Transcripts For WPVI Action News At Noon 20160926 : comparem

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At Noon 20160926

>> good afternoon, rick will be along later. in the news this noon, eagles fans are flying high and sounding off after the birds win again. we're live in south philadelphia with new reaction. hundreds line the streets to salute two heros who died in a house fire over the weekend. new on "action news" a shooting spree near a strip mall in houston be texas. we learned one of the victims is in critical condition. maggie ruly has new information and joins us from washington. >> reporter: sarah, good afternoon, police are investigating the situation we know that the gunman was firing at people in cars until he was taken out by police. early this morning panic breaks out at a shopping center parking lot in houston, texas. >> bullets passed my pace face. >> i could tell the shots were coming from this direction. >> i heard the whiz of bullets going through my window. >> we have an active shooter engaging people in the vehicles. >> reporter: many victims were sitting in their cars when they shot at. 6 people in the hospital, three others treated and released at the scene. one in critical condition. police responded immediately. >> the shooter was engained by pd and -- engaged by pd and neutralized. they have not identified the gunman or specify a motive. he lives in the neighborhood and this detail. >> he is a lawyer and there were issues concerning his law firm. >> investigators are producing the scene checking his car for additional weapons and working to make sure there are no other suspects. in washington, maggie ruly, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. today's shooting comes days after a rampage at a shopping mar in washington state. 20-year-old arcan cetin shot and killed five people inside a macy's store friday night. less than two weeks ago, a man stabbed ten people at a minnesota mall before being shot to death by an off-duty police officer. firefighters lined up to honor their fallen colleagues who died at a house fire in wilmington. the flag-draped cassetts carrying christopher leach and jerry fickes were escorted from the million examiner's office to a funeral home. both men were killed in a blaze on lake view road. officials are trying to figure out what caused the fire. bob brooks is following the investigation and the morning tribute. we'll have a live report at 1:30. charges are pending against a man following a dangerous confrontation with police in montgomery county. abington township officers were informed of a suicidal man missing from upper dublin. they saw a driver matching the description and stopped his car in the 2700 block of lime kiln pike. they tried to wrestle the gun away from the driver and the gun went off. nobody was shot. the man is in custody pending a mental health valuation. we're less than 9 hours and counting now until the first faceoff between presidential candidates hillary clinton and donald trump. the stage is set at hofstra university on long island. analysts say tonight's debate could draw a super bowl-like audience in the u.s. with millions more watching around the world. new polls show the candidates in a statistical tie with weeks ago until election day. "action news" will be live at hofstra with brian taff and sharrie williams before and after the debate. you can watch the debate starting at 9:00 p.m. followed by "action news" at 11:00 p.m. join us you after "action news" for a special presidential debate edition of inside story. they will breakdown the debate and talk about how what is said tonight could impact the election. monica malpass will host after "action news" at 11:00 p.m. we started the workweek with a chilly morning, but it's turning out to be a nice afternoon with pleasant temperatures. looking live from sky6 live hd at the jersey shore in atlantic city. meteorologist david murphy is tracking the latest conditions and joining us outside on the terrace. it's starting to feel fall-like. >> reporter: it is sarah. check out satellite we talked about how we would start out mostly sunny and we talked about an iran crease in clouds, it's occurred in part of the region starting at noon. morning lows, everybody could say brrr if you were in allentown and reading. 42 degrees in allentown, it got into the mid 0s in the poconos. 53 in philadelphia. 48 in wilmington, 51 in wildwood. chilly in connection with, but we have rebounded nicely up to 71 degrees in philadelphia currently. 68 in allentown, 71 in wilmington, 71 in cape may. the breeze is beginning to build, too, down in wilmington we have a stained wind of 21 miles per hour, up to 12 in philadelphia. it was calm when we started out, now the sun is up over the horizon, have the wind aloft down at the surface. we'll go for a high of 76. if the clouds thicken up fast enough we may get down to 74, 75. either way it's a mild day ahead and we have the clouds and sun mix. overnight low, 62 not as chilly as the normal and not as chilly as this past overnight. clouds getting thicker and how thick they grow over the next couple of hours will determine where we have the high. tomorrow morning we have rain coming in. that's details just ahead. eagles 3-0 after beating the steelers by more than 30 point in front of a hometown crowd. "action news" reporter, walter perez is live in south philadelphia with more on what fans are saying today, hi, walter. >> reporter: hey, sarah, the team news conference underway right now, it's a love fest as you would imagine. granted only three games into the season, it's obvious that drafting carson wentz was a good idea. a 23-year-old rookie put on a quarterbacking clinic throwing 23 of 31 for 300 yards. carson wentz may be three games into his professional career, eagles nation is prepared to rename the town. we're wentzlevaina. he is a beast, he has the best eye coordination. we have the best receiver, their timing is perfect together. >> i think he is comfortable, taking on the leadership of the team, i think he is doing well. >> reporter: it is amazing. >> i'm glad for him. >> reporter: but gene of south philadelphia said let's bring home a lombardi trophy before we commission marble carson wentz statues. >> they look good. >> reporter: you still don't believe? >> i believe what i saw. [laughter]. >> reporter: most of the eagles fans we spoke with say it's important to remember like the old saying goes three games does not a season make, but beating up on the steelers was great. >> my husband is a steelers fan, i was happy about yesterday, it was a crusher. >> reporter: not what was mentioned, was the performance of the defense holding big ben and the steelers to 3 points and 251 total yards that's awesome. folks these eagles are for real. reporting live from the nova care center. walter perez channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. eagles head coach doug peterson is talking about the big win right now. you're looking live at his post-game news conference at the nova care center in south philadelphia. we'll have a wrap up of what peterson had to say at 12:30. the government's key witness is back on the stand in the bridgegate trial in new jersey. a missing boater is found alive floating in the water a week after he disappeared at sea. meteorologist david murphy will have the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when "action news" comes right back. >> the bridgegate trial continues today in newark, new jersey with the key government witness back on the stand. david wildstein worked for the port authority and pled guilty for causing traffic gridlock near the george washington bridge back in 2013 to punish a make sure for not endorsing chris christie. in charlotte, protesters are attending city council meeting to call for the resignation of the mayor and the police chief saying they are not happy how the investigation was handle into the shooting of the investigation of a black man by a black officer last week. body cam and dash cam footage don't show if there was a gun. more than two thousand buildings were evacuated in eastern iowa because of rising floodwaters. heavy rains have forced the nearby cedar river to swell and overflow. it's expected to crest tomorrow at near record levels. schools in the region have canceled classes through wednesday. a man believed to be dead has been found alive a full week after he was reported missing at sea. a cargo ship found 22-year-old drifting on an inflatable life raft over the coast of massachusetts yesterday. carmen and his 54-year-old mother disappeared seven days earlier during a fishing trip off rhode island. the coast guard suspended their search giving up hope of finding them alive. carmen is in good condition. it's unclear what happened to his mother. a teenager survives an attack by a great white shark. 17-year-old cooper alan was surfing with friends when he was bitten off australia this morning. he clamp down on his hip and leg. he made it back to shore where a nurse treated him until he was taken to the hospital. all beaches are shot nearby for 24 hours. coming up on "action news," a mother has a cautionary tale for other parents who choose not to vaccination their children. after a delayed start local school opens after major improvements, we'll show you the makeover in west philadelphia. find yours with a medicare plan ffrom independence blue cross. and get the support to find the answers to every fearless question. independence blue cross live fearless. an emergency landing after a samsung tablet caught fire on board. the tablet got stuck between seat cushions and began smoking as the plane was heading from detroit to amsterdam. the captain diverted to manchester, nobody was hurt. sales of new homes dropped by 7.6% last month. the commerce department is out with the august numbers today. sales activities fell in all regions of the u.s. except out west. experts say there is a lack of homes on the market. last month's decline follow a record high number of sales in july. "health check" this noon, one mother who refused to vaccinate her children is waking up after a scary event. a recent american academy of pediatric survey found 87% of pediatricians encountered families who refused to vaccine. she said she learned the hard way when her five-year-old and three-year-old twins got a virus. the stomach infection made her and her husband very sick. it was awful. it didn't have to happen. i could have had them vaccinated. i felt guilty. >> she said she is speaking out to warn parents about the importance of vaccines. a west philadelphia school opened its doors to students after a big renovation. "action news" was there global leadership academy southwest as students and teachers arrived to starting point the new school year. they repainted the building animal fixed broken doors and gave the school a more open feeling. >> we had a challenge trying to get the building ready we started late, but we're here training future leaders of the world. >> tomorrow the students in the next grade levels will have their first day of classes. >> the "action news" team working on news stories tonight beginning at 4:00 p.m. let's check in with alicia vitarelli live in the newsroom with a look ahead. >> reporter: cash-strapped atlantic city may have found a way to get millions of dollars. we'll have details on the deal that can be in the works. plus police get a break in the case after a man tried to rob two west philadelphia stores win minutes. we'll tell you who police is looking for and the surveillance video that could be the break in the case. you probably heard the rumor you could save your phone after it falls in the water by using rice? there's a better solution that's being offered in philadelphia. we'll tell you where and how technology is being used to dry out and safe your smart phone. don't forget you can take us with you on the the go. if you have not download the free "action news" app you can watch us live on your smart phone or tablet. back to you. >> "action accuweather is comp when we come right back. >> david here with a check of the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. it's cooler out there, we'll see the leaves changing soon. >> reporter: i think so, that's going to happen. >> that happens annually. >> reporter: that's right, the reason i hesitated we had so little rain lately. i'm not sure they will be super bright, but they will turn. right now we have no precipitation again. as we look outside we have cloud cover building in, we have rays of sunshine hitting the tops of the center city skyscrapers, but the clouds have gotten thicker over the last couple of hours. the temperature currently, though, has reached into the 70s after a chilly start. dewpoints nice and low, no humidity to worry about. the winds have picked up a bit now up to 12 miles per hour. i've seen a stained windy up over 20 in wilmington. 68 degrees in allentown. 63 in reading. it's taken longer for it to pop up there. on or about 70 in the i-95 corridor and millville and dover, low 70s in cape may and atlantic city, as well. satellite and radar showing you a sunny start, the clouds are filtering in more, high and sparse enough for the sun to filter in at times. we're watching the showers out to the west that will swing through. they will not be all that strong, but they will make the roads wet later tonight. 72 degrees in the lehigh valley. we are posting mostly sunny. things are evolve and change a little bit, we're going into a clouds and sun mix. at the shore, mostly sunny in spots. breezy conditions and low humidity winds out of the south over the next couple of hours 10 to 20 miles per hour on average. for the evening commute looks like mostly cloudy skies with perhaps lingering sunny breaks, 72 by 4:00 p.m. 72 by 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m., 70 degrees, we're down in the upper 60s as soon as 7:00 p.m. tonight. later tonight we'll see showers move in. the overnight forecast has cloudy skies with rain arriving. 62 the overnight low, not as cool as the past overnight when we went down to 53. winds out of the south. breezy overnight. what about the rain. 6:30 p.m. we're dry, so the evening commute no problem. we get into the nighttime period around 10:00 p.m. we can see showers pushing into future tractor in the northern and western suburbs, all this stuff will come into philadelphia by 11:00 p.m., midnight. not all that strong. by the time we get into 4:30 a.m. by the time we're back on the air on "action news," you can see there's spotty steadier showers, looks like the roads are going to be a little bit wet. by 9:00 a.m. this new model run has the rain in and around i-95, but there were earlier runs a that had it closer to the shore earlier than that. the coastal communities have the best chance of staying wet until midday or so, that will be an evolving situation we're tracking for you tomorrow. 75 degrees is the tomorrow's high. once we get the front off the coast with the clouds and the rain with it. we'll bounce up to a nice comfortable afternoon with sun returning. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, today's high, 76 mix of sun and clouds the rest of the way and showers late tonight. a damp start tomorrow, we are expect to jettison the rain by afternoon and the sun returning 75. wednesday, sunny and milder, 77. at night another shower possible thursday we're looking at another period of rain, cloudy skies, 71 degrees, how much rain we get is uncertain. there's some models showing us a decent amount of rain. we get into friday, saturday, sunday, looks like low 70s clouds and sunny breaks, a spotty shower each of those three days, none of them look like a wash. >> last weekend for the phillies? >> reporter: fan appreciation day sunday. >> tears and salutes as the caskets carrying two wilmington firefighters are escorted to the wilmington funeral home. abington police officer disarm a man with a gun, but not before a struggle. those stories and more next. >> hello, again, rick will be along a little bit later. here's some of the stories we're following on "action news" at 12:30, the caskets carrying two wilmington firefighters killed in the line of duty are escorted to funeral homes. a live report coming up. hillary clinton and donald trump face off tonight in the first presidential debate, a preview just ahead from hofstra university site of the showdown. eagles head coach doug peterson just finished talking about his team's demolition of the pittsburgh steelers. the birds are 3-ono. firefighters lined up as flag draped caskets were removed to a funeral home, christopher leach and jerry fickes died in the inferno on friday morning. bob brooks has more. >> reporter: sarah, here at the scene i can tell you that arson has not been ruled out as a possible cause of why this fire started. today i've been covering this story for the last three days, the investigation has intensified. you can see that police suv behind me there was a member of law enforcement going up and down the street with a dog sniffing around. things getting intense.

Related Keywords

Montgomery County , Texas , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Millville , Pennsylvania , Australia , Cedar River , Iowa , Center City , Iran , Philadelphia , Washington , Rhode Island , Minnesota , Dublin , Ireland , Dover , Atlantic City , Massachusetts , Allentown , Newark , American , Chris Christie , David Wildstein , Walter Perez , Bob Brooks , Carson Wentz , Hillary Clinton , Cooper Alan , Doug Peterson , David Murphy ,

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Transcripts For WPVI Action News At Noon 20160926 :

Transcripts For WPVI Action News At Noon 20160926

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>> good afternoon, rick will be along later. in the news this noon, eagles fans are flying high and sounding off after the birds win again. we're live in south philadelphia with new reaction. hundreds line the streets to salute two heros who died in a house fire over the weekend. new on "action news" a shooting spree near a strip mall in houston be texas. we learned one of the victims is in critical condition. maggie ruly has new information and joins us from washington. >> reporter: sarah, good afternoon, police are investigating the situation we know that the gunman was firing at people in cars until he was taken out by police. early this morning panic breaks out at a shopping center parking lot in houston, texas. >> bullets passed my pace face. >> i could tell the shots were coming from this direction. >> i heard the whiz of bullets going through my window. >> we have an active shooter engaging people in the vehicles. >> reporter: many victims were sitting in their cars when they shot at. 6 people in the hospital, three others treated and released at the scene. one in critical condition. police responded immediately. >> the shooter was engained by pd and -- engaged by pd and neutralized. they have not identified the gunman or specify a motive. he lives in the neighborhood and this detail. >> he is a lawyer and there were issues concerning his law firm. >> investigators are producing the scene checking his car for additional weapons and working to make sure there are no other suspects. in washington, maggie ruly, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. today's shooting comes days after a rampage at a shopping mar in washington state. 20-year-old arcan cetin shot and killed five people inside a macy's store friday night. less than two weeks ago, a man stabbed ten people at a minnesota mall before being shot to death by an off-duty police officer. firefighters lined up to honor their fallen colleagues who died at a house fire in wilmington. the flag-draped cassetts carrying christopher leach and jerry fickes were escorted from the million examiner's office to a funeral home. both men were killed in a blaze on lake view road. officials are trying to figure out what caused the fire. bob brooks is following the investigation and the morning tribute. we'll have a live report at 1:30. charges are pending against a man following a dangerous confrontation with police in montgomery county. abington township officers were informed of a suicidal man missing from upper dublin. they saw a driver matching the description and stopped his car in the 2700 block of lime kiln pike. they tried to wrestle the gun away from the driver and the gun went off. nobody was shot. the man is in custody pending a mental health valuation. we're less than 9 hours and counting now until the first faceoff between presidential candidates hillary clinton and donald trump. the stage is set at hofstra university on long island. analysts say tonight's debate could draw a super bowl-like audience in the u.s. with millions more watching around the world. new polls show the candidates in a statistical tie with weeks ago until election day. "action news" will be live at hofstra with brian taff and sharrie williams before and after the debate. you can watch the debate starting at 9:00 p.m. followed by "action news" at 11:00 p.m. join us you after "action news" for a special presidential debate edition of inside story. they will breakdown the debate and talk about how what is said tonight could impact the election. monica malpass will host after "action news" at 11:00 p.m. we started the workweek with a chilly morning, but it's turning out to be a nice afternoon with pleasant temperatures. looking live from sky6 live hd at the jersey shore in atlantic city. meteorologist david murphy is tracking the latest conditions and joining us outside on the terrace. it's starting to feel fall-like. >> reporter: it is sarah. check out satellite we talked about how we would start out mostly sunny and we talked about an iran crease in clouds, it's occurred in part of the region starting at noon. morning lows, everybody could say brrr if you were in allentown and reading. 42 degrees in allentown, it got into the mid 0s in the poconos. 53 in philadelphia. 48 in wilmington, 51 in wildwood. chilly in connection with, but we have rebounded nicely up to 71 degrees in philadelphia currently. 68 in allentown, 71 in wilmington, 71 in cape may. the breeze is beginning to build, too, down in wilmington we have a stained wind of 21 miles per hour, up to 12 in philadelphia. it was calm when we started out, now the sun is up over the horizon, have the wind aloft down at the surface. we'll go for a high of 76. if the clouds thicken up fast enough we may get down to 74, 75. either way it's a mild day ahead and we have the clouds and sun mix. overnight low, 62 not as chilly as the normal and not as chilly as this past overnight. clouds getting thicker and how thick they grow over the next couple of hours will determine where we have the high. tomorrow morning we have rain coming in. that's details just ahead. eagles 3-0 after beating the steelers by more than 30 point in front of a hometown crowd. "action news" reporter, walter perez is live in south philadelphia with more on what fans are saying today, hi, walter. >> reporter: hey, sarah, the team news conference underway right now, it's a love fest as you would imagine. granted only three games into the season, it's obvious that drafting carson wentz was a good idea. a 23-year-old rookie put on a quarterbacking clinic throwing 23 of 31 for 300 yards. carson wentz may be three games into his professional career, eagles nation is prepared to rename the town. we're wentzlevaina. he is a beast, he has the best eye coordination. we have the best receiver, their timing is perfect together. >> i think he is comfortable, taking on the leadership of the team, i think he is doing well. >> reporter: it is amazing. >> i'm glad for him. >> reporter: but gene of south philadelphia said let's bring home a lombardi trophy before we commission marble carson wentz statues. >> they look good. >> reporter: you still don't believe? >> i believe what i saw. [laughter]. >> reporter: most of the eagles fans we spoke with say it's important to remember like the old saying goes three games does not a season make, but beating up on the steelers was great. >> my husband is a steelers fan, i was happy about yesterday, it was a crusher. >> reporter: not what was mentioned, was the performance of the defense holding big ben and the steelers to 3 points and 251 total yards that's awesome. folks these eagles are for real. reporting live from the nova care center. walter perez channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. eagles head coach doug peterson is talking about the big win right now. you're looking live at his post-game news conference at the nova care center in south philadelphia. we'll have a wrap up of what peterson had to say at 12:30. the government's key witness is back on the stand in the bridgegate trial in new jersey. a missing boater is found alive floating in the water a week after he disappeared at sea. meteorologist david murphy will have the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when "action news" comes right back. >> the bridgegate trial continues today in newark, new jersey with the key government witness back on the stand. david wildstein worked for the port authority and pled guilty for causing traffic gridlock near the george washington bridge back in 2013 to punish a make sure for not endorsing chris christie. in charlotte, protesters are attending city council meeting to call for the resignation of the mayor and the police chief saying they are not happy how the investigation was handle into the shooting of the investigation of a black man by a black officer last week. body cam and dash cam footage don't show if there was a gun. more than two thousand buildings were evacuated in eastern iowa because of rising floodwaters. heavy rains have forced the nearby cedar river to swell and overflow. it's expected to crest tomorrow at near record levels. schools in the region have canceled classes through wednesday. a man believed to be dead has been found alive a full week after he was reported missing at sea. a cargo ship found 22-year-old drifting on an inflatable life raft over the coast of massachusetts yesterday. carmen and his 54-year-old mother disappeared seven days earlier during a fishing trip off rhode island. the coast guard suspended their search giving up hope of finding them alive. carmen is in good condition. it's unclear what happened to his mother. a teenager survives an attack by a great white shark. 17-year-old cooper alan was surfing with friends when he was bitten off australia this morning. he clamp down on his hip and leg. he made it back to shore where a nurse treated him until he was taken to the hospital. all beaches are shot nearby for 24 hours. coming up on "action news," a mother has a cautionary tale for other parents who choose not to vaccination their children. after a delayed start local school opens after major improvements, we'll show you the makeover in west philadelphia. find yours with a medicare plan ffrom independence blue cross. and get the support to find the answers to every fearless question. independence blue cross live fearless. an emergency landing after a samsung tablet caught fire on board. the tablet got stuck between seat cushions and began smoking as the plane was heading from detroit to amsterdam. the captain diverted to manchester, nobody was hurt. sales of new homes dropped by 7.6% last month. the commerce department is out with the august numbers today. sales activities fell in all regions of the u.s. except out west. experts say there is a lack of homes on the market. last month's decline follow a record high number of sales in july. "health check" this noon, one mother who refused to vaccinate her children is waking up after a scary event. a recent american academy of pediatric survey found 87% of pediatricians encountered families who refused to vaccine. she said she learned the hard way when her five-year-old and three-year-old twins got a virus. the stomach infection made her and her husband very sick. it was awful. it didn't have to happen. i could have had them vaccinated. i felt guilty. >> she said she is speaking out to warn parents about the importance of vaccines. a west philadelphia school opened its doors to students after a big renovation. "action news" was there global leadership academy southwest as students and teachers arrived to starting point the new school year. they repainted the building animal fixed broken doors and gave the school a more open feeling. >> we had a challenge trying to get the building ready we started late, but we're here training future leaders of the world. >> tomorrow the students in the next grade levels will have their first day of classes. >> the "action news" team working on news stories tonight beginning at 4:00 p.m. let's check in with alicia vitarelli live in the newsroom with a look ahead. >> reporter: cash-strapped atlantic city may have found a way to get millions of dollars. we'll have details on the deal that can be in the works. plus police get a break in the case after a man tried to rob two west philadelphia stores win minutes. we'll tell you who police is looking for and the surveillance video that could be the break in the case. you probably heard the rumor you could save your phone after it falls in the water by using rice? there's a better solution that's being offered in philadelphia. we'll tell you where and how technology is being used to dry out and safe your smart phone. don't forget you can take us with you on the the go. if you have not download the free "action news" app you can watch us live on your smart phone or tablet. back to you. >> "action accuweather is comp when we come right back. >> david here with a check of the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. it's cooler out there, we'll see the leaves changing soon. >> reporter: i think so, that's going to happen. >> that happens annually. >> reporter: that's right, the reason i hesitated we had so little rain lately. i'm not sure they will be super bright, but they will turn. right now we have no precipitation again. as we look outside we have cloud cover building in, we have rays of sunshine hitting the tops of the center city skyscrapers, but the clouds have gotten thicker over the last couple of hours. the temperature currently, though, has reached into the 70s after a chilly start. dewpoints nice and low, no humidity to worry about. the winds have picked up a bit now up to 12 miles per hour. i've seen a stained windy up over 20 in wilmington. 68 degrees in allentown. 63 in reading. it's taken longer for it to pop up there. on or about 70 in the i-95 corridor and millville and dover, low 70s in cape may and atlantic city, as well. satellite and radar showing you a sunny start, the clouds are filtering in more, high and sparse enough for the sun to filter in at times. we're watching the showers out to the west that will swing through. they will not be all that strong, but they will make the roads wet later tonight. 72 degrees in the lehigh valley. we are posting mostly sunny. things are evolve and change a little bit, we're going into a clouds and sun mix. at the shore, mostly sunny in spots. breezy conditions and low humidity winds out of the south over the next couple of hours 10 to 20 miles per hour on average. for the evening commute looks like mostly cloudy skies with perhaps lingering sunny breaks, 72 by 4:00 p.m. 72 by 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m., 70 degrees, we're down in the upper 60s as soon as 7:00 p.m. tonight. later tonight we'll see showers move in. the overnight forecast has cloudy skies with rain arriving. 62 the overnight low, not as cool as the past overnight when we went down to 53. winds out of the south. breezy overnight. what about the rain. 6:30 p.m. we're dry, so the evening commute no problem. we get into the nighttime period around 10:00 p.m. we can see showers pushing into future tractor in the northern and western suburbs, all this stuff will come into philadelphia by 11:00 p.m., midnight. not all that strong. by the time we get into 4:30 a.m. by the time we're back on the air on "action news," you can see there's spotty steadier showers, looks like the roads are going to be a little bit wet. by 9:00 a.m. this new model run has the rain in and around i-95, but there were earlier runs a that had it closer to the shore earlier than that. the coastal communities have the best chance of staying wet until midday or so, that will be an evolving situation we're tracking for you tomorrow. 75 degrees is the tomorrow's high. once we get the front off the coast with the clouds and the rain with it. we'll bounce up to a nice comfortable afternoon with sun returning. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, today's high, 76 mix of sun and clouds the rest of the way and showers late tonight. a damp start tomorrow, we are expect to jettison the rain by afternoon and the sun returning 75. wednesday, sunny and milder, 77. at night another shower possible thursday we're looking at another period of rain, cloudy skies, 71 degrees, how much rain we get is uncertain. there's some models showing us a decent amount of rain. we get into friday, saturday, sunday, looks like low 70s clouds and sunny breaks, a spotty shower each of those three days, none of them look like a wash. >> last weekend for the phillies? >> reporter: fan appreciation day sunday. >> tears and salutes as the caskets carrying two wilmington firefighters are escorted to the wilmington funeral home. abington police officer disarm a man with a gun, but not before a struggle. those stories and more next. >> hello, again, rick will be along a little bit later. here's some of the stories we're following on "action news" at 12:30, the caskets carrying two wilmington firefighters killed in the line of duty are escorted to funeral homes. a live report coming up. hillary clinton and donald trump face off tonight in the first presidential debate, a preview just ahead from hofstra university site of the showdown. eagles head coach doug peterson just finished talking about his team's demolition of the pittsburgh steelers. the birds are 3-ono. firefighters lined up as flag draped caskets were removed to a funeral home, christopher leach and jerry fickes died in the inferno on friday morning. bob brooks has more. >> reporter: sarah, here at the scene i can tell you that arson has not been ruled out as a possible cause of why this fire started. today i've been covering this story for the last three days, the investigation has intensified. you can see that police suv behind me there was a member of law enforcement going up and down the street with a dog sniffing around. things getting intense.

Related Keywords

Montgomery County , Texas , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Millville , Pennsylvania , Australia , Cedar River , Iowa , Center City , Iran , Philadelphia , Washington , Rhode Island , Minnesota , Dublin , Ireland , Dover , Atlantic City , Massachusetts , Allentown , Newark , American , Chris Christie , David Wildstein , Walter Perez , Bob Brooks , Carson Wentz , Hillary Clinton , Cooper Alan , Doug Peterson , David Murphy ,

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