Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20171122

and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 774! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. hey everybody, we've got a a great show tonight. welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." this is it -- [ cheers and applause ] this is what we're talking about. thank you for being here. here's what people are talking about. today the white house held its annual turkey pardon and president trump pardoned a a turkey named drumstick. [ laughter ] which was nice until he told the turkey, "okay, now you pardon me." no, sorry, he didn't mean that. that's not how it works. [ laughter and applause ] but there were actually two turkeys and before the ceremony, this is real, the white house tweeted out a poll asking people which turkey should be pardoned. [ laughter ] leave it to trump to turn a fun annual tradition into "sophie's choice." [ laughter and applause ] it's like -- "only one can live, and it will be on your hands." but trump wound up pardoning both turkeys and they were each spotted in the white house briefing room. [ laughter ] even weirder, they were the only ones who got to ask any questions. and he goes -- "stop letting them talk!" "they're talking. they're very talented." before the ceremony, the white house actually tweeted out profiles for each bird. kind of cute. this is real. here's a profile for drumstick. it says stuff like, date of birth, height, wingspan. [ light laughter ] well this is kind of weird, after they met trump, the turkeys actually released a a profile of him. take a look, first it says, date of birth, june 14th, 1946. for height it says 6'2", and for height of tie it says, 6'4." [ laughter ] next, for wingspan it says six feet. and for hand span it says, three inches. well, that's different. [ laughter and applause ] for mating call, it says, "come on, melania, i know you're not really asleep." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: what? that's the mating call? >> jimmy: it's what the -- it's what the turkeys tweeted out! what am i supposed to -- i didn't write this. >> steve: these turkeys are vicious. >> jimmy: i don't know, look -- finally, for bird call, it says, "tweet, tweet, tweet." [ laughter and applause ] that's his bird call. turkeys are unbelievable. >> steve: wow. he's talking turkey. >> jimmy: this made me laugh. today msnbc had a split screen to show trump and the turkey, but they caught drumstick from kind of an awkward angle. take a look at this. >> gobbler's rest, beautiful place. [ laughter ] it's custom built, it's an enclosure on the campus of virginia tech. tremendous school. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: people were like, "get a load of this a-hole. and that a-hole." [ laughter and applause ] big story here. cbs just fired charlie rose after allegations of sexual harassment. yep. they told him to clear out his desk, put on some pants and leave. that's what they do -- just get out. [ laughter and applause ] meanwhile, lavar ball is refusing to thank president trump for getting his son out of china after he was caught shoplifting. he went on cnn to talk about it. take a look. >> are you going to say thank you to me? are you going to say thank you to me? >> at the end of this interview, i will thank you, i guarantee you. >> no, are you going to thank you now? are you going to thank me now? >> you know why? you know why? not yet. you haven't earned it yet. >> why you not going to thank me? >> haven't earned it yet. >> but, no, no, why you not going to thank me? >> haven't earned it yet. >> why you not gonna thank me right now? you like the word thank you? >> when you earn it, i'll thank you. >> we're still short on -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that went on for three more hours. it was like, what is happening right now? [ laughter and applause ] when lavar couldn't get cuomo to thank him, he tried to get him to thank someone else. watch this. >> did you thank the doctor -- did you thank the doctor for bringing you into this world? you better go back and find him, because you lucky. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: if there's anyone who was talking the minute they were born, it was probably lavar ball. [ laughter and applause ] but after a pretty heated interview, the two ended things on a lighter note. check this out. >> why they call you mo? >> cuomo. >> you be having the ladies, man. cuomo. that's why. >> oh, that's where the mo came from? chris mo? >> yeah. cuomo, not chris mo, cuomo. >> hey man, you -- lavar, get your head straight. >> oh, cuomo, like cuomo like google. like google chrome. i get it. chromo -- >> all right, that's -- >> that's your hip hop name in the hood, huh? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: chris cuomo is like, "am i having a stroke right now? like what the hell is going on?" anyway, there he is. the next president of the united states, everyone, right there. lavar ball. [ applause ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, man! we have a fun show tonight. she has a brand-new holiday album out called, "you make it feel like christmas" and a a special that will air on nbc december 12th. gwen stefani is here! >> steve: hey! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love gwen stefani. >> steve: gwen stefan, come on! >> jimmy: i love the christmas albums too, it was great. plus from nbc's "this is us," justin hartley is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] he's a stud. and then later from mtv's "the challenge, champs versus stars" my man, johnny bananas is joining us tonight! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh! oh, my god >> jimmy: my favorite show. >> steve: you love that show. >> jimmy: i love that show. pell his last name? >> jimmy: she would spell it -- how would gwen spell his last name? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: gwen stefani would spell johnny bananas last name -- she'd probably say like -- ♪ his name is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s ♪ re on ve: i can't believe it. it's like the universe came together, yeah. >> jimmy: it's just the way the world works. its' just like the greatest show ever created in the history of the world. [ laughter ] i'm so excited. guys, maroon 5 was here a a couple of weeks ago. album out here, "red pill blues," that's the m. [ cheers and applause ] snap that thing. we decided to do something fun. so james valentine, adam levine and i put on disguises, we went downstairs and pretended to be buskers in the rockefeller for realn.there for probably about five minutes. anyways, check this out. watch this.5 t belock with adam levine and james valentine of maroon 5. the e on to the subway platform and no-one knows thaisn, nobody owsi is marn 5. let's do this.h >> yeah!÷♪ell this thingal love i just can't handle itthisg called love called love ♪ ♪ i must get round tot i ain't readyng called ve ♪ there goes my baby shgives r she leaves me in a cool cool sweat ♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta be cool relax get hip and get on my tracks take a back seat hitch-hike ♪id azcalled love ♪ >> thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to do one more song for you guys, but fit i'd just like to hello, my . and this is maroon 5! ♪ >> i wish i could leave that on. ♪ ♪ i'm hurting baby i'm broken down i need your it now ♪ ♪ when i'm without you i'm something weak you got't ca juant bth you are and i got to get one ♪ sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me ♪t here yes i need i needttle love and syathy loving make it alrightd need a little sweetness in my life ♪ ♪ your sugar sugar yes please yes please won't you come and put it sympathy yeah yosh ak ife ♪ yes please yes please n me ♪you come and put it u come and i >> jimmy: maroon 5, thank you new york city! [ cheers and applause ] azing. ♪ sugar at first they were ley "oh, at's cool, we beweree seriously, we were downstairs in the sub to say seven minutot we -- that was all real time. great stuff.maroon 5. their album "red pill blues" is ut right w. my thanks to j v anadam levine. stick around. beightk gwen stefani, everybody! [ cheers and applae na over t l lackluster lips? don't think so. chapstick total hydratio ture + tint. ural hurry in to old navy. moistuut you for the family for one dollar. for every pair your entire purcseay, at on nothing gets aeaction liomayewel whels. that's 25% off evethrough she doote a bookitse e ♪ >>im to talk about ts. say phil spector, i want to say, phil spector's "christmas present for you" or something it's called right? >> questlove: yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, "a christmas gift for you." that's my jam. but now, i have a new favorite now. i mean come on. this is what i'm talking about now. [ cheers and applause ] how did -- how did this come about? how did you go, "oh yeah i should do that?" >> i wanted to do it -- i'm like you. i'm like, i start early. like i've already been start -- well this year i'm christmas all year, but -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i'm not even tired at all. like, new york makes it so incredible. >> jimmy: it is -- can you feel the spirit? >> you guys do it big here. i love it. >> jimmy: right, exactly! [ cheers and applause ] yeah, trees outside. >> it's so good. but i just -- i've always want -- i think every writer would fantasize about writing a a christmas hit because it's kind of that thing that comes back. and i think also like when you write songs, and you're part of people's journey through your music that you write, to write, and be part of their holiday, and their memories for that part i mean musically would be my dream. >> jimmy: forever, yeah. >> even when i die, hopefully, that would be great. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: gwen, please, let's not talk about that. >> no, i'm just saying. >> jimmy: it's not a dark album at all, it's a very positive album. [ laughter ] you cut those tracks -- oh no, please. the first track you wrote was "christmas eve." >> well yeah, that was one of the first ones i wrote. >> jimmy: how'd you get inspired for that? >> that was -- that's actually a christmas miracle song, because i was actually at blake's ranch. he has an ranch in oklahoma, and it's this fenced in high fence with, like, all kinds of exotic animals like i mean herds, like acres. i was like, "okay, i'm going to go for a run." i'm not only going to do my exercise, but i'm going to do my spiritual exercise. i'm going to jog, and i'm going to pray. right, so that was like my goal, and i started thinking about, if i wrote a christmas song, like, what could it be? like, what would it be? and then just like, a nerd, as the wildebeest were passing by i was like -- >> jimmy: wildebeest? >> yeah, he has wildebeest. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's so rad. i've got a wildebeest. i'm writing this down for my christmas list. >> you can come. you can come -- >> jimmy: i wonder if my wife will get me a wildebeest. that would be so rad. [ light laughter ] >> but i was running and i was like, oh, maybe i'll just try singing something. maybe something will come, and the whole chorus of this song, christmas eve came, and it was like a prayer. i was like, "oh, my gosh, i have to run back," and i was like running back, and my parents were there, and i'm like, "did i steal this? is this from church because, like, i feel like i know this song?" >> jimmy: isn't that funny because when you hear that song the first time you're like, "wait this song's out already, like no it's a brand new song, but it's so good." >> i was convinced that i stole it, and then i went back, and i ended up finishing it, and what's crazy, is that blake heard it and he loved it so much he decided to put it on his christmas record, and record it, which nobody's ever recorded any of my songs, especially not like the hottest cowboy like ever. sexiest man alive. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: can we talk about this cowboy? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: can we just talk about this -- look at this guy. [ cheers and applause ] blake. how -- i don't -- honestly, how is he handling this because if i know blake a a little bit, this is not his thing at all. >> that is not his thing at all. >> jimmy: this is so not his thing -- >> i feel responsible a little bit, because he called me, and he's like, "i got to talk to you about something, they want me to do this, and i hate doing photo shoots, i'm not going to do it." i was like, "why would you not do it? your record just came out, you're going to look back and you're going to regret it. like, come on. just live in the moment. everybody wants to see you do a a photo -- i want to see you do a photo shoot," and then kind of convinced him, and he's just sort of like -- >> jimmy: he's like, "i don't want to be sexiest man alive. i don't want to do that." he would just never, ever -- i was like, i can't wait to rub it in. >> i know, i know.because i kno would make him laugh. but you actually sing a great duet on this album, this is the "you make it feel like christmas," the title. >> i know. he is such an incredible songwriter. i mean he doesn't do it that often. he just, he just -- i don't know, he loves to just be on his ranch, that's his favorite thing to do. so, anyways, he was sitting around, when we talked about the style the record was going to be, that whole kind of phil spector throwback. cause i was trying to figure it out, was it going to be ska punk, was it going to be reggae, was it going to be -- you know what i mean? there's so many different things i've done, so anyways we decided to go old school, because i feel like that sort of raw punk and live musicians and classic at the same time. >> jimmy: yeah, lot of horns in there. >> it sort of sounds like a a no doubt record in a way. yeah. >> jimmy: string sections, it's fantastic. i told you when i was backstage, i could already hear it in department stores every year, in a great way. cause i was like it makes you so happy, and puts you in the holiday spirit. i also love the inside photo. look at how gorgeous. >> that's my little boo-boo. >> jimmy: is that your little boo-boo there? come on, how cute. >> isn't he cute? >> jimmy: it's just awesome. i'm just so -- have you thought of what you're going to get blake for christmas? >> i have. he's really hard to buy for, cause he already has the wildebeest. so i was going to get him that. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] what do you get a man who has wildebeest? yeah. >> i think that because he doesn't fit in any of my furniture at my house, he's too big -- like, he literally -- >> jimmy: he's a big dude. >> yeah, and i'm like, "okay i'm going to get you a couch," and that's going to be your christmas present. >> jimmy: you're going to get him a couch? >> yeah, i'm putting it outside, so then he can do like the -- he likes to put fires, and things like that. in l.a. it's kind of -- i don't know, he has to -- i try to make him feel comfortable in l.a. >> jimmy: look at this -- i just turned the thing, and here's him on a chair outside, like an indoor -- >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: with a beer. that's not an outdoor furniture. >> yeah, we're not going to do la-z-boy at my house. >> jimmy: you're not doing la-z-boy at your house? >> he's going to keep that one in oklahoma. >> jimmy: blake, you're getting a couch, man. hopefully he's not watching. >> he knows. i already told him because he has everything. yeah. >> jimmy: guys, more of gwen stefani when we come back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (chris) the very first time i met bruce i saw on his lapel he's got a purple heart. (bruce) we started talking about the service. i outrank him. (chris) [laughs] yeah. meals on wheels reaches so many people. it's impactful beyond anything i've ever done in my life. (bruce) the meals and his friendship really mean, means a lot to me. (vo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped deliver over one-point- seven million meals to those in need. get a new subaru and we'll donate two hundred fifty dollars more. (chris and bruce) ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ hot pockets, are exactly what a hungry boy wants in a snack. premium pepperoni. real cheese. and that buttery garlic crust. they're literally stuffed full of deliciousness. nothing satisfies like 100% real cheese and 10 grams of protein. (ding!) ♪hot pockets! ♪ music playing bye scout! ♪ ♪ where is it you wanna go? ♪ where is it you wanna go? check it out! ♪ oh, dude. i'm sending it to him. ♪ where is it you wanna go? where is it you wanna go? ♪ ♪ where is it you wanna go? where is it you wanna go? ♪ thank you. ♪ where is it you wanna go? where is it you wanna go? ♪ ♪ hey! hey. whatcha doin' on your computer? what's a computer? ♪ pain from chest congestion can make this... when you have a cold, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody! we are hanging out with gwen stefani! [ cheers and applause ] her new holiday album, "you make it feel like christmas" is out now. and also, now, you have a a special that's on nbc. you're doing the whole thing. i mean, why not? if you're going to do an album, have the special. >> i mean, i am like literally milking it. i just, every day is christmas for me since april, so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, you really do -- >> it's my favorite christmas ever. >> jimmy: i know, but this is -- areyou doing like an old-school special thing, where like people knock at the door and then come on in, like, "hey!" >> it was, you know really -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what i think -- >> yeah, that's exactly what i'm going to do. hey! >> jimmy: yeah, i love those -- i do that, like, "hi." >> i actually do have that in there. that's so weird. how did you know that? >> jimmy: i grew up with those things, they're the best. >> well i was like trying to figure out what it could be. >> jimmy: comfort food. it's what you want. >> yes. this is what this is. >> jimmy: that's what -- i know. but you have -- and blake is going to be on it, seth mcfarlane, ne-yo, ken jeong, who's super funny. >> can you believe that? that's so crazy to me. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: chelsea handler, we love chelsea handler. and your kids are on it as well. >> a little bit, yeah. we -- i mean, really, i just was like watching "donny and marie" specials from back in the day. >> jimmy: yes! i watched all the "donny and marie." >> and like cher, and it was just really fun to like, go back and revisit all of the -- you know. >> jimmy: bing crosby, all the ones that are so good. your kids have a tradition, i never heard of this, but i want to kind of steal it from you. because i have two little kids. >> well, you have the right santa, because it's not -- it doesn't -- like santa didn't do it in every house. he did it in our house growing up. but i think you have to e-mail him or i'm not really sure how you get it. >> jimmy: i think he has like a a 1-800 number i can call santa and just leave a message. [ light laughter ] but i would ask him -- >> you can actually tell the elf on the shelf and then they -- if you say it in your house, they'll tell. >> jimmy: they'll relay it to santa? >> yes. >> jimmy: and they -- do the elves do the wrapping or no, does santa do it? >> well this is what happens. i think that -- we are not sure who actually wraps in our house. basically, the doorway going into where all the presents are and where the tree is gets wrapped with wrapping paper and then the parents say, "one, two, three." and then -- you break through it, and so that happened my whole life and it happens at our house, as well, so -- >> jimmy: and santa always says, make sure the door is open. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: after -- you wrap that doorway up. >> that could be really bad. >> jimmy: that's gonna be a -- three, two, one. [ laughter ] there you go. tonight -- well, i want to show a clip of this special here. this is you performing "jingle bells" on your holiday special. here is gwen stefani's "you can make it feel like christmas." take a look. ♪ ♪ jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to♪ ♪ ride in a one-horse open sleigh hey jingle bells jingle bells♪ ♪ jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh♪ ♪ >> jimmy: i mean that's -- [ cheers and applause ] you always do it right. come on! gwen stefani, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: gwen stefani's "you make it feel like christmas" airs december 12th at 9:00 p.m. right here on nbc. we'll be right back with justin hartley, everybody. stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. for every social occasion. so the the broom said, "sorry i'm late. i over-swept." 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: justin hartley! hey, welcome to the show. >> that is a warm welcome. >> jimmy: that is a warm welcome right there. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. >> thank you. >> jimmy: they love you, man. you do good stuff. congrats on "this is us." >> thank you brother. >> jimmy: and also congrats on -- you recently got married? >> i did. [ cheers and applause ] like really recently. ♪ >> jimmy: like how recently? like really recently? >> we got married three weeks ago. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> yeah, in malibu. >> jimmy: well thank you for making it here. >> yeah, of course. you kidding me? thank you for having me, and we're celebrating all month. >> jimmy: and now the holidays are going to be so much better now. >> they are. they're going to be great. so it's chrishell, my wife, and my daughter, isabella, and me. >> jimmy: yeah, i mean this is other than a single holiday, a a single person holiday which is fun. >> it's fun. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: if you have a family, you have thanksgiving. [ light laughter ] but if you're a bachelor, you got to go -- like, you have a a friendsgiving type of thing. >> sure, and i used to do that, and we would do all that kind of stuff, and we would do -- we also do -- we would do stupid things, like dangerous things like, like have you ever fried a turkey? do you know about this? >> jimmy: oh, this is a bad idea. >> no it's a horrible idea. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's terrible -- it's a frightening idea. >> listen. you can't -- there's no safe way to do it. essentially, you're putting yourself -- you're embarrassing yourself. >> jimmy: a lot of people lose their back deck after this happens. [ light laughter ] and it happens to the best of them, but you do that? >> i used to do that. we had -- one year in particular, i tried to figure out like the safest way to do it, and we were building -- i was building a pool. and so they had dug out the pool -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> well, here we go. >> jimmy: if this -- pool of oil, this is the best story i've ever heard in my life. [ laughter ] >> it's like literally -- so we dug out this pool, and they put in the whatever it is, the cement part that keeps the water in when you fill it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but it wasn't filled yet, and so i thought -- >> jimmy: it's an empty pool. >> yeah, i thought, well, i'm smart, i'm going to put the thing down, and i'm going to do the whole thing in the pool. as i'm doing -- jimmy, as i'm doing the turkey, i'm dropping the turkey in, and it's a little bit out of control, and it's getting a a little bit risky. i look up, and i start to realize, i literally have just paid someone to dig my own grave. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's no way out. >> this is way too big. >> jimmy: you're yelling for skateboarders. >> exactly. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: someone skate down here, and save me. i'm in the deep end! i'm in the deep end! [ laughter ] >> or throw me a skateboard, man, it gets pretty gnarly. >> jimmy: did you do it? you made the turkey? >> i did it, i made it, it turned out great. i mean it tasted great, but i don't know if it's worth it. i mean it's so stressful. >> jimmy: risk reward is the whole fun of the whole thing. >> tastes great though, doesn't it? >> jimmy: oh, it's the best ever. congrats on the success of "this is us." >> i appreciate it. >> jimmy: i mean oh my gosh. [ cheers and applause ] you have one of the best casts on television. >> they are extremely talented, and one of the greatest things about my job is i get to work with these people that are just some of the nicest human beings. you've met them. >> jimmy: yeah. they're great. >> aren't they so nice? >> jimmy: they really are. you are too. [ cheers and applause ] >> they're really great human beings. thank you brother. thank you. >> jimmy: so much respect for all you guys -- >> thank you. >> jimmy: but i mean, it's also taking this season to a new level, because last week, we had your story, around your story which -- it gets deep. >> it gets deep. >> jimmy: yeah this is beyond, it's an ugly, ugly cry scene. it's like -- >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, and then today was, it was kate's story, and then next week is randall's story. so it was kind of interesting how you split that up that way. >> dan fogelman, the creator of our show does these things, he does these interesting like -- we're going to do three shows where each character has sort of their own little movie. it's neat. >> jimmy: has your life completely changed after "this is us" came out? >> i mean, you know, like more people recognize me. for instance, i'll tell you, i went to this charity event, and it's wonderful, cause you get to do these charity events and you actually get to raise money for good causes, and things like that, so that's the good part of it. and also people recognize you, and they're really nice to you, but i was at this charity event, and this woman recognized me. i could tell she was standing right next to me, and she made this face like -- i thought she was going to tackle me. i was like, oh, my gosh, this is amazing, she really likes me, and i was feeling pretty good about myself, and i was like, this is great, she really likes me. this is wonderful. >> jimmy: it's what it's all about. >> she starts telling me how great i am, and how in love with me is she is, and it's really great, and she asked me how blake was, i didn't know what she was talking about, i said, great, and she asked me if -- like deadpool, if i knew it was going to be that big of a hit. so i -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah! yes! a little shot in the arm! hey, mr. big shot. >> so here's what happened, though. for a second, i was insulted for half a second, and then i was like, i even felt better about myself. [ laughter ] like, that's great! >> jimmy: i've never had that story! >> i didn't have the heart to tell her it wasn't him, so i just for five minutes pretended like i was the coolest guy on earth, ryan reynolds. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> for like five minutes, and then on the way out the door, i caught her. i just wanted to give her one last wave, and she just was staring death at me. somebody told her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip from your show. here's justin hartley in "this is us." take a look at this. >> charlie, it's kevin. i left my dad's necklace. i need to come in for a few seconds, and look for it. okay? >> charlotte! >> kevin! >> charlotte! >> are you out of your mind coming back here, you bastard. >> that necklace belonged to my father, okay, and i just need to come in for a second, and look for it. >> screw you. >> just hold on. that necklace, it's the only thing i have left in my life from my dad. it's the only thing i have. i know it's up there, and it's a wheel pendant on a little chain. it's on your bedroom floor. it's from where you tore my shirt off -- i know -- >> in front of my my neighbors. >> just go look for it. please, please. >> i don't have your damned necklace. now leave me alone. >> please, listen to me, i understand you're upset that i left. okay, it had nothing to do with you. all right, i'm in pain out here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: justin hartley, everybody! "this is us" airs tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. on nbc. we'll be right back with johnny bananas. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ dad: molly, can you please take out the trash? (sigh) ( ♪ ) dad: molly! trash! ( ♪ ) whoo! ( ♪ ) mom: hey, molly? it's time to go! (bell ringing) class, let's turn to page 136, recessive traits skip generations. who would like to read? ( ♪ ) molly: i reprogrammed the robots to do the inspection. it's running much faster now. see? it's amazing, molly. thank you. ( ♪ ) thank you. grooves in your sandwich? do you always put cheez-it of course! they're chips. sandwich: equals the perfect lunch. ooooh...don't forget the pickle. it's kind of a big dill. cheez-it grooves. chips made with 100% real cheese. dang right it's a chip! it's the perfect time to get a tv and an xbox for in here. woohoo! and a roomba for everywhere. let's go! black friday doorbusters. doors open 6pm thursday. only at target. i'm here to talk to you about how at&t gives you more. and so am i. like how when you buy the amazing new iphone 8 you get another one on us. see we give you more phones and more spokespeople. are you guys doing a spokesperson thing right now? yes. awesome, can i be in it? well, it's kind of like a two-phone deal. so two spokespeople. got it. k. thanks. at&t it's time for more. it's time for more. buy the amazing iphone 8 at at&t and get a second one to gift, on us. try degree ultraclear black + white ♪ saves your white clothes from yellow stains and black clothes from white marks still with 48 hour sweat protection. try degree ultraclear black + white it won't let you down ♪ make walmart your first and only stop. black friday. thanksgiving 6pm. get the app for a sneak peek at the deals. ♪ (laughs) (claps hands) ♪ you have a side that wants to impress. ♪ ♪ careful man you're making a mess. ♪ ♪ a side that opens up a store, doin' more than ever before. ♪ ♪ a side that takes the kids to school. ♪ ♪ and thinks that minivans are cool. ♪ (laughs) ♪ that's why there's nationwide. ♪ ♪ they help to know, protect, and grow your many sides. ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side. (laughs) ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i cannot tell you how excited i am for our next guest. you can catch him on mtv's "the challenge: champs versus stars," tuesday nights at 10:00 p.m. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome johnny bananas! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: johnny! looking good, buddy. you're looking sharp, man! >> well, i had to after justin was just here, man. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. >> i mean, you know, that's a a tough act to follow. watching him cry on tv, it's like, man. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm a giant fan of yours. i just need to know, bananas is not your real last name. what is it? >> i like to go -- my real last name is a little more complicated, it's a long, italian, 50-syllable last name. [ light laughter ] no, bananas is not. i've just always had run-ins with bananas my entire life. [ laughter ] i don't know if you're an eddie murphy -- i know that sounded wrong. >> jimmy: yeah, no. [ laughter ] >> are you an eddie murphy fan? are you an eddie murphy fan? >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> all right. "beverly hills cop." >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> you remember that scene when he sticks the banana in the cop's tailpipe and tries to stall the car. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it works. no, it doesn't. and i'll tell you why. because i tried that in elementary school. i didn't want to go to school. i shoved a bunch of bananas in my mom's tailpipe. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there you go. and a nickname was born. >> didn't work. >> jimmy: a nickname was born. >> then, moved out to new york after i was 18. worked at the roosevelt field mall. anyone here from nassau? [ cheers ] county? roosefelt field mall and worked at banana republic, dude, so the name just stuck after that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? hey, good for you, man. now look at you. a big star. >> here we are. >> jimmy: i got to say, you are the glue. you're the whole reason that this show, "the challenge" works. i'm telling you right now. i love it so much. mtv invented the reality show. and they invented the whole genre. "real world" they -- [ cheers and applause ] should own that. they do the -- they started the whole thing. it's my favorite show on television. i love "the challenge" so much. if you have not seen it, it's like "survivor" meets "real world" meets "the bachelorette." [ light laughter ] >> "celebrity rehab." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, but i mean, you don't live in the jungle. you go to exotic locations, but you don't live in the jungle. you live in like a tricked out house and there's a lot of alcohol. >> don't let it fool you, man. that house is a prison. okay, and it's -- and once we get there -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> they take everything away. they basically isolate us from -- we have no books, no magazines. >> jimmy: no phones? >> well, we get a ten-minute phone call once a week to our loved ones, but other than that, i mean it's just us. we're just trapped in this house and we just gotta play the game and, you know. >> jimmy: that's what makes the show work i think, but how do you mentally prepare for that when you go in? you go like -- how many weeks is it? like nine weeks? >> it depends on how long. i mean, the longer you stay. eight weeks, usually. seven, eight weeks. and it's a lot, man. it's -- >> jimmy: it's a mental game. >> and that's what i say. a lot of people look at "the challenge" and they look at the physical aspects of it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but, i mean, the challenge is a mental game. >> together: a mental game. >> and it's about surviving their mentally. >> jimmy: and you get in there and you mess with somebody. and dude i know just -- imagine roommates, having a roommate. if you don't wash the dishes, that is a mental thing, dude. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that will make me turn into the hulk! i'm like, "come on!" >> you should see our -- >> jimmy: who ate my hot pocket? you know, i get mad. [ laughter ] >> you should see the kitchen, it literally turns into something that like a hazmat team would have to clean up. >> jimmy: yeah. >> there's like flies, there's bugs. i mean, you know, some of the roommates we have in the house are, you know, sketchy enough as it is. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. well, tell me about this new, champs versus stars. i find it a little confusing in my head, because i think that you're both -- you're a star and a champ. because you're a champion you're a champ. >> man, that's a good point! >> jimmy: thank you. >> the man makes a great point. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i make a good point. you are like one of the biggest champions on "the challenge." >> thank you man. >> jimmy: i really, i'm going to get nerdy for you here. i want to say, you're the only one to make it -- you made it to the most finals ever, right? nine? >> yeah, eight finals, six wins, and the most money won, too, so -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, but you're the dude. >> king of the ring. >> jimmy: but you -- so you're coming as a champ and then the stars are different athletes and entertainers. >> yeah, so it's basically ten of the most notorious challenge champions to ever grace the mtv challenge, pitted against, i mean, nfl football players, olympians, entertainers, terrell owens is on this next season. >> jimmy: no, no. >> yes, yes. yes. [ laughter ] for a little bit. >> jimmy: you can't go up against terrell owens. >> oh, i can and i did. >> jimmy: no! >> yeah, yeah. i'm telling you, it was like -- it was -- from the day he showed up, i was like, all right, at some point, i might have to go head to head against this guy and the opportunity presented itself. >> jimmy: no. >> and i was like, i'm either going -- this is either going to be -- >> jimmy: johnny bananas versus terrell owens? can you believe it. i'm freaking out right now. >> can you believe it? >> jimmy: and how was this season compared? because i -- dirty 30 i think was okay season. i've seen every single season. >> long. it was long. >> jimmy: 29. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that was i think, one of my favorite seasons. that was great. 29. what do you think about this season? this is -- >> what -- champ stars. >> jimmy: yeah, champs versus stars. >> okay, i've done 16 seasons coming in -- well, 15 coming into this one. and more insanity went down on this show than honestly, with anything i've ever been a part of. i mean, there were people -- listen -- >> jimmy: i'm freaking out. [ laughter ] >> people are going home. people are quitting the show. >> jimmy: i want to binge! i want to binge! who took my got pocket? i want to binge right now! [ laughter ] >> people are quitting the show. >> jimmy: really? >> someone gets taken out in handcuffs. little spoiler alert. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh! >> spoiler alert. >> jimmy: i'm telling you, it is unlike any show i've ever seen in my life. >> there's a lot of tears. >> jimmy: i love the t.v. >> lot of tears. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: this is unbelievable. a lot goes down, man. >> jimmy: and this season, the money goes to charity? >> goes to charity. >> yeah, i'm playing for the special olympics. >> jimmy: good for you, buddy. >> honestly -- [ cheers and applause ] couldn't have chosen a more worthy cause. >> jimmy: good for you, buddy. >> yeah. >> reporter: and the miz, wwe superstar hosts. >> hosts this season. yeah. now, i have a question for you, jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so the other day, i was on the goog, right? and i was on the internet. [ laughter ] i was on instagram. >> jimmy: you were on the goog. [ light laughter ] >> checking my dms, right? @realjohnnybananas, and i came across some interesting information about you. and it turns out that the first comedy club you played at in upstate new york was called what? >> jimmy: the first comedy club that i started at, bananas comedy club. >> my man, right? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so we're both bananas. listen, one more -- >> jimmy: we're both bananas. >> one more -- one more funny -- okay, and that's not the only time our paths have crossed. and i just -- this just occurred to me the other day. last summer, we were out in the hamptons. i got a buddy that has a house out in the hamptons, right. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we had ourselves a night. so we wake up the next morning to go get ourselves sandwiches. we're in his audi, we're probably going way too fast, playing the music way too loud. and we're coming up on this guy on a bicycle. and as we're coming up, he's kind of doing this motion here. and i'm thinking he's just like bumping his mega-mix on his ipod, you know? pull up next to him, and the guy goes, "hey, slow down." and i look, i'm like, holy [ bleep ] , jimmy fallon just told us to slow down. [ laughter ] it was you! it was you! >> jimmy: it was me. yeah, that sounds like something i would do. why are you in a rush to get sandwiches, you hung over dirtbags! [ laughter and applause ] >> and ever since then. ever since that day, we have not -- we obey all the posted placards in your neighborhood. because we don't want to get screamed at by jimmy the crossing guard. >> jimmy: i love it. yeah, exactly. yeah, the old -- i want to show everyone a clip of johnny bananas in action. i love this dude. here's next week's episode of "the challenge." >> slow down! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "champs versus stars", take a look at this. >> stars, you start off on offense. yo, you ready? set, go! ♪ >> johnny, go! >> all right, t.o. is off. johnny is right behind him. >> go, go, go, go, go! >> i got him! >> i tag him out and -- >> i think that's actually going to be on my tombstone. here lies johnny bananas. he whooped terrell owens' ass in an athletic event. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think you have something else tonight. johnny bananas everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "the challenge: champs versus stars" airs tuesdays at 10:00 p.m. on m.t.v. we'll be right back with a a performance from gwen stefani! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: performing "under the christmas lights" off of her new holiday album, "you make it feel like christmas." once again, gwen stefani! ♪ ♪ ♪ late night gotta do the wrapping running out of tape you knowing how to always get me ♪ ♪ laughing why you such a babe how is this my life ♪ ♪ keep wondering if it's true i just can't believe there's someone like you ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside put your arms around me and we'll count down to december 25 ♪ ♪ i thank god i got you 'cause you're all that i need under the christmas lights baby you and i ♪ ♪ under the christmas lights ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't need mistletoe for kissing get over here and play ♪ ♪ and let's start making some traditions and be my holiday ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside put your arms around me and we'll count down to december 25 ♪ ♪ i thank god i got you cause you're all that i need under the christmas lights baby you and i ♪ ♪ under the christmas lights ♪ ♪ ♪ how is this my life keep wondering if it's true ♪ ♪ i just can't believe there's someone like you ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside put your arms around me and we'll count down to december 25 ♪ ♪ i thank god i got you cause you're all that i need under the christmas lights baby you and i ♪ ♪ under the christmas lights ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, buddy. gwen stefani! [ cheers and applause ] "you make it feel like christmas" is out now! ah, i love you, gwen stefani. [ cheers and applause ] my thanks to gwen stefani, justin hartley, johnny bananas! and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching, have a a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jeff daniels, from "orange is the new black," actress danielle brooks, music from daniel caeser, featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] fantastic to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. president trump pardoned a turkey at the white house today, where he said, quote, "i'm pleased to report that unlike millions of other turkeys at this time of the year, drumstick has a very, very bright future ahead of him."

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