Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160911 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160911

humidity and shaping up for a nice late day on our sunday. temperatures today, reaching 80-84 degrees. we have the midday storm chance and back with much more. >> 15 years ago, 19 terrorists from al qaeda departed in planes, two of which were fr south tours in the world trade center and the third crashed into the pentagon in arlington, virginia. the passengers on the fourth plane, flight 93, learned of the other attack and fought back. the hijacked airliner crashed into an empty field in pennsylvania, about a 20 minute flight from washington, dc. >> and these image, we have seen them before. they are so hard to forget. first responders running into danger as plumes of toxic dust died that day, some 6,000 more were injured. and today, we take time to remember. fox 25's jim morelli is live at the boston public garden, the garden of remembrance, where there will be a service in 90 minutes. good morning, jim. >> good morning, jason, yes, 4575 days and yet the memory so vivid for us. let me show you what is happening. boston care, an organization of flags to comem mate those who died 15 years ago to kay. they will be here for probably another hour or so, because that is an awful lot of flags. and then a little bit later on, the mayor will be here and there will be a ceremony. at the stows there where the victims, it was going to be outside but because of the weather they moved it inside. we will be here all morning on a somber day and incredible 15 years have gone by. live at the boston public garden, jim morelli, fox news. >> ? praise to the lord? >> hundreds sat shoulder-to-shoulder in st. patrick's' cathedral for a special ceremony yesterday afternoon, 343 flags were there new york city fire department and honored the 127 men and women who died from illnesses related to the recovery effort. and as we honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago today, family and friends also honored the 259 massachusetts military members who lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for the fallen. runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends at this tribute meant to him (^). >> we are running for my brother corporal dave athleterton who lost his life in june, he was a big supporter of the military. >> and governor charlie baker was also in attendance. >> a business owner on the cape is making sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne who owns kenyon's market set up a tis displayof one flag for every peo lo educate those who weren't even born yet. >> fox 5 will have coverage from the public garden as well as beacon hill this morning. at 8:30, the name of each massachusetts victim will be read aloud at the statehouse and then later on, the madeleine amy sweeney award for civilian bravery will be presented. it is named after a flight attendant from acton who alerted a friend to the situation on the american airlines flight 11 just before it hit the twin towers. >> this morning, we are waiting to learn the names of the people saturday in taunton. one person was killed and two others were hurt during a race on watson pond. the man killed is from new hampshire, described by police in his late 30s, hundreds of people were out there watching yesterday afternoon when the throw boats collided. >> it was the start team, the i noticed there was two boats out front and they were really smoking into that turn. i thought, man, i better watch this. this might be kind of hooked. the second boat hooked and the third boat just ran right into the front two. >> the taunton fire department was on the water watching in the rescue boats and they were able to arrive there in less than a minute to pull the men aboard. one of the men hurt remains in critical condition in the hospital this morning after suffering serious head and chest trauma. >> new this morning, police are investigating after a stabbing in south boston. you are taking a look at the scene on b. street just around yellow crime scene tape marking off that area. boston ems told us one person was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. we are working to find out if police have any suspects in custody. >> a registered sex offender with a lengthy criminal record under arrest this morning for the murder of a danville woman. fox 25's jackie heinrich reports he lived with the victim the last couple months. >> neighbors told fox 25 the neighbors man in pass, they didn't take notice but did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn richard moore, also known as richard white, has a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe ann bouchet would help anyone and had this man staying with her and he took her life. >> people in the area didn't know much about bouchet's behavior, a registered sense offenders with crimes ranging back 20 years from animal cruelty to sexual assault on a victim under the age of 13 and escape and allegations of second degree murder. investigators didn't say whether he put up a struggle when he was taken into custody. >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest for the homicide. a sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday when police began investigating bouchet's death. detectives found burn marks on the side of the home after neighbors woke up on labor day to the smell of something burning and the body was discovered a short time later. people in the community hope with the arrest made they can heal. it's a tragic ending. but justice will prevail. >> moore is scheduled to be arraigned next week. in danville new hampshire, jackie heinrich fox 25 news. >> developing this morgue, 30 people were hurt after a deck classic in hartford, connecticut. two decks clemtioned on top of a third during a house party near trinity college. police say most of the people involved were students, none were seriously hurt. looking for a bank robber. officers say that the man that you see right there in this photograph walked into the bank of canton on washington street yesterday. according to police, he passed a note to a teller and then made off with the cash. investigators don't know the car he was driving, but they say he was wearing a gray, long-sleeved t-shirt with black sweat pants and a bruins hat. one person is dead after a very bad crash on 95 in box ford. state police tell fox 25 a 45 year-old man was parked in a behind last night and was killed. the driver of the car who struck him, na thanielle armstrong, was not hurt. police arrested him for o.u.i. among other charges. he is expected to be arranged in the haverill district court monday morning. >> police are investigating how a home in holliston caught fire. flames were chuting out and they say the frame of the building was starting to collapse. fortunately, knocked was hurt. the state fire marshall is $5,000 reward for information about that fire. we will be honoring the victims of the 9/11 attacks all morning long. >> coming up, a son remembers some of the final words his father spoke to him. >> from the 105th floor, he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. >> this morning, the feat he is doing to try to keep his father's memory alive. early on this sunday, but also some storms will be moving in later. i am timing those hour-by-hour 6:1 this sunday morgue, you are looking at the boston public garden where you can see the crowd of people, the sun is not even fully up but you can see a number of people out there planting flags and in honor of all the victims and nearly 3,000 who lost their lives in 9/11. the garden of remembrance was dedicated in 1994, it's been there for 12 years and people come out and honor those who lost their lives. as communities remember the 15th anniversary of the local man is honoring his father and running 100 miles. >> he told me that his father is going to be watching over him every mile of that incredible journey and i sat down with peter goza who shared with me exactly how losing his father shaped his life and really inspired him to give back. >> i think of him and i smile. i don't think of him and think about the towers coming down. >> now 35 with a family of his killed in 2001, phil goza was at work in the south twin tower when he saw a plane crash into the first. >> my father called my brother, left him a voice mail after the first plane struck, and said, you know, i'm up here. crazy accident at the tower next door. and from the 105th floor he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. >> and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lived in north andover, said losing his father forever changed his perspective on >> he really -- you really need to try to understand and appreciate what you do have, and i still have my mother. i still have my brother. i have my family now, and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to establish the phil gooza memorial schiep to honor his father who was a mathematician, it provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math or science. and later this month, peter will fly to arizona to run 100 miles foundation. it's a goal peter admits many, including his own family, believe is a little crazy, but he said it's one his father who was ambitious and quirky would appreciate. >> i'm very excited about it and i am confident that when i'm tired and in the middle of the night, 80 miles into this event, i will be thinking about my dad and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter says those two lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve as a reminder for everyone to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blissed we are. >> hundreds of firefighters and their families will be in ash burton park at the statehouse to remember their brothers, the fallen firefighters will be receiving new names this year, 15 new names, that are going to be added. they are from fire departments shrewsbury, and spencer. the ceremony is held every year on september 11th. a day when 343 firefighters were killed in new york city. there are around 950 names on the ring of honor for all the firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in massachusetts. >> good morning. right now i'm tracking this front, back to the west. out ahead of it, we have thunderstorms. they are in northern new england. they are moving into upstate ne york, as well. we are getting some early sun here mixed with clouds increasing from the west, it's breezy and mild to start the day. look at the temperature, very summerlike, in the 70s, area-wide right now. 75 in keene, 74 in boston at 73 at plymouth right now and i have 71 degrees on nantucket. it's breezy, too. check out the wind gust, we are gusting up to 20-25 miles per hour, south shore, cape and the strongest wind gusts right now. let's look at the the hour-by-hour forecast for the metro west neighborhood. we will see increasing clouds this morning, by noontime the showers and storms, but they don't last all day. most of the day is dry. it's just a brief window of a couple of hours of showers and storms rolling by, and then we see clearing skies and falling humidity. let's take a look at plymouth here. another hour-by-hour planner for you. you will see that storm chance just beyond that. and then we start to clear things out for you as well. let's take a look at the futurecast, doing a nice job showing the clouds increasing this morning. the breezy southwest winds out there. back to the west. that line of showers and storms. moving into keene, between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.. then we watch it move eastward across manchester, closer to the sea coast of new hampshire by 11 a.m. approaching the north shore, coming across the pike noontime until 1:00 you see there it is, right over the south shore. and then we have storms moving over across cape cod, through 1:00 and 2:00 and by 3:00, the storms are off shore and look at this, this is blue sky moving in. so this is a bona fide cold front that's going to be moving across and with that interaction, the warm, humid air ahead of it and the cool dry air behind, we have that chance for some strong damaging wind gusts. it's a slight risk but i to mention that today. there is widget in the upper atmosphere, some could get get pulled down to the surface and do some tree damage again today. that's something we have to keep an eye on, heavy rain and lightning also a reason can. winds out of the southwest this morning, swinging around to the northwest later in the day. so, we will hit high temperatures in the lower and middle 80s and then, say, by 4:00 to 5:00, these are what your numbers will be. low 70s worcester, lower 80s in boston. hour-by-hour, rainfall, well, we quarter of an inch through the event today. so we will take it and it's not going to be a drought buster by any means, the higher amount to the north and west. we have a little bit more energy from the storms, possibly as much as half inch in a few spots in southern new hampshire, but as we go to the cape and the islands, probably only a 0.1" at best as the storms roll by. here is the other thing i want to show you t dew point temperature, we are waiting on the cool dry fall feel. that starts to happen this afternoon. by 3 p.m., you are points in the 50s, anywhere from boston to the north and west. so that means it starts to feel dryer, more comfortable, and as we get into tonight, maybe heading out from the patriots watch party, you might need a light jacket. we have dew points in the 40s, down right dry and temperatures falling down into the 40s overnight tonight. in the bush bees, near the 50s and the city of boston and then tuesday, we have some -- another tuesday morning, i should say. wednesday, a little bit milder and there is a chance of some rain by the afternoon into the evening. it clears out though in another shot of cool air in here by thursday and friday that sets us up for the start of next weekend. i'm back with a live radar update coming up. >> massachusetts senator elizabeth warren joined 2,000 janitors calling for a fair contract for property workers. this is the scene on boston common yesterday afternoon. more than 13,000 janitors are covered under one of the master contracts in new england. workers are calling for a new contract that expands opportunities for full-time employment and also ensures raises that keep up with the cost of living. senator warren is hoping to push that leap. >> i wanted to be here today for exactly one reason, and that is to say in this fight, for fair wages, i'm with you! >> workers are also asking for expansion of health care to expires at the end of this month. >> it's 6:20 this sunday morning. as the sun is rising, 9/11 memorials and ceremonies are starting all over the country. >> and you are taking a look at some video of a luminary service in pennsylvania, where hundreds are gathering, carrying lanterns to remember the victims on board flight 93. that is the plane that crashed after its passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> and thousands -- >> to enter lower manhattan this morning, this is a le zero. we will be right back. >> >> >> introducing longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. 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(whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. shhh. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. the area's largest care package for the troops an veterans project is happening today. the massachusetts military heroes fund organized this day of service, happening on the rose kennedy greenway from noon to 3:00 and if you are interested you can stop by to assemble care packages that will go to soldiers or the commonwealth homeless veterans. >> republican vice president nominee mike pence made good on his promise to release his tax returns. mike pence and his wife reported earning $113,000 combined last year. they paid 8% of that in federal income tax. a statement from the trump campaign reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen have paid their taxes, supported worthy causes, and unlike the clinton, the pensions have not profited from their years in public service. mr. trump though refused to release his returns until an >> this morning, hillary clinton is back pedaling from comments that she made about trump supporters. >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the race racist, sexist, phobic i, you name it. >> this blunt attack came during a fund-raiser in new york city friday night, both trump and his runningmate quickly called her out saying it was insulting to millions of hardworking americans. this morning, clinton said she was wrong to describe half of trump's supporters as deplorable. >> a libertarian prrnl candidate gary onon is continuing to defend what some are calling a lack of foreign policy knowledge. when asked about the syrian city of aleppo, he responded with a question, what is alepp johnson said his mistake does not make him less qualified to be president. >> the person on the street is not running for president of the united states, but understanding what is happening in syria, that it is very serious,. >> johnson said she is well aware of aleppo and its role in the syrian refugee crisis. >> right now i'm tracking a front to the west. showers and storms blowing up is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. morning which is somewhat appropriate, this is a look at the statehouse here on beacon hill where in a few hours a special memorial will be held for the massachusetts victims of 9/11. 15 years ago, over 2,000 people were killed when four planes were hijacked, the the deadliest terror attack on a stands at ground zero where the twin towers once stood. the world trade center was brought down by two flyings that left logan airport that morning bound for california. hijackers flew a third plane into the pentagon. the fourth plane believed to be heading for either the capitol or white house went down in pennsylvania field after passengers made a very heroic effort to stop those hijackers. and yesterday people gathered in that very same field to pay their respects at the wall of knee, in prayer for the people whose lives were lost here, for the workers who worked here, for the families who mourninged. >> weller those are a few days after september 11th, but this is video of cameras moments capturing the moment george w. bush found out about the attack. an aide, andy carr, his chief of staff, whispered the information classroom in florida, there are quite a few ceremonies commemorating it, including in boston and we left it all throughout this morning. >> we know several of those tributes will be held outside and we are exexpecting storms in the area so let's check in with jason brewer with an update. >> good morning. i just got my first lightning strike in western massachusetts here over the berkshire, the line of showers and storms i'm most concerned about is still back over northern new england is a light risk of strong damaging wijtdz, got to mention that as these come through. heavy rain and lightning though much greater and more widespread concern. let me show you this on futurecast, we are dry through 8 a.m. in most spots. as we head through 9:00 and 10 a.m. i will be watching the line come in off the mountains, over in closer to worcester county by, say, 10:00 to 11:00 and then by noontime over towards the north shore making its way into boston, and down the i-95 corridor. here is 2:00, off the south shore, over to storms are gone by 3:00 and clearing skies with falling humidity will be expected this afternoon. so it's just a brief window, an hour or so, of of some showers and storms and they leave us alone and all is not lost op this sunday. i'm back with much more coming up. >> right now as we speak about 80 volunteers are isn't pling some 3,000 flags in the boston public garden. september 11th, it's a beautiful sight. we will go out to jim morelli in a second but the governor will be there starting at 7:30 along with the mayor of boston in the public garden. >> and fox 25 east jim morelli has been there all morning long it's been an emotional scene behind you as we see people putting the flags in. >> yeah, a very somber scene, even 15 years later. if you are of a certain age you certainly remember exactly where you were some 5,000 days ago and boston cares volunteers coming out this morning as you ground some 3,000 flags. one to commemorate each of those who died on that horrible day. the group's executive director spoke with us and she tells us what she remembers about september 11th. >> when i reflect on 9/11, in addition to all the horror, what i really often think about is how we came together as a country, how we came together as americans, how we put aside our differences, we came across from all backgrounds and all walks of americans. >> and i asked the chief whether or not she had any trouble recruiting volunteers this morning. she said no, there was actually a waiting list of people who wanted to donate some time, some service on this 15th anniversary of 9/11. again, around 7:30 or so, we will have the official replay wreath laying ceremony and another ceremony at the statehouse, which was supposed to be outside but will be moved inside because of the threat of bad weather. live in the public garden, jim morelli fox 25 news. >> you sa being set up there. fox 25 will have coverage from the public garden and beacon hill this morning. at 8:30, the name of each massachusetts victim will be read aloud at the stwows, and then later on this morning, the mad line amy sweeney award for civilian bravery will be presented. it is named after a flight attendant from acton who alerted a friend to the situation on american airlines flight 11, just before that plane hit the twin towers. >> many other events happening throughout the region throughout the day, umass lowell is ago. it's happening at the school's memorial located on the merrimac river on the umass lowell campus. unity is a circle shaped structure inscribed with the names of the victims and it takes place at 9:30. >> the american red cross is hold ag blood drive to pay tribute. this is happening at fenway park starting in just about 1 hour. this is part of a national day of service and remembrance, just proclaimed by president barack obama. the blood drive wraps up at 2:3 happening around the state on fox 25 >> now here is a look at other ceremonies that have already happened this past week in honor of lives lost 15 years ago. >> today we mark 15 years. our nation comes together to show we will never forget. the ceremony is to honor the nearly 3,000 victims started friday. for a moment of silence on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> to a new york police department procession from city memorial. the federal government's return to the world trade center was also recognized with a visit from homeland security secretary, jay johnson. terrorism cannot prevail, if we refuse to be terrorized. >> in our nation's capitol, the victims were remembered in a special ceremony at the pentagon. >> as our pentagon community concontinues to protect and serve our nations we will never forget the moments tof that day. >> and a moment of silence on the capitol steps. at the justice department, attorney general loretta lynch dedicated a flag for the survive free planted on last year year's anniversary. >> we continue to stand vigilant against all of those who seek to do our nation and its ideal and its people harm. we stand mindful of all, all who have died in sacrifice on its behalf. >> throughout this morning, the nation will pause for six moments of silence, one for each plane and at the exact time each tower fell. in time for today. the flag once flew over the rubble at ground zero, but at some point went missing. two years ago a marine brought the flag to a washington state fire station, and last week, forensic testing proved its origins. >> we are first examining the particles on the flag and comparing it to the trade tower dust that was collected right at 9/11, i realized the same seam plaj of particle sites are found on the flag and the 9/11 ground zero dust. >> the iconic 9/11 museum, the identity of the man who turned the flag in remains unknown. >> worcester police are working to figure out who tried to steal a large american flag over the town common. this is a picture of the rope used to lower the flag. police tell us it was cut off sometime thursday. fortunately, whoever is responsible wasn't able to get away with the flag. but earlier this year, another large flag was taken from the same exact spot. that one has not been recovered. of september 1thth as we mark the 15th anniversary. >> this is a look at the 9/11 memorial in new york city. every year a tribute in lights shines over lower manhattan, that's 88 search lights to represent the twin tower, it was lit yesterday at sun down, it will be lit again tonight until dawn. >> and you are taking a live look right now at the freedom tower in new york city as we prepare to honor the fallen. >> right now i'm lightning strike just reported in western massachusetts. i will show you where storms i will show you where storms will affect your plans is there a baby in your tummy? i will show you where storms will affect your plans my dad says your house looks ugly. you're my third best friend. kids don't know how to act fake. you're losing your hair. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. the tonight a special vigil will be held at the boston sea port district in honor of september 11th, at 7:00 a mass will be held at the chapel of our lady of good voyage and from there a candlelit procession massachusetts, iraq and afghanistan fallen heroes memorial and this is just another way to honor the victims of september 11th and the war of terror and its aftermath. >> 6:42 sunday morning. unusually dry conditions are creating problems for water supplies all across the state. one of scituate's water sources is at a critical level. the reservoir is down to 41% full, the town is working to get a plan in place. the fire department will rely on the state for water tankers in the event of a into cohassett's water system if the reservoir drops to 10%. there is also a push there to conserve the water. >> i use bottles of poland spring water now. >> thanks to conservation efforts like that, in relying more on well water, the town has been able to decrease water use by about a quarter, 25%. >> and this morning, we honor the victims of september 11th and the families that they left behind. >> i think of him and i smile. i don't think of him and think fox 25 to share the mission he is now undertaking to keep his father's memory alive. >> and looking live at the ground zero memorial right now in lower manhattan, we all can recall the exact moment when we learned of the 9/11 terror attacks that tuesday, 15 years ago. a lot of high school students are too young to remember, and maybe they weren't even born in 2001. fox 25's kerry cavanaugh taking a look at the unique program aimed at 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five years ago to honor all of the victims. and, again, today we continue to remember that national tragedy. it has been 15 years since the deadliest terror attack in history. nearly 3,000 lives were lost on that day and many of them with ties to our area. we will continue to have live coverage from the memorial services happening throughout the morning. >> you know, for so many of us, and it might be hard to believe, but there are now students in high school, today, too young to remember the unthinkable attacks from 15 years ago. fox 25's kerry cavanaugh visited cardinal spellman high school in brockton where a you yes, i do neck program is teaching history through real point in time with a personal connection to the dark day. >> airport security, getting patted down, bags and checking and everything, that's what we are used to. >> these seniors at brockton's cardinal spellman high school were three years old september 11th, 2001. many students here weren't even born yet. in class, they have learned about the events of 9/11, like any other historical event. >> it seemed like something you would see in a history book, something that you would read about. >> obviously, you know, what happened, like, two planes crashed into the twin towers in new york city, but, like, me personally, i didn't know they came from boston. >> now, a new program is taking a new approach to teaching this history, through real people. >> my husband was murdered on airlines. >> people like linda gay of tewkesbury (^) gave the vice president of the massachusetts 9/11 fund, which is ruling out the program to high schools across the state. >> so, what we wanted to do is make it real, have real people talk to them. >> people with personal connections to the tragic events from families to first responders. and in addition to the real people, real imagery. >> we just got a report in that there's been some sort of explosion at the world trade center in new york 9/11 fund is adding a documentary that doesn't water down history. >> that was the guy i knew, the goofy family man. >> it includes voices of other young people, including gay's own daughter speaking about her dad. >> it's true the world stopped for everyone, so my life changed, but everyone's life changed. our safety was at risk. >> it has brought history to people from massachusetts that died on 9/11. >> we as a country made a pledge not forget. >> the school director joanie said the program was the missing link in the classroom to keep the conversation going. >> hearing their stories, really had an emotional impact and we just connect to it so much more now. >> the mass 9/11 fund plans to provide the curriculum to every quarter this year and their goal is to present it to all massachusetts high schools n. brockton, kerry cavanaugh, >> now your local forecast from meteorologist jason brewer and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> good sunday morning. right now i'm tracking our first line of thundershowers, trying to blow up here in western massachusetts. let's drill right in here. this is just off to the west of athol and boylston, so by about 7:25,-9:30, a few rumbles coming through, only last a few minute, but just keep it indoors, away from the windows as the storms pass by today. that have gone severe and northern new england, you see the yellow box there. so, damaging wind gusts there. that's the concern, we could have 1-2 storms that have some damaging wind gusts in them as we get to the mid morning and early afternoon time frame here in southern new england. we will watch that carefully. currently, low and middle 70s. it's a warm, breezy morning here, very summerlike feel to the air. we are mainly dry here through 8:00 in the morning but by, say, 9:00, i'm going to be watching over towards get to 11:00, near the sea coast of new hampshire, back across the pike here and central massachusetts. and then, over toward noontime, to 1:00, the north and south shore, including boss boston, getting hit with a quick-moving line of showers and storms, lightning, heavy rain the greatest threat but again some strong wind gusts coming through possible, 40-50 miles per hour with some of these as they come by. there is 3:00, the rain is off shore. and we are starting to see falling humidity and much improved conditions for the 4-5:00, looking like this. low 70s worcester, low 80s boston. middle 70s on nantucket and then look at these overnight lows tonight, upper 40s to around 50, norwood, framingham, lawrence, the low 50s. we will be in the mid and upper 50s in boston tonight. so, feeling more like fall. it will stay cool on monday night. then we get a little warmup on wednesday morning with a couple showers by wednesday afternoon and evening and another shot of >> and we will continue to have coverage of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack throughout the morning. >> that's right. we are live from the boston public garden this morning where there will be a ceremony in 40 minutes and the statehouse where each of the massachusetts come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. good morning, red sox wrap up the series with the blue jays to they, hoping to get out of toronto with a 2-game lead in the east, clay buck holes against aaron sanchez who enters the game 13-2. ed wardo rodriguez wasn't center field, no doubt about this one. that that gave the blue jays early 2-0 lead in the bottom of the second, the jays add another, that's where we pick it up. red sox were within one in the last inning but jackie brown strikes out to take it, jays take it by a 3-2 final yesterday. boston college back in the winning column, a 26-7 win over umass in gillette stadium. patrick connected with jeff smith for a couple touchdowns, next week in blurg, they will be 1-1 after the 26-7 win yesterday. the list of patriots missing in arizona for tonight's game is impressive, lots of pro bowl appearance, brady, of course, gronk out with a bad hamstring, nate soldier injured in the final preseason game not ready to go. nick is suspended. also injured with a attorney tricep, jonathan cooper not protecting jimmy garoppolo, put he is eager to get the first professional start. >> mentally, i'm at arizona but you play to be in the game and play, you know. you don't want to be the backup. so, you know, the opportunity is here. just got to go take advantage of it. >> the long wait is over. the time is now. patriots and cardinals tonight, like you, i cannot wait to get it going. i'm tom leyden, have a great day. >> that's right. the nfl season is here. a lot of games kicking off today at 1:00 for week 1 of the nfl season and i know the league is doing a lot of things to commemorate the 15 earmark of 9/11. today we are remembering all the victims of/1 >> absolutely. and there are tributes and ceremonies happening across the country this morning including right here, this is a live look at the boston public garden, where a wreath-playing ceremony will start in just about 30 minutes. >> >> we are off to a dry start but it won't stay that way, i'm tracking a line of gusty showers and storms right now, some time in the arrival straight ahead. >> plus this morning a local man is finding a special way to honor the father that he lost 15 heroes sits down with fox 5 to fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. >> it's been 15 years since the american soil. good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us this sunday morning, i'm jason law. >> i'm stephanie coueignoux, at this point, 15 years ago, it was quiet but, of course, several hours later, our nation and truly the world would change forever. memorial services will be happening here in boston as well as across the country. and we will continue to remember and honor the victims throughout the morning. >> some of the events have been moved inside because of the brewer for today's weather. hey, jason. >> good morning. let me give you a quick check. we have a front to the west. we have severe storms up in northern new england. there is a slight risk for some damaging winds in southern new england, nothing like that on the radar now but we are tracking the first thunderstorm back here in the berkshires, it's heading over to orange and petersham over the next hour. so just a quick shot of some rain. but, some strong winds in there. heavy rain and lightning also a concern today. let me show you the line as we get into the morning hours, we are watching it a.m.. near manchester, near worcester, and then by midday, either side of lunchtime, a better chance for showers and storms north shore into boston and until 1:00, 2:00, south shore of the cape and then we are seeing clearing skies an falling humidity later this afternoon. a very nice late sunday afternoon shaping up. we have more on how cool we will be tonight coming up. from al qaeda hijacked four plane, two of which departed from logan airport. the terrorist crashed two planes into the north and south towers of the world trade center complex in new york city. the third plane crashed into the pentagon in arlington, virginia. passengers on the fourth plane, flight 93, learned of the other attack and fought back t. hijacked airliner crashed in an empty field in pennsylvania about 20 minutes after a 20 minute flight from washington, dc. >>ac >> these scenes and video here etch in our memories forever. hard to forget. first responders running into danger at times as plumes of toxic dust engulf lower manhattan after the numbers fell. 2977 people killed, some 6,000 more were injured that day, and today, we remember. fox 25 east jim morelli is at thereby a service in 0 minutes. jim, good morning. >> good morning, jason. you are right, time has done nothing to dim those vivid memories so many of us have of that day. it's hard to believe that was more than 5,000 days ago. earlier this morning, the group boston cares came out to plant about 3,000 flags to commemorate those lives lost on september 11th. we talked with a group's executive director and she told us what positive thing had come out of >> there are 30 million people volunteering across the weekend and i think to be able to start this day with people from many walks of life, serving together on this amazing tribute, is a really, for me, is a perfect way and i think for the volunteer, a really perfect way to start the day. >> >> there you have the flag planted, 3,000 of them. family members of 9/11 victim, victims to be here as well as the mayor and the governor for that wreath-laying ceremony live. live at the public garden, jim morelli, fox 25 news. >> ? praise to the lord my destiny? >> hundreds sit shoulder-to-shoulder in st. patrick's cathedral for a special ceremony yesterday afternoon. 343 flags carried into the service representing every member of the new york city fire department who died on september 11th. the service also honored the 127 men and women who died from illnesses related to the and as we honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago today, family and friends also honored the 259 massachusetts military members who have lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for fallen. runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends at the memorial park in dedham. richard atherton shared with us what this tribute meant to his family. >> we are running to day in honor of my brother, corporal military and we started this for him. >> governor charlie baker was also in attendance. >> a business owner on the cape is making sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne, who owns kenyon's market set up a display inn't fro of his building showing one flag for every person killed in the attacks. lemoyne tells us he hopes to remind those that were not around and educate those who were not born yet. >> and there are several big events planned to mark today's anniversary. at 8:30 this morning. the names of the m attacks will be read aloud at the statehouse, and after that, the madeline amy sweeney award for civilian brieferry will be presented. sweeney was a flight attendant from acton who was on board american airlines flight 11 when the plane was hijacked. she reported it to a friend on the ground, along with with the descriptions of the terrorists. these tributes are just several of the many events planned here in massachusetts today. and to find a tribute in your >> it's 7:05 this sunday morning and this morning we are waiting to learn the names of the people involved in a deadly boat collision saturday in taunton. investigators say one person was killed and two others hurt during a race on watson pond. the man who was killed was from new hampshire, transcribed by police being in his late 30s. two more people were hurt, and hundreds of people were watching. yesterday afternoon, when the three boats collided. >> the start came, i noticed, you know, there was two boats out front. and they were really and i thought, man, i better watch this. this might be interesting, and sure as heck, the first boat kind of hooked, the second boat hooked, and the third boat just ran right into the front two. >> the taunton fire department was on the water watching in the rescue boats and they were able to get there in less than a minute to pull the men aboard. one of the men hurt remains in critical condition in the hospital this morning after suffering serious head and chest trauma. >> new this morning, police are in south boston. you are taking a look at video of the scene on b. street at 12:30 this morning and you can see yellow crime scene tape mashing off the area. boston ems tells us one person was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. we are working to find out find out if police have anyone in custody. >> a registered sex offender with a lengthy criminal record is under arrest for the murder of a danville woman. as fox 25's jackie heinrich reports this morning, he lived with the victim for the last couple of neighbors told fox 25 the neighbor introduced them to this man a couple times in passing. they didn't take much notice but did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn that richard moore, also known as richard white, had a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe juan boucher would help anyone in need and a few months ago allowed this man to stay at her home, richard moore, now accused of taking her life. >> it's been a very trying week arrest has been made. >> people in the area didn't know much about moore's relationship with boucher, but after his arrest, a lengthy rap sheet has come to light. a registered sex offender, listed living as boucher's arrest with crime ranging from shoplifting to animal cruelty, to sex assault on a victim under the age of 13, then escaped. and now, allegations of second degree murder. investigate investigators didn't say whether he put up a struggle >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest for the homicide. the sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday, when police began investigating boucher east death. detective detectives found burn marks after neighbors woke up on labor day to the smell of something burning and the body was discovered a short time with an arrest made they can heal. >> it's nice to see something has been concluded. it's a tragic ending. but justice will be prevailing. >> moore is scheduled to be arraigned next week. in danville, new hampshire, jackie heinrich, fox 25 news. >> developing this morning, about 30 people have been hurt after a deck collapsed in hartford, connecticut. police say two decks collapsed on top of a third around 11:00 last night during a house party. it happened near trinity college. police sayos involved were students. none of them were seriously hurt. >> canton police are still looking for a bank robber. officers say the man that you see right here on your screen walked into the bank of canton on washington street yesterday. according to police he passed the note to a teller and then took off with the cash. investigators don't know the car he was driving but say that he was wearing a gray long-sleeved t-shirt with black sweat pants and a bruins hat. one person is dead after a very year-old man was parked in the breakdown lane when he was hit from behind last night and killed. the driver of the car who struck him, 22 year-old nathaniel armstrong, was not hurt. police arrested him for o.u.i. vehicle homicide, among other charges. he is expected to be arraigned in haverill district court tomorrow. >> a reward is being offered this morning to find out how a house under construction in holliston caught fire. flames were shooting out of the house when firefighters got there friday night. they say the frame of the collapse when they got there. fortunately, nobody there was hurt. now the state fire marshall is investigating and they announced a a $5,000 reward for information about that fire. >> 10 minutes after 7:00 this sunday and we will be continuing to honor the victims of the 9/11 attacks all morning long. >> coming up, a sun remembers some of the final words that his father spoke. >> from the 105th floor, he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, "well, back to work." >> the feat he is getting ready memory alive. >> a mild and breezy morning, temperatures in the 70s a tracking the first rumble of thunder nearing orange right now. i'm timing more showers and hi mom. grandma! oh! joey run and get a cookie, ok? let me see it today. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. oh! mom. if you had chickenpox the shingles virus is already inside you. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. grandma, want to play? maybe later sweetie. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today it is 7:14, you are take ag live look at the pentagon in thor then virginia right across the potomac from the capitol. american airlines flight 77 with 53 passengers and 6 crew slammed into the pentagon at 9:37, 15 years ago, killing 125 people. 55 military personnel who were working at the pentagon that tuesday morning last their lives because of thett 15th anniversary of the september 11th attack, one local man is honoring his father in a very unique way. by running 100 miles. i sat down with peter guza who shared how losing his father shaped his life and inspired him to give back. >> i think of him and smile. i don't think of him and think about tours coming down. >> now 35 years old with a family of his own, peter guza was a junior in college when his father was killed on phil guza was at work inside the south tower when he saw a plane crash into the first. >> my father called my brother and left him a vis mail after the first plane struck, and said, you know, i'm up here. crazy accident at the tower next door. and from the 105th floor he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lived in north andover, said losing his father forever changed his perspective on life. >> you understand and appreciate what you do have. i still have my mother. i still have my brother. i have my family now. and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to establish the phil guza memorial scholarship, to honor his father who was a mathematician, this provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math and science and later this month peter will fly the organization, it's a goal his family believes is a little crazy but it is one his father who he said was ambitious and quirky would appreciate. >> i'm very excited and i'm confident that when i'm tired in the middle of the night, 80 miles into this event, i will be thinking about my dad and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter says he is looking forward to those who lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve adds a reminder for for everyone to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blessed we are. >> hundreds of firefighters and their families will be in ash burton park at the statehouse to remember their brothers. the fallen firefighters memorial will be receiving new names this year, the 15 names that will be added are from fire departments in boston, burlington, chelsea, eastham, hopedale, mansfield, the ceremony is held every year on september 11th, a day when 343 firefighters were killed in new york city. there are 950 names on the ring of fire for all the firefighters in massachusetts who made the ultimate sacrifice. >> >> good morning, i'm tracking showers and storms all morning long on fox 25 news, right now i'm getting one shower that getting closer to worcester county. the good news is we had thunder, that has gone away. so this will -- this little quick thundershowers weakened and moving into south athol, then the main line of storms i'm concerned about with stronger wind gusts inside of them, you can see those yellow colors? those are the severe thunderstorms in northern new england right now. but, they are over toward keene by around 9 a.m., moving at 30 miles per hour by my track. so, i'm fairly confidentkeep you really around 9 a.m. lasting for 0 minute and they move on. currently, we are in the midder 70s and loss of clouds building in, 75 degrees in boston. the dew point of 70. so it feels very tropical. and it's breezy. we have a tweet from steve, and he said it's just howling out there. it's 20-25 miles per hour, out ahead of the front, gusting cape and the islands mostly and also in the higher hills to the west. let's take a look. the morning, top stop the time there. that's where i'm watching for the areas like keene and northwestern worcester county to begin seeing the chance for stronger storms. now, with ego to 11:00 in the morning, these are getting closer to the sea coast of new hampshire. they have already gone by manchester. and they are getting closer to the greater boston area as well. so, worcester, 10, 11:00 for you and boston say, 11:00 to 1 p.m., that's the window of greater opportunity for showers p.m. these are making their way off the south shore across cape cod and eventually by, say, 3:00, there is just clearing skies and falling humidity and a nice sunday on tap. temperatures at around 4:00 to 5:00 this afternoon, this is what you are going to be feeling, low 80s in boston, low 70 in worcester and the 70s on cape cod. the humidity will drop so the numbers will feel quite comfortable. let's talk how much ra doesn't look like a brought buster, but any stronger storms that pop up we can see a quick quarter to possibly a half inch of rain, but generally speaking, a disoibt 1" to 0.25," the higher amounts north and west where we can see stronger storms and then the lowest amount, nantucket and the vineyard, maybe less than a 0.1." and you can see, we need inches of rain to get caught up. so, we are not complaining about our rain today. it's just not going to be long lived. here is the thing i want to show you. air, when you start seeing the 50s it starts to feel more comfortable and we have that by 3:00 today from the greater boston area westward, and even cape cod and the island, midnight tonight, beginning to feel fresh and maybe heading out of the patriots party tonight, well, you will be needing a light jacket. by tomorrow morning, look at these numbers. in the 40s and 50s in the burr be, upper 50s in boston. there is your seven-day forecast, it stays cool and comfy earlier this week, another round of rain wednesda behind them. i'm back with the radar update coming up. >> ceremonies are getting ready to start all over the country. >> this is a luminary service in pennsylvania. hundreds gathered carrying lanterns to remember the victims on board flight 93. that is the plane that crashed into a field in shanksville, after the passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> now you are take ag live look at new york city where a large service will be happening later this evening mo. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. every part of you is strong. time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. so smile with strength. for the troops an veterans project is happening today. the massachusetts military heroes fund organized this day of service, it's happening on the rose kennedy greenway near faneuil hall from noon to 3:00 and if you are interesting in helping you can stop by to assemble these care package, they will go to sell jers or the commonwealth homeless veterans. governor charlie baker and mayor marty walsh will also be there. >> >> republican nominee mike released his tax return, mike pence and his rife reported earning $113,000 combined last year and paid 8% of that in federal income tax. the statement from the trump campaign reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen pension have paid their taxes, supported worthy causes an unlike the clintons, the pensions have not profited from their years in public service. mr. trump refused to release his tax returns until an i.r.s. audit is complete this this morning hillary clinton is back >> >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. [laughter]. right. the races, sexist, home folkic, xenophobic, islam phobic, you name it. >> well, that blunt attack came during a new york city fund both trump and his runningmate quickly called out clinton's comments saying her words were insulting to millions of hard-working americans. this morning clinton said she was wrong to describe half of trump supporters at deplorable. >> libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson is continuing to defend what some are calling a lack of foreign policy knowledge, when asked about the syrian city of aleppo, he responded with a question, what is aleppo? johnson said his mistake doesn't make him less qualified for president. >> the person on the street is but, understanding what is happening in syria, that it is very serious,. >> johnson said he is well aware of aleppo and its role in the syrian refugee crisis. and right now i'm tracking a front to the west, it's bringing a line of severe thunderstorms into northern new england right now. i'm tracking ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... new frontline gold. pentagon memorialwa d.c., today the nation is remembering the victims of september 11th, 15 years ago, 2977 people were killed when four planes were hijacked, 184 to havev of those people killed was at the pentagon. in northern virginia right across from the capitol. it was the deadliest attack on american soil. >> and a memorial fountain now stands at ground zero where the twin towers once stood. the world trade center was brought down by two flights that hijackers flew a third plane boo the pentagon and the fourth plane believed to be heading for either of the capitol or the white house went down in a pennsylvania field after passengers made a very heroic effort to stop the hijackers. yesterday, people gathered in that very same field to pay their respects at the wall of names. >> as we mentioned this morning, remembrance ceremonies will happen all over the country including in boston and bright ceremony going on at the garden thef we will give you a live scene right now, the ceremony starts at 7:30, you can see those thousands of flags right there, volunteers actually planted those flags, starting at dawn, to honor all the victims. more than 80,000 volunteers and as fox 25's jim morelli is stelling us, there is a waiting list of people wanting to volunteer because again, this is an event, and this is a memorial mayor marty walsh, you see right there, is also in attend dabs. we also saw a little bit earlier governor charlie baker and mayor walsh will be joined by a local family to lay a wreath there at the memorial. and, jason, i noe that you have some more information on that. >> yeah, mayor walsh is going to be laying wreath with the family of 49 year-old joseph mattai, he was working in new york and lived here in arlington and moved to boston in 1994. he was at a world trade center the morning of september 11th so. he lost his life. but his wife, theresa, his children robert and michelle will be with mayor walsh in a few minutes. you can hear the bag pipes playing at the garden of remembrance. it is a beautiful memorial for 9/11. let us turn up the bagpipes there. >> this is the tragedy that hits so close to home for so many people, 206 residents from massachusetts and massachusetts terror attack. and, again, two planes actually flew from logan that were involved in this tragedy. but, again, a very solemn and very emotional day. the 15th apnever sair, september 11th, 2001, etched in so many of our memories, a day that nobody will ever forget. it's really a day that changed the world, changes our perspective on so many things. >> it's a little hard to see from our vantage point cameras but there is a procession of bagpipers playing, "amazing grace" we will go listen now in to the garden of remembrance. >> thank you for joining us here today, the massachusetts 9/11 fund, as we remember our lost loved ones. i'm honored to introduce candy altman, a founding board member of massachusetts 9/11 fund. the heart of boston is in these magnificent garden, that was said by the late senator kennedy. back in 2002 in september, as many of you here today sit here, to announce the buildings of the memorial to the massachusetts victims of september 11th, our beloved mayor tom me any know said on that day (^), the public garden is one of the most beautiful parts of our city. and he said, it that this be a place of peace and remembrance for the families for years to come. we think of them both today, and i believe they would be pleased that their vision has endured. that this spot built with the love and tears of all of you would bring peace and reflection to multiple jen vagues. reflections for family members and their friends still pained but, also, to the tens of thousands of people who visit boston every year in the public gardens and are able to come here and see all of your loved ones. and remember in a different way. and share a sense of community. when we dedicated this space in 2004, poet lawyer yet robert homer joined us. and the insubscription from his po well is in t circle. and if you have not read it, or heard it, let me read it to you. because it talks about the public gardens. and why this is such a special place. time touches all more gently here. here, where man has said no, trees and grass and flowers will remain. where the first thorns, sometimes sees his father's pool, feels an ant shent heart beat in the palm of his hand and seeking comfort, seeking shade, lies beneath the goldly film watching swan boats glide in season. i hope as wet weather reflect on this 15th anniversary that this space has been that place for you, and that it remains so for generations to come. senator kennedy knew the power of this space. and he said forever be remembered because as long as there is a boston, there will be a public garden. >>. and in keeping this place special with boston's incredible parks department is the honorable marty walsh, who in his own right has become a champion of the 9/11 families and the special place, it is my honor to introduce mayor walsh. john, and on behalf of the governor baker, lieutenant governor pally toe an myself would like to thank you and the mass 9/11 fund for the incredible work you do and for all the families. our hearts to go out to all of you. i would like to thank brightton high school and the students that are here. family members and loved ones of those we have lost, the boston fire department, thank you very much for being here. today, we remember your tragic easier. it just never gets easier. coming here today, i was looking at the tree, we planted it three years ago. and as i was standing here, as john was speaking and kaen di was speaking i was looking at the tree grow and looking at the children who lost your parents on that day. and watching you grow. and wanting you to understand that your city and your state 15 years ago today, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives. 206 had ties to massachusetts. we all have a story or connection. in my family, laurie's aunt susie is here, who lost her daughter. we know that you miss your loved ones an your family members every single day. and you carry them in your hearts. we all carry them in our hearts as well. in the words although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. so, today, as a somber day, but it's also an opportunity to look back in a positive -- have positive reflections. we honor your family members' special legacy, the way they loved their family, the way they inspired their communities. and the way they live in all of our hearts. the great things that have come out of their lives and great stories that have come come out of their lives that all of you have done. as we lay this wreath and observe a moment of silence, we resolve to honor this example you have given us. standing strong today, standing strong every single day, united as a community, and we will always unite with you as a community and we will be there for whenever you need us. observe a moment of silence for the loss of our loved ones. now, i would like to introduce the boston fire department a capella quartet who will sing "god >> ? as we gather far across the sea, to swear allegiance to a land that's free? a land so fair? ? as we raise our voices, in a solemn prayer ? god bless america, land that i love? ? stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with ? from the mountains, to the prairies? ? to the oceans, like we follow, god bless america, my home, sweet, home? ? from the mountains, to the with foam? ? god bless america, my home sweet home? ? god bless america, my home, sweet, home? ? >> thank very, very appropriate and a beautiful rendition of "god bless america." and thank you, especially, mayor walsh and candy for participating in this and thank you for everyone that's come here to family members, the city and state officials, we really appreciate your support for the families. a few administrative things now before we go. gardens, where we saw that memorial. i have to say, 15 years later, the emotions are still really high, jason. >> it's pretty powerful stuff there. the bells you heard ringing during the moment of of psyleption were ringing from the arlington street church. i wanted to shear this, to the focus on the positive, the family of joseph ma tie was there laying the wreath, the wife of joseph ma tie, theresa, the children's robert and michelle and before they were married joseph actually dated of the world on the top -- the famous restaurant on the top of the trade center before they were married. of course years before the attack. i'm sure that is a moment and a memory she cherishes and she shares with, you know, al of her family. >> and what mayor walsh really said that stood out to me is this is a somber day but it is also one of positive reflection. we saw the community absolutely come together and when i say community, i mean locally, nationally, worldwide, after this incredibly tragic day and it showed our strength and our courage, our perseverance, 206 massachusetts residents and natives lost their lives in toy tall, 1977, and we will continue to honor their lives and take well at least he's wearing shoes. well done champ. get gooey, flaky, happy. [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all... we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. good sunday morning. i have been watching this front getting closer and a line of showers and storms getting closer. in fact, some severe thunderstorms approaching far western parts of our state right now. and we have this line of heavier downpours and rumbles getting closer to brat lboro and keene, a little quick shower ahead of this. had some lightning in there earlier but the li west of the area but toward brat lboro, 8:30 and by keene 9:00 in the morning, the line of showers and storms rolling through, guy winds inside of those. temperatures are already in the lower and middle 70s so it's a warm morning and we are gusting 20-25 miles per hour and many spots especially cape cod and the islands where it's brighter and you can see the cloud building in, boston north and westward already, there is a live look right now. we are at 75 degrees. the dew point is high at 70. so we have the moisture to work fall out of these storms so heavy rain, going to be brief, but it will be heavy. not going to be a drought buster because it's just moving along too quickly. the the rain should only last about half hour, maybe an hour for the middle part of the sunday. check out the wind gusts right now, 25-28 miles per hour, plymouth, high hyannis, chatham, hour-by-hour throughout the day we go to the far northern and western part of the area, by 9:00 in the morning getting in on the storm chance, these showers and storms are making their way right up the pike here, over closer to the sea coast of new hampshire. then, by noontime, it's the north shore into boston by 1 p.m., and beyond. the south shore, the cape and the islands, say, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. affected by some showers and storms. but, also, look what is going on. clearing skies behind that line. very quickly. so it will shape up to be a nice sunday afternoon once the rain moves by. worcester. low 80s in boston. portsmouth 80 degrees. we will keep it in the mid and upper 70s for cape and the islands. as far as rain amounts, well, it generally looks to be a 0.1" to 0.25," some spots could get lock locally higher spots an there is that concern for some brief gusty winds to come through by in fact onge stror storms and some tree limb damage, that's something to keep an eye on, some minor power outages with this gusty line that's coming through. now look at the severe to extreme drought, we need repeated fronts with 1" of rain attached each time to start making up ground, so we are a long way from that. we will take what we can get briefly on this sunday. and i wanted to show you the dry air. look at the 50s coming back by 3 p.m. in many spots and then by midnight tonight, we are seeing dew points in the 40s, feels very dry and then as you wake up tomorrow morning, it's upper 40s and lower 50s many spots in the burr be, milder to the south and east. there is your seven-day forecast. great start to the work week. showers, monday, rather wednesday afternoon into wednesday night, then they clear out thursday, friday, with more cool air on the way. >> all right. jason, thank you. and we continue to have coverage of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, this is as the victims are remembered around the the nation. >> yeah, we will go back live to the boston public garden where you just saw a few minutes ag wreath-laying ceremony wrap up. jim morelli is out there, and we have the live report coming up at the the top of the hour and in 30 minutes we will go to the statehouse where a ceremony will start at 9:30. stay with us. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. good morning, everyone, red sox wrap up the series with the blue jays hoping to get out of toronto with a 2 game lead in the a. l. east, clay buck hoants on the hill against aaron sanchez who enters 13-2. yesterday, eduardo rodriguez wasn't terrible but the longball got him, muffled out to left center field, that gave the blue jays add another, where we pick it up. red sox, they are within 1 but jackie bradley strikes out to end it t. blue jays take game 2 with a 3-2 find yesterday. boston college back in the winning column. 26-7 victory over umass gillette stadium yesterday. patrick toll with a solid game, connected with jeff smith for a couple touchdowns through the air. here is one here. v. c. will place virginia tech blacksburg 1-1 after the 26-7 win yesterday. the list of patriots arizona for tonight's game is impressive. lots of pro bowl appearance, brady, gronk with a hamstring, nick suspended and torn tricep, cooper not preparing jimmy ga rap pa low but he is eager to get the start. >> mentally i'm straight out for arizona but it's a phenomenal opportunity this. is why you play the game. you play to be in the game and play, you know. you don't want to be the backup. so, you know, the opportunity is of it. >> the long wait is over. the time is now patriots an cardinals tonight. like you, i cannot wait to get it going. i'm tom leyden, have a great day. >> a couple of police unions are offering to pay the fine of a tennessee titans player who the nfl banned from wearing custom completes, they were designed to show support for the victims of 9/11. avery williamson was going to wear them but the league told him he would be in violation of uniform code. they also threatened to fine williamson if he still wore the shoes. police associations reached out to the player, offering to pay his fines for him. but instead of pressing the issue, he is now auctioning off the completes and donating the proceed the a veteran's organization. today we remember the victims of 9/11, 15 years after the terrible day. >> we will have a live look at the pentagon and the washington memorial where thereby a tribute later on, many tributes though today across the nation. is honoring his father that he lost, and he sat down with fox 25 this morning to share his plan. >> i have been watching severe storms in western new england, they are tracking east at around 30 miles per hour. i'm timing them out ifer your neighborhood coming i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a ke an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for today our nation pauses to mark a dark moment in history. i has been 15 years since the deadliest terror attack on american soil. good morning, thank you for joining us on this very somber morning. i'm jason law. >> i'm stephanie coueignoux and at this time, 15 years ago, all was quiet but in less than an hour from now, on that day, our nation and really the world would change forever. memorial services will be as across the country, and we will continue to remember and honor the victims throughout the morning. many of these events and tributes certainly are going to be taking place outside and i know jason brewer you have been tracking some storms through our area already. >> yeah, and western new england has seen some severe thunderstorm warnings this morning, all because of this front on the way. and we are getting gusty warm southwest winds ahead of the front, and we are starting to see the clash of the air masses, so let's take a look, orange, athol, over to keene 45-9:15, that is when these showers and storms make their way in. no warning inside of those right now. but some gusty winds, heavy rain, lightning, all a concern, there is a slight risk for some strong damaging wind gusts today. let me take you over in time here on futurecast, 8:45, 9:00, we have been talking about keene, that's the northwestern portion into the area, then worcester, over toward parts of southeast new hampshire through 11:00 in the morning, they come right down the pike, and then then as we get into 3 p.m., you are still left over storm on cape cod but the rest of the of the area clearing and setting up for a nice afternoon behind this brief bout of some heavy rain. high temperatures in the lower 80s today. much more on how cool we get tonight though coming up. >> 15 years ago today and 19 more terrorists from al qaeda hijacked four planes, two of which departed from logan airport. of the world trade center complex in new york city. the third plane crashd into the pentagon in arlington, virginia, and passengers on the fourth plane, flight 93, learned of the other attacks and fought back. the hijacked airliner crashed in an empty field in pennsylvania, about a 20 minute flight from washington d.c. >> back, back! >> >> besee it so many times over and fist resporns rushing into danger as the plumes of toxic dust engulfed manhattan as the tours fell one by one. the numbers are still staggering, 2977 people killed, 6,000 more were injured that day. and today, we take a moment to remember and reflect. >> fox 25 jim morelli is live at the boston public garden at the garden of remembrance, where we watch a service an just about 15 minutes ago, jim, good you would think after 15 years the sense of loss would be gone but it was absolutely palpable here, a short time ago when we had many family members, the mayor was here, the the governor as well, take a look, we still are some family members who are at the memorial. they have laid flowers, they hugged each other and consoled each other. let's look at the ceremony from a short time ago. perhaps 100, 200 people were here. the governor was here and the mayor and the mayor noted that even after 15 years, it still hurts. >> you miss your love ones and your family members every single day. and you carry them in your hearts. and we all carry them in our hearts as well. and in the words of helen keller, although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. so, today, is a somber >> and there you are, looking at the flags that were planted earlier this morning by the organization boston cares, 3,000 flags were put into the earth around the memorial to signify those who died on september 11th. and, of course, there will be a ceremony attendance the statehouse a little later this morning, the naming of the 206th victims who had ties to massachusetts. live from boston garden, jim >> >> praise to the lord my destiny. >> hundreds shood shoulder-to-shoulder in striction's cathedral in new york city for a special ceremony there yesterday afternoon. 343 flags carried in the service, representing every member of the new york city fire department who died on september 11th. the service also honored the 127 men and women who have died from illnesses related to the recovery effort. and as we honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago, fries the 259 massachusetts military members who have lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for the fallen. runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends at barnes memorial park in dedham and richard atherton shared with us what this tribute meant to his family. >> we are running in honor of my brother, corporal atherton who lost his life, a big supporter of the military. >> governor charlie baker was also in attendance. >> a business owner on the cape is making sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne who owns kenyon's market set up a display in front of his building showing one flag for every person killed in the attacks. lemoyne tells us he hopes to remind those who were around in 2001 and educate those who were not even born yet. >> and there are several large ceremonies planned to mark today's anniversary. at 8:30, the names of the massachusetts victims september 11th attack will be read aloud at the statehouse and after that the amy sweeney award for is for civilian bravery will be presented. sweeney of course was a flight attendant from acton on board american airlines flight 1 1, when plane was hijacked she reported it on the ground along with descriptions of the terrorists. these tributes are just several of the many tributes planned here in massachusetts today. to find one in your community >> 8:05, we are waiting to learn the names of the people involved in a deadly boat crash in taunton. they were hurt and one killed on watson pond from new hampshire, described by being in his late 30s. two other were hurt and hundreds of people were watching yesterday afternoon when the three boats collided. >> i noticed there was two boats out front and they were really smoking into the turn. this. this might be interesting. and sure as heck, the first boat kind of hooked, the second boat hooked, and the third boat just ran right into the front two. >> taunton fire department was on the water watching in the rescue boats and they were able to get there in less than a minute to pull the men aboard. one of the men hurt remains in critical condition in the hospital this morning after investigators say he suffered serious head and chest trauma. >> police are investigating of the scene on b. street at around 1:30 this morning. you can see the yellow crime scene marking off the area. boston told us one person was take ton the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries and we are working to find out if police have anyone in custody. >> a registered sex offend were a lengthy criminal record under arrest this morning for the murder of a danville woman. as fox 25's jackie heinrich reports, he lived with the victim for the last couple of months. >> victim introduced them to this man a couple times in passing. they didn't take much notice, but they did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn that richard moore, also known as richard white, has a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe juan boucher would help anyone in need and a few months ago allowed this man to stay at her home, richard moore now accused of taking her life. >> it's going to be a very events and we have that and the arrest has been made. >> people in the area didn't know much about moore's relationship with boucher, but after his arrest, a lengthy rap sheet has come to light. a registered sex offender listed as living at boucher's address with crimes dating back 20 years. ranging from shoplifting to animal cruelty, to sex assault on a victim under the age of 13, then escaped and now allegations of second degree murder. investigators didn't say whether he put up a struggle when he was taken into >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest or the homicide. the sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday when police began investigating boucher's death. detective john burnmark from the side of the home after neighbors woke up on labor day to the smell of something burning and the body was discovered a short time later. with an arrest made they can begin to heal pith's nice to see something has been concluded. it's a tragic ending. but justice will prevail. >> moore is scheduled to be arranged next week. in danville, new hampshire, jackie heinrich, fox 25 news. >> developing this morning, 30 people have been hurt after a deck collapse in hartford, connecticut. two decks collapsed on top of a third, happened around 11:00 at a house party near trinity college. were students none seriously hurt. >> canton police are still looking for a bank robber. officers say that the man that you see right there on your screen walked into the bank of canton on washington street yesterday. according to police, he passed a note to a teller and then took off with the cash. investigators don't know the car that he was driving, but say he was wearing a gray long-sleeved t-shirt with black sweat pants and a bruins hat. >> one person is dead after a very bad crash in box ford. year-old man was parked in a breakdown lane when he was hit from behind last night and killed. the driver of that car who struck him, 22 year-old nathallian armstrong was not hurt. police arrested him for o.u.i. vehicle homicide among other charges. he is expected to be arranged in haverill district court tomorrow. >> a reward is being offered this morning to find out how a house under construction in holliston caught fire. flames were shooting out of the house when firefighters got there friday night and they say the frame of the building was just starting to collapse. the state fire marshall is now investigating and they announced a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in that fire. >> we continue to honor the victims of 9/11 attacks all morning long. >> coming up, a son remembers some of the final words his father spoke. >> from the 105th floor, he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. >> the feat he is getting ready to try to keep his father's memory a i live. to southern new england. i have got a look at when to plan around them for your taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. brookside. we want the take you out live to new york city, lower manhattan, where the worst terror attack in american history was already set in motion at this point 15 years ago, at 7:59, so about 15 minutes ago. american airlines flight 11 had already departed boston it was actually being hijacked at this moment. at 8:15, just about a moment from now, united airlines flight 175 was leaving logan bound for los angeles, both flights bound for los angeles rerouted to manhattan and then five minutes from now 15 years ago was taking off from washington d.c. and ultimately taken over taken by hijackers and crashed into the pentagon. >> all of this unfolding at this moment, 15 years ago today. and as communities continue to remember the anniversary of the september 11th terror attacks, one local man is honoring his father in a very unique way, by running 100 miles. i sat down with peter guza who shared with me how losing his family and his father, rather, shamed his life and really >> i think of him and i smile. i don't think of him and think about the tours coming down. >> now 5 years old with a family of his own, peter butza was a junior in college when his father was killed on september 11th, 2001. phil guza was at work in the south tower when he saw the plane crash into the first. >> my father called my brother, left him a voice mail, after the first plane struck. and said, you know, i'm up here, crazy accident at the tower next actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lived in north andover, said losing his father forever changed his perspective on life. >> you really need to try to understand and appreciate what you have. i still have my mother, i still have my brother, i have my family now, and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to scholarship, to honor his father who was a mathematician, this foundation provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math or science, and later this month, peter will fly to arizona to run 100 miles to raise money for the foundation. it's a goal peter admits many, including his own family, believe is a little crazy. but he said it's one his father who was ambitious and quirky would apreernght. >> i'm very excited about it. and i am confident that when i'm tired in the middle night, 80 miles into this event, i will be thinking about my dad, and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter says he is looking forward to commemorating those who lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve as a reminder for everyone, to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blessed we are. burton park at the statehouse later today to remember their brothers. the fallen firefighters memorial will be receiving new names this year at 3:00 this afternoon. the 15 names to be added to the wall are from fire departments in boston, burlington, chelsea, eastham, hopedale, mansfield, shrewsbury, an sper ser. the ceremony is held every year on september 11th, a day when 343 new york firefighters were killed in new york city. there are 950 names on the ring of honor for all the fires in massachusetts who made the ultimate >> now your local forecast from meteorologist jason brewer and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> all right. good morning, a line of storms is in view and trackable now. so, i'm just watching hour-by-hour as these get closer to our direct viewing area. so, brat lboro, here in the next few minutes. but let's go over towards, say, keene, by 8:45 or so. concord, 9:45, manchester, by about 10 in the morning, this let me show you the thunderstorms, they are out here in western massachusetts under a severe thunderstorm warning highlighted in jell-o there. that's for those damaging wind gusts of 60 miles per hour inside this line of thunderstorms. so, not here in central and eastern massachusetts yet, but there is the potential for some stronger winds as these come through here today. temperatures running in the lower and middle 70s, this is a warm and breezy and muggy start to the day. look at these wind gusts right now, 20-30 miles per hour. highest on cape cod, of course. 20. so, some very breezy conditions. let's look at the hour-by-hour forecast, just one. what, metro west neighborhoods, you can expect the rain chance, 10-12. and then after that, falling humidity, increasing sunshine, and temperatures in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees this afternoon. let's track this rain chance though, for all of us, with futurecast. so, follow along with me here. this is a look at 10-10:15 in out for this line of gusty showers coming through. then we go to noontime, the pushing near the sea coast of new hampshire, the north shore into boston, south shore at noon, still relatively dry, but just thereafter, the quick line of showers right through 1:00, 2:00 over to cape cod, and then by, say, 3 p.m., rain is out of here, and we are clearing the skies from the west to the east. humidity is dropping down, really makes for a nice sunday afternoon. upcoming and it will be breezy. behind the fro wind swing around swett out of the northwest by afternoon, that will keep temperatures in the low 80s. around boston, bedford and lawrence, about 80 degrees. and worcester you are in the low 70s coming up at around 4:00 this everyone a. as far as rain amounts, well, we can expect 0.1" to scoint 25" coming by in the showers, lowest amount is nukd and the vineyard and you might not get anything on the islands as this is pretty far away from the center of the storm coming by to our north. of rain as much as a quarter to maybe a half inch. the other thing i want to point out, the dry air behind the rain will be noticeable, very muggy right now, but let's take a look here, 3:00, dew points in the 50s. and then by tonight, true points will be down in the 40s and that's going to let temperatures drop into the 40s in a few spots, norwood always one of the cooler locations in the upper 40s there, we will be on the mid 50s there, the vineyard, near 50 for ipswich and portsmouth, keene in the l 40s, boston down to about 57 and the city tonight. so, cool morning, and pleasant days on tap. tuesday, warms up a little bit more. wednesday afternoon, some showers, they clear out, more cool air behind phthalate next week. i have a new look at the radar straight ahead. >> jason, thank. if forecast today is very important especially this evening mo because we know there is a lot of memorials happening all over the country right now. >> this is video from a luminary service earlier in pennsylvania where hundreds gathered carrying lanterns to remember the victims that is the plane that crashed after its passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> and now back to lower manhattan, this is a live look at the 9/11 memorial in new york city and there is donald trump just arrived and we are told that, you can see rudy guiliani to his fight, the former ma i your of new york, who was was mayor at the time of the attack. new jersey governor chris christie also there for the ceremony which are just getting ready to start in new york is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. the area's largest care package for the troo project is happening to day. the massachusetts military heroes fund organized this day of service, it's happening on the rose kennedy greenway near faneuil hall from noon to 3 and if you would like you can stop by and actually assemble some care packages, which will go to soldiers or the commonwealth homeless veterans. governor charlie baker and mayor marty walsh will be there. >> republican mike pence made good on his promise to return tax return, they reported federal income tax. a statement from the trump campaign this weekend reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen have paid their taxes, supported worthy causes and unlike the clinton, the pensions have not profited from years in public service. donald trump refused to release tax returns until an i.r.s. audit is complete. >> this morning hillary clinton is back pedaling from comments she made about trump supporters. >> to just be generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the rationist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islam phobic, you name it. >> that blunt attack came during a new york city fund-raiser friday night. both trump and his runningmate quickly called out clinton's comments, saying that her words hardworking americans. this morning clinton said she was wrong to describe half of trump supporters as deplorable. >> and right now a severe thunderstorm warning just issued for southwest new hampshire as the storms get closer to keene, great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. this is a live look at the massachusetts statehouse on beacon hill, a get underway there in a few minutes where the names of the mathma victims of the september 11th attacks will be read, all 206 of them with ties to massachusetts, then a moment ofcy lens will be held in about 17 minutes. 8:46, a moment of silence will be held that, of course, marks the minutes the first plane hit the north tower in north korea city. 15 years ago, again, 2977 people lost their live, it was and still is the deadliest terror attack on american soil. the twin towers once stood. the world trade center was brought down by two flights that left logan airport that morning bound for california. hijackers then flew a third plane into the pentagon and the fourth plane, believed to be heading for either the capitol or the white house, went down in a pennsylvania field after passengers there made a very heroic effort to stop the hijackers. yesterday, people gathered in that very same field to pay their respects at the wall of names. and that same support was shown 15 years ago, in the aftermath of those attacks. >> america today is on bended knee in support in prayer for the lives who were lost here and for the workers who work here, for the families who mourn, cameras captured the moment president bush found out about the attacks. an aide whispered the information into his ear as he read to room full of school children. president with the bull horn, standing on the rue wins of what was the world trade center, that was a turning point in his presidency early on when i think somebody in the crowd yelled out, we can't hear you ande he said i can hear you, it was a powerful moment early in his presidency. this morning, remembrance ceremonies will happen around the country including right here in boston. we have had live coverage all morning long and will do throughout the morning. >> weather contain you yes, i dos to be a concern, storms are epiintoing through the area, let's get a check of the weather with jason brewer. jason? >> y severe thunderstorms, they have been moving through northern new england, now getting into southern new england and back to the north and west and these yellow boxes, that's where we have that concern for strong damaging winds, up to 60 miles per hour. so, right now, keene, you are drying, but we are cop coming in within the next ten minutes, the line of gusty showers, thunder is back to the southwest but this is 9:45, concord, 10:10 toward nashua, able the to get a read on it now. some strong, damaging wind gusts can't be ruled out inside any of the storms. let me show you as we go ahead in time. this is 11 in the morning, these aret going closer to the sea coast of new hampshire, as they are tilted over to worcester, too, and then as we go to, say, 12, 1:00, north, south shore of boston and then by 3 p.m., it's only cape cod that has the left over storm chance. we are clearing out this evening, so it's going to be a nice afternoon, after you get the rain out of here, temperatures will be running in the lower and middle 80s with front. i'm back with much more coming up. >> all right. jason, this evening mo, boston continues to remember the victims of 9/11, 15 years ago, about an hour ago a ceremony was hell in the public garren. >> fox 25's jim morelli was there for that ceremony. he joins us live there now and, jim, i know that youette nod earlier that 15 years later, the emotion was still very strong. >> yeah, it certainly was, time really has done nothing to dull the feelings and i think all of it was just something very very scary and the setup began in the early morning darkness when members of the group boston cares came and planted all of these flags that you see here, each one representing someone who died on 9/11. one of those who was here today, speaking was mayor walsh. he said that this day just never gets easier and he also quoted helen keller, who said that, yes, life is full of suffering, but it's also full of overcoming suffering. wead were suffering still after all of these years. one of them, a woman we spoke with, who lost her husband on 9/11. >> i woke up this morning wishing i didn't have to get out of bed. but, being here with all the families is where i need to be. because, you know, we have heard people say before it's been 15 years, isn't it time to move on? well, we have moved forward over the last 15 years. members have pretty much gone up to the statehouse where they will be doing the reading of the names of the 206 victims with ties to massachusetts. we are told that the the enormous pass sooj of time, she marked it by the fact that her children, who were small when her husband was killed, are now working adults. >> lye at boston public garden, jim morelli fox 25 news. >> all right. jim, thank you. now from the public gardens to a live look inside the the reading of the names and just about 10 minutes, 206 of those who died on 9/11 had ties to massachusetts. and, again, we are minutes away from 8:46, where there will be a moment of silence observing when the first plane struck the north tower. we will continue to preview all of these events and we will take everything live when that happens. >> so many other events happening around our region this morning as well. members of its community who lost their lives 15 years ago. it is happening a the the school's memorial located along the merrimac river at umass lowell east campus. unity is a circle shaped structure inscribed with the names of the victims. today's ceremony takes place in an hourer at 9:30 this morning. >> the american red cross is holding a blood drive to pay tribute and this is happening at fenway park, right now. this is part of the national day of service and remembrance, just proclaimed by president am 2:30 this afternoon and you can also find more tributes happening around the state on fox 25 >> now let's take time to look at other ceremonies that have already happened this past week in honor of all the lives lost. >> today we mark 15 years. our nation comes together to show we will never forget. the ceremonies to honor the nearly 3,000 victims started friday. for a moment of silence on the floor of the new york stock exchange. department procession from city hall, to the department's memorial. the federal government's return to the world trade center was also recognized, with a visit from homeland security secretary jay johnson. >> terrorism cannot prevail, if we refuse to be terrorized. >> in our nation's capitol, the victims were remembered in a special ceremony at the pentagon. >> as our pentagon community protects our nation, we will never forget the events that unfolded that day. >> and the momes the capitol steps. attorney general loretta lynch dedicated a flag for the survive tree planted on last year's anniversary. >> we continue to stand vigilant, against all of those who seek to do our nation and its ideals and its people harm. we stand mindful of all, all who have died in sacrificed on its behalf. >> and throughout the morning the nation will pause for 6 moments of silence, one for each minutes. we will observe a moment of silence when the first plane struck, one of the towers in new york city and this morning we also honor the victims of september 11th, keeping them in our thoughts as we mark the 15th anniversary. >> the first moment of silence at 8:46, month meantime this is the 9/11 memorial in new york city, every year a tribute in light shines over lower manhattan, 88 spotlights to represent the twin tours, they have been doing it since 2001. down it will be lit again until dawn. >> right now i'm tracking a line of severe thunderstorms moving eastward around 30 miles per hour. i will tell you how to plan around these for your sunday and since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. [bell] even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? of showers and storm, some severe severe and they made it into western new hampshire we will track the storms with 60 miles per hour wind gusts inside this storm headed for sunapee and franklin, laconia by 9 o'clock 40 and then around keene it's just rain, not severe, this storm moving over to the manchester by about 10:15, and beyond that, we will be seeing storms moving eastward through noontime early afternoon, before leaving us alone. temperatures are in the in fact, 20-30 miles per hour wind gusts right now, just had a pitsfield wind gust of 46 miles per hour. as the front and storms came through. so, you can see that concern for some isolated wind damage, some tree limbs knocking into power lines and that kind of thing. 10:15 in the morning, manchester, western worcester county, watch out for that line of storms, noontime, sea coast north shore getting into the greater boston area, and then they are tracking into plymouth county and cape cod, from 1:00 humidity and clearing skies behind the front will feel very nice for the latter half of the sunday. so we have to get through this rough weather. the stronger storms only last for a few minutes. the rain could last as long as an hour, but then we are clearing out and we are ending up in the low 70s and low 80s across the afternoon. now, tonight, it's cool, wake up in the morning with jackets. upper 40s. and lower 50s in many spots. another cool night on monday night. 75, your high on monday with humidity. tuesday gorgeous, wednesday late day, a couple of showers, moving back in and then cooling and clear to wrap the week. most every measure, public charter schools have been a success." "they are models of inspiration." with "impressive results" and "eye-catching educational gains." it's turned my son's life around. narrator: "charter schools amount to hope" for kids all across massachusetts. question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. vote yes on 2. came out of its shell. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. you can never tell from the outside just how many warm, flaky layers are on the inside. but let's just say it's more than ever. share the warmth of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers in 20 sibds the time will read 6:46 and as we remember the moment of silence when that very first plane hit the world trade center. >> let's listen to the statehouse as they mark that moment. >> that is lawmakers and families of the fallen from 15 years ago, taking a moment of silence to mark the occasion when the first plane, american airlines flight 11, flew into the north tower at 8:46, september 11th, 2001. that was the first indication realized we were under attack and that wouldn't happen for another 17 more minutes when the second plane struck and we will recognize a moment of silence at 9:03 this morning as well when the second plane struck the south tower in new york city. >> meantime also inside the state chamber in just about 3 minutes they will start reading names of the 206 people who died during the september 11th attacks with massachusetts tie, a somber moment for everyone. as we all lost their lives this day, 15 years ago. >> and this is a tough moment, in fact, one of the widows of one of the men killed, 15 years ago, told jim morelli in the boston public garden she didn't want to get out of bed today but she knew it was important to do that and talk to the families in the boston garden. we will go back to the statehouse and they will read the names again, the 206 massachusetts natives who were killed 15 years ago. reciting the phrase, we remember them. >> at the rising of the sun, and at its going down, we remember them. at the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. at the opening of the buds and the rebirth of spring, we remember them. at the blueness of the skies, and in the warmth of su at the rustling of the leaves and the beauty of autumn, we remember them. at the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them. as long as we live, they, too, will live. for they are now part of us, as we remember them. trudy allyharo, hannah allison, barbra arestikai, myra joy f. eversano junior. >> christine janna bar bow, mark jeffrey d. bitner, kelly ann boons, michael r. canty, christopher m. carstangin, neely m. casey, william casper, sworna callissani, steven cherry, patrick connors, jeffrey women koontz, john j. corcoran the third, frederick john cox junior, and my beloved daughter, susan b. blair. tara kathleen kramer, wells remy crowder, thelma ciewchinelli, dorothy alma derose owe, lieutenant manuel diva day, gerald jerry p. te juan, f. d. n. y. simon ganache knee, david demegaly di actual owe, albert tocho dominguez, and my sisters, and my beloved brother, john rhett cahill. rest in peace. alexander phillipoff, richard p. fitzsimmons, carol ann plaque zwick (^), allan freed lander, peter christian frey, carlton douglas blied, thomas edward galvin, douglas a. gay, hin day may george and my life partner jeffrey d. coe man. ed monday glazer. peter m. good rich. douglas a. ghoul. andrew curry green. donald freeman green. reverend francis edward froagen, phillip t. guza, page farley hammond, christine lee hanson, peter burton hanson, and my beloved brother, paul joshua freedman. hughes, eric heartono, john c. heart, peter c. pack impressive, james e. hayden, roberta bernstein heber, edward r. hennessey junior, no berto bin, herbert wilson homer and my beloved daughter, lisa fen gordon steven. >>. we do the no mean to be disrespectful and we sin sorely apologize, but we have to break right now. we continue to stream this same shot, the shot you are looking is streaming on our web site, fox 25 >> we continue to honor the lives of all 2977 who lost their lives 15 years coverage of the 15th anniversary of the september 11th attacks continues after this. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana?. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana? is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana? works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, important side effects, including 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you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. welcome back, everyone. today our nation does pause to live look at family members in new york city reading the napes of the faulten from the deadliest deadly attack on american soil 15 years ago this evening mo. good morning, everyone. i'm jason law. >> i'm stephanie coueignoux. 2977 people lost their lives in what was the deadliest attack on american soil. and again this is a day that would change our nation and the world forever. memorial services are happening here in boss top as well as around the country, and of course we will continue remember and honor the victims throughout the morning. >> of course many events taking place outside, a couple on beacon hill already moved indoors because of the forecast outside, little rain in the forecast. let's check in with fox 25 jason brewer for a look the today's weather. good morning, jason. >> yeah, watching severe thunderstorms moving through parts of massachusetts right now. we just had a severe thunderstorm warning issued for worcester county. and the part of the storm i'm most concerned with, most intense part, right here, east of greenfield. leominster after that, holden just before 10:00. so, some strong gusty winds inside of these, the drought stretched trees are a concern. so, they are weaker than normal and could come down to do damage to property. so keep it indoors away from windows a as they come through. this is 11 in the morning, we are watching the storms closer to the new hampshire coast, back toward worcester by, say, 12:30, 1:00, moving off the north shore through boston down toward the south shore and over to cape cod throug we are clearing the skies, going to be a forejous late afternoon. we just have to get through the narrow window of some strong storms and i'm tracking them on the radar update in just a minute. >> very shortly we will pause to observe a second moment of silence, 9:03, a second plane hit the south tower in new york city. >> just a few seconds from now, united airlines flight 175 which left from boston on its way to l.a. with 9 crew members and 51 passengers on board, of course manhattan. let's listen in to the ceremony going on in new york city. >> janice lee playny. >> fred michael blue. >> rita blow. >> richard middleton wood junior. >> michael andrew mccarty. >> don haul, michael l. bow kino. >> susan m. pitino. >> veera francis >> cruise douglas bone. >> mary kathryn murphy botha. >> nicholas andrew ogden. >> darrin christopher bullhan. >> lawrence francis wizo. >> vincent m. bowel ann junior. >> lorre belarski. >> allen bondarranko. >> andrew bernard junior. >> frank j. benomo. >> john rutgers senior. >> >> [moment of silence] >> a moment of silence there at 9:03, recognizing the moment when united airlines slammed into the south tower, the second plane to hit the second tower on september 11th, the first coming 0 minutes earlier on flight 11, hitting north tower the south tower over the second tower, it was the first to collapse at 9:59 this morning, and 30 minutes later, the north tower fell along within it at 10:30. >> that was a live look from new york city as they read the the names of those who perished during the attack, 16 years ago, certainly these scenes were etched in our memories forever, incredibly powerful. what was so emotional and observed the second moment of silence. it happened 15 years ago, this is still incredibly powerful to everyone. >> yeah, jim morelli was at the boston public garden this morning around 7:30 when a small ceremony was held for the survives of all the massachusetts people and there is a memorial behind film the victims that has been there for 12 years. let's go to jim now with what happened an hour and half ago. jim, good morning. >> good morning, it was a ceremony, even to it happened 15 15ago, it did nothing to dim the memories of people and the losses they felt. we will step out of the way and show you, we have people who have been coming awe morning since this replaying, to take pictures to just be here, americans coming to remember that horrible day 15 years ago, among those who are here today the mayor, he said this day just never gets easier. many 9/11 families were here as quoted helen keller who said in life, there are, there is much suffering but also much overcoming of suffering as well. we spoke with one 9/11 victim who lost her her husband. >> today just makes you think more about it and it makes you think back 15 years ago and last night i just kept thinking, 15 years ago tonight, life was normal. it was just wonderfully >> and behind the memorial you can see thousands of flags, literally thousands of flags, we are talk 3,000 in the predawn darkness, a group called boston cares came out here and put one flag in the ground to represent every life lost on 9/11. they did that with some 1500 volunteers and those will be up all day today and then another group will come back and take them down later on tonight. kristin coons said it's very i know as a parent it was hard to talk to my son about it because it was so frightening and so everwhelming but at the same time, as she correctly proijts out, such an important part of our american history. >> live in boston public garden, fox 25 news. >> hundreds stood shoulder-to-shoulder in st. patrick's cathedral for a special ceremony yesterday afternoon, 343 flags carrying the service representing every department who died on september 11th. the service also honored the 127 men and women who have died from illnesses related to the recovery effort. and at we continue to honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago today, family and friends also honored the 259 massachusetts military members who have lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for the fallen, runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends dedham. richard atherton shares with us what this tribute meant to his family. >> we are honoring my brother corporal atherton who died in june of an accident in afghanistan, he was a supporter of the military and we support him. >> governor cialy baker was also in attendant. >> a lot of visitors are stepping up, a business owner on the cape makes sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne who owns kenyon's market set up a display ow killed in the attacks, lemoyne hopes to remind those who are around to remember and to educate those who weren't even born yet. >> there are several big events planned to mark today's anniversary, as we showed you live here on fox 25 at 8:30, the names of the massachusetts victims of the september 11th attacks were read aloud at the statehouse. the amy sweeney award will be presented for civilian bravery. sweeney was a flight attendant the plane was hijacked. she reported it to a friend on the ground along with a description of the terrorists. and the tributes are just several of the many planned here in massachusetts today, to find a tribute in your community head to fox 25 stay with us all morning long and we will continue to honor the victims of the attacks and will go back to the beacon hill statehouse in an hour. >> a son remembers some final words his father >> from the 105th floor he was looking down at what occurred and he said, well, back to work. >> the feat he is getting ready to try to keep his father's memory alive. >> strong damaging wind gust, concord new hampshire by 9:30, manchester before 10:00 this welcome back to special coverage, sa years after september 1th, you are looking live at the pentagon outside washington, dc in northernva where the president is set to speak in just a few minute, about 9:30, president obama will take the podium. american airlines flight 77, departed d.c. at 9:20, 15 years ago and slammed into the pentagon at 9:37. as observers out there in northern virginia reflect on 15 years since that terrible terrible tragedy, 9:37 to mark the moment. >> and as communities continue to remember the 15th anniversary of this september 11th terror attacks one local man is honoring his father in a very unique way, by running 100 miles. i sat down with peter guza who shared how losing his father shamed his life and inspired him to give bac i don't think of him and think about tours coming down. >> now 35 years old with a family of his own, peter guza was a down your in college when his father was killed on september 11th, 2001. phil butza was inside work at the south twin tower when he saw a plane crash into the first. >> my father had called my brother, left him a voice mail after the first plane struck and said, you know, i'm up here. crazy accident. at the tower next door. occurred. and he said, well, back to work. and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lives in north andover said losing his father forever changed his perception on life. >> you really need to try to understand and appreciate what you do have, and i mean i still have my mother, i still have my brother, i have my family now, and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to establish the phil guza memorial foundation provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math or science. and later this month, peter will fly to arizona to run 100 miles to raise money for the foundation. it's a goal peter admits many, including his own family, believe is a little crazy, but he said it's one his father, who was ambitious and quirky, would appreciate. >> i'm very excited about it and i am confident that when i'm tired in the middle of the i will be thinking about my dad and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter said he is looking forward to commemorating those who lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve as a reminder for everyone to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blessed we are. >> also today hundreds of firefighters and their families will be in ash outside the statehouse to remember their fallen brothers. the fallen firefighters memorial will be receiving new names this year, 15 names, they will be added to fire departments in boston, burlington, chelsea, eastham, hopedale, mansfield, shrewsbury and spencer. the ceremony is held every year on september 11th, when 343 firefighters were killed in new york city. the ceremony is 3:00 today. there are already 950 names on the ring of honor for all the massachusetts firefighters who >> now your local forecast from meteorologist jason brower and the storm tracker weather team. >> good morning on this sunday, i'm tracking a line of severe thunderstorms, we have had some wind damage, some trees coming down, remember these drought-stressed trees were a problem during her mine and are a problem coming in. they can't with stand as much wind as they normally would. we have doppler 2 here, 9:15 in the morning, as we go to chelmsford by 10, lowell as well, framingham 10:15, showers and storms making its way eastward, leominster, you are in the path of these as well. and let me show you what we have in southern new hampshire, concord 9:30, dover 10:15, portsmouth, those storms heading to you by 10:30. we are also tracking this all the way over the the coastline, so by -- over toward cam bridge by 10:40, you can expect the weather to be going downhill, just had a tweet from lynn, swamp scott bring the umbrella head indoors. if you hear it you can be struck and do keep tabs on the radar. we have the fox 25 weather app, i know a lotf people want to get their sunday underway, keep it indoors until 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. look what is going on with the wind damage reports coming in, my two greatest concerns today, the lightning and the heavy rains but also some tree limbs have been reported coming down. this is some thunderstorm wind damage, this is in keene about 9:30 t you get the idea going forward, that is a concern and anywhere there is severe thunderstorm warnings. currently in the mid and upper 70s. warm and humidity, already windy out there with 20-30 miles per hour gusts and let me show you the front as we come through, wind gusts of 35-45 miles per hour, just as that front slides in with the dryer and slightly cooler air. so, afternoon highs will be in the 75 to 80 degrees range and in the worcester hills over toward boston, low 80s. the day, as dryer and more mild air makes its way in. so, the rain amount, it's not going to be a drought buster. these showers and storms are moving at about 40 miles per hour. so they will not be around long enough to give us wide spread flood, you can see anywhere from 0.1" to 0.25 in an hour's time when they come by. overnight lows, that is the big story. upper 40s to lower 50s, back to a much air mass here for the middle part of september. we will see 60 in p. town but upper 50s in boston, seven-day forecast, a great start to the week. we just have to track these storms right through here, the middle part of the day and then we are quiet for sunday evening, maybe watching the patriots, going to be nice and cool out there. another round of some rain, late wednesday, that clears out quickly, so late week, back to sun and back to cool nights and mild days. i have a brand new look at the >> police are investigating after a be sting in south boston. this is on video of the scene on b. street around 12:30 this morning and you can see the yellow crime scene tape marking off the area. boston ems said one person was take ton the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries and we are working to find out if police have anyone in custody. >> a registered sex offender with a lengthy record is under arrest for the murder of a danville woman. >> fox 25's jackie heinrich report, he lived with the victim fe >> neighbors told fox 25 the victim introduced them to this man a couple of times in passing, they didn't take much notice, but did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn richard moore, also known as richard white, has a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe juan boucher would help anyone in need and a few months ago allowed this man to stay at her home, richard moore, accused of with the events and that and the arrest has been made. >> people in the area didn't know much about moore's relationship with boucher but after his arrest a lengthy rap sheet came to light. a registered sex offender listed as living at bow share a's address with crimes ranging from shoplifting to animal cruelty, to sex assault on a victim under the age of 13, then escape. and now, allegations of second degree murder. investigators didn't say whether taken into custody. >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest for the homicide. the sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday when the police began investigating dowbay cease death, the neighbors woke to the smell of something burning and with an arrest made they can begin to heal. >> it's no his to see something has been concluded. it's a tragic ending. juts tis will prevail. >> moore is scheduled to be arraigned next week. in danville new hampshire, jackie heinrich, fox 25 news. >> 9/11 memorials are happening around the country right now. >> this is a luminary service in pennsylvania yesterday, hundreds gathered, carrying lanterns to reme flight 93. that is the plane that crashed after its passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> this is a live look this morning at the memorial in that field outside shanksville, pennsylvania, that's where where flight 93 went down in the field after some heroic passengers stormed the cockpit with todd beemer with the quote, let's roll, before they stormed it, it is believed to have been targeting the capitol or the their lives when the plane went hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you vice president nominee pike pension made good on his prpls to release his tax returns. mike pence and his rife reported $11,000 combined last year. they paid 8% of that in federal income taxes. the statement from the trump campaign this weekend reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen pension have paid their taxes supported worthy causes and unlike the clintons, the pensions have not profited from their years in public service. donald trump, however, has refused to relice his tax returns until an i.r.s. audit is >> this morning hillary clinton is back pedaling from chejts she made about trump supporters. >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you >> that blunt attack came during a new york city fund-raiser friday night. both trump and his runningmate quickly called out clinton's comments saying that her words were insulting to millions of hardworking americans. this morning, clinton said that she was wrong to describe half of trump supporters as deplorable. >> strong gusty winds the main concern going up to 45-50 miles per hour and this will be over to lowell, say, by 10 this this is a live look at president obama add the podium, let's listen in. >> the flag hanging today from sun rise to sunset, in honor of patriot day. and in remembrance of the 184 lives lost at the pentagon. ladies and gentlemen, the national anthem of the united states, performed by the united >> ? [star spangled banner played]? >> united states navy chief of chaplains, rear admiral margaret gibbons. >> would you pray with me? pause this day in this hallowed space and at monuments and memorials around the the country to remember, to remember husbands, wives, mother, father, children, brother, sisters, friends, to remember the warmth of their smile, the touch of their hands, their last words, the gift of their lives. now, help us never forget it has been your grace which allowed us onto the fondest of memories and provides us moments like this, to cherish forever. god, we pause this day to remember, to remember those who first responded, the unsung hero, civilian and military, emergency services, law enforcement, who fought valueiently that day to preserve the countless lives trapped within these walls, and those who are over the last 15 years across the their lyes defending the freedom our enemies sought and still seek to destroy. help us never forget the examples of courage and fortitude these men and women demonstrated in the face of danger and hardship. nor to forget the ideals which have defined our nation, which they died to defend. and which are now the responsibility of every american citizen to uphold. and now, as we remember, we ask allow your will to transform our memorial into a lasting commitment to those whom we have lost, to the nation that you have preserved, and to a future, defined by the values we hold dear. it is in the strength of your name we pray, amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, 15 years ago, at 9:37 a.m., the pentagon was moment of silence to remember those who perished. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general joe dunford. >> mr. resident, secretary and mrs. carter, distinguished guests, and most importantly, to the family and friends of those we lost on september, 2001, and for those the attack on the pentagon, good morning. it's been said that the manner in which a nation or a community cares for its fallen reflects the people's respect for their land and their loyalty to high ideals. we are here today in that spirit, to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11, to maintain our commitment to never forget, and to demonstrate our loyalty to high ideals. whether they were ordinary citizens going about their daily serving to protect our values and way of life, those we lost 15 years ago today were killed for what they believe, what they represented. over the years, i have heard the attacks of 9/11 described by some as senseless acts. and perhaps it does seem senseless to those who have endured the loss of a spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, or friend. but for the individuals who conducted these acts, the loss of life the terrorists who struck on 9/11 did so with a sense of purpose. they did so in a direct attack on our way of life and on our values. so as we recall the the events that took place 15 years ago, those still serving should ask for god's blessing on those who died, those who continue suffering from injuries, and those who are left behind. but we should also recall who we soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen and civil servants serve because of our belief in america. we serve because of our belief in high ideals. and we serve to protect our families, friends, and fellow citizens. if today, and in the years ahead, recalling the memories of 9/11 leaves us with a renewed sense of commitment to our values, if today's gathering gag reminds us of how then those who were taken from us prematurely will be able to look down and know that their lives had meaning. and they will be they will be able to take pride in how they are carrying on the legacy. it's now my prif ledge to introduce someone who spent his life in service, our secretary of defense, the honorable ashton carter. >> [applause] of an attack motivated by bar what retributivism and hate (^), an attack that rattled the world. that shook this mighty building, and that took 184 lives from us here at the pentagon as well as thousands in new york and pennsylvania. mr. president, chairman dun ford, honored friends of those who we lost on 9/11, today we come together as we have every year since 2001. we come together to remember those that the we lost that day and to stand again with the friends and hand hills to honor those that we will never forget. we come together to reflect on all we have done together to recover and rebuild, to respond, and to retaliate. to protect our country and our people, and to make a better world for our children. to all of those here before us, who lost loved ones, 15 years ago, our hearts and deepest sorrows are with you. we know that we can never fully know what you feel on this solemn day. as you return to this place. but we what your loved ones sacrifice means to our department, and to our country, and what your resolve means to all of us as we come to work each day to continue the mission your fallen loved ones summon us to. as we do, your example makes us stronger. and for that, we are grateful. we need that strength, and we have that resolve. attack us then and all who aspire to do so today. indeed, when someone strikes at the hard of what we stant for, we respond with the full might of the finest fighting force the world has ever known. because our memory is long and our reach and resolve are endless. our enemies cannot hide. they cannot escape. they cannot endure. wherever they are, surely, no matter how long it takes, come to feel the righteous fist of american might. since september 11th, 2001, millions of america's best young men and women volunteered to respond to those attacks and to defend what's best about america and civilization itself. our freedoms, our values, our it is because of those americans an their service and sacrifice the united states has hammered those who earning $113,000 tacked us with every manner and measure of american power. choking terrorist networks, towarding looming attacks, and bringing sew samma bin laden to justice eternal. it is because of those americans, that 15 years later that the threat of terrorism evolves our fight continues. whether they still call themselves al themselves beneath the black flak of isil, nothing changes who terrorists are or what we will do to protect our country. for we possess limitless resolve to win and the wind of goodness at our backs. it is because of those americans, even as we confront the forces of darkness, the united states continues to light the way towards a better future. our men and women in uniform steadfast efforts have provided the security and upheld the values that have allowed millions upon millions of people, not just in the quite, but around the world, to be safe, to raise their children, to dream their dreams, and live lives that are full. as a result, decades from now, when visitors to this memorial pause to remember the lives lost he they, too, will honor the men and women of the 9/11 generation and give thanks for all they accomplished. they will forever be the true reflection of who we are as a nation, and a military, a powerful memorial to those we lost 15 years ago, and a charge to us at a time of great change and challenge, that we must continue to meet. doing so than our commander in chief. president obama has taken each year now of his presidency the time to remember 9/11. whether here, in new york, or elsewhere, he has never missed a year, not one. he also never forgotten that day, or those we lost. i can tell you that no one pays more care each and every time he send this building into harm's way. i can tell you, he never relaxes in pursuit of those who threaten america. ladies and gentlemen, for those and many other reasons, it is my great privilege to introduce the president of the united states. states, barack obama. >> good morning. >> good morning! >> good morning. >> stripture tells us let not stead fast love and faithfulness forsake you, write them on the tablet of your heart. tray carter, chairman dunford, outstanding members of our armed forces, and most of all survives of that september day and the families of those we lost, it is a great honor once again to be with you on this day. a day that i know is still difficult. but which reveals the love and faithfulness in your hearts and in the heart of our nation. forget the nearly 3,000 beautiful lives taken from us so cruelly. including 184 men, women, and children here, the youngest just 3 years old. we honor the courage of those who put themselves in harm's way to put themselves in harm's way to save people they never knew. we come together if prayer and in gratitude for the strength that fortified 15 years. and we renew the love and faith that bebinds us together as one american family. 15 years may seem like like a long time, before the families -- for the families who lost a piece of their heart that day, i imagine it can seem like just yesterday. perhaps it's the memory of a last kiss given to a spouse, or father, a sister, toker brother. we wonder how their lives might have unfolded, hour their dreams might have taken shape. i am findful that no words we offer or deeds we do can ever truly erase the pain of their ab sense. and yet you, the survivors and family of 9/11, your stead fast an inspiration to me and to our entire country. even ask you have mourned you summoned the strength to carry on. in the names of those you have lost, you have started scholarships and volunteered in your communities, and done your best to be a good neighbor and a good friend and a good citizen, in your grief and grace you overcome. the question before us is always how do we preserve the legacy of those we lost. how do we live up to their example and how do we keep their spirit alive in our own hearts. well, we have seen the answer in a generation of americans, our men and women in young form, diplomats, and intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement professionals, all who have stepped forward to serve. and who have risked and given their lives to keep us safe. thanks to their extraordinary service we dealt devastating blows to al qaeda, we have delivered justice to sew amma bin laden, we strengthened our homeland security and prevented >> we resolve to do everything in our power to protect this country we love. and today we once again pay tribute to these patriots, both military and civilian, who serve in our name, including those far away from home in afghanistan and iraq. perhaps most of all we stayed true to the spirit of this day by defending not only our country but also our 15 years in the threat has evolved. with our stronger defenses, terrorists often attack -- attempt attacks on a smaller, but still deadly scale. hateful ideologies urge people in their own country to commit unspeakable violence. we have mourned the loss of innocence from boston to san bernardino, to orlando. isil, know that we will never be able -- they will never be able to defeat a nation as great and as strong as america, so instead they try to terrorize in the hopes that they can stoke enough fear we turn on each other and that we change who we are or how we live. that's why it is so important today that we character as a nation, a people drawn from every corner of the world, every color, every religion, ever background, bound by a creed as old as our founding, e. pliewr bus eww numb (^), out of many, we are one. patchwork heritage is not a weakness, it is still and always will be one of of our greatest strengths. this is the america that was attacked that september morning, this is the america that we must remain true to. across our country today, americans are coming together in service and remembrance. we run names and memorial benches here at the pentagon. we walk the hallowed grounds of a pennsylvania field. we look up at a gleaming tower that pierces the new york city skyline, but in the end, the most enduring memorial to those we lost is ensuring the america that we stay true to what is best in us. that we do not let others divide us. as i mark this solemn day as last time as president, i think of americans whose stories i have been humbled to know these past 8 years. americans who i believe embody the true spirit of 9/ years old in the south tower, the man in the red bandanna who spent his final moments helping strangers to safety, before the towers fell. it is the resilience of the fire house on eighth avenue, patriots who lost more than a dozen men but still suit up every day as the pride of midtown, it's the love of a daughter, peyton wall from the towers toiltd her i will always be watching over you. it's the resolve of those navy seals who made sure justice was finally done. who serves as we must live as a nation, getting each other's back, looking out for each other, united, one mission, one team, the ultimate say cry feiss rest here in jenltd l green hills in perfect formation. americans who gave their lives and far away places do we can be here today, strong, and free and proud. it's all of us. e american who gets up each day, lives our lives, carries on. because as americans, we do not give into fear. and the way of live that makes us a beacon to the world. let us not, let not stead fast love and faithfulness forsake you, write them on the tablet of your heart. and how we conduct ourselves, as individuals, and as a nation, we have the opportunity each and every day to sacrifice of those heroes we lost, may god bless the memory of the loved ones here and across the country. they remain in our hearts today, may he watch over these faithful families an all who protect us and may god forever bless the >> that's president obama outside the pentagon in northern virginia on what is his final september 11th before he leaves office in january. >> talking about how diversity is what makes us so strong as a nation and to not forget that, we are stronger than ever on this very solemn 50th anniversary of the september 1 isth attacks. 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your sunday afternoon any more rain it pushing off cape cod, it will be breezy, humidity going away, might need a jacket in the morning with 40s and 50s to start your work week. nice sunny start on monday as well on the way. >> really going to start feel like fall. >> finally. all right. we really want to thank you for joining us this morning. it's a tough morning, the 15th anniversary of september 11th. want to remind you there is a brood drive going on right now fenway park so stop off there. >> of course we do have on our facebook and our twitter as well as our web site, fox 25, we have tributes to those who have lost their lives, 2977, of course, this the day of reflection and remembrance. but also one of hope as we are now a nation stronger than ever. >> hard the believe it's been 15 years. all right. everyone, again that does it for us on the morning show. fox news continues at 10:00. have a great day. >> we wish you well. >> fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which 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gingrich, trump advisor and a clinton backer on which candidate is

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160911 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160911

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humidity and shaping up for a nice late day on our sunday. temperatures today, reaching 80-84 degrees. we have the midday storm chance and back with much more. >> 15 years ago, 19 terrorists from al qaeda departed in planes, two of which were fr south tours in the world trade center and the third crashed into the pentagon in arlington, virginia. the passengers on the fourth plane, flight 93, learned of the other attack and fought back. the hijacked airliner crashed into an empty field in pennsylvania, about a 20 minute flight from washington, dc. >> and these image, we have seen them before. they are so hard to forget. first responders running into danger as plumes of toxic dust died that day, some 6,000 more were injured. and today, we take time to remember. fox 25's jim morelli is live at the boston public garden, the garden of remembrance, where there will be a service in 90 minutes. good morning, jim. >> good morning, jason, yes, 4575 days and yet the memory so vivid for us. let me show you what is happening. boston care, an organization of flags to comem mate those who died 15 years ago to kay. they will be here for probably another hour or so, because that is an awful lot of flags. and then a little bit later on, the mayor will be here and there will be a ceremony. at the stows there where the victims, it was going to be outside but because of the weather they moved it inside. we will be here all morning on a somber day and incredible 15 years have gone by. live at the boston public garden, jim morelli, fox news. >> ? praise to the lord? >> hundreds sat shoulder-to-shoulder in st. patrick's' cathedral for a special ceremony yesterday afternoon, 343 flags were there new york city fire department and honored the 127 men and women who died from illnesses related to the recovery effort. and as we honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago today, family and friends also honored the 259 massachusetts military members who lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for the fallen. runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends at this tribute meant to him (^). >> we are running for my brother corporal dave athleterton who lost his life in june, he was a big supporter of the military. >> and governor charlie baker was also in attendance. >> a business owner on the cape is making sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne who owns kenyon's market set up a tis displayof one flag for every peo lo educate those who weren't even born yet. >> fox 5 will have coverage from the public garden as well as beacon hill this morning. at 8:30, the name of each massachusetts victim will be read aloud at the statehouse and then later on, the madeleine amy sweeney award for civilian bravery will be presented. it is named after a flight attendant from acton who alerted a friend to the situation on the american airlines flight 11 just before it hit the twin towers. >> this morning, we are waiting to learn the names of the people saturday in taunton. one person was killed and two others were hurt during a race on watson pond. the man killed is from new hampshire, described by police in his late 30s, hundreds of people were out there watching yesterday afternoon when the throw boats collided. >> it was the start team, the i noticed there was two boats out front and they were really smoking into that turn. i thought, man, i better watch this. this might be kind of hooked. the second boat hooked and the third boat just ran right into the front two. >> the taunton fire department was on the water watching in the rescue boats and they were able to arrive there in less than a minute to pull the men aboard. one of the men hurt remains in critical condition in the hospital this morning after suffering serious head and chest trauma. >> new this morning, police are investigating after a stabbing in south boston. you are taking a look at the scene on b. street just around yellow crime scene tape marking off that area. boston ems told us one person was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. we are working to find out if police have any suspects in custody. >> a registered sex offender with a lengthy criminal record under arrest this morning for the murder of a danville woman. fox 25's jackie heinrich reports he lived with the victim the last couple months. >> neighbors told fox 25 the neighbors man in pass, they didn't take notice but did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn richard moore, also known as richard white, has a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe ann bouchet would help anyone and had this man staying with her and he took her life. >> people in the area didn't know much about bouchet's behavior, a registered sense offenders with crimes ranging back 20 years from animal cruelty to sexual assault on a victim under the age of 13 and escape and allegations of second degree murder. investigators didn't say whether he put up a struggle when he was taken into custody. >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest for the homicide. a sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday when police began investigating bouchet's death. detectives found burn marks on the side of the home after neighbors woke up on labor day to the smell of something burning and the body was discovered a short time later. people in the community hope with the arrest made they can heal. it's a tragic ending. but justice will prevail. >> moore is scheduled to be arraigned next week. in danville new hampshire, jackie heinrich fox 25 news. >> developing this morgue, 30 people were hurt after a deck classic in hartford, connecticut. two decks clemtioned on top of a third during a house party near trinity college. police say most of the people involved were students, none were seriously hurt. looking for a bank robber. officers say that the man that you see right there in this photograph walked into the bank of canton on washington street yesterday. according to police, he passed a note to a teller and then made off with the cash. investigators don't know the car he was driving, but they say he was wearing a gray, long-sleeved t-shirt with black sweat pants and a bruins hat. one person is dead after a very bad crash on 95 in box ford. state police tell fox 25 a 45 year-old man was parked in a behind last night and was killed. the driver of the car who struck him, na thanielle armstrong, was not hurt. police arrested him for o.u.i. among other charges. he is expected to be arranged in the haverill district court monday morning. >> police are investigating how a home in holliston caught fire. flames were chuting out and they say the frame of the building was starting to collapse. fortunately, knocked was hurt. the state fire marshall is $5,000 reward for information about that fire. we will be honoring the victims of the 9/11 attacks all morning long. >> coming up, a son remembers some of the final words his father spoke to him. >> from the 105th floor, he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. >> this morning, the feat he is doing to try to keep his father's memory alive. early on this sunday, but also some storms will be moving in later. i am timing those hour-by-hour 6:1 this sunday morgue, you are looking at the boston public garden where you can see the crowd of people, the sun is not even fully up but you can see a number of people out there planting flags and in honor of all the victims and nearly 3,000 who lost their lives in 9/11. the garden of remembrance was dedicated in 1994, it's been there for 12 years and people come out and honor those who lost their lives. as communities remember the 15th anniversary of the local man is honoring his father and running 100 miles. >> he told me that his father is going to be watching over him every mile of that incredible journey and i sat down with peter goza who shared with me exactly how losing his father shaped his life and really inspired him to give back. >> i think of him and i smile. i don't think of him and think about the towers coming down. >> now 35 with a family of his killed in 2001, phil goza was at work in the south twin tower when he saw a plane crash into the first. >> my father called my brother, left him a voice mail after the first plane struck, and said, you know, i'm up here. crazy accident at the tower next door. and from the 105th floor he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. >> and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lived in north andover, said losing his father forever changed his perspective on >> he really -- you really need to try to understand and appreciate what you do have, and i still have my mother. i still have my brother. i have my family now, and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to establish the phil gooza memorial schiep to honor his father who was a mathematician, it provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math or science. and later this month, peter will fly to arizona to run 100 miles foundation. it's a goal peter admits many, including his own family, believe is a little crazy, but he said it's one his father who was ambitious and quirky would appreciate. >> i'm very excited about it and i am confident that when i'm tired and in the middle of the night, 80 miles into this event, i will be thinking about my dad and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter says those two lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve as a reminder for everyone to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blissed we are. >> hundreds of firefighters and their families will be in ash burton park at the statehouse to remember their brothers, the fallen firefighters will be receiving new names this year, 15 new names, that are going to be added. they are from fire departments shrewsbury, and spencer. the ceremony is held every year on september 11th. a day when 343 firefighters were killed in new york city. there are around 950 names on the ring of honor for all the firefighters who have made the ultimate sacrifice in massachusetts. >> good morning. right now i'm tracking this front, back to the west. out ahead of it, we have thunderstorms. they are in northern new england. they are moving into upstate ne york, as well. we are getting some early sun here mixed with clouds increasing from the west, it's breezy and mild to start the day. look at the temperature, very summerlike, in the 70s, area-wide right now. 75 in keene, 74 in boston at 73 at plymouth right now and i have 71 degrees on nantucket. it's breezy, too. check out the wind gust, we are gusting up to 20-25 miles per hour, south shore, cape and the strongest wind gusts right now. let's look at the the hour-by-hour forecast for the metro west neighborhood. we will see increasing clouds this morning, by noontime the showers and storms, but they don't last all day. most of the day is dry. it's just a brief window of a couple of hours of showers and storms rolling by, and then we see clearing skies and falling humidity. let's take a look at plymouth here. another hour-by-hour planner for you. you will see that storm chance just beyond that. and then we start to clear things out for you as well. let's take a look at the futurecast, doing a nice job showing the clouds increasing this morning. the breezy southwest winds out there. back to the west. that line of showers and storms. moving into keene, between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.. then we watch it move eastward across manchester, closer to the sea coast of new hampshire by 11 a.m. approaching the north shore, coming across the pike noontime until 1:00 you see there it is, right over the south shore. and then we have storms moving over across cape cod, through 1:00 and 2:00 and by 3:00, the storms are off shore and look at this, this is blue sky moving in. so this is a bona fide cold front that's going to be moving across and with that interaction, the warm, humid air ahead of it and the cool dry air behind, we have that chance for some strong damaging wind gusts. it's a slight risk but i to mention that today. there is widget in the upper atmosphere, some could get get pulled down to the surface and do some tree damage again today. that's something we have to keep an eye on, heavy rain and lightning also a reason can. winds out of the southwest this morning, swinging around to the northwest later in the day. so, we will hit high temperatures in the lower and middle 80s and then, say, by 4:00 to 5:00, these are what your numbers will be. low 70s worcester, lower 80s in boston. hour-by-hour, rainfall, well, we quarter of an inch through the event today. so we will take it and it's not going to be a drought buster by any means, the higher amount to the north and west. we have a little bit more energy from the storms, possibly as much as half inch in a few spots in southern new hampshire, but as we go to the cape and the islands, probably only a 0.1" at best as the storms roll by. here is the other thing i want to show you t dew point temperature, we are waiting on the cool dry fall feel. that starts to happen this afternoon. by 3 p.m., you are points in the 50s, anywhere from boston to the north and west. so that means it starts to feel dryer, more comfortable, and as we get into tonight, maybe heading out from the patriots watch party, you might need a light jacket. we have dew points in the 40s, down right dry and temperatures falling down into the 40s overnight tonight. in the bush bees, near the 50s and the city of boston and then tuesday, we have some -- another tuesday morning, i should say. wednesday, a little bit milder and there is a chance of some rain by the afternoon into the evening. it clears out though in another shot of cool air in here by thursday and friday that sets us up for the start of next weekend. i'm back with a live radar update coming up. >> massachusetts senator elizabeth warren joined 2,000 janitors calling for a fair contract for property workers. this is the scene on boston common yesterday afternoon. more than 13,000 janitors are covered under one of the master contracts in new england. workers are calling for a new contract that expands opportunities for full-time employment and also ensures raises that keep up with the cost of living. senator warren is hoping to push that leap. >> i wanted to be here today for exactly one reason, and that is to say in this fight, for fair wages, i'm with you! >> workers are also asking for expansion of health care to expires at the end of this month. >> it's 6:20 this sunday morning. as the sun is rising, 9/11 memorials and ceremonies are starting all over the country. >> and you are taking a look at some video of a luminary service in pennsylvania, where hundreds are gathering, carrying lanterns to remember the victims on board flight 93. that is the plane that crashed after its passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> and thousands -- >> to enter lower manhattan this morning, this is a le zero. we will be right back. >> >> >> introducing longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. (whispering) what are you doing up? (whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. shhh. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. the area's largest care package for the troops an veterans project is happening today. the massachusetts military heroes fund organized this day of service, happening on the rose kennedy greenway from noon to 3:00 and if you are interested you can stop by to assemble care packages that will go to soldiers or the commonwealth homeless veterans. >> republican vice president nominee mike pence made good on his promise to release his tax returns. mike pence and his wife reported earning $113,000 combined last year. they paid 8% of that in federal income tax. a statement from the trump campaign reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen have paid their taxes, supported worthy causes, and unlike the clinton, the pensions have not profited from their years in public service. mr. trump though refused to release his returns until an >> this morning, hillary clinton is back pedaling from comments that she made about trump supporters. >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the race racist, sexist, phobic i, you name it. >> this blunt attack came during a fund-raiser in new york city friday night, both trump and his runningmate quickly called her out saying it was insulting to millions of hardworking americans. this morning, clinton said she was wrong to describe half of trump's supporters as deplorable. >> a libertarian prrnl candidate gary onon is continuing to defend what some are calling a lack of foreign policy knowledge. when asked about the syrian city of aleppo, he responded with a question, what is alepp johnson said his mistake does not make him less qualified to be president. >> the person on the street is not running for president of the united states, but understanding what is happening in syria, that it is very serious,. >> johnson said she is well aware of aleppo and its role in the syrian refugee crisis. >> right now i'm tracking a front to the west. showers and storms blowing up is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. morning which is somewhat appropriate, this is a look at the statehouse here on beacon hill where in a few hours a special memorial will be held for the massachusetts victims of 9/11. 15 years ago, over 2,000 people were killed when four planes were hijacked, the the deadliest terror attack on a stands at ground zero where the twin towers once stood. the world trade center was brought down by two flyings that left logan airport that morning bound for california. hijackers flew a third plane into the pentagon. the fourth plane believed to be heading for either the capitol or white house went down in pennsylvania field after passengers made a very heroic effort to stop those hijackers. and yesterday people gathered in that very same field to pay their respects at the wall of knee, in prayer for the people whose lives were lost here, for the workers who worked here, for the families who mourninged. >> weller those are a few days after september 11th, but this is video of cameras moments capturing the moment george w. bush found out about the attack. an aide, andy carr, his chief of staff, whispered the information classroom in florida, there are quite a few ceremonies commemorating it, including in boston and we left it all throughout this morning. >> we know several of those tributes will be held outside and we are exexpecting storms in the area so let's check in with jason brewer with an update. >> good morning. i just got my first lightning strike in western massachusetts here over the berkshire, the line of showers and storms i'm most concerned about is still back over northern new england is a light risk of strong damaging wijtdz, got to mention that as these come through. heavy rain and lightning though much greater and more widespread concern. let me show you this on futurecast, we are dry through 8 a.m. in most spots. as we head through 9:00 and 10 a.m. i will be watching the line come in off the mountains, over in closer to worcester county by, say, 10:00 to 11:00 and then by noontime over towards the north shore making its way into boston, and down the i-95 corridor. here is 2:00, off the south shore, over to storms are gone by 3:00 and clearing skies with falling humidity will be expected this afternoon. so it's just a brief window, an hour or so, of of some showers and storms and they leave us alone and all is not lost op this sunday. i'm back with much more coming up. >> right now as we speak about 80 volunteers are isn't pling some 3,000 flags in the boston public garden. september 11th, it's a beautiful sight. we will go out to jim morelli in a second but the governor will be there starting at 7:30 along with the mayor of boston in the public garden. >> and fox 25 east jim morelli has been there all morning long it's been an emotional scene behind you as we see people putting the flags in. >> yeah, a very somber scene, even 15 years later. if you are of a certain age you certainly remember exactly where you were some 5,000 days ago and boston cares volunteers coming out this morning as you ground some 3,000 flags. one to commemorate each of those who died on that horrible day. the group's executive director spoke with us and she tells us what she remembers about september 11th. >> when i reflect on 9/11, in addition to all the horror, what i really often think about is how we came together as a country, how we came together as americans, how we put aside our differences, we came across from all backgrounds and all walks of americans. >> and i asked the chief whether or not she had any trouble recruiting volunteers this morning. she said no, there was actually a waiting list of people who wanted to donate some time, some service on this 15th anniversary of 9/11. again, around 7:30 or so, we will have the official replay wreath laying ceremony and another ceremony at the statehouse, which was supposed to be outside but will be moved inside because of the threat of bad weather. live in the public garden, jim morelli fox 25 news. >> you sa being set up there. fox 25 will have coverage from the public garden and beacon hill this morning. at 8:30, the name of each massachusetts victim will be read aloud at the stwows, and then later on this morning, the mad line amy sweeney award for civilian bravery will be presented. it is named after a flight attendant from acton who alerted a friend to the situation on american airlines flight 11, just before that plane hit the twin towers. >> many other events happening throughout the region throughout the day, umass lowell is ago. it's happening at the school's memorial located on the merrimac river on the umass lowell campus. unity is a circle shaped structure inscribed with the names of the victims and it takes place at 9:30. >> the american red cross is hold ag blood drive to pay tribute. this is happening at fenway park starting in just about 1 hour. this is part of a national day of service and remembrance, just proclaimed by president barack obama. the blood drive wraps up at 2:3 happening around the state on fox 25 >> now here is a look at other ceremonies that have already happened this past week in honor of lives lost 15 years ago. >> today we mark 15 years. our nation comes together to show we will never forget. the ceremony is to honor the nearly 3,000 victims started friday. for a moment of silence on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> to a new york police department procession from city memorial. the federal government's return to the world trade center was also recognized with a visit from homeland security secretary, jay johnson. terrorism cannot prevail, if we refuse to be terrorized. >> in our nation's capitol, the victims were remembered in a special ceremony at the pentagon. >> as our pentagon community concontinues to protect and serve our nations we will never forget the moments tof that day. >> and a moment of silence on the capitol steps. at the justice department, attorney general loretta lynch dedicated a flag for the survive free planted on last year year's anniversary. >> we continue to stand vigilant against all of those who seek to do our nation and its ideal and its people harm. we stand mindful of all, all who have died in sacrifice on its behalf. >> throughout this morning, the nation will pause for six moments of silence, one for each plane and at the exact time each tower fell. in time for today. the flag once flew over the rubble at ground zero, but at some point went missing. two years ago a marine brought the flag to a washington state fire station, and last week, forensic testing proved its origins. >> we are first examining the particles on the flag and comparing it to the trade tower dust that was collected right at 9/11, i realized the same seam plaj of particle sites are found on the flag and the 9/11 ground zero dust. >> the iconic 9/11 museum, the identity of the man who turned the flag in remains unknown. >> worcester police are working to figure out who tried to steal a large american flag over the town common. this is a picture of the rope used to lower the flag. police tell us it was cut off sometime thursday. fortunately, whoever is responsible wasn't able to get away with the flag. but earlier this year, another large flag was taken from the same exact spot. that one has not been recovered. of september 1thth as we mark the 15th anniversary. >> this is a look at the 9/11 memorial in new york city. every year a tribute in lights shines over lower manhattan, that's 88 search lights to represent the twin tower, it was lit yesterday at sun down, it will be lit again tonight until dawn. >> and you are taking a live look right now at the freedom tower in new york city as we prepare to honor the fallen. >> right now i'm lightning strike just reported in western massachusetts. i will show you where storms i will show you where storms will affect your plans is there a baby in your tummy? i will show you where storms will affect your plans my dad says your house looks ugly. you're my third best friend. kids don't know how to act fake. you're losing your hair. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. the tonight a special vigil will be held at the boston sea port district in honor of september 11th, at 7:00 a mass will be held at the chapel of our lady of good voyage and from there a candlelit procession massachusetts, iraq and afghanistan fallen heroes memorial and this is just another way to honor the victims of september 11th and the war of terror and its aftermath. >> 6:42 sunday morning. unusually dry conditions are creating problems for water supplies all across the state. one of scituate's water sources is at a critical level. the reservoir is down to 41% full, the town is working to get a plan in place. the fire department will rely on the state for water tankers in the event of a into cohassett's water system if the reservoir drops to 10%. there is also a push there to conserve the water. >> i use bottles of poland spring water now. >> thanks to conservation efforts like that, in relying more on well water, the town has been able to decrease water use by about a quarter, 25%. >> and this morning, we honor the victims of september 11th and the families that they left behind. >> i think of him and i smile. i don't think of him and think fox 25 to share the mission he is now undertaking to keep his father's memory alive. >> and looking live at the ground zero memorial right now in lower manhattan, we all can recall the exact moment when we learned of the 9/11 terror attacks that tuesday, 15 years ago. a lot of high school students are too young to remember, and maybe they weren't even born in 2001. fox 25's kerry cavanaugh taking a look at the unique program aimed at 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five years ago to honor all of the victims. and, again, today we continue to remember that national tragedy. it has been 15 years since the deadliest terror attack in history. nearly 3,000 lives were lost on that day and many of them with ties to our area. we will continue to have live coverage from the memorial services happening throughout the morning. >> you know, for so many of us, and it might be hard to believe, but there are now students in high school, today, too young to remember the unthinkable attacks from 15 years ago. fox 25's kerry cavanaugh visited cardinal spellman high school in brockton where a you yes, i do neck program is teaching history through real point in time with a personal connection to the dark day. >> airport security, getting patted down, bags and checking and everything, that's what we are used to. >> these seniors at brockton's cardinal spellman high school were three years old september 11th, 2001. many students here weren't even born yet. in class, they have learned about the events of 9/11, like any other historical event. >> it seemed like something you would see in a history book, something that you would read about. >> obviously, you know, what happened, like, two planes crashed into the twin towers in new york city, but, like, me personally, i didn't know they came from boston. >> now, a new program is taking a new approach to teaching this history, through real people. >> my husband was murdered on airlines. >> people like linda gay of tewkesbury (^) gave the vice president of the massachusetts 9/11 fund, which is ruling out the program to high schools across the state. >> so, what we wanted to do is make it real, have real people talk to them. >> people with personal connections to the tragic events from families to first responders. and in addition to the real people, real imagery. >> we just got a report in that there's been some sort of explosion at the world trade center in new york 9/11 fund is adding a documentary that doesn't water down history. >> that was the guy i knew, the goofy family man. >> it includes voices of other young people, including gay's own daughter speaking about her dad. >> it's true the world stopped for everyone, so my life changed, but everyone's life changed. our safety was at risk. >> it has brought history to people from massachusetts that died on 9/11. >> we as a country made a pledge not forget. >> the school director joanie said the program was the missing link in the classroom to keep the conversation going. >> hearing their stories, really had an emotional impact and we just connect to it so much more now. >> the mass 9/11 fund plans to provide the curriculum to every quarter this year and their goal is to present it to all massachusetts high schools n. brockton, kerry cavanaugh, >> now your local forecast from meteorologist jason brewer and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> good sunday morning. right now i'm tracking our first line of thundershowers, trying to blow up here in western massachusetts. let's drill right in here. this is just off to the west of athol and boylston, so by about 7:25,-9:30, a few rumbles coming through, only last a few minute, but just keep it indoors, away from the windows as the storms pass by today. that have gone severe and northern new england, you see the yellow box there. so, damaging wind gusts there. that's the concern, we could have 1-2 storms that have some damaging wind gusts in them as we get to the mid morning and early afternoon time frame here in southern new england. we will watch that carefully. currently, low and middle 70s. it's a warm, breezy morning here, very summerlike feel to the air. we are mainly dry here through 8:00 in the morning but by, say, 9:00, i'm going to be watching over towards get to 11:00, near the sea coast of new hampshire, back across the pike here and central massachusetts. and then, over toward noontime, to 1:00, the north and south shore, including boss boston, getting hit with a quick-moving line of showers and storms, lightning, heavy rain the greatest threat but again some strong wind gusts coming through possible, 40-50 miles per hour with some of these as they come by. there is 3:00, the rain is off shore. and we are starting to see falling humidity and much improved conditions for the 4-5:00, looking like this. low 70s worcester, low 80s boston. middle 70s on nantucket and then look at these overnight lows tonight, upper 40s to around 50, norwood, framingham, lawrence, the low 50s. we will be in the mid and upper 50s in boston tonight. so, feeling more like fall. it will stay cool on monday night. then we get a little warmup on wednesday morning with a couple showers by wednesday afternoon and evening and another shot of >> and we will continue to have coverage of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack throughout the morning. >> that's right. we are live from the boston public garden this morning where there will be a ceremony in 40 minutes and the statehouse where each of the massachusetts come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. good morning, red sox wrap up the series with the blue jays to they, hoping to get out of toronto with a 2-game lead in the east, clay buck holes against aaron sanchez who enters the game 13-2. ed wardo rodriguez wasn't center field, no doubt about this one. that that gave the blue jays early 2-0 lead in the bottom of the second, the jays add another, that's where we pick it up. red sox were within one in the last inning but jackie brown strikes out to take it, jays take it by a 3-2 final yesterday. boston college back in the winning column, a 26-7 win over umass in gillette stadium. patrick connected with jeff smith for a couple touchdowns, next week in blurg, they will be 1-1 after the 26-7 win yesterday. the list of patriots missing in arizona for tonight's game is impressive, lots of pro bowl appearance, brady, of course, gronk out with a bad hamstring, nate soldier injured in the final preseason game not ready to go. nick is suspended. also injured with a attorney tricep, jonathan cooper not protecting jimmy garoppolo, put he is eager to get the first professional start. >> mentally, i'm at arizona but you play to be in the game and play, you know. you don't want to be the backup. so, you know, the opportunity is here. just got to go take advantage of it. >> the long wait is over. the time is now. patriots and cardinals tonight, like you, i cannot wait to get it going. i'm tom leyden, have a great day. >> that's right. the nfl season is here. a lot of games kicking off today at 1:00 for week 1 of the nfl season and i know the league is doing a lot of things to commemorate the 15 earmark of 9/11. today we are remembering all the victims of/1 >> absolutely. and there are tributes and ceremonies happening across the country this morning including right here, this is a live look at the boston public garden, where a wreath-playing ceremony will start in just about 30 minutes. >> >> we are off to a dry start but it won't stay that way, i'm tracking a line of gusty showers and storms right now, some time in the arrival straight ahead. >> plus this morning a local man is finding a special way to honor the father that he lost 15 heroes sits down with fox 5 to fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. >> it's been 15 years since the american soil. good morning, everyone. and thank you for joining us this sunday morning, i'm jason law. >> i'm stephanie coueignoux, at this point, 15 years ago, it was quiet but, of course, several hours later, our nation and truly the world would change forever. memorial services will be happening here in boston as well as across the country. and we will continue to remember and honor the victims throughout the morning. >> some of the events have been moved inside because of the brewer for today's weather. hey, jason. >> good morning. let me give you a quick check. we have a front to the west. we have severe storms up in northern new england. there is a slight risk for some damaging winds in southern new england, nothing like that on the radar now but we are tracking the first thunderstorm back here in the berkshires, it's heading over to orange and petersham over the next hour. so just a quick shot of some rain. but, some strong winds in there. heavy rain and lightning also a concern today. let me show you the line as we get into the morning hours, we are watching it a.m.. near manchester, near worcester, and then by midday, either side of lunchtime, a better chance for showers and storms north shore into boston and until 1:00, 2:00, south shore of the cape and then we are seeing clearing skies an falling humidity later this afternoon. a very nice late sunday afternoon shaping up. we have more on how cool we will be tonight coming up. from al qaeda hijacked four plane, two of which departed from logan airport. the terrorist crashed two planes into the north and south towers of the world trade center complex in new york city. the third plane crashed into the pentagon in arlington, virginia. passengers on the fourth plane, flight 93, learned of the other attack and fought back t. hijacked airliner crashed in an empty field in pennsylvania about 20 minutes after a 20 minute flight from washington, dc. >>ac >> these scenes and video here etch in our memories forever. hard to forget. first responders running into danger at times as plumes of toxic dust engulf lower manhattan after the numbers fell. 2977 people killed, some 6,000 more were injured that day, and today, we remember. fox 25 east jim morelli is at thereby a service in 0 minutes. jim, good morning. >> good morning, jason. you are right, time has done nothing to dim those vivid memories so many of us have of that day. it's hard to believe that was more than 5,000 days ago. earlier this morning, the group boston cares came out to plant about 3,000 flags to commemorate those lives lost on september 11th. we talked with a group's executive director and she told us what positive thing had come out of >> there are 30 million people volunteering across the weekend and i think to be able to start this day with people from many walks of life, serving together on this amazing tribute, is a really, for me, is a perfect way and i think for the volunteer, a really perfect way to start the day. >> >> there you have the flag planted, 3,000 of them. family members of 9/11 victim, victims to be here as well as the mayor and the governor for that wreath-laying ceremony live. live at the public garden, jim morelli, fox 25 news. >> ? praise to the lord my destiny? >> hundreds sit shoulder-to-shoulder in st. patrick's cathedral for a special ceremony yesterday afternoon. 343 flags carried into the service representing every member of the new york city fire department who died on september 11th. the service also honored the 127 men and women who died from illnesses related to the and as we honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago today, family and friends also honored the 259 massachusetts military members who have lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for fallen. runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends at the memorial park in dedham. richard atherton shared with us what this tribute meant to his family. >> we are running to day in honor of my brother, corporal military and we started this for him. >> governor charlie baker was also in attendance. >> a business owner on the cape is making sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne, who owns kenyon's market set up a display inn't fro of his building showing one flag for every person killed in the attacks. lemoyne tells us he hopes to remind those that were not around and educate those who were not born yet. >> and there are several big events planned to mark today's anniversary. at 8:30 this morning. the names of the m attacks will be read aloud at the statehouse, and after that, the madeline amy sweeney award for civilian brieferry will be presented. sweeney was a flight attendant from acton who was on board american airlines flight 11 when the plane was hijacked. she reported it to a friend on the ground, along with with the descriptions of the terrorists. these tributes are just several of the many events planned here in massachusetts today. and to find a tribute in your >> it's 7:05 this sunday morning and this morning we are waiting to learn the names of the people involved in a deadly boat collision saturday in taunton. investigators say one person was killed and two others hurt during a race on watson pond. the man who was killed was from new hampshire, transcribed by police being in his late 30s. two more people were hurt, and hundreds of people were watching. yesterday afternoon, when the three boats collided. >> the start came, i noticed, you know, there was two boats out front. and they were really and i thought, man, i better watch this. this might be interesting, and sure as heck, the first boat kind of hooked, the second boat hooked, and the third boat just ran right into the front two. >> the taunton fire department was on the water watching in the rescue boats and they were able to get there in less than a minute to pull the men aboard. one of the men hurt remains in critical condition in the hospital this morning after suffering serious head and chest trauma. >> new this morning, police are in south boston. you are taking a look at video of the scene on b. street at 12:30 this morning and you can see yellow crime scene tape mashing off the area. boston ems tells us one person was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. we are working to find out find out if police have anyone in custody. >> a registered sex offender with a lengthy criminal record is under arrest for the murder of a danville woman. as fox 25's jackie heinrich reports this morning, he lived with the victim for the last couple of neighbors told fox 25 the neighbor introduced them to this man a couple times in passing. they didn't take much notice but did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn that richard moore, also known as richard white, had a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe juan boucher would help anyone in need and a few months ago allowed this man to stay at her home, richard moore, now accused of taking her life. >> it's been a very trying week arrest has been made. >> people in the area didn't know much about moore's relationship with boucher, but after his arrest, a lengthy rap sheet has come to light. a registered sex offender, listed living as boucher's arrest with crime ranging from shoplifting to animal cruelty, to sex assault on a victim under the age of 13, then escaped. and now, allegations of second degree murder. investigate investigators didn't say whether he put up a struggle >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest for the homicide. the sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday, when police began investigating boucher east death. detective detectives found burn marks after neighbors woke up on labor day to the smell of something burning and the body was discovered a short time with an arrest made they can heal. >> it's nice to see something has been concluded. it's a tragic ending. but justice will be prevailing. >> moore is scheduled to be arraigned next week. in danville, new hampshire, jackie heinrich, fox 25 news. >> developing this morning, about 30 people have been hurt after a deck collapsed in hartford, connecticut. police say two decks collapsed on top of a third around 11:00 last night during a house party. it happened near trinity college. police sayos involved were students. none of them were seriously hurt. >> canton police are still looking for a bank robber. officers say the man that you see right here on your screen walked into the bank of canton on washington street yesterday. according to police he passed the note to a teller and then took off with the cash. investigators don't know the car he was driving but say that he was wearing a gray long-sleeved t-shirt with black sweat pants and a bruins hat. one person is dead after a very year-old man was parked in the breakdown lane when he was hit from behind last night and killed. the driver of the car who struck him, 22 year-old nathaniel armstrong, was not hurt. police arrested him for o.u.i. vehicle homicide, among other charges. he is expected to be arraigned in haverill district court tomorrow. >> a reward is being offered this morning to find out how a house under construction in holliston caught fire. flames were shooting out of the house when firefighters got there friday night. they say the frame of the collapse when they got there. fortunately, nobody there was hurt. now the state fire marshall is investigating and they announced a a $5,000 reward for information about that fire. >> 10 minutes after 7:00 this sunday and we will be continuing to honor the victims of the 9/11 attacks all morning long. >> coming up, a sun remembers some of the final words that his father spoke. >> from the 105th floor, he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, "well, back to work." >> the feat he is getting ready memory alive. >> a mild and breezy morning, temperatures in the 70s a tracking the first rumble of thunder nearing orange right now. i'm timing more showers and hi mom. grandma! oh! joey run and get a cookie, ok? let me see it today. this is what it can be like to have shingles. a painful blistering rash. oh! mom. if you had chickenpox the shingles virus is already inside you. one in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. grandma, want to play? maybe later sweetie. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today it is 7:14, you are take ag live look at the pentagon in thor then virginia right across the potomac from the capitol. american airlines flight 77 with 53 passengers and 6 crew slammed into the pentagon at 9:37, 15 years ago, killing 125 people. 55 military personnel who were working at the pentagon that tuesday morning last their lives because of thett 15th anniversary of the september 11th attack, one local man is honoring his father in a very unique way. by running 100 miles. i sat down with peter guza who shared how losing his father shaped his life and inspired him to give back. >> i think of him and smile. i don't think of him and think about tours coming down. >> now 35 years old with a family of his own, peter guza was a junior in college when his father was killed on phil guza was at work inside the south tower when he saw a plane crash into the first. >> my father called my brother and left him a vis mail after the first plane struck, and said, you know, i'm up here. crazy accident at the tower next door. and from the 105th floor he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lived in north andover, said losing his father forever changed his perspective on life. >> you understand and appreciate what you do have. i still have my mother. i still have my brother. i have my family now. and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to establish the phil guza memorial scholarship, to honor his father who was a mathematician, this provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math and science and later this month peter will fly the organization, it's a goal his family believes is a little crazy but it is one his father who he said was ambitious and quirky would appreciate. >> i'm very excited and i'm confident that when i'm tired in the middle of the night, 80 miles into this event, i will be thinking about my dad and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter says he is looking forward to those who lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve adds a reminder for for everyone to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blessed we are. >> hundreds of firefighters and their families will be in ash burton park at the statehouse to remember their brothers. the fallen firefighters memorial will be receiving new names this year, the 15 names that will be added are from fire departments in boston, burlington, chelsea, eastham, hopedale, mansfield, the ceremony is held every year on september 11th, a day when 343 firefighters were killed in new york city. there are 950 names on the ring of fire for all the firefighters in massachusetts who made the ultimate sacrifice. >> >> good morning, i'm tracking showers and storms all morning long on fox 25 news, right now i'm getting one shower that getting closer to worcester county. the good news is we had thunder, that has gone away. so this will -- this little quick thundershowers weakened and moving into south athol, then the main line of storms i'm concerned about with stronger wind gusts inside of them, you can see those yellow colors? those are the severe thunderstorms in northern new england right now. but, they are over toward keene by around 9 a.m., moving at 30 miles per hour by my track. so, i'm fairly confidentkeep you really around 9 a.m. lasting for 0 minute and they move on. currently, we are in the midder 70s and loss of clouds building in, 75 degrees in boston. the dew point of 70. so it feels very tropical. and it's breezy. we have a tweet from steve, and he said it's just howling out there. it's 20-25 miles per hour, out ahead of the front, gusting cape and the islands mostly and also in the higher hills to the west. let's take a look. the morning, top stop the time there. that's where i'm watching for the areas like keene and northwestern worcester county to begin seeing the chance for stronger storms. now, with ego to 11:00 in the morning, these are getting closer to the sea coast of new hampshire. they have already gone by manchester. and they are getting closer to the greater boston area as well. so, worcester, 10, 11:00 for you and boston say, 11:00 to 1 p.m., that's the window of greater opportunity for showers p.m. these are making their way off the south shore across cape cod and eventually by, say, 3:00, there is just clearing skies and falling humidity and a nice sunday on tap. temperatures at around 4:00 to 5:00 this afternoon, this is what you are going to be feeling, low 80s in boston, low 70 in worcester and the 70s on cape cod. the humidity will drop so the numbers will feel quite comfortable. let's talk how much ra doesn't look like a brought buster, but any stronger storms that pop up we can see a quick quarter to possibly a half inch of rain, but generally speaking, a disoibt 1" to 0.25," the higher amounts north and west where we can see stronger storms and then the lowest amount, nantucket and the vineyard, maybe less than a 0.1." and you can see, we need inches of rain to get caught up. so, we are not complaining about our rain today. it's just not going to be long lived. here is the thing i want to show you. air, when you start seeing the 50s it starts to feel more comfortable and we have that by 3:00 today from the greater boston area westward, and even cape cod and the island, midnight tonight, beginning to feel fresh and maybe heading out of the patriots party tonight, well, you will be needing a light jacket. by tomorrow morning, look at these numbers. in the 40s and 50s in the burr be, upper 50s in boston. there is your seven-day forecast, it stays cool and comfy earlier this week, another round of rain wednesda behind them. i'm back with the radar update coming up. >> ceremonies are getting ready to start all over the country. >> this is a luminary service in pennsylvania. hundreds gathered carrying lanterns to remember the victims on board flight 93. that is the plane that crashed into a field in shanksville, after the passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> now you are take ag live look at new york city where a large service will be happening later this evening mo. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. every part of you is strong. time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. so smile with strength. for the troops an veterans project is happening today. the massachusetts military heroes fund organized this day of service, it's happening on the rose kennedy greenway near faneuil hall from noon to 3:00 and if you are interesting in helping you can stop by to assemble these care package, they will go to sell jers or the commonwealth homeless veterans. governor charlie baker and mayor marty walsh will also be there. >> >> republican nominee mike released his tax return, mike pence and his rife reported earning $113,000 combined last year and paid 8% of that in federal income tax. the statement from the trump campaign reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen pension have paid their taxes, supported worthy causes an unlike the clintons, the pensions have not profited from their years in public service. mr. trump refused to release his tax returns until an i.r.s. audit is complete this this morning hillary clinton is back >> >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. [laughter]. right. the races, sexist, home folkic, xenophobic, islam phobic, you name it. >> well, that blunt attack came during a new york city fund both trump and his runningmate quickly called out clinton's comments saying her words were insulting to millions of hard-working americans. this morning clinton said she was wrong to describe half of trump supporters at deplorable. >> libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson is continuing to defend what some are calling a lack of foreign policy knowledge, when asked about the syrian city of aleppo, he responded with a question, what is aleppo? johnson said his mistake doesn't make him less qualified for president. >> the person on the street is but, understanding what is happening in syria, that it is very serious,. >> johnson said he is well aware of aleppo and its role in the syrian refugee crisis. and right now i'm tracking a front to the west, it's bringing a line of severe thunderstorms into northern new england right now. i'm tracking ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... new frontline gold. pentagon memorialwa d.c., today the nation is remembering the victims of september 11th, 15 years ago, 2977 people were killed when four planes were hijacked, 184 to havev of those people killed was at the pentagon. in northern virginia right across from the capitol. it was the deadliest attack on american soil. >> and a memorial fountain now stands at ground zero where the twin towers once stood. the world trade center was brought down by two flights that hijackers flew a third plane boo the pentagon and the fourth plane believed to be heading for either of the capitol or the white house went down in a pennsylvania field after passengers made a very heroic effort to stop the hijackers. yesterday, people gathered in that very same field to pay their respects at the wall of names. >> as we mentioned this morning, remembrance ceremonies will happen all over the country including in boston and bright ceremony going on at the garden thef we will give you a live scene right now, the ceremony starts at 7:30, you can see those thousands of flags right there, volunteers actually planted those flags, starting at dawn, to honor all the victims. more than 80,000 volunteers and as fox 25's jim morelli is stelling us, there is a waiting list of people wanting to volunteer because again, this is an event, and this is a memorial mayor marty walsh, you see right there, is also in attend dabs. we also saw a little bit earlier governor charlie baker and mayor walsh will be joined by a local family to lay a wreath there at the memorial. and, jason, i noe that you have some more information on that. >> yeah, mayor walsh is going to be laying wreath with the family of 49 year-old joseph mattai, he was working in new york and lived here in arlington and moved to boston in 1994. he was at a world trade center the morning of september 11th so. he lost his life. but his wife, theresa, his children robert and michelle will be with mayor walsh in a few minutes. you can hear the bag pipes playing at the garden of remembrance. it is a beautiful memorial for 9/11. let us turn up the bagpipes there. >> this is the tragedy that hits so close to home for so many people, 206 residents from massachusetts and massachusetts terror attack. and, again, two planes actually flew from logan that were involved in this tragedy. but, again, a very solemn and very emotional day. the 15th apnever sair, september 11th, 2001, etched in so many of our memories, a day that nobody will ever forget. it's really a day that changed the world, changes our perspective on so many things. >> it's a little hard to see from our vantage point cameras but there is a procession of bagpipers playing, "amazing grace" we will go listen now in to the garden of remembrance. >> thank you for joining us here today, the massachusetts 9/11 fund, as we remember our lost loved ones. i'm honored to introduce candy altman, a founding board member of massachusetts 9/11 fund. the heart of boston is in these magnificent garden, that was said by the late senator kennedy. back in 2002 in september, as many of you here today sit here, to announce the buildings of the memorial to the massachusetts victims of september 11th, our beloved mayor tom me any know said on that day (^), the public garden is one of the most beautiful parts of our city. and he said, it that this be a place of peace and remembrance for the families for years to come. we think of them both today, and i believe they would be pleased that their vision has endured. that this spot built with the love and tears of all of you would bring peace and reflection to multiple jen vagues. reflections for family members and their friends still pained but, also, to the tens of thousands of people who visit boston every year in the public gardens and are able to come here and see all of your loved ones. and remember in a different way. and share a sense of community. when we dedicated this space in 2004, poet lawyer yet robert homer joined us. and the insubscription from his po well is in t circle. and if you have not read it, or heard it, let me read it to you. because it talks about the public gardens. and why this is such a special place. time touches all more gently here. here, where man has said no, trees and grass and flowers will remain. where the first thorns, sometimes sees his father's pool, feels an ant shent heart beat in the palm of his hand and seeking comfort, seeking shade, lies beneath the goldly film watching swan boats glide in season. i hope as wet weather reflect on this 15th anniversary that this space has been that place for you, and that it remains so for generations to come. senator kennedy knew the power of this space. and he said forever be remembered because as long as there is a boston, there will be a public garden. >>. and in keeping this place special with boston's incredible parks department is the honorable marty walsh, who in his own right has become a champion of the 9/11 families and the special place, it is my honor to introduce mayor walsh. john, and on behalf of the governor baker, lieutenant governor pally toe an myself would like to thank you and the mass 9/11 fund for the incredible work you do and for all the families. our hearts to go out to all of you. i would like to thank brightton high school and the students that are here. family members and loved ones of those we have lost, the boston fire department, thank you very much for being here. today, we remember your tragic easier. it just never gets easier. coming here today, i was looking at the tree, we planted it three years ago. and as i was standing here, as john was speaking and kaen di was speaking i was looking at the tree grow and looking at the children who lost your parents on that day. and watching you grow. and wanting you to understand that your city and your state 15 years ago today, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives. 206 had ties to massachusetts. we all have a story or connection. in my family, laurie's aunt susie is here, who lost her daughter. we know that you miss your loved ones an your family members every single day. and you carry them in your hearts. we all carry them in our hearts as well. in the words although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. so, today, as a somber day, but it's also an opportunity to look back in a positive -- have positive reflections. we honor your family members' special legacy, the way they loved their family, the way they inspired their communities. and the way they live in all of our hearts. the great things that have come out of their lives and great stories that have come come out of their lives that all of you have done. as we lay this wreath and observe a moment of silence, we resolve to honor this example you have given us. standing strong today, standing strong every single day, united as a community, and we will always unite with you as a community and we will be there for whenever you need us. observe a moment of silence for the loss of our loved ones. now, i would like to introduce the boston fire department a capella quartet who will sing "god >> ? as we gather far across the sea, to swear allegiance to a land that's free? a land so fair? ? as we raise our voices, in a solemn prayer ? god bless america, land that i love? ? stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with ? from the mountains, to the prairies? ? to the oceans, like we follow, god bless america, my home, sweet, home? ? from the mountains, to the with foam? ? god bless america, my home sweet home? ? god bless america, my home, sweet, home? ? >> thank very, very appropriate and a beautiful rendition of "god bless america." and thank you, especially, mayor walsh and candy for participating in this and thank you for everyone that's come here to family members, the city and state officials, we really appreciate your support for the families. a few administrative things now before we go. gardens, where we saw that memorial. i have to say, 15 years later, the emotions are still really high, jason. >> it's pretty powerful stuff there. the bells you heard ringing during the moment of of psyleption were ringing from the arlington street church. i wanted to shear this, to the focus on the positive, the family of joseph ma tie was there laying the wreath, the wife of joseph ma tie, theresa, the children's robert and michelle and before they were married joseph actually dated of the world on the top -- the famous restaurant on the top of the trade center before they were married. of course years before the attack. i'm sure that is a moment and a memory she cherishes and she shares with, you know, al of her family. >> and what mayor walsh really said that stood out to me is this is a somber day but it is also one of positive reflection. we saw the community absolutely come together and when i say community, i mean locally, nationally, worldwide, after this incredibly tragic day and it showed our strength and our courage, our perseverance, 206 massachusetts residents and natives lost their lives in toy tall, 1977, and we will continue to honor their lives and take well at least he's wearing shoes. well done champ. get gooey, flaky, happy. [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all... we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. good sunday morning. i have been watching this front getting closer and a line of showers and storms getting closer. in fact, some severe thunderstorms approaching far western parts of our state right now. and we have this line of heavier downpours and rumbles getting closer to brat lboro and keene, a little quick shower ahead of this. had some lightning in there earlier but the li west of the area but toward brat lboro, 8:30 and by keene 9:00 in the morning, the line of showers and storms rolling through, guy winds inside of those. temperatures are already in the lower and middle 70s so it's a warm morning and we are gusting 20-25 miles per hour and many spots especially cape cod and the islands where it's brighter and you can see the cloud building in, boston north and westward already, there is a live look right now. we are at 75 degrees. the dew point is high at 70. so we have the moisture to work fall out of these storms so heavy rain, going to be brief, but it will be heavy. not going to be a drought buster because it's just moving along too quickly. the the rain should only last about half hour, maybe an hour for the middle part of the sunday. check out the wind gusts right now, 25-28 miles per hour, plymouth, high hyannis, chatham, hour-by-hour throughout the day we go to the far northern and western part of the area, by 9:00 in the morning getting in on the storm chance, these showers and storms are making their way right up the pike here, over closer to the sea coast of new hampshire. then, by noontime, it's the north shore into boston by 1 p.m., and beyond. the south shore, the cape and the islands, say, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. affected by some showers and storms. but, also, look what is going on. clearing skies behind that line. very quickly. so it will shape up to be a nice sunday afternoon once the rain moves by. worcester. low 80s in boston. portsmouth 80 degrees. we will keep it in the mid and upper 70s for cape and the islands. as far as rain amounts, well, it generally looks to be a 0.1" to 0.25," some spots could get lock locally higher spots an there is that concern for some brief gusty winds to come through by in fact onge stror storms and some tree limb damage, that's something to keep an eye on, some minor power outages with this gusty line that's coming through. now look at the severe to extreme drought, we need repeated fronts with 1" of rain attached each time to start making up ground, so we are a long way from that. we will take what we can get briefly on this sunday. and i wanted to show you the dry air. look at the 50s coming back by 3 p.m. in many spots and then by midnight tonight, we are seeing dew points in the 40s, feels very dry and then as you wake up tomorrow morning, it's upper 40s and lower 50s many spots in the burr be, milder to the south and east. there is your seven-day forecast. great start to the work week. showers, monday, rather wednesday afternoon into wednesday night, then they clear out thursday, friday, with more cool air on the way. >> all right. jason, thank you. and we continue to have coverage of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, this is as the victims are remembered around the the nation. >> yeah, we will go back live to the boston public garden where you just saw a few minutes ag wreath-laying ceremony wrap up. jim morelli is out there, and we have the live report coming up at the the top of the hour and in 30 minutes we will go to the statehouse where a ceremony will start at 9:30. stay with us. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. good morning, everyone, red sox wrap up the series with the blue jays hoping to get out of toronto with a 2 game lead in the a. l. east, clay buck hoants on the hill against aaron sanchez who enters 13-2. yesterday, eduardo rodriguez wasn't terrible but the longball got him, muffled out to left center field, that gave the blue jays add another, where we pick it up. red sox, they are within 1 but jackie bradley strikes out to end it t. blue jays take game 2 with a 3-2 find yesterday. boston college back in the winning column. 26-7 victory over umass gillette stadium yesterday. patrick toll with a solid game, connected with jeff smith for a couple touchdowns through the air. here is one here. v. c. will place virginia tech blacksburg 1-1 after the 26-7 win yesterday. the list of patriots arizona for tonight's game is impressive. lots of pro bowl appearance, brady, gronk with a hamstring, nick suspended and torn tricep, cooper not preparing jimmy ga rap pa low but he is eager to get the start. >> mentally i'm straight out for arizona but it's a phenomenal opportunity this. is why you play the game. you play to be in the game and play, you know. you don't want to be the backup. so, you know, the opportunity is of it. >> the long wait is over. the time is now patriots an cardinals tonight. like you, i cannot wait to get it going. i'm tom leyden, have a great day. >> a couple of police unions are offering to pay the fine of a tennessee titans player who the nfl banned from wearing custom completes, they were designed to show support for the victims of 9/11. avery williamson was going to wear them but the league told him he would be in violation of uniform code. they also threatened to fine williamson if he still wore the shoes. police associations reached out to the player, offering to pay his fines for him. but instead of pressing the issue, he is now auctioning off the completes and donating the proceed the a veteran's organization. today we remember the victims of 9/11, 15 years after the terrible day. >> we will have a live look at the pentagon and the washington memorial where thereby a tribute later on, many tributes though today across the nation. is honoring his father that he lost, and he sat down with fox 25 this morning to share his plan. >> i have been watching severe storms in western new england, they are tracking east at around 30 miles per hour. i'm timing them out ifer your neighborhood coming i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase 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throughout the morning. many of these events and tributes certainly are going to be taking place outside and i know jason brewer you have been tracking some storms through our area already. >> yeah, and western new england has seen some severe thunderstorm warnings this morning, all because of this front on the way. and we are getting gusty warm southwest winds ahead of the front, and we are starting to see the clash of the air masses, so let's take a look, orange, athol, over to keene 45-9:15, that is when these showers and storms make their way in. no warning inside of those right now. but some gusty winds, heavy rain, lightning, all a concern, there is a slight risk for some strong damaging wind gusts today. let me take you over in time here on futurecast, 8:45, 9:00, we have been talking about keene, that's the northwestern portion into the area, then worcester, over toward parts of southeast new hampshire through 11:00 in the morning, they come right down the pike, and then then as we get into 3 p.m., you are still left over storm on cape cod but the rest of the of the area clearing and setting up for a nice afternoon behind this brief bout of some heavy rain. high temperatures in the lower 80s today. much more on how cool we get tonight though coming up. >> 15 years ago today and 19 more terrorists from al qaeda hijacked four planes, two of which departed from logan airport. of the world trade center complex in new york city. the third plane crashd into the pentagon in arlington, virginia, and passengers on the fourth plane, flight 93, learned of the other attacks and fought back. the hijacked airliner crashed in an empty field in pennsylvania, about a 20 minute flight from washington d.c. >> back, back! >> >> besee it so many times over and fist resporns rushing into danger as the plumes of toxic dust engulfed manhattan as the tours fell one by one. the numbers are still staggering, 2977 people killed, 6,000 more were injured that day. and today, we take a moment to remember and reflect. >> fox 25 jim morelli is live at the boston public garden at the garden of remembrance, where we watch a service an just about 15 minutes ago, jim, good you would think after 15 years the sense of loss would be gone but it was absolutely palpable here, a short time ago when we had many family members, the mayor was here, the the governor as well, take a look, we still are some family members who are at the memorial. they have laid flowers, they hugged each other and consoled each other. let's look at the ceremony from a short time ago. perhaps 100, 200 people were here. the governor was here and the mayor and the mayor noted that even after 15 years, it still hurts. >> you miss your love ones and your family members every single day. and you carry them in your hearts. and we all carry them in our hearts as well. and in the words of helen keller, although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. so, today, is a somber >> and there you are, looking at the flags that were planted earlier this morning by the organization boston cares, 3,000 flags were put into the earth around the memorial to signify those who died on september 11th. and, of course, there will be a ceremony attendance the statehouse a little later this morning, the naming of the 206th victims who had ties to massachusetts. live from boston garden, jim >> >> praise to the lord my destiny. >> hundreds shood shoulder-to-shoulder in striction's cathedral in new york city for a special ceremony there yesterday afternoon. 343 flags carried in the service, representing every member of the new york city fire department who died on september 11th. the service also honored the 127 men and women who have died from illnesses related to the recovery effort. and as we honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago, fries the 259 massachusetts military members who have lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for the fallen. runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends at barnes memorial park in dedham and richard atherton shared with us what this tribute meant to his family. >> we are running in honor of my brother, corporal atherton who lost his life, a big supporter of the military. >> governor charlie baker was also in attendance. >> a business owner on the cape is making sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne who owns kenyon's market set up a display in front of his building showing one flag for every person killed in the attacks. lemoyne tells us he hopes to remind those who were around in 2001 and educate those who were not even born yet. >> and there are several large ceremonies planned to mark today's anniversary. at 8:30, the names of the massachusetts victims september 11th attack will be read aloud at the statehouse and after that the amy sweeney award for is for civilian bravery will be presented. sweeney of course was a flight attendant from acton on board american airlines flight 1 1, when plane was hijacked she reported it on the ground along with descriptions of the terrorists. these tributes are just several of the many tributes planned here in massachusetts today. to find one in your community >> 8:05, we are waiting to learn the names of the people involved in a deadly boat crash in taunton. they were hurt and one killed on watson pond from new hampshire, described by being in his late 30s. two other were hurt and hundreds of people were watching yesterday afternoon when the three boats collided. >> i noticed there was two boats out front and they were really smoking into the turn. this. this might be interesting. and sure as heck, the first boat kind of hooked, the second boat hooked, and the third boat just ran right into the front two. >> taunton fire department was on the water watching in the rescue boats and they were able to get there in less than a minute to pull the men aboard. one of the men hurt remains in critical condition in the hospital this morning after investigators say he suffered serious head and chest trauma. >> police are investigating of the scene on b. street at around 1:30 this morning. you can see the yellow crime scene marking off the area. boston told us one person was take ton the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries and we are working to find out if police have anyone in custody. >> a registered sex offend were a lengthy criminal record under arrest this morning for the murder of a danville woman. as fox 25's jackie heinrich reports, he lived with the victim for the last couple of months. >> victim introduced them to this man a couple times in passing. they didn't take much notice, but they did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn that richard moore, also known as richard white, has a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe juan boucher would help anyone in need and a few months ago allowed this man to stay at her home, richard moore now accused of taking her life. >> it's going to be a very events and we have that and the arrest has been made. >> people in the area didn't know much about moore's relationship with boucher, but after his arrest, a lengthy rap sheet has come to light. a registered sex offender listed as living at boucher's address with crimes dating back 20 years. ranging from shoplifting to animal cruelty, to sex assault on a victim under the age of 13, then escaped and now allegations of second degree murder. investigators didn't say whether he put up a struggle when he was taken into >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest or the homicide. the sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday when police began investigating boucher's death. detective john burnmark from the side of the home after neighbors woke up on labor day to the smell of something burning and the body was discovered a short time later. with an arrest made they can begin to heal pith's nice to see something has been concluded. it's a tragic ending. but justice will prevail. >> moore is scheduled to be arranged next week. in danville, new hampshire, jackie heinrich, fox 25 news. >> developing this morning, 30 people have been hurt after a deck collapse in hartford, connecticut. two decks collapsed on top of a third, happened around 11:00 at a house party near trinity college. were students none seriously hurt. >> canton police are still looking for a bank robber. officers say that the man that you see right there on your screen walked into the bank of canton on washington street yesterday. according to police, he passed a note to a teller and then took off with the cash. investigators don't know the car that he was driving, but say he was wearing a gray long-sleeved t-shirt with black sweat pants and a bruins hat. >> one person is dead after a very bad crash in box ford. year-old man was parked in a breakdown lane when he was hit from behind last night and killed. the driver of that car who struck him, 22 year-old nathallian armstrong was not hurt. police arrested him for o.u.i. vehicle homicide among other charges. he is expected to be arranged in haverill district court tomorrow. >> a reward is being offered this morning to find out how a house under construction in holliston caught fire. flames were shooting out of the house when firefighters got there friday night and they say the frame of the building was just starting to collapse. the state fire marshall is now investigating and they announced a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in that fire. >> we continue to honor the victims of 9/11 attacks all morning long. >> coming up, a son remembers some of the final words his father spoke. >> from the 105th floor, he was actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. >> the feat he is getting ready to try to keep his father's memory a i live. to southern new england. i have got a look at when to plan around them for your taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. brookside. we want the take you out live to new york city, lower manhattan, where the worst terror attack in american history was already set in motion at this point 15 years ago, at 7:59, so about 15 minutes ago. american airlines flight 11 had already departed boston it was actually being hijacked at this moment. at 8:15, just about a moment from now, united airlines flight 175 was leaving logan bound for los angeles, both flights bound for los angeles rerouted to manhattan and then five minutes from now 15 years ago was taking off from washington d.c. and ultimately taken over taken by hijackers and crashed into the pentagon. >> all of this unfolding at this moment, 15 years ago today. and as communities continue to remember the anniversary of the september 11th terror attacks, one local man is honoring his father in a very unique way, by running 100 miles. i sat down with peter guza who shared with me how losing his family and his father, rather, shamed his life and really >> i think of him and i smile. i don't think of him and think about the tours coming down. >> now 5 years old with a family of his own, peter butza was a junior in college when his father was killed on september 11th, 2001. phil guza was at work in the south tower when he saw the plane crash into the first. >> my father called my brother, left him a voice mail, after the first plane struck. and said, you know, i'm up here, crazy accident at the tower next actually looking down at what occurred. and he said, well, back to work. and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lived in north andover, said losing his father forever changed his perspective on life. >> you really need to try to understand and appreciate what you have. i still have my mother, i still have my brother, i have my family now, and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to scholarship, to honor his father who was a mathematician, this foundation provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math or science, and later this month, peter will fly to arizona to run 100 miles to raise money for the foundation. it's a goal peter admits many, including his own family, believe is a little crazy. but he said it's one his father who was ambitious and quirky would apreernght. >> i'm very excited about it. and i am confident that when i'm tired in the middle night, 80 miles into this event, i will be thinking about my dad, and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter says he is looking forward to commemorating those who lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve as a reminder for everyone, to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blessed we are. burton park at the statehouse later today to remember their brothers. the fallen firefighters memorial will be receiving new names this year at 3:00 this afternoon. the 15 names to be added to the wall are from fire departments in boston, burlington, chelsea, eastham, hopedale, mansfield, shrewsbury, an sper ser. the ceremony is held every year on september 11th, a day when 343 new york firefighters were killed in new york city. there are 950 names on the ring of honor for all the fires in massachusetts who made the ultimate >> now your local forecast from meteorologist jason brewer and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> all right. good morning, a line of storms is in view and trackable now. so, i'm just watching hour-by-hour as these get closer to our direct viewing area. so, brat lboro, here in the next few minutes. but let's go over towards, say, keene, by 8:45 or so. concord, 9:45, manchester, by about 10 in the morning, this let me show you the thunderstorms, they are out here in western massachusetts under a severe thunderstorm warning highlighted in jell-o there. that's for those damaging wind gusts of 60 miles per hour inside this line of thunderstorms. so, not here in central and eastern massachusetts yet, but there is the potential for some stronger winds as these come through here today. temperatures running in the lower and middle 70s, this is a warm and breezy and muggy start to the day. look at these wind gusts right now, 20-30 miles per hour. highest on cape cod, of course. 20. so, some very breezy conditions. let's look at the hour-by-hour forecast, just one. what, metro west neighborhoods, you can expect the rain chance, 10-12. and then after that, falling humidity, increasing sunshine, and temperatures in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees this afternoon. let's track this rain chance though, for all of us, with futurecast. so, follow along with me here. this is a look at 10-10:15 in out for this line of gusty showers coming through. then we go to noontime, the pushing near the sea coast of new hampshire, the north shore into boston, south shore at noon, still relatively dry, but just thereafter, the quick line of showers right through 1:00, 2:00 over to cape cod, and then by, say, 3 p.m., rain is out of here, and we are clearing the skies from the west to the east. humidity is dropping down, really makes for a nice sunday afternoon. upcoming and it will be breezy. behind the fro wind swing around swett out of the northwest by afternoon, that will keep temperatures in the low 80s. around boston, bedford and lawrence, about 80 degrees. and worcester you are in the low 70s coming up at around 4:00 this everyone a. as far as rain amounts, well, we can expect 0.1" to scoint 25" coming by in the showers, lowest amount is nukd and the vineyard and you might not get anything on the islands as this is pretty far away from the center of the storm coming by to our north. of rain as much as a quarter to maybe a half inch. the other thing i want to point out, the dry air behind the rain will be noticeable, very muggy right now, but let's take a look here, 3:00, dew points in the 50s. and then by tonight, true points will be down in the 40s and that's going to let temperatures drop into the 40s in a few spots, norwood always one of the cooler locations in the upper 40s there, we will be on the mid 50s there, the vineyard, near 50 for ipswich and portsmouth, keene in the l 40s, boston down to about 57 and the city tonight. so, cool morning, and pleasant days on tap. tuesday, warms up a little bit more. wednesday afternoon, some showers, they clear out, more cool air behind phthalate next week. i have a new look at the radar straight ahead. >> jason, thank. if forecast today is very important especially this evening mo because we know there is a lot of memorials happening all over the country right now. >> this is video from a luminary service earlier in pennsylvania where hundreds gathered carrying lanterns to remember the victims that is the plane that crashed after its passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> and now back to lower manhattan, this is a live look at the 9/11 memorial in new york city and there is donald trump just arrived and we are told that, you can see rudy guiliani to his fight, the former ma i your of new york, who was was mayor at the time of the attack. new jersey governor chris christie also there for the ceremony which are just getting ready to start in new york is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. the area's largest care package for the troo project is happening to day. the massachusetts military heroes fund organized this day of service, it's happening on the rose kennedy greenway near faneuil hall from noon to 3 and if you would like you can stop by and actually assemble some care packages, which will go to soldiers or the commonwealth homeless veterans. governor charlie baker and mayor marty walsh will be there. >> republican mike pence made good on his promise to return tax return, they reported federal income tax. a statement from the trump campaign this weekend reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen have paid their taxes, supported worthy causes and unlike the clinton, the pensions have not profited from years in public service. donald trump refused to release tax returns until an i.r.s. audit is complete. >> this morning hillary clinton is back pedaling from comments she made about trump supporters. >> to just be generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the rationist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islam phobic, you name it. >> that blunt attack came during a new york city fund-raiser friday night. both trump and his runningmate quickly called out clinton's comments, saying that her words hardworking americans. this morning clinton said she was wrong to describe half of trump supporters as deplorable. >> and right now a severe thunderstorm warning just issued for southwest new hampshire as the storms get closer to keene, great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. this is a live look at the massachusetts statehouse on beacon hill, a get underway there in a few minutes where the names of the mathma victims of the september 11th attacks will be read, all 206 of them with ties to massachusetts, then a moment ofcy lens will be held in about 17 minutes. 8:46, a moment of silence will be held that, of course, marks the minutes the first plane hit the north tower in north korea city. 15 years ago, again, 2977 people lost their live, it was and still is the deadliest terror attack on american soil. the twin towers once stood. the world trade center was brought down by two flights that left logan airport that morning bound for california. hijackers then flew a third plane into the pentagon and the fourth plane, believed to be heading for either the capitol or the white house, went down in a pennsylvania field after passengers there made a very heroic effort to stop the hijackers. yesterday, people gathered in that very same field to pay their respects at the wall of names. and that same support was shown 15 years ago, in the aftermath of those attacks. >> america today is on bended knee in support in prayer for the lives who were lost here and for the workers who work here, for the families who mourn, cameras captured the moment president bush found out about the attacks. an aide whispered the information into his ear as he read to room full of school children. president with the bull horn, standing on the rue wins of what was the world trade center, that was a turning point in his presidency early on when i think somebody in the crowd yelled out, we can't hear you ande he said i can hear you, it was a powerful moment early in his presidency. this morning, remembrance ceremonies will happen around the country including right here in boston. we have had live coverage all morning long and will do throughout the morning. >> weather contain you yes, i dos to be a concern, storms are epiintoing through the area, let's get a check of the weather with jason brewer. jason? >> y severe thunderstorms, they have been moving through northern new england, now getting into southern new england and back to the north and west and these yellow boxes, that's where we have that concern for strong damaging winds, up to 60 miles per hour. so, right now, keene, you are drying, but we are cop coming in within the next ten minutes, the line of gusty showers, thunder is back to the southwest but this is 9:45, concord, 10:10 toward nashua, able the to get a read on it now. some strong, damaging wind gusts can't be ruled out inside any of the storms. let me show you as we go ahead in time. this is 11 in the morning, these aret going closer to the sea coast of new hampshire, as they are tilted over to worcester, too, and then as we go to, say, 12, 1:00, north, south shore of boston and then by 3 p.m., it's only cape cod that has the left over storm chance. we are clearing out this evening, so it's going to be a nice afternoon, after you get the rain out of here, temperatures will be running in the lower and middle 80s with front. i'm back with much more coming up. >> all right. jason, this evening mo, boston continues to remember the victims of 9/11, 15 years ago, about an hour ago a ceremony was hell in the public garren. >> fox 25's jim morelli was there for that ceremony. he joins us live there now and, jim, i know that youette nod earlier that 15 years later, the emotion was still very strong. >> yeah, it certainly was, time really has done nothing to dull the feelings and i think all of it was just something very very scary and the setup began in the early morning darkness when members of the group boston cares came and planted all of these flags that you see here, each one representing someone who died on 9/11. one of those who was here today, speaking was mayor walsh. he said that this day just never gets easier and he also quoted helen keller, who said that, yes, life is full of suffering, but it's also full of overcoming suffering. wead were suffering still after all of these years. one of them, a woman we spoke with, who lost her husband on 9/11. >> i woke up this morning wishing i didn't have to get out of bed. but, being here with all the families is where i need to be. because, you know, we have heard people say before it's been 15 years, isn't it time to move on? well, we have moved forward over the last 15 years. members have pretty much gone up to the statehouse where they will be doing the reading of the names of the 206 victims with ties to massachusetts. we are told that the the enormous pass sooj of time, she marked it by the fact that her children, who were small when her husband was killed, are now working adults. >> lye at boston public garden, jim morelli fox 25 news. >> all right. jim, thank you. now from the public gardens to a live look inside the the reading of the names and just about 10 minutes, 206 of those who died on 9/11 had ties to massachusetts. and, again, we are minutes away from 8:46, where there will be a moment of silence observing when the first plane struck the north tower. we will continue to preview all of these events and we will take everything live when that happens. >> so many other events happening around our region this morning as well. members of its community who lost their lives 15 years ago. it is happening a the the school's memorial located along the merrimac river at umass lowell east campus. unity is a circle shaped structure inscribed with the names of the victims. today's ceremony takes place in an hourer at 9:30 this morning. >> the american red cross is holding a blood drive to pay tribute and this is happening at fenway park, right now. this is part of the national day of service and remembrance, just proclaimed by president am 2:30 this afternoon and you can also find more tributes happening around the state on fox 25 >> now let's take time to look at other ceremonies that have already happened this past week in honor of all the lives lost. >> today we mark 15 years. our nation comes together to show we will never forget. the ceremonies to honor the nearly 3,000 victims started friday. for a moment of silence on the floor of the new york stock exchange. department procession from city hall, to the department's memorial. the federal government's return to the world trade center was also recognized, with a visit from homeland security secretary jay johnson. >> terrorism cannot prevail, if we refuse to be terrorized. >> in our nation's capitol, the victims were remembered in a special ceremony at the pentagon. >> as our pentagon community protects our nation, we will never forget the events that unfolded that day. >> and the momes the capitol steps. attorney general loretta lynch dedicated a flag for the survive tree planted on last year's anniversary. >> we continue to stand vigilant, against all of those who seek to do our nation and its ideals and its people harm. we stand mindful of all, all who have died in sacrificed on its behalf. >> and throughout the morning the nation will pause for 6 moments of silence, one for each minutes. we will observe a moment of silence when the first plane struck, one of the towers in new york city and this morning we also honor the victims of september 11th, keeping them in our thoughts as we mark the 15th anniversary. >> the first moment of silence at 8:46, month meantime this is the 9/11 memorial in new york city, every year a tribute in light shines over lower manhattan, 88 spotlights to represent the twin tours, they have been doing it since 2001. down it will be lit again until dawn. >> right now i'm tracking a line of severe thunderstorms moving eastward around 30 miles per hour. i will tell you how to plan around these for your sunday and since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. [bell] even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? of showers and storm, some severe severe and they made it into western new hampshire we will track the storms with 60 miles per hour wind gusts inside this storm headed for sunapee and franklin, laconia by 9 o'clock 40 and then around keene it's just rain, not severe, this storm moving over to the manchester by about 10:15, and beyond that, we will be seeing storms moving eastward through noontime early afternoon, before leaving us alone. temperatures are in the in fact, 20-30 miles per hour wind gusts right now, just had a pitsfield wind gust of 46 miles per hour. as the front and storms came through. so, you can see that concern for some isolated wind damage, some tree limbs knocking into power lines and that kind of thing. 10:15 in the morning, manchester, western worcester county, watch out for that line of storms, noontime, sea coast north shore getting into the greater boston area, and then they are tracking into plymouth county and cape cod, from 1:00 humidity and clearing skies behind the front will feel very nice for the latter half of the sunday. so we have to get through this rough weather. the stronger storms only last for a few minutes. the rain could last as long as an hour, but then we are clearing out and we are ending up in the low 70s and low 80s across the afternoon. now, tonight, it's cool, wake up in the morning with jackets. upper 40s. and lower 50s in many spots. another cool night on monday night. 75, your high on monday with humidity. tuesday gorgeous, wednesday late day, a couple of showers, moving back in and then cooling and clear to wrap the week. most every measure, public charter schools have been a success." "they are models of inspiration." with "impressive results" and "eye-catching educational gains." it's turned my son's life around. narrator: "charter schools amount to hope" for kids all across massachusetts. question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. vote yes on 2. came out of its shell. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. you can never tell from the outside just how many warm, flaky layers are on the inside. but let's just say it's more than ever. share the warmth of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers in 20 sibds the time will read 6:46 and as we remember the moment of silence when that very first plane hit the world trade center. >> let's listen to the statehouse as they mark that moment. >> that is lawmakers and families of the fallen from 15 years ago, taking a moment of silence to mark the occasion when the first plane, american airlines flight 11, flew into the north tower at 8:46, september 11th, 2001. that was the first indication realized we were under attack and that wouldn't happen for another 17 more minutes when the second plane struck and we will recognize a moment of silence at 9:03 this morning as well when the second plane struck the south tower in new york city. >> meantime also inside the state chamber in just about 3 minutes they will start reading names of the 206 people who died during the september 11th attacks with massachusetts tie, a somber moment for everyone. as we all lost their lives this day, 15 years ago. >> and this is a tough moment, in fact, one of the widows of one of the men killed, 15 years ago, told jim morelli in the boston public garden she didn't want to get out of bed today but she knew it was important to do that and talk to the families in the boston garden. we will go back to the statehouse and they will read the names again, the 206 massachusetts natives who were killed 15 years ago. reciting the phrase, we remember them. >> at the rising of the sun, and at its going down, we remember them. at the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. at the opening of the buds and the rebirth of spring, we remember them. at the blueness of the skies, and in the warmth of su at the rustling of the leaves and the beauty of autumn, we remember them. at the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them. as long as we live, they, too, will live. for they are now part of us, as we remember them. trudy allyharo, hannah allison, barbra arestikai, myra joy f. eversano junior. >> christine janna bar bow, mark jeffrey d. bitner, kelly ann boons, michael r. canty, christopher m. carstangin, neely m. casey, william casper, sworna callissani, steven cherry, patrick connors, jeffrey women koontz, john j. corcoran the third, frederick john cox junior, and my beloved daughter, susan b. blair. tara kathleen kramer, wells remy crowder, thelma ciewchinelli, dorothy alma derose owe, lieutenant manuel diva day, gerald jerry p. te juan, f. d. n. y. simon ganache knee, david demegaly di actual owe, albert tocho dominguez, and my sisters, and my beloved brother, john rhett cahill. rest in peace. alexander phillipoff, richard p. fitzsimmons, carol ann plaque zwick (^), allan freed lander, peter christian frey, carlton douglas blied, thomas edward galvin, douglas a. gay, hin day may george and my life partner jeffrey d. coe man. ed monday glazer. peter m. good rich. douglas a. ghoul. andrew curry green. donald freeman green. reverend francis edward froagen, phillip t. guza, page farley hammond, christine lee hanson, peter burton hanson, and my beloved brother, paul joshua freedman. hughes, eric heartono, john c. heart, peter c. pack impressive, james e. hayden, roberta bernstein heber, edward r. hennessey junior, no berto bin, herbert wilson homer and my beloved daughter, lisa fen gordon steven. >>. we do the no mean to be disrespectful and we sin sorely apologize, but we have to break right now. we continue to stream this same shot, the shot you are looking is streaming on our web site, fox 25 >> we continue to honor the lives of all 2977 who lost their lives 15 years coverage of the 15th anniversary of the september 11th attacks continues after this. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana?. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana? is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana? works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, important side effects, including 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you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. welcome back, everyone. today our nation does pause to live look at family members in new york city reading the napes of the faulten from the deadliest deadly attack on american soil 15 years ago this evening mo. good morning, everyone. i'm jason law. >> i'm stephanie coueignoux. 2977 people lost their lives in what was the deadliest attack on american soil. and again this is a day that would change our nation and the world forever. memorial services are happening here in boss top as well as around the country, and of course we will continue remember and honor the victims throughout the morning. >> of course many events taking place outside, a couple on beacon hill already moved indoors because of the forecast outside, little rain in the forecast. let's check in with fox 25 jason brewer for a look the today's weather. good morning, jason. >> yeah, watching severe thunderstorms moving through parts of massachusetts right now. we just had a severe thunderstorm warning issued for worcester county. and the part of the storm i'm most concerned with, most intense part, right here, east of greenfield. leominster after that, holden just before 10:00. so, some strong gusty winds inside of these, the drought stretched trees are a concern. so, they are weaker than normal and could come down to do damage to property. so keep it indoors away from windows a as they come through. this is 11 in the morning, we are watching the storms closer to the new hampshire coast, back toward worcester by, say, 12:30, 1:00, moving off the north shore through boston down toward the south shore and over to cape cod throug we are clearing the skies, going to be a forejous late afternoon. we just have to get through the narrow window of some strong storms and i'm tracking them on the radar update in just a minute. >> very shortly we will pause to observe a second moment of silence, 9:03, a second plane hit the south tower in new york city. >> just a few seconds from now, united airlines flight 175 which left from boston on its way to l.a. with 9 crew members and 51 passengers on board, of course manhattan. let's listen in to the ceremony going on in new york city. >> janice lee playny. >> fred michael blue. >> rita blow. >> richard middleton wood junior. >> michael andrew mccarty. >> don haul, michael l. bow kino. >> susan m. pitino. >> veera francis >> cruise douglas bone. >> mary kathryn murphy botha. >> nicholas andrew ogden. >> darrin christopher bullhan. >> lawrence francis wizo. >> vincent m. bowel ann junior. >> lorre belarski. >> allen bondarranko. >> andrew bernard junior. >> frank j. benomo. >> john rutgers senior. >> >> [moment of silence] >> a moment of silence there at 9:03, recognizing the moment when united airlines slammed into the south tower, the second plane to hit the second tower on september 11th, the first coming 0 minutes earlier on flight 11, hitting north tower the south tower over the second tower, it was the first to collapse at 9:59 this morning, and 30 minutes later, the north tower fell along within it at 10:30. >> that was a live look from new york city as they read the the names of those who perished during the attack, 16 years ago, certainly these scenes were etched in our memories forever, incredibly powerful. what was so emotional and observed the second moment of silence. it happened 15 years ago, this is still incredibly powerful to everyone. >> yeah, jim morelli was at the boston public garden this morning around 7:30 when a small ceremony was held for the survives of all the massachusetts people and there is a memorial behind film the victims that has been there for 12 years. let's go to jim now with what happened an hour and half ago. jim, good morning. >> good morning, it was a ceremony, even to it happened 15 15ago, it did nothing to dim the memories of people and the losses they felt. we will step out of the way and show you, we have people who have been coming awe morning since this replaying, to take pictures to just be here, americans coming to remember that horrible day 15 years ago, among those who are here today the mayor, he said this day just never gets easier. many 9/11 families were here as quoted helen keller who said in life, there are, there is much suffering but also much overcoming of suffering as well. we spoke with one 9/11 victim who lost her her husband. >> today just makes you think more about it and it makes you think back 15 years ago and last night i just kept thinking, 15 years ago tonight, life was normal. it was just wonderfully >> and behind the memorial you can see thousands of flags, literally thousands of flags, we are talk 3,000 in the predawn darkness, a group called boston cares came out here and put one flag in the ground to represent every life lost on 9/11. they did that with some 1500 volunteers and those will be up all day today and then another group will come back and take them down later on tonight. kristin coons said it's very i know as a parent it was hard to talk to my son about it because it was so frightening and so everwhelming but at the same time, as she correctly proijts out, such an important part of our american history. >> live in boston public garden, fox 25 news. >> hundreds stood shoulder-to-shoulder in st. patrick's cathedral for a special ceremony yesterday afternoon, 343 flags carrying the service representing every department who died on september 11th. the service also honored the 127 men and women who have died from illnesses related to the recovery effort. and at we continue to honor those who lost their lives 15 years ago today, family and friends also honored the 259 massachusetts military members who have lost their lives since 9/11. yesterday, hundreds attended the massachusetts run for the fallen, runners and walkers were able to thank family and friends dedham. richard atherton shares with us what this tribute meant to his family. >> we are honoring my brother corporal atherton who died in june of an accident in afghanistan, he was a supporter of the military and we support him. >> governor cialy baker was also in attendant. >> a lot of visitors are stepping up, a business owner on the cape makes sure no one forgets what happened 15 years ago. richard lemoyne who owns kenyon's market set up a display ow killed in the attacks, lemoyne hopes to remind those who are around to remember and to educate those who weren't even born yet. >> there are several big events planned to mark today's anniversary, as we showed you live here on fox 25 at 8:30, the names of the massachusetts victims of the september 11th attacks were read aloud at the statehouse. the amy sweeney award will be presented for civilian bravery. sweeney was a flight attendant the plane was hijacked. she reported it to a friend on the ground along with a description of the terrorists. and the tributes are just several of the many planned here in massachusetts today, to find a tribute in your community head to fox 25 stay with us all morning long and we will continue to honor the victims of the attacks and will go back to the beacon hill statehouse in an hour. >> a son remembers some final words his father >> from the 105th floor he was looking down at what occurred and he said, well, back to work. >> the feat he is getting ready to try to keep his father's memory alive. >> strong damaging wind gust, concord new hampshire by 9:30, manchester before 10:00 this welcome back to special coverage, sa years after september 1th, you are looking live at the pentagon outside washington, dc in northernva where the president is set to speak in just a few minute, about 9:30, president obama will take the podium. american airlines flight 77, departed d.c. at 9:20, 15 years ago and slammed into the pentagon at 9:37. as observers out there in northern virginia reflect on 15 years since that terrible terrible tragedy, 9:37 to mark the moment. >> and as communities continue to remember the 15th anniversary of this september 11th terror attacks one local man is honoring his father in a very unique way, by running 100 miles. i sat down with peter guza who shared how losing his father shamed his life and inspired him to give bac i don't think of him and think about tours coming down. >> now 35 years old with a family of his own, peter guza was a down your in college when his father was killed on september 11th, 2001. phil butza was inside work at the south twin tower when he saw a plane crash into the first. >> my father had called my brother, left him a voice mail after the first plane struck and said, you know, i'm up here. crazy accident. at the tower next door. occurred. and he said, well, back to work. and that was his work ethic. >> peter, who lives in north andover said losing his father forever changed his perception on life. >> you really need to try to understand and appreciate what you do have, and i mean i still have my mother, i still have my brother, i have my family now, and, you know, i feel blessed for that. >> that outlook inspired him to establish the phil guza memorial foundation provides scholarships for students hoping to pursue degrees in math or science. and later this month, peter will fly to arizona to run 100 miles to raise money for the foundation. it's a goal peter admits many, including his own family, believe is a little crazy, but he said it's one his father, who was ambitious and quirky, would appreciate. >> i'm very excited about it and i am confident that when i'm tired in the middle of the i will be thinking about my dad and i will be encouraged to move forward and get to the finish line. >> as the 15th anniversary draws closer, peter said he is looking forward to commemorating those who lost their lives so tragically that day. he hopes this sunday will serve as a reminder for everyone to appreciate what we have and to realize just how blessed we are. >> also today hundreds of firefighters and their families will be in ash outside the statehouse to remember their fallen brothers. the fallen firefighters memorial will be receiving new names this year, 15 names, they will be added to fire departments in boston, burlington, chelsea, eastham, hopedale, mansfield, shrewsbury and spencer. the ceremony is held every year on september 11th, when 343 firefighters were killed in new york city. the ceremony is 3:00 today. there are already 950 names on the ring of honor for all the massachusetts firefighters who >> now your local forecast from meteorologist jason brower and the storm tracker weather team. >> good morning on this sunday, i'm tracking a line of severe thunderstorms, we have had some wind damage, some trees coming down, remember these drought-stressed trees were a problem during her mine and are a problem coming in. they can't with stand as much wind as they normally would. we have doppler 2 here, 9:15 in the morning, as we go to chelmsford by 10, lowell as well, framingham 10:15, showers and storms making its way eastward, leominster, you are in the path of these as well. and let me show you what we have in southern new hampshire, concord 9:30, dover 10:15, portsmouth, those storms heading to you by 10:30. we are also tracking this all the way over the the coastline, so by -- over toward cam bridge by 10:40, you can expect the weather to be going downhill, just had a tweet from lynn, swamp scott bring the umbrella head indoors. if you hear it you can be struck and do keep tabs on the radar. we have the fox 25 weather app, i know a lotf people want to get their sunday underway, keep it indoors until 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. look what is going on with the wind damage reports coming in, my two greatest concerns today, the lightning and the heavy rains but also some tree limbs have been reported coming down. this is some thunderstorm wind damage, this is in keene about 9:30 t you get the idea going forward, that is a concern and anywhere there is severe thunderstorm warnings. currently in the mid and upper 70s. warm and humidity, already windy out there with 20-30 miles per hour gusts and let me show you the front as we come through, wind gusts of 35-45 miles per hour, just as that front slides in with the dryer and slightly cooler air. so, afternoon highs will be in the 75 to 80 degrees range and in the worcester hills over toward boston, low 80s. the day, as dryer and more mild air makes its way in. so, the rain amount, it's not going to be a drought buster. these showers and storms are moving at about 40 miles per hour. so they will not be around long enough to give us wide spread flood, you can see anywhere from 0.1" to 0.25 in an hour's time when they come by. overnight lows, that is the big story. upper 40s to lower 50s, back to a much air mass here for the middle part of september. we will see 60 in p. town but upper 50s in boston, seven-day forecast, a great start to the week. we just have to track these storms right through here, the middle part of the day and then we are quiet for sunday evening, maybe watching the patriots, going to be nice and cool out there. another round of some rain, late wednesday, that clears out quickly, so late week, back to sun and back to cool nights and mild days. i have a brand new look at the >> police are investigating after a be sting in south boston. this is on video of the scene on b. street around 12:30 this morning and you can see the yellow crime scene tape marking off the area. boston ems said one person was take ton the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries and we are working to find out if police have anyone in custody. >> a registered sex offender with a lengthy record is under arrest for the murder of a danville woman. >> fox 25's jackie heinrich report, he lived with the victim fe >> neighbors told fox 25 the victim introduced them to this man a couple of times in passing, they didn't take much notice, but did occasionally hear fighting coming from the house. many were shocked to learn richard moore, also known as richard white, has a long history of violent crimes. >> neighbors say joe juan boucher would help anyone in need and a few months ago allowed this man to stay at her home, richard moore, accused of with the events and that and the arrest has been made. >> people in the area didn't know much about moore's relationship with boucher but after his arrest a lengthy rap sheet came to light. a registered sex offender listed as living at bow share a's address with crimes ranging from shoplifting to animal cruelty, to sex assault on a victim under the age of 13, then escape. and now, allegations of second degree murder. investigators didn't say whether taken into custody. >> i can't specifically comment on the evidence that led to the arrest for the homicide. the sworn affidavit is sealed so i can't comment on the information that led to his arrest. >> it was monday when the police began investigating dowbay cease death, the neighbors woke to the smell of something burning and with an arrest made they can begin to heal. >> it's no his to see something has been concluded. it's a tragic ending. juts tis will prevail. >> moore is scheduled to be arraigned next week. in danville new hampshire, jackie heinrich, fox 25 news. >> 9/11 memorials are happening around the country right now. >> this is a luminary service in pennsylvania yesterday, hundreds gathered, carrying lanterns to reme flight 93. that is the plane that crashed after its passengers fought back against the hijackers. >> this is a live look this morning at the memorial in that field outside shanksville, pennsylvania, that's where where flight 93 went down in the field after some heroic passengers stormed the cockpit with todd beemer with the quote, let's roll, before they stormed it, it is believed to have been targeting the capitol or the their lives when the plane went hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you vice president nominee pike pension made good on his prpls to release his tax returns. mike pence and his rife reported $11,000 combined last year. they paid 8% of that in federal income taxes. the statement from the trump campaign this weekend reads, these tax returns clearly show that mike and karen pension have paid their taxes supported worthy causes and unlike the clintons, the pensions have not profited from their years in public service. donald trump, however, has refused to relice his tax returns until an i.r.s. audit is >> this morning hillary clinton is back pedaling from chejts she made about trump supporters. >> to just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you >> that blunt attack came during a new york city fund-raiser friday night. both trump and his runningmate quickly called out clinton's comments saying that her words were insulting to millions of hardworking americans. this morning, clinton said that she was wrong to describe half of trump supporters as deplorable. >> strong gusty winds the main concern going up to 45-50 miles per hour and this will be over to lowell, say, by 10 this this is a live look at president obama add the podium, let's listen in. >> the flag hanging today from sun rise to sunset, in honor of patriot day. and in remembrance of the 184 lives lost at the pentagon. ladies and gentlemen, the national anthem of the united states, performed by the united >> ? [star spangled banner played]? >> united states navy chief of chaplains, rear admiral margaret gibbons. >> would you pray with me? pause this day in this hallowed space and at monuments and memorials around the the country to remember, to remember husbands, wives, mother, father, children, brother, sisters, friends, to remember the warmth of their smile, the touch of their hands, their last words, the gift of their lives. now, help us never forget it has been your grace which allowed us onto the fondest of memories and provides us moments like this, to cherish forever. god, we pause this day to remember, to remember those who first responded, the unsung hero, civilian and military, emergency services, law enforcement, who fought valueiently that day to preserve the countless lives trapped within these walls, and those who are over the last 15 years across the their lyes defending the freedom our enemies sought and still seek to destroy. help us never forget the examples of courage and fortitude these men and women demonstrated in the face of danger and hardship. nor to forget the ideals which have defined our nation, which they died to defend. and which are now the responsibility of every american citizen to uphold. and now, as we remember, we ask allow your will to transform our memorial into a lasting commitment to those whom we have lost, to the nation that you have preserved, and to a future, defined by the values we hold dear. it is in the strength of your name we pray, amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, 15 years ago, at 9:37 a.m., the pentagon was moment of silence to remember those who perished. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general joe dunford. >> mr. resident, secretary and mrs. carter, distinguished guests, and most importantly, to the family and friends of those we lost on september, 2001, and for those the attack on the pentagon, good morning. it's been said that the manner in which a nation or a community cares for its fallen reflects the people's respect for their land and their loyalty to high ideals. we are here today in that spirit, to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11, to maintain our commitment to never forget, and to demonstrate our loyalty to high ideals. whether they were ordinary citizens going about their daily serving to protect our values and way of life, those we lost 15 years ago today were killed for what they believe, what they represented. over the years, i have heard the attacks of 9/11 described by some as senseless acts. and perhaps it does seem senseless to those who have endured the loss of a spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, or friend. but for the individuals who conducted these acts, the loss of life the terrorists who struck on 9/11 did so with a sense of purpose. they did so in a direct attack on our way of life and on our values. so as we recall the the events that took place 15 years ago, those still serving should ask for god's blessing on those who died, those who continue suffering from injuries, and those who are left behind. but we should also recall who we soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen and civil servants serve because of our belief in america. we serve because of our belief in high ideals. and we serve to protect our families, friends, and fellow citizens. if today, and in the years ahead, recalling the memories of 9/11 leaves us with a renewed sense of commitment to our values, if today's gathering gag reminds us of how then those who were taken from us prematurely will be able to look down and know that their lives had meaning. and they will be they will be able to take pride in how they are carrying on the legacy. it's now my prif ledge to introduce someone who spent his life in service, our secretary of defense, the honorable ashton carter. >> [applause] of an attack motivated by bar what retributivism and hate (^), an attack that rattled the world. that shook this mighty building, and that took 184 lives from us here at the pentagon as well as thousands in new york and pennsylvania. mr. president, chairman dun ford, honored friends of those who we lost on 9/11, today we come together as we have every year since 2001. we come together to remember those that the we lost that day and to stand again with the friends and hand hills to honor those that we will never forget. we come together to reflect on all we have done together to recover and rebuild, to respond, and to retaliate. to protect our country and our people, and to make a better world for our children. to all of those here before us, who lost loved ones, 15 years ago, our hearts and deepest sorrows are with you. we know that we can never fully know what you feel on this solemn day. as you return to this place. but we what your loved ones sacrifice means to our department, and to our country, and what your resolve means to all of us as we come to work each day to continue the mission your fallen loved ones summon us to. as we do, your example makes us stronger. and for that, we are grateful. we need that strength, and we have that resolve. attack us then and all who aspire to do so today. indeed, when someone strikes at the hard of what we stant for, we respond with the full might of the finest fighting force the world has ever known. because our memory is long and our reach and resolve are endless. our enemies cannot hide. they cannot escape. they cannot endure. wherever they are, surely, no matter how long it takes, come to feel the righteous fist of american might. since september 11th, 2001, millions of america's best young men and women volunteered to respond to those attacks and to defend what's best about america and civilization itself. our freedoms, our values, our it is because of those americans an their service and sacrifice the united states has hammered those who earning $113,000 tacked us with every manner and measure of american power. choking terrorist networks, towarding looming attacks, and bringing sew samma bin laden to justice eternal. it is because of those americans, that 15 years later that the threat of terrorism evolves our fight continues. whether they still call themselves al themselves beneath the black flak of isil, nothing changes who terrorists are or what we will do to protect our country. for we possess limitless resolve to win and the wind of goodness at our backs. it is because of those americans, even as we confront the forces of darkness, the united states continues to light the way towards a better future. our men and women in uniform steadfast efforts have provided the security and upheld the values that have allowed millions upon millions of people, not just in the quite, but around the world, to be safe, to raise their children, to dream their dreams, and live lives that are full. as a result, decades from now, when visitors to this memorial pause to remember the lives lost he they, too, will honor the men and women of the 9/11 generation and give thanks for all they accomplished. they will forever be the true reflection of who we are as a nation, and a military, a powerful memorial to those we lost 15 years ago, and a charge to us at a time of great change and challenge, that we must continue to meet. doing so than our commander in chief. president obama has taken each year now of his presidency the time to remember 9/11. whether here, in new york, or elsewhere, he has never missed a year, not one. he also never forgotten that day, or those we lost. i can tell you that no one pays more care each and every time he send this building into harm's way. i can tell you, he never relaxes in pursuit of those who threaten america. ladies and gentlemen, for those and many other reasons, it is my great privilege to introduce the president of the united states. states, barack obama. >> good morning. >> good morning! >> good morning. >> stripture tells us let not stead fast love and faithfulness forsake you, write them on the tablet of your heart. tray carter, chairman dunford, outstanding members of our armed forces, and most of all survives of that september day and the families of those we lost, it is a great honor once again to be with you on this day. a day that i know is still difficult. but which reveals the love and faithfulness in your hearts and in the heart of our nation. forget the nearly 3,000 beautiful lives taken from us so cruelly. including 184 men, women, and children here, the youngest just 3 years old. we honor the courage of those who put themselves in harm's way to put themselves in harm's way to save people they never knew. we come together if prayer and in gratitude for the strength that fortified 15 years. and we renew the love and faith that bebinds us together as one american family. 15 years may seem like like a long time, before the families -- for the families who lost a piece of their heart that day, i imagine it can seem like just yesterday. perhaps it's the memory of a last kiss given to a spouse, or father, a sister, toker brother. we wonder how their lives might have unfolded, hour their dreams might have taken shape. i am findful that no words we offer or deeds we do can ever truly erase the pain of their ab sense. and yet you, the survivors and family of 9/11, your stead fast an inspiration to me and to our entire country. even ask you have mourned you summoned the strength to carry on. in the names of those you have lost, you have started scholarships and volunteered in your communities, and done your best to be a good neighbor and a good friend and a good citizen, in your grief and grace you overcome. the question before us is always how do we preserve the legacy of those we lost. how do we live up to their example and how do we keep their spirit alive in our own hearts. well, we have seen the answer in a generation of americans, our men and women in young form, diplomats, and intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement professionals, all who have stepped forward to serve. and who have risked and given their lives to keep us safe. thanks to their extraordinary service we dealt devastating blows to al qaeda, we have delivered justice to sew amma bin laden, we strengthened our homeland security and prevented >> we resolve to do everything in our power to protect this country we love. and today we once again pay tribute to these patriots, both military and civilian, who serve in our name, including those far away from home in afghanistan and iraq. perhaps most of all we stayed true to the spirit of this day by defending not only our country but also our 15 years in the threat has evolved. with our stronger defenses, terrorists often attack -- attempt attacks on a smaller, but still deadly scale. hateful ideologies urge people in their own country to commit unspeakable violence. we have mourned the loss of innocence from boston to san bernardino, to orlando. isil, know that we will never be able -- they will never be able to defeat a nation as great and as strong as america, so instead they try to terrorize in the hopes that they can stoke enough fear we turn on each other and that we change who we are or how we live. that's why it is so important today that we character as a nation, a people drawn from every corner of the world, every color, every religion, ever background, bound by a creed as old as our founding, e. pliewr bus eww numb (^), out of many, we are one. patchwork heritage is not a weakness, it is still and always will be one of of our greatest strengths. this is the america that was attacked that september morning, this is the america that we must remain true to. across our country today, americans are coming together in service and remembrance. we run names and memorial benches here at the pentagon. we walk the hallowed grounds of a pennsylvania field. we look up at a gleaming tower that pierces the new york city skyline, but in the end, the most enduring memorial to those we lost is ensuring the america that we stay true to what is best in us. that we do not let others divide us. as i mark this solemn day as last time as president, i think of americans whose stories i have been humbled to know these past 8 years. americans who i believe embody the true spirit of 9/ years old in the south tower, the man in the red bandanna who spent his final moments helping strangers to safety, before the towers fell. it is the resilience of the fire house on eighth avenue, patriots who lost more than a dozen men but still suit up every day as the pride of midtown, it's the love of a daughter, peyton wall from the towers toiltd her i will always be watching over you. it's the resolve of those navy seals who made sure justice was finally done. who serves as we must live as a nation, getting each other's back, looking out for each other, united, one mission, one team, the ultimate say cry feiss rest here in jenltd l green hills in perfect formation. americans who gave their lives and far away places do we can be here today, strong, and free and proud. it's all of us. e american who gets up each day, lives our lives, carries on. because as americans, we do not give into fear. and the way of live that makes us a beacon to the world. let us not, let not stead fast love and faithfulness forsake you, write them on the tablet of your heart. and how we conduct ourselves, as individuals, and as a nation, we have the opportunity each and every day to sacrifice of those heroes we lost, may god bless the memory of the loved ones here and across the country. they remain in our hearts today, may he watch over these faithful families an all who protect us and may god forever bless the >> that's president obama outside the pentagon in northern virginia on what is his final september 11th before he leaves office in january. >> talking about how diversity is what makes us so strong as a nation and to not forget that, we are stronger than ever on this very solemn 50th anniversary of the september 1 isth attacks. 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your sunday afternoon any more rain it pushing off cape cod, it will be breezy, humidity going away, might need a jacket in the morning with 40s and 50s to start your work week. nice sunny start on monday as well on the way. >> really going to start feel like fall. >> finally. all right. we really want to thank you for joining us this morning. it's a tough morning, the 15th anniversary of september 11th. want to remind you there is a brood drive going on right now fenway park so stop off there. >> of course we do have on our facebook and our twitter as well as our web site, fox 25, we have tributes to those who have lost their lives, 2977, of course, this the day of reflection and remembrance. but also one of hope as we are now a nation stronger than ever. >> hard the believe it's been 15 years. all right. everyone, again that does it for us on the morning show. fox news continues at 10:00. have a great day. >> we wish you well. >> fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. i like that. introducing longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus an appetizer or a dessert. only at longhorn steakhouse. i'm chris wallace. 15 years after 9/11 we'll examine the security of our homeland. are americans more or less safe? and how is it shaping the trump/clinton campaign? ?? ?? as we pause to remember one of t nation's history, we get an assessment of future threats. >> you cannot eliminate all risk. whether it is a terrorist attack or a mass shooting. >> today secretary of homeland security jeh johnson on keeping america safe. then a debate between former house speaker newt gingrich, trump advisor and a clinton backer on which candidate is

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