d.c. police investigating a stabbing. this happened in the 1200 block around 12:00 a.m. the victim in the hospital. his condition still unknown. we're working to get more information. melissa? thank you, angie. breaking news in northwest washington as far as road closures go. 21st at k street, police still have a presence because of the rlr barricade situation. they're telling us it will be like this through much of the morning commute. if that changes we'll let you know. k street, l street, m street northwest everything shut down. not being told any metro is affected right now. we still have the crash there on the ramp to little river turnpike. taking a look now at 66 from fairfax county parkway to the beltway, it's going to take you nine minutes. remember to listen to our friends on wtop 103.5 f.m. when you hop in the car on the latest about the closures. chuck? >> thanks, melissa. quiet day in the weather department. that is always welcome news. things you need to know about the day today. sunshine to get your week started. our mild november pattern is sticking around for most of the coming week. might have another shot at 70 before the week is through. best chances for rain this weekend won't be today. looks like it will be wednesday night on into thursday. so it will be a low impact day. mild sunshine out there. temperatures running 10 degrees warmer than average, but it is a cool start. up ir30s and low 40s. upper 40s along the bayside. planning out your day. planning on a cool to chilly start. you may need a layer first thing but several layers later today as temperatures will be climbing well into the 60s. we'll go into the school day forecast and what to wear coming up in ten minutes. new information coming in on the paris terror attack. officials have identified two more suicide bombers involved. they say one syrian and another from france who was known to authority. now french interior minister, he's speaking right here. he spoke minutes ago about the 168 raids he carried out overnight. he said, quote, we are at war. it resulted in multiple arrested and a seizure of arsenal of weapon. they found a rocket lawn cher among other things. also overnight, working to confirm reports. a belgian man orchestrated the attack that killed 129 people and injured more than 300. aaron? across the world as human beings, we should unite in spreading peace. >> this message being offered here and around the world. they gathered in response to the paris terror attacks. they wrote messages of love, took turns leading prayer a sat in silence. we're told last night's meeting was about inclusion and humanity. in addition to praying together all condemned the attacks in paris. it is 5:31. an arrest this morning in the murders of a woman, her daughter, and a man from oxon hill, maryland. police tweeted the picture last night. they say 34-year-old cliff forward brown jr. shot all three people friday night. officers say it followed a domestic dispute inside an apartment avenue on wheeler road. d.c. mayor muir annuriel bo meeting to find ways to cut down on crime. maryland's mayor stephanie rawlings-blake is also taking place today. mayor bowser has pledged to put mer in place. they're much high theirtown rest of the district. this week neighbors have a chance to weigh in on the owner. you can stop by daily to give your opinions on development. planners and designers will use a public plan to put things in place. a possible turkey shortage. the blame, the outbreak of avian flu back in may. there is good news. frozen turkeys were actually frozen before the outbreak. >> when the turkey comes from the farm, it's taken to be packaged. it's sealed up and it's instantly flash frozen down to zero degrees. >> they're still predicting a 20% increase because of the av yacht flu outbreak. a star-studded event. only our cameras were allowed inside the american portrait gala. they unveiled the portraits and celebrated the achievements of five remarkable people. the honorees are corporal carpenter, aretha franklin, our own barbara harrison interviewed them all exclusively. >> it always makes you feel good when you're there, but then there's other ones really. you feel like you're a stepping stone to others. >> this raise 2d million to help future generations to learn american history from the people who helped make it. we're keeping an eye on a developing story in massachusetts where several weapons are missing from an army reserve center. what investigators aren't concerned about despite the hype. take a look at the temperature. temperature. many of you waking up in 30s or temperature. many of you waking up in 30s or this is more than just a town. this is our home. and small business saturday... is more than just a day. it's our day... to shop small at the places we love... with the people we love. for stuff we can't get anywhere else. and food that tastes like home. because the money we spend here... can help keep our town growing. on small business saturday, let's all shop small. for the neighborhood, the town, the home we love. on november 28th, shop small. the fbi wants to know who broke in and took weapons. it was broken into saturday night. police would not say what kind or how many were stolen. there's no indication that it's connected to any kind of terror threat. breaking news right now on the road. still in northwest washington we have this problem, k street, l street, m street all shut down because of that pice barricade situation. it could be like this for the morning commute. these just popped up. should be out of the way. 32 at toaks. not look too bad. 66 heading into town nice and clear. we'll see you at 5:41. chuck? >> a beautiful day on the way. that's always welcome news. outside a mostly clear sky. 34 at dulles. that's one of our colder spots. 30 in manassas and warrenton. few places below freezing. temperatures in and around town in the upper 30s and low 40s. 41 winchester, 35 in fredericksburg. school day forecast, sun's up at 6:51. 30 anlsd 40s at the bus stop. recess gets an a. nothing more than jacket and jeans. seven-day forecast in ten minutes. >> thank you, chuck. it's a good time to run a day care center in the district. a baby boom is bringing in a surge in demand for affordable quality child care. the "washington post" reports the number of children under three jumped 26% between 2010 and 2013. top education officials say there are only enough licensed day care centers to silver about a kwart ore f the toddlers and infants. time is running out. congress is facing a fred deadline to pass a transportation bill. among the issues being debated is the length of time a truck can be on the road. and how to pay for bridges and highways. the u.s. labeled them as drug kingpins. this video just coming in showing two trafficking drug suspects flown from mexico into the u.s. they were running a vaflt network capable of moving drugs. an officer involved shooting sparking outrage. who says the victim was handcuffed at the time. how safe are airports nuchl concerns we have breaking news on the road. let's check in with "news4" traffic. melissa? >> k street, l street, m street northwest, everything shut down between 18th and 21st because of a police investigation. allow extra time and definitely avoid those areas. chuck? >> outside it's clear skies and chilly. 30s and 40s on your way out the door this morning. we'll talk about how big the warmup is going to be coming up in just a few minutes. it's 16 before the hour. i think we're going to try to get to krit rinne writhe stin w minute here. if you pay your late tolls before midnight, they'll waive the late fees. you can pay online, at any easy pay location or over the phone. over 68 places in france have been raided and people have been placed under house arrest. these operations are going to continue. the republic will catch h and will be inplaceable. that's the latest from the live desk. i'm back to you. >> all right, angie, thank you. the attacks on paris are affecting security in euro area. u.s. park police say they're stepping up patrols on the national mall and you might see more police around th monument including the jeffer 'zo memorial. 129 people died in france three days ago. stepped up security as well at the home of the redskins. people who went to yesterday's game noticed the changes. each person was only allowed to bring a small clear plastic bag with them. fans we talked to said they were more concerned about being outside the stadium than inside. >> i'm concerned because on the outside, there's not much security but once we're inside with metal detectors and everything, everything should be fine. 5:46. there is a manhunt for three 16-year-old inmates who escaped from a security center. one of the escapees is facing capital murder charges. this facility says this is first time anyone has escaped the detentionenter since it open. officers found a man on 14th avenue in langley park near university boulevard yesterday. they say he was outside an apartment building with what they're call trag ma to the body. no motive or suspects aet this this time. it is 5:46. a 15-year-old high schooler is facing hazing charges in spotsylvan spotsylvania. police say he hazed members. older member of the team ganged upped on and jeksual assaulted the boys during a ritual last month. those members have not been taken into custody but the sheriff said more arrests could be coming. i'm kristin wright live in spotsylvania county where the very, very first train has just left this morning. here's a train that just pulled up here a few minutes ago. it leaves at 5:57 in just ten minutes. the very first train left from the new station at 4:57. this morning it was pretty packed. lots of people here. this train arrived at 7:37. this is a first extension of the cmuter vre rail service. it started operations in 1992. it runs on schedule with trains leaving eight minutes prior to the fredericksburg departures, and to give you a little bit of perspective, spotsylvania is one of virginia's fastest growing counties iechlts expected iechl. it's expected 1,200 will use it in the first few months. look at this. lot of people and it will be here. we'll talk to some of these excited passengers. back to you. >> thanks, kristin. on tuesday fairfax county officials will decide whether or not the police department will start using body cameras. fairfax is one of many local jurisdictions testing out the cameras. >> they do already have dashboard cameras. in the week ahead a lot of people will be talking about the newest piece of equipment that is going to help police work on some different investigations. >> let's get to this. chuck, we've obviously been enjoying the weekend. we had the sunshine. >> a little chilly and breezy on saturday. >> and we'll slip you a little cash. >> really. how much cash. >> are you bribing chuck bell on live tv? >>let's hear about how much. >> wow. >> how about a dollar per degree. >> from where is the question. >> well, it's going to be 67 today. how about 67 bucks. we'll have your people call my people. >> that means somebody else. >> as soon as you get into the nuts and bolts, aaron changes the suspect. it's a clear sky. cool start. not much of a breeze left out. there. it will be a calm afternoon. temperatures well above average as well. not much of a wind to worry about for today. as we start thinking about the weekend. never too early. temperatures closer to average by the weekend but i'm optimistic that both your saturday and sunday will be rain-free this coming weekend. so there's some welcome news for sure. cool start. temperatures, a lot of 30s on the map. mid-30s in shenandoah valley. bayside temperatures are in the upper 40s. planning out your day, 30s and 40s. the sun will be up here just before 7:00 a.m. and it's going to be ave fak day to be outside. most of the afternoon, throw mid-60. nothing to worry about rain-wise for today. there's our next chance for rain. if you're traveling today, yo could have slowdowns in kansas city, memphis, or little rock, but no impact up and down the eastern seaboard if you're going to boston. we'll be all dry up and down i-95 today. future weather then for today, nothing to worry about. sunny and warm. we do get clouds to come back and tomorrow, a lot of clouds and a little bit cooler, but i think we'll stay rain-free for tomorrow. here's 8:00 wednesday morning. shower chances hanging out to the west. that will be the case through most of the day wednesday but after the sun goes down. that's when we have a chance for showers coming in. here's your seven-day forecast coming in. mild and sunny and lovely today. cooler with extra clouds around tomorrow but staying rain-free. there's a chance for showers coming up late in the day. by and large most of the week will be rain-free. thursday, though, up close to 70 degrees, but rain and there may even be a rumble or two of thunder on thursday. then as we get toward the weekend, friday, saturday, sunday. as for the rain, cooler weather but more typical of november shows back up. you guys, a little something for everybody. melissa mollet, a check on traffic. >> thank you, chuck, breaking news in northwest washington, still have this problem with the grid that's shut down 267891st street and k street is where this is. here's what's closed and police telling us this could be closed through the morning commute. you're going to want to avoid this area. k street, l street, m street northwest shut down from 18th to 21st this morning. that entire section. red line delay to shady grove. hoping that's out of the way and those delays are gone in just a little bit. 95 northbound, seeing some slowdowns. don't normally see red there right now. maybe a tad slower than normal. 66 inbound, fairfax county parkway to the beltway going to take you ten minute this morning. remember to listen to our friends when you hop in your car for the latest on the dc clos e closures this morning. two minneapolis police officers are on leave this morning after a deadly shooting. they were responding to an assault call when they got into an altercation with jamal clark. witnesses say he was handcuffed. police deny that claim. they led protests on sunday. the groups marched to the police department demanding answers. >> no justice, no peace, no justice, no peace. the man was pinned down. he wasn't moving. moments later -- i'm landon dowdy with cnc. facebook said it will use its. it lets users keep tabs on other connections in the area. it with us developed by facebook's social good team after japan's quake and tsunami but has only been activated five times. facebook says 4.1 million people used the feature. also happened today, the man police say are responsible for several freeway shootings will ask the judge to release him from jachlt lawyers for leslie merit jr. say he was not near the crime sprees. they tie him to four of the shootings between august and september. a new trend is coming under criticism. tleets use cryo chambers. it takes your body to well below freezing. it's meant to ease pain but if you stay for more than a few minutes it can be deadly. still, some athletes say they swear by it. >> immediately i felt better effects than my joints. i felt like perhaps the inflammation was down. >> in most cases they're someone licensed or trained by your side during the treatment since cryo therapy chambers aren't nsider ld a medical device. most states don't regulate them. next month there will be a new person in control. judith sackwald wrote and sate she would be going back to consulting. now joseph will be stepping up. it's 5:56. new concerns over airport safety following the attacks in paris and the downed metrojet. an isis bombing is believed to be involved. criminal background checks are done by individual airports and only required every two years. they say there should be constant random checks of tsa workers. >> what it does is throws an insider off because you've not lapsed into a routine. if you're an insider, you know the system in the airport. you know where the cameras are, the doors are. you know where the guards are at the gate. >> security experts say employees should be required to pass through security check points, anything to disrupt a potential threat from the inside it's not fully open yet, but tonight we'll get a taste of a new museum and what it has to offer. the smhsonian's national museum of national museum of history and culture will open next fall. tonight through wednesday the museum is lighting up the inside of the building with moving images. this is all to mark the 150th anniversary of the civil movement along with the anniversary of the voting rights act. an interesting piece of real estate hits the d.c. market. if you hate to vacuum, this is for you. 253 feet. $1,400 for 252 square feet. this is located at 12th and c street northeast. it's the smallest free standing how in the district. and an open house will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. oomz. a lot of people are goipgs just to see. >> it yeah. arlington county board may ask legislators to rename the highway. there's been efforts to change we start with breaking news. there's a police barricade. it could affect how you goat get to work. >> police have 18th through 21st street shut down on m through k streets northwest. it's a busy area. "news4's" molette green is live on the scene with how long this could all last. molette? >> reporter: eun, police are several hours into working on this barricade system. their message to public is to avoid this area as you can see. people trying to -- police cars coming in and out of where it is block off. we're at 19th and n streets. you can see the police tape and the cars down there. this happened shortly after 1:00, close to 1:30 this morning here. we can tell you that police are describing the situation as a person having a mental health crisis and they're telling us no injuries at this point. police are careful to say this is not an active shooter situation. they won't confirm, though, whether this person is armed. they only tell us the person is

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