Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20151001 :

Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20151001

good morning. >> we are already tracking showers in the area. you can sy see them to the south from philadelphia to south jersey, delaware getting light showers and steadier but light showers in southern delaware, approaching cape may at this time. this morning is your best chance to see wet weather today. as chris mentioned, there will be more to come over the next now day, potentially, some of it from joaquin. right now, we are watching light showers. 61 degrees at 6:00. the winds continue. look at the temperatures coming done into the 50 at 9:00 and then we start to see a break in the rainfall at noontime. 60 degrees and the temperatures will rebound a bit. nowhere near as warm as it has been. we will go through the forecast and look at joaquin as well and its horrible effect. we are have your first alert traff traffic. rand on the schuylkill expressway, watch out for ongoing construction. these are our cameras around girard avenue. you see police activity. some cones in the area. we are losing mostly the shoulder on the eastbound side. we have lane restrictions. it fans out. the eastbound drive time to the expressway about a 12-minute trip. tout door this morning on pelly drive, watch out for the inner lane, they're closed. when i come back in the next ten minutes, we'll the a check on that transit, chris. a philadelphia neighborhood already prone to flooding is of course keeping a close look on the weather. we have a look at what people have done to prepare. >> yesterday, i went down main street, they weren't too concerned about hurricane joaquin. they will keep an eye on what happens. they don't want to be caught off guard like last year. >> there's the water line right there. there's your water lean. >> reporter: their warehouse was hit hard at g.j. littlewood warehouse. now it usually takes the brunt of flooding sitting there on the skull yell. >> that anded brandywine creek did not look bad as yet. all it takes is one heavy storm to change that quickly. >> the last time the river came up so fast. we never seen that happen in the last 15 months we had on main street. >> now the only. that visitors say is helping right now is that the lack of heavy rainfall recently is keeping the creeks and rivers slower than usual to take on more water when they flood. sell days of rain in the forecast, the priority now is being prepared, chris. >> speaking of preparation, a coastal flood watch goes into effect for the jersey shore. people are preparing for what could be the first major storm since sandy turned up two years ago. they are prepping the island for flooding and making sure generators are working along with shorening up seawalls. they are still rebuilding from sandy say they have little choice but to sit this one out and hope for the best. coming up in our next half hour, matt deluca returns for any storm that heads their way. now is the best time to get the nbc 10 news app. a great resource for first alert weather updates. it has interactive radar. you can set up customized alerts for your neighborhood. >> the man accused of torching a restaurant under construction will go before a judge this afternoon. police say a under surveillance camera captured photos of steven petaway near the fire two weeks. it destroyed the restaurant space and damaged two apartment buildings. in fact, up to 40 people haven't been able to return to their homes. >> they didn't have for sight about the people they were affecting. it's kind of scary. >> the atf says is fire caused a million dollars in damage. agents have not revealed petaway's motetive. today ra driver will be convicted after being found guilty of 3rd degree murder in july. they say he was street racing when he ran over that mara banks and her children crossing the road in 2013. testimony will continue in the center city building collapse trial. lawyers gave a statement in the trial of contractor griffin campbell. he faces third degree murder charges him they invoked the words of pope francis, talking about fordifferent ness and justice. in june of 2014, a four story brick wall fell, campbell's company was doing the demolition when it fell. the heavy machine roerpter sean benschop, he pled guilty to cause agcas that trophy. he is facing up to 20 years in prison when he is sentenced next month. police are still looking for a driver who hit and killed a man in chester last night. sky 10 shot this video. two cars hit the victim. one driver stayed on scene. police say the drivers are still looking for a plaque chevy impamela. and a mist riff in north philadelphia this morning, police want to know who killed a man and left his body wrapped in a tarp underneath an overpass. sky 4 10 was over that scene around around 9:00. a gunshot victim ran to a business asking for help last fight in philadelphia. police say someone shot him on garden street and he stumbled over to the gas station for help. we don't know the man's condition. we are trying to find out if police have made any arrests. starting today, you have to pay more to ride in day transit. fairs go up about 9%. that means one-way fairs between trenton and new york are up $1.75 and a monthly ticket is now $40. transit leaders say those increases are needed to fill a $16 million bug gap. eight minutes after 4:00. we got clouds and i'm tracking some showers this morning. just light showers this morning. that's what we will see during the morning hours. this afternoon you may actually get a break from the rainfall before the next round of rain and wind move in for tomorrow and that's when we're going to see heavy rain and strong gusty winds. >> that is separate from joaquin. we're still watching joaquin. joaquin has really improved in strength. now ra powerful category 3 turn. allentown dry. northeast philadelphia dry and atlantic city dry and cool their morning. 50s and 60s. we haven't seen this in a while, low 60s. still 10 degrees above normal this time of year a. nice view across the delaware. >> that will change. we will see showers. it won't be clear skies. you won't need your sun class ifs, but an umbrella, that's a good idea. joaquin a while away, impacting the bahamas. what we're seeing is a completely different system. we got a cold front moving through. joaquin with 120-mile-an-hour winds, it's impacting the bahamas in a big way. it will be there for at least the next 24 hours, if not a bit longer. the forecast track has it making its move as it goes into the weekend. that's early saturday morning, just pulling away from the bums. you can see it peaks as a category 4 and loses some strength. that's still a major hurricane. many of the forecast models and forecast track take us to the north and most likely, according to hurricane center, it will be impacting the eastern seaboard at some point at 2:00 sunday morning, later in the morning or early next week and this potential crash, obviously, could cause quite a bit of rain and wind to our area as well. so the forecast for today is calling for some of these, scattered showers, you see them on the radar, light showers to the south. it will not be an all day rainfall. the heavy rainfall will wait for tomorrow. you see it lining up to the south a. closer look at how much rain you can expect in the next 24 hours, we're back in ten minutes. ten minutes after 4:00, if you have crum my windshield wipers on your cars, this may be the day to see something about that. you will need those over the next few days. right now, they're not so bad out there on the roads. jessica. >> not so bad. right now in this hour, really mostly pay attention to onlinkedin construction. you see on our cameras on 95, around the betsy ross bridge. traffic still moving nicely by the area as well. southbound only a 13 minute drive. things have not buzzed yet. no problems for backup. when i come back in the next two minutes, we will check in with that, chris. russia is set to strike on isis and syria, but the u.s. disputes who the russians are actually targeting. and hillary clinton's e-mail hacked. find out what the investigation turns up about attempts to breach her account. emplts 4:13. we're tracking storms, bill is showing us that. really we're keeping an eye on hurricane joaquin. we want to remind you, now would be the time to download the free nbc 10 news and weather app. you can get your live weather alert and much more. looking overseas, a developing story this morning. days after president obama and vladmir putin agreed to coordinate a plan of military action in syria, russian airstrikes began with little warning to u.s. officials. according to a top military official, those strikes are aimed at isis military equipment, communication centers and ammunition, but a u.s. official says the bombings are not against isis targets, instead, civilians are being targeted in syria. u.s. coalitions led in that mission are ongoing despite a request for russia to stay out of syrian airspace. well, gop presidential hopeful donald trump had something to say about the syrian crisis. he said if elected, he would send syrian refugees back to syria. a little earlier this month, secretary of state john kerry said the u.s. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the world in 2016 and 100,000 more in 2017. and a new poll shows the challenges that trump and his fellow republicans are facing when it comes to latino voters. according to latest nbc news, "wall street journal," telemundo survey, 72% of latinos have a negative view of trump. more than four in ten latinos have a poor impression of the republican party as a whole. it's not much different for democrats. 48% view hem them in a positive way. a new investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail account. hackers tried at least five times to pry into her private e-mail account. those e-mails loaded with malware were disguised as speeding tickets. it's unclear if clinton actually clicked on any attachments and possibly exposed her account. she says the server she was using was secure. police have arrested a pair of criminal was shea say beat and robbed an elderly war veteran inside his home. >> that attack happened in west vin vent. police arrested two men. hails had done belief repair work and robbed the victim for drug money. police say reed worked as the get away driver t. victim showed us his injuries. he described the attack in this is plaque. i had blood all over my head tips from the public led police to catch the two suspects. they are charged with robbery, assault and making terrorist threats. three controversial cases involving police in south jersey, two were deadly. jerome reed was the man shot and killed in a traffic stop in december. a man died in march. just last month, a 14-year-old boy was shot seven times by police in trenton. he survived. now police and prosecutors across the state want to know how they can boost public confidence in police. hundreds talked strategy yesterday in trenton, the acting attorney general defended the state's record i should say of investigating police-involved shootings. john hoffman the acting u.s. attorney general, says reforms over the summer added transparency to the process. >> law enforcement and community leaders is very, very important that. will help us go on. >> that process involves community input. >> now the state is rolling out a program outfitting all state body troopers with body cameras in the next couple of weeks. 4:18 now, happening today, two health care systems are set to announce a merger. atlantic air is currently the largest health care system in south jersey. it will become a part of the central pennsylvania based geiger health system. it will fought have an effect on atlantic air's 5100 employees. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> 18 minutes after 4:00. most of the area is dry right now. including philadelphia. still some clouds overhead. a live view from the comcast center in center city. much cooler this morning, 64 degree, down by 12 degrees compared to yesterday t. wind is starting to pick up. we will see a lot of wind over the next couple of days. especially as the high winds goes into effect tomorrow. today the showers are moving into parts of the coast and inland as well, just some light showers in newcastle county and delaware, scattered light showers into burlington, woodland getting a few raindrops, a system that is lingering just off shore. that's a cold front. >> that is why it's so much cooler this morning. >> that cold front came through. it's going to stall in the area and then come back at us over the next couple days and that's why we're going to see the potential for some heavy rainfall. during the day today, it doesn't look like it will be all that heavy. 7:00, we see showers, philadelphia chester county. to the south, we see scattered showers at the shomplt as we go into the afternoon, it will get quiet with showers lingering off shore. a stalled cold front offshore. cloudy skies, yes, a chance of an isolated shower during the day. this evening, manly dry, in fact, we may start the day mainly dry tomorrow morning as well. 7:00 in the morning, clouds over philadelphia, pretty much the same scenario with showers to the south. then the chance of some heavier rainfall later in the day through friday. that's 4:00 in the afternoon, by evening, we could see some of the heavier downpours in the area. today, not expecting a ton of rainfall. rainfall shows by 10:00, maybe .3 of an inch in philadelphia. a quarter of an inch and, bill, where the heavier rain will come in for tomorrow. today those morning showers drop the temperatures a bit from the low 60s to upper 50s. as we dry out this afternoon, we will see the temperatures back in the lower 60s. nowhere near the '80s we had for the last couple days. >> quite a change there, certainly, bill, thank you. 20 minutes after 4:00. let's see if there is a clang in your drive times. today will be a quick trip to work or wherever you are headed. our traffic reporter is looking at that for us. jessica. >> chris, we're checking out drive time in philadelphia right now, currently doing okay. we are all in the 14 right now. 95 southbound to the vine street expressway. 13 minutes p minutes the same on the schuylkill. watch out for that ongoing construction on the right-hand lanes on the eastbound side of girard avenue. as for the blue route south, to the schuylkill to nivgs a 15-minute trip. in new jersey, desperate on the 42 freeway. so the northbound lanes moving along, southbound doing great, north bound is typically where we see that jam up in the morning hours. north pound 55 to the walt whitman bridge a five minutes trip. no option right now. franklin bridge is clear. watch out for that ongoing construction into philadelphia. a heads up, be sure to check your mail for those new and improved credit cards to be rolled out. today is the deadline for them to have a security chip. are the businesses you shop at ready for the changes? maybe not. we'll see. and we continue, of course to track the wet weather that will be hanging with us for the next several days. coming up at 4:30, we'll tell you how nascar officials in delaware are fairing for this weekend's sprint cup finale. philadelphia, i'm here with gina's whisper challenge. >> dalessandros. 4:24 now. developers of a new residential power are making their mark in philadelphia. they held a grand opening for the building on 3601 market. it features a luxury apartment, a fitness center and of course a rooftop pool. the developers are hoping this new building will attract graduate students and young professionals to university cities. starting today, new standards go into effect for new credit cards. you heard about this. very few businesses are ready for the change. now, many of you have received these credit cards embedded with that security chip there, but a survey finds that 90% of retailers don't have the machines to read them. credit card companies say there was a dramatic drop in fraud when those chip cards are used versus the magnetic strips. . an important recall for to you know about this morning. 1300,000 pizza cutters by cephalon, the handle can break resulting in people getting fingers will racings. they were sold at big box stores and online through august of this year. 4:25 now. today the link will turn pink. this is a live look from our camera, our exclusive eagles nest camera. everything looks normal. later in the day, will you see the link going pink for breast cancer awareness month. october is breast cancer awa awareness month. the eagles will be wearing pink in their uniforms throughout the month. meantime the nfl says it is exploring option in the case hurricane joaquin causes scheduling problems. they are scheduled 1:00 p.m. sunday in landover maryland. the leak is monitoring the forecast and is in discussion with both teams about a contingency plan for the game. right now, though, it's not clear what those plans would include. and the threat of nasty weather today is impacting the phillies. the phils wrap up their game with the mets today. it was originally scheduled to be a night game. now they're starting it at 12:05. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. 64 degrees at 4:26. most of the area is dry, now 4:27. it's still dry, cape may, those showers getting closer to the jersey shore a. few raindrops headed your way, we are tracking heavier rain and strong gusty winds, headed out the door, jessica boyington. >> we are dry now, not a car in sight hardly. we are moving along nicely, coming up at 4:30, i'll have more drive times. we will check in with that roadwork. i will show you where it is coming up. we'll be right back. . right. so some of you will see showers this morning. you better get used to the weather a. lot more rain is on the way. this is a live look at cape may, where there is a coastal flood watch in effect. it will be windy and colder. you want to grab that jacket along with your umbrella. >> we are tracking joaquin. the storm has reached a category 3 hurricane. good morning, this is nbc 10 news today, i'm tracy davidson. >> we got you covered, bill henley is in with his first alert forecast. not too bad out there right now. >> you know what, for the first time we are experiencing fall weather t. temperatures have dropped down. we have rain in the area. no heavy rain, a light rainfall,

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New York , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Burlington , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Delaware , Syria , Russia , Bahamas , The , Atlantic City , Allentown , Brandywine Creek , Jersey , Trenton , Newcastle County , Syrian , Russian , Russians , Brice Garnett , Vladmir Putin , John Kerry , Sean Benschop , Tracy Davidson , Jerome Reed , Matt Deluca , Griffin Campbell , Hillary Clinton , John Hoffman ,

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