Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240706 : compa

Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240706

i'll ask former -- >> meanwhile fox tucks cuts ties to tucker carlson. but don't give the murdochs a courage award just yet. i will take you through all the things they did not fire tucker for and that reveals about the future of the network. and later, a trip to the british embassy and a cup of tea with ambassador karen pierce. her thoughts on the war in ukraine, being a woman in a male dominated field, and yes, the upcoming coronation of king charles. . so we saw a pretty jarring split screen this week from the two leading candidates for president in 2024. and that split screen served as a reminder of what is at stake in this election. on one side, president joe biden formally took the plunge, officially launching his reelection campaign in a video released on tuesday. in it, the president reiterated his commitment to protecting personal freedoms. from voting rights to abortion rights to civil rights. big issues in this campaign. he also hosted a state dinner wednesday night where the highlight was the south korean president singing american pie, how american is that? and last night, president biden joins hundreds of people in a hotel ballroom to make jokes that only a washington crowd would laugh at. in other words, all of this was pretty normal fodder for an episode of the west wing. and that is intentional on their end. their strategy is to present a stable, in command president. doing things presidents do. contrast that with the headlines about the most likely republican nominee, donald trump. just this week, e. jean carroll testified in a manhattan courthouse alleging that the former president raped her. while campaigning in new hampshire this week, trump literally embraced a january 6th defendant who later said former vice president pence should be executed. and speaking of mike pence, he made history this week himself. becoming the first former vice president to testify before a grand jury against the president he served. that is not a great development for donald trump, in case you are wondering. and yet, despite all of that, if the election between trump and biden were held today it would still be a nail-biter. joining me now is someone who has worked alongside president joe biden for decades. former white house chief of staff, my friend, my old boss, ron klain. ron, it's just like sitting in your old office. >> great job with the new show, it's great to be here. >> thank you. the president has been pretty quiet on the former presidents legal troubles. there's good reason, there's precedent, the indictment was about hush money payments. but there could be more indictments coming about the issues that the president is running his campaign on, defensive democracy, opposition to election denialism. is there going to come a time where he is going to need to be more vocal about the specifics of these cases? >> i think the president is going to let the legal process work its way out with donald trump. i think he has points of contrast with trump that don't involve the courts. they involve approaches to the economy, what we are going to do to move the country forward, climate change, human rights, abortion rights. i think those are issues that the president will focus on. as donald trump's legal troubles, that's a choice of which direction our country goes. >> in his video, there was a reference to, of course, defense of democracy, defense of human rights. he has given some powerful speeches on those issues. with all of this hanging out there, dominating the media coverage. doesn't it make it hard for him not to make it a bigger part of his campaign? >> i think defense of democracy which was a big part of his first campaign in big part of the time he has been president will be part of his campaign in 2024. i think commenting on the various legal developments of donald trump may not be a big part of his campaign in 2024. the president is fighting against republicans all over this country. there are too many donald trump -ites all over the country trying to make trump's ideas laws over the states. that is what biden is standing up against, we need a country with more freedoms, not less. >> you are the chief of staff to the president, but you've also been the chief of staff to vice presidents. as you are watching this news break this week about former vice president mike pence testifying in front of a grand jury against, about his former boss, president trump. give us a little sense of how significant that is, how unprecedented that is. >> it is totally unprecedented, as you said. it is obviously an incredible thing to see. fortunately i never worked for a vice president who never worked for criminal president, so i never had to face that. i'm glad to see vice president pence doing his duty and coming forth with what he knows. >> you know attorney general garland pretty well. he was, he is famously allergic to politics. part of the reason i think it's fair to say why he was nominated by the president for this job. but he is going to have to navigate what is sure to be a political firestorm. indictments or not. how do you think he will navigate that? >> i think judge garland, attorney general garland, has always navigated by calling it straight. by trying to approach the facts and the laws as he finds them. i'm sure that's what he will do, even in the election year, even in controversial times, he's going to be who he is. >> he has also been criticized, i've been a defender of his, i know you have been as well. what do people not understand about his process and how he approaches legal cases? >> i think that judge garland believes very much in the integrity of the justice department and institutional norms there. i think at a time when a lot of americans including me would like to see the justice department get more depressive defending voting rights and reproductive rights. more cautious measured approaches seem not aggressive enough given the threats our rights face. >> do you think the justice department should be more aggressive on those voting rights than they are being now? >> i think they should look for opportunities to go to court and make it clear that voter intimidation is wrong and that some of these efforts in these states to limit women's rights to travel, get medical care they need is contrary to our laws and the broader principles of our contract constitution, yes. >> do you think the pace at which garland has operated on the cases against trump and naming jack smith is the appropriate pace? >> i think, i'm not going to comment on that he will make his decisions on individual cases. >> most of us are operating under the assumption that trump is going to be the nominee. i've said that, i know you've said that recently. the choice, their, seems pretty clear. confidence versus chaos, defense of democracy against not defending democracy. if it is someone else, like a ron desantis, does the pace change? >> i don't think it does. obviously, it was different. donald trump was unique in many ways. but i think you are seeing in governor desantis someone who shares a lot of trump's views on key things like reproductive freedom, voting rights other issues like that. i think this choice, it's a choice between more freedoms and less freedoms, that's a choice you give to any trump-like republican nominees in 2024. i think the president will be running on his record, that doesn't change with regard to whose opponents. i think the race is going to be the race, it's going to look the same no matter who the republicans dominate. if they nominate someone from the maga wing of their party which seems almost certain. >> i personally think this argument over the presidents ages overall in part because part of the job's experience and by the way trump is 76 years old and he is currently the front runner. it is clearly a favor argument of republican candidates. nikki haley suggested the president won't live through the next five years. are there moments, i know the presidents response is just watch me, but are there moments where it is beyond the pale. where there needs to be a different response. >> i think the response is the president doing his job. i think we'll see that every day. the rigor with with which the president works. his trip to the ukraine. it was an incredibly arduous and dangerous trip to the president took. i think that answered questions about his age. i understand why voters asked it, the acid in 2020 and decided he was the right person for the job. i think the same thing will happen in 2024. not only is the president up for the job and doing the job, but frankly, the choice between joe biden desantis is a stark choice and i think issues of who stands for what in the record of what he will do going forward those are amok overcoming questions about age. >> the presidents progress on judicial nominations, something you were very involved in as the chief of staff, is a big part of his legacy, and it was the chief of staff. it is essentially frozen right now because senator feinstein has been out with shingles and the republicans have refused to agree to a swap. you've expressed confidence that the republicans on the committee will eventually agree. when i heard that i was thinking i wish i was in ron's office and i ask him what he meant by that. are you referring to, do you think they will be having to support qualified nominees or to think there will be a process change that allows for these nominees to move forward? >> i think one of the two will have to happen. the presidents agenda in getting these judges confirmed is an important part of his overall agenda. -- most of those nominees have been confirmed on a bipartisan basis. what you have right now is nominees bottled up in the committee who actually would get a majority of votes including some republican votes if they could get to the senate floor. when we had a 50/50 senate we were able to get them out of committee with a discharge motion. with a democratic majority there are no discharge motion so it is a process to get them out of the committee. even in senator feinstein's absence or to deal with her absence. but the process of filling vacancies on the federal bench must continue. i'm confident that senator schumer will find a way to move forward on it. >> one of the things in your very lengthy resumes that you are the council to the senate judiciary committee under when president biden was the chan chairman of that committee. it sounds like there is something that could happen in the senate that could allow these things to move forward. >> i think they will find a way to do it. senate rules can always be changed. i think that senator schumer and senator durbin have republicans on issues like the blue slip policy. they've taken republican to put on judges from their states. i think in exchange for that, it's only reasonable that the nominees that are qualified to move out of committee faced a vote on the senate floor. >> there has also been, you are institutionalist, i think that's fair to say, a defender of institutions, as is the president, including the supreme court. there has been a drip in the last few weeks about lavish spending, about not disclosing gifts, about relatives benefiting from justices membership on the court. it feels broken to people who don't know what's going on there. to think it can be fixed and how can it be fixed? >> i think the same ethics rules that apply in full force to the other federal judges should apply to the supreme court. the people think it's odd that not all the same ethical rules apply to the court. i think what we have seen recently from the court is to the high standards the court should be held. i hope that the justices will come forward and adopt the same kind of ethical rules of federal judges -- senator whitehouse has been working on this very hard. other senators have to. it's time to bring the court up to the same ethical standards as other judges. >> another issue you worked on when you are the council to the committee was the assault weapons ban which was passed when the president was the chairman. there is not an assault weapons ban in place today. there was another shooting this weekend in texas using an air of 15. five people including an eight-year-old were killed in that shooting. you are very savvy political guy, to. why do you think the politics of moving forward on the assault weapons ban is, doesn't exist right now? or am i wrong in that assessment? >> i think the politics, the votes on capitol hill don't exist. that's up to voters to change in 2024, and it's important that they do. in the 1990s we passed in the band on a number of specific assault weapons including the ar-15. masters went down. one of the most difficult parts of my job as white house chief of staff is getting a call in the middle the night, which many nights, another mass shooting with an ar-15, it's crazy that we allow our children and our fellow countrymen to be gunned down this way. we were able to bend this gun before from a decade from 1984 to thousand four when it expired. the number of mass shootings went down. i think the voters feel that way that it is unacceptable. hopefully congress in 2024 will join with president biden in reinstating that assault weapon ban that he'll put in place in the 1990s. >> before i let you go, mother's day is coming up, i know from known you for a long time that your mother was an incredibly important person in your life. i just want to ask you to tell me, you're going to make me cry, but tell me a little bit about her. how did she raise a person who became the white house chief of staff, became the vice presidents chief of staff, is a mentor to many? tell me a little bit by your mother? >> my mother was a nice woman, we lost here at the end of february. it was very said. she drove out of school at age 18, never finished college, had been when she was 19, put her heart and soul into raising her three children and also running to small businesses and eventually playing a major role in civic life in indianapolis where i grew up. she's very much missed this mother's day. >> i know she is, and i know she would be so incredibly proud of you and her family and her grandkids as well. ron klain, thank you for joining me today. >> thanks for having me jen. >> everyone remember to call your mom, today. i know i will. we've much more to come this hour including much more on the appearance by former vice president mike pence before the grand jury investigating donald trump on january 6th. i'll talk to an attorney who just argued his 50th case before the supreme court. and later, my thoughts on tucker carlson's abrupt departure from fox news. and why i don't have high hopes that much will change in his absence. we are back after a quick break. verizon liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if lawn care were easy, everyone would do it... as well as trugreen does it. trugreen's online tools help ensure your custom treatment works to deliver a greener, healthier lawn - guaranteed. it's time to trust your experts at trugreen. go online today! wayfair has nice prices it's time to trust your experts at trugreen. so you can have nice things. hah! kelly clarkson, we have a kid... and harold. wayfair's got just what you need... performance fabrics, stains don't stand a chance. no chance! -woo! dog friendly and wallet friendly... pug-proved. get nice things with nice prices at wayfair. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ >> mike pence testified this week before a washington grand jury in the special counsel's ongoing investigation into donald trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election. pretty significant. we don't know what exactly was asked of him or how exactly he answered. but we can be sure that none of it will be good for his former boss. we know that pence was key to donald trump's failed plot to overturn the election on january 6th. in the two years since pence has largely refrained from talking about that day. he refused to speak to the january 6th committee and even thought the subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury. considering that a maga mob wanted to hang him, pence's public comments have also been surprisingly measured. unless, of course, he is not out in front of the cameras. at a dinner which i happen to be at last month in washington pence gave his most direct criticism of his former boss to date saying president trump was wrong. his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the capitol that day. and i know history will hold donald trump accountable. now, pence's testimony may help do exactly that. joining me now is msnbc legal analyst neil castillo who just argued his 50th case before the supreme court. that's a lot of cases argue before the supreme court, congratulations, thank you for making time for me today. i want to start with the question most of my friends are wondering, and family. what pieces of the story can mike pence uniquely offer or answer to the grand jury? >> i think pence coming in to testify is to use the words of that poet your former boss a big effing deal. the idea that a former vice president is going into a criminal grand jury and testifying about what his boss did, that is beyond historic. and if i am jack smith, what do i want to know? i want to know what trump actually believed. and pence is the guy in the room, literally in the room where it happens, he will be able to testify about that day. to trump really believe that he won this election? or was he going around saying here's what we are going to do to try to orchestrate a pretend when. because in criminal law criminal intent is the most important thing. that's really what i think these questions are about. >> you touched on some of these. but if you are questioning pants, because i would surely be careful, what would you ask him? what kind of questions to ask him to get to that level of detail. >> i go specifically day-by-day. what did trump say to you on this day? what did he say on that day? what did you tell other people? -- >> it's almost chronologically? >> chronologically, and really slowly, and carefully. that's why reports are he was there for more than five hours. this is not a guy who is being brave, this is mr. invertebrate going to washington. pence is not someone who has been forthcoming even though his life was very much under attack on that day by a mob sent and dispatched by the president. so you would have to be slow, careful, and try to get the truth. >> you mentioned he was there for more than five hours, more than seven some reports of said. what is the significance about the length of time? >> i do think it means the jack smith the prosecutor was going really slowly, day by day. beyond that, i don't think we can say too much except that it does say something about jack smith's timing. if you are a prosecutor and you are thinking of bringing in the former vice president, as i said, that's a big deal. you do that only at the end. it's kind of like eminem, you've got one shot, one opportunity. >> and you bring the biggest fish in at the end? >> at the end, you can really bring him in again, maybe a new facts emerge. you really want to try to do that to button everything up. i do think that what that means that we are going to see some movement from jack smith officially on these things in the next couple of weeks. >> do you think there is additional big fish that could come here? after pence. >> i don't think so. i think pence is kind of the last person. there are other people like john eastman and others who probably using attorney-client privilege, or targets, bringing targets into a grand jury. i think we are really talking about towards the end of this january 6th probe. and then of course there is the mar-a-lago probe which is separate. >> we could be getting close, nbc's jonathan allen caught up with former president trump after we learned of pence's testimony, let's listen to that. >> mister president, mr. president what do you think of mike pence testifying today? >> i don't know what he said, but i have a lot of confidence in him. >> i have a lot of confidence in him. it sounds like it's out of the sopranos. what did you think of his comments? >> that's exactly how it sounds to me. in donald trump is someone who has always tried to attempt a witnesses, dangle pardons in front of them, all sorts of things to try to get them to stop telling the truth. and here, trump tried. this week he went to the u.s. court of appeals, the second highest court to try to block pence from testifying. he is not behaving like a guy who is cool with pence's testimony. of course he is not. once the testimony happened i'm sure he is trying to shape it as best is he can. >> you mentioned you think it's coming soon. for people watching at home waiting, does that mean weeks, months, what's the kind of timeframe we are talking about here? >> i think it means weeks. obviously, anything could happen. but the nice thing about this justice department unlike the last one under donald trump is that it doesn't leak. we don't know. we are just trying to infer from outside signals. >> they are very low lead, that is true. >> people can have different views of attorney general garland but on this, on the way of bringing the justice department back to the way it is traditionally run as an institution. i, and everyone who has been fortunate enough to work there, berlin has brought it back to what it normally operates as. the result of that is we are all frustrated because we don't know what jack smith is going to do or when he is going to do it. >> that is certainly true, neal katyal, think you so much for joining me and shedding light on what was seen out there. the second highest ranking house democrat, congresswoman catherine clark, will join me onset in just a few minutes. i'll get her take on what is really happening inside the republican house. but first, fox's decision to sever ties with tucker carlson, what it does and doesn't tell us about the network's future. president biden weighs in on carlson's departure at the white house correspondents dinner, we are back after this. >> truth is, we have a record to be proud of. vaccine in the nation, transform the economy. urged historic legislative victories and midterm results. but the job isn't finished. i mean, it is finished for tucker carlson. it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. frustrated by skin tags? 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you know why. they were almost certainly working for the fbi. so fbi operatives were organizing the attack on the capitol. >> obviously crazy. and of course there was his obsessive promotion of the white house, white nationalist replacement theory. >> in unrelenting stream of immigration. but why. will joe biden just said it to change the racial mix of the country. that's the reason. to reduce the political power of peoples whose ancestors lived here and dramatically increase the proportion of americans newly arrived from the third world. >> throughout it all, fox backed tucker. when asked in 2021 to comment on carson's long record of lies and bigotry, fox news plainly said we fully support him. and for years they did. but if you think tucker firing means fox has seen the light don't hold your breath. don't judge them on why they fired carlson, judge them for all the time they didn't. and judge them for what they are still putting on the air. this week since its exit on monday it's been business as usual for their primetime lineup. here's laura anger him on thursday. >> american citizens see that biden's team isn't focused on raising their standard of living, instead the biden team is focused on remaking the country. illegal immigrant dreamers are valued over native born americans. >> sounds pretty familiar, right. fox news may have had a problem with tucker himself. but his ideas, the conspiracies, the lies, his explicit white nationalist views were never the total problem for the network. they endorsed all of that and continue to do so. this is simply who they are. coming up, speaker kevin mccarthy may have passed his debt ceiling bill in the house but that is but as far as it is going to go. is there any way both sides can come to an agreement? i'll ask catherine clark about her party's plan after a quick break. pulls it tour of the beautiful greenhouse at the uk embassy. that was just a small part of my visit with british ambassador karen pierce, just as her country prepares for the coronation of king charles, that's coming up. >> i'm richard louis with a news update for you. in texas there is an 80,000 dollar reward leading to the arrest of 38-year-old francisco or pays a. the sheriff says or pesos shot and killed four, five of his neighbors, including an eight-year-old. they say this afternoon they have zero leads and they're asking for help to find him. >> new video of a tornado that touched down in palm beach gardens florida north of miami. it flipped cars and tore up trees, no reports of serious injuries there. more inside with jen psaki after this break. mercedes-benz electric vehicles. including two years complimentary charging and pre-paid maintenance. the vehicles are all electric. the feeling is all mercedes. the choice is all yours. but hurry, these dream days are only here until june 5th. ♪ ♪ this is rochelle, who gives you a shot. ♪ ♪ rebecca is there when you feel not so hot. ♪ ♪ this is larissa, who's feeling glown up. ♪ ♪ and this here is winnie, who zhuzhed up their cup. ♪ ♪ this is victoria, helping women stay healthy. ♪ ♪ these are your kids, snacking snacks ♪ ♪ made with veggies. ♪ ♪ and matty can help ♪ ♪ you find your new favorite color. ♪ ♪ and kyle helps find meds for under 10 dollars. ♪ whoever you are, wherever, whenever, at cvs, healthier happens together. what are folks 60 and older up to these days? 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president biden says he doesn't want to negotiate. democratic leaders said they don't want to negotiate. but isn't the only path forward for democrats and republicans in the house and senate to talk to each other and figure out what's next? >> so the path forward here is very clear. and the responsible thing that we have to do is avoid this gop manufactured default crisis. we know the last time when they came up to the brink of defaulting the cost was born by the american people. we are already anticipating, people could see $800 more in a car loan. in my home state, $250 more on a mortgage payment. last time we saw americans who were close to retirement lose $20,000 on average. and for what. we have two very distinct. we pay our bills in this country, we did it three times without fanfare under donald trump. and we also have in appropriations process where we come together with negotiating spending. we put our budgets out and we come to compromise together what is best for the american people. the republicans have rejected this. >> that all sounds very sane, and that's when the debt limit has been raised dip dozens of times, including three times under trump which kevin mccarthy voted for all three of them. but the problem is it doesn't seem clear that that path forward is working. for example, obviously a clean debt limit vote would be the easiest thing, that's what you've called for, the presidents cover the. but you have agreement from every member of the democratic caucus that they would support a clean debt limit vote. >> we just put that vote on the books. on wednesday of this week. every single member of the democratic caucus voted to have a clean debt ceiling vote and they rejected this ransom note that we have been handed by the gop. and let's look at what it does. not only are they rejecting doing the responsible thing and putting our economy in the global economy at risk. but then they are saying to the american people, you are going to foot the bill for this. it would mean 30 million doctors appointments for veterans that would disappear. a huge impact on the health care we offer our veterans, just as we passed the pact act which is helping our veterans get the health care they need after exposure to burn pits. helping our vietnam vets get what they need in disabilities. the list goes on. it would impact our women and infants food program. 1.7 million when it kids would not have the nutritional assistance that they need. it would undermine everything that we are trying to do at this moment to create in economy that works for everyone. and for what? >> it would be catastrophic, and they are holding it hostage. there are members of the caucus who are in the problem solvers caucus, as they call it. who have put forth proposals that would include a fiscal commission. we would include some budget reforms. do you see that as a potential path forward? if you can't get enough votes to raise the debt limit with a clean bill. >> yes. i would bring you back to the fact that every member of our caucus including the problem solvers just voted in, with complete unity against this proposal. they understand, the american people are looking at us and saying, this shouldn't be a partisan drama playing out that we are going to put the bill for. to the responsible thing. be the groups in the room. address our debt, raise a debt ceiling, avoid a default crisis that is manufactured by the gop. and then we can go and talk about investments. i look at the presidents budget, that's where i see a budget that understands what we can create when we invest in the american people. when we protect social security, when we make the tax code that is more fair and helps us reduce the deficit by 3.7 trillion dollars. when we have universal pre-k for four-year-olds in this country. paid family leave. these are the things that families are sending us to do. this is the work that they want us to do together. thand we have to stand up to a gop that is saying we would like to put our entire economy at risk and make that risk be borne out by the hardworking families of this country. >> democratic whip catherine clark, thank you so much for joining me here today, and in your fight to raise the debt limit. up next, a trip to the british embassy with dane karen peers which of course had to include tea and scones in the patio. i will ask her what she learned as the first woman to serve as the british ambassador to the united states. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> if you think there is a lot happening in washington this week, london is preparing for the first coronation of a british monarch since 1953. and just a few days king charles will officially take the throne 70 years after his late mother queen elizabeth began her reign. as we count down to the coronation next weekend i stopped by the british embassy in d.c. to a tour and tea with ambassador karen pearce. ♪ ♪ ♪ matt ambassador, how are you? >> welcome to the garden, nice to see you. >> thank you, beautiful day. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you were the first woman to be the uk ambassador to the united states which is pretty significant. for all the little girls out there, i have one, did you always want to be an ambassador when you were younger? >> it was the first thing i wanted to be, i want to also be in accountant, sadly, and a fighter pilot, and a nuclear physicist. >> accountant feels like it's out of the realm there. >> -- >> there are very few high-level women at the table in places like the middle east, even asia, even in parts of south america. are there times when that has been an advantage, to be one of the only women at the table? >> for me, personally, it has been as much as an advantage as it has been a detriment. because people notice you, they may notice you for the wrong reasons, but they notice you. and it's incumbent on you to make them notice you for the right reasons. >> so one of the areas you have spent a lot of time in is issues like ukraine. you spent a lot of time with russian diplomats. what is their style. >> well their style is usually no, to be absolutely honest. the aim is to find something you can work on with them. and try to expose what their real problem is. if they felt you were sincere in understanding the real concerns, as opposed to their stated concerns, then you could get something down. >> do you still think there is a pathway to work with them on any issues we are trying to solve globally? >> i don't want to say there never will be, but i think at the moment it is just too difficult. there is an almost gangster like quality in some of the things that russia is doing. >> you also spent time as the ambassador to afghanistan. you did tend to wear heels there, i read, so tell me a little bit about that? >> being in afghanistan your identity gets surprised by all the things you have to wear, socially, but the fact that you are walking on incredibly rough terrain, so nothing is normal. so i would claim to certain things to try to pretend i was still in swc one in london where the foreign offices, and heels were part of that. >> i know we were going to look around a little bit, i think, should we go do that? >> yes, of course. ♪ ♪ ♪ >>,,. >>,. this is our orchid collection, this these are some very nice specimens of that. and orchid after the queen for her jubilee, which is bright pink. then we have one for me which is white and purple and yellow. >> i know that there is classical music typically playing in here because orchids like classical music. >> that's exactly right. i think the orcas are quite prima donna's, they know what they like. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you made a bit of a name for yourself telling people how to make a proper cup of tea. so what should be no? >> so rather than me tell you, what we would like to do is serve you with a proper cup of english tea and scones. served by the staff at the residency. >> another big event in the uk is the upcoming coronation of king charles. and what people may forget is there hasn't been a coronation like this in decades because queen elizabeth ii -- >> there is a huge amount of tradition that comes with the coronation. there is the very important holy oil. in days gone by people believed that when a king was crowned or when a queen was crowned the divine spirit came on to them from god. there still is the holy oil, even though the way people view the monarchy has moved on. >> you've served as a diplomat for the united kingdom for many decades, with queen elizabeth in that role. what kind of impact that she have on you as you're representing your country? >> i just think incredibly proud. whenever i look at the queen i didn't just see the queen as a person, you kind of see the whole of history, the whole of the united kingdom held him out was quite a tiny figure. she also had a fantastic sense of humor. >> king charles who is about to take the, the corner very soon. how do you think he will be different from her? >> he definitely wants to be modern, he definitely wants to make his monarchy that is for the future. >> what do you think the american public doesn't understand about the british monarchy? it feels like a big mystery here sometimes. >> i think the mystery is part of it, to be absolutely honest. it's the majesty, the splendor used in its literal sense. the pageantry. every single piece of it seems to have the weight of history in it. in a funny sort of way, the queen and the royal family touch more people than we might think. >> absolutely, ambassador piers, thank you so much for spending time with me and sharing so much of your background, your history, your knowledge, and of course giving us a better understanding of the coronation that we will be watching here. >> it is been absolutely loving lovely, having you, jen. >> my thanks to ambassador karen pierce who is a really remarkable woman as you can tell. up next, i'll answer some of the questions you had for me this week, back after a quick break. like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at starting a new chapter can be the most thrilling thing in the world. there's an abundance of reasons to get started. how far we take an idea is a question of willpower. because progress... is a matter of character. my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240706 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20240706

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i'll ask former -- >> meanwhile fox tucks cuts ties to tucker carlson. but don't give the murdochs a courage award just yet. i will take you through all the things they did not fire tucker for and that reveals about the future of the network. and later, a trip to the british embassy and a cup of tea with ambassador karen pierce. her thoughts on the war in ukraine, being a woman in a male dominated field, and yes, the upcoming coronation of king charles. . so we saw a pretty jarring split screen this week from the two leading candidates for president in 2024. and that split screen served as a reminder of what is at stake in this election. on one side, president joe biden formally took the plunge, officially launching his reelection campaign in a video released on tuesday. in it, the president reiterated his commitment to protecting personal freedoms. from voting rights to abortion rights to civil rights. big issues in this campaign. he also hosted a state dinner wednesday night where the highlight was the south korean president singing american pie, how american is that? and last night, president biden joins hundreds of people in a hotel ballroom to make jokes that only a washington crowd would laugh at. in other words, all of this was pretty normal fodder for an episode of the west wing. and that is intentional on their end. their strategy is to present a stable, in command president. doing things presidents do. contrast that with the headlines about the most likely republican nominee, donald trump. just this week, e. jean carroll testified in a manhattan courthouse alleging that the former president raped her. while campaigning in new hampshire this week, trump literally embraced a january 6th defendant who later said former vice president pence should be executed. and speaking of mike pence, he made history this week himself. becoming the first former vice president to testify before a grand jury against the president he served. that is not a great development for donald trump, in case you are wondering. and yet, despite all of that, if the election between trump and biden were held today it would still be a nail-biter. joining me now is someone who has worked alongside president joe biden for decades. former white house chief of staff, my friend, my old boss, ron klain. ron, it's just like sitting in your old office. >> great job with the new show, it's great to be here. >> thank you. the president has been pretty quiet on the former presidents legal troubles. there's good reason, there's precedent, the indictment was about hush money payments. but there could be more indictments coming about the issues that the president is running his campaign on, defensive democracy, opposition to election denialism. is there going to come a time where he is going to need to be more vocal about the specifics of these cases? >> i think the president is going to let the legal process work its way out with donald trump. i think he has points of contrast with trump that don't involve the courts. they involve approaches to the economy, what we are going to do to move the country forward, climate change, human rights, abortion rights. i think those are issues that the president will focus on. as donald trump's legal troubles, that's a choice of which direction our country goes. >> in his video, there was a reference to, of course, defense of democracy, defense of human rights. he has given some powerful speeches on those issues. with all of this hanging out there, dominating the media coverage. doesn't it make it hard for him not to make it a bigger part of his campaign? >> i think defense of democracy which was a big part of his first campaign in big part of the time he has been president will be part of his campaign in 2024. i think commenting on the various legal developments of donald trump may not be a big part of his campaign in 2024. the president is fighting against republicans all over this country. there are too many donald trump -ites all over the country trying to make trump's ideas laws over the states. that is what biden is standing up against, we need a country with more freedoms, not less. >> you are the chief of staff to the president, but you've also been the chief of staff to vice presidents. as you are watching this news break this week about former vice president mike pence testifying in front of a grand jury against, about his former boss, president trump. give us a little sense of how significant that is, how unprecedented that is. >> it is totally unprecedented, as you said. it is obviously an incredible thing to see. fortunately i never worked for a vice president who never worked for criminal president, so i never had to face that. i'm glad to see vice president pence doing his duty and coming forth with what he knows. >> you know attorney general garland pretty well. he was, he is famously allergic to politics. part of the reason i think it's fair to say why he was nominated by the president for this job. but he is going to have to navigate what is sure to be a political firestorm. indictments or not. how do you think he will navigate that? >> i think judge garland, attorney general garland, has always navigated by calling it straight. by trying to approach the facts and the laws as he finds them. i'm sure that's what he will do, even in the election year, even in controversial times, he's going to be who he is. >> he has also been criticized, i've been a defender of his, i know you have been as well. what do people not understand about his process and how he approaches legal cases? >> i think that judge garland believes very much in the integrity of the justice department and institutional norms there. i think at a time when a lot of americans including me would like to see the justice department get more depressive defending voting rights and reproductive rights. more cautious measured approaches seem not aggressive enough given the threats our rights face. >> do you think the justice department should be more aggressive on those voting rights than they are being now? >> i think they should look for opportunities to go to court and make it clear that voter intimidation is wrong and that some of these efforts in these states to limit women's rights to travel, get medical care they need is contrary to our laws and the broader principles of our contract constitution, yes. >> do you think the pace at which garland has operated on the cases against trump and naming jack smith is the appropriate pace? >> i think, i'm not going to comment on that he will make his decisions on individual cases. >> most of us are operating under the assumption that trump is going to be the nominee. i've said that, i know you've said that recently. the choice, their, seems pretty clear. confidence versus chaos, defense of democracy against not defending democracy. if it is someone else, like a ron desantis, does the pace change? >> i don't think it does. obviously, it was different. donald trump was unique in many ways. but i think you are seeing in governor desantis someone who shares a lot of trump's views on key things like reproductive freedom, voting rights other issues like that. i think this choice, it's a choice between more freedoms and less freedoms, that's a choice you give to any trump-like republican nominees in 2024. i think the president will be running on his record, that doesn't change with regard to whose opponents. i think the race is going to be the race, it's going to look the same no matter who the republicans dominate. if they nominate someone from the maga wing of their party which seems almost certain. >> i personally think this argument over the presidents ages overall in part because part of the job's experience and by the way trump is 76 years old and he is currently the front runner. it is clearly a favor argument of republican candidates. nikki haley suggested the president won't live through the next five years. are there moments, i know the presidents response is just watch me, but are there moments where it is beyond the pale. where there needs to be a different response. >> i think the response is the president doing his job. i think we'll see that every day. the rigor with with which the president works. his trip to the ukraine. it was an incredibly arduous and dangerous trip to the president took. i think that answered questions about his age. i understand why voters asked it, the acid in 2020 and decided he was the right person for the job. i think the same thing will happen in 2024. not only is the president up for the job and doing the job, but frankly, the choice between joe biden desantis is a stark choice and i think issues of who stands for what in the record of what he will do going forward those are amok overcoming questions about age. >> the presidents progress on judicial nominations, something you were very involved in as the chief of staff, is a big part of his legacy, and it was the chief of staff. it is essentially frozen right now because senator feinstein has been out with shingles and the republicans have refused to agree to a swap. you've expressed confidence that the republicans on the committee will eventually agree. when i heard that i was thinking i wish i was in ron's office and i ask him what he meant by that. are you referring to, do you think they will be having to support qualified nominees or to think there will be a process change that allows for these nominees to move forward? >> i think one of the two will have to happen. the presidents agenda in getting these judges confirmed is an important part of his overall agenda. -- most of those nominees have been confirmed on a bipartisan basis. what you have right now is nominees bottled up in the committee who actually would get a majority of votes including some republican votes if they could get to the senate floor. when we had a 50/50 senate we were able to get them out of committee with a discharge motion. with a democratic majority there are no discharge motion so it is a process to get them out of the committee. even in senator feinstein's absence or to deal with her absence. but the process of filling vacancies on the federal bench must continue. i'm confident that senator schumer will find a way to move forward on it. >> one of the things in your very lengthy resumes that you are the council to the senate judiciary committee under when president biden was the chan chairman of that committee. it sounds like there is something that could happen in the senate that could allow these things to move forward. >> i think they will find a way to do it. senate rules can always be changed. i think that senator schumer and senator durbin have republicans on issues like the blue slip policy. they've taken republican to put on judges from their states. i think in exchange for that, it's only reasonable that the nominees that are qualified to move out of committee faced a vote on the senate floor. >> there has also been, you are institutionalist, i think that's fair to say, a defender of institutions, as is the president, including the supreme court. there has been a drip in the last few weeks about lavish spending, about not disclosing gifts, about relatives benefiting from justices membership on the court. it feels broken to people who don't know what's going on there. to think it can be fixed and how can it be fixed? >> i think the same ethics rules that apply in full force to the other federal judges should apply to the supreme court. the people think it's odd that not all the same ethical rules apply to the court. i think what we have seen recently from the court is to the high standards the court should be held. i hope that the justices will come forward and adopt the same kind of ethical rules of federal judges -- senator whitehouse has been working on this very hard. other senators have to. it's time to bring the court up to the same ethical standards as other judges. >> another issue you worked on when you are the council to the committee was the assault weapons ban which was passed when the president was the chairman. there is not an assault weapons ban in place today. there was another shooting this weekend in texas using an air of 15. five people including an eight-year-old were killed in that shooting. you are very savvy political guy, to. why do you think the politics of moving forward on the assault weapons ban is, doesn't exist right now? or am i wrong in that assessment? >> i think the politics, the votes on capitol hill don't exist. that's up to voters to change in 2024, and it's important that they do. in the 1990s we passed in the band on a number of specific assault weapons including the ar-15. masters went down. one of the most difficult parts of my job as white house chief of staff is getting a call in the middle the night, which many nights, another mass shooting with an ar-15, it's crazy that we allow our children and our fellow countrymen to be gunned down this way. we were able to bend this gun before from a decade from 1984 to thousand four when it expired. the number of mass shootings went down. i think the voters feel that way that it is unacceptable. hopefully congress in 2024 will join with president biden in reinstating that assault weapon ban that he'll put in place in the 1990s. >> before i let you go, mother's day is coming up, i know from known you for a long time that your mother was an incredibly important person in your life. i just want to ask you to tell me, you're going to make me cry, but tell me a little bit about her. how did she raise a person who became the white house chief of staff, became the vice presidents chief of staff, is a mentor to many? tell me a little bit by your mother? >> my mother was a nice woman, we lost here at the end of february. it was very said. she drove out of school at age 18, never finished college, had been when she was 19, put her heart and soul into raising her three children and also running to small businesses and eventually playing a major role in civic life in indianapolis where i grew up. she's very much missed this mother's day. >> i know she is, and i know she would be so incredibly proud of you and her family and her grandkids as well. ron klain, thank you for joining me today. >> thanks for having me jen. >> everyone remember to call your mom, today. i know i will. we've much more to come this hour including much more on the appearance by former vice president mike pence before the grand jury investigating donald trump on january 6th. i'll talk to an attorney who just argued his 50th case before the supreme court. and later, my thoughts on tucker carlson's abrupt departure from fox news. and why i don't have high hopes that much will change in his absence. we are back after a quick break. verizon liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if lawn care were easy, everyone would do it... as well as trugreen does it. trugreen's online tools help ensure your custom treatment works to deliver a greener, healthier lawn - guaranteed. it's time to trust your experts at trugreen. go online today! wayfair has nice prices it's time to trust your experts at trugreen. so you can have nice things. hah! kelly clarkson, we have a kid... and harold. wayfair's got just what you need... performance fabrics, stains don't stand a chance. no chance! -woo! dog friendly and wallet friendly... pug-proved. get nice things with nice prices at wayfair. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ >> mike pence testified this week before a washington grand jury in the special counsel's ongoing investigation into donald trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election. pretty significant. we don't know what exactly was asked of him or how exactly he answered. but we can be sure that none of it will be good for his former boss. we know that pence was key to donald trump's failed plot to overturn the election on january 6th. in the two years since pence has largely refrained from talking about that day. he refused to speak to the january 6th committee and even thought the subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury. considering that a maga mob wanted to hang him, pence's public comments have also been surprisingly measured. unless, of course, he is not out in front of the cameras. at a dinner which i happen to be at last month in washington pence gave his most direct criticism of his former boss to date saying president trump was wrong. his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the capitol that day. and i know history will hold donald trump accountable. now, pence's testimony may help do exactly that. joining me now is msnbc legal analyst neil castillo who just argued his 50th case before the supreme court. that's a lot of cases argue before the supreme court, congratulations, thank you for making time for me today. i want to start with the question most of my friends are wondering, and family. what pieces of the story can mike pence uniquely offer or answer to the grand jury? >> i think pence coming in to testify is to use the words of that poet your former boss a big effing deal. the idea that a former vice president is going into a criminal grand jury and testifying about what his boss did, that is beyond historic. and if i am jack smith, what do i want to know? i want to know what trump actually believed. and pence is the guy in the room, literally in the room where it happens, he will be able to testify about that day. to trump really believe that he won this election? or was he going around saying here's what we are going to do to try to orchestrate a pretend when. because in criminal law criminal intent is the most important thing. that's really what i think these questions are about. >> you touched on some of these. but if you are questioning pants, because i would surely be careful, what would you ask him? what kind of questions to ask him to get to that level of detail. >> i go specifically day-by-day. what did trump say to you on this day? what did he say on that day? what did you tell other people? -- >> it's almost chronologically? >> chronologically, and really slowly, and carefully. that's why reports are he was there for more than five hours. this is not a guy who is being brave, this is mr. invertebrate going to washington. pence is not someone who has been forthcoming even though his life was very much under attack on that day by a mob sent and dispatched by the president. so you would have to be slow, careful, and try to get the truth. >> you mentioned he was there for more than five hours, more than seven some reports of said. what is the significance about the length of time? >> i do think it means the jack smith the prosecutor was going really slowly, day by day. beyond that, i don't think we can say too much except that it does say something about jack smith's timing. if you are a prosecutor and you are thinking of bringing in the former vice president, as i said, that's a big deal. you do that only at the end. it's kind of like eminem, you've got one shot, one opportunity. >> and you bring the biggest fish in at the end? >> at the end, you can really bring him in again, maybe a new facts emerge. you really want to try to do that to button everything up. i do think that what that means that we are going to see some movement from jack smith officially on these things in the next couple of weeks. >> do you think there is additional big fish that could come here? after pence. >> i don't think so. i think pence is kind of the last person. there are other people like john eastman and others who probably using attorney-client privilege, or targets, bringing targets into a grand jury. i think we are really talking about towards the end of this january 6th probe. and then of course there is the mar-a-lago probe which is separate. >> we could be getting close, nbc's jonathan allen caught up with former president trump after we learned of pence's testimony, let's listen to that. >> mister president, mr. president what do you think of mike pence testifying today? >> i don't know what he said, but i have a lot of confidence in him. >> i have a lot of confidence in him. it sounds like it's out of the sopranos. what did you think of his comments? >> that's exactly how it sounds to me. in donald trump is someone who has always tried to attempt a witnesses, dangle pardons in front of them, all sorts of things to try to get them to stop telling the truth. and here, trump tried. this week he went to the u.s. court of appeals, the second highest court to try to block pence from testifying. he is not behaving like a guy who is cool with pence's testimony. of course he is not. once the testimony happened i'm sure he is trying to shape it as best is he can. >> you mentioned you think it's coming soon. for people watching at home waiting, does that mean weeks, months, what's the kind of timeframe we are talking about here? >> i think it means weeks. obviously, anything could happen. but the nice thing about this justice department unlike the last one under donald trump is that it doesn't leak. we don't know. we are just trying to infer from outside signals. >> they are very low lead, that is true. >> people can have different views of attorney general garland but on this, on the way of bringing the justice department back to the way it is traditionally run as an institution. i, and everyone who has been fortunate enough to work there, berlin has brought it back to what it normally operates as. the result of that is we are all frustrated because we don't know what jack smith is going to do or when he is going to do it. >> that is certainly true, neal katyal, think you so much for joining me and shedding light on what was seen out there. the second highest ranking house democrat, congresswoman catherine clark, will join me onset in just a few minutes. i'll get her take on what is really happening inside the republican house. but first, fox's decision to sever ties with tucker carlson, what it does and doesn't tell us about the network's future. president biden weighs in on carlson's departure at the white house correspondents dinner, we are back after this. >> truth is, we have a record to be proud of. vaccine in the nation, transform the economy. urged historic legislative victories and midterm results. but the job isn't finished. i mean, it is finished for tucker carlson. it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. frustrated by skin tags? 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you know why. they were almost certainly working for the fbi. so fbi operatives were organizing the attack on the capitol. >> obviously crazy. and of course there was his obsessive promotion of the white house, white nationalist replacement theory. >> in unrelenting stream of immigration. but why. will joe biden just said it to change the racial mix of the country. that's the reason. to reduce the political power of peoples whose ancestors lived here and dramatically increase the proportion of americans newly arrived from the third world. >> throughout it all, fox backed tucker. when asked in 2021 to comment on carson's long record of lies and bigotry, fox news plainly said we fully support him. and for years they did. but if you think tucker firing means fox has seen the light don't hold your breath. don't judge them on why they fired carlson, judge them for all the time they didn't. and judge them for what they are still putting on the air. this week since its exit on monday it's been business as usual for their primetime lineup. here's laura anger him on thursday. >> american citizens see that biden's team isn't focused on raising their standard of living, instead the biden team is focused on remaking the country. illegal immigrant dreamers are valued over native born americans. >> sounds pretty familiar, right. fox news may have had a problem with tucker himself. but his ideas, the conspiracies, the lies, his explicit white nationalist views were never the total problem for the network. they endorsed all of that and continue to do so. this is simply who they are. coming up, speaker kevin mccarthy may have passed his debt ceiling bill in the house but that is but as far as it is going to go. is there any way both sides can come to an agreement? i'll ask catherine clark about her party's plan after a quick break. pulls it tour of the beautiful greenhouse at the uk embassy. that was just a small part of my visit with british ambassador karen pierce, just as her country prepares for the coronation of king charles, that's coming up. >> i'm richard louis with a news update for you. in texas there is an 80,000 dollar reward leading to the arrest of 38-year-old francisco or pays a. the sheriff says or pesos shot and killed four, five of his neighbors, including an eight-year-old. they say this afternoon they have zero leads and they're asking for help to find him. >> new video of a tornado that touched down in palm beach gardens florida north of miami. it flipped cars and tore up trees, no reports of serious injuries there. more inside with jen psaki after this break. mercedes-benz electric vehicles. including two years complimentary charging and pre-paid maintenance. the vehicles are all electric. the feeling is all mercedes. the choice is all yours. but hurry, these dream days are only here until june 5th. ♪ ♪ this is rochelle, who gives you a shot. ♪ ♪ rebecca is there when you feel not so hot. ♪ ♪ this is larissa, who's feeling glown up. ♪ ♪ and this here is winnie, who zhuzhed up their cup. ♪ ♪ this is victoria, helping women stay healthy. ♪ ♪ these are your kids, snacking snacks ♪ ♪ made with veggies. ♪ ♪ and matty can help ♪ ♪ you find your new favorite color. ♪ ♪ and kyle helps find meds for under 10 dollars. ♪ whoever you are, wherever, whenever, at cvs, healthier happens together. what are folks 60 and older up to these days? 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president biden says he doesn't want to negotiate. democratic leaders said they don't want to negotiate. but isn't the only path forward for democrats and republicans in the house and senate to talk to each other and figure out what's next? >> so the path forward here is very clear. and the responsible thing that we have to do is avoid this gop manufactured default crisis. we know the last time when they came up to the brink of defaulting the cost was born by the american people. we are already anticipating, people could see $800 more in a car loan. in my home state, $250 more on a mortgage payment. last time we saw americans who were close to retirement lose $20,000 on average. and for what. we have two very distinct. we pay our bills in this country, we did it three times without fanfare under donald trump. and we also have in appropriations process where we come together with negotiating spending. we put our budgets out and we come to compromise together what is best for the american people. the republicans have rejected this. >> that all sounds very sane, and that's when the debt limit has been raised dip dozens of times, including three times under trump which kevin mccarthy voted for all three of them. but the problem is it doesn't seem clear that that path forward is working. for example, obviously a clean debt limit vote would be the easiest thing, that's what you've called for, the presidents cover the. but you have agreement from every member of the democratic caucus that they would support a clean debt limit vote. >> we just put that vote on the books. on wednesday of this week. every single member of the democratic caucus voted to have a clean debt ceiling vote and they rejected this ransom note that we have been handed by the gop. and let's look at what it does. not only are they rejecting doing the responsible thing and putting our economy in the global economy at risk. but then they are saying to the american people, you are going to foot the bill for this. it would mean 30 million doctors appointments for veterans that would disappear. a huge impact on the health care we offer our veterans, just as we passed the pact act which is helping our veterans get the health care they need after exposure to burn pits. helping our vietnam vets get what they need in disabilities. the list goes on. it would impact our women and infants food program. 1.7 million when it kids would not have the nutritional assistance that they need. it would undermine everything that we are trying to do at this moment to create in economy that works for everyone. and for what? >> it would be catastrophic, and they are holding it hostage. there are members of the caucus who are in the problem solvers caucus, as they call it. who have put forth proposals that would include a fiscal commission. we would include some budget reforms. do you see that as a potential path forward? if you can't get enough votes to raise the debt limit with a clean bill. >> yes. i would bring you back to the fact that every member of our caucus including the problem solvers just voted in, with complete unity against this proposal. they understand, the american people are looking at us and saying, this shouldn't be a partisan drama playing out that we are going to put the bill for. to the responsible thing. be the groups in the room. address our debt, raise a debt ceiling, avoid a default crisis that is manufactured by the gop. and then we can go and talk about investments. i look at the presidents budget, that's where i see a budget that understands what we can create when we invest in the american people. when we protect social security, when we make the tax code that is more fair and helps us reduce the deficit by 3.7 trillion dollars. when we have universal pre-k for four-year-olds in this country. paid family leave. these are the things that families are sending us to do. this is the work that they want us to do together. thand we have to stand up to a gop that is saying we would like to put our entire economy at risk and make that risk be borne out by the hardworking families of this country. >> democratic whip catherine clark, thank you so much for joining me here today, and in your fight to raise the debt limit. up next, a trip to the british embassy with dane karen peers which of course had to include tea and scones in the patio. i will ask her what she learned as the first woman to serve as the british ambassador to the united states. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> if you think there is a lot happening in washington this week, london is preparing for the first coronation of a british monarch since 1953. and just a few days king charles will officially take the throne 70 years after his late mother queen elizabeth began her reign. as we count down to the coronation next weekend i stopped by the british embassy in d.c. to a tour and tea with ambassador karen pearce. ♪ ♪ ♪ matt ambassador, how are you? >> welcome to the garden, nice to see you. >> thank you, beautiful day. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you were the first woman to be the uk ambassador to the united states which is pretty significant. for all the little girls out there, i have one, did you always want to be an ambassador when you were younger? >> it was the first thing i wanted to be, i want to also be in accountant, sadly, and a fighter pilot, and a nuclear physicist. >> accountant feels like it's out of the realm there. >> -- >> there are very few high-level women at the table in places like the middle east, even asia, even in parts of south america. are there times when that has been an advantage, to be one of the only women at the table? >> for me, personally, it has been as much as an advantage as it has been a detriment. because people notice you, they may notice you for the wrong reasons, but they notice you. and it's incumbent on you to make them notice you for the right reasons. >> so one of the areas you have spent a lot of time in is issues like ukraine. you spent a lot of time with russian diplomats. what is their style. >> well their style is usually no, to be absolutely honest. the aim is to find something you can work on with them. and try to expose what their real problem is. if they felt you were sincere in understanding the real concerns, as opposed to their stated concerns, then you could get something down. >> do you still think there is a pathway to work with them on any issues we are trying to solve globally? >> i don't want to say there never will be, but i think at the moment it is just too difficult. there is an almost gangster like quality in some of the things that russia is doing. >> you also spent time as the ambassador to afghanistan. you did tend to wear heels there, i read, so tell me a little bit about that? >> being in afghanistan your identity gets surprised by all the things you have to wear, socially, but the fact that you are walking on incredibly rough terrain, so nothing is normal. so i would claim to certain things to try to pretend i was still in swc one in london where the foreign offices, and heels were part of that. >> i know we were going to look around a little bit, i think, should we go do that? >> yes, of course. ♪ ♪ ♪ >>,,. >>,. this is our orchid collection, this these are some very nice specimens of that. and orchid after the queen for her jubilee, which is bright pink. then we have one for me which is white and purple and yellow. >> i know that there is classical music typically playing in here because orchids like classical music. >> that's exactly right. i think the orcas are quite prima donna's, they know what they like. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you made a bit of a name for yourself telling people how to make a proper cup of tea. so what should be no? >> so rather than me tell you, what we would like to do is serve you with a proper cup of english tea and scones. served by the staff at the residency. >> another big event in the uk is the upcoming coronation of king charles. and what people may forget is there hasn't been a coronation like this in decades because queen elizabeth ii -- >> there is a huge amount of tradition that comes with the coronation. there is the very important holy oil. in days gone by people believed that when a king was crowned or when a queen was crowned the divine spirit came on to them from god. there still is the holy oil, even though the way people view the monarchy has moved on. >> you've served as a diplomat for the united kingdom for many decades, with queen elizabeth in that role. what kind of impact that she have on you as you're representing your country? >> i just think incredibly proud. whenever i look at the queen i didn't just see the queen as a person, you kind of see the whole of history, the whole of the united kingdom held him out was quite a tiny figure. she also had a fantastic sense of humor. >> king charles who is about to take the, the corner very soon. how do you think he will be different from her? >> he definitely wants to be modern, he definitely wants to make his monarchy that is for the future. >> what do you think the american public doesn't understand about the british monarchy? it feels like a big mystery here sometimes. >> i think the mystery is part of it, to be absolutely honest. it's the majesty, the splendor used in its literal sense. the pageantry. every single piece of it seems to have the weight of history in it. in a funny sort of way, the queen and the royal family touch more people than we might think. >> absolutely, ambassador piers, thank you so much for spending time with me and sharing so much of your background, your history, your knowledge, and of course giving us a better understanding of the coronation that we will be watching here. >> it is been absolutely loving lovely, having you, jen. >> my thanks to ambassador karen pierce who is a really remarkable woman as you can tell. up next, i'll answer some of the questions you had for me this week, back after a quick break. like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at starting a new chapter can be the most thrilling thing in the world. there's an abundance of reasons to get started. how far we take an idea is a question of willpower. because progress... is a matter of character. my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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