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Thats a huge change to make is it easier for working families in San Francisco we all make mistakes and making a mistakes for a person barley on being able to pay for rent and food and towing that sets them back forever maybe have to leave San Francisco thank you for are we looking at that and you dont know i dont think we gave you much choice so thank you i think we need to look at revenue and reimbursement reinforcement i know metering is controversial looks at at our transit goals of being a transit first aide we dont provide that subsidize on sunldz i dont know why that day is important but 21st century we should be doing with constraints on the foundz for transit leaking overall parking maybe night or sunday parking will be something would be worth studying for the mta that is only for reinforce i want to get funding for mta through the sustainability fee last friday was my birthday i got for my birthday present a veto of an increase to the fee and think that was poor planning on behalf of the city that we wouldnt look at how we can make developers who developments have a huge back impact on the transportation pay a little bit more not socking to 9 taxpayers or the riders with the analysis of Transportation Sustainability fee we can increase the fee on large commercial buildings by 4 those projects will be flaebl we raised it 2 and not taking away when it was rejected by the Mayors Office a new version asking for a new version of tsf for funds from the tsf for operations at some level of operation i believe the mta needs nor flexibility the budget to handle operation needs the capital is spur important to be able to have revenue to make investments in we have 2030 process were 20 or 30 million short of covering deferred makes sense be that as it may we have operational needs with the sustainability fee that helps when last minute decided with made on the budget for the mta i want to make sure you have the flexibility we want to reopen this is a headsup i was intending to do and most of all when we make the decisions we can be responsible coming up with ways to help you find resolutions to the abrupt issues as they come up thank you. Thank you very much supervisor and happy belated birthday thank you for your continued support. Madam chair please be advised no decision of the anticipated litigation in closed session today item 6 introduction or Unfinished Business but with board members. Directors report. Good afternoon madam chair and members and members of the public and staff a number of items to touch on today and first and most tragically i guess ill say were off to a bad start this year in terms of safety on the streets streets of San Francisco sadly a gentleman was hit and killed imply a hit and run driver by the broadway tunnel a at the intersection of broadway and powell on the same day something hit on sunset boulevard i believe there was two additional hit and run incidents on saturday we stale obviously those are fresh and not a lot of information about those but as with ever serious and fate collision in their tragic and preventable your thoughts and prayers and condolences to the friends and families of those who have been involved with this i guess ill say this underscores of work were doing at your doing on the board and across the city with the coalition and the impervious of marking our streets safer as supervisor avalos said maybe folks shouldnt get can charged a hefty fee for charges of the subject to be sorrowful hurt or killed by somebody making a mistake in our streets so as you know, weve been working hard and committed to 24 high priority projects in this months got thirty done with the 2015 with another 13 million no 2016 by the end of this year weve improved hundreds of the highest needs intersection with the high visibility and crosswalks and red zones at broadway. Powell there is a project youve previously approved that is set to Start Construction this summer that improves the intersection that greatly and will help with we will be going out potentially as soon as this week and putting in interim improvements that could come back to you by retroactively approval that might make that intersection safer we might do that i want to give you a heads up well continue to redesign the streets but, of course not about design it is there behavioral issues that play here well continue to work on education, supporting the Police Department and enforcement and really need everyone the city to be careful and mindful and to slow down and Pay Attention we have i dont know what the number is right now this year but more people that have been killed in the first 2 1 2 months than at that point the last few years this is not where we want to be in terms of vision zero we were named by the Vision Zero Network as one of the 10 focused cities well be cooperating and sharing best practices and anything from the cities but i just it is a sobering reminder that there is work we need to do i think youll see things on the agenda that are reflective of that work but a long road ahead to get to that zero and sadly were not on the path for that today. On to some better news were with regard to ceqa the California Environmental quality act i know you know this just to refresh when sp 743 was passed by the state senator senate a couple of years ago for criteria for the significance of transportation impacts and sufficiently they require the career is with the Green House Gas emissions and the development of multiple transportation and diversity that land you know the old measure sometimes drove us the option direction the great news a couple of weeks the Planning Commission unanimously implemented the standards for, thank you to the vice chair for speaking in support as were a number of folks that understand the matt haney of this in terms of making the Transportation System better and safer so with that, decision we became the first city in california to adopt the levels of serves as a measure that is congestion will be replaced by vehicle miles traveled as the threshold for ceqa viral determinations Going Forward the old standards essentially protective of the car and dont think the Transportation System suggests as remedies like wildly the streets things we cant do in San Francisco wanted to do in San Francisco but this modernized approach will be a better way for us and the urban design that public to evaluate the impacts of transportation projects and Building Development projects that allows us to better get to solutions efficiently get to solutions that prioritized walking and parking and thank you to the Planning Department for that achievement wanted to also let you know that walk to workday it is thursday april 7th at participation takes on this 15 minutes of walking at the beginning or end of the bike transcript or car trip i think we can do more than 15 minutes of walking folks leaving from different places around the city i urge you to meet you up with the city supervisors and others as folks make their walk to city hall that is a critical part of i guess an important mode of transportation the city that is the cleanest and one that ever trip begins and ends with and the more we promote and make our streets safer and the better for our residents and better for our city so look forward to seeing everyone on april 6th for walk to work and the season starts april 10th the mission run for typical from april to november generally one a month sfmta is proud to be city the main aide sponsor of this program and looking forward to engaging with the naked that the event will come to in this event to kickoff the season in april a number of staff working will be there to share the projects and update to promote biking and walking and transit hope for a sunny day on april 10th a couple of other quick things the work in the sunset tunnel continues this past week was off because st. Patricks day there are 3 scopes of work did replacement of the rails themselves and overhead wires by the emergency Communication System and the new radio system so weve got two more we understand shutdowns well need more in april this is not necessarily a exist stuff not like new buses e. R. Red transit lanes but critically important for the safety work we need to do so we apologize in advance for the invention and they have done well, we have a few more ahead and get the work done i wanted to give you an update on the 7 hate project that was nearly a year ago in june of last year you approved a variety of parking and changes on laguna to improve Pedestrian Safety and the liability lower hate portion of the corridor is under construction as part of a public works repaving contract and the construction it expected to last to another 12 to 18 months the upper hate construction 2017 were working with the stakeholder the area ta to accommodate the festivals the efforts in the hate over the summer this project i think as you may know the lower hate reverberation was delayed because of contractor that was the reason for the motor coach as opposed to a other coach but well continue to work with the public works to expedite in a way they can to get the projects done and restore the service and get the benefit the transit and Pedestrian Safety benefits when you approved this item in june you asked for the support back on the progress made to fund the pedestrian scale lighting as part of the upper hate as you may know jeopardy support for the project one thing people didnt like it didnt include the pedestrian scale lighting the Funding Sources we have are transportation funds generally are not appropriate for nontransportation purposes but we have been working with public works additional Public Utilities Commission Staff as well as the district 5 president s office to get other is sources for the 3w4r06 ground lighting we have install the underground conduit and hopefully, this will identified and well identify the remaining fund for to light the lights when the project is complete and sorry for the long report the last one i wanted to let you you know in case youve not heard this past weekend San Francisco and sfmta was one of the finalist in the United States department of transportation of transportation for the smarter project through the program the that i have are partner offers 50 million to the winning city and it is two this was a challenge that was put out to midsized cities we made it under the cap the purpose for the forward thinking plan to hanger technology and reimagine how people move well have a lot of temp that enables the services that come to our city witch largo have been racking to this is an opportunity to work with the neighborhood to proactively help to define how we want that to look rather than those things coming at us a lot more technology is that will be coming to us via vehicles and connected vehicles our feeling if we proactively work with san franciscans to help frame and shape how that comes to San Francisco well get much better results 0 so as one of the winning cities they give us a one thousand dollars for to the grant two months to do it as sprint if we are successful then we would be in line for the 50 million grant 40 from the federal government and 10 million from the private sector the strategy is led by the new Office Innovation and was telling him that hesitates that office that spearheaded 24 application done with the with the Transportation Authority with the Mayors Office and will continue to work with them and others to develop that proposal so hope at some. 3 months director fried will is a good news that concludes my report. Thank you director reiskin and action packed d ot report on the ceqa changes that was director bordens former commission i want to thank the Planning Department and others for the anti climate, etc. There should have been balloons and confetti but well do great things and continue to as we know with the hitandruns we have tlooekd so hope that helps us move towards that and congratulations to the smart city grant that will be fascinating to side how that happens and decorations anything on the directors report no director. I want to say im deeply disturbed by the amount of pedestrian injuries and collisions weve had i certainly dont take that lightly ill work for ways to expedite the work and or maybe changing things so that the way were going about doing things but looking forward to topics the future to how we can really address this this is something that you know Pedestrian Safety is something we all need to be healthy as a city the economy is better for that and communities are better for that everybody is better for it we need to get a handle on a few years ago an allday workshop i talked about lower the slightly around the city i want to make sure invokes folks know that is not sitting easily with us and looking forward to expediting the efforts to resolving this and getting us closer to vision zero faster. Thank you that is a good thing to bring up i was the vision zero conferee in new york city and the sfpd was recommended a lot of stuff that came out i was reminded the of national highway transportation thirty percent of the cashiers in some manner of distraction not that easy for the police to subpoena the records of cell phones of the drivers director reiskin were working on a lot of things around vision zero can that be involved for our court to look at that to work with the city hall or the state to change that. How about when we come back i think we at our request we were bringing you quarterly updates or so with regards to vision zero maybe at the next one well be able to address the speed limit reductions i dont know if if so a leg or procedural issue i know that anecdotally i know when im standing on the corner i see a lot of folks that are looking at their phones it is horrifying this is a real large go a automobile or truck theyre not paying attention well make sure to get this as part of our next report. Thank you very much madam chair you have one member of the public that want to address an addresses director reiskin addressed. Casket. Thank you good afternoon directors im kathy the policy and Program Manager with walk sf and im here to express our extreme questionnaires for the rash of pedestrian fatalities that director reiskin and some of you mentioned on friday as director reiskin mentioned mr. Sun was killed at broadway and powell a high injury location on saturday a gentleman was killed at leavenworth and ellis another one an february 12th ms. Lange was killed one block away from the high injury and sue was killed on market and 7 a high injury location as far 7 pedestrians have died in traffic crashes our grandparents and coworkers and friends we need to step up and do something to keep san franciscans save and the city is making great process on doing this the projects are faster the Environmental Review reform will be fantastic but i think there is something this body can do to help you can be vision zero leaders and not let the projects that the city staff bring to you get water counsel they have great recommendation the original proposal for Pedestrian Safety features it because of the push back back and other projects are water down you, say no room for compromise on Pedestrian Safety do that that now and every week that you meet so i encourage you to do that and be the vision zero leaders the city needs thank you. Thank you. Any other speakers . Wait one more. Thats okay. Please come up to the microphone. Im diana having attend the Planning Department open house on the el carville i dont know what was said is entirely what happened i understand the passion of recuse fatalities there are many things that can be done but parking is not what that Community Meeting was mainly about ill urge you to do the simple fler things rather than concentrate stops and call that delusion with the community that has concerns that are not just parking but has to do with with People Living there i respect the passion about this ill you go suggest you not only listen but hear with the community is saying how they would reduce the facilities thank you. Thank you very much. Any other speakers. Yes. Items that ed reiskin discuss. In continuing on el terryville and sorry mr. Ed reiskin didnt talk about that. Pedestrian safety the you mean tuesday we dont want to have boarding islands we want more parking the same kind of thing not if you have enough to give us us parking around the corner we have a tight street to move traffic no matter what this is crazy ill have to say looking at another the time relevant to this when we set up the mta we collected signatures we could not get enough and the supervisors put it on the ballot and it essentially says transit first a tremendous vote of people every time you. Could to a neighborhood transit first is good for the city we have an interest the neighborhood you guys dont need that you have to move transit and now hey here we are were up to 4 it will break our record for killing people this is a boarding island harlan kelly this will be good for transit but the supervisors knew they couldnt stand up to people that wanted parking they give you to you guys you have to do the work because you cant keep watering down those things so each well deal with many important issues but every time you have to hold firm and accommodate them a little bit well talk about but making people safer and moving traffic ticket faster and better when the transit moves better, more people use it if their driving and all that kind of stuff thank you very much. The directors report items discussed by ed reiskin not by commenting. According. State your name for the record. Patricia i disagree with howard i think that you should have Pedestrian Safety but im sure about some of the other things my question on this is the fact it the transit first policy says that the Department Must address he had a safety and quality of life and equal viability in San Francisco in San Francisco and what im seeing is oh, well put it altogether and im seeing the department push issues low that are going to be causing all over the city more pedestrian accidents and i i did not think that the department is doing proper studies every single section of this city has their own presenter or personality and their own issues and by pushing through and pushing it through aggressively our eliminating people that are not just in wheelchairs but eliminating the people that have other Health Issues and safety issues now at the hot corners like those mentioned particularly market and mission that is where you should be working hard and safety you should be working hard on the garages that are having breakins and assaults like wall to the safety of people there will be murders pretty soon ill guarantee you must look at the broad picture. Thank you very much i see mr. Wiener approaching the podium. Herbert wiener one comment about Pedestrian Safety what about bicyclists riding on the sidewalk people have been struck by bicyclists they dont report to mta but a significance of people being ensdarthsz by people on the sidewalk you can advocate pedestrians being struck by automobiles, bicycle can be just as dangers in someone gets struck by a bicycle it could be deadly you have to include that and skateboards i have a lot of stuff to include on that and just because a bicyclist has an influence with that body didnt make them right when they strict other people and dont be surprised with the bicyclists strict other people theyll not be attacked in retaliation for the interest of everyone including the bicyclists you have to include that if your plan thank you. Thank you, mr. Wiener any other Public Comment i see one other person couple of. Good afternoon alyssa speaking as a concerned citizen i was going to mention this in another part of meeting its been mentioned the whole beyond a reasonable doubt of of vision zero didnt work since there are more fatalities than as at least as many consider having on independent study what the effects have been its been a in operation for a couple of years why havent more fatalities gone down but staying the same and going up may not be working maybe we need another plan to protect the pedestrians and one of the ideas that came up yesterday, i guessed it is used in some areas are fourway stop strablz and the downtown area i understand one is tried an columbus 3 maybe a better solution cheaper and not taking a lot to put that into effect maybe this is a a this is a test not a multiple Million Dollars project. Thank you. Any other. Seeing none, move on ms. Bloomer madam chair next is item 8 this is the Advisory Committee report i dont see mr. Weaver here item 9 general Public Comment this time, members of the public may address the commission items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, well start with jean calling names . Hello, im the owner and of ofarrell street between formally and olive on polk i spoke about the concerns of the bike lanes i think that was misrepresented when you were told that there were one driveway there is actually 4 businesses and driveways on a short block we are still concerned and want someone to come back and see why were concerned about moving the bike way outside of driveway. calling names . Good afternoon directors im Michelle Alexander im the president of the board of walk sf on behalf of the walk sf im here to talk about the watering down the el terryville it is a high injury corridor over half of the pedestrians hit on 2013 were on and off the terryville train of the 24 people hit awhile getting on and off 6 were teenagers or 2 were 14 years old and ta proposed adrc boarding island at all stops walk sf stronger supports this proposal none should have to step off a train into boarding traffic the boarding islands are under attack by the parking relocation that will happen when the island are adam feel fortunate all spots will be replaced within one block of taraval unfortunately, the push back is so strong the original proposal is water down now part of a pilot instead of the boarding islands will have paint next to the train that is Something Like the transit boarding area that paint will not keep pedestrians save safety we shouldnt compromise open we urge you to add do boarding idles added altering value stops and make the safety improvements before another life is lost if we were serious about reaching vision zero we must do that. Next speaker those are the last 3 people that turned in speaker cards. Good afternoon directors to your knowledge thanks for the opportunity to speak im a career cab driver on the board of directors of the yellow cab to ask you to consider waving the annual medallion we struggle to make ends meet and especially those who paid the full price it is not fair to how far us one thousand dollars renewal fee when the city allows the tdm invasion not fair that we are in case he would and diamond the same time the tax collection doesnt demand a drivers license from the thousands of parties were hurting more than last year so i really urge you to consider waving the very expensive medallion fee thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon howard i heard that it is going to be shutting down the formally garage for this necessary improvements and repairs i see this is a Good Opportunity for testing the need for parking downtown if you were to close it for a long term announce the closer and so what happens that is 3 percent of all the parking downtown and to disclose is for a long time lets see what the other private garages do with their prices per parking will it go up or shutting down a how much of parking spades increase the total net will you want to raise the parking meters fees is that parking really necessary were the transit rich place of world and so people can have access to a garage it is a good time to think about this if not a dock transit paper but a masters people get someone to study and cooperate and accumulate the data lets see all the parking does it mean anything will constitute u smutd a brarg reduce congestion maybe you have to deal with the tmc they may step in and provide deals because of the Parking Spaces prices go up youll have those things are connected the city of San Francisco the people of city of San Francisco you guys are in charge we give you our streets for better transit and less congestion and Better Safety this is our job maybe that is the place to do the research but use this time i dont know theyll have to do a lot of stuff. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Herbert wiener the last person to turn in a speaker card for general Public Comment and mr. Wiener and Herbert Wiener i nodded that now there is this project for a deal that is selfdriving and i am wondering how the squares of the policy with the mta now you eliminated at least 20 thousand Parking Spaces and where will the cars find a place to park and the deal the all you cant have to both ways, and, secondly, he notice that now the two complementing bus iron will no longer youll replace that with a two sutter line and the planning is rational but you dont take the human impact take into consideration maybe walk sf likes the people will be forced to walker Long Distance but not ms. Christensening applying to the seniors and disabled but paratransit is over loaded any opinion that basically this is the equivalent or bombing 50 thousand feet in the air you dont see the human impact maybe the planners should go to work would for the Strategic Air plan and mission can be accomplished the Drone Program is other opportunity but this is not the way to go your destroying Public Transportation in San Francisco i wont say thank you. Ill say no thank you. Thank you, mr. Wiener. calling names i dont think youre looking at the Bigger Picture i go out to daily stay all the time when i get to a corner they have the beeping sounds so far the blind and the hard of hearing we dont have them we need to do project programs like this so that all people are included we had a push bottom for the seniors to Cross Lombard we had a push bottom it worked all of a sudden all the buttons have disappeared were not looking at the big picture particularly market and mission you cant hear hardly anything but if you put the loud beeps more people had been save take care of the elderly and the infirmed and blind okay. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Last person to turn in a speaker card. I basically came here i believe the last meeting he requested some kind of a change the noticing system and i was approached by katherine disshe said, yes maybe look at that so i take into account it and heres what we actually have now im going to give you the big picture now we have to tell people once youve made the change manage to put those up their rather larger but really easy to see from every direction that did buses that stop are no longer here this is what youre cable of doing to notice the public once youve done the change we request the same kind of notice basically heres the format coming down when our getting ready to remove a bus stop so everyone can see exactly the same clarity what youre intentions thats my request make sure the public get a lot better notice i if bother to bring you the notice you know what it looks like it is hard to see and understand thats my request thank you. Thank you, ms. Elias thats our last speaker. Looks like it ms. Bloomer monarch. Yes. Next item on the consent calendar there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests ive received no request from the board or the public do i have a motion to approve the consent calendar. Second. All in favor, say i. I. The is have it. No notices consent calendar is approval. Item 11 for the California Environmental quality act improving the traffic as part of the lombard safety project and madam chair ill not glow the whole thing and ed reiskin heres ms. Hunter to walk us through it. Good afternoon directors of the board and director reiskin im maria i will be presenting the lombard project ill start with framing the foundation the proposals that were recommending today, the project project is lombard street wraps up to richards bound by vanessa and doyle with a high injury corridor the corridor for pedestrians and vehicles there using the sutter database through 2013 over 5 years over one and 50 collisions two were facility and 18 savior the collision rate is 7 times that of the collision rate per mile the vehicle collision rate is 8 times of that the city rate there are a number of transit collision and side swiepdz a third of which the collision are at transit stops from while the bus is doing transit boarding and getting passersby from the curb we designed those engineering concerns to address the vehicle and pedestrian collisions and accommodate the existing environment a residential and commercial corridor but highway 101 tens of thousands of vehicles in and out of the city and a number of transit lines not only muni but enlivening and a number of commuter shuttles so bringing these proposals to the community weve had a number of outreach event and received great feedback and fortunate to have an engaged community those proposal has been refined with minor tweaks most notably weve added do you believe to tight that geography and modified the original concept for the proposals and the Commuter Shuttle Program stops along the corridor are revised to reduce parking impacts and reduce the length of the transit bubbles at the laguna stops to maximize the retention and removed a transit unbelievable at golf i wanted to note another outreach opportunity through those more organized former events by the project engineers did feed work to help connect with the businesses commercial loading zones and passerby loading zones and to make sure that the project was fully assessable so thats on overview of the outreach the next oh, i apologize. I didnt advance that the outreach slide with our meeting we have stakeholder meeting smaller know if groups and the walking tours the next slide i want to review the treatments were proposing along the corridor well have overwhelm support for the pedestrian treatments i wont spend time on those slides what youre seeing ill note the treatment are demonstrated to reduce the collisions were sure those are the solutions those are continental sidewalks for the pedestrians when theyre no the crosswalks to insure with the vehicles are not encroaching the pedestrian space this next slide is illustrating the pedestrian intervals and day lighting overseeing sdrarlz powder time to give you the pedestrians a head start about the vehicles start koimentd the intersection the day lighting at the intersection excuse me. Again to improve the visibility so far the motors to see the pedestrians. The last really pedestrian focused treatment were recommending pedestrian bubbles so using the analysis from the walk sf selected the location to receive the pedestrian bulks so similar to day lighting it reduces the turning vehicles and very visits the crossing spaces for pedestrians baby crying . Not our presentation. I hope not it gets better laughter so finally we are recommending transit stops be far side transit bubbles the current configuration is the zones for most of the stops and this creates an unpredictable condition result the vehicle collisions not only between the vehicle and vehicle but muni and vehicle is it also creates a round hook the drives turn around buses through two crosswalks transit bulbs point of privilege they again eliminate that unpredictable condition with the zones between vehicles and muni drivers their having to anticipate what each other a lot do and specific far side bulbs eliminate that right turn hook so this predictable environmentalist is better for everyone and anticipating this human error weve seen on lombard street and trying to design the streets to eliminate that with that said, were recommending are designed for driveways has one of the greatest concerns for the community so guidelines identify the bulbs as the best guidelines in San Francisco and the guidelines is states that that will be ideal to avoid driveways whenever possible in a Perfect World well adhere to those but their context corridors an established urban corridor the curves were cut with the number on lombard the current configuration with the near side zones is not working not safe the recommendations of the far side bulbs are not only the driveways but a bunch of factors the table calls the number of benefits but also the concerns identified by the Community West portal bulbs people will not park in their curve cuts when the passengers are nine out of ten youll notice that a few of those have pluses and minuses signs there is a concern but staff feels that the final proposal really does accommodate those to the best stent store the netted parking lots the staff talks about the bulbs requires the at least amount of parking and reviewed the near side zones and upgrading those and far and near side bulbs were recommending and again, while there are localized concerns we believe that far side bulbs create the predictability excuse me. Predictable environmentalist to have safety for all road users and maximize the parking situation. And in summary of the engineering treatments discussed that had been condemned on the corridor intersections will receive daylighting and advances limit lines and assessable pedestrian signals at selective locations with the transit bulbs. The last few slides about the Environmental Review and schedule so the Planning Department was the led agency for the california California Environmental quality act and the Environmental Review so amongst the traffic and noise impacts and cumulative impacts it was recommended the recommended proposals are beyond the scope of the transportation effectiveness Environmental Impact report and no significant compacts were modified of identified i want to note we know the grant the active Transportation Program is going to be state money not federal in which case we will not need to do the California Environmental quality act review process so the Environmental Review is complete with ceqa and finally the schedule action today, we will be able to install the near term treatment this summary summer the more pedestrian the paint and signal work we would finish the designs with caltrans and the process by the spring of 2017 Start Construction that summer and then caltrans will start their repaving in the summer of 2018 well wrap up construction so with that, is there any questions. Thank you, ms. Hunter director any clarifying questions before. No, i think well take Public Comment madam chair the first 3 speakers are calling names . Thank you. You suspect we have people theyre first time joining us at the mta you have a limit of 2 mimics if you look at down the first soft chime thirty technologies e seconds and the louder im firmly ask you to wrap up your remarks. Maam. Im actually here representing dr. Roger he is a veterinarian and owner the marina pet hospital on lombard street hes been there since 1990 the hospital was founded by doctor carol the marina pet hospital is one of the oldest Small Businesses in San Francisco providing the same services for the neighborhood the same location however, there are somewhere between one and 50 to 2 had had Small Businesses along with a hundred thousand cars over 10 thousand local Residents Service providers, employees, and tourists all doing business and ash seeking services on loovmd every single day but as of today, the sfmta has not done one study to evaluate the impact of their decisions that on the lombard corridor the Small Businesses in the let alone the impact of the people that shop or Seek Services from those businesses they have not yielded notified any Small Business of the changes theyre proposing and i did not believe they intend to do so thats all he had to say. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Marseille alexander and calling names hello, again directors allison park Marseille Alexander the president of the board and walk sf on behalf of the walk sf im here to express our support for the lombard safety project as you may know lombard is a pedestrian high injury cords thankfully that project contains many Pedestrian Safety features last week leading the pedestrian intervals that gives me the pedestrians a a hundred start that increases the pedestrian visible and decrease the crossing distances and this is higher pedestrian visible and the daylighting we thank staff for pushing the features the project and moving forward we would like to see more labor projects including fwlrg the vehicle volume and speed on the corridor question ask i support that and all its safety features. Thank you, ms. Alexander. Next speaker. Excuse me. It is german im matt i own 1735 lombard student we are discussing the issues with the moving the bus stops and in my situation were talking about going from the september 11th west to the Southeast Side of the intersection of lombard and laguna i have several neighbors with businesses and parking building in stretch the bus stop move and the bulb out particularly with issues of access for the tenants owners, clients of the businesses and Service Providers will be affected by the changes the status of that stretch of sidewalk 200 plus feet weve gone to the sfmta meetings i want to mention they didnt approach us until that was already in place and not before that i wish that they would listen to the community more we have been with them on the walk through tours semiwe have talked with them they acknowledge there is taking our concerns into their concerns i dont see anything that convinces we otherwise they plan to go ahead with what theyre doing the bus stop is next to carl we will banker on the does the lombard and they should keep it there thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker. calling names . Overwhelm to speak today about the americans with disabilities act and how moving that bus stop from the southwest to the southeast corner of lombard and laguna will seriously inhabit assess for people to peoples homes and peoples businesses i have Health Issues i have disabilities my Service Providers need to park in front of my house to provide services to me if im a micro could say up up and down the corridor than so be is it i am a pedestrian but i can die in my house if those services are not provided to me thats it thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Mr. Norton. Your time is running, sir. Okay what i had for you is okay. Its up okay the whole question of being safety first is really an encompassing questions at the corner of lombard and no driveways for 200 and 10 feats on the Northeast Corner there is plenty of room there for daylighting and theres no driveways i want to fulfills that to you on the corner of the northwest 2112 and 14 two driveways the middle of the proposed bus stops themselves theres one and 48 feet with two driveways there so if you put a car in that driveway that car will block the entire sidewalks and block the transit bulbs and extend into the lane of traffic an on and on coming car or truck must swerve to get out of the way of the parking lot as im trying to get into my driveway there is a nice looking man that is the lane of traffic in summary a minimum of 11 state and federal and local agencies do not put stops in front of the driveways it is dangerous and views are obstructed the transit bulbs will block that ill skip and say there is one final question you tell me how could this possibly. Thank you, thank you mr. Norton. Next speaker good afternoon i want to talk about Pedestrian Safety on fillmore street from a slightly different prospective i will also mention weve brought you petitions signed by 6 hundred and 50 strrmdz on lombard signed the businesses by an owner or an employee a customer or someone that lives on the street theyre not here obviously by the we represent them met 4 times with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to bring them study that shows you putting the bus stops in front of the driveways is difficult and this last message this was the email based on the package of improvements white blood cell the benefits for the bulbs to help the traffic flow and efficiency justifies the trade off the word safety is not the sentence or email the two trade offs are Pedestrian Safety that is the 11 studies show that people can get hit awhile back up of a driveway and pedestrians shouldnt be waiting in front of of a driveway we support there are great features i dont want to name but we dont support of placement of the bus stops that are 26 buses that will be stopping at multiple times evidences here morrey about the book thing i cant believe with the corners being as dangers as you say they are youll low left turns are right turns it is one of the San Franciscos 12 Environmental Impact reports where it cant be mitigated with the pedestrian improvements that will fetish traffic negatively say no left turns and no right turns. Thank you calling names . My name is kathy o can he have the lombard street calls for the removal or reform of 46 Parking Spaces that is 42 percent of the current available parking and terra that comes from the berkley study news shes the owner of terrace and berkley that says the store sales after the Parking Spaces in front of her store was lower than the Previous Year and the month of january the plan calls for moving bus stops in front of the Small Businesses causing undue negative impact and from Berkley Terry terrace moving the bus stop may have made the traffic situation less effective because customers of stores like terra make quick purposes and delivery trucks were forced to doufshg along the bus zone the video that was posted online you can see one such scenario in which a bus leaving the alcatraz bus stops pulls into on and on bus stops to get around 11ly parked cars on the northeast street where are the studied of lombard plan on Small Businesses they dont exist also the bronx times from new york in february the merchant in bronx joined the Community Board to call on the state city for the sanctuary for the newly installed bus stops the merchants are concerned the lost Parking Spaces will impact the businesses there was more trash around the bulbs and mohammed owner the w convention store in front of of one of the new bulbs said that was liv. Thank you, thank you. calling names parking space marina merchant. We have studied support most of Pedestrian Safety the project that was on lombard they have to be considered together theyre less than 200 feet apart we are opposing the projects for the same reason the projects we a dont follow the transit policy not address the quality of life and viability of the neighborhood and San Francisco by removing the stops in front of large buildings in front of small retail believes is denied their civil rights the equal rights for the act all people with disabilities must be addressed the project did not follicle Building Code because it doesnt address all the forms of disabilities those projects dont follow the Fair Housing Act and the housing act with the safe assess for line up on the screen side of the room and quality of life and including medical assess those projects will cause loss of jobs by denying access to bmws and loss of parking rove the stops on scott and denied the civil rights of the elderly to be able to washer walk in a reasonable distance to buy the goods and have a quality of life they dont follow the transportation act and highway 101 and second white zones denying public assess and piecemealing events, and we los as far back as 1995 that will exasperate the issues heres thank you copy. Next speaker, please. calling names . Any good afternoon i just have some comments regarding these moving the bus stops essentially ideally transit stops should be 200 feet away from existed driveways and curve cuts number one extra driveways require the pedestrians pedestrians to wait in the driveways elevating the fact that pedestrians can be hit if people going in and out of the driveway and bus stops not within the proximity of the driveway and never basis a place a bubonic bus stop that forces pedestrians to wait in front of the driveway those are all things that are not considered with this project at that point locate the stops and pedestrians dont light and some major issues i had my building there on lombard since 1977 and you know basically what theyre doing is wanting to take away my derivative essentially by putting in this bus stop and not having a curve cut so i strongly am opposed to this project. Next speaker, please. calling names . Put it down sfgov will you turn it on. Its up to sfgov. Okay. After my first meeting with kevin chu. Are you the gentleman. Yes. In we were september of last year ive challenged them to give us proof of adding a bus stop to lombard street theyve not proved that outweighs the negative impact on the traffic situation theyve not done studies and theyve never come to us for our advise as to how to effect our business on illustrated on the map 3 turn from van ness to lombard as a major state highway unfortunately, one lane that makes a left turn on van ness from lombard and this is a major artery for commuters and golden gate tour buses and downtown to the Fishermans Wharf the major attraction i like to think that the engineers were wise enough to avoid adding unnecessary buses to the burden of the left turn they did if you look at here on the Chestnut Streets the thirty bus line the busiest a bus stop on every corner the engineers showed wisdom so have bus stops on vaping for the sufficient service also away from the main street the van ness and lombard the engineers for this current project team adding the stops on laguna and golf will extend the 28 bus line to be more efficient that concept is not necessary adding the stop to laguna does not address convenience to the street fillmore was a previous stop and 3 blocks away how does that add to the bus stops. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon directors i was born and raised in the city and ive been here quite sometime city of San Francisco is really great for the independent Small Businesses and tourism the major source of the city as well we have not yielded seen studies from the mta regarding the virtual nor any impact studies yes, were in favor the Pedestrian Safety and not just lombard street but not mean we take away the white zones and putting bus stops in front of businesses and sdroifrz theyve been running ordinary person Chestnut Street and dont have to be reroute with lombard a stat highway you know accidents happen and drivers pedestrians not looking but still yes, we need the safety you know those bulb outs they say sometimes you cant see them that was raining heavy one night you couldnt see the bulb outs so please, be save in that matter before the voted today it needs to be taken cerebroc and keep the buses running over chest nut streets before you want to do Everyone Needs to be notified and Due Diligence about they start any projects and the mta didnt did that they slammed it on the Small Businesses or residents has any project on their own property and the neighbors have to be notified to get their permits there should be no exceptions with the mta they didnt get the permits no anything from any thank you. calling names good afternoon the project conduits includes taking away 47 practices and it includes taking away white zones from Small Businesses and putting a bus stop in private driveways and difficult to find parking on lombard street with 42 percent of Parking Spaces it will be 42 percent more difficult to find parking even the residential areas that are streets on boo both sides of the lombard and residents will experience more difficulty finding parking and with the scarcity it is a particular business on the corner of golf and lombard is necessary we have guests parking to help the elderly and checking on passengers and at a minded no other parking Space Available taxis will drop off passengers and deliver food e the hotel has delivery of weekly maybe even monthly and in which the Company Trucks temporarily park to deliver their supplies and having the white zone taking away the trucks will not have a place to park or park on the streets causing more traffic and as those of us who run the Small Businesses know and live on lombard know that summertime is peak time for tourists season and people from all over the world shop in our shops and dine at the restaurant and to be short it will be an convenience for residents and businesses. Thank you. Thank you, sir next item, please. calling names . Hello jody harris i live the marina. Im sorry michelle is next and diana scott thank you. The gentleman is not here howard, diana peter straus. Good afternoon howard speaking for it is true i first want to thank mary for presenting you with a very good plan i want to speak to one little part of this the crossing of lombard includes put the white guy on to start the walk before traffic ill suggest you did same thing i tried to do that with transit planners crossing the side streets in this case you delay the pedestrian from going so people can make the right turns and get out of away of the bus i dont want to kill cars we have to move ism or them out of the way and one things that mary forgot one of the advantage you can use your transit signals and now be able to use them that will add for liability and maybe golden gate put the same commit and use it those signals what could can be smarts you may have to wait but certainly adds quality i look forward to see how you build those parking idles with the boarding when i do it on 19th avenue ill have to solve the problems on judy you dont have to have a length broadly island and i think it through this one will be at the rear doors and this one is where interest as driveway none has to wait and stand in front of a driveway to get run over but have a raised boarding idles we have to take those steps for too long oh, where should we put a bus stop well put it thank you very much. Thank you, sir calling names . Okay im go to go talk to some of the advantages of the near side bus stops the should ideally be used where driveways or alleys make far stop locations problematic problematic that is urban Design Guidelines National Association of transportation officials and also federal Transit Administration talks about near side stops result in the width of the intersection being available for the drivers to pull away from the curve and allows passengers to board in while the bus is stopped at a red light additionally several different Transportation Authoritys talk about providing the driver with the time the opportunity to look for ongoing traffic with other buses with potential passengers that is important to me when im making a connection additionally near sided locations allows the transit users to load the trishgsz minimized the zaps to connecting services some of the far side disadvantageous including having to run across the street to catch a bus they may result in sgshgsz being blocked by stopping buses they can cause a bus stop to far side after stopping for a red light when interferes with both bus operations and other traffic they may increase the number of rear end accidents since drivers do expect them to stop and stop the intersections when the bus is stopped in travel lanes and skipping some second a second bus entering thank you calling names . Good afternoon period of time straus on the bedandbreakfast San Francisco board riefrdz i urge your support of this this is an important corridor for the 28 and golden gate transit that is an important corridor bus stops at drivers are upcoming 12ki6sh8 but were in a built up city and frequently need to weigh the balances and come up with the least the at least bad you know and the best solution golden gate this is frequently imperfect but this is primarily about first and foremost about the transit and bus riders not when torment and about the improvement of Pedestrian Safety open lombard there is a critical concern i want to sort of followup on something that ms. Lucas said about taraval were upset been the compromises in some cases the excessive compromises being made to projects before it they reach our board and i would urge you to not compromise any of the important features of this proposal i urge its approval thank you. Thank you, mr. Straus next item, please. calling names good afternoon again commissioners im basically going to request a continuance on item 11 and 12 while there are more stusdz done on the situation we have particular concerns with the merchants im going to speak about the changes that is all have on the health of the community of Small Businesses on lombard and chestnut that served the neighborhoods for decades the merchants dont trust the project plans that are considered we said that the neighbors and merchant met with planners and commissioner pearlman and his staff a number of times and suggested the solutions they can live with but their ideas have been ignored with the established Business People they can predict how their customers will rack and concerned about the need for pickup and Delivery Services and the lack of care of over low income egress to existing Parking Spaces and driveways they cant function in an environment we need the net for loading them i was on a mission yesterday, i actually look around on 16th street and mission there are so at least half a more produce markets open mission around 16th street how will they get their delivery they have the red in Parking Zones they double park into the lane with the traffic is so they can take their produce to the market which is right there and this is the same thing you want nice restaurants the city the license plates is coming from st. Clair. Thank you next item, please. Thank you. calling names . Good afternoon, Board Directors Cheryl Brinkman and director ramos. Im the director of Small Businesses and recognize that is unusual to be addressing you in Public Comment our commission at the last minute add to the agenda a presentation from the lombard Street Coalition we had our Commission Meeting last night so the commission directed me to have a letter to you requesting an appointment on postponement and appreciate being afford the opportunity to have a full presentation on the project as the mission to foster and promote Small Businesses in understanding how the project is going to address the Business Needs in terms of yes, in making improvements with the parking reduction but how the parking reduction is taken place and more importantly the deliveries and the Business Needs for the businesses along that corridor the Mission Commission fully recognizes our per recognize to not to take argue requests into consideration well know for the future ive reached it out the tmc and for the commission to receive a standing monthly meeting or standing presentation from the department it kept apprise to the projects that are take place in the merchant corridors so ill not standing before you at the last minute for our requests. Thank you. Next speaker. Hes the last person that turned in a speaker card on this matter. Id like to address the transit first from the San Francisco charter as it relates to the lombard project the number one item under that transit first policy is in red to assure the quality of life and Economic Health in San Francisco the primary objective must be save and a movement of people with goods my comments on this with respect to lombard corridor project the quality of life this degrades the quality of life for most important stakeholders of the lombard corridors the recipient will have reduced services and access to private prompt and Business Owner will have reduced customer revenue and business customers will have reduced assess to the parking space and increased parking did the and results the loss of jobs, pedestrians in some cases will be forces to see the situations youve seen earlier from the photos and private vehicular traffic will be involved in increased transit time and extended rush hours as the buses on the comment of Economic Health this proposal is anti Small Business results will be economically negative to the many Small Businesses located adjacent to the larry juicy edmond corridor that overwhelm conclusion of a vast majority of the Small Business owners and as has to do with with the sofa efficient movement of the goes and we all could have read that ill go to my collection and observation this project is not retina ready for prime time not vetted. Thank you. Next speaker. calling names who will be the last person to speak. Herbert wiener one thing that really concerns me the concerns of the neighborhood and the businesses that have been ignored by this project and another concern i have is people shop on union street to the cal hallow area sometimes they have to walk to lombard street your focusing the whole neighborhood and have you consulted with the police about this you know, do you consultant with the Police Department at all . And it undermines the fact it mta members should have taken over parking and traffic into the Police Department they should be more realistic people are punished for living on lombard street and doing business on lombard street people should in the be punished for living there and conducting business im wondering where is the chamber of commerce on that do they support mta cart blank or take them to task they should do it in this case thank you, mr. Wiener. Mr. Harris welcome back. Born and raised in San Francisco i truly love this city this report is very interesting you have moving bus stops and Pedestrian Safety and bulb outs and handicap issues i want to point out i walk on chestnut and drive chest unnecessary nut at any one time i see through double parkers on the three or four block stretch if something that can be done to enforce the laws that will address all the issues the report thank you. Thank you very much mr. Harris any more speakers. Kathy harris. Thank you good afternoon, commissioners im kathy i think that the lombard transit bicycle should be set back to the drawing board and not adopted the staff materials state that the materials that the transit bulbs reduce the speeds by 14 percent every street is not the same you should study the projection of this as part of 101 that is heavily traveled and study the degree of increase the particular from vehicle slowing down the effective areas it it will established cars traveling slower emit the black suit that collects on windowsills ive seen this in the abag theyve recognize the parcels will result as part of city slow down ive not heard an acknowledgement of the reduction in air quality the city or the lombard areas that is caused by the policies the staff report and if 80 staff is not provided the information you dont have adequate information upon which to base a decision ive driven the city all my life im a native lucky to be a native and never done the bus the hook maneuver and not aware of the significant threat but the most dangerous thing has been bicycles dwlog stop signs i myself had a situation i was turning respect the blinker on and bicyclist come from the south of the block down the hill at a rapid amount of speedy luckily saw him, i was carefully looking in the mirror i stopped or thank you. I wish all the motorists were as safe as you seeing none, Public Comment is closed directors im sure we have questions for ms. Hunter if you would to come up to the podium your discussion i was at the vision zero conference if new york city it give me a fresh commitment to the work and made we realize we have a moralism pester and a moral responsible to doing everything we can to prevent pedestrian injuries and deaths as we know from the doj report thats been a bad year in San Francisco we have a lot of over repetitive policies weve put if place through a lot of meetings and spent hours going through the policy goals shaping policies to achieve the safety goals i recognize there is going to be a occasional inconveniences when we make changes to reach the greater goals the first thing id like to ask ms. Hunter ill go ahead and start the question of the relocation of curve space that comes up when we talk about a project and we manage curve space have we reached out to the merchant and managing the loading zones the white zones and parking meters to make sure we are maximize missing the ability to the transit idle. The legislation youll notice were rome a number of zones and the project engineer reached out to the folks for the merchant if theyre using them and if so where we can relocation them and thats part of progress yeah. Could you remind us the white loading stones were put in at the request of the merchant; correct . I believe most of them with commercial and yellow loading curves. I am im going to turn it over to directors question. I want to make a few points i guess mr. Hunter one of the points ill ask is from my understanding even the economical yellow zones and the white zones can be installed replacing meter spacious am i correct . Yes, and is there an approach to talk to some of the merchant about taking away some of their Zoning District to put in the white. The parking lot is part of progress so weve identified excuse me. Some of the general meter spaces are remembered with the commercial loading spaces the 46 spaces i want to be clear i believe i heard tom mention 42 percent of parking that is alarming were retaining offer 95 percent of parking on the corridor and cross streets just to be clear the 46 of over one thousand. 46 over one thousand i think for me some of the things i want to make sure were communicated when staff goes out to talk to the community and what have you do you folks have they heard some the opponents heard about the racial behind making Service Faster and more efficient so that is reduced the cost of operations reduces traffic time and gets people out of cars, freeze up Parking Spaces so people can actually have a competitive mod to get into the as opposed to people dont feel they can take the bus do you have a portfolio i dont hear anyone talk about an alternative that like fine the way it is and not clearly not we have more demand and accommodate things differently than 1910 or however long those businesses are around do you guys have a portfolio or go over this. Transaction the foundation is Pedestrian Safety and we have highlighted the diversities weve gains and i believe about 3 minutes we can stay with the transit bulbs for the far side transit bulbs and want to take advantage the priorities the concerns i have to stop far side and avoid the issues to have the efficiency grains weve seen the auto ownerships drop the transit ryder up were optimistic that people will be encouraged to take transit more reliable and safer to get to the transit stops we have again made the principle about safety but transit efficiency has been part of communication and as the region is growing we want to see more people taking transit walking and booking. For me i appreciate all the work that you folks have put into that i know many of you made a career of studying this this is not something you talk about at the inn the cafe while youre doing some other job this is what you invested your careers and life and all your time frankly coming up with the best possible proposals and for me, i would love to heard alternatives for how to better accommodate this growth and the growing traffic were seeing i feel like for me if we dont do a better job of accommodating roads and making transit faster and more reliable and efficient the alternatives that i think with keeping things the same is to make traffic slower to make that more expensive and to effectively encourage people to have a choice to get out of their cars and make everything slower and including other car drivers when people dont when transit didnt work fast enough for folks to get to where they want to go thai drive and put pollution and more competition into the air and traffic is sloefr when people are in a hurry they rush and thats what results in pedestrian fatalities or collisions weve been seeing so from my perspective this is the best proposal we have Going Forward it is not detrimental and destructive but a good balance id like to seen dedicated lanes the future revisit that and protected bike lanes get people off the sidewalks we hear about a lot more we could have done i like where we are and certainly hope that people understand that the role of the sfmta is to achieve a balance and accommodate the growth the city is experiencing and staying keeping things the same is not an option that will get worse and worse and commissioner avalos is talking about getting more money for the cost of operations that is money not from thin air well have to fight over from the general fund and it could be going to other important things so i appreciate staffs work on this i thank everyone for putting their thoughts and their consideration into this im going to be supportive of proposal moving forward. Thank you director heinecke. Thank you you said in our presentation that parking spots were being move forward 46 being eliminated or. Correct it is a net loss of 46 spaces so where we have the near side transit zones that curb space will be made into Parking Spaces so whereas where we relocation weve take the Parking Spaces is not necessary loss of 46 but the. Ross are on the same blocks actually; right . Yes. So i think director ramos submitted the balance we have to strike and the projects my southern is Business Community here and you never know with those things whether there was sufficient roach and people are not opposed so theyre asking for more cooperation or their was not sufficient notification and involvement in the Business Community maybe ill ask the question youve heard the valued Business People the corridors saying one gentleman very conserving said this not ready for prime time for the corridor and what measures youve taken to address them that would be helpful to us. Sure so we had the outreach events for weve developed that stakeholder go up and invite them to participate the walk tourists some of the about his Business Owners attend and kevin defined this in september through the the company to discuss the prospective of the businesses again one of the concerns weve heard from the business is parking lots and the current recommendation dont maximize retention to the fullest stent to keep 9 near side transit zone well avoid the driveways, of course, by effective take twice as much parking like the curb space to have full transit zones and even though location will take the curve space and trying to balance those regina were happy to meet with the Small Businesses group and explain how the parking changes as well as the loading zone weve identified where the loading zones will be located through the businesses ive requested i need this like to keep it where can you put it thats i guess what ill say i mean, i dont take lightly a request from other agency for them to do more work i suspect youve heard that many our recommendations we go forward will you please let me know but if so the recommendation we should at least tell the people that is not the end we can make accommodations you come to us and certainly work with the agency to make sure that you know again i am not weve said that maximums i hear that people think that is it thats the way it is going to be but thats not it we can modify as we go forward i want our Business Community to come to us i think maybe ill ask for staffs commitment to work with the community and agency to see if from if there are other things to address the comments. Well be had that to the good to the Small Business commission and present the project but theres a probably two main categories of concerns the Public Comment one of them the location of the bus stops in front of driveways and one parking loss those two are as described intentively we building we can maximize the safety benefits and maximize the other benefits but it places the zones in front of driveways and two or three of the directions along the stretch find lombard. Those are not buses sitting there. Thats correct. So well absolutely continue to work as we have in other projects with individual businesses who may have floating issues weve been able to accommodate weve done the accommodations the parking and traffic moving around the white limousines ebt to work with the businesses along the corridor or any other to address side needs. Thank you director heinecke for bringing that up that is a good model Going Forward and not good for us to go great the Small Business commission to present feel to them. Director borden. Any concern about the driveway situations and currently there their bus stops that block the drivers are we creating more situations. Weve been yeah. Most of the near side zones avoid the driveways that is a new condition but gay because the exit condition is not work well the near side balance again, were weighing the trade offs and understanding the local concerns versus the weight of all the pedestrians, all the traffic traveling on lombard and the buses so making sure were not case by case all the safety for parking i mean it seems to me we have for Parking Spaces this is great but to the extent it is Pedestrian Safety that is concerning to me and the trade offs. Right as explained the transit shelters are you know not in driveways certainly were not encouraging people to stand in driveways people walk through the driveways their through the crosswalks but people are going introduce 9 crosswalks the shelter locations will be along the corridor right now people stand next to driveways all the time so and we are trying to eliminate this existing treaty of pedestrian collisions and vehicle collisions with a more predictable far side location. Do we have experience in other corridors there are bus stops along the Parking Spaces and have issues the complex areas. The Parking Spaces or drivers i mean driveways. Yeah. Actually a number on visa ders on chestnut and divisadero we havent had any fatalities there. I should adds on the 28 at least where i get on and off the 28 theyre pulling up in front of the gas stations there are driveways along 19th avenue and the bus stops you you know gas stations have cars in and out of them all the time that is their mode of operation and we regularly pull up in front of the driveway and block the derivative the bus does and the pedestrians handle that we dont stand in the way of a driveway when cars are in and out. Yeah. I guess we have people hit every single day were not trying to hit people but making sure were not creating a safety conflict and obviously weve heard that people care about the parking sounds like more than the driveway issue if this the alternative well go with ill say we monitored in general those conflicts that does concern me having the stops especially like lombard so much traffic people turn quickly to get in and out of the traffic that streets 101 is different than divisadero and dont have all the flexibility but so completely so, i mean all of those things we should be careful and think about how we do the signage in those areas maybe reminders in those areas about cars and things like that you know looking out for the conflicts and concerns in terms of i know well have other controlled with merchant being successful and interesting we have the lottery career overflow room people want to lock their car and people come and pick up your car and bring it to you now ways to get around by transit my restaurants are booming and not concerned about that aspect but you know Chestnut Street is a commercial corridor i lived in that neighborhood for of years as well a block from lombard anyway, im supportive like i said, we should continue the dialogue to make sure they said and people understand what is going on to make sure weve taken care of of the loading issues on admissibility ive seen double parked cars loading and unloading an lombard street but that will be an issue. Thank you director borden you bring up the interesting point things what if anything we have bus stopped flofrnt gas stations weve seen the gas stations go away at a shocking rate who is to say that used rue right now that didnt have a driveway might not but it sounds like everyone got their concerns addresses motion to approve do i have a second. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. That item passes i want to thank the public for coming out, i know this is a big change for your streets want to recommit to the fact that the staff will continue to work with the businesses to accommodate the curve side spaces as much as we condition it is a reoccurring issues. Thank you to the private citizens i know that is a bit of a change for you and hopefully, will workout well and youll not suffer ill effects i appreciated youre taking the time to come out thank you. In essence item. Item 12 amending the transportation cod for the transit only from chestnut to one and 50 street the northbound direction north bound to chestnut in a southbound directs for approving the traffic modifications along the thirty and stockton transit corridor. Thank you like we have mr. Kennedy to present this one. Gamechanger directors my name is Shaun Kennedy moving forward Program Manager at the sfmta here today to talk about Chestnut Street role quickly as a muni forward for the promotions were working on the george cords corridor to achieve the safety and on 7, 8, 9 performances so heres a map of where we are with those corridors this is the muni forward color coded by the implementation process ill note the red lines are the corridors that are in construction and one i want to point out is Mission Street it was adopted protected in december and were working on the implementation monthly paint it is going to be a transitions but paint that work is already ongoing and have that finished by the middle of april and report back to you the blue lines are corridors that have already been late by the board and the green are enactive were cumber talking about with the Community Members and the dash lines no outreach process i want to say one anything or thing both the map the corridors that have red and blue those been legislated at the board level include over 60 permit bulbs and pedestrian bulbs and 12 miles of transit only lanes and thirty miles of Pedestrian Safety in transit improvement so very exciting those projects start to move forward and get constructed so Chestnut Street why Chestnut Street included in muni forward the stockton thirty state and local has over 20 thousand riders a day it goes congest nut van ness columbus and down stockton street the entire length of the thirty stockton will be having proposals brought forward and chestnut is the first segment coming forward and the segment is one . 5. 12 city blocks with 4 steepest and 11 transit stops and two Traffic Signals along that stretch and consecutively is take 10 to 11 anybodys for stockton many of the existing conditions are things youve seen the corridors weve talked about this is the second densest city the United States so the most corridors this is to not much different the corridor stopping crowded buses especially during the peak periods in the thirty x line over express service, bus moving in and out of traffic and essential at every block buses are moving to the curve and trying to get back the flow of 2r56 to make its way down the street and then delays due to turning vehicles really this is really an interesting corridor on one half from fillmore west it is objective commercial a lot of pedestrian activity a lot things going on along that corridor and then on the eastern portion residential there is a school and some a lot of parkland and really residential in feel and lee because of that we really were focused on trying to help the bus get through the corridor with crowded pedestrian activity one of the problems see say is or is people are waiting for a clear path it to make a left or right and a lot of turning vehicles waiting for the three pedestrians to wait it backs up traffic leading up chestnut the original proposal was fairly aggressive and included American People a. M. Peak transit from 7 00 p. M. To 10 00 p. M. The southern part of corridor and increasing the stops average 5 hundred feet between stops along congest nut our stop standards are 8 hundred to 1300 feet between stops we are proposing to increase the stops but the bold intersection for the reduction of traffic from the curve makes it safer for the people riding and pocket of intersections to allow cars to move out of the way so buses and cars can move and location with the traffic on van ness itself we were proposing are proposing to continue the van ness brt line so van ness brt is running and going to be stopping at lombard there is 3 blocks left on van ness the first block continue lombard and chest newly nut were proposing other buses move over to the side running lane and the last two blocks from the north point has a transit only lane that supports the 49 and 47 and, of course, the hocking no parking removal but the delay is next to the parking lane and a if you bulbs a number of outreach for the proposals held our own open houses as well as a number of Community Oriented and developed meetings including the presentations to the community and the citizens were called total with several meetings to hear about the proposals and listen to what were coming up with i have another publicly meeting the middle of december a thousand postcards the corridor and over 6 hundred people take the survey asking for feedback along the proposal to get input and what did we hear a couple of message lourtd one the Community Someone said the transit riders if so a need for the a. M. Peak transit only lane they also were strong option to the Traffic Signals along the corridor what they supported was at spaez and the thirty x note a line that was severely over crowded taking that feedback and working with the specifies office weve revised the proposals parking neutral the final parking proposal neutral the average stop is the proposal bafrg if a 5 hundred space now to about 9 to nine hundred and 50 to the spacing proposed bulbs that are raining the transit stops were proposing to add bulbs and our turn pockets including steiner and of him and scott those all three of those have 25 percent of traffic entering the intersection making a turn thats why we selected those for turn pockets on van ness roughly the same proposal that we started with transit only lanes on van ness goes to two intersections one at the far side of bay the northbound direction and the second one on polk between north point and polk on the north side and were proposing to make that into a transit boarding island the benefits 20 percent travel time savings with those proposals and, of course, the time savings is not as important as the reliability we think that will add to the service to the whole line not only 0 congest nut and also 60 foot that you see on april if the next service increase soliciting the issues and then, of course, theres Pedestrian Safety through the transit bulbs and reducing that distance and slowing traffic with that, ill be glad to take questions drshgsz any clarifying questions before we go to Public Comment. I think those are clarifying if i may what is so the chestnut portion of the line what is the estimated increase in speed of the stop spreading. So increase for the thirty. Going on. It is faster it stops less what is the estimated factor. Were going like i said an average every 10 to 1120 percent well reduce that travel time by so well do more like 7 and a half to 10 minutes from about 6. 9 Miles Per Hour to about 8 and a half. If i caught that a 2 minute delta thats on the chestnut portion. The second question van ness brt is the thirty not running the center. No right the brt is ended at lombard. The thirty still will be running up van ness next to the center lane is that the idea. So the thirty comes in at chestnut it stays an 0 thirty and hits van ness are the brt ends that ends at lombard chestnut is a block love benioff that and left to two blocks netting out to stockton. Very helpful clarifying indeed. Thank you director heinecke thank you. Well go to Public Comment. Yes. calling names . Eliminating bus stops i dont see how possibly it can save time it didnt make an lemon be sense when transit riders have to walk further and cross more streets to get the bus so it doesnt increase safety and it certainly doesnt decrease the time from where you are going and taking away the lane from lombard to now bay for the brt i gather from that measure is only going to make traffic even worse and slowing the traffic causes more emissions from cars and nobody seems to think about that as a safety issue and it is people that are breathing problems and seniors for children but none addresses that and that is a safety issue also by pedestrian walk out sweet spots street in addition to the safety transit time pedestrians transit riders will have to wait longer at the bus stops to wait for the unloading and loading of more passengers that will have to board a bus because the bus stops are eliminated so it didnt save any time at all and just increases the traffic and increases everything we have to put up with those days in San Francisco the over development and the traffic that you all are causing. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I just wanted to suggest that efficiency has been mentioned many times and seems other cross purposes are rider convenient so the term of efficiency is a red flag and experiences with brt including santa fe and cleveland where the public was really enthusiasm about roll out initially have been followed by much less success than claimed budget finance more than two buses staking up with longer than integrals than gone buses they have and transit takes longer it initially claims and riders are asking why couldnt we run for express buses i think it was stayed that things have to change i appreciate that and i understand there is a lot of money riding on this this is really what drives the progress before federal, state, and local but simpler ways of accommodating more traffic or decreasing traffic and getting more ridership brt may not be one that hadnt demonstrated that yet and parallel arteries are one block there is congestion problem there. This may not be a great solution for San Francisco i dont youll not here this is it is way far link but i think you should Pay Attention and also commercial businesses that have suffered in other cities have been paid on the order of 50,000 thank you, ms. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names and the then followed by patricia. Good afternoon again mar, i. Going to finish with regards to other commercial easier that have been impacted heavily by those situations im actually going to make a suggestion i experienced on Mission Street added 16th street is those red tow away zones none will park if people double parking and instead of having the double parking situation maybe what we should do is go back to 10 minute load zones and green zones with or without passport so people will not be afraid to go to the curve if theyre going to be there anyway veto to deliver a long time the delivery problems pickup and delivery particularly on mission ive got photographs there were buses behind buses no cars really in the way it is a bus waiting to pull over or a bus waiting to load or unload nothing but buses right away right now with this particular intersections into distributors on Mission Street the cars are not the problem there is a lot of buses getting in each others ways ill go out on a limb an area under dispute at 16th street and mission right now that makes a good parking garage lubbing for the busses to actually get in thereof the streets off that corner and load and you think load and especially parking meters could be a parking garage could be there theres instead of the luxury condos that some people want to put to thats my suggestion for the parking garage. Next speaker, please. calling names . He peter straus our members have before supportive as you may know of the muni forward and urge to adopt it this measure we like the stop rationalization of putting 60 foot buses on the thirty with the minor manufacture along this corridor i mentioned on terryville were frustrated you know the at the compromises that have been made of the important measure that was deleted we are frustrated of the aggressive components of that project has been deleted probably i miss the meetings but i see all the chart on the list i i dont think this is more chart than the removal of the transit lanes in particular on congest nut street that is frustrating that happens an hate street that people those days approach the street lights as hazards to Pedestrian Safety and you know that is just so backward that was on hatred street two unfortunately, the stop signs here on behalf of the appellant street lights were not dleeltdz it is unfortunate the street lights were deleted and frustrated not as a proposal on scott street it is danger to cross and important that the staff develop and present better statistics on how installation of traffic lights support the Pedestrian Safety not a hazy hope that some of the other measures had been returned but hope you will accept and implement that proposal given that is before you thank you. Thank you, mr. Straus. calling names frankly shawn has been easier to work with on congest nut street i wanted to give him some compliments our opposition we dont a lot of this once again support our big objection is the loss of scott stops the reason why as several of them left they couldnt stay that long we have a lot of world war ii korean vietnams veterans in our neighborhood and stations where go walking is extremely, extremely difficult to have to walk if Marina Middle School to peer street is 8 to nine hundred feet he said nine hundred ill take it for the seniors to walk that far for two buses is justice criminal because it hurt and thats at the stop the scott stop is a stop for social allergies if they get off the busses they go to the coffee have their little meetings a 1 oclock group and ask if they did it theres an everyday occurrence through the marina for the mail for the night and jump on the bus to go back particularly to the eastern portion and they will have to walk 4 hundred feet with a grocery bag to get to the near itself business thats criminal and it takes away the social life as well any of the people that are locked in neither homes we have to consider them thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. And calling names . Howard true again look i wanted to first, we support this project i want to see this happen as peter said more to be done and explain how less stops really work best for the muni shows a savings lets think about that instead of one or two people to stop for and fight its way into the traffic cars dont give the busses a fair shake 10 people get on especially now were using both doors and the less frequently they have to fight to get back into traffic, of course, if you build bus boarding zones no fight but ill talk about the stops for bus im old i live in a neighborhood where it was seven hundred feet average and the rest of the 28 buses for the driveways 14 hundred appealing feet ill looking forward in 2018 well have the 28 buses 14 hundred foot between stops when you look at that people really have to walk the seven hundred feet most of them live in a way theyll walk one way or another to say one hundred feet less big deal people canned walk probable when they were thirty theyll still be walking thanks a lot this is a nice step and we hope to make the thirty better those covets projects set the stage for this to happy good afternoon each line has to be improved we save on think average one minute on all thank you, thank you. Herbert wiener was the last person to submit a speaker card. Herbert wiener you you have been leaving the bus stops for 20 years and no change the speed of the buses and no guarantee that the bus speed will change with that project whereas it is clearly needs for business and what youre doing your miss funding the resources with expensive bulb outs with 300,000 a each and put that into the busses that is clearly wasteful and as pointed out you are to have a balance in Public Transportations and the logic behind was the trade offs unfortunately, the trade offs translate the sacrifice of the vulnerable the seniors and disabled you through them the wheels of the bus and at least able to get here to testify on their on behalf of i think they deserve equal attendance if not more attention the bicyclist you should do that so really i dont want you know this approval to be the mta express in one area and out the other you have to give this careful thought and address the social realties and your derelict in our responsibility. Thank you, mr. Wiener Public Comment is closed. Directors do you have any concerns or questions. Ill say obviously this of the discussed that was my bus stop i have to say on the 14 line and having the choice within the 14 and 14 r ive done it i take the bus everyday and ill wait 5 minutes to take on r over the 49 and get there faster, in fact, it get me faster when i got off the 24th and i got there the same time as the r i spend my money there laughter there is a truth to the a person that takes the bus evidence by roving the bus stops you speed up up the travel time i know that is truth because people are relegated to take the bus didnt mean they have more time to wait this thought that people on the bus can take their time and their time is not valuable i assume they that get that way we were never going to make the system more efficient if more sacrificed out bus stops theyre near and far sights on the block is maelgd and so this is a step we have to take that you guys did a great job with working with the community were more concerns but you got to the a place with the input from the community and balanced out needs with the transit reliability and speeds the Pedestrian Safety and retaining you know parking and all traffic flow i think that is a really balanced approach im happy to move to support that. Thank you bordering. Director ramos oh, first of all, congratulations mr. Kennedy from the proposals on the citizens we know your easy to work with and your presentation which is good as folks who Pay Attention to this and hopefully not too many of you there are other hobbies in life i have stopped the spaed of the p u t is i say that, however, and note i think we need to be sensitive to the needs of people that find is harder to walk im not presume people find is difficult to go in stops and request why question why they dont walk and as i said in the the course of this trial e p those that know the folks if that becomes an issue please contact us elsewhere maybe help you to design or consider paratransit but i do think the process needs to speed up and stop spreading is a minor way to do it im interested in the fact that the transit lanes was rejected im a proponent of transit lines lanes i think that Chestnut Street is a different corridor for striping or red carpeting i know that bus line is different than the bused lines were looking for red carpeting so im okay with that but i want to make sure that lombard the Business People are addressed i wanted to keep an eye on we have significant weve discussed lombard street and hopefully van ness and maybe the geary brt will effect transit by passing this proposal today ill support i dont think that means that there can never be a red carpet or transit lane on that corridor we should keep that as an option if this proves not to solve the problem as the city is more populated we need to relook at this. Thank you director heinecke director ramos. Thank you for the meeting he just want to respond to a couple of things first of all, the comment been blood splatters where did the lady go she left brt is so successful doubling the riverside want sfmta has created funding pots how successful brt is in winning the riderships this is the corridor is determined so successful as new state funding their expressly being applied but the state recognized to get pout e people out of cars benefits us all with the viral goals and obviously with respect to what is most important to me reducing the cost of operations as mr. Straus said when you speed up the service it is Million Dollars over the long haul that translates both service not only on the corridors but corridors throughout the city my own dear mother over 75 years is struggling with a hip problem that prevents her from walk wishes she could walk one feet the Transit Service cant afford to run service to where she lives thats the big picture ill say it over and over our resources are driedup and wont be long i fear that if were not more efficient with our resources the limited resources we have we Start Talking about reduces resources and reducing assess for more people because of all of us cant walk a little bit further or accommodate a little bit of the trade offs so the whole city can include the people that dont have access to the Public Service or sufficient Transit Service with that said, im going to communicate my support for that. Thank you director ramos. Sounds like we have a there is a motion and a second mr. Kennedy can i ask you a couple of questions the big theme were seeing we recognize that sometimes, we cant put those projects in as originally brought to the public we get feedback and changes i want to clarify this one is not a pedestrians high injury situation along this corridors; correct . Correct. So you so again, the responses to the proposal is not the responded we were having in 5 or 10 years with the lombard corridor well keep in mind well continue to make changes from the riding public or the neighborhood public in 5 or 10 years wants to see those changes. Correct were we dont had had monitor. And not walk away the idea the traffic lights i think that peter central subway brought i know that on residential streets the traffic lights there are is a feeling theyll change the character the streets it is not so much will it be safer it changes the nature of the streets we had that concerns with the 5 route i believe were profiling with the traffic kirnz for one or two locates. One or two locates. Those will be built the next year maybe we can look at how those are received and maybe an option for the areas where we were proposing Traffic Signals did neighbors said it didnt fit the characters of that street do you think well be able to do that as we get the traffic lights on the 5. Well learn a lot of as their aligned on mcallister and one location specifically on chestnut that makes a lot of sense is octavia which has proposed for Traffic Signals over the years theyll stop at that location thats one to keep an eye on. It will be interesting to tool in the toolbox again, the public speaking a lot about you those projects can be difficult there is a motion and a second. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Hearing none, that motion carries as well. Thank you. 13 presentation and possible action for the 20172018 practical budgets for rates and charges and possible revenue charges and revenue and reductions discussion of the fy 20172018 and Population Based general Fund Allocations the 20172018 operating budget and prevailing changes to the discounts for low income owners and adrc a new fee and amending the transportation code to reflect those changes and rectify other substantive motions. Thank you director reiskin. Madam chair excuse me. One second we have some live inform happening at the moment this item is largely an informational item in its information go through it quickly one aspect that is an action item i recommend you that take right now as we speak that the board of supervisors is delaying consideration of the towing contract you approved. Few months ago pending this board considerations and approval of the changes to the transportation code to adjust towing and storage the admin and storage fees for people that get their cars toad two year the first time and the low Income Program i have a whole budget presentation ill hit the highlights and maybe x punishing got to that one item to vote on and take the rest of the if sfgov can go to the presentation quickly through with your framed by the distribution and youve established those the calendars is the same this is the last time before you as a informational item and meantime well be reaching to the public were driven by our goals to make the plans better and the streets safe within the financial picture ive heard from the controller in january or early february to remind you that the outcome from a baseline prevention is shortfalls in both years we need to close we do that by looking at trade offs and priorities that really are the meat of the budget process to were looking for your feedback the coming weeks and the publics feedback what we recommend considering and others we dont for the index for the most part so in terms of the operating revenues within one thing to meet weve recently learned of a change the way that the States Controllers Office is calculating a formula to which our state transit funds and the low carbon upcoming the cap trade that has a Significant Impact adverse an impact on the order of digits inverse impacts this is not rescued we need to reflect that on the budget we bring forward and thats the operating baseline amend significantly one and 50 million item that could see it significant were working with the California Transit Association to try to get a different outcome and the expenditures youve seen so to kind of jump on the revenue does the indexing youve seen the fee first on the fairs on the fees those Revenue Sources on the first page ive put forth ive narrowed did list based on the feedback from the previous meetings the first page on muni fairs on the second page ill note at the bottom the adjustment it is up for your consideration or would have an impact on the order of 3, 3 and a half Million Dollars supervisor avalos spoke to the sentiment behind this and one we do support and that i recommend you approve the rest of the information is really for your background this is responsive for things youve asked us to provide in terms of information on the expenditure side i expanded the list to include all the things that the divisions of the agency has suggested as well as on slide 25 a list of im sorry on slide 26 a list of potential uses of one time part of funds balance to, of course, stay above the minimum but this is based the priorities when we met in january so things there are there for your consideration on the capital does the only thing to make reprehensive on slide 29 we were previously showing somewhat of a decrease within the encourage proposals it is flat was were now as shown on slide thirty were incorporating a assumption well have the revenues recommended by the Mayors Task Force specifically the state of california increase and a restoration of the vehicle licenses up to 2 percent that brings in 44 to 65 million additionally every year and dedicated towards transit and streets things particularly we dont have other fund for feet and expansion and facilities as well as additional funds for Street Safety the rest of the presentation that is what youve seen before just highlights from the Capital Program and see the complete picture with that, ill pause and maybe respectfully suggest i dont know from the board of supervisors is still active. Theyre still more items. Maybe suggest Public Comment so one the one recommendation for action in vandals of discussion of the balance. Actually madam chair you may want to call for Public Comment on the towing related fees and ask the members of the public that want to speak on the budget to hold off. So lets break up Public Comment on the towing related fees. Herbert wiener one question on the budget is there any money allocated to paratransit. Mr. Wiener actually that is shes only asked for Public Comment on the towing fee. Shell be back on the budget thank you, mr. Wiener. Good afternoon again and again and yesterday he had the pleasure of sitting through the discussion of the towing related fees it seems to me maybe i dont know what the supervisors are doing if you have a more racketed fee for the first time offenders and the second and third time higher but the total fees should come from this all necessary monies and hopefully not rounding up too much when you figure out the expenses should come from the folks that have their cars towed transit riders shouldnt pay for this people that dont know how to park their cars carefully or have to get it towed to keep traffic moving if they shouldnt pay we have an example where we passed a couple years ago we said that muni needs more money and based on population increased we have another 27 odd Million Dollars a year maybe the wisdom of the city that people should be able to park anywhere anytime but they show come up with that this is it is a transit function not making the city better a safety deal so from the city believes that then the supervisors should find the money someplace but ultimately it might be easier to do lower the fee for the first time offenders and if you lose our car because you know you didnt want to pay the third time offense what we can or we say to you this is one approach thanks a lot of. Thank you, mr. Straus next item, please. Thank you peter straus for the transit riders and spoke last night we spoke been the budget and discussion amongst users ever yourselves of the problem of the revenues increases were on the backs of transit riders on the expenditure side were prepared. Amongst all the users and transit riders and in the current proposal there is still nothing on the revenue suicides from the fee increases that are strikingly tied to the cost of increases i have no problem the reduced towing fees but from zero to now were 0 minus 3. 5 it is important there not be an increase there is a problem if you accept the reduction of tow fees without commentary fees and supervisor avalos mentioned the parking this is an obviously one to put on the table thank you leave to you and the staff but just talk about a 3. 5 reduction the cost from the motorcyclist side thats a problem thank you thank you. Any more Public Comment on the tow fee hearing none, decorations input on this have you had a chance to look at this i presume. Youll move it do i have a second. Second. Great lets go ahead and vote all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. So then thank you. laughter i think the board was stalling down there so what way guess i suggest and sorry if there is a little bit rushed youve seen all this before that would be helpful your help on expenditures mr. Reiskin why not go and tell you your suggestion is on the revenues where you see us having some feedback to you going i dont want to go through the whole thing again. Sure thank you i think the proposed Revenue Sources we have weve with the we recall things like express premium for express buses and a few other things ive taken those out so singularly who is before you on the revenue side is what i suggest notwithstanding the state issue that we have more recent revenue information on some of the other lines so we may be able to anticipate some additional revenues elsewhere based on the existing fees but i think on the revenue side this essential represents what i recommend i realize one is significant go in the wrong direction but do the right thing weve heard the free muni for youth making muni free for youth up to 18 even though the new age is 17 that brings us into harmony with the rest of the region i feel comfortable making that recommendation any Public Comment on the revenue side frankly it depends on how much we have to work with we have a lot of good ideas and heard directly from some of the key staff the key Division Directors on those as we discussed somewhat at the board retreat ill not recommend the service increase well do another service increase that completes the 10 percent of 12 the t e p recommended thats a lot and given the urban certainties of forecast it is pursuant to hold as much as id like to increase the service forever i think of the balance there are some you know some of these are small and some significant there are things within the transit ear for example, that are directly related to safety or that will have a direct offset in terms of oftentimes and fill the classes where we have not yielded enough people therefore people working extremely high numbers of overtime hours every week that calls if in question how productive can you be if youre working 20 or thirty hours a week over but john haley has prioritized those on the have the does the sustainable streets folks are prioritized for the revenues what they would fund a few in a very specific positions sprinklers throughout the agency but basically one thing we have a rice revenue picture we see which we plug the revenue changes well have a fair small amount to work with and i would essential recommend allocating them 24 7 the most incredible safety and overcame of the critical sustainable streets and maintenance needs and as i said a few can he positions to the extent that the revenues support that and in terms of the fund balance i did try to take to heart the guidance that you provided this with us was burn well recommend not by much but probable have to fight with the cfo our fund balance is up above 2 million that is not counting what will accrues at the end of this fiscal year so whether we bring it down back to a 10 percent reserve or some numbers there are critical needs youve safety and efficiency and that was how i arrived at it you see a bunch of single priorities weve talked about that is one of the best and most efficient things for muni and the city and other things safety oriented, other things that are smaller but critical, so again, using the guidance you gave ill perhaps recommend i bring you a list that will bring us to 10 percent maybe down to 12 and a half or 15 percent youll have choices but this is a good use of funds and a number of things we cant fund within the proposed Capital Budget. And where if you funded the full list what is the balance the percentage. 9. No we have 200 million that so, so if you reduce by one hundred Million Dollars. Publicly dispute my cfo ill propose showing you option to 15 and bring it down to 10 and maybe something in between a prioritized list i know there is different feels on the board whether we should go down to 10 or 10 is the current guideline. Yeah. Okay so going back to may i. Yes. Please. Going back to the earlier discussion and some of the proposals you stated prioritize from mr. Haley that reduces overtime today budget from the savings that is a net cost not an initial cost. Thats correct. So i guess one i know this is important to understand right now we are exceeding the overtime by a lot per year so it is not necessarily budgeted savings but actual savings i believe that the transit finance staff has estimate basically for every dollar we investment in overtime we reduce by 1. 15 well absolutely see the net savings but other than just budget mask that is actually savings i mean see this is the issue i have with that, if youre showing it to us that is budgeted but the real world were saving money youre saying and i believe there will be some modest maybe 15 percent savings in terms of overall budget we shifted from people who are basically over burdening the overtime that will be the regular salaries line. Im not looking to make money but it is one thing to say there is a cost associated of several Million Dollars but a net effect they ask for different things. They projected a 15 percent savings from making this change so i think that is investment that has immediate positive returns on investments but also i think that is a safety issue we have folks working and prosperity folks working an extremely long number of hours. Thank you. I guess the other thing to say not to restart the fight but for me to know what number were getting to on the fund balance with accuracy im sure will surprises none not favor down to the 10 percent we can add back as we have better projections of where the economy is going as much as that disappoints im not going to say ill oppose any fund balance but conservative and i like the idea of expenditures that are truly one time so were not building in something we have to do i mean even with signal priorities some small costs of maintenance i want to know that but with that said, the signal priorities and transit those are really an one time expense that could be a justified use thats the way i view that otherwise i will want to go slowly with the fund balance while some of the things about very good im not sure many of them reach the critical crisis stage i think were using the fund balance above the 10 percent we shouldnt below that that economic presentation we received from the Controllers Office at argue board retreat suggested that could very well happen again as we make the city more and more reciprocate on transit i think we may have an obligation to increase the Fund Guidelines and realize as we push hard you two have been talking to make people take transit it buildings a greater obligation for a Rainy Day Fund thats why im more defensive about reserve. Thank you directors any other one time uses of funds balance i think that director heinecke summoned it up quite well and i do want to go back to the Revenue Sources and i do want to note as weve noted the towing fees weve approved and the contracts with the board of supervisors approved has put us in another 3. 5 hole i think that supervisor avalos had a good point that educated what i talked about the budget is if we do recognize that people having their cars towed it is a huge hit i dont want to balance that on the backs of the transit riders i really would love to see us i dont know if it is appropriate in here since that had been a discussion well need to happen im not suggesting we go back to the sunday meeting situation we had i think we need to target any extension of meter hours incredibly thoughtful employee and target commercial corridors are meters can be at 6 00 p. M. Whether thriving restaurant and night life is unheard of in any city having no sunday meters when the intashz and buses are stuck behind cars i think i remember the metering brought in was 8 million that was some was ticket there is money there definitely to be had i i dont want to see us subsidies the towing contract a worthy worthy goal to help people not to have their cars that is maybe their livelihoods take taken away but manager the resources of the parking we talked about last time about the per hour price cap that weve node changed in four or five years it maximized out weve had on parking meters. To raise that cap. Good im glad and the other things the number of passports the fact were makinged out i want to see targeted meter extensions show up the budget especially were in another 3 housing unit 5 million behind anyone else feelings. So what let me rather than asking you questions that is i mpertinent weve made a deal this was coming back and one of the things we had the state of play for this bonds im sensitive to the political bonds sensitive to at some point the future the agency want to issue a new bond ill be open to other ideas for meter enforcement are other things but want to be sensitive to that context if i may what are some of the ideas besides sunday is night life enforcement or increased Business Zones some of the alternative to create revenue. So just to remind when we propose sunday the improvement of meters on sunday was not driven by desire to increase revenue that was a desire to increase park availability and it works it relieved congestion that worked the main opportunities are the ones that the vice chair were not right now importing parking regulations at a time some neighborhood like a peak activity like evenings that is a logical place to look for honestly trying to manage parking that needs to be managed like stopping at of p. M. And a vibrant commercial evening night life district didnt makes a lot of sense so i cant say we kind of reviewed the Parking Program but generate more revenues but looking at the parts of city and the times of the day were not managing parking would be an opportunity to advance our transportation policy that may have some revenue benefits. And remind me did we ever start that or start the sunday parking but not the night time enforcement. We have a evening with the special event area and the port meters go later but the rest of the mta meters outside of the special zones stop at 6 00 p. M. And i would would be open to exploring that with the outreach to the business exultance effected ill tell you relying my only personal externals from sunday meters and talked to every Business Owner the west portal we hate it we hate it we did it and they love it love it we dont have the same outreach but i for one will be open with that outreach to the Business Community especially because i think there are business corridors that welcomed the enforcement thought that will help the outoftowner the business i said it better and agree with sheryl. Thank you if i may. Thank you and i want to second that comment that director heinecke made if we were to go forward with any augmentation of any meters e. R. Spending housing or what have you, we have best to work with the businesses and the Faith Community it is one of the things ami ive going come to understand eloquently from folks that were advocating from the community was the process of displacement and gentrification and pushing people who grew up in San Francisco out of the community and having sunday be the one time they can felt like they could come back into the community and reconnect with their networks and what have you given the rates of displacement particularly with the Africanamerican Community i think we will owe to working with the pastors and direction bridges flagged that if we did that it would be a good way to go about it working with the Faith Community as well as the businesses because i do believe what well find that there will be support for not just extending the time of the meters but maybe augmenting the costs of the parking so we can get nor turn around but enforcing the sunday meters the way thai do in commercial districts and what have you ill be looking forward to that to look through any options maybe to continue to explore. If i can add one more thing as a board were often you know quick to tell director reiskin what we cant do what is unpopularity and what is popular ill say i agree as much as i would love to extend the service but the your recommendation is the responsible one to make sure we have the long term funding before, before we augment those up and down reduction is really detrimental so you know just to give cover i agree so well see a more sustained funding path ill not be in favor of the Additional Service increase. Uhhuh. Good. Thank you. Bless you. I had to watch this go by the couldnt get on it was so bystanders bad i was late to an earlier meeting to get on the train the train cars is coming. Thank you, thank you. Director reiskin can we talk about under proposed Revenue Sources on page 15 the discount for cooperate users on a robust discussion about the availability of the clipper cards and pg e the folks that use cash the fairs are going to go up we are going to allow clipper users those fairs so not go up the 0. 25 is that the structure. No laughter i know that was. Cash penalty. I know that was the discuss but we will not be realizing revenue benefit that i believe crock me. Thats good. Im glad you clarified it i know this will do that will add an extra quarter to what the fair table on the previous two pages back right. Just for those who are paying in physical cash not clipper cash but. If youre a clipper holder your subject to the index but if you pay cash above the i guess by a quarter. And theres two our point about availability this is absolutely work that well need to do and do another round of free clipper cards for the Vendor Network we dont penalize them if theyre on clippers. We want to recognize for us handling of the cash comes with added costs and Security Issues and all of those additions as well. And slower buses. Slower buses thank you. All right. Thank you im glad we clarified that that was something im supportive decorations imagine director reiskin you feel weve not touched on. I think there was a beginning of a Public Comment paratransit someone that is expressed interest the Paratransit Program is opportunity the operating budget particle from the sales tax from the operating budget and the Capital Budget it contemplates the replacement of the existing fleet and expansion so i know there was a paratransit presentation a number of months ago so there recent a pretty good funding on the capital side to finger that and the paratransit new contract is currently being negotiated and the costs are going on and paratransit we essentially authorized our contractor and actually went to the board of supervisors to get legislation approved that will protect the wages of the workers that prairie at that time was the right thing to do it is inching up our costs somewhat, but i think that you know, i think that is important i think that is the only other kind of open issue and like i said the change the state grant we maternity know more by april 5th if not we may need to take some of these expansion items to the extent we can afford them and maybe propose putting them on a reserve with the resolution of issues if we have to take an 8 digit hit on revenues anticipated we dont want to start spending the money. I read the letter that we got via email the mtc wrote regarding that has there been any response from the state yet in terms of taking another look at that. The best understanding we have now they believe they that the change they made is actually consist with the state law to change that back to go the way it was would be state law thats the California Transit Association is pursuing you know ideally to get the vehicle legislative session calendar year to get that fixed the state Controllers Office i understand their position is technically the way it right creating the outcomes that make sense no sense the Transit Agency are recommend we revert to the old interpretation by macro the state law clear thank you directors if i have no other questions comments Public Comment. calling names . Molly is she here. No. calling names the 20 20 speaker cards i have. If you could turn in a speaker card. Peter straus again just one idea on meters i wanted to mention ive never understood why staff has resisted not putting meters in rpp zones and allow the parking permitting proprieties to allow to feed the meters especially on the commercial zones that makes a lot of sense but the staff relieved resisted i ask you not retreat if the service increase if so not frivolous it is not enough i can list a number of areas that have grown one the muni forward proposals and that was originally identified as requiring the 2 percent and second is the equity that show not be taken out of services that was suggested in the materials before are and third just a growth needs before the city fifth and fourth is the Additional Service needs not being addressed in terms of night time specifies were aware not adequately addressed and were inquiring the light rail vehicles within this budget year there is nothing in this budget year to pay for expanded serves those are expanded vehicles and no funds to pay for it what will we do with them and also i dont see that as contrary to the Maintenance Support that john high on a hill it calls to me i didnt expressions and continues to be problematic whenever a measure to increase the operating budget support this commission either is silent or actually states between the board where the additional thank you thank you. Next speaker, please. Howard hes gone Herbert Wiener followed by tom. Herbert wiener to return to my delayed questions about better transit i think that is really are to note if youre dwp fees and the disabled to take paratransit there should be adequate resources to accommodate them i dont see any indication of that you have to take into consideration are they using paratransit is absent argument you have to stand by that so those are my concerns thank you. P thank you, mr. Wiener. Tom the last person to turn in a speaker card. Thank you, tom paratransit my little sister said im a muni man the day may come ill be using it more butize enjoy the lifts and the ramps the new ram extension there are harder to pushup especially a list up and another list up include one single straight ram up as soon as you take youre hands off the wheels to push them backwards the lift is making our wheelchair go backward and when you get a double lift a first and second rise that second rise i cant do that we want to push if you able to it moves it exercise helps on other Public School commenters it is hard to get here he go down on the second story the number of new buses are they the same or more or less than the buses their replacing or increasing like the giants land use and transportation stadium 15 hundred homes, 11 thousand jobs and i understand that you mentioned you can only get on the in lines are we creating more standing room is that part of this goal here the next part has anyone seen the bus factory it is huge or big or superfluous you know, i just wanted to know if anyone has seen them thank you yes, thank you. Just to speak to some of that if you like on paratransit not only are we exuding a new contract but an mandate we dont have the option San Francisco harassed over the years been a leader in paratransit so we will absolutely provide the level of paraTransit Service there is demand for in terms of the lifts on the vehicles vetting through the services from the Mayors Office on disability we definitely heard the february and tongue taking notes so well see anything we can sided to make the lifts work better for people coming on manually the bus fleet werent only expanding but replacing some of the informative feet with 60 feet buses nor buses and bigger buses that will bring us and give us more capacity and i have least ones or once been to a bus factory argue transit director was there next week. About number of staff that are at the factories making sure overseeing buses are built right so for the most part. That was for discussion equipment for the towing contraction that concludes. Item 14 for whether or not to go into closed session while theyre doing that okay item 15 in the meantime the drorngz met to discuss the stench and the reevaluation of the tip line with the City Attorney the board voted to smelt that decided the labor negotiation and no anticipation whether to dloeshgs information move not to disclose argue nevadas the is have it. Not inform disclosure that concludes the business for today thank you all San Francisco recreation and Parks Department offers classes for the whole family. Rec and parks has a class for everyone. Discover what is available now and get ready to get out and play. Henri matisse. Frida kahlo. Andy warhol. Discover the next great artist. Get out and play and get inspired with toddler classes. Experience art where making a mess is part of the process. Classes and the size the artistic process rather than the product. Children have the freedom to explore materials at their own pace and in their own way. Talks love art, especially when they died into the Creative Process dive into the Creative Process. At the end of the classes, they have cleaned and washup. Of. Com great way to get out and play. For more information, visit sfrecpark. Org. That out and play and get into the groove. Rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. Firsttime beginners or lifetime enthusiasts all are welcome. Enjoy all types of music. Latins also, country and western. It is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. Seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines. Improve your posture, balance, and flexibility. It is easy. Get up on your feet and step to the beat. Senior dance class is from sf rec and park. A great way to get out and play. For more information,n francisco Historic Preservation Commission Regular hearing for wednesday march 16, 2016. I would like to remind members of the public that the commission does not tolerate disruption or out birches of any kind. Please silence all cell phones that may go off and when speaking to the commission please state your name for the record. I will take roll. Commission president president. Here. Commissioner high land. Yes. Commissioner hasz. Yes. Commissioner johns. Here. Commissioner matsuda. Here. We expect commissioner johnck to be absent today. First is general public and can address members of the commission on items not on the agenda and you can address the commission for up three minutes. Does any member of the public wish to make a non agenda comment. Seeing none we will close Public Comment. Thank you commissioner. They will place us under department matters. Item 1 directors announcements. Good afternoon commissioners. Tim Frye Department staff. The report is in the packets and i am happy to answer any questions should you have them. Commissioner matsuda. I just had one question about the Upcoming Event on april 6, the Mission Action plan. Youre going to be discussing supporting local businesses. Will we have anything available about legacy businesses that you could share by then . Thats a great question. I will check with the organizers of the event and if there is anything that we can include. We may be able to include maps or information from San Francisco architectural

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