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Documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the may 2 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you very much call the first item Revenue Bonds or commercial placing the total Principal Amount of San Francisco International Airport subordinate commercial paper notes for any lawful airport. Thank you id like at a call kathy from the airport to make a brief presentation on this item. Good morning chair cohen im kate hartley with the San Francisco International Airport if i might make a suggestion to call item 2 since the budget Analyst Report addresses both piece of legislation madam clerk, call item number. A aggregate Principal Amount of San Francisco International Airport second series Revenue Bonds to finance and refinance airport capital plan aggregate airport shrina sami vs. The department of building inspection at 555 33rd avenue. Thank you members of the board kathy with the San Francisco International Airport the items before you are requesting approval of the supplemental appropriation one for 4. 8 million consisting of 40. 6 billion in new airport Revenue Bonds bopped authorization and 4 hundred and 74 previously toshsz capital bonds that request see the authorization to sell in the airport revenue bond and increase the commercial paper by one hundred Million Dollars for Capital Improvement projects sfo use the capital be airport bojdz to finance the capital plan and uses commercial paper a short term Financing Mechanism for cash flow requirement prior to the long term bonds the property resolution will authors the sale of bonds in the amount of 4. 6 billi 4. 6 billion and an additional 100 million in the paper in before you appropriates 4. 8 billion of the airplane capital plan bonds at sfo last fiscal year Airport Passenger levels hit projection for 5 years in the future to fiscal year 2021 led to a demand for public that concludes my remarks and Ground Transportation as well as an increase in security requirements and infrastructure urban designs the airport prepares a 5 year capital plan in order to priorries the essential projects the capital plan is reviewed by the finance staff and the committee and the Controllers Office and is approved by the citys Capital Plan Committee the airport capital plan project to be funds to the legislation before you are focused on projected air traffic and passenger demands Major Projects to be funded by the subject bond precedes are the air excuse me improvements Airport Support improvements and terminal improvements and utility improvements the budget analyst has one hundred reviewed these im joined by the finance director kevin and im available to answer any questions you might have. Thank you very much ms. Wagner appreciate our presentation no questions at that time i suggest go to Public Comment and what is the public has to say all right. I understand all right. Go to the budget Analyst Report but looks like no Public School lets see what hashs say. We note the airport capital plan is the requested 4. 3 billion in new bond authorizations that file and then an additional 4 hundred and 4,832,455,418 in prior airport capital bond which was authorized by the board of supervisors but not sold the sources and use of 4. 8 billion in table 2 on page 5 of the report on page six the major Capital Improvement projects to be opportunity by the subject bond preys are on pages 6 and 7 of the report and also an appendix provided by the airport that shows the budget details beginning on page 9 of the report on page 8 we note the airport estimates total debt service of 10 plus bloinld in principle and in interest annual debt service is three hundred plus Million Dollar a comment ill make as you may know under the airports break even policy the airlines that are required to pay the difference between the budget is whatever the operating expense the difference between the 9 Airline Revenues and the expenses in effect any increase expenditures will be absorbed by the airlines through fees and terminal charges we recommend you approve the proposed ordinance. Thank you well take that under advisement anyone wish to comment on item number two minutes youll hear a soft chime with 30 seconds left seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Make a motion. I make a positive recommendation to the full board. Motion and accepted well take that without objection. Mr. Clerk. Agenda item 3 commission to execute services with mott of the exceed 21,000,000 and with a time from august 1, 2009, through april 14, 2018, pursuant to charter, section 9. 118. Public utilities commission. Welcome. Morning supervisors dan wade the director of capita water projects and programs for the San Francisco public works and here this morning to talk about the amendment that were requesting for a contract with Mott Macdonald for the new irvington tunnel projectconstruction Management Services this project is part of a 4. 8 billion Improvement Program this program is driven by 4 overall goals schematic liability and Water Quality and delivery reliability as well as water supply and these the new irvington tunnel projectconstruction Management Services is a very important link in to water system to provide water to 2. 6 million customers in 2009 the board approved a contract between Mott Macdonald and the city to provide construction Management Services for in project we had 15 million term with a 5 year duration its been amended 4 times since then in october 2016 the board approved a Fourth Amendment actually, the puc for 200 and 50 thousand for 5 and a half months in duration to continue the negotiations with the contractor for some disputes on the contract we resolved all but two of those disputes but have two disputes remaining and so we need additional time and money for the construction manager to assist us with closing out the contract the two disputes are an issue we have harder rock in the tunnels than previously experienced during the design phase or previously anticipated and then we have two repairs in the tunnel that were needed weve mad Good Progress with the contractor on the disputes and anticipate we show be able to resolve that without further legal action but need further time to get this down or done to close out our request to approve easement 5 on the contract increasing that by 3 hundred and 50 thousand and is duration for one additional year. Thank you is there a budget Analyst Report on this item . Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee on the bottom of page 18 of our report the subject the current total for the construction and related costs for the tunnel is 345 million plus and that is shown in table 4 on page 19 of our report that budget includes the Mott Macdonald construction Management Services contract of 700 million and the proposed request for three hundred and 50 thousand amendment it is a cost of 21 million plus we recommend you approve that resolution. Thank you for your recommendation well go to Public Comment is there any Public Comment on item 3 come up seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All right. Lets take those recommendations from the budget analyst. All right. So ill make a motion to. Send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. Okay without objection. Agenda. Call item 5 and 6 together. I will item no. 4 ordinance amending the administrative and environment codes to require that any new Passenger Vehicles in the city fleet by zero Emission Vehicles by december 31, 2020, and to encourage selection of zero Emission Vehicles in other vehicles classes as technology improves. All right. Thank you. Supervisor tang thank you so today your city family celebrated earth day that is on saturday with our annual breakfast at the city hall and i want to thank the wonderful sf environmental staff we know Everyday Needs to be earth day and if we dont collectively take action to deliberately stop well not to have the earth to celebrate one of the most existing and meaningful issues ive been working on is around sustainability and the protection of our environment one the ways and San Francisco can do our part to evaluate the footprint and change our behavior for the negative declaration negative impact this seeks to change the types of vehicles are City Employees drive the legislation requires all late night will be zero Emission Vehicles unless a waiver or exemption like Public Safety or Emergency Response use requires well have an amendment for this by the year 2022 the light passenger fleets will transition to zero Emission Vehicle and 10 percent to address the range and challenging issues for the department that contemplates future technology and want to encourage the city departments to adopt Better Technology that is available we also hope that legislation will really cause a shift in the market and lead to the availability of additional zero Emission Vehicle like the light duty trucks and i see that legislation as a huge opportunity for office of Economic Workforce Development so we as a city develops more clean meblgz mechanics a huge program introduce city college that will be wonderful to learn the new skills and adopt to the environment outside of San Francisco and make them competitive with high sought after skill sets with that as is legislation, however, ill be proposing some amendments to address some of the concerns ive heard so number one, and members of the board a summer sheet im allowing for the existing usable fleet by the year 2022 ramp 2020 the reason that every year our city currently off roads one hundred passengers so the contribution of the municipal fleet to 20222022 and that assumes were not were reducing the vehicles we have in the city fleet and then to clarify the purpose of those new vehicles needs to be zero emission under section 40 is the depiction to clarify f we added a definition regarding the light duty Passenger Vehicles to clarify separate and apart in the ordinance which is the health air and transportation ordinance what we mean by this legislation and essentially meaning Passenger Vehicles no trucks are included as part of this analysis we clarify emergency vehicles and is there are existing exemptions for emergency vehicles but into the health air and transportation ordinance we clarify that unless your vehicle is equipped with lights and sirens vehicles use this for administrative function for passenger transplant shall not be considered a zero Emission Vehicle if youre trying not to purchase the zero Emission Vehicle we add existence for general passenger advances advancing and the hybrids and clarify the intent of the legislation only light duty Passenger Vehicles must be zero Emission Vehicle and with the plugin vehicles were allowing 10 percent of nonexempt fleet to be ev for the additional option and plugin vehicles require the level two plug ins so the waiver we clarified the department will submit one waiver requesting the Zoning Administrator to specify all vehicles needs a waiver exemption and the reason rather than forcing a department to submit a waiver for every single vehicle and lastly on page 6 line 10 we actually just clarified that moving forward the city could do recent options rather than pretty much we might want to consider leasing those are the amendments we can adopt or ill make a motion for later after discussion first, id like to turn to our Budget Analyst Office that will report on this after that ill call up jesse if sf environment to speak about the ordinance and some of the overall dream goals in San Francisco followed by admin from the Administration Officer and rogers. Yes. Yes. Madam chair, and members of the committee. Supervisor tang said there are various version and thats what ill recite you should as supervisor tang stated some of this has changed the proposed ordinance will necessitate the difference between seven hundred o. J. On page 24 and 5 hundred and 50 zero Emission Vehicles by december 2020 therefore the total estimated cost of respect procurement will range from 80 million plus to 72 million plus over the next 2 and a half years. On page 25 of our report we note that the total estimated cost purchase 759 between those two numbers new zero Emission Vehicles and install between 636 and 1427 will range from 23 million to 95 million those costs will be occurred through the proposed ordinance and thirty days after approval for december 20, 2020, a period of approximately 2. 5 years we note that the city currently purchases one hundred new Passenger Vehicles a year as it is written weve reviewed it will require the lease of seven hundred and 59 vehicles over the next 2. 5 years or three hundred and 4 vehicles per year on supervisor we have various other policy issues weve brought up our recommendation on page 27 this is a policy matter for the board of supervisors. Thank you, mr. Rose ill speak is about this after the Department Presentations i have questions and issues with the analysis i understand that was a large amount of analysis to be completed over a short period of time ill bring up jesse denver from sf environment that has been helping us lead the charge when it comes to protect ferguson our fleet. Good morning jesse Energy Program manager thank you to supervisor tang for her leadership of zero Emission Vehicle these the department of the environment supports the proposed ordinance and is available to support the Zoning Administrators office and is interdepartments as supervisor tang noted weve heard this morning 45 minutes ago at the mayors breakfast the city will deliver 50 percent of the citywide with Renewable Energy enabling the residents to power their businesses and vehicles with Renewable Energy it is important for the demonstrates of leadership id like to highlight the heather clean air and transportation ordinance and the lead of Zoning Administrator in implementing that and describe how the department of the environment supports the City Administration office it there 0 loading order the city transit first policy insuring that employees are utilizing Public Transportation and or sun power to get where they need to go on city business and reduces the size of vehicle fleet and insures the vehicles are right size for their appropriate case and finally that establishes a vehicle list that dictates the type ofs of vehicles the department can procure here is how we provide the assistance with the implementations of hacking to we work on the development of programs and the implementation of policies to achieve our transit first and retirement and purchasing requirements of this ordinance and annually the city Administrators Office provides a report with an annual review report of implementation of hacking to we help the singlestory for the Green House Gas emissions for the portion of the fleet that is subject to the hack to and changes to the ordinance as needed we fascinate the development of the facilities for alternative fulfills in the privately owned vehicles in the amount not to exceed for Hydrogen Transportation and necessary legislation at the board of supervisors the department of the environment also under hack to acts as guess clearly house for coordinating the applications grants the support zero Emission Vehicles and alternative fuel programs the difference is we assist the departments with grant applications upon requests in the last year that has been quite frequent as new opportunities for funding around zero Emission Vehicles need to spend themselves like the department of transportation were one of the finalist and the department of the environment is responsible for the looms of programs to encourage the private fleet operators to operate the vehicles that have zero Emission Vehicle or High Energy Efficient and the use of alternative fultz with low carbon with the you were recommendation to the board of supervisors a good t sf environment the source of the readiness ordinance that passed this week personally thank you youll for your support in closing as cochair as the mayor of the mayors Ev Working Group the department of the environment supported the city singlestory city administrator to discover that we have a deep interest and the subject experts ready to provide the support as we invest in the zero Emission Vehicles and their infrastructure. Thank you, very much. It was important to bring her up to remind everyone about the health air and ordinance were amending and adding to that for the for the most part so the departments need to refer back to the existing ordinance that is already on the book thank you for your overall so next ill bring up adam from the city administers office. Good morning, supervisors. Im adam finance and planning director for the city Administrators Office thank you supervisor tang the City Administrator Office oversee the Contract Administration both supports the implementation of this proposed change we first welcome friendly policies the two major challenges we would see related would be budget so there are significant budgetary considerations associated with that assuming we had the budget to implement happy to do so the other major considerations for lease Parking Spaces approximately 50 percent of the parking spots are leased we dont have direct authority to electrify or install chargers but perhaps addressed at the lavish the departments have additional concerns about the 10 percent they told her threshold and Zoning District through the Mayors Office there the budget the 10 percent vehicles may not be sufficient from the departments perspective to meet the daily operational needs and respond during disaster dbi for instance, has one hundred vehicles that need parking spots with a significant responsibility during the earthquake we need should the grid go down we may not have the grid to do to respond otherwise the amendments we prop a timeline and concerns. Thank you very much and im wondering i know that supervisor farrell has legislation in june i believe of 2015 regarding you know the vehicles to use data to track our fleet, you know, how many miles are driven by whom and when and ultimately analyzing how we have the city fleet by depended by department and annual reporting what we do im wondering where we are on the process that is important to the process number one, first, we encourage transit first or our own Kinetic Energy as stated do we have too many vehicles in the city fleet we should be down sizing and goat to vision zeros if you can talk about that. Ill be happy to we have thus far installed the devices in the required vehicles 4000 vehicles weve been, of course, taken a year and a half it takes time to do the installations weve been Golden State Warriors the data and observing the behaviors and use of vehicles f around idling and we found thus far with our initial data that there is some opportunity to either more efficiently manage and lifeless the fleet with full installation over the next basically most gather more information to identify vehicles that could be reassigned or toll vehicles to more efficiently have those vehicles used in reduce the size of fleet. How about for the reporting requirement. Weve issued a report if im not mistaken but we plan on doing additional annual reports. When will that be. Ill be happy to check with. So june 30th ill look forward to that report and to the Budget Analyst Office for the analysis for the cost it scary first of all, accounting but secondly, it also assumes were in the reducing our fleet so if we can all communicate about that the amended version of the report that is really important okay. I think your other issues youve spoken to about the lease parking spots well sort through with the departments individually and in terms of Emergency Response were trying to create a shift in the city you know, i know that everyone is here what do we do when we cant use a gallon car there are other solutions that rely on clean and green that can help in an Emergency Response again, we look forward to working with all the departments so alright nothing else to add. I have a question. Sorry supervisor yee. Thank you, supervisor supervisor tang first of all, thank you for championing this issue that is important so i fully am behind the intent of this but some questions i have are fiscally oriented and thank you for mentioning the protective foretelling aromatics last year the vehicles were pretty much seven hundred that are using purely gas and 6 hundred that is hybrid yeah 7 780 using gas so i guess the question i have is currently when our purchasing the vehicles like this year are they are any of these gas vehicles purely gas vehicles or all hybrids were purchasing at this moment. Supervisor thank you for your question typically we have Term Contracts that is available for vehicles a vehicle selector list we try to steer the departments towards the greenest vehicle generally one the fleet the majority are hybrid gallon and battery operated the percentage in the general fleet is very small it is dedicated to gallon some has to do with the fact that we are transitioning our vehicles over time as vehicles age the gasoline vehicles are being replaced with the plug in hybrids. The table im looking as the budget Analyst Report table one for Passenger Vehicles there is seven hundred and 80 gun and 6 hundred and 38 hybrid seems like of the Passenger Vehicles of the 15 hundred 86 approximately half of it are pure gasoline. If you look at the chart needs to be updated but under Police Department that there are 5 hundred and 9 gasoline vehicles and most will have to be exempted. My followup question in regards so lets is the hybrid vehicles whats the Life Expectancy for the purpose of city. We generally consider full life to be 8 years so we have not generally be able to have that our vehicles are replaced at the 10 or 12 year mark. And then in regards to replacing all the vehicles i guess the amended version will be 2000, 22 which is 5 years from now where would the additional funding come to replace the higher rate and weve defer to the board and the Mayors Office to identify the Funding Sources associated with that. Is the estimate correct. The estimate how much by how much it costs the city and since weve gone through the Budget Discussion how tough in the next 3 years wondering where the reserves are put aside for this. Through the chair supervisor yee one clarification im asking the budget Analyst Report to make in their cost analysis didnt take into consideration how much money from the offloading of one hundred or vehicles every year we sell so im speeding up by 50 more vehicles per year to 5 years and so again, no analysis as to how much we get out of it and then what kind of a model will be going upon in the future purchasing or leasing. And then is cost savings no longer using gas. 50 percent is a lot im wondering well and also another cost that the budget analyst mentioned and again, the infrastructure is the cost of creating are putting in the chargers is there any funding for that. That had been from the same sources. Oh, okay. Through the chair to supervisor tang have you thought about what the source of funding will be for this is a bigticket item. Absolutely there are some things well be asking the Budget Analyst Office to look at one thing for example not take into consideration the long term cost benefit analysis for example, if we have a usage of gas what does that mean and according to the legislation in june of 2015 it estimated that 5 percent reduction to a Light Vehicle fleet will result in salesforce of 2009 million over 4 years a 10 percent reduction in 5. 8 reduction over 5 years and fuel reduction will deal 3 had and 63 annual savings and a 10 percent reduction in fuel usage results in seven hundred plus those are not fooshthd into the costs as well as microscopes in terms of electrical vehicles little maintenance involved but as were giving the departments 5 year lease time to include in their capital budgets it is important and also the cost estimate in the report states that each charger costs 16,000 and folks that are here who are you know destroy experts to explain what the costs will actually be and allowing 10 percent of fleet level one chargers youll image the city the socket in our wall for example, there is a lot of fine tuning with the cost analysis and the range were presented the high range of 15 thousand vehicles in the fleet it is actually not we shouldnt be considering that because were not touching any of the light duty trucks again there needs took fine tuning with the cost analysis here well get for about the Board Meeting. Okay. I appreciate our explanation. All right. Thank you have you completed our presentation. I have. Thank you supervisor tang anyone else that. Lastly bring up Planning Department ann marie rogers. Thank you were here and applaud the moving of new Passenger Vehicles to the vision zero emissions and try this for other vehicles Visitacion Valley as well we would ask for one additional amendments that is reinforcing the comments if the department of the environment we suggest that be amended to more clearly require the right sizings the citys fleet in so many ways the city of San Francisco is in a leadership position on the Environmental Standards and new technology here two the city seeks to move employees to transit walking and biking where possible as we work to reduce the impacts of driving right sizings the fleet is the Ongoing Program that will change and reduce the fleet needs in the future the city has many programs were doing right now and should recognize this Initiative Analysis and changes in the infrastructure you mean the mta is involved in a lot of upgrades to the transit city the city has a major change to the bike infrastructure and working on pedestrian improvements and there are new avenues that can be explored like the vehicle pools between multiple departments so in light of these we do believe if we have increased investment in those Ongoing Programs and explored additional programs can be a greener investment in the city vehicle fleet we have specific language well suggest in the committee is open to it that concludes my presentation. Thank you, thank you very much. I guess to clarify i dont know if under hack to and the existing legislation i thought we have requirements of right sizings our fleet i fully agree with the intent not an amendment to this but look at perhaps all right. So may be open up for Public Comment and through that i really hope to better understand the cost for charging infrastructure i think the analysis can be improved here and i have one pshgd and nothing else that wants to speak sir, the floor is yours. Thank you hi, im spencer represent the charge point thank you for the opportunity to voice our support for this proposed legislation charge point is the Worlds Largest charging stations over theo thousand charger spots across the United States and canada we have experience including working with the city and county of San Francisco who is one of our first customers over 8 years ago and thank you for a Long Term Partnership all over the place for helping to advance the migration to electrification of this i dont have a lot of time but my concerns around the budget analysis we found the number of 160,000 per as an average per charger is high in our experience we hope to have a more 0 in depth conversation with the departments of city to lend our expertise to help refine and get to a more accurate number. Can do you suggest is an accurate number. Its complicated there are many factors in the effecting the installation price they fall into 3 buckets the first the construction planning and design we need to understand what the Electrical Capacity at any given site and how to best get the source of power to the station another bucket the hardware and total ownership of that station including the electrical costs and maintenance fees and the third is the financing of incentives the way to purchase those we have expertise across those to lower the costs substantially it is a situationsal base we hope to have a more in depth conversations and better estimate those costs thanks. Thank you under two minutes just one followup question i know the airport recently cherished to charge point for the infrastructure for passenger investigates as well as sorry for the passengers flying out of sfo and future for the employees in terms of 16,000 estimate for example, per my understanding that could mean one of those chargers that could charge up to 2 chargers two cars even the 16,000 costs that was cited in the report can be cut in half. Right. So to future explain we are working with the aircraft on a long term Parking Solution theyre our Current Customer has over one hundred chargers with of the report that mentioned it with the long term Parking Solution we leveraged the technology for less infrastructure to support more cars and the fabulous was lower i dont have the number off the top of my head but can provide that it is sitting less if that situation. Moving forward you know where it through charge points or other city approved vendors that is really important that we engage them to understand the complete cost analysis for charging infrastructure limits and ill say i know that the departments will have issues and challenges trying to abide by this legislation that is important to have this difficult conversation to shift the way that you know in terms of our transportation modes and our clean vehicles and so we are condominium to having our department of the environment to work with all departments to figure this out and changing technologies that improve and can make charging easier and faster using less infrastructure i want to make sure all the departments are aware of it well make sure that each of the departments feel that the ability to k078 apply with the legislation so ill say moving forward again ill share with the budget analyst review all the different aspects i feel we need to finetune the cost analysis for example, no analysis but the federal and tax credits available if we purchase the zero Emission Vehicle by the time this hits the board a more refined sense of cost for this legislation. Thank you, colleagues i dont know if have any other questions. You nailed it ill be looking for more information about the vendor and what the process and the costs associated with getting us to our goal commissioner tang my compliments to you for proposing such a good piece of legislation looks like weve got the the budget analyst has remarks. Come to the microphone please. Yes. Madam chair, and members of the committee. First of all, a clarification we do special projects for the board of supervisors and we manage and it takes considerable time this report a budget and finance committee we basically have a week to had about two more weeks to do this report and number one, and number 2, every single number in this report comes from respected departments the department of public works, the department of Administrative Services and the mta those are the 3 departments that manage the citys fleet and do the implementation of the technical aspects of this proposal thats why we spoke and went to those 3 departments if there are numbers that are wrong in the report it came from the 3 departments i dont on the numbers are wrong if you want us to do an additional work on this report it is going to take considerable time well be happy to do it but not for next tuesday that is superficial and basically impossible and a disservice to the board of supervisors to give you an amend report with some of the aspects that supervisor tang is requesting well be happy to do it but not for next thank you. Through the chair. Sorry supervisor tang i want to close Public Comment. So is there any Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor tang thank you. I fully acknowledge the hard work you have a short turn around time first of all, it is not going to the board next tuesday the following tuesday that will be ill look at my calendar may second when wed like the additional analysis and happy to help to fascinate that information it is for the initial report should have contained that information in the first place. Thank you supervisor tang and supervisor yee has remarks additional to add. Im curious through the chair to supervisor tang of the considering that some of the vehicles hybrids were bought last year and potentially this year would that 10 percent youre talking about that is in i believe in your amendments will that account for those amendments their not the Life Expectancy by the turnover in 2022 with our amendments thats 5 years from now so this possibility those vehicles are in real good shape and can be still used im concurring when you think about the 10 percent was that factored in. The 10 percent for plug in hybrids we have 15 of so this is significantly lower than the 10 percent were allowing the reason why they extended the lead time for 2022 instead of 2020 to account for the vehicle Life Expectancy well be trerment some vehicles earlier than the 10 or 8 years of theyre expected life but extending it further than proposed i think that a great compromise. Okay. Given we supposedly offload one hundred vehicles yeah, well have that up to 50 vehicles every year. My mistake im looking at the hybrid the purchasing the 6 hundred and 38 figure. Yes. What is going to happen did you take into consideration the offloading relating new cars. Yes. I think that you know if you look at this chart for example, you cant tell which ones are exempted from the regulation first of all, knock off vehicles from the list and secondly, the same answer thats why im extending the lead time to comply to the city to 2022 and some cars will be terminated earlier but our goal to wean ourselves off of gasoline powered cars. I guess who what im looking at it i support weaning it all we can wean it off this year im looking at whether or not well be open to amendments for those newer vehicles that has been purchased you know either this year or last year give it at least a year were talking about those hybrids i dont have the analysis which ones are exempt so that is my question which if youre open to amending that piece which will be a small percentage i guess i assume. So i 3r0er7b8 wont consider that amendment today but followup with the city Administrators Office which are exempt that are hybrid and lets talk with the Board Meeting as we head into budget season look at each departments request in terms of how theyll comply with the legislation and a lot of discussion on both points in terms of what well see and they need and what we are able to provide. Right in passing the legislation you know it moved to the full board id like to consider at that point not when they not when they do the budget this way it is clearer in our legislation that we take these things in consideration. My previous answer holds im looking forward to look at the vehicles covered under our light duty passenger and exempted in the Public Safety emergency exemptions and consider it before the full board. All right. Thank you very much that robust discussion i think we are done with this item. Is there a motion or something youd like media to do with that. Ill make a motion to adopt all the amendments i stated on the record. Without objection it passes. Call items 5 and 6 together and would you like then ill multiple voices . To amend and. Send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. As amended. Without objection. 5 and 6 please. With the state department of health care services, in the amount of 128,849,925 for the term of april 15, 2017, through june sign said agreement and to approve amendments for less than 10 of the contracted amount. And drug administrator to sign said agreement and to approve amendments for less than 10 of the contracted amount. Sign said agreement and to approve amendments for less than 10 of the contracted amount. All right. Thank you welcome chair cohen and members of the board thank you for hearing those two items my name is judy martin the medical director for Substance Services for the city and county of San Francisco ive introduced two academies for the resolution have to do with dates the first one delays item 5 the 68 from april 15th to june 15th at the recommendation of our stat medical agency to allow time for the federal cms to review and fine item 5 at the onset of item 5 replaces item 6 item 6 is a multi year Substance Abuse services previous contract and, of course, every year has to be adjusted and amended the amendment for this year for 16, 17 is what you see there id like to really thank the analysis for a deep review of o items and at their suggestion obtained in writing from the department of health that specifics the end date of contract 267 that will be the red line copy will be available with Barbara Garcia signatures and director garcia tomorrow i wanted to also comment that the organized Delivery Service contracted that is number 6 5 on your agenda represents about 2 to 2 and a half years of very hard work by the Substance Abuse disorder my team in terms of some are here and also it represents a tremendous effort by the contracting partners that provide the services in the community to renovate, upgrade and change how theyre planning to deliver care this is to bring a beneficiaries more into line with medical care increases the professionalism a step parts parity a greater step than ive seen in any career aside from that introduction im here to answer any questions. Thank you, dr. Martin lets see supervisors i see your name in the cue. Take it off. Doctor martin well go to the budget Analyst Report hopefully answer questions. Yes. Madam chair, and members of the committee. On page 31 of the report dpw 2016 17 that includes additional reimbursement of 12 million in 16, 17 by the state under the proposed fifth amendment that is sharing shown in table one of page thirty in our report. Our recommendations on page 33 we recommend you amend the file to state that the agreement between dph and the state is effective as of june 2017 and 67 to state the existing contract between dph and the state terms in 2017 and the new agreement between dph and dhs becomes effective and recommend you approve the approved resolutions as amended. Thank you colleagues any other comments seeing none, all right. Well go to Public Comment at this time ladies and gentlemen, if you like to come and speak on items 5 or 6 all right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you, dr. Martin i i think were okay. Is there a motion . I make a motion to adopt the amendments as specified and to the item move forward welcomes to the board. Supervisors item 5 and 6. Items 5 and 6 and oh, item 5 and 6. Thank you all right. Without objection thank you all right. Mr. Clerk. Love for you to call item 7 item no. 7 resolution authorizing an application to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee to permit the lowand firsttime homebuyers in San Francisco. All right. Thank you fostering with the mayor and amy changing on behalf of the Mayors Office of housing to speak on this item welcome. Amy from the Mayors Office of housing good morning chair cohen and commissioner tang and supervisor yee the item before you authorized the Mayors Office of housing to apply to the depth motion to Strike Committee occupy to 15 million just the low and moderate in case the first time homeowners the certifies allow the homeowners to claim 15 percent tax credits for 40 years and up to two hundred percent ami are eligible to apply and one more time. Households up to 175 to two hundred of ami are eligible to apply for the certificates and board of supervisors in 2010 to apply for 40 million and the last of those certifies were issued last year in october so, now were coming back to the allow to apply for another round of applications the deadline in may coming up soon and planning to submit the next request for 5. 5 million in mortgage considers it requires that we have board approval thats why were asking the committee to remedy the resolution today and my colleagues jena and others are here in case you have questions. Jan if the Mayors Office of housing; right . And sonya from where . Also from the Mayors Office of housing. All right. All right. Thank you very much. One question. Yes. Supervisor yee. So im curious for this type of program is that for people that they have to apply for this program when they first purchasing or how does that work. Correct and ill ask jenny to talk about the eligibility. Hi supervisor im jenny with the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development im the Program Manager this is for people first purchase their property to be eligible to get a tax credit. All right. Thank you so 33 they have to be a first time homeowner not owning a property for 14 years. So if someone purchased a year ago it was too late. Three years ago they own a property and come back 3 years later and dont own property for the last 3 years. Thank you all right. Thank you for your presentation go to Public Comment. No Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Thank you send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. As a Committee Report . All right. Well take that without objection. Item 8 item no. 8 appropriation sales proceeds of City Property for 122,000,000 and proceeds from certificates of participation for 321,765,000 to the General Service agency fy20162017. To fund the retirement the series certificates of participation and to fund the Development Costs of 1500 Mission Street Office Development in relayed San Francisco board of directors sf and places the total of 440 million open controllers reserve. I appreciate that and today weve got many naomi kelly city administrator to report. Today with me is claudia Deputy Director of the real estate and lopez from the department of public works first, i want to say im referring to the budget analyst to a approve the appropriations of one and 22 million in place on the reserve to continue the balance of the three hundred and 215 seven hundred plus from the occupations for 15 hundred mists when we return in may well have further discussion with the budget analyst with the costs and additionally come back and report on the existing stacking plan for 15 hundred mission that is in the finalized and talk about existing out of civic center lazy thought ill talk about 15 hundred mission the conceptual design versus today as a building as weve gotten more programming design over the last 3 years just a couple of things reduced the size of rentable space to 30,000 while at the same time increasing the density of employees going in there the head count if the 3 departments has increased by over 3 percent but in the rentalable area has increased by. 8 percent our permit center has increased since 2014 we wanted to add more departments into the onestop shop permit center as you may know and going to like the Small Business popularity if you opened up a restaurant in San Francisco it would take 20 permits to do so in various location and now we thought in addition to having dbi planning and public works we should add many more other departments into the permit center so it is trowel a onestop shop permit shop the actual fte dbi planning and public works has increased over the past 3 years our projected actives in 2014 with not meetings the active uses of today we are delivering more Service Needs to the san franciscans there is a chart i have that speaks to and shows basically the same information in the budget Analyst Report we anticipated in 2014 and where we are and not popping up sfgovtv. There we go. And we can pass it out to the board of supervisors you can see the increase or where we are in Square Footage and the difference from the different departments the department of public works as you can see the existing with what their existing today with the program on 15 hundred mission again not finalize and please forgive me we dont have a copy of that. Is this one . I dont have it. Thank you. We have it now and. So we are as you can see public works what was anticipated inform 2014 what is conceptually or potentially programmed for 15 hundred mission not finalize we have time to work on it an increase of gone from one and 82 to one 11 thousand Square Footage change planning has gone from 49 to 59 square feet it is a 10 thousand Square Footage change a 22 percent and dbi is 50 thousand or 51 thousand going up to 56 close to 57 an 11 increase and the permit center by 22 to 38 thousand a 76 percent increase i mentioned earlier we decided to increase the center to say a onestop shop there and areas where there is tenants to be determined and also see the weight increased the training and Childcare Centers in the common ear so there is Square Footage there again, we have time to work on this you can see the head counts in the table below what we projected in 2014 what is the active today and again, a lot of the head count more is more of policy called by the mayor and the board of supervisors and how many ftes we have going in there were doing the best we can with the fitting the number of employees and the program and getting out of a very important thing getting out of existing leases it is not something that ill be able to discuss further today and well have more to say in may but a lot of theres a lot of moving parts and valuables in getting out of various lease an example the department of public works is not on on thirty van ness and mission but major divisions at 1155 Mission Street with the management and their Accounting Division and moving out of those spaces into 15 hundred mission well backfill with it is a favorable lease term with other entities out of different areas before city hall or have on south van ness that allows the mta to get out of expensive leases and move to one thousand van ness it is kind of as we call it a project chest were moving multiple areas down stream you then eventually get out of leases it is a worthy conversation and goal we all share and more than willing to come back to you in may and further and continue the dialogue with the board of supervisors around that. Wow. Thank you. Supervisor yee. I think and supervisor tang excuse me thank you for this chart here i mean, i see the 76 percent in Square Footage for the permit center that is something ive been pushing all of the departments on because in terms of Customer Experience with the people getting permits it is challenging to go to different buildings and then they are different timelines and accuses and everything so i know that ohio ive been work with the office of Economic Workforce Development and the Planning Commission i think that is important to go to one place and get our Business Done in one shot i know you said youll come back in may with Additional Information about how it is were getting departments out of expensive leases can you elaborate what are your thoughts of and analysis of the shifting going around in the budget analyst comments last week this is a lot of talk about increasing the Square Footage on 15 hundred mission but reducing the Square Footage for the sub center leases. There was a lot of Different Things we need to look at ill not be able to accomplish in one week there is looking at the existing footprint here in this building that will it takes time and looking at the different leases in the civic center when they expire and the needs and Program Needs what are the different source of funding coming in were doing some analysis now to and have ideas that we would feel better coming back in may and having those conversations. I have a pretty technologies question mr. Rosenfeld if you give me a second can you mr. Rosenfeld can you remind me what was the difference between a controlled reserve and Budget Reserve i think that is simple question. No okay. Turn your mike on. Good morning Ben Rosenfield Controllers Office there are two different ways that the board can place reserves the Controllers Office reserve typically will not require the action to return to the board of supervisors if you want to place something on reserve your clear regarding the criteria to release the be reserve for example, funds on Controllers Office reserve until bones are sold this is a nice bright line to authors this spending but were other examples typically with the Controllers Office reserve is the board places fund on reserve the Controllers Office is authorized to release it using the criteria the board as articulated to us thats one approach and second that you pensions that Budget Finance Committee reserve the appropriation move forward forward but were not authorized to spend those until it returns to the board with a release those are two approaches for reserve. Thank you. I appreciate the clarification and supervisor yee. Thank you. Yes and madam chair. This is along the line of questioning of supervisor tang in regards to the projections of staffing and Square Footage and pretty much the same conversation we had since last week on the same item and it seems like there is hadnt been any further clarification because this will take more time to do a better analysis and even the moving juggling everything around like to see that in on paper it is kind of hard to follow when you talk about it there to there and Something Else will move there. The question i have then is in regards to the three hundred 21 thousand no 3 plus 65 precedes from to develop the new space i guess when is that necessary. I mean as it seems like youll not need that funding for awhile. Well need the funding at the time were in counteracting with the developer related we will need to ratify the 321 million at the same time the purchase of agreement now and when we come back in may that we dont need the entire amount i dont have the cash flows in front of me but need to ratified and this conversation in may if parts are put on reserve thats fine but have it fully rat fiduciary at the time of ratifying the purchase sale agreement. What it the ratification to purchase the Sales Agreement you in the middle of may we think working with the chair may 11 or the following week. I uncomfortable with projections and the hope that the Board Members hope in regards to reducing the lease space in the Civic Center Area and i dont know how much we can push it whether those numbers makes sense or their inflated in terms of the Square Footage that these 3 particular departments needs ill definitely support the permit center if theyre more comfortable in the Square Footage certainly support the childcare piece but what else is there i mean and see because the uncomfort level we are talking about two items that are related i dont know if my colleagues on the committee would be open to an amendment or id like to do is i dont want to hold up the one hundred and it 2 million it seems like that is necessary at this point the other piece is sill time sensitive but have time to give the departments a chance to finalize their numbers or tighten up their numbers so fully understand wherewith he can get to reduce some of the leases in the Civic Center Area so one way to maybe approach this is to duplicate the files, and then for the duplicated foil to amend out the 321 million seven hundred and 65 and go ahead and pass the other piece the other appropriation of one and 22 today and then if the chair can actually put this on the agenda for may 11 and the timing should be still okay give you more time to give us clarity on the space usage so can i just ask i dont have i know that jamie with behind me and ben it is the timing of may 11th we want to make sure that the Controllers Office has enough time to do the work on the certifies of appropriation and rather than to assure i have may 11 to some of the items have not been trod we suggest to the call of the chair to have scheduling on may 11th or 18 we want to make sure about that all the remaining legislation it in front of you were not sure that can happen by the 11. Im open to that. All right. Thank you. Supervisor tang any thoughts you want to share. I think ill submitted. Supervisor yee. Sounds like we have common thinking well go ahead and privet and go to Public Comment so see what the Public Comment has to say seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you supervisor yee i want to make sure i heard you correctly the b l a made recommendations youre proposing to today that is to appropriate one and 22 million ; is that correct all the no, im actually proposing something slightly different. Okay. Which is. Hold that thought i want to that i have privet. Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee i have the city administrator i dont understand what remedies she didnt agree with. One comment when we return in may to reduce the k o ps my comment ill work with you. Great you basically agree with the recommendations yes. Madam chair, and members of the committee. There are two main concerns or issues in our report project you were told there would be a reduction in led space it turns out the department is recorded theyll windup with the city owned buildings we sold and windup with one and 54,000 Square Footage it seems reasonable a reduction in the spaces and some of the cost savings wed like to found out when it did not comes back, and, secondly, the furniture equipment, the computers and moving costs run up one and 39 percent from 12 millionmillion. Appreciate our willingness to respond to question. Supervisor yee. So i guess to continue the item can do we need to split the file did you want the foil. John gibner, deputy city attorney. So i think what supervisor yee is appropriately did you want the file that is a single supervisors privilege to that can happen without a vote and amend one version to one hundred and 22 million, the method. Send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. And then. Report. The second duplicated version to remove the 122 has the 321 and thats the right number and continue that item to the call of the chair. All right. Thank you for your clarification. Thank you for your clarification. So thats what you want to do. Yes. laughter all right. Supervisor tang how are you all right . . Okay to the clerk do we need to restate that can we accept. Id like to clarify if you want the first version the one and 22 million would you like to full board as a Committee Report. Yes. I would. Thank you. All right. Thank you okay. All right. So theres a theres a motion on the floor and for clarifying that and colleagues, can we take that without objection . All right. That item passes. Unanimously thank you. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and im not sure if i closes Public Comment but Public Comment is closed. All right. All right. There any additional business to come before this body . Theres no further business. All right. My friends this meeting is adjourned. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc all right. Good morning, everyone and thank you very much im bruce the director of workers comp i appreciate you all being here a few minutes ago a rainy pier thank you from business from labor our communitybased organizations and across the city i really want to recognize particularly thank the 41 men and women standing behind me the trainees of chase Center Program were here to celebrate lets give rourmentd to everyone. clapping. were celebrating the launch of this Incredible Program it is an Initiative Partnership been j. P. Morgan chase and the warriors and morton son and clark i mean, ill ask the mayor to talk about how special this is and following the mayor chip in the Golden State Warriors and j. P. Morgan chase and one thing that is really special we have two trainees that be talking about that so with that, im going to turn it over to mayor now. clapping. thank you, todd and thank you to our port for having that facility right here on pier 9 of one of the biggest questions in San Francisco those days when is the warriors around open and you know going around any part of city thats one of the major questions people are excited about this and even those companies that were boyd with warriors and making sure that they got their name out there particularly with mayor vic and chief clark the Warriors Arena we want to build it right they will saying how can we honor the city people are proud to associate themselves with the center you have to know all 41 of you know in your hearts you want your name on that i do i know youll find a place im not sure it chasing wants me to says youll put our girlfriends and boyfriends name make sure you say ed lee too laughter it is as todd mentioned a coming together of so many groups in support of warriors and the chase center and this arena and after all built a large deeper following amongst the community in the city those early were about make sure that were proudly doing something weve always wanted to do in the city you have big gigantic things going up in the city the buildings going up we often kind of is maybe, maybe recruiting money from thousands of miles away may be one hundred yard away and doing it this is why citibuild is important reaching into the communities and working with all the communitybased organizations theyve be working with the school board and the city college to create the programs with our unions with the apprenticeship programs from our unions i want to especially thank everyone from the laboring union and 4r07d and 37, the cement workers at the three hundred and im 230g9 one anymore will kill me, yes the iron workers 377 cant do nothing without them their 4 and the mini committees and programs dedicated to citibuild to work and provide the training without this stewart training youll not have the skill sets to contribute thank you to them and then j. P. Morgan chase and the warriors saying we want to do this with the contractor and theyre in substances in a way that builds this community this is how we should role in San Francisco with our community and trainees with the labor unions and contractor and the innovation work that the warriors is creating in this city this is i think how we should do all the major contracts our buildings thats why we want to demonstrate at the Chase Training Center today how were getting people tote without the port youll not see your name i know a few yorgz years from now, when your first concert our first conference at the chase center and say to our friends and families this is im really proud of that thats how i feel and with the warriors theyre obviously building a reputation all across the country and the world project manager at the end of year im going to china so it we can really build a sense of what this teamwork and our skill sets and what is the spirit of cities Washington High School but begins with dedicated professionals running our citibuild, our Training Programs and Community Programs working with the city and warriors and working with financial organizations like j. P. Morgan chase that helps to fund those and working with the contractor that see the way to the unions how we lift people up and communities up and for me thats what the warriors have done they list up people not just a Great Basketball Team the way they do images this is so lift people up in the community thats how teamwork wins this is owl uniform the skill sets were learning i want to explain this because people come to me and say i want a job i want a job the appreciation is deeper when you understand how everybody contributed to help how people say i want people from hundred yards away to build the best around in the world that will be the most invite arena were talking about a design and commitment that people legal unit only fund but the status quo i want to associate yourselves with that the two people that will come up taking todd and jesse have life stories to talk about im truly appreciative that thats multiplied 41 times with every one of our life stories because i want to join all of you in lifting up yourselves and your families and lifting up the city together you are at the essence of what were talking about when we want success for the city we want everybody to reach by this arena and the way were doing it im particularly proud of congratulations congratulation to ocii and our communitybased organizations, that are working together to make sure that the Outreach Team and the warriors are job creation everybody is working at a highlevel in order to see your success all i ask when our finished you help us to keep the door open for all the others like the contractor keeping their doors open thats how we do this in San Francisco thank you for this and i i know your training has been hard i understand youre running 5 million a week laughter i dont even get that one of these days ill jog along with you after my coffee laughter but keeping in shape helping our families this is how we do it im proud of every single one of you for lifting yourselves up thank you and congratulations. clapping. thank you, mayor next up i want to invite chip the chief officers for the warriors a special home and team chip. clapping. thank you how is everybody doing good good thank you all for being here and a tremendous thank you to mia joint project sponsor were working with on building chase and our friends at j. P. Morgan chase life people have bhp involved with peter and the entire Warriors Organization we appreciate your efforts im lucky to be part this is my third arena project ive worked on nothing more special then something so for the community were a private entity but part of unproductively the organization is our responsibility to create opportunity for people and office use the people come together to create somethings special im proud of you, you guys and existed with j. P. Morgan chase and were going to do chase chase center this is is an overarching program that helps with Community Outreach outreach so we that there is a lot of opportunity to Work Together and create opportunity for people to be part of the project and as part of this exercise we look forward to you being a part of that with that, thank you thank you for being here. Were committed to the office of Economic Workforce Development development and continue throughout the duration of the chase center have a great day i looked to doing just a little bit of work with you guys laughter clapping. thank you chip you know this program is made possible through 2w06 gift from j. P. Morgan chase i want to bring up la tin from j. P. Morgan chase. clapping. so im the western executive at j. P. Morgan chase i want to think i have the best job and days like this reminded me of that i want to thank mayor ed lee and chip and the warriors for partnering were excited to invest isnt chase Center Pilot Program and binge that to San Francisco as a global firm were hearing from people Washington High School about the fact they cant find the workers with a program is decade like this San Francisco go upping u as you may know is a illustration of the challenge and faces the work were at the center of innovation and change but at center of critical and associate challenges and all responsible for the challenges and as extension advance in the steroids involved we have to make sure that those in the middle are not pushed out and over the next 3 years our firm is investing 22 million on innovations to have more Economic Growth to insure were lifting up individuals this is important thats why question made the invested so partnering with the warriors chip mentioned the organizations were, of course, education is one of them and then Affordable Housing the great work were doing other citibuild is one step so with that, i want to share how achieved about this program and gas stations to all of you and being part of the program and proud to be here and look forward to continuing our outstanding pinching throughout the community thank you. clapping. next, i want to notify up two of the trainees to speak and you know the reason that everyone said the reason were here and this moment is so approximately because of individual lives that program touches and i want to invite up next jovan to share her thoughts on the program. clapping. my name is jovan grew up in richmond, california and moved to San Francisco in 1997 with my first daughter and by then i had a conviction for selling drugs in the tenderloin with children yes, ive done things in any past in order to survive i got to where im a the with determination and selfmotivation and a whole lost stepping out of my comfort zone the free hit a home run in berkley led me to this gentleman and asked if i was a San Francisco resident and interested in helping to build the new stadium and have nothing that will hinder me from working only saturdays and sunday here we are a woman of monitored helping to build the bay a say you i want to say thank you to j. P. Morgan chase the Warriors Arena, llc and the office of Economic Workforce Development and the mayor for putting this training together to make a change in my life and many other lives also standing on the staple with me today thank you guys. clapping. next up i want to invite jesse martinez. clapping. how is everybody doing today good good i did not come prepared i have a short notice so laura great story by the way, id like to say what when i first started off doing in program my father passed away the night before i was supposed to come here and so there was a lot of things going through my head whether or not i was going to come here i know i came here to do right by my father growing up in the bay area time in and out a lot of minority like myself we dont get great opportunity like this the fact that olsen and clark and the Warriors Arena and citibuild the mayor, rasp and Department Staff johnson given us this opportunity more than auditorium theyll give us trades and skills well be able to build careers thats man, i i mean, im very thankful not only me but on behalf of the 41 people we show up ever be weekend and get out there you know everyone here is uptick really determined and we really want this really want this thank you. clapping. so were going to close in a moment i want to just quickly highlight the fact there are more than 14 billion construction going on in San Francisco right now and a lot of that is because of mayors leadership and the leadership in the economy and moving with the people in the room today, we created oewd the office of Economic Workforce Development citibuild program to train and connect resident to the incredible Job Opportunities that are happening in construction in 2006, we trained more than 1,000 individuals for those jobs and placed individuals in more 15 hundred jobs in a arrange of trades from cement and partners were proud of that and bare larry has been a leader to make sure we connect the residents to those opportunity this is a unique partnership if you heard the speakers say and unique project sponsor that takes citibuild to the next level public and private on the cuttingedge of where this is going i want to take a moment to thank a number of people in the room today for the success of the program the reason were able to have it but our citibuild team many are here today and mark investigators if you can raise your hand mark and michael carr and the whole team and thank you to the instructors raise your hand thank you to the instructors. clapping. were on port property right now and the reason we have to facility and the space State Hospital do the training because of jeff forbes and others jeff if youre here the chase center is located in former redevelopment areas and overseen by the office of Economic Workforce Development the executive director is here today. clapping. thank you for being here keep an eye on the ball is a partnership with neighborhood communitybased organizations and y cd and design and the institutes, the conservatism core and all partners for citibuild thank you very much. clapping. and as the mayor mentioned wouldnt have been possible without the Apprenticeship Training Committee Union 3 61 and the iron workers 377 and the powell working 344 thank you very much for your partnering and wouldnt have been possible without morrison and clark thank you for your partnering and, of course, the warriors and j. P. Morgan chase thank you, again. clapping. i want to recognize commission eric mcdornld of united west this brings the speaking portion of our program to a close but the rain has stopped and the sun has come out and the mayor will be doing some work on the project outside thank you for being hi today we have a special edition of building San Francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about San Franciscos earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. The next episode of stay safe, we have Alicia Johnson from San Franciscos department of emergency management. Hi, alicia thanks to coming it is a pleasure to be here with you. I wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in San Francisco. Well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. Having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. How long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in San Francisco. It depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. What kind of neighborhood and Community Involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. It is important to have a Good Relationship with your neighbors and your community. Go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. It is important to have a batteryoperated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the Community Around and how you can communicate with other people. One of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. Yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. So a title to a home, a passport, a drivers license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any Vital Information on your computer. Back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. In your home you should be prepared as well. Absolutely. Lets take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. We have no water, what are we going to do about water . It is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. We have this big container and also in peoples homes they have a hot water heater. Absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well what other things do people need to have arent their home. It is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. Here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. And this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. Yes. So in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. Having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. It is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. And here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. I hope that you have an alternative one at home. Oh, i forgot. And in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. I have them right here. Good. Excellent. That is great. Additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. Markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. I am okay and i will meet you at. Exactly. Exactly. Water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. We have matches here. And my spare glasses. And your spare glasses. If you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. If it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. Inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. Very important. We have a little first aid kit. And lots of different kinds of batteries. And another spare flashlight. So, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we dont have damage . One of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. Make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. Also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. Becoming prepared is not that difficult. Taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra everyday items on hand helps to make the difference. That contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. Absolutely. If you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. We are all proud of living in San Francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. So, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. Absolutely, it is my pleasure. And thank you for joining us on another edition of building take pictures of the view of the city that you soon went forgot. Our first look out and at Buena Vista Park San Francisco heavily forested hill with couples and doing walkers its as old as the near neighbor Golden Gate Park and both have a coast live oak forest and fresh in retreat from urban life and meanders under a canopy of oaks yup lipid u. S. And chill out in this pleasant and quiet environment and you might see butter nice, and dandelion and is squirrels hundred dollaring for their next meal and Buena Vista Park is 88 committee and shortly joined by supervisor yee the vice chair supervisor tang and supervisor sheehy are also meeting supervisor kim is excused from this meeting id like to entertain a motion to excuse supervisor kim so moved. Thank you very much well take that without objection. Without objection. Our clerk is linda wong id like to thank jesse larson and phil jackson our friends at sfgovtv assisting us and clerk is john carol as well as who will be vauvent linda wong and mr. Clerk, any announcements . Devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. Thank you. I

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