Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170601 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170601

the fog blanketed san francisco out to oakland, fremont and san jose. even coverage up in the north bay. santa rosa and napa reporting fog. visibility is down to half a mile. here are the numbers updated for the 7:00 hour. right now 50 degrees in santa rosa. san francisco, 55. still 60s out towards mountain view and san jose at last check. off to a mild start this morning. not an extreme chill this morning. here is the live camera looking at the bay. we have pockets of fog. around the coast, low 60s. around the bay, near 70 degrees. inland will be approaching 80 later on today, around 3:00, 4:00. starting out in the 50s. by 4:00, the temperature range expands 60 to 80 degrees. in san francisco, low clouds and 57. by 4:00, partly sunny and in the mid-60s. we will talk more about your weekend outlook in a few minutes. standing by is sal with an update on the roadways. good morning to you, sal. >> good morning to you, mark. we have traffic trying to get into san francisco via the bay bridge which is a normal commute. we just have the usual slowdown that's is 20 minutes before you make it on to the span. nothing out of the ordinary. there will be traffic that will be okay once you get on to the bridge. getting into san francisco, you mentioned a little bit of fog is out there. it is not affecting traffic on the bay bridge as you drive through. looking at the south bay commute is beginning to get more filled in. we had a couple of different wrecks northbound 101. we had a wreck earlier and traffic is slow in the area. also looking at slow traffic on 85 and 280 northbound. they had a non-injury accident. it is doing its share to slow the traffic down. out of downtown san jose, a live picture. that is northbound 280 on the right and you can see it is beginning to get clogged up on the way up to highway 17. 7:03. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. police in vallejo shot and injured a suspect last night in northern contra costa county. this case actually started a week ago in vallejo when the suspect escaped being captured. investigators tracked him down in the martinez area. christien kafton is at the scene now where authorities spent the night collecting evidence out there. good morning, christien kafton. >> reporter: good morning. if you take a look over here, this gentleman identified himself as the father of the man who was shot by police. we talked with him a couple of moments ago. he is understandably very emotional. the language was a little course. that's why we're not talking about him right at this moment. we will bring that sound to you, the interview in a couple of minutes. he says he visited his son in the hospital. he is in critical condition at this time. meanwhile the police investigation is still underway as we swing around this way. you see the vehicle there in the ditch. that is the center of the investigation so far. that is where the suspect crashed into a police car we're hearing and where at least one officer opened fire. police tried to corner the suspect down the street to the right. when they located him, they have been trying to locate him for a week. now, this officer-involved shooting happened just before 10:00 last night as officers say the suspect tried to ram his way through at least one police cruiser. that's when they opened fire. police now say they are trying to arrest 20-year-old kevin de car low. we just spoke with his father. his father believes that his son has been targeted by vallejo police. he did appear to be awake and alert when he was transported away. police say he has multiple gunshot wounds after he tried to run from and ram officers at the scene. that is according to investigators here. officers have been after him for a week after first spotting him driving recklessly in vallejo last thursday but he got away. they spotted him again on saturday. and that is when police tried to stop him. at that time, he rammed a police cruiser and ran from the scene. then last night police say they they learned he was in the martinez area. officers surrounded the home that they believed he was located. when he learned that officers surrounded him, he took off, ramming at least one officer's vehicle with his own. vallejo police say that is when they opened fire. we also spoke with a man who says he is the godfather to kevin's two children. he checked in on him earlier before he came here to the scene. >> i heard he is good. i just came from the hospital. i heard he just got out of surgery and is doing all right. thank god. >> are you worried about him. >> i'm worried sick. that's like my brother. i'm the godfather of his children. he is a good dude. he may be going through tough times but that's my brother. he's a good dude. >> reporter: he also told us that he was targeted by the officers. witnesses here tell ktvu there were two other people in the vehicle at the time, a man and woman. they were uninjured. unclear what their role was at this point. a vallejo officer also sustained minor injuries and was treated and released. as you might imagine, this is an active investigation as we get family members and friends of the victim showing up at the scene, we're getting divvy stories. the father believes that police were targeting his son. he questions why there were so many rounds fired in the incident. police say this individual tried to repeatedly ram officers. and that they need today open fire to protect themselves and the surrounding community. we're working to get more information and we will have more information from the father of the man who was shot here coming up in about an hour. so you can hear for yourself what he has to say. >> all right, christien kafton. thank you. the time is now 7:07. new this morning, oakland firefighters put out a fire at a homeless encampment near the nimitz freeway earlier this morning. that tree caught fire near east 12th street and 16th avenue about 4:40 this morning. about 10 homeless tents were in the area. no injuries reported. the fire was quickly put out. still no word on how the fire started. the young woman at the center of the bay area sex scandal has accepted a settlement offer from city of oakland of almost $1 million. jasmine appeared at a news conference with her attorney yesterday. she is a former teenage prostitute. she sued oakland claiming that police officers across the area exploited her and had sex with her. now she is happy to move on with her life and wants to go back to school and become a veterinarian. >> i feel happy that i can -- i can close this -- this chapter and move on with my life. it has taken its toll on me. >> in her original claim, she sought $66 million in damages. she still has claims against other counties and police departments. around noon time, our time, president trump is expected to announce if he will pull united states out of the paris accord. if he backs out of the agreement as many expect he will, he will be keeping a campaign promise but his critics will be very angry. doug luzader has more from washington. >> reporter: the president is widely expected to pull out of the paris climate change agreement although nothing is certain until we hear from him later today. what will president trump do on the paris climate change agreement seen as his predecessor as a real achievement. hearing from a lot of people both ways and trying to build suspense for the declaration tweeting i will be announcing my decision on thursday 3:00 p.m. the white house rose garden. make america great again. it was signed by nearly 200 countries. trump didn't hide his disdain. >> we're going to cancel the paris climate agreement. and stop all payments of the united states tax dollars to end global warning programs. >> reporter: he says it requires too much from the u.s. and too little from others. but it is essential to coordinate global climate change efforts. >> this is a global embarrassment for the united states. 195 nations have signed on to the agreement, including russia and china. we would be in a category with syria and nicaragua if we pulled out of this. >> the reason that he can get rid of this is because barack obama didn't do it as a treaty. he did it as an executive order. >> reporter: the president is hearing from others or try to renegotiate some of the terms. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. >> doug, in afghanistan, this is a day of mourning after yesterday's deadly truck bombing in kabul where 90 people were killed. city workers are cleaning streets and removing debris around the damaged embassies. more than 450 people were hurt, including 11 americans working as security contractors. so far no one has claimed responsibility. the taliban is denying it had anything to do with the bombing. a shake-up in the palo alto school district continues to grow. in minutes here at 7:30 the new cases surfacing surrounding allegations of sexual assault. it is busy in the bay area traffic right now, especially if you're trying to get into the east bay commute. highway 24 a little bit slow as you drive through lafayette. and in weather, june 1st, we're talking about fog surrounding a good portion of the bay area. what this means for your thursday forecast. and eventually we will warm things up quite a bit. we will have our five day outlook coming up. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx >> well, we didn't wear this blue on accident, did we? >> no. >> we are gearing up for game one of the nba finals against the cavaliers. >> you have a lot of basketball fans around you. hey, alex. alex. >> i think -- i don't know that he can hear us. >> i don't have -- >> he is talking to the producers. >> it is one of those technical things where we can talk to him but he can't hear us so he won't stand in front of the camera. >> there's a ton of people out there. a lot of enthusiasm. >> they were out there early this morning. we had them on live waiting to get inside for a broadcast before the big game tonight. the warriors and the cleveland cavaliers, game one of the nba championship series. we will talk more about that later. >> right. mention quickly that the warriors have home court advantage of the playoffs. first two games are in oakland tonight. games 3 and 4 are in cleveland. before we get to that, we will head over to alex savidge to bring us the scene right by lake merritt. alex. >> stand by, alex. >> he still can't hear us. >> reporter: good morning. dedicated warriors fans were out here early and geared up for game one of the nba finals. the national spotlight is on oakland and the bay area this morning. when you see here is espn. they have a whole setup inside of the restaurant where they are broadcasting live this morning. [cheering and applause] >> warriors. >> reporter: and here you see the scene inside of lake chalet. this is where the show first take is airing right now in front of a live audience. all of the people in the audience got here early this morning. a couple hundred people lined up, waiting to get inside. some of the first people in line got here late yesterday for a chance to be sitting there in the front row as first take airs this morning. of course warriors fans are fired up as they return to the nba finals for the third straight year. once again facing off against lebron james and the cavaliers. they are working -- warriors fans are looking for a little revenge. >> i'm feeling good about the series. i'm a little nervous. we have been off a while. but i think we will bring it home this year. >> warriors in four. we out of here. we're going to do it. i hope they bet them by 80 points, man. >> reporter: and warriors -- the warriors are a perfect 12-0 so far in the playoffs. they have swept all three opponents so far. but they have had a long layoff. the last game they played was last monday. ten days ago. so obviously a lot of warriors fans hoping that they don't come out flat after all of that time off. game one at oracle arena. tips off at 6:00 tonight. >> all right, alex savidge in oakland. thanks, alex. as the best two teams face off on court there will be five player who's have won the last five mvp awards. who do you think will be the mvp this year? steph curry, kevin durant, lebron james or perhaps someone else. vote over on our twitter page or or leave comments on our ktvu facebook page and twitter of course. >> my mind is going -- >> i can see. there are a lot of choices in there. i will debate it with sal after he talks about the commute this morning. everyone still behaving for you. >> yeah. as a matter of fact, the morning commute doesn't look too bad around the bay area. there are slowdowns but we don't have unexpected delays like the last few. let's look at the east shore freeway. a 34-minute drive at this time of the morning is not bad, driving from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. you get to the bay bridge toll plaza and there is another 20 minute delay before you make it on to the response. and the traffic is going to be busy. this is a look at the south bay commute. northbound 101 is definitely busyet going into the val -- busy getting into the valley. and 85, you're seeing a lot of slow traffic. i don't see a lot of slow traffic on highway 101 through palo alto and mountain view. that looks good. this is a look at the airport runways. we haven't gotten any word of any delays at this airport runways. i think my maps -- why is it advancing on its own? we will see. let's go back to you, mark tamayo. can't stop this thing. >> sal, these computers have a mind of their own. the weather computers as well. >> what is scary my computer can put up a picture of me. that is scariest of all. >> let's make that happen. >> right. >> weather-wise lots of fog. lots of pictures of fog as we say hello to june 1st. clouds around the bay. some of the overcast lingering over portions of the south bay as well. that will gradually burn bag to near the coast as you would expect this time of year. on the satellite, we have clouds, some rain showers way up to the north. remember yesterday at this time steve was tracking a few rain showers moving across northern california and portions of the bay area. there is the fog pattern. even up in the north bay, they do have lower visibilities with fog floating around. apartment rosa about half a mile at last check. we will check in on some of the current numbers out there. lots of 50s. the warmest locations, a string of low 60s closer to mountain view and san jose for the 7:00 hour. so here is the overall weather headline. you already know t the fog is out there this morning which will gradually make its way back to the coast. the beach is not warm. lower 60s around the bay. on either side is 70 degrees. inland, the warmest locations around 80, possibly 82 degrees. we have dense fog showing up, especially coast side. and also in some of the inland valleys. this will be the pattern as the area of high pressure, this is a source of the warming just off shore. clearing near the coast. most areas in the 60s and 70s. this will be the same setup into friday and saturday as well. but we will gradually warm up the numbers towards the valley locations. saturday will be the warmest day of the weekend. drop off the numbers by sunday. here is the forecast model this morning. 11:00, still showing you the overcast. it could be stub orb near parts of the bay area, especially the coast. low 60s coast side here. warmest locations flirting with that 80 degree mark by 4:00 this afternoon. temperatures later on today for your thursday, santa rosa, 79. vallejo in the upper 70s. vacaville checking in at 80. right around the bay, close to 70 around oakland. san jose upper 70s. sunnyvale 74. so a nice day in the santa clara valley. and san francisco, 65 degrees. here is a look ahead. your five day forecast. a little warmer away from the shoreline into friday and saturday. a drop-off by sunday. then we warm things back up next week. monday and tuesday the extended forecast charts keeping us on the warm to hot side. june we track the cooldowns with the fog and temperatures go up again. it looks like that will be the case over the next few days. >> thanks, mark. the time is 7:21. from 8th grade graduation all the way to college. graduation season is in full swing. how much money people plan to spend on the graduates this year and we will tell you which is the most popular gift. >> good report on united health. here is a live look. it is up 22, 23 points, fluctuating to 21,030. the nasdaq back up as well. record territory there. 6205. s&p 500 at 2416. as i mentioned dow also getting a lot of help from united help this morning. luxury designer michael kors will close 250 stores over the next few years. it will save $60 million in annual cost and allowing the brand to focus on the most productive locations. right now there are 960 michael kors stores around the world. the list of stores impacted has not been released yesterday. amazon will start to issue refunds for unauthorized purchases on fire tablets. it is part of a settlement with the federal trade commission. it was too easy for kids to make purchases in apps. eligible consumers will receive e-mails informing them of the e- mails. amazon has been developing a concept to deliver packages by zone. yesterday amazon was granted a patent for a shipping label that includes a built-in parachute. it would be able to make sure that the packages are not damaged when they land from the drone. it is not legal yet in the u.s. but amazon has already made the first drone delivery in britain and plans to expand soon. it is graduation season. that means it is time to find that special gift to help the new high school and college graduates with the next phases of their lives. the national retail federation says consumers will spend more than 5 and a half billion dollars on graduates this year. and cash remains the most popular present. >> you can do silly things like deliver a pizza and have the cash like taped to the inside of the lid. you can do origami money and put it on a hanger. there are fun things. just take the little extra step. >> the average gift giver will spend $102 total. and buy two graduation gifts. that is the most in the last ten years. i will say something, i was surprised. i do have someone graduating from 8th grade and someone graduating from high school. you can actually register. >> what. >> at target or other -- >> for graduation gifts. >> for the dorm room. >> oh, like towels. >> i would recommend joining in together. a lot of graduates need maybe their own computer and you can ask everybody. >> to pitch in. >> and join in on that one big gift. >> a registry. >> a registry for college students. >> okay. >> all right. >> thank you, pam. >> the time is 7:27. controversy in the palo alto school district continues to grow. up next, the new cases surrounding allegations of sexual assault. >> reporter: uc berkeley will become the first uc school in the state to have a gender locker room. we will explain and how much it will cost. >> 7:30 on a gorgeous thursday. >> yeah. >> the first day of june, by the way. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. as we go to mark tamayo, mark tamayo and i are going surfing today. we are going to ocean beach. >> we are. >> i'm dreaming because only mark knows how to surf. >> what is interesting is as i get older and older, i get slower. >> how many years have you been surfing ob? >> i started when i was 15. >> really. >> yeah. >> that's great. good for you. >> it is cold but it is a great experience to go to the beaches and the mountains in the bay area. take road trips as well. the wave is always a bit of a challenge and a chill but fun as well. here is the live camera looking out to the oakland estuary. a lot of fog out there. yesterday we were celebrating with clear skies near the coast. but the fog surged back into the bay yesterday afternoon. still a factor right now near the bay and also the coastal areas. here is the coverage on the satellite. even up in the north bay, santa rosa reporting dense fog. visibility is down one half mile and also a few patches floating around portions of the north bay as well. temperatures right now ranging from the 50s in santa rosa to the lower 60s towards mountain view and san jose. lever more, 58 degrees. for today, you probably know the headlines. some areas of fog out there this morning. gradually clearing out to near the coastline. with that, it will have an impact on the temperatures today. on either side of 70 degrees around the bay. inland warming up to 80 around 4:00 today. that is all reflected in today's forecast. most areas falling within 55 to 60. then the testimony range expands this afternoon. 60s to all the way to 80s. santa rosa 79. and san francisco, 65 degrees. that's how it is shaping up. more changes on board for the weekend. we will talk about that in a few minutes. right now, sal has an update on the freeways. >> good morning, mark. we're going to start in the south bay where interstate 280 is slow out of downtown san francisco. when this is slow, that means that a lot of the other freeways are getting a lot of use. it is a busy day getting into your silicon valley job there. the west valley, the approaches are all very slow. we're looking at the approach on 880 heading south from hayward down to dumbarton bridge. 680 continues to be stop and go from concord to walnut creek. highway 4 of course hasn't gone anywhere. the slow traffic hasn't anyway as you drive through pittsburgh and bay point. highway 24 westbound is slow in lafayette. it gets better for the ride through orinda. the bay bridge toll plaza is about a 25-minute delay unless you're using the carpool lanes. back to the desk. >> next year, uc berkeley will work on a new locker room. allie rasmus has why it is so different and why the university thinks it is so important. >> reporter: university officials say they started looking into this idea at the request of some students. there are many transgender students and they feel uncomfortable and difficult and in some cases unsafe decision for them to have to choose between the men's and women's locker room. this new locker room is gender inclusive and it will address the concerns. the locker room will be 4500 square feet and cared out of the existing men's and women's locker room. basically what makes it different is it will be much more private. it will have private changing rooms and lockers and partitioned showers and bathroom stalls. in the past when transgender students needed aprivate area, they had to request to use one of the staff single stall restrooms. some have avoided using the gym entirely because of the issues. >> the wellness and services we provide is crucial to the student service. when people don't feel like they have the access and are comfortable, that is a concern for us. >> by not doing it out, they are shutting out a whole section of the population. by doing it, it is the right thing to do and the easy thing to do. >> reporter: now, the cost to build this new locker room is $2.7 million. the money for it comes from a $54 student wellness fee that students pay to support the recreational sports facility and other students programs. it goes to other programs as well. students approved that wellness fee in a campus-wide vote. the money has already been allocated for construction so construction will begin a year from now and will be complete in fall of 2018. >> allie rasmus, thank you. we first reported on this in a 2 investigates report. prominent attorney gloria allred will be representing one of the victims. jessie gary will have more on the latest development coming up on the 9. in the meantime there, were 14 more reports of assaults in schools in the palo alto district. we have to caution you, some of the details that you will see in the report are graphic. >> reporter: holly wade walked out of a school board meeting so fast that our camera had trouble keeping up. >> no comment. >> reporter: despite my questioning, she kept her lips sealed, striding off without answering why as compliance officer she didn't launch an investigation last fall after accusations of an attack on a 14-year-old girl inside of a school bathroom. >> documentation in '06 and '07. her boss pointed the finger at outside counsel. >> the attorney advised it was not a title 9 issue. the attorney at that time advised that. >> reporter: and so that's why the decision was made not to go forward. >> i can't say because i wasn't involved in that decision. but i know the attorney gave us that advice. we're not using that attorney anymore for investigations. >> reporter: this issue erupted following a 2 investigates report. this unidentified 14-year-old girl says she was forced to perform oral sex in a bathroom at palo alto high school in october. >> i started crying when i heard his name or like saw him. it really messed me up. it messed up my grades a lot. >> reporter: the case was adjudicated in juvenile court with a student athlete convicted of having oral sex with a minor. after our report, he decided not to finish the school year on campus. but holly never launched an investigation into the attack, generating a fire storm of criticism from many palo alto parents. >> i think there are a number of people involved that did not report properly and violated the law and didn't care for the victims and protect our children. >> reporter: district officials say over the past two months, the number of cases has spiked to 15. >> these are investigations, interviews, information that has come forward that we have yet to determine. >> reporter: some board members blame media coverage for the increase. others say it is a sign that students feel safe to come forward. in an attempt to fast track change, the district is trying to expedite the hiring of an attorney that would take over the title 9 compliance job when wade leaves next week. >> this has been the top of our priority list this year. other items were put on the back burner because this is our top priority. the safety of our students. >> reporter: dr. mcghee says going forward any time there is a report of sexual misconduct in the district t will automatically initiate a title 9 investigation. as for holly wade's replacement, mcghee hopes to have that person on the job by june the 12th. if not, he will serve as both superintendent and compliance officer until a permanent replacement is found. on assignment in palo alto, i'm jessie gary, ktvu fox 2 news. >> thank you, jessie. if you have a tip for our 2 investigates team, e-mail us or call this number. the time is 7:39. the jury will continue to decided to whether the man convicted of killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar should get life in prison or the death penalty. antolin garcia-torres was convicted of the murder even though sierra lamar's body was never found. also in the south bay, jury deliberations continue in the case of three santa clara county sheriff's deputies. they're charged with murder in the beating of inmate michael tyree in 2015. his body was found in the jail cell. if convicted the deputies could get life in prison. three jail officials are under arrest in the case of inmate abuse and alleged cover- up. it started when a supervisor expressed concern from a video inside of the county jail in auburn. that uncovered footage of other incidents. now the correctional officer and sergeant and deputy robert madden are all facing charges. the sheriff made the announcement just yesterday. >> today, we arrested three of our staff members. >> the abuse of inmates is chronic. it goes on constantly. it goes inside of every county jail i've ever dealt with. >> the alleged crimes in this investigation date back to november of 2016 to as recently as two weeks ago. the sheriff says four inmates were subjected to the abuse but did not need medical treatment. the time is 7:41. another fire at a homeless encampment in oakland. where the latest fire occurred this morning and what firefighters discovered when they arrived. first a deadly attack on an uber driver in illinois. and the suspect, a 16-year-old girl. good morning. you can see that the traffic is going to be slow in many areas. it is kind of crowded here on the san mateo bridge as you head out to the pence large yep, the fog is moving around quite a bit this morning. coast side and around the bay as well. we're looking out to the bay foreyour thursday morning. coming up, we will tell you if the inland will warm up a bit and talk about the weekend. a few changes coming on board that time frame as well. there's a place like no other... where a walk down main street... where a walk down main street... blah blah blah .. hey! the name's rocket and i need your help! the collector has trapped my friends, the guardians of the galaxy in this weird...freakshow... check it out...this is the joint we're in... and we need you to help us break out! got it? move it!...i gotta go! there is magic for days! >> there are extra patrols in san francisco one week after a man was stabbed to death in the park. there was a community meeting last night where police tried to answer questions about people concerned about their own safety. a jogger found the body in the park last week. alvarez is a father of four who grew up in bruno heights. his family asked the community to come forward with any information about his death. >> and if you saw something or heard something, just call. you know, because we could prevent something for our own family and our own community. >> police say that alvarez may have been targeted. they're asking people in the area to check security cameras to see if they captured anything suspicious. to the east bay where antioch police arrested a suspect. police were first called to a shooting on lemon tree way near sycamore drive around 5:45. but the shooting victim had already left the scene and crashed on l street. he was taken to the hospital and later pronounced dead. police tracked down the suspect in the shooting and was taken into custody after a short standoff. a 16-year-old girl in illinois is being charged with first degree murder in connection with a machete attack on an uber driver. 16-year-old wasnia of chicago is being charged as an adult. she called for an uber on tuesday. within minutes of getting in the car, she attacked the driver with a machete and a knife she had just stoleenfrom a -- stolen from a wal-mart. the driver was rushed to the hospital but later died. police say this appears to be a random attack. the time is 7:45. a 14-year-old girl has died in the lake tahoe area after a hiking accident. the el dorado county sheriff's office says she was hiking near the vikings home trail about noon time when she fell about 50 feet. an off duty officer in the area performed cpr on her before emergency crews arrived but her injuries were so bad she later died in the hospital. well, the chp is crediting officers with the san francisco police department crisis negotiating team for talking a man down safely from the center anchorage of the western span of the bay bridge yesterday. chp san francisco tweeted this photo. you see the man hugging his girlfriend after the ordeal. they say the man had run out of gas about 10:00 yesterday morning. then he climbed up on the side of the bridge and threatened to jump off. two lanes of the bay bridge were shut down while crisis negotiators tried to talk him down. it caused a huge backup for thousands of drivers. >> it was brutal. i have never seen it this bad. >> it is pretty crazy. i left at 11:00 for my 12:00 meeting and apparently i'm late. >> the man was finally talked into coming down safely shortly before 1:00. authorities say he was taken to san francisco general hospital to have a mental health evaluation. the picture of the girlfriend hugging him is so emotional. >> it is. >> sal, we talked about big traffic backups yesterday but we're happy to see the story resolve the way it was. >> sure am. and also, you know, we don't have any unusual occurrences today on the bridge. it wasn't just that incident. we've had crashes and stalled vehiclesment one thing or another has been causing slow traffic. today is normal. let's go to the east shore freeway. the fog is a little low. and we can't see all the way up to golden gate field racetrack as we usually do. i can tell you it is about 40 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. not too bad really as you head out to the maze. this morning's commute at the bay bridge toll plaza as i just mentioned is rather normal. it's a little slow at the toll plaza, about 20 minutes, which is the normal time. once you get on to the bridge it looks okay. we just saw this. let's go to the commute now and take a look at the south bay commute. this has filled in. northbound 101 is slow. so is 280 and 85. and, again, nothing out of the ordinary. we've had a couple of fender benders on the roads. 85 and 280 and 101 getting into the west valley will be slow. now let's go to mark at 7:48. >> hi there, sal. yeah. lots of fog showing up in your traffic cameras this morning. the fog is back in full force. around the bay as well. it will have an impact on the temperatures throughout thursday. but this will gradually clear back to the shoreline, revealing mostly sunny skies in the afternoon hours, especially for the bayside locations and the inland areas. coast, a different story. the main storm track up to the north of the bay area. there is the fog bank hugging our shoreline. overcast towards berkeley, oakland, fremont, san jose. you see the on shore winds as well. north bay, low visibility. patchy fog towards napa. santa rosa visibility down to one half mile. let's check out the updated number. san francisco checking in at 55. lots of low 60s for san jose area. napa reporting 56 degrees. reporting overcast up towards napa county. here is the deal for today. the fog is back in full force. that will have an impact on temperatures. inland is warming up. warmest locations inland in the 80s. around the bay, 70 degrees. coast in the lower 60s for today. what is happening is there is a layer of warm air above our head. as a result, low visibilities. in fact it seems like the fog is thinning out more. dense fog showing up around the bay itself. as sal mentioned, be extra careful on the commute this morning. this area of high pressure will keep us dry. you know the forecast clearing back to the coast. it will be a slow gradual process. we will hold on to this forecast into friday and saturday. but the temperatures inland, i'm thinking saturday with the warmest day of the week, mid- 80s for the first half of the weekend. here remember today showing you the fog out there near the coast and near the bay. and then partly sunny skies. more sunshine inland. and temperatures, the orange creeps back into the bay area. upper 70s to low 80s by 3:00, 4:00 this afternoon. lots of 70s through santa rosa and vallejo and vacaville. oakland will go 69. danville 80 degrees. shoot for the forecast high there. san jose, upper 70s. san francisco, mid-60s. keeping it cool out towards pacifica and half moon bay. only in the lower 60s. look ahead, the five day forecast warming along the shoreline friday and saturday. a dip in the numbers on sunday and another bounce in the readings monday and tuesday. dave, it is june 1st. we talk about fog as we're talking about a lot today as we celebrate the return of the marin layer. >> june is here. thank you, mark. more fallout for kathy give skin her controversy -- griffin and her controversial image of donald trump. the venue in the bay area that has now canceled her upcoming appearance. >> the time is 7:53. a massive landslide in big sur last month happened on may 20th in the mud creek area at the southern end of monterey county. it cover aid quarter mile of a road. caltrans says it cans take millions of dollars and more than a year to repair the highway. as it gets warmer, cables are going up on yosemite's half dome for climbing. the cables allow you to climb the rock face without special equipment. there is a limited number of permitsed available through the lottery. you have to apply two days before your intended hiking date. the time is 7:54. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren will be in san francisco at the fine arts theater as part of a day-long women's event focused on opposing president trump. senator warren supported hillary clinton. she has been an outspoken critic of president trump. the event by the way is sold out. a threatner napa where controversial comedian kathy griffin is scheduled to perform later this month is not canceling the show for now but that may change. around the country there have been calls for her shows to be canceled after she posted a photo of herself holding a fake severed head that looked like president trump. kathy griffin apologized but that didn't stop the controversy. the uptown theater is not planning to cancel the show scheduled for june 17th but it will continue to evaluate the situation as the date approaches. the center for the arts in grass valley canceled her performance there for june 16th. they say they received a lot of angry phone calls. the top young spellers from around the nation are back on the big stage today for the 90th annual scripps national spelling bee. ee. >> a-c-c-u-m-b-e-n-t. >> correct. >> the finals begin today. more than 200 spellers are competing for the top prize. the top prize is $40,000. >> for me, it is mostly just flipping through the dictionary and finding weird words. i also study roots to piece words together. besides that, it is down to chance. >> for the 6-year-old competitor we talked about yesterday, she was eliminated but she did very well. she did not score high enough on the written test to qualify for the final round. i had to look it up. it is the opening and closing of some flowers associated with changes of temperature or light intensity. >> everybody knows that. >> of course we do. good for her. >> it is 7:57. still ahead, police in vallejo shot and injured a suspect overnight. we will tell you about the man accused of ramming police cars two different times. >> reporter: the president will announce later today if the u.s. will stay part of the paris climate change accord. i'm doug luzader in washington. we will have more on what he is expected to do coming up. good morning. if you're driving on westbound 24 this morning, it is going to be a little bit slow in lafayette. driving over to orinda, it gets better. we will tell you more about the morning's community straight ahead. and in weather, june 1st, we're talking about lots of low clouds and fog out there. coming up, we will tell you if we will warm up today and big changes heading towards the weekend and also say hello to this plane up in the sky. >> vallejo man shot by police after they say he tried to ram them multiple times. now the man's father is speaking out saying his son was a victim. and another fire at a homeless encampment in the city of oakland. we will have what firefighters discovered when they arrived. mornings on 2 continues now. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is thursday, june 1st. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. steve paulson is enjoying a day off. for that we go to meteorologist mark tamayo. it is warming up a bit. >> yes. talking about 80s over the next few days. we started off cool this week. temperatures are trending up. it is june and we are talking about fog as well. it redeveloped yesterday and a factor near the coast and bay right now. the main storm track heading up to the north. a good on shore wind as well. there is some of the fog coverage out there. up in the north bay, we have reports of fog here. although it lifted. santa rosa last year were down to half a mile. things have improved in the past hour. current temperatures showing you lots of 50s on the board. but starting to see a few more 60s towards sfo, mountain view and san jose reporting 62 degrees at last check. so today we are talking about the fog across a good portion of the bay area. here is the live camera looking towards san rafael and highway 101. sal will have a traffic check in a few seconds. as far as temperatures for today, low 60s for the coast. around the bay, near 70. inland temperatures warming up to 80 degrees. we have the overcast this morning. gradually clearing back to the shoreline. we're talking about more micro climates out there. the 60s and 70s and 80s. we're warming up the numbers, especially inland later on today. we will talk about changes coming on board this weekend with your full forecast. sal right now has been update on the traffic. good morning to you, sal. >> good morning to you, mark. slow traffic, especially in the east bay. if you're driving through contra costa county, a lot of slow traffic, highway 4, 680, 24. highway 24 through lafayette will be slow as you drive through lafayette area. remember highway 4 is still slow as well and so is 680. so this commute is going to be jam packed. we're also looking at the bay bridge. it is backed up for about a 15- minute delay. it is getting a little better now. this is the best day so far. not a lot of traffic coming in from 880 for example. 101 san rafael not a bad commute through downtown san rafael. throw from 37 down to civic center. and on the golden gate bridge, pretty heavy fog driving through. south bay commute has all been busy. we're getting a little break in san jose's downtown area. most of it is slow up to cupertino. at 8:03, let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. the father of a suspect shot by vallejo police last night is speaking out. this case started a week ago in the city of vallejo when the suspect escaped from officers. officers tracked him to the community near martinez. christien kafton is joining us live from the scene with more on that new information. >> reporter: mike, a lot of new developments in the last hour or so. first if you take a look back here, there is now a tow truck on scene. apparently here ready to toe that vehicle out of the area. the investigation still very much underway where the suspect crashed into a police car. at least one officer opened fire. they tried to corner the man that they identified as kevin de car low after trying to find him for a week. his father was at the scene saying his son is in critical condition and there's a reason that he didn't stop when police tried to pull him over. >> i got a phone call saying my son got shot down the street here. we came down here to see what is going on. there it is. >> what do you make of the police story? the police tried to stop kevin a week ago. >> he has -- he's been in fear for his life. they are going around making comments about killing the kid. would you stop? would you stop? >> reporter: again, his belief is that his son was targeted by officers. last night the officer-involved shooting happened just before 10:00. officers from vallejo police department say that kevin de car low tried to ram his way through one police cruiser and that's why he was shot. he did appear to be awake and alert when he was transported. he has multiple gunshot wounds. they say in the first instance he got away. on saturday, they spotted him again. that's when he tried to ram them with a police cruiser and ran from the scene. then last night, police learned that he was here in the martinez area. officers surrounded the home where they believed he was located. when he learned that officers had surrounded him, he took off, again, ramming at least one vehicle with his own. that's when vallejo police opened fire. witnesses say ktvu there were at least two other people in the vehicle, a man and a women. they were uninjured. unclear what their role was in all of this. we heard that a vallejo police officer was injured in the course of the incidents that happened last night. that officer was treated and released. as you can tell, there are a lot of outstanding questions. we have seen friends and family members of kevin de car low showing up here, again, repeating the same story. police show with a very different story saying they have been trying to apprehend this man for a week. each time he has proved to be danger us and tried to ram him with his own vehicle. >> thank you, christien kafton, for the update. at about noon our time, president trump will announce whether he will pull the u.s. out of the paris climate accord. if he backs out of the agreement as many expect he will do, he will be keeping a campaign promise but his critics will be upset. doug luzader reports from washington. >> reporter: the president is widely expected to pull out of the paris climate change agreement. but nothing is certain until we hear from him later today. what will president trump do on the paris climate change agreement? seen by his predecessor as a real achievement. he says he is still being lobbied. hearing from people both ways and trying to build suspense for the declaration. tweeting i will be announcing my decision at 3:00 p.m. on thursday. the white house rose garden. make america great again. pledging to reduce carbon emissions. during the campaign, trump didn't hide his disdain. >> we are going to cancel the paris climate agreement and stop all payments of the united states tax dollars to u.n. global warming programs. >> reporter: critics say it requires too much from the expos too little from others. advocates call it essential to coordinate global climate change efforts. >> if we pull out of the agreement, this is a global embarrassment for the united states. 195 nations have signed on to the agreement, including russia and china. we would be in a category with syria and nicaragua if we pulled out of this. >> reporter: a full withdrawal would take years but the president doesn't have to go to congress to make this happen. >> barack obama didn't put it through as a treaty. he did it as an executive order. >> because it wouldn't have passed. >> reporter: it wouldn't have passed. >> reporter: the president is hearing different voices on whether to pull out of the deal entirely or try to renegotiate some of the terms. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. news. new this morning, the white house says president trump has signed an order to delay moving the u.s. embassy in israel to jerusalem. he had promised to move the embassy during the campaign but did not mention it last week. both the israelis and palestinians claim it as their capital. the president is committed to moving the embassy but he made this decision to maximize the chances of successfully negotiating a deal between israel and the palestinians. here at home, the young woman at the center of the bay area sex scandal has agreed to accept a settlement offer by the city of oakland of almost $1 million. jasmine appeared at a news conference with her attorney yesterday. she is a former teenage prostitute. she sued oakland claiming that police officers across the bay area exploited her and had sex with her. in her original claim, she sought $66 million in damages. she still has claims pending against richmond, livermore, alameda and sheriff's deputies, early this morning, firefighters had to put out a fire near a homeless encampment. they saw a treehouse on fire when they pulled up near 12th street and 16th avenue. there were about ten homeless tents in the area. no reported injuries and the fire was quickly put out. no word on what may have caused the fire to start. across the bay in san francisco today, mayor ed lee is asking the board of supervisors for more money to fight homelessness in the city of san francisco. the chronicle reports that mayor lee wants to increase spend being by $30 million next year and $35 million more in 2019. it would improve shelters, provide medical care and job counseling. the mayor is asking for more money to clean streets, remove dirty needles and fix broken street lights. a locker room for all students. the addition coming to uc berkeley to create a marin clues i have environment. >> reporter: warriors fans across the bay area getting ready for the nba finals game one. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage but the way we watch it is not. so, let's do something else. like what? like, watch tv wherever. what's that supposed to mean? it means, anywhere. in a car? yep. oof. but not like that. like this. oooh, family boat trip! yeah. and check this, record as many shows as you want. what? what? i just got chills. i know! tv, like, made for us. finally! finally. yeah. finally. ♪ wait, that's way cheaper than cable. >> all right. warriors fans getting gear could up for game one of the nba finals against the cleveland cavaliers tonight at oracle. >> i love that the national spotlight is on oakland. >> yes. >> alex savidge just about a mile north of us at jack london square in oakland where a popular sports talk show is going live. >> reporter: yeah, they are. we are in the middle of the live broadcast right now. let me show you the scene. we are on the patio at plank bar and restaurant and bowling alley here at jack london square. look at that. you have a crowds here. they are all fired up this morning and part of the live audience here for the fs1 show undisputed. you're seeing it right there. they have a guest from right here in the bay area, eddie house. a former nba basketball player from the bay area. let me show you the scene from earlier this morning. [cheering and applause] >> reporter: you can tell this crowd was fired up. they got here early in the morning to be part of the audience. a lot of warriors fans in attendance. they want to hear the take on the nba finals for the third straight year of course the dubs facing off against lebron james and the cavaliers. with a title on the line and the bragging rights on the line as well. the cavs stole game 7 last year and the warriors are hoping for pay back this year. >> cavs in six. >> no. >> cleveland in six. >> no. >> quest for twos. >> reporter: the warriors a perfect 12-0 in the playoffs. they have had a long layoff. the last game they played was ten days ago. hopefully they don't come out flat. they were on the court yesterday for the final practice. the cavs were there as well. we are right outside of plank bar and restaurant in oakland. there in the middle of the live broadcast for the fs1 show. undisputed. skip and shannon sharp here. and a great crowd. and you can see lots of warriors fans in the audience here. and folks got here very early this morning. this is the real deal when you have the nba finals here as we have for the past couple of years in oakland. it puts the national spotlight on the bay area. >> i agree. and they're not in san francisco doing the show from the waterfront. thank you, alex. if you're headed off to the game or watching from home, here are a few details that you need to know. the main parking lot at the complex will open at 3:00. doors to oracle open at 4:00. tipoff for game one set for 6:00. the warriors have home court advantage throughout the finals. the first two games are in oakland tonight and sunday. game three and four in cleveland, wednesday, june 7th and friday june 9th. the finals move back to oakland for a game 5 if necessary. >> as the two best teams in basketball face off in game one of the nba finals, on the court there will be the last mvp players. who do you think will be the finals mvp this year? we will look at the results so far. 36% of you -- actually 35% say steph curry. only 5 percent say lebron james in oakland. 25% say someone else. i love seeing your votes. do it on our twitter page and facebook. i also love reading your comments. i'm curious who that someone else might be. >> how about andre egg cal a. he won it two years ago for the warriors. i hope he is 100% when they tip over. >> we're going to go to sal first. >> i thought we were going to mark. he is standing here ready to go. >> tamayo is always ready to go. >> we need iguodala 100%. >> we do. he is not the only one that will be guarding lebron. he will be one of the player who's will be on lebron. we need him to be 100%. lebron will be by committee. we will talk about this on the 9, especially with our sports anchor scott reese. let's look at highway 24 westbound. you can see as you drive up to the tunnel, you will see the traffic is going to be moderately heavy. it is getting a little better now. i'm beginning to see something that i haven't seen in the last few days. that is a little bit of improvement here on the bay bridge commute. if you were in the bay bridge commute, you had a tough day for sure. but today it seems to be a little bit better. if you're driving into the golden gate bridge, this is what i meant to do. golden gate bridge traffic is okay. but it is foggy here. the fog has not picked up. usually, you know, it is foggy at 4:00 in the morning when i get here. it is not foggy still at 8:18. but the traffic seems not to be affected. perfect transition to mark tamayo. mark, we were talking about this fog four hours ago. >> yeah. the visibility has been going down quite a bit. with the low clouds, breaks and low clouds, we had a beautiful sunrise this morning. look at the beautiful time lapse. this is from our san rafael camera looking to the north here. you can see breaks in the clouds. but also nice to see all of the beautiful colors out there to start off your thursday morning, june 1st. already june 1st out there. showing you this. fog hanging along the california coastline, surging back to the san francisco bay. a good on shore wind as well. there is the coverage. i should also mention we have overcast reports up towards santa rosa and napa. right now temperatures are in the 50s to the low 60s. san jose right now 62. we have concord 64. good morning to you in santa rosa. 53 degrees. what is happening, we have a layer of warm air. in fact warming above our heads right now. squashing the marine layer. it can be down below 2,000 feet, maybe 1500 feet that. has an impact on the visibility. that's why the golden gate bridge is socked in right now. this area of high pressure is the source of the warming away from the coast. so temperatures today most areas will be in the 60s to the 70s. and then just minor changes for friday and saturday. we're going to warm up the numbers inland. coast remains on the cool side with the fog bank nearby. the temperatures only close to 60 degrees. here is the fog pattern this morning. and then gradually clearing back to the shoreline this afternoon. partly cloudy skies around the bay. probably leftover patches for portions of san francisco. inland, you will find upper 70s to around 80 degrees around 4:00 this afternoon. we will bump up the numbers a little bit inland. right around the bay, partly cloudy skies for oakland. 69. head inland and you will find upper 70s around 80. san jose 77. sunnyvale 74. san francisco 65. pacifica only 60 degrees. your five day forecast, temperatures warm up away from the coastline friday. by the weekend, saturday will be the warmest day. we will cool things off into sunday. and then another spike of the numbers into monday and tuesday. but i remember, you know, growing up, we grew up in the bay area. getting out of school this time of year, you want to go outside and play. and the fog always has that for the june gloom. >> you grew up in the city. i grew up in livermore. it was so hot. you couldn't wait to get out of school. >> different world out there. >> thank you, mark. >> the time is 8:21. a shake-up in the palo alto school district continues to grow. the new cases surfacing surrounding allegations of sexual assault. >> we have new information this morning in the sexual assault case at palo alto high school that we first told you about in a 2 investigates report. gloria allred will be representing one of the victims. jessie gary will have more on that in the next hour. in the meantime, there are now 14 more reports of sexual assault at schools in the palo alto district. before we share this report, we want to caution you that some of the details are graphic. >> holly wade walked out of a palo alto school board meeting so fast that our camera had trouble keeping up. despite my questioning, she kept her lips sealed, striding off without answering why as compliance officer she didn't launch a title 9 investigation last fall. after accusations of an attack on a 14-year-old girl inside of a school bathroom. >> the first documentation in '06-'07. >> reporter: inside the meeting her boss pointed the failure to outside legal counsel. >> the attorney at the time advised that that was not a title 9 issue at the time. the attorney at that time advised that. >> and so that's why the decision was made not to go forward. >> i can't say because i wasn't involved in that decision. you know the attorney gave us that advice. we're not using that attorney anymore for investigations. >> reporter: this issue erupted following a 2 investigates report. this unidentified 14-year-old girl says she was forced to perform oral sex in a bathroom at palo alto high school in october. >> i started crying when i heard his name or like saw him. it just -- it really messed me up. it messed up my grades a lot. >> reporter: the case was adjudicated in juvenile court where the student athlete convicted of having oral sex with a minor. after his report, he decided not to finish the school year on campus. holly wade never launched a title 9 investigation in the attack, generating a fire storm of criticism from many palo alto parents. >> i think there are a number of people involved that did not come forward to report reportedly and violated the law and didn't care for the victims or care for our children. >> reporter: over the past two months, the number of reported cases has spiked to 15. >> these are investigations, interviews, information that has come forward that we have yet to determine. >> reporter: some board members blame media coverage for the increase. others say it is a sign that students now feel safe coming forward. in an attention to fast track change, the district is trying to expedite the hiring of an education attorney that would take over the title 9 compliance job when wade leaves next week. >> this has been at the top of our priority list this year. in fact we put other important items on the back burner because this really is our -- i think it is our top priority. the safety of our students. >> reporter: dr. mcghee says going forward any time there is a report of sexual misconduct in the district, it will initiate a title 9 automatically. as for holly wade's replacement, mcghee hopes to have that person on the job by june the 12th. if not, he will serve as both superintendent and compliance officer until a permanent replacement is found. on assignment in palo alto, i'm jessie gary ktvu fox 2 news. if you have a tip for our 2 investigates team, just e-mail 2 investigates at or call the number on your screen. the time is 8:27. alameda police just released the name of the driver in monday's deadly crash that killed two teenagers. he is rodriguez of san leandro. briana ortega of hayward and simon were both killed, both 17 years old. teens died when the truck driven by rodriguez flipped on alameda at high speeds. allegations of excessive force at a jail in alameda county. the three officers now under arrest. uc berkeley will become the first uc school in the state to to have a gender inclusive locker room. we will tell you how it is different and how much it will cost coming up. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? enter sleep number she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. save $700 on the temperature balancing i8 bed. ends sunday. go to for a store near you. live-streat the airport.e sport, binge dvr'd shows, while painting your toes. on demand laughs, during long bubble baths. tv on every screen is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. all your tv at home. the most on demand, your entire dvr, top networks, and live sports on the go. included with xfinity tv. xfinity the future of awesome. >> main storm track up to the north of the bay area. i know yesterday steve was talking by sprinkles and light showers out there. come in closer and we will show you the winds. there is the fog bank. leftover overcast being picked up. we still have coverage out to the east bay and the north bay as well. checking in on some of the current numbers out there. san francisco downtown 56. walnut creek creek 61. san jose 62. and santa rosa cooler. winds, nothing too strong out there. fairfield picking up 17 miles per hour. here we go more reports towards sfo. 10 miles per hour in san jose. weaker than that around 7:00. forecast for today, you know it, we have the fog hanging out near the coast. that will push locally back near the shoreline. temperatures for today, interesting cloud formations over the bay. 60 year the coast. inland will reach the 80s today. away from the water should be a little warmer. but closer to the coast not much change at all. 9:00 this morning, 55 to 60 degrees. by 4:00, 60 to 80. you will see the numbers at least warming up out toward santa rosa, santa rosa, napa, livermore, antioch, 82. look at pacifica. only 65 degrees in san francisco. we will talk more about the changes for the weekend coming up. sal has an update on the roadways and hopefully no big problems out there. good morning to you, sal. and the microphone -- the microphone -- >> it looks like we might have to jump back to sal as soon as we get the microphone working. first we will start in the east bay where uc berkeley will become the first college in california to have a gender neutral locker room for students. allie rasmus is live with why the project is necessary and how the school will pay for it. >> reporter: yes. it is called a general neutral or gender inclusive locker room. and uc berkeley would be the first uc school to have one like this. construction is supposed to start next spring. and the goal behind it is to make transgender students and transgender patrons feel more comfortable and not have to deal with the decision of choosing a locker room that they may not feel comfortable with. basically this locker room will be open to anyone. men, women and transgender student and people with nongender conforming identities. it will be made out of the existing locker rooms at the sports facility. unlike the locker rooms right now. it will have private changing rooms and bathroom stalls. in the past when transgender students needed a private changing area, they needed to go to one of the staff members and request to use the staff restrooms. the school hopes this will encourage more transgender students to use the gym. >> we wanted to limit barriers to access to wellness and the facilities. we want to make sure that everyone had the ability and felt comfortable to take advantage of our facilities. acilities. >> reporter: now, the cost to build this locker room is $2.7 million. the money comes from a $54 student wellness fee that students pay. not all of the money goes to this project. it is used for other student programs as well. students approved that wellness fee back in a 2015 campus-wide vote. some of the students that we talked to say they are okay for using some of the money for this project. >> i think that everybody should feel comfortable using the gym. some people can't go because of that reason. i think it is good. >> reporter: and uc officials say the money has already been allocated and they hope to start construction next spring. and then the project is supposed to be complete by fall of 2019. back to you guys. >> thank you, alley. >> let's check back in with salon that thursday morning commute. hey, sal. >> hey, mike and gasia. we have slow traffic although we're seeing improvement out there which is good. this is the first day i have seen improvement in the 8:00 hour at the bay bridge. you can see it is still slow. but there is no traffic coming in off of the 880 ramp, which is the sign that things are getting better getting into san francisco. we're also looking at a commute on 880 that is pretty slow. 880 north and southbound. southbound 880 is slow approaching 66. the northbound traffic is also slow as well. so you will giving -- you should give yourself plenty of time if you're using 880 in that area. not bad on westbound 92. better than we normally see it heading out to the peninsula. and on the south bay commute, all of the freeways here are still jam packed getting into cupertino. it is 8:36. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. jurors will continue to decide whether the man convicted of killing sierra lamar should get a life sentence or the death penalty. last month garcia-torres was convicted of the murder even though sierra lamar's body was never found. deliberations continue in the case of three sheriff's deputies. the deputies are charging with the murder and beating death of inmate tyree back in 2015. if convicted the deputies could spend the rest of their lives in prison. three officers are under arrest in the case of inmate abuse and alleged cover-up. an investigation into the excessive use of force started when a supervisor expressed concerns from inside of the jail. and now correctional officer, jeffrey villa and madden are all facing charges. the placerville sheriff made the announcement yesterday. >> we arrested three of our staff members. >> the abuse of inmates goes on chronically. it goes on in every county jail that i have dealt with. >> the alleged crimes took place from november to just three weeks ago. o. there are extra patrols in san francisco's park now. one week after a man was found stabbed to death there. police held a community meeting last night where they tried to answer questions from people concerned about their own safety. a jogger found alvarez's body in the park last we're. he had four children and brew up in -- grew up in bruno heights. the family was at the meeting and asked the public to come forward with any information. >> if you know something, call. we could prevent something for our own family and community. >> alvarez may have been targeted. they are asking people who live in the area to check their cameras to see if they caught anything suspicious. sky fox was right over the scene near highway 4 at about 6:15 yesterday evening. police were called to a shooting on lemon tree way around 5:45. but the shooting victim had already left the scene and crashed on l street. he was taken to the hospital and later pronounced dead. police tracked down a suspect in the shooting on lemon tree way and taken into cut shortly after a standoff. elizabeth warren will appear today as part of a day- long women's event in opposition to president trump. warren supported hillary clinton and has been an outspoken critic of the president. the event is sold out. a theater where kathy griffin is scheduled to perform later this month for now is not canceling the show. that could change. around the country there have been calls for her show to be canceled after she posted a picture of herself holding a severed head that looked like president trump. griffin apologized but that did not stop the controversy. the uptown theater in napa is not planning to cancel the show scheduled for june 17th but it will continue to evaluate the situation as the data approaches. in the meantime the center for the arts in grass valley did cancer her performance there scheduled for the 16th saying it received a number of angry phone calls. hillary clinton is again talking about last year's loss in the presidential election. just yesterday she attended a tech conference near los angeles and took responsibility for the decisions she made on the campaign trail but also blamed the dnc. she also talks about james comey and his decision to send a letter to congress about her e-mail controversy less than two weeks before election day. after the conference, president trump accused hillary clinton of blaming everybody but herself for last year's loss. clinton fired back using the president's tweet from earlier this week saying people in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe. the president's son tweeted what house is he in? again, you're trying too hard. shopping malls going extinct? it has been a while since i have been to one. we will see the reasons behind the decline. >> the time is 8:43. a lot of excitement around the bay area. the start of the nba finals. >> that's right. let's check in with sal right now. 880 may be busy in the afternoon as people make their way to oracle. >> you should put that in the back of your mind as the game will be on tonight and it will start to get crowded later today. after noon is when people will start to show up. let's look at the macarthur maze on 80 westbound as you drive from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. it's about a 33-minute drive. but when you get to the bay bridge, things are beginning to clear out a little bit. this is about a 15 to 20 minute delay. maybe a little less than that. the 880 ramps are doing well. there is a lot of slow traffic on 880 north and southbound. especially northbound which is on the right. a lot of people are trying to get into downtown oakland. this is pretty much the typical commute. it starts to slow north of 238. san mateo bridge, remember last time we saw it was pretty good. now it looks like it is a little slow. remember the dumbarton bridge will also be slow. we had a stalled vehicle on the dumbarton bridge. it looks like something could be happening. chp is not reporting anything yet. 8:44. let's bring in mark tamayo. >> sal, rumor has it that you're going to join warriors fans during the 9 hour. >> yeah. you have to stay tuned for the 9 it find out. >> excited to see that. we are excited for the game tonight. it seems like forever they have played. as of right now, lots of high clouds and fog over the oakland estuary. temperatures not warming up too much coast side. inland will be warming up nicely. i know yesterday steve was talking about sprinkles, a few showers. that system has moved out. we have an on shore wind and the satellite we need more daylight with the satellite to pick up the overcast inland. most of the bay area under mostly cloudy skies, especially towards the coast and places like santa rosa. 17 miles per hour towards fairfield. out towards sfo. winds out of the northwest checking in at 10 miles per hour. once again is june 1st. more low clouds and fog will gradually clear back to the shoreline this afternoon. partly cloudy for the bay. inland neighborhoods on track to reach the low 80s. it should be a little warmer compared to yesterday. all because this guy, this big h out here in the pacific. the area of high pressure clearing skies to the coast. 60s and 70s and no major changes for friday and saturday but we will warm up the numbers inland. saturday, that will be the warmest day of the period. that will translate to mid-80s well inland. the beaches not warming up too much. it will be chilly out there. here is the forecast model. stubborn overcast in the afternoon hours. we will show you the temperature colors here with the greens, the 60s. yellows, 70s. that orange contour linking up with the lower 80s this afternoon by about 3:00, 4:00 out there. santa rosa, 79. vallejo,77. stensent beach. 62. san jose, santa clara valley looking great with increase in sunshine later today. upper 70s. and san francisco bringing the sweater and the jacket. you know the drill. only in the low to middle 60s. here is a look at the forecast. cooler on sunday. and then warming up into next week. >> thank you, mark. word of more retail stores closing and predicts of entire malls shutting down. what would i do without the stoneridge mall in pleasanton. we will get to the malls in a minute. let's go to pam cook with the money business. >> where would the kids hang out? we want to talk about economic news. a gain in private sector jobs for may. analysts say it shows the economy is growing at a healthy rate. stocks headed higher when the opening bell rang this morning on the good jobs report. and they have stayed that way all morning long. looking at the numbers, the dow jones up 32 points right now. there's a live look. 21,041. the nasdaq creeping higher into record territory. 6216 there. up 17 points. the s&p 500 is up as well this morning. dow getting help from united health, some other earnings reports coming in that are pretty good. one earnings report that was not good, uber announced another big loss for the first quarter of this year. uber earned $3.4 billion during the first quarter. that is 18% more than the final three months of last year. still means a loss of $708 million. it does close that gap towards profitability though by more than a quarter of a billion dollars now. uber reportedly looking at an initial public offering. there are no timeline when it might go public. michael kors has announced they're closing 125 stores over the next two years. it will help save $60 million in annual costs while also allowing the brand be to focus on its most productive locations. right now there are 960 michael kors stores around the world. a list of the stores impacted has not been released yet. and hundreds of shopping malls around the country may close according to a new report from credit suisse. 25% of u.s. malls will close by 2020. that is their prediction. that is 225 shopping malls in the next three years. the reasons could include bankruptcy and online shopping and then the movie moving to discount chains. we're talking about warriors. they're hot. but tickets are not. not as hot as they used to. ticket iq looks at tickets on the secondary market. cheapest seat for game one at oracle arena, $389, which is a lot. but it is down $500 from last year. >> oh. >> so a lot of the analysts are saying it's expensive. >> yes. >> people don't want to go. they're going to sit at home. also it is the third time. >> maybe it's not as special. >> maybe they're not as excited as a team who hasn't been in the finals for a while. >> thank you, pam. >> from high school to college graduation season easy to say it is in full switching. up next, how much people plan to spend on graduates this year and a look at the most popular gifts. handballer 1: you know what i could go for? scrambled eggs and pancakes. crave van! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. you crave it. we serve it. crave van! handballer 1: you know what i scrambled eggs and pancakes. crave van! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. you crave it. we serve it. crave van! >> at least one person is dead and two others missing after an explosion at a ethanol plant in wisconsin. it happened around 11:00 last night. at least 16 people were working there at the time. more than a dozen suffered burn injuries. officials say this was a four- story building before the explosion. the cause is under investigation. officials in ohio are blaming the drug addiction epidemic on the pharmaceutical industry. they filed a lawsuit against five drug companies that include johnson & johnson. 3,000 people in ohio died from drug overdoses in 2013. the number of overcourses last are year are expected to be even higher. the lawsuit accuses the drug companies of promoting benefits of the dugs that are not supported by scientific studies. >> it is just and it is right that the people who played a significant role in creating this mess in the state of ohio should pay to clean it up. >> one of the drug makers says the lawsuit is legally and factually unfounded. another company says it is working with communities to solve the open at -- opiate cries. some say he filed the lawsuit to improve his chances of getting elected as governor next year. the california nurses association has a new financial analysis for a single payor health care system in california. the total program would cost $331 billion a year. an earlier estimate by the analysts put the cost at $400 billion. the study from the nurses says business and sales taxes would help pay for coverage and that lower drug prices and chances to covered services would help cut costs. it is graduation season. that means it is time to find that special gift to help the new high school and college graduates with the next chapters of their lives. the national retail federation says retailers will spend 5 and a half billion dollars on graduates thisserra. 53% plan to give cash. >> you can do silly things like deliver a pizza and have the cash like taped to the inside of the lid. you can -- you can do origami money and put it on a hanger. just take that extra step. >> the average gift giver will spend $102. that's the most in ten years. still to come, a machete attack on a uber driver in illinois. the suspect is a 16-year-old girl. the questions that police have surrounding the investigation. >> it's a day of mourning in afghanistan after yesterday's deadly truck bombing in kabul where 90 people were killed. city workers are cleaning the streets and removing debris around the damaged embassy. 450 people were hurt, including 11 americans. so far no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. the taliban is denying it had anything to do with the bombing. a 16-year-old girl in illinois is being charged with first degree murder in a machete attack on an uber driver. prosecutors say she called for an uber on tuesday. within minutes of getting in the car, she attacked the driver with a machete and knife. the driver 34-year-old grant nelson was rushed to the hospital but later died. it appears to be a random apack. a 14-year-old girl has died in the lake tahoe area after a hiking accident. the sheriff's office says she was hiking yesterday near the viking home trail about noon when she fell 50 feet. an off duty officer in the area performed cpr before crews arrived but she later died at the hospital from her injuries. chp san francisco tweeted this photo of the man hugging his girlfriend after the  ordeal. the man ran out of gas around 10:00 and climbed up on the side of the bridge and threatened to jump. two lanes of the bay bridge were closed as the crisis team tried to talk him down. the man finally came down at about 1:00 in the afternoon. he was taken to san francisco general for a mental health evaluation. bars in california getting closer to a later last call. yesterday the state senate approved a bill that would allow them to serve alcohol until 4:00 a.m. local communities will make the final decision. supporters say it will attract motorists. opponents say it puts alcohol revenue over public safety. it now moves to the state assembly. the top specialties from around the nation are back on the big stage today for the national spelling bee. the finals begin today. the competition started yesterday with more than 200 spellers between 6 and 15 years old. the field has been trimmed down to 40 finalists competing for the top cash prize. ♪[music] >> good looking thursday morning out there as we give you a live look in jack london square. we're broadcasting live. they are as well. getting ready for the nba finals. welcome to the 9, everybody. a lot of excitement brewing, not only oakland but across the bay area

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