Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20190911 18:

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20190911 18:00:00

political correctness. it's available now wherever you get your podcasts. i hope you will join me as we aim to maybe rewrite, find a path in this world of modern rules. i hand you off to my friend and colleague back in action, katy tur. >> teddy says hi and misses you. >> tell him i said hey. >> thanks, stef. good afternoon. it's 11:00 a.m. out west and 2:00 p.m. in washington where we're live on capitol hill. just a few minutes away president trump faces a number of difficult headlines that all told paints a complicated picture for his 2020 prospects including a slew of new national polls that show the president's approval below 40%. economic anxiety appears to be the main factor for those low numbers, but the president doesn't want you to believe those numbers and frankly why should he? national polls did not predict the eventual outcome of 2016. so let us instead consider what's happening in two key
states. first north carolina, where the republican won yesterday's special election in the ninth district. the last election of the 2018 mid terms. president trump won this district by 12 in 2016. republican dan bishop won yesterday by just two. so why? as the associated press notes, republicans were weak in the when you have diabetes, suburbs. but the president is not worried dietary choices are crucial to help manage blood sugar, at all. but it can be difficult to find a balanced solution. >> i want to congratulate dan try great-tasting boost glucose control. bishop last night on an the patented blend of protein, fat, and carbs incredible win. is part of a balanced formula dan was 17 points behind three that's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. weeks ago. the media thought he was going in fact, it provides 60% more protein to lose. dan campaigned brilliantly and than the leading diabetes nutrition shake so we're very happy about that. that's a tremendous win for the and contains only 1 carb choice. enjoy the balanced nutrition of boost glucose control republican party. >> there's another silver lining as part of a healthy diet. for democrats. the cook political report identifies more than 30 gop-held house seats that are less friendly to republicans than north carolina's ninth. including one in texas where
five republicans announced their retirement from congress in beenevidence that could foresha something colossal to come. new polling out of texas shows a number of 2020 democrats either beat the president outright or are within the margin of error. a democrat has not won a statewide race in texas in 25 years. which leads us to our big question today. what do the results of the last election of 2018 and 2019 tell us about 2020? alternate headline, what have i missed? joining me phil rucker, politico's senior writer and msnbc contributor jake sherman and associated press white house reporter jonathan lamere. phil and jonathan are msnbc political analysts. phil, so what have i missed? what's been going on? >> you left right around the time robert mueller was finishing the russian investigation, the investigation about a project i worked on for
is over, donald trump still the msnbc called the american swamp president and he's still tweeting. >> if you look at what's been with jacob and i during a going on, a pretty good succinct four-week run we covered a number of news stories centered answer, what do you think is happening in terms of his low around president trump and whether or not he has used his role as commander in chief to approval rating and the fact that 2020 democrats are beating drain the swamp or line the him in a place like texas in terms of polling? pockets of himself and his >> yeah. it's a troubling moment for him family. since our show wrapped the as he looks ahead to the president has found himself at the center of another round of re-election campaign. this was a tough summer for controversies that raise the su president trump. >> i saw you tweeted about it. >> there were a number of hold the g7 at doral. all sorts of questions might be controversies. there was self-sabotage. even his advisors will privately admit this was not a good raised about its legality. stretch as he tried to lay a foundation for the re-election doral is struggling financially campaign. he's trying to get back on track, going to be bringing in a and would helped by the bookings. then there is turnberry the new national security adviser obviously and get something done president's resort in scotland. we learned air force crews with congress but the time for stayed at the retreat on at that seems to be running out as the campaign heats up and the least four occasions despite democrats according to virtually every poll we see are beating being cheaper accommodations him. >> is it caused by donald trump? >> yes, and no. elsewhere. another controversial involves i think people are sick of being in congress when donald trump is is unpredictable, not only
unpredictable but not doing the vice president and his stay at a trump hotel. things that have broad 180 miles away in dublin. bipartisan support, gun control, immigration reform. trump denied involvement in the decision, likewise he knows he i think that's an element not only in texas but across the country. claims he knows nothing about also, i think that across the the air force's turnberry stay. board you're seeing the the oversight committee plans to republican coalition change. investigate. joining me my american swamp you're seeing it become a -- go co-host jacob, and democratic from a suburban party to a more congresswoman jackie speier member of the oversight and ex-urban and rural party. that's what we saw in north armed services committee. carolina yesterday, in texas and dallas and houston and san jacob, we spent so much time on this and looking into these antonio, across the country and issues, we went to the hotel it becomes difficult as a down the street here, we went to republican to win in those districts that have typically made up the republican donald trump's hotel in new york coalition. >> on the flip side, democrats city, we went to mar-a-lago. are back and republicans are back, talk of impeachment, more the fact that this is still democrats are now for impeachment than they were before the recess. going on ha does that say to how much does that potentially you? >> welcome back. i know you probably missed me hurt in frontline democratic house members who maybe won since we walked around and their election by a small margin terrorized everybody together. in 2018? >> ask a lot of democrats who good to see you back here. you read a laundry list of potential conflicts of interest you have today. of the president of the united my sense is democrats can't get states. is there any question that on the same page whether they're impeaching the president or not.
every democratic leader saying donald trump is profiting off something different. the fact remains the one thing we have to look at is, nancy the presidency at this point? it's hard to make the case that pelosi has not moved one he is not. that press conference that he had famously with the stack of centimeter when it comes to papers we talked about the american swamp these are all the impeachment. things i'm going to untangle and she says privately she does not believe the country is ready for divest. it. it's important to listen to her he just simply hasn't done those because she controls these. things and you don't have to >> we'll ask jamie in just a look very hard to figure that moment. jonathan to you, the white out. i think there's a much more house -- the president said, important conversation to have as well, though, is he violating gave a big congratulations the republican in north carolina but the constitutional oath he took anybody behind the scenes looking at that margin and when he stood at the building behind you, was sworn in as the thinking oh? >> first of all, welcome back. >> thanks. >> and i thought that phil did a president of the united states? is he violating the uemoluments nice job succinctly summarizing the summer, he left out -- he clause of the constitution? is he putting foreign money in tried to buy greenland, tried to buy. but otherwise, i think his pocket by profiting from those hotels and his other yesterday's result is sort of properties? that answer is quite possibly. both sides can look at it. we don't know because there is such a lack of transparency as the democrats cut into the we reported in our series. republicans' margins in that district in north carolina. i think that is something that he gets to volunteer a number he they were going to spin as what supposedly is donating to the happened in 2018 where they had treasury he has made from momentum. the president can claim victory foreign governments. it's that, the idea that donald as he did in the oval office. trump is draining washington,
i was there for his rally in d.c., of the lobbyists he said north carolina monday night. he was going to, when praising they're quick to suggest that the nra after receiving $30 the president carried the republican candidate over the million from campaign finance finish line and got a win. system that is legalized bribery had they lost by any margin it would have been seen as deeply and money laundering. plenty of stuff to talk about. troubling to give up a seat that if the simple question is donald republicans have controlled for trump drained the swamp or is decades. but yeah, there are real warning profiting off the presidency we know the answer to that one. signs. >> congresswoman, why is it labor day has passed and 15 or so months out and this is a president who has more than so -- any more transparency anything built his case for where he's making his money? re-election on a strong economy why is that allowed to be and there is a lot of signs that hidden. >> >> it shouldn't be. that is slowing down if not and that's why we're trying to perhaps to a full-fledged get his tax returns for starters. recession, but enough of a stall there's a reason he's adamant that could undermine his about not sharing his tax argument and suddenly leave him returns when every other to running a campaign strictly presidential candidate has done so for 10 to 20 years. on divisive and cultural issues. we had a number of those this summer as well from the attacks the emoluments clause is very clear in the constitution. he can receive nothing from foreign dignitaries or from foreign states without the on baltimore and elijah cummings consent of congress. and those four democratic women that also applies to domestic of color that in many ways was the defining moment of the
summer. >> within the white house this revolving door, john bolton was emoluments. there's never been a resolution that et come before the house kicked out yesterday, does that have any effect on voters? >>, you know, i'm not sure. asking for our consent to receive the money. he received at the trump hotel in washington. i don't think the internal debates over some of these every time he goes to mar-a-lago, every time, it's $3 policy issues like the afghanistan peace talks are million in just the fuel and the really top of mind for voters, use of air force one and then but to the extent voters have a over the course of three months, picture of an administration in constant turmoil, constant chaos with dysfunction as the over $50,000 in electric golf operating principle inside the cart that were used by secret white house that is damaging potentially, especially with some of these swing voters, service and other security suburban voters in the place that jake was talking about that forces to observe him making a trump really needs to win. >> what about members of fool of himself on the golf course. congress when they see -- >> that doesn't include the amount of money the secret there's no love loss between a service or others used to rent lot of members of congress and john bolton. some aren't sad to see him go. space in trump tower, doesn't but those people will still say, include vice president pence's still, the instability within state at a hotel that cost the white house is concerning. taxpayers nearly $600,000 according to state department what does that do here? >> well, i think a few things. receipts. when you're looking at this as a i think number one, there's no member of oversight and armed services, but a member of when you ayin and yang to oversight, where do you begin? this presidency. where do you try to make on the other side nothing to pull it back towards center. inroads? >> you do so by asking for all
there's a cascade of administration officials who are leaving and breeds uncertainty of the claims that were filed. because i think members of congress want to see a process, >> when she stonewall. >> when they stonewall you want to not be surprised. subpoena. i mean, game over with allowing members of congress hate being him to stonewall us on issues surprised and they're always surprised by this white house that are so fundamental. except for the few people that this is something the american people get. they might not understand how the president is taking advice from, the last person he has heard before he makes one of grave the russian intervention was in our election, but they do these big decisions. >> what's the strategy going forward? understand that people who are it's fall 2019. what's he going to be doing in elected should not be making the -- looking ahead to 2020? money off of the fact that >> i think first of all there's not much of a legislative they're serving the taxpayers of this country. agenda. >> holding the g7 at doral. there's a hope to get the new >> oh, come on. you know, he's becoming the nafta pushed through congress, travel agent for the g7. the usmca, the president banking on that. and furthermore the only people around him are looking for some sort of resolution to properties he wants to promote are his. the chinese trade war, which has >> i imagine if this was really dragged down the economy president obama doing it, your and perhaps the president's republican colleagues would be up in arms. why aren't they up in arms for re-election chances. the rally schedule is about to this president? pick up. >> they're afraid. he is about to gear up and begin >> is that what it comes down this re-election campaign. they still think that they can to. >> absolutely. if they cross him he will tweet compete in a couple states he lost in 2016, but that seems storm them out of office. sort of unlikely. that's what this is all about. i think you'll see him mostly all about self-preservation for focus on those trio of midwest my republican colleagues.
rust belt states that we all >> jacob, what's next? know so well. >> that's my question. believing that, you know, now that's a question i have for the that his name is going -- about congresswoman, what's taking so to be on the ballot again his long? if it's so evident the president base can turn out and the trick for them will be, if they have is violating the emoluments shed independence and some clause or the constitution, democrats who voted for barack doing it since day one, why isn't more being done? obama in 2008 did not want to why do we have to sit and wait for the tax returns? vote for income 20hillary clint the president has said he's making money off foreign 2016, the campaign says they can governments, turning over what pick up new voters who didn't he claims is the extent to the vote in 2016, we'll see if they treasury? why can't anything else be done can. >> thank you very much. at this point? we appreciate it. the house judiciary >> according to internal documents at donald trump's committee set to vote on international hotel in new york, the saudis fought hotel. impeachment tomorrow sort of. technically voting on a resolution on investigative procedures. >> the black a few years ago. if that passes it clears the way they were in the red. for house democrats to then the saudis put them in the black consider impeachment, at least according to documents from that according to house judiciary chairman jerry nadler. hotel. that brings me to jacob's >> we have been involved for the last several months, the question, if he has violated the judiciary committee has been involved in the last several emoluments clause, is months in an investigation of impeachment something to be looked into now? >> i think this becomes an the president's various easier play to the american misconducts to determine, among other things, whether to people in terms of impeachment.
they understand when someone is recommend impeachment articles ripping them off as taxpayers. to the house. and what we're doing -- we've and so i wouldn't be surprised been -- we've been doing that if the judiciary committee consistently and what we're doing tomorrow is adopting starts to move down this road. meanwhile, we have inherent procedures enabling us to do it contempt. i am one of those that believes that rather than go through the more effectively. >> joining me now is maryland court system, which could take another year before we ever get the tax return, we can hold steve mnuchin the secretary of the treasury in contempt. democratic congressman jamie raskin, a member of the judiciary committee. we can hold wilbur ross in congressman, thank you so much for being here. >> delighted to be with you. contempt. in so doing, you come before the >> we'll put up on the screen what the investigative procedures will allow democrats to do once this vote goes on. but on the question of house and we can start fining them. there's nothing that moves impeachment, what's going on? is it happening, not happening? people more than starting to >> we're entering a new phase slap, you know, $25,000 a day where we're broadening outwards for not coming before congress from the mueller investigation to look at financial corruption, and testifying our oversight violations of the foreign and responsibility is very clear in domestic emoluments clauses, the the constitution. >> are those invitations out? >> well, i certainly would like clauses which say the president to see them out. cannot pocket payments from foreign princes, kings and but we've never exercised our governments of any kind, whatever, as well as violations authority under inherent of the domestic emoluments contempt. it's something used in early clause which have really come into light over the last few 1900s through 1930 actually, and weeks with the revelations about
the vice president's trip to i think we should resurrect it. ireland and 50 air force there is just such an obvious personnel staying at the effort to evade every effort president's resort in turnberry that we have undertaken to in scotland. investigate these very serious the president is not allowed issues. under the terms of article 2 to >> california congresswoman jackie speier, thank you so much get any payments other than his salary in office, and so when for being here. jacob, too bad you're not in payments are being directed either by the president or washington my friend. anybody else in the executive >> tell me about it. >> and new york congressman max branch to the president's own rods who served in afghanistan businesses, that violates the joins me to talk about today's emoluments clause. in other words, the president's 9/11 anniversary and the making money off of his job in nation's forever war. that is next. office. >> is violating the emoluments clause an impeachmentble offense? >> only according to the framers of the constitution. >> among the democrats working in this building behind me. >> we have to wrestle with the first president in american history who converted the presidency into an instrument of self-enrichment. we've never seen anything like this before. he's mixed the personal business interests of donald trump and his family with the business of government. >> you're 100% right, but what are democrats going to do about it? >> there is some -- there's some
division amongst the ranks? some will say we should go forward with impeachment, some will say take steps towards impeachment and others no, hold your horses, that is not a good idea. will the democrats be able to get on the same page? >> well, i don't know where we're going to end up but the media always wants to know what's the final destination. if i knew i would love to tell you. we're in an educational process. we're education ourselves about what constitution says and how bad the president turning the government into a for profit business. >> holding these investigations and talking about emoluments violation, profiting off the presidency, talking about a number of the other ethical issues that you have under your gei guise, are you holding impeachment hearings without calling them impeachment hearings? >> we're giving the public the information they need because we're a democracy and the people need to know the character of our rulers and government and public policy and where it's
coming from. i've always -- i've said from the beginning of this, i favored impeachment investigation but where it leads we don't know because impeachment fundamentally in the final analysis is a question of law and politics. the legal part of it is, high character of deme democracy and our project and self-government. is it at that level. not low climbs and misdemeanors, but high crimes and misdemeanors. the political part, where is public sentiment and our leader nancy pelosi has been very emphatic and rightfully so about that. we've got to see where people are because as politicians, we have -- we've sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution and also sworn an oath to champion the public interests and see how this relates to everything we're doing with prescription drug reform and gun safety and the bills on mitch mcconnell's desk that he won't put to a vote in the senate. >> i watched this at home on maternity leave during mueller's testimony, did he do the democrats i guess a disservice by not saying in the democrats'
eyes saying the president committed a crime? if he said the president committed a crime would impeachment be on the table today? >> i went back and looked at the kenneth starr par and ken starr actually used the word impeachment multiple times and he was far more directed, i don't know -- that's not necessarily to say coordinated which the republicans on the hill but moving in that direction, and look, i think mueller was circumspect and he was measured in what he did. some parts of it seemed unnecessarily opaque and inscrutable to me. today marks 18 years since i think he should have been clearer about it. the 9/11 terrorist attacks. the reality -- this morning the nation paused >> you think he did do a again to remember the thousands of americans that were killed on disservice. that terrible day. >> what he ended up telling us in new york family and friends when he had his press conference and came to capitol hill the gathered as they do every single reason they did not indict the year to read the names of the president of the united states dead at ground zero. for obstruction of justice the names of those who left for because of the department of work but never came back home. justice policy that doesn't allow them to. that is the reason they did not >> christopher newton carter. indict took place. >> what about sin knicks in >> nancy. >> my father john christopher washington -- >> cynics outside of washington
who look at washington and say, nobody here wants to do henwood. it's been 18 years and yesterday anything, nobody wants to get would have been your 27th anything done, they just want to pretend like they're getting wedding anniversary. something done and then just >> joining me democratic stay in power. what do you say to those who say congressman max rhodes on the to the democrats, hey, i don't homeland and veteran affairs think you really want to work with the president because if you do work with him on any committee. legislation, you give him a win that hurts your prospects heard >> thanks for having me so you most cynical -- >> you should go into the country and talk to people. >> just think about that moment when nancy pelosi and chuck schumer went to the white house with an infrastructure plan tailored to his demands and blew the whole things up in whatever represent staten island and parts of brooklyn and grew up in bay ridge. what does this mean to you and those you represent? >> you know, today is a solemn was bothering him that day. >> saying she committed a -- day. it's a painful, painful day. what we really remember are these unbelievable acts of heroism. folks whose stories aren't told nearly enough, racing into >> donald trump is the one that harm's way so we could be safe. thankfully we have continued to turns it off and on according to honor their legacy by doing things passing the victims' the moment. >> we've been there to work on compensation fund. as we see as kids are going off everything from transportation to infrastructure. to college who weren't even born we're sending them gun safety bills. he said the day after the on 9/11 it's more and more massacres took place in el paso important that we remember the and dayton, we do need to do a legacy of this day. cpre hen seinesive background we also remember what it was like in the immediate aftermath
when we weren't thinking about check. let's see the republicans deliver for once. can they deliver on anything? divisions, we weren't thinking >> one final question, are you about which political party you're in. we were just thinking about the worried about what the -- these country and asking people on the street how are you doing, how is investigations, potential impeachment inquiry work do to your family? we've lost that and have to get it back. >> we've been in the longest war front line democrats who won by a small margin in 2018? >> i think all of the political signs are great for us that the in afghanistan since 2003. republicans are dropping off in droves every day another what lessons have we lerpd aarnd republican colleague said they've seen enough and can't do you see a way out? >> certainly we've learned that we can put al qaeda and global terrorist organizations on their heels. stand trying to defend the if you had said in the immediate inaction by the senate republicans and the chaos and the vagaries of this white aftermath of 9/11 that we would house. our freshmen democratic class is perhapses the best freshman have been attacked as few times as we have subsequently by democratic class anybody has seen in terms of delivery of jihadists people would have thought we were most likely lying. real public policy results to people in their districts and but what we cannot commit to at home every weekend and they were home over the last five or six this point is a continuation of weeks having town hall meetings. they're doing everything they this longest war that we have can to deliver on prescription ever had. drug reform, deliver on gun this has been in the news safety, the equality act, recently because of the president's announcement about environmental legislation. they're doing it. the cancellation of the meeting i love our freshmen. with the taliban, which was a >> you're not worried. horrible, horrible idea.
we cannot use that horrible idea, though, as a justification, though, for another horrible idea, which is just staying there. we also can't make these incredibly large and grandiose >> i am not. >> jamie raskin thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. objectives in afghanistan such the freshman who flipped districts from red to blue, talking about them in 2018, are as them looking like a western they getting anything done and what do they think of working he democracy because we'll just be here? max rose here's to discuss the reality that our brave men and there forever. >> what is the solution? women could be fighting the war started after the 9/11 attacks, for what seems like forever. democrats put forth new gun >> two fold. one is some type of high-level reconciliation with the taliban control measures, will they ever that involves a power-sharing see a vote in the senate? chair of the house democratic agreement with the afghan caucus, congressman hakeem jeffries joins us next. government, and then we have to get out with the ability, 3 out of 4 people achieved... though, to respond forcefully ...90% clearer skin at 4 months... and quickly should the taliban reneg on a promise they will no ...after just 2 doses. longer host global terrorist skyrizi may increase your risk of infections... ...and lower your ability to fight them. organizations. that is completely within the before treatment your doctor should check you realm of possibility. we've seen our ability to for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection... ...or symptoms such as fevers,... ...sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs... respond to terrorist organizations throughout the world. ...or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. afghanistan doesn't have a monopoly on the absence of government or a monopoly on vast i feel free to bare my skin. desert terrain. >> you can negotiate with
visit terrorists under certain circumstances. >> the taliban is a land holding organization right now that made but we're also a cancer fighting, the egregious mistake of hosting hiv controlling, joint replacing, terrorist organizations and they and depression relieving company. rightfully so have paid the consequences of that for 20 from the day you're born years. i deployed to afghanistan seven we never stop taking care of you. years ago. the area in which i patrolled is now completely controlled by the taliban. in order for us to get that back, this is reality, this is just reality, in order for us to get that back it would equate to the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops and unnecessary loss of blood and treasure. i don't want to see the next generation of soldiers die in this war that doesn't necessarily serve our interests. that's the best way to protect the homeland. >> deal with the reality on the group is what i'm hearing you say. >> absolutely. >> max, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you very much. >> we appreciate it. >> we're back in just a moment. jeffries joins us next. as we head to break another look at ground zero in lower manhattan on this september 11th. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
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done. we have done it. people are dying. senator mcconnell hasn't acted. why don't you go ask him if he has any acted. >> senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has repeatedly insisted that any action on gun control is up to the president, not him, to decide. >> to make a law you have to have a presidential signature. they are working on coming up with a proposal that the president will sign. until that happens all of this is theatrics. (classical music playing throughout) >> mitch mcconnell is here just a few moments ago, said the press conference with the mayor of dayton was thee at tricks. >> shame on him there were people who died. >> joining me democratic congressman hakeem jeffries chair of the democratic caucus and judiciary and budget committees. since mitch mcconnell said this is up to the president let's
listen to what the president said about this a moment ago. >> we are working very hard together to see if we can come up with something acceptable to everybody. we're looking at background it has been nearly a year checks and putting everything together in a unified way so that we can have something that's meaningful at the same time all of us want to protect since democrats flipped 42 seats in the blue wave of the 2018 mid terms. two joining me now, occupied by our great second amendment. california democratic congresswoman katie hill and new it's very important to all of jersey democratic congresswoman us. mikey cheryl. thank you for being here. we are now in meetings. >> thank you. >> it's been a year. what's it been like? the meetings will go on tonight. >> the longest shortest year i will speak with them tomorrow. ever. that's how i see it. i think progress is being made. >> yeah. that's a good -- sometimes i >> we're looking at background tell people, oh, it's only been checks, we're having meetings, a year. feels like decades. who is we? >> i have no idea. >> yeah. >> can you get things done here? the president needs to put people look at washington and they thing, oh, god, it's just behind talking the talk, it's time to walk the walk. gridlock and no one is really 10,000 or so americans have lost working in my interests. is it possible to get things their lives this year as a done? >> possible to get things result of gun violence. done? >> i think what happens is the the house acted in february, things that are getting done passed universal criminal background legislation. we need to close the gun show aren't usually -- >> headline makers? loophole, close the internet >> exactly.
loophole, close the private there's such a focus on the transaction loophole. the overwhelming majority of the president and nonimpeachment but every single day we're passing american people, including republicans, independents and gun owners, support universal something. we've made major strides in the victim's compensation fund, legislation. the senate republicans need to witch you just heard about from act. the president needs to put his our colleague. weight behind the legislation to move forward. within the nda, there are really >> when he says we, he's not having any meetings with important wins that are creating democrats? >> well, it's not my robust jobs. we both serve on the armed understanding he's had any communication. at the end of the day, the services together. >> what about infrastructure, american people have spoken as it relates to how she feel on gun control, health care, those issues which are so near and th -- they feel on this issue. dear to the american voter, house democratic candidates defeated 18 nra backed candidates. infrastructure, potholes in the now what about separate and coequal as a branch of street, bridges collapsing -- government does mitch mcconnell not understand? >> what is leading who here? hopefully not collapsing -- schools, et cetera. >> those are so frustrating. is it mitch mcconnell leading we're passing bills to make the president or the president leading mitch mcconnell? >> may be an example of a people's lives better but the diversionary tactic where one large issues that could move the side tries to put the blame on the other because neither of them have the courage to act. economy forward, two of our that's shameful. >> you're talking about the gun biggest infrastructure projects -- >> which had funning.
lobby and defeating those who >> which had funding. are backed by the gun lobby. and the portal bridge is fully is that what's at issue here, funded. the transportation simply won't the nra pouring money into politics or is it those single move forward on that. issue voters who will vote on gun control as their only and it's striking. that was the one area when this priority, not gun control, vote president was elected to office against gun control as their i thought maybe we can move only priority? >> well, reasonable gun safety forward on some infrastructure because that's so important to north jersey. measures is something that the and the fact that we haven't, american people we believe the fact that we still haven't widely support. been able to start, start work, and this is not a democratic issue or a republican issue. this is not a partisan issue. to get shovels in the ground on it's an issue that relates to the most infrastructure project the well being of the american if the nation is really troubling. >> what is the block? people. innocent folks are being >> i feel very strongly the massacred, not in afghanistan, not in baghdad, but on american block is in the senate. we have sent so many bills that have passed with bipartisan streets. >> what's stopping this from happening then? support and people across t-- bt >> senate inaction. >> why is the senate not acting? >> i think -- >> the voters want it and their constituents, why do you think mitch mcconnell is not acting? >> that's a question more are stuck on mitch mcconnell's desk. and at the end of the day, what it's going to take to change
appropriately directed at moscow mitch. >> if he would like to come on that is the people moving we would love to have him. politicians. >> i was talking to one of i >> many senate republicans are don't are colleagues, ken bunk behaving as if they are holy of colorado, republican of owned subsidiaries of the gun colorado about why congress doesn't function better. and he said one of the reasons lobby. that's quite unfortunate. the nra clear ly has indicated is because lawmakers welcome gridlock. if they're in gridlock and nothing is acceptable to them as it relates to reasonable gun they're not passing things, they're not angering special safety measures, even though the supreme court in the heller interests, not angering donors. decision and in an opinion >> i don't think it's that authored by justice scalia of all people, has made clear that they're not angering special pursuant to the constitution, interests. i think there are people in the house of representatives that feel they're doing their job if reasonable gun safety measures are lawful. they're fighting people in the >> new gun measures, gun safety other party. and i would argue that when we measures, were passed out of your committee and it was a come to this gridlock, when strictly partisan party line we're simply fighting each vote. was there anything you could have put into that bill or taken other, we're not fighting for out of that bill in order to get the american people and i think that's what some of the freshmen have really brought to congress some of your colleagues from in this congress. it's just this idea that, no, acro across the aisle to sign on? it's not enough for the house to >> the universal background check legislation was pass democratic issues. bipartisan. we hope when we move legislation it doesn't matter if we can't to the floor related to red flag get those through the senate, if we can't get them signed by the measures and/or hate crime
president. so we've been working very hard prevention measures, and/or dealing with the high-capacity to find partners across the magazine clips, we can get some aisle and develop what i call that muscle memory of working republican support on the floor of the house of representatives. across the aisle. >> i know of you don't want to >> what about mansion/toomey? talk about impeachment but i'm >> the house and senate are part fw going to ask. of a legislative process and at does it put you two in a tough, the end of the day i think we recognize that we should try to find common ground with the uncomfortable position because you won your districts from such other side of the capital, but we do need a partner and right a small margin? >> i can only speak for myself now because mitch mcconnell is but i think the biggest frustration that i've had is obstructing, missing in action, with us not being able to or hiding in the closet afraid of the nra, take your choice, consistent li there is no partner. consistently say the only vote that is ultimately going to >> congressman, thank you so matter is whether we vote to much for coming on. impeach him. and when all is said and done, >> thank you. up next, new revelations if articles of impeachment are about the cost of the vp's stay recommended by the judiciary committee, then we're going to at a trump resort in ireland and have to decide whether we, as individual members on behalf of democrats demand answers on our districts and based on our potential self-dealing. beliefs, think that we need to jackie speier of the house oversight committee joins me next. ♪ impeach. until then these calculations are meaningless. let's continue to focus on the things that matter. >> i couldn't agree more on focusing on the things that matter. we're all on various committees of jurisdiction and i believe
deeply in congress's oversight responsibilities and i know the committees of jurisdiction are working through those. but there's also the responsibilities we have on the house armed services committee or the money that we want to authorize that the president is now moving. >> ladies, it's wonderful to have you. i want to have you on again soon and talk about more specific issues. i appreciate your candor on what it's been like to be here for the first time. one more thing next and it gets personal, very personal. for you to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. >> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there. >> teacher: you must be pascal. >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
one more thing before we go. as you've noticed, today is my first day back from maternity leave, which is either my first day back to work or the first day off from my other job i've been doing for the last five months, caring for my newborn. i want to tell what you it was like for me. i have a point to make. i had an unplanned c-section, which made it impossible to sit up without help and almost impossible to breast feed. my cut became infected. my son was born small and in the few days after he got even smaller. it was fine so much as he gained it back, which meant that he needed to eat and eat and eat
and eat, which was not so easy, not only because of the c-section but because breast cancer is not the grab-and-go ready-make meal you think it is. at one point in the hospital i was so tired, i started to live a waking dream. i thought my mother-in-law was under the bed, i thought a tall man was standing beside me speaking german. i told the nurses thinking they would chuckle and instead they sent in a full psychiatric team to evaluate me. i am fully sane. one of the nurses pulled me aside when my husband was in the bathroom and said don't worry, he knows what he's doing. you can lean on him. and he did. that first month when i was still recovering from major surgery, exhausted and in pain, adjusting to myself, tony there was changing diapers, bringing
me food and letting me nap. then he was back at work and it was all me. and, yes, i figured it out. and nothing about this story is exceptional, except for the fact that i got a lot more paid time off to figure it out than the majority of new moms in this country. and tony took more time than at least 70% of fathers out there and that is insane. it is insane that 25% of women go back to work after two weeks. two weeks. and i thisnk it's insane that seven out of ten men go back after ten days or less. not because they want to go back. almost nobody wants to go back to work that soon but because they are forced to go back either because they are can't afford to stay home for they feel societal or professional pressure to prove they are serious about their job. parents need time with their parents p parents. babies need time with their parents.
moms need support. and if that support is coming from a partner, that partner should get equal time off, paid time off. emphasis on paid. family leave supports babies, which supports us all. the people who work in that building on the hill behind me talk about figuring it out but for some reason it still has not gotten done, hasn't even gotten a vote and that is shameful. if any lawmakers want to come on to talk about it, if ivanka trump wants to come on to talk about it, there will be a seat right here. >> i'm katy tur. >> it is great to have you back. this is low-hanging fruit, paid leave for parents. will make people want to do their jobs more, we're in a 3.7%

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Of Justice , Sin Knicks , Nancy , Christopher Newton Carter , Zero , Nobody , Homeland , Who Look At Washington , Power , Say , Congressman Max Rhodes , Affairs Committee , Ame Democratic , 27th Wedding Anniversary , 27 , Legislation , Chuck Schumer , Folks , Infrastructure Plan , Demands , Legacy , Safe , Stories , Racing Into Harms Way , Heroism , Act , Bay Ridge , Brooklyn , Staten Island , Kids , Infrastructure , Transportation , Background Check , Compensation Fund , Dayton , Massacres , Aftermath , Cpre , El Paso , Hen Seinesive , College Who Weren T , Victims , Impeachment Inquiry Work , Final , War In Afghanistan , We Weren T , Divisions , Colleague , Terrorist Organizations , Droves , Lessons , Lerpd Aarnd , Al Qaeda , 2003 , Inaction , Jihadists , Class Anybody , Class , Vagaries , Delivery , Real Public Policy Results , Perhapses , Heels , War , Taliban , Freshmen , Weekend , Town Hall Meetings , Continuation , Meeting , Cancellation , News , Announcement , Six , Though , Objectives , Justification , Men , Type , Freshman , Hakeem Jeffries , Gun Control Measures , Red , Fold , Reconciliation , Power Sharing Agreement , Congressman , Infections , Skin , Ability , Doses , Risk , Skyrizi , Up Next , Reneg , Host , Promise , 0 S , 3 , 4 , World , Infection , Vaccine , Doctor , Tuberculosis , Symptoms , Fevers , Sweats , Chills , Coughs , Monopoly , Realm , Possibility , Absence , Desert Terrain , Company , Visit Skyrizi Com , Consequences , Land Holding Organization , Hiv Controlling , Cancer Fighting , Care , Terrorists , Circumstances , Mistake , Joint Replacing , Depression Relieving , Seven , Order , Area , Hundreds , Deployment , Treasure , Blood , Loss , Troops , Soldiers , Generation , Deal , Group , Look , Plaque Psoriasis , September 11th , Lower Manhattan , 11 , Presentation , Tim , Geico Um , Guy , Car Insurance , Geico , Constipation , Relief , Fleet , Little Fleet , Big Relief , Everyone , Data Plan , Hi , Wifi , Ahhh , Feeling , Temple , Camera Clicking , Store , Camera , Shop , Ask , Life Simple , Xfinity , Headlines , Shootings , 35 , Pressure , Aisle , Lives , We Haven T , Don T , Standing , Stake , Senator Mcconnell Hasn T , Why Dont You Go , Action , Proposal , Signature , Theatrics , Mayor , Classical Music , Budget Committees , Judiciary , Tricks , Caucus , Chair , Let , Shame , Background Checks , Meetings , Katie Hill , Seats , Blue Wave , New Jersey , Second Amendment , Mikey Cheryl , 42 , Gridlock , Its Time , Talk , Progress , Feels , Good , Walk , God , Gun Violence , Gun Show Loophole , Internet Loophole , Passed Universal Criminal Background Legislation , Headline Makers , 10000 , Majority , Independents , Gun Owners , Transaction Loophole , Support Universal Legislation , Victim , Focus , Strides , Communication , Jobs , Wins , Serve , Weight , Understanding , Honda , Issue , Candidates , House Democratic , Voter , Branch , Th , Coequal , Dear , Potholes , The Street , Bridges Collapsing , Gun Lobby , Tactic , Neither , Other , Courage , Blame , Infrastructure Projects , Example , Leading , Schools , Economy Forward , Et Cetera , Funning , Priority , Funding , Bridge , Gun Safety Measures , Ground , Shovels , Block , Streets , Infrastructure Project , Baghdad , Constituents , Nbt , Lawmakers , Reasons , Subsidiaries , Clearly , Moscow , Colorado , Congress Doesnt Function Better , Ken Bunk , Supreme Court , Justice , Special Interests , Scalia , Opinion , Heller Decision , Donors , Committee , Bill , Party Line Vote , Gun Measures , Each Other , It Doesn T , Floor , Background Check Legislation , Hate Crime Prevention Measures , Measures , Macro , Red Flag , Partners , Magazine Clips , Mansion , Muscle Memory , Toomey , Tough , Partner , Choice , Frustration , Capital , Closet , Missing In Action , Hiding , Is Obstructing , Position , Ali , Trump Resort , Vp , Articles , Behalf , Committees , Jurisdiction , Self Dealing , House Oversight Committee , Beliefs , Calculations , Oversight Responsibilities , Responsibilities , Ladies , Candor , Time , Teacher , Tech Vo , Safelite , Science Papers , Students , Student , Windshield , Volcanoes , Auto Glass , Tech , Kids Vo , Science Project , Honk , Pascal , Safelite Repair , Maternity Leave , C Section , Newborn , Breast Feed , Cut , Son , Breast Cancer , Meal , Eat , Hospital , Nurses , Mother In Law , Dream , Bed , Man , German , Husband , Team , Dont Worry , Tony , Spain , Bathroom , Surgery , Diapers , Story , Me Nap , Food , Moms , Fathers , 70 , Ten , Parents , Babies , Family Leave , Emphasis , Moms Need Support , Time Off , Hasn T , Ivanka Trump , Katy Tur , Leave , Fruit , 3 7 ,

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