Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240614 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240614

plants and meatpacking plants. these aren't the most powerful people and where do they turn? you have a right-wing house of representatives and a very right-wing supreme court. >> exactly and i think this is why so many people feel powerless and ironically some are feeling so powerless that they turn to somebody who looks like a strong man. >> wright, with a golden toilet. >> who was actually at this moment giving big tax breaks and promising more tax breaks to the biggest corporations. >> people need to know that the most important thing to remember is the massive trump tax cut will expire next year. he is not for the regular person. robert reich, thank you so much. that is tonight's "reidout". "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in" -- a hero's welcome on capitol hill for the architect of the insurrection. >> we are 100% unified behind his candidacy. >> a lot of support. >> the best speech i've ever heard. >> we are incredibly unified in working with president trump to get him elected. >> tonight, how congressional republicans became accomplices to the criminal ex-president. >> this is an outstanding group of people. i'm with them 1000%. they are with me 1000%. >> as trump pressures the speaker of the house to overturn his felony conviction. then, new reporting on undisclosed luxury gifts to clarence thomas. and why today's supreme court ruling on abortion pills is just the beginning of the battle, when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york, i am chris hayes. a lot has happened on capitol hill since the last time donald trump was there. there was the deadly insurrection he incited. there was the biden inauguration he skipped. there was the record-setting second impeachment he faced and there was a time in the immediate aftermath of all of that, late january, february, march, it seemed he may never be welcome back. but we know how that turned out. today the former president and his 34 felony convictions tracked to capitol hill at the invitation of house and senate republicans where he was received like a different dawn. a crime don. seeking not supporters but accomplices and co-conspirators. >> they are using us as a bad example of democracy and they are getting away with murder and we are not going to let it happen. you are all elected or you are going to be elected again and reelected. i'm with everyone of you and i will be with you always. this is an outstanding group of people. i'm with them 1000%. we agree just about everything and if there isn't we work it out. >> the term kiss the ring has been used so often with trumpet has virtually lost all meaning, but it really was on display in washington today. everything about this appearance was meant to convey the idea of republican party unity and they all performed it strenuously. that unity essentially remaking the party of lincoln into a mafia type operation with him at the top. a man convicted in a conspiracy to pay off former paramore is because he feared their stories would complicate his campaign. a man found liable for sexual assault of exactly the kind he brags about. a man who surrounds himself with lackeys who have been convicted or charged of serious crimes. steve bannon, michael flynn. trump has pardoned or commuted the sentences of many of those men. of course they never snitched. because trump envisions interactions with people in these sort of organized crime transaction terms. you do for me and if i am in a good mood and i am happy with your performance, you will get a cut. the republican party signed up to be part of this. that was on display today with discussions behind closed doors. as sources told reporter jake sherman, trump singled out house republicans who voted to impeach him saying that out of the 10 that impeached only one is left. sherman pointed out that was wrong, there are actually two left, but this was trump basically doing his impression of al capone in the untouchables, pointing out all the people in his gang that flipped on him. a sort of snitches get stitches, stay on my good side message to the foot soldiers. if you think that pressure does not work, look at the outgoing majority leader mitch mcconnell. remember what he said about trump in the aftermath of the insurrection? >> there is no question, none, the president trump is practically and morally responsible for promoting the events of the day. no question about it. this was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters decision or else torch our institutions on the way out. >> and yet here was mcconnell today. the old man, supplicant, submissive, bending over to kiss the ring. getting a breezy endorsement of trump's capitol hill pilgrimage. >> reporter: senator how was it seeing the former president? >> we had a good meeting. we shook hands a few times. he took questions from the audience and it was an entirely positive session. >> great work, mitch. despite all that plenty of those lawmakers were feckless enough to drip out details of trump's backroom talk to sherman and other reporters because you can never underestimate just how cowardly they are. for instance when trump told republicans today that milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city. another source told reporters trump was rambling to the crowd. said it was like, and i quote, talking to her drunk uncle at the family reunion. of course in public those sources will get in line and kiss the ring and give the don whatever he wants. maybe you think this is all being too literal. hyperbolic with the metaphors. crime bosses. surely he does not embrace actual criminal gangs and racketeering and violence as a campaign feature. but this is now part of his campaign. listen closely to this because i still can't get over this. it flew almost completely beneath the radar on the mainstream media. i will include us with this, with the exception of the associated press and a few others. but it was on display at his campaign rally last month in the bronx when he shared the stage with a few supportive guests. >> where is -- where is he? come on up, fellas. >> always going to whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. trump will shout to the winds for all of us. >> make america great again. >> okay so trump is doing a rally in the bronx. to trump those rappers are powerful allies. they are also criminal defendants in a sweeping gang case where prosecutors say they gave material support to a gang during a violent street war with another gang. >> brooklyn district attorney gonzalez says gang members used more than 30 guns to threaten or eliminate their rivals. in total gonzalez says there was one murder, for attempted murders and 12 nonfatal shootings. >> what we allege and learned during the course of this investigation was that he used a lot of the money that he earned to help facilitate further gang activity. he encouraged gang members to participate in violent crimes. >> sheff g, who is the rapper on stage with donald trump that he invited up there. prosecutors allege that he threw a party to celebrate a drive-by shooting in october, 2020, in which one alleged gang member was killed and five others were injured. murder. again, alleged. innocent until proven guilty in our system, but did you hear all of that? imagine what the new york post would have done with this headline if those gentlemen had shown up at a rally for aoc or if president joe biden introduced to them -- introduced them on stage. but the fact of the matter is that conservatives have a criminal as their preferred nominee and he is embracing a criminal model for the enterprise that is now the republican party. michelle goldberg is an opinion columnist for the new york times. tara, let me start with that. those two individuals on that stage. again, i can't believe it happened and these are not, you know, there are all kinds of ways people have been accused of crime. the system can be unfair, but they are accused of being part of a gang that has killed and shocked and maimed people and they are on stage with donald trump and i don't think it is an accident because i think this is kind of the vibe of the campaign. >> yeah, i talked about this right after the rally, i think on this network, as a matter of fact. pointing out how despicable this was and how this is seemingly okay now in the law and order republican party. it is such an affront to so many things and it is an insult to the american people that we are supposed to sit here and think this is normal. donald trump is a convicted felon. republicans are welcoming him to capitol hill with a hero's welcome. back to the scene of the crime where mitch mcconnell calls him practically responsible for an insurrection. pal around with accused murderers. this is all normal. it's just fine. it's not. it's not. he gets very frustrating sometimes when there seems to be a moral equivalence made between trump and biden and the way the campaigns are covered. like donald trump did what he did today. he is having these rallies where he is going on random rants about sharks and boats and electrocution. he is palling around on stage with guys who are also alleged criminals. meanwhile president biden is overseas representing the united states with honor and dignity of the g-7 and just entered a security deal with ukraine trying to maintain democracy in europe. there is no moral equivalence. your point about how this slipped under the radar and seems par for the course for donald trump, unfortunately this is who he is. he thinks this is okay and by the way for any black folks who think donald trump is on your side, this is what he thinks of you. black people will like me because i hang around with criminals and they were flashy chains and gold sneakers. it is such an affront, honestly, but this is who donald trump is. >> michelle, one of the thing that happens and again i use the mafia metaphor, because the unity is so intense. of course behind-the-scenes you have like talking to your drunk uncle. he was rambling. everyone goes and tells reporters and there is this distance. the unbelievable applause and then everyone going to tell the reporter that he was really nuts behind closed doors. >> right, it kind of brings back memories of 2016 to 2020, where you constantly had republicans in these really degrading displays of fealty and then they would go and try to distance themselves from it when no one was looking. maybe because they think it is all a game and we see how far it goes over and over again. i think after the mafia element, it is not just these two rappers. the trim campaign is leaning hard into mafia metaphors. you have seen the godfather t- shirts and merchandise with godfather iconography. donald trump has compared himself favorably to al capone. recently breitbart ran an interview with peter navarro, former trump official and probably future trump official if trump is reelected. currently in prison in miami. he gave this jailhouse interview boasting about how he gets treated really well because the guards and the inmates love donald trump. sort of how a made demand would be treated if he goes to prison and is still able to slice the garlic really thin. i think what is important is it is not just hypocrisy. not just a defiance of law and order. it is a different model of governance that a lot of republicans have embraced. a hierarchy based on personal relationships that they see as an alternative to technocratic liberalism. >> yes, mafia state as an aspirational model. and then i never know what's worse, like the people who are pretending or the people who are true believers. i think i know which category marjorie taylor greene is, but let me just play her reaction to seeing donald trump today. >> i really found his speech to be one of my favorite speeches. he came in, talked to the conference. he was very honest. he was funny. he was joking around constantly with everyone. he was really sweet to me. he said to speaker johnson, okay, you've got one more seat. you need to be tougher. i was sitting back a little ways. he saw me and he was like hello. he is always so sweet and recognizes me and said are you being nice? he was joking and said are you being nice to speaker johnson? he said okay, be nice to him and i nodded my head. >> the thing about this is, yes, there is always a duality here. he knows what he is doing and the transactional politics are real and they have all sort of bought into it. it is successful because they are willing to get on board for what it will mean for them. >> yes of course and to answer your question who is worse, the true believers or the enablers, it is the enablers 100%. the true believers, you can excuse it away that they are so far into it that it is not rational for them. the enablers are the ones who know better and are in a position to say no or to say stop, when no one else will. which is what conservatives were supposed to be doing according to bill buckley, the godfather of modern conservative history. they did not do that. they made a decision that this would be a transactional, politically expedient decision to suck up to donald trump who is a direct and immediate existential threat to our democracy. he wants a club talker see and they are okay with that as long as they get their piece of the pie, but no one is safe under donald trump. he will come for them, too. then we as a country and a democracy have to pay the price. that is why he has to be stopped. >> go ask mike pence who narrowly avoided -- >> correct. >> getting grabbed by a mob calling for him to be hanged. this is j.d. vance, speaking of people auditioning, to be the next person who may be facing that situation. no real republican with any credibility in the party is still blaming trump for january 6. i think it is a good thing. the republican party is in a good place. i think today was kind of like the button on the january 6 was bad era of the republican party. to whatever extent it was there, today was the definitive marking of the end. >> right and it has been coming for a while. this is obviously a candidate running extensively on january 6 rioters were heroes and warriors and i'm going to pardon the mall. the party has embraced him and embraced that message. j.d. vance is right. there are not very many republicans, if any, who have credibility in their party who will say what mitch mcconnell said after january 6 and what i think most of them know in their hearts to be true. >> michelle goldberg, tara setmayer, thank you both. when you are the republican pic for president and you want to overturn your conviction for multiple felonies, who do you call? the plea he made to the speaker of the house, next. se, next. clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? —just use... —tide... yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. —do crabs have eyebrows? —ahh... for all of life's laundry questions... it's got to be tide. katie! i knew i'd find you here. i know, it's wild. i'm you from the future! anyway our doctor figured it out. all that constipation with belly pain that keeps coming back, it's ibs-c. she said linzess could help you get ahead of it. whatta you say? yess! get ahead of your ibs-c with linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. 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service. ♪♪ for all the bravado from republicans insisting that being convicted of 34 felony counts is somehow a good thing, it seems donald trump himself is not a believer. no reporting by political reveals that in the days after his conviction trump made a desperate call to speaker of the house mike johnson. in fact trump was so angry on that call. pleading with the speaker, we have to overturn this. that is not really in the power of the congress, nor should it be. also donald trump was convicted in the state of new york, not the federal system, but that's not stopping them. the morning after the verdict johnson was on trump news making an appeal to the conservatives on the supreme court. >> i do feel the supreme court should step in. this is unprecedented and dangerous to our system. i think the justices on the court, i know many of them personally. i think they are deeply concerned about that as we are, so i think they will set this straight. >> yesterday house republican leaders spent the day whipping a bill that would allow presidents charged at the state level to move cases to the federal court. she is a contributing writer at the atlantic where she wrote about trump's absolute disdain for democracy and joins me now. when i saw this i thought that is nutty and not the way any of this works, but that has not stopped things before. i thought that about the mifepristone suit and look how far that god. so it does seem like they are on board, the house republican caucus, on trying to come up with some way of bailing him out. >> the house republican caucus may be on board, but i don't think that means whatever they are planning will work. if this bill went through i think there would be serious challenges probably made on realism. congress can't just miss around with state courts however it likes and of course he has already been convicted. his options at this point are really appealing through the new york state court system and then the supreme court. there are a handful of legal arguments that he could make on the grounds of federal law, but that will take a very long time and it certainly won't be done before the election. >> the reporting around the sort of scotus hail mary and this is the daily beast saying that most request for emergency action go to the justice assigned to a particular circuit. in this case it is sotomayor, who has ruled against trump in a most every case before her. the rulebook says the petitioner may renew the application to any other justice of his or her choice and theoretically continue until the majority has denied the application, which means he could keep on the slot machine until the right justice pops up. i'm with you again that that seems implausible even by the degree of standards of this supreme court, but that might be true now. all that stands between us and the unthinkable are are those people in power at the high levels going to do the right thing or do something transparently crazy? >> i do think this is a case for the courts. institutional equities are important to understand. it is also worth noting, the idea that he could ping-pong from justice to justice, that is not how the court tends to do things now. what they usually do is yes the emergency application will go to justice sotomayor and then instead of going to another justice it would go to the full court as a matter of practice and i think it is safe to say they would almost certainly turn it down. this is an extremely conservative court. it is a hard right court, but it is not really a maga court. there have been issues where trump's issues align with those of the conservative justices and uc benefits for him there, but it is really hard for me to see how he could even get to for justices who would be interested in taking on this case right off the bat. he really would be stretching. >> i totally agree and i think one of the things you see is mitch mcconnell had this sort of speech after january 6 that was basically like this is not the way you do this. basically he was saying you've got to do the bush league or thing if you want to take an election away, not this january 6 nonsense. do it the bush versus gore way. that is a ludicrous argument and it has done what it needed to do almost certainly in terms of delaying. to call up mike johnson and yell at him to make a magical bill that i am no longer a convicted felon is not going to do the job. >> right and i think this is what things look like in a federal system. the congress, the president of trump is elected again, they do not have power over what the new york state courts do. alvin bragg, whose office prosecuted this case as district attorney, he was directly elected by the people of manhattan. to some extent i think what trump is really raging against is just the idea that there might be jurisdictions simply out of his control. >> that is exactly what has him so worked up. quinta jurecic, thank you. coming up, in case $4 million in gifts weren't enough, what's the, it looks like terrence kalama's forgot -- looks like clarence thomas forgot to disclose another set of gifts. that is ahead. ahead. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your 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18.5 points. there is one reason why these leaders are also unpopular. all g7 nations and most of the world have faced levels of inflation not seen for decades. none of the leaders are directly responsible for that. as you can see job creation coincided with the end of the pandemic. it was the result of a surge of pent-up demand amidst a constrained supply. but voters totally understandably hate inflation. it has been three or four years of prices going up and they blame the incumbent party. in the u.s. the consumer price index hit a whopping 9% in 2022 and we have actually recovered since then, better than our g7 counterparts. the index dropped to 3.3% as of yesterday. that is the rate of increase. prices are going up at a slower rate. cumulatively prices are still way up here and everywhere, but the truth is that joe biden didn't have a lot to do with the fact this line went up or that it went down. that is mostly circumstances outside his control. the bed. i will say this. joe biden's administration has tried very hard to cut costs for americans wherever they can, taking steps to lower prescription drug costs. canceling student debt. getting rid of junk fees for airlines and banks, for example. but for the most part being real, the rise and fall in inflation was the result of external factors like the pandemic and decisions by the federal reserve outside president biden's control. voters might look and say well then, why does it matter who the next president is? it is calming down on its own. it matters because donald trump is running on the most explicit inflationary platform in modern history. >> i think we should have a ring around the collar, as they say. i think when companies come in and dump products in the united states they should pay automatically, let's say a 10% tax. i do like 10% for everybody. >> trump's proposal, a 10% tariff on all foreign goods would basically be a sales tax. it would raise prices for american consumers 10% on everything from avocados to iphones. if you think that is bad, today, behind closed doors outside of the view of cameras, donald trump proposed one of the most arranged policies i have ever heard. he told republican lawmakers behind closed doors that he wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it entirely with tariffs, effectively taking us back to the 19th century. this idea makes as much sense as ripping up the interstate highway system and replacing it with canals. economist paul krugman did some math and estimates the policy would require an average tariff of 133%. not 10%. that is a 133% tax psych on all imported goods that would be passed on to consumers. it would cost americans hundreds of millions of dollars. a policy advisor explained further. another way to put trump's latest incredibly unworkable idea, get this, it would raise taxes by $5000 for a typical family if you are a working person who buys stuff. it would cut taxes for the average family in the top 0.1% by $1.5 million. this proposal would jack up everything everywhere for normal people, crushing the average american's wallet, while giving the wealthiest folks who no longer have to pay income tax and don't buy that much relative to their income, and enormous windfall of millions of dollars. this is the man who has a 50-50 shot of taking the white house, in large part because of the conditions that produced high inflation and he is seriously and earnestly currently running on the most inflationary platform i've ever seen. higher prices, higher taxes for everyone. it would make what we've seen over the past few years look like nothing. othing. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or 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charter according to charter company estimates and thomas has repeatedly flown to a destination and back again on the same day. in a statement thomas's lawyer said the trips fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be asked closed -- to be disclosed. the reporter who broke the story about many of the undisclosed gifts, he and his rest of his team won a pulitzer for the reporting last year and joins me now. congratulations, by the way. three more trips. what have we learned? >> the thing that is so striking is the scale of it. we are looking at a picture where harlan crow's private jet, a particularly nice private jet was at the disposal of justice thomas and there are multiple incidents where, for example, flying from washington, d.c. to san jose, california, staying for a few hours and turning around and going back on the same day. that's happened repeatedly. and going from where the jet is based in dallas to d.c. to pick up the justice. it adds to a long list and the picture is a billionaire political donor in a real way subsidizing the life of a justice. >> they don't make clear the purpose of the trips that included trip from st. louis to montana. location of glacier park international airport. he was scheduled to be in st. louis for a speech. in one instance he flew from the east coast to san jose and returned home later that day. another he took a round-trip flight from washington, d.c. to savannah, georgia. this is how taylor swift or elon musk, that is how they get around. >> right, the round-trip alone, seemingly for some kind of lunch, we don't know what it was for, still, that could easily cost $100,000 for the flight. probably double the median income that an american makes in a year. it is an extraordinary amount of money. >> a $100,000 flight. >> yeah and last week justin thomas amended some prior years disclosure forms to disclose other things harlan crow has paid for. hotels and lodging and vacations. a trip to california. that is the third time he's done that. >> to be clear, these three no one knew about and no one reported. >> these were totally new to us. >> you had no idea? >> i had no idea. >> this is it, right? this has to be it. i think we have an absolute, definitive account. >> look, some of the reporting we did took myself and coworkers months of reporting to piece together these trips that justice thomas and justice alito also got. we don't have subpoena power. the senate judiciary committee does. they said today there would be a full report coming out this summer, so i would not be surprised if there are more revelations. >> they subpoenaed leonard leo as well, who basically told them to go -- >> pound sand. >> pound sand, thank you for stopping me from saying what i was going to say. harlan crow, he is cooperating. they are getting this from harlan crow. >> right. they authorized a subpoena. didn't actually issue attended became leverage in negotiations with lawyers and they came up with this deal where he is giving information about the past seven years. potentially not just travel. we will find out when the full investigation comes out this summer. >> we have to update our bar chart. it is a tough one to read. let's see, which one is thomas? right, there he is on the left. we might need to raise up that bar after we price these ones in. maybe this summer we will get more. can i get your response since i have you here about something justice alito said about your reporting. this is something that he said recently. surreptitiously recorded. take a listen. >> there are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. that's what it is, you know. >> like who? >> propublica. propublica gets a lot of money and they have spent a fortune investigating clarence thomas for example. >> have you spent a fortune or are these ideological attacks? >> it was frankly disturbing to hear this because it was speculation based on no evidence. as one of the two or three reporters who did this work i tell you how it started, which was not a report on justice thomas and alito. we will report on how supreme court justices are spending their time when they are not at the court. it started with a stack of documents of travel records with no names and we pieced together that it is justice thomas taking private jets. we took a hard look at democratic appointed justices and simply found nothing equivalent. >> if we could put up that bar chart for a second, it is hard to find the signal for the noise in that chart. it takes a lot of energy to uncover that one on the left. >> right, if somebody out there knows about george soros funding trips, i would love to report it. you can find my contact information on all of our stories. >> thank you. coming up, as the supreme court rejects the attempt to ban the abortion pill, why the right wing is just getting started on reproductive rights. next. nuggets. impossible. we're solving 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cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. they say we should stop eating so much meat. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren't quitters. impossible. we're solving the meat problem with more meat. today the supreme court unanimously rejected an attempt to limit access to the abortion pill mifepristone and that, i should say, is definitely good. mifepristone is used in more than 60% of all abortions in this country, as well as the treatment of miscarriages. it should remain easily accessible, but this case should not have made its way to the supreme court in the first place. it is shocking that it did. the case is based on faulty legal logic and was first introduced by a conservative group in amarillo, texas. incorporated there so they could file the case and ensure it would land before a hard right activist appointed to the bench by donald trump. predictably the pan -- plan worked. issued a nationwide injunction. the decision was mostly upheld by the court of appeals. that court of appeals is arguably the most radically right wing pro trump court in the land. the supreme court threw it out today because plaintiffs lacked standing and the entire ruse was too ridiculous even for this court. make no mistake, republicans may have lost this battle, but they are still fighting the war. it is all but certain that they will bring a similar suit again and will absolutely do so given the opportunity. they don't want to stop there. today senate republicans blocked a bill enshrining protections for ivf only a day after the southern baptist convention, the largest protestant this domination days protestant denomination in the country voted to condemn the procedure. the republican party and grassroots of the party truly believe in this. they are not going to stop there crow seed against -- stop there crusade against reproductive rights. joining me now is nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. i guess let's start with the decision today which was not surprising. they kicked it on what are called standing grounds. what does that mean? >> standing is the notion that you have to be a person who has been injured to maintain a lawsuit. it goes back to the concept that the courts can only hear cases or controversies, not imagined grievances. what the court is saying is that the alliance for defending freedom did not have standing to bring their suit and there are a couple of lines. in one place justice kavanaugh says an organization that has not suffered a concrete injury caused by a defendant's action cannot spend its way into's standing by spending money together information and advocate against the defendant, meaning the food and drug administration's action. that is the good part of this. but as you noted, there are little easter eggs sprinkled throughout this decision that are sort of gifts to the antiabortion right. in large part because of one side can't have standing, the other can't either. one of the things this says is that doctors should not presume that they will have standing to advocate for their patients. that usually means something very different for pro-abortion doctors than it does on the anti-choice side. >> that's a great point. i want to read the standing argument the plaintiffs presented, because it is one of my favorites. this is from the initial, i don't think of this is the scotus brief or district court. doctors lose the opportunity to provide professional services and care for the women and child through pregnancy which causes harms to providers who can no longer care for their patients and bring about the successful delivery of a new life. you deprive me of the joy of delivering your baby, which is a tangible harm to me, ergo i have standing. the standing analysis survived the district court and survived the fifth circuit court of appeals. >> it is kind of galling and there is a twist on that argument, too. you deprive me of the ability to care for more deserving patients, the women who want to deliver their children as opposed to women who present in the emergency room having had a complication. >> hypothetically, to be clear. that hypothetically might do so. >> when i am forced to divert my attention from deserving woman a, to take care of you, morally bankrupt woman b. >> you can do this through the courts or through the department of justice if you have the teeth to do it. here is justice samuel alito talking about, he does not say the name, interestingly. he just reads the u.s. section and the solicitor general of the united states does say the name. listen. >> shouldn't the fda at least have considered the application -- >> i think the comstock provisions don't fall within fda's lane. >> the comstock laws, those are passed in the victorian era to outlaw basically all tools for abortion and birth control. >> and really sending them between states. if you want to talk about zombie laws and we have talked about them a lot on your show and others. these are statutes prohibiting abortion or things that allow people to achieve abortion. it was a zombie law and it was understood for many decades that the comstock law had no effect. why? because row was in existence. the biden administration has made clear they don't believe the comstock act needs to be enforced unless the intent is to help somebody accomplish something that would be unlawful and given the mail order prescription of mifepristone is lawful, then the interpretation is there is nothing to be done. a different administration however, you can count on the same sorts of folks to press that heavily with the department of justice. >> and i want to be clear. there are criminal penalties attached to the comstock laws. the department of justice could conceivably on day one start having the fbi arrest people and prosecute people for mailing abortion drugs. >> they may not even have to go that far. i think the lesson is that you can terrorize people into not doing anything just by having a law and having the threat out there that somebody could be criminally prosecuted for doing something. >> the comstock act, this is not a hypothetical. there are lots of folks in right-wing circles writing about and talking about this. lisa rubin, thank you. >> thank you. >> that is "all in" on this thursday night. alex wagner starts now. >> good evening. there are women already terrified making choices about bodily economy. >> certainly. >> fear at all levels of american society. thank you, my friend. today donald trump made his first visit to capitol hill. the first time since his followers ransacked the capital on january 6. to unde

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Dessert , Strained Yogurt , Spoon , Cutlery , Frozen Yogurt , Cheese Spread , Cheese , Goat Cheese , Banana Cream Pie , Cake , Coconut Cream , Banoffee Pie , Natural Foods , Local Food , Solanum , Plum Tomato , Nightshade Family , Kitchen Knife , Cherry Tomatoes , Bravado , Bánh Mì , Submarine Sandwich , Polish Food , Lactose , Salad Dressing Spread , Condiment , Believer , Felony Counts , Power , Congress , Call , Fact Trump , Pleading , Mike Johnson , State , Appeal , Verdict Johnson , Learning Supreme Court , Justices , Straight , Lens Flare , Bill , Cases , Leaders , Presidents , Federal Court , Level , Writer , Disdain , Atlantic , Works , Mifepristone Suit , God , Republican Caucus , Planning , Bailing , State Courts , Realism , Challenges , Basilica , Place Of Worship , Religion , Mosque , Dome , Handful , Law , Grounds , New York State Court , Arguments , Options , Museum , Justice , Election , Beast , Request , Emergency Action Go , Hail Mary , Case , Application , Justice 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Friendship Sloop , Sharpie , Lugger , Dinghy Sailing , Skiff , Naval Architecture , Water Sport , Windjammer , Deck , Speedboat , Keelboat , Multihull , Luxury Yacht , Yacht Racing , Wetsuit , Adventure , Ocean , Coast , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Tractor , Forklift Truck , Playground , Bus , Agricultural Machinery , School Bus , Reactions , Remission , Risk , Ability , Infections , Damage , Intestinal Lining , Il 23 , Picnic , Amusement Park , Field , Soil , Crop , Agriculture , Wildflower , Malus , Prairie , Pole , Vitis , Grapevine Family , Vineyard , Flowering Plant , Rose Family , Plant Community , Fruit Tree , Seed Plant , Botany , Houseplant , Jungle , Mountain Range , Fjord , Liver Problems , Infection , Crohn S , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Ponytail , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Boardwalk , Drinking , Body Of Water , Lake District , Sound , Loch , Recreational Fishing , Fishing , Glacial Landform , Solutions , Process , Fastsigns , Create Factory Grade , 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Inflatable , Inflatable Boat , Baby Float , Umbrella , Canopy , Shade , Sunlounger , Caribbean , Bay , Penthouse Apartment , Wedding , Flash Photography , Crossover Suv , Cabenuva , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Whim , Pausing , Branch , Sparkler , Tradition , Christmas , Christmas Lights , Fête , Christmas Ornament , Temple Fade , Mini , Supercar , Muscle Car , Porsche Panamera , Porsche , Porsche Cayenne , Vegetation , Natural Landscape , Aerial Photography , Nature Reserve , Wilderness , Hill Station , Biome , National Park , Bird S Eye View , Escarpment , State Park , Rainforest , Terrain , Mountain Pass , Cliff , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Chaparral , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Outcrop , Ridge , Plateau , Steering Wheel , Steering Part , Electric Vehicle , Cab Driver , Windscreen Wiper , Bentley , Bugatti Veyron , Bugatti , Comstock Provisions Don T , Medicines , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Ingredients , Depression , Heat , Flame , Campfire , Nightclub , Music Venue , Barechested , Highland , Headlamp , Pregnancy , Kidney Problems , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Mountainous Landforms , Ritual , Wedding Reception , Woodland , Sweetness , Pub , Club , Disco , Bachelor Party , Silhouette , Fever , Tiredness , Switching , Inlet , Panorama , Headland , Promontory , Bed Frame , Mattress , Box Spring , Medical Equipment , Mattress Pad , Medical , Athletic Shoe , Bag , Nightstand , Bedding , Tablet Computer , Personal Computer , Net , Mesh , Cobblestone , Grandparent , Felidae , Duvet Cover , Boutique Hotel , Chest Of Drawers , Blanket , Beige , Laminate Flooring , Plywood , Varnish , Drawer , Baluster , Lumber , Seminar , Conference Hall , Business School , Professor , Picture , Version , Photo , 50th G7 Summit , Italy , Groom , Points , Economies , Numbers , Disapproval Ratings , Political Scientist , Ian Brehmer , 18 5 , Sport Venue , Stadium , Arena , Reason , Nations , Inflation , Result , Pandemic , Supply , End , Job Creation , Surge , Prices , Hate Inflation , Consumer Price Index , Four , Three , Bridge , Rate , Counterparts , Index , Increase , Everywhere , Circumstances , Truth , Food And Drug Administration , Costs , Prescription Drug Costs , Steps , Junk Fees , Americans , Student Debt , Decisions , Factors , Real , Banks , Airlines , The Rise And Fall , Federal Reserve Outside , Bodyguard , Platform , Proposal , Everybody , Companies , Tax , Ring , Products , Humour , Goods , Consumers , Tariff , Sales Tax , Avocados , View , Cameras , Income Tax , Policies , Policy , Paul Krugman , Tariffs , Canals , Math , Sense , 19th Century , Tax Psych , Taxes , Millions , Dollars , Policy Advisor , 000 , Working Person , Stuff , 5 Million , 1 5 Million , 0 1 , Income , Wallet , Average American , Relative , Conditions , White House , Windfall , Nothing , Stop Taking Farxiga , Othing , Video Game Software , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Perineum , Genital , Urinary Tract , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Wicker , Balcony , Patio , Head Restraint , Airline , Armrest , Fireplace , Bonfire , Stomach , Cidp , Voices , Cidp Doesn T Have To , Cidp Disrupts , Cidp Derails , Annual Plant , Home Fencing , Bench , Slope , Visual Arts , Information , More , Inspiration , Patient Stories , Finding Hope , Helpful Tips , Little , Shiningthroughcidp Com , Abaya , Cocktail Dress , Kick Scooter , Segway , Unicycle , Cycling , Sports Equipment , Bike , Hope , Joy , Friends , Leggings , Tights , Sweater , Writing , Kids , Hunger , Impact , Best , Secondary School , Private School , Child , Problem , Aren T Being Met , Homework , Meals , Kid , Focused , 0 63 , 63 , Sharing , Grades , Game Changer , Well Being , Test Scores , Energy , Health , Confidence , Team Sport , Police Dog , Baseball Field , Helpnokidhungry Org , Credit Card , Online Advertising , Active Shirt , Families , Ends Meet , Hard Times , Winter , Snow , Ice Skating , Taste , It Simple , Fees , Uncertainty , Surcharges , Biggest , Saxophone , Musical Instrument , Escalator , Ground Advantage , Warehouseman , Carton , Cardboard , Surfer Hair , Step Cutting , Jheri Curl , Payments , Citi S Industry , Paragliding , Parachute , Air Sports , Centrepiece , Banana , Banana Family , Supper , Nail , Partner , Countries , Need , Clients , World Food Programme , Coffee , Pottery , Porcelain , Ceramic , Dishware , Plate , Clay , Serveware , Stemware , Wine Glass , Headphones , Cola , Makeup Artist , Eyelash Extensions , Food Court , Banquet , Cafeteria , à La Carte Food , Southwestern United States Food , Brazilian Food , Greek Food , African Food , Full Breakfast , Antipasto , Pork Chop , Turkish Food , Chicken Meat , Wine , Fast Food Restaurant , Car Dealership , Sports Commentator , Fan , Jet , Harlan Crow , Trips , Billionaire Republican , Benefactor , Globe , Surprise , Senate Judiciary Committee , Propublica , Jets , Flights , Democrats , Estimates , Charter Company , 0000 , Destination , Exemption , Hospitality , Closed , Story , Congratulations , Rest , Pulitzer , Disposal , Scale , Map , California , Washington D C , Incidents , San Jose , To D C , Dallas , Trip , Billionaire , Donor , List , Louis To Montana , Purpose , Louis , Another , Location , Glacier Park International Airport , East Coast , Flight , Georgia , Savannah , Elon Musk , Taylor Swift , Amount , 100000 , 00000 , Airplane , Business Jet , Light Aircraft , Justice Thomas , Disclosure , Vacations , Lodging , Hotels , General Aviation , This Is It , No One , Samuel Alito , Account , Coworkers , Absolute , Report , Subpoena Power , Revelations , Leonard Leo , Pound Sand , Didn T , Lawyers , Deal , Leverage , Subpoena , Negotiations , Wood Burning Stove , Hearth , Actor , Bar Chart , Let S See , Seven , Response , Groups , Listen , Surreptitiously , Attacks , Who , Fortune , Speculation , Evidence , Names , Look , Stack , Documents Of Travel Records , Signal , Chart , Second , Noise , Attempt , Contact Information , Funding Trips , George Soros , Recreation Room , Abortion Pill , Rights , Next , Nuggets , Chef , Cookies And Crackers , Cookie , Doughnut , Spanish Cuisine , Tobacco Products , Smoking , Cigarette , Ground Shipping , Expectations , Thanks Brandon , Potato Chip , Corn Dog , Mcdonald S Chicken Mcnuggets , Chicken Nugget , Pharmaceutical Drug , Jogging , Home Door , Window Film , Window Blind , Window Screen , Lines , My Name Is Marie , Business Owner , Lemonade , Ice Cream Shop , Florida , The Sun , Handbag , Luggage And Bags , Screen Door , Gate , Botox , Cosmetic , Results , Change , Gym , Weight Training , Wheelchair , Tripod , Cinematographer , Studio , Videographer , Camera Operator , Film Crew , Filmmaking , Television Crew , Effects , Eye Problems , Breathing , Speaking , Forehead Lines , Injection , Frown Lines , Muscle Weakness , Feet , Difficulty Swallowing , Hairdresser , Wedding Dress , Bride , Skin Infection , Injection Site Pain , Condition , Headache , Medications , Eyelid Swelling , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , Botoxcosmetic Com , Eyelid Drooping , Indoor Rower , Office Chair , Hangar , Brewery , Electronic Instrument , Winter Storm , Precipitation , Silo , Public Utility , Climbing , Sport Climbing , Bouldering , Rock Climbing , Climbing Hold , Concrete , Free Climbing , Tadpole , Lobby , Hall , Ultra Thins , Fears , Thanks , Say Goodbye , Rapiddry Technology , Hellooo , Airport , Metro , Tour Bus Service , Double Decker Bus , Airport Bus , Trolleybus , Aircraft Cabin , Flight Attendant , Rings , Plastic , Gush , Pork Steak , Bratwurst , Horumonyaki , Mititei , Rump Cover , Venison , Workwear , Recruiter , Cardigan , Deodorant , Sunscreen , Fluid , Lotion , Cosmetics , Audi , Electric Car , Suzuki , Fiat 500 , Opel , Concept Car , Astronomical Object , Waiting Room , Automobile Repair Shop , Toy Vehicle , Scale Model , Custom Car , Formula One Car , Office Equipment , Laptop , Nike Free , Carnivore , Pillow , Bed Skirt , Duvet , Scholar , Social Work , Mifepristone , Abortions , Access , Abortion Pill Mifepristone , Box , Birth Control , Pearl , Medicine , Stimulant , Chemical Compound , Capsule , Treatment , Miscarriages , Logic , Brochure , Activist , Amarillo , Texas , Court Of Appeals , Plan , Injunction , Pan , Classical Architecture , Unesco World Heritage Site , Courthouse , Plaintiffs , Land , Ruse , Mistake , Wonders Of The World , Opportunity , War , Bill Enshrining Protections , Coach , Protestant , Ivf , Southern Baptist Convention , Riot , Reproductive Rights , Procedure , Grassroots , Crusade , Seed , Lisa Rubin , Notion , Standing Grounds , Nbc , Alliance , Controversies , Lawsuit , Saying , Freedom , Grievances , Concept , Action , Defendant , Injury , Couple , Kavanaugh , Advocate , Easter Eggs , Doctors , Other , Antiabortion Right , Patients , Standing Argument , Favorites , Care , Initial , Services , Women , Providers , Delivery , Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Harm , Twist , Standing Analysis , Galling , Hypothetically , Complication , Emergency Room , Department Of Justice , Attention , Woman , Woman B , Name , Section , Solicitor General , Teeth , Shouldn T , Comstock Laws , Abortion , States , Zombie Laws , Tools , Statutes , Zombie Law , Show , Intent , Effect , Row , Existence , Prescription , Interpretation , Sorts , Mail Order , Mailing Abortion Drugs , Day One , Arrest , Penalties , Fbi , Lesson , Anything , Circles , All In , Lots , Economy , Choices , Alex Wagner ,

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