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shell. powering progress. defensive democracy. president biden is about an hour from landing in philadelphia tonight after playing -- paying a march to fallen world war i heroes at a cemetery in france. congressman jerry conley of the house foreign affairs committee joins me to discuss the study in contrast with implications for global stability. inside the biden campaign with the re-election effort in full swing in the first presidential debate a few weeks away, adrian elrod, campaign senior adviser and spokesperson is here to talk about the biden-harris game plan ahead. former congressman joe walsh, former congressman donna edwards and andrew of punch bowl news will weigh in on everything from donald trump's interview tomorrow to notable comments on the and other sunday shows and you know we are going to discuss this disparaging comment from rudy giuliani about fulton county d.a. fani willis. >> i have two prosecutors. >> i am jonathan capehart. this is the sunday show. president biden is flying back from france at this hour after a five-day trip highlighting america's fight for freedom and democracy abroad . biden began his visit with a d speech at the site of the day honoring the soldiers who stormed the beaches of normandy, and defeated fascism. earlier today, the president stopped by the world war i cemetery outside paris where he praised the nato alliance that has secured peace for the past eight decades. >> mr. president, what do you hope americans take away? >> the knowledge that the best way to avoid these kinds of battles in the future is to stay strong with our allies. do not break. do not break. >> 80 years of relative peace, especially in europe, is a historical admiration. we have been able to maintain this piece because of institutions like nato, created with and sustained by leadership in the united states and presidents from both parties. we cannot take this peace and world order for granted. biden's remarks were also a clear rebuke to donald trump and the selfishness he is shown on the world stage. in 2018, trump infamously refused to enter the cemetery where biden spoke today. the atlantic reportedend quote, trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain and because he did not believe it important to honor american war dead. trump said, why should i go to that cemetery? it's filled with losers. former white house chief of staff john kelly, a retired four-star marine general, also confirmed that conversation to cnn, but trump denies it ever happened, calling the story quote, made up, at a rally in las vegas today. he also complimented hungarian strongman victor or bond and shared his own dark vision of the world order. >> the world is going to look up to us with respect. they're not going to be laughing at us. they right now are laughing at us. your closer right now to world war iii than you've ever been in this is no longer army tanks going back and forth. these are nuclear weapons the likes of which, and the power of which has never ever been seen before. >> trumps fear mongering about nuclear war comes less than 24 hours before he will be sitting down with a probation officer in new york. nbc news has the reporting that trump will be interviewed tomorrow as part of the presentencing requirements for his criminal conviction. as biden prepares for g-7 summit in italy this week, trump will be focused on securing his own freedom because as dana milbank writes in the washington post today, trump is serving the highest cause he knows, himself. joining me now is democratic congressman jerry connolly of virginia, member of the house foreign affairs committee and senior member of the house oversight committee. as always, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. let's start with breaking news out of israel for a key rival of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, opposition leader benny gantz, just resigned from israel's war cabinet. what could this mean for cease- fire negotiations? >> i hope it puts more pressure on netanyahu to agree to his own government's proposal for a cease-fire agreement that president biden has been championing. i think the loss of gantz really fractures unity in israel at a time when it desperately needs it but i do think and hope it puts political pressure on netanyahu to end the fighting and the killing, and come to an agreement so hostages can be released and civilians can try to restore their lives. >> hundreds of palestinians were killed in the raid that rescued was four israeli hostages yesterday. , and that impact negotiations? >> the initial response in israel is celebration at the release of four hostages who have been there for eight months . that is to be celebrated, but the loss of life incurred in doing that is something that i think is horrifying, and i would hope the israeli military and the israeli government take a moment of reflection about the high cost of their operations generally in gaza. >> one more question on israel before we turn to domestic issues. there is also talk of opening up another front in the north to deal with hezbollah in lebanon. would that be a wise thing for israel to do? >> i am not a military adviser but i think israel has its hands full right now with the operations in gaza and the occupation of the west bank to open up really a third front on the lebanese border with hezbollah, i think, would really tax the israeli military in ways that go back to rivaling the war of 1973, and i hope it can be avoided. >> let's turn our attention stateside. mckay [ inaudible ] reports about how terrified europe is of a second trump presidency reading quote, one word came up again and again when i asked european officials about the stakes of the election. existential. but here's what senator tom cotton had to say about ending the current war on european soil in ukraine. >> the way to have peace in europe and for that matter, peace and stability around the world is to remove joe biden from the white house on election day this year and return donald trump. that is how we will get back to peace and stability. >> congressman, why shouldn't europeans be afraid with comments like that? >> they should be and they are. i've been very involved in the legislative arm of nato for the last decade plus, and i can tell you i have never seen the europeans as anxious about american politics as they are right now. everything is at stake and as you indicated, nato, ironically, house work. it's kept the peace for most of 80 years. it is the one thing putin respects. he will not cross the nato border because of article five it says an attack on one his attack on all of us and we mean it. he has respected that. he has respected nothing else in this war but that so to call into question the viability on the utility and the efficacy of nato when it is working and we have a war going on is really reckless, and i don't think any european is going to turn to tom cotton for advice as we go forward. >> we should point out that article five is been invoked only once in nato's history, and that was to protect the united states after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. meanwhile, far right parties have made significant gains in elections today so much so that french president macron announced today that he would dissolve the nation's parliament and call for snap elections and this is significant because his current term does not end until 2027. are the far right forces gaining record support in europe as much a threat as a trump 2.0 in washington? >> i think there is a lot of variety among what is generically called the right in europe. the right in italy is very different than the right in germany and austria and on and on. obviously it is alarming to see this kind of far right parties make gains in european elections. european elections sometimes are a second vote for europeans, so they might not vote for the people who govern their own country but it is kind of a free vote, a way of expressing dissatisfaction with the status quo. obviously it reflects deep concern about the immigration issue in europe and we have to take note of that and respect that as a potent issue going forward. >> potent issue in europe, but does that also mean americans should look at what is happening in europe, american officials look at what is happening in europe and taking? >> yes. we can't afford to ignore what's happening in europe. that does not necessarily mean exactly that will happen here but it does not mean nothing. it is resonating with voters and we've got to take cognizance of that. >> jerry connolly, member of the house foreign affairs committee and senior member of the house oversight committee, thanks for coming to the sunday show. joining me now, barbara walter, professor of relations at the university of california, san diego, she is the author of how civil wars started how to stop them. thank you very much for coming back to the sunday show. so, is it me or does it feel to you that trumps rhetoric of revenge and vengeance has kicked into a whole new gear, and how significant is it that his high-ranking followers are openly calling for the prosecution of trumps so-called enemies? >> well, the evidence is very clear. if you go back and listen to tapes and watch videos of trump in 2016, he is a very different person today and what he is saying is different than in 2016. he is much more aggressive. he is using much more negative, hate-filled, threatening language. it is like he is a bully on steroids today whereas he was not in 2016, and one of the things we also know from lots of research is that rhetoric matters, especially violent rhetoric, that if you have leaders who begin to normalize the idea that violence is legitimate, that their supporters believe it and some of them actually follow through with it, so it's not agnostic. it's not a game. this is not something that has no repercussions. if you have somebody like trump , who so many people idolize and his so many people believe is their hero and who is going to save them and he's telling them that the only way to save america is through violence, the only way that they won't be in danger is if they take back their country, they are going to believe him. >> the washington post has a front-page story about the former trump director who wrote in a 2022 essay quote, we are living in a post-constitutional time. according to the time, that quote has helped craft proposals for donald trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, sees more control over the justice department and assert the power to withhold congressional appropriations and that is just on trump's first day back in office. barbara, why should americans be very concerned about this? >> again, history tells us a lot. it used to be that the way autocrats came to power in democracies was through military coups. they got the military to help them, but that is not the case in the 21st century. today, the most likely way an autocrat can take control of democracy is through essentially legal means. they play the democratic game. they get elected. they build a base. they tell people that they are going to save them from all these bad things that could happen to them. they convince them that democracy maybe isn't the best system. it's not efficient, not effective, not serving them, then they slowly withdraw the guardrails of democracy in one of the reasons why trump is so in awe of victor orban, the leader of hungary, is that he is really the very first 21st- century leader to do this, and he did it masterfully. it is almost as if he wrote the book on it, and trump has met with him a number of times, and i suspect that one of the things they are talking about is how we can do this in the united states, and we know that organizations like the heritage foundation have crafted very lengthy manuals for how the republican party can do this in 2024 if trump wins. >> right, and it's called project 25 out of the heritage foundation. barbara, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. coming up, the view from inside president biden's re- election campaign. adrian elrod, senior adviser and spokesperson for the biden- harris campaign joins me in studio to talk about their strategy on contentious issues like border security, the economy and the war in gaza. plus, how drag performers are helping lead the charge on attacks against the lgbtq+ community. you are watching the sunday show on msnbc. you are watching show on msnbc. if you're living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go unscripted. good to go on a whim. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you're good to go. ask your doctor about switching. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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>> yes, i think so. part of what we wanted to emphasize in that ad is under president biden, you have the freedom to live under democracy. you have the freedom to make your own economic decisions. before trump put three pro-life supreme court justices on the court we women have the freedom to make our own reproductive health decisions. that freedom was taken away solely because of donald trump's a part of what that is doing is connecting the dots. we currently have the freedom to live under a democracy but if donald trump steps back into the white house, democracy will be at risk and when you saw president biden, who had an incredible week overseas honoring our following -- fallen and the 80th anniversary of d-day, how american allies in america fought to protect democracy across the world is a smart risk now than it ever was. now weaving all of these things together, talking about the freedoms we have in the president biden and the freedoms we won't have if trump wins the election, that is core to this campaign, and you will continue to hear that message throughout the next five months. while the president was in france yesterday, thousands of palestinian protesters rallied outside the white house urging the president to halt military aid to israel. how are these protests waiting on the campaign? >> first of all president biden, unlike former president trump, supports freedom of speech and expression. these protesters are exercising their right. that being said, we understand it the challenge. president biden is certainly fighting for every vote. he's not taking anything for granted but this is the freedom people have. they have the right to protest. they have the right to speak their mind. is not going to take anything for granted and it's important to keep in mind during these challenging times on the foreign policy front, on the global front, can you imagine having donald trump back in the white house trying to manage all this? president biden is a seasoned foreign-policy pro-who served as the chair on the senate foreign relations committee for a long time. he has these relationships with world leaders that go deep so we are going to be reinforcing the fact that is an important attribute the president has. at the same time we are working hard for every single vote. >> one thing that is going to make getting every vote a little problematic is the president's new executive action on the border which temporarily halts asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters tops 2500 at points of entry and it is drawing criticism from all quarters on both sides of the aisle. are you afraid of alienating progressive voters who argue that this policy is too harsh? >> no, we are not because here is the bottom line. republicans in congress did not act because their supreme leader donald trump said you can't. we will not pass the most historic bipartisan bill that has come forward in congress for 10 years because they did not want joe biden to have a win. they did not want him to have a political wins a president biden has to use every lover he can in the white house to do something about the border. americans know, democrats and republicans understand that there is a crisis of the border and asked to get solved but if congress is not going to act, if republicans in congress are going to block products -- progress on this than president biden is going to use every level at his disposal to try to make some change so this was an important executive action last week. it is something that has to take place and it is unfortunate that congress won't act. hopefully they will. there is still time to come to the table. that's where we are. >> okay, great economic news for the country, particularly the president. unemployment remains below 4%, but what guidance importers -- biden supporters are complaining about is that they are not hearing some of these things. >> reporter: you're not the first person who told me that the president is not necessarily communicating his accomplishments. why do you think he's not doing that? >> he needs to do better at basically putting it in people's faces. i accomplished this. i did this and the benefits you have now or because of me and my administration. that needs to be clear because i don't think many people do know what he has actually gotten done. >> so the question is this. is it that you're not communicating, or you are not breaking through when you do communicate, and if it is the latter, how are you going to breakthrough? >> she just did a really great job. i don't have to tell you this. it is really hard to breakthrough in the cycle. that's why we are using surrogates and taking our message to the voters. we have an aggressive digital strategy working with surrogates to get that message out but at the same time, everything president biden has accomplished, record gdp growth, record unemployment, the 15 million jobs he's created under his presidency, we understand americans are still hurting. prices are still too high which is why he is really making the case that in a second term is going to continue to work hard to lower prices and drug cost unlike donald trump, who has no economic plan. >> the first presidential debate is in three weeks, june 27th. i'm not convinced trump is going to show up. are you already planning for that possibility? >> we are showing up. i can't speak for what he's going to do but president biden is showing up and looking forward to this conversation. he has a lot of things to talk to donald trump about and is looking forward to having a major platform to tell the american people. >> thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. coming up, donald trump's first official rally since his criminal conviction just one day before his first meeting with a new york probation officer. my panel is studio will weigh in on that and more, next on the sunday show. the sunday sho. and while we're still miles from the lake, i'm gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. 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>> for sure. you see many of these potential running mates for donald trump going on tv, rushing to defend him and his various cases and advancing some of the same arguments. i agree that she is probably a top contender. on capitol hill the conversation usually centers around people like senator tim scott or jd vance. some conversations involve senator marco rubio, as well. there is the question of him having florida residency and former president trump having florida residency in this arcane role for the top of the ticket in the vice presidential nominee cannot be from the same state technically so how do you address that issue constitutionally but he is in the conversation. elise stefanik is out there doing this because she wants to be trump's vice presidential nominee. she is someone who came up in the republican party is someone viewed as a moderate, someone who will change the face of the party. she started this organization, winning for women, a republican women's group supporting candidates across the country that were more moderate, more centrist talking about issues that are more appealing to suburban women voters, for example, that republicans have lost out on in the last few elections and you see the transformation in real-time here. >> yes, huge transformation. you invoke the name of another person auditioning for terms vpn that is senator tim scott. listen to what he claims would happen if donald trump wins re- election. >> protecting law and justice is job one for president trump. he will not target his political opponents. he were fire merrick garland and restore confidence in the department of justice. >> for real, he will not target his political opponents? this week all he said was oh you know, i might have to get revenge. come on. >> every time he speaks i don't recognize who he is but to end this point, i don't know who the vp pick is going to be but it will be somebody who is going to have to lie about the election and say that donald trump is a victim right now who will weaponize the justice department. that's the job requirement. >> tim scott is just like all these republican vp wannabes, and they are going down to the very bottom to defend donald trump to say that he is saying things that he doesn't say. donald trump himself has said how he's going to weaponize the department of justice. we are not making that up. those are his own words so i think these republicans are trying to clean up donald trump's act but it is really not working. >> i want to squeeze in one more potential vp nominee. this is congressman byron donalds at the town hall event. this is a change my mind, not element seven, element six. watch this. >> during jim crow, more black people were not just conservative but more black people voted conservatively. >> the congressman went on with reverend sharpton yesterday and they got into, you know, shouting match with byron donalds saying i didn't say that i'm not going to sit here and have you lie. we just saw that. why -- can you -- >> byron donalds post a video of himself saying that during jim crow over 4000 fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters were lynched. during jim crow, people's rights were taken away from them. during jim crow, black families were terrorized across the south. byron donalds, i don't know what vision -- what version of america he is living but it is not a version many of our parents and grandparents would recognize. >> i want to give a shout out to my colleagues who did a masterful job interviewing him and pointing out all those things. my sound off panel is going to stay with us. don't go anywhere. we are going to discuss rudy giuliani's crazy comment about fani willis. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. 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[music playing] back with me, former congressman joe walsh, former congressman donna edwards and andrew punch bowl. i teased this at the top of the show. listen to this from rudy giuliani. >> then i've got two prosecutors. fanny the how -- now, fani is not fawn ee. >> really what giuliani did there is just so repugnant. >> it is. it is the constant dehumanizing of black women i think black women see that. i think all women see that for what it is. it's really disgusting. i would say it's beneath rudy giuliani but apparently nothing is beneath him. >> i come from the right. i come from right-wing media. i engaged in staff i would love to take back. it is the cruelty. just call it for what it is. the cruelty cells right now, sadly, with the republican party base. that is just ugly, and -- >> will quickly on this, what comes to my mind, why don't we see elected officials in the capital running out and condemning that language or language of retribution or anything, or is it they don't say anything because the cruelty is the point. this is what trump wants and this is what we are getting. >> members of congress, particularly republicans in the senate, i think, are more afraid of the base than they ever have been before. they are afraid to criticize remarks like this. they are afraid to do anything that would upset the people who got them into office even though they themselves don't personally agree with that type of rhetoric, with that sort of using those words, so it is that fear to condemn someone who is so, you know, he loves by the base of the party and the people who sent them to congress, and that is sort of the push and pull we are seeing right now in the republican party more one direction than the other but you have people like mitt romney not running for re-election. he calls the stuff out readily but he is an outcast in the republican party, almost like he was never the 2012 republican nominee for president. he is an outcast. he's leaving the senate. there are few, if any, left of his breed of republican after the election. >> right well, i mean lindsay graham used to be that breed but he is totally transformed. tomorrow is a big day for former president trump. he has his meeting with a probation officer. real quickly, let's play the former corrections commissioner marty horn, of new york city, how he described it. >> we use the term. we call it, is this individual amenable to supervision. that means is he or she receptive to accepting the restrictions that are placed upon them, in the event they are placed on probation. will they comply with the rules, or are they people who are likely to violate the rules? >> all right. you already know what i'm going to ask. >> none of this applies to trump. absolutely no remorse. he is not following the rules. my great fear is, though, he's going to be sentenced to prison and become even a bigger martyr than he is now. >> i spent a lot of time in criminal court reading pre- sentence reports. it's hard to imagine that trump is going to do anything that really mitigates in front of the judge for sentencing and i think a probation officer is going to have to conclude that this is a man who will not abide by the rules of probation that are set for him. >> well i mean, he doesn't have to go to jail. can't they put him under house arrest? >> there are a lot of options but it still means he will be, on some level, on probation and the question is, is he going to comply with those rules and the answer is no. >> and he wanted and he will scream he's a victim. >> let's keep in mind, rules on travel and things, you have to get permission to leave but also, he can associate with anyone who has a criminal record. his entourage is lousy with convicted criminals. >>'s entourage, his campaign operation, hard to imagine he would be able to agree to even that simple rule. >> okay. no time to keep going. former congressman joe walsh, don edwards, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. when we come back, how performers are fighting back against the taxon drag entertainment. drag entertainment. hollywood white . new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long—term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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, Shorts , Student , Denim , Town , Public Space , Human Settlement , Alley , Arch , Woody Plant , Tile , Helmet , Food Truck , Bus , School Bus , Travel Trailer , Public Transport , Pet , Infections , Cancers , Relieve Fatigue , Damage , Ability , Lymphoma , Blood Clots , Fatal , Tb , Filling Station , Fixture , Temple Fade , Glove , Trailer , Playground , Roof , Driveway , Outdoor Play Equipment , Outdoor Structure , Barefoot , Concrete , Longboard , Daylighting , Baby Products , Bed , Mattress , Pond , Linens , Waste , Risk , Heart Attack , Stroke , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Sgi , Tears , Death , Rheumatologist , Flagstone , Groundcover , Patio , Cobblestone , Dog Breed , Mammal , Canidae , Dog , Carnivore , Australian Shepherd , Working Dog , Sporting Group , Conformation Show , Fur , Bernese Mountain Dog , Guard Dog , Companion Dog , Vertebrate , Snout , Miniature Australian Shepherd , Siding , Social Group , Street Light , Water Feature , Abbvie , Xfinity Mobile , Bad News , 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Return Home , Airport , Airline , Airport Terminal , Stadium , Stairs , Lectern , Paper Product , Mind , Crisis , Conundrum , Opponent , November , Immigration , Sad , Defending American Democracy , Flag Of The United States , Women , Freedoms , Presidency , Health Care Decisions , Court , Column , Home Appliance , Small Appliance , Bicycle Motocross , Ceiling , Message , Children , Gun Violence , American Democracy , Safe , Oh Adrian , The Sun , Sash Window , Apartment , Urban Design , Mansion , Midterms , Education , Impact , Decisions , Three , Doing , Justices , Dots , Reproductive Health Decisions , Supreme Court , Following , D Day , 80th Anniversary , Thousands , Protesters , Core , Military Aid , Palestinian , Spring Break , Triathlon , Traffic Sign , Marching Band , Protests , Cross Country Running , Marathon , Anything , Right , Being , Challenge , Former , Front , Fact , World Leaders , Relationships , Attribute , Pro Who , Senate Foreign Relations Committee , Bank Teller , Brain , Executive Action , Sides , Points , Criticism , Problematic , Aisle , Encounters , Entry , Quarters , Asylum , Drawing , Congress , Policy , Bottom Line , Winter , Pollution , Disaster , Boat , Watercraft , Canoe , Canoeing , Water Sport , Rowing , Kayak , Congress Won T Act , Bill , Political , Products , Lover , Win , Place , Level , Change , Disposal , Unemployment , Guidance Importers , Parallel , Document , Reporter , Accomplishments , Haze , Administration , Needs , Faces , Benefits , Latter , Surrogates , Breakthrough , Cycle , Record Unemployment , Jobs , Gdp Growth , 15 Million , Prices , Plan , Drug , Possibility , June 27th , Platform , Panel , More , Lake , Rusty Creak Sounds , Sunday Sho , Traffic Noises , Chrysler Pacifica , Fender , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Gmc Envoy , Mercedes Benz R Class , Volvo Cars , Honda , Pickup Truck , Coupe Utility , Mazda , Nissan Navara , Mitsubishi Triton , Chevrolet Avalanche , Bass Boat , Concrete Mixer , Skiff , Boat Trailer , Speedboat , Rolls Royce , Stunt Performer , Intersection , Water Transportation , Inflatable Boat , Sail , Sailboat , Jon Boat , Fishing Vessel , Dinghy , Automotive Side View Mirror , Mirror , Steering Part , Money , Auto Insurance , Allstate , Mayhem , Lexus , Nissan Sentra , Sedan , Toyota Prius , Toyota , Nissan , Full Size Car , Limousine , Cadillac , Car Dealership , Hyundai , Parking Lot , Mini , Camping , Tent , Lantern , Flame , Still Life Photography , Campfire , Family , Jheri Curl , Afro , Dreadlocks , Headpiece , Warehouse , Factory , Loft , Commercial Building , Plastic Bottle , Laboratory , Chemistry , Kitchen Appliance , Air Hockey , Indoor Games And Sports , Leisure Centre , Pickleball , Tennis , Babies , Kitchen , Clothing , Jersey , Cutlery , Fork , Pen , Ball Pen , Office Supplies , Spoon , Writing Implement , Calligraphy , Gas , Tartan , Plaid , Bicycle Part , String Instrument , Camera Accessory , Everyday Carry , Bag , Luggage And Bags , Baggage , Hand Luggage , Backpack , Water Bottle , Handbag , Suitcase , Baby Carriage , Guys , Pickle , Wiffle Tennis , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Dude , Trash Talk , Tennis Court , Tennis Equipment , Tennis Player , Soft Tennis , Racquet Sport , Net , Racket , Tennis Ball , Real Tennis , Net Sports , Arena , Athletic Shoe , Sports Training , Ping Pong , Wheelchair Tennis , Badminton , Rackets , Boxing Ring , Team Sport , Saving , College , Burn , Retirement , Got Him , Training , Frontenis , Racketlon , Boxing Equipment , Contact Sport , Caribbean , Tropics , Soft Drink , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Surfer Hair , Lagoon , Fashion Show , Haute Couture , Supervillain , Digital Compositing , Desert , Erg , Aeolian Landform , Dune , Sahara , Singing Sand , Wing , Ferris Wheel , Amusement Park , Fisheye Lens , Amusement Ride , Park , Market , Music Artist , Performance Art , Eyelash Extensions , Tongue , Goggles , Personal Care , Entertainment , Talent Show , Musical Theatre , Concert , Theatre , Bride , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Jewellery , Headphones , Bouquet , Freight Transport , Trailer Truck , Jeep , Jeep Wrangler , Hummer H2 , Rally Raid , Hardtop , Off Road Racing , Desert Racing , Monster Truck , Hardware , Dust , Jeep Cj , Meyers Manx , All Terrain Vehicle , Vintage Car , Kit Car , Classic Car , Vehicle Audio , Automotive Navigation System , Gps Navigation Device , Body Of Water , Bank , Watercourse , Bayou , Wetland , Swamp , Floodplain , Lacustrine Plain , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Stream , Fountain , Riparian Forest , Reservoir , Canal , Rapid , Earth , Jeep Gladiator , Tread , Hummer H3t , Stars , In , Premier Casino Resort , Cash , Cache Creek Casino Resort , Northern California , Field , Prairie , Rural Area , Steppe , Fell , Agriculture , Crop , Rapeseed , Plateau , Tundra , Mustard And Cabbage Family , Savanna , Vineyard , Cash Crop , Plantation , Wildflower , Paddy Field , Rhododendron , Drifting , Mixed Use , Corporate Headquarters , University , Hotel , Plaza , Headquarters , Academic Institution , College Town , Business School , Inn , School , Card Game , Gambling , Bartender , Stemware , Wine Glass , Champagne Stemware , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Cocktail , Pink Lady , Martini , Wine Cocktail , Adventure , Jumping , Mount Scenery , Valley , Underwater , Marine Biology , Underwater Diving , Scuba Diving , Freediving , Cg Artwork , Divemaster , Cooking , Ice Cream , Breakfast , Chef , Culinary Art , Cream , Cache , Getaway , Dancer , Rock Concert , Lake District , Tarn , Estuary , River Delta , Peninsula , Drainage Basin , Casino , Poker , Tabletop Game , Coffee Table , Suite , Window Covering , Wine , Pool , Billiard Table , Swimming Pool , Billiards , Turquoise , Billiard Room , Baize , Cue Stick , Swimming , Convertible , Bmw , Acrobatics , Circus , Neon Sign , Visual Effect Lighting , Birthday Cake , Birthday , Sugar Paste , Pasteles , Musical Ensemble , Musical , Drama , Factor , Choreography , Stripper , Modern Dance , Erotic Dance , Artist , Comedy , Disco , Magic , Barechested , Heart , Light Emitting Diode , Fashion Model , Lingerie , Twig , First , Atmosphere Of Earth , Daytime , Microphone Stand , Counts , Presentencing Report , Manhattan Criminal Trial , Aggrieved Queens Born Builder , Victim , Chance , Projectionist , Baseball , Congressman , Contract , Director , Weaponization , Attorney General , Department Of Justice , D A S , Independent , Illinois , Maryland , Punch Bowl , Amber , Insurrection , Cheat , Set , 3 1 2 , Looks , Professor , Elise Stefanik , Trial , Fox News , Yada , Affront , Everyone , Verdict , Men , Saw , Shortlist , Capital , Many , Running Mates , Sure , Tim Scott , Contender , Cases , Arguments , Tv , Jd , Capitol Hill , Someone , Conversations , Nominee , Marco Rubio , Role , Ticket , Florida , Face , Group , Candidates , Example , Transformation , Centrist , Name , Women Voters , Terms Vpn , Person Auditioning , Law And Justice , Software , Opponents , Real , Confidence , Restore , Fire Merrick Garland , Come On , Point , Somebody , I Don T Know , Vp Pick , Job Requirement , Fast Food Restaurant , Wannabes , Words , Byron Donalds , Element , Town Hall , Element Six , Seven , Six , Jim Crow , Shouting Match , Reverend Sharpton , Video , Brothers , Teacher , Rights , Families , Mothers , South , Lynched , Sisters , I Don T Know What Vision , Version , Colleagues , Don T Go , Sound , Grandparents , Parents , Anywhere , Bedroom , Wardrobe , Sofa Bed , Dining Room , Loveseat , Studio Couch , Slipcover , Comfort , Bounce Pet , Chair Off , Sheet , Bounce , Golden Retriever , Retriever , Labrador Retriever , Small Greek Domestic Dog , Puppy , Livestock Guardian Dog , Major Appliance , Washing Machine , Clothes Dryer , Laundry , Washing , Whiskers , Ancient Dog Breeds , Street Dog , Shih Tzu , Japanese Chin , Toy Dog , Pekingese , Wood Flooring , Laminate Flooring , Tibetan Terrier , Leggings , Pet Food , Dog Food , Snack , Paw , Dog Supply , Celestial Event , Tomato , Nightshade Family , Recipes , Music , Hearing , Peach , Pollen , Chrysanths , Flowering Plant , Dahlia , Herbaceous Plant , Hedgehog Cactus , Daisy Family , Anthurium , Protea Family , Protea , Geyser , Spray , Mother , Shooting Range , Plaster , Refrigerator , Dress Shirt , Pianist , Dell Ai , Smoke Alarm , Coffeehouse , Laptop , Netbook , Computer , Painting , Picture Frame , Cup , Coffee , Ceramic , Countertop , Cabinetry , Lamp , Shelf , Handwriting , Writing , Computer Case , Loudspeaker , Computer Hardware , Class , Seminar , Server , Metal , Oman , Him At Verizon , Ones , Ai , Roommate , Phone , Memories , Carriers S , Comfort Food , Brunch , Side Dish , Cookware And Bakeware , Visual Arts , Recliner , Nexium , Customers , Heartburn Acid , Storage , Battery Upgrade , Vo , Pepcid , Lens , Camera Lens , Mobile Phone Accessories , Basket , Barbie , Gift Basket , Present , Spain , Acid Prevention , Heartburn Acid Prevention , Peroxide , Lumineux Whitening Strips , Cupcake , Fondant , Taste , Sleep , Ring , Glitter , Bling , Dietary Supplement , Packaging And Labeling , Liquid , Identity Document , Migraine , Migraine Medication , Relief , Pop , Nurtec Odt , Lumineux Strip , Hello , Smoking , Hug , Fur Clothing , Treatment , Episodic Migraine , Laura , Step Cutting , Cameras Optics , Camera , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Reflex Camera , Photographer , Digital Camera , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Digital Slr , Chip , Waist , Fedora , Cowboy Hat , 3d Modeling , High Heels , Cure , Stomach Pain , Shine , We Don T Care Who Cures Cancer , Indigestion , Nausea , Jude , At St , Pfizer , Sara Federico , Blouse , Runway , Fetish Model , Convention Center , Care , Diseases , Cure Rates , Initiative , Heart Of St , All Around The World , Junk Food , Medical Technologist , Scientific Instrument , Microscope , Researcher , Chemical Engineer , Scientist , Optical Instrument , Chemist , Optometry , Ophthalmology , Research Institute , Sewing Machine , Biologist , Commitment , Music Playing , Pharmacy Technician , Medicine , Technician , White Coat , Bodybuilding Supplement , Red Hair , Microwave Oven , Cook , Olive Oil , Condiment , Cooking Oil , Flavored Syrup , Sauces , Syrup , Energy Shot , Future , Mobile Phone Case , Coat , Colorfulness , Tints And Shades , Orange Soft Drink , Whisky , Karaoke , Andrew Punch Bowl , Fee , Dehumanizing , Exhibition , Cruelty , Staff , Cruelty Cells , Retribution , Republicans , Senate , Fear , Sort , Type , Houtcast , Push , Stuff , Mitt Romney , One Direction , Breed , Big Day , Few , Left , Lindsay Graham , Marty Horn , Corrections , Restrictions , Rules , Probation , None , Remorse , Prison , Art Exhibition , Museum , Criminal Court , Martyr , Reading Pre , Sentencing , Judge , Jail , House Arrest , Permission , Answer , Options , Rules On Travel , Anyone , Entourage , Criminals , Campaign Operation , S Entourage , Television Studio , Rule , Don Edwards , Jury , Competition , Patients , Back , Shades , Hollywood White , Sensitivity Protection , Taxon Drag Entertainment , Teeth , 24 7 , Solution , Cosmetic Dentistry , Tooth Bleaching , Dentures , Dentistry , Manicure , Artificial Nails , Astronomical Object , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mental Health , Td , Movements , Disconnecting , Firearm , Ingrezza , Results , Mental Health Meds , Dosing , People In Nature , Dinner , Lunch , Supper , Full Breakfast , Bakery , Shelving , Door Handle , Bathroom , Thoughts , Actions , Changes , Suicide , Behaviors , Feelings , Mood , Huntington S Disease , Ingrezza May , Construction , Supermarket , Construction Worker , Hard Hat , Blue Collar Worker , Engineer , Bazaar , Problems , Side Effect , Heart Rhythm Problems , Sleepiness , Muscles , Report Fevers , Angioedema , Shipping Container , Cat , Felidae , Kitten , Canopy , Umbrella , Gazebo , Shade , Picnic , Daughter , Dogs , Good , Feeding Food , Living Being , Real Food , Snow , Winter Storm , Preserved Food , Egg , Balut , Rottweiler , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Austrian Black And Tan Hound , Huntaway , Pinscher , German Pinscher , Dobermann , Hunting Dog , Polish Hunting Dog , Cookies And Crackers , Stuffing , Asian Food , Salad , European Food , Vegetable , Staple Food , Boston Terrier , American Pit Bull Terrier , Bull Terrier , American Staffordshire Terrier , Staffordshire Bull Terrier , Bulldog , Beam , Attic , Log Cabin , Better , Farmer , Cane Corso , Great Dane , Pointing Breed , Neapolitan Mastiff , Greyhound , Italian Greyhound , Miniature Pinscher , Manchester Terrier , Rare Breed Dog , Kangal Dog , Whippet , Irish Wolfhound , Weimaraner , Gun Dog , Cavachon , Maltese , Schnoodle , Lhasa Apso , Morkie , Cockapoo , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Poodle Crossbreed , Terrier , Goldendoodle , Havanese , Obedience Trial , Autumn , Sled Dog , Sports Gear , Shingles , Nerve Pain , Work , Pitch , Rash , Burning Sensation , Batman , Art Model , Bodybuilding , Bonfire , Mythology , Formation , Volcano , Lava , Tattoo , Virus , Increases , Pharmacist , Don T Wait , Backlighting , Tights , Cave , Caving , Canyon , Sun , Fitness Professional , Biceps Curl , Bodybuilder , Tape , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Stilts , Advantages , Ooh Whoa , Kiddo , Boardwalk , Pier , Deck , Dock , Ship , Balcony , Luxury Yacht , Ladder , Disadvantages , Pay , Hi Honey , Yup , Ahhh , Good Friday , Academic Dress , Scholar , Phd , Library , Mural , Watercolor Paint , Paint , Duathlon , Long Distance Running , Ultramarathon , Biathlon , Podium , Pride Month , Pride , Drag Artist , Coalition , Focus , Called Committee , Festivities , Parade Yesterday , Lgbtq Rights , Drag Kings And Queens , Software Engineering , Hate , Threats , Petition , Dhs , Events , Saw A Spike , Assault , Harassment , Vandalism , Fbi , Committees , Turning Right , Committee , Ground , Resources , Hub , State Department Issued Travel Advisories , Members , Fight , Planning Attacks , Protection , Signatures , Launch , Couple , Law Enforcement Agencies , Pushback , Hype , Target , Woodwork , Banknote , Mosque , Currency , Wonders Of The World , Colorado , Femail , Godless Groomers , Sentiment , Pitchforks , Examples , Backlash , Flags , Ramblings , Seat , Scapegoat , Murders , Shooting , Torches , Injuries , The Club , Sentiments , Incident , Hatred , Crimes , Working On , Qomittee , Break , Rsv , Immune Systems , Vaccine , On Msnbc , Prer Respiratory Disease , Arexvy , Hall , Horse , Horse Harness , Leather Jacket , Army , Soldier , Troop , Military Uniform , Scooter , Chopper , Motorcycle Helmet , Motorcycle Accessories , Cruiser , Motorcycle Fairing , Mobility Scooter , Muscle Pain , Injection Site Pain , Fatigue , Headache , Alps , Fjord , Summit , Suspension Bridge , Concrete Bridge , Backpacking , Hiking , Mountaineering , Prescription Drug , Pharmacy , Pharmaceutical Drug , Retail , Wool , Household Supply , Lotion , Toe , Choir , Computer Keyboard , Computer Component , Input Device , Peripheral , Keyboard , Operating System , Wristband , Captain America , Cheering , Folk Instrument , Garmon , Accordion , Carnival , Fan Convention , Weapon , Cold Weapon , Woman Warrior , Carmine , Fighter Pilot , Pilot , Hummer H1 , Hummer H3 , Model Car , Toy Vehicle , Grille , Headlamp , Jeep Trailhawk , Safari , Kia Motors , Land Rover Series , Craig , Verizon Wireless , Meg , Pet Shop , Fleet , Equipment , T Mobile , Bird Squawks , At T , Display Case , Office Chair , Bike , Cycling , Possibilities , Smarter Savings , Comcast Business Mobile , Vacuum Cleaner , Cable , Cylinder , Tap , Sink , Plumbing Fixture , Bathtub , Plumbing , American Food , Corn Dog , Firefighter , Shed , Vegan Nutrition , Diet Food , Natural Foods , Smoothie , Mason Jar , Blender , Dairy , Meringue , Crème Fraîche , Whipped Cream , Marshmallow Creme , Cream Cheese , Sour Cream , Batter , Mayonnaise , Yogurt , Frozen Dessert , French Food , Frozen Yogurt , Strained Yogurt , Gelato , Mousse , Pudding , Pie , Cream Pie , Coconut Cream , Banoffee Pie , Carrot Cake , Solanum , Local Food , Chili Pepper , Breakfast Sandwich , Sandwich , Appetizer , Patty , Veggie Burger , Garnish , Flatbread , Leaf Vegetable , Burger King Premium Burgers , Ham And Cheese Sandwich , Hamburger , Lettuce , Submarine Sandwich , Mediterranean Food , Greek Food , Meat , Mexican Food , Whopper , Cheeseburger , Cemita , Bacon Sandwich , Polish Food , Raw Milk , Lactose , Milk , Hemp Milk , Threads , Weekend Capehart , Instagram , On X , Tiktok , Andrea Canning , Dateline , Episode , Podcast , Qr Code , Security Lighting , Electricity , Toilet ,

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