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calling names . Hello. Im a long time resident of the 24 and a member of the council i wanted to talk about the arts organizations both from the prospective of having the perform artists and from being a parent thats raised a child whos life has on richer from growing up in the corridor. Because of the organization like local and the 4th of july maturity it program i feel like were all so much richer. I wanted to say this is a unique and fragile little neighborhood and i really want to preserve whats special about that we can benefit no matter what our heritage or where we come from. Thank you thank you. Chair and supervisors thank you. Im edwin im a sf tech worker that grew up and went to the Elementary School here my dad put me in bryant open its face p. S. This is a preservation of culture and arts its incredibly important but this resolution is i think much burn this it builds understanding and empathy for our new resident coming into our neighborhoods to understand why questioning we car so much about our Community Tech workers say why do you care you can move youve made enough money thats hard to say why but the latino culture district weve put it on displace and it will strengthen the community and resident here and allow us to open our arms to new residents and say i get it i see why you care so much and at the end of the day its empathy that will allow the new residents to come in and say lets fight with you against displacement this is a huge curve particularly in the mission. Thank you. Afternoon josh with bright line i want to speak in strong support for the resolution its important because the conversation around preserving an history districts is about the historic architect but this is about preservation of a community for all the reasons weve talked about and the local businesses and small Property Owners and Labor Movement organizing its critical. I can say for my family and i stay on 24th in 5 years weve seen the change its unbelievable and Others Community members have seen throughout their time so it couldnt come as a better time supervisors you talk about and folks think about the tradition is it going to be preserved and the identity of the culture going to be preserved as people look at Economic Opportunities this elevates the experience of the community as well i think will really, really be great as it goes forward to be a special use district. One last thing ann mentioned local 261 has been excited and ann has connected the dots with the Latino Community and the folks and the locals are excited we had a conversation this week about how to support it thank you supervisor campos and everyone for this great achievement thank you very much marching and thats the last card i have. Anyone else can just line up good afternoon supervisors. Thank you for the time provided here im marshall shall im here to support the resolution and also to voice the concerns of many of our residents that live on keitel the corner of 24th and hamming sure a lot of the businesses and a lot of the Services Provided are not, you know, throughout the corridor benefits many of our residents. I know for a fact it, you know, because of the changes that wish going on with an within the Mission District it will definitely effect the residents in that sector. Many of them speak about the culture components and the Services Provided if this thing were to change more dramatically then theyll lack from the services. On a personal note, i remember when i emigrated from the Central America the Mission District id describe as the corridor the heart 24th street is the heart of the Mission District i want to make sure were leaving a piece of history or legacy for the many families to come they enjoy i know every benefit thats provided in the corridor. I wanted to say thank you very much and im here to support and hope the resolution passes thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Thank you. My name is christie i saw you last week actually. Im the artistic director on 24th and mission weve been a Movement Space since is early 70s first, the third wave and now Dance Mission thats a organization of color primarily we have one of the largest Affordable Housing restraining order caribbean arts program and have 4 hundred children in the 94 one one 0 code ive seen first hand the changes in my community and applaud you for pga this resolution. I assume thats whats going to happen and we can all continue to carry on preserving the mission for being one of the most Amazing Community in the united states. I have personally learned so much from living in the mission and deceasing dealing with the populations and what you said to supervisor david camposs about the easel donor refugees made in the 80s we were able to merge the lgbt with the slard movement and created a new idea of social justice i got to be part of that those judges get carried out throughout the country that contribute to the humanity its about what we have on the corridor and consciousness weve made throughout the last thirty or 40 years from the mission into the rest of the world its about a big picture also one thing really fast the miracle mile and wyatts what thats about thank you for that lesson keep talking laura. All right. Any is there any further Public Comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor campos. I want to add one final point that i think that what this process has shown to me is what an incredible neighborhood we have that as we face those changes and some of the displacement thats happening that i think its saying a lot about the community and the neighborhood the response was to really Work Together to come together as a community to figure out how we can preserve our culture our heritage and to do so in an inclusive process about to begin through the planning department. I think that it says a lot about the mission what it is and what it will continue to be. Its on a inclusive place for people all over is world come and share this important heritage and im very proud of that. I especially want to highlight the culture piece and seeing is culture and arts institutions represented whether the theatre or the Dance Mission or the Culture Center for the arts thats the heart of this community. And im just really honored to be part of it and i do think that were going to look back at this not only at the beginning of Something Special but other parts of the city. With that, i want to thank you and ask for your support supervisor campos and thank you for moving this forward and people in the community that have done a lot of these work to make this a reality. I think in thinking about preservation and Historic Preservation we do what supervisor campos mentioned sometimes focus a lot on the physicality of the architect and thats important but your architecture we know thats not enough its about your cultures heritage and, of course, about the people who are in our communities that made our communities great. And all three of those are incredibly important. We also know that change happens we try to resist change and not always successful and change has Police Cruiser and minutes. The sign of a really Healthy Community is a couth that understands change happens and we also in addition to embracing that change need to embrace who we are as a community and not let that be taken away. When our able to balance both the change happens but the community is here that made the Community Whether the castro or the bayview or chinatown made that great when we achieve the balance we get the success its achievable this is a great step forward. So supervisor campos i think this is an amendment you want to offer yes. You should have a copy of an amended version of the Resolution Bay by the way, thank you, my staff on page one to include quote from San Francisco scope an institution in the mission alejondra and an amendment on page 5 that just adds the some clarification about the theatre and it adds the name of a person hernandez and also an amendment on page 8 that actually includes the name even if eric the late ethics the a long time activist in the community and further resolve that has more language i hope those amendments are considered to be in line with the spirit of the resolution. Okay. Supervisor campos has offered some amendments that he has subscribed can we without objection okay. And can i have a motion to forward supervisor kim did you want to make a motion i want to thank everyone for their work and you know the conversation of changing change and history is such an interesting one its really challenging to wrap your head reason a it and working in chinatown and see how the organization next years have preserved their community and the nonprofits theres a community where people can land and start businesses are vital to all businesses in San Francisco. There needs to be effort and when we talk about change happening in a free hand way were talking about the free market economy there are changes that wipe away positive changes as policymakers we have to prioritize things and one is supporting Small Businesses because their vital to the Economic Vitality and hiring in our community and provided futures for san franciscans and thats a twist we can make in the city and im glad the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development is supporting the businesses pr i think the basis you hear about the cafes are coming up but you losses the identity in the mission so i think we should think about the balance this is a movement for 24th street the Caesar Chavez theres a a long Time Commitment to figure out the balance how it works. So i want to add some condominiums to supervisor wieners comments. I agree and we need to make sure we at city hall are making it possible for the businesses to survive and the Small Businesses the smallest of the businesses struggle the most. You know, because big National Chances they can survive pretty much anything but the Small Businesses. I would entertain a motion to forward to the full board as a Committee Report everyone is happy about this. Well take that without objection. Thooibz. Theres no further business. Were hi today we have a special edition of building San Francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about San Franciscos earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. The next episode of stay safe, we have Alicia Johnson from San Franciscos department of emergency management. Hi, alicia thanks to coming it is a pleasure to be here with you. I wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in San Francisco. Well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. Having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. How long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in San Francisco. It depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. What kind of neighborhood and Community Involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. It is important to have a Good Relationship with your neighbors and your community. Go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. It is important to have a batteryoperated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the Community Around and how you can communicate with other people. One of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. Yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. So a title to a home, a passport, a drivers license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any Vital Information on your computer. Back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. In your home you should be prepared as well. Absolutely. Lets take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. We have no water, what are we going to do about water . It is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. We have this big container and also in peoples homes they have a hot water heater. Absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well what other things do people need to have arent their home. It is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. Here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. And this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. Yes. So in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. Having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. It is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. And here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. I hope that you have an alternative one at home. Oh, i forgot. And in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. I have them right here. Good. Excellent. That is great. Additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. Markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. I am okay and i will meet you at. Exactly. Exactly. Water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. We have matches here. And my spare glasses. And your spare glasses. If you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. If it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. Inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. Very important. We have a little first aid kit. And lots of different kinds of batteries. And another spare flashlight. So, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we dont have damage . One of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. Make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. Also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. Becoming prepared is not that difficult. Taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra everyday items on hand helps to make the difference. That contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. Absolutely. If you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. We are all proud of living in San Francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. So, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. Absolutely, it is my pleasure. And thank you for joining us on another edition of building order. This is the tuesday, may 13, 2014. Meeting of San Francisco Transportation Authority plans programs committee. Our clerk is ms. Ivory can chang. Madam clerk, please call the roll. Supervisor breed. Supervisor campos. Supervisor kim. Absent. Supervisor mar. Supervisor yee. We have quorum thank you. Please call the next item. The serious Committee Report this is an informational item. We have bryan. Good morning, Committee Members we shared 3 action items and passed them amazing it was our items 8, 9 and temple item 4 for a Clean Air Program and peter in the committee asked for the transit would cause spill over into parallel streets it was anna said theres a request to the Transportation Authority thirty to study the issue. Item number 8 was a strategic action report for local and resemble bike sharing original models and there was some discussion of entity and the staff is working with the Bicycle Coalition to identify and get any issues item 9 was a request for 4 hundred and 6 i6r thousands of prop a fund pardon me prop k funded for the safety related requests and there was no discussion on that item which i think is a positive sign that safety related issue transcend you culture and language barriers thats a good sign. With that, if there are no questions i have to take leave thank you, mr. A lawyer kin. Open this up for Public Comment for anyone wishing to speak. Thank you, supervisors id like to briefly elaborate on the item bottom of page 10. Its to share with you the transportation exclamations of closing the street bridge this bridge is actually the underpass for the future of the encountering station so looking at the station you can see the park on the same side of the station so if in the morning you drive up there and heading south to Silicon Valley the issue is in the evening youre going to be on the other side of the tracks theres no good pathway. The next thing is the financial complications of closing the street. You basically going to lose 10 million of both stat

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