Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20161028 : c

Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20161028

fitchburg right now. heavier rain southwestern new hampshire. a couple downpours left over across the cape and hyannis over to chatham right now. we do expect some dry times to mix in this afternoon. overall we'll call it still a leftover shower or two, once in a while passing on by. temperatures, not a whole lot of movement temperature-wise. what you see is what you get. in fact, late this afternoon, i think we may lose a few degrees as temperatures edge from the low 50s back down into the 40s. a few leftover showers. windy day, steady halloween forecast looking good for trick-or-treaters. more on that coming up. >> sarah: time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: good morning, everyone. give yourself some extra time this morning. here's a look at the expressway. roads certainly slick. let's go to the maps. good news, we're not watching any incidents out there south of town. route 3, 24 and 95 all looking good. the pike fine back the framingham. not watching any issues there. route 2 and 3 look good. 93 fine back to 495. boston on route 1. let's take a look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door this morning. braintree to boston northbound on the expressway, just 12 minutes. 12 minutes into town on the pike from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 11 minutes. the "t" and commuter rail starting the morning on schedule. back to you, guys. >> christa: danielle, thank you. happening now, federal investigators are on their way to new york trying to figure out why the campaign plane of republican vice presidential candidate mike pence skidded off airport, but thankfully no one was hurt. >> sarah: this morning people on board are describing that rough landing. 7's jennifer eagan joins us now with more. jen? >> jennifer: sarah, moments ago pence's plane was removed from the runway. this morning the n.t.s.b. and f.a.a. will begin investigating. >> oh, my god. >> jennifer: scary moments on the plane of republican vice presidential candidate mike pence. >> remain seated. >> jennifer: pence's campaign jet skidded off the runway at laguardia airport in new york thursday night. moments. >> and we had a pretty hard landing, and then the press in the back of the plane could feel the plane fishtailing back and forth. >> jennifer: before getting off, reporters say pence checked the cabin to make sure everyone was safe. >> everybody is fine. thankfully no one has been injured. >> jennifer: the v.p. candidate taking it all in stride, even stopping to take pictures with firefighters. the cause still under investigation. >> we're not going to speculate on the cause of the incident. >> jennifer: and pence did speak out o thankful that everyone is safe and he will be back on the campaign trail later today. in the control room, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: all right, jen, thank you. meantime, donald trump is also on the campaign trail today making a stop nearby in the granite state where the latest polls show a tightening race. 7's vick michael vick is -- 7's victoria warren is live in manchester. >> victoria: good morning, christa. this is yet another campaign stop here in donald trump in manchester. afternoon. this as he is talking about a possible lawsuit against nbc and also as there is some new criticism against health care. -- hillary clinton. >> the microphone was not supposed to be on. >> victoria: donald trump once again taking on nbc over his now infamous "access hollywood" interview, trump hinting at a possible lawsuit. >> we'll see. we'll see. >> victoria: the republican spending thursday in another battleground state, ohio. >> we should just cancel election and just give it to trump, right? what are we having it? her policies are so bad. >> jennifer: bill clinton sharing the stage with bon jovi thursday night amid controversy. stolen e-mails from wikileaks described how clinton personally profited, receiving millions in speaking and consulting fees from former clinton foundation donors. former clinton aide doug band said he secured more than $50 president, but there is no indication hillary clinton did anything for those donors. trump pouncing. >> mr. band called the arrangement "unorthodox." the rest of us call it outright corrupt. >> victoria: hillary clinton hitting the campaign trail with michelle obama on thursday. >> is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? >> victoria: the first lady trying the reach out to women and minorities, appealing for them to vote >> when you hear folks talking about a global conspiracy and saying that this election is rigged, understand that they are trying to get you to stay home. they're trying to convince you that your vote doesn't matter. are you with me? >> victoria: donald trump will be here in manchester, new hampshire, later today for an event. it starts at noon. >> sarah: following breaking news this morning, police in hampton, new hampshire, involved in a reported standoff. according to the union leader, man was found dead inside a motel room hours after police say he fired shots at officers. the deadly scene playing out at the mary ann motel on ocean boulevard. no injuries were reported. police did not return fire. >> christa: right now drivers are gearing up for a big toll change. the state flippin all electronic tolling later on tonight. and there is expected to be a little bit of confusion, maybe some traffic trouble. so let's go to 7's john cuoco with everything you need to go to get started and prepared. good morning, john. >> john: good morning, christa, the days of figuratively handing over money at a toll like this one are over tonight with massachusetts going to all-electronic tolling. the new system is implemented. massdot is warning drivers about possible delays because of to help people prepare, e-zpassma customer service centers will have extended hours throughout the weekend. the department of transportation releasing this video of what the changes will eventually look like. the newtology system will be cheaper for people with transponders. and if you don't already have one, there will be a six-month grace period. here's what you need to know. if you don't already have a transponder, you'll get a bill in the mail based off your license plate. that bill will include an application for a transponder. if you apply and get one, you'll be credited with now, tollbooths like this one are set to be demolished soon. that will last until about 2017. so drivers, you need to be ready. we're live at the allston-brighton tolls, john cuoco, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: developing now, police in concord, massachusetts, are looking for a suspicious man who they say approached a child. this morning the community is on alert as kids make their way the school. nicole oliverio is live with what we know about the suspect. nicole? according to police, they say this incident happened after school let out yesterday around 3:45. they say an elementary school student reported that a man in a car had been following him home from school. they say that man had offered that child candy. the child refused and said that he was then going home. it was at that point though that the child says as he was entering his house, he noticed the man get out of his car and start taking pictures. now, what we still don't know is what school this child exactly. but police are asking the public if they know anything to give them a call and to keep their eyes out for any suspicious behavior. that's the latest live in concord, nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: nicole, thank you. we have new details now after an alleged abduction up in new hampshire. a woman allegedly kidnapped by her boyfriend has now been found safe. londonderry police say victor rosario forced the victim from her workplace and into his car yesterday afternoon and then massachusetts. massachusetts state police were able to stop him in worcester. he was questioned and released, but as this investigation continues, they say he could be facing several charges, including kidnapping. >> sarah: happening today, man will face a judge after police say he tried to rob a credit union in west roxbury. investigators say the suspect walked into the credit union wearing mask. police say an off-duty officer inside confronted the man and chased him out of the building. officers later tracked down suspect in front of a restaurant and put him in handcuffs. >> they threw the guy out of the car. >> it didn't seem like anything was wrong when i walked past, but after i had come back to work, that's when i saw the police. i was like, whew. >> sarah: this morning the 51-year-old suspect is facing several charges. >> christa: it's 5:09 on this rainy friday morning. marathon bombing survivor gets back her items. the item that brock back memories from that day. >> sarah: and alarming allegations. >> christa: and it's friday. that means it's class act. see how a student is combining his musical talents with his training as an assistant. >> chris: showers mostly off shore. lingering showers and some big puddles leftover on the roadways. temperatures steady, through the day. more on the forecast coming up. >> danielle: and you can see the roads out there are slick. give yourself some extra time if you're getting ready to head out the door this morning. we're watching one accident, 95 northbound in foxboro. other than that you're in good shape. the "t" and commuter rail ready to head out when others head home. at eversource, we prepare for ugly weather all year long... upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you because we know you're counting on us. we're ready for winter, and we want to make sure you're ready, too. visit to learn more and sign up for storm updates. and be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter. yesterday? >> sarah: i think rain, chris. rain, snow, gives me anxiety. >> chris: especially in october. the snow can wait a little while. maybe in january when you're ready to hit the slopes it's a different story. hyannis picking up an inch of rain. it's been much needed across much of southern new england. boston close to an inch of rain, as well. lawrence just shy of it. many towns picking up close to an inch of water. but you get into the higher terrain of western mass, especially up around 1300 feet, healthy amount. some towns picking up three to locally as much as six inches of ?it. lower elevation, connecticut river valley, was more lick up with or two inches of snow into western mass. nothing like this. remember this five years ago? it's hard to believe it was five years that we picked up 20 inches of snow in interior portions of southern new england with that october blizzard. a huge storm. across new england, over 1.7 million people lost power in new nor'easter this powerful in late october and deliver that much snow. so that was one for the history books. we had some snow yesterday, but nothing in comparison to that. rainfall still leftover. worcester some showers moving up the 495 belt out through fitchburg, as well. it's into northwestern worcester county. no more snow or ice left over. the reason for that, temperatures have warmed up. soaking downpours from hyannis over to chatham. couple downpours off the immediate coastline. they're working from the north into the east. some leftover showers this morning still around. the the heaviest of the rain we had overnight is off shore, but once in a while a lingering shower working on through during the day. we'll also have our dry hours, as well. temperature 52 in boston, 44 in worcester. 60 on the vineyard. the winds are going to turn around, and once they do, i think temperatures overall degrees on average. a little cooler, though, to the west. a little milder to the south and to the east. the wind staying at 24mph off the ocean in boston. southeasterly wind on the vineyard warming things up, but once that wind direction turns around, then what will happen is that we'll watch temperatures level out and maybe even drop a couple degrees later on this afternoon. minneapolis 72 later today. will we get into the 70s any time soon? i think the warmest day of the seven-day forecast will be on wednesday. will we hit 70? there may be a couple locations that run close to it on wednesday. mid to upper 60s for many. a leftover lingering shower and a gusty breeze through the day. temperatures steady, near 50 degrees. could have an isolated p.m. sprinkle or brief shower north of boston tomorrow afternoon. much of saturday is dry. the question on sunday is how fast does this wave of low pressure slide along the mass pike? it may be just enough to give us a few showers on sunday. that forecast model not really showing it. there, and then halloween, all-important forecast for trick-or-treaters, right? looks like highs in the lower 50s. trick-or-treat temperatures in the 40s. windy this afternoon. cool day overall, but closer to seasonal levels compared to yesterday. monday's forecast looking good. then we warm it up by mid-week. 60s on wednesday. >> sarah: it's time for this week's class act. it's a student who has several talents. >> christa: one is music. another compassionate care giving. he's beautifully to light up lives. he is this morning's class act. ? ? the melodies of a veolia and the gift of music. it's what this week's class act is all about. music as therapy. >> i thought he was really good. i liked what he did. >> i think it's great. he plays beautifulfully and very playing music at this independent living home is only part of his skill. >> it gives them a huge sense of purpose because they're reminded of all the things they've done in their life. they have all of these great memories. >> christa: he's also studying nursing at blue hill technical high school in canton, which is where we surprised him. we wanted to present an honor to a student with outstanding muse contact abilities who is making people feel like they're healed. front of the classroom? come on over. [applause] noah is a junior and is on his way to being certified as a nursing assistant. noah's been playing since age four. his skills in such demand that he started a small business at the therapeutic vieo la an he makes the rounds at the assisted living center. >> he knows they like it and he'll go back and play more because it's in their heart. help them. noah is compassionate. he enriches our lives every time he comes. he gets into what their passion is. >> we talk about a lot of memories they've had. and i think they get the sense of being young. i think that gives them a huge sense of purpose. [applause] >>. >> christa: i feel like our show has been enriched by having his music here for a few minutes. he hopes to play with the longwood symphony one day and he's planning to go to college for nursing. >> sarah: if you 12th grade doing something outstanding in school, sports or their community, please nominate them online at >> christa: up next, the pats are gearing up for sunday's game against the bills, and one of their stars making a big return to practice on thursday. >> sarah: and a rare request. ben roethlisberger may have missed sunday's game against the pats, but he found time to ask we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. andrew crossley: new hampshire has a senator who works just as hard as we do. gerardine ferlins: kelly ayotte believes in the potential of new hampshire, and wants to unleash that potential. ron goguen: she's out there fighting for good-paying jobs. andrew crossley: kelly introduced bipartisan training initiatives to make sure we have the skills for the 21st century. sue winter: she's fought against workplace discrimination - and for equal pay. claude poisson: she's working for the little guy - i'm the little guy. barb fredette: we need kelly fighting for good new hampshire jobs so our kids can raise their families here. sue martin: kelly is a powerful voice for new hampshire's working families. kelly ayotte: i'm kelly ayotte >> chris: good friday morning. rainfall tapering off, at least the the heaviest of the rainfall. still some showers and puddling on the roadway, keep that in mind. maybe slow things down, westerly the leaves on the road. you add water and that certainly slickens things up. 60 on the vineyard. 52 in boston. temperatures fairly steady throughout the day. strong east winds will turn back ou t cooler air from the west will start to nose on in. i wouldn't be surprised if temperatures get knocked down a couple degrees later on this afternoon. breezy day. lingering shower left over this afternoon, but some dry time, too. more on the weekend forecast ahead. >> and new -- now time for 7sports with joe amorosino. >> joe: good morning. the celtics like a completely different team last night in chicago, playing up to their competition after doing the about opposite the night before against an awful nets' team. with them. rajon rondo and chicago native d. wade making their bulls' debuts. the celtics hung tough, but d. wade made sure it was a home coming to remember, sticking a dagger three from the corner with 26 seconds to go. wade finishes with 22. the bulls win it 105-ed 99. celtics played well, though. patriots getting the clock started on dion lewis' return to action. the patriots' running back practicing for the first time this season after undergoing a second surgery on his l activate him from the physically unable to perform list. where would the bruins be without david pastrnak and his team-leading five goals. you might find out soon enough. the b's forward set to have a disciplinary hearing with the nhl's department of player safety later today over his hit to the head of rangers' defenseman dan girardi in wednesday night's loss. and dustin pedroia, mookie betts, and jackie bradley, jr., all named american league gold that's sports. have a great day. >> sarah: cubs fans have been waiting more than 70 years for tonight as wrigley field is set to host a world series game. the cubs take on the indians in game three. the series is tied 1-1. >> christa: so jersey swapping is becoming pretty popular in the nfl. and tom brady and ben roethlisberger took part in the tradition sunday. cameras for showtime's inside the nfl recorded footage of tom brady and ben roethlisberger meeting on the field before sunday's pats-ee jersey. brady said he'd give it to him after the game. you want to see the who wore it better pictures on that one? >> right? coming up next, a wild rounddown for the edgartown police department overnight. >> christa: and a crash igniting a deadly fire in milford. what investigators say may be to blame for it. dear fellow citizen, time spent with my son really makes me appreciate "the now". ture. and that means taking on debt. in a smart way. like my mortgage - it's working for me. and if he needs a college loan down the road, that'll be worth it too. it's all about having a strategy, that fits your life. so, if you have a question about how to make debt work for you, ask me. . >> sarah: now at 5:30, closure. a boston marathon bombing survivor picking up her possessions three years after the deadly attack. >> christa: and was someone listening in on aaron hernandez's jailhouse conversations? the new report says his calls were tapped. >> sarah: and new video into the newsroom overnight shows an edgartown police officer horsing around. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> christa: all right 689 a wet, rainy morning out there. thanks for waking up with us. i'm christa delcamp. >> sarah: and french. signs of snow also popping up across parts of new england. flakes falling just to our west. can you believe this? and also here, though, you'll need the umbrella as chris was saying for a little bit today. let's send it over to chris lambert with more on this crazy forecast. >> sarah: not just a little snow. >> chris: they picked up a good chunk of it. the northwestern corner of franklin county out there near heerkt an we picked up five or six inches of wet snow with this storm. issues on the roadways with some snow. portion of worcester county a little wet snow. overall this is a big rain makeer from worcester on east, close to an inch of water falling, and it was beneficial rain at that. we continue to see some wet weather outside this morning, showers mostly north an west of boston pushing back closer to the city. winds are going to turn back around out of the west, once they do, these temperatures close to 60 down on the vineyard are going to be long gone. i think we'll average closer to 50 this afternoon. gusty wind coming in off the ocean right now. turn around out of the west. still leftover isolated showers this afternoon, with temps near 50 degrees. >> christa: we know that rain and the morning commute, they don't always mix too well. here's danielle gersh. >> danielle: we're already seeing sop incidents out there, christa. here's the expressway. roads areroads are slick. south of town we're watching two accidents. here at route 3 southbound at exit 14, a car went off the road into the woods. and another accident is what 95 northbound at route 140. so we're in the seeing any major delays out there yet. a lot of green on the pike headed into boston. route 2 and 3 fine. 93 fine back to 495. and no issues on route 1. but certainly you want to give yourself some extra time. take a look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. ten minutes braintree to boston northbound on the expressway. 12 minutes into town on the pike, and 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, just 11 minutes. the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. back to you, guys. day's top stories on your friday morning. donald trump is egg pend to be up in new hampshire today, speaking at manchester at around 12:30. meantime, a recent nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows trump trails health care by nine points in the granite state. clinton will be in another background state today meeting with early voters out in iowa. also today, massachusetts switches to all electronic tolling. and the changeover is set to begin at 10:00 tonight. as this new system is drivers about potential fees. there will be a six-month grace period for people who don't have a transponder. the demolition of the old tollbooths will last until the end 20617. man will face a judge after he tried to rob a credit union in west roxbury. an off-duty officer inside confronted the suspect, chased him out of the building. officers later arrested the man in front of the resta >> sarah: new this morning, a sense of closure for a boston marathon bombing survivor. after three years, she has her belongings back. 'singjennifer eagan has more. >> jennifer: sarah, this woman recently got her things back, including her cell phone with messages from that day. for erica brannic, every step is a reminder of the deadly attack near the boston marathon finish line. surgeries ands is now living with a prosthetic leg, but nothing has brought back memories of that day like seeing the clothes she was wearing where the shrapnel pierced her body. >> at first i wasn't sure i wanted to see the clothes. when i was, there i i desided i wanted to see the clothes. i had a shirt on that i loved i remember being upset they cut it. i saw more jeans and just how shredded and torn and oddly enough, my left shoe. it was very emotional seeing my shoe. >> christa: the f.b.i. held on to the items as evidence and sent them off to be decontaminated. last month brannic was able to pick up her possessions. >> i charged my phone. it still had everything on there. i had 67 text messages and over ten voice mails from that day. what she's going to do with the item, but she's not ready to see them destroyed. >> it was weird. it was very emotional, but it was healing at the same time because i've come full circle with it. >> jennifer: and brannic is back teaching preschool. she's also helping the f.b.i. with a new online tool that educates teenages about violent extremism. in the control room, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: jen, thank you. we have new details about aaron hernandez. authorities th killer's phone conversations were tapped by an unknown person while he was being held at the suffolk county house of construction in 2014. at that time the former pats' tight end was waiting for his murder trial the begin. according to the paper, defense attorneys and prosecutors never learned about these tapped conversations. hernandez is serving life in prison for killing odin lloyd. federal officials say former massachusetts house speaker sal dimasi's condition appears to be worsening as he continues to in prison, according to the "globe," a court filing says dimasi may need to use alternative feeding methods. prosecutors have recommended that dimasi be released early and a hearing has been scheduled for tuesday. >> sarah: right now redling police asking for help identifying this man who they say is connected to several break-ins in town. they say all the burglaries happen at commercial businesses throughout the past month. >> christa: also two people have been wild crash that was caught on camera. it was in lebanon, new hampshire. you can see it right there. police say the suspects in that car were drunk at the time when, as you see, they ran the car off the road and hit that utility pole. this was on route 4. officers say they later found prescription drugs inside that vehicle. and right now police are investigating after a deadly crash in milford. investigators say the driver was speeding when he lost control an then hit a fire hydrant before flipping over the car in front of a car dealership. into flames. people nearby raced to try to help out the driver, but sadly it was too late. >> we thought that we should probably try to smash out the window, so jerry took the extinguisher and smashed it into the back window. as soon as the window smashed, smoke just started coming out. the car was popping. it sounded like it was going the blow up. we had to make the decision to back away from the vehicle. >> christa: right now police are looking into whether the driver had a medical emergency >> sarah: more news today. edgartown police stumbling upon two horses overnight. the officer on duty was driving when he noticed the horses. turns out the two decided to go for a midnight stroll when their barn door blew open from all the wind. the horses were eventually corralled and taken home. >> christa: all right. their field trip came to an end. it's 5:36. still ahead, driving records show some prior problems for an uber driver who this week beacon hill. >> sarah: plus what police say a college student was doing just before running into a police vehicle. >> christa: and getting rid of a little stress. chris, i want to see you do that. >> chris: a look at the forecast for today. temperatures fairly steady. the rain needed this morning. umbrella, rain boots, big puddles leftover, gusty winds through the leftover icy showers. temperatures steady. we'll talk more about the forecast coming up. >> danielle: and here's a look at the expressway behind me. you can see the roads are slick out there. south of town we're watching an accident where a car went off the road into the woods. that's on route 3 southbound. other than that, no major delays. give yourself a little bit of extra time this morning. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. l this mess-free? color . harter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. >> christa: take a look at what's trending. this penguin recently started she is unable to regulate her body temperature, so a wetsuit was designed especially for her. she looks great, huh? [screaming] that's chris when the forecast goes wrong. >> sarah: a bookstore in egypt giving people a chance to let it all out. they built a soundproof room where people can go in there and scream as loud as they want to. theyls bang on the drums. each customer gets ten minutes inside the room completely free of charge. >> christa: i love that idea. otherwise, you know, you have the bathroom the lock yourself in and this that same thing. so it's national chocolate day. ism what? >> christa: yes, it is. why did you not hear about this? >> sarah: i don't know. >> christa: each and every year they estimate that each person here comes nine pounds of chocolate. and that americans spend on last year. so go ahead. treat yourself today. >> sarah: i'm going to have to get to the candy drawer because this is making me want some chocolate. >> christa: chocolate for wreck fast all the way, not just on national chocolate kay. are you kidding? ism everything you need to know and go is coming up next. a smoky scare on the "t" sparking calls for change. what city officials are calling for on the track. >> sarah: all right. 5:45. time now for everything you need the start you day off right. a live look outside. it's wet and messy out there. you might want the leave early this morning. >> christa: what you need to know for today. chris lambert is here with more. chris, when will this all come to an end? >> chris: it looks like most of the rain will e possibility this afternoon. you need some extra time on the wet roadways and wet weather continues north and west of boston. most of the showers across the mass pike, but still a few across southern worcester county and we'll work in south of boston this morning. snow across northern new england, the heavy snow in the mountains of maine. picked up some snow in massachusetts yesterday, as well. especially across western worcester county. points west, several inches of 55 plymouth. 44 in worcester. despite starting mild today, temperatures aren't really going anywhere. in fact, we'll likely lose a few degrees close to the coastline across eastern mass as the east wind that's now 21mph in boston switching direction out of the west. it's going to be a breezy day. still a leftover isolated shower as we get into the afternoon. we'll catch our dry hours in here, as well. you can see the temperature change here, very little as we go throughout the day. a gusty breeze at times through the day. late sprinkle and maybe thinking the bulk of saturday is on the dry side. we're not concerned with too much of the rainfall department on saturday. 72 in minneapolis, 60s in chicago, 79 in st. louis. i won't get it quite this warm, but wednesday it's the mid-60s. we work on into the area. there's another front that comes on through. you may catch a few more showers sunday afternoon. but again, we'll get our dry hours in here over the weekend, as well. trick-or-treaters out there as we have very limited amounts of moisture across new england. that does need a dry day. 45 to 54 this afternoon. windy and cool. drying out overnight tonight. mid-30s in the cooler suburbs. 42 in boston. the forecast fors be, clouds, some sunshine. a late-day sprinkle out there or an isolated shower not out of the question, but overall seasonable day. mid to upper 50s. a couple towns close to 60 degrees. and here's that trick-or-treat forecast. cooling off in theni 40s during the trick-or-treat hours after being in the low 50s in the afternoon. 60s on wednesday. so it does moderate by the mid-part of next week. >> sarah: all right. time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: thanks, sarah. good morning, everyone. here's a look at the expressway. lots of brake lights. you can also see the roads are slick out there. it's already a half an hour from braintree to boston northbound on the expressway. and let's go to the maps, watching a couple incidents south of town. off the road and into the woods, so again, those roads very slick out there and in foxborough, we have an accident 95 northbound at 140. the pike from from framingham into boston. no issues on route 2 or route 3. 93 no delays into boston. route 1 looking good. take a look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. half an hour braintree to boston northbound on the expressway. 12 minutes into town on the pike from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 14 minutes. and the "t" and commuter rail >> christa: right now federal investigators are headed to new york. they're trying to figure out why the campaign plane carrying republican vice president, candidate mike pence skidded off the runway at logan airport in queens. luckily no one was hurt here. >> sarah: thank goodness. this morning people on board are describing the rough landing. 7's jennifer eagan joins us now with more. >> jennifer: sarah, pence's plane was removed from the runway a short time ago. way to new york city for a fund-raiser when his plane overshot the runway. around 8:00 the plane skidded before hitting the erector beds, that's crushable concrete meant to help stop aircraft that overruns the airway. everyone was okay. pence took photos with firefighters on the scene. he did speak out on twitter saying he's thankful everyone is safe and he will be back on the campaign trail later today. this as his running mate donald trump is campaigning in new hampshire. a rally is set for 12:30 in manchester. in the eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: jen, thank you. right now a firefighter is recovering after getting injured battling fierce flames down in fall river. take a look at the aftermath of this fire. it tore through a multifamily home. no one else was hurt. residents were saved by someone who wanted them to get out. >> get out. smoke started billowing. >> i think everything is gone. i don't know if it traveled throughout my apartment. i know it got to my bedroom, playstation, everything, bed, blanket, pillows. >> christa: right now the red cross is helping people who have been displaced. ism also this morning, a sheriff's deputy who ended a deadly rampage at a mall in taunton is speaking out for the first time. it comes after the d.a. determined that the deputy was justified when he shot and killed arthur darosa at the silver city galleria mall back in may. creed credits his training for ending that violent rampage. >>ry chance to comply, get on the ground before i had to do everything. the last thing i wanted to have to do. >> he helped... i wasn't leaving anywhere without him. >> sarah: the d.a.'s report says darosa had broken up with his girlfriend just prior to the attack. >> christa: police say they do cited after crash entering a wall in beacon hill. jean caillot passed uber's screening violations because he didn't have any violations in the past seven years. smoke filled back bay station this week. the mbta says the issue was a trash fire on the tracks that started when the train's motor overheated. desperately breaking windows trying to get out of that smoky orange line car. the governor says new cars are being built, but it might take two years before those cars are eventually online. >> sarah: the system moves a million people a day. for the most part safely. they need to make it more reliable. >> we're still having the same conversation. it's not a simple fix, but it's a plan and let's pay for it. >> christa: the mbta also says it's conducting a full investigation into this incident three teens will face a judge in dorchester today in connection with a robbery in mattapan. police say the teens used this gun to rob a man at gunpoint wednesday night. officers tracked down the suspects a short time later. >> christa: a man facing charges in connection with a home break-in in barnstable. investigators say richard hererra broke into a woman's home wednesday night and hit her with his car when she tried to stop him. police found hererra after he was caught speeding after that incident happened. >> sarah: the in north dakota is intensifying this morning. police arresting more than 100 people after a dramatic standoff. at least 141 people were taken into custody thursday after protesters set several fires and blocked a highway. a 3.8 billion dollar oil pipeline is expected to be built. one protester even opened fire on an officer. that officer was not hurt. officials in the area have asked the department of justice to get details now on a talc powder lawsuit. a st. louis jury has now awarded more than $70 million to the california woman who claims johnson and johnson's baby powder caused her ovarian cancer. now, thousands of women have filed similar lawsuits against the company, but research has not found a link between ovarian cancer and using powder for feminine hygiene. former penn state coach mike mccleery has been awarded more than $7 million in a defamation lawsuit against the school. administrative leave in 2011 after his testimony helped charge jerry sandusky with child mole station. >> sarah: checking news across the country. a freshman at texas a&m was crunk and sending a sexually explicit picture when she crashed her s.u.v. enter a cruiser wednesday night. officers say the 19 year old was topless at the time. she claimed she stopped at a red light to send a snapchat photo to her boyfriend. >> christa: a woman is recovering after being burned in that explosion inside a mobile home in ohio. an officer's body camera captured that footage, as you just saw. investigators say an oxygen tank erupted and that's what caused the blast. >> sarah: 7news now turning to a major toy recall. a fire hazard is forceing the recall of 3,000 motorized kids' the company says there's an issue with the circuit board causing the motor to overheat. one car reportedly caught fire. the company is telling consumers to stop using the car and the contact the company to get a free replacement. >> christa: in this morning's healthcast, halloween is coming up monday, but dermatologists are warning about some scary side effects of face paint. officials suggest testing it out first on your hand. of course, contain fragrances and dyes that could cause an allergic reaction. >> sarah: some bruins' players celebrated halloween a few days early, visiting kids at boston children's hospital on thursday. they dressed up as teenage mutant ninja turtles. tory crying and david pastrnak and brad brad marchand. pretty cute. i bet those kids are super exd. i bet you anything chris lambert, you must have had a teenage mutant ninja turtle. >> chris: my little brother a huge ninja turtles fan. we had all the toy, including a pizza thrower that flung pizzas across the room. that was the best toy of them all. taking a look at the forecast, scattered showers north and west of boston. a few passing showers left over through the day. warmest along the coastline, but even here in the city. i think we'll lose a few >> christa: let me guess, bedspread and curtain set, did you have, that as well? >> chris: i was the he-man guy. he was into the turtles. >> christa: okay. coming up, we're live with capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. so capital one reimagined banking... ? with a place that feels nothing like a bank. and helpful people that talk to you...not sell to you. with free checking accounts that are actually free... no minimums. no fees. and a top-rated app, let's you bank right here. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta ? ? ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ? ? hush my darling... ? ? don't fear my darling... ? ? the lion sleeps tonight. ? [snoring.] ? hush my darling... ? [snoring.] ? don't fear my darling... ? ? the lion sleeps tonight. ? [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. >> christa: touchdown trouble for governor mike pence. what caused the v.p. candidate's plane to skid off the runway. >> sarah: donald trump talking about the close call as he heads to new hampshire today. >> close to grave, grave danger. >> sarah: hillary clinton drivers preparing for new traffic patterns starting tonight. >> sarah: october snow in western massachusetts creating a dangerous drive. in boston we're dealing with rain. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> christa: all right. challenging morning on the roads for many people. good morning to you. i'm christa delcamp. >> sarah: and i'm sarah french. we saw the first snowfall of the season coming down in parts of massachusetts. the western part of the state, there's a blanket of autumn this morning we're looking at the start of the day in braintree. really wet out there. the rain falling in boston and beyond. how long is this going to last? let's send it over to meteorologist chris lambert with more. >> chris: heaviest rain out there. showers north and west of boston. we'll have an occasional shower passing through this afternoon. look at the snowfall. you get into the northwestern corner of franklin county there, just to the west of '91. snow. rainfall out there, puddles on the roadway. wet weather and windshield wipers going full blast north and west of boston, stretching in from natick, framingham, wayland, all the way up to the north shore. most of the showers this morning, most of them north of the mass pike, but even a couple south of the pike. 5 in boston. 45 in worcester. these numbers steady if not fading off a couple degrees once e it's on shore right now. it's going to turn more out of the west. gusty wind through the day here. so we'll continue to see that. an again, temperatures edging down on average a couple degrees later on this afternoon. leftover isolated showers this afternoon, but some dry hours, as well. weekend forecast ahead. >> christa: there has been trouble on these wet roads. let's go to danielle gersh with the latest. >> danielle: definitely slick and slow. 93 north of town, this isn't as bad as it looks south of town. let's switch cameras and take a boston. you can see all the brake lights. let's go to the maps. we're watching an accident south of town. this is on route 3, southbound at exit 14. and the car actually went off the road here. so as i mentioned, very slick out there. the pike from framingham into boston, no issues. route 2 and 3 looking fine. 9 fine for the most part back to 495. and you're in good shape on route 1 this morning. take a look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. half an hour on the expressway, braintree to boston. just 12 minutes into 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 14 minutes. the "t" running on schedule on the commuter rail, but watching some delays on the fitchburg line. back to you, guys. >> christa: danielle, thank you. let's get to breaking news. overnight, police and swat teams surrounding a hotel in hampton, new hampshire. police say man fired at officers and that's what led to a standoff there. the union leader is reporting this man was later found dead inside of a room. this is at the marriott motel. no officers were hurt. police say they did not return learning more about that scary skid involving mike pence's plane. it ran off the runway at laguardia airport. no one was hurt thankfully. it provided frightening moments for the vice presidential nominee. his family, staff and media were on board. >> christa: a go team is is being sent to investigate. that's something usually reserved for big crashes. jennifer eagan has more right now. >> jennifer: pence's plane was removed from the runway earlier this morning. investigating. scary moments on the plane of republican vice presidential candidate mike pence. >> remain seated. >> jennifer: pence's campaign jet skidded off the runway at laguardia airport in new york thursday night. a cnn producer on board described the terrifying moments. >> and we had a pretty hard landing, and then the press in the back of the plane could feel the plane fishtailing back and forth. >> jennifer: before getting off, reporters say pence checked the cabin to make sure everyone was safe >> everybody is fine. >> jennifer: the v.p. candidate taking it all in stride, even stopping to take pictures with firefighters. the cause still under investigation. >> we're not going to speculate on the cause of the incident. >> jennifer: and pence did put up a post on twitter saying he's thankful that everyone is safe andles that he will be back on the cam pan trail later today. in the control room, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: the presidential election now just 11 days away. hillary clinton is dealing with fallout from a revealing the report ties the clinton foundation to their personal wealth. meantime, donald trump is headed to new hampshire today. that's where we find 7's victoria warren live in manchester with more on the campaign. >> victoria: good morning. donald trump back in new hampshire again today. he's got an event scheduled this afternoon here in manchester. he's talking about a possible lawsuit now as there's new >> the microphone was not supposed to be on. >> victoria: donald trump once again taking on nbc over his now infamous "access hollywood" interview, trump hinting at a possible lawsuit. >> we'll see. we'll see. >> victoria: the republican spending thursday in another battleground state, ohio. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right? what are we even having it? what are we having it? her policies are so bad. >> jennifer: bill clinton sharing the e stolen e-mails posted by wikileaks describe how clinton personally profited, receiving millions of dollars in speaking and consulting fees from former clinton foundation donors. former clinton aide doug band said he secured more than $50 million for the former president, but there is no indication hillary clinton did anything for those donors. trump pouncing. >> mr. band called the arrangement "unorthodox." corrupt. >> victoria: hillary clinton hitting the campaign trail with michelle obama on thursday. >> is there anyone more inspiring than michelle obama? >> victoria: the first lady trying to reach out to women and minorities, appealing for them to vote against trump. and his tactics. >> when you hear folks talking about a global conspiracy and saying that this election is rigged, understand that they are trying to get you to stay home. >> victoria: again, donald trump back in new hampshire. he's got an event here in manchester that starts at noon. live this morning in manchester, victoria warren, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: vicki, thank you. right now commuters are preparing to take their last drive through these tollbooths on the mass pike. so the tolls are going all electronic. and that begins tonight, which means traffic pattern changes and probably some delay, as he's live with more on what we can all expect, john. >> john: christa, the news of physically handing over money at a toll plaza like this one are over tonight with massachusetts turning to all electronic tolling. as the new system is implemented, massdot is warning drivers about possible delays because of changes in traffic patterns. to help people prepare, e-zpass customer service centers will have extended hours throughout the weekend. the department of transportation releasing this video of what changes w the new tolling system will be cheaper for people with transresponders. if you don't have one already, there will be a six-month grace period. here's what you need to know: if you don't have a transponder, you'll get a bill in the mail based off your license plate. that will include an application for a transponder. if you apply and get one, you'll be credited with the discounted rate. toll plazas like this will be demolished starting sunday. people need to be prepared. drivers need to get ready. this will likely run through tolls, john cuoco, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: in concord police are searching for a suspicious man who followed a child home from elementary school and allegedly took pictures of him. nicole oliverio is live with the latest on this story. nicole? >> nicole: sarah, we can tell you police are now asking the public for any help in case anybody saw anything suspicious yesterday. they say this all happened as that student was getting out of school. they say this happened around they say the student was from an elementary school. apparently that while was walking home and noticed a car, a newer-model sedan, that's the only description they have, was following that child home. the male driver apparently offered that child candy. that child refused, continued on his way home, and as he's about to get into his house, that's when he noticed apparently the driver getting out of the car and taking photos of that boy. they then called police. suspect. they haven't made any arrests. they're asking the public for help. we don't know what school that boy goes to or where this happened in concord. we're hoping for more information from police. that's the latest live in concord, nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: nicole, thank you. 6:09. police up in new hampshire are investigating an alleged abduction this morning. londonderry police say rose victor rosario forced his girlfriend from her workplace into his car yesterday afternoon. massachusetts state police were able to stop him in worcester, and they s girlfriend unharmed. as the investigation continues, he could be facing several charges, including kidnapping. >> sarah: happening today mark who is facing a judge after police say he tried to rob a credit union in west roxbury. investigators say the 51-year-old suspect walked into the credit union wearing a mask. an off-duty officer inside confronted the man and chased him out of the building. officers later tracked down the suspect in front of the restaurant and put him in he pulled the guy out of the car. >> it didn't seem like anything was wrong after i walked past. but when i came back to work, that's when i saw the police. i was like, whoa. >> christa:>> sarah: this mornie suspect is facing several charges. >> christa: still ahead, painful memories for a boston marathon survivor. what the f.b.i. gave her recently that's taking her back the that day. >> sarah: police turn enter cowboys when horses break free on the vineyard. act, a high school junior from canton who beautifully combines his musical gift with helping people. >> chris: most of the rain this morning north of the mass pike. even the south has a couple showers left over. temperatures steady this afternoon. weekend forecast ahead. >> danielle: and the roads are slick out there. south of town on route 3, a car went off the road into the woods. here's a lack at the expressway. it's about half hour into town from braintree to boston. the "t" running on schedule. some delays on with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. >> christa: welcome back. it's only october 28th auburn we're talking about snowfall in western massachusetts. it accumulated into slippery surprises. in picture is from sturbridge where several cars skidded off the runway. further out west, they were talking about six inches of snow. this morning definitely some trouble on the roadway, some crashes because of the rain some definitely allow a little extra time out there. >> sarah: cold, wet and rainy. >> chris: big puddles leftover. an inch of rain overnight. remember this one, five years ago. i think yesterday's snow was impressive. we had over two feet and a good chunk of southern new england from southern new hampshire back into western mass with this powerful nor'easter that took place over a couple of days back in october of 2011 and 1.7 million people losing their power with that. remember, this time of year, still leaves on the trees. so all that heavy wet snow clinging to everything and breaking plenty of tree branch, knocking things down and creating all those power how about the october rainfall in boston? we have to go back to february. we've had a month above average precipitation-wise. all summer long, june, july and august, boston under four inches of rain total while the month of october we picked up over five inches of rain alone in boston. so it has been a role reversal here as we've had plenty of wet weather at times across the city. just about a week ago, flash flooding out in worcester, four to five inches of rain quickly too fast, but it has been beneficial the last couple weeks. scattered showers still west of boston, close to the western tolls. 128 over to weswood and then stretching back down 109 into medfield, still some leftover showers there. that's working off to the north and east, and we do have consistent shower activity across the merrimack valley, consistent rain across southern new hampshire. i think this morning will be more consistent over southern new hampshire versus massachusetts. once in a while, a passing shower pivoting back on through winds will turn back out of the west. gusty wind out of the west will knock temperatures down a couple degrees along the coastline. so 53 in boston. as long as that wind changes direction, it will be active out of the northwest and west. maybe we'll fade back into the upper 40s. not a lot of rain this afternoon, but occasionally a passing shower still leftover. then we dry it out overnight tonight. dry start with sun tomorrow. more clouds around in the afternoon. can't rule out a spot sprinkle or spot shower. 71 in minneapolis this afternoon. 79 in st. louis. we'll see any of that in our forecast. not quite. but we will warm up into the mid to upper 60s by wednesdayful right now the weekend looking okay. a lot of dry hours there. a couple showers possible sunday afternoon. halloween dry for the trick-or-treaters. cool. back into the 40s by sunset on monday, tuesday and wednesday looking good. >> sarah: all right. time now for fast track traffic with danielle. >> danielle: thanks, sarah. good morning, everyone. here's a look leverett connector. traffic not stopped. that's the good news. roads are slick out there. south of town, the expressway, braintree to boston, up to 31 minutes all red there. we're also still watching an accident. this is route 3 southbound at exit 14. a car actually went off the road into the woods here. so that should give you an idea of just how wet it is out there. slowing down on the pike from framingham, but other than, that you're in pretty good shape heading into boston. route 2 and 3 looking good. though, on 495 southbound. that's ats be -- boston road. route 1, you're in pretty good shape. take a look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. half an hour on the expressway. that's your longest drive. into town on the pike from 128, 12 minutes. and 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 16 minutes. the "t" running on schedule. we're still watching some delays on the commuter rail on the fitchburg line. back to you, guys. >> sarah: this morning we're excited to introduce you to a high school junior with passion >> christa: he blends both of these things so beautifully the light up people's lives. he's this morning's class act. ? ? the melodies of a viola and the gift of music is what this week's class act is all about, music as therapy. >> i thought he was really good. i liked what he did. >> i think it's great. >> christa: for noah simms, playing music at orchard cove independent living is only part of his skill. >> i think it gives them a huge sense of purpose. they're reminded of all the things they've done in their life. they have all of these great memories. >> christa: he's also studying nursing at blue hill technical high school in canton, which is where we surprised him. we wanted to present an honor to a student with outstanding musical abilities who is making people feel like they're being healed. noah simms, can you come to the front of the classroom? [applause] come on over. noah is a junior and is on his way to being certified as a nursing assistant. noah's been playing since age four, his skills in such demand that he started a small business as a therapeutic violist, and he makes the rounds as several assisted living centers. he'll go back and play more because they really like it. >> it means a lot to noah to help them. noah is compassionate. he enriches our lives every time he comes. he gets into what their passion is. >> we talk about a lot of memories they've had, and i think they get the sense of being young. i think that gives them a huge sense of purpose. [applause] >> christa: i feel like listening to that is the perfect way the start the day before y rainy friday. he hopes to play with the longwood symphony one day, and he's planning to go to college for nursing. so good luck for him. >> sarah: do you know a student between 6th and 12th grade doing something outstanding in school, sports or their community? please nominate them online at >> christa: still to come, a fiery crash in milford. good samaritans working frantically to help the driver. boston. >> christa: and the patriots loading up to take on the bills as one player bassett is unique in regards to that customability. you've got a thousand different fabrics to pick from. very customizable. you can choose the back, >> chris: time is 6:24 on this friday morning. good morning, everyone. wet roads. lots of put frls the rain last night. still some scattered showers, especially north and west of boston this morning. locally the heavier rains at times. the the heat 53 in boston. 45 in worcester. temperatures steady. back a few degrees throughout the day. gusty winds, as well. leftover isolated afternoon showers in here. temperatures again averaging close to 50 degrees. tomorrow mid to upper 50s. late day sprinkle or isolated shower. much of saturday is dry. trick-or-treat forecast for halloween looking good. dry for the kiddos. temperatures fading back into the 40s. >> and now time for 7sports with >> joe: good morning. the celtics like a completely different team last night in chicago, playing up to their competition after doing the about opposite the night before against an awful nets' team. the bulls are rich in talent, and the celtics went toe to toe with them. rajon rondo and chicago native d. wade making their bulls' debuts. the celtics hung tough, but d. wade made sure it was a home coming to remember, sticking a dagger three from the corner with 26 seconds to go. wade finishes with 22. the bulls win it 105-99. the celtics played well, though. patriots getting the clock started on dion lewis' return to action. the patriots' running back practicing for the first time this season after undergoing a second surgery on his left knee. the team now has 21 days to activate him from the physically unable to perform list. where would the bruins be without david pastrnak and his team-leading five goals? we might find out soon enough. the b's forward set to have a safety later today over his hit to the head of rangers' defenseman dan girardi in wednesday night's loss. and dustin pedroia, mookie betts, and jackie bradley, jr., all named american league gold glove finalists. i'm joe amorosino. that's sports. have a great day. >> christa: still ahead, anger and frustration with the mbta. the mayor and governor sounding off after the latest incident on the "t." >> christa: and dramatic video of a police chase that had an officer on the ground firing at a suspect. >> sarah: and we'll tell you talk about chocolate today and talk about chocolate today 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bombing survivor getting her possessions back from that fateful day. >> sarah: and a fiery crash in milford. >> christa: and vineyard police corral horses on the run. >> this is 7news "today in new england." ism good friday morning, everybody. thanks for staying us with. it's 6:30. i'm sarah french. >> christa: it is here. october 28th. i'm christa delcamp. so let's have a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of snow in some areas of massachusetts. >> christa: and this morning a tt this slick commute on route 9 in natick. chris, make it stop. >> chris: trying to. it will take a little while. we'll get some better weather over the weekend. good morning. up and down route 1, up through the north shore, steadier rain here, even embedded downpours. a couple scattered showers in boston south and west, too. right around this 93, 95 connection, and heading down 95 in toward providence, rhode island. steadier rain across northern mass and up into southern new hampshire. consistent. south of the mass pike, showers fewer and further between. 55 in plymouth. 45 in worcester. winds are strong on shore. once they change direction, a few degrees cooler. gusty winds along the coastline. that will continue throughout the day. a lot of us seeing a gusty breed. this afternoon not completely shutting off the rain, but we'll have our dry hours in here. an isolated passing shower with temperatures averaging into the over the weekend we do see some improvements. seasonable weather. mid to upper 50s over the weekend. late sprinkle on saturday. a few late-day spurs on sunday. a lot of dry hours, as well. more on that coming up. >> sarah: time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: thanks, sarah. good morning, everyone. here's a look at the expressway. lots of traffic out there. roads are pretty slick. give yourself some extra time if you're getting ready to head out the door. let's go to the map. watch a couple incidents out there. we have a disabled bus northbound right as you get on the expressway from the actually just happened, another one on route the 3 northbound right here. also on route 3 southbound at this exit, the car left the road and is in the woods. the pike from framingham, slow and go, in the watching any major delays, though. north of town, we have an accident at 495 southbound. that's ats be road. 93 heading into boston stop and go. we're also starting to see some stop and go traffic pick-up take a look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. half an hour on the expressway, braintree to boston. just 12 minutes into town on the pike from 128. so that's your easiest drive this morning. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge. also half an hour, both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. back to you, guys. >> christa: danielle, thank you. let's get to breaking news from overnight. police and swat teams surrounded a motel in hampton, new hampshire. and police say man fired at officers, which then led to a standoff. the union leader is reporting dead inside of his room at the marian motel. no officers were injured and police say they also did not return fire. also tonight, massachusetts is switching to electronic tolling. it's set to start at 1:00. massdot is warning drivers about delays because of this. the new system will be cheaper for people who have the transponders. there will also be a six-month grace period for people who don't already have one and the demolition of the old tollbooths will last until the end of 2 vice presidential candidate mike pence is doing okay after a scary moment at laguardia airport. pence, his family, campaign advisers and members of the press were on board this plane when it suddenly skidded off the runway last night, only to come to a halt in a special bed of concrete that's crushed and designed to stop runaway planes. no one was hurt. the plane had been delayed out of iowa because of the weather conditions in new york. gets belongings back from the f.b.i. three years after the attack. her tattered clothes and cell phone bringing back troubling memories from that day. 7's jennifer eagan joins us now with her emotional story. >> jennifer: sarah, erika brannock was in boston watching her mother run when the bombs went off. she just recently got her things back, including her cell phone filled with messages from that day. for erika brannock, every step is a reminder of the deadly attack near the boston marathon ni she's undergone multiple surgeries and is now living with a prosthetic leg. but nothing has brought back the memories from that day like seeing the clothes she was wearing and where the pieces of shrapnel pierced her body. >> at first i wasn't sure if i wanted to see the clothes. and when i was, there i decided i this want to see them. i had a shirt on that i loved. i remember being so upset that they cut it. and i had... i saw my jeans, and apart they were. oddly enough, my left shoe they had kept, and now that i'm an amputee on my left side, very emotional seeing my shoe. >> christa: the f.b.i. held on to the items as evidence. then they were sent off to be decome tan indicated. last month brannock was able to pick up her possessions. >> i charged my phone. it still had everything on. there i had 67 text messages and over ten voi day. >> jennifer: she doesn't know what she's going to do with the item, but she says she's not ready to see them destroyed. >> it was a weird... it was very emotional, but it was also healing at the same time, because i've come full circle with it. >> jennifer: brannock is back teaching preschool, an she's also helping the f.b.i. with a new online tool that educates teens about violent extremism. in the newsroom, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: reading police officers are asking the public to help identify this man they say is connected to several break-ins in town. they say all the break-ins happened at commercial businesses throughout the past month. >> christa: and right now police are investigating after a deadly crash. this happened in milford. investigators say the driver was speeding and then lost control. he hit a fire hydrant. and as you see, it flipped over and burst into flames. it happened right in front of a car dealership. people nearby raced to help out the driver. sadly it was >> he thought that we should try to smash out the window, so he took the extinguisher, smashed it into the back window. as soon as the window smashed, smoke started coming out. the car was popping. it sounded like it was going to blow up. so you had to make the decision to back away from the vehicle. >> christa: right now police are looking into whether the driver had some sort of medical emergency right before that crash. >> sarah: two people arrested after a crazy crash is caught on camera in lebanon, new police say the suspects were drunk when they ran their car off the road and slammed into a utility pole on route 4. officers later found prescription drugs in the car. >> christa: police in edgartown stumbling on two horses overnight. turns out the two decided to go for a midnight stroll. the barn door had blown open from the high winds. the officer on duty was driving on the road. that's when he noticed the horses. they were eventually corralled and taken home. >> sarah: and a new friendly park has opened up in south boston. city officials unveiling the east 1st street dog park yesterday located across the from the n street park basketball court. a number of elected officials were on hand for the ribbon cutting. >> sarah: it's really incredible because there's so many great residents of this community, and all communities in the city of boston, who love their doings and love their animals and are incredible people. >> sarah: now, pet owners and >> christa: lots of play dates there. >> sarah: buddy always loved going to the park and playing with all the doggies in the city. >> christa: you have a very well socialized dog. >> sarah: that and he likes his attention. come on, there's a baby now. >> christa: 6:38. still ahead, we have the latest on this cancer lawsuit involving talc powder. more on the amount the jury awarded to one woman. >> sarah: city and state officials sounding off about the mbta after the latest scare on a train. >> christa: and a bachelor party taking quite a surprise turn when a certain guest stops by. we'll be right back. ready to head out when others head home. upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you because we know you're counting on us. we're ready for winter, and we want to make sure you're ready, too. visit to learn more and sign up for storm updates. and be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter. ever new england. eversource. massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted but some kids aren't so lucky. where they live, they don't go to a great school, and they have no choice. imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. public charter schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. if you like your school, question 2 won't affect you. but question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. please join me and >> christa: all right. here's a look at what's trending on friday morning. twitter is pulling the rug on vine. the app asks people to share six-second videos. it's take an back seat to periscope. the vine web site will stay online sharing old videos. twitter also laying off 350 people, which is roughly 9% of staff. eight. bachelor party turns into a puppy rescue party. the guys were in a log cabin doorstep. they then discovered she had seven puppies hiding in the room. the men and their families have adopted the dog and all her pups so they have good homes now. >> christa: happy ending there. >> sarah: yeah. >> christa: also it's national chocolate day. if you haven't heard it. you know now. each one of us on average consumes about nine pounds of chocolate each year. we also spent nearly $60 on chocolate products in 2015. so go ahead. i say it's great we have national day, but every day is chocolate day. >> sarah: we have a chocolate war back there. >> christa: yeah. where's the chocolate, sarah. you're in charge of that. >> sarah: coming up next on 7news. new details about the close call involving the plane carrying mike pence. the safety feature that helped stop that plane from skidding on to a highway. >> john: so massachusetts is making the big switch to everything you need the know coming up. >> christa: and gronk talking about changing up his style in kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. kelly (voiceover): i'm kelly ayotte. and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- i'm out here knocking down every lie... because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... ...and help families pay for college... i approved this message because no matter what they're throwing at me... bassett is unique in regards to that customability. you've got a thousand different fabrics to pick from. very customizable. you can choose the back, you can choose the arm, you can choose the leg. we couldn't be any happier. >> it's 6:45. time to know and go. >> christa: >> reporter: a vice presidential candidate's plane goes off the runway. hear what the rocky landing was like. >> reporter: meanwhile, pence's running mate back in new supporters in new hampshire. >> john: a toll turnover just hours away. now officials are warning about possible delays during the big switch. >> sarah: all right. it's time the know and go. we have all the day's top stories coming up. >> christa: you need to know some areas saw snow yet. >> sarah:and it's raining out tt now, chris. how long is it going to last? >> chris: we picked up 5, 6 inches of snow in northwestern franklin county. still have some rainfall outside this morning. not as the overnight, but it's been beneficial. the city of boston now puts us over five inches of rain for the month of october. it's the first above average month since february. still some downpours lined up close to route 1, up through the north shore, south of boston, showers a little more spotty, but a lot of wet roadways because of the heavy rain we had overnight. the rain most consistent across northern worcester county, southern new hampshire. i think it will be most across southern new hampshire. moisture working back in. i can't rule out a passing shower once in a while into this afternoon. so keep the umbrella handy. you won't have to use it all day, but we'll also have some gusty winds with us. 53 many boston. 45 in worcester. once this gusty wind changes drengs from being on shore to off shore, we'll still contend with the bride at time gusting at least 20, 30mph. it will also provide cooler air to work back in toward the coastline. so even boston at 53, maybe more like 48 afternoon with that passing shower. the the heaviest of the rain across southern new hampshire. halloween forecast not looking so scary weather-wise, temperatures fading bang into the 40s for the trick-or-treaters. back into the 50s or 60s by wednesday. the warmest day next week close to 67. >> christa: with all this rain a slow go on the roadways. danielle gersh with more. >> sarah: you weren't getting anywhere fast this morning. here's a look at the expressway. it's kind of a mess. let's go to the maps. out there. we first have a disabled vehicle in dorchester there. if this will come up. then south of town, a couple other issues. and it's really just slow out there. unfortunately these aren't moving. for some reason i think this is is frozen. but maybe if we go out to the cameras, we can see it's slow going. we have accidents south of town on route 3 near the braintree split. and north of town on route 3, as well. let's look at those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. half an hour on the expressway. 13 minutes into the town 893 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, half an hour. the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. back to you, guys. >> sarah: a deadly end to a swat standoff in hampton, new hampshire. police say a man at the marian motel fired at officers. the union leader found the man dead inside that room in the motel. no officers were injured. policedy not return fire. >> christa: this morning we're learning more about that scary skid involving mike pence's this plane coming just feet away from a highway. >> sarah: frightening moments for the vice presidential nominee and everyone on board. 7's jennifer eagan joins us now with more. jen? >> jennifer: sarah, this morning the n.t.s.b. and f.a.a. will begin investigating what went wrong here. crews removed pence's plane from the runway earlier this morning. the v.p. candidate was on his way to new york city for a fund-raiser when his plane overshot the runway around 8:00 last night. the plane bounced for a few seconds before skidding on the runway. passengers on the plane saidth after the pilot slammed on the brakes. the plane then hit beds made up of crushable concrete meant to help stop an aircraft that overshoots the runway. the arrester beds helped stop the plane from going on to a nearby highway. pence did put up a post on twitter saying he's thankful everyone is safe and he will be back on the campaign trail today. in the control room, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: jen, thank you. the presidential election now will be making a step nearby the granite state. the latest polls show a tightening race. let's go to victoria warren. she's in manchester with the latest of both campaigns this morning. vicki? >> victoria: good morning, christa. clearly new hampshire is important, and donald trump is coming back here again today. donald trump is making his appearance in manchester later this afternoon fresh off an interview where he once again lashed out against the "access hollywood" tapes, this time threat act lawsuit. the also spoke out against the stolen e-mails posted by wikileaks, describing how bill clinton received money for speaking fees from former donors. >> i'm just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the eand -- and just give it to trump, right? what are we having it? what are we having it? her policies is so bad. >> victoria: hillary clinton shot back, there's no indication hillary clinton did anything for those donors. she spent the day campaigning with first lady michelle obama. >> donald, you're the one who has a lot to learn about the military and everything else that makes america great. dignity and respect for women and girls is also on the ballot in this election. >> victoria: again, donald trump once again coming to new hampshire. he's got this event scheduled for today in manchester. he's set to speak at noon. live this morning in manchester, victoria warren, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: right now commuters are preparing to take their final drive through the tollbooths on the mass pike. they're all going electronic tonight. that means traffic patterns will change and delays are expected. 7's john cuoco joins us live with more on this. john? physically handing over money at a toll plaza like this one are over tonight as massachusetts moves to all-electronic tolling. here's what you need the know, if you don't have an e-zpass transponder, you will get a bill. that will include an application for a transponder. if you apply and get one, you'll be credited with the discounted rate. the department of transportation releasing this video of what changes will eventually look like. the new tolling system will be cheaper for people if you don't already have one, there will be a six-month grace period. now, to help people prepare, ez pass customer service centers will have extending hours this weekend. we're live at the allston-brighton tolls, john cuoco, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: all right. developing right now out of concord, where police are searching for a suspicious man who apparently followed a child home from elementary school and took pictures of him. let's go to 7's nicole oliverio. >> nicole: christa, this all happening yesterday has the elementary school student was getting out of school around 3:45. according to police, that child reported a man in a sedan following him home from school. apparently that driver asked the child if he wanted any candy. that student did not approach this man. instead he kept heading home. once that student got home, that's when the man got out of his car and sent a picture. police are now searching for that have a very good description. police isn't said exactly where this happens or what school that child went to, but they are asking anyone with information to give them a call. live in concord, nicole oliverio, 7news "oday in new england." >> christa: nicole, thank you. state and city officials now calling for reliability as smoke filled a station this week. the mbta says an issue was there was a trash fire on the tracks that started when a train's noter had overheated. trying to get out of that orange line car. the state's governor says new cars are being built, but it might take two years before they're eventually online. >> the system moves a million people a day, for the most part safely. we need to make it more reliable. >> it's been going on for how long and we're still have having the same conversation. it's not a simple fix, but it's a plan and let's pay for it. >> christa: the mbta is conducting a full investigation into what happened on wednesday. >> sarah: a reaching a verdict in the baby powder lawsuit. the jury awarding $70 million to the california woman who claims johnson and johnson's baby powder caused her ovarian cancer. thus of women have filed similar lawsuits against the company, but research has not found a link between ovarian cancer and using baby powder for feminine hygiene. >> christa: it appears patriots' running back dion lewis is getting closer to returning to game action. lewis practicing for the first time this season on thursday. activate him from the physically unable to perform list. lewis has had two surgeries on his left knee sing injuring it last year. tight end rob gronkowski no stranger to rehabbing from injuries, but he says he's working on changes in his style in hopes of decreasing the chances of getting hurt in the future. he says he picked up a few tips, including scale back on his famous hard-charging lifestyle. >> when the journey is over, you know your gave your all, you're not going to ble five guys, sometimes not even two guys, and just whenever you feel like you need to get down, you need to get down. >> sarah: some bruins' players celebrated halloween a few days early, visiting kids at boston children's hospital on thursday. they dressed up as characters from teenage mutant ninja turtles. torey krug and david pastrnak dressed up as leonardo and this is amazing. a home in california putting on an impressive spooktacular light show. the man who built it says he uses around 400,000 lights and it took two weeks to prepare. the 30-minute light show will happen every night through the end of halloween. i want the mow what he does for a living. look at the tv screens on the side. >> christa: oh, nice. >> sarah: that is really impressive. >> christa: take pictures of this. i absolutely adore this guy, but in the spooky at all. but definitely funny, chris. >> chris: the clark griswold of halloween award goes to that guy. twinkle lights are not twinkling, clark. that's good stuff. the neighbors are going to be kept up at night with all of that. still leftover showers down here in southern new england. rain in southern new hampshire i just want what's best for my kids. when i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more charter schools, every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million dollars, just last year. we can't afford to drain even more money from our kids' schools because they're already losing so much. i'm not just standing up for my own kids; i'm fighting for yours, too. i really want to know how hahahahaa 2nd balloon was messing with you, it?e good morning, breaking overnight, a frightening moment at new york laguardia airport, the campaign plane carrying mike pence skids off the runway during heavy rain. >> remain >> no injuries reported, but an investigation is underway. this morning, governor pence, joins us live. looking ahead, nbc confirming hillary clinton has vice-president joe biden on her short list for secretary of state, if she wins. donald trump hitting clinton for her time in that position. >> hillary clinton put the office of secretary of state up for sale, and if she got the chance, she would put the oval

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