Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20140920 : compare

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20140920

>> ♪ >> breaking news at 11 o'clock tonight, shots are fired and there are reports that police have surrounded a home with the suspected killer of a pennsylvania state trooper inside. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. matt rivers is live in the sat center with the breaking developments tonight. matt. >> reporter: chris and jessica the situation has gotten far more intense in just the hour or so. as cnn reports and as you mentioned eric frein believed to be surrounded inside a home. he barricaded himself inside that home after exchanging gunfire with law enforcement officials in the area. just after 9:00 p.m., law enforcement officials confirmed to "eyewitness news" that those shots were fired in the area police were searching. a local police official confirmed to cnn it is believed frein exchanged gunfire with police before barricading himself inside that home. that home not far from where he was living with his parents. it's not yet known if frein or any law enforcement officers were injured during that shootout. hundreds of law enforcers are involved in the search that has gone on for a week now. earlier this evening state police ordered people in price and barrett townships in monroe county to stay inside their homes as the hunt intensified. a temporary shelter for those people unable to return home has been set up in that area. last friday frein allegedly shot two pennsylvania state troopers killing corporal bryon dixon outside his state police barracks. he was put on the fbi's 10 most wanted list on thursday. so, this situation still very much developing, still ongoing in monroe county but it does appear that police are closing in on 31-year-old eric frein. still a very developing situation. we're going to stay on top of this as these events continue to unfold. for now live in the sat center matt rivers cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> matt thank you very much. the nfl commissioner says that he got it wrong on the domestic violence cases that have plunged the nfl into crisis but he says he will not resign. instead t-roger goodell announced in new york today that he is implementing a new domestic abuse and sexual assault policy for the league's 32 teams. he also pledged to set up a conduct committee and partner the nfl with two organizations that help victims of domestic violence. even though the commissioner is promising that change, he is still facing withering criticism. diana rocco is live at lincoln financial field with more. diana. >> reporter: chris, although roger goodell apologized today, many are still skeptical. he says he knows he can do better for this league and he will. well, tonight fans here at the linc and domestic violence groups across the region are hoping so. >> i got it wrong on a number of levels but now i will get it right. >> reporter: nfl commissioner roger goodell apologizing for his handling of player misconduct after weekly embarrassments in the league and promising to do a better job. >> it affects all of us. these are problems we are commitd to addressing. >> reporter: baltimore's ray rice was only suspended for two games after allegedly punching his wife in an elevator until the disturbing video surfaced two weeks ago and he was released. and minnesota's adrian peterson was allowed to play after allegedly abusing his four-year-old. >> they can't turn their head the other way. >> he obviously could have done a much better job and i don't think he's been honest from the beginning. >> he probably should resign. for $44 million you should have stepped up the first time. >> reporter: goodell has promised more education and changes to the nfl player conduct policy, also a partnership with two national domestic violence groups and an independent fbi investigator will review the's handling of prior incident but is it enough and should goodell have done more sooner. >> i think he's doing the right thing. he says he's going to be accountable, that he's going to provide leadership, that he's really going to work with these experts. >> reporter: jeanine says she's glad the conversation is finally being had. >> when violence happens in your home there is a huge ripple impact on the whole community. >> reporter: so, right now roger goodell says he has no plans to resign as the nfl's commissioner. he hopes these changes will be in place by the super bowl. we're live outside the linc tonight. i'm diana rocco, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> diana thank you very much. now, if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse there is always help available. this is the number for the national domestic abuse hotline. it's one-800-799-safe and it is open 24 hours a day. led to for a list of local agencies that can help as well. >> still no arrests in the attack on a same-sex couple in center city. investigators have questioned at least six people from the group seen in surveillance video. some tell police a different version of the story that the victims were the ones who instigated that fight on september 11th. federal officials are keeping an eye on the philadelphia police department's investigation. well, it might in the feel like it tonight but there is a weekend warmup on the way. meteorologist kathy orr is live outside on the cbs3 sky deck. kathy, there is a chill in the air tonight. >> there sure is and we're talking about warmup while i'm sitting out here with my coat. there is a bit of a breeze, temperatures are falling. we do have a few clouds out here but they'll be increasing overnight tonight and help those temperatures from bottoming out as much as they have the past couple of nights. take a look at storm scan3. we do have an easterly flow and that means we will be seeing more clouds moving into the delaware valley. high pressure has slid off the coast with a clockwise flow and that will drive the moisture inland and will start the -- we'll start the morning offer with some clouds that will eventually give way to some sun. right now philadelphia, 59. allentown 57, mount pocono 50, 60 in wilmington, 66 in wildwood where we do have clouds and fog moving in. during the day tomorrow clouds will give way to sun in philadelphia, 79. down the shore some morning clouds and fog, possibly a stray shower early, 76. the poconos morning fog, some afternoon sun. so, starting the weekend on a pleasant note but coming up we're going to be talking about conditions getting even warmer, especially on the last day of summer. there's the chance of rain. we'll time that out. plus the first week of fall begins on monday and right now it's looking positive. we'll take a look at that in the seven-day when i join you inside. >> that's good news. kathy thank you very much. tonight investigators continue trying to find out what caused this massive warehouse fire in the kensington section of philadelphia. this was an abandoned warehouse in the 2300 block of american street that caught fire about 2:30 this morning. the flames jumped from the warehouse to a neighboring paper storage facility. two firefighters suffered minor injuries here. one civilian was critically injured with burns to more than 80 percent of his body. >> the united states is poised to commit more resources in the fight against isis overseas. today president obama signed a measure that would arm and train syrian rebels who are already fighting the militant group. that was passed with bipartisan support in congress. military leaders say it could be another year before the rebels are properly trained and ready to fight. thousands of american forces are moving into west africa over the next 30 days. they will set up facilities and form training teams to help treat ebola victims. president obama has pledged 3,000 troops to that effort. the defense department has requested up to $1 billion for ebola response efforts. it is an iconic part of philadelphia's skyline, city hall's illuminated clock tower is now getting a modern makeover. "eyewitness news" received an exclusive look behind the clock tower. that's where work is under way to replace the clock's lighting with energy efficient led bulbs. those old bulbs needed to be replaced quite often. the new ones are expected to last for years. >> you can imagine if there's one or two lamps that are outweigh, way high up you're still climbing up there, you're still spending all that time just to change those two. >> the overhaul is part of a larger project to lower the city's energy consumption by 30 percent. >> well, the entero viruses continues to make its way across the country. we'll tell you where the latest cases are popping up. and using your breath to diagnose everything from asthma to heart disease. in the health watch how doctors are testing this new way to detect disease. >> meteorologist kathy orr is back inside and tracking the weekend warmth. her forecast for the end of summer and the beginning of fall just a few minutes away. and a south jersey town that's banned alcohol for more than 100 years is changing its tune. where you can now wine and dine. >> plus, we'll take you under the friday night lights. we've got the football frenzy. see if your school made the cut when "eyewitness news" continues. >> we have new developments tonight in the disappearance of that university of virginia student. police say that they have now talked to a man that they believe was in a bar with hannah graham on the night that she went missing. they say though they don't have enough information to arrest or detain the man even after searching his car and apartment. graham who is 18 years old was last seen by friends one week ago. >> the respiratory virus known as enterovirus 68 continues to spread. health officials say 22 states now have confirmed cases of the virus and new jersey is among the state's with the newest cases. symptoms include sneezing, a runny nose and a cough and most people will recover without any treatment. severe symptoms can can can develop in children, though, with asthma or a history of breathing problems. on the cbs3 health watch tonight, an amazing medical break through. using your breath to diagnose everything from asthma to cancer. three on your side health reporter stephanie stahl shows how doctors are testing a new way to detect danger. >> reporter: this experimental space age balloon may be the future of medical testing, something as simple as a patient's breath could be the key to detecting disease. >> i feel really good. >> reporter: pat is among the first to test the technology. it showed he had heart failure which had already been confirmed with traditional testing. >> not easy. >> reporter: the breath test could be easier and less expensive. >> anything in the hood that is potentially volatile at body temperature we can detect it in the breath. the limitation is because we didn't have the technology in the past. >> reporter: dr. dwelk says doctors detected heart failure with 100 percent accuracy. in another they used breath to detect lung cancer and helped doctors monitor how the patient was responding to treatment. >> the future of medical testing in general. we are just scratching the surface on the utility of breath testing in medical diagnosis. >> reporter: more research is still needed before these tests can replace body scans and biopsies but dr. norman edelman of the american lung association ace he's optimistic about the potential of this technology. >> we could screen many, many more people for lung cancer and probably save many, many more lives. >> reporter: pat who ended up with a pacemaker is impressed with how easy the breath test is. and doctors say if the testing pans out, it could be an easy way to sniff out other diseases including diabetes. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> for the first time in more than a century businesses in a south jersey town will now be able to sell alcohol. >> restaurants in haddonfield camden county now have the opportunity to offer bottles of wine to their guests. and it's all thanks to a 2012 new jersey law designed to promote the state's wineries. businesses even in dry towns can legally sell wine as long as they're partnered with those wineries. it's all part of an initiative to put the state's wineries on the map. >> most people are not sold yet that new jersey offers such an outstanding quality of wine. >> that new law allows for wineries to partner up with up to 15 businesses to sell their products. >> kathy, back insides now. little chilly out there tonight. >> yeah, it is. and it will be a cool start to the day tomorrow. little bit foggy so don't be surprised if you see that but then things are going to change by tomorrow afternoon and after that the sky is the limit literally for this weekend. we will have the peek of the summer heat for the last weekend of summer. take a look outside where we do have some patchy fog out there. down the shore we'll also have a little bit of drizzle. an easterly wind is going to keep it cool down the shore and a little bit damp as well. temperatures around the region have cooled down significantly. philadelphia 59, trenton 55, the poconos sitting at 50, atlantic city at the airport 64 degrees, reading 59. so, a lot of cool air in place and that will be changing as we work our way through tomorrow afternoon. but these temperatures much milder than they were last night at this time when we were falling through the 50's. clouds will help keep a tap on the temperature. easterly winds will provide the cloud cover. then two other players in our forecast, a cold front to the north and west, and a developing coastal storm that will keep moisture close to the coast over the next couple of days. so, high pressure building off the coast keeping it cool, 70's for saturday. but as that high moves farther away, winds become more southerly for saturday afternoon. we'll see some sunshine and warming temperatures into the upper 70's. then we get the squeeze play by these two systems. area of low pressure gets kicked out to see as this cold front approaches. that's the good news. but it will come close enough to provide clouds, also some drizzle down the shore sunday morning. then we'll warm it up into the 80's for the afternoon. the front swings through on sunday night with some showers. that will be the best chance of rain and then monday we clear it out again with plenty of sun but cooler temperatures in the 70's. here's a look at the future temperature. now, tomorrow morning we wake up to the 50's and some 60's. by the afternoon we're well into the 70's with sunshine with that southerly wind. then sunday morning we wake up to mild temperatures, mainly in the 60's but watch what happens. the last day of summer temperatures peaking along the i-95 corridor, even north and west looking at temperatures into the 80's. then we'll see a high pressure system settling in for the first week of fall. next week it will be sunny and dry but very comfortable. no big complaints. fall officially begins on monday evening at 10:29 and appropriately temperatures will only be in the lower 70's in the afternoon. overnight look for clouds to increase, it will be comfortable, the low 59 in the city. temperatures rising quickly. we'll be seeing highs near 80 degrees after some morning fog and incasing sunshine in the afternoon for your saturday. if you're lucky enough to have a ticket to the eagles game at the linc, kickoff time 1 o'clock, kickoff temperature 80 degrees with winds out of the southwest. who would ever have thought. and on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast the heat peeks sunday. monday much cooler, some 10 degrees cooler. the first full day of fall, 72 degrees for tuesday. wednesday rosh hashanah begins in the evening, it will be comfortable and it stays dry through thursday and friday. >> i like that kind of consist tense snee a seven-day forecast, don't you. >> very nice. >> we're nothing if not consistent around here for sure. kathy, thank you very much. all right time to check in with mr. beasley reece and. >> the friday football frenzy. whoo-hoo! >> ♪ [cheers and applause] >> it's time for the friday football frenzy. five, six, seven, eight, f-r-e-n-z-y radnor raiders. blue and white. take it away, beasley. >> all right, thanks a lot to the radnor cheerleaders for the kickoff. your town your team your kids on tv, it's time for the original friday football frenzy. we start with the pep talk as always from radnor head coach tom ryan. >> guys it's all about the team. team comes first, okay. you got a chance to do something, to be three and one. you got the to go out and take it. so let's go out and take this game. >> thanks a lot coach. featured game chichester at radnor and this one was a good one. first half chichester going for the end zone and check out the concentration by john sklar. tips an interception back to himself. let's go to the second half and watch locket with a move stride to the end zone for the touchdown. 15 seconds left in the game chris leighton finds jack wilson and jack is going to score but jack needs to keep his cool because he has to kick the game winning extra point. close finish here. radnor a winner, 16 to 15. how about mast because at lincoln. nick houser is going tofus aaron johnson. somebody needs to wrap this kid up. he does not respect arm took tackles. lincoln wins be wins 28 to 12. frankford and fels. randall sol lease is going to devon at any lee and devon at any lee is wide open. you can't get him. don't even try. he's too smooth. frankford won 39 to 14. >> frankford east, frankford west, it really doesn't matter >> that was smooth cheerleaders. central visiting southern. i love a nice pick. walter king with the big i and t right before the half. central won a first game 30-29. a banner man malfunction. the banner broke. ryan stover is going to keep this play alive. a great block that would be a penalty in the nfl. finds gary fields and gary is going to score. upper dublin a winner 28 to seven. upper merion visiting plymouth whitemarsh,. mobley acting like the old pro. acceleration into the interception. pw a winner 34 to 10. watch out for the super player. the super player is cool. get it tuba player. delta taking on camden and the run of the night belongs to khalil williams. somebody better get him. he's too quick. get him. what, get him,. 41 yards to the house for the touchdown. camden won the game 27 to seven. lawrence at delran. it's a fumble. david cole picks it is up and fires it to tyler cunningham. salvage a touchdown. lawrence a winner twiny 26 to three. burlington township at moorestown. mike dee marino finds him for the touchdown. township won 26 to 15. boyertown at spring-ford. brandon lee crab to danny matthews. matthews waltzes in for the touchdown. springfield a winner. perkiomen valley at owen j robert. steven stahl finds justin jaworski for the touchdown. we go pro after the break. flyers opening training camp with an injury to the captain. those details and more on the eagles matchup against desean jackson and the skins that's coming up know that chasing performance and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. >> ♪ >> desean jackson is listed as questionable for sunday's game against the eagles. you know he's going to do everything within his power to put on a show at lincoln financial field against his former team. he's a problem but more problematic is washington's defense. sproles is the nfc offensive player of the week and shady the reigning rushing camp. in my one-on-one with shady mcit talked to me about darren sproles. i have the majority of it and he picks up the rest and did a great job and i'm lucky to have him because without darren right now we would be in some trouble. >> that complete interview with shady sunday morning 11:30 on sunday kickoff lesley van arsdale, merrill reese and i will be on the side line at the linc getting you ready for the game. phillies continue their west coast road trip tonight in oakland. the a's scored three times in the second inning and lead the fightans three to one in the sixth inning of play. flyers started training camp today. captain sustained a line in nor injury. claude giroux will miss time with a lower body injury. flyers open the regular season october 8 in boston. go get 'em. >> hey. they will hopefully and of course the return of hockey makes us think of fall. it is certainly feeling like fall out there. >> football, all of it, yeah. >> and it's looking like halloween as well. the popular attraction that's back in actio >> well, it is time to get into the spirit of the season. first, though, you may have heard of a sit-in but what about a knit-in. >> it's a unique way some people are giving back to the community in a big way. members of local churches senior centers other groups gathered at the philadelphia school district headquarters and spender several hours knitting things like blankets hats and gloves and what's so great all of the items will be given to children at the city's homeless shelters to be used this winter. >> they'll get a lot use out of that as we have gotten into the fall season. >> and we have a sure sign halloween is around the corner. the big haunted us house inside the walls of the old prison opened for the season. it's the most interactive show in the event's history with a brand new attraction called machine shop. looks pretty scary. i don't know. we may have brave that. we'll be right back. >> look at guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. >> we thank you for watching cbs3 "eyewitness news" at 11 o'clock. "eyewitness news" continues in the morning at 5:00. for beasley, kathy and all of us here at "eyewitness news," i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. stay connected all weekend long after the late show with david letterman is next with guest michael strayhan. have a great night and a great weekend. >> ♪ ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, creator or the slipper-sock, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs

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New York , United States , Burlington , Pennsylvania , Springfield , Philadelphia , Radnor , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Minnesota , Virginia , Syria , Dublin , Ireland , Washington , District Of Columbia , Monroe County , Merion , Haddonfield , New Jersey , Moorestown , Atlantic City , Center City , Whitemarsh , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Boyertown , Syrian , American , Danny Matthews , Ryan Stover , Merrill Reese , Roger Goodell , Baltimore Ray , Rosh Hashanah , Walter King , Randall Sol , Steven Stahl , Norman Edelman , Tyler Cunningham , Adrian Peterson , Paul Shaffer , David Cole , Beasley Kathy , Hannah Graham , Claude Giroux , Bryon Dixon , Kathy Orr , Khalil Williams , Nick Houser , Jack Wilson , Beasley Reece , Stephanie Stahl , John Sklar , Brandon Lee , Diana Rocco , Aaron Johnson , Chris Leighton , David Letterman , Mike Dee Marino , Justin Jaworski , Tom Ryan ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20140920 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20140920

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>> ♪ >> breaking news at 11 o'clock tonight, shots are fired and there are reports that police have surrounded a home with the suspected killer of a pennsylvania state trooper inside. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. matt rivers is live in the sat center with the breaking developments tonight. matt. >> reporter: chris and jessica the situation has gotten far more intense in just the hour or so. as cnn reports and as you mentioned eric frein believed to be surrounded inside a home. he barricaded himself inside that home after exchanging gunfire with law enforcement officials in the area. just after 9:00 p.m., law enforcement officials confirmed to "eyewitness news" that those shots were fired in the area police were searching. a local police official confirmed to cnn it is believed frein exchanged gunfire with police before barricading himself inside that home. that home not far from where he was living with his parents. it's not yet known if frein or any law enforcement officers were injured during that shootout. hundreds of law enforcers are involved in the search that has gone on for a week now. earlier this evening state police ordered people in price and barrett townships in monroe county to stay inside their homes as the hunt intensified. a temporary shelter for those people unable to return home has been set up in that area. last friday frein allegedly shot two pennsylvania state troopers killing corporal bryon dixon outside his state police barracks. he was put on the fbi's 10 most wanted list on thursday. so, this situation still very much developing, still ongoing in monroe county but it does appear that police are closing in on 31-year-old eric frein. still a very developing situation. we're going to stay on top of this as these events continue to unfold. for now live in the sat center matt rivers cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> matt thank you very much. the nfl commissioner says that he got it wrong on the domestic violence cases that have plunged the nfl into crisis but he says he will not resign. instead t-roger goodell announced in new york today that he is implementing a new domestic abuse and sexual assault policy for the league's 32 teams. he also pledged to set up a conduct committee and partner the nfl with two organizations that help victims of domestic violence. even though the commissioner is promising that change, he is still facing withering criticism. diana rocco is live at lincoln financial field with more. diana. >> reporter: chris, although roger goodell apologized today, many are still skeptical. he says he knows he can do better for this league and he will. well, tonight fans here at the linc and domestic violence groups across the region are hoping so. >> i got it wrong on a number of levels but now i will get it right. >> reporter: nfl commissioner roger goodell apologizing for his handling of player misconduct after weekly embarrassments in the league and promising to do a better job. >> it affects all of us. these are problems we are commitd to addressing. >> reporter: baltimore's ray rice was only suspended for two games after allegedly punching his wife in an elevator until the disturbing video surfaced two weeks ago and he was released. and minnesota's adrian peterson was allowed to play after allegedly abusing his four-year-old. >> they can't turn their head the other way. >> he obviously could have done a much better job and i don't think he's been honest from the beginning. >> he probably should resign. for $44 million you should have stepped up the first time. >> reporter: goodell has promised more education and changes to the nfl player conduct policy, also a partnership with two national domestic violence groups and an independent fbi investigator will review the's handling of prior incident but is it enough and should goodell have done more sooner. >> i think he's doing the right thing. he says he's going to be accountable, that he's going to provide leadership, that he's really going to work with these experts. >> reporter: jeanine says she's glad the conversation is finally being had. >> when violence happens in your home there is a huge ripple impact on the whole community. >> reporter: so, right now roger goodell says he has no plans to resign as the nfl's commissioner. he hopes these changes will be in place by the super bowl. we're live outside the linc tonight. i'm diana rocco, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> diana thank you very much. now, if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse there is always help available. this is the number for the national domestic abuse hotline. it's one-800-799-safe and it is open 24 hours a day. led to for a list of local agencies that can help as well. >> still no arrests in the attack on a same-sex couple in center city. investigators have questioned at least six people from the group seen in surveillance video. some tell police a different version of the story that the victims were the ones who instigated that fight on september 11th. federal officials are keeping an eye on the philadelphia police department's investigation. well, it might in the feel like it tonight but there is a weekend warmup on the way. meteorologist kathy orr is live outside on the cbs3 sky deck. kathy, there is a chill in the air tonight. >> there sure is and we're talking about warmup while i'm sitting out here with my coat. there is a bit of a breeze, temperatures are falling. we do have a few clouds out here but they'll be increasing overnight tonight and help those temperatures from bottoming out as much as they have the past couple of nights. take a look at storm scan3. we do have an easterly flow and that means we will be seeing more clouds moving into the delaware valley. high pressure has slid off the coast with a clockwise flow and that will drive the moisture inland and will start the -- we'll start the morning offer with some clouds that will eventually give way to some sun. right now philadelphia, 59. allentown 57, mount pocono 50, 60 in wilmington, 66 in wildwood where we do have clouds and fog moving in. during the day tomorrow clouds will give way to sun in philadelphia, 79. down the shore some morning clouds and fog, possibly a stray shower early, 76. the poconos morning fog, some afternoon sun. so, starting the weekend on a pleasant note but coming up we're going to be talking about conditions getting even warmer, especially on the last day of summer. there's the chance of rain. we'll time that out. plus the first week of fall begins on monday and right now it's looking positive. we'll take a look at that in the seven-day when i join you inside. >> that's good news. kathy thank you very much. tonight investigators continue trying to find out what caused this massive warehouse fire in the kensington section of philadelphia. this was an abandoned warehouse in the 2300 block of american street that caught fire about 2:30 this morning. the flames jumped from the warehouse to a neighboring paper storage facility. two firefighters suffered minor injuries here. one civilian was critically injured with burns to more than 80 percent of his body. >> the united states is poised to commit more resources in the fight against isis overseas. today president obama signed a measure that would arm and train syrian rebels who are already fighting the militant group. that was passed with bipartisan support in congress. military leaders say it could be another year before the rebels are properly trained and ready to fight. thousands of american forces are moving into west africa over the next 30 days. they will set up facilities and form training teams to help treat ebola victims. president obama has pledged 3,000 troops to that effort. the defense department has requested up to $1 billion for ebola response efforts. it is an iconic part of philadelphia's skyline, city hall's illuminated clock tower is now getting a modern makeover. "eyewitness news" received an exclusive look behind the clock tower. that's where work is under way to replace the clock's lighting with energy efficient led bulbs. those old bulbs needed to be replaced quite often. the new ones are expected to last for years. >> you can imagine if there's one or two lamps that are outweigh, way high up you're still climbing up there, you're still spending all that time just to change those two. >> the overhaul is part of a larger project to lower the city's energy consumption by 30 percent. >> well, the entero viruses continues to make its way across the country. we'll tell you where the latest cases are popping up. and using your breath to diagnose everything from asthma to heart disease. in the health watch how doctors are testing this new way to detect disease. >> meteorologist kathy orr is back inside and tracking the weekend warmth. her forecast for the end of summer and the beginning of fall just a few minutes away. and a south jersey town that's banned alcohol for more than 100 years is changing its tune. where you can now wine and dine. >> plus, we'll take you under the friday night lights. we've got the football frenzy. see if your school made the cut when "eyewitness news" continues. >> we have new developments tonight in the disappearance of that university of virginia student. police say that they have now talked to a man that they believe was in a bar with hannah graham on the night that she went missing. they say though they don't have enough information to arrest or detain the man even after searching his car and apartment. graham who is 18 years old was last seen by friends one week ago. >> the respiratory virus known as enterovirus 68 continues to spread. health officials say 22 states now have confirmed cases of the virus and new jersey is among the state's with the newest cases. symptoms include sneezing, a runny nose and a cough and most people will recover without any treatment. severe symptoms can can can develop in children, though, with asthma or a history of breathing problems. on the cbs3 health watch tonight, an amazing medical break through. using your breath to diagnose everything from asthma to cancer. three on your side health reporter stephanie stahl shows how doctors are testing a new way to detect danger. >> reporter: this experimental space age balloon may be the future of medical testing, something as simple as a patient's breath could be the key to detecting disease. >> i feel really good. >> reporter: pat is among the first to test the technology. it showed he had heart failure which had already been confirmed with traditional testing. >> not easy. >> reporter: the breath test could be easier and less expensive. >> anything in the hood that is potentially volatile at body temperature we can detect it in the breath. the limitation is because we didn't have the technology in the past. >> reporter: dr. dwelk says doctors detected heart failure with 100 percent accuracy. in another they used breath to detect lung cancer and helped doctors monitor how the patient was responding to treatment. >> the future of medical testing in general. we are just scratching the surface on the utility of breath testing in medical diagnosis. >> reporter: more research is still needed before these tests can replace body scans and biopsies but dr. norman edelman of the american lung association ace he's optimistic about the potential of this technology. >> we could screen many, many more people for lung cancer and probably save many, many more lives. >> reporter: pat who ended up with a pacemaker is impressed with how easy the breath test is. and doctors say if the testing pans out, it could be an easy way to sniff out other diseases including diabetes. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> for the first time in more than a century businesses in a south jersey town will now be able to sell alcohol. >> restaurants in haddonfield camden county now have the opportunity to offer bottles of wine to their guests. and it's all thanks to a 2012 new jersey law designed to promote the state's wineries. businesses even in dry towns can legally sell wine as long as they're partnered with those wineries. it's all part of an initiative to put the state's wineries on the map. >> most people are not sold yet that new jersey offers such an outstanding quality of wine. >> that new law allows for wineries to partner up with up to 15 businesses to sell their products. >> kathy, back insides now. little chilly out there tonight. >> yeah, it is. and it will be a cool start to the day tomorrow. little bit foggy so don't be surprised if you see that but then things are going to change by tomorrow afternoon and after that the sky is the limit literally for this weekend. we will have the peek of the summer heat for the last weekend of summer. take a look outside where we do have some patchy fog out there. down the shore we'll also have a little bit of drizzle. an easterly wind is going to keep it cool down the shore and a little bit damp as well. temperatures around the region have cooled down significantly. philadelphia 59, trenton 55, the poconos sitting at 50, atlantic city at the airport 64 degrees, reading 59. so, a lot of cool air in place and that will be changing as we work our way through tomorrow afternoon. but these temperatures much milder than they were last night at this time when we were falling through the 50's. clouds will help keep a tap on the temperature. easterly winds will provide the cloud cover. then two other players in our forecast, a cold front to the north and west, and a developing coastal storm that will keep moisture close to the coast over the next couple of days. so, high pressure building off the coast keeping it cool, 70's for saturday. but as that high moves farther away, winds become more southerly for saturday afternoon. we'll see some sunshine and warming temperatures into the upper 70's. then we get the squeeze play by these two systems. area of low pressure gets kicked out to see as this cold front approaches. that's the good news. but it will come close enough to provide clouds, also some drizzle down the shore sunday morning. then we'll warm it up into the 80's for the afternoon. the front swings through on sunday night with some showers. that will be the best chance of rain and then monday we clear it out again with plenty of sun but cooler temperatures in the 70's. here's a look at the future temperature. now, tomorrow morning we wake up to the 50's and some 60's. by the afternoon we're well into the 70's with sunshine with that southerly wind. then sunday morning we wake up to mild temperatures, mainly in the 60's but watch what happens. the last day of summer temperatures peaking along the i-95 corridor, even north and west looking at temperatures into the 80's. then we'll see a high pressure system settling in for the first week of fall. next week it will be sunny and dry but very comfortable. no big complaints. fall officially begins on monday evening at 10:29 and appropriately temperatures will only be in the lower 70's in the afternoon. overnight look for clouds to increase, it will be comfortable, the low 59 in the city. temperatures rising quickly. we'll be seeing highs near 80 degrees after some morning fog and incasing sunshine in the afternoon for your saturday. if you're lucky enough to have a ticket to the eagles game at the linc, kickoff time 1 o'clock, kickoff temperature 80 degrees with winds out of the southwest. who would ever have thought. and on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast the heat peeks sunday. monday much cooler, some 10 degrees cooler. the first full day of fall, 72 degrees for tuesday. wednesday rosh hashanah begins in the evening, it will be comfortable and it stays dry through thursday and friday. >> i like that kind of consist tense snee a seven-day forecast, don't you. >> very nice. >> we're nothing if not consistent around here for sure. kathy, thank you very much. all right time to check in with mr. beasley reece and. >> the friday football frenzy. whoo-hoo! >> ♪ [cheers and applause] >> it's time for the friday football frenzy. five, six, seven, eight, f-r-e-n-z-y radnor raiders. blue and white. take it away, beasley. >> all right, thanks a lot to the radnor cheerleaders for the kickoff. your town your team your kids on tv, it's time for the original friday football frenzy. we start with the pep talk as always from radnor head coach tom ryan. >> guys it's all about the team. team comes first, okay. you got a chance to do something, to be three and one. you got the to go out and take it. so let's go out and take this game. >> thanks a lot coach. featured game chichester at radnor and this one was a good one. first half chichester going for the end zone and check out the concentration by john sklar. tips an interception back to himself. let's go to the second half and watch locket with a move stride to the end zone for the touchdown. 15 seconds left in the game chris leighton finds jack wilson and jack is going to score but jack needs to keep his cool because he has to kick the game winning extra point. close finish here. radnor a winner, 16 to 15. how about mast because at lincoln. nick houser is going tofus aaron johnson. somebody needs to wrap this kid up. he does not respect arm took tackles. lincoln wins be wins 28 to 12. frankford and fels. randall sol lease is going to devon at any lee and devon at any lee is wide open. you can't get him. don't even try. he's too smooth. frankford won 39 to 14. >> frankford east, frankford west, it really doesn't matter >> that was smooth cheerleaders. central visiting southern. i love a nice pick. walter king with the big i and t right before the half. central won a first game 30-29. a banner man malfunction. the banner broke. ryan stover is going to keep this play alive. a great block that would be a penalty in the nfl. finds gary fields and gary is going to score. upper dublin a winner 28 to seven. upper merion visiting plymouth whitemarsh,. mobley acting like the old pro. acceleration into the interception. pw a winner 34 to 10. watch out for the super player. the super player is cool. get it tuba player. delta taking on camden and the run of the night belongs to khalil williams. somebody better get him. he's too quick. get him. what, get him,. 41 yards to the house for the touchdown. camden won the game 27 to seven. lawrence at delran. it's a fumble. david cole picks it is up and fires it to tyler cunningham. salvage a touchdown. lawrence a winner twiny 26 to three. burlington township at moorestown. mike dee marino finds him for the touchdown. township won 26 to 15. boyertown at spring-ford. brandon lee crab to danny matthews. matthews waltzes in for the touchdown. springfield a winner. perkiomen valley at owen j robert. steven stahl finds justin jaworski for the touchdown. we go pro after the break. flyers opening training camp with an injury to the captain. those details and more on the eagles matchup against desean jackson and the skins that's coming up know that chasing performance and fewer choices in retirement. know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. know the right financial planning can help you save for college and retirement. know where you stand with pnc total insight. a new investing and banking experience with personalized guidance and online tools. visit a branch, call or go online today. >> ♪ >> desean jackson is listed as questionable for sunday's game against the eagles. you know he's going to do everything within his power to put on a show at lincoln financial field against his former team. he's a problem but more problematic is washington's defense. sproles is the nfc offensive player of the week and shady the reigning rushing camp. in my one-on-one with shady mcit talked to me about darren sproles. i have the majority of it and he picks up the rest and did a great job and i'm lucky to have him because without darren right now we would be in some trouble. >> that complete interview with shady sunday morning 11:30 on sunday kickoff lesley van arsdale, merrill reese and i will be on the side line at the linc getting you ready for the game. phillies continue their west coast road trip tonight in oakland. the a's scored three times in the second inning and lead the fightans three to one in the sixth inning of play. flyers started training camp today. captain sustained a line in nor injury. claude giroux will miss time with a lower body injury. flyers open the regular season october 8 in boston. go get 'em. >> hey. they will hopefully and of course the return of hockey makes us think of fall. it is certainly feeling like fall out there. >> football, all of it, yeah. >> and it's looking like halloween as well. the popular attraction that's back in actio >> well, it is time to get into the spirit of the season. first, though, you may have heard of a sit-in but what about a knit-in. >> it's a unique way some people are giving back to the community in a big way. members of local churches senior centers other groups gathered at the philadelphia school district headquarters and spender several hours knitting things like blankets hats and gloves and what's so great all of the items will be given to children at the city's homeless shelters to be used this winter. >> they'll get a lot use out of that as we have gotten into the fall season. >> and we have a sure sign halloween is around the corner. the big haunted us house inside the walls of the old prison opened for the season. it's the most interactive show in the event's history with a brand new attraction called machine shop. looks pretty scary. i don't know. we may have brave that. we'll be right back. >> look at guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. >> we thank you for watching cbs3 "eyewitness news" at 11 o'clock. "eyewitness news" continues in the morning at 5:00. for beasley, kathy and all of us here at "eyewitness news," i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. stay connected all weekend long after the late show with david letterman is next with guest michael strayhan. have a great night and a great weekend. >> ♪ ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, creator or the slipper-sock, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs

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