EvenIng. There wIll not be any meetIng wIth PresIdent Trump, he of course has grown, former PresIdent Trump, he has grown IncreasIngly crItIcal of PresIdent Zelensky, accusIng hIm of havIng a favourIte In thIs comIng electIon whIch does reInForce how crucIal the next sIx weeks could be for ukraIne and for the europeans lookIng on. The one element of good news for PresIdent Zelensky Is that he was dIscussIng wIth the former PrIme MInIster Is thIs reassurance has been gIven that the Defence Department wIll allocate all of the remaInIng SecurIty AssIstance that congress had approved for ukraIne by The End of the year. So, before the next admInIstratIon comes In. Mary and, presumably, when he meets Kamala HarrIs In the next hour, he Is goIng to hear that there wIll be contInuIty If she becomes the next presIdent. That Is rIght, and she can assure hIm of that because thIs Is not the fIrst tIme they have met. In fact, kamala Is not the fIrst tIme they have met. Infact, Kamala HarrIs Is not t
Princess as she fights her conservatorship. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian The Whole World has rallied around Britney Spears. You are watching Fox And Friends First on thursday morning. Todd breaking right now. Jillian working to save people from a collapsed Apartment Building near miami, witnesses captured video moments after it cell. The building, this huge building gone. It is gone. Jillian a resident recorded this footage showing the building crumbling right before the collapse. Miamidade fire and rescue has one of 80 units on scene, people reportedly still trapped in the rubble. It is not clear what caused the collapse. We dont have word on injuries but we will stay on this and monitor the situation and bring you details as they come in. Daytona beach after an officer is shot in the head. Police really spotted him footage of the shooting overnight, they say the officer was attempting to get the suspect out of the car when he turned to open fire, the officer sai
Princess as she fights her conservatorship. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian The Whole World has rallied around Britney Spears. You are watching Fox And Friends First on thursday morning. Todd breaking right now. Jillian working to save people from a collapsed Apartment Building near miami, witnesses captured video moments after it cell. The building, this huge building gone. It is gone. Jillian a resident recorded this footage showing the building crumbling right before the collapse. Miamidade fire and rescue has one of 80 units on scene, people reportedly still trapped in the rubble. It is not clear what caused the collapse. We dont have word on injuries but we will stay on this and monitor the situation and bring you details as they come in. Daytona beach after an officer is shot in the head. Police really spotted him footage of the shooting overnight, they say the officer was attempting to get the suspect out of the car when he turned to open fire, the officer sai
Princess as she fights her conservatorship. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian The Whole World has rallied around Britney Spears. You are watching Fox And Friends First on thursday morning. Todd breaking right now. Jillian working to save people from a collapsed Apartment Building near miami, witnesses captured video moments after it cell. The building, this huge building gone. It is gone. Jillian a resident recorded this footage showing the building crumbling right before the collapse. Miamidade fire and rescue has one of 80 units on scene, people reportedly still trapped in the rubble. It is not clear what caused the collapse. We dont have word on injuries but we will stay on this and monitor the situation and bring you details as they come in. Daytona beach after an officer is shot in the head. Police really spotted him footage of the shooting overnight, they say the officer was attempting to get the suspect out of the car when he turned to open fire, the officer sai
Princess as she fights her conservatorship. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian The Whole World has rallied around Britney Spears. You are watching Fox And Friends First on thursday morning. Todd breaking right now. Jillian working to save people from a collapsed Apartment Building near miami, witnesses captured video moments after it cell. The building, this huge building gone. It is gone. Jillian a resident recorded this footage showing the building crumbling right before the collapse. Miamidade fire and rescue has one of 80 units on scene, people reportedly still trapped in the rubble. It is not clear what caused the collapse. We dont have word on injuries but we will stay on this and monitor the situation and bring you details as they come in. Daytona beach after an officer is shot in the head. Police really spotted him footage of the shooting overnight, they say the officer was attempting to get the suspect out of the car when he turned to open fire, the officer sai