Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170707

desperate to find jessica before any harm comes to her. >> she's really young. she's 12. anybody can easily grab her or try to get her to come. >> reporter: they're posting her picture around their neighborhood and near the library downtown where jessica's mom came to pick her up just before 6:00 wednesday evening. they argued and jessica went back inside to get something she said she forgot but a staffer saw her leave instead out the library's backdoors. >> jessica never showed back up and mom goes in and finds out that she's gone. >> reporter: gone in the direction of mcdonald avenue and 23rd street, notorious for drug and sex trafficking. and no place for an 8th grader alone. >> whatever it is she thinks she's going to be in trouble for, it's nothing compared to what could happen out in the streets. i think she's a good girl. maybe a little bit naive and that's even more concerning for us. >> reporter: with their son translating, the padillas say jessica is the middle of 5 children and has never been in trouble or run away. she's been going to the library she said to work on a summer project. in the room jessica shares with her sisters, her clothes are all here and so are her laptop and tablet supposed to be used only for school. her dad took her cell phone away so right now jessica has no electronic footprint to track. >> he said he took the phone away for like two months because he saw that most of the day she spends it on social media so it was glued to her. >> reporter: jessica's mom has barely slept, walking richmond with posters and driving around looking. >> i let my coworkers know. >> reporter: she wants her daughter to know all they care about now is getting her home safely. >> if she's seeing this, she wants her to come back to us. she's really sad. >> jessica padilla is on snapchat and instagram but her brother says she's not been active at all and of course they've checked with all of her friends. richmond police have also looked at all the businesses in that corridor that would have security cameras but so far no surveillance video shows jessica walking on the street. >> debora villalon in richmond. let's hope someone sees her, someone finds her and that she's safe. stay with ktvu for continuing coverage on this developing story. we'll check back in with debora villalon on the 11:00 news. we're also posting any updates on happening now, a power outage in marin county affecting thousands of homes and businesses tonight. marin county fire tells us it started with a fire in an underground vault off lucas valley road near highway 101 in san rafael. the outage was reported at about 8:30. pg&e says it's affecting 7200 customers in novato and san rafael. it's hoping power can be restored by 11:30 tonight. the suspect in the hit-and-run crash that killed two young brothers in concord was arraigned today on murder charges from his hospital bed. lemuel wilson, jr. faces two counts of murder as well as driving under the influence and hit-and-run charges. he did not enter a plea. wilson is accused of crashing his van in to an suv last friday and running from the scene. the woman behind the wheel of that suv was injured. her 5- and 10-year-old sons were killed, and her 3-month-old baby boy remains in critical condition. >> when somebody intentionally commits an act which they know is inherently dangerous to human life and they do that act anyway and somebody dies, it's called implied malice and that's the theory upon which somebody can be charged with murder. >> wilson's bail is set at $2 million. his next court date is in two weeks. he'll appear by person or video conference, depending on his medical condition. new the south bay where santa clara police are investigating a shooting in a quiet neighborhood. it's a shooting that critically injured a teenage driver. we get new information now from ktvu's azenith smith live at police headquarters. police say the boy is in grave condition tonight. >> that's right. it's surprising no one else was hit. neighbors say they heard several gunshots. police tell us they have no witnesses, no suspects, no motive, a crime they call baffling. >> reporter: this is where a bullet hit the side of a van, another neighbor's windshield also hit. gunfire erupted in this quiet santa clara neighborhood wednesday night. >> i heard about five or six shots and then a big loud thump and then when i looked out the window, someone was shining a light on it. police could hear them coming from just about everywhere. >> reporter: police say around 10:45 in the evening at the intersection of brookdale and bing drives, an officer patrolling the area heard what he thought were illegal fireworks. turns out it was gunshots. when he went to investigate, he stumbled upon a car that crashed in to a man. inside that car, a young man shot, slumped over the wheel. this neighbor who asked not to be identified saw the victim. >> tires were spinning. passenger door flung open. i walked up to see what was going on and the driver of the car seemed more or less unconscious and when i realized there was bullet holes in the window. >> reporter: divots on the street created from the victim's spinning tires. police markings show where four shell casings were found on the ground. >> we believe at this point it was not a drive-by, just based off of the placement of the shot or the round itself, we believe the shooter was outside of the vehicle. >> police say the victim, 17 years old from san jose, was rushed to the hospital with a life-threatening wound. police are now investigating the connection between the shooter and the victim and a motive. >> we're trying to figure out why on this street, why last night, why in the city of santa clara. as you guys can tell this is a large puzzle and we might have five pieces so far of a thousand-piece puzzle. >> reporter: in a shooting of little violence, only one other shooting this year. an officer involved shooting. >> he could have got shot. so yeah, it's concerning. >> again, police do not have a suspect description so they're relying on the public's help, especially if anyone has video footage. live in santa clara, i'm azenith smith, ktvu fox 2 news. now to san francisco where a jury returned guilty verdicts today, convicting a man of killing two jewelry store clerks in a violent rampage four years ago. they found 27-year-old barry white of antioch guilty of 16 felony counts including first degree murder and one count of attempted murder. the charges stem from a confrontation inside the jewelry mart on brandon street. white was convicted of six other counts of attempted murder for opening fire on the san francisco police officer who responded to the jewelry store crimes. >> thankfully the jury saw through that and did the right thing, not only on behalf of the civilian victims but the six san francisco police officers that almost died that day. >> barry was a young kid and now his life is changed forever. so it's a tragedy all the way around. >> prosecutors say white went on a violent rampage because he felt one of the jewelry store clerks had shortchanged him on a gold necklace he had just purchased. in hamburg, germany thousands of protesters remained in the streets overnight, sounding off against the g20 summit of industrialized countries. you could see demonstrators lighting street fires. police tried to break up the crowds. more than 100,000 demonstrators are expected when the summit kicks off a few hours from now. it will include the first face to face meeting between president trump and russian president vladimir putin. fox news lauren blanchard is in the capitol tonight with the president's mission overseas. >> as president trump and other world leaders touchdown in germany ahead of the g20 summit, protesters are already in the streets with thousands more expected. >> reporter: police using water canons and teargas on anti-capital almost activists in hamburg, germany today after protests turned violent thursday afternoon. police say more than 10,000 people rallied miles away from where the g20 summit is set to begin tomorrow, warning there could be as many as 100,000 demonstrators over the two-day summit. >> this is a protest against capitalism, against our world system. this has almost gotten to the level of an organized crime. >> reporter: while the leaders of the world's largest nations are expected to talk about threats posed by north korea, they'll also be tackling issues like terrorism, trade, and climate change. something president trump has clashed with other european leaders over, especially german chancellor angela merkel, who he privately met with earlier today. this as vice president mike pence says the president will be putting the world on notice. >> president trump is going to put america first. in diplomatic terms and economic terms. >> reporter: it was a busy day for president trump as he began with a speech in warsaw, poland, then a dinner in germany with leaders of japan and south korea, where mr. trump was asked if he had given up working with the chinese to get north korea under control. >> never give up. >> and tomorrow will be another full day for president trump as he attends a retreat with the other g20 leaders. and later attends a number of working lunches expected to focus on global growth and trade but all eyes will be on that highly anticipated face to face meeting between russian president vladimir putin and president trump. >> lauren blanchard in dc tonight. thank you. a federal judge in hawaii today left in place the trump administration's travel ban on people from six majority muslim countries. the judge denied a motion, asking him to clarify what the supreme court meant by a bona fide relationship. the judge said the relationship question would be better posed to the u.s. supreme court. coming up, a bay area babysitting agency accused of failing to pay its workers. at 10:30, our 2 investigates report on how the flames could turn in to criminal charges. >> what is going on? that's what i want to know. >> and we're tracking the heat. got hot inland. upper 90s. tomorrow triple digits in the bay area. i'll let you know how long it lasts and what the weekend is going to look like. >> a state crackdown on businesses here in oakland and los angeles. what inspectors are looking for and the fines some merchants were forced to pay. new at 10:00 tonight, east bay businesses fined by the state after inspectors say dangerous items were found on their store shelves. the state department of toxic substance control said it found dangerous levels of lead and cadmium in costume jewelry. eight stores in oakland were cited. >> we visited four of the small retailers, two in oakland's chinatown and two in international boulevard in east oakland. all tell me they've been targeted unfairly. >> reporter: kv discount's owners say they've been in business for 20 years. they tell me state inspectors mailed them a notification a few months ago that their store was selling children's hair clips containing lead and cadmium. they say inspectors informed them that nine pieces they were selling tested for dangerous levels of the toxins and the state fined them $1300. the couple says they bought the items from a wholesaler in san jose. >> i can't sleep at all because i'm just thinking nobody can tell me about this. so how do i know what's going on? >> reporter: state law prohibits the manufacturer, shipping, and sale of costume jewelry and accessories that contain excessive amounts of lead or cadmium. the department of toxic substances control says retailers are required to obtain certifications from suppliers that all jewelry and its components are within the law. >> reporter: she showed me where the hair clips were displayed, but said she no longer carries them after learning they are toxic. a few blocks away, the owner also says state inspectors came to her store. she showed me where the hair accessories were displayed. she says the inspectors removed the items and fined her $750. we went to two other stores in east oakland that state officials also took enforcement action against. the owners were not there. she said she would have never sold the items had she known about the toxins and had used the hair clips on her own grandchildren. >> now i know, i stop. >> a spokesman for the department of toxic substances says this enforcement program has also previously targeted big box stores. but he says these types of noncompliant items are most often found in smaller retailers. the agency plans to provide more information by holding two community meetings in oakland on july 13th and 20th. >> amber, thank you. now to san jose where a mountain lion sighting has prompted the closure of a trail and road in alam rock park. they've had several cars in recent days from people saying they saw a mountain lion. a park manager took this video of a mountain lion, see it in the middle of the screen, roaming near the south rim trail and one way road. that led to the decision today to shut down both the trail and the road in the interest of public safety. >> the department after consultation with the california department of fish and wildlife decided to go ahead and close the trail and the one-way road in its connecters out of an abundance of caution due to recurrent mountain lion sightings on the trail over the last seven to 10 days. >> that trail and road will be closed again tomorrow. park rangers say they plan to re-assess the mountain lion danger on saturday and could extend those closures. several san jose families who lost homes and possessions in last february's coyote creek flood are now filing legal claims seeking damages. they blame the city, the county, and their local water district for failing to protect their neighborhoods. >> they need to take the steps to be sure this never happens again and address the claims and take them seriously. >> reporter: victims gathered in rock springs park to put city, county, and water district officials on notice. the first step before firing a barrage of legal action is being taken with the filing of damage claims. >> i think this was preventable and we've seen a lot of evidence that it was. we need to hold the district and city to account. >> reporter: a late february downpour became a fight for survival for over 500 south bay households. a release of water sent thousands of gallons in to the coyote creek. the result, chest high flood waters swallowed three neighborhoods, causing millions of dollars in damage. >> with us paying our taxes to prevent floods and the city not having a warning system in place, hopefully that will change. hoping this will bring about change. >> claimants want restitution for the loss of their property. a structured negotiation is one option. they e-mailed a response, quote, our hearts go out to everyone who was impacted and the district will give each claim due consideration. san jose city spokesperson. >> the city received the claims yesterday and our attorney's office is going to review those and that's all we can really say at this point. >> reporter: they gathered here, hope reason will trump legal strategy, allowing those most impacted to take the next step forward toward being made whole. >> hopefully get some closure that we're on top of the problems rather than kicking them down the road. >> there are two more informational meetings for people interested in learning how they can file a claim. one is on the 15th, the other the 22nd. the deadline for filing, august 18th, about six months after the fact. ktvu fox 2 news. there are several wildfires burning across the region tonight including one in yolo county that's grown in size since our earlier newscast. >> cal fire says the fire is burning southwest of winters and has burned at least a thousand acres, up from 250 acres earlier tonight. cal fire has doubled the number of firefighters, 500 are now battling the fire. at this hour the fire is only 15% contained. the area is predominantly farmland and open fields east of lake berryessa. some mandatory evacuations have been ordered. also the fire has shut down a portion of highway 128 at pleasant valley road. closer to home, a grass fire damaged a vineyard and destroyed a barn in south livermore. the fire was reported shortly before 2:00 this afternoon near the intersection of east vineyard avenue. there were no reports of injuries and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. in sasoon city, a fire was reported just after 4:00 this afternoon in a neighborhood off bella vista drive. crews were able to keep the flames from spreading to nearby homes. heating up out there. you might have noticed it this afternoon. highs went up a few degrees. upper 90s today. couple 100s. sacramento, 102. 103 today downtown. tomorrow we could see triple-digit heat in our inland bay valleys as the air continues to sink and the high not building in out here, but a high building in in this area. working its way west. when that happens it really bakes the central valley but we'll be warm in the bay, but it will sort of balance out, all the heat is going to be on this side. anything inside the bay range of east bay hills is going to be relatively reasonable. you've got the clayton, danville, up to napa and calistoga, it's going to be hot. 74 in fairfield. 80 in concord. that's right now. 6 degrees warmer in concord. it's pinched down, not a big flush of cool air. the golden gate bridge, how often at night do you see it clear like this? when i come back, we'll talk about tomorrow's temperatures which are going to be believe it or not warmer or hotter if you will than today inland. hundreds of gallons of gas stolen from a north bay bus yard. >> definitely a big hit. quite a bit of fuel. >> coming up, the search for two suspects spotted at the scene. >> the r as enjoyed sparkling defense tonight as they tried to win their third in a row. there's a place like no other... where a walk down main street... where a walk down main street... blah blah blah .. hey! the name's rocket and i need your help! the collector has trapped my friends, the guardians of the galaxy in this weird...freakshow... check it out...this is the joint we're in... and we need you to help us break out! got it? move it!...i gotta go! there is magic for days! ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer today and get up to $4,500 in allowances. new at 10:00, sonoma county health officials have closed the beach on the russian river to all swimming, wading, and other water activities. they posted signs warning of contaminated water after recent tests showed e. coli levels above state safety standards. the beach closure comes after a very busy holiday weekend at the beach between the river west of guerneville. tests show none of the other russian river beaches showed signs of contamination. in novato police are looking for a man and woman who stole more than a thousand gallons of diesel fuel from a bus yard. as ktvu's rob roth tells us, investigators were tipped off by a night custodian who took photos of the culprits. >> reporter: here in this school bus yard off the beaten path part of novato, police say a man and woman cut through a chain link fence and siphoned diesel from an underground storage tank last night before speeding off. >> it's definitely a big hit. it's quite a bit of fuel. >> reporter: the theft was interrupted by a custodian working the night shift. he saw two people siphoning the fuel in to tanks and began taking pictures which he forwarded to police. in one you can see a woman in the van's passenger seat. >> he came in thinking it was possibly one of the drivers, 11:00 at night, notice the truck there and that this line was coming out of the back of the truck. pretty unique or unusual because i've never seen a truck show up and they obviously already had pumping equipment and some kind of storage apparatus in the back of it. >> reporter: police say the license plates may be stolen, but one of the van's identifying features are the words automatic ac seats 3. >> cut the lock on a chain link fence, drive in there and start siphoning diesel, especially from a school district. >> the school district says the 1250 gallons of diesel is about a three-day fuel supply worth about $3,000. the diesel is used to power the district's fleet of school buses and some maintenance trucks. >> it's really disappointing that these kind of people would steal from the school district and the students but also happy that nobody was injured. >> reporter: the school district has no security cameras in the yard but they say that's likely to soon change. rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. a bay area babysitting agency accused of failing to pay its workers. >> there might actually be some sort of fraud issue happening. >> our 2 investigates report on how the claims could turn in to criminal charges. >> plus, more proof about just how tough it is to get in to a uc school. details on an admissions report released today. >> and later, a copy of an infamous piece of graffiti art reappears in the same spot it was removed from seven years ago. a san francisco babysitting agency at the center of a nationwide scandal. >> i learned it's not just san francisco, not just me, there are dozens of people that haven't been paid. >> reporter: tens of thousands of dollars unaccounted for and now a criminal investigation. >> by a show of hands, who here feels like they were ripped off by this company? >> 2 investigates has learned the san francisco district attorney's office is actively investigating the babysitting company wonder sitter for failing to pay its workers. >> investigative reporter candace here with more on how this could result in criminal charges. >> it's based here in san francisco but operates in 13 different cities across the country. we're hearing from sitters who say they're owed thousands in backed wages and the d.a.'s office believes there are more victims out there who need to come forward. >> i'm from a big family. i've been around kids all my life. >> reporter: suzanne says with her background, it seemed like the perfect part-time job. >> i was in college at the time. two interviews, a background check. >> reporter: after those few steps, holten says she found herself as the newest employee of wonder sitter. it's a san francisco-based agency that helps parents find sitters and sitters find jobs. holten says the gig was great until she started getting paid late by the company and then stopped getting paid all together. >> i'm e-mailing them saying i can't make rent if i don't get this money. there was a new story in baltimore and i kind of stumbled upon it and heard about the facebook group. >> reporter: a facebook group entitled sitters unpaid by wondersitter. a quick look and holton learned she wasn't alone. 2 investigates found sitters from around the country. san francisco, seattle, baltimore, new york and more. documenting how much money they say wondersitter owes them. anywhere from a few hundred to more than $4,000 each. the total amount, more than $80,000 and growing. >> by a show of hands, who here feels like they were ripped off by this company? >> reporter: what started as a facebook group turned in to a meeting in san francisco. young working women coming together. >> i'm a teacher in the bay area. >> i'm currently a graduate student at san francisco state. >> reporter: some doing investigative work themselves. >> we checked their llc compliance forms that you need to file every year through the state of california. when i saw they hadn't filed papers since 2009, i thought there might actually be some sort of fraud issue happening. >> reporter: two investigates confirmed wonder sitter's franchise tax board status has been suspended for three years now. tax officials say the agency failed to file tax returns or pay taxes. >> what is going on? that's what i want to know. that's what she would never share. >> you sound angry. >> i am angry. >> reporter: for weeks, 2 investigates tried to get answers. >> this is ktvu. just wanted to get your side of the story. >> reporter: during that visit, she called the police. the officer said she had previously reported receiving death threats. but with questions still unanswered, we caught up with her outside her home. a question she literally ran from. >> do you guys think you're going to get your money back? >> i hope so. i will get my money backed. >> reporter: determined and now united, these employees say they're working to regain trust also broken between them and the families. >> you build relationships with these families and their children and it's a safety issue as well. they trust you with their children. >> they have money in that business that they're probably not getting back. >> reporter: holton says until there are answers, she'll still wonder about wondersitter. >> how can you do this to all these people then lie to everyone's faces? >> reporter: the san francisco district attorney's office is asking for unpaid sitters to call them and help in this investigation. we have their number on our website. since we started investigating, a handful of babysitters say they received small checks from wondersitter, but most of the women we spoke to are still waiting for their money. >> it seems like there were red flags before. could regulators done more do you think to have prevented this? >> we understand there's a franchise tax board that has a criminal investigation division and how they explained it to us, it takes cases when they're alerted of possible fraud from victims in the public. however, they don't have a group of people who proactively go out there and investigate every business in their operations just because they didn't file their taxes. they say it's up to that individual to do their homework before getting involved. >> where did all the money go? >> the one question we were trying to ask, the person in charge of wondersitter, we asked her where's the money? she said no comment and obviously did not want to answer our questions. we're still waiting for a response. just her side of the story, where's the money? >> and they're still doing business? >> at this point they're still online. yeah. if you have a tip for our 2 investigates team, e-mail [email protected] or give us a call at 510-874-0222. up next, a lot of activities planned for the weekend. we'll have your weekend watch after the break. >> plus, progress for a san jose earthquakes player who nearly drowned in lake tahoe on the fourth of july. >> we've got that forecast that includes a bunch of heat in the inland valley. we'll talk about some of the fires that did burn today and how much longer the heat is sticking around. a player for the san jose earthquakes soccer team who nearly drowned in lake tahoe awoke from a coma today. silver had been on loan to the quakes from reno. tuesday he went swimming with friends at lake tahoe. the water was cold and he swam to some buoys offshore. on the way back he got in to distress and when his teammates pulled him from the water he was not breathing and had no pulse. a bystander performed cpr and revived him but he remained in a coma till today when the team says he woke up and is fully responsive. silva is expected to start physical therapy tomorrow. admissions data released today by the university of california shows how tough it is to be accepted in to the uc system. take uc berkeley, for example. they received more than 100,000 applicants this year and only offered admission to 9,715 students. overall 210,000 students applied to the nine uc campuses offering undergraduate campuses. uc offered admission to 106,000 freshmen and another 24,000 transfer students. 69,000 of the incoming freshman are california residents. uc officials say they're still on track to add more californians to the student body over the course of several years, pointing out admissions of instate students was up by 15% last year alone. there are plenty of summertime activities taking place around the bay area this weekend as well as one big event for a very good cause. ktvu's rosemary orozco has our weekend watch. >> we're almost to the weekend and here's what's happening around the bay area in san francisco, be part of the avon 39 breast cancer walk this weekend happening saturday and sunday. on the peninsula, enjoy the palo alto clay and glass festival which includes food booths, demoes, and activities at the palo alto arts center. in the east bay it's the last weekend of the alameda county fair running through sunday. you can also enjoy the food festival in fremont, complete with carnival rides and shopping. in the south bay, head to reed airport for hot san jose nights airport day and steam festival. airplanes, military equipment, cars and robotics will mix with live music and vendors. the event is free but you're being asked to bring canned goods for the second harvest food bank. or celebrate reggae culture at the island reggae festival at santa clara county fairgrounds in san jose on saturday. in the north bay, head to sonoma on saturday for the wine and dixieland jazz festival. spend the day with live music, food and wine available for purchase. guests are welcome to bring a picnic. last stop, petaluma for the sixth annual wine country big q barbecue competition and festival at the sonoma marin fairgrounds. sample barbecued meats, wines, and desserts while enjoying live music. in sports, as are on the road, giants are at home. i'm rosemary orozco and that's your weekend watch. the rat is back. a piece of graffiti art returns to san francisco seven years after it was removed. >> it's a nice little reminder too of, like, a time when the city was a lot different. >> up next, who put it there and where the original art is now. >> plus, our chief meteorologist bill martin with the friday forecast and a look at the weekend ahead. ♪ what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. a piece of graffiti art known to many as the hate street rat popped up in san francisco this week in the exact spot where it was removed seven years ago. >> ktvu's tara moriarty tells us who put up the replacement and what happened to the original which now could be worth more than $1 million. >> reporter: it's whipped up a photo taking frenzy. >> i had to take a picture. >> it's a nice reminder too of, like, a time when the city was a lot different. >> it's definitely kind of associated with patriotism in its own way. >> reporter: the hate street rat gone for seven years, it mysteriously appeared overnight. the work of these graffiti artists. >> like a little socialist rat. >> reporter: the original was spray painted and stenciled on the side of the red victorian by anonymous street art superstar banksy. it's the subject of a new documentary called "saving banksy" on netflix. >> i just want to save one of them so the city can enjoy it for more than 48 hours. >> reporter: in an effort to preserve the piece which would have been painted over to comply with city graffiti arts, self-described art freak brian bought it. crews ripped off the splats the rat was painted on. it now hangs in union square. >> it's been wonderful to see the expressions on people's faces as they get close to an original banksy. >> reporter: a private collector has offered him $1.7 million for the rat but he wants to donate it to a museum so the public can enjoy it. getting a museum to bite has been tricky and has sparked controversy about whether street art should stay where it was created, albeit temporary, generating a discussion about politics the way banksy intended. >> not very in your face. he makes you come to the conclusion on your own. i think that's what makes it powerful. >> if you'd like to see the hate street rat it's still on display through the end of the month. then it goes to a library in terahaute, indiana then three canadian cities before coming back here. tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. high temperatures today kind of got up there. especially inland, around the bay not hot but certainly warm but inland it got hot. 99 in fairfield. 97 in antioch. and 97 in livermore. the forecast really is for more of this. this heat coming out of the desert southwest is going to keep creeping in. what that does effectively is it really heats up the valley. that's where the big numbers came from. for us we still have a slight onshore flow so bay and coast going to stay kind of like it was today. maybe a little bit warm. 70s, 80s for the most part. but inland it's hot. no question about it and it will be hot. tomorrow will probably be the hottest day of the week. you can see that cut off here too. still 74 in fairfield. around here, that's where the sea breeze is where the 60s are. there will be not much of a sea breeze tonight. it's going to stay around the bay. you can see the winds are light and variable for this time of night. look at sfo. 15 miles per hour sustained. that's light. i expect it to be 18 or 20. what's missing here? that's the fog that's not present at the golden gate bridge. there's some fog showing up outside of pacifica but very patchy. it will be back tomorrow morning and with that said, the temperatures tomorrow, warmest of the week. and then they trend down on saturday and sunday a little bit and then they heat right back up monday, tuesday, wednesday next week. i'll show you what i mean. so if you look at the forecast for livermore, tomorrow, today, wednesday, today was about upper 90s. friday will be near 100. cools a little bit on saturday. so my point is the inland valleys aren't cooling that much. sunday it's back up to 103 and 106 on monday. away from the bay, it's going to be hot in the inland bay valleys and air quality will not be so great. here's the forecast for tomorrow. 98 in clear lake. 98 in vacaville. this could easily be 100s. this is what i'm forecasting for antioch by the airport there, small airport. but if you have concrete around you, you're 100 easy. 85 in milpitas. 97, morgan hill. 77 in santa cruz. fog along the coast. friday, long week for many or long vacation week i hope for you. weekend looks good. going to be a little bit cooler inland. thing to note here, it stays pretty hot in some of the inland bay valleys but the coast and base mellows out quite a bit. when we come back we'll talk more about the long range forecast and the concern for fires as we move in to this next hot spell. earthquake experts with the u.s. geological survey say they've discovered something new about the hayward fault. it's one of the bay area's major fault lines. now new research shows the hayward fault may actually join up with another fault in the north bay and experts say together the hayward and rogers creeks faults could produce a magnitude 7.4 quake. that would be five times stronger than the loma quake in 1989. coming up on the 11:00 news, a family's desperate search for a 12-year-old girl who's been missing for more than a day. an update on the efforts to find her. >> up next in sports, the as are back on the road up in seattle battling the mariners. you know what i could go for right now? hmmm some sweet barbeque. (over speaker) - or spicy! we got a craving! go go go!!! crashing cravings in the crave van. jack's gonna crash your crave! here, try my barbeque bacon cheeseburger with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce topped with bacon and onion rings. thanks jack. ha ha! piece of cake. oh, jack! you crave it, we serve it. my new sweet or spicy barbeque bacon cheeseburger and chicken sandwich. crave van! during the break, mark was saying you've got to see this play with the as, the center fielder on the as has like a rocket arm. >> it's good stuff. at this point of the season, neither team is going to be playing in october. so you just hope they can provide a little entertainment and that the as did on a night where their manager bob melvin secures the 500th win of his managerial career. number 4 on the all time athletics list. cute kid. as fan. even in the great northwest. up in seattle. and the as put up 3 in the 1st inning. jed lowrie in to the shadows. deep and just about out of here. high off the wall. goes for a two-run double and an early 3-0 lead for young, paul blackmon. he was born in antioch, went to heritage high in brentwood and he had it going on tonight with some help. this is the play i'm talking about. look at jacob brugman, all the way from pretty medium deep center field. on a line. and mitch haniger is like, how does that happen? gone in a big way. just like this swing off the bat of the as' kd, their most valuable player tonight, kris davis. 6-0 lead. they hang on. blackburn went 7 and 2/3rds, allowed only one run for his first big league victory. as the giants lose in detroit, really nothing is going to wipe out the memory of what they did in detroit city back in 2012. so meaning a loss tonight doesn't wipe out that memory at all, although chris will never forget it. he came in relief for johnny cueto who couldn't start because he had an ear infection. statin was pretty good. miguel cabrera gets to him for an early single. 1-0 lead. here's the play that pretty much did him in. dixon machado. 146 plate appearances in his brief career. that's the first time he's hit the ball out of the yard. two-run shot. stratton, however, gets congratulations from his teammates. six and 2/3rds. gave up five runs. still apparently worthy of fist bumps. joe panik, by the way, i don't know about this cameraman, you be the judge. he might not be ready for the big leagues. you'd never know it by this shot but joe panik hit it in to the right field corner. that goes for a triple, knocks in a run. one of only five hits for the giants. anibal sanchez, his first win, which did not thrill that young lady in the stands in detroit today. interesting golf stuff going on back east. phil mickelson making an appearance today in the greenbriar golf classic and the first appearance for him without his caddy of 25 years. bones mckay. instead it was his brother tim carrying the bag and 9 iron. par 4 on number 11. mickelson, despite this shot that goes in to the gallery and lands on the noggin of that young man shoots a 3 under 67. six off the pace. receives a handshake and glove from mickelson who gets back to business, sinks the putt. still feeling a little guilty. still icing his head with a water bottle but gets a ball as well. we've come to that point of the evening where we must check this out. some of the superior plays from tonight. the indians center fielder bradley zimmerman misjudged the ball but recovers and makes a beautiful diving catch in chicago. drive to deep left center field. the brewers' keon broxton broke his wrist on a play just like that last year. this time hanging on to the ball. watch him. it looks like he kind of recovers, gets to his feet and chastises the ivy. you broke my wrist last year. josh donaldson, fantastic play to be truly appreciated. you've got to take a look at it in slo-mo. from his knees. that's a big time arm as we move now from the big leagues to sweden where a young moose decides to -- >> where do you find this? >> it chases this innocent golfer around. i think the young moose just wants to play. [ laughter ] but the golfer takes off. i don't think his life was in danger. the guy shooting that on his phone was actually laughing the whole time. that's over in sweden. beautiful stuff. that's the sporting live for tonight. it's 11:00 and time for more news with frank and julie. a family's plea for help in locating a missing 12-year-old girl in the east bay. she vanished after an argument with her mother. tonight that family in richmond is facing a second night without their daughter. hello again, everyone, i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. jessica padilla's mother tells us she's beyond worried and needs any help she can get for her daughter's safe return. more on this developing news from ktvu's debora villalon. she's at richmond police headquarters tonight. any change in the past hour? >> no, and this is a girl with no history of running away. so police say even though it appears she did take off on her own, not knowing what happened next is alarming. >> we were wondering if you can maybe let us put this on your window. it's my little sister. she went missing yesterday. >> reporter: the padilla family has done nothing but search for 24 hours, desperate to find jessica before any harm comes to her. >> she's really young. she's 12. anybody can easily grab her. >> reporter: they're posting her picture around their neighborhood and around the library downtown where jessica's mom came to pick her up just before 6:00 wednesday evening. they argued and jessica went back inside to get something she said she forgot but a staffer saw her leave instead at the library's backdoors. >> jessica never showed back up and mom goes in and finds out that she's gone. >> reporter: gone in the direction of mcdonald avenue and 23rd street, notorious for drug and sex trafficking. and no place for an 8th grader alone. >> maybe a little bit naive. whatever it is she thinks she's going to be in trouble for, it's nothing compared to what could

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desperate to find jessica before any harm comes to her. >> she's really young. she's 12. anybody can easily grab her or try to get her to come. >> reporter: they're posting her picture around their neighborhood and near the library downtown where jessica's mom came to pick her up just before 6:00 wednesday evening. they argued and jessica went back inside to get something she said she forgot but a staffer saw her leave instead out the library's backdoors. >> jessica never showed back up and mom goes in and finds out that she's gone. >> reporter: gone in the direction of mcdonald avenue and 23rd street, notorious for drug and sex trafficking. and no place for an 8th grader alone. >> whatever it is she thinks she's going to be in trouble for, it's nothing compared to what could happen out in the streets. i think she's a good girl. maybe a little bit naive and that's even more concerning for us. >> reporter: with their son translating, the padillas say jessica is the middle of 5 children and has never been in trouble or run away. she's been going to the library she said to work on a summer project. in the room jessica shares with her sisters, her clothes are all here and so are her laptop and tablet supposed to be used only for school. her dad took her cell phone away so right now jessica has no electronic footprint to track. >> he said he took the phone away for like two months because he saw that most of the day she spends it on social media so it was glued to her. >> reporter: jessica's mom has barely slept, walking richmond with posters and driving around looking. >> i let my coworkers know. >> reporter: she wants her daughter to know all they care about now is getting her home safely. >> if she's seeing this, she wants her to come back to us. she's really sad. >> jessica padilla is on snapchat and instagram but her brother says she's not been active at all and of course they've checked with all of her friends. richmond police have also looked at all the businesses in that corridor that would have security cameras but so far no surveillance video shows jessica walking on the street. >> debora villalon in richmond. let's hope someone sees her, someone finds her and that she's safe. stay with ktvu for continuing coverage on this developing story. we'll check back in with debora villalon on the 11:00 news. we're also posting any updates on happening now, a power outage in marin county affecting thousands of homes and businesses tonight. marin county fire tells us it started with a fire in an underground vault off lucas valley road near highway 101 in san rafael. the outage was reported at about 8:30. pg&e says it's affecting 7200 customers in novato and san rafael. it's hoping power can be restored by 11:30 tonight. the suspect in the hit-and-run crash that killed two young brothers in concord was arraigned today on murder charges from his hospital bed. lemuel wilson, jr. faces two counts of murder as well as driving under the influence and hit-and-run charges. he did not enter a plea. wilson is accused of crashing his van in to an suv last friday and running from the scene. the woman behind the wheel of that suv was injured. her 5- and 10-year-old sons were killed, and her 3-month-old baby boy remains in critical condition. >> when somebody intentionally commits an act which they know is inherently dangerous to human life and they do that act anyway and somebody dies, it's called implied malice and that's the theory upon which somebody can be charged with murder. >> wilson's bail is set at $2 million. his next court date is in two weeks. he'll appear by person or video conference, depending on his medical condition. new the south bay where santa clara police are investigating a shooting in a quiet neighborhood. it's a shooting that critically injured a teenage driver. we get new information now from ktvu's azenith smith live at police headquarters. police say the boy is in grave condition tonight. >> that's right. it's surprising no one else was hit. neighbors say they heard several gunshots. police tell us they have no witnesses, no suspects, no motive, a crime they call baffling. >> reporter: this is where a bullet hit the side of a van, another neighbor's windshield also hit. gunfire erupted in this quiet santa clara neighborhood wednesday night. >> i heard about five or six shots and then a big loud thump and then when i looked out the window, someone was shining a light on it. police could hear them coming from just about everywhere. >> reporter: police say around 10:45 in the evening at the intersection of brookdale and bing drives, an officer patrolling the area heard what he thought were illegal fireworks. turns out it was gunshots. when he went to investigate, he stumbled upon a car that crashed in to a man. inside that car, a young man shot, slumped over the wheel. this neighbor who asked not to be identified saw the victim. >> tires were spinning. passenger door flung open. i walked up to see what was going on and the driver of the car seemed more or less unconscious and when i realized there was bullet holes in the window. >> reporter: divots on the street created from the victim's spinning tires. police markings show where four shell casings were found on the ground. >> we believe at this point it was not a drive-by, just based off of the placement of the shot or the round itself, we believe the shooter was outside of the vehicle. >> police say the victim, 17 years old from san jose, was rushed to the hospital with a life-threatening wound. police are now investigating the connection between the shooter and the victim and a motive. >> we're trying to figure out why on this street, why last night, why in the city of santa clara. as you guys can tell this is a large puzzle and we might have five pieces so far of a thousand-piece puzzle. >> reporter: in a shooting of little violence, only one other shooting this year. an officer involved shooting. >> he could have got shot. so yeah, it's concerning. >> again, police do not have a suspect description so they're relying on the public's help, especially if anyone has video footage. live in santa clara, i'm azenith smith, ktvu fox 2 news. now to san francisco where a jury returned guilty verdicts today, convicting a man of killing two jewelry store clerks in a violent rampage four years ago. they found 27-year-old barry white of antioch guilty of 16 felony counts including first degree murder and one count of attempted murder. the charges stem from a confrontation inside the jewelry mart on brandon street. white was convicted of six other counts of attempted murder for opening fire on the san francisco police officer who responded to the jewelry store crimes. >> thankfully the jury saw through that and did the right thing, not only on behalf of the civilian victims but the six san francisco police officers that almost died that day. >> barry was a young kid and now his life is changed forever. so it's a tragedy all the way around. >> prosecutors say white went on a violent rampage because he felt one of the jewelry store clerks had shortchanged him on a gold necklace he had just purchased. in hamburg, germany thousands of protesters remained in the streets overnight, sounding off against the g20 summit of industrialized countries. you could see demonstrators lighting street fires. police tried to break up the crowds. more than 100,000 demonstrators are expected when the summit kicks off a few hours from now. it will include the first face to face meeting between president trump and russian president vladimir putin. fox news lauren blanchard is in the capitol tonight with the president's mission overseas. >> as president trump and other world leaders touchdown in germany ahead of the g20 summit, protesters are already in the streets with thousands more expected. >> reporter: police using water canons and teargas on anti-capital almost activists in hamburg, germany today after protests turned violent thursday afternoon. police say more than 10,000 people rallied miles away from where the g20 summit is set to begin tomorrow, warning there could be as many as 100,000 demonstrators over the two-day summit. >> this is a protest against capitalism, against our world system. this has almost gotten to the level of an organized crime. >> reporter: while the leaders of the world's largest nations are expected to talk about threats posed by north korea, they'll also be tackling issues like terrorism, trade, and climate change. something president trump has clashed with other european leaders over, especially german chancellor angela merkel, who he privately met with earlier today. this as vice president mike pence says the president will be putting the world on notice. >> president trump is going to put america first. in diplomatic terms and economic terms. >> reporter: it was a busy day for president trump as he began with a speech in warsaw, poland, then a dinner in germany with leaders of japan and south korea, where mr. trump was asked if he had given up working with the chinese to get north korea under control. >> never give up. >> and tomorrow will be another full day for president trump as he attends a retreat with the other g20 leaders. and later attends a number of working lunches expected to focus on global growth and trade but all eyes will be on that highly anticipated face to face meeting between russian president vladimir putin and president trump. >> lauren blanchard in dc tonight. thank you. a federal judge in hawaii today left in place the trump administration's travel ban on people from six majority muslim countries. the judge denied a motion, asking him to clarify what the supreme court meant by a bona fide relationship. the judge said the relationship question would be better posed to the u.s. supreme court. coming up, a bay area babysitting agency accused of failing to pay its workers. at 10:30, our 2 investigates report on how the flames could turn in to criminal charges. >> what is going on? that's what i want to know. >> and we're tracking the heat. got hot inland. upper 90s. tomorrow triple digits in the bay area. i'll let you know how long it lasts and what the weekend is going to look like. >> a state crackdown on businesses here in oakland and los angeles. what inspectors are looking for and the fines some merchants were forced to pay. new at 10:00 tonight, east bay businesses fined by the state after inspectors say dangerous items were found on their store shelves. the state department of toxic substance control said it found dangerous levels of lead and cadmium in costume jewelry. eight stores in oakland were cited. >> we visited four of the small retailers, two in oakland's chinatown and two in international boulevard in east oakland. all tell me they've been targeted unfairly. >> reporter: kv discount's owners say they've been in business for 20 years. they tell me state inspectors mailed them a notification a few months ago that their store was selling children's hair clips containing lead and cadmium. they say inspectors informed them that nine pieces they were selling tested for dangerous levels of the toxins and the state fined them $1300. the couple says they bought the items from a wholesaler in san jose. >> i can't sleep at all because i'm just thinking nobody can tell me about this. so how do i know what's going on? >> reporter: state law prohibits the manufacturer, shipping, and sale of costume jewelry and accessories that contain excessive amounts of lead or cadmium. the department of toxic substances control says retailers are required to obtain certifications from suppliers that all jewelry and its components are within the law. >> reporter: she showed me where the hair clips were displayed, but said she no longer carries them after learning they are toxic. a few blocks away, the owner also says state inspectors came to her store. she showed me where the hair accessories were displayed. she says the inspectors removed the items and fined her $750. we went to two other stores in east oakland that state officials also took enforcement action against. the owners were not there. she said she would have never sold the items had she known about the toxins and had used the hair clips on her own grandchildren. >> now i know, i stop. >> a spokesman for the department of toxic substances says this enforcement program has also previously targeted big box stores. but he says these types of noncompliant items are most often found in smaller retailers. the agency plans to provide more information by holding two community meetings in oakland on july 13th and 20th. >> amber, thank you. now to san jose where a mountain lion sighting has prompted the closure of a trail and road in alam rock park. they've had several cars in recent days from people saying they saw a mountain lion. a park manager took this video of a mountain lion, see it in the middle of the screen, roaming near the south rim trail and one way road. that led to the decision today to shut down both the trail and the road in the interest of public safety. >> the department after consultation with the california department of fish and wildlife decided to go ahead and close the trail and the one-way road in its connecters out of an abundance of caution due to recurrent mountain lion sightings on the trail over the last seven to 10 days. >> that trail and road will be closed again tomorrow. park rangers say they plan to re-assess the mountain lion danger on saturday and could extend those closures. several san jose families who lost homes and possessions in last february's coyote creek flood are now filing legal claims seeking damages. they blame the city, the county, and their local water district for failing to protect their neighborhoods. >> they need to take the steps to be sure this never happens again and address the claims and take them seriously. >> reporter: victims gathered in rock springs park to put city, county, and water district officials on notice. the first step before firing a barrage of legal action is being taken with the filing of damage claims. >> i think this was preventable and we've seen a lot of evidence that it was. we need to hold the district and city to account. >> reporter: a late february downpour became a fight for survival for over 500 south bay households. a release of water sent thousands of gallons in to the coyote creek. the result, chest high flood waters swallowed three neighborhoods, causing millions of dollars in damage. >> with us paying our taxes to prevent floods and the city not having a warning system in place, hopefully that will change. hoping this will bring about change. >> claimants want restitution for the loss of their property. a structured negotiation is one option. they e-mailed a response, quote, our hearts go out to everyone who was impacted and the district will give each claim due consideration. san jose city spokesperson. >> the city received the claims yesterday and our attorney's office is going to review those and that's all we can really say at this point. >> reporter: they gathered here, hope reason will trump legal strategy, allowing those most impacted to take the next step forward toward being made whole. >> hopefully get some closure that we're on top of the problems rather than kicking them down the road. >> there are two more informational meetings for people interested in learning how they can file a claim. one is on the 15th, the other the 22nd. the deadline for filing, august 18th, about six months after the fact. ktvu fox 2 news. there are several wildfires burning across the region tonight including one in yolo county that's grown in size since our earlier newscast. >> cal fire says the fire is burning southwest of winters and has burned at least a thousand acres, up from 250 acres earlier tonight. cal fire has doubled the number of firefighters, 500 are now battling the fire. at this hour the fire is only 15% contained. the area is predominantly farmland and open fields east of lake berryessa. some mandatory evacuations have been ordered. also the fire has shut down a portion of highway 128 at pleasant valley road. closer to home, a grass fire damaged a vineyard and destroyed a barn in south livermore. the fire was reported shortly before 2:00 this afternoon near the intersection of east vineyard avenue. there were no reports of injuries and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. in sasoon city, a fire was reported just after 4:00 this afternoon in a neighborhood off bella vista drive. crews were able to keep the flames from spreading to nearby homes. heating up out there. you might have noticed it this afternoon. highs went up a few degrees. upper 90s today. couple 100s. sacramento, 102. 103 today downtown. tomorrow we could see triple-digit heat in our inland bay valleys as the air continues to sink and the high not building in out here, but a high building in in this area. working its way west. when that happens it really bakes the central valley but we'll be warm in the bay, but it will sort of balance out, all the heat is going to be on this side. anything inside the bay range of east bay hills is going to be relatively reasonable. you've got the clayton, danville, up to napa and calistoga, it's going to be hot. 74 in fairfield. 80 in concord. that's right now. 6 degrees warmer in concord. it's pinched down, not a big flush of cool air. the golden gate bridge, how often at night do you see it clear like this? when i come back, we'll talk about tomorrow's temperatures which are going to be believe it or not warmer or hotter if you will than today inland. hundreds of gallons of gas stolen from a north bay bus yard. >> definitely a big hit. quite a bit of fuel. >> coming up, the search for two suspects spotted at the scene. >> the r as enjoyed sparkling defense tonight as they tried to win their third in a row. there's a place like no other... where a walk down main street... where a walk down main street... blah blah blah .. hey! the name's rocket and i need your help! the collector has trapped my friends, the guardians of the galaxy in this weird...freakshow... check it out...this is the joint we're in... and we need you to help us break out! got it? move it!...i gotta go! there is magic for days! ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer today and get up to $4,500 in allowances. new at 10:00, sonoma county health officials have closed the beach on the russian river to all swimming, wading, and other water activities. they posted signs warning of contaminated water after recent tests showed e. coli levels above state safety standards. the beach closure comes after a very busy holiday weekend at the beach between the river west of guerneville. tests show none of the other russian river beaches showed signs of contamination. in novato police are looking for a man and woman who stole more than a thousand gallons of diesel fuel from a bus yard. as ktvu's rob roth tells us, investigators were tipped off by a night custodian who took photos of the culprits. >> reporter: here in this school bus yard off the beaten path part of novato, police say a man and woman cut through a chain link fence and siphoned diesel from an underground storage tank last night before speeding off. >> it's definitely a big hit. it's quite a bit of fuel. >> reporter: the theft was interrupted by a custodian working the night shift. he saw two people siphoning the fuel in to tanks and began taking pictures which he forwarded to police. in one you can see a woman in the van's passenger seat. >> he came in thinking it was possibly one of the drivers, 11:00 at night, notice the truck there and that this line was coming out of the back of the truck. pretty unique or unusual because i've never seen a truck show up and they obviously already had pumping equipment and some kind of storage apparatus in the back of it. >> reporter: police say the license plates may be stolen, but one of the van's identifying features are the words automatic ac seats 3. >> cut the lock on a chain link fence, drive in there and start siphoning diesel, especially from a school district. >> the school district says the 1250 gallons of diesel is about a three-day fuel supply worth about $3,000. the diesel is used to power the district's fleet of school buses and some maintenance trucks. >> it's really disappointing that these kind of people would steal from the school district and the students but also happy that nobody was injured. >> reporter: the school district has no security cameras in the yard but they say that's likely to soon change. rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. a bay area babysitting agency accused of failing to pay its workers. >> there might actually be some sort of fraud issue happening. >> our 2 investigates report on how the claims could turn in to criminal charges. >> plus, more proof about just how tough it is to get in to a uc school. details on an admissions report released today. >> and later, a copy of an infamous piece of graffiti art reappears in the same spot it was removed from seven years ago. a san francisco babysitting agency at the center of a nationwide scandal. >> i learned it's not just san francisco, not just me, there are dozens of people that haven't been paid. >> reporter: tens of thousands of dollars unaccounted for and now a criminal investigation. >> by a show of hands, who here feels like they were ripped off by this company? >> 2 investigates has learned the san francisco district attorney's office is actively investigating the babysitting company wonder sitter for failing to pay its workers. >> investigative reporter candace here with more on how this could result in criminal charges. >> it's based here in san francisco but operates in 13 different cities across the country. we're hearing from sitters who say they're owed thousands in backed wages and the d.a.'s office believes there are more victims out there who need to come forward. >> i'm from a big family. i've been around kids all my life. >> reporter: suzanne says with her background, it seemed like the perfect part-time job. >> i was in college at the time. two interviews, a background check. >> reporter: after those few steps, holten says she found herself as the newest employee of wonder sitter. it's a san francisco-based agency that helps parents find sitters and sitters find jobs. holten says the gig was great until she started getting paid late by the company and then stopped getting paid all together. >> i'm e-mailing them saying i can't make rent if i don't get this money. there was a new story in baltimore and i kind of stumbled upon it and heard about the facebook group. >> reporter: a facebook group entitled sitters unpaid by wondersitter. a quick look and holton learned she wasn't alone. 2 investigates found sitters from around the country. san francisco, seattle, baltimore, new york and more. documenting how much money they say wondersitter owes them. anywhere from a few hundred to more than $4,000 each. the total amount, more than $80,000 and growing. >> by a show of hands, who here feels like they were ripped off by this company? >> reporter: what started as a facebook group turned in to a meeting in san francisco. young working women coming together. >> i'm a teacher in the bay area. >> i'm currently a graduate student at san francisco state. >> reporter: some doing investigative work themselves. >> we checked their llc compliance forms that you need to file every year through the state of california. when i saw they hadn't filed papers since 2009, i thought there might actually be some sort of fraud issue happening. >> reporter: two investigates confirmed wonder sitter's franchise tax board status has been suspended for three years now. tax officials say the agency failed to file tax returns or pay taxes. >> what is going on? that's what i want to know. that's what she would never share. >> you sound angry. >> i am angry. >> reporter: for weeks, 2 investigates tried to get answers. >> this is ktvu. just wanted to get your side of the story. >> reporter: during that visit, she called the police. the officer said she had previously reported receiving death threats. but with questions still unanswered, we caught up with her outside her home. a question she literally ran from. >> do you guys think you're going to get your money back? >> i hope so. i will get my money backed. >> reporter: determined and now united, these employees say they're working to regain trust also broken between them and the families. >> you build relationships with these families and their children and it's a safety issue as well. they trust you with their children. >> they have money in that business that they're probably not getting back. >> reporter: holton says until there are answers, she'll still wonder about wondersitter. >> how can you do this to all these people then lie to everyone's faces? >> reporter: the san francisco district attorney's office is asking for unpaid sitters to call them and help in this investigation. we have their number on our website. since we started investigating, a handful of babysitters say they received small checks from wondersitter, but most of the women we spoke to are still waiting for their money. >> it seems like there were red flags before. could regulators done more do you think to have prevented this? >> we understand there's a franchise tax board that has a criminal investigation division and how they explained it to us, it takes cases when they're alerted of possible fraud from victims in the public. however, they don't have a group of people who proactively go out there and investigate every business in their operations just because they didn't file their taxes. they say it's up to that individual to do their homework before getting involved. >> where did all the money go? >> the one question we were trying to ask, the person in charge of wondersitter, we asked her where's the money? she said no comment and obviously did not want to answer our questions. we're still waiting for a response. just her side of the story, where's the money? >> and they're still doing business? >> at this point they're still online. yeah. if you have a tip for our 2 investigates team, e-mail or give us a call at 510-874-0222. up next, a lot of activities planned for the weekend. we'll have your weekend watch after the break. >> plus, progress for a san jose earthquakes player who nearly drowned in lake tahoe on the fourth of july. >> we've got that forecast that includes a bunch of heat in the inland valley. we'll talk about some of the fires that did burn today and how much longer the heat is sticking around. a player for the san jose earthquakes soccer team who nearly drowned in lake tahoe awoke from a coma today. silver had been on loan to the quakes from reno. tuesday he went swimming with friends at lake tahoe. the water was cold and he swam to some buoys offshore. on the way back he got in to distress and when his teammates pulled him from the water he was not breathing and had no pulse. a bystander performed cpr and revived him but he remained in a coma till today when the team says he woke up and is fully responsive. silva is expected to start physical therapy tomorrow. admissions data released today by the university of california shows how tough it is to be accepted in to the uc system. take uc berkeley, for example. they received more than 100,000 applicants this year and only offered admission to 9,715 students. overall 210,000 students applied to the nine uc campuses offering undergraduate campuses. uc offered admission to 106,000 freshmen and another 24,000 transfer students. 69,000 of the incoming freshman are california residents. uc officials say they're still on track to add more californians to the student body over the course of several years, pointing out admissions of instate students was up by 15% last year alone. there are plenty of summertime activities taking place around the bay area this weekend as well as one big event for a very good cause. ktvu's rosemary orozco has our weekend watch. >> we're almost to the weekend and here's what's happening around the bay area in san francisco, be part of the avon 39 breast cancer walk this weekend happening saturday and sunday. on the peninsula, enjoy the palo alto clay and glass festival which includes food booths, demoes, and activities at the palo alto arts center. in the east bay it's the last weekend of the alameda county fair running through sunday. you can also enjoy the food festival in fremont, complete with carnival rides and shopping. in the south bay, head to reed airport for hot san jose nights airport day and steam festival. airplanes, military equipment, cars and robotics will mix with live music and vendors. the event is free but you're being asked to bring canned goods for the second harvest food bank. or celebrate reggae culture at the island reggae festival at santa clara county fairgrounds in san jose on saturday. in the north bay, head to sonoma on saturday for the wine and dixieland jazz festival. spend the day with live music, food and wine available for purchase. guests are welcome to bring a picnic. last stop, petaluma for the sixth annual wine country big q barbecue competition and festival at the sonoma marin fairgrounds. sample barbecued meats, wines, and desserts while enjoying live music. in sports, as are on the road, giants are at home. i'm rosemary orozco and that's your weekend watch. the rat is back. a piece of graffiti art returns to san francisco seven years after it was removed. >> it's a nice little reminder too of, like, a time when the city was a lot different. >> up next, who put it there and where the original art is now. >> plus, our chief meteorologist bill martin with the friday forecast and a look at the weekend ahead. ♪ what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. a piece of graffiti art known to many as the hate street rat popped up in san francisco this week in the exact spot where it was removed seven years ago. >> ktvu's tara moriarty tells us who put up the replacement and what happened to the original which now could be worth more than $1 million. >> reporter: it's whipped up a photo taking frenzy. >> i had to take a picture. >> it's a nice reminder too of, like, a time when the city was a lot different. >> it's definitely kind of associated with patriotism in its own way. >> reporter: the hate street rat gone for seven years, it mysteriously appeared overnight. the work of these graffiti artists. >> like a little socialist rat. >> reporter: the original was spray painted and stenciled on the side of the red victorian by anonymous street art superstar banksy. it's the subject of a new documentary called "saving banksy" on netflix. >> i just want to save one of them so the city can enjoy it for more than 48 hours. >> reporter: in an effort to preserve the piece which would have been painted over to comply with city graffiti arts, self-described art freak brian bought it. crews ripped off the splats the rat was painted on. it now hangs in union square. >> it's been wonderful to see the expressions on people's faces as they get close to an original banksy. >> reporter: a private collector has offered him $1.7 million for the rat but he wants to donate it to a museum so the public can enjoy it. getting a museum to bite has been tricky and has sparked controversy about whether street art should stay where it was created, albeit temporary, generating a discussion about politics the way banksy intended. >> not very in your face. he makes you come to the conclusion on your own. i think that's what makes it powerful. >> if you'd like to see the hate street rat it's still on display through the end of the month. then it goes to a library in terahaute, indiana then three canadian cities before coming back here. tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. high temperatures today kind of got up there. especially inland, around the bay not hot but certainly warm but inland it got hot. 99 in fairfield. 97 in antioch. and 97 in livermore. the forecast really is for more of this. this heat coming out of the desert southwest is going to keep creeping in. what that does effectively is it really heats up the valley. that's where the big numbers came from. for us we still have a slight onshore flow so bay and coast going to stay kind of like it was today. maybe a little bit warm. 70s, 80s for the most part. but inland it's hot. no question about it and it will be hot. tomorrow will probably be the hottest day of the week. you can see that cut off here too. still 74 in fairfield. around here, that's where the sea breeze is where the 60s are. there will be not much of a sea breeze tonight. it's going to stay around the bay. you can see the winds are light and variable for this time of night. look at sfo. 15 miles per hour sustained. that's light. i expect it to be 18 or 20. what's missing here? that's the fog that's not present at the golden gate bridge. there's some fog showing up outside of pacifica but very patchy. it will be back tomorrow morning and with that said, the temperatures tomorrow, warmest of the week. and then they trend down on saturday and sunday a little bit and then they heat right back up monday, tuesday, wednesday next week. i'll show you what i mean. so if you look at the forecast for livermore, tomorrow, today, wednesday, today was about upper 90s. friday will be near 100. cools a little bit on saturday. so my point is the inland valleys aren't cooling that much. sunday it's back up to 103 and 106 on monday. away from the bay, it's going to be hot in the inland bay valleys and air quality will not be so great. here's the forecast for tomorrow. 98 in clear lake. 98 in vacaville. this could easily be 100s. this is what i'm forecasting for antioch by the airport there, small airport. but if you have concrete around you, you're 100 easy. 85 in milpitas. 97, morgan hill. 77 in santa cruz. fog along the coast. friday, long week for many or long vacation week i hope for you. weekend looks good. going to be a little bit cooler inland. thing to note here, it stays pretty hot in some of the inland bay valleys but the coast and base mellows out quite a bit. when we come back we'll talk more about the long range forecast and the concern for fires as we move in to this next hot spell. earthquake experts with the u.s. geological survey say they've discovered something new about the hayward fault. it's one of the bay area's major fault lines. now new research shows the hayward fault may actually join up with another fault in the north bay and experts say together the hayward and rogers creeks faults could produce a magnitude 7.4 quake. that would be five times stronger than the loma quake in 1989. coming up on the 11:00 news, a family's desperate search for a 12-year-old girl who's been missing for more than a day. an update on the efforts to find her. >> up next in sports, the as are back on the road up in seattle battling the mariners. you know what i could go for right now? hmmm some sweet barbeque. (over speaker) - or spicy! we got a craving! go go go!!! crashing cravings in the crave van. jack's gonna crash your crave! here, try my barbeque bacon cheeseburger with your choice of sweet or spicy barbeque sauce topped with bacon and onion rings. thanks jack. ha ha! piece of cake. oh, jack! you crave it, we serve it. my new sweet or spicy barbeque bacon cheeseburger and chicken sandwich. crave van! during the break, mark was saying you've got to see this play with the as, the center fielder on the as has like a rocket arm. >> it's good stuff. at this point of the season, neither team is going to be playing in october. so you just hope they can provide a little entertainment and that the as did on a night where their manager bob melvin secures the 500th win of his managerial career. number 4 on the all time athletics list. cute kid. as fan. even in the great northwest. up in seattle. and the as put up 3 in the 1st inning. jed lowrie in to the shadows. deep and just about out of here. high off the wall. goes for a two-run double and an early 3-0 lead for young, paul blackmon. he was born in antioch, went to heritage high in brentwood and he had it going on tonight with some help. this is the play i'm talking about. look at jacob brugman, all the way from pretty medium deep center field. on a line. and mitch haniger is like, how does that happen? gone in a big way. just like this swing off the bat of the as' kd, their most valuable player tonight, kris davis. 6-0 lead. they hang on. blackburn went 7 and 2/3rds, allowed only one run for his first big league victory. as the giants lose in detroit, really nothing is going to wipe out the memory of what they did in detroit city back in 2012. so meaning a loss tonight doesn't wipe out that memory at all, although chris will never forget it. he came in relief for johnny cueto who couldn't start because he had an ear infection. statin was pretty good. miguel cabrera gets to him for an early single. 1-0 lead. here's the play that pretty much did him in. dixon machado. 146 plate appearances in his brief career. that's the first time he's hit the ball out of the yard. two-run shot. stratton, however, gets congratulations from his teammates. six and 2/3rds. gave up five runs. still apparently worthy of fist bumps. joe panik, by the way, i don't know about this cameraman, you be the judge. he might not be ready for the big leagues. you'd never know it by this shot but joe panik hit it in to the right field corner. that goes for a triple, knocks in a run. one of only five hits for the giants. anibal sanchez, his first win, which did not thrill that young lady in the stands in detroit today. interesting golf stuff going on back east. phil mickelson making an appearance today in the greenbriar golf classic and the first appearance for him without his caddy of 25 years. bones mckay. instead it was his brother tim carrying the bag and 9 iron. par 4 on number 11. mickelson, despite this shot that goes in to the gallery and lands on the noggin of that young man shoots a 3 under 67. six off the pace. receives a handshake and glove from mickelson who gets back to business, sinks the putt. still feeling a little guilty. still icing his head with a water bottle but gets a ball as well. we've come to that point of the evening where we must check this out. some of the superior plays from tonight. the indians center fielder bradley zimmerman misjudged the ball but recovers and makes a beautiful diving catch in chicago. drive to deep left center field. the brewers' keon broxton broke his wrist on a play just like that last year. this time hanging on to the ball. watch him. it looks like he kind of recovers, gets to his feet and chastises the ivy. you broke my wrist last year. josh donaldson, fantastic play to be truly appreciated. you've got to take a look at it in slo-mo. from his knees. that's a big time arm as we move now from the big leagues to sweden where a young moose decides to -- >> where do you find this? >> it chases this innocent golfer around. i think the young moose just wants to play. [ laughter ] but the golfer takes off. i don't think his life was in danger. the guy shooting that on his phone was actually laughing the whole time. that's over in sweden. beautiful stuff. that's the sporting live for tonight. it's 11:00 and time for more news with frank and julie. a family's plea for help in locating a missing 12-year-old girl in the east bay. she vanished after an argument with her mother. tonight that family in richmond is facing a second night without their daughter. hello again, everyone, i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. jessica padilla's mother tells us she's beyond worried and needs any help she can get for her daughter's safe return. more on this developing news from ktvu's debora villalon. she's at richmond police headquarters tonight. any change in the past hour? >> no, and this is a girl with no history of running away. so police say even though it appears she did take off on her own, not knowing what happened next is alarming. >> we were wondering if you can maybe let us put this on your window. it's my little sister. she went missing yesterday. >> reporter: the padilla family has done nothing but search for 24 hours, desperate to find jessica before any harm comes to her. >> she's really young. she's 12. anybody can easily grab her. >> reporter: they're posting her picture around their neighborhood and around the library downtown where jessica's mom came to pick her up just before 6:00 wednesday evening. they argued and jessica went back inside to get something she said she forgot but a staffer saw her leave instead at the library's backdoors. >> jessica never showed back up and mom goes in and finds out that she's gone. >> reporter: gone in the direction of mcdonald avenue and 23rd street, notorious for drug and sex trafficking. and no place for an 8th grader alone. >> maybe a little bit naive. whatever it is she thinks she's going to be in trouble for, it's nothing compared to what could

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