Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240708 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240708

insurrection. declaring the january 6th attack legitimate political discourse. tonight, congressman jamie raskin, former rnc chair michael steele, and former penn state olivia troye. then, what we know about the latest secret speech by a supreme court justice not a political event, and the latest unbelievable evidence that the biden economic boom is continuing to take off. >> somebody correct me if i am wrong here, because i have never seen anything like this. >> all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes, former vice president mike pence, perhaps known best for four years of abject fealty to donald trump, issued a remarkable rebuke of his former boss's attempted coup. the coup attempt of course, hinged on mike pence himself. on january 6th, it was pence who was supposed to disqualify the elector, essentially you know rod league from seven states that biden won, and their by hand the presidency to donald trump. but, to his credit, pence refused to go along with the scheme, something donald trump has never forgiven him for. just this week, trump released a statement where he said the quiet part out loud, and falsely insisted that pence could overturn the results of the election. today, pence responded to those comments saying in no uncertain terms that donald trump is wrong, his plan was misguided. >> january 6th was a dark day in the history of the united states capitol. lives were lost. and many were injured. but thanks to the courageous action of the capitol police and federal law enforcement, the violence was quelled, the capital was secured, and we reconvened the congress that very same day, to finish our work under the constitution of the united states. i heard this week that president trump said i had the right to overturn the election. president trump is wrong. i had no right to overturn the election. the presidency belongs to the american people, and the american people alone. and frankly, there is no idea more un-american, then the notion that any one person could choose the american president. under the constitution, i had no right to change the outcome of our election. >> after he finished those remarks, pence received a standing ovation from the very conservative federalist society, where he was speaking. those remarks, and that rebuke of trump came on the same day that the republican party, as an entity, officially said there is no room for the views that pence just spat, because today the republican national committee took the extraordinary step of censoring republican representatives adam kinzinger of illinois, and with cheney wyoming. investigating the january 6th insurrection. and this is just further evidence of the new litmus test for the republican party. when the party line is. but it will and will not tolerate. if you do not support donald trump's attempted coup, indeed, even if you try to get to the bottom of what happened during it, if you do not support the transformation of the party in an authoritarian movement, you are not a republican. the vote sent a very clear message, the dissent from the big lie will not be tolerated. here is the head of the rnc, ronna mcdaniel, the one who presided over the meeting. >> all of those in favor of the motion, please signify by saying i. all of those opposed signify by saying no. the ayes have it, and the five resolutions are adopted. thank you. >> something remarkable about the bureaucratic formality there, deciding who should be treasurer at the local club. but what they are doing is endorsing a coup. a violent one. and i have to say, we all knew this was coming, we all knew a resolution like this was coming, this was far worse and personally i expected. here is exactly what the rnc just agreed to. quote, representative cheney and kinzinger are participating in a democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse. going on to say that the committee quote, shall immediately cease any and all support of them as members of the republican party. sit with that for a second. difficult to overstate how extraordinary, how dangerous that languages. the language adopted by the entire republican national committee. the violent deadly attack on the capitol, where police officers were beaten with flagpoles, and crush between doors, sprayed with pepper spray, tased with their own weapons, all in an effort to disrupt, and and the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in this country's history. that has been characterized in an official republican party document as legitimate political discourse. the condemnation to those comments were swift. congresswoman cheney tweeted out this video, the violence on the sixth saying quote, this was january six, this is not legitimate political discourse. she also released a statement reading import, i'm a constitutional conservative and i do not recognize was in my party who have abandoned the constitution to embrace donald trump. history will be their judge, and i will never stop fighting for our constitutional republic, no matter what. congressman king zinger releasing his own statement, rather than focus their efforts on how to help the american people, my fellow republicans have chosen to censure to lifelong voters of their party for simply upholding their oaths of office. but support from fellow republicans was scarce. republican senator bill cassidy of louisiana who is censured from his local louisiana republican party for voting to convict trump during a second impeachment released a pretty mild statement, in support of cheney and kinzinger. mitch romney of utah, the uncle of rnc chair ronna mcdaniel, matrimony who have continued to be a critic of trump in the party has also himself faced censure for his vote to conviction. tweeted, shame falls on a party that would censure persons of conscience. who seek truth in the face of petrol. on our attaches to liz cheney and adam kinzinger for seeking truth even though it comes at great personal cost. people started to react to the stark language used by the rnc, mcdaniel released a new statement where she tried to soften the language. backpedal a little, of the official resolution, that he she herself had shepherded through and held a vote on and voted for. quote, liz cheney and adam kinzinger crossed the line. they chose to join nancy pelosi in a democrat-led persecution of an ordinary-led citizens who engage in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the capitol. see what she did there? she added a little caveat that was not in the original document. trying to argue the legitimate political discourse was unrelated to the violence of the capitol. but first of all, that is not the language that the rnc voted overwhelmingly to approve. they chose to characterize it all as legitimate political discourse, including concussion cops. but even if it was, it is simply not possible to separate what happened on january 6th at any point of the day from the violent insurrection. you see this? some of the apologist want to make a distinction between the insurrectionists who invaded the capital and broke the law, and innovation violence, and the people who were just exercising their lawful constitutional rights that morning. that were just peacefully marching for donald trump stop the steal rally where he pushed bogus claims of election fraud. but none of it was legitimate political discourse. sure, some of it was legal, constitutionally protected, but it was all directed towards a fundamentally illegitimate purpose. which was the upending of a free and fair election, to install a loser over the winner, against the will of the people. the whole thing was brought into its core. it was authoritarian, and i'm time acrylic. not just the method, but the purpose. we are at an incredibly in perilous moment for our democracy. it is a dire warning, they have been pushing for over a year now. democratic congressman, like many others, are very concerned about the future of our country. he was so shaken by the events of january 6th despite suffering an unimaginable personal tragedy, sudden loss of his son just weeks prior to the attack, he summoned the strength to return to work in service the lead impeachment manager on donald trump's historic second impeachment. impeachment for inciting the very attack the republican party is now trying to whitewash, if not indoors. he is a subject of a new documentary title love in the constitution, which premieres on sunday. the film follows him for three years, from the height of donald trump's presidency through the tragic events. of the six. >> we were not the only family in that got awful era to lose a family member. if you had covid-19, opioid deaths, gun violence, and all of the other normal causes. millions of people lost loved ones. amen. we are indeed surrounded now by american carnage. the country is still just trying to absorb the emotional impact of events that brought us right up to the edge of a real coup in america. we can't have healing before we have an honest reckoning. and, this president must be held accountable for the role he has played. >> congressman sits on the bipartisan committee investigating the january six -- which is excellent, i have to say. he joins me now. congressman, i want to start with your reaction to the rnc. everybody knew that some censure was coming. i had to say that i was personally legitimately taken aback. by the language that they chose to characterize it as a legitimate political discourse, unofficial resolution of the republican party, how about you? >> yes, we knew they were coming after liz cheney, and adam kinzinger. in addition to everything else, it is completely undemocratic, because they exercised, or invoked this rule, 11 i think under the rnc rules saying that it could help chinese opponent, even though the people have not met yet, which sounds like a bit of a one party dictatorship. but the real shock or of course, was trying to sanitize the mob violence, and the attempted coup on january 6th, as legitimate political discourse. i think you pretty much exploded -- built into that, but i will add only that when they marched from the white house over to the capitol, you know, i am a progressive, i have been involved in a lot of protests. usually when you get to the capital, if you are very interested in legitimate political discourse, there will be a stage, there will be microphones, there will be speakers, there will be new, second of that was there. the whole point of marching everybody down was precisely to provoke the confrontation. and they had organized that insurrectionary band of the oath keepers, the three percenters, the proud boys, the militia groups, the qanon networks, they came ready to fight. they stormed the capitol, they smashed our windows, they broke down our doors, and of course they attacked our police officers hitting them over the head with steel pipes, and trump flags, and confederate battle flags, and american flags, and so on. that went on for four or five hours. on that day. so they knew exactly what they were doing. we are determining the full scope of this effort to overthrow the election, which was clearly donald trump's intention. he made it clear over the weekend when he said that his vice president clearly had the power to overturn the election. and that is why pence made his speech at the federal -- today. the substance of that speech was embodied in a memo that he passed out right before we got on to the floor at 1:00 on january 6th. he simply did not have the power to do with donald trump and all the republicans were asking him to do. >> what was your reaction to the speech that pence gave today, and the reaction in that room in the federal society? >> well i am always of two minds about it. that is what passes for courage in the republican party today. of course, it is not courage at the level of liz cheney and adam king zinger who are willing to call out the big lie, and all of its implications. mike pence should be out there saying that it is a scandal, that donald trump is dangling pardons in front of hundreds, or perhaps thousands of people who participated in the insurrection. he should be calling out the fact that donald trump is trying to replace secretary of state brad raffensperger with jody hice, and he is trying to systematically eliminated anybody from the republican party who refused to do his bidding. in the weeks leading up to january 6th. so i think that mike pence could step it up now. and he may as well do, it because he clearly is going to be a pariah based on having restated the obvious, which is he had no power to single-handedly overturn the election. at this point, he should tell the truth about the whole thing. and he should join the party of democracy here, which is not a political party, but it is everybody in america who wants to defend our institutions, and our values against the gop, lincoln's party, which has become the party of donald trump, and disunion, and violence. >> what is so striking about the timing is that the resolution comes after a period in which the former and impeach president, is rationing up his endorsement. he is saying things like, i'm thinking of pardoning them. and you make a good point there. pence can only muster a technical point about whether the administerial role of vice president to unilaterally overturn the election or not. >> he is still in a very legal estate mode. he is acting as if, perhaps, he can continue to curry favor with donald trump. and somehow ingratiate himself with trump supporters. they hate by pence now even more than they hate me, based on what he did. they were calling him a traitor on that day. they were chanting, hang mike pence. pence should wake up and understand that our whole constitutional democracy is under attack now. donald trump is, indeed, the threat now. did he think that was, sort of, a one day laps in another wise good behavior of donald trump? that is not the donald trump that america's come to know. he is an enemy of our constitutional order. >> in the -- sunday, there is a moment that i actually forgot until i saw that there, which is, michael cohen's testimony. michael cohen, who of course was trump's fixer in big bend, says, look out. here is that section of the documentary. >> given my experience, working with mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will be never be a peaceful prat transition of power. this is why i agreed to appear before you today. >> michael cohen did issue a stark warning to the country that, if donald trump lost, there would be no peaceful transition. that is a frightening and startling thing for a presidents own lawyer to say about him. but, it seemed far off at that point to a lot of people. people have said for the beginning, there is no way he would do that. there is no way anybody would do that. >> there does seem to be this constant inability for all of us, for a lot of people, to wrestle with why it is happening. i thought that today's resolution was a sort of stark moment like that. i wonder if that has an effect. >> well, you know, the rewriting of the history of january six, to be legitimate political discourse, is a fascist tactic. that is what authoritarian movements do. that is what they say. i think we have to reckon with the reality. one of the things that i've condemned myself for ... you know, in my book, i didn't take it seriously enough. we should've been planning, very seriously, for a full blown coup and insurrection on january six. we weren't. we were still playing within the bounds of parliamentary tactics and, at this point, we have to understand. this guy has positioned himself outside of the constitutional order. he has demonstrate himself perfectly willing to use violence against us. he does not accept our elections. he does not accept our constitutional system. he hasn't accepted any buddy contradicting him, in any way. including his own vice president who helped to get elected, including members of his family, who try to get him to call off the dogs when there is an insurrection happening. >> congressman jamie raskin, thank you so much for a time. one of the great things about your book and the documentary on the top constitution is that you get to learn a little bit about your son tommy, who you lost last year, who is a subject of your book and documentary. that alone is a wonderful part of getting to the story. love and the constitution premiers this sunday at 10 pm on msnbc. we come back, much more on the republican party censoring members of january six. i'll talk to daniel steele. he used to work alongside vice president pence, and the unequivocal rejection of donald trump's attacks. he will join me, next. >> i heard this week that president trump said that i had the right to overturn the election ... but president trump is 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all but declaring it the party of insurrection. the party that has no place for mike pence. michael steele is a former chairman of the republican committee. he joins -- to mike pence. they both join me now. let me start with you. you've worked with the former vice president. your reaction to that speech? >> hey, look. i have to say out loud. i've been waiting for this moment. i'm proud of him. i have been wanting for him to take a stand against donald trump. i was shocked. i will say this, to hear him, finally, say that donald trump is wrong. i have never, in my entire tenure of working for the vice president, have heard him ever say those words, especially publicly. i think that was a big step for him. i realize that he did the right thing on january six. he is finally doing the right thing now, by saying this now. there's a whole group of voters out there who are listening to this, especially on the republican side, who needed to hear this directly from him. >> yeah. i wonder how this will revive reverberate, especially when they passed a resolution. you ran the rnc. you are head of the rnc about a decade ago. first of all, who are these people? i'm thinking ... seriously. i've been to a lot of conventions. i've covered conventions. i've met committee members through the years as a political reporter. it's an interesting mix. you have some donors. you have local politicians, or someone who is in the state senate for 20 years, you know. in wyoming. you have these different sort of figures. what is the nature of the official body of the republican party, such that they could produce this document today. >> the nature of the document is -- the national committee man and woman. the chairman of the 50 states in our territories. they represent the activists part of the party. they are close to the grassroots prayer the party. a lot of them, like myself, were county chairman before becoming chase -- 's state chairman. so, they play a role. across mix of fund-raisers. across mix of fund-raisers. women who have been involved in the republican federation. women, an incredible group of hardworking women within the party. so, that has been the main steak, chris. those are the activist roots of the party that are represented by these men and women, who move up in those ranks. what is significant about what's happened today ... you saw the party, basically, strip itself there and say, those folks, that side of what we do, of being connected to people around the country, who have a variety of views on a lot of issues, right? that these people no longer matter. the only thing that matters is what donald trump wants, our sun and our moon, you know, the new, the sun sets. our dollars are raised and spent on behalf of donald trump. so, clearly, by stating that, giving context ... these members have ruled the party, officially, and all of the stuff up to this point have been the rhetoric and so forth. now, we officially see the party embrace insurrection, embrace the big lie. we are now the party of the big lie, officially. that will have a profound effect to olivia's point, with the vice president coming out and declarative lee stating that donald trump is wrong about january six. you will begin to see some fissures, some cracks. there are those who are looking to widen those fissures and cracks. we intend to do that because this is not a space for a governing party to be. if it can no longer govern, it should no longer be a legitimate party in this country. >> yeah. i couldn't help but think, michael, just a follow-up on that. welcome back to second, olivia. when i saw the language, again, i was shot. i thought, you know, someone could've taken a pen to this. there are ways to solve this. there are ways to couch it. i mean ... it was so revealing to me that mcdaniel comes out afterwards and tries to put the cars on the and to try to distinguish between some sort of faint headed. this was so, frankly, authoritarian. so, just, sort of, breathtakingly so. it really did, like, feel like a turning point for the party. to officially endorse that set of sentences and words. >> well, keep in mind, chris, we got the watered down version of that. >> that's a good point. >> david bossie is a national committee man of maryland, he had written something that was an out right expulsion of liz and adam. a very definitive duck, cleared, of defiance. >> this is a compromise document. >> this is the compromise. whether it is the original the compromise, it is all that to please one man. >> yeah. >> this is about trump reading this in hearing this and seeing this play out the way it has, and rubbing his belly, and being happy and satisfied. until mike pence, in the midst of all this says, you are wrong. so ... i'm >> olivia, this is the question to me. it seemed untenable that the pence stance, which is that we were going to have to agree to disagree over which i was hacked. it was functionally the stats he was taking for the last year. he will say, i will never see eye to eye that day. the day the mob was sent to chase you down and do harm to. the question is, this fight has to happen. i don't know. feels like it has to happen. if him whether pence has a stomach for, or his one entrance and then he receives again. >> that is a great question. i'm wondering what happens tomorrow. will pence reverse force? we'll be back down? will he go back to visiting his election aunt -- by de facto, pushing the big lie in that sense, in order to go back and embrace it for what they believe the base to be. you know, i hope that this was the moment when he is decided that now is a time to make a break. whoever wants to come with me, kick him with me. maybe the mitt romney's of the world will continue to back him. he will fall in line, supporting people like liz cheney and adam kinzinger. that remains. at the end of the day, mike pence stepped up to the plate, barely stepped up, and then backs away from it. that's because of fear of where this party is today. >> michael steele and olivia troye, thank you very much. both of. you still to come, the texas congressman who vocally opposed infrastructure deal, now taking credit for the cash. it's all new low. plus, president biden's records -- all expectations. morgan is on the economy, coming up. economy coming up. 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. >> we have three coequal branches of government, the american constitutional system, decided which is the president, the legislative, comprising both houses of congress, and the judiciary which is topped off by the supreme court. but, the media, really only has access to two of them. at the white house, there is of course the daily press briefing which exist for a constant interaction with the american press whose duty it is too be protected by the first amendment, and leaders in congress, and all members of congress, a lot of reporting is just reporters wandering the halls and talking to members of congress. and perricone a virus, pre-insurrection, it wasn't even heard of for the general public to get access to their member of congress. maybe bring the scout troop and for a little trap. the point is, the executive in the legislative branches are barely accessible, they are part of the government. judicial branch, not so much. supreme court only very recently opened up oral arguments to life screaming so we can hear them in realtime. you talk to depend on sketches to see what the proceedings look like, unless you are one of the very few granted access inside the court. it is also notoriously difficult to interview, and talk to supreme court justices, they do not talk to the press, they don't give interviews unless you have a book to sell, and monetize. we saw most recently with justice breyer whose book came out last fall, he was suddenly giving interviews all over the place, to places like fox news, to stephen colbert, and others. that is the exception, when they speak in public, they tend to do it in these sealed situations. and sometimes in these hermetically sealed situations, sometimes without the press a lot in the, room they take the opportunity to attack the press. like justice samuel leitao, and his speech on notre-dame last september, calling an article about the short, unexplained ruling on the infamous texas abortion rights law false and inflammatory. they also like to give speeches of plainly political gatherings, like when justice alito gave the keynote at the consider -- or when newly installed justice, amy coney barrett, give a speech at the university of louisville's mcconnell center, named for none other than republican senator mitch mcconnell sitting there right next to her. we have no public video record of that speech, because it was prohibited. though, apparently, reporters said she went out of her way too think the court is not a political party. trump's first nominee, neil gorsuch, he is speaking at the, where else, disney autumn beach clippers, or the sight of this year's society convention. we know for a fact in a very good video camera technology, there and it works because that is the exact same room where mike pence just told the crowd that donald trump didn't understand democracy. but there is no such footage of the neil gorsuch speech, he probably wrapped up his remarks a little while ago, maybe he is even speaking now because he is scheduled to speak at the banquet being held at this very moment. i would love to play what he said to you, you deserve to say what -- here with a supreme court justice has said to a roomful conservative activists. this is the one event that is marked close to the press. now, obviously, justices can have closed precedents. small intimate gatherings. this is not this. this is a big event. it is a huge political event. as i noted, the former vice president delivered the keynote, and made headlines, and push notifications around the world today. a little more than an hour before gorsuch's event started, there was a fireside chat with governor ron desantis, and former trump press secretary kayleigh mcenany. again, you see the footage right there. the justices cannot just sequester themselves, until they feel they are in a safe space of ultra considered, and then say the rule is just a neutral arbiter. -- they may as well admit that they are also one teams lead off hitter. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes? 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the title? so, congressman ronny jackson, congratulations on becoming the new face of shamelessness, the republican party, it will likely be a difficult peddled to hold on to. likely be a difficult peddle to hold on to. to hold on to. and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. well, well, well. look at you. you mastered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights. visit to learn more. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪ ♪ or whatever comes down the road. ♪ ♪ today, the host of fox and friends had their heart set on terrible news for our country and at our economy. speculated how president joe biden would deal with jobs numbers. but they really hoped would be disappointing. >> if it is true, as adp, the paycheck qatar, is suggesting, it could be a loss of 300 -- how is the white house gonna put a happy face on? that >> if a pass is president, and usually at the white house, it, is he will come out and say that this is proof that people need to get vaccinated. >> so, peter, what vaccine do you get for jobless? >> yeah. i think it is in the trials, still. >> i have a great idea for president biden. give a pet? why don't you end the pandemic? do it denmark to -- did. do it sweet and. it it's over. >> imagine, rooting for your thousands of fellow americans who lost their jobs. -- someone who works in the same tv show. well, today, the job numbers came out and they completely exceeded all expectations. the economy gained the surprising 467,000 jobs in january. experts were only expecting gains of 150, 000, or even job. lots not just that, job precipitation rose. few suggesting fewer americans on the sidelines. here's a thing, not just january. jobs numbers from january december rose up. adding an additional 709,000 jobs. there is no denying that the biden democratic party fiscal policy is working. the economy is booming. former secretary labor under president bill clinton, author of the system, who worked it while we fix it? >> she serves as a chief economist in the department -- department of labor during his administration. they both join me now. betsy, let me start with you. it was because of the adp numbers. a consensus expectation of, either very bad report, or not great report. some were expecting job losses. what were your reactions to the figures we got today? >> well, the figures we got today were a little bit surprising. but, i think, what we all knew was that ... businesses weren't shut down because of omicron. look, there are still millions of people who are out sick. i think we shouldn't downplay that. but what they didn't have to do was lose their job, or completely disappear from their companies payroll. and, we saw that even companies that, you know, saw that they didn't have the demand that they needed in january, because of omicron, they started moving forward anyhow. think about companies that return to office plans for january, that they might have stalled ... they were hiring people to come in and get those offices ready, bringing back the janitorial staff. we saw an increase in jobs there. even if company slow that down, you know, they sort of kept going with the hiring. >> robert, i said earlier today that i think that the american fiscal policy intervention is starting in 2020, between steve mnuchin and nancy pelosi, who negotiated first round of this ... or the past year, over the fiscal interaction has been the most -- since the new deal in the u.s.. what do you think about them? >> i think that i completely agree with you, chris. in fact, it was interesting. a lot of republicans who remember said, too much money, throwing out the thing. it's just not going to work. in fact, we kept a lot of people out of poverty. we got this economy going again. the democrats and biden, in particular, with the american rescue plan. it worked. a lot of champagne corks were exploded today in the white house. it's not just a victory for biden. i think the point thing is that americans are at work. the economy is doing better. a lot of employers understood that there are a great deal of pent up demand for goods and services after two years. that is, also, apart a bit. >> i also think there's a broader applicability here. i want to get into that. it has to do with inflation and destruction. but, betsy, you know ... there is a point in which i forget the famous quote about the central problem about economics week solved. a depression avoidance. there has been long ups and downs in the sort of fashion in economics about casey and stimulation in the economy versus friedman, folks like that. this is been an amazing experiment. you have an event that knocks the economy on its feet. you pump money back into it some, and like, it's not about a spam -- without its destruction. on the whole, as a sort of experiment in realtime. it's remarkably successful. >> absolutely. this really proved that fiscal policy and monetary policy, working together to bring an economy back from an absolutely disaster, can reduce misery and get us back to work and get the economy working faster. really, i've never seen anything quite like it. but, when i saw today's jobs report i thought, the white house deserves a wet -- around the plus. so does a federal deserve. so does congress. hey, i gotta sit, so does the trump administration. everybody got this economy going with fiscal policy starting from the very beginning. biden coming in, doing more fiscal policy when people are like, whoa, maybe it's time to stop. no, we still have people suffering. we still have people who can't eat. we are going to take this thing to the end. and now, but we see, is economy really returning to health. we can show the difference in u.s. employment from the pre-pandemic levels, we're climbing up to that traffic. and people have to remember how long it took. it took six years after the great financial crisis to get to this level that we've gotten to. we're coming back up. we've also seen some label -- labor uptick. that is encouraging. the big thing now, robert. if you asked people how economy is doing, they say it sucks. the reason they do is pecans there is lots of destruction. people them are so worried about getting sick at work. and prices are high. that is the big thing we still keep returning to time time again. what is your take on that? >> well, price increases. inflation has taken away a lot of the wage gains. they would otherwise be there. undoubtedly, the real fear now, which still is a solid 3 million jobs short of where we were in february 2020. if we don't, actually, keep some sort of foot on the accelerator, we may not get back to where we where or should be. that really worries me. in terms of the checks child credit is got, the extra jobless benefits are grown. the rant war is over. a lot of the stimulus is now finished. the fed is now thinking about moving interest rates. we are still not out of the woods. >> yeah. not to worry. at the same time, the fed is ... a lot of. people the number one political issue, i think if this summit of the white house right now, the democratic party and their faith, it's inflation. it's the number one thing right now. deservedly or not, i tend to think not quite deservedly. betsy, you see it coming out of people's paychecks, real paychecks are still down. that's really what bites people. i guess, the question is, how much longer you think that endures? >> so, the thing about inflation right now, it is from all the chaos that the pandemic has turned the economy. all these price increases are coming in the goods sector because people really want to buy stuff. they've been stuck at home, they don't feel like they can go out to do things. they want to buy stuff. we can't get them stuff fast enough. the prices are through the roof. i think what we saw today's jobs report, all of those jobs that were added where the service sector. people are starting to go back and demand services. as long as we get workers back to fill those jobs in the service sector, i think we're gonna see inflation slowing down. that is the real question though. do the workers come back? i'll tell you why, they need a hard to see it. the data, there is still nearly 2 million people who say they're not looking for work because of the pandemic. so, what we need to do is get past the pandemic and bring those 2 million people back. we are going to be able to tame inflation. >> robert rice and betsy stevenson. that thank you both. that's all this friday evening. good evening ali. >> chris, you're trying to foil me. when someone was trying to -- you have robert rice and betsy stephens, talking about economics and labor force participation. >> it was a very velshi segment. >> i appreciate. that is good to see. you have yourself a great night. a great weekend. we'll see you next. >> thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. rachel is on hiatus. i am playing

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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240708

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insurrection. declaring the january 6th attack legitimate political discourse. tonight, congressman jamie raskin, former rnc chair michael steele, and former penn state olivia troye. then, what we know about the latest secret speech by a supreme court justice not a political event, and the latest unbelievable evidence that the biden economic boom is continuing to take off. >> somebody correct me if i am wrong here, because i have never seen anything like this. >> all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes, former vice president mike pence, perhaps known best for four years of abject fealty to donald trump, issued a remarkable rebuke of his former boss's attempted coup. the coup attempt of course, hinged on mike pence himself. on january 6th, it was pence who was supposed to disqualify the elector, essentially you know rod league from seven states that biden won, and their by hand the presidency to donald trump. but, to his credit, pence refused to go along with the scheme, something donald trump has never forgiven him for. just this week, trump released a statement where he said the quiet part out loud, and falsely insisted that pence could overturn the results of the election. today, pence responded to those comments saying in no uncertain terms that donald trump is wrong, his plan was misguided. >> january 6th was a dark day in the history of the united states capitol. lives were lost. and many were injured. but thanks to the courageous action of the capitol police and federal law enforcement, the violence was quelled, the capital was secured, and we reconvened the congress that very same day, to finish our work under the constitution of the united states. i heard this week that president trump said i had the right to overturn the election. president trump is wrong. i had no right to overturn the election. the presidency belongs to the american people, and the american people alone. and frankly, there is no idea more un-american, then the notion that any one person could choose the american president. under the constitution, i had no right to change the outcome of our election. >> after he finished those remarks, pence received a standing ovation from the very conservative federalist society, where he was speaking. those remarks, and that rebuke of trump came on the same day that the republican party, as an entity, officially said there is no room for the views that pence just spat, because today the republican national committee took the extraordinary step of censoring republican representatives adam kinzinger of illinois, and with cheney wyoming. investigating the january 6th insurrection. and this is just further evidence of the new litmus test for the republican party. when the party line is. but it will and will not tolerate. if you do not support donald trump's attempted coup, indeed, even if you try to get to the bottom of what happened during it, if you do not support the transformation of the party in an authoritarian movement, you are not a republican. the vote sent a very clear message, the dissent from the big lie will not be tolerated. here is the head of the rnc, ronna mcdaniel, the one who presided over the meeting. >> all of those in favor of the motion, please signify by saying i. all of those opposed signify by saying no. the ayes have it, and the five resolutions are adopted. thank you. >> something remarkable about the bureaucratic formality there, deciding who should be treasurer at the local club. but what they are doing is endorsing a coup. a violent one. and i have to say, we all knew this was coming, we all knew a resolution like this was coming, this was far worse and personally i expected. here is exactly what the rnc just agreed to. quote, representative cheney and kinzinger are participating in a democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse. going on to say that the committee quote, shall immediately cease any and all support of them as members of the republican party. sit with that for a second. difficult to overstate how extraordinary, how dangerous that languages. the language adopted by the entire republican national committee. the violent deadly attack on the capitol, where police officers were beaten with flagpoles, and crush between doors, sprayed with pepper spray, tased with their own weapons, all in an effort to disrupt, and and the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in this country's history. that has been characterized in an official republican party document as legitimate political discourse. the condemnation to those comments were swift. congresswoman cheney tweeted out this video, the violence on the sixth saying quote, this was january six, this is not legitimate political discourse. she also released a statement reading import, i'm a constitutional conservative and i do not recognize was in my party who have abandoned the constitution to embrace donald trump. history will be their judge, and i will never stop fighting for our constitutional republic, no matter what. congressman king zinger releasing his own statement, rather than focus their efforts on how to help the american people, my fellow republicans have chosen to censure to lifelong voters of their party for simply upholding their oaths of office. but support from fellow republicans was scarce. republican senator bill cassidy of louisiana who is censured from his local louisiana republican party for voting to convict trump during a second impeachment released a pretty mild statement, in support of cheney and kinzinger. mitch romney of utah, the uncle of rnc chair ronna mcdaniel, matrimony who have continued to be a critic of trump in the party has also himself faced censure for his vote to conviction. tweeted, shame falls on a party that would censure persons of conscience. who seek truth in the face of petrol. on our attaches to liz cheney and adam kinzinger for seeking truth even though it comes at great personal cost. people started to react to the stark language used by the rnc, mcdaniel released a new statement where she tried to soften the language. backpedal a little, of the official resolution, that he she herself had shepherded through and held a vote on and voted for. quote, liz cheney and adam kinzinger crossed the line. they chose to join nancy pelosi in a democrat-led persecution of an ordinary-led citizens who engage in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the capitol. see what she did there? she added a little caveat that was not in the original document. trying to argue the legitimate political discourse was unrelated to the violence of the capitol. but first of all, that is not the language that the rnc voted overwhelmingly to approve. they chose to characterize it all as legitimate political discourse, including concussion cops. but even if it was, it is simply not possible to separate what happened on january 6th at any point of the day from the violent insurrection. you see this? some of the apologist want to make a distinction between the insurrectionists who invaded the capital and broke the law, and innovation violence, and the people who were just exercising their lawful constitutional rights that morning. that were just peacefully marching for donald trump stop the steal rally where he pushed bogus claims of election fraud. but none of it was legitimate political discourse. sure, some of it was legal, constitutionally protected, but it was all directed towards a fundamentally illegitimate purpose. which was the upending of a free and fair election, to install a loser over the winner, against the will of the people. the whole thing was brought into its core. it was authoritarian, and i'm time acrylic. not just the method, but the purpose. we are at an incredibly in perilous moment for our democracy. it is a dire warning, they have been pushing for over a year now. democratic congressman, like many others, are very concerned about the future of our country. he was so shaken by the events of january 6th despite suffering an unimaginable personal tragedy, sudden loss of his son just weeks prior to the attack, he summoned the strength to return to work in service the lead impeachment manager on donald trump's historic second impeachment. impeachment for inciting the very attack the republican party is now trying to whitewash, if not indoors. he is a subject of a new documentary title love in the constitution, which premieres on sunday. the film follows him for three years, from the height of donald trump's presidency through the tragic events. of the six. >> we were not the only family in that got awful era to lose a family member. if you had covid-19, opioid deaths, gun violence, and all of the other normal causes. millions of people lost loved ones. amen. we are indeed surrounded now by american carnage. the country is still just trying to absorb the emotional impact of events that brought us right up to the edge of a real coup in america. we can't have healing before we have an honest reckoning. and, this president must be held accountable for the role he has played. >> congressman sits on the bipartisan committee investigating the january six -- which is excellent, i have to say. he joins me now. congressman, i want to start with your reaction to the rnc. everybody knew that some censure was coming. i had to say that i was personally legitimately taken aback. by the language that they chose to characterize it as a legitimate political discourse, unofficial resolution of the republican party, how about you? >> yes, we knew they were coming after liz cheney, and adam kinzinger. in addition to everything else, it is completely undemocratic, because they exercised, or invoked this rule, 11 i think under the rnc rules saying that it could help chinese opponent, even though the people have not met yet, which sounds like a bit of a one party dictatorship. but the real shock or of course, was trying to sanitize the mob violence, and the attempted coup on january 6th, as legitimate political discourse. i think you pretty much exploded -- built into that, but i will add only that when they marched from the white house over to the capitol, you know, i am a progressive, i have been involved in a lot of protests. usually when you get to the capital, if you are very interested in legitimate political discourse, there will be a stage, there will be microphones, there will be speakers, there will be new, second of that was there. the whole point of marching everybody down was precisely to provoke the confrontation. and they had organized that insurrectionary band of the oath keepers, the three percenters, the proud boys, the militia groups, the qanon networks, they came ready to fight. they stormed the capitol, they smashed our windows, they broke down our doors, and of course they attacked our police officers hitting them over the head with steel pipes, and trump flags, and confederate battle flags, and american flags, and so on. that went on for four or five hours. on that day. so they knew exactly what they were doing. we are determining the full scope of this effort to overthrow the election, which was clearly donald trump's intention. he made it clear over the weekend when he said that his vice president clearly had the power to overturn the election. and that is why pence made his speech at the federal -- today. the substance of that speech was embodied in a memo that he passed out right before we got on to the floor at 1:00 on january 6th. he simply did not have the power to do with donald trump and all the republicans were asking him to do. >> what was your reaction to the speech that pence gave today, and the reaction in that room in the federal society? >> well i am always of two minds about it. that is what passes for courage in the republican party today. of course, it is not courage at the level of liz cheney and adam king zinger who are willing to call out the big lie, and all of its implications. mike pence should be out there saying that it is a scandal, that donald trump is dangling pardons in front of hundreds, or perhaps thousands of people who participated in the insurrection. he should be calling out the fact that donald trump is trying to replace secretary of state brad raffensperger with jody hice, and he is trying to systematically eliminated anybody from the republican party who refused to do his bidding. in the weeks leading up to january 6th. so i think that mike pence could step it up now. and he may as well do, it because he clearly is going to be a pariah based on having restated the obvious, which is he had no power to single-handedly overturn the election. at this point, he should tell the truth about the whole thing. and he should join the party of democracy here, which is not a political party, but it is everybody in america who wants to defend our institutions, and our values against the gop, lincoln's party, which has become the party of donald trump, and disunion, and violence. >> what is so striking about the timing is that the resolution comes after a period in which the former and impeach president, is rationing up his endorsement. he is saying things like, i'm thinking of pardoning them. and you make a good point there. pence can only muster a technical point about whether the administerial role of vice president to unilaterally overturn the election or not. >> he is still in a very legal estate mode. he is acting as if, perhaps, he can continue to curry favor with donald trump. and somehow ingratiate himself with trump supporters. they hate by pence now even more than they hate me, based on what he did. they were calling him a traitor on that day. they were chanting, hang mike pence. pence should wake up and understand that our whole constitutional democracy is under attack now. donald trump is, indeed, the threat now. did he think that was, sort of, a one day laps in another wise good behavior of donald trump? that is not the donald trump that america's come to know. he is an enemy of our constitutional order. >> in the -- sunday, there is a moment that i actually forgot until i saw that there, which is, michael cohen's testimony. michael cohen, who of course was trump's fixer in big bend, says, look out. here is that section of the documentary. >> given my experience, working with mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will be never be a peaceful prat transition of power. this is why i agreed to appear before you today. >> michael cohen did issue a stark warning to the country that, if donald trump lost, there would be no peaceful transition. that is a frightening and startling thing for a presidents own lawyer to say about him. but, it seemed far off at that point to a lot of people. people have said for the beginning, there is no way he would do that. there is no way anybody would do that. >> there does seem to be this constant inability for all of us, for a lot of people, to wrestle with why it is happening. i thought that today's resolution was a sort of stark moment like that. i wonder if that has an effect. >> well, you know, the rewriting of the history of january six, to be legitimate political discourse, is a fascist tactic. that is what authoritarian movements do. that is what they say. i think we have to reckon with the reality. one of the things that i've condemned myself for ... you know, in my book, i didn't take it seriously enough. we should've been planning, very seriously, for a full blown coup and insurrection on january six. we weren't. we were still playing within the bounds of parliamentary tactics and, at this point, we have to understand. this guy has positioned himself outside of the constitutional order. he has demonstrate himself perfectly willing to use violence against us. he does not accept our elections. he does not accept our constitutional system. he hasn't accepted any buddy contradicting him, in any way. including his own vice president who helped to get elected, including members of his family, who try to get him to call off the dogs when there is an insurrection happening. >> congressman jamie raskin, thank you so much for a time. one of the great things about your book and the documentary on the top constitution is that you get to learn a little bit about your son tommy, who you lost last year, who is a subject of your book and documentary. that alone is a wonderful part of getting to the story. love and the constitution premiers this sunday at 10 pm on msnbc. we come back, much more on the republican party censoring members of january six. i'll talk to daniel steele. he used to work alongside vice president pence, and the unequivocal rejection of donald trump's attacks. he will join me, next. >> i heard this week that president trump said that i had the right to overturn the election ... but president trump is 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all but declaring it the party of insurrection. the party that has no place for mike pence. michael steele is a former chairman of the republican committee. he joins -- to mike pence. they both join me now. let me start with you. you've worked with the former vice president. your reaction to that speech? >> hey, look. i have to say out loud. i've been waiting for this moment. i'm proud of him. i have been wanting for him to take a stand against donald trump. i was shocked. i will say this, to hear him, finally, say that donald trump is wrong. i have never, in my entire tenure of working for the vice president, have heard him ever say those words, especially publicly. i think that was a big step for him. i realize that he did the right thing on january six. he is finally doing the right thing now, by saying this now. there's a whole group of voters out there who are listening to this, especially on the republican side, who needed to hear this directly from him. >> yeah. i wonder how this will revive reverberate, especially when they passed a resolution. you ran the rnc. you are head of the rnc about a decade ago. first of all, who are these people? i'm thinking ... seriously. i've been to a lot of conventions. i've covered conventions. i've met committee members through the years as a political reporter. it's an interesting mix. you have some donors. you have local politicians, or someone who is in the state senate for 20 years, you know. in wyoming. you have these different sort of figures. what is the nature of the official body of the republican party, such that they could produce this document today. >> the nature of the document is -- the national committee man and woman. the chairman of the 50 states in our territories. they represent the activists part of the party. they are close to the grassroots prayer the party. a lot of them, like myself, were county chairman before becoming chase -- 's state chairman. so, they play a role. across mix of fund-raisers. across mix of fund-raisers. women who have been involved in the republican federation. women, an incredible group of hardworking women within the party. so, that has been the main steak, chris. those are the activist roots of the party that are represented by these men and women, who move up in those ranks. what is significant about what's happened today ... you saw the party, basically, strip itself there and say, those folks, that side of what we do, of being connected to people around the country, who have a variety of views on a lot of issues, right? that these people no longer matter. the only thing that matters is what donald trump wants, our sun and our moon, you know, the new, the sun sets. our dollars are raised and spent on behalf of donald trump. so, clearly, by stating that, giving context ... these members have ruled the party, officially, and all of the stuff up to this point have been the rhetoric and so forth. now, we officially see the party embrace insurrection, embrace the big lie. we are now the party of the big lie, officially. that will have a profound effect to olivia's point, with the vice president coming out and declarative lee stating that donald trump is wrong about january six. you will begin to see some fissures, some cracks. there are those who are looking to widen those fissures and cracks. we intend to do that because this is not a space for a governing party to be. if it can no longer govern, it should no longer be a legitimate party in this country. >> yeah. i couldn't help but think, michael, just a follow-up on that. welcome back to second, olivia. when i saw the language, again, i was shot. i thought, you know, someone could've taken a pen to this. there are ways to solve this. there are ways to couch it. i mean ... it was so revealing to me that mcdaniel comes out afterwards and tries to put the cars on the and to try to distinguish between some sort of faint headed. this was so, frankly, authoritarian. so, just, sort of, breathtakingly so. it really did, like, feel like a turning point for the party. to officially endorse that set of sentences and words. >> well, keep in mind, chris, we got the watered down version of that. >> that's a good point. >> david bossie is a national committee man of maryland, he had written something that was an out right expulsion of liz and adam. a very definitive duck, cleared, of defiance. >> this is a compromise document. >> this is the compromise. whether it is the original the compromise, it is all that to please one man. >> yeah. >> this is about trump reading this in hearing this and seeing this play out the way it has, and rubbing his belly, and being happy and satisfied. until mike pence, in the midst of all this says, you are wrong. so ... i'm >> olivia, this is the question to me. it seemed untenable that the pence stance, which is that we were going to have to agree to disagree over which i was hacked. it was functionally the stats he was taking for the last year. he will say, i will never see eye to eye that day. the day the mob was sent to chase you down and do harm to. the question is, this fight has to happen. i don't know. feels like it has to happen. if him whether pence has a stomach for, or his one entrance and then he receives again. >> that is a great question. i'm wondering what happens tomorrow. will pence reverse force? we'll be back down? will he go back to visiting his election aunt -- by de facto, pushing the big lie in that sense, in order to go back and embrace it for what they believe the base to be. you know, i hope that this was the moment when he is decided that now is a time to make a break. whoever wants to come with me, kick him with me. maybe the mitt romney's of the world will continue to back him. he will fall in line, supporting people like liz cheney and adam kinzinger. that remains. at the end of the day, mike pence stepped up to the plate, barely stepped up, and then backs away from it. that's because of fear of where this party is today. >> michael steele and olivia troye, thank you very much. both of. you still to come, the texas congressman who vocally opposed infrastructure deal, now taking credit for the cash. it's all new low. plus, president biden's records -- all expectations. morgan is on the economy, coming up. economy coming up. 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. >> we have three coequal branches of government, the american constitutional system, decided which is the president, the legislative, comprising both houses of congress, and the judiciary which is topped off by the supreme court. but, the media, really only has access to two of them. at the white house, there is of course the daily press briefing which exist for a constant interaction with the american press whose duty it is too be protected by the first amendment, and leaders in congress, and all members of congress, a lot of reporting is just reporters wandering the halls and talking to members of congress. and perricone a virus, pre-insurrection, it wasn't even heard of for the general public to get access to their member of congress. maybe bring the scout troop and for a little trap. the point is, the executive in the legislative branches are barely accessible, they are part of the government. judicial branch, not so much. supreme court only very recently opened up oral arguments to life screaming so we can hear them in realtime. you talk to depend on sketches to see what the proceedings look like, unless you are one of the very few granted access inside the court. it is also notoriously difficult to interview, and talk to supreme court justices, they do not talk to the press, they don't give interviews unless you have a book to sell, and monetize. we saw most recently with justice breyer whose book came out last fall, he was suddenly giving interviews all over the place, to places like fox news, to stephen colbert, and others. that is the exception, when they speak in public, they tend to do it in these sealed situations. and sometimes in these hermetically sealed situations, sometimes without the press a lot in the, room they take the opportunity to attack the press. like justice samuel leitao, and his speech on notre-dame last september, calling an article about the short, unexplained ruling on the infamous texas abortion rights law false and inflammatory. they also like to give speeches of plainly political gatherings, like when justice alito gave the keynote at the consider -- or when newly installed justice, amy coney barrett, give a speech at the university of louisville's mcconnell center, named for none other than republican senator mitch mcconnell sitting there right next to her. we have no public video record of that speech, because it was prohibited. though, apparently, reporters said she went out of her way too think the court is not a political party. trump's first nominee, neil gorsuch, he is speaking at the, where else, disney autumn beach clippers, or the sight of this year's society convention. we know for a fact in a very good video camera technology, there and it works because that is the exact same room where mike pence just told the crowd that donald trump didn't understand democracy. but there is no such footage of the neil gorsuch speech, he probably wrapped up his remarks a little while ago, maybe he is even speaking now because he is scheduled to speak at the banquet being held at this very moment. i would love to play what he said to you, you deserve to say what -- here with a supreme court justice has said to a roomful conservative activists. this is the one event that is marked close to the press. now, obviously, justices can have closed precedents. small intimate gatherings. this is not this. this is a big event. it is a huge political event. as i noted, the former vice president delivered the keynote, and made headlines, and push notifications around the world today. a little more than an hour before gorsuch's event started, there was a fireside chat with governor ron desantis, and former trump press secretary kayleigh mcenany. again, you see the footage right there. the justices cannot just sequester themselves, until they feel they are in a safe space of ultra considered, and then say the rule is just a neutral arbiter. -- they may as well admit that they are also one teams lead off hitter. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes? 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the title? so, congressman ronny jackson, congratulations on becoming the new face of shamelessness, the republican party, it will likely be a difficult peddled to hold on to. likely be a difficult peddle to hold on to. to hold on to. and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. well, well, well. look at you. you mastered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights. visit to learn more. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪ ♪ or whatever comes down the road. ♪ ♪ today, the host of fox and friends had their heart set on terrible news for our country and at our economy. speculated how president joe biden would deal with jobs numbers. but they really hoped would be disappointing. >> if it is true, as adp, the paycheck qatar, is suggesting, it could be a loss of 300 -- how is the white house gonna put a happy face on? that >> if a pass is president, and usually at the white house, it, is he will come out and say that this is proof that people need to get vaccinated. >> so, peter, what vaccine do you get for jobless? >> yeah. i think it is in the trials, still. >> i have a great idea for president biden. give a pet? why don't you end the pandemic? do it denmark to -- did. do it sweet and. it it's over. >> imagine, rooting for your thousands of fellow americans who lost their jobs. -- someone who works in the same tv show. well, today, the job numbers came out and they completely exceeded all expectations. the economy gained the surprising 467,000 jobs in january. experts were only expecting gains of 150, 000, or even job. lots not just that, job precipitation rose. few suggesting fewer americans on the sidelines. here's a thing, not just january. jobs numbers from january december rose up. adding an additional 709,000 jobs. there is no denying that the biden democratic party fiscal policy is working. the economy is booming. former secretary labor under president bill clinton, author of the system, who worked it while we fix it? >> she serves as a chief economist in the department -- department of labor during his administration. they both join me now. betsy, let me start with you. it was because of the adp numbers. a consensus expectation of, either very bad report, or not great report. some were expecting job losses. what were your reactions to the figures we got today? >> well, the figures we got today were a little bit surprising. but, i think, what we all knew was that ... businesses weren't shut down because of omicron. look, there are still millions of people who are out sick. i think we shouldn't downplay that. but what they didn't have to do was lose their job, or completely disappear from their companies payroll. and, we saw that even companies that, you know, saw that they didn't have the demand that they needed in january, because of omicron, they started moving forward anyhow. think about companies that return to office plans for january, that they might have stalled ... they were hiring people to come in and get those offices ready, bringing back the janitorial staff. we saw an increase in jobs there. even if company slow that down, you know, they sort of kept going with the hiring. >> robert, i said earlier today that i think that the american fiscal policy intervention is starting in 2020, between steve mnuchin and nancy pelosi, who negotiated first round of this ... or the past year, over the fiscal interaction has been the most -- since the new deal in the u.s.. what do you think about them? >> i think that i completely agree with you, chris. in fact, it was interesting. a lot of republicans who remember said, too much money, throwing out the thing. it's just not going to work. in fact, we kept a lot of people out of poverty. we got this economy going again. the democrats and biden, in particular, with the american rescue plan. it worked. a lot of champagne corks were exploded today in the white house. it's not just a victory for biden. i think the point thing is that americans are at work. the economy is doing better. a lot of employers understood that there are a great deal of pent up demand for goods and services after two years. that is, also, apart a bit. >> i also think there's a broader applicability here. i want to get into that. it has to do with inflation and destruction. but, betsy, you know ... there is a point in which i forget the famous quote about the central problem about economics week solved. a depression avoidance. there has been long ups and downs in the sort of fashion in economics about casey and stimulation in the economy versus friedman, folks like that. this is been an amazing experiment. you have an event that knocks the economy on its feet. you pump money back into it some, and like, it's not about a spam -- without its destruction. on the whole, as a sort of experiment in realtime. it's remarkably successful. >> absolutely. this really proved that fiscal policy and monetary policy, working together to bring an economy back from an absolutely disaster, can reduce misery and get us back to work and get the economy working faster. really, i've never seen anything quite like it. but, when i saw today's jobs report i thought, the white house deserves a wet -- around the plus. so does a federal deserve. so does congress. hey, i gotta sit, so does the trump administration. everybody got this economy going with fiscal policy starting from the very beginning. biden coming in, doing more fiscal policy when people are like, whoa, maybe it's time to stop. no, we still have people suffering. we still have people who can't eat. we are going to take this thing to the end. and now, but we see, is economy really returning to health. we can show the difference in u.s. employment from the pre-pandemic levels, we're climbing up to that traffic. and people have to remember how long it took. it took six years after the great financial crisis to get to this level that we've gotten to. we're coming back up. we've also seen some label -- labor uptick. that is encouraging. the big thing now, robert. if you asked people how economy is doing, they say it sucks. the reason they do is pecans there is lots of destruction. people them are so worried about getting sick at work. and prices are high. that is the big thing we still keep returning to time time again. what is your take on that? >> well, price increases. inflation has taken away a lot of the wage gains. they would otherwise be there. undoubtedly, the real fear now, which still is a solid 3 million jobs short of where we were in february 2020. if we don't, actually, keep some sort of foot on the accelerator, we may not get back to where we where or should be. that really worries me. in terms of the checks child credit is got, the extra jobless benefits are grown. the rant war is over. a lot of the stimulus is now finished. the fed is now thinking about moving interest rates. we are still not out of the woods. >> yeah. not to worry. at the same time, the fed is ... a lot of. people the number one political issue, i think if this summit of the white house right now, the democratic party and their faith, it's inflation. it's the number one thing right now. deservedly or not, i tend to think not quite deservedly. betsy, you see it coming out of people's paychecks, real paychecks are still down. that's really what bites people. i guess, the question is, how much longer you think that endures? >> so, the thing about inflation right now, it is from all the chaos that the pandemic has turned the economy. all these price increases are coming in the goods sector because people really want to buy stuff. they've been stuck at home, they don't feel like they can go out to do things. they want to buy stuff. we can't get them stuff fast enough. the prices are through the roof. i think what we saw today's jobs report, all of those jobs that were added where the service sector. people are starting to go back and demand services. as long as we get workers back to fill those jobs in the service sector, i think we're gonna see inflation slowing down. that is the real question though. do the workers come back? i'll tell you why, they need a hard to see it. the data, there is still nearly 2 million people who say they're not looking for work because of the pandemic. so, what we need to do is get past the pandemic and bring those 2 million people back. we are going to be able to tame inflation. >> robert rice and betsy stevenson. that thank you both. that's all this friday evening. good evening ali. >> chris, you're trying to foil me. when someone was trying to -- you have robert rice and betsy stephens, talking about economics and labor force participation. >> it was a very velshi segment. >> i appreciate. that is good to see. you have yourself a great night. a great weekend. we'll see you next. >> thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. rachel is on hiatus. i am playing

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