Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 430 20151006 : comparemel

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 430 20151006

right now several cities in south carolina remain under water. president obama has signed a disaster declaration. that makes federal funding available to people in the hardest hit areas. 1300 national guardsmen are in the area now performing aerial rescues. there are still fears this morning that more dams could break which could lead to more flooding. more than 500 roads and bridges have been washed out by the flooding. going to have much more from south carolina in a minute when we go to dave wagner in columbia. first, weather traffic on the 1s. >> autumn chill will greet you when you step out the door to walk the dog early this morning. down into the 40s in montgomery county, fairfax county, loudoun county, prince william fauquier, low and mid-40s there. near the potomac, low 50s at washington. many of our eastern suburbs near 50, right in the bay waters, though, in the upper 50s. easton, 49. look at this shenandoah valley, chilly to cold, 41 in front royal and luray, martinsburg in the low 40s. patchy dense fog in the mustn'tmustn't mountains now as well. tidal flooding around the coastlines of these counties bordering the bay. haines point, high tide a little higher during the times of high tide than average during the afternoon hours. watch out for that. now let's check on the morning commute. we have a crash. what's going on with that? >> brand-new crash just popped up. 95 northbound near the 11th street bridge, report of an accident. trying to get more information on that one for you here this morning. also, construction lines sprinkled all over the place. outer loop, still with lanes blocked for the time being. bigger look at things overall, no major problems on the beltway. we look at this situation here with a little red on the bottom of the beltway. sensors just misbehaving this morning because we're not seeing any problems there right now. beltway looks good, 95, route 1. b.w. parkway moving nicely. i'll see you in a few minutes. >> thank you, melissa. right now, the rain has stopped falling in south carolina but this disaster is far from over. 40,000 people don't have clean water this morning. more than 3,000 are without power. state wide 19 dams have breached, creating even more flooding. nbc's dave wagner is live in columbia where there is more worry about the situation. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, eun. major thorough fare i'm standing here, this is closed in both directions because they're concerned that this road and the bridge down this way are not safe for people to drive across. they're concerned that the road could be undermined there and could be unsafe for drivers, people walking across. it has been a dangerous few days for people here in columbia. so far 11 people at least 11 people are dead that they're aware of. residents have been forced to flee at a moment's notice. there are 18 dams breached state wide. nine here in the midlands. doing these kind of controlled breaches to try to relieve some of the pressure. president obama signed a disaster declaration. we can say that 11 counties have been declared federal disaster areas already. more than 500 roads and bridges have been washed out, so it is very difficult, eun to get from one place to another. in fact, since this bridge is closed, a major area here for drivers to get to and from the city of columbia, very difficult for people to get around this. >> dave wagner live in columbia for us this morning. thank you. there is more heroes than idols out there. my heroes are my peers in the classroom with me and that experienced this with me. >> opening up about how they're recovering. in roseburg, a memorial is growing outside the building where christopher harper mercer killed nine people, then himself. we're learning more about that shooter. a witness said harper mercer gave one student an envelope with a flash drive in it before turning the gun on the others. a law enforcement official told nbc news they found writings that indicated harper mercer believed everyone around him was less rational than he was. >> i'm not going to use my strength and my time to be mad. i'm not going to hate him. in all honesty i feel sorry for him, feel bad for him. >> president obama said he will visit the campus later this week. it is not clear if he'll address gun control reform at that time. 4:35, a man is in jail in prince william county. police say he threatened a shooting at dcu. according to police, nathaniel brache sent a message to a student he knew. officers found brache in wood bridge and arrested him. he's charged with making phone threats. a contentious debate over pesticides will leakly come up in rockville today. council members should decide whether to allow residents to spray their lawns with pesticides. a lot of people want to protect against mosquitos with the people cals. the bill would ban pesticides or regulate it in some way. d.c. could have some of the best employee benefits in the entire country soon. we expect new legislation at tonight's council meeting. it would entitle almost every part time and full time employee 16 weeks of paid family leave. workers could use that time to take care of a sick relative, stay home with a newborn child or decompress from a military deployment. a new tax on employers would cover that benefit. a little life saved and a father's honor remembered this morning. an off duty emt from arkansas stepped in at the right time to help police get 9-month-old kenzlee mae to start breathing again. she was in the car on 270 in montgomery county when her grandparents say she stopped responding. brodie channell was on 270 as well after a memorial service to honor his father. a firefighter who died in the line of duty. >> i think it was meant to be. it was the right place, right time situation, you know. i can assist the officer in what he was doing and help save a life. >> amazing how fast the baby came back, the eyes came back, the baby became responsive, started tracking our fingers. >> such good news. montgomery county officials used social media to track channell down. he left the scene without taking any credit sunday night. kenzlee's parents say they're extremely grateful. she recently had heart surgery and they hope she'll be home from the hospital soon. just a feel good story. >> right place, right time. my goodness, how scary would you have been if that's your child. amazing. >> happy ending. >> absolutely. coming up, you might need to break out the shades on your drive to work today, but might also want the heat. look at the chilly temperatures right now. tom looks at your drive time forecast at 4:41. a publishing giant apologized, the textbook mistake that had a lot of people outraged. it may look like he's helping her, but he's stealing from a woman using a mcgraw hill education is apologizing this morning for something it printed in a high school textbook. the publishing giant called slaves brought to america workers, the misprint was in a geography book used by more than a thousand school districts in texas. mcgraw hill education says the wording wasn't intentional. and it will improve the editing process. new video this morning showing an elderly woman being robbed in the district. d.c. police are hoping you'll recognize the man seen here. the video was taken in the parking garage of the giant store on connecticut avenue last month. the man appears to be trying to help the woman with her walker, but police say he was actually robbing that woman. >> what is wrong with people? she is an elderly woman with a walker. >> do the right thing, people. 4:41. let's get a check of the forecast. it is chilly. >> can i look now? >> you can look. terrible. >> well, we're starting off early this morning with clear sky and we have got the crescent moon hanging in the southern sky. and it is cold in the shenandoah valley, near 40 degrees. they have dense fog there. and locally, just a few wisps of fog in the rural areas, mid-40s northern and western suburbs, near 50 southern and eastern suburbs, low 50s in washington. drive time forecast, morning, midday, afternoon, all green lights weatherwise. hopefully the traffic will cooperate. you'll be driving into the bright sun heading east on 6 this morning, in the 40s for much of the morning commute. the afternoon commute into the mid-70s. look at our next chance for rain, that's coming up next, weather and traffic on the 1s. melissa has an update on the crash. >> i can't promise any cooperation. d.c. 295 northbound at the 11th street bridge, as you're headed inbound, we have some lanes blocked there on the left side of the roadway. 370 west, 270, just that left lane open now because of the milling and paving project. be careful there, driving there yesterday and it is rough to get up to the left lanes here. outer loop of the american legion bridge, two lanes blocked here this morning and taking a look here, top of the beltway, overall, no major problems, everything rolling along and nice and green. live look at 270 coming up. 4:43. happening today, we could learn more information in that deadly bombing in an afghan hospital. who is getting ready to testify on capitol hill. if friday is your payday, you can notice a bigger paycheck. hey. hospitals and patients during war should be safe places where care can be given and this has been violated. >> an investigation is now under way into a deadly u.s. air strike on a hospital in afghanistan. this happened on saturday in kunduz, where u.s. forces are helping afghans to retake that city. those patients and doctors were killed in that attack. the pentagon is now changing its story on that attack, which killed 22 people. today a top u.s. commander may be facing some tough questions on the recent air strikes as he testifies before congress. nbc's edward lawrence has the latest from capitol hill. edward, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. why is the big question on capitol hill this morning. the top u.s. commander in afghanistan will be in front of a senate armed services committee meeting later on this morning. that general, general john campbell, says that actually afghan forces on the ground ordered this air strike. that differs from what the u.s. originally said, saying that u.s. troops were under fire. 22 people died including doctors and patients. most of them were from the group doctors without borders, which ran the hospital. the secretary of defense offered condolences with this and said that u.s. military hospitals were open to anyone who needed medical care. afghan officials said that taliban fighters were shooting from the hospital. that is something doctors without borders says is impossible because the hospital was surrounded by fences and had guards on the inside. the president vowed to have a full transparent investigation into exactly what happened. he wants to make changes to make sure this never happens again. the city kunduz was the first large major city taken back by the taliban since 2001. reporting live on capitol hill, edward lawrence. back to you. >> thank you. anne arundel county police are investigating a pair of suspicious deaths. paramedics found a man shot to death in lothian, maryland, yesterday afternoon. police identified him as 40-year-old anthony anastasia jr. during a search of the house, officers found a woman dead in the basement. she had suffered trauma to her body according to investigators. they say these crimes were not random acts. an exclusive look this morning at the man police say shot at buildings. one of them, the office where he worked. fairfax county detectives trying to determine matthew malacarne's motive. search warrants show the 29-year-old had an arsenal of weapons, four guns and more than 30 boxes of ammunition, for example. police say he fired into buildings overnight, shattering windows at seven facilities from hernden to leesburg. it is 4:49. a pedestrian is recovering after being hit by a school bus yesterday afternoon. it happened around 4:30 at connecticut avenue and morrison street northwest. the pedestrian was taken to a hospital with serious injuries. no one on the bus was hurt. we have not heard whether anyone else was on bus besides the driver. a d.c. police officer is also recovering after the officer's suv crashed into a fire truck. you can see here from the scene, the van hit the back of that police suv. it happened around 5:00 yesterday afternoon not far from the cleveland park metro station. the officer was not badly hurt. amtrak is running modified service between vermont and d.c. today and tomorrow because of this train derailment. officials say rocks fell from the ledge and on to the track. a crew member is in the hospital. six other passengers taken to the er to be checked out. the engine and one passenger car went in a ditch. three other cars left the track but stayed upright. >> the most able bodied person adopted an elder person and got them down the train tracks and out. >> other passengers had to break a window and help each other get to safety. federal safety rules for passenger tracks require at least two inspections every week. an investigation into a salmonella outbreak at fig and olive restaurant chain is growing. d.c. health officials say the centers for disease control is looking into cases in other states. here in washington, as many as 150 people became sick after eating at fig & olive. 20 other cases were reported in west hollywood. at least three people have filed lawsuits. less than half of maryland residents agree that people of all races get equal treatment by police. the poll from goucher college asked 630 neighbors questions about police in their communities. 27% of black residents said all races received equal police treatment compared to 60% of white residents. the poll also found 82% said they were paying some or a lot of attention to the freddie gray case. the district plans to slash income taxes on lower to middle income workers. for those earning between 25 and $50,000, the tax cut is 34%. 17% for those earning up to 75,000. overall, it is an 8% tax break for most taxpayers in d.c. that could put hundreds of thousands of dollars back in your pocket next year. you could have a cushion, you could save, because there is never such a thing as extra money because there is no extra money. you need to have someone in reserve. >> tax rates will not go down for the people making the most money in the district. they will go up slightly. be alert this morning, drivers, it is national walk to school day and hundreds of students who don't usually walk may be trying to cross the street today. gaithersburg elementary school is prepared for the morning. it says it has eight different stations where parents and staff will help their kids get to where they need to go. now that the sun is back out, not a bad day for a walk. >> not just yet though. a little while for the sun to come out. you'll need a jacket. >> have the heat on, the furnace on this morning, down to the 40s. gorgeous sky. i love astronomy. you see the autumn constellations are beautiful, stars, planets, there is venus. i can see the stars of the orien constellation. >> i'm on the star registry. >> you are. exactry. d did you buy one of those in. >> no. >> for christmas. >> putting on a show. live view from the tower camera in eastern sky. the crescent moon is up there as well. lots of sunshine. sky cast 4 showing plenty of sunshine through the rest of the day. few high clouds drifting in by late afternoon and evening hours. overall, mostly clear, another great night for stargazing this evening. we still have the rain, but off the atlantic seaboard, few lingering sprinkles in near myrtle beach, south carolina. tidal flooding around the bay. all the counties in green, watch out for again tides above average and above normal during the time of high tide. as well, alexandria water front around east potomac park to haines point, getting inundated with high tidal flooding. near 40, shenandoah valley, east of the blue ridge, few wisps of fog in the open agricultural fields, low 50s in midwashington. later today, we'll have this clear sky, temperatures will soar from where we are now all the way to the mid-70s by midafternoon, up around 70 by noon time. we have some beautiful autumn color. that's a view from west virginia. peak color out there now around 3,000 feet. gorgeous weather for the next several days in the 70s wednesday and thursday. next chance of rain is friday. looks nice on the weekend, though. saturday and sunday. little bit cool on saturday. that's the way it looks now. melissa, what is happening on the roads? >> report of a new crash, trying to get more information on this one. 124 at churchill downs road. possible pedestrian struck at this point, but we'll get more information. down south, outbound, 11th street bridge, changed this from inbound to outbound. report of an overturned vehicle near the bridge. 370 westbound at 270, left lane open because of the road work happening there. northbound indian head highway, also some lanes blocked there in both directions because of the road work that has been lasting for a while here. 66, 95, no major issues there at this point. 95 in maryland, scaggsville road, rolling along nicely. live look at 270 in a couple of minutes. what goes up must come down. how about metro ridership. why it could mean a higher fare for you. >> consumer alert before you eat your breakfast. why one of the most popular cereals is being recalled. she claims she was helping others, but charges against her say otherwise. an update on the i-team story of a woman accused of swindling more than $1 million. patients across the country have spoken. they recently rated their care experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. fewer than 10% received 5 stars. among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. learn more at cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. appointments available now. if you're just getting ready to take the dugout, grab a warmer coat. look at how cold it is. most people waking up in the mid-40s this morning. tom will have more on the chilly temperatures and how long they're going to last coming up in a minute. the story you first saw on 4, a virginia business woman accused of making off with more than $1 million by creating fake charities and companies, even ripping off virginia's senate minority leader. the i-team broke this story. linda wallace is scheduled to appear in federal court going by the name lynn miller. prosecutors say she was minority leader -- they say she helped create shell companies and moved into an account she controlled. the i-team caught up with miller to talk about this investigation. >> call my lawyers. >> miller is also accused of pocketing money from an autism organization she helped create. her home is listed for sale. no comment from defense lawyers for the senator. a consumer alert this morning before you eat your breakfast. general mills is recalling almost 2 million boxes of cheerios and honey nut cheerios cereal. some of the boxes labeled as gluten free could contain wheat. the recall affects honey nut cheerios boxes with better than used by dates. check that date. we also have recall alert you want to pay attention to if you buy your dog food in maryland. k9 craving is recalling their chicken patty dog food. check the bag and see if it was shipped between july 13th and july 17th. they were only sold in maryland. no one is reported to be getting sick. egg mcmuffin lovers, listen up. you can get your favorite breakfast sandwich for every meal, all day breakfast at mcdonald's nationwide today. more than 100,000 of you have tweeted, requesting the all day breakfast. dunkin' donuts is trying to cash in by saying they have been doing that all along. have a hash brown, right? >> bring it. line it up. sometimes you just need to. it is great. >> egg mcmuffin. >> so good. >> you might be noticing more and more empty seats on metro. >> ridership at the transit agency is down. metro leaders say it could be a big problem if it goes on. look at this graphic here. it shows the declining ridership on trains over the last seven years. one rider told us why he's using uber and lyft more and more. >> i have to plan an hour and a half to get to the city. >> in the only is the number of riders down, but metro has a smaller budget too. it may have to raise fares in

Related Keywords

Arkansas , United States , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Myrtle Beach , South Carolina , Vermont , Rockville , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bahamas , The , West Virginia , Kunduz , Kondoz , Afghanistan , Prince William County , Shenandoah , Pennsylvania , Baltimore , Maryland , Anne Arundel County , Texas , Philadelphia , Martinsburg , Haines Point , Loudoun County , Florida , Gaithersburg , Montgomery County , Puerto Rico , Goucher College , West Hollywood , Lothian , Leesburg , Fairfax County , Capitol Hill , America , Afghans , Afghan , Brodie Channell , Christopher Harper Mercer , John Campbell , William Fauquier , El Faro , Anthony Anastasia Jr , Lynn Miller , Edward Lawrence , Linda Wallace , Dave Wagner , Harper Mercer ,

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Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 430 20151006 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 430 20151006

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right now several cities in south carolina remain under water. president obama has signed a disaster declaration. that makes federal funding available to people in the hardest hit areas. 1300 national guardsmen are in the area now performing aerial rescues. there are still fears this morning that more dams could break which could lead to more flooding. more than 500 roads and bridges have been washed out by the flooding. going to have much more from south carolina in a minute when we go to dave wagner in columbia. first, weather traffic on the 1s. >> autumn chill will greet you when you step out the door to walk the dog early this morning. down into the 40s in montgomery county, fairfax county, loudoun county, prince william fauquier, low and mid-40s there. near the potomac, low 50s at washington. many of our eastern suburbs near 50, right in the bay waters, though, in the upper 50s. easton, 49. look at this shenandoah valley, chilly to cold, 41 in front royal and luray, martinsburg in the low 40s. patchy dense fog in the mustn'tmustn't mountains now as well. tidal flooding around the coastlines of these counties bordering the bay. haines point, high tide a little higher during the times of high tide than average during the afternoon hours. watch out for that. now let's check on the morning commute. we have a crash. what's going on with that? >> brand-new crash just popped up. 95 northbound near the 11th street bridge, report of an accident. trying to get more information on that one for you here this morning. also, construction lines sprinkled all over the place. outer loop, still with lanes blocked for the time being. bigger look at things overall, no major problems on the beltway. we look at this situation here with a little red on the bottom of the beltway. sensors just misbehaving this morning because we're not seeing any problems there right now. beltway looks good, 95, route 1. b.w. parkway moving nicely. i'll see you in a few minutes. >> thank you, melissa. right now, the rain has stopped falling in south carolina but this disaster is far from over. 40,000 people don't have clean water this morning. more than 3,000 are without power. state wide 19 dams have breached, creating even more flooding. nbc's dave wagner is live in columbia where there is more worry about the situation. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, eun. major thorough fare i'm standing here, this is closed in both directions because they're concerned that this road and the bridge down this way are not safe for people to drive across. they're concerned that the road could be undermined there and could be unsafe for drivers, people walking across. it has been a dangerous few days for people here in columbia. so far 11 people at least 11 people are dead that they're aware of. residents have been forced to flee at a moment's notice. there are 18 dams breached state wide. nine here in the midlands. doing these kind of controlled breaches to try to relieve some of the pressure. president obama signed a disaster declaration. we can say that 11 counties have been declared federal disaster areas already. more than 500 roads and bridges have been washed out, so it is very difficult, eun to get from one place to another. in fact, since this bridge is closed, a major area here for drivers to get to and from the city of columbia, very difficult for people to get around this. >> dave wagner live in columbia for us this morning. thank you. there is more heroes than idols out there. my heroes are my peers in the classroom with me and that experienced this with me. >> opening up about how they're recovering. in roseburg, a memorial is growing outside the building where christopher harper mercer killed nine people, then himself. we're learning more about that shooter. a witness said harper mercer gave one student an envelope with a flash drive in it before turning the gun on the others. a law enforcement official told nbc news they found writings that indicated harper mercer believed everyone around him was less rational than he was. >> i'm not going to use my strength and my time to be mad. i'm not going to hate him. in all honesty i feel sorry for him, feel bad for him. >> president obama said he will visit the campus later this week. it is not clear if he'll address gun control reform at that time. 4:35, a man is in jail in prince william county. police say he threatened a shooting at dcu. according to police, nathaniel brache sent a message to a student he knew. officers found brache in wood bridge and arrested him. he's charged with making phone threats. a contentious debate over pesticides will leakly come up in rockville today. council members should decide whether to allow residents to spray their lawns with pesticides. a lot of people want to protect against mosquitos with the people cals. the bill would ban pesticides or regulate it in some way. d.c. could have some of the best employee benefits in the entire country soon. we expect new legislation at tonight's council meeting. it would entitle almost every part time and full time employee 16 weeks of paid family leave. workers could use that time to take care of a sick relative, stay home with a newborn child or decompress from a military deployment. a new tax on employers would cover that benefit. a little life saved and a father's honor remembered this morning. an off duty emt from arkansas stepped in at the right time to help police get 9-month-old kenzlee mae to start breathing again. she was in the car on 270 in montgomery county when her grandparents say she stopped responding. brodie channell was on 270 as well after a memorial service to honor his father. a firefighter who died in the line of duty. >> i think it was meant to be. it was the right place, right time situation, you know. i can assist the officer in what he was doing and help save a life. >> amazing how fast the baby came back, the eyes came back, the baby became responsive, started tracking our fingers. >> such good news. montgomery county officials used social media to track channell down. he left the scene without taking any credit sunday night. kenzlee's parents say they're extremely grateful. she recently had heart surgery and they hope she'll be home from the hospital soon. just a feel good story. >> right place, right time. my goodness, how scary would you have been if that's your child. amazing. >> happy ending. >> absolutely. coming up, you might need to break out the shades on your drive to work today, but might also want the heat. look at the chilly temperatures right now. tom looks at your drive time forecast at 4:41. a publishing giant apologized, the textbook mistake that had a lot of people outraged. it may look like he's helping her, but he's stealing from a woman using a mcgraw hill education is apologizing this morning for something it printed in a high school textbook. the publishing giant called slaves brought to america workers, the misprint was in a geography book used by more than a thousand school districts in texas. mcgraw hill education says the wording wasn't intentional. and it will improve the editing process. new video this morning showing an elderly woman being robbed in the district. d.c. police are hoping you'll recognize the man seen here. the video was taken in the parking garage of the giant store on connecticut avenue last month. the man appears to be trying to help the woman with her walker, but police say he was actually robbing that woman. >> what is wrong with people? she is an elderly woman with a walker. >> do the right thing, people. 4:41. let's get a check of the forecast. it is chilly. >> can i look now? >> you can look. terrible. >> well, we're starting off early this morning with clear sky and we have got the crescent moon hanging in the southern sky. and it is cold in the shenandoah valley, near 40 degrees. they have dense fog there. and locally, just a few wisps of fog in the rural areas, mid-40s northern and western suburbs, near 50 southern and eastern suburbs, low 50s in washington. drive time forecast, morning, midday, afternoon, all green lights weatherwise. hopefully the traffic will cooperate. you'll be driving into the bright sun heading east on 6 this morning, in the 40s for much of the morning commute. the afternoon commute into the mid-70s. look at our next chance for rain, that's coming up next, weather and traffic on the 1s. melissa has an update on the crash. >> i can't promise any cooperation. d.c. 295 northbound at the 11th street bridge, as you're headed inbound, we have some lanes blocked there on the left side of the roadway. 370 west, 270, just that left lane open now because of the milling and paving project. be careful there, driving there yesterday and it is rough to get up to the left lanes here. outer loop of the american legion bridge, two lanes blocked here this morning and taking a look here, top of the beltway, overall, no major problems, everything rolling along and nice and green. live look at 270 coming up. 4:43. happening today, we could learn more information in that deadly bombing in an afghan hospital. who is getting ready to testify on capitol hill. if friday is your payday, you can notice a bigger paycheck. hey. hospitals and patients during war should be safe places where care can be given and this has been violated. >> an investigation is now under way into a deadly u.s. air strike on a hospital in afghanistan. this happened on saturday in kunduz, where u.s. forces are helping afghans to retake that city. those patients and doctors were killed in that attack. the pentagon is now changing its story on that attack, which killed 22 people. today a top u.s. commander may be facing some tough questions on the recent air strikes as he testifies before congress. nbc's edward lawrence has the latest from capitol hill. edward, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. why is the big question on capitol hill this morning. the top u.s. commander in afghanistan will be in front of a senate armed services committee meeting later on this morning. that general, general john campbell, says that actually afghan forces on the ground ordered this air strike. that differs from what the u.s. originally said, saying that u.s. troops were under fire. 22 people died including doctors and patients. most of them were from the group doctors without borders, which ran the hospital. the secretary of defense offered condolences with this and said that u.s. military hospitals were open to anyone who needed medical care. afghan officials said that taliban fighters were shooting from the hospital. that is something doctors without borders says is impossible because the hospital was surrounded by fences and had guards on the inside. the president vowed to have a full transparent investigation into exactly what happened. he wants to make changes to make sure this never happens again. the city kunduz was the first large major city taken back by the taliban since 2001. reporting live on capitol hill, edward lawrence. back to you. >> thank you. anne arundel county police are investigating a pair of suspicious deaths. paramedics found a man shot to death in lothian, maryland, yesterday afternoon. police identified him as 40-year-old anthony anastasia jr. during a search of the house, officers found a woman dead in the basement. she had suffered trauma to her body according to investigators. they say these crimes were not random acts. an exclusive look this morning at the man police say shot at buildings. one of them, the office where he worked. fairfax county detectives trying to determine matthew malacarne's motive. search warrants show the 29-year-old had an arsenal of weapons, four guns and more than 30 boxes of ammunition, for example. police say he fired into buildings overnight, shattering windows at seven facilities from hernden to leesburg. it is 4:49. a pedestrian is recovering after being hit by a school bus yesterday afternoon. it happened around 4:30 at connecticut avenue and morrison street northwest. the pedestrian was taken to a hospital with serious injuries. no one on the bus was hurt. we have not heard whether anyone else was on bus besides the driver. a d.c. police officer is also recovering after the officer's suv crashed into a fire truck. you can see here from the scene, the van hit the back of that police suv. it happened around 5:00 yesterday afternoon not far from the cleveland park metro station. the officer was not badly hurt. amtrak is running modified service between vermont and d.c. today and tomorrow because of this train derailment. officials say rocks fell from the ledge and on to the track. a crew member is in the hospital. six other passengers taken to the er to be checked out. the engine and one passenger car went in a ditch. three other cars left the track but stayed upright. >> the most able bodied person adopted an elder person and got them down the train tracks and out. >> other passengers had to break a window and help each other get to safety. federal safety rules for passenger tracks require at least two inspections every week. an investigation into a salmonella outbreak at fig and olive restaurant chain is growing. d.c. health officials say the centers for disease control is looking into cases in other states. here in washington, as many as 150 people became sick after eating at fig & olive. 20 other cases were reported in west hollywood. at least three people have filed lawsuits. less than half of maryland residents agree that people of all races get equal treatment by police. the poll from goucher college asked 630 neighbors questions about police in their communities. 27% of black residents said all races received equal police treatment compared to 60% of white residents. the poll also found 82% said they were paying some or a lot of attention to the freddie gray case. the district plans to slash income taxes on lower to middle income workers. for those earning between 25 and $50,000, the tax cut is 34%. 17% for those earning up to 75,000. overall, it is an 8% tax break for most taxpayers in d.c. that could put hundreds of thousands of dollars back in your pocket next year. you could have a cushion, you could save, because there is never such a thing as extra money because there is no extra money. you need to have someone in reserve. >> tax rates will not go down for the people making the most money in the district. they will go up slightly. be alert this morning, drivers, it is national walk to school day and hundreds of students who don't usually walk may be trying to cross the street today. gaithersburg elementary school is prepared for the morning. it says it has eight different stations where parents and staff will help their kids get to where they need to go. now that the sun is back out, not a bad day for a walk. >> not just yet though. a little while for the sun to come out. you'll need a jacket. >> have the heat on, the furnace on this morning, down to the 40s. gorgeous sky. i love astronomy. you see the autumn constellations are beautiful, stars, planets, there is venus. i can see the stars of the orien constellation. >> i'm on the star registry. >> you are. exactry. d did you buy one of those in. >> no. >> for christmas. >> putting on a show. live view from the tower camera in eastern sky. the crescent moon is up there as well. lots of sunshine. sky cast 4 showing plenty of sunshine through the rest of the day. few high clouds drifting in by late afternoon and evening hours. overall, mostly clear, another great night for stargazing this evening. we still have the rain, but off the atlantic seaboard, few lingering sprinkles in near myrtle beach, south carolina. tidal flooding around the bay. all the counties in green, watch out for again tides above average and above normal during the time of high tide. as well, alexandria water front around east potomac park to haines point, getting inundated with high tidal flooding. near 40, shenandoah valley, east of the blue ridge, few wisps of fog in the open agricultural fields, low 50s in midwashington. later today, we'll have this clear sky, temperatures will soar from where we are now all the way to the mid-70s by midafternoon, up around 70 by noon time. we have some beautiful autumn color. that's a view from west virginia. peak color out there now around 3,000 feet. gorgeous weather for the next several days in the 70s wednesday and thursday. next chance of rain is friday. looks nice on the weekend, though. saturday and sunday. little bit cool on saturday. that's the way it looks now. melissa, what is happening on the roads? >> report of a new crash, trying to get more information on this one. 124 at churchill downs road. possible pedestrian struck at this point, but we'll get more information. down south, outbound, 11th street bridge, changed this from inbound to outbound. report of an overturned vehicle near the bridge. 370 westbound at 270, left lane open because of the road work happening there. northbound indian head highway, also some lanes blocked there in both directions because of the road work that has been lasting for a while here. 66, 95, no major issues there at this point. 95 in maryland, scaggsville road, rolling along nicely. live look at 270 in a couple of minutes. what goes up must come down. how about metro ridership. why it could mean a higher fare for you. >> consumer alert before you eat your breakfast. why one of the most popular cereals is being recalled. she claims she was helping others, but charges against her say otherwise. an update on the i-team story of a woman accused of swindling more than $1 million. patients across the country have spoken. they recently rated their care experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. fewer than 10% received 5 stars. among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. learn more at cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. appointments available now. if you're just getting ready to take the dugout, grab a warmer coat. look at how cold it is. most people waking up in the mid-40s this morning. tom will have more on the chilly temperatures and how long they're going to last coming up in a minute. the story you first saw on 4, a virginia business woman accused of making off with more than $1 million by creating fake charities and companies, even ripping off virginia's senate minority leader. the i-team broke this story. linda wallace is scheduled to appear in federal court going by the name lynn miller. prosecutors say she was minority leader -- they say she helped create shell companies and moved into an account she controlled. the i-team caught up with miller to talk about this investigation. >> call my lawyers. >> miller is also accused of pocketing money from an autism organization she helped create. her home is listed for sale. no comment from defense lawyers for the senator. a consumer alert this morning before you eat your breakfast. general mills is recalling almost 2 million boxes of cheerios and honey nut cheerios cereal. some of the boxes labeled as gluten free could contain wheat. the recall affects honey nut cheerios boxes with better than used by dates. check that date. we also have recall alert you want to pay attention to if you buy your dog food in maryland. k9 craving is recalling their chicken patty dog food. check the bag and see if it was shipped between july 13th and july 17th. they were only sold in maryland. no one is reported to be getting sick. egg mcmuffin lovers, listen up. you can get your favorite breakfast sandwich for every meal, all day breakfast at mcdonald's nationwide today. more than 100,000 of you have tweeted, requesting the all day breakfast. dunkin' donuts is trying to cash in by saying they have been doing that all along. have a hash brown, right? >> bring it. line it up. sometimes you just need to. it is great. >> egg mcmuffin. >> so good. >> you might be noticing more and more empty seats on metro. >> ridership at the transit agency is down. metro leaders say it could be a big problem if it goes on. look at this graphic here. it shows the declining ridership on trains over the last seven years. one rider told us why he's using uber and lyft more and more. >> i have to plan an hour and a half to get to the city. >> in the only is the number of riders down, but metro has a smaller budget too. it may have to raise fares in

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