Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20151212

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20151212

a live look right now over oakland's. it is cold outside. but the sun is about to peek through. >> i had my hat on this morning. but i'm wimpy. good morning to you. it is saturday the summer 12. -- december 12. >> let's check the weather. it's cold out. >> i had my seat warmers on. it feels like winter. >> upper 30s to about 40. it's a chilly one. colder than yesterday because we have partnered cloudy to clear skies. there's the view across the bay. we have partly cloudy to mostly clear skies. we will be dry through the afternoon but by this evening things start to change. we have more rain will begin -- moving in. the rest of us will get in on it by tomorrow morning right now partly cloudy skies. down by 12 degrees in fairfield. it is a colder start to the day. let's put the numbers up. 35 fairfield. upper 30s walnut creek and livermore. 37 napa. the basic communities are in the low 40s. -- bayside communities are in the low 40s. this afternoon temperatures are like yesterday. upper 50s to low 60s. another system will bring us rain and snow to the sierra. the full forecast coming up. aae zero is back open after a two-car crash a car smashed into a stalled vehicle on the highway in the automall parkway offramp at 2 am. the person with the stalled vehicle died on the scene. police don't know if he was in the car or at the roadway at the time of the crash. it took chp three hours to clear the mess and reopen both lanes. a conquered man is behind bars after agents find a massive stash of guns and boots. sterling alberts is facing felony charges after the atf says they found unregistered guns and two illegal stills and is concorde winery and home. he was making wine rum and whiskey illegally. they found more than 40 weapons at his home including guns and grenade launchers. >> some assault rifles. grenade launchers and gun silencer >> and then many people asked the question why? we have agents are trained gets the bottom of that today.>> he seemed like a nice guy. >> his bond stand at $2 million. authorities say the stills were not only illegal but could have been explosive. the family of the man shot and killed by police last week has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit and released a new video. >> civil rights attorney says the new video shows mario woods was not a threat to police when they shot him. what seems to have had his hands ecocide as the first shot was fired but police say he raised his arm threatening officers with a knife. he had just stab someone and he refused to drop the knife he was holding as a lawsuit was announced students from several san francisco high schools walked out of class to protest the shooting. they march to city hall demanding justice for what and also called for a change and police policy about the use of deadly force police have released the names of the five officers involved in the shooting. winson seto antonio santos, charles august, nicholas cuevas and scott phillips. they are on administrative leave muslim civil rights organization still on alert after a scare stretching across both coast. some another threatening letter to the council on american- islamic relations through the white powder. authorities shut down the office and evacuated all the employees. the same thing happened in washington dc in both cases tests later showed the substance were not dangerous. >> it's is a mix that bringing out the best of our fellow americans thing we're all going to stand together. when it's an attack on muslims or attack on mexican americans or lgbt. >> the fbi and local authorities are investigating all of this this morning investigators are looking into an arson attack at a mosque in southern california 75 miles southeast of san bernardino. it was firebombed after they heard a loud explosion and then saw flames in the front lobby. no one was hurt. fbi divers are looking for evidence that may have been tossed into a lake the federal agents are not commenting on what they're looking for another they found it. divers have brought several items to the surface and thank them for further inspection. it's been revealed that because of the -- before the mass shooting they were examining his mosque for possible terror ties. the government shut down the program for fear of profiling. >> he would then put on the no fly list because of his association with that mosque and/or the visa his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with the known organization >> investigators are looking and possibly between someone known to plot attacks in afghanistan. and megan marquez told people at a stop about sleeper cells waiting to attack the us but no one took him seriously. he bought rifles that were later used in the mass shooting. feels released three victims will be held today across southern california. they include isaac amanios, he was the oldest victim and worked at the health inspector for the county. them on calls -- the 911 calls have been released from san bernardino. you can hear the panic and chaos coming from the irc.>> several down. >> at least 20 victims. >> approximately 1-2 suspects fled. >> the old tapes caught part of the gunbattle between the shooters and police. aside from the horror authorities say the recordings show would police training and teamwork in the very tense situation the bay area muslim community will gather tonight to honor the san bernardino victims and interfaith bill bidwill held at a mosque on pacific avenue that starts at 6 pm. the imam says he will pay to be to the victims while also raising concerns about anti- muslim sentiment. he plans on discussing donald trump's comments about betting muslims from entering the country and the recent competition between woman and a group of muslims praying. in the wake of san bernardino president barack obama will take executive action. >> this is center strengthen federal gun-control laws that would include closing the so- called gun show loophole which allows sales without background checks. requiring background checks for online gun sales and creating a no-fly no bite rule for gun sales denying sales to those currently on the federal no fly list. >> these are considered with common sense and protecting social rights and national security. may have strong bipartisan support police have their own plans to get guns of the streets. christien kafton is at the event show us how they are getting it done. >> reporter: good morning. we are here at united headquarters. there is a lighthearted atmosphere but with a serious message in the aggie to get as many guns off the streets as possible. this is part of the public and police effort to get as many guns off the street. there are some both set up and folks ready to start accepting guns the idea is to accept the guns between eight 8-12 today. this is a united effort between a community members coming together and sentences go police. we're joined by captain gerrita fillable to give us idea on how this works. this could be anonymous and no questions asked. you just want to get the guns off the street>> no questions asked. come down and bring your come down. bring it unloaded and tell us what you have in we'll take the gun from you. $100 per gun and tour de france salt lake rifles. if you've got it home ring it down. it's a great cause at 1038 howard. trying to keep the community safe and me or does that will take them from you. no questions asked >> the data gets many guns off the street as possible. are you looking for anything in particular? >> anything and everything.>> what happens to the guns? >> we see if any were lost or stolen and get those back to the owner. the rest get not the down and scrapped. >> i'm guessing one golf of the street is a good gun off the street. >> yes.>> reporter: captain develop oh we check in with the whole process can be fairly quick. anonymous. there's a link you can see they shut down so cars can pull up and drop off guns. police looking get as many guns off the street as possible. our location howard between sixth street and seventh street. these programs have been effective over the years. over the last four years they've taken 950 guns off the streets breaking news. an historic agreement on the climate crisis. a look at the packed that finally is on the table in my mental group are already raising objections ob talking about giving us on the edge of our seats. double-overtime in the fight to keep the warriors streak alive. celebrate the grand finale of hanukkah in sentences go union square the letting of the last light on the 25 foot tall menorah tomorrow evening at 5 pm. kjavik. oh, so that's how you spell it. what are you looking at? oh, cool. hungry. fish, anyone? hello, seventh waterfall of the day. hello, duck boat. hello, sheep? oh right! itchy icelandic sweaters and no foreign transaction fees. sweet. one last look. ahh. triple points. and we're off. what's next? wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. it's the gear that gets it done. ok, wehere's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models. welcome back. we have a live look of mostly clear skies to start the day. we are cooler this morning upper 30s to low 40s. more rain for the second part of the weekend. the forecast coming up. leaders in colorado are using christmas tree to honor fallen veterans. it displays names of more than 350 colorado servicemen and women who were killed in action since 9/11. of them is sergeant blake harris -- his father says if he could he would give given his life in exchange for his sons. to all of the names on their, please stand down your tour of duty is done. thank you for your service. >> he says the holidays are especially hard for families who lost loved ones. he adds he's comforted by the state for honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. every year veterans run the country are honored and remembered for the holidays the special ceremonies. rates across america that hole that someone had to a local senators only recognizing those who served. 8:45 the wreathlaying 70 will be held at golden gate national cemetery and at 11 volunteers will lay wreaths at the san francisco cemetery. salvation army is celebrate a milestone at union square.>> it's the 35th year of the charity celebrity bellringing events. said physical fire chief and police chief were among those slated to ring the bell and collect donations in the big red kettle in front of macy's. the salvation army says the contribution to allow the organization to provide holiday meals for more than 4 million people across the country. and look at this. rosemary and i were out there ringing some bells and collecting many donations. and not to be left out, look at this picture. we brought along claudine wong. because of scheduling conflicts she could not make it out but people said hello to her. >> that is frightening. >> that's us looking out for you.>> we got more donations after we pulled out the picture. >> are you trying to say i have a big head? >> not at all.>> it's a great picture. >> that is your headshot. >> rob put in a request with full-sized clonidine but they kidnap with just the face. >> that is your headshot. >> stop doing it. >> it is still up on the side of macy's. >> how's the weather looking? a live look of union square. we're looking at a chilly one this morning. 46 in san francisco. 36 santa rosa. san jose 43. colder than yesterday with the clear skies and we have mostly clear skies through the day. the next warm rolls closer to the bay area. the northwest quarter of california is seeing some green . for us it will wait until late tonight and early tomorrow morning before the showers arrive. we are again mostly clear right now. lake o the entire day dry. by 6 pm it begins to creep into portions of sonoma county. so after sunset and are leaving we have scattered showers over the north bay. and a big shift south as we sleep. scattered showers overnight at this is the frontier tomorrow morning. we have rain falling over portions of the north bay and is now brings in sooner than what had. by 9 am it's in the central bay so if you have morning shopping to do you might need your umbrella. quick moving. what sunday morning and in the afternoon we break the way to scattered showers. if you have outdoor activities the second part of the day tomorrow is a bit drier then the morning. as far as rainfall amounts up to three quarters of an inch especially more in the north. more sierra snow coming. if you're traveling to the sierras keep the chains handy. afternoon highs today 58 for vallejo. 60 oaklands. these are like yesterday. ran through the morning tomorrow quite steady and minute tapers off to isolated pop-up showers for the rest of the afternoon. lingering showers monday and mainly dry next week. >> looks like all of our praying for rain is paying off.>> we're not going to complain. fighting for the top of the tickets. the controversy swirling in the gop about who look at the not. pet of the day. this is tosha. she is a one-year-old pitbull mix. was rescued with her family from a foreclosed home. she's good with other dogs and kids and stay is her birthday. you can meet tasha at petaluma penpals. -- pets pals. in historic agreement at the climate change summit in paris. let's have received a final draft of the proposed agreements.>> leaders of the conference including the french president and un secretary- general applauded the packed and called. and legally binding. provisions include lovely off hospital emissions to go the planet temperature from rising. else requires each country to take action >> the issues are many and complex. we must not let the quest for perfection become the enemy of the public good. >> 200 countries are attending the summit an event go shouldn't deal for the past two weeks. some groups are already opposing it and where there are not enough safeguards to force nations to abide by the deal. a new report out claims that isis has the ability to great fake passports utilizing syrian assets. the dhs reports 18 page report that says isis has access to passports printing machines and blank passports. it also says that certain batch of syrian passports issued since june 2014 were from two regions under islamic state control. the department says government officials are mindful that terrorist be making false passports. president barack obama says us airstrikes are hitting isis harder than ever before >> in recent weeks our streets of taken out isis finance chief a leader in somalia and the leader in libya. are message to these killers is simple. we will find you and justice will be done. >> the president says american can do their part to fight against terrorism by sticking together and not dividing along lines of religion and background. he plans to visit the pentagon and national counterterrorism center to review the country's military campaign against isis. we have a better look this morning of how for the gop is going to go to get someone other than donald trump at the top of the ticket. he continues to dominate international polling but partners are asking what if none of the 14 candidates has enough to win the nomination? that could lead to what is called a brokered convention where delegates can give up their allegiances during the primary and vote for whomever they want at the convention. an interview with fox news trump is renewing his threat to run as an independent if treated unfairly. >> if i don't win i'm okay with that. if i'm treated fairly if i'm not treated fairly then i'm someone that does not take unfairness easily. >> the rnc denied any unfairness or plan to read the convention saying it only discussed a brokered convention briefly. last time it produced a winning president was back in 1932 for franklin delano roosevelt. hillary clinton hits the campaign trail in oklahoma yesterday. she put for more competitive us economy and investigate -- investing in renewable energy. today bernie sanders has can pain stops in eastern iowa. coming up exposed to tuberculosis. hundreds of people including more than 350 babies may have been exposed to the airborne disease. the team is keeping it interesting. warriors fans left on the edge of their seats. a congressman is behind bars after agents found a massive stash of guns and booze. sterling albert is facing felony charges after the atf says it found stills in his conquered winery and unregistered guns in his home. agents confiscated more than 40 weapons including assault rifles and grenades launchers. his bond this morning was that it $2 million. new video in the police shooting in san francisco. the family of mario woods says the video shows he was not a threat to police when they shot him. they say he was a threat and hit stab someone and was refusing to drop the knife. his him is filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city fbi is refusing to comment about what divers have found in lake near the home of the san bernardino shooters there looking for a missing computer hard drive that syed farook and tashfeen malik may have thrown away. divers have recovered and bagged several items for further inspection let's head over to rosemary to check on the weather. >> nothing little what's going on outside. 30s and 40s outside. cooler than yesterday that the sun is shining and we will see a nice rebound. a quiet mild day. down by 12 degrees in fairfield. seven in the for more. -- down but if you degrees across the area. -- by a few degrees across the area. right now upper 30s to low 40s. as you get into the afternoon partly cloudy skies increasing for the second half of the day especially over the north bay. we have a high surf warning in place until 4 pm. swells from 14-23 feet. be careful. and look at some temperatures this afternoon. upper 50s to low 60s all around the area. these numbers are like yesterday but increasing clouds this afternoon. even scattered showers expected of her portions of the north bay by tonight. we all get the wet weather by sunday morning. the full forecast coming up. new this morning northbound lanes onto 80 in san francisco are back open after an accident chp says the victim was hit by a car at the ocean avenue on- ramp before 2 am. moments before there were several reports of a woman walking across the highway. officers say northbound lanes were closed for nearly 2 hours. south of geneva avenue. the accident is under investigation. look at this incredible photo. the fired apartment tweeted this picture of a bmw with a metal ramp sticking out. the ramp fell out of the vehicle driving in front of this bmw onto 80 -- 280. it missed the driver by inches. the driver was able to pull over and was walk away. officials in the hospital notify families of hundreds of newborns that they might have been exposed to tuberculosis from a nurse. thinners at santa clara valley medical center was not showing symptoms of the disease and was only diagnosed with active tb after a second routine procedure. the disease is normally spread through the air and mostly after prolonged contact. a clinic is being set up to monitor and treat people who may have been exposed between mid-august and mid november. that's 800 people. 50 of them are babies. -- 350 of them are babies. >> the employee who exposed the babies and moms at our hospital was not even coughing. it's very unlikely she was contagious. >> hospital officials say they are not taking any chances. since tuberculosis can be fatal for infants all 350 will be given x-rays and daily antibiotics for 6-9 months. palo alto police need help in finding a package the the man walking up to a home on an leaves with several packages. he drove off in a red four-door sedan. the sedan is in fair windows and no hubcaps. if you recognize the man or the car call the police. a family owned golf course will see its final round after 45 years in the bay area. sonoma valley golf course opened in 1968. the family said an email to their members let him know about the upcoming closure. general manager is among the 70 employees who will lose their jobs he's worked there since he was 16. >> this is an iconic place in the bay area. it's been a difficult couple of days. we got this will point where we could not financially afford to hang on any longer. >> this emphasis the public utility's commission owns the land and try to sell it to alameda county but cannot reach a deal. the capasso closed january 29 and 22 weddings now have to be canceled. san jose police are asking for your help after a series of cat killings. this shows a man grabbing a cat in september in his cambrian neighborhood where several cats have recently been reported missing or injured. they believe the suspect is robert farmer the son of a retired san jose police captain. he faces several charges of animal cruelty. the da office need help identifying a female orange cat that was killed by former. prosecuters want to identify cat collars found in a car near farmer at the time of his arrest. >> one is a pink glitter color with a bell attached and the other is a black color with a white chain-link design. also with a belt. >> there trying to determine whether he is behind the killing of another cat wrapped in plastic inside a makeshift coffin. the content farmer is not a monster and wants the public to keep an open mind the for the police is warning -- morning loss of a police dog. he joined the department in 2013 . he underwent emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage and his handler said it appeared he was recovering and he suffered a heart attack and died. there was a famous saying they remain in our thoughts and be missed by us all. a teenager has been charged as an adult for shooting and killing a man in oakland body of 38-year-old was found tuesday morning at the martin luther king jr. regional shoreline. 17 old jose lopez confessed to the shooting. he told police he shot gomez to end their secret relationship after the man became obsessed with him. he's due back in court on monday. a candlelight vigil will happen at 6 pm tonight for 70 a man killed a year ago. told ramirez had turned 21 and was working his way through college when someone shot him in his driveway. his family believes it may have been a case of mistaken identity. the vigil is outside of his home . a $25,000 reward is offered for information to track down his killer. president barack obama will take executive action soon on his call for more gun laws. >> the move would include plans to close the gun show loophole which currently allows gun purchases without background checks requiring back rent checks for online gun sales and enacting a no-fly no bite rule for gun sales. some candidates say the kept resident is missing the point when it comes to guns. >> this is been a consistent problem. they cannot distinguish from good guys and bad guys. >> let's keep our country safe. and the second amendment is a good way to keep us safe.>> any was then can be placed on the no fly list. which is why critics are arguing against it. lawmakers continue to disagree but in san francisco police have their own plan to get weapons off the street. >> christien kafton is live in the city showing us how they will get that done.>> reporter: good morning the district with a gun buyback program here in san francisco. it will get underway in about 25 minutes. the police department have closed down one lane between sixth and seventh on howard. folks are already lined up to start dropping off their guns. police have set up a tent in front. the envelopes to start collecting the firearms and administrator of the program is making able prediction. he said he hopes to collect 188 guns today which a be a fantastic number. damien cozies are from the group. >> we want to get them as many guns officer is possible. if you turn in your gun and you get the opportunity to save a life your hero in my eyes in the eyes of the community. one in three homes have guns with children that are not secured we know what's going on in the committee. now is the time to stand up and say i'm not with the violence. let's find other solutions and be part of the solution. >> walk us through how this works. what is anonymous? >> anonymous means no questions asked. no paperwork to fill out. no pictures taken. come up with your gun in your trunk unloaded and someone from the community will approach you and $100 for handgun 204 assault weapons. -- $200 for assault weapons. >> let's evening get that many guns off the street. you heard that they will be volunteers from helping with the collection of the firearms. there making sure everyone is comfortable and dropping off your firearms. the goal is to get as many guns off the street as possible. they will except any weapon last are they? it across both -- they collected a crossbow. >> no rest for the warriors. they play the milwaukee bucks tonight after last night's thrilling double-overtime victory in boston against the celtics.>> the warriors perfect season was on. >> crazy game. steph curry pick up the slack. they combined for 62 points age from 11 rebounds. the longest game of the season so far but once again came out on top. >> concerning the injuries we had and another road chip, it's a huge win for us. most people thought we were going to lose but we got it done.>> final score 1 to 4-119. -- 124-119. they've 128 consecutive season -- regular-season games. second on his winning streak and make history trail in 1971 los angeles lakers. >> stanford running back chris mccaffrey vies for the most coveted individual award tonight. he's up against alabama running back derrick henry and clemson cornerback deshaun watson. mccaffrey has run for eight touchdowns and caught four touchdown passes returned to kick off for a touchdown and is even thrown for two touchdowns. oddsmakers favor henry over mccaffrey but if he does win he'll become the second stanford player to ever take the heisman home. the first was jim plunkett. with chris around the corner -- christmas around the corner we have the best ideas for that techie in your life. amazon is making easy to buy gifts online. details coming up. great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. a live look over the bay where we are having a quiet start to the day. temperatures this afternoon mild. we have more rain coming up. the details coming up. ups is struggling to handle more holiday deliveries than expected. on-time delivery rates for ups ground packages felt a 91%. during the same week last year the rate was 97% which is the shippers average. fedex early numbers were also lower than their usual times and ups has been hit with an expected high-volume's and not enough equipment. amazon prime is adding thousands of items to its one hour delivery list in time for the holidays. more than 4000 items have been added to it prime now service which are available in more than 20 metropolitan areas. the service cost prime customers $7.99 for one hour delivery to our delivery is free. -- 2 our delivery is free. this appears to be an illuminated artwork but it's an interactive highway underpass. it's part of innovating downtown project. lights adorn the highway 87 underpass. the dazzling display is a hit with people who came out to see the $6000 -- $600,000 display. also cool is rosemary. >> it's also super cool outside. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. the sun is up in shining and we're going to begin to see the temperatures turn around. partly cloudy skies. will be mostly clear for this morning and over the north bay especially clouds will increase. a system to the north of us is moving in. we remain dry through the day. this evening scattered showers are a possibility for portions of the north bay but saturday remains mostly dry. tomorrow the scattered showers turned into a steady rain. anywhere from 1/4 inches to 1 inch of rain expected. the winds will come along with the system so parts of the bay area could see up to 45 miles per hour . more sierra snow perhaps another foot to 2 feet of snow for the highest elevations and that means if you're traveling to the sierra, keep your chains handy or heavy snow tires on. -- have the snow tires on. this is a futurecast model of the rain predictions. this gives you an idea of how much rain we expect afternoon highs today upper 50s to low 60s much like yesterday. many festivities going on for hanukkah and the holidays. nice weather today for anything outdoors. the extended forecast temperatures are cooling down in the afternoons sunday into next week. but getting back to the rain and wind study on sunday morning and then scattered showers for the second half of saturday -- sunday. >> at least we get a break today.>> best of both worlds. you can be outdoors and do your shopping today. but of your holiday lights if you haven't already.>> uber is asking its drivers to sign a legal agreement banning them from joining class- action lawsuits against the company. the right service since the 21 page document the drivers nationwide yesterday. the agreement requires drivers to enter into arbitration.? are questioning the timing of the agreement. comes two days after a federal judge's ruling that increased the number of california drivers that could take part in a class action suit currently pending against uber. tennessee sports companies fan duel and draft kings must stop operating in new york. the judge granted an injunction after hearing arguments over whether the daily fantasy sports games announced to illegal gambling or playing these games are in fact lawful. a lawyer for draft kings says the company would immediately be filing for a stay of the decision and of course they plan to appeal the ruling. it's in a galaxy not so far away. the star wars flick will be placed in days. what super fans are already doing as they wait for the movie. it's so exciting. i wanted to come out now. the star wars movie is days away from release. people in los angeles are already lining up. >> the opening night is december 17 people have been lined up since december 5. that using up vacation days and hanging out there partner with the starlight children's foundation accepted donations to its website as the campers wait it out. the first trailer for the upcoming teenage mutant ninja turtles sql is out. they bl alien means and the mad scientist in out of the shadows. it hits theaters june 3. a landmark birthday for old blue eyes. legendary singer actor and rat pack frank sonata 100th birthday is being celebrated today. he was born francis albert sinatra in new jersey in 1915. capital records is raising a custom flag on their i've holding in los angeles. he's on more than 150 million records worldwide. a suspicious substance scare the offices of the bay area muslim civil rights group. the message from the leader of the organization. new video that police shooting that killed a man intent for cisco and the call for change. [ d[ bark ] ] there it is! [ gasps ] oh no! look, the sky's awake! ♪ that. was. epic! [ bark ] life. you never really know what's coming. life just... happens. just when you think you know where it's going sfx: (ambulance sirens) it takes you someplace else. and that's why covered california is here. to help californians who need health insurance get it. so you'll be ready next time life happens. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. get up to 48 monthsw interest-free financing on tempur-pedic, save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic, or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. a stunning discovery. a cache of illegal weapons, assault rifles, grenade launchers and more in an east bay home. a gun buyback set to get underway here in san francisco any minute now. we'll tell you how you can participate when mornings on 2 continues. good morning to you. check out that gorgeous shot of the golden gate bridge this morning. the sun is shining. a little clouds out there. >> so beautiful. that's what we want to wake up to every day. >> sure, of course. sometimes that's socked in by fog. not today. it is saturday, december 12th. i'm claudine wong. >> and let's get right over to rosemary. >> a chill in the air this morning. >> bundle up. >> test the water, so to speak, before you step out the door because you just may need the thicker coat if you're getting out for breakfast, walk one of the dogs, maybe head out for a run. if you lake it cool this is your time to be outdoors. a beautiful view there across the bay. got the bay bridge, the skyline of san francisco. we're partly cloudy to mostly clear this morning. as we get into the second half of the day we will have an increase in clouds coming our way as we begin to transition to a more active pattern in store for your sunday. outside 38 in fairfield, 38 livermore, 38 walnut creek, upper 30s in santa rosa, napa 40 degrees. you had slipped into the 30s earlier. we have 42 in oakland, 52 half moon bay. 44 outside your door san jose. last half-hour we went east. this time we'll shift along the peninsula. we have 46 los altos hill, upper 30s menlo park. how about into portions of the south bay? 42 degrees morgan hill, saratoga and los gatos holding at 40 at this hour. as we get into the second part of your day temperatures are going to feel a lot lake yesterday. bey 10, beginning to feel a little bit better. mid to upper 50s bey lunchtime. as we settle into sunset before 5:00 temperatures dropping off, partly cloudy skies, 54 degrees expected four in the afternoon around dinner time. 60 degrees for concord, 61 in mountain view, and 60 degrees morgan hit. we do have wet weather coming our way. bay area rain and show for the sierra. i'm going to detail that for you coming up in just a little bit. new this morning interstate 880 in fremont is back open following a deadly two-car crash. the chp says a car smashed into a stalled car near the auto mall parkway off-ramp. the perp with the stalled car died on the scene. police don't know if he was in the car or on the roadway. it took the chp three hours to clear all this up. a concord man is behind bars after agents find a massive stash of guns and booze. 53-year-old sterling albert is facing felony charges after the atf says it found unregistered guns and two illegal stills at his concord winery. they say he was making wine, rum, and whiskey, all illegally. investigators also found guns and grenade launchers. >> assault rifles, grenade launchers and gun silencers, then a lot of people are asking the question, why? we have agents trying to get to the bottom of that. >> not dangerous at all. seemed like a nice guy every time i talked with him. >> this morning albert's bonds stands at $2 million. authorities say those stills weren't only illegal but could have exploded. the family of a man shot and killed bey police last week has failed a federal civil rights lawsuit and released new video of the shooting. >> and this is the frame that was represented to the public as justification for the killing. >> the civil rights attorney says the video shows that the man was not a threat to police when they shot him. he says woods seems to have had his hands at his side, but police say wads raised his arm. police say he had just stabbed someone and he refused to drop the knife he was holding. >> no justice, no peace! >> as the lawsuit was being announced students from several san francisco high schools walked out of class to protest the shooting. they marched to city hall. they also called for a change in police policy about to use of deadly force. police have released the names of five officers involved in the shooting. they are all now on administrative leave. new developments this morning on that suspicious letter mailed to santa clara's muslim civil rights organization. someone mailed a threatening letter filled with a white powder. authorities shut down the office and had to evacuate all the employees. no injuries have been reported. this morning we are learning that that substance was benign. the same thing also happened in washington, d.c. tests on the substance there also indicate that it was not dangerous. it is to some extent bringing tout best of our fellow americans, saying that we're all going to stand together, when it's an attack on muslims, or mexican americans or lgbt. in southern california investigators are still looking into an arson attack at a mosque there. it happened 75 miles southeast of san bernardino. witnesses say it was fire- bombed after they heard a loud explosion and saw flames. no one was hurt. now to the latest on the san bernardino terror investigation. fbi divers are continuing to look for evidence that may have been tossed into a lake. the feds aren't commenting on rumors that they are looking for hard drives. divers have brought several items to the surface, and then bagged them so they could be inspected further. it has been revealed that authorities were examining farook's moss for possible terror ties but the government shut down that program amid fears of profiling. >> syed would have been put on the no-fly list because of his association with that mask, and the k-1 visa his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with a known organization. >> investigators are looking into a possible link between farook and a man convicted of plotting terrorist attacks in 2012. the "new york times" is reporting that farook's neighbor, enrique marquez, told people at his job about sleeper cells waiting to attack the u.s. but no one took him seriously. marquez did bay two rifles that were later used in that mass shooting. those 911 calls from san bernardino have now been released, and you can madely hear the panic and the chaos coming from inside the inland regional center. >> we have several down in a conference room. several down. >> we have at least 20 victims. >> approximately one to two suspects left, fled. >> the audiotapes also caught part of the gun battle between the shooters and police. aside from the horror, though, authorities say the recordings also show good police training and teamwork in that very tense situation. funerals for three shooting victims will be held today across southern california. the oldest of the 14 people killed was a san bernardino county health inspector. 45-year-old shannon johnson also worked for the county. a coworker says she's alive because he shielded her from the gunfire. a 31-year-old was always health inspector who planned to get married next year. the bay area's muslim community will gather tonight to honor the san bernardino victims. an interfaith prayer vigil will be held beginning at 6:00. the imam says he will pay tribute to victims while raising concerns. he plans to discuss donald trump's recent comments about banning muslims from entering the country. president obama is expected to take executive action soon on his calls for more gun laws. the move would include plans to close the gun show loophole which currently allows gun purchases without background checks. >> requiring background checks and enacting a no fly/no buy gun rule keeping people what are restricted from air travel in the u.s. from being able to buy a gun. >> they're consistent with protecting constitutional rights, they have strong bipartisan support. >> but in congress that much needed bipartisan support just isn't there, which is why the white house team is studying ways to bypass lawmakers possibly and legally move forward. meanwhile, today in san francisco police have their own plans to get guns off the street. christien kafton is at the event. >> reporter: gun buyback is underway here in san francisco. we're at united between sixth street and seventh street on howard. you can see some of the firearms they're collecting. this gun buyback got underway in the last five minutes or so. you can see some of the weapons. that is a .45 caliber thompson sub-machine gun. officers right now are take serial numbers and model numbers. they are going to be placing them in these evidence boxes and taking these weapons to either be melted down. they are going to be checking them to see if any of them have been lost or stolen. the ones that arrangements they are going to meltdown and destroy. the idea is they want to get as many guns off the streets as possible. this is all part of a combined effort on the part of san francisco police and the united group. rudy, if we can pull you aside and talk to you for a moment about why it's important to have this importantship between sfpd and the community. >> i think it's important because -- because humanity -- you know, guns kill. it ain't got no name on it when it leaves the chamber. so we need to take as many guns off the street as possible. even the person pulling the trigger, we're saving his life, too. >> reporter: people can walk up, drive up. how much do they get for their weapon, and is there any kind of notation being taken or any kind of identification of the people? >> good question. no questions asked. you walk up, drive up, you give your gun, they determine what type of gun it is, you get 100 for a hand gup, 200 for semiautomatic. you get your money, and that's it. >> no questions asked? >> i'm going to let you know, after nice day and thank you for helping us silence the violence. >> rudy, thank you. a very bold -- >> check that out. >> so you can see that there is a little bit of a party atmosphere, but with a very serious message, and get as many guns off the street as possible. rudy predicted 188 guns off the streets today. that's what he's hoping for, guys. >> i love that jacket. what does it say? it takes a hood to save the hood? >> yeah, it says it takes a hood to save a hood. they say that's the important thing, is that it's a community effort. >> absolutely. thanks so much, christian. we appreciate the update. time now is 8:13. packages stolen right off someone's front porch in palo alto. the surveillance video police want you to see. >> but first, got a techy on your holiday gift list? consumer expert jennifer jolly joins us in studio with some of the top ideas for all things digital. will you want to see this. stay with us. there are just two shopping weekends left until christmas. and from smartphones to smart watches and everything in between there are lots of options out there so this morning tech life expert jennifer jolly is with ross with some of the top gift ideas for the tech lover in your family. hi, guys. >> hey, thanks for joining us, jennifer. we're actually talking about games first up. >> well, it's a hot year for video games. and the top video franchise, a billion dollar franchise, skylanders. these are the action figures kids play with in real life, then you bring them to life. they have the super charger vehicles. 20 new characters, but everything still works with the old characters, too. >> and the moms in studio tell me the kids love this. this is crazy big this year. >> kids love it, but so do moms. it's a hot, hot game for all ages. it's really great. >> then we have the traditional, what, playstation? >> this is anything but traditional. darth vader is on this one, because you know the new movie comes out on the 1st, rate around the correspond. 4,000 star wars-related toys. and this is one of the best. it is net a toy. it is battle front playstation 4 bundle. this has everything and hat the number one game console with the playstation, plus battle front. this ps battle front made me bey far the most popular at family thanksgiving this year. >> okay. just hours and hours of intense, amazing game play. >> it sounds very intense. so this is maybe a little bit more up my alley. this is a tech watch. everybody has been talking since the apple watch about what you can get on your wrist. it's quick, convenient, you're working out, it helps you out. >> for all those folks who have android phones, which is still the majority of the population this is the samsung gear s2 watch. less bulk, more beauty, tons of brains. it has a battery life of three days. and you trust this little bevel. it's an incredible smart watch. does more with less. >> and so i use my smart watch while i workout but there are other gifts you can give people that workout all the time. >> exactly right. one of my favorites, i discovered it while traveling. i travel about 10,000 miles a month. i subscribe to this service. you can give to the someone for $60 per year. that's less than half the price of work out with a personal trainer. >> just one time. >> right. >> this is fitness, yoga, meditation. you can watch it across multiple devices. this was dreamed up by a woman who lives in san jose. so it's supporting a local bay area business. >> this is fascinating. we all have flash drives, thumb drives. this is actually a pretty big drive. >> this is incredible. it's the san disk. it's the extreme 500. it's super, super drive. basically videographers, techy types, anyone on your gift list who has a billion videos, wants to take photos, wants to take them anywhere they want. you just plug them into your computer and you download everything, and then some, and it's four times faster than a traditional device. >> it's really tiny light, and it's going right here in my brief pocket, so thank you so much. >> every photo you have ever taken. >> i don't know if would it hold every photo claudine has every taken. we have all of these wonderful product on our web site, go there and click on web links. claudine. >> shopping now. thanks, guys. 8: 19. near zero interest rates may soon be a thick thing of the past. coming up what that could mean to your pocket book. but first, the charity bells rang loudly in i don't know square. and remember we do want to see those holiday photos. check out these cute pictures that we've got so far. you can post them using the hashtag ktvu holiday. we are going to reveal the winner at the end of the show. taking a live look outside this morning. in walnut creek the city's half marathon is right now underway. kickoff at 7:00 this morning. it goes about until noon. >> i saw a post from a friend of main this morning who is in that saying this seemed like a good idea several months back when it wasn't absolutely freezing. that's why you sign up, to make you do it no matter what the weather. this is likely going to impact your plans. oh, that's so little. >> that's little? >> no, not the length of it but the mass. if you are in that area the race starts at the front of pacific park, and then they go and loop back to canal trail. so that's a big chunk of downtown. >> i am exhausting just listening to the list of where you avenue got to run to. >> well, you know, the race, look, it's been going for 53 minutes. kids fun run, 5k, all sorts of stuff, good stuff to keep you busy. every year fallen veterans are honored and remembered for the holidays with special ceremonies. the group has been holding events since 1992. today local ceremonies will be recognizing those when serve. the wreath laying ceremony will be held at golden gate national cemetery. the salvation army is celebrating a milestone in san francisco's union square. friday marked the 35th year of the charity's celebrity bell ringing event. san francisco fire chief and the police chief were among those slated to ring the bells and collect donations in the big red kettles right outside of macy's. the salvation army says the contributions allow the organizations to provide holiday males for 4 million people across the country. take a look at this, rosemary and i out there checking. claudine couldn't make it in this next picture, but we're sure she was there in spirit. that added to the collections pretty dramatically. we got at least $2 more should. people wanted to take pictures with. we got extra donations with it. we should have auctioned it off to the highest bidder. >> i saw you throwing darts at it the other day. >> no. >> that was ross's photo. >> it's still up there. if you want to donate today in front of macy's you can go out there and take a picture with claudine. >> she's still on the wall out there. >> we taped her up to a wall. >> kidding, kidding. >> i'm just kidding. >> you're a good sport, claudine. so, weather-wise we are looking at a fabulous day. we are looking at snoopy in union square. good morning, snoopy. look at all those beautiful wreaths. that is one of my favorite spots tin holidays to go up high and take a look over union square. just beautiful. so we will have partly to mostly clear skies. temperatures on the chilly side this morning. 37 degrees right now santa rosa, 47 san francisco, low 40s oakland, 38 in livermore, 44 in san jose. i feel like i'm going up in an elevator, up, up, up and away. let's get to the sky. we'll just hang out here. beautiful skies overhead. we do have clouds rolling in by the second half of the afternoon, and those clouds will be just the leading edge of a transition that will bring us wet weather for saturday. here is a look at the water vapor. you can see just a little bit of high cloud activity out there. maybe a little bit of patchy fog but not a lot going on. this is the next system that will be creeping into the bay area while we sleep. by tomorrow morning, we washing one scattered showers and steady rain for the first part of the day. i think some of the scattered showers will enter the north bay bey tonight. in the afternoon the clouds increasing, stopping it here late this evening, notice the possibility, maybe a few sprinkles over portions of the north bay. most of us will be mainly dry. if you do have outdoor activities, sausalito will have their boat parade and the fireworks. that should be a-okay. tomorrow morning, take a look at the north basement we've got some steady rain falling. it begins to ship. 9:00, 10:00, it's now in the central bay. bey 10:00 it's down in the south bay. looking at a quarter inch to half inch of rain. even an inch for some of our wetter spots. the hills could pick up an inch and a half so that is great news. by the afternoon, if you do have plans this is going to be the bert time to be outdoors unless you like the rain. you are going to have scattered showers in the forecast for the second half of your sunday. here's a look at what we are expecting over the weekend and into monday. could see an inch of rain or so primarily over portions of the north bay and for the hills. the rest of us will be less. winds are going to pick one this system as well. gusts could be anywhere from 20 to 30 miles per hour, especially breezy along the coast and in our hills, the sierra. a winter storm warning for tomorrow morning. could see up to two feet of snow at the higher peaks, and it is going to impact the passes. afternoon haze for today rnd partly cloudy skies, 59 degrees in berkeley, 60 degrees san jose, 61 for gilroy. the extended forecast. temperatures will cool off a bit. tomorrow in the mid-50s. low to mid-50s monday. rain and wind tomorrow morning. more snow for the sierra. winter storm warning in place for the entire sunday. >> and even beyond pass wednesday is not looking any warmer. >> yes, we're definitely settling into winter. >> winter is here. exposed to tuberculosis what. a south bay hospital is doing after revealing that hundreds of people, including babies, may be at risk. but first, why officials in santa clara county need your help in a suspected cat killer case. it's 8:30. a contra costa county man is behind bars after agents found a massive stash of guns and booze. 53-year-old sterling albert is facing felony charges after the atf says it found two stills and unregistered guns, including assault rifles and grenade launchers. his bond is set at $2 million. new video of last week's deadly police shooting has been released. the family representing the family of mario woods says the video shows that woods was not a threat. police, however, say that woods was a threat. they say he refused to drop the knife. his family has filed a federal lawsuit against the city. the fbi is refusing to comment about what divers have found in a lake near the home of the san bernardino shatters. they are allegedly looking for a missing computer hard drive that syed farook and tashfeen malik may have thrown away. divers have already recovered several other items for inspection. northbound lanes on interstate two crate are back -- 280 are back open after a deadly crash just before 2:00. moments before the crash police say there were several reports of a woman walking across the highway. officers say all northbound lanes were closed for nearly two hours south of neva avenue. the accident is under investigation. check out this incredible picture coming from the south bay. this was freak accident. it could have been deadly and it wasn't. san jose fire tweeted the picture of the bmw. that's a metal ramp stick out of that windshield. fire officials say that ramp was being carried from a vehicle that was driving in front of the bmw on 280. it fell off and smashed right through the windshield, but the driver, he was missed, or she was missed bey just inches and really had the presence of mind to pull over. he did not have more than a scratch on him. officials at a south bay hospital are notifying the families of hundreds of newborns that they may have been exposed to tuberculosis bey a nurse. that nurse at santa clara valley medical center was not showing symptoms of the disease. she was only diagnosed with active tb after a second routine procedure. the disease is normally spread through the air and mostly after prolonged contact. now a clinic is being set up to monitor and treated the people who may have been exposed between mid-august and mid- november. that's 800 people. 350 of them are babies. >> they caught her in time so she won't be exposing any more of our children. >> if a particular employee who exposed the babies and moms at our hospital, she was not even coughing. it's very unlikely that she was highly contagious. >> hospital officials say they're not taking any chances. since tuberculosis can be fatal for infants, all 350 will be giving x-rays and daily antibiotics for a period of six to nine months. palo alto police are asking for your help in finding a package thief. check out this video. there is the man they're looking for. he works rate up to the porch of this home, then he's carrying the package, and he drove off in the vehicle with tinted rear windows and no hubcaps. a taken has been charged as an adult for allegedly shooting and killing a main oakland. the body of the 38-year-old of hayward was found tuesday morning at the martin luther king jr. regional shoreline. police say 17-year-old jose lopez confessed to the shooting. lopez apparently told police that he shot gomez-saldonna to end their secret relationship. a candlelight vigil is set for 6:00 tonight for a san leandro man shot and killed about a year ago. joel ramirez had just turned 21 years old and was work his way through college when someone gunned him down in his driveway last december. his family believes it may have been a case of mistaken identity. that vigil is going to be outside of his home in san leandro. a $25,000 reward is now being offered for information to help track that killer down. president obama is expected to take executive action soon on his call for more gun laws. >> that move would allow plans to close the gun show lap hole which right now allows gun purchases without background checks. it would also require background checks for on-line gun sales. >> and it would also enact a no fly/no bay rule for gun sales keeping people what are restrict from air travel in the country from being able to buy a gun but some gop candidates say the president is missing the point when it comes to guns. ktvu fox 2's christien kafton is live from the city showing us just what we're doing here. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. let's give you a look at exactly what kinds of firearms we're talking about. there is an assault style weapon over there that just came in in pristine condition. we've seen everything from assault-style weapons to shotguns and long riflings. sir, can i have you turn that around for a moment? you can see there's what appears to be a shotgun with a pistol grip or a hand grip on. we're seeing is all kinds of weapons out here. that's really the whole point of this gun buyback program. we're hear at the united playaz. they're paying $100 for a handgun, $200 for semiautomatic and assault-stale weapons. it's been pretty successful. we've seen a lot of people coming in. actually we have rudy over here from united playaz, the community organization that is partnering. rudy, if i can get to you turn around, what we're really talking about, rudy, we're talking about getting as many firearms off the street. you can see how busy they are. i set up to talk with rudy, and literally they're so busy does he not have time to speak with me, but we do have damian posey. rudy is so busy passing out money here to try to check the weapons, we're talk about trying to get guns off the street. we talk about this is anonymous and that people can actually get cash money. >> cash money, 2500 for assault weapons, 100 for a handgun. come on down. it's like black friday down here. people are out here turning them in, trying to be a part of the solution and not the problem. >> and we've been talking about the anonymity of this. >> we're back. >> we're talking to damian. >> we work together. >> what we're talking about is trying to get these guns off the street. some people might feel uncomfortable talking with police, war ready about where the gun comes from. >> i love you, but i don't even want to know your name. >> and we don't even know what anonymity means. we want your gun. but more importantly it's a humanitarian thing. anybody that pulls the trigger, that's potentially somebody dead. once you're dead, there ain't no coming back. we're not anti-gun. we're just making sure people that got guns laying around that they don't use, they don't -- they're just beg abused. so domestic violence is high during this time, people don't know how to handle their women, women don't know how to handle their men. >> thank you guys so much. this gun bay back program still going on here in san francisco. you can see as we've been talking those guns still rolling in. a couple more shotguns. so this program runs until noon. so they are still collecting weapons out here. >> rudy and damian keeping it real out there on the streets. they've got the right idea. >> thanks, christian. time now 8:39. let's head over to rosemary. hello, rosemary. >> hello. >> still cold outside. >> still a cal one. a chill in your bones for sure. >> but tomorrow looks like it will be cold and wet. and wet, yes. so this morning we have the sunshine. at least that will help you feel a little better aus step out. temperatures are cooler because of the clear skies. a live look there over san jose where we are with partly cloudy skies. mostly clear for the first part of the day, increasing clouds for the second part of the day. as claudine alluded to we have rain in the forecast for your sunday. let's take a look at the 24- hour temperature change, down bey seven in livermore, down bey four in concord, two, four, six degrees cooler than yesterday morning but the sun is shining and hopefully that puts a smile on your face. 41 degrees in walnut creek. san jose 44. bayside communities, 48 in san francisco, over to the north bay we have santa rosa trailing behind at 37 degrees, napa with 40, 47 in novato. 54 at half moon bay. as we get into the afternoon we've been dealing with the high surf warning for a couple of days. one more day. please be careful if you are going to be along the beaches for today. swells anywhere from 14 to 23 feet, large breaking waves. that is through the afternoon. for the afternoon today urn partly cloudy skies 58 in san francisco, 60 for oakland, 60 in concord, upper 50s for the north barks 60 in the south bay of san jose. these numbers are a lot like what we had yesterday. but again we do see changes in the forecast for the sec parted of your weekend. wet weather moving into the bay area. more snow for the sierra. i will detail it in just a bit. financial experts are concerned about the possibility of a shake-up in the nation's economy. necks weak the federal reserve will meet and is expected to raise a key short-term interest rate bey a quarter percent. rates are currently at record lows. the fed has not raised rates in many years. >> for an ordinary consumer, even a rate increase of a quarter of a point or a half a point amounts to a lot of money when you're financing houses that are as expensive as they are here in the bay area. >> mortgage rates have already started climbing. the average rate for a 30 -year fixed rate increased from 3.76% at the end of october to almost 4% this weak, but car dealers say a small rate hike probably will not affect leasing or new car financing incentives for at least the next year. breaking news out of paris this morning. an historic agreement on the climate crisis. up next, a look at the pack that's now final on the table, and the environmental group that's already raising objections. but first, how your pes can get into the holiday spirit. that's faces are killing me. oh my goodness. and take a photo with santa in the bay area. it is all for a good cause. that's all coming up in just ten minutes. alaska. finally. the search for brown bears begins. denali highway. low on gas. pit stop. fill up. double points. yep, that's cold. tired. day 2. coffee. eggs. double points. beautiful. majestic... nothing. where are you, bear? warm. warmer. warmer. yes. wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. 's the gear that gets it done. who patiently teaches how ta feast comes to life. the "family" ...who spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. the neighbor...who shares the season with another. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. san jose police are asking for your help on a series of cat killings. this video shows a man grabbing a kit in san jose's cambrian neighborhood. police believe the suspect is robert farmer, the son of a retired police captain. he faces charges of animal cruelty. the district attorney's office needs help in identifying a female orange cat that was allegedly killed by farreller. prosecutors want to identify two cat collars that were found in a car near farmer at the time of his arrest. >> one is a pink glittery collar with a bell attached to the. the other is a black collar with a white chain link design, also with a bell. >> authorities are trying to determine whether farmer is behind killing another cat found wrapped in plastic inside a make-shift coffin. his lawyer says farm ser not a monster and wants the public to keep an open mind in this case. new this morning on the verge an historic deal, diplomats have now received a final draft of the proposed agreement. leaders applauded the pact. key provisions include leveling off fossil fuel emissions, keeping earth's temperatures from rising. the proposal requires each country, no matter the size or wealth, to take action. >> the issues are many and complex, but we must not let the quest for perfection become the enemy of the public good. >> 200 countries are attending the summit. we have learned that three major nations key to any daily, china, india, and saudi arabia, are, quote, happy with the pact. but some environmental groups are already opposing it because they are worried there are not enough safeguards to force countries to abide by the deal. in the immediate future, no change in the climate here. it is still cold, cold, cold. maybe a little less rain today. >> we are looking at dry weather for most of today. i think as we get into the evening hours, over the north bay a few scattered showers, but the wet day holding off until sunday, early sunday morning. how about a look outside our doors at this hour. partly cloudy skies. as ross mentioned, a chilly start, way below where we started yesterday. 37 santa rose sacks, low 40s in oakland. livermore 38, san jose, good morning to you at 44. a look here with our sates on the next storm already bringing a little bit of rain to the northwest corner of california. areas around eureka, crescent city in store for that rain. a little bit of snow mix for the higher elevations. for us it is going to be a partly cloudy, dry day. here is a look at what's going on in the bay area. fog along the coast. as we get into tonight that transition begins, he is special over portions of the north bay. here we are at this hour. as we get into the second half notice an increase in clouds. partly cloudy, maybe even mostly cloudy skies over the bay area. i'm stopping it here for you about 7:00, and there's that scattered shower activity down to the north edge of sonoma county. perhaps few scattered showers. if you have outdoor plans, the rest of us are going to remain dry until the overnight hours. scattered showers begin to fall bay area weighed, then by sunday morning the steady rain moves into the north bay first. looks like by 7:00, 8:00. bey 9:00 into the central bay. this is when we're going to see the steady rain through the morning hours, and bey afternoon we're breaking away to just pocket of isolated scattered showers. as far as rainfall amounts, anywhere from a quarter inch to half inch for most of us. could see up to an inch over portions of the north bay. even more than that for the hills. that's some grade news. snow for the sierra. that's excellent news as well. temperatures under partly cloudy skies, 58 in san francisco. i can sum it up bey saying today will feel a lot like yesterday. 6 in gilroy. at least when it comes to the temperatures. the extended forecast with your bay area weekend ames view, the rain, a little bit of wind tomorrow morning as well, a chance for showers on monday. temperatures will remain on the cool side. we're going to take a break. we will be right back. it's no secret that the bay area loves its pets, especially with pictures like this one, with yoda santa. no, that's not yoda santa. >> but we like all of these. tomorrow you can get your dog or cat photographed with santa, with the money going to a great cause. rosemary and ross, along with juliette boyd and some new friends are here with details. >> hey, juliette. thank you so much. this is little brillo this morning. >> this is a terrier mix. >> who is that? >> poo bear. >> eight wakes? >> about eight weeks old. this little one is about eight wakes as well. >> everyone loves to take photos of their pets, but tomorrow you are doing an event so people can come and take their photo with santa. >> absolutely. bay street emeryville is hosting a santa claus event tomorrow where people can bring their pets down, sit on santa's lap, take a photo. these are generously donated to us. we will also have a cat and dog adoption event. >> so there's a small fee for that. just for the photo. but it's really a employ time to bring your pet down, take your photo, and see if your pet gets along with the other pets up for adoption. so it's a chance to create a bigger, happier family. >> your pet can find a sibling, which is really nice. >> all of our animals are rescue animals so they're looking for homes for the holidays. >> what's it like this time of year when it comes to the number of pets that need to be rescued and adopted? >> it's always quite high. the nice anything is we see an uptick in adoptions this time of year as people really do want to find a family member to join them for the new year. so it's wonderful. we definitely see a rise, and it's great. this year we will have adopted out about 1200 dogs and cats. amazing. >> fantastic. >> let me give you brillo. maybe you should take brillo home today. look how cute you lack. juliette, thank you for joining us. we will try to make it out there tomorrow. and for everyone at home take a look at the graphic so you know this is going on at emoryville, bay street ox adoptions from noon to 3:00 p.m. take the photos from 2:00 to 6:00. for more information go to and send us some photos tomorrow. >> i think the times have just changed. i believe it's going to be 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. >> great. even more time. >> sounds good, guys. let's talk warriors at 8:56, because there will be no rest for the nba champs. the warriors must play the milwaukee bucks tonight, and that follows last night's thrill overtime victory against the celtics. >> iguodala will save it, and the golden state warriors, a perfect season lives on! and what a game that was. harrison barnes missed the game due to injuries. but draymond green filled in. they decks extend that nba record for the best start to a season to 24-0. they have won 28 straight regular season games dating back to last year. i know rosemary was watching that game. >> that game was amazing. amazing. they battled through. >> double overtime. >> yes. it was close. >> they keep it interesting. also we've been asking you all morning long to show us how you're celebrating the holiday season with some instagram photos. we've been showing you these photos. each day throughout new year's we're going grab our favorite photos from instagram with the hashtag ktvu holiday, and that's actually what you can use to send them to us so we can take a look and judge them. and this morning the judging honors go to rosemary orozco. and there's the winner. >> that's the caughtest one. >> those two are so cute. >> and i love thou little girl is showing her brother who's boss. >> that's right. >> especially on christmas. >> let's keep it that way. >> that just shows what the rest of their lives will be like. >> just sown. >> let's set the record straight. >> we love all the pictures. ktvu holiday hashtag so we can find them and make this one of our favorite things to do. that's going to do it for us. we're off early today because of the ufc road to the octagon, but stay with us on >> thanks for joining us. make it a great day. >> see you tomorrow. >> union square, so pretty. 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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20151212 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings Weekend Edition 20151212

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a live look right now over oakland's. it is cold outside. but the sun is about to peek through. >> i had my hat on this morning. but i'm wimpy. good morning to you. it is saturday the summer 12. -- december 12. >> let's check the weather. it's cold out. >> i had my seat warmers on. it feels like winter. >> upper 30s to about 40. it's a chilly one. colder than yesterday because we have partnered cloudy to clear skies. there's the view across the bay. we have partly cloudy to mostly clear skies. we will be dry through the afternoon but by this evening things start to change. we have more rain will begin -- moving in. the rest of us will get in on it by tomorrow morning right now partly cloudy skies. down by 12 degrees in fairfield. it is a colder start to the day. let's put the numbers up. 35 fairfield. upper 30s walnut creek and livermore. 37 napa. the basic communities are in the low 40s. -- bayside communities are in the low 40s. this afternoon temperatures are like yesterday. upper 50s to low 60s. another system will bring us rain and snow to the sierra. the full forecast coming up. aae zero is back open after a two-car crash a car smashed into a stalled vehicle on the highway in the automall parkway offramp at 2 am. the person with the stalled vehicle died on the scene. police don't know if he was in the car or at the roadway at the time of the crash. it took chp three hours to clear the mess and reopen both lanes. a conquered man is behind bars after agents find a massive stash of guns and boots. sterling alberts is facing felony charges after the atf says they found unregistered guns and two illegal stills and is concorde winery and home. he was making wine rum and whiskey illegally. they found more than 40 weapons at his home including guns and grenade launchers. >> some assault rifles. grenade launchers and gun silencer >> and then many people asked the question why? we have agents are trained gets the bottom of that today.>> he seemed like a nice guy. >> his bond stand at $2 million. authorities say the stills were not only illegal but could have been explosive. the family of the man shot and killed by police last week has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit and released a new video. >> civil rights attorney says the new video shows mario woods was not a threat to police when they shot him. what seems to have had his hands ecocide as the first shot was fired but police say he raised his arm threatening officers with a knife. he had just stab someone and he refused to drop the knife he was holding as a lawsuit was announced students from several san francisco high schools walked out of class to protest the shooting. they march to city hall demanding justice for what and also called for a change and police policy about the use of deadly force police have released the names of the five officers involved in the shooting. winson seto antonio santos, charles august, nicholas cuevas and scott phillips. they are on administrative leave muslim civil rights organization still on alert after a scare stretching across both coast. some another threatening letter to the council on american- islamic relations through the white powder. authorities shut down the office and evacuated all the employees. the same thing happened in washington dc in both cases tests later showed the substance were not dangerous. >> it's is a mix that bringing out the best of our fellow americans thing we're all going to stand together. when it's an attack on muslims or attack on mexican americans or lgbt. >> the fbi and local authorities are investigating all of this this morning investigators are looking into an arson attack at a mosque in southern california 75 miles southeast of san bernardino. it was firebombed after they heard a loud explosion and then saw flames in the front lobby. no one was hurt. fbi divers are looking for evidence that may have been tossed into a lake the federal agents are not commenting on what they're looking for another they found it. divers have brought several items to the surface and thank them for further inspection. it's been revealed that because of the -- before the mass shooting they were examining his mosque for possible terror ties. the government shut down the program for fear of profiling. >> he would then put on the no fly list because of his association with that mosque and/or the visa his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with the known organization >> investigators are looking and possibly between someone known to plot attacks in afghanistan. and megan marquez told people at a stop about sleeper cells waiting to attack the us but no one took him seriously. he bought rifles that were later used in the mass shooting. feels released three victims will be held today across southern california. they include isaac amanios, he was the oldest victim and worked at the health inspector for the county. them on calls -- the 911 calls have been released from san bernardino. you can hear the panic and chaos coming from the irc.>> several down. >> at least 20 victims. >> approximately 1-2 suspects fled. >> the old tapes caught part of the gunbattle between the shooters and police. aside from the horror authorities say the recordings show would police training and teamwork in the very tense situation the bay area muslim community will gather tonight to honor the san bernardino victims and interfaith bill bidwill held at a mosque on pacific avenue that starts at 6 pm. the imam says he will pay to be to the victims while also raising concerns about anti- muslim sentiment. he plans on discussing donald trump's comments about betting muslims from entering the country and the recent competition between woman and a group of muslims praying. in the wake of san bernardino president barack obama will take executive action. >> this is center strengthen federal gun-control laws that would include closing the so- called gun show loophole which allows sales without background checks. requiring background checks for online gun sales and creating a no-fly no bite rule for gun sales denying sales to those currently on the federal no fly list. >> these are considered with common sense and protecting social rights and national security. may have strong bipartisan support police have their own plans to get guns of the streets. christien kafton is at the event show us how they are getting it done. >> reporter: good morning. we are here at united headquarters. there is a lighthearted atmosphere but with a serious message in the aggie to get as many guns off the streets as possible. this is part of the public and police effort to get as many guns off the street. there are some both set up and folks ready to start accepting guns the idea is to accept the guns between eight 8-12 today. this is a united effort between a community members coming together and sentences go police. we're joined by captain gerrita fillable to give us idea on how this works. this could be anonymous and no questions asked. you just want to get the guns off the street>> no questions asked. come down and bring your come down. bring it unloaded and tell us what you have in we'll take the gun from you. $100 per gun and tour de france salt lake rifles. if you've got it home ring it down. it's a great cause at 1038 howard. trying to keep the community safe and me or does that will take them from you. no questions asked >> the data gets many guns off the street as possible. are you looking for anything in particular? >> anything and everything.>> what happens to the guns? >> we see if any were lost or stolen and get those back to the owner. the rest get not the down and scrapped. >> i'm guessing one golf of the street is a good gun off the street. >> yes.>> reporter: captain develop oh we check in with the whole process can be fairly quick. anonymous. there's a link you can see they shut down so cars can pull up and drop off guns. police looking get as many guns off the street as possible. our location howard between sixth street and seventh street. these programs have been effective over the years. over the last four years they've taken 950 guns off the streets breaking news. an historic agreement on the climate crisis. a look at the packed that finally is on the table in my mental group are already raising objections ob talking about giving us on the edge of our seats. double-overtime in the fight to keep the warriors streak alive. celebrate the grand finale of hanukkah in sentences go union square the letting of the last light on the 25 foot tall menorah tomorrow evening at 5 pm. kjavik. oh, so that's how you spell it. what are you looking at? oh, cool. hungry. fish, anyone? hello, seventh waterfall of the day. hello, duck boat. hello, sheep? oh right! itchy icelandic sweaters and no foreign transaction fees. sweet. one last look. ahh. triple points. and we're off. what's next? wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. it's the gear that gets it done. ok, wehere's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models. welcome back. we have a live look of mostly clear skies to start the day. we are cooler this morning upper 30s to low 40s. more rain for the second part of the weekend. the forecast coming up. leaders in colorado are using christmas tree to honor fallen veterans. it displays names of more than 350 colorado servicemen and women who were killed in action since 9/11. of them is sergeant blake harris -- his father says if he could he would give given his life in exchange for his sons. to all of the names on their, please stand down your tour of duty is done. thank you for your service. >> he says the holidays are especially hard for families who lost loved ones. he adds he's comforted by the state for honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. every year veterans run the country are honored and remembered for the holidays the special ceremonies. rates across america that hole that someone had to a local senators only recognizing those who served. 8:45 the wreathlaying 70 will be held at golden gate national cemetery and at 11 volunteers will lay wreaths at the san francisco cemetery. salvation army is celebrate a milestone at union square.>> it's the 35th year of the charity celebrity bellringing events. said physical fire chief and police chief were among those slated to ring the bell and collect donations in the big red kettle in front of macy's. the salvation army says the contribution to allow the organization to provide holiday meals for more than 4 million people across the country. and look at this. rosemary and i were out there ringing some bells and collecting many donations. and not to be left out, look at this picture. we brought along claudine wong. because of scheduling conflicts she could not make it out but people said hello to her. >> that is frightening. >> that's us looking out for you.>> we got more donations after we pulled out the picture. >> are you trying to say i have a big head? >> not at all.>> it's a great picture. >> that is your headshot. >> rob put in a request with full-sized clonidine but they kidnap with just the face. >> that is your headshot. >> stop doing it. >> it is still up on the side of macy's. >> how's the weather looking? a live look of union square. we're looking at a chilly one this morning. 46 in san francisco. 36 santa rosa. san jose 43. colder than yesterday with the clear skies and we have mostly clear skies through the day. the next warm rolls closer to the bay area. the northwest quarter of california is seeing some green . for us it will wait until late tonight and early tomorrow morning before the showers arrive. we are again mostly clear right now. lake o the entire day dry. by 6 pm it begins to creep into portions of sonoma county. so after sunset and are leaving we have scattered showers over the north bay. and a big shift south as we sleep. scattered showers overnight at this is the frontier tomorrow morning. we have rain falling over portions of the north bay and is now brings in sooner than what had. by 9 am it's in the central bay so if you have morning shopping to do you might need your umbrella. quick moving. what sunday morning and in the afternoon we break the way to scattered showers. if you have outdoor activities the second part of the day tomorrow is a bit drier then the morning. as far as rainfall amounts up to three quarters of an inch especially more in the north. more sierra snow coming. if you're traveling to the sierras keep the chains handy. afternoon highs today 58 for vallejo. 60 oaklands. these are like yesterday. ran through the morning tomorrow quite steady and minute tapers off to isolated pop-up showers for the rest of the afternoon. lingering showers monday and mainly dry next week. >> looks like all of our praying for rain is paying off.>> we're not going to complain. fighting for the top of the tickets. the controversy swirling in the gop about who look at the not. pet of the day. this is tosha. she is a one-year-old pitbull mix. was rescued with her family from a foreclosed home. she's good with other dogs and kids and stay is her birthday. you can meet tasha at petaluma penpals. -- pets pals. in historic agreement at the climate change summit in paris. let's have received a final draft of the proposed agreements.>> leaders of the conference including the french president and un secretary- general applauded the packed and called. and legally binding. provisions include lovely off hospital emissions to go the planet temperature from rising. else requires each country to take action >> the issues are many and complex. we must not let the quest for perfection become the enemy of the public good. >> 200 countries are attending the summit an event go shouldn't deal for the past two weeks. some groups are already opposing it and where there are not enough safeguards to force nations to abide by the deal. a new report out claims that isis has the ability to great fake passports utilizing syrian assets. the dhs reports 18 page report that says isis has access to passports printing machines and blank passports. it also says that certain batch of syrian passports issued since june 2014 were from two regions under islamic state control. the department says government officials are mindful that terrorist be making false passports. president barack obama says us airstrikes are hitting isis harder than ever before >> in recent weeks our streets of taken out isis finance chief a leader in somalia and the leader in libya. are message to these killers is simple. we will find you and justice will be done. >> the president says american can do their part to fight against terrorism by sticking together and not dividing along lines of religion and background. he plans to visit the pentagon and national counterterrorism center to review the country's military campaign against isis. we have a better look this morning of how for the gop is going to go to get someone other than donald trump at the top of the ticket. he continues to dominate international polling but partners are asking what if none of the 14 candidates has enough to win the nomination? that could lead to what is called a brokered convention where delegates can give up their allegiances during the primary and vote for whomever they want at the convention. an interview with fox news trump is renewing his threat to run as an independent if treated unfairly. >> if i don't win i'm okay with that. if i'm treated fairly if i'm not treated fairly then i'm someone that does not take unfairness easily. >> the rnc denied any unfairness or plan to read the convention saying it only discussed a brokered convention briefly. last time it produced a winning president was back in 1932 for franklin delano roosevelt. hillary clinton hits the campaign trail in oklahoma yesterday. she put for more competitive us economy and investigate -- investing in renewable energy. today bernie sanders has can pain stops in eastern iowa. coming up exposed to tuberculosis. hundreds of people including more than 350 babies may have been exposed to the airborne disease. the team is keeping it interesting. warriors fans left on the edge of their seats. a congressman is behind bars after agents found a massive stash of guns and booze. sterling albert is facing felony charges after the atf says it found stills in his conquered winery and unregistered guns in his home. agents confiscated more than 40 weapons including assault rifles and grenades launchers. his bond this morning was that it $2 million. new video in the police shooting in san francisco. the family of mario woods says the video shows he was not a threat to police when they shot him. they say he was a threat and hit stab someone and was refusing to drop the knife. his him is filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city fbi is refusing to comment about what divers have found in lake near the home of the san bernardino shooters there looking for a missing computer hard drive that syed farook and tashfeen malik may have thrown away. divers have recovered and bagged several items for further inspection let's head over to rosemary to check on the weather. >> nothing little what's going on outside. 30s and 40s outside. cooler than yesterday that the sun is shining and we will see a nice rebound. a quiet mild day. down by 12 degrees in fairfield. seven in the for more. -- down but if you degrees across the area. -- by a few degrees across the area. right now upper 30s to low 40s. as you get into the afternoon partly cloudy skies increasing for the second half of the day especially over the north bay. we have a high surf warning in place until 4 pm. swells from 14-23 feet. be careful. and look at some temperatures this afternoon. upper 50s to low 60s all around the area. these numbers are like yesterday but increasing clouds this afternoon. even scattered showers expected of her portions of the north bay by tonight. we all get the wet weather by sunday morning. the full forecast coming up. new this morning northbound lanes onto 80 in san francisco are back open after an accident chp says the victim was hit by a car at the ocean avenue on- ramp before 2 am. moments before there were several reports of a woman walking across the highway. officers say northbound lanes were closed for nearly 2 hours. south of geneva avenue. the accident is under investigation. look at this incredible photo. the fired apartment tweeted this picture of a bmw with a metal ramp sticking out. the ramp fell out of the vehicle driving in front of this bmw onto 80 -- 280. it missed the driver by inches. the driver was able to pull over and was walk away. officials in the hospital notify families of hundreds of newborns that they might have been exposed to tuberculosis from a nurse. thinners at santa clara valley medical center was not showing symptoms of the disease and was only diagnosed with active tb after a second routine procedure. the disease is normally spread through the air and mostly after prolonged contact. a clinic is being set up to monitor and treat people who may have been exposed between mid-august and mid november. that's 800 people. 50 of them are babies. -- 350 of them are babies. >> the employee who exposed the babies and moms at our hospital was not even coughing. it's very unlikely she was contagious. >> hospital officials say they are not taking any chances. since tuberculosis can be fatal for infants all 350 will be given x-rays and daily antibiotics for 6-9 months. palo alto police need help in finding a package the the man walking up to a home on an leaves with several packages. he drove off in a red four-door sedan. the sedan is in fair windows and no hubcaps. if you recognize the man or the car call the police. a family owned golf course will see its final round after 45 years in the bay area. sonoma valley golf course opened in 1968. the family said an email to their members let him know about the upcoming closure. general manager is among the 70 employees who will lose their jobs he's worked there since he was 16. >> this is an iconic place in the bay area. it's been a difficult couple of days. we got this will point where we could not financially afford to hang on any longer. >> this emphasis the public utility's commission owns the land and try to sell it to alameda county but cannot reach a deal. the capasso closed january 29 and 22 weddings now have to be canceled. san jose police are asking for your help after a series of cat killings. this shows a man grabbing a cat in september in his cambrian neighborhood where several cats have recently been reported missing or injured. they believe the suspect is robert farmer the son of a retired san jose police captain. he faces several charges of animal cruelty. the da office need help identifying a female orange cat that was killed by former. prosecuters want to identify cat collars found in a car near farmer at the time of his arrest. >> one is a pink glitter color with a bell attached and the other is a black color with a white chain-link design. also with a belt. >> there trying to determine whether he is behind the killing of another cat wrapped in plastic inside a makeshift coffin. the content farmer is not a monster and wants the public to keep an open mind the for the police is warning -- morning loss of a police dog. he joined the department in 2013 . he underwent emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage and his handler said it appeared he was recovering and he suffered a heart attack and died. there was a famous saying they remain in our thoughts and be missed by us all. a teenager has been charged as an adult for shooting and killing a man in oakland body of 38-year-old was found tuesday morning at the martin luther king jr. regional shoreline. 17 old jose lopez confessed to the shooting. he told police he shot gomez to end their secret relationship after the man became obsessed with him. he's due back in court on monday. a candlelight vigil will happen at 6 pm tonight for 70 a man killed a year ago. told ramirez had turned 21 and was working his way through college when someone shot him in his driveway. his family believes it may have been a case of mistaken identity. the vigil is outside of his home . a $25,000 reward is offered for information to track down his killer. president barack obama will take executive action soon on his call for more gun laws. >> the move would include plans to close the gun show loophole which currently allows gun purchases without background checks requiring back rent checks for online gun sales and enacting a no-fly no bite rule for gun sales. some candidates say the kept resident is missing the point when it comes to guns. >> this is been a consistent problem. they cannot distinguish from good guys and bad guys. >> let's keep our country safe. and the second amendment is a good way to keep us safe.>> any was then can be placed on the no fly list. which is why critics are arguing against it. lawmakers continue to disagree but in san francisco police have their own plan to get weapons off the street. >> christien kafton is live in the city showing us how they will get that done.>> reporter: good morning the district with a gun buyback program here in san francisco. it will get underway in about 25 minutes. the police department have closed down one lane between sixth and seventh on howard. folks are already lined up to start dropping off their guns. police have set up a tent in front. the envelopes to start collecting the firearms and administrator of the program is making able prediction. he said he hopes to collect 188 guns today which a be a fantastic number. damien cozies are from the group. >> we want to get them as many guns officer is possible. if you turn in your gun and you get the opportunity to save a life your hero in my eyes in the eyes of the community. one in three homes have guns with children that are not secured we know what's going on in the committee. now is the time to stand up and say i'm not with the violence. let's find other solutions and be part of the solution. >> walk us through how this works. what is anonymous? >> anonymous means no questions asked. no paperwork to fill out. no pictures taken. come up with your gun in your trunk unloaded and someone from the community will approach you and $100 for handgun 204 assault weapons. -- $200 for assault weapons. >> let's evening get that many guns off the street. you heard that they will be volunteers from helping with the collection of the firearms. there making sure everyone is comfortable and dropping off your firearms. the goal is to get as many guns off the street as possible. they will except any weapon last are they? it across both -- they collected a crossbow. >> no rest for the warriors. they play the milwaukee bucks tonight after last night's thrilling double-overtime victory in boston against the celtics.>> the warriors perfect season was on. >> crazy game. steph curry pick up the slack. they combined for 62 points age from 11 rebounds. the longest game of the season so far but once again came out on top. >> concerning the injuries we had and another road chip, it's a huge win for us. most people thought we were going to lose but we got it done.>> final score 1 to 4-119. -- 124-119. they've 128 consecutive season -- regular-season games. second on his winning streak and make history trail in 1971 los angeles lakers. >> stanford running back chris mccaffrey vies for the most coveted individual award tonight. he's up against alabama running back derrick henry and clemson cornerback deshaun watson. mccaffrey has run for eight touchdowns and caught four touchdown passes returned to kick off for a touchdown and is even thrown for two touchdowns. oddsmakers favor henry over mccaffrey but if he does win he'll become the second stanford player to ever take the heisman home. the first was jim plunkett. with chris around the corner -- christmas around the corner we have the best ideas for that techie in your life. amazon is making easy to buy gifts online. details coming up. great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. a live look over the bay where we are having a quiet start to the day. temperatures this afternoon mild. we have more rain coming up. the details coming up. ups is struggling to handle more holiday deliveries than expected. on-time delivery rates for ups ground packages felt a 91%. during the same week last year the rate was 97% which is the shippers average. fedex early numbers were also lower than their usual times and ups has been hit with an expected high-volume's and not enough equipment. amazon prime is adding thousands of items to its one hour delivery list in time for the holidays. more than 4000 items have been added to it prime now service which are available in more than 20 metropolitan areas. the service cost prime customers $7.99 for one hour delivery to our delivery is free. -- 2 our delivery is free. this appears to be an illuminated artwork but it's an interactive highway underpass. it's part of innovating downtown project. lights adorn the highway 87 underpass. the dazzling display is a hit with people who came out to see the $6000 -- $600,000 display. also cool is rosemary. >> it's also super cool outside. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. the sun is up in shining and we're going to begin to see the temperatures turn around. partly cloudy skies. will be mostly clear for this morning and over the north bay especially clouds will increase. a system to the north of us is moving in. we remain dry through the day. this evening scattered showers are a possibility for portions of the north bay but saturday remains mostly dry. tomorrow the scattered showers turned into a steady rain. anywhere from 1/4 inches to 1 inch of rain expected. the winds will come along with the system so parts of the bay area could see up to 45 miles per hour . more sierra snow perhaps another foot to 2 feet of snow for the highest elevations and that means if you're traveling to the sierra, keep your chains handy or heavy snow tires on. -- have the snow tires on. this is a futurecast model of the rain predictions. this gives you an idea of how much rain we expect afternoon highs today upper 50s to low 60s much like yesterday. many festivities going on for hanukkah and the holidays. nice weather today for anything outdoors. the extended forecast temperatures are cooling down in the afternoons sunday into next week. but getting back to the rain and wind study on sunday morning and then scattered showers for the second half of saturday -- sunday. >> at least we get a break today.>> best of both worlds. you can be outdoors and do your shopping today. but of your holiday lights if you haven't already.>> uber is asking its drivers to sign a legal agreement banning them from joining class- action lawsuits against the company. the right service since the 21 page document the drivers nationwide yesterday. the agreement requires drivers to enter into arbitration.? are questioning the timing of the agreement. comes two days after a federal judge's ruling that increased the number of california drivers that could take part in a class action suit currently pending against uber. tennessee sports companies fan duel and draft kings must stop operating in new york. the judge granted an injunction after hearing arguments over whether the daily fantasy sports games announced to illegal gambling or playing these games are in fact lawful. a lawyer for draft kings says the company would immediately be filing for a stay of the decision and of course they plan to appeal the ruling. it's in a galaxy not so far away. the star wars flick will be placed in days. what super fans are already doing as they wait for the movie. it's so exciting. i wanted to come out now. the star wars movie is days away from release. people in los angeles are already lining up. >> the opening night is december 17 people have been lined up since december 5. that using up vacation days and hanging out there partner with the starlight children's foundation accepted donations to its website as the campers wait it out. the first trailer for the upcoming teenage mutant ninja turtles sql is out. they bl alien means and the mad scientist in out of the shadows. it hits theaters june 3. a landmark birthday for old blue eyes. legendary singer actor and rat pack frank sonata 100th birthday is being celebrated today. he was born francis albert sinatra in new jersey in 1915. capital records is raising a custom flag on their i've holding in los angeles. he's on more than 150 million records worldwide. a suspicious substance scare the offices of the bay area muslim civil rights group. the message from the leader of the organization. new video that police shooting that killed a man intent for cisco and the call for change. [ d[ bark ] ] there it is! [ gasps ] oh no! look, the sky's awake! ♪ that. was. epic! [ bark ] life. you never really know what's coming. life just... happens. just when you think you know where it's going sfx: (ambulance sirens) it takes you someplace else. and that's why covered california is here. to help californians who need health insurance get it. so you'll be ready next time life happens. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. get up to 48 monthsw interest-free financing on tempur-pedic, save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic, or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. a stunning discovery. a cache of illegal weapons, assault rifles, grenade launchers and more in an east bay home. a gun buyback set to get underway here in san francisco any minute now. we'll tell you how you can participate when mornings on 2 continues. good morning to you. check out that gorgeous shot of the golden gate bridge this morning. the sun is shining. a little clouds out there. >> so beautiful. that's what we want to wake up to every day. >> sure, of course. sometimes that's socked in by fog. not today. it is saturday, december 12th. i'm claudine wong. >> and let's get right over to rosemary. >> a chill in the air this morning. >> bundle up. >> test the water, so to speak, before you step out the door because you just may need the thicker coat if you're getting out for breakfast, walk one of the dogs, maybe head out for a run. if you lake it cool this is your time to be outdoors. a beautiful view there across the bay. got the bay bridge, the skyline of san francisco. we're partly cloudy to mostly clear this morning. as we get into the second half of the day we will have an increase in clouds coming our way as we begin to transition to a more active pattern in store for your sunday. outside 38 in fairfield, 38 livermore, 38 walnut creek, upper 30s in santa rosa, napa 40 degrees. you had slipped into the 30s earlier. we have 42 in oakland, 52 half moon bay. 44 outside your door san jose. last half-hour we went east. this time we'll shift along the peninsula. we have 46 los altos hill, upper 30s menlo park. how about into portions of the south bay? 42 degrees morgan hill, saratoga and los gatos holding at 40 at this hour. as we get into the second part of your day temperatures are going to feel a lot lake yesterday. bey 10, beginning to feel a little bit better. mid to upper 50s bey lunchtime. as we settle into sunset before 5:00 temperatures dropping off, partly cloudy skies, 54 degrees expected four in the afternoon around dinner time. 60 degrees for concord, 61 in mountain view, and 60 degrees morgan hit. we do have wet weather coming our way. bay area rain and show for the sierra. i'm going to detail that for you coming up in just a little bit. new this morning interstate 880 in fremont is back open following a deadly two-car crash. the chp says a car smashed into a stalled car near the auto mall parkway off-ramp. the perp with the stalled car died on the scene. police don't know if he was in the car or on the roadway. it took the chp three hours to clear all this up. a concord man is behind bars after agents find a massive stash of guns and booze. 53-year-old sterling albert is facing felony charges after the atf says it found unregistered guns and two illegal stills at his concord winery. they say he was making wine, rum, and whiskey, all illegally. investigators also found guns and grenade launchers. >> assault rifles, grenade launchers and gun silencers, then a lot of people are asking the question, why? we have agents trying to get to the bottom of that. >> not dangerous at all. seemed like a nice guy every time i talked with him. >> this morning albert's bonds stands at $2 million. authorities say those stills weren't only illegal but could have exploded. the family of a man shot and killed bey police last week has failed a federal civil rights lawsuit and released new video of the shooting. >> and this is the frame that was represented to the public as justification for the killing. >> the civil rights attorney says the video shows that the man was not a threat to police when they shot him. he says woods seems to have had his hands at his side, but police say wads raised his arm. police say he had just stabbed someone and he refused to drop the knife he was holding. >> no justice, no peace! >> as the lawsuit was being announced students from several san francisco high schools walked out of class to protest the shooting. they marched to city hall. they also called for a change in police policy about to use of deadly force. police have released the names of five officers involved in the shooting. they are all now on administrative leave. new developments this morning on that suspicious letter mailed to santa clara's muslim civil rights organization. someone mailed a threatening letter filled with a white powder. authorities shut down the office and had to evacuate all the employees. no injuries have been reported. this morning we are learning that that substance was benign. the same thing also happened in washington, d.c. tests on the substance there also indicate that it was not dangerous. it is to some extent bringing tout best of our fellow americans, saying that we're all going to stand together, when it's an attack on muslims, or mexican americans or lgbt. in southern california investigators are still looking into an arson attack at a mosque there. it happened 75 miles southeast of san bernardino. witnesses say it was fire- bombed after they heard a loud explosion and saw flames. no one was hurt. now to the latest on the san bernardino terror investigation. fbi divers are continuing to look for evidence that may have been tossed into a lake. the feds aren't commenting on rumors that they are looking for hard drives. divers have brought several items to the surface, and then bagged them so they could be inspected further. it has been revealed that authorities were examining farook's moss for possible terror ties but the government shut down that program amid fears of profiling. >> syed would have been put on the no-fly list because of his association with that mask, and the k-1 visa his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with a known organization. >> investigators are looking into a possible link between farook and a man convicted of plotting terrorist attacks in 2012. the "new york times" is reporting that farook's neighbor, enrique marquez, told people at his job about sleeper cells waiting to attack the u.s. but no one took him seriously. marquez did bay two rifles that were later used in that mass shooting. those 911 calls from san bernardino have now been released, and you can madely hear the panic and the chaos coming from inside the inland regional center. >> we have several down in a conference room. several down. >> we have at least 20 victims. >> approximately one to two suspects left, fled. >> the audiotapes also caught part of the gun battle between the shooters and police. aside from the horror, though, authorities say the recordings also show good police training and teamwork in that very tense situation. funerals for three shooting victims will be held today across southern california. the oldest of the 14 people killed was a san bernardino county health inspector. 45-year-old shannon johnson also worked for the county. a coworker says she's alive because he shielded her from the gunfire. a 31-year-old was always health inspector who planned to get married next year. the bay area's muslim community will gather tonight to honor the san bernardino victims. an interfaith prayer vigil will be held beginning at 6:00. the imam says he will pay tribute to victims while raising concerns. he plans to discuss donald trump's recent comments about banning muslims from entering the country. president obama is expected to take executive action soon on his calls for more gun laws. the move would include plans to close the gun show loophole which currently allows gun purchases without background checks. >> requiring background checks and enacting a no fly/no buy gun rule keeping people what are restricted from air travel in the u.s. from being able to buy a gun. >> they're consistent with protecting constitutional rights, they have strong bipartisan support. >> but in congress that much needed bipartisan support just isn't there, which is why the white house team is studying ways to bypass lawmakers possibly and legally move forward. meanwhile, today in san francisco police have their own plans to get guns off the street. christien kafton is at the event. >> reporter: gun buyback is underway here in san francisco. we're at united between sixth street and seventh street on howard. you can see some of the firearms they're collecting. this gun buyback got underway in the last five minutes or so. you can see some of the weapons. that is a .45 caliber thompson sub-machine gun. officers right now are take serial numbers and model numbers. they are going to be placing them in these evidence boxes and taking these weapons to either be melted down. they are going to be checking them to see if any of them have been lost or stolen. the ones that arrangements they are going to meltdown and destroy. the idea is they want to get as many guns off the streets as possible. this is all part of a combined effort on the part of san francisco police and the united group. rudy, if we can pull you aside and talk to you for a moment about why it's important to have this importantship between sfpd and the community. >> i think it's important because -- because humanity -- you know, guns kill. it ain't got no name on it when it leaves the chamber. so we need to take as many guns off the street as possible. even the person pulling the trigger, we're saving his life, too. >> reporter: people can walk up, drive up. how much do they get for their weapon, and is there any kind of notation being taken or any kind of identification of the people? >> good question. no questions asked. you walk up, drive up, you give your gun, they determine what type of gun it is, you get 100 for a hand gup, 200 for semiautomatic. you get your money, and that's it. >> no questions asked? >> i'm going to let you know, after nice day and thank you for helping us silence the violence. >> rudy, thank you. a very bold -- >> check that out. >> so you can see that there is a little bit of a party atmosphere, but with a very serious message, and get as many guns off the street as possible. rudy predicted 188 guns off the streets today. that's what he's hoping for, guys. >> i love that jacket. what does it say? it takes a hood to save the hood? >> yeah, it says it takes a hood to save a hood. they say that's the important thing, is that it's a community effort. >> absolutely. thanks so much, christian. we appreciate the update. time now is 8:13. packages stolen right off someone's front porch in palo alto. the surveillance video police want you to see. >> but first, got a techy on your holiday gift list? consumer expert jennifer jolly joins us in studio with some of the top ideas for all things digital. will you want to see this. stay with us. there are just two shopping weekends left until christmas. and from smartphones to smart watches and everything in between there are lots of options out there so this morning tech life expert jennifer jolly is with ross with some of the top gift ideas for the tech lover in your family. hi, guys. >> hey, thanks for joining us, jennifer. we're actually talking about games first up. >> well, it's a hot year for video games. and the top video franchise, a billion dollar franchise, skylanders. these are the action figures kids play with in real life, then you bring them to life. they have the super charger vehicles. 20 new characters, but everything still works with the old characters, too. >> and the moms in studio tell me the kids love this. this is crazy big this year. >> kids love it, but so do moms. it's a hot, hot game for all ages. it's really great. >> then we have the traditional, what, playstation? >> this is anything but traditional. darth vader is on this one, because you know the new movie comes out on the 1st, rate around the correspond. 4,000 star wars-related toys. and this is one of the best. it is net a toy. it is battle front playstation 4 bundle. this has everything and hat the number one game console with the playstation, plus battle front. this ps battle front made me bey far the most popular at family thanksgiving this year. >> okay. just hours and hours of intense, amazing game play. >> it sounds very intense. so this is maybe a little bit more up my alley. this is a tech watch. everybody has been talking since the apple watch about what you can get on your wrist. it's quick, convenient, you're working out, it helps you out. >> for all those folks who have android phones, which is still the majority of the population this is the samsung gear s2 watch. less bulk, more beauty, tons of brains. it has a battery life of three days. and you trust this little bevel. it's an incredible smart watch. does more with less. >> and so i use my smart watch while i workout but there are other gifts you can give people that workout all the time. >> exactly right. one of my favorites, i discovered it while traveling. i travel about 10,000 miles a month. i subscribe to this service. you can give to the someone for $60 per year. that's less than half the price of work out with a personal trainer. >> just one time. >> right. >> this is fitness, yoga, meditation. you can watch it across multiple devices. this was dreamed up by a woman who lives in san jose. so it's supporting a local bay area business. >> this is fascinating. we all have flash drives, thumb drives. this is actually a pretty big drive. >> this is incredible. it's the san disk. it's the extreme 500. it's super, super drive. basically videographers, techy types, anyone on your gift list who has a billion videos, wants to take photos, wants to take them anywhere they want. you just plug them into your computer and you download everything, and then some, and it's four times faster than a traditional device. >> it's really tiny light, and it's going right here in my brief pocket, so thank you so much. >> every photo you have ever taken. >> i don't know if would it hold every photo claudine has every taken. we have all of these wonderful product on our web site, go there and click on web links. claudine. >> shopping now. thanks, guys. 8: 19. near zero interest rates may soon be a thick thing of the past. coming up what that could mean to your pocket book. but first, the charity bells rang loudly in i don't know square. and remember we do want to see those holiday photos. check out these cute pictures that we've got so far. you can post them using the hashtag ktvu holiday. we are going to reveal the winner at the end of the show. taking a live look outside this morning. in walnut creek the city's half marathon is right now underway. kickoff at 7:00 this morning. it goes about until noon. >> i saw a post from a friend of main this morning who is in that saying this seemed like a good idea several months back when it wasn't absolutely freezing. that's why you sign up, to make you do it no matter what the weather. this is likely going to impact your plans. oh, that's so little. >> that's little? >> no, not the length of it but the mass. if you are in that area the race starts at the front of pacific park, and then they go and loop back to canal trail. so that's a big chunk of downtown. >> i am exhausting just listening to the list of where you avenue got to run to. >> well, you know, the race, look, it's been going for 53 minutes. kids fun run, 5k, all sorts of stuff, good stuff to keep you busy. every year fallen veterans are honored and remembered for the holidays with special ceremonies. the group has been holding events since 1992. today local ceremonies will be recognizing those when serve. the wreath laying ceremony will be held at golden gate national cemetery. the salvation army is celebrating a milestone in san francisco's union square. friday marked the 35th year of the charity's celebrity bell ringing event. san francisco fire chief and the police chief were among those slated to ring the bells and collect donations in the big red kettles right outside of macy's. the salvation army says the contributions allow the organizations to provide holiday males for 4 million people across the country. take a look at this, rosemary and i out there checking. claudine couldn't make it in this next picture, but we're sure she was there in spirit. that added to the collections pretty dramatically. we got at least $2 more should. people wanted to take pictures with. we got extra donations with it. we should have auctioned it off to the highest bidder. >> i saw you throwing darts at it the other day. >> no. >> that was ross's photo. >> it's still up there. if you want to donate today in front of macy's you can go out there and take a picture with claudine. >> she's still on the wall out there. >> we taped her up to a wall. >> kidding, kidding. >> i'm just kidding. >> you're a good sport, claudine. so, weather-wise we are looking at a fabulous day. we are looking at snoopy in union square. good morning, snoopy. look at all those beautiful wreaths. that is one of my favorite spots tin holidays to go up high and take a look over union square. just beautiful. so we will have partly to mostly clear skies. temperatures on the chilly side this morning. 37 degrees right now santa rosa, 47 san francisco, low 40s oakland, 38 in livermore, 44 in san jose. i feel like i'm going up in an elevator, up, up, up and away. let's get to the sky. we'll just hang out here. beautiful skies overhead. we do have clouds rolling in by the second half of the afternoon, and those clouds will be just the leading edge of a transition that will bring us wet weather for saturday. here is a look at the water vapor. you can see just a little bit of high cloud activity out there. maybe a little bit of patchy fog but not a lot going on. this is the next system that will be creeping into the bay area while we sleep. by tomorrow morning, we washing one scattered showers and steady rain for the first part of the day. i think some of the scattered showers will enter the north bay bey tonight. in the afternoon the clouds increasing, stopping it here late this evening, notice the possibility, maybe a few sprinkles over portions of the north bay. most of us will be mainly dry. if you do have outdoor activities, sausalito will have their boat parade and the fireworks. that should be a-okay. tomorrow morning, take a look at the north basement we've got some steady rain falling. it begins to ship. 9:00, 10:00, it's now in the central bay. bey 10:00 it's down in the south bay. looking at a quarter inch to half inch of rain. even an inch for some of our wetter spots. the hills could pick up an inch and a half so that is great news. by the afternoon, if you do have plans this is going to be the bert time to be outdoors unless you like the rain. you are going to have scattered showers in the forecast for the second half of your sunday. here's a look at what we are expecting over the weekend and into monday. could see an inch of rain or so primarily over portions of the north bay and for the hills. the rest of us will be less. winds are going to pick one this system as well. gusts could be anywhere from 20 to 30 miles per hour, especially breezy along the coast and in our hills, the sierra. a winter storm warning for tomorrow morning. could see up to two feet of snow at the higher peaks, and it is going to impact the passes. afternoon haze for today rnd partly cloudy skies, 59 degrees in berkeley, 60 degrees san jose, 61 for gilroy. the extended forecast. temperatures will cool off a bit. tomorrow in the mid-50s. low to mid-50s monday. rain and wind tomorrow morning. more snow for the sierra. winter storm warning in place for the entire sunday. >> and even beyond pass wednesday is not looking any warmer. >> yes, we're definitely settling into winter. >> winter is here. exposed to tuberculosis what. a south bay hospital is doing after revealing that hundreds of people, including babies, may be at risk. but first, why officials in santa clara county need your help in a suspected cat killer case. it's 8:30. a contra costa county man is behind bars after agents found a massive stash of guns and booze. 53-year-old sterling albert is facing felony charges after the atf says it found two stills and unregistered guns, including assault rifles and grenade launchers. his bond is set at $2 million. new video of last week's deadly police shooting has been released. the family representing the family of mario woods says the video shows that woods was not a threat. police, however, say that woods was a threat. they say he refused to drop the knife. his family has filed a federal lawsuit against the city. the fbi is refusing to comment about what divers have found in a lake near the home of the san bernardino shatters. they are allegedly looking for a missing computer hard drive that syed farook and tashfeen malik may have thrown away. divers have already recovered several other items for inspection. northbound lanes on interstate two crate are back -- 280 are back open after a deadly crash just before 2:00. moments before the crash police say there were several reports of a woman walking across the highway. officers say all northbound lanes were closed for nearly two hours south of neva avenue. the accident is under investigation. check out this incredible picture coming from the south bay. this was freak accident. it could have been deadly and it wasn't. san jose fire tweeted the picture of the bmw. that's a metal ramp stick out of that windshield. fire officials say that ramp was being carried from a vehicle that was driving in front of the bmw on 280. it fell off and smashed right through the windshield, but the driver, he was missed, or she was missed bey just inches and really had the presence of mind to pull over. he did not have more than a scratch on him. officials at a south bay hospital are notifying the families of hundreds of newborns that they may have been exposed to tuberculosis bey a nurse. that nurse at santa clara valley medical center was not showing symptoms of the disease. she was only diagnosed with active tb after a second routine procedure. the disease is normally spread through the air and mostly after prolonged contact. now a clinic is being set up to monitor and treated the people who may have been exposed between mid-august and mid- november. that's 800 people. 350 of them are babies. >> they caught her in time so she won't be exposing any more of our children. >> if a particular employee who exposed the babies and moms at our hospital, she was not even coughing. it's very unlikely that she was highly contagious. >> hospital officials say they're not taking any chances. since tuberculosis can be fatal for infants, all 350 will be giving x-rays and daily antibiotics for a period of six to nine months. palo alto police are asking for your help in finding a package thief. check out this video. there is the man they're looking for. he works rate up to the porch of this home, then he's carrying the package, and he drove off in the vehicle with tinted rear windows and no hubcaps. a taken has been charged as an adult for allegedly shooting and killing a main oakland. the body of the 38-year-old of hayward was found tuesday morning at the martin luther king jr. regional shoreline. police say 17-year-old jose lopez confessed to the shooting. lopez apparently told police that he shot gomez-saldonna to end their secret relationship. a candlelight vigil is set for 6:00 tonight for a san leandro man shot and killed about a year ago. joel ramirez had just turned 21 years old and was work his way through college when someone gunned him down in his driveway last december. his family believes it may have been a case of mistaken identity. that vigil is going to be outside of his home in san leandro. a $25,000 reward is now being offered for information to help track that killer down. president obama is expected to take executive action soon on his call for more gun laws. >> that move would allow plans to close the gun show lap hole which right now allows gun purchases without background checks. it would also require background checks for on-line gun sales. >> and it would also enact a no fly/no bay rule for gun sales keeping people what are restrict from air travel in the country from being able to buy a gun but some gop candidates say the president is missing the point when it comes to guns. ktvu fox 2's christien kafton is live from the city showing us just what we're doing here. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. let's give you a look at exactly what kinds of firearms we're talking about. there is an assault style weapon over there that just came in in pristine condition. we've seen everything from assault-style weapons to shotguns and long riflings. sir, can i have you turn that around for a moment? you can see there's what appears to be a shotgun with a pistol grip or a hand grip on. we're seeing is all kinds of weapons out here. that's really the whole point of this gun buyback program. we're hear at the united playaz. they're paying $100 for a handgun, $200 for semiautomatic and assault-stale weapons. it's been pretty successful. we've seen a lot of people coming in. actually we have rudy over here from united playaz, the community organization that is partnering. rudy, if i can get to you turn around, what we're really talking about, rudy, we're talking about getting as many firearms off the street. you can see how busy they are. i set up to talk with rudy, and literally they're so busy does he not have time to speak with me, but we do have damian posey. rudy is so busy passing out money here to try to check the weapons, we're talk about trying to get guns off the street. we talk about this is anonymous and that people can actually get cash money. >> cash money, 2500 for assault weapons, 100 for a handgun. come on down. it's like black friday down here. people are out here turning them in, trying to be a part of the solution and not the problem. >> and we've been talking about the anonymity of this. >> we're back. >> we're talking to damian. >> we work together. >> what we're talking about is trying to get these guns off the street. some people might feel uncomfortable talking with police, war ready about where the gun comes from. >> i love you, but i don't even want to know your name. >> and we don't even know what anonymity means. we want your gun. but more importantly it's a humanitarian thing. anybody that pulls the trigger, that's potentially somebody dead. once you're dead, there ain't no coming back. we're not anti-gun. we're just making sure people that got guns laying around that they don't use, they don't -- they're just beg abused. so domestic violence is high during this time, people don't know how to handle their women, women don't know how to handle their men. >> thank you guys so much. this gun bay back program still going on here in san francisco. you can see as we've been talking those guns still rolling in. a couple more shotguns. so this program runs until noon. so they are still collecting weapons out here. >> rudy and damian keeping it real out there on the streets. they've got the right idea. >> thanks, christian. time now 8:39. let's head over to rosemary. hello, rosemary. >> hello. >> still cold outside. >> still a cal one. a chill in your bones for sure. >> but tomorrow looks like it will be cold and wet. and wet, yes. so this morning we have the sunshine. at least that will help you feel a little better aus step out. temperatures are cooler because of the clear skies. a live look there over san jose where we are with partly cloudy skies. mostly clear for the first part of the day, increasing clouds for the second part of the day. as claudine alluded to we have rain in the forecast for your sunday. let's take a look at the 24- hour temperature change, down bey seven in livermore, down bey four in concord, two, four, six degrees cooler than yesterday morning but the sun is shining and hopefully that puts a smile on your face. 41 degrees in walnut creek. san jose 44. bayside communities, 48 in san francisco, over to the north bay we have santa rosa trailing behind at 37 degrees, napa with 40, 47 in novato. 54 at half moon bay. as we get into the afternoon we've been dealing with the high surf warning for a couple of days. one more day. please be careful if you are going to be along the beaches for today. swells anywhere from 14 to 23 feet, large breaking waves. that is through the afternoon. for the afternoon today urn partly cloudy skies 58 in san francisco, 60 for oakland, 60 in concord, upper 50s for the north barks 60 in the south bay of san jose. these numbers are a lot like what we had yesterday. but again we do see changes in the forecast for the sec parted of your weekend. wet weather moving into the bay area. more snow for the sierra. i will detail it in just a bit. financial experts are concerned about the possibility of a shake-up in the nation's economy. necks weak the federal reserve will meet and is expected to raise a key short-term interest rate bey a quarter percent. rates are currently at record lows. the fed has not raised rates in many years. >> for an ordinary consumer, even a rate increase of a quarter of a point or a half a point amounts to a lot of money when you're financing houses that are as expensive as they are here in the bay area. >> mortgage rates have already started climbing. the average rate for a 30 -year fixed rate increased from 3.76% at the end of october to almost 4% this weak, but car dealers say a small rate hike probably will not affect leasing or new car financing incentives for at least the next year. breaking news out of paris this morning. an historic agreement on the climate crisis. up next, a look at the pack that's now final on the table, and the environmental group that's already raising objections. but first, how your pes can get into the holiday spirit. that's faces are killing me. oh my goodness. and take a photo with santa in the bay area. it is all for a good cause. that's all coming up in just ten minutes. alaska. finally. the search for brown bears begins. denali highway. low on gas. pit stop. fill up. double points. yep, that's cold. tired. day 2. coffee. eggs. double points. beautiful. majestic... nothing. where are you, bear? warm. warmer. warmer. yes. wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. 's the gear that gets it done. who patiently teaches how ta feast comes to life. the "family" ...who spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. the neighbor...who shares the season with another. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. san jose police are asking for your help on a series of cat killings. this video shows a man grabbing a kit in san jose's cambrian neighborhood. police believe the suspect is robert farmer, the son of a retired police captain. he faces charges of animal cruelty. the district attorney's office needs help in identifying a female orange cat that was allegedly killed by farreller. prosecutors want to identify two cat collars that were found in a car near farmer at the time of his arrest. >> one is a pink glittery collar with a bell attached to the. the other is a black collar with a white chain link design, also with a bell. >> authorities are trying to determine whether farmer is behind killing another cat found wrapped in plastic inside a make-shift coffin. his lawyer says farm ser not a monster and wants the public to keep an open mind in this case. new this morning on the verge an historic deal, diplomats have now received a final draft of the proposed agreement. leaders applauded the pact. key provisions include leveling off fossil fuel emissions, keeping earth's temperatures from rising. the proposal requires each country, no matter the size or wealth, to take action. >> the issues are many and complex, but we must not let the quest for perfection become the enemy of the public good. >> 200 countries are attending the summit. we have learned that three major nations key to any daily, china, india, and saudi arabia, are, quote, happy with the pact. but some environmental groups are already opposing it because they are worried there are not enough safeguards to force countries to abide by the deal. in the immediate future, no change in the climate here. it is still cold, cold, cold. maybe a little less rain today. >> we are looking at dry weather for most of today. i think as we get into the evening hours, over the north bay a few scattered showers, but the wet day holding off until sunday, early sunday morning. how about a look outside our doors at this hour. partly cloudy skies. as ross mentioned, a chilly start, way below where we started yesterday. 37 santa rose sacks, low 40s in oakland. livermore 38, san jose, good morning to you at 44. a look here with our sates on the next storm already bringing a little bit of rain to the northwest corner of california. areas around eureka, crescent city in store for that rain. a little bit of snow mix for the higher elevations. for us it is going to be a partly cloudy, dry day. here is a look at what's going on in the bay area. fog along the coast. as we get into tonight that transition begins, he is special over portions of the north bay. here we are at this hour. as we get into the second half notice an increase in clouds. partly cloudy, maybe even mostly cloudy skies over the bay area. i'm stopping it here for you about 7:00, and there's that scattered shower activity down to the north edge of sonoma county. perhaps few scattered showers. if you have outdoor plans, the rest of us are going to remain dry until the overnight hours. scattered showers begin to fall bay area weighed, then by sunday morning the steady rain moves into the north bay first. looks like by 7:00, 8:00. bey 9:00 into the central bay. this is when we're going to see the steady rain through the morning hours, and bey afternoon we're breaking away to just pocket of isolated scattered showers. as far as rainfall amounts, anywhere from a quarter inch to half inch for most of us. could see up to an inch over portions of the north bay. even more than that for the hills. that's some grade news. snow for the sierra. that's excellent news as well. temperatures under partly cloudy skies, 58 in san francisco. i can sum it up bey saying today will feel a lot like yesterday. 6 in gilroy. at least when it comes to the temperatures. the extended forecast with your bay area weekend ames view, the rain, a little bit of wind tomorrow morning as well, a chance for showers on monday. temperatures will remain on the cool side. we're going to take a break. we will be right back. it's no secret that the bay area loves its pets, especially with pictures like this one, with yoda santa. no, that's not yoda santa. >> but we like all of these. tomorrow you can get your dog or cat photographed with santa, with the money going to a great cause. rosemary and ross, along with juliette boyd and some new friends are here with details. >> hey, juliette. thank you so much. this is little brillo this morning. >> this is a terrier mix. >> who is that? >> poo bear. >> eight wakes? >> about eight weeks old. this little one is about eight wakes as well. >> everyone loves to take photos of their pets, but tomorrow you are doing an event so people can come and take their photo with santa. >> absolutely. bay street emeryville is hosting a santa claus event tomorrow where people can bring their pets down, sit on santa's lap, take a photo. these are generously donated to us. we will also have a cat and dog adoption event. >> so there's a small fee for that. just for the photo. but it's really a employ time to bring your pet down, take your photo, and see if your pet gets along with the other pets up for adoption. so it's a chance to create a bigger, happier family. >> your pet can find a sibling, which is really nice. >> all of our animals are rescue animals so they're looking for homes for the holidays. >> what's it like this time of year when it comes to the number of pets that need to be rescued and adopted? >> it's always quite high. the nice anything is we see an uptick in adoptions this time of year as people really do want to find a family member to join them for the new year. so it's wonderful. we definitely see a rise, and it's great. this year we will have adopted out about 1200 dogs and cats. amazing. >> fantastic. >> let me give you brillo. maybe you should take brillo home today. look how cute you lack. juliette, thank you for joining us. we will try to make it out there tomorrow. and for everyone at home take a look at the graphic so you know this is going on at emoryville, bay street ox adoptions from noon to 3:00 p.m. take the photos from 2:00 to 6:00. for more information go to and send us some photos tomorrow. >> i think the times have just changed. i believe it's going to be 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. >> great. even more time. >> sounds good, guys. let's talk warriors at 8:56, because there will be no rest for the nba champs. the warriors must play the milwaukee bucks tonight, and that follows last night's thrill overtime victory against the celtics. >> iguodala will save it, and the golden state warriors, a perfect season lives on! and what a game that was. harrison barnes missed the game due to injuries. but draymond green filled in. they decks extend that nba record for the best start to a season to 24-0. they have won 28 straight regular season games dating back to last year. i know rosemary was watching that game. >> that game was amazing. amazing. they battled through. >> double overtime. >> yes. it was close. >> they keep it interesting. also we've been asking you all morning long to show us how you're celebrating the holiday season with some instagram photos. we've been showing you these photos. each day throughout new year's we're going grab our favorite photos from instagram with the hashtag ktvu holiday, and that's actually what you can use to send them to us so we can take a look and judge them. and this morning the judging honors go to rosemary orozco. and there's the winner. >> that's the caughtest one. >> those two are so cute. >> and i love thou little girl is showing her brother who's boss. >> that's right. >> especially on christmas. >> let's keep it that way. >> that just shows what the rest of their lives will be like. >> just sown. >> let's set the record straight. >> we love all the pictures. ktvu holiday hashtag so we can find them and make this one of our favorite things to do. that's going to do it for us. we're off early today because of the ufc road to the octagon, but stay with us on >> thanks for joining us. make it a great day. >> see you tomorrow. >> union square, so pretty. 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