Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170315

ktvu's jana katsuyama is here now with more on how the documents became public now. >> reporter: frank and julie, we are talking about the league documents are consistenting of just two pages of president trump's tax return from 2005. and it raises some questions for both sides. on one hand about high-level leaks. the other why the president still won't release his returns. >> you may have heard we've got some significant breaking news tonight. donald trump's tax returns have surfaced. >> reporter: msnbc rachel madow says tax returns were released to david k. johnston. the two leaked pages, revealing an income of $153 million that year. paying $38 million in taxes. nothing in the documents answered questions on whether donald trump's business had any ties to russia or other foreign enties. >> the greater concern worry this president may be financially beholding to an individual, an institution, to a country. we can't know any of that without getting his tax returns. that's why presidents release their tax returns. >> reporter: in a statement the white house confirmed the tax returns accuracy and condemns the leak saying, "it is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns. the dishonest media continues to make this a part of their agenda, while the president will focus on his, which includes tax reforms to benefit all americans." >> the question is what happens after this? do we get a slow drift of the taxes all the way up to 2015, the time period in which there's the actual tax audit? >> reporter: as a candidate and now president donald trump has refused to release his tax returns despite a precedent dating back to -- president dating back to richard nixon. the audit of their taxes is no barrier to a release. critics say the 2005 tax as raise questions to mr. trump's call to eliminate the alternative minimum tax. showing mr. trump's tax bracket at about 24%. had the alternative tax eliminated his taxes would have been closer to 3.5%. >> the constituents who want to find guilt in some sort of what activity implied in these tax returns they'll find it. for those who think they reveal donald trump's hands are clean as far as the russian connection. i think they will find plenty of that. >> reporter: the unauthorized release of federal tax returns is a crime with a punishment of up to five years in jail and a fine of up to $5,000. msnbc tonight argues it is their first amendment right ask and this is a matter of public interest. >> did donald trump pay his fair share in that tax return? and also do you think this will lead to him releasing more tax returns? >> well it is definitely more than 10%. the average american pays less than 27% that people who make, you know, more than $1 million. the white house still has not said really as to whether they will release the tax returns. they did confirm the veracity of these two pages. we'll have to see if more comes out and two if they decide to preempt and release some of those. >> we will find out who has been leaking the information and who could be doing that right now. jana, thank you. on we posted president trump's 2005 tax return so that you can read the two-page document for yourself. president trump's revised travel ban is said to be scrutinized in federal courtrooms tomorrow in hawaii, washington, and maryland. the ban is suppose to go into effect thursday, but more than half a dozen states including california are challenging it. the executive order puts restrictions on travel from six muslim-majority nations. now to the latest efforts on overhauling the nation's healthcare law. today california said older people in particular could see a dramatic increase in their premiums if the republican bill passes. in san francisco they say a 27- year-old earning $17,000 a year now paying $52 a month would pay $199 a month for coverage. but a 62-year-old also living in san francisco and now paying $207 a month would see their premiums more than triple to $668 a month. cover california says the changes are because the republican bill would reduce the size of subsidies, which about 90% of people enrolled in cover california receive. the bill would offer smaller tax credits based solely on age rather than factioning in income, where they live, and family size. >> consumers want health care. they wants insurance, they want peace of mind. in california the result would be millions of californians be priced out of coverage because the healthcare is too expensive for them without the financial help that is critical from tax credits. >> the republican bill would keep some popular provisions such as protecting those with pre-existing conditions, covering adult children to age 26, and capping out-of-pocket expenditures. now to that blizzard that's pounding the northeast, winter storm stella delivered high winds and snow to millions of people from north carolina to northern maine. power has been knocked out, schools have been closed. people are being urged to stay off the roads and check in on their neighbors. >> if you know you have a senior citizen on your block, you have somebody who is home bound who lives near you, it is a good idea to knock on their door and say hello and make sure everything is okay. >> i want to show you a time lapse now from overnight as that nor'easter blew through new york city. this video was posted on twitter from a web cam that was set up on someone's porch. you see the snow rise in as we speak. we were with bill martin. that is a lot of snow. is it over now for the most part? >> the heavy stuff is over for sure. new york city is in the clear at this point. the blizzard warnings have moved towards the east, upstate new york if you will. what's happening with these nor'easters is giving you a lot of cold air from off the plains here. then you bring in this relatively warmer moisture air off the atlantic. they just go right up the coast. that's what happens. so we saw rain, ice, snow, and everything including winds up to 75, 80 miles an hour throughout the day today. now here's the story with this system. we still have the blizzard warnings in upstate. up around bangor we have blizzard warnings and storm warnings, but it is basically winding down. here's the model and how it sees it. this is tomorrow morning, actually this is their time. so 10:00 tomorrow morning for them and then you see here we are later on in the end of the day for the east coast. you see it moving out of the area. as it moves out, that's great. but what's happening is look at the forecast for tomorrow. so tomorrow morning look how cold all the cold air is in here. this cold air in the afternoon, it doesn't warm up much. so new york is at 28 degrees tomorrow afternoon. you've got lots of snow, sleet, ice, it is going to be messy. not just for tomorrow, but the next 48 hours. so you can still be experiencing some delays at those airports especially in the northeast. >> and speaking of flights, the storm back east grounded flights in and out of the bay area's largest airport today. the slowest person at sfo has about 100 of the 140 flights to and from the affected areas today were canceled. nationwide about 9,000 flights were canceled today due to the weather. some travelers at sfo though seem to take the cancellations in strive. >> we had to rebook. i think i was trying to get on like another flight, but it was really hard to. so i got this one. >> officials at sfo are hopeful airline schedule should get back to normal by tomorrow morning, but it is always wise to check in with your airlines just in case. a reminder now you can download our free ktvu news app for the latest on the flight delays here in the bay area. now to developing news out of hayward, two men are under arrest tonight. a search is underway for a third after a shooting involving police near the cal state east state campus. ktvu amber lee is live now in hayward after talking with neighbors and police. amber? >> reporter: julie, we're at second street and campus drive where police have set up a roadblock. they aren't saying much, but we have learned the officer- involved shooting involves fremont police officers. fremont police tell me officers were in hayward for a follow up robbery investigation. the shooting occurred around 5:20 this evening on the 25,000 block of carlos b. boulevard. >> when i went to the park i heard a big crash. >> reporter: police say suspects used the vehicle to ram a law enforcement vehicle. we saw a toyota pickup truck and a sedan at the scene of the collision. >> scary. it was very frightening. and to see this happen. >> reporter: one neighbor tells us her son saw the crash and has been detained by police as a witness. >> we saw two vehicles collide, two guys would get out and run towards the creek down there. and so he said they ran towards them. the cops tackled one guy and took him down like that. >> reporter: police officers have their weapons drawn as they guard the perimeter. and a law enforcement helicopter flew overhead. neighbors say it is unsettling. >> i asked the police officer what's going on. he told me things happen. >> reporter: police say they have two suspects in custody and they are looking for a third man. >> i'm looking around the area now. it is taking place, not as safe as it used to be. >> reporter: hayward police have not yet released a suspect description, nor have they said who opened fire. the suspect or police. now officials with cal say this incident did not affect classes and it did not put anyone on campus at risk. julie? >> so amber those two vehicles in the picture there, the pickup was the suspect's. was that an unmarked police vehicle that was involved in the crash? >> reporter: that's what we believe and that's what the woman who was a witness of the crash believe police have not confirmed that. >> all right, amber lee live in hayward, thank you, amber. this is the first, you know, the rally we have ever had where it is an unknown. >> hundreds of tech workers are standing -- standing up in silicon valley. but first a homicide investigation. investigators identify a body found in a forest where a woman went missing two years ago. now her estranged husband is speaking out saying he wouldn't harm her. >> i would not, i would not. i was divorcing her, but i couldn't live with her. and this is the doctor that could cure that thing so he can grow up to invent this thing. sutter health. proudly caring for northern california, birthplace of pioneers. proudly caring for northern california, did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. new details about a homicide investigation in the north bay after human remains found at point reyes was identified as a woman who went missing two years ago. now that woman's estranged husband is speaking out saying he didn't harm her. the 63-year-old woman was last seen in december of 2014 at her penngrove home in sonoma county. last month her remains were found just outside point reyes station. ktvu's debora villalon joins us live in penngrove with more on this story. debora? >> reporter: julie, annie bailly lived here in this house with her husband as they went through a divorce. when she disappeared the presumption was suicide until her body was found quite by accident. >> they didn't do anything for a month after she disappeared. >> reporter: kerry bailly is upset with sonoma deputies who searched his garage and home for hours. >> the place was trashed. beds were upside down. >> reporter: detectives looking for evidence connected to his wife's killing. >> i did not do this. i didn't kill her, no. i filed for a divorce from her, i couldn't stand living with her. >> reporter: bailly claims annie his wife of 17 years was going through a downward spiral of depression and marijuana use and had threatened suicide before bringing deputies to their property. >> i called 911 two times she tried to commit suicide. i intern -- i intervened in the case. >> reporter: in december of 2014, the sheriff found no sign of foul play. bailly's car, keys, and purse were left in the house. the missing person's case vanquished until last month when a car accident in west marin led to the discovery of skeletal remains over the side of the road. dental records confirmed it was annie bailly. other evidence showed it was no suicide. >> it was extreme fluke. it was down an embankment. it happened to be a car crash in the area and some observant, people found her body by a chance. >> reporter: that discovery brought the investigation back to where it started her house. >> trying to put a case together, figure out who may have done this, figure out her last day of her life and who may know, who may have wanted her not alive. >> >> i don't care what they think. >> reporter: her estrange husband remains defiant because he thinks the case wasn't investigated aggressively from the start. >> i knew she was dead. how? i don't know. suicide? a druggie friend, i don't know. >> reporter: kerry's toyota was seized and towed by the police department. they took three guns as well. on the weekend his wife disappeared, bailly said he was away celebrating his birthday with friends who could vouch with him. annie bailly's brother told us friends and family are heartbroken at the confirmation that came together she is dead. he said she was a good person and a loving person. julie, they want justice for her. >> all right, debora villalon in penngrove tonight. debora, thank you. in napa, police identified a man shot to death by officers last night as 23-year-old noel russell of napa. two officers confronted russell outside a home depot store about 6:30 last night. police said they received several calls about a man with a knife acting crazy outside the store and threatened people in the parking lot. the two napa police officers who opened fire have now been placed on administrative leave. an autopsy on russell is scheduled for tomorrow. the san jose city council took a big step today to help people displaced by the worst floods in 20 years. declaring a shelter crisis. as ktvu's monty francis reports the mayor also lashed out at the water district. >> they're not going to take responsibility for this, then we will. >> reporter: there is no dispute the 14,000 people who were forced to evacuate during last month's devastating floods could have used more time to escape the rising water. the san jose mayor sam liccardo is not mincing words on a lack of response from the santa clara valley water district to figure out why there wasn't more of a warning. >> if they're not showing up at our hearings and they are not talking to our staff, then we're out of options. that means we need to take responsibility and go hire the hydrologist ourselves. we will do that if that's what it takes. >> reporter: on tuesday mayor liccardo fired up a stern letter to the chairman of the water board criticizing him and his agency of experts for failing to attend a march 9 council meeting to discuss what went wrong. liccardo has admitted a break down of communication between the city and the water district resulted in a failure to give adequate warning to those evacuated during san jose's worst flooding in 20 years. he also criticized the water district for providing what he called an accurate water data and repeatedly flawed risks. today the water district met behind closed doors. we were told the chairman didn't have time for an interview. but in a letter to the mayor he responded to the mayor's accusations saying, "we are interested in facts, not blame. which only serves to dishonor those who have been harmed and displaced by the floodwaters." about 180 people displaced by the floods have been staying at the seven trees community center. many still going to work, but unable to return home. >> some people were more devastated than others. but sure. any bit of help, a lot of help, a little help. >> reporter: the city council approved $250,000 in funding to keep the emergency shelter open at least until april 5. the vote was unanimous. in san jose monty francis ktvu fox 2 news. we've got fog back at the coast tonight. we've got high clouds coming in tomorrow, we've got rain to the north. and then we've got fog showing up. i'm in san francisco right now. along the avenues and the golden gate bridge and even tomorrow what's going to happen the fog will fill all the way up into the bay. these clouds pull up overhead. temperatures will drop. today we had temperatures near the 80s. tomorrow temperatures will be in the 60s and low 70s in the warmest spots. a big cool down maybe 5-10 degrees cooler. maybe a sprinkle north of santa rosa, but not a wet day for us. it's mostly about clouds. fog at the coast, significant cooling there because instead of 70 degrees at pacifica it will be 59 or 60 tomorrow. winds are coming in the right way to push the fog into the gate tonight. you don't see it here, but you will tomorrow morning. they are against fog issues right now along the coast fromsanta cruz up to highway 101. the fog is sticking low to the ground. tomorrow morning be careful on the bay area bridges around the bay and up the highways along the coast. because the visibility will be very low right now. tomorrow morning sky looks like this. plenty of clouds by the afternoon that starts to clear out though. temperatures will make it back into the mid-60s in most places in the upper 60s. see you back here with the five day. still to come here, new details about a deadly freeway shooting in the east bay. >> it is a wrong place at the wrong time. >> why investigators are now calling the case a mistaken identity. >> warriors were at home tonight and well rested, but were they ready for one of the league's worst teams? mark shows us the tough deal with philly later in sports. later an unusual rescue attempt in vacaville. how this young sea lion may have made their way into a storm drainage there. 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(vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the all-new subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. new evidence tonight suggested last week's deadly shooting in richmond was a case of mistaken identity. >> as henry lee explains, the gunman who opened fire on the honda mini van may have thought someone else was in that vehicle. >> reporter: last thursday three suspects were riding in a car when they spotted a minivan. sources tell me the suspects were targeting a woman who often borrows that minivan. a 17-year-old male suspect opened fire on the minivan killing the driver 24-year-old demarcus doss and injuring his female friend. al note woman owns the car, this -- although the woman owns the car this seems to be a case of mistaken identity. the woman in the minivan was not the intended target. the man driving the getaway car, johnson, the 17-year-old gunman and second 17-year-old male have been charged with murder, attempted murder, and shooting at an occupied vehicle. one of the teens is the estrange boyfriend of the woman they had hoped to shoot. cameras were not allowed in court as johnson made his first court appearance. doss' family says he shielded the woman from gunfire absorbing most of the bullets. doss was hit three times including once in the back of the head. he died the next day at a local hospital. >> he wanted to be a probation officer and to go into law enforcement. he would be proud of what's going on right now and how they are caught and justice is being served. >> and he was just an innocent kid. he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and we just want to do something to turn this thing around. >> reporter: we are told they were arrested with the help of several witnesses including an off duty police officer. richmond police officer orlando guzman spotted the car spotting johnson along with the two teens on the residential street. the names have not been released because of their ages. but contra costa prosecutors are hoping to charge them as adults once they get approval by a judge. in richmond henry lee ktvu fox 2 news. workers rallying against the trump administration. >> particularly in the valley, we depend on them so much. >> coming up next the demonstration hundreds of people were drawn together in silicon valley. also hazing allegations at a north bay high school. new developments as the school's quarterback testifies in his own expulsion hearing. a new political movement born in silicon valley is hoping to get tech workers to become more politically active. today the new group called tech stanza held their first rally in the heart of silicon valley, pal alta. maureen naylor is there with an explanation as to why the rally was held today. maureen? >> reporter: well today's march 14 or pi day 3.14 and today hundreds of people including tech workers spent it here in palo alto city hall speaking out about the trump administration. at palo alto city hall. >> the computers will go fast. >> reporter: tech workers and non-profits spent this pi day holding anti-president trump signs and wearing trump pins. they wanted to send a message to the trump mained station ranging -- trump administration ranging in issues from women's rights and other issues. >> don't just ask about the stock options and how many ping- pong tables they have, but how much does the company give back to the community? >> reporter: 37-year-old brad taylor of san francisco who codes for a tech company during the day founded tech stands up in his spare time. >> this is the first step. this is the first rally we have ever had where we are an unknown. >> reporter: tech workers from mountainview to menlo park showed up. >> i'm glad silicon valley is participating. it's great for us to be in the bubble of california. >> reporter: this mother brought her 12-year-old son. >> came out to this event because i wanted to see what tech companies were doing. i'm a little disappointed there wasn't much people here. >> reporter: this man used to work for google. >> particularly in the valley we depend on it so much. i'm an immigrant myself. it just seems to me we should do it at park. >> the park where the tech workers were realized in the next four years is trump's economic policies will bring a lot of growth and opportunity for tech workers. >> reporter: after the rally, former santa clara republican chair steve mullen says there are conservatives in technology, but they are in the closet. >> you have too much grief from their peers. there's not an open and honest dialogue. it's if you don't agree and march to their tune and their velocity, then you are kind of ousted. >> reporter: there were no problems, saying it was peaceful. organizers are not stopping with this, but planning a hack- a-thon with meaningless policies, policymakers rather. they say that is planned for april. back to you. >> maureen naylor in palo alto tonight, thank you, maureen. law enforcement agencies in santa clara county gathered today to say they will not become the enforcers of federal immigration law. there's an estimated 85,000 to 90,000 undocumented immigrants living in santa clara county. the police chief in the county say they are seeing fear in their latino community about the trump's administration on cracking down on legal immigration. the main concern is protecting the public, not doing the work of federal agencies. >> we all felt that it would be important and powerful if we all spoke in one voice regarding this issue. we understand there's fear in certain segments of our community, that we are here to assure you we will continue to serve and protect in a way that seeks to calm fear and build trust. >> the santa clara county board of supervisors is considering setting aside $2 million to help pay for legal services for people who are in deportation proceedings or could face deportation. now to the north bay where a student athlete testified today at a hearing that could result in him being kicked out of school. the teenager is accused of hazing freshman football players. >> reporter: while it is unusual for tv cameras to be allowed in such hearings, ktvu robert handa explains the accused teen and his family, they wanted it to be public so he could tell his side of the story. >> reporter: johnny torres has been suspended from school facing expulsion. at his expulsion hearing before a napa valley unified school district, torres testified he did nothing wrong. >> the most i ever did was horseplay, nothing serious. >> reporter: he's accused of taking part in what school officials have called a football hazing ritual in which some freshmen football players were grabbed and touched inappropriately in the locker room by older players last october. torres is the jv quarterback accused of holding a student down while another student touched him inappropriately through his clothing. he said he never saw any bad behavior. the straight a student torres has been suspended for the past nine weeks. >> these past couple of weeks have been depressed. i want to see my friends again. i miss being at school. and being in the classroom and getting good grades. >> reporter: the school district administrator testified earlier a student identified only by a number implicated torres. >> i believe that student 34 was dragged in by several students, and namely i believe he was dragged in by johnny torres. >> reporter: torres is one of eight napa high school students facing expulsion. one student had already been expelled. the napa district attorney is considering criminal charges against 14 students and a coach for failing to report the incident. authorities say a similar incident took place the year before the hearing was filled with family and friends of torres outside torres' grandfather became emotional. >> to give him a break. >> reporter: napa valley unified school district conducted their own investigation. >> it's sad for the people who have been identified as victims. it is sad for the entire student body. you though it's sad for the people who were involved all around. >> reporter: the administrative panel is expected to make their recommendation on whether or not to expel to the napa valley unified school district board of education. the school board will make their decision. in napa rob roth ktvu fox 2 news. a man who allegedly attacked two women in separate incidents in palo alto this month has surrendered to police. george kramm decided to surrender after seeing a picture of himself on the news and on social media. last friday police released this picture after a woman reported she had been grabbed after getting off a bus at the palo alto transit station. in the other case two weeks ago another woman also said she was grabbed by a man at the university of caltrans station in palo alto. police released this sketch of the suspect in that case. tonight he's in custody in santa clara county jail. >> a mother behind bars accused of abandoning her 2-year-old daughter at a grocery store. coming up next what we're learning about at suspect's past. we're tracking that forecast for wednesday. a cool down. we'll talk about that with the clouds and then things are going to change around as we head towards the end of the week. i'll have the details. later a glimpse into the future of the golden state warriors. we'll give you a virtual tour of what's being built in san francisco. a mother is behind bars in southern california tonight accused of abandoning her 2- year-old daughter at a grocery store over the weekend. police in riverside said the arrest came late today after a bank teller recognized the woman's face from this surveillance video shown on lowlier television news -- from local television news report. the child wanders off and the mother doesn't go after her. investigators say the woman has a long history of drugs and alcohol problems. her little girl is now in protective custody. on wall street stocks declined along with the price of oil. dow fell 44 points, nasdaq lost 18. s&p 500 slipped eight points. traders are also waiting to hear from the federal reserve expected to raise a key interest rate by .25 tomorrow. you don't hear this every day. oakland a's are lowering the price of beer this season. the coliseum will offer 20- ounce beers, the cheapest of any sports arena or stadium in the bay area. beer on tap will cost $10 per people -- for premium selections. domestic beers will be $8. again those are 20-ounce beers. the president is looking at new ways to try to entice fans to come out to the ballpark. we're getting a futuristic look of the newed home of the golden state warriors. today the team hosted a tour, which has a hole in the ground. the warriors showed off computer renderings of the billion dollar stadium now under construction in the mission bay area. the virtual tour would allow season ticketholders to see the view from their high-priced seats. >> we know fans love seeing the models. by integrating it with the screens and the technology for people to see what that view looks like, we want our fans to come and get excited and know what that view will mean. >> the warriors also showed off models of the chase? luxury suite. the team says they had be second to none in professional sports. how nice is that? a new arena is scheduled to open in the summer of 2019. >> at the most those are pretty impressive luxury boxes, wouldn't you say? >> spacious. >> high end, shiny, sparkly. still to come here an unusual sight at the bay area storm drain. >> this is bigger than i thought. i'm guessing maybe 350 pounds. >> how this young sea lion may have made its way to vacaville. >> plus warm today. will the trend continue? chief meteorologist bill martin has your bay area forecast. ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. a young california sea lion is a long ways from home tonight. the sea lion made its way up to a canal in vacaville. as of tonight that sea lion is apparently still in the drainage pipes. it does not appear to be in any distress. >> ktvu rob malkin tells us they were trying to get the sea lion. >> reporter: the sea lion was caught basking in the sun. the sighting brought out the crowds and jason graham with his camera. >> it's bigger than i thought. i'm guessing 350 pounds. i'm assuming it's probably been here longer than people think. because it is so big having trouble getting out of here because the water levels were flooding a couple weeks ago. >> reporter: the mammal was hurt as family members and neighbors spotted the animal. they asked sir -- asked siri how it got here. >> reporter: but 30 miles off course. vacaville fire and rescue brought members from the public works department to drop cameras in manholes trying to spot the mammal. meanwhile teens from the center in sausalito waiting at the only available exit for the mammal to appear. >> sometimes they follow aqueducts or sometimes they follow rivers that empty out into the ocean and then for whatever reason they don't figure out how to turn themselves around. >> reporter: after several attempts to remove the sea lion from this canal, they will be gone for the night having someone monitor this cool vert at 7:00 a.m. and start all over on a wednesday. we are tracking those temperatures out there. we've got some numbers today that were pretty impressive with a couple of records yesterday. take a look. 77 in mountainview today. 81 in san jose. the hot spot, well i can see 94 degrees in early march as a hot spot. in antioch that was pretty impressive with a lot of low 80s. that's over. temperatures will drop a good 10 degrees tomorrow as we head into a pattern that's going to introduce a lot of the cloud cover here from this system. most of the rain will stay to the north. out along the coast we've got the fog coming in, so just by the cloud cover, high clouds and the coastal fog. temperatures are coming down. still a nice day. you are still going to be able to get by without a jacket and i don't think we will see any sprinkles some of our models suggested a late chance of sprinkle as we head into your tomorrow, sort of, you know, in the evening camp hour -- the evening and overnight hours. if you look at the wind directions now, they are starting to become a little more westerly. all the arrows are pointed in the same way. that's an indication this on- flow shift has begun. for the last two to three days we've had, well this direction. we've had more of a northerly wind here like that the northeasterly. now we're seeing it start to turn and become more northwesterly as it ushers in the clouds. there's market street. there's the bay bridge and a cable hanging out of the area. beautiful night out there. we've got dense fog right now along the coast. on highway one some issues there. so that means tomorrow morning watch how the fog should show and start to fill in. actually it doesn't show up there. wednesday morning you see the high clouds come in, but fog at the surface is going to fill into the gate a little bit. and the high clouds will come overhead and temperatures, the result will be temperatures five to ten degrees cooler than today. 50s along the coast right at the coast. 60s for most of us. upper 60s. then low 70s at best in some of those inland bay valleys. that's the big change tomorrow and the cloud cover is the story. there it is depicted on the model. tomorrow morning in oakland mostly cloudy we'll call it. partly cloudy in the afternoon. 63 degrees is still pretty warm and mild. it won't be that cold tomorrow. it's a mild day. 67 for the high in oakland tomorrow. that's the sky for thened of the -- for the end of the day. bang we're back into a nice warm up as we head into your five-day forecast. 73 in brownwood. air quality is still good. the pollen will be an issue. the free pollens saying you know all about that. here is the plan tomorrow a few clouds, cooler, then temperatures will kind of come up. on the weekend we get a similar type of weather system that department have much of -- system that doesn't have much of a temperature on us. >> yes. that is saint patty's day. >> yes, in honor of saint patty's day. >> i can't even see that. i'm looking at it wondering what it is. >> overall you guys we couldn't have asked for a nicer couple of weeks. the tree pollen right now in the livermore valley area is going off. >> i don't notice it. do you notice it? >> i take all the medication at night. oh i do. so in the morning you wake up and it is in your system. that's when allergies are typically worst. >> thanks, bill. the warriors, college men basketball and more coming up next in sports. so tonight's warriors game is one of those games you think they would win by 20, but they were down by what, 15, 16? >> yes, warriors break a three- game losing streak. when is the last time we said that? >> i don't think there will be any question they have hit a rough match as they feel different. you figure tonight they needed to be well rested, they're back at home playing one of the worst teams in the nba. the sixers and it was steph curry's birthday. they're going to win by 20, right? no, it didn't turn out that way at all although they had their moments in the first half the past 80 to clay thompson cutting without the bow. get it and glimpse it, thompson by the way 28. ian clark here who will go to the hoop with a burst of energy. they were down though one at half. philly on the 23-7 run in the third up as many as 16. a lack of rebound here to hurt the warriors. then watch this. they get outhustled. i would call that aggressive to the bucket and they were feeling it. warriors start the quarter down by a dozen. steph puts it in working for him. the momentum is on. draymond e green owned the stat -- draymond green owned the stat sheet and the entire game. that block starts this, eventually getting it to steph. the three-point shot is back. by the way draymond with 20 points, eight rebounds, eight assists and four steals. then iggy behind the back will leave it for steph. he drills it. that looks like the golden state warriors were used to seeing, but they will geek out by the skin of their teeth. a 106-104 win over philadelphia at this point. i think they will settle for that. in the meantime college basketball, i don't think any team will set up before the season starts to make it into the nit. but if you are there and you're the no. 1 seed like cal was and you're at home on your own floor, figure it would turn out better than this, but they had some bad breaks as you would take a look at them up against bakersfield going out with that. or i have been rattling at a foot problem, a horrendous start with a foot knocked out of the way. he had 18 points to lead the road runners again. that is way downtown. that's a stiff ball right there with road runners getting to a 44-19 lead. cal down at half time. down as many as 25 in the game and it just continues to stumble there. the turnover for justin prime and the lay in is over and out for cal without rab or bird, but they are not makes excuses, their season ends in the nit. the lone team from the bay area going to the ncaa's, it's the little school that can and that is st. mary's as they head out to a greeting party for them as they hit the road. st. mary's will go in as the no. 7 seed. a nice send off, they'll go to salt lake city to play that game on thursday. randy benefit's squad boy 57 wins in the last two seasons. they have grown very close in that time. >> they're tight. they know each other, it is very unselfish. >> they're a very unselfish group with a lot of positive experiences, a lot of successful accomplishments. yet they're the same guy, just unselfish humbled guys. you don't see that very often. >> an unselfished and very humbled coach too doing a great job out there at st. mary's. this would be the time meanwhile for the sharks to turn it up in the stretch run for the stanley cup playoffs. they're looking pretty good as of late against buffalo at the tank and san jose has got to win one game in the second. a weird goal here trying to clear his own skates as you see the replay. in san jose they would take it. michael hailey is credited with the goal for san jose and yeah, he is upset. he has ever reason to be. a more traditional story, in front with the putback that is his second of the game. his 28th of the season. sharks with four unanswered goals. but here is another strange one. logan couture and buffalo robin collide. the sticks anyway. the puck making its way on in. that's when you know it is going well. and that is couture with the goal and it is a 4-1 final. by the way with 24 goals on the season. it is practice baseball in the contact -- cactus league. can we please play for real? they have a long ways to go. giants go at it against the indians with a nice start. here is the guy who looks ready for opening day. brandon belt and his bat will be much needed in the middle of their line up. an rbi double. eduardo nunez scores. look at this mammoth home run for the guy you will see out on opening day in left field. that's jared parker. i think the ball hit the bus stop there leaving the premises. a two-run homer. giants are geeking out, 6-5. the a's lose 4-3 to the rockies. if you watch it all the way down through the year, then you don't like the baseball rule changes, but i might be in favor of instant replay in girl's softball. you need to take a look at the worst call in the history of sports. come on right there. that is a high school sophomore game in birmingham, alabama. [ laughter ] >> and you know the funniest thing about that was the umpire after the game they asked about it. i just really wanted to go home. >> no. >> he admitted to that and said he just wanted to go home. >> that was his last game. it is so sad. >> right. >> i remember seeing something. >> a quick instant replay. but not for major league. >> mark, thank you. >> thanks, everyone. >> good night. (explosion) is everybody okay?! i'm fine. thanks for waiting. what was that? water heater, gas line-- the training's the same, people. just stay low and move out! honey, luke's gone. claire, spontaneous human combustion is very rare. i don't think he exploded, phil. the rope ladder works. at least someone followed protocol. oh! oh, it's there! smoke is coming out of luke's stupid suitcase. like his old man, luke is a magician. (laughs) i'm taking lessons from some guy my dad found online. he came personally recommended from the guy who runs the warlock conference up in modesto. (loud snoring) (sighs) (continues snoring)

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