Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News First At 4 20160209 : c

Transcripts For WABC Eyewitness News First At 4 20160209

there. this is what the radar looks like right now. bright whites and steadier snows west of philly, a few snows starting to get into mercer county, a couple of snow showers over southern ocean county. that whole band of snowfall right there and rain is starting to lift to the north and that's what we are counting on to produce our snowfall during the overnight. to be honest with you, hasn't looked very impressive through the afternoon hours in terms of the snowfall it can produce. if we look at our short-range futurecast this is what it looks like, the snow showers are going to be lifting through central new jersey during the evening hours, so high 78, garden state parkway, we can see slippery spots and some snowy coatings across the area. then during the overnight the area of snow is going to expand into the north and then it's going to peek and start to break up and retreat toward the morning hours. so instead of just being sort of a smooth band of snow, probably patchy snow showers and some light accumulations, so here's what you need to know, snow dedevelops this evening, i think the steadiest is overnight and leading into why it's a problem with the timing. looking at a coating to a couple of inches for most, i will highlight on our snowfall map which i'll work on for main weather that we can get 2 inches or more in parts of central, southern new jersey and parts of long island as well. the big story will be slick roads for the morning commute and turn into a snow brush storm for most of us. i don't think we are talking about plowing or shoveling in most spots with the right accumulations. we will address that with the snowfall map and look ahead to the seven-day forecast in a few minutes. >> thank you. go to meteorologist jeff smith. he's in the broad channel section of queens, an area that was underwater this water but i hear it's looking a lot better now, jeff. >> reporter: where i was standing there were multiple feet of water and talk about being surrounded by water. broad channel for all intents and purposes is an island right in the middle of jamaica bay, jamaica bay right behind me, and the bay was literally in this neighborhood earlier today. you can see some of the debris left over. flooding is really becoming a way of life. for the second day in a row, ocean waters surged into sections of queens and long island during high tide. water levels this morning were 3 feet above the already high tide caused by the new moon. >> floating down, everything -- it was like really -- i would say it was about that high. >> reporter: from far rockaway to island park, roads became rivers. broad channel keys is e-- queens is especially vulnerable. >> you got the last park over there, the floods from the top of the hill down three blocks. >> reporter: homeowners here deal with flooding on a semiregular basis but this latest episode packed more of a punch than usual. >> this was like i was walking out the door, you know, that's how it was but it was pretty -- you know, it's pretty deep. >> reporter: one of the big challenges here, how to keep your car from getting swamped. >> i lost the car january i had an altima, water got in the car so i had to get rid of that and then i got this one. thank god i had the truck because the water came up to the doors but didn't get in. >> reporter: according to some residents, this community is flooding. >> honestly, from being here for 18 years, i think that might be true because we never had water every month and now we are getting it every moon tide. >> been a big move around here to rebuild, the marshes out there because they hold the water. you lose the marshes, nothing to hold it back. >> reporter: and unfortunately more water is going to be coming into the neighborhoods tonight. high tide at 91108 -- 9:08 p.m. in queens. there's another high tide tomorrow morning that could cause some minor flooding. the good news is, these two next successive high tide cycles probably a little bit less severe than the ones we got this morning and also yesterday morning. live in broad channel queens, i'm meteorologist jeff smith >> thank you, jeff. we have you covered with the latest forecasts in your area. you can download it for free by searching rapper dmx was found unresponsive. police were called to a ra maid inn -- ramada inn last night and found the performer in the parking lot, he was not breathing and did not have pulse. first responders gave him oxygen and he started to breathe on his own. he was then taken to the hospital. his attorney tells us he suffers from asthma and now back at home and doing just fine. the teenager caught on camera allegedly assaulting a stranger in the so-called knockout game turned himself in to police in paterson. 18-year-old christian gonzalez is charged as a juvenile with aggravated assault and was 17 at the time of the attack. the video shows the teen punching an elderly man on the street in december. that video was posted online and then went viral. the teenager, who allegedly videotaped the attack, has already turned himself in. gonzalez's attorney says people should not rush to judgment. >> so he's a very young man with some very serious issues and before anybody throws a judgment about who he is, they need to learn a little more about who he is and his -- in his totality. >> gonzalez is due in court tomorrow morning. the victim was treated at a hospital and released. well, later this afternoon a jury could begin deliberating the fate of nypd officer peter liang who was charged with manslaughter for the shooting death of an unarmed man. it was recklessness and an an accident but his attorneys argue today that the incident was a terrible tragedy and not a crime. eyewitness news reporter n.j. burkett is outside the courthouse in downtown brooklyn with much more on today's closing arguments. >> reporter: that's right, liz. in fact, the jury is expected to get this case any minute. this manslaughter case against nypd police officer peter liang and jurors are getting this case after a blistering summation by the prosecutor. liang as you know is accused of drawing his weapon and firing a single shot recklessly into a dark stairwell in the pink houses in east new york. that shot struck akai gurley in the chest and killed him. although prosecutors have insisted that act was reckless, the defense has insisted that liang was startled and fired his gun accidentally, said that to the jury over and over again. they said he had reason to draw his weapon despite the fact that gurley was unarmed and posed no obvious threat. >> the prosecution's case is a lot of [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: in the people's opening they made many, many -- what they were going to prove they have to prove their case to you beyond a reasonable doubt. >> one of the people who was sworn was a nice girl and on november 20th he shot and killed gurley for no good reason. >> reporter: right before he began his charge, the judge dismissed one of the official misconduct counts against peter liang, the count that dealt with his alleged failure to provide aid to akai gurley. that said, there were still other four counts, counts are manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide and then the other official misconduct. the case expected to go to the jury at any moment. we will have much more on this developing story coming up on eyewitness news at 6:00 tonight. for now we are live in downtown brooklyn, n.j. burkett, channel 7 eyewitness news. not asking for your money, i'm asking for your vote. >> we want your vote, sir, please. >> i think i will stay on one knee. >> we look forward to flipping could mean a difference. milestone. support. >> and they are looking to sway any undecided last minute the presidential candidates hoping for a good showing in new hampshire. the nation's first primary expected to help narrow the republican field. political reporter dave evans live in manchester, new hampshire with a preview. >> reporter: we have already had some votes cast and counted here in new hampshire, up in the little tiny town of dixville, 20 minutes from the canadian border they have a tradition of voting right after midnight. they go ahead and open the baltz right -- ballots right after midnight. the nine votes this morning, it went three for john kasich, republican governor of ohio, two for donald trump and then four for bernie sanders of vermont. new hampshire of course very important, it is the first state in this election year to necessarily have to come in first place to go on and do great things. barack obama, he came in in second place behind hillary clinton back in 2008 here, and bill clinton, comeback kid what he was dubbed when he came in second back in 1992. it is finally election day and the campaigning keeps going here nonstop. >> good morning. >> reporter: they are pushing so hard in new hampshire -- and new hampshire so small that hillary clinton at one voting location even bumped into the husband of g.o.p. candidate carly fiorina. >> beginning the letter s. >> reporter: we expect a record turnout today and a lot of voters say they are still undecided. that could be good for clinton. >> we are going to keep working literally until the last vote is cast. >> reporter: bernie sanders from neighboring vermont has led clinton in the polls for months now. her supporters, though, are hoping for a comeback. >> i'm a firm hillary voter. >> reporter: how do you think she is going to do today? >> truthfully, i don't think she is going to do better than most people expect. >> unbelievable, unbelievable. >> reporter: donald trump is making headlines again, asked about ted cruz, trump last night repeated a vulgarity from a woman in the audience. >> she said he is a [ bleep ] >> i don't think it's the kind of thing that a presidential candidate says but that's donald and i know him for a long time so he's going to do what he's going to do. >> reporter: on the republican side it's all about who finishes second tonight, who could be a legitimate contender to donald trump and ted cruz. governor john kasich in ohio is climbing in the latest polling. what would a -- >> we are carolina. >> reporter: before south carolina's vote later this month, former new york city mayor mike bloomberg could jump in. >> what do you think of bloomberg? >> i think he's the democrat so -- >> reporter: you don't like him? >> no, i'm not leaning towards bloomberg, even though i like him, he did a great job with >> reporter: and supporters of mike bloomberg says he only needs to wait until after the new hampshire primary to decide whether he does jump into the race for a possible bid for the white house. but i think he's probably going to have to wait a little bit longer to see if hillary clinton improves in the next couple of elections, the votes in nevada and also in south carolina later this month. we will see you later tonight. for now, reporting live in manchester, new hampshire, dave evans, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you. we invite you to stay with eyewitness news and abc news as the results come in later on tonight. we will have complete wrap-up at 11:00 and all evening long at coming up we will explain what was behind this incredible and dangerous scene. plus, cam newton's abrupt exit from that post super bowl you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ we are learning more today about that bus crash on i-95 in connecticut. the accident was the driver lost control as he was merging on the snow covered highway in madison. the car rolled and the frantic calls came into 911. >> madison, 911, what's the address of your emergency? >> yes, we are on the 95, we have a bus roll over and it's on the side and i think somebody is hurt. >> you said northbound. >> yes, ma'am. i think i seen the cops coming on the southbound. try to get him to stop here. >> four patients remain in critical condition today but none of the injuries considered expected to go home later today. the bus was heading from new york the mohegan sun casino when it rolled over yesterday. 30 of the 70 people on board the bus were injured. a terrifying moments for passengers on a flight to london and caught on video. watch as the alitalia flight from milan wobbles during its landing and as soon as it hits the runway, the tires start to smoke and the jet bounces back into the air. at that point the pilot made the decision to abort the landing because hurricane forced winds just kept the jet from landing on both wheels. really having a tough time. the plane circled london city airport for a few minutes, the conditions improved and then he was able to land safely. fat tuesday is in full swing in new orleans. this is the final day of celebration before mardi gras ends and it kicked off before sunrise. hundreds of people came out to tradition alive. the floats, costumes, marching bands and all those much desired beads will be gone by midnight. now, we entertained for a second showing you some live video of the stuff going on down there but after we saw some video coming out of there, we said let's screen that out and we will just go with -- >> 22nd delay or something -- 20-second delay or something. cover your eyes. >> oh, no. meanwhile they are not dealing with snow tomorrow. >> say that again. >> they are not dealing with snow tomorrow. >> no, no. i had to think about that first. no. but we are. >> trick question. >> this is a tricky little storm situation, guys. the message from a lot of the weather guidance this afternoon is not as much but i have seen this situation before and it's over achieved and produced a lot of snow so i will explain to you what's happening with this forecast and what you need to prepare for tomorrow morning. right now it's dry outside, look at a picture into lower manhattan, still thin spots in the clouds so we are not snowing heavily anytime soon showers over parts of new jersey, 36 degrees. see the humidity isn't that high so even if snow on radar is moving in, it's not reaching the ground that heavily. the easterly wind at three and the high today 36. we are least above freezing right now and even if we see anything fall near the evening hours roadways would just be wet so murray hills at 36, same thing cambria heights, 34 in oakwood. 33 trenton, snow there, 34 in belmar, sorry about the siren. 31 degrees 7:00 tonight, there are snow showers especially south and west of new york city, there will be snow showers overnight and into the morning commute tomorrow and there will be coatings, even a couple of inches in spots. it's very slippery even if we only get light accumulations so prepare on that and i would not be shocked to see school delays. as we look at the radar and satellite right now you can see pennsylvania to rare raritan and plainsboro. we have some snow showers near stafford township in southern ocean county, you can pick up a couple of inches there. but to the north and east, not of going on but you can see all that snow to the west, the heaviest snow southwest of allentown down into the philly area. it's not your classic storm setup. what we have is two lows, one near toronto and one that's already way offshore and you see that live lightning strike near the delmarva? also a third low developing. what's happening is these two lows are linked by a front and essentially the lows will tow that front through and along with it areas of snow. at the same time there may be another low that forms where you see that lightning strike and that could enhance some of the snow later tonight into tomorrow morning over long island, especially eastern long island, we have heard that story so many times this evening with suffolk county doing well. watch how the futurecast screams not that impressive in terms of snowfall amounts. we have the light snows trying to move into the evening hours, snows overnight but look at how this futurecast diminishes the intensity and coverage of snowfall. if that were to be the case, they are only seeing coatings around the area but i'm not ready to buy that just yet. snow showers could be with us through late morning and then pull out and then when it gets gusty and sun comes out and we day. right now, take a close look at this snowfall map. looking for a general coating to an inch or two across the area, the heaviest amounts west of philly. let's highlight the areas that are probably the best chances for seeing those two -- maybe a localized 3-inch amounts, interior new jersey, and central new jersey and then a chance with that new low forming to be over suffolk county. that's what we are looking at for maybe a couple of hot spots with some of the higher amounts. we are talking about more of a nuisance storm but slippery roads because of the morning commute. periods of snow tonight accumulating coating to an inch or two, maybe three in a couple of spots. snow to flurries with breaks of and then down to 26 tomorrow night and wind chill will be in the teens. coming up at 4:30, that thursday map, we are going to start fighting to get to the freezing mark and we begin a bitter stretch of weather that becomes crazy cold over the weekend. so i think we are going to have to adjust the snowfall maps throughout the night. i will have the seven day in a few minutes. back to you for now. >> if you haven't done so already, download the app because that's what you're going to need to get through the rest of the day. coming up, the ultimate nervy -- nerdy get out of school note and why it involves bruce springsteen. plus a remarkable story of survival. more than 60 hours after an earthquake hit, a little girl is pulled alive from the going to show you i always heard fios was a lot faster. but i thought it would be a hassle to switch. turns out it wasn't. they showed up when i asked and they set up wi-fi on my laptop, my tablet and stuff. it's true. it is better. i'm here to mow the lawn. it's february curtis. maybe i should change some other things around here. only fios has the fastest internet available with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus, tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. thousands of bronco fans converge on the streets of denver today to cheer on the super bowl champions. players rode on the top of fire engines. fans cheered along the parade route. cam newton destroyed to address the -- decided to address the media following his rather abrupt end to the post news conference on sunday night. >> at the end of the day when you invest so much time, when you sacrifice so much and things don't go as planned, i think the emotions take over. >> okay. he went on to say he believes the situation is being overblown by the media and change how he reacts to losing. so there. >> so there. turn to entertainment news. in a year when talk of diversity has dominated the oscar headlines, one former winner brings an especially relevant perspective to the discussion. 2014's best supporting actress winner lupita nyong'o. sandy kenyon here with more on her take plus a preview of her next project. >> she is set to make her broadway debut in a play called a cliff, we must warn you because of the nature of her role, this drama and our description of it are for adults only. it's another mild stone in the career of this star who seemed to come out of nowhere a couple of years ago. her unforgettable oscar moment two years ago has led to new opportunities for lupita nyong'o. >> after the "12 years a slave" and the academy awards and all the blessings that came with next and for me theater has always been my backbone and i wanted to get back to that backbone. >> she first encountered "eclipse" as a student as the yale drama school, newly arrived from kenya. nyong'o plays one of a group of women held as sex slaves during a civil war in the african nation of liberia and last year she earned rave reviews in the play at the public theater. the same cast now moves up town to broadway. her first glimpse of the marquee posted on instagram. >> it's real. >> reporter: la peta is pardon -- lupita is part of a trend towards greater diversity on what used to be called the great white way. the color purple is packing them in. how is broabroadway doing compared to hollywood? [ laughter ] >> well, i think there's room for all of us to embrace inclusion. all of oscar's acting nominees are white but this past winter recent moves by the academy to increase diversity and owns her part in the discussion. >> what i want to do for myself is to use the little weight that i have to tell stories that would otherwise not perhaps see the light of day. >> nyong'o will soon appear in another one of those stories this fall, she stars in a new movie called queen catway about a girl who wants to become the world champion of chess. it's from disney owned by the same parent company as abc7. >> so talented. thank you. still to come on eyewitness news first at 4:00, trouble at sea. we have the latest on the vacation nightmare on board the cruise ship anthem of the seas. passengers facing hurricane forced winds new information on when the ship is expected to return to new jersey. this is breaking news from >> we are following breaking news involving the evening commute and right now delays and cancellations on the long island railroad and this is all because of signal problems in the east river tunnels and we are being told that all lirr lines leaving penn station are impacted, of course we will continue to follow the latest on that as soon as more information comes in. also happening this half hour, a man from new rochelle is accused of raping a teenaged glirl he's the music director at a baptist church in the bronx and now investigators are saying there were several encounters with that teen inside the church. marcus solis live in the section -- >> reporter: the suspect's family has been affiliated with this church decades and so there is shock that the music director and piano teacher here is accused of having sex with an underaged girl. they were helping those in need today, pantry workers distributing food to neighborhood residents. but for all the community the way of public relations. >> i don't know what's going on. >> reporter: church officials tight lipped about this, the arrest of the church's musical director, sampson is accused of having ongoing sexual contact with a 16-year-old girl including on church property. >> no comment. no comment. >> reporter: sampson is 38 years old and living in new rochelle. he was originally charged in december with third degree rape for allegedly having sex with the same teenager at his home. nypd arrest comes after the investigation revealed sexual activity also occurred in the bronx dating back to last november. sit on a block that bears sampson's father's name. sameo sampson literally grew up in the church. >> very quiet young man and most of the time to himself and, you know, around his family all the time, that i'm -- you know, i know of him. is now the pastor at the baptist church. in addition to his duties as musical director, sapo sampson was a private instructor. an online ad claiming he had taught for over 20 years with a fun and inventive way of teaching kids. >> he's a blessing. he's a blessing. he's a good man. >> reporter: well, sampson is free on bail. he is due back in court next month. we are live in the morrisania section of the bronx, marcus solis, channel 7 eyewitness news. now to the latest on that troubled royal caribbean cruise making its way back to new jersey after getting caught in hurricane forced winds. it will be at least another 24 hours before the passengers will be back on dry land and right now the cruise ship is making its way right around the outer banks right now. and you can see that's the red dot right there -- i'm sorry. it's the blue dot over here. this is happening as a u.s. senator is calling for an ntsb to take the -- a question of going to the seas is now under question. this is one of the most read stories on our website, tim fleischer is in bayonne where the ship is scheduled to return tomorrow night and he joins us live with the latest. >> reporter: the the ship is not -- the ship is not expected to dock until tomorrow evening, some saying around 9:00. already calls into the investigation into why the ship sailed into the storm. buffeted by 100-mile-an-hour winds and extremely rough seas with 30 to 40-foot waves, the anthem of the seas was in the midst of a raging storm. >> the ship was rocking back and forth and tipping side to side and cabinets were slamming open. >> reporter: passengers captured the wild scenes on cell phones with flying furniture and shattering glass as the ship moved into the rough storm just off the carolina coast, and the captain ordering everyone to stay in their rooms. >> the amount that things were >> reporter: with 4500 passengers and 1600 crew members on board, the cruise ship sailed from cape liberty in new jersey on saturday. the national weather service's ocean prediction center four days in advance issued an alert for strong storms with hurricane forced winds where the ship was to sail, some questioned the captain. >> i'm really concerned about the captain's judgment in this situation, i really recent the fact that he put 6000 people's lives at risk taking us into a storm that was predicted. >> reporter: that has one lawmaker now calling for a federal transportation investigation. >> so that we can prevent these kinds of accidents that could be so tragic. >> reporter: the captain in this closed circuit video shown to passengers says he had never encountered weather like this before. >> i've had severe weather before but not to this extent, this extreme -- >> reporter: royal caribbean apologized to passengers and in a statement added while the ship remained seaworthy at all times. we thank the captain and crew for guiding the ship safely back to better weather. the company is also going to refund the passengers' money and offer them a discounted for a future cruise. reporting live in bayonne, tim fleischer, channel 7 eyewitness news. >> thank you, tim. an important counting going on in the streets right now and could be months how many call the streets of new york city home. mayor de blasio and more than 3500 volunteers fanned out across the five boroughs last night to try and count the number of homeless people living on the street. the tallying could take months. president obama is considering an $11 billion spending plan that would help homeless families get off the streets. new york senator christen gillibrand is throwing her support behind the idea of drafting women in the military. she believes the idea of drafting women is fair. women should be eligible for selective service and it should perhaps be done based on skill sets and all troops are assigned to. >> the issue was a hot topic during the republican debate on saturday. senator ted cruz called the idea not, while jeb bush, marco rubio and chris christie said it was a good idea. it is your basic distract and grab, newly released video shows a pair of thieves caught on camera stealing furs from a store in manhattan. these images were taken in midtown on october 23rd. investigators believe the two suspects seen here and at least two others are responsible for a string of thefts. detectives say they have taken for capes, blankets and coats from six stores in the city and basically the police believe someone just distracts the clerk while the other walks out with the item that they are trying to grab. still to come on eyewitness news first at 4:00, three people at one school, all diagnosed with similar types of cancer. and a couple arrested, accused of abusing their nanny. we will have the details about her living conditions. and looking for you to get involved in this storm forecast. we are seeing some snow on radar over parts of western new jersey. if you're seeing snow let us know on winter weather advisory for much of the area. the latest on the forecast. right now mostly cloudy skies with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today at you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ the death toll continues to increase following that head-on collision of two passenger trains in germany, at least 10 people are now reported dead. dozens more are injured and one person is missing. now, the crash happened around 7:00 a.m. munich. train officials say the accident happened at a curve and that the train operators likely could not see each other until it was too late. investigators are examining why an emergency breaking system on -- braking systems on the train did not work. the black boxes are being analyzed. there are cancer concerns at a school in just state new york -- upstate new york after three people who work at the same middle school were diagnosed. parents are worried an environmental factor may have caused the cancer. superintendent said the similar diagnoses triggered a red flag. preliminary tests did not find any risk factors but school officials are looking into doing a more extensive investigation. >> who wouldn't be concerned? you got to see what's going on with it. >> i feel they are doing the testing and they are protecting us. >> some of the testing would have to be done while students are in school. if approved, it would take about three weeks. couple under arrest charged in a disturbing case of nanny abuse. federal agents arrested shuddery and sandra nusbundo on monday. the couple abused a 37-year-old nanny from n.j. nigeria for some time. they say she was hit, dragged down the hallway by the hair and threatened with death. >> i don't know how people can i mean, i'm compassionate and i don't know if i could treat anybody like that. >> the couple now charged with a host of crimes, forced labor, beholding documents, conspiracy to harboring an illegal ale less than and -- alien and visa fraud. little girl pulled from the rubble 60 hours after an earthquake. and he may be called the boss, but is bruce springsteen an excuse for tardiness? see the letter that has gone viral. it works for me personally. >> me too. and a live look outside right now, you can see the sun, some clouds, but get ready for some snow, some bone chilling our way. all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. that's because we've been working hard to give you better service, and it shows. we came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. for $89.99 a month you'll get 100 meg ultra-fast internet, popular hd channels and unlimited calling. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at 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high anxiety this year because we are on the edge one way or another. getting some observations, we just asked before the break, could you tweet in or give me a message on facebook about the snow observations and of course our viewers delivered right away. breck who tweeted in from hunterdon county, high bridge, light snow there, a little bit of light snow in millington, new jersey. keep the reports coming in. we want to judge the intensity of the snow moving into parts of central new jersey and you can do that at dry air carved out a little bit of clear sky over new york harbor, dramatic looking but gives you an idea, the air still dry right now so any snow that's falling out of the clouds going to be very light and may reach the ground as a couple of flurries. we are 36, partly cloudy skies and east wind at three. this futurecast showing snow showers after 9:00 or 10:00 tonight. temperatures getting close to freezing by then. and periods of snow overnight that will go into the morning commute and then after that clouds will break for sun, can be a flurry or even rain shower during the afternoon because numbers will be getting up close to 40 and the winds gusting out of the west to northwest. there's the light snow, little witt of snow -- bit of snow near somerville and bridgeport and snow over -- this is the band that we are counting on to give us snow overnight and actually the heaviest precipitation that looks like it's going to stay south of us offshore. watch this futurecast which is doing a nice job picking up some of the initial snow bands which will lift up into northern new jersey, even new york city, so i think we can start seeing snow showers through 5:00. after the overnight, continues to shoutout this is not going to be impressive, scattered snow showers rather than an organized big shield of snow continue into tomorrow morning with spots getting coatings and maybe there are a few spots that can get an inch or two and then that will pull offshore. with that in mind, coatings to a couple of inches across the area, west of philly. highlight some of the areas, parts of interior central new jersey, and because this low is strengthening, there's a new low that's going to strengthen south of long island, very close to the south shore of long island so maybe we do better here with snowfall amounts and some of this could actually happen after sunrise tomorrow. here's your accuweather forecast, snow early tomorrow and then sunshine, a flurry on thursday, not reaching freezing, very cold at night, same idea on friday, and then the real cold air comes in over the weekend. an arctic blast where we are 20 degrees below normal and if you look at that low, 3 degrees, the record low is two set back in 1916, i may not be low enough for that. our new numbers would suggest that we are actually sub zero on saturday night. so dangerous chill, keep that you have to do in this type of cold. make sure you take precautions so the pipes don't freeze, running water going on, very cold. check all the heating units as we head into the weekend. >> tomorrow will be the fourth day for many parents who have to deal with their child being impacted by school, early dismissal, late whatever. >> it happened this morning with so little snow. even light coatings, schools are definitely delayed. >> thank you. here's what's trending on this tuesday, at least forecasts, new hampshire primary, national pizza day getting lots of attention but so is the spillover from the super bowl and to begin beyonce continues to be the target of criticism for her song called formation that she performed at the halftime show. some call the song anticop, others describe it as a political call to action. the red lobster restaurant chain, the company says because of a line in her song chain. lobster. peyton manning's mention of budweiser after winning the super bowl twice has been valued at $13.9 million during the country. during the enter industries he -- interviews he said twice he was looking forward to drinking a bud after the win. the company did not pay him to do it. >> i think he has interest in some distribution centers or something. >> maybe side thing going on there but in the end the company benefited from it. hugh jackman trending after another cancer scare and he revealed it on social media. he posted a photo to his facebook page showing a bandage over his nose, saying basil cell, the mildest form of cancer. wants to raise awareness and wolverine, dead pool. that's played by ryan reynolds. all in different movies, of course. and by the way, ryan never bring a balloon to a knife fight. that's my tip to you. here's a question. can bruce springsteen be used as an excuse for tardiness? well, a dad from upstate hopes so. patrick pipino of saratoga springs wrote a letter to his daughter's school explaining why she was late. she said quote, last night isabel was lucky enough to see bruce bruce springsteen and the e street ban in alban and darn if he didn't -- albany and darn if he didn't play for 3 1/2 hours. his wife was a teacher in the school district and mortified he would do something like this. finally two friends sharing a cookie is so sweet it comes with a sugar warning. little baby says i have a cookie, i love you, i love you so much. i'm going to love you so much. i'm going to let you try my you eat the cookie and pass it back and i pass it back. i don't care if you don't think this is the healthiest thing to do, it is -- but it is cute it nothing else. >> it is a bonding moment. >> that will last a lifetime. >> and the dog is sharing. >> yeah. look at that. loving that. as always check out the trend online, coming up next on eyewitness news first at 4:00, concern over the zika virus, we are going to look at the best insect repellent out there including what pregnant women need to look for. and just before we go to break, you expecting delays and cancellations this evening on the long island railroad, there are signal problems in one of the east river tunnels, all lines in and out of penn we will keep i'm neil patrick harris and new york is my home. no place has more world class culture. come winter, i can't wait to visit our must-see collections of art and superb photography and film. new york has beautifully restored theaters, that are now important centers for the performing arts. and museums that preserve the glories of the past. winter in new york state means more great things to do than ever. there's something for everyone. you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ now to the growing concern over the zika virus. there are already a dozen confirmed cases in the new york area. >> what can do to protect yourself? consumer reports is now reissuing the list of the most effective mosquito repellent police station. >> reporter: the cdc is raising it to the highest level of activation, assigning staff to work 24/7 on the response. and while the world continues to spray pesticides to kill off the mosquitoes, what can you do? >> deet is safe and effective. >> reporter: consumer reports regarding repellents and the spreading mosquito. effective. fisherman's formula, and off deep woods 8. >> consumer reports tests found against the zika virus was 25 percent deet. hours. >> reporter: these infected with zika may get favor, rash, joint pain or red eye, and when pregnant women become infected, the virus is linked to a severe birth defect. while the cdc says it's safe to use repellent while pregnant or nursing, they recommend paying close attention to the directions on the product's label. abc news, new york. >> and there's still more ahead. now new york's number one news, channel 8, eyewitness news. dmx's brush with death. new information about what happened when the rapper was discovered lifeless in a motel parking lot, and a five month old puppy thrown from a moving car, and we hear from the woman that helped save it. and good evening at 5:00 o'clock i'm diana williams with sade baderinwa. cancellations and delays on one of the east river tunnels used for commute, it's out of service due to signal problems. we have a crew on the way, and we'll continue to bring you new information as it comes in. now to the weather, so back in the forecast center, and it could be a big problem for the morning commute. coastal flood warnings still in effect for many areas already dealing with flooding. lee goldberg has more. actually down a little looking to the south, and i got a tweet from staten island saying there's already light snow, so already snow showers moving in, but thankfully the numbers are still above freezing, so somewhere wet woods, and no snow yet in the hudson valley. winter weather advisories out tomorrow night and tomorrow morning. it's really west of philadelphia for the bigger totals, but we should still have issue, and coastal flooding still an issue through tonight. an advisory for long island, new york city u and long island sound as well. snow showers over some county, southern ocean county included action and the band comes northward and becomes for fractured, but we have snow showers later tonight. here's the new futurecast, and

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