Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160629 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160629

machines. during the chaos, a second attacker went upstairs and blew himself up. the third attacker waited outside. detonating his explosives as people ran out of that airport in a panic. 42 people killed. more than 230 wounded. there are no known american casualties. some of the victims have yet to be identified. steve handelsman is at reagan national as security measures at home are revealed. steve? >> reporter: thanks. officials at airports across america are nervous. they know terrorists are copy cats. officials are worried. they know terrorists are copy cats. that after the isis-inspired attack on belgium's airport the brussels airport in march came istanbul. airports are perfect targets. security looks tighter at some u.s. terminals but defending any airport is a tough task. they are full of people. 62 million a year in and out of istanbul's airport that re-opened today. 101 million at atlanta's hartsfield airport, the busiest in the world. that alone looks tempting to isis and its followers. >> wherever the masses of people are at these transportation hubs, that's where the targeting is. >> reporter: there is massing in one place, tsa. going into the summer travel crush an expert warns tsa ought to speed up. >> we want to find the big stuff, the important stuff. we need to keep the lines moving. otherwise we are creating a soft target. >> reporter: why not screen at the airport entrance? belgian police did it in march after the brussels attack. in istanbul police stopped vehicles and check at the outer doors before the tsa checkpoint. yesterday 's ter errorm went outside the airport, the other at the entrance and the third a little bit further inside the halls. >> reporter: in canada today president obama vowed vigilance. >> we stand with the people of turkey. we intend to do what's necessary to make sure these terrible events are not happening. >> reporter: but they are happening. what to do is not clear. not going to any airport is one option. another is to pay attention to the state department warnings. just yesterday the u.s. state department renewed caution about possible terrorist attacks in turkey. i'm steve handelsman, news 4, jim? >> thanks, steve. in a few hours passengers will be boarding a flight from delles in virginia to turkey. before they get to the gate they have to go through increased security. chris gordon has more on that from dulles. he talked to a passenger making the trip. chris? >> reporter: well, jim, i spoke to the woman just a few minutes ago. her niece acted as our interpreter. i asked, aren't you afraid to fly to istanbul after the airport bombing. she said it can happen any place at any time. you can't live your life in fear. here at dulles international airport security has visibly increased. a military truck patrols the perimeter of dulles international airport. airport police officers carrying assault style rifles and side arms are highly visible both inside the airport and curb side. canine teams move between bags and passengers. all of this can reassure passengers or be a reminder of yesterday's attacks at the airport in istanbul. >> i'm concerned. but i know security is beefed up. i know there are things going around the airport. i feel safer that security is beefed up. itll counters are closed. check in for tonight's flight begins at 7:15 p.m. as passengers arrived today from south korea we met one who was at the airport in istanbul just before yesterday's bombing. >> i was surprised with how the security in istanbul. i thought it would be more strict than it was. 'm sure it will be now. >> reporter: mo ishmael is a student from penn state returning home. >> i'm going to abu dhabi. it was a 14-hour flight. i was concerned to hear about s i tan bull. >> reporter: some people have concerned about safety but say they won't be paralyzed by fear. >> we have decided to live our life. we don't want to give in to the fear of letting that happen and letting that change how we are doing things. >> reporter: within the past half hour a backpack and some it was immediately surrounded by a canine unit and half a dozen heavily armed police officers. it would have been removed and destroyed had the owner not been found. that's the latest live at dulles. wendy, back to you. a grand jury indicted a former school aide on 270 counts of child abuse and pornography. we learned the youngest of the 23 victims, 9 years old. tracy wilkins has a look at what's next in the case of deonte carraway. >> reporter: just to put it in perspective the charge of sexual abuse of a minor carries a life long sentence and he has 23 of those. bottom line he's looking at multiple life sentences behind bars if convicted. >> it's like a kick in the stomach. your heart drop to describe what she felt when learning her 10-year-old son was a victim of the school volunteer she trusted. >> reporter: a grand jury found him guilty of 23 count of sex abuse of a minor. 125 count of first, second and third degree sex offenses, 66 counts of creating child porn and 68 counts of possessing child porn. the office found a way to try carraway without having children take the stand by using the more than 50 videos he allegedly produced. brooks stressed the office is investigating criminal charges beyond carraway. this mother and son are in therapy. >> he's doing okay. he has his moments. >> reporter: she says the indictment is just the beginning, not the end of the fight. for it. he needs to not ever be around children again. as far as i'm concerned. he's where he needs to be now. >> reporter: the prince george's school system released a statement saying the schools appreciate the efforts by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to seek justice on behalf of the community's children. we look forward to mr. carraway being held accountable in a court of law for his horrifying crimes. 23 children are part of this indictment. they know who 20 of the kids are. the other three haven't yet been identified. it speaks to the complexity of the case and the fact that all of the victims haven't come forward. reporting live in upper marlboro, back to you. >> thank you. former fairfax police officer adam torres was released days after a judge sentenced him for the deat our news partner wtop radio captured his first moments of freedom. he shot and killed geer during a stand off in august of 2013 while geer wasn't armed. friday a judge sentenced him to a year in jail and three more years suspended. geer's mother called the sentence offensive. because he's served ten months behind bars already, torres was released today. >> new information about the man shot and killed by the d.c. police. it happened monday outside an apartment complex on var numb street northeast. sherman evans. police say they opened fire when evans who is 63 years old refused to put down the weapon. that weapon turned out to be a b.b. gun. investigators are looking into the possibility this could be a case of suicide by cop. well, for the first time in what seems to be a long time we have a sunny afternoon with no no rain in sight. doug tracking the conditions. we are looking ahead to the fourth of july weekend. >> we are looking ahead for the weekend. looking very nice today. yesterday, a heat index of 95. remember, four years ago we were at 104 and the dere kcho came tt night. what a difference it was a few years back. we are not dealing with rain across the area. nice temperatures, low humidity. it's spectacular. look at rockville on the rockville camera. north bethesda and blue skies. just beautiful. next couple of days we'll see a few changes. a nice cool night tonight. a great thursday. i think tomorrow will be another good one. storm chances increase on friday. we'll talk about it. of course tracking that holiday weekend. one of the weekend days, i'm including july 4th. could be showers and storms. see you back forecast and the new ten-day forecast. looking forward to it, doug. help is on its way to five counties in west virginia that suffered severe damage and deadly flooding. today the federal emergency management agency officially declared a federal disaster in clay, fayette, monroe, roan and summers counties in west virginia. that means the people who live in those areas can apply for aid from the federal government. two other counties are still waiting to be approved for federal help. flash flooding has damaged thousands of homes and businesses in the area. 23 people were killed. >> there is a change coming at the top of the d.c. school system. chancellor henderson prepares to step down. she's been chancellor more than five years. she'll leave at the end of september. under her leadership students scored higher on between white and black students still high. john davis who has been serving as the chief of schools will be the interim chancellor. a search for a replacement begins in the fall. coming up, a child at day care assaulted, his hair ripped out. we have more from the parents and the attack caught on video. >> thousands of ex-felons coming to voter registration offices like this since april when the governor restored their voting rights. coming up, what the governor is going. new poll numbers reveal what other countries think about our presidential candidates. the results may surprise you. there are countless polls that show how americans feel about hillary clinton and donald trump. there is survey that provides insight on how the rest of the world views our presumptive presidential candidates. the pew research center asked people if they are confident that donald trump or hillary clinton would do the right thing in world affairs. countries that expressed little to no include germany, france, the united kingdom, australia and japan. confidence in clinton in those same countries ranged from 66 to 79%. in the meantime, donald trump's reaction last night to the terror attack in turkey appeared to some to be a call for the return to torture. >> you have to fight fire with fire. we better get smart. we getter get tough. we are not going to have much of a country left. okay? >> trump told cnn if he becomes president he will change laws that ban waterboarding so the u.s. can fighter error. in his words on an almost equal basis. his remarks were denounced by a fellow republican arizona senator john mccain. >> according to the geneva conventions it is a war crime. not to mention the moral aspects of it is not what we are. it's not about them. it's about us. >> hillary clinton has not yet responded to the attacks. she released a statement that said in part the attack is a reminder that the u.s. must deepen cooperation in the middle east and europe to fight the threat of terrorism. >> virginia's governor is traveling around the commonwealth this week, defending his decision to restore vote rights to all ex-felons. he stopped today in alexandria. julie kerry was there as he put the spotlight on those who feared they would never vote again. >> the governor's order means more than 200,000 felons. to register to vote. the governor's plan face as legal challenge from those who violate the constitution and it is filled with mistakes. >> i would like to officially present you with certificate rights restored. >> reporter: he didn't even apply to have his voting rights restored sure it would be turned down. that changed in april when the governor restored civil rights to all felons who served their time. >> good thing. it's the right thing to do. >> that's the point the governor is trying to make holding a seshz of round table discussions pushing back against fierce terrorisms that his executive order exceeds his authority. >> let's stop the fear mongering and move virginia ford. >> local critics created by the governor's office are filled with mistakes. >> they didn't scrub it, vet it or do anything. you are finding illegal aliens in the database, people that are mentally incapacitated, in prison, still on >> once voting rights are restored the doors are open to felons to get gun rights back. the virginia supreme court will hear the legal challenges but he has a defiant backup plan ready if he loses. i will sign 224,000 orders to give them rights back. >> reporter: at the urban league event the governor found only support. alicia white had her rights restored and said the action will change lives. >> life can begin. hosting and library. congressman cummings and chris van hollen hosted a meeting with gun violence survivors and faith leaders. today is a week since house democrats staged a sit-in to force a vote on gun law reforms. that revolt lasted about 25 hours. they want this day of action to show they will continue to fight for stricter gun laws including universal background checks and a ban on gun sales to those on the no fly watch list. >> a pregnant rider denied access to a metro bathroom. why it happened and what changed after she contacted news 4. >> he was a court commissioner. now he's a convict. guilty in a child sex case. at story coming up. th the greek flavors of our mediterranean your choice of delicious chicken or hearty steak. with crumbled feta and cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. try our mediterranean collection today. subway. fresh is what we do. i don't know if you put a number on this day. 10 is not enough if it's 1 to 10. >> no. >> this was almost perfect. >> sweet. >> you talk about it after 95 yesterday for a heat index. seeing severe storms, a lot of damage yesterday and then you get a day like this. a day to get out on the ball field. baseball field. this is richard montgomery high school. takes you back to high school and college playing ball. you get to take a couple of reps on the field. if you're going down to nats park, 81 degrees the current number. winds from the northwest at 16 miles per hour. perfect evening for baseball. really no matter what you're doing. look at the numbers. 69 in thu armond. 81 in dulles. if you're headed down to see h sweep tonight. wouldn't that be awesome. if you need a jacket or a sweater tonight might be that kind of night. here we are at 1:00 in the afternoon on future weather. clear. tomorrow is sunshine. back to the mountains. you can see what i'm talking about. maybe showers and thunderstorms there. all in all most of us will be on the dry side tomorrow. the forecast, 84. partly sunny. late day storms but once again, most of us will be dry. winds from the southeast at 5 to 10 miles per hour. 85 in 80 in winchester. 76 toward annapolis. how about the brand new ten-day forecast. we are bringing it to you because we feel we can be more accurate than we were able to be in the past. there it is talking about thursday at 84. 91 on friday. 50% chance of storms on friday. the weekend looking great saturday and sunday. tracking monday, july 4th. right now we are going for a chance of showers, thunderstorms. could impact the fireworks. tracking a heat wave. this is something we can do with the ten-day forecast showing you weather way far out to help and you know what will happen over the next ten days. >> thanks, doug. still to come a remarkable recovery as a local police officer went back to work just months after being shot in the line of duty. >> a local court commissioner charged in a sex-related crime. how he used social media to try to target an under aged boy. >> a metro rider comes here asking to use the restroom and is told she can't. why is that? here's the kicker. she's five months pregnant. woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. airport in the wake of the deadly terror attack in istanbul turkey. >> a former court official is now a convicted criminal. how police busted him for trying to solicit sex from an under age boy. >> a pregnant woman, denied access to the bathroom at a metro station. >> said no, that i had abused my bathroom privileges. >> what you need to know about the restroom policy. >> plus, one on one with vice president joe biden after his cancer summit in the district today. >> you hardly know anyone who doesn't have a friend, relationship, family member who has been the victim of cancer. >> montgomery county, the person who would set bond for people accused of crimes and tonight he's a convicted family. >> the second time a county court commissioner was charged with a sex related crime. prosecutors say he solicited an under aged boy using a dating app. the boy was an under >> wendy, they say he used an app to solicit from a 15-year-old boy. then they say he talked about getting a young boy, keeping him in a cage, and using him as a sex slave. 30-year-old daniel reed found guilty today of soliciting sex from a minor. until his arrest reed was a district court commissioner in rockville. officially charging and setting bond for suspects and all kinds of criminal cases. but now commissioner reed is convict reed. during the two-day trial at circuit court, police allege reed talked about getting a young boy to use as a sex slave. >> there were conversations that mr. reed had that indicated he would want to enslave a young him caged up. >> reporter: according to court documents reed used the gay dating app grindr to solicit a 15-year-old known as kinky twinkie who turned out to be an under cover detective. transcripts of his texts go on and on and on. but when he was found guilty today, reed let his lawyer do the talking. >> mr. reed can't talk at this time. we fenned an emotional trial and ask that you respect his privacy now. >> reporter: daniel reed is out on bond pending sentencing on august 15. now on may 24, daniel reed graduated from law school. they say he's waiting now to take the bar exam. jim, back to you. >> pat, thanks. a prince william county police officer shot in the line of d i officer jesse hempden was charged in the duty that killed another officer in february. the department posted a photograph on the facebook page announcing his return to the squood and patrol duty. another officer injured in the shooting is still recovering. the officers were responding to a domestic violence call at the time. the man accused of killing the trigger has been charged with murder. tonight the eiffel tower in paris will be in the colors of the turkish flag in tribute to the victims of the terror attack in istanbul. officials say at least 42 people were killed, more than 230 were wounded when three suicide bombers targeted the airport. it was shut down yesterday but has already re-opened. an airplane from dulles will head to the airport tonight. in no claim of responsibility for that attack. but both turkish and american officials say the attack appears to have been carried out by isis. at a summit in canada today president obama talked about the attack and offered condolences. he says the u.s. is standing by to assist turkey. >> only on news 4, a woman, five months pregnant, shocked when metro would no longer let her use the restroom at the metro station. she reached out to our transportation reporter and adam got in touch with metro and clarified who is and who is not allowed to use metro's bathrooms. >> pregnant and rising metro. rachel has been allowed to use the employee bathroom until a recent trip. the shady grove stage last week asking to use a restroom she had used a couple of times before she was all of the sudden told she could no longer use it. here's the kicker. he said no: that i had abused my bathroom privileges and i wasn't allowed to. >> reporter: rachel was not allowed in and the story took a whole other turn. >> i had an accident. i got so upset, i was embarrassed that i got sick on myself. i had to go home. >> reporter: she filed a customer complaint and said not much happened. then that's when she called us. after she called metro rachel said the issue was different next time she saw the station manag manager. she said she hasn't had a problem. >> he jumped up, unlocked the bathroom and said, yep, news 4 >> reporter: metro said customer service handled the issue. news 4. >> a final and quite sad farewell today for a woman allegedly murdered by an ex-boyfriend just days after she news 4. a meeting of the minds in an effort to cure cancer. tonight our one on one with vice president biden and the inspiration between today's moonshot summit. and a pretty nice day across the region. what about the next couple of days? what about the next ten days? our new ten-day forecast. see you in a minute. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. and right now get these speeds with our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online with no annual contract. now switching to fios is easier than ever with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi and there is no cost to cancel early if you change your mind within 30 days. super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. go to or call 1.888.get.fios to learn more. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. we have new reaction tonight from the owner of a child care center in the district where a little boy was allegedly assaulted. a chunk of his hair was yanked parents were told another kid did it but it was, in fact, a member of the staff. >> reporter: the 1-year-old's father says surveillance video shows a teacher ripped the boy's hair out. >> grabbed his hair with her right hand, pulled, pulled, he felled, pulled again, came out. you can see on the camera the spot missing, clear as day. >> reporter: the parents of 1-year-old demarco were outraged at what happened and the reaction from the day care center's staff. >> her excuse was she was irritated. your job is to watch kids. kids will irritate you. he irritates me. but you're not going to see me -- you know, 'm not going to do nothing of that nature. >> reporter: parents say they were lied to by the staff when this first happened yesterday. >> they pretty much told me a child did it. >> reporter: police are now investigating the allegations a teacher pulled the boy's hair out. we asked the woman incident when she showed up. >> horrific, as far as i'm concerned. because i do not raise people and i don't raise parents. raise children. >> what is horrific? what your teacher did? >> yes. >> reporter: what are you going to do about that? >> i don't know. i have policies and procedures in place. >> reporter: the child's parents say they don't think they can trust a day care ever again with their child's safety. they are licensed to care for up to 60 children at two locations. police haven't charged anyone so far with wrongdoing. in the district, mark segraves, news 4. >> question is does it really work? and is it safe? tonight, a growing debate over a popular hand sanitizer. and fighting to find a cure for cancer. nbc news 4 sits down with vice president biden to talk a millions of americans use them. now the government wants evidence they are safe. hand sanitizers are meant to be used when soap and water is not available. because most of us do not wash them off, the sanitizer remains on the skin. today the food and drug administration proposed a rule that asked for more scientific data on the sanitizer's active ingredients. fda officials say they are not suggesting the products aren't safe or effective. but they want more information from the companies that make them. vice president joe biden asking the country to buy in, double down and speed up research in the fight to cure cancer. >> news four sat down with the vice president today at howard university. >> reporter: for vice president joe biden, the fight to find a cure for cancer is personal. the bidens lost their oldest son more than a year ago. he was 46 years old. >> i tell you what beau did. when you have a child who loves you so -- and they are in trouble you try to learn as much about whatever is causing them that problem. when beau was diagnosed i spent all my time and energy trying to learn as much as i could about the progress or lack thereof in fighting over 200 types of cancer. not like alzheimer's with one time. it's more complicated. what i learned is that we are really at an inflection point. for the first time all the disciplines are beginning to work together. >> reporter: the vice president cancer moonshot initiative brought together leaders in the field who are approaching treatment in a new way. >> now we have oncologists working with immunology using the immune system to fight it, virologists, chemical and biological engineers maing it. there is a great deal of collaboration. i'm convinced we can make in the next five years what it would take ten years to do. >> reporter: cancer is a disease with a far reach. 14 million people around the world are diagnosed with cancer every year. in five years it will be 20 million. >> you can hardly know anyone who doesn't have a friend, relationship, a family member who has within the victim of cancer and they have seen the impact it has on the whole family. >> reporter: biden says the response has been overwhelming. >> i sit in the middle east with the head of the guy who runs the united arab emirates talking about it and said before we start can i talk about cancer? i met with abe in japan. we'll talk about north korea, but can we talk about cancer? the international collaborations, the philanthropy being brought to bear. this is the only truly nonpartisan issue. there is overwhelmingly public help in this regard, too. it is exciting that i believe we'll make real progress and save people's lives and change the quality of their lives. >> reporter: when vice president joe biden announced he would not run for president he said he would have wanted to be the president who ended cancer. with this moonshot summit he hopes he's a step closer to leaving the legacy. in washington, eun yang, news 4. >> for more on the interview, the cancer initiative and vice president biden's thoughts on the presidential election, go to our app and search biden. >> good for them. >> yeah. >> can't get much better than this. >> if we were at the ball game. >> there you go. >> that would be good. >> can you help a >> no. i can't. as a matter of fact, i need somebody to help me out first. >> a beautiful night if you are headed out to the nats game or watching on tv like some of us. going to be perfect. look at the temperatures. first, national harbor, beautiful. what a great night to get out on the capital wheel. do shopping toward national harbor. we are at 79 degrees in leesburg. 78 in baltimore. 82 in fredricksburg. phenomenal weather with low humidity. really is great. storm team 4 radar is dry. no rain for the next 24 hours. tomorrow afternoon we could see a few back to the west. they are not in the forecast here at least in the d.c. metro area. 75 degrees, nice tomorrow. 80 around noon. a great day to get out for lunch. nice and warm there as well. the impact tomorrow, low, moderate or high. low impact tomorrow, of course. how humidity, cooler than average. doesn't get much better than this. it changes on friday. look at the ten-day forecast. 1 on friday. 86 on saturday. july 4th i thing we'll have storms late in the today. tuesday okay and a chance of a heat wave. there it is. the ten-day forecast. helping you plan ten days ahead. sports up next. nats keeping the heat and the distance on the divisi this is the xfinity sports desk. >> jason's got sports. everybody going down tonight is carrying a broom. >> yes. >> that's what they are looking for. >> you want separation with the new york mets up five games in the standings now. let's see if they can keep it going. last night we saw the youngest most inexperienced pitcher take the mound for the nationals. the 21-year-old put the nats in position. now it's up to max scherzer. series here is carol maloney sprks what a difference three days can makes as the nats finish up a losing skid with a three-game winning streak and now have a chance to go for the sweep against their biggest rivals, the mets. >> that's our plan tonight, sweep the series. since we are in this position. i mean, we can -- last time we started a series we like the sweep. we would be six games up in the same position we were two weeks ago. you know, 14 less games going into the standings. >> not going to be an easy game. obviously we have max on the mound. that's a very good team there. a good line-up, good defense. those two wins weren't easy wins by any means. >> good news on the injury front. closer jonathan papelbon has had a rib injury and threw a simulated game here. he said he's close to >> thanks rg carol. orioles fans out in san diego. final game against the padres today. the birds loving the sunshine. they love mark trumbo. he's outstanding. this is his major league leading 23rd homerun of the season. the oerl tie the all time record with 55. they lead it 4-0. later in the fifth, bases loaded were crush, chris davis. he usually goes yard. this is a roller down the line here. watch him run it out. will myers can't handle the throw. sliding in under the tag. two runs to score on the error. the orioles were up 12-6. they win this one. they have now won seven straight games. the o's just absolutely rolling. you guys watch wimbledon today? tennis? >> i did. saw federer and djokovic. >> how about the guy, t marcus willis? >> what's the big deal? the guy got lucky. >> whoa! >> i thought you would love the story. >> today he walked into reality. it's a of wo story but he goes against federer and it's like, good-bye, see you. nice shot, kid. >> it's a nice story. >> thanks for that. >> oh, man. >> let me hype it back up. marcus willis, remember the name. he's playing at wimbledon. he's a hometown guy from britain, the 772nd ranked player in the world. he lives at home with his parents. his girlfriend is a former beauty queen and he eats candy and drinks soda during matches. my favorite tennis player. this cinderella story came to an end. it was more like david versus goliath. picture goliath with outstanding hair. roger federer, the seven-time wimbledon champion took it to him. first set, 6-0. willis check out the pretty winner. he's pumped up and should be. the home crowd loves it. friends and family. all for marcus willis today. match point. federer. willis too far here. he wins in straight sets. roger federer, the big story of wimbledon for the first few days. marcus willis comes to an end. hopefully we'll see him again in the future. >> thanks for that. great stuff. >> you're welcome, doug. >> to the verizon center now. camp day. mystics and stars. this is all mystics. check out this pass. she knocks down the three. mystics by five. later in the quarter, making it look easy here. getting it off the glass. she scored 12 points today. more from mistibon. doing work down low. the mystics go on to win 84-67. they now are above .500 for the first time thissen is. tonight. >> good luck to them. that's our broadcast. you won't see that guy ever again in wimbledon. >> he dates a beauty queen and eats candy. wow. man: hey baby, how are you? woman: i have a surprise for you. man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. tonight, moments of terror developing details inside the attack at the airport in istanbul, how the suicide bombers got inside. new video and chilling accounts of death and survival. richard engel is there. also, protecting america's airports, should security checkpoints be moved? tonight, the cia director's new warning about the isis threat to the homeland. nbc news exclusive, tom brokaw with vice president biden on his moon shot mission to find a cure for cancer. how safe and effective are the popular hand sanitizers millions of americans use everyday? concerns being raised. the fda demanding answers, what doctors are telling us tonight. and homecoming for a baby

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Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160629 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 At 6 20160629

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machines. during the chaos, a second attacker went upstairs and blew himself up. the third attacker waited outside. detonating his explosives as people ran out of that airport in a panic. 42 people killed. more than 230 wounded. there are no known american casualties. some of the victims have yet to be identified. steve handelsman is at reagan national as security measures at home are revealed. steve? >> reporter: thanks. officials at airports across america are nervous. they know terrorists are copy cats. officials are worried. they know terrorists are copy cats. that after the isis-inspired attack on belgium's airport the brussels airport in march came istanbul. airports are perfect targets. security looks tighter at some u.s. terminals but defending any airport is a tough task. they are full of people. 62 million a year in and out of istanbul's airport that re-opened today. 101 million at atlanta's hartsfield airport, the busiest in the world. that alone looks tempting to isis and its followers. >> wherever the masses of people are at these transportation hubs, that's where the targeting is. >> reporter: there is massing in one place, tsa. going into the summer travel crush an expert warns tsa ought to speed up. >> we want to find the big stuff, the important stuff. we need to keep the lines moving. otherwise we are creating a soft target. >> reporter: why not screen at the airport entrance? belgian police did it in march after the brussels attack. in istanbul police stopped vehicles and check at the outer doors before the tsa checkpoint. yesterday 's ter errorm went outside the airport, the other at the entrance and the third a little bit further inside the halls. >> reporter: in canada today president obama vowed vigilance. >> we stand with the people of turkey. we intend to do what's necessary to make sure these terrible events are not happening. >> reporter: but they are happening. what to do is not clear. not going to any airport is one option. another is to pay attention to the state department warnings. just yesterday the u.s. state department renewed caution about possible terrorist attacks in turkey. i'm steve handelsman, news 4, jim? >> thanks, steve. in a few hours passengers will be boarding a flight from delles in virginia to turkey. before they get to the gate they have to go through increased security. chris gordon has more on that from dulles. he talked to a passenger making the trip. chris? >> reporter: well, jim, i spoke to the woman just a few minutes ago. her niece acted as our interpreter. i asked, aren't you afraid to fly to istanbul after the airport bombing. she said it can happen any place at any time. you can't live your life in fear. here at dulles international airport security has visibly increased. a military truck patrols the perimeter of dulles international airport. airport police officers carrying assault style rifles and side arms are highly visible both inside the airport and curb side. canine teams move between bags and passengers. all of this can reassure passengers or be a reminder of yesterday's attacks at the airport in istanbul. >> i'm concerned. but i know security is beefed up. i know there are things going around the airport. i feel safer that security is beefed up. itll counters are closed. check in for tonight's flight begins at 7:15 p.m. as passengers arrived today from south korea we met one who was at the airport in istanbul just before yesterday's bombing. >> i was surprised with how the security in istanbul. i thought it would be more strict than it was. 'm sure it will be now. >> reporter: mo ishmael is a student from penn state returning home. >> i'm going to abu dhabi. it was a 14-hour flight. i was concerned to hear about s i tan bull. >> reporter: some people have concerned about safety but say they won't be paralyzed by fear. >> we have decided to live our life. we don't want to give in to the fear of letting that happen and letting that change how we are doing things. >> reporter: within the past half hour a backpack and some it was immediately surrounded by a canine unit and half a dozen heavily armed police officers. it would have been removed and destroyed had the owner not been found. that's the latest live at dulles. wendy, back to you. a grand jury indicted a former school aide on 270 counts of child abuse and pornography. we learned the youngest of the 23 victims, 9 years old. tracy wilkins has a look at what's next in the case of deonte carraway. >> reporter: just to put it in perspective the charge of sexual abuse of a minor carries a life long sentence and he has 23 of those. bottom line he's looking at multiple life sentences behind bars if convicted. >> it's like a kick in the stomach. your heart drop to describe what she felt when learning her 10-year-old son was a victim of the school volunteer she trusted. >> reporter: a grand jury found him guilty of 23 count of sex abuse of a minor. 125 count of first, second and third degree sex offenses, 66 counts of creating child porn and 68 counts of possessing child porn. the office found a way to try carraway without having children take the stand by using the more than 50 videos he allegedly produced. brooks stressed the office is investigating criminal charges beyond carraway. this mother and son are in therapy. >> he's doing okay. he has his moments. >> reporter: she says the indictment is just the beginning, not the end of the fight. for it. he needs to not ever be around children again. as far as i'm concerned. he's where he needs to be now. >> reporter: the prince george's school system released a statement saying the schools appreciate the efforts by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to seek justice on behalf of the community's children. we look forward to mr. carraway being held accountable in a court of law for his horrifying crimes. 23 children are part of this indictment. they know who 20 of the kids are. the other three haven't yet been identified. it speaks to the complexity of the case and the fact that all of the victims haven't come forward. reporting live in upper marlboro, back to you. >> thank you. former fairfax police officer adam torres was released days after a judge sentenced him for the deat our news partner wtop radio captured his first moments of freedom. he shot and killed geer during a stand off in august of 2013 while geer wasn't armed. friday a judge sentenced him to a year in jail and three more years suspended. geer's mother called the sentence offensive. because he's served ten months behind bars already, torres was released today. >> new information about the man shot and killed by the d.c. police. it happened monday outside an apartment complex on var numb street northeast. sherman evans. police say they opened fire when evans who is 63 years old refused to put down the weapon. that weapon turned out to be a b.b. gun. investigators are looking into the possibility this could be a case of suicide by cop. well, for the first time in what seems to be a long time we have a sunny afternoon with no no rain in sight. doug tracking the conditions. we are looking ahead to the fourth of july weekend. >> we are looking ahead for the weekend. looking very nice today. yesterday, a heat index of 95. remember, four years ago we were at 104 and the dere kcho came tt night. what a difference it was a few years back. we are not dealing with rain across the area. nice temperatures, low humidity. it's spectacular. look at rockville on the rockville camera. north bethesda and blue skies. just beautiful. next couple of days we'll see a few changes. a nice cool night tonight. a great thursday. i think tomorrow will be another good one. storm chances increase on friday. we'll talk about it. of course tracking that holiday weekend. one of the weekend days, i'm including july 4th. could be showers and storms. see you back forecast and the new ten-day forecast. looking forward to it, doug. help is on its way to five counties in west virginia that suffered severe damage and deadly flooding. today the federal emergency management agency officially declared a federal disaster in clay, fayette, monroe, roan and summers counties in west virginia. that means the people who live in those areas can apply for aid from the federal government. two other counties are still waiting to be approved for federal help. flash flooding has damaged thousands of homes and businesses in the area. 23 people were killed. >> there is a change coming at the top of the d.c. school system. chancellor henderson prepares to step down. she's been chancellor more than five years. she'll leave at the end of september. under her leadership students scored higher on between white and black students still high. john davis who has been serving as the chief of schools will be the interim chancellor. a search for a replacement begins in the fall. coming up, a child at day care assaulted, his hair ripped out. we have more from the parents and the attack caught on video. >> thousands of ex-felons coming to voter registration offices like this since april when the governor restored their voting rights. coming up, what the governor is going. new poll numbers reveal what other countries think about our presidential candidates. the results may surprise you. there are countless polls that show how americans feel about hillary clinton and donald trump. there is survey that provides insight on how the rest of the world views our presumptive presidential candidates. the pew research center asked people if they are confident that donald trump or hillary clinton would do the right thing in world affairs. countries that expressed little to no include germany, france, the united kingdom, australia and japan. confidence in clinton in those same countries ranged from 66 to 79%. in the meantime, donald trump's reaction last night to the terror attack in turkey appeared to some to be a call for the return to torture. >> you have to fight fire with fire. we better get smart. we getter get tough. we are not going to have much of a country left. okay? >> trump told cnn if he becomes president he will change laws that ban waterboarding so the u.s. can fighter error. in his words on an almost equal basis. his remarks were denounced by a fellow republican arizona senator john mccain. >> according to the geneva conventions it is a war crime. not to mention the moral aspects of it is not what we are. it's not about them. it's about us. >> hillary clinton has not yet responded to the attacks. she released a statement that said in part the attack is a reminder that the u.s. must deepen cooperation in the middle east and europe to fight the threat of terrorism. >> virginia's governor is traveling around the commonwealth this week, defending his decision to restore vote rights to all ex-felons. he stopped today in alexandria. julie kerry was there as he put the spotlight on those who feared they would never vote again. >> the governor's order means more than 200,000 felons. to register to vote. the governor's plan face as legal challenge from those who violate the constitution and it is filled with mistakes. >> i would like to officially present you with certificate rights restored. >> reporter: he didn't even apply to have his voting rights restored sure it would be turned down. that changed in april when the governor restored civil rights to all felons who served their time. >> good thing. it's the right thing to do. >> that's the point the governor is trying to make holding a seshz of round table discussions pushing back against fierce terrorisms that his executive order exceeds his authority. >> let's stop the fear mongering and move virginia ford. >> local critics created by the governor's office are filled with mistakes. >> they didn't scrub it, vet it or do anything. you are finding illegal aliens in the database, people that are mentally incapacitated, in prison, still on >> once voting rights are restored the doors are open to felons to get gun rights back. the virginia supreme court will hear the legal challenges but he has a defiant backup plan ready if he loses. i will sign 224,000 orders to give them rights back. >> reporter: at the urban league event the governor found only support. alicia white had her rights restored and said the action will change lives. >> life can begin. hosting and library. congressman cummings and chris van hollen hosted a meeting with gun violence survivors and faith leaders. today is a week since house democrats staged a sit-in to force a vote on gun law reforms. that revolt lasted about 25 hours. they want this day of action to show they will continue to fight for stricter gun laws including universal background checks and a ban on gun sales to those on the no fly watch list. >> a pregnant rider denied access to a metro bathroom. why it happened and what changed after she contacted news 4. >> he was a court commissioner. now he's a convict. guilty in a child sex case. at story coming up. th the greek flavors of our mediterranean your choice of delicious chicken or hearty steak. with crumbled feta and cool, creamy tzatziki sauce. try our mediterranean collection today. subway. fresh is what we do. i don't know if you put a number on this day. 10 is not enough if it's 1 to 10. >> no. >> this was almost perfect. >> sweet. >> you talk about it after 95 yesterday for a heat index. seeing severe storms, a lot of damage yesterday and then you get a day like this. a day to get out on the ball field. baseball field. this is richard montgomery high school. takes you back to high school and college playing ball. you get to take a couple of reps on the field. if you're going down to nats park, 81 degrees the current number. winds from the northwest at 16 miles per hour. perfect evening for baseball. really no matter what you're doing. look at the numbers. 69 in thu armond. 81 in dulles. if you're headed down to see h sweep tonight. wouldn't that be awesome. if you need a jacket or a sweater tonight might be that kind of night. here we are at 1:00 in the afternoon on future weather. clear. tomorrow is sunshine. back to the mountains. you can see what i'm talking about. maybe showers and thunderstorms there. all in all most of us will be on the dry side tomorrow. the forecast, 84. partly sunny. late day storms but once again, most of us will be dry. winds from the southeast at 5 to 10 miles per hour. 85 in 80 in winchester. 76 toward annapolis. how about the brand new ten-day forecast. we are bringing it to you because we feel we can be more accurate than we were able to be in the past. there it is talking about thursday at 84. 91 on friday. 50% chance of storms on friday. the weekend looking great saturday and sunday. tracking monday, july 4th. right now we are going for a chance of showers, thunderstorms. could impact the fireworks. tracking a heat wave. this is something we can do with the ten-day forecast showing you weather way far out to help and you know what will happen over the next ten days. >> thanks, doug. still to come a remarkable recovery as a local police officer went back to work just months after being shot in the line of duty. >> a local court commissioner charged in a sex-related crime. how he used social media to try to target an under aged boy. >> a metro rider comes here asking to use the restroom and is told she can't. why is that? here's the kicker. she's five months pregnant. woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. airport in the wake of the deadly terror attack in istanbul turkey. >> a former court official is now a convicted criminal. how police busted him for trying to solicit sex from an under age boy. >> a pregnant woman, denied access to the bathroom at a metro station. >> said no, that i had abused my bathroom privileges. >> what you need to know about the restroom policy. >> plus, one on one with vice president joe biden after his cancer summit in the district today. >> you hardly know anyone who doesn't have a friend, relationship, family member who has been the victim of cancer. >> montgomery county, the person who would set bond for people accused of crimes and tonight he's a convicted family. >> the second time a county court commissioner was charged with a sex related crime. prosecutors say he solicited an under aged boy using a dating app. the boy was an under >> wendy, they say he used an app to solicit from a 15-year-old boy. then they say he talked about getting a young boy, keeping him in a cage, and using him as a sex slave. 30-year-old daniel reed found guilty today of soliciting sex from a minor. until his arrest reed was a district court commissioner in rockville. officially charging and setting bond for suspects and all kinds of criminal cases. but now commissioner reed is convict reed. during the two-day trial at circuit court, police allege reed talked about getting a young boy to use as a sex slave. >> there were conversations that mr. reed had that indicated he would want to enslave a young him caged up. >> reporter: according to court documents reed used the gay dating app grindr to solicit a 15-year-old known as kinky twinkie who turned out to be an under cover detective. transcripts of his texts go on and on and on. but when he was found guilty today, reed let his lawyer do the talking. >> mr. reed can't talk at this time. we fenned an emotional trial and ask that you respect his privacy now. >> reporter: daniel reed is out on bond pending sentencing on august 15. now on may 24, daniel reed graduated from law school. they say he's waiting now to take the bar exam. jim, back to you. >> pat, thanks. a prince william county police officer shot in the line of d i officer jesse hempden was charged in the duty that killed another officer in february. the department posted a photograph on the facebook page announcing his return to the squood and patrol duty. another officer injured in the shooting is still recovering. the officers were responding to a domestic violence call at the time. the man accused of killing the trigger has been charged with murder. tonight the eiffel tower in paris will be in the colors of the turkish flag in tribute to the victims of the terror attack in istanbul. officials say at least 42 people were killed, more than 230 were wounded when three suicide bombers targeted the airport. it was shut down yesterday but has already re-opened. an airplane from dulles will head to the airport tonight. in no claim of responsibility for that attack. but both turkish and american officials say the attack appears to have been carried out by isis. at a summit in canada today president obama talked about the attack and offered condolences. he says the u.s. is standing by to assist turkey. >> only on news 4, a woman, five months pregnant, shocked when metro would no longer let her use the restroom at the metro station. she reached out to our transportation reporter and adam got in touch with metro and clarified who is and who is not allowed to use metro's bathrooms. >> pregnant and rising metro. rachel has been allowed to use the employee bathroom until a recent trip. the shady grove stage last week asking to use a restroom she had used a couple of times before she was all of the sudden told she could no longer use it. here's the kicker. he said no: that i had abused my bathroom privileges and i wasn't allowed to. >> reporter: rachel was not allowed in and the story took a whole other turn. >> i had an accident. i got so upset, i was embarrassed that i got sick on myself. i had to go home. >> reporter: she filed a customer complaint and said not much happened. then that's when she called us. after she called metro rachel said the issue was different next time she saw the station manag manager. she said she hasn't had a problem. >> he jumped up, unlocked the bathroom and said, yep, news 4 >> reporter: metro said customer service handled the issue. news 4. >> a final and quite sad farewell today for a woman allegedly murdered by an ex-boyfriend just days after she news 4. a meeting of the minds in an effort to cure cancer. tonight our one on one with vice president biden and the inspiration between today's moonshot summit. and a pretty nice day across the region. what about the next couple of days? what about the next ten days? our new ten-day forecast. see you in a minute. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. and right now get these speeds with our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online with no annual contract. now switching to fios is easier than ever with hassle-free installation. we'll connect your devices to the new wi-fi and there is no cost to cancel early if you change your mind within 30 days. super fast 100 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. go to or call 1.888.get.fios to learn more. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. we have new reaction tonight from the owner of a child care center in the district where a little boy was allegedly assaulted. a chunk of his hair was yanked parents were told another kid did it but it was, in fact, a member of the staff. >> reporter: the 1-year-old's father says surveillance video shows a teacher ripped the boy's hair out. >> grabbed his hair with her right hand, pulled, pulled, he felled, pulled again, came out. you can see on the camera the spot missing, clear as day. >> reporter: the parents of 1-year-old demarco were outraged at what happened and the reaction from the day care center's staff. >> her excuse was she was irritated. your job is to watch kids. kids will irritate you. he irritates me. but you're not going to see me -- you know, 'm not going to do nothing of that nature. >> reporter: parents say they were lied to by the staff when this first happened yesterday. >> they pretty much told me a child did it. >> reporter: police are now investigating the allegations a teacher pulled the boy's hair out. we asked the woman incident when she showed up. >> horrific, as far as i'm concerned. because i do not raise people and i don't raise parents. raise children. >> what is horrific? what your teacher did? >> yes. >> reporter: what are you going to do about that? >> i don't know. i have policies and procedures in place. >> reporter: the child's parents say they don't think they can trust a day care ever again with their child's safety. they are licensed to care for up to 60 children at two locations. police haven't charged anyone so far with wrongdoing. in the district, mark segraves, news 4. >> question is does it really work? and is it safe? tonight, a growing debate over a popular hand sanitizer. and fighting to find a cure for cancer. nbc news 4 sits down with vice president biden to talk a millions of americans use them. now the government wants evidence they are safe. hand sanitizers are meant to be used when soap and water is not available. because most of us do not wash them off, the sanitizer remains on the skin. today the food and drug administration proposed a rule that asked for more scientific data on the sanitizer's active ingredients. fda officials say they are not suggesting the products aren't safe or effective. but they want more information from the companies that make them. vice president joe biden asking the country to buy in, double down and speed up research in the fight to cure cancer. >> news four sat down with the vice president today at howard university. >> reporter: for vice president joe biden, the fight to find a cure for cancer is personal. the bidens lost their oldest son more than a year ago. he was 46 years old. >> i tell you what beau did. when you have a child who loves you so -- and they are in trouble you try to learn as much about whatever is causing them that problem. when beau was diagnosed i spent all my time and energy trying to learn as much as i could about the progress or lack thereof in fighting over 200 types of cancer. not like alzheimer's with one time. it's more complicated. what i learned is that we are really at an inflection point. for the first time all the disciplines are beginning to work together. >> reporter: the vice president cancer moonshot initiative brought together leaders in the field who are approaching treatment in a new way. >> now we have oncologists working with immunology using the immune system to fight it, virologists, chemical and biological engineers maing it. there is a great deal of collaboration. i'm convinced we can make in the next five years what it would take ten years to do. >> reporter: cancer is a disease with a far reach. 14 million people around the world are diagnosed with cancer every year. in five years it will be 20 million. >> you can hardly know anyone who doesn't have a friend, relationship, a family member who has within the victim of cancer and they have seen the impact it has on the whole family. >> reporter: biden says the response has been overwhelming. >> i sit in the middle east with the head of the guy who runs the united arab emirates talking about it and said before we start can i talk about cancer? i met with abe in japan. we'll talk about north korea, but can we talk about cancer? the international collaborations, the philanthropy being brought to bear. this is the only truly nonpartisan issue. there is overwhelmingly public help in this regard, too. it is exciting that i believe we'll make real progress and save people's lives and change the quality of their lives. >> reporter: when vice president joe biden announced he would not run for president he said he would have wanted to be the president who ended cancer. with this moonshot summit he hopes he's a step closer to leaving the legacy. in washington, eun yang, news 4. >> for more on the interview, the cancer initiative and vice president biden's thoughts on the presidential election, go to our app and search biden. >> good for them. >> yeah. >> can't get much better than this. >> if we were at the ball game. >> there you go. >> that would be good. >> can you help a >> no. i can't. as a matter of fact, i need somebody to help me out first. >> a beautiful night if you are headed out to the nats game or watching on tv like some of us. going to be perfect. look at the temperatures. first, national harbor, beautiful. what a great night to get out on the capital wheel. do shopping toward national harbor. we are at 79 degrees in leesburg. 78 in baltimore. 82 in fredricksburg. phenomenal weather with low humidity. really is great. storm team 4 radar is dry. no rain for the next 24 hours. tomorrow afternoon we could see a few back to the west. they are not in the forecast here at least in the d.c. metro area. 75 degrees, nice tomorrow. 80 around noon. a great day to get out for lunch. nice and warm there as well. the impact tomorrow, low, moderate or high. low impact tomorrow, of course. how humidity, cooler than average. doesn't get much better than this. it changes on friday. look at the ten-day forecast. 1 on friday. 86 on saturday. july 4th i thing we'll have storms late in the today. tuesday okay and a chance of a heat wave. there it is. the ten-day forecast. helping you plan ten days ahead. sports up next. nats keeping the heat and the distance on the divisi this is the xfinity sports desk. >> jason's got sports. everybody going down tonight is carrying a broom. >> yes. >> that's what they are looking for. >> you want separation with the new york mets up five games in the standings now. let's see if they can keep it going. last night we saw the youngest most inexperienced pitcher take the mound for the nationals. the 21-year-old put the nats in position. now it's up to max scherzer. series here is carol maloney sprks what a difference three days can makes as the nats finish up a losing skid with a three-game winning streak and now have a chance to go for the sweep against their biggest rivals, the mets. >> that's our plan tonight, sweep the series. since we are in this position. i mean, we can -- last time we started a series we like the sweep. we would be six games up in the same position we were two weeks ago. you know, 14 less games going into the standings. >> not going to be an easy game. obviously we have max on the mound. that's a very good team there. a good line-up, good defense. those two wins weren't easy wins by any means. >> good news on the injury front. closer jonathan papelbon has had a rib injury and threw a simulated game here. he said he's close to >> thanks rg carol. orioles fans out in san diego. final game against the padres today. the birds loving the sunshine. they love mark trumbo. he's outstanding. this is his major league leading 23rd homerun of the season. the oerl tie the all time record with 55. they lead it 4-0. later in the fifth, bases loaded were crush, chris davis. he usually goes yard. this is a roller down the line here. watch him run it out. will myers can't handle the throw. sliding in under the tag. two runs to score on the error. the orioles were up 12-6. they win this one. they have now won seven straight games. the o's just absolutely rolling. you guys watch wimbledon today? tennis? >> i did. saw federer and djokovic. >> how about the guy, t marcus willis? >> what's the big deal? the guy got lucky. >> whoa! >> i thought you would love the story. >> today he walked into reality. it's a of wo story but he goes against federer and it's like, good-bye, see you. nice shot, kid. >> it's a nice story. >> thanks for that. >> oh, man. >> let me hype it back up. marcus willis, remember the name. he's playing at wimbledon. he's a hometown guy from britain, the 772nd ranked player in the world. he lives at home with his parents. his girlfriend is a former beauty queen and he eats candy and drinks soda during matches. my favorite tennis player. this cinderella story came to an end. it was more like david versus goliath. picture goliath with outstanding hair. roger federer, the seven-time wimbledon champion took it to him. first set, 6-0. willis check out the pretty winner. he's pumped up and should be. the home crowd loves it. friends and family. all for marcus willis today. match point. federer. willis too far here. he wins in straight sets. roger federer, the big story of wimbledon for the first few days. marcus willis comes to an end. hopefully we'll see him again in the future. >> thanks for that. great stuff. >> you're welcome, doug. >> to the verizon center now. camp day. mystics and stars. this is all mystics. check out this pass. she knocks down the three. mystics by five. later in the quarter, making it look easy here. getting it off the glass. she scored 12 points today. more from mistibon. doing work down low. the mystics go on to win 84-67. they now are above .500 for the first time thissen is. tonight. >> good luck to them. that's our broadcast. you won't see that guy ever again in wimbledon. >> he dates a beauty queen and eats candy. wow. man: hey baby, how are you? woman: i have a surprise for you. man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. tonight, moments of terror developing details inside the attack at the airport in istanbul, how the suicide bombers got inside. new video and chilling accounts of death and survival. richard engel is there. also, protecting america's airports, should security checkpoints be moved? tonight, the cia director's new warning about the isis threat to the homeland. nbc news exclusive, tom brokaw with vice president biden on his moon shot mission to find a cure for cancer. how safe and effective are the popular hand sanitizers millions of americans use everyday? concerns being raised. the fda demanding answers, what doctors are telling us tonight. and homecoming for a baby

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