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Acknowledge sfgtv who will record each of our meetings and make the transcript available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any announcements . Yes, mr. Chairman. Please silence any cell phones. Any files should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. Can you please call item no. 1. Fitem 130622 agenda[initiative ordinance administrative code San Francisco Family Friendly workplace ordinance]1306221. Sponsors chiu; cohen, mar and camposmotion ordering submitted to the voters an ordinance amending the administrative code to allow San Franciscobased employees to request flexible or predictable working arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities, subject to the employers right to deny a request based on business reasons; prohibit adverse employment actions based on caregiver status; prohibit interference with rights or retaliation against employees for exercising rights under the ordinance; require employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the ordinance; require employers to maintain records regarding compliance with the ordinance; authorize enforcement by the office of labor standards enforcement, including the imposition of remedies and penalties for a violation, and an appeal process for an employer to an independent hearing officer; authorize waiver of the provisions of the ordinance in a collective bargaining agreement; and making environmental findings, to the voters of the city and county of San Francisco at an election to be held on november 5, 2013. Item 130622 agenda[initiative ordinance administrative code San Francisco Family Friendly workplace ordinance]1306221. Sponsors chiu; cohen, mar and camposmotion ordering submitted to the voters an ordinance amending the administrative code to allow San Franciscobased employees to request flexible or predictable working arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities, subject to the employers right to deny a request based on business reasons; prohibit adverse employment actions based on caregiver status; prohibit interference with rights or retaliation against employees for exercising rights under the ordinance; require employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the ordinance; require employers to maintain records regarding compliance with the ordinance; authorize enforcement by the office of labor standards enforcement, including the imposition of remedies and penalties for a violation, and an appeal process for an employer to an independent hearing officer; authorize waiver of the provisions of the ordinance in a collective bargaining agreement; and making environmental findings, to the voters of the city and county of San Francisco at an election to be held on november 5, item 130622 agenda[initiative ordinance administrative code San Francisco Family Friendly workplace ordinance]1306221. Sponsors chiu; cohen, mar and camposmotion ordering submitted to the voters an ordinance amending the administrative code to allow San Franciscobased employees to request flexible or predictable working arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities, subject to the employers right to deny a request based on business reasons; prohibit adverse employment actions based on caregiver status; prohibit interference with rights or retaliation against employees for exercising rights under the ordinance; require employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the ordinance; require employers to maintain records regarding compliance with the ordinance; authorize enforcement by the office of labor standards enforcement, including the imposition of remedies and penalties for a violation, and an appeal process for an employer to an independent hearing officer; authorize waiver of the provisions of the ordinance in a collective bargaining agreement; and making environmental findings, to the voters of the city and county of San Francisco at an election to be held on november 5, 2013. Thank you. 1234 supervisor chiu is here to speak on this item. Thank you. This is the Third Committee hearing on this item and the first two committees over the last couple of weeks. Weve made a number of amendments to this measure which as i think you know would establish in San Francisco the right for employees to request from employers the opportunity to talk about Flexible Working arrangements if those employees are parents and caregivers. The right the request would be balanced by employers the right to deny for good faith reasons if employers are unable to accommodate the request. We have made a number of amendments at the request of various stake holders including city agency and working families and the Business Community and i want to thank the public for their tremendous feedback on this measure. Colleagues. At this time i would like to note supervisor yee on his sponsor ship on this item which did not indicate on the agenda. We have a clean copy of the legislation for us to hopefully move. What i would like to do because there is still some conversations going on with the stake holders and Mayors Office and colleagues about this if we can move this with full recommendation, not for today, but on july 30th to have a full conversation. What i suggested is we move this out of committee, not for todays consideration but for consideration of the board from a week from today to allow for additional conversations we are having on this measure. I know weve had quite a public of Public Comment this week and hopefully we can move this out relatively quickly. Great. Is there any Public Comment at this point . Seeing none, yes, cmon up. Ron smith, i just want to thank president chiu and members of this committee for your incredible patience and your understanding in trying to make the best piece of legislation possible. Thank you so much. Thank you, seeing no other Public Comments, Public Comment is now closed. President chiu, thank you for your leadership on this and as we discuss whether its individually or at a Committee Meeting that as a legislative body in San Francisco its great to be part of an effort to make things work for families in San Francisco and as you know i have been working on these issues for many many decades, i guess. Im really happy to be a cosponsor of this legislation with you and others on there. Then im very happy that you have been able to work with the stake holders on this and to offer the needed amendments and in particular i was really happy to see that you were able to move the minimum of 1020 where it would have impact on the business. I know that firsthand for those that are small are, it maybe a little bit difficult, but once you get into a larger scope of 20, i would say 99. 9 percent businesses can manage that. Are there any other comments . Colleagues . Seeing none, then is there a motion to move this out for possible recommendation . A Committee Report . No. Not as a Committee Report. We hope to get this moved out for the final july meeting. That would be the last day to vote to put this on the ballot if we wanted to. Okay. To the full board. Originally it was as a committee record for today, but we have so much going on for today that we thought it would be better to put it out for next tuesday for the board. I want to thank the rules committee for your consideration of this matter. Okay. With no objection, the motion is moved. Item no. 2. Mr. Chairman, there are no other businesses before the committee. Okay. Thank you. So the meeting is adjourned. Hi. Welcome to San Francisco. Stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. Lets look at common earthquake myths. We are here at the urban center on Mission Street in San Francisco. We have 3 guest today. We have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. I want to talk about urban myths. What do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance . Hes sleeping during those earthquakes . Have you noticed him take any special . No. He sleeps right through them. There is no truth that im aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. You hear the myth all the time. Suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something i hear they are aware of small vibrations. But yes, i read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. Today is a spectacular day in San Francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. Is this earthquake weather . No. Not that i have heard of. No such thing. There is no such thing. We are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. There is no relationship. I have heard its hot or cold weather or rain. Im not sure which is the myth. How about time of day . Yes. It happens when its least convenient. When it happens people say we were lucky and when they dont. Its terrible timing. Its never a good time for an earthquake. But we are going to have one. How about the ground swallowing people into the ground . Like the earth that collapsed . Its not like the tv shows. The earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but its not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. Its not going anywhere. We are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. Southern california is moving north. Its coming up from the south to the north. You would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. Maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. For better or worse. Yes. This is a tough question. Those other ones werent tough. This is a really easy challenge. Are the smaller ones less stress . Yes. The amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. I think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4. 7. So small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future . Not anyway that you can count on. I have heard that buildings in San Francisco are on rollers and isolated . Its not true. Its a conventional Foundation Like almost all the circumstances buildings in San Francisco. The transamerica was built way before. Its a pretty conventional foundation design. I have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. Is there anything of value to that . Yes, if you are in your room. You should drop, cover and hold onto something. If you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. If you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, its not a bad place to be. The reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. You are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. You are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. You want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. Where can i buy a Richter Scale . Mr. Richter is selling it. We are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. They are not available. Its a rather complex. In fact we dont even use the Richter Scale anymore. We use a moment magnitude. The Richter Scale was early technology. Probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. Is that true . Loma prieta was different. The ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. So anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. We are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to San Francisco and a fault totally independent. Much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. So people who were here in 89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isnt really the threshold of damage. When you triple it you cross that line. Its much more damage in earthquake. I want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for applause good morning, everyone. Were going to get started now. Thank you for attending todays announcement. My name is adrian, im with immigrant affairs. Let me first start by introducing the other partners for todays initiative lunch. First of all, the San Francisco foundation, dr. Sandra hernandez and tessa rivera, [speaker not understood], Senior Program officer for immigrant rights and integration, walter and alise fund, also known as the haase senior fund. Pam david, the Wallace Alexander gabode foundation, stacey ma and thomas, concerned with immigrants and refugees represented today by felicia barto, deputy director. Also present today are commissioner canali vicechair of the San Francisco immigrant rights commission, city librarian, luis herrera, [speaker not understood], and clementine of the african advocacy network. So, let me provide first of all just a little bit of background on the initiative. In 2008 while serving as city administrator, mayor ed lee created the office of Civic Engagement and immigrant affairs, one of the first such offices in the nation. The intention was to better communicate with and engage our City Residents while providing opportunities for meaningful participation and particularly for under served and vulnerable communities. In 2009 the city had the pleasure of collaborating with Business Community and Philanthropic Partners for the 2010 census count. We learned a lot about applying relevant street wise, street smart approaches to outreach and supporting community stewardship. This successful outreach effort and ongoing relationship evolved into a new model of engagement and collaboration. Last year under the leadther ship of mayor ed lee and dr. Sandra hernandez of the San Francisco foundation, ~ planning began on a citywide citizenship initiative, a total of five philanthropic foundations, a National Grant makers organization, and trusted Community Partners are working together with the city on this effort. We will be starting the pilot phase of the initiative after todays announcement. We hope to include more partners as the initiatives progresses into full implementation over the next three years. So, mayor lee will now announce the initiative. And as a longtime civil rights champion and leader, mayor lee has infused San Franciscos City Government with a new sense of inclusive collaborative leadership effectiveness and boundless energy, creative innovation and energy. So, mayor lee. applause thank you, adrian. I dont know about boundless energy. [laughter] but i do i am inspired by our immigrant community. Weve done so much that i think the city is its dna is really about our diversity. Let me thank adrian. Shes been a wonderful leader at the office of Civic Engagement and immigrant affairs, leading an effort not just with the immigrant rights commission, but a good strong relationship with our communitybased organizations that do all of the great on the groundwork with our immigrant families, people who are coming here as refugees, adjusting, people who come here, permanent residents, people who have come here seeking their future, their hopes for themselves and their families. Also people who often came here by different ways and stayed, and maybe overstayed their status, or are escaping from wartorn or impoverished countries. We will be a sanctuary city for many years for people who want to be here. Having said that, i am glad to be here this morning with adrian, dr. Hernandez, and also, again, teaming up with board president and supervisor david chiu who i got a chance to work with very early as we prepared back in 2010 with all the Community Groups and with the board of supervisors. And then i was the city administrator tasked by the mayor and the board with this big challenge of how do we go about of the census, knowing that every census in past history and those brief partial census efforts that go on in between the 10 years always under counted our folks and people who have been here. All the groups that i just described and the folks that we have tried to serve and knew that they were living sometimes in the shadow, sometimes without a lot of help and support. How do we count them in as residents of this city . And, so, we began on a very strong Outreach Program that depended upon service providers, to be quite candid. Not just government agencies, but providers that sacrifice much of their time in the nonprofit world, surviving on very, very much foundational grants, foundational leaders who oftentimes were the only ones that heard the voices that we need help to really identify these folks because if it wasnt for them, we wouldnt have people coming out and telling us what diseases were causing them problems, what was spreading, what were the fears in our immigrant communities that were preventing them from participating, from not getting licenses, not accessing themselves to job opportunities, being perhaps caught up in underground economy. And you know what that leads to oftentimes is many problems that also may have challenges in our criminal Justice System as well as our economics. But we wanted all of that to change. We for many years kids of immigrants, we always felt it was our duty to take up what maybe our parents and our friends were not able to out of fear or out of the lack of Government Action or accountability, or even a safety net for people to be able to speak freely. Taking all of that immigrant life lessons and now placing them in effect i have culturally competent programs was our task. And, so, back in 2010 we tried to do that, and i think we did very well in the census count by bringing forth so many groups to be counted and not to be afraid and not to be experiencing consequences. But the census was only the beginning. We knew that. And in our followup conversations with dr. Hernandez who helped lead a lot of the communitybased efforts as well as conversations with foundations and grants, with people like annie chung and others who are community leader, with different ethnicities, and i mean all ethnicities. Not just ones that dominate, immigrants in San Francisco like asians and latinos, but our african community, our Eastern Europe committee, our middle Eastern Communities are all engaged in this effort. And our goal was always beyondv just being counted, how do you participate fully in American Society . ~ how do you get to a david chiu as the supervisor or ed lee as the mayor and register your heart felt viewpoints on how your park should look like . What kind of education level your schools should be in . What kind of Community Safety plans would make you and your family feel safe . What kind of level of health care, which is a big, big challenge for us these days, that you need in order to keep healthy . All of these kinds of issues, including input in the government, weve always wanted to improve. Well, today there is over 100,000 permanent residents in San Francisco who are not fully engaged yet in everything that they can be doing in registering their voice. And, so, we want to announce today a new initiative, its the San Francisco pathways to citizenship initiative. Its job, its focus is to work with all the communitybased organizations in the publicprivate way, work with the foundations with historically supported these efforts to bring voice and communication to hidden communities and unannounced communities, and to bring them to a path of citizenship, and to talk in culturally competent ways what the benefits of full citizen participation are, and there are many. If you are becoming a citizen or if you become a citizen, youre going to have a lot more fuller rights. For one thing, you get to vote in San Francisco. You get to vote in america. And that voting right is so precious. And we saw just a month ago or less than a month ago how we revisited how valuable that Voting Rights is, and all the sacrifices that heroes of this country had to protect that right for everybody. We want everybody to enjoy that because that gets you a voice and all the things we initially talked about. We want citizens to have a proper rich orientation and Training Classes that will conduct that will be conducted through this initiative, nonpartisan voting, the rights to vote, the right to be educated around every ballot measure that we have, whether it costs you more money or it doesnt cost you anything, or how do we improve muni, whether it costs you more or doesnt cost you anything. How do we do all of that in a much more involved way . Education, outreach, more engaging new citizens to mentor and help other eligible immigrants navigate the citizenship application process. We think this is our next big challenge, but opportunity just beyond the work that we did which was groundwork to get people counted. And i said earlier, our diversity is not just to be tolerated. It has to be celebrated in every way, and full participation is the goal. Well, i want to thank wonderful historic and new Funding Partners that through their leadership and generosity in this initiative, certainly Sandra Hernandez and the San Francisco foundation have been longtime partners. Shes been so helpful in many other things and many of you know shes helping me on hope s. F. , provide housing opportunities for some of our worst dilapidated housing. Now shes also again stepped up with additional partners. And i want to just signal to you some of these historic partners that are working with us. The [speaker not understood] foundation, the haase junior and senior foundations, as well as the Asian Pacific fund amongst many other foundations that are assisting us. This is a 1. 2 Million Initiative over the next three years with the city providing about half of the funding and the foundations stepping up with the other half. But the real work is going to be done at the community level. The Community Organizations that are going to be working with us on numerous and they reflect all the different ethnicities that i just mentioned. But i want to mention a few to give them some special thank you because theyre stepping beyond what theyve traditionally done and going into the mold of going beyond just the citizenship count and now into services into this new orientation and training, and that is [speaker not understood] for the elderly, one of the lead agency. Thank you, annie, for leading that. Youve been a wonderful collaborater with us. The asian caucus, Asian Pacific islander outreach, Catholic Charities cyo, International Institute of the bay area, jewish family and children services, [speaker not understood] Community Resource center. As well as the african advocacy network, the arab resource organizing center, myob which is the [speaker not understood], the Southeast Asian community center, [speaker not understood] media, of course San Francisco immigrant rights commission. Well, ive often said in many speeches that our immigrant population is important. Well, over a third of our population are immigrants and we acknowledge that. But i dont just want to say it as an announcement. Everybody knows that. What we want is full participation. We want people to not be afraid or not be meeting as many barriers as they are today, from activating themselves in full participation. And i do want to have people of all languages and all heritages telling us how they want our parks to be managed, how they want Community Safety, how they want transportation to be had, all these things everybody else gets to do, and they weigh in pretty heavily. But i want full participation of that. And until we get so, well always feel were not representing everybody in this city. And, so, this effort is to get to the additional 100,000 permanent residents to encourage them to get to the citizenship, enjoy all those benefits. Those benefits are numerous. Youre going to be able to situate yourself in better jobs. Youre going to get qualified for Training Programs that are only offered sometimes to citizenships. Youre g

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