Transcripts For WNYW Good Day Wake Up 2 20160222 : compareme

Transcripts For WNYW Good Day Wake Up 2 20160222

several eve her husband accusers. last night a jj denied her request to get out of that deposition. >> good morning everyone. >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> your name is again -- >> juliet ann marie huddy. >> this all seriously i'm ben simmoneau. it is 6:00 you had surgery. you had some recovery time which you were away, and then you -- >> i came back. i got the flu. i got some crazy flu bronchitis thing. >> the flu -- three-year-old dare says. >> it was a european style flu. >> flu version. >> still work there on that kind of flu. >> apparently not. >> did you -- i got on the flight. late in the game i get it. next year i'll do it early. i got on the flight in rome i turn to my beau, i said i felt he was sick on this trip. half way during this 10 hour flight i was shaking, it was horrific. it was a bad one. a doozie. >> flus are bad. >> get a flu shot? >> we did, but it didn't take. >> oh. so, i mean, i don't know why this is such a -- hard to believe i'm a very responsible person about myself. >> we know what ines. >> gave me a lovely ten. >> i would told by a nurse, and she said maybe she got flu b instead of flu a. >> there are many levels -- >> h1n1. >> well, i was flying so you know. >> bird, phone swine, whatever. >> now it was warm we made up to 5 degrees even that wasn't bad but folks up into the. starting off with 39 degrees. dropping a little bit central park. 37 in newark, belmar. same in bridgeport and 40 in montauk. we all a whole heck of a lot from the north five to ten miles per hour. and there it is rain heading out of town. showers for a little while yesterday and in the overnight hours it was mainly long island that had to deal with the rainfall. but now everybody is getting changes to dry out o. skies are clearing out from high pressure from the north. plenty of sunshine out there and temps down a little bit. topping out 48 degrees later on this afternoon. tomorrow up to 42 only. and then we get kind of a yet stretch coming in late tuesday into we understand. early thursday you've got wet weather still with us. yeah, forecast that's pretty much a spot in the week right in the middle. what is happening in the region here today trying to get out there to hit the roads. good morning, iensz. >> slow ride by atlantic avenue an px block a lane. delays back to belt parkway and then bqe traffic slow from l.i.e. head towards meth poll metropolitan avenue there was a lane blocked with police activity that's been cleared away. now in westchester tappan zee bridge slow. there's a box truck blocking a lane. he stalled out and then on new england throughway, an accident has at least one lane closed southbound over by plain lapd park qai so slight delay with that. go to our camera at the commute this morning, over on l.i.e. terry road no problem eastbound or or westbound. into the city a delight so far. traffic minimal theys to five toe ten tin bound. holland george washington bridge fine. trains on or close. >> one of the two nypd officers who was injured in a shooting in now recoverying at home. >> second officer remains in stable conditional at kings can be county hospital where teresa priolo is this morning. good morning. >> good morning ben and juliet. good morning everyone. these two officer it is lucky to be alive. they are continuing to heal from the injuries that they sustained early saturday morning. and as heal investigators are searching for clues into the gunman the guy's name is jamal a man reportedly radicalized in prison. >> this surveillance video shows wilted shootout that rocked bed-stuy brooklyn. eight nypd officers exchanging rapid gunfire with a guy somebody the fbi is checking out as someone who maybe radicalized and may have xroamist toys. the man who opened fire on two plain closing housing officers as they chase him down lexington avenue. the investigation continues into what caused him to snap police determined at least one of the yorko not struck by fire which was had the speculation stead hit by a bullet from the 357 caliber revolver. unclear if what penetrated is also from that same gun. publish reports suggest it is still in the officer's hip so investigators can't say for sure. speaking at the hospital in the immediate aftermath had of the shooting, mayor bill de blasio highlighted bravery of these officers. >> reminder of the important and dangerous and crucial work that our police officers do. and the way they put their lives on line or for us every single day. >> remains in custody and critical condition after struck multiple times by return gunfire. among charges attempted murder and assaulting a police officer. "the daily news" reports he has a 20-year wrap sheet spanning three states. paper reports he has a long history of unchecked mental >> again both officers are expected to fully recover from their injuries. court police commissioner irony here. officer coyo his father was also shot but his bullet proof vest saved his life when he was serving on the force as well many years ago. that's the latest outside kings county this mourning. back to both of you. . teresa priolo in brooklyn thank you very much. lawyers who used the weapon during the sandy elementary hook shooting there. >> against freedom corp. the company that made the ar-15 that's the rifle that adam lanza used to kill 20 first graders and six educators back in december of 2012. the company wants judge to dismiss the case. they say they're protected by a piste federal u law that preskt it is gun makers from most lawsuits over criminal use of their products. >> republican presidential nevada today ahead of tomorrow's gop caucuses in the silver state. >> this as bernie sanders and hillary clinton are busy courting democrat voters in south carolina. let's it shall >> switched now flip-flopped over to robert robert for a check on this story. >> nevada tomorrow and south carolina on sparred may very well be two more wins for trump and clinton. another trump victory may be the u surest bet going in vegas. >> put them in our jails they didn't pay electric bill. >> only o thing wrong for him lately but a trump nomination appears increasingly inevitable he was asked on fox news sunday when he might tone down his rhetoric. >> right now i'm fighting for my showed no sign of toning down when he suggest that marco rubio who finished second in south carolina is not eligible to be president. george stephanopoulos asked about the eligibility on abc this week. >> i retweeted it. >> i'm going to spend zero time in regards to eligibility. >> hope for endorsement from mitt romney the 2012 republican nominee to boost his candidacy. >> with jeb bush u now out, rubio also hopes to secure his endorsement although given builter clash that may be hard to come by. ted cruz in third in south carolina, but he continues to hang his hat on his win in iowa. >> if you want to beat donald trump, you're got to go with the only campaign that has demonstrated we can beat donald trump. >> on include side path to the nomination is increasingly lost to hillary clinton sparred in the nevada caucuses. >> the fight goes on, future that we want is within our grasp. sanders hope to get a boost from glover who campaign in south carolina. >> this campaign is gaining momentum because we are listening to the american people. his path to nomination will be next to impossible that's why his campaigning with danny glover was significant. now as it stands right now, this race surely appears to be trump's and clintons to lose. ben and juliet. back to you. >> my campaign will continue. sorry . is that bad? >> no really good actually. >> i'm going to stop in brooklyn. thank you robert. i try. >> quit while you're ahead. >> that was supposed to be bernie sanders. all right let's move on now 6:10. bill cosby his had wife has lost her tabid to delay her scheduled deposition. she must testify underoath today in massachusetts. >> lawyer ka meal cosby lost that request. they then tried to file a motion to delay. by last night a judge said no to that. seven women are suing her had husband for defamation calling liars by cosby represents as they went public by accusations. women say cosby wife is his manager and she may have information important to their case. bill cosby denied accusations and filed a countersuit. much more still to come this morning. >> mike is watching the weather for us and it's in the bad. not bad. >> not as warm as what we had over the weekend but still for this time of the year not board at all. 39 at central park right now. average high for today is actually 43 degrees can't be that bad. we have a lot of sunshine out there but our temps are cooler than yesterday in the entire daily and hourly forecast set up on the fox 5 weather app on the google play and apple store. and it doesn't cost you a thing. we'll be right back. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. uplift your mood with hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl. dd perks members, indulge in a medium hot or iced latte or macchiato for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped stay confident for call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. your path to retirement may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. >> you have a quick story for us. that restaurant with my beau, and this -- they're a nice lovely couple starts talking with us, they were americans. my favorite restaurant here is the smiths. it's awesome. we always go there. the guy it shall of the couple, is the chef of the smith. on 52 ndz. >> free food coming up. >> but he makes my women bop. >> pronounced? >> that's what i say. but delicious, anyway i yeah. >> okay, good. ncht so question of to say hi to arkansas armando. split their food is awesome. >> a lot of them. three at least. anyway let's show you what's going on out there. welcome back. to o get the workweek going, and kids are back to school. most are anyway. tomorrow down to 42 that's a hair below normal. and then we go back up on wednesday and thursday as well. so you can see once again we're doing roller coaster thing with our temperatures but out of control on either warm or the coo side throughout this week but their doing an up and down state today. on the down swing but right back up soon enough. 39 central park. 37 in newark as well as bridgeport and our temperatures are cool or than it was yesterday at the same time. 6 degrees cooler newark. 12 degrees cool or in central park, and 14 degrees cooler in islip. sky, well basically cleared out for us. rain came to a close last night and now we're looking at the rain moving out of the area and clouds are breaking up for us. cool orer but not crazy cold. our temperatures are basically trying to get back to where they should be this time of the year. future cast we have nothing going on today but mainly clear clouds roll in fairly early tomorrow by 8 in the morning but no showers until later in the afternoon and mix with snow especially the early part of the storm tomorrow but it is a fairly weak one coming through tomorrow. bigger storm for us this week wednesday but showery tuesday afternoon through thursday morning opinion tomorrow high temp 48 degrees. 42 for a high and then on the upswing but decent amount of rain wednesday sphwhiewrs. all right let's bring in ines, and see we're u up to 17. >> good morning, right now bqe, westbound we have delays there was an earlier accident by metropolitan avenue blocking two lanes so left with traffic slow over the kosciuszko bridge. northbound working on an accident by atlantic avenue. traffic backed up to belt parkway. take a look at the southern state parkway by melbourne avenue. westbound you have a volume there moving a little below the speed limit but traffic is moving apartment of the usual routine. george washington bridge, well a bit of slow. sunrise there. gwb no problem with the lower. lincoln tunnel 49 5, 15 to 20. ben and juliet. >> recover this morning after a small crashes into long island. >> four people on the plane heading from massachusetts to farmingdale saturday night. authorities say a student pilot was in control when at about 11 p.m.edit had engine trouble and that instructor landed aircraft in the harbor. everyone onboard got out of the plane okay. but only three of the men were rescued by suffolk county police officers. >> suffolk county police officers are commandeered from local residents and went into the water and were able to keep afloat while the marine arrived and rues rescued those individuals. four on the plane one person still missing. men who were rescued were not seriously hurt. 45 year old u ber driver accused of going on a shooting rampage is expected to be in court today. last night hundreds turned out for a prayer service for saturday night jason dalton drove around kalamazoo for six hours randomly shooting people. four of the victims killed outside a restaurant. others shot outside an apartment building and at that car dealership there. 14-year-old girl is in critical condition. police believe he picked up fares people who were allegedly riding with him he was thriving like a maniac. >> sideswiping vehicles speeding. first-degree murder and attempted murder. >> pope francis is urging catholic leaders to not allow execution this year while hoping that death penalty will be abolished world wide. told tourists that commandment to not kill holds value and applies to both the innocent and guilty. the pope is using the church holy year which runs through november to encourage efforts for more reconciliation and mercy in the world. >> police on the run for two who attacked in the bronx. police say two suspects got out of a black car in the williams bridge neighborhood and approached 26-year-old woman on the sidewalk. one with stabbed her in her stomach and other cut her right ear. they both ran off. she is expected to be okay. if you have any information please call crime stoppers at 1-800-577-tips. all right 6:20 much more still >> we will be right back. smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. ones that can kill you fast. ones that can change how you see yourself. ones that can take away life's most basic pleasures. there are 16 different types of cancer caused by smoking. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. >> welcome back police searching for a man who scott went into an office building on forest avenue in maror in what are or boar assaulted the woman. he's accused of taking her jewelry cash an cell phone. police say scott is six feet tall it be 290 pounds and has a tattooed on his right cheek. if you know in guy or know where he is. if you know any information call crime are stoppers at 1-800-577-tips. j concert webster hall ended with a popular rapper. have a look. [cheering] this was a concert or for rapper skate maloly webster county hall personnel caught on camera fighting with the performer started when two women fighting. fans say partner derrick man handled and beaten by security. he took employees to protect fans fighting in the stage left in tear and the never got to finish the show. suffered aen concusion. we fade to see a show and we just got robbed so scary. i got pushed down the stair by security guards. it was insane. >> venue management told us, quote, there are misreport about what took place webster staff do not carry tasers and are not armed. there was one arrest a 23-year-old man charged with assault. >> a dream come u true for a young lady she's 106 years old. 106 year young. watch this she gets to meet president obama and first lady it was her dream. so when she was born william howard taft in the white house. hosted virginia mclaurin, at the white houses. more than a year after a petition launched to get her an invite her excitement as you can see contagious they were dancing because she said dancing has kept her young. video by the way has more than 12 million views on qhows facebook page alone. the invite was part of black hrs. month. born in south carolina, yes back in 1909. >> that's great so glad they met with her. >> very cool. all right. your top stories when we come back. plus 2016 president rnl election still many months away. might have their eyes on 2020 inking that man -- the centers for medicare and medicaid services recently asked patients to rate the quality of over 3.500 hospitals. t fewer than 6% received 5 stars. r among them was cancer treatment centers of slash eastern. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. uplift your mood with hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl. dd perks members, indulge in a medium hot or iced latte or macchiato for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. >> i don't have a problem at all. i feel strongly it about that. temperatures, though, into the mid-40s rather today. the skies -- are clearing out before rains comes a little bit later on in the week. mike has the forecast. >> one nypd released from the hospital another in stable condition after a shooting on saturday in brooklyn. suspect remains hospitalized in critical condition. >> unlocking san bernardino gunman iphone. a physical continues to fight a court order to help bureau with its investigation. >> filling up your car is getting cheaper. dropped another five crepts. national average is thousand a buck 77. >> i have a feeling it will start inching back up. good morning everybody i'm ben simmoneau. >> i'm juliet huddy i missed you very much ben. >> you've been pleasant this morning. >> i came back with a whole new attitude. >> that's what happens when you get sleep. i did sleep many, many hours. >> with vai vacation it doesn't work the that way. but you were not well last week so you had no choice. so glads to have you back, feeling better. away we go. still feels like monday to many, though. >> it is. up and running, though, 39 degrees. sunshine out there but temps are cooler than the weekend which we were unusually warm. 37 in bridgeport as well as newark, and 28 degrees in poughkeepsie. most of us are looking into clear sky light winds from the north five to ten miles per hour. there's the rain from yesterday. it hung out for a while for you last night into eastern long island. now all gone and clouds are breaking up and moving on. on this afternoon. clear for you tonight. lows to 34 and next five days a high of 42 cooler tomorrow with clouds rolling in and showers. primary rain but there could be wet snow flakes especially in northern new jersey . lower hudson valley and then all rain on wednesday. a high of 50 there's a warmer temperature on thursday and rain will wrap up e her and get out of the week. rain is cool earl. over to ines rosales and she's got things that are happening out there. good morning ines. >> accident blocking at least one lane so traffic backed up to belt parkway. bqe slow westbound crossing kosciuszko bridge there was an earlier accident blocking two lanes. as for newburgh beacon bridge two blocked with an accident heading westbound to new bring so that's slowing that thing down. eastbound side i haven't heard doing fine. as for garden state mile marker 147 traffic heading southbound and northbound fine. trains lines are good this morning. street cleaning rules are in effect. ben and juliet. >> one of the two officers injured a shoot in brooklyn on saturday remains hospitalized in stable condition norpg. >> second officer is now recovering at home. teresa priolo has the latest outside king county hospital this morning. goodteresa. >> this could have ended very, very differently if they had not been wearing their bullet proof vests up with officer at home the other is here at kings county hospital. in brooklyn he was shot in his left hip. right underneath his bullet proof vest. now, the other officers name is andrew they were both injured saturday morning in a wild shootout with an armed career andrew hit in the chest he was saved by his bullet proof vest the man who shot at them jamal he's a 17-year wrap sheet according to police. and that wrap sheet spans three separate states. his wife told "the daily news" that he's someone with a very longs history of unchecked mental health issues. there are other media outis lets that are reporting this morning fbi as well as nypd are looking into radicalized in prison. if youhe made acquaintance at 3:20 a.m. in bedford and led on a wild chase that ended with him crash aring his car into a police cruiser that's is when the gun balings ensued. although the bullet is lodged in hip. we don't know if this was from fire but we learned that bullet that punctuated the bullet proof vest was fired from his gun in there was speculation that maybe that was also result of friendly fire but came to the determines that he was hit with a bullet from his gun. both expected to make a full recovery. latest outside kings county hospital this morning. back to both of you. >>s teresa thanks very much. >> fbi wants to unlock the iphone. kmpleghts not look survivors in the eye if fbi does not follow this lead. federal court ordered apple to hack into his phone. killed 14 people in a terror attack back many december. apple is saying it would have to develop soft square to hack the phone and could be then used by government and cybercriminals to users. tomorrow protests are planned in more than 30 cities. >> new york governor andrew cuomo appears to be getting ready to make a u run for the white house. olden there a caveat but four years from now top democrats say if a republican writtens cuomo will run for president in 2020 so far off. but right around the corner. if he could be on the ticket this year. state gop ed cox told the postthat he thinks hillary clinton will be indicted and joe biden be become in the nominee. >> interesting. . it is. i can see it. i can see it. all right so fox means business as you know. >> joining us from fox business studio lauren simonetti with a look at the next generation of hello. >> welcome become juliet, ben. we're talking about the galaxy s7 and edge that is cool about them. they have had a curved back. water resistant they have a memory card slot so if you want you can put a memory card in there and camera really good in the dark or low light conditions. if you want them i don't know the price point but they're going to hit the market march 11th very soon. perhaps what's coolest is the fact that they're compatible gear 360 weighs less than half a pounds and it takes pictures, video in virtual reality. as everyone is starting to buy virtual reality head sets u now you can take content that you can put in the head set and this phone is compatible with that camera. >> so they want to be -- who is -- >> who will use that? >> everybody i speak to says if you were to talk to insiders folks who work in there say virtual reality is next frontier this is how our social intersections take places in the near future. great to film the wedding for the reality or something like that. i think, you know, it makes dizzy but what do i know? >> i'm a fan of actual reality. >> live in the present, real life. >> that's not so fun. no -- lauren. thank you lauren. have a great monday catch lauren by the way on fox business network i hope juliet has something good planned hoar if you don't know where to find it in your area go to fox >> channel finder. >> very good. >> flu song it shall -- >> drivers are still getting gas prices dropped 5 cents. 50 cents less than this time last year. expects gas prices to stay around this level since the price eve crude oil is almost unchanged from a month ago. >> all right mike woods standing by. good morning, sir. >> we're off to an okay start here. it is monday and now we had the rain yesterday. good news is came in late in the afternoon into the eek and overnight and we're done now. a lot of folks are getting back to it today. a lot of sunshine coming up for you todays with cooler high temperatures. mid-to upper 40s today but there will be mild temps making a comeback tomorrow into wednesday, thursday, but there's also rain coming through at that time too and chilly to end of the week but dry too. bring in ines i see backups happens in the usual spots. good morning. >> good morning on long island i normal delay on l.i.e. passing to glen cove roads. southern state northern state doing fine. george washington bridge. driving into the city upper leaflet to 30 minute they. lower on 20. lower 20 minute. 495 head to the lincoln tunnel 30 to 40. holland 15. duke in sunny florida with a look at sports. hello duke. >> welcome to tampa, florida, we've been covering yankees or for the last few days. one-on-one with the yankees after the break lefty c.c. sabathia. >> plus we have the latest entertainment news still it come this morning. >>s yeah, taylor swift helping a fellow pom stair. we will tell you why she's million dollars. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... pflip your thinking about buying your next one. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is only fios has the fastest with uploads up to 5x faster get 100 meg upload and download plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think? and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you' re going to like these numbers. bring me a higher love >> all right checking your headlines or for you on a monday morning. lawyers for the company that made that now infamous rifle ar-15 used by adam lanza to kill 26 people at sn did i hook elementary school will be in a courtroom today. the company says it is protected gumming to dismiss wrong of the death suit filed by family of the victim pps recovery effort will rumor resume for a 20-year-old man from queens after a man crashed. everyone got out but suffolk county police officers were only able to rescue three of the four men. one still missing. bill cosby wife rescheduled a deposition and must testify in massachusetts. seven women are u sue for defamation saying they were called liars after they went public with sexual assault accusations . >> you know, i was away and i couldn't believe it was -- that it was spring training like what -- i let that roll off me. one of the elder state people here in the studio. i need to hold myself to a higher standard. >> i let that slide. >> duke he's in tampa this morning. hey, duke. >> good morning, been in tampa. early sparred morning covering the yankees. yesterday kind of a slow news day but saturday a busy day down here. entire day we saw c.c. sabathia throw bullpen and andrew miranda rule, back end of that bullpen looks great. c.c. also looks great. i had a chance to catch up with him on saturdays he went to rehab last fall, and, of course, if now once again wearing that knee brace on landing leg. he wore last september and that seemed to help out and we talked he's excited about this year and it's the best he's felt in a >> six increments of ten yards last two are up the hill i believe. something is that matt cross believes in, and i support it. injuries -- >> no, no. i mean, to me you could argue that he was greatest runnings back of all time that's u how he trained. >> and now to c.c., he did run the hill where we showed you on saturday but i did catch up with him like i said it's the best he's felt in a long, long time. healthy. that's the biggests in the end to be healthy and try to contribute to help the team win. >> how big can it be if starting pitching performs the way it can to stay healthy? >> i think it's all on us. bullpen with our strength. we have a good lineup we do every year. keep us in the game les. mets camp starting are rotation for the mets. best starting in all of baseball. cy young you matt harvey steven matz in rotation as well and then wheeler back. syndergaard in there. nonetheless, steven matz up in long island they xt big things from the left hand this have year. i had a chance had to go one-on-one in port san lucy and we talked about pitching the team he grew up rooting for. >> it's awesome. anybody pitching in the world series u unreal but for a team i rooted for growing up it is unbleebl. believable. >> how is it in long island? >> it's exciting for my family. only a short drive away. so for them to be able to, you know, have to work, go to a game or o something that's pretty cool. >>all right st. johns big east matchup here. st. johns taking patriots after the break. gets the slam, seitan hall a 19 point lead. but a great run by st. johns in the half. played better in the late. 62-61 history made at the great american race. daytona 500 takes back to the finish. danny takes lead in the final lap. past junior, and crosses the line. just inches ahead of him for a victory. 0.01 seconds closest finish in daytona 500 history. hamlin's first win at the great american race realizing a chuted dream of his. one at the garden rangeers and wins. out the loose puck. ahead to kevin who breaks down the ice. two on one with kevin klein. playing with a broken thumb. rips a laser of a shot passing for the winner shoutout for lundquist rangers win it 1-0. can you imagine that? i don't know if i can play in a hockey game and score game winning goal opinion that is the store from here in tampa. later this morning tanaka will throw bullpen and michael and we will be there ever cooing it all. we'll have another report at 7:00 and then a report at 5, 6 and 10 tonight. ben and juliet back to you. >> maybe you get to hang out with your man crush. >> when you went away. i already did. it was epic. >> hung out, broke bread what did you do? >>s just chatted. [laughter] e-yeah. that was last fall. >> the entire development. enjoy a warm sunny, florida. all right let's check had the forecast we're ready for spring. it's time. >> you're ready. well according to the groundhog supposed to be here. >> like three weeks ago. they said early that's not even really -- >> six weeks early and not until march 3 st so early spring means earlier than that. normal change around the 21st or so six weeks from there anyway. >> monday forget it. i give up. 39 degrees. clear skies a monday morning philadelphia and rain from yesterday is moving on. we're done with that or particular rain but another one developing to the south of us that is beginning to take time to get here, though, don't expect wet weather today. today all about dry sky. 44 by 11 a.m. 48 your high today. tomorrow up to 42 for a high there will be should yous popping into the area late tuesday into wednesday. wednesday quite wet and windy which goes into thursday. but then dries out for end of the week and next week dry too but daily and hourly forecast on fox 5 weather app apple itunes store. throughout the for free all set to go. birthday shoutout here a about ai happy birthday to the birthday girl and pal lucas who has been watching since he was a baby. nine over the weekend and can got to love a guy who can cook. >> maybe give juliet some pointers. >> i would welcome that. >> who are you and what did you do with juliet huddy? >> i've been -- it be a well rested individual. wait until wednesday i'll be a train wreck again. >> debt pool with another dominant weekends at box office. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. uplift your mood with hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, dd perks members, indulge in a medium hot or iced latte or macchiato for $1.99. >> welcome back keeping an eye on an accident van wyck northbound cleared away. this was by atlantic of a. but delays remain back to belt parkway. l.i.e. queens boulevard long island railroad, metro north an path trains are running on or close to schedule. street cleaning rules are in effect ben and juliet. supporting kesha with dr. lew. >> she donated 250,000 to kesha to help with any of her financial needs during this trying time quote unquote. lated lady gaga and kelly trying to get out of a contract with dr. luke he abused her sexually but a judge did rule against releasing her from the contract. dr. luke denies allegations. >> dead pool dominant at the box office for the second straight week. earned 55 million bringings i two week total to 235 million. second place konk few panda the faith based drama risen in third followed by the witch and how to be single. >> that's it for us on a monday morning going to be nice. >> started it off with a pleasant at the t attitude. >>s see if it continues tomorrow. 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