Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170313 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170313

march 13th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> welcome back. >> good to be back. thank you. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. let's talk about your weather. still dark around your area. >> did you enjoy the weekend weather? >> nice and warm. >> we'll carry that over to today. the full moon is on sunday. the only problem is now people write me and say my dogs, cats are going crazy. [ howling ] sounds like he's got indigestion. there's your high pressure system right there. it says i'm happy right now, not going anywhere today. maybe tomorrow i might back off. clear skies, sunny and nice. we'll rebound very fast on these temps. 60s, 70s, upper 60s near the coast for some. upper 70s for inland. lots of sun. it will be warm. even if there's fog i don't think it's going to last very long. kelseyville sleeping in. that's okay. 40 in napa. 48 for tiburon. on the coast, bodega bay, 54. you can see why. they're getting an offshore breeze. today looks spectacular. the fog is trying right there but puts on those brakes, says i can't go any farther. 60s for a few on the coast. but 70s, upper 70s for many away from the coast. sal, 7:02. anything on your screen you want to get to right away? >> we're looking at the commute here in the eastbound first because we do have slow traffic to talk about at the bay bridge toll plaza. this is about a 20, 25-minute delay. it's not bad, just one of those things you expect. if you're driving on interstate 880, beginning to get more crowded here but there are no problems between san leandro and downtown oakland. san mateo bridge traffic looks okay. it's getting a lot more crowded getting on to the bridge. you'll see slow traffic there. we see slow traffic on brisbane's freeway north and southbound 101. out of the commute here you'll see slow traffic. it could be slowing because of issues. we'll let you know more about that. we also have potholes that closed highway 101. near embarcadero the chp had to shut down the freeway because the potholes were too much for cars. you can see the officers demonstrating how deep they were. the caltrans crews did come out and fill the potholes and lanes were opened up early this morning. right now all lanes are open in both directions. 7:03. let's go back to the desk. this morning the vallejo police department is facing questions about excessive force because of cell phone video that shows an officer hitting a man during an arrest then pulling his gun on a crowd of onlookers. ktvu alex savidge live to show us that video. >> good morning to you. the vallejo police department has not said exactly what led up to this arrest, but we understand the officer from the video was chasing after a man who had been acting erratically at a gas station and things quickly escalated from there. some believe the officer went too far during this arrest. >> i am god. [ shouting ] >> tensions obviously running high as the vallejo police officer struggles to take that man in to custody after tackling him in the middle of the street. this video posted online over the weekend shows the officer punching the man in the head and then later striking him several times with either his baton or possibly a flashlight. you can hear the officer yell for the man to give him his hands on a number of occasions. on the video you also hear bystanders questioning the use of force. >> why are you still hitting him? >> put your hands up. [ bleep ] >> as backup arrives, the original responding officer pulls his gun and points it in the direction of onlookers before reholstering his weapon. the office can be seen striking the man several more times. it's unclear what led up to the violent encounter and arrest that was captured on video here. we've reached out selve -- several times throughout the weekend and the morning for someone from the vallejo police department to give us more information on this investigation and we're still waiting to hear back from someone. emergency crews were called to the oakland estuary early this morning. workers at the best western hotel said there was a man who had been near the end of the pier drinking for a couple hours. they tell us they saw him do a black flip in to the water. that's when they ran out to the end of the pier to see if the man was in any danger. >> brandy, alcohol, all the beers he drunk. we saw him floating. and he's not moving anymore. that's when we call 911. >> fire and police officials arrived in minutes. a water rescue crew with a paddleboard was finally able to reach the man. they gave him emergency medical care. officials at this point are not reporting the man's name or his condition. police are still treating the location as a crime scene. our time now 7:06. yesterday in east bay democratic town leaders held a townhome meeting about what they call worst case scenarios if the proposed republican healthcare bill is passed. healthcare professionals talked about the importance of making sure the bay year's poorest residents are insured. they said obamacare stopped people from showing up in emergency rooms for minor ailments. at the town hall meeting the people urged elected democrats to fight the efforts to repeal the affordable care act. >> i imagine healthcare is one of the many issues you're hearing during your own town hall meetings. >> yes, yesterday hundreds of my constituents showed up to say the same thing once again loudly and clearly, that they do not want us to repeal healthcare. the affordable care act. 30 million people will lose their healthcare. here in california over 3 million people have been insured as a result of the affordable care act. we've expanded community clinics. we've expanded medicaid, 443,000 people would lose access to medicaid which is medi-cal here in california. it's a matter of life and death and it will make people sick again if we repeal. >> is there a concern of rising cost of healthcare? nationwide federal numbers show there was about a 22% increase. i know people in phoenix were paying 145% more this year compared to last. is there a concern of people saying my premium jumped a lot higher than i thought it would? >> there are concerns but i have to tell you first of all, the healthcare costs have risen less than what they rose prior to the passage of the affordable care act. prior to that it was 5% to 8%. now it's 3%. so yes, we've got to fix some of the issues and some of the difficulties people are having but in no way should we just throw away the healthcare for 30 million people. i believe this may be 5% to 6% of people which we must address and deal with but not by appealing healthcare. >> there are critics who say that businesses, it's too much. too expensive. particularly small businesses. how do you respond to that? >> many small businesses really have been able to survive and thrive because they're able now to offer their employees healthcare. prior to this there were no exchanges. there were very few community clinics so for the majority of small businesses they've been able to provide benefit packages to their employees that they couldn't provide before but if there are gaps that need to be addressed, and we need to i say tinker around the edges to make sure that everyone is covered and can afford the care then yes, we must do that. for the most part small businesses and employees of small businesses have benefited. >> what have you seen and heard from your constituents economically? before the weekend robust job numbers were released, ones president trump took credit for. what are you hearing? >> they're struggling quite naturally. while the unemployment rate has gone down, when you look at communities of color, the african american, latino community, the employment rate is still double digit. secondly, people, yes, are working but they're working longer hours, they're commuting further. they don't throughout the country have a living wage. here in the bay area, living wage several years ago was like $26 to $30 an hour and we're moving toward $15. and so while the economy under president obama was saved from dropping in to deep depression and we really did turn it around, we have a long way to go. but this is not donald trump economic agenda. these are policies put in place by the previous administration that are beginning to kick in. >> while we have you here, also have to ask you, you also introduced a bill to block american troops from being deployed in syria. tell us more about that. >> i introduced a bill to stop the funding. i'm an appropriator and the congress has the power to pull strings when it relates to issues of war and peace. we cannot allow our government to send ground troops in to syria without a congressional debate. we're still operating under the 2001 authorization that i voted against and it was a blank check. it gave power and authority to any president to use force forever. and so we've gut -- got to put a stop to this. if we're going to send our troops in to battle, then congress needs to step up, do its job, debate it and vote for it. i want to stop the funding for that because our young men and women are going in to an area, we don't know who the real enemy is at this point. >> i have to ask you real quick, can you work with donald trump? >> the question is, is donald trump on the side of the american people? if he is, then sure, we'd work with him. i would. but i don't believe he is. donald trump, and we know what has happened in terms of russia. we've got to have these investigations. we know the way his campaign was conducted, the intelligence communities have shown us that russia was extremely involved. he doesn't tell the truth about much of anything. he's trying now to ban muslims again, to build a wall. when you look at his budget that's coming up, he's going to cut the safety net. donald trump does not stand on the side of the american people. when you look at steve bannon, this man is part of a white nationalist supremacist movement. the alt right. and he has him as his national security council. i have legislation to remove him, get him out of the white house. when you look at his cabinet members, he's putting those cabinet members in to do what? as steve bannon said to eliminate the state really. they want to just take away the public sector, eliminate all the cabinets and say go for what you know, turn it over to the corporate sector and that's what america would look like if they had their chance. so i don't see a way that i can cooperate with that agenda. >> tomorrow it's back to washington, right? >> we'll see the affordable care act and budget committee on wednesday t. will be a marathon session. >> thank you so much. >> barbara lee, always good to see you and thank you for coming in. >> thank you again. time is 7:13. we'll turn now to you. our question of the day is how concerned are you with the effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act? not at all, very concerned, somewhat concerned? or not sure yet? let us know what you think by voting on our ktvu twitter page or under the mornings on 2 tab. you can also comment on the ktvu facebook page. time is now 7:13. using technology to fight crime. a system that alerts police whenever a gun is fired and the push to use this technology statewide. >> and i imagine you may have noticed this happening over the years. airline seats getting smaller and smaller. next, what the government is now doing to give travelers more room. welcome back to mornings on 2. time is 7:16. healthcare reform and interest rates are on the minds of many people including investors and traders on wall street. >> pam cook in the studio with new information about yahoo. >> yeah, just getting this in, yahoo named its executive team for the post verizon deal. marissa meyer will stay on as ceo till the deal is done. then yahoo board member thomas mcinerney will take over the new country which will be called altaba. taking in the numbers right now, they're ringing the bell, executives and guests of madison square garden company because the middleweight boxing match-up is this saturday. the two boxers there this morning ringing the bell along with one of the announcers and that's this saturday, madison square garden, checking in on the numbers, a little bit of a mixed picture still this morning. dow jones down 18 and a quarter points to 20,885. s&p 500 slipping a little bit as well, but the nasdaq is doing pretty well, up about 5 points to 5866. we'll be lookling for word from the fed this week. but expectation we'll see higher interest rates. banks are hauling in record fees from customers despite their strongest balance sheet in years. last year customers paid an average of $600 for atm, overdraft and low balance fees. some analysts expect bank charges to drop as the expectation of higher interest rates but one study reports chase, wells fargo, and bank of america made a total of $6.4 billion last year on those overdraft and atm fees alone, up nearly $300 million from 2015. a new bill going before congress would stop airline seats from getting any smaller. the seat act of 2014 would enforce a minimum seat width and distance between rows. supporters say the bill is not just about comfort but also about safety. they say larger and fewer seats would help in evacuations in case of emergency. doctors warn there are health risks for some passengers who aren't able to move their legs during long flights. the average distance between seat rows has dropped four inches since airline deregulation in the 1970s. the average width, by the way, 16.5 inches. about 70 million people filled out march madness brackets last year but a lot of their employers weren't very happy about it. according to a survey by office team, almost a third of all bosses now say they want no ncaa tournament activities in their office. another survey by wallet hub finds productivity goes down due to march madness. it's expected to hit $4 billion this year. only 11% of managers welcome the tournament in to their workplace. one manager has about 300 offices around the world. he has a different idea. in his office he says workers are going to compete in a sales blitz and they get to dress in their favorite college team's uniform and colors. on the first friday of the tournament there's going to be a pot luck meal where people get to bring their favorite food from the town. so kind of embracing it because people are going to do it. so it's kind of an interesting question though of do you allow it? >> you say i don't want anybody to do x, everybody goes and does x. >> i know. it's like saying don't do any online shopping at work. i know there's a couple of you who do. >> not us. certainly not us. something to think about. thank you. time is 7:19. sal is thinking about our commute. you taking care of our friends on highway 24? >> that's right. good morning to you. westbound 24, we're going to start there and look at slow traffic that's here in lafayette and also in orinda at the very top of your screen. traffic is going to be slow also approaching the tunnel. bay bridge is backed up for a 15 to 20-minute delay before you make it on to the bridge. 880 is not bad as you drive through this area of downtown oakland. what's really terrible is northbound 101, slow traffic from almost san bruno because of an accident at 3rd street at san francisco near the old candlestick exit. i'd definitely recommend using 280 as an alternative route and we'll keep an eye on this but traffic is very, very slow out of south city and almost in to san bruno. 7:20. let's bring steve in. >> good morning. we do have clear skies. if there's any fog i don't think it will last long. >> today will be right there. although that full moon on sunday, still pretty bright this morning. stacy says the moon was so bright this morning. how bright was it? i thought the sun was coming up. also with all this rain and now we get this warm weather, you know it's bothering some people already. phoenix arts. good morning sp. i am loving this early spring weather but my allergies not so much. the pollen count must be astonishing. blame those trees. they're very, very high. you know the grasses are itching to go too. they're raring to go. grass is about this tall for some. signature high pressure right there. says you know, i haven't been out here in a long time but i'm going to hang out now. everything will be focused from the gulf coast to the northeast. it's tapping in to gulf moisture. that's going to give us what we call frontal genesis and there are signs that anywhere from about a foot to 2 feet for some especially around the poconos, new york, boston. we'll see, some of the models are trending a little warmer on some of this for the coastal areas. a lot like a recipe. everything has to come together for this to happen. for a winter where they haven't had hardly any snow whatsoever, they may get a bunch in 24 to 36 hours. travel plans there back east the next 24, 36 hours could be a little tough. for us, no problems at all. we're good to go. sunshine, 40s on the temps. 50s here. it's warmer. santa rosa says 39. 40 in danville. 42 for walnut creek and same for san ramon. upper 40s for some. mid 40s for others including by the concord pavilion. high pressure says maybe a few high clouds but that's it. the fog is rearing to go out there. it won't be until tomorrow i think when we get a little bit of an offshore breeze. sunshine and warm temps today today on forecast and looks like temperatures will top out today, still okay on tuesday, then cooler on wednesday. the cooling begins, if there's any rain, probably to the north. i wouldn't worry about it right now. usually the first system to break through the strong ridge of high pressure won't do much. today though a lot of 70s. low, mid to upper, even close to 80 for gilroy and santa cruz out to antioch and brentwood. tomorrow looks pretty good. cooler wednesday. cooler wednesday also carrying in to the weekend. >> then it's gone and still just be a dream by this coming weekend. >> next week looks rainy. >> back in it. time is 7:23. more than four months after that terrible ghost ship fire in oakland a battle over an artist space in san francisco. next, why the landlord says the people who live there have to leave. >> also it's called w2 phishing. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:26. a missing pregnant woman from san francisco was found safe last night. 32-year-old lauren soriano was reported missing yesterday hours after she left her home in cole valley. she was considered at risk because she's nine months pregnant and tomorrow doctors plan to induce labor. lauren was found in a city near san francisco but police haven't said yet how they found her or exactly where she was. a new development to bring you involving the artists who are facing eviction from a warehouse in san francisco's vernal heights neighborhood. they've now turned to san francisco's rent board for help in their legal battle against their landlord. in december the artists were served with an eviction notice. the eviction followed a city inspection that came in the aftermath of the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland just two weeks earlier. just ahead of tax season, the irs is warning everyone to be aware of a scam known as w2 phishing. people working in payroll departments receive an e-mail which claims to be from a top executive of their country. it asks the payroll department to pass along an employee's private payroll information. >> what the problem is with that is you find out later on that wasn't the cfo or the president, that the e-mail they used was spoofed and the information goes to someone that's not supposed to. >> within 48 hours the scammer files phony tax returns in the naumz of the targeted employees. -- in the names of the targeted employees. time is 7:27. more than a thousand flights canceled, a large winter storm is hitting the east coast. the areas that will see over a foot of snow. >> it's technology used by nearly a dozen california cities. now one state lawmakers wants to see it expand. his plans for something a lot of people know as the shot spotter system. it is a beautiful day. take a look at this. this is the magic of the time change, dave. >> how did you do that? >> it was mother nature and father time working together to bring us this, the sun rising and the moon setting. did you catch the full moon over the weekend? >> yes, i did. just spectacular. >> luminous. what a perfect weekend to get outside and enjoy mother nature as we battle with father time and lose that precious hour of sleep. we're so thankful you're here monday, march 13th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. thank you for joining us. steve paulson is back again. >> nice weather. good start there. get that bug off there. [ laughter ] fog will probably come back tomorrow. run for the hills. the full warm moon was yesterday. that's what they call it. the ground is thawing out. it will be sunny and warm. patchy fog, mostly sunny tomorrow. more clouds, cooler, maybe rain north. santa rosa north by wednesday, probably not a lot but we'll mention it. look at that view, perfect circulation on that high pressure system. it says i don't think so to that. higher clouds will probably start to spill in tomorrow. we're good to go for sunshine. out of the gate here, a few 30s but a lot of 40s and 50s. temperatures are running a little bit warmer than they have been for the morning lows. yet still cool for some. 41 degrees. look at los altos hills. 52. san carlos, 50. pacifica, 51 degrees. today looks good. a little bit of fog trying to get close. says i can't go any farther than that. at least today. sunshine nice to warm. 70s to upper 70s inland. sal, 7:32. anything on your screen? are we still moderate? >> we do have one problem spot and that would be driving from the peninsula in to san francisco. if you're trying to drive from let's say the airport to downtown san francisco, i do not advice using 101 because of a crash. northbound 101 between the old candlestick exit and third street, really has made traffic very, very slow. if you want to use 280, that's better. you're seeing slow traffic on 280 but i still think it's better than using 101. 101 is very, very slow from about 380. this crash is still blocking lanes. it's not like it's been cleared up. that's what worries me a little bit about the crash because once they clear it, things will start getting a little better. right now they've not cleared it and it's blocking lanes. let's move along to the rest of the peninsula. 92 is okay on the bridge for most of the way. 880 is slow through union city. i also want to mention highway 4, reliably slow as you drive from pittsburg to bay-point and concord. 680 is slow. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see traffic here is backed up for a 20-minute delay. 880 is already getting slow approaching the coliseum as you drive through. 7:34. let's go back to the desk. if you live in oakland you probably never notice the police use the shotspotter sensors all over the city as a special crime fighting tool. ktvu allie rasmus here to tell us about an effort to use this technology all over the state. >> good morning. it's gunfire detection technology. one of the companies behind it is the shotspotter system. cities like oakland, san francisco, richmond all use this technology to fight crime. it's a system of sensors that alert police whenever gunshots are fired. they use gps coordinates. the system let's police know exactly where the shot was fired from. the idea behind it is to deter crime and allow police to more quickly respond to crime scenes. the technology is not cheap. it can cost anywhere from $150,000 to $200,000 a year to use the service. critics have reported it has sometimes reported fragments of conversations before and after gunshots were fired. some say that ability is a serious private concern. the shot spotter system based in newark is used by 90 police departments around the world. a lot of the police departments say it's helped them combat crime in their communities. that's why this lawmaker has a -- allowed them to use the service in their community. the bill doesn't say how much it costs or how much they'd allocate to grant funding but the bill was introduced last month and could be heard in committee as early as next week. >> allie rasmus in oakland. thank you. time is 7:36. the victim in last week's shooting on interstate 80 in richmond has now died. 24-year-old demarcus doss was driving thursday near the san pablo exit when he was shot three times. a female passenger in his car was also shot but she's expected to recover. one man and two 17-year-olds have been arrested in the case reportedly they have gang ties. family members of doss say he may have been the victim of the mistaken identity. charges may be filed today against those suspects. in just about an hour the murder trial of garcia-torres will continue. garcia-torres is the man charged with killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar even though lamar's body has never been found. the manager of the safeway store where garcia-torres work testified about items he allegedly bought using his club card. that included a battery found in a stun gun that authorities say may have been used in a separate kidnapping case. authorities say the thumb print was found on the battery. police have arrested a well dressed bank robbery suspect wearing a suit and tie during a robbery friday. the robbery happened about 9:30 in the morning at the west america bank on mitchell boulevard. the next day police were conducting an unrelated sting targeting alcohol sales to minors when they stopped to talk to three people in a parking lot and one officer recognized one of them as the man from the robbery surveillance video. police say the man, 21-year-old sedric vincent agreed to go to the police department and was arrest ed there. for millions of people from the midwest to the east coast, winter is far from over. the national weather service issued a blizzard watch from today through tomorrow night for new york city and northern new jersey. more than a thousand flights have already been canceled or delayed nationwide. in chicago 500 flights have been canceled. as for drivers in iowa and minnesota, a heavy storm dumped almost a foot of snow. >> it's a little bit treacherous on highway 52. i probably should have taken the side streets. but people are driving pretty slow which i appreciate. >> boston may get 12 to 18 inches of new snow. several flights from sfo to newark, new jersey canceled this morning. if you're flying today, make sure you double check your flight status before you head to the airport. an airport worker strike at two berlin airports has grounded hundreds of flights. the strike comes days after ground crews walked out on friday over a wage dispute. 660 flights have already been canceled today. hundreds of passengers are stranded at berlin's airports. >> it's really a mess. to come here and see that no one is working, no one from the air company is working, i don't even have the balcony for information open. >> the strike is expected to continue till wednesday. we did just check with san francisco international airport to see if any flights there are being delayed because of the cancellations in berlin. sfo tells us flights don't seem to be affected there. time is 7:39. a violent arrest in vallejo raising new questions about police use of force. coming up at 8:00, what we know about this incident caught on camera between a vallejo police officer and a suspect. >> also, it is march madness in moraga. st. mary's is heading to the big dance. >> we have pretty slow traffic in some areas because of accidents. we also have pretty slow traffic in areas where there are not crashes. everyone seems to be back on the road. >> we have sunshine after a beautiful weekend. monday looks just as nice here. temperatures warming up but for how long? it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. time is 7:42. an nfl meeting is getting closer and a group in oakland is increasing efforts to keep the team from relocating to las vegas. they lie -- they highlighted the social significance of the team to oakland. the committee says the group will ask state officials to review the nfl's relocation process. they've also talked about plans to boycott bank of america after a recent announcement that bofa would finance the new las vegas stadium. >> we want the ceo of bank of america to come and meet with us in our community and we want you to help us understand why a banking institution that is the second largest in the country would be willing to participate in a project that could impact the community like ours. >> league owners will meet in arizona for three days beginning on march 26th. they could decide the future of the raiders but the raiders' relocation must be approved by 24 of the 32 nfl owners. time is 7:43. the gales of st. mary's college are headed to the big dance. they earned the number 7 seed. they'll play virginia coppin wealth university -- commonwealth university. scott reiss talked to players and students on the st. mary's campus in moraga. >> reporter: what a difference a year makes. >> 27-5. to me, it's an easy one. but i'm not on that committee. >> reporter: 364 days after they were left out of sports' biggest dance party, they ramped up the pomp and circumstance. then with nerves mounting and 62 of the 68 teams already revealed, st. mary's finally got its invitation. >> i can't lie. for one second i was like, no way, right? we got to be in. because we were down to the last eight called. makes your name being called even more sweet. >> it's a testament to all the hard work you put in. >> reporter: the match-up is intriguing. a team known for its frenetic pair. the guards better mind their ps and qs. >> every college basketball game is a fight and generally goes down to the end. stays with the game plan for 40 minutes. generally gets it done. >> i know vcu from afar, they're a good program. they've been good for a long time. so probably similar to us. i forwarned our team, whoever they call, unless you're in a 116 game, maybe a 215. the rest are pretty even games and all good. >> reporter: the madness mantra is this. enjoy the moment for just a moment, then get back to business. >> we've got a lot of work to do. we're going to enjoy it. >> reporter: this will be the sixth ncaa tournament appearance in 16 seasons under coach randy bennett but the first since 2013 which means not a single player on the current roster has ever been to the dance. the high watermark, 2010 when the gales reached the sweet 16. scott reiss, ktvu fox 2 sports. 7:45. sal, this morning the commute was darker later on in the commute. that might have affected some people's driving. >> i think we saw some of that earlier but now it's light. we do have a problem that's not caused by the weather but just by a crash. it's clearing northbound 101. if you're trying to get in to san francisco i'd strongly advise you away from getting there using highway 101. northbound 101 right near that old candlestick exit, there's an injury crash. they're trying to get it out of the way now but it's been there for a while and traffic is backed up solid from san bruno. you heard me right. san bruno. look at all this. all that slow traffic. i want to advise you the best way to get in to san francisco would be use 280. you're going to see slow traffic on 280. i still think it's better even though it's getting slower, i think it's better than being on highway 101 which is very slow through the area because of this bad accident. southbound 101 is also going to be slow through the area. i want to show you highway 101 in san francisco. it's sluggish. as you get past ceasar chavez, you're going to see a bunch of slow traffic heading south. this is having an effect on both sides of 101 primarily north. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's backed up for a 15 to 20-minute wait. meter lights are on. once you make it on to the span it doesn't look too bad. interstate 880 in oakland, northbound begins to slow just after the coliseum as you drive through. 880 southbound, 238 in to union city, you're going to see some slow traffic. now it's time for the weather. let's go to steve. >> we have clear skies. looks good today. lots of sunshine. our good friend chloe in clear lake sent us this nice picture. she sent it on twitter. i had to retweet it. clear and 45 in clear lake as the moon sets behind mount konocti. wasn't that an old andy williams song? >> i think it was. rings a bell. >> thank you, chloe. i tried to get your name on there but i ran out of time. look at right there. no wonder nothing is coming in here except sunshine and warm temps. lots of sun today. clear skies. sunny and nice. temperatures will rebound pretty quick then 60s, 70s. a lot of 70s to near 80s for a few. gilroy, santa cruz, about 79 is what i went with. the fog is lurking out there but not going to make an impact today. 30s, 40s, actually 30s, 40s and 50s. santa rosa says 39. i think that's disappeared if that's not the case, let me know. 40 in menlo park. 41 i should say. pacifica, 52. and there are some warm temps, certainly los altos hills at 53 already balmy degrees. we're protected for a couple days. system will move in, get cloud cover and cooler temps. the fog is drying though, with that front approaching that will start to push that fog closer toward us but won't be today. sunshine nice to warm temps. 70s for some. upper 70s for others. antioch, brentwood out to oakley. also for gill -- gilroy and santa cruz. i expect fog to start creeping back, coastal variety on tuesday. clouded up wednesday. maybe rain north of santa rosa. friday looks all right. more clouds rolling in on the weekend. next week looks like rain returns for us. >> what about the allergy folks? >> the allergy, the trees are up there where the redwoods are. fir, pine, cedar, alder, juniper and ash. take your pick. it's trees right now and you know grasses, they're rearing to go. 7:49 is our time. blocked by a huge pile of snow in washington state. how a student field trip turn out to be a lot more than what those students signed up for. welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:52. 38 people were killed in northern haiti. a bus plowed in to several groups of people during a popular festival yesterday morning. investigators say the driver hit two people then kept driving several miles before running in to a band playing music. the bus plowed through the first group of musicians then drove through a second group and then a third group. that bus driver jumped out of the bus and ran away. authorities are still searching for him this morning. protesters in guatemala want president jimmy morales to resign after last week's deadly fire where 40 girls died at an overcrowded youth shelter. the girls died in wednesday's friday. investigators say it started when mattresses were set on fire during a protest at the shelter. reportedly many of the victims were locked inside and they could not escape. protesters blame president morales for not doing enough to prevent the fire. pope francis also prayed for the victims during a prayer service at the vatican. back here at home this morning, los angeles firefighters closely watching for hotspots after a huge warehouse fire last night. started about 6:30 in the city's downtown fashion district. 190 firefighters were called to the scene. a big cloud of black smoke could be seen coming from the businesses inside. no serious injuries are reported. the cause of this fire is still under investigation. a group of high school students in washington state hope to go home today after an avalanche left them stranded on a field trip. the 53 students were staying at an environmental learning center. they were due to leave on friday but that was before the avalanche hit. you see it blocked that state route back to their town. the state department of transportation was waiting till this morning to try to clear the road because there's a risk of another avalanche. in the meantime the students just have to stay put. >> it's not so much that we're so desperate to leave because we're not having a good time or this wasn't a good experience, it's just i think because people were not planning on this and so it's just such a surprise that people are kind of so shocked that this has occurred. >> 17 staff members are also stranded at the learning center. three people are stuck at a nearby resort. everybody is in good health. they have the basics of food and shelter. a 32-year-old woman was arrested on felony vandalism charges after crashing her suv right in to the sacramento county jail. take a look at some of the damage right here. police say 32-year-old latasha dora drove her suv through the jail's lobby early saturday morning. investigators aren't saying if she was under the influence or maybe there was another motive. no one was hurt. this comes two weeks after another person crashed a car through the jail's garage. in roseville some foster kids now have some new wheels. 20 deserving children picked up new bikes over the weekend thanks to a very generous donation from jana buwalter. she wanted to help young girls in foster care. another family matched the donation to buy bicycles for boys in foster care. >> i decided why not take my money now, not wait till i died, and donate $10,000 toward foster girls getting bikes? >> way to go, janna. there are 34,000 kids in foster care waiting to be adopted. organizers of the bike event are hoping this will inspire others to consider adopting or becoming a foster parent. the cold weather is affecting more than just people in the northeast. in massachusetts some women there are helping to keep chickens warm. they're hand knitting sweaters for chickens. i'm not kidding. the women are all in their retirement community. they found out that chickens living at a nearby estate shed their feathers or they came from tropical climates so the ladies say at first they thought the idea of knitting sweaters for chickens was silly but now they think actually the chickens look cute. now sharing photos of the roosters and hens wearing their special sweaters. good job. time is 7:56. time to check in with mike and gasia. >> thank you. an emergency response to rescue a man from the oakland estuary. how witnesses say that man ended up in the water. >> republican leaders want to repeal and replace obamacare this month, but liberals and now conservatives are fighting back. >> good morning. we are looking at a commute that's still very busy especially on the peninsula. we'll tell you what happened there and other spots coming up. >> nothing foul about our weather. that's for sure. sunny and warm. nice weather. but today will probably be the warmest day of the week eek the vallejo police department under fire this morning because of video that surfaced online showing an officer hitting a man during an arrest and even pulling his gun on a crowd of onlookers. the questions being raised this morning about excessive force. >> a man ends up in the oakland estuary overnight. how witnesses describe what happened and the rescue to get him to dry land. it's all ahead on mornings on 2. mr. bay area. a live look there at the golden gate bridge. a good day to pack up and picnic and maybe head down to fort baker right there below the towers of the golden gate bridge. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's monday, march 13th. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. hopefully your weekend had you out and about, but if not, steve, today's weather still warm and mild. >> today is the day, you guys. head over to lands end, why not? yes, we'll have sunshine, warm temps. i think tomorrow fog starts to creep back to the coast. today looks good coast, bay, and inland. sensible foggy here. sunrise on my way to work at the san leandro b.a.r.t. station. lots of sunshine already coming up. we had the moon setting and sun rising at the same time there. looked pretty good. we have high pressure saying not today. nothing is coming in here. if there's anything, it's not going to last very long. only maybe a high cloud. 40s and 50s on your temps. 50, hayward, sfo, oakland. one observation in the city says 55. upper 40s for many. boulder creek at 39. 37 in santa cruz. 50 degrees. system will start to cool us down late tuesday in to wednesday but not today. today is all about sunshine and warm temps. there's your coastal fog. not today. but tonight and tomorrow i think it starts to impact the coast. 70s for many today. upper 70s for a few. san bruno, sal? >> yeah. that's where the backup begins, steve. northbound 101 driving up from san bruno in to san francisco because of an accident that's been there for a while now. northbound 101 near the old candlestick exit and traffic is backed up now almost from the front of the san francisco airport. if you're going to get on the freeway, wonder what the heck is going on here driving up to this area. the best thing i can do is tell you to get on 380 and go around this way which is going to be slow as well. if you're only going the shore way, i'd take side roads. don't get on northbound 101 approaching san francisco because you'll be in a whole bunch of slow traffic. that crash still has not cleared. southbound 101 is going to be affected by this. we can see 101 southbound is kind of thick as you drive south. it's going to be slow as you drive toward the accident scene. let's move along and take a look at the bay bridge. that's backed up for a 20 to 25-minute delay. 880 is slowing from 238 past to coliseum in to downtown oakland and southbound 880 is slow as well. but again, the peninsula traffic is the slowest. 803. let's go back to the desk. this morning the vallejo police department is facing questions of excessive force because of cell phone video showing an officer hitting a man during an arrest and pulling his gun on a crowd of onlookers. ktvu alex savidge has more on the video. >> vallejo police have not said exactly what led up to this arrest but we understand the officer seen on the video was chasing after a man who had reportedly been acting erratically and things quickly escalated from there. some believe the officer went too far during the arrest. tensions running high as the vallejo police officer struggles to take a man in to custody after tackling him in the middle of the street. this video posted online over the weekend shows the officer punching the man in the head and then later striking him several times with either his baton or a flashlight. on several caigs you can hear the officer yell for the -- on several occasions you can hear the officer yell for the man to give him his hands. you can hear bystanders questioning the use of force. >> why are you still hitting him? >> reporter: after backup arrives at the scene, the original responding officer pulls his gun and points it in the direction of onlookers before reholstering his weapon. the officer can be seen striking the man on the ground three more times. it's unclear exactly what led up to this violent arrest. we've reached out to the vallejo police department a number of times throughout the weekend and this morning and we're still waiting to hear back. alex savidge, ktvu fox 2 news. >> and we do have extended video of that vallejo arrest. you can find it under web links on our homepage at new from overnight, emergency crews received a call about a man in trouble in the oakland estuary. workers at a nearby best western motel say a man near the end of the pier had been drinking for a couple hours. they told us they saw him do a back flip in to the water. that's when they ran out to the end of the pier to see if the man was in any danger. >> his brandy, alcohol, all the beers he drunk. and we saw him just floating and he's not moving anymore. that's why we called 911. >> fire and police officials arrived within minutes. water rescue crew with a paddleboard was finally able to reach the man. they brought him to shore and gave him emergency medical care. officials have not given out the man's name or his condition. police say they are treating that location as a crime scene. we could soon find out the price tag of the republican healthcare plan. the congressional budget office is expected to release a report as soon as today. >> reporter: gop leaders are hoping to pass their healthcare bill in the house sometime next week despite their legislation continuing to have its critics on both sides of the aisle. >> i'm not for this plan. i think there's lots of opposition to this plan in the house and senate. >> reporter: leading the pushback on the conservative side, the house freedom caucus says the republican healthcare law doesn't go far enough to repeal and replace obamacare. a number of top senators have also promised the bill as it stands would be dead upon arrival to their chamber. this as house speaker paul ryan continues to try to calm those fears. >> some people would like it to be done a little bit differently. we made a promise to the people who elected us. we'd repeal and replace this law and we basically said this is what we'd replace it with. now we're keeping our word. >> reporter: also dropping this week, the president's proposed budget which includes a $54 billion increase in defense spending. as well as massive cuts to the epa, education department and housing and urban development. despite criticism about those cuts, the white house national economic advisor defending the president's plan set to be released this thursday. >> unfortunately we have no alternative but to reinvest in our military and make ourselves a military power once again. >> reporter: president trump will have his first cabinet meeting with all his confirmed members although two will be absent due to their confirmations still being held up in congress. in washington, fox news. congresswoman barbara lee was at a community meeting yesterday in the east bay where people were urging elected officials to fight efforts to repeal the affordable care act. congresswoman lee joined us in studio on mornings on 2 and said there are some concerns but repealing the act would be a matter of life or death for some people. >> yes, we've got to fix some of the issues and some of the difficulties that people are having, but in no way should we just throw away the healthcare for 30 million people. >> representative lee says here in california over 440,000 people would lose access to medi-cal if the affordable care act is repealed. now we've been turning to you throughout the morning and asking this question of the day, how concerned are you with the effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act? not at all, very concerned, somewhat concerned, not sure yet? let us know what you think. vote on the ktvu twitter page or leave a comment on the facebook page. the committee has told the white house to offer any evidence by today showing the obama administration wired trump tower. they said trump should prove the claim or retract his statement. >> i have no reason to believe that the charge is true, but i also believe the president of the united states could clear this up in a minute. all he has to do is pick up the phone, call the director of the cia and say what happened? >> a spokesperson for president obama and the former director of national intelligence has denied the wiretapping claim. new evidence of a growing number of mexican immigrants worried about being deported under the trump administration. today's mercury news reports mexican immigrants from across california are now rushing to register their american born children as dual citizens. the paper reports the mexican consulate in san jose processed 86 such registrations for dual citizenship in february, double the number of such registrations from the previous month. it's a high tech tool to fight gun violence that's already being used in a number of cities here in the bay area. coming up at 8:30, the effort to take the shotspotter system statewide. >> an update on the missing woman in san francisco who's nine months pregnant. >> good morning. we still have a lot of slow traffic this morning approaching san francisco on the peninsula and as we look at san francisco, southbound 101 on the right there also seeing slow traffic because of one crash in san francisco. >> not going to take long to warm up if you enjoyed the weekend weather, you'll love today as well. this looks to be the warmest day of the week. time is 8:12. a missing pregnant woman from san francisco has been found and she's safe. 32-year-old lauren soriano was reported missing hours after she left her home in cole valley. soriano was considered at risk because she's nine months pregnant. doctors plan to induce labor tomorrow. police say she was found in a city near san francisco but wouldn't say exactly how they found her or where she was. it appears drivers on the peninsula avoided what could have been a big traffic jam this morning. the northbound section of 101 near embarcadero road and palo alto had two lanes shut down after large potholes appeared on that stretch of roadway. they were able to finish repairs just before 4:00 this morning. caltrans pushed to get that work completed before the monday morning commute got underway. b.a.r.t. says test trains have been running as expected for the long awaited station in fremont. a grand opening ceremony is set for march 24th. service is expected to start the very next day. the warm springs station is the first step in to extending service in to santa clara county. when that happens people will eventually be able to take b.a.r.t. all the way to san jose. the hours for the bike and pedestrian path on the bay bridge have been expanded. people will be able to use the eastern span between 6:00 in the morning and 8:00 at night. the path is only still open on weekends and holidays. caltrans says the pass needs to be closed between monday through friday due to ongoing demolition work on the old bay bridge. a newly proposed california license plate could raise millions of dollars for the state park system. the plate, which features a redwood forest, needs 7500 prepaid orders by may 18th to become a reality. as of yesterday it had only 640 orders and environmental groups are ramping up efforts to sell as many as they can in the next two months. state parks plates cost $50 for that first issue and $40 each year after. it will cost more for the plates to be personalized. 8:14. let's see what's happening and there's a mess sal is going to report on. getting from the city to the peninsula. >> that's right. northbound 101, there's been a crash near the old candlestick exit for more than an hour and traffic is really backing up. in fact this is the worst i've seen it in a while along northbound 101 and now 280 of course has become the freeway that everyone is using to get in to san francisco. now that's backed up out of san bruno. not as bad as 101 but it's not going to be much better on 280 as you drive through. if i had to choose, i'd still use 280. at least all the lanes are open. 101, we still have a lane closed near candlestick. traffic is even beginning to back up on the southbound side. as you can see approaching that crash. it's been a while since that crash has been there. i'd just say use 280 or give yourself plenty of extra time. this is 101 in san francisco. the backup southbound begins to slow just before ceasar chavez heading to that area. getting in to san francisco from the east bay is not bad. 15 to 20-minute delay at the toll plaza and 880 is slow as you drive through the area. i also want to take a quick look at highway 24 in lafayette. let's go to steve with today's forecast. >> good morning, everybody. we do have lots of sunshine already and today will be a beautiful day, almost all clear. patchy fog tomorrow. it's out there. it's lurking but i don't think it will get here till tomorrow. mostly sunny. slightly cooler. more clouds. cooler, possibility of rain wednesday but probably about santa rosa north, maybe even cloverdale north. we'll keep an eye on that system out there. that's going to start bumping this ridge out of here but not today. put some stakes down and said i'm happy where i am and it's going to control our weather. that's not the case back east, anticipating what looks to be maybe a system coming out of the great lakes. then the gulf moisture coming up. it's a combination of these two, going to turn in to a whopper of a system which will impact much of the northeast starting late tonight, more likely tomorrow morning. the heaviest snow looks to be in new york, maybe poconos toward boston but there's always discrepancies on the amount of snow. tomorrow could be a very difficult travel day as you might imagine through much of new england and northeast, back to washington and probably in to pittsburgh until that system exits out on wednesday morning. for us, we have nothing like that. we can't even find a cloud hardly. fog is out here. it's that time of year now, back to the coastal variety. had a little bit of patchy fog inland. 40s for a few. 50s for many already. we're out of the gate here pretty quick. 40 in napa. some locations on the cool side. petaluma, 40. i don't think it will take long to start warming up with the slight offshore breeze. 19 in truckee. other observations are outside of the airport show about 30 degrees. 49 in monterey. 54, l.a. palm springs already 66 degrees. it's over in phoenix if you're headed to spring training. 66 well underway, about 91 today and looks like 90s for most of the week for them. for us we'll have warm temps today. you can see i think the fog plays in to our weather starting tomorrow, maybe late tonight. sunshine and warm temps. beautiful day saturday and sunday's weather, we'll carry it over in to today but i think by tomorrow you'll start to notice a few subtle changes and much more as we head in to wednesday. this week does not look rainy but next week does. we'll see if the forecast models are right. we're not done with the rain yet. enjoy the sunshine and warm temps. 70s here. by the coast it will be pretty nice as well. tomorrow still okay but then change on wednesday, you guys. >> thank you. the big dance for college basketball fans about to get underway. coming up, we'll see how march madness could actually cause many employers a lot of money. >> it's a case that's outraged homicide investigators. find out why a couple created a phony crime scene. guys, thanks for making our new french toast so authentic, you'll swear it came from a fancy brunch place. its 100% real. just like my favorite sport - pro wrestling. um... yeah, about pro wrestling... its fake. what? lies!! its... all ...lies!! why didnt you tell me?!!!! sorry jack, i thought you knew. try my new grilled french toast plate with syrup and hickory smoked bacon. the newest addition to my brunchfast menu. hit me with this, youll feel better. time is 8:21. santa cruz county officials trying something new in hopes of getting attention to state lawmakers. they're sending postcards to 120 members of the state legislature. take a look at the postcards. they say greetings from beautiful santa cruz county. shows all the damage done by strong winter storms. authorities say even though it hasn't rained in santa cruz in a few days, many major roads are still closed and they'll stay closed indefinitely. the damage estimates to santa cruz county is at $70 million. while it's warming up in the bay area, the northeast is bracing for a major winter storm. boston, new york, philadelphia, all bracing for what could be feet of snow today. reporter kelly wright has the story. >> we haven't had a lot of snow this winter but i'm really looking forward to it. >> the biggest winter storm of the season is expected to slam the northeast. nearly 2 feet of snow is expected to fall which could shut down major cities from washington, d.c. to boston. >> this will be a heavy wet snow so it will stick to power lines, stick to trees. we could see more trees down, more power outages. >> the snow could be heavy enough to cancel flights. one traveler in the nation's capitol is nervous about her flight. >> i'm a heavy business traveler so i'm actually going to be traveling to chicago. so i'm really worried but i'll make it. >> coastal areas in new england could also see flooding due to the storm. >> you have a lot of snow coming in, potential for visibility to drop. you can get the white-out effect and then hazards of navigation just from being out on the water. >> heavy snow already hit some areas in the south over the weekend which is causing problems for drivers in tennessee. >> pretty to see the snow come down but i'd rather be warm again. i'm ready for spring. >> many weren't expecting to see the white stuff so late in the season. >> i was very close to bringing the summer clothes out. i'm glad we didn't. >> the brunt of the snow is expected to fall monday night and continue throughout the day tuesday. in washington, kelly wright, fox news. an ohio couple is facing criminal charges after police say they staged a murder scene. investigators say they put ketchup inside the bathtub of their home then went on facebook to send photos of the phony crime scene to a number of alarmed relatives. the couple later told investigators they did it as a practical joke but it's hard to find anyone who thought their stunt was funny especially the officers who were called to that house. >> very intense. gets your adrenaline going. i know from speaking to a couple officers last night, they were very upset about it because this type of hoax or this type of ploy -- you don't know what you're going to encounter as an officer going in to a situation like that. >> the police chief says the joke also wasted the valuable time of his officers. prosecutors have already charged the couple with inducing panic and they're considering other charges as well. >> 32-year-old woman was arrested on felony vandalism charges after crashing her suv in to the sacramento county jail. here are photos of the damage. police say 32-year-old latasha dora drove her suv through the jail's lobby early saturday morning. investigators have not said if she was driving under the influence or even given a possible motive. no one was hurt in that incident. this comes two weeks after another person crashed his vehicle through the jail's garage. time is 8:24. we haven't heard much from him since he left the white house. now there's word former president obama is in the bay area. >> and technology used by nearly a dozen california cities. now one state lom -- one state lawmaker would like to see it expand. >> good morning. we have a lot of slow traffic still left especially on the peninsula. but 280 seems to be better now and downtown san jose. >> chamber of commerce day, lots of sunshine. good visibility. temperatures will be warming up pretty quick. we'll take a look at the monday high temps. a live look at what many consider the jewel of oakland, california. more than three miles around, i don't know how far across but this person is getting in a nice workout with glorious sunshine this monday morning. welcome back to mornings on 2. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm mike mibach. let's get you back over to steve paulson. >> looks spectacular, even the coast will be nice. tomorrow probably have to deal with a little bit of the coastal fog. get over there to the coast because everything is showing sunshine and nice warm temps. big dome of high pressure says i like it right here. so i'm not going anywhere at least today. lots of sun this afternoon. warm inland. warm for just about everybody. the warmest temperatures will be toward the east and santa clara valley. large and in charge, our good friend mr. high pressure here. kicking in for at least another day. plenty of 40s to low 50s already. martinez in there, pittsburg, brentwoods. that you are well on their way to the upper 70s for some. here's why on the coast looks so good. the airflow is going from land to sea. the fog is out there. it's trying. it just doesn't have anything to work with today. tomorrow it might. near 80 degrees. what in the wide, wide world of traffic is going on in san bruno? >> very slow, steve. i do have better news. a crash that was causing all the slow traffic finally cleared. it was first reported at 6:48 this morning. we're almost but not quite two hours in to it. they finally opened up all the lanes and traffic is backed up from the airport all the way in to san francisco along 101. that's a very long backup. 6 miles or so of traffic getting up in to san francisco. you can use 280. it's slow as well coming out of south city and getting in to san francisco but it's not as bad as 101 is. the best thing, if you can do it, is to wait or use public transit and not use 101. it's improved in san francisco leading and getting in to the city. this is a look at the bay bridge. you can see traffic here is moderate and you'll see the traffic on 880 is slow past the coliseum. at 8:30, let's go back to the desk. shotspotter is a technology many bay area cities use to combat crime. one california lawmaker wants other cities across our state to have access to it as well. allie rasmus live in oakland to show a shotspotter bill introduced. >> oakland is one of 11 cities across the state that uses some type of gunfire detection technology. shotspotter is one of the companies that provides it. if you're not familiar with how it works, it's a system of sound sensors mounted at different locations on buildings, lamp posts. those sensors alert police any time gunshots are fired. the system then lets police know where the shots were fired from, sometimes as best as 30 seconds within it happening. the idea is to prevent and deter crime and allow police to quickly respond to crime scenes. oakland, san francisco, richmond are a handful of bay areas that use the technology. eduardo garcia of coachella in southern california has introduced a bill that will allow law enforcement communities in smaller areas of the state to apply for grants to add the technology in to their communities. it can cost between $150,000 and $200,000 for the service. the technology also had its critics. civil liberties groups have pointed out the sensors have sometimes recorded conversations before and after the gunfire. the bill was introduced just last month. it doesn't estimate how much it would cost or how much money would be appropriated for grants for those law enforcement agencies across the state but this bill could be heard in committee as early as next week possibly. now to a new development involving artists who are facing eviction from a warehouse in san francisco vernal heights neighborhood. they've turned to san francisco's rent board for help in their legal battle. the artists were served with an eviction notice. that eviction followed a city inspection, one that came in the aftermath of the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland just two weeks earlier. this morning former press -- former president barack obama is getting his day started in the bay area. christien kafton with the latest on the president's schedule. >> we're here at the parking lot exit waiting to see if the president does in fact pull out. we're getting multiple reports that president obama is in town to meet with tech leaders. witnesses report seeing secret service in the area overnight and a motorcade pulling in yesterday. the omaha world herald is reporting the former president was in nebraska yesterday to meet with billionaire warren buffett. at this point no official word on why the men were meeting but obama has been raising money for his presidential library. the paper says following that meeting president obama boarded a private plane and flew in to san jose. there's no word at this point on exactly how long obama will be in town. at this point we've seen a lot of people stopping by the hotel, looking to see if they can catch a glimpse of the former president. again, we're standing by at the parking lot exit. in the past this has been where he's pulled out when he stayed here at the fairmont in san jose. we're hoping perhaps again we'll see the motorcade if in fact he does pull out any time soon. >> let us know when you do. the bay area man charged with climbing a white house fence friday night is due in court today. jonathan tran of milpitas is ordered to be held without bond after his arrest. he's charged with entering a restricted area while carrying a dangerous weapon. authorities say there were two cans of mace in his backpack. tran claimed he had an appointment with the president and was carrying a letter that mentioned russian hackers. if convicted, tran could face up to 10 years in prison. president trump was at the white house at the time of the security breach. just ahead of tax season the irs is warning everyone to be aware about a new scam that's known as w2 phishing. it happens when people working in payroll departments receive an e-mail which claims to be from a top executive of their own company. the e-mail asks the payroll department to pass along an employee's private payroll information. >> you find out later on that wasn't the cfo or the president, that the e-mail address that they used was spoofed and information goes to someone that it's not supposed to. >> the irs says within 48 hours the scammer filed phony tax returns in the names of those targeted employees. the irs is warning payroll departments and workers to watch out for the scam. we now know who was invited to the big dance otherwise known as the ncaa men's basketball tournament. there should not have been any drama in moraga but there was a lot of tension until the players actually heard the words that they were hoping for. >> [ cheering ] >> st. mary's is an associated press top 25 team. the gaels will be taking on the 10 seed. they tip off on thursday in salt lake city, 4:20 our time. coach randy bennett said he knew his team deserved to be in the tournament this year but that's what he thought last year too when the gaels had 27 wins and was overlooked. >> i can't lie. for one second i was like, no way, right? we've got to be in. we were down to last eight teams called. it makes your name get called even more sweet. >> the gaels lost four games all season and three of them were to gonzaga, which is the top seed in the west. later today the ncaa women's tournament selection show will take place. some 70 million people have filled out march madness brackets last year but a lot of their employers weren't too happy about it. according to a survey by office team, almost a third of all bosses say they want no ncaa tournament activities in the office. another survey by wallet hub finds productivity goes down due to march madness. it's expected to hit $4 billion this year. only 11% of managers say they welcome the tournament in to the workplace. the sharks beat dallas 5-1 and capitalized on mistakes. sharks scored four unanswered goals including two by joe pavelski in the dominating win. sharks are 2-1 during the home stand and have a 6-point lead on second place anaheim in the pacific division. sharks will host buffalo come tomorrow. time is 8:37. boycotting bank of america. up next, new efforts by some oakland raider fans hoping to keep the team from moving to las vegas. plus -- >> when they said they were going to make the sweaters for the chickens, i thought it was the most foolish thing i ever heard in my life. >> a group of retired women in massachusetts is staying busy. why these ladies say they're glad they took on this odd project. >> and you can see traffic is going to be improving in some areas although here in san jose still looks like we have a little bit of slowing approaching the sunnyvale area. >> not much to say expect it's already a beautiful start to this monday. looks like temperatures will be bumping up here a little bit. no more. we don't want anymore! keep calm. the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. at&t internet. speeds up to 45megs for $30 a month. [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. a 2-year-old pennsylvania girl is dead after a hoverboard exploded in to flames. the hoverboard was charging while the family was at home. three people were injured. e most seriously hurt is a 3-year-old girl in serious condition. the 2-year-old's death is the first death linked to a hoverboard. her grandfather says the entire family is stunned. >> my granddaughter. we can't replace her. just be careful for everything you buy and make sure it work right because if it don't work right, this is what's going to happen. >> there have been many recalls of hoverboards after safety regulations were put in place. a fire lieutenant driving his car to the fire was also killed in a car crash. authorities say a teenage driver hit his vehicle in to a fence. the teenager faces several charges including driving under the influence. the murder trial of garcia-torres is getting underway. garcia-torres is charged with killing teenager sierra lamar. the manager of the safeway store where garcia-torres worked testified about items he allegedly bought using his club card, including a battery found in a stun gun authorities say they have been used in a separate kidnapping case. prosecutors say the thumb print of garcia-torres was found on the battery. san rafael police arrested a bank robbery suspect wearing a suit and tie during a robbery friday. the robbery happened about 9:30 in the morning on mitchell boulevard. the next day police were conducting an unrelated sting targeting alcohol sales to minors when they stopped to talk with three people in a parking lot. officers recognized one of them as the man from the robbery surveillance video. police say that man, 21-year-old sedric vincent, agreed to go to the police department for questioning and he was arrested there. an nfl owner's meeting is getting closer and a group of raider fans are increasing their effort to keep the team from relocating to las vegas. the group met for a conference and highlighted the social significance of the team to oakland. representative of the oakland coliseum economic impact and legal action committee says the group will ask state officials to review the nfl's relocation process. they also talked about a plan to boycott bank of america after a recent announcement that it would finance the new las vegas stadium. >> we want the ceo of bank of america to come to meet with us in our community. we want you to help us understand why a banking institution that is the second largest in the country would be willing to participate in a project that can impact the community like ours. >> league owners will meet in arizona for three days beginning on march 26th. they could decide the future of the raiders. the raiders' relocation must be approved by 24 of the 32 owners. time is 8:43. let's help get you out the door this morning, monday morning. no problems on the peninsula in to the city. what about elsewhere, sal? >> we're also looking at the other commutes. westbound bay bridge, we still have a little bit of a crowd trying to get in to the city from the east bay. things are improving quite a bit. there's still about a 15-minute delay before you make it on to the span and get in to san francisco. you can see 880 northbound is backed up and is very slow. this is a vehicle delay. 580 is also slow from near the oakland-san leandro boundary and getting in to the area. i cannot leave without mentioning the crash along northbound 101 is finally clear and you can see a big hole has opened up where the crash was. that's good. but it's still taking a long time to get from the airport because all that slow traffic there. i would either wait or try to use 280. 280 is also slow but i think both of these commutes are finally going to start getting better now that we're getting closer to 9:00 and the crash near candlestick is gone. 8:44. let's bring steve in with today's weather. >> as you would say, the damage is done. >> the damage is done. >> thank you, sal. beautiful looking monday. we decided to take the weather from the weekend and carry it in from the start of the work week. looks like probably the prettiest day, warmest day of the week that's for sure. temperatures are bouncing pretty fast off the morning lows. only a few 30s. a lot of 40s, even some 50s here. caught this picture. not me. while running this morning in lucerne, lake county. full moon on sunday. right now we're looking at sunshine and warmer temps today. patchy fog. mostly sunny tomorrow. coastal variety coming back tomorrow. more clouds, cooler temperatures, and maybe some rain north of santa rosa. we head toward wednesday. there's the circulation around the high and it's just saying i don't think so here. everything is going up and over the ridge of high pressure. the fog is creeping slowly toward us. very shallow as it gets squashed but won't make any deal today by the coast. today is another good day to head over to the beaches if you can. 40s and 50s on a lot of these temps. 44 seems popular. atherton is in there. menlo park, woodside. stanford. 55 in los altos hills. 54 in san carlos. 56 in pacifica. that's why, the offshore breeze along with warm air aloft, higher elevations, is going to translate in to a sunny and warm day for everyone. almost 50 in monterey. southern california getting warm pretty quick. palm springs, 66 degrees. spring training activities, take the sunscreen, hats, shorts. 66. low 90s for much of the week in phoenix and scottsdale. high pressure will give us one more nice day. tomorrow will still be a nice day. i think we'll be dealing with cooler temps by tuesday. today we'll go with sunshine and warm temps. there are changes brewing certainly by wednesday as the system starts to come in. today the end result is upper 70s to near 80s for a few. 60s and 70s closer to the water. still everybody in on a spectacular day. enjoy it while you can. things are going to change and they will later this week. still to come, a group of high school students first in washington state are hoping to go home today after an avalanche left them stuck on a field trip. the 53 students were staying at an environmental learning center and scheduled to leave on friday. that's before the avalanche hit blocking the state route back to their town. the washington state department of transportation was waiting until this morning to try to clear the road because of the risk of another avalanche. in the meantime the students have had to stay where they are. >> it's not so much that we're so desperate to leave because we're not having a good time or this wasn't a good experience, it's just i think because people were not planning on this and so it's just such a surprise that people are kind of so shocked that this has occurred. >> 17 staff members are also stranded at the learning center and three people are stuck at a nearby resort. everyone is in good health and have basic necessities including food and shelter. now to san mateo county where a 56-year-old woman is recovering after she fell in to a ravine walking her dog. >> set her down. on three, 1, 2, 3. >> bethnee haury was rescued saturday morning in a heavily wooded area of san mateo county. she and her dog were found in a 200 feet deep ravine in the woodside area. authorities say haury was tired and dehydrated. she was only wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants. >> there was so many things that could have gone wrong. the weather, her health, the terrain. there's so many things that could have gone wrong but didn't. >> haury and her dog were given water and food. her husband reported her missing thursday evening when she didn't come back after walking her dog at the bed and breakfast where they were staying. she's insulin dependent and suffers from mild dementia and did not have her medication with her. still to come, you may have noticed it over the past year, some seats on airplanes getting smaller. what the government is now doing to give travelers more space. healthcare reform and interest rates are on the minds of many people. >> that's affecting the stocks to watch this morning. pam cook back with us now with this morning's money business. >> definitely, those are among the stocks to watch. bank stocks, healthcare and technology companies have all been very strong and bright spots on the s&p 500 and particularly a lot of the other sectors have been down in the last week. ringing the opening bell this morning, executives and guests of the madison square garden company, that's because of the middleweight boxing match-up this saturday. the two champs are there along with michael buffer, dave clark just educated me, he's the announcer who made famous that phrase "let's get ready to rumble." checking the markets, numbers have been mixed all morning. here's a live look. s&p 500 down just a little bit. nasdaq the bright spot today. it's up 6 points right now. unfortunately though today radio shack will close 200 stores. it comes after the company filed for its second bankruptcy in two years. the closures represent about 9% of the company's remaining stores here in the bay area. at least 11 stores will be closing and that includes locations in oakland, san francisco, san leandro, and hayward. banks are hauling in record fees from customers despite their strongest balance sheets in years. last year customers paid an average of $600 for an atm, overdraft, and low balance fees. some analysts expected bank charges to drop as the expectation of higher interest rates. we'll probably see those wednesday from the fed. one study reports chase, wells fargo, bank of america made a total of $6.4 billion last year in overdraft and atm fees alone. that's up nearly $300 million from 2015. a new bill going before congress this week could stop airline seats from getting smaller. the seat act of 2017 would enforce a minimum seat width and distance between rows. supporters say the bill is not just about comfort but also about safety. they say larger and fewer seats would help in evacuations in case of an emergency. doctors also warn that there are health risks for some passengers who aren't able to move their legs during a long flight. the average distance between seat rows has dropped 4 inches since airline deregulation in the 1970s. the average width, 16 and a half inches and we have been talking about march madness and lost productivity here at work. here's solutions i found out from some office managers. i was reading around. some say give employees timeouts or breaks to check scores or chat with workers. let them wear colors or team jerseys on a particular day. make sure everyone knows the expectations. is there a no checking policy? is it if you're getting your work done, go ahead and check your scores? >> i've got my brackets right here. not that i'm looking at them. >> but you know, part of our job is we do have to know what's going on. >> right. coming up on the 9, we're actually going to talk to somebody about the wisdom behind filling out your bracket. i'm curious to ask, you talk about the camaraderie, the we're all in this together sort of a feeling. that warmth in the office i think has to mean something down the line. >> right. people are happy. it gives you a reason to talk about something other than work and get to know each other. oh, i didn't know you were from florida. or my brother went to that school. >> okay, pam. thank you so much. a u.s. attorney fired by the trump administration after he refused to resign. republicans say this is not unusual. but it's what happened just days before his firing that has some democrats sounding the alarm. joni sledge dies at the edge of 60. the group's biggest hit was "we are family" in 1979. it was made of up joni and her three sisters. they were inspired by their grandmother, an opera singer. the group's publicist says the cause of death is still undetermined. the fight against cancer knows no part lines says joe biden. >> we now have powerful new technologies and tools that makes cancer cells visible to the immine system so natural defenses can destroy the cancer. >> former vice president joe biden says the goal is to get more money to fund cancer research. you will remember his son bo died of brain cancer in 2014 at the age of 26. the u.s. attorney appointed by the obama administration was asked to resign friday and refused and then fired. they can be removed at any time by the president but not every new administration replaces all u.s. attorneys at once and democrats are criticizing the move. republican senator john mccain says it's part of a routine process. >> elections have consequences so for people that complain about it, they're ignoring the history of new presidencies and i think the president had every right to ask for their resignations. >> he had met with then president-elect november who promised to keep him as new york city's top federal prosecutors and they he asked some to investigate president trump and that may be why the president asked for his resignation. arnold schwarzenegger says he won't be back in the run for senate next year. he says he's deeply flattered by all the people but his mission is to bring sanity to washington. p ordinary carelitico reported he might be considering a challenge in 2018. the freezing temperatures back east have caused an incredible site. an entire house in upstate new york is encased in ice. the home is right on the banks of the lake ontario and became a huge block of ice after a wind storm blew in freezing temperatures. some women in massachusetts are helping chickens stay warm. handing sweaters found out the chickened shed their sweaters. today at 9:00, the health care debate heats up on capitol hill. >> the little known story involving the assassination of john f. kennedy and a woman known as the most powerful female voice in america. >> tips for filling out your bracket as march madness approaches. very hot looking monday morning out there as we give you a live look of san francisco bay. the golden gate bridge bay area beaches here we come. don't forget the richmond district. >> i don't, i spent a lot of time there. i don't want to speak for you guys but a day like this is a nice day to go to the beach although we still have a few hours of work left here. we welcome you inside on this

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170313 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170313

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march 13th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> welcome back. >> good to be back. thank you. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. let's talk about your weather. still dark around your area. >> did you enjoy the weekend weather? >> nice and warm. >> we'll carry that over to today. the full moon is on sunday. the only problem is now people write me and say my dogs, cats are going crazy. [ howling ] sounds like he's got indigestion. there's your high pressure system right there. it says i'm happy right now, not going anywhere today. maybe tomorrow i might back off. clear skies, sunny and nice. we'll rebound very fast on these temps. 60s, 70s, upper 60s near the coast for some. upper 70s for inland. lots of sun. it will be warm. even if there's fog i don't think it's going to last very long. kelseyville sleeping in. that's okay. 40 in napa. 48 for tiburon. on the coast, bodega bay, 54. you can see why. they're getting an offshore breeze. today looks spectacular. the fog is trying right there but puts on those brakes, says i can't go any farther. 60s for a few on the coast. but 70s, upper 70s for many away from the coast. sal, 7:02. anything on your screen you want to get to right away? >> we're looking at the commute here in the eastbound first because we do have slow traffic to talk about at the bay bridge toll plaza. this is about a 20, 25-minute delay. it's not bad, just one of those things you expect. if you're driving on interstate 880, beginning to get more crowded here but there are no problems between san leandro and downtown oakland. san mateo bridge traffic looks okay. it's getting a lot more crowded getting on to the bridge. you'll see slow traffic there. we see slow traffic on brisbane's freeway north and southbound 101. out of the commute here you'll see slow traffic. it could be slowing because of issues. we'll let you know more about that. we also have potholes that closed highway 101. near embarcadero the chp had to shut down the freeway because the potholes were too much for cars. you can see the officers demonstrating how deep they were. the caltrans crews did come out and fill the potholes and lanes were opened up early this morning. right now all lanes are open in both directions. 7:03. let's go back to the desk. this morning the vallejo police department is facing questions about excessive force because of cell phone video that shows an officer hitting a man during an arrest then pulling his gun on a crowd of onlookers. ktvu alex savidge live to show us that video. >> good morning to you. the vallejo police department has not said exactly what led up to this arrest, but we understand the officer from the video was chasing after a man who had been acting erratically at a gas station and things quickly escalated from there. some believe the officer went too far during this arrest. >> i am god. [ shouting ] >> tensions obviously running high as the vallejo police officer struggles to take that man in to custody after tackling him in the middle of the street. this video posted online over the weekend shows the officer punching the man in the head and then later striking him several times with either his baton or possibly a flashlight. you can hear the officer yell for the man to give him his hands on a number of occasions. on the video you also hear bystanders questioning the use of force. >> why are you still hitting him? >> put your hands up. [ bleep ] >> as backup arrives, the original responding officer pulls his gun and points it in the direction of onlookers before reholstering his weapon. the office can be seen striking the man several more times. it's unclear what led up to the violent encounter and arrest that was captured on video here. we've reached out selve -- several times throughout the weekend and the morning for someone from the vallejo police department to give us more information on this investigation and we're still waiting to hear back from someone. emergency crews were called to the oakland estuary early this morning. workers at the best western hotel said there was a man who had been near the end of the pier drinking for a couple hours. they tell us they saw him do a black flip in to the water. that's when they ran out to the end of the pier to see if the man was in any danger. >> brandy, alcohol, all the beers he drunk. we saw him floating. and he's not moving anymore. that's when we call 911. >> fire and police officials arrived in minutes. a water rescue crew with a paddleboard was finally able to reach the man. they gave him emergency medical care. officials at this point are not reporting the man's name or his condition. police are still treating the location as a crime scene. our time now 7:06. yesterday in east bay democratic town leaders held a townhome meeting about what they call worst case scenarios if the proposed republican healthcare bill is passed. healthcare professionals talked about the importance of making sure the bay year's poorest residents are insured. they said obamacare stopped people from showing up in emergency rooms for minor ailments. at the town hall meeting the people urged elected democrats to fight the efforts to repeal the affordable care act. >> i imagine healthcare is one of the many issues you're hearing during your own town hall meetings. >> yes, yesterday hundreds of my constituents showed up to say the same thing once again loudly and clearly, that they do not want us to repeal healthcare. the affordable care act. 30 million people will lose their healthcare. here in california over 3 million people have been insured as a result of the affordable care act. we've expanded community clinics. we've expanded medicaid, 443,000 people would lose access to medicaid which is medi-cal here in california. it's a matter of life and death and it will make people sick again if we repeal. >> is there a concern of rising cost of healthcare? nationwide federal numbers show there was about a 22% increase. i know people in phoenix were paying 145% more this year compared to last. is there a concern of people saying my premium jumped a lot higher than i thought it would? >> there are concerns but i have to tell you first of all, the healthcare costs have risen less than what they rose prior to the passage of the affordable care act. prior to that it was 5% to 8%. now it's 3%. so yes, we've got to fix some of the issues and some of the difficulties people are having but in no way should we just throw away the healthcare for 30 million people. i believe this may be 5% to 6% of people which we must address and deal with but not by appealing healthcare. >> there are critics who say that businesses, it's too much. too expensive. particularly small businesses. how do you respond to that? >> many small businesses really have been able to survive and thrive because they're able now to offer their employees healthcare. prior to this there were no exchanges. there were very few community clinics so for the majority of small businesses they've been able to provide benefit packages to their employees that they couldn't provide before but if there are gaps that need to be addressed, and we need to i say tinker around the edges to make sure that everyone is covered and can afford the care then yes, we must do that. for the most part small businesses and employees of small businesses have benefited. >> what have you seen and heard from your constituents economically? before the weekend robust job numbers were released, ones president trump took credit for. what are you hearing? >> they're struggling quite naturally. while the unemployment rate has gone down, when you look at communities of color, the african american, latino community, the employment rate is still double digit. secondly, people, yes, are working but they're working longer hours, they're commuting further. they don't throughout the country have a living wage. here in the bay area, living wage several years ago was like $26 to $30 an hour and we're moving toward $15. and so while the economy under president obama was saved from dropping in to deep depression and we really did turn it around, we have a long way to go. but this is not donald trump economic agenda. these are policies put in place by the previous administration that are beginning to kick in. >> while we have you here, also have to ask you, you also introduced a bill to block american troops from being deployed in syria. tell us more about that. >> i introduced a bill to stop the funding. i'm an appropriator and the congress has the power to pull strings when it relates to issues of war and peace. we cannot allow our government to send ground troops in to syria without a congressional debate. we're still operating under the 2001 authorization that i voted against and it was a blank check. it gave power and authority to any president to use force forever. and so we've gut -- got to put a stop to this. if we're going to send our troops in to battle, then congress needs to step up, do its job, debate it and vote for it. i want to stop the funding for that because our young men and women are going in to an area, we don't know who the real enemy is at this point. >> i have to ask you real quick, can you work with donald trump? >> the question is, is donald trump on the side of the american people? if he is, then sure, we'd work with him. i would. but i don't believe he is. donald trump, and we know what has happened in terms of russia. we've got to have these investigations. we know the way his campaign was conducted, the intelligence communities have shown us that russia was extremely involved. he doesn't tell the truth about much of anything. he's trying now to ban muslims again, to build a wall. when you look at his budget that's coming up, he's going to cut the safety net. donald trump does not stand on the side of the american people. when you look at steve bannon, this man is part of a white nationalist supremacist movement. the alt right. and he has him as his national security council. i have legislation to remove him, get him out of the white house. when you look at his cabinet members, he's putting those cabinet members in to do what? as steve bannon said to eliminate the state really. they want to just take away the public sector, eliminate all the cabinets and say go for what you know, turn it over to the corporate sector and that's what america would look like if they had their chance. so i don't see a way that i can cooperate with that agenda. >> tomorrow it's back to washington, right? >> we'll see the affordable care act and budget committee on wednesday t. will be a marathon session. >> thank you so much. >> barbara lee, always good to see you and thank you for coming in. >> thank you again. time is 7:13. we'll turn now to you. our question of the day is how concerned are you with the effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act? not at all, very concerned, somewhat concerned? or not sure yet? let us know what you think by voting on our ktvu twitter page or under the mornings on 2 tab. you can also comment on the ktvu facebook page. time is now 7:13. using technology to fight crime. a system that alerts police whenever a gun is fired and the push to use this technology statewide. >> and i imagine you may have noticed this happening over the years. airline seats getting smaller and smaller. next, what the government is now doing to give travelers more room. welcome back to mornings on 2. time is 7:16. healthcare reform and interest rates are on the minds of many people including investors and traders on wall street. >> pam cook in the studio with new information about yahoo. >> yeah, just getting this in, yahoo named its executive team for the post verizon deal. marissa meyer will stay on as ceo till the deal is done. then yahoo board member thomas mcinerney will take over the new country which will be called altaba. taking in the numbers right now, they're ringing the bell, executives and guests of madison square garden company because the middleweight boxing match-up is this saturday. the two boxers there this morning ringing the bell along with one of the announcers and that's this saturday, madison square garden, checking in on the numbers, a little bit of a mixed picture still this morning. dow jones down 18 and a quarter points to 20,885. s&p 500 slipping a little bit as well, but the nasdaq is doing pretty well, up about 5 points to 5866. we'll be lookling for word from the fed this week. but expectation we'll see higher interest rates. banks are hauling in record fees from customers despite their strongest balance sheet in years. last year customers paid an average of $600 for atm, overdraft and low balance fees. some analysts expect bank charges to drop as the expectation of higher interest rates but one study reports chase, wells fargo, and bank of america made a total of $6.4 billion last year on those overdraft and atm fees alone, up nearly $300 million from 2015. a new bill going before congress would stop airline seats from getting any smaller. the seat act of 2014 would enforce a minimum seat width and distance between rows. supporters say the bill is not just about comfort but also about safety. they say larger and fewer seats would help in evacuations in case of emergency. doctors warn there are health risks for some passengers who aren't able to move their legs during long flights. the average distance between seat rows has dropped four inches since airline deregulation in the 1970s. the average width, by the way, 16.5 inches. about 70 million people filled out march madness brackets last year but a lot of their employers weren't very happy about it. according to a survey by office team, almost a third of all bosses now say they want no ncaa tournament activities in their office. another survey by wallet hub finds productivity goes down due to march madness. it's expected to hit $4 billion this year. only 11% of managers welcome the tournament in to their workplace. one manager has about 300 offices around the world. he has a different idea. in his office he says workers are going to compete in a sales blitz and they get to dress in their favorite college team's uniform and colors. on the first friday of the tournament there's going to be a pot luck meal where people get to bring their favorite food from the town. so kind of embracing it because people are going to do it. so it's kind of an interesting question though of do you allow it? >> you say i don't want anybody to do x, everybody goes and does x. >> i know. it's like saying don't do any online shopping at work. i know there's a couple of you who do. >> not us. certainly not us. something to think about. thank you. time is 7:19. sal is thinking about our commute. you taking care of our friends on highway 24? >> that's right. good morning to you. westbound 24, we're going to start there and look at slow traffic that's here in lafayette and also in orinda at the very top of your screen. traffic is going to be slow also approaching the tunnel. bay bridge is backed up for a 15 to 20-minute delay before you make it on to the bridge. 880 is not bad as you drive through this area of downtown oakland. what's really terrible is northbound 101, slow traffic from almost san bruno because of an accident at 3rd street at san francisco near the old candlestick exit. i'd definitely recommend using 280 as an alternative route and we'll keep an eye on this but traffic is very, very slow out of south city and almost in to san bruno. 7:20. let's bring steve in. >> good morning. we do have clear skies. if there's any fog i don't think it will last long. >> today will be right there. although that full moon on sunday, still pretty bright this morning. stacy says the moon was so bright this morning. how bright was it? i thought the sun was coming up. also with all this rain and now we get this warm weather, you know it's bothering some people already. phoenix arts. good morning sp. i am loving this early spring weather but my allergies not so much. the pollen count must be astonishing. blame those trees. they're very, very high. you know the grasses are itching to go too. they're raring to go. grass is about this tall for some. signature high pressure right there. says you know, i haven't been out here in a long time but i'm going to hang out now. everything will be focused from the gulf coast to the northeast. it's tapping in to gulf moisture. that's going to give us what we call frontal genesis and there are signs that anywhere from about a foot to 2 feet for some especially around the poconos, new york, boston. we'll see, some of the models are trending a little warmer on some of this for the coastal areas. a lot like a recipe. everything has to come together for this to happen. for a winter where they haven't had hardly any snow whatsoever, they may get a bunch in 24 to 36 hours. travel plans there back east the next 24, 36 hours could be a little tough. for us, no problems at all. we're good to go. sunshine, 40s on the temps. 50s here. it's warmer. santa rosa says 39. 40 in danville. 42 for walnut creek and same for san ramon. upper 40s for some. mid 40s for others including by the concord pavilion. high pressure says maybe a few high clouds but that's it. the fog is rearing to go out there. it won't be until tomorrow i think when we get a little bit of an offshore breeze. sunshine and warm temps today today on forecast and looks like temperatures will top out today, still okay on tuesday, then cooler on wednesday. the cooling begins, if there's any rain, probably to the north. i wouldn't worry about it right now. usually the first system to break through the strong ridge of high pressure won't do much. today though a lot of 70s. low, mid to upper, even close to 80 for gilroy and santa cruz out to antioch and brentwood. tomorrow looks pretty good. cooler wednesday. cooler wednesday also carrying in to the weekend. >> then it's gone and still just be a dream by this coming weekend. >> next week looks rainy. >> back in it. time is 7:23. more than four months after that terrible ghost ship fire in oakland a battle over an artist space in san francisco. next, why the landlord says the people who live there have to leave. >> also it's called w2 phishing. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:26. a missing pregnant woman from san francisco was found safe last night. 32-year-old lauren soriano was reported missing yesterday hours after she left her home in cole valley. she was considered at risk because she's nine months pregnant and tomorrow doctors plan to induce labor. lauren was found in a city near san francisco but police haven't said yet how they found her or exactly where she was. a new development to bring you involving the artists who are facing eviction from a warehouse in san francisco's vernal heights neighborhood. they've now turned to san francisco's rent board for help in their legal battle against their landlord. in december the artists were served with an eviction notice. the eviction followed a city inspection that came in the aftermath of the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland just two weeks earlier. just ahead of tax season, the irs is warning everyone to be aware of a scam known as w2 phishing. people working in payroll departments receive an e-mail which claims to be from a top executive of their country. it asks the payroll department to pass along an employee's private payroll information. >> what the problem is with that is you find out later on that wasn't the cfo or the president, that the e-mail they used was spoofed and the information goes to someone that's not supposed to. >> within 48 hours the scammer files phony tax returns in the naumz of the targeted employees. -- in the names of the targeted employees. time is 7:27. more than a thousand flights canceled, a large winter storm is hitting the east coast. the areas that will see over a foot of snow. >> it's technology used by nearly a dozen california cities. now one state lawmakers wants to see it expand. his plans for something a lot of people know as the shot spotter system. it is a beautiful day. take a look at this. this is the magic of the time change, dave. >> how did you do that? >> it was mother nature and father time working together to bring us this, the sun rising and the moon setting. did you catch the full moon over the weekend? >> yes, i did. just spectacular. >> luminous. what a perfect weekend to get outside and enjoy mother nature as we battle with father time and lose that precious hour of sleep. we're so thankful you're here monday, march 13th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. thank you for joining us. steve paulson is back again. >> nice weather. good start there. get that bug off there. [ laughter ] fog will probably come back tomorrow. run for the hills. the full warm moon was yesterday. that's what they call it. the ground is thawing out. it will be sunny and warm. patchy fog, mostly sunny tomorrow. more clouds, cooler, maybe rain north. santa rosa north by wednesday, probably not a lot but we'll mention it. look at that view, perfect circulation on that high pressure system. it says i don't think so to that. higher clouds will probably start to spill in tomorrow. we're good to go for sunshine. out of the gate here, a few 30s but a lot of 40s and 50s. temperatures are running a little bit warmer than they have been for the morning lows. yet still cool for some. 41 degrees. look at los altos hills. 52. san carlos, 50. pacifica, 51 degrees. today looks good. a little bit of fog trying to get close. says i can't go any farther than that. at least today. sunshine nice to warm. 70s to upper 70s inland. sal, 7:32. anything on your screen? are we still moderate? >> we do have one problem spot and that would be driving from the peninsula in to san francisco. if you're trying to drive from let's say the airport to downtown san francisco, i do not advice using 101 because of a crash. northbound 101 between the old candlestick exit and third street, really has made traffic very, very slow. if you want to use 280, that's better. you're seeing slow traffic on 280 but i still think it's better than using 101. 101 is very, very slow from about 380. this crash is still blocking lanes. it's not like it's been cleared up. that's what worries me a little bit about the crash because once they clear it, things will start getting a little better. right now they've not cleared it and it's blocking lanes. let's move along to the rest of the peninsula. 92 is okay on the bridge for most of the way. 880 is slow through union city. i also want to mention highway 4, reliably slow as you drive from pittsburg to bay-point and concord. 680 is slow. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see traffic here is backed up for a 20-minute delay. 880 is already getting slow approaching the coliseum as you drive through. 7:34. let's go back to the desk. if you live in oakland you probably never notice the police use the shotspotter sensors all over the city as a special crime fighting tool. ktvu allie rasmus here to tell us about an effort to use this technology all over the state. >> good morning. it's gunfire detection technology. one of the companies behind it is the shotspotter system. cities like oakland, san francisco, richmond all use this technology to fight crime. it's a system of sensors that alert police whenever gunshots are fired. they use gps coordinates. the system let's police know exactly where the shot was fired from. the idea behind it is to deter crime and allow police to more quickly respond to crime scenes. the technology is not cheap. it can cost anywhere from $150,000 to $200,000 a year to use the service. critics have reported it has sometimes reported fragments of conversations before and after gunshots were fired. some say that ability is a serious private concern. the shot spotter system based in newark is used by 90 police departments around the world. a lot of the police departments say it's helped them combat crime in their communities. that's why this lawmaker has a -- allowed them to use the service in their community. the bill doesn't say how much it costs or how much they'd allocate to grant funding but the bill was introduced last month and could be heard in committee as early as next week. >> allie rasmus in oakland. thank you. time is 7:36. the victim in last week's shooting on interstate 80 in richmond has now died. 24-year-old demarcus doss was driving thursday near the san pablo exit when he was shot three times. a female passenger in his car was also shot but she's expected to recover. one man and two 17-year-olds have been arrested in the case reportedly they have gang ties. family members of doss say he may have been the victim of the mistaken identity. charges may be filed today against those suspects. in just about an hour the murder trial of garcia-torres will continue. garcia-torres is the man charged with killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar even though lamar's body has never been found. the manager of the safeway store where garcia-torres work testified about items he allegedly bought using his club card. that included a battery found in a stun gun that authorities say may have been used in a separate kidnapping case. authorities say the thumb print was found on the battery. police have arrested a well dressed bank robbery suspect wearing a suit and tie during a robbery friday. the robbery happened about 9:30 in the morning at the west america bank on mitchell boulevard. the next day police were conducting an unrelated sting targeting alcohol sales to minors when they stopped to talk to three people in a parking lot and one officer recognized one of them as the man from the robbery surveillance video. police say the man, 21-year-old sedric vincent agreed to go to the police department and was arrest ed there. for millions of people from the midwest to the east coast, winter is far from over. the national weather service issued a blizzard watch from today through tomorrow night for new york city and northern new jersey. more than a thousand flights have already been canceled or delayed nationwide. in chicago 500 flights have been canceled. as for drivers in iowa and minnesota, a heavy storm dumped almost a foot of snow. >> it's a little bit treacherous on highway 52. i probably should have taken the side streets. but people are driving pretty slow which i appreciate. >> boston may get 12 to 18 inches of new snow. several flights from sfo to newark, new jersey canceled this morning. if you're flying today, make sure you double check your flight status before you head to the airport. an airport worker strike at two berlin airports has grounded hundreds of flights. the strike comes days after ground crews walked out on friday over a wage dispute. 660 flights have already been canceled today. hundreds of passengers are stranded at berlin's airports. >> it's really a mess. to come here and see that no one is working, no one from the air company is working, i don't even have the balcony for information open. >> the strike is expected to continue till wednesday. we did just check with san francisco international airport to see if any flights there are being delayed because of the cancellations in berlin. sfo tells us flights don't seem to be affected there. time is 7:39. a violent arrest in vallejo raising new questions about police use of force. coming up at 8:00, what we know about this incident caught on camera between a vallejo police officer and a suspect. >> also, it is march madness in moraga. st. mary's is heading to the big dance. >> we have pretty slow traffic in some areas because of accidents. we also have pretty slow traffic in areas where there are not crashes. everyone seems to be back on the road. >> we have sunshine after a beautiful weekend. monday looks just as nice here. temperatures warming up but for how long? it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. time is 7:42. an nfl meeting is getting closer and a group in oakland is increasing efforts to keep the team from relocating to las vegas. they lie -- they highlighted the social significance of the team to oakland. the committee says the group will ask state officials to review the nfl's relocation process. they've also talked about plans to boycott bank of america after a recent announcement that bofa would finance the new las vegas stadium. >> we want the ceo of bank of america to come and meet with us in our community and we want you to help us understand why a banking institution that is the second largest in the country would be willing to participate in a project that could impact the community like ours. >> league owners will meet in arizona for three days beginning on march 26th. they could decide the future of the raiders but the raiders' relocation must be approved by 24 of the 32 nfl owners. time is 7:43. the gales of st. mary's college are headed to the big dance. they earned the number 7 seed. they'll play virginia coppin wealth university -- commonwealth university. scott reiss talked to players and students on the st. mary's campus in moraga. >> reporter: what a difference a year makes. >> 27-5. to me, it's an easy one. but i'm not on that committee. >> reporter: 364 days after they were left out of sports' biggest dance party, they ramped up the pomp and circumstance. then with nerves mounting and 62 of the 68 teams already revealed, st. mary's finally got its invitation. >> i can't lie. for one second i was like, no way, right? we got to be in. because we were down to the last eight called. makes your name being called even more sweet. >> it's a testament to all the hard work you put in. >> reporter: the match-up is intriguing. a team known for its frenetic pair. the guards better mind their ps and qs. >> every college basketball game is a fight and generally goes down to the end. stays with the game plan for 40 minutes. generally gets it done. >> i know vcu from afar, they're a good program. they've been good for a long time. so probably similar to us. i forwarned our team, whoever they call, unless you're in a 116 game, maybe a 215. the rest are pretty even games and all good. >> reporter: the madness mantra is this. enjoy the moment for just a moment, then get back to business. >> we've got a lot of work to do. we're going to enjoy it. >> reporter: this will be the sixth ncaa tournament appearance in 16 seasons under coach randy bennett but the first since 2013 which means not a single player on the current roster has ever been to the dance. the high watermark, 2010 when the gales reached the sweet 16. scott reiss, ktvu fox 2 sports. 7:45. sal, this morning the commute was darker later on in the commute. that might have affected some people's driving. >> i think we saw some of that earlier but now it's light. we do have a problem that's not caused by the weather but just by a crash. it's clearing northbound 101. if you're trying to get in to san francisco i'd strongly advise you away from getting there using highway 101. northbound 101 right near that old candlestick exit, there's an injury crash. they're trying to get it out of the way now but it's been there for a while and traffic is backed up solid from san bruno. you heard me right. san bruno. look at all this. all that slow traffic. i want to advise you the best way to get in to san francisco would be use 280. you're going to see slow traffic on 280. i still think it's better even though it's getting slower, i think it's better than being on highway 101 which is very slow through the area because of this bad accident. southbound 101 is also going to be slow through the area. i want to show you highway 101 in san francisco. it's sluggish. as you get past ceasar chavez, you're going to see a bunch of slow traffic heading south. this is having an effect on both sides of 101 primarily north. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's backed up for a 15 to 20-minute wait. meter lights are on. once you make it on to the span it doesn't look too bad. interstate 880 in oakland, northbound begins to slow just after the coliseum as you drive through. 880 southbound, 238 in to union city, you're going to see some slow traffic. now it's time for the weather. let's go to steve. >> we have clear skies. looks good today. lots of sunshine. our good friend chloe in clear lake sent us this nice picture. she sent it on twitter. i had to retweet it. clear and 45 in clear lake as the moon sets behind mount konocti. wasn't that an old andy williams song? >> i think it was. rings a bell. >> thank you, chloe. i tried to get your name on there but i ran out of time. look at right there. no wonder nothing is coming in here except sunshine and warm temps. lots of sun today. clear skies. sunny and nice. temperatures will rebound pretty quick then 60s, 70s. a lot of 70s to near 80s for a few. gilroy, santa cruz, about 79 is what i went with. the fog is lurking out there but not going to make an impact today. 30s, 40s, actually 30s, 40s and 50s. santa rosa says 39. i think that's disappeared if that's not the case, let me know. 40 in menlo park. 41 i should say. pacifica, 52. and there are some warm temps, certainly los altos hills at 53 already balmy degrees. we're protected for a couple days. system will move in, get cloud cover and cooler temps. the fog is drying though, with that front approaching that will start to push that fog closer toward us but won't be today. sunshine nice to warm temps. 70s for some. upper 70s for others. antioch, brentwood out to oakley. also for gill -- gilroy and santa cruz. i expect fog to start creeping back, coastal variety on tuesday. clouded up wednesday. maybe rain north of santa rosa. friday looks all right. more clouds rolling in on the weekend. next week looks like rain returns for us. >> what about the allergy folks? >> the allergy, the trees are up there where the redwoods are. fir, pine, cedar, alder, juniper and ash. take your pick. it's trees right now and you know grasses, they're rearing to go. 7:49 is our time. blocked by a huge pile of snow in washington state. how a student field trip turn out to be a lot more than what those students signed up for. welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:52. 38 people were killed in northern haiti. a bus plowed in to several groups of people during a popular festival yesterday morning. investigators say the driver hit two people then kept driving several miles before running in to a band playing music. the bus plowed through the first group of musicians then drove through a second group and then a third group. that bus driver jumped out of the bus and ran away. authorities are still searching for him this morning. protesters in guatemala want president jimmy morales to resign after last week's deadly fire where 40 girls died at an overcrowded youth shelter. the girls died in wednesday's friday. investigators say it started when mattresses were set on fire during a protest at the shelter. reportedly many of the victims were locked inside and they could not escape. protesters blame president morales for not doing enough to prevent the fire. pope francis also prayed for the victims during a prayer service at the vatican. back here at home this morning, los angeles firefighters closely watching for hotspots after a huge warehouse fire last night. started about 6:30 in the city's downtown fashion district. 190 firefighters were called to the scene. a big cloud of black smoke could be seen coming from the businesses inside. no serious injuries are reported. the cause of this fire is still under investigation. a group of high school students in washington state hope to go home today after an avalanche left them stranded on a field trip. the 53 students were staying at an environmental learning center. they were due to leave on friday but that was before the avalanche hit. you see it blocked that state route back to their town. the state department of transportation was waiting till this morning to try to clear the road because there's a risk of another avalanche. in the meantime the students just have to stay put. >> it's not so much that we're so desperate to leave because we're not having a good time or this wasn't a good experience, it's just i think because people were not planning on this and so it's just such a surprise that people are kind of so shocked that this has occurred. >> 17 staff members are also stranded at the learning center. three people are stuck at a nearby resort. everybody is in good health. they have the basics of food and shelter. a 32-year-old woman was arrested on felony vandalism charges after crashing her suv right in to the sacramento county jail. take a look at some of the damage right here. police say 32-year-old latasha dora drove her suv through the jail's lobby early saturday morning. investigators aren't saying if she was under the influence or maybe there was another motive. no one was hurt. this comes two weeks after another person crashed a car through the jail's garage. in roseville some foster kids now have some new wheels. 20 deserving children picked up new bikes over the weekend thanks to a very generous donation from jana buwalter. she wanted to help young girls in foster care. another family matched the donation to buy bicycles for boys in foster care. >> i decided why not take my money now, not wait till i died, and donate $10,000 toward foster girls getting bikes? >> way to go, janna. there are 34,000 kids in foster care waiting to be adopted. organizers of the bike event are hoping this will inspire others to consider adopting or becoming a foster parent. the cold weather is affecting more than just people in the northeast. in massachusetts some women there are helping to keep chickens warm. they're hand knitting sweaters for chickens. i'm not kidding. the women are all in their retirement community. they found out that chickens living at a nearby estate shed their feathers or they came from tropical climates so the ladies say at first they thought the idea of knitting sweaters for chickens was silly but now they think actually the chickens look cute. now sharing photos of the roosters and hens wearing their special sweaters. good job. time is 7:56. time to check in with mike and gasia. >> thank you. an emergency response to rescue a man from the oakland estuary. how witnesses say that man ended up in the water. >> republican leaders want to repeal and replace obamacare this month, but liberals and now conservatives are fighting back. >> good morning. we are looking at a commute that's still very busy especially on the peninsula. we'll tell you what happened there and other spots coming up. >> nothing foul about our weather. that's for sure. sunny and warm. nice weather. but today will probably be the warmest day of the week eek the vallejo police department under fire this morning because of video that surfaced online showing an officer hitting a man during an arrest and even pulling his gun on a crowd of onlookers. the questions being raised this morning about excessive force. >> a man ends up in the oakland estuary overnight. how witnesses describe what happened and the rescue to get him to dry land. it's all ahead on mornings on 2. mr. bay area. a live look there at the golden gate bridge. a good day to pack up and picnic and maybe head down to fort baker right there below the towers of the golden gate bridge. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's monday, march 13th. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. hopefully your weekend had you out and about, but if not, steve, today's weather still warm and mild. >> today is the day, you guys. head over to lands end, why not? yes, we'll have sunshine, warm temps. i think tomorrow fog starts to creep back to the coast. today looks good coast, bay, and inland. sensible foggy here. sunrise on my way to work at the san leandro b.a.r.t. station. lots of sunshine already coming up. we had the moon setting and sun rising at the same time there. looked pretty good. we have high pressure saying not today. nothing is coming in here. if there's anything, it's not going to last very long. only maybe a high cloud. 40s and 50s on your temps. 50, hayward, sfo, oakland. one observation in the city says 55. upper 40s for many. boulder creek at 39. 37 in santa cruz. 50 degrees. system will start to cool us down late tuesday in to wednesday but not today. today is all about sunshine and warm temps. there's your coastal fog. not today. but tonight and tomorrow i think it starts to impact the coast. 70s for many today. upper 70s for a few. san bruno, sal? >> yeah. that's where the backup begins, steve. northbound 101 driving up from san bruno in to san francisco because of an accident that's been there for a while now. northbound 101 near the old candlestick exit and traffic is backed up now almost from the front of the san francisco airport. if you're going to get on the freeway, wonder what the heck is going on here driving up to this area. the best thing i can do is tell you to get on 380 and go around this way which is going to be slow as well. if you're only going the shore way, i'd take side roads. don't get on northbound 101 approaching san francisco because you'll be in a whole bunch of slow traffic. that crash still has not cleared. southbound 101 is going to be affected by this. we can see 101 southbound is kind of thick as you drive south. it's going to be slow as you drive toward the accident scene. let's move along and take a look at the bay bridge. that's backed up for a 20 to 25-minute delay. 880 is slowing from 238 past to coliseum in to downtown oakland and southbound 880 is slow as well. but again, the peninsula traffic is the slowest. 803. let's go back to the desk. this morning the vallejo police department is facing questions of excessive force because of cell phone video showing an officer hitting a man during an arrest and pulling his gun on a crowd of onlookers. ktvu alex savidge has more on the video. >> vallejo police have not said exactly what led up to this arrest but we understand the officer seen on the video was chasing after a man who had reportedly been acting erratically and things quickly escalated from there. some believe the officer went too far during the arrest. tensions running high as the vallejo police officer struggles to take a man in to custody after tackling him in the middle of the street. this video posted online over the weekend shows the officer punching the man in the head and then later striking him several times with either his baton or a flashlight. on several caigs you can hear the officer yell for the -- on several occasions you can hear the officer yell for the man to give him his hands. you can hear bystanders questioning the use of force. >> why are you still hitting him? >> reporter: after backup arrives at the scene, the original responding officer pulls his gun and points it in the direction of onlookers before reholstering his weapon. the officer can be seen striking the man on the ground three more times. it's unclear exactly what led up to this violent arrest. we've reached out to the vallejo police department a number of times throughout the weekend and this morning and we're still waiting to hear back. alex savidge, ktvu fox 2 news. >> and we do have extended video of that vallejo arrest. you can find it under web links on our homepage at new from overnight, emergency crews received a call about a man in trouble in the oakland estuary. workers at a nearby best western motel say a man near the end of the pier had been drinking for a couple hours. they told us they saw him do a back flip in to the water. that's when they ran out to the end of the pier to see if the man was in any danger. >> his brandy, alcohol, all the beers he drunk. and we saw him just floating and he's not moving anymore. that's why we called 911. >> fire and police officials arrived within minutes. water rescue crew with a paddleboard was finally able to reach the man. they brought him to shore and gave him emergency medical care. officials have not given out the man's name or his condition. police say they are treating that location as a crime scene. we could soon find out the price tag of the republican healthcare plan. the congressional budget office is expected to release a report as soon as today. >> reporter: gop leaders are hoping to pass their healthcare bill in the house sometime next week despite their legislation continuing to have its critics on both sides of the aisle. >> i'm not for this plan. i think there's lots of opposition to this plan in the house and senate. >> reporter: leading the pushback on the conservative side, the house freedom caucus says the republican healthcare law doesn't go far enough to repeal and replace obamacare. a number of top senators have also promised the bill as it stands would be dead upon arrival to their chamber. this as house speaker paul ryan continues to try to calm those fears. >> some people would like it to be done a little bit differently. we made a promise to the people who elected us. we'd repeal and replace this law and we basically said this is what we'd replace it with. now we're keeping our word. >> reporter: also dropping this week, the president's proposed budget which includes a $54 billion increase in defense spending. as well as massive cuts to the epa, education department and housing and urban development. despite criticism about those cuts, the white house national economic advisor defending the president's plan set to be released this thursday. >> unfortunately we have no alternative but to reinvest in our military and make ourselves a military power once again. >> reporter: president trump will have his first cabinet meeting with all his confirmed members although two will be absent due to their confirmations still being held up in congress. in washington, fox news. congresswoman barbara lee was at a community meeting yesterday in the east bay where people were urging elected officials to fight efforts to repeal the affordable care act. congresswoman lee joined us in studio on mornings on 2 and said there are some concerns but repealing the act would be a matter of life or death for some people. >> yes, we've got to fix some of the issues and some of the difficulties that people are having, but in no way should we just throw away the healthcare for 30 million people. >> representative lee says here in california over 440,000 people would lose access to medi-cal if the affordable care act is repealed. now we've been turning to you throughout the morning and asking this question of the day, how concerned are you with the effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act? not at all, very concerned, somewhat concerned, not sure yet? let us know what you think. vote on the ktvu twitter page or leave a comment on the facebook page. the committee has told the white house to offer any evidence by today showing the obama administration wired trump tower. they said trump should prove the claim or retract his statement. >> i have no reason to believe that the charge is true, but i also believe the president of the united states could clear this up in a minute. all he has to do is pick up the phone, call the director of the cia and say what happened? >> a spokesperson for president obama and the former director of national intelligence has denied the wiretapping claim. new evidence of a growing number of mexican immigrants worried about being deported under the trump administration. today's mercury news reports mexican immigrants from across california are now rushing to register their american born children as dual citizens. the paper reports the mexican consulate in san jose processed 86 such registrations for dual citizenship in february, double the number of such registrations from the previous month. it's a high tech tool to fight gun violence that's already being used in a number of cities here in the bay area. coming up at 8:30, the effort to take the shotspotter system statewide. >> an update on the missing woman in san francisco who's nine months pregnant. >> good morning. we still have a lot of slow traffic this morning approaching san francisco on the peninsula and as we look at san francisco, southbound 101 on the right there also seeing slow traffic because of one crash in san francisco. >> not going to take long to warm up if you enjoyed the weekend weather, you'll love today as well. this looks to be the warmest day of the week. time is 8:12. a missing pregnant woman from san francisco has been found and she's safe. 32-year-old lauren soriano was reported missing hours after she left her home in cole valley. soriano was considered at risk because she's nine months pregnant. doctors plan to induce labor tomorrow. police say she was found in a city near san francisco but wouldn't say exactly how they found her or where she was. it appears drivers on the peninsula avoided what could have been a big traffic jam this morning. the northbound section of 101 near embarcadero road and palo alto had two lanes shut down after large potholes appeared on that stretch of roadway. they were able to finish repairs just before 4:00 this morning. caltrans pushed to get that work completed before the monday morning commute got underway. b.a.r.t. says test trains have been running as expected for the long awaited station in fremont. a grand opening ceremony is set for march 24th. service is expected to start the very next day. the warm springs station is the first step in to extending service in to santa clara county. when that happens people will eventually be able to take b.a.r.t. all the way to san jose. the hours for the bike and pedestrian path on the bay bridge have been expanded. people will be able to use the eastern span between 6:00 in the morning and 8:00 at night. the path is only still open on weekends and holidays. caltrans says the pass needs to be closed between monday through friday due to ongoing demolition work on the old bay bridge. a newly proposed california license plate could raise millions of dollars for the state park system. the plate, which features a redwood forest, needs 7500 prepaid orders by may 18th to become a reality. as of yesterday it had only 640 orders and environmental groups are ramping up efforts to sell as many as they can in the next two months. state parks plates cost $50 for that first issue and $40 each year after. it will cost more for the plates to be personalized. 8:14. let's see what's happening and there's a mess sal is going to report on. getting from the city to the peninsula. >> that's right. northbound 101, there's been a crash near the old candlestick exit for more than an hour and traffic is really backing up. in fact this is the worst i've seen it in a while along northbound 101 and now 280 of course has become the freeway that everyone is using to get in to san francisco. now that's backed up out of san bruno. not as bad as 101 but it's not going to be much better on 280 as you drive through. if i had to choose, i'd still use 280. at least all the lanes are open. 101, we still have a lane closed near candlestick. traffic is even beginning to back up on the southbound side. as you can see approaching that crash. it's been a while since that crash has been there. i'd just say use 280 or give yourself plenty of extra time. this is 101 in san francisco. the backup southbound begins to slow just before ceasar chavez heading to that area. getting in to san francisco from the east bay is not bad. 15 to 20-minute delay at the toll plaza and 880 is slow as you drive through the area. i also want to take a quick look at highway 24 in lafayette. let's go to steve with today's forecast. >> good morning, everybody. we do have lots of sunshine already and today will be a beautiful day, almost all clear. patchy fog tomorrow. it's out there. it's lurking but i don't think it will get here till tomorrow. mostly sunny. slightly cooler. more clouds. cooler, possibility of rain wednesday but probably about santa rosa north, maybe even cloverdale north. we'll keep an eye on that system out there. that's going to start bumping this ridge out of here but not today. put some stakes down and said i'm happy where i am and it's going to control our weather. that's not the case back east, anticipating what looks to be maybe a system coming out of the great lakes. then the gulf moisture coming up. it's a combination of these two, going to turn in to a whopper of a system which will impact much of the northeast starting late tonight, more likely tomorrow morning. the heaviest snow looks to be in new york, maybe poconos toward boston but there's always discrepancies on the amount of snow. tomorrow could be a very difficult travel day as you might imagine through much of new england and northeast, back to washington and probably in to pittsburgh until that system exits out on wednesday morning. for us, we have nothing like that. we can't even find a cloud hardly. fog is out here. it's that time of year now, back to the coastal variety. had a little bit of patchy fog inland. 40s for a few. 50s for many already. we're out of the gate here pretty quick. 40 in napa. some locations on the cool side. petaluma, 40. i don't think it will take long to start warming up with the slight offshore breeze. 19 in truckee. other observations are outside of the airport show about 30 degrees. 49 in monterey. 54, l.a. palm springs already 66 degrees. it's over in phoenix if you're headed to spring training. 66 well underway, about 91 today and looks like 90s for most of the week for them. for us we'll have warm temps today. you can see i think the fog plays in to our weather starting tomorrow, maybe late tonight. sunshine and warm temps. beautiful day saturday and sunday's weather, we'll carry it over in to today but i think by tomorrow you'll start to notice a few subtle changes and much more as we head in to wednesday. this week does not look rainy but next week does. we'll see if the forecast models are right. we're not done with the rain yet. enjoy the sunshine and warm temps. 70s here. by the coast it will be pretty nice as well. tomorrow still okay but then change on wednesday, you guys. >> thank you. the big dance for college basketball fans about to get underway. coming up, we'll see how march madness could actually cause many employers a lot of money. >> it's a case that's outraged homicide investigators. find out why a couple created a phony crime scene. guys, thanks for making our new french toast so authentic, you'll swear it came from a fancy brunch place. its 100% real. just like my favorite sport - pro wrestling. um... yeah, about pro wrestling... its fake. what? lies!! its... all ...lies!! why didnt you tell me?!!!! sorry jack, i thought you knew. try my new grilled french toast plate with syrup and hickory smoked bacon. the newest addition to my brunchfast menu. hit me with this, youll feel better. time is 8:21. santa cruz county officials trying something new in hopes of getting attention to state lawmakers. they're sending postcards to 120 members of the state legislature. take a look at the postcards. they say greetings from beautiful santa cruz county. shows all the damage done by strong winter storms. authorities say even though it hasn't rained in santa cruz in a few days, many major roads are still closed and they'll stay closed indefinitely. the damage estimates to santa cruz county is at $70 million. while it's warming up in the bay area, the northeast is bracing for a major winter storm. boston, new york, philadelphia, all bracing for what could be feet of snow today. reporter kelly wright has the story. >> we haven't had a lot of snow this winter but i'm really looking forward to it. >> the biggest winter storm of the season is expected to slam the northeast. nearly 2 feet of snow is expected to fall which could shut down major cities from washington, d.c. to boston. >> this will be a heavy wet snow so it will stick to power lines, stick to trees. we could see more trees down, more power outages. >> the snow could be heavy enough to cancel flights. one traveler in the nation's capitol is nervous about her flight. >> i'm a heavy business traveler so i'm actually going to be traveling to chicago. so i'm really worried but i'll make it. >> coastal areas in new england could also see flooding due to the storm. >> you have a lot of snow coming in, potential for visibility to drop. you can get the white-out effect and then hazards of navigation just from being out on the water. >> heavy snow already hit some areas in the south over the weekend which is causing problems for drivers in tennessee. >> pretty to see the snow come down but i'd rather be warm again. i'm ready for spring. >> many weren't expecting to see the white stuff so late in the season. >> i was very close to bringing the summer clothes out. i'm glad we didn't. >> the brunt of the snow is expected to fall monday night and continue throughout the day tuesday. in washington, kelly wright, fox news. an ohio couple is facing criminal charges after police say they staged a murder scene. investigators say they put ketchup inside the bathtub of their home then went on facebook to send photos of the phony crime scene to a number of alarmed relatives. the couple later told investigators they did it as a practical joke but it's hard to find anyone who thought their stunt was funny especially the officers who were called to that house. >> very intense. gets your adrenaline going. i know from speaking to a couple officers last night, they were very upset about it because this type of hoax or this type of ploy -- you don't know what you're going to encounter as an officer going in to a situation like that. >> the police chief says the joke also wasted the valuable time of his officers. prosecutors have already charged the couple with inducing panic and they're considering other charges as well. >> 32-year-old woman was arrested on felony vandalism charges after crashing her suv in to the sacramento county jail. here are photos of the damage. police say 32-year-old latasha dora drove her suv through the jail's lobby early saturday morning. investigators have not said if she was driving under the influence or even given a possible motive. no one was hurt in that incident. this comes two weeks after another person crashed his vehicle through the jail's garage. time is 8:24. we haven't heard much from him since he left the white house. now there's word former president obama is in the bay area. >> and technology used by nearly a dozen california cities. now one state lom -- one state lawmaker would like to see it expand. >> good morning. we have a lot of slow traffic still left especially on the peninsula. but 280 seems to be better now and downtown san jose. >> chamber of commerce day, lots of sunshine. good visibility. temperatures will be warming up pretty quick. we'll take a look at the monday high temps. a live look at what many consider the jewel of oakland, california. more than three miles around, i don't know how far across but this person is getting in a nice workout with glorious sunshine this monday morning. welcome back to mornings on 2. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm mike mibach. let's get you back over to steve paulson. >> looks spectacular, even the coast will be nice. tomorrow probably have to deal with a little bit of the coastal fog. get over there to the coast because everything is showing sunshine and nice warm temps. big dome of high pressure says i like it right here. so i'm not going anywhere at least today. lots of sun this afternoon. warm inland. warm for just about everybody. the warmest temperatures will be toward the east and santa clara valley. large and in charge, our good friend mr. high pressure here. kicking in for at least another day. plenty of 40s to low 50s already. martinez in there, pittsburg, brentwoods. that you are well on their way to the upper 70s for some. here's why on the coast looks so good. the airflow is going from land to sea. the fog is out there. it's trying. it just doesn't have anything to work with today. tomorrow it might. near 80 degrees. what in the wide, wide world of traffic is going on in san bruno? >> very slow, steve. i do have better news. a crash that was causing all the slow traffic finally cleared. it was first reported at 6:48 this morning. we're almost but not quite two hours in to it. they finally opened up all the lanes and traffic is backed up from the airport all the way in to san francisco along 101. that's a very long backup. 6 miles or so of traffic getting up in to san francisco. you can use 280. it's slow as well coming out of south city and getting in to san francisco but it's not as bad as 101 is. the best thing, if you can do it, is to wait or use public transit and not use 101. it's improved in san francisco leading and getting in to the city. this is a look at the bay bridge. you can see traffic here is moderate and you'll see the traffic on 880 is slow past the coliseum. at 8:30, let's go back to the desk. shotspotter is a technology many bay area cities use to combat crime. one california lawmaker wants other cities across our state to have access to it as well. allie rasmus live in oakland to show a shotspotter bill introduced. >> oakland is one of 11 cities across the state that uses some type of gunfire detection technology. shotspotter is one of the companies that provides it. if you're not familiar with how it works, it's a system of sound sensors mounted at different locations on buildings, lamp posts. those sensors alert police any time gunshots are fired. the system then lets police know where the shots were fired from, sometimes as best as 30 seconds within it happening. the idea is to prevent and deter crime and allow police to quickly respond to crime scenes. oakland, san francisco, richmond are a handful of bay areas that use the technology. eduardo garcia of coachella in southern california has introduced a bill that will allow law enforcement communities in smaller areas of the state to apply for grants to add the technology in to their communities. it can cost between $150,000 and $200,000 for the service. the technology also had its critics. civil liberties groups have pointed out the sensors have sometimes recorded conversations before and after the gunfire. the bill was introduced just last month. it doesn't estimate how much it would cost or how much money would be appropriated for grants for those law enforcement agencies across the state but this bill could be heard in committee as early as next week possibly. now to a new development involving artists who are facing eviction from a warehouse in san francisco vernal heights neighborhood. they've turned to san francisco's rent board for help in their legal battle. the artists were served with an eviction notice. that eviction followed a city inspection, one that came in the aftermath of the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland just two weeks earlier. this morning former press -- former president barack obama is getting his day started in the bay area. christien kafton with the latest on the president's schedule. >> we're here at the parking lot exit waiting to see if the president does in fact pull out. we're getting multiple reports that president obama is in town to meet with tech leaders. witnesses report seeing secret service in the area overnight and a motorcade pulling in yesterday. the omaha world herald is reporting the former president was in nebraska yesterday to meet with billionaire warren buffett. at this point no official word on why the men were meeting but obama has been raising money for his presidential library. the paper says following that meeting president obama boarded a private plane and flew in to san jose. there's no word at this point on exactly how long obama will be in town. at this point we've seen a lot of people stopping by the hotel, looking to see if they can catch a glimpse of the former president. again, we're standing by at the parking lot exit. in the past this has been where he's pulled out when he stayed here at the fairmont in san jose. we're hoping perhaps again we'll see the motorcade if in fact he does pull out any time soon. >> let us know when you do. the bay area man charged with climbing a white house fence friday night is due in court today. jonathan tran of milpitas is ordered to be held without bond after his arrest. he's charged with entering a restricted area while carrying a dangerous weapon. authorities say there were two cans of mace in his backpack. tran claimed he had an appointment with the president and was carrying a letter that mentioned russian hackers. if convicted, tran could face up to 10 years in prison. president trump was at the white house at the time of the security breach. just ahead of tax season the irs is warning everyone to be aware about a new scam that's known as w2 phishing. it happens when people working in payroll departments receive an e-mail which claims to be from a top executive of their own company. the e-mail asks the payroll department to pass along an employee's private payroll information. >> you find out later on that wasn't the cfo or the president, that the e-mail address that they used was spoofed and information goes to someone that it's not supposed to. >> the irs says within 48 hours the scammer filed phony tax returns in the names of those targeted employees. the irs is warning payroll departments and workers to watch out for the scam. we now know who was invited to the big dance otherwise known as the ncaa men's basketball tournament. there should not have been any drama in moraga but there was a lot of tension until the players actually heard the words that they were hoping for. >> [ cheering ] >> st. mary's is an associated press top 25 team. the gaels will be taking on the 10 seed. they tip off on thursday in salt lake city, 4:20 our time. coach randy bennett said he knew his team deserved to be in the tournament this year but that's what he thought last year too when the gaels had 27 wins and was overlooked. >> i can't lie. for one second i was like, no way, right? we've got to be in. we were down to last eight teams called. it makes your name get called even more sweet. >> the gaels lost four games all season and three of them were to gonzaga, which is the top seed in the west. later today the ncaa women's tournament selection show will take place. some 70 million people have filled out march madness brackets last year but a lot of their employers weren't too happy about it. according to a survey by office team, almost a third of all bosses say they want no ncaa tournament activities in the office. another survey by wallet hub finds productivity goes down due to march madness. it's expected to hit $4 billion this year. only 11% of managers say they welcome the tournament in to the workplace. the sharks beat dallas 5-1 and capitalized on mistakes. sharks scored four unanswered goals including two by joe pavelski in the dominating win. sharks are 2-1 during the home stand and have a 6-point lead on second place anaheim in the pacific division. sharks will host buffalo come tomorrow. time is 8:37. boycotting bank of america. up next, new efforts by some oakland raider fans hoping to keep the team from moving to las vegas. plus -- >> when they said they were going to make the sweaters for the chickens, i thought it was the most foolish thing i ever heard in my life. >> a group of retired women in massachusetts is staying busy. why these ladies say they're glad they took on this odd project. >> and you can see traffic is going to be improving in some areas although here in san jose still looks like we have a little bit of slowing approaching the sunnyvale area. >> not much to say expect it's already a beautiful start to this monday. looks like temperatures will be bumping up here a little bit. no more. we don't want anymore! keep calm. the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. at&t internet. speeds up to 45megs for $30 a month. [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. a 2-year-old pennsylvania girl is dead after a hoverboard exploded in to flames. the hoverboard was charging while the family was at home. three people were injured. e most seriously hurt is a 3-year-old girl in serious condition. the 2-year-old's death is the first death linked to a hoverboard. her grandfather says the entire family is stunned. >> my granddaughter. we can't replace her. just be careful for everything you buy and make sure it work right because if it don't work right, this is what's going to happen. >> there have been many recalls of hoverboards after safety regulations were put in place. a fire lieutenant driving his car to the fire was also killed in a car crash. authorities say a teenage driver hit his vehicle in to a fence. the teenager faces several charges including driving under the influence. the murder trial of garcia-torres is getting underway. garcia-torres is charged with killing teenager sierra lamar. the manager of the safeway store where garcia-torres worked testified about items he allegedly bought using his club card, including a battery found in a stun gun authorities say they have been used in a separate kidnapping case. prosecutors say the thumb print of garcia-torres was found on the battery. san rafael police arrested a bank robbery suspect wearing a suit and tie during a robbery friday. the robbery happened about 9:30 in the morning on mitchell boulevard. the next day police were conducting an unrelated sting targeting alcohol sales to minors when they stopped to talk with three people in a parking lot. officers recognized one of them as the man from the robbery surveillance video. police say that man, 21-year-old sedric vincent, agreed to go to the police department for questioning and he was arrested there. an nfl owner's meeting is getting closer and a group of raider fans are increasing their effort to keep the team from relocating to las vegas. the group met for a conference and highlighted the social significance of the team to oakland. representative of the oakland coliseum economic impact and legal action committee says the group will ask state officials to review the nfl's relocation process. they also talked about a plan to boycott bank of america after a recent announcement that it would finance the new las vegas stadium. >> we want the ceo of bank of america to come to meet with us in our community. we want you to help us understand why a banking institution that is the second largest in the country would be willing to participate in a project that can impact the community like ours. >> league owners will meet in arizona for three days beginning on march 26th. they could decide the future of the raiders. the raiders' relocation must be approved by 24 of the 32 owners. time is 8:43. let's help get you out the door this morning, monday morning. no problems on the peninsula in to the city. what about elsewhere, sal? >> we're also looking at the other commutes. westbound bay bridge, we still have a little bit of a crowd trying to get in to the city from the east bay. things are improving quite a bit. there's still about a 15-minute delay before you make it on to the span and get in to san francisco. you can see 880 northbound is backed up and is very slow. this is a vehicle delay. 580 is also slow from near the oakland-san leandro boundary and getting in to the area. i cannot leave without mentioning the crash along northbound 101 is finally clear and you can see a big hole has opened up where the crash was. that's good. but it's still taking a long time to get from the airport because all that slow traffic there. i would either wait or try to use 280. 280 is also slow but i think both of these commutes are finally going to start getting better now that we're getting closer to 9:00 and the crash near candlestick is gone. 8:44. let's bring steve in with today's weather. >> as you would say, the damage is done. >> the damage is done. >> thank you, sal. beautiful looking monday. we decided to take the weather from the weekend and carry it in from the start of the work week. looks like probably the prettiest day, warmest day of the week that's for sure. temperatures are bouncing pretty fast off the morning lows. only a few 30s. a lot of 40s, even some 50s here. caught this picture. not me. while running this morning in lucerne, lake county. full moon on sunday. right now we're looking at sunshine and warmer temps today. patchy fog. mostly sunny tomorrow. coastal variety coming back tomorrow. more clouds, cooler temperatures, and maybe some rain north of santa rosa. we head toward wednesday. there's the circulation around the high and it's just saying i don't think so here. everything is going up and over the ridge of high pressure. the fog is creeping slowly toward us. very shallow as it gets squashed but won't make any deal today by the coast. today is another good day to head over to the beaches if you can. 40s and 50s on a lot of these temps. 44 seems popular. atherton is in there. menlo park, woodside. stanford. 55 in los altos hills. 54 in san carlos. 56 in pacifica. that's why, the offshore breeze along with warm air aloft, higher elevations, is going to translate in to a sunny and warm day for everyone. almost 50 in monterey. southern california getting warm pretty quick. palm springs, 66 degrees. spring training activities, take the sunscreen, hats, shorts. 66. low 90s for much of the week in phoenix and scottsdale. high pressure will give us one more nice day. tomorrow will still be a nice day. i think we'll be dealing with cooler temps by tuesday. today we'll go with sunshine and warm temps. there are changes brewing certainly by wednesday as the system starts to come in. today the end result is upper 70s to near 80s for a few. 60s and 70s closer to the water. still everybody in on a spectacular day. enjoy it while you can. things are going to change and they will later this week. still to come, a group of high school students first in washington state are hoping to go home today after an avalanche left them stuck on a field trip. the 53 students were staying at an environmental learning center and scheduled to leave on friday. that's before the avalanche hit blocking the state route back to their town. the washington state department of transportation was waiting until this morning to try to clear the road because of the risk of another avalanche. in the meantime the students have had to stay where they are. >> it's not so much that we're so desperate to leave because we're not having a good time or this wasn't a good experience, it's just i think because people were not planning on this and so it's just such a surprise that people are kind of so shocked that this has occurred. >> 17 staff members are also stranded at the learning center and three people are stuck at a nearby resort. everyone is in good health and have basic necessities including food and shelter. now to san mateo county where a 56-year-old woman is recovering after she fell in to a ravine walking her dog. >> set her down. on three, 1, 2, 3. >> bethnee haury was rescued saturday morning in a heavily wooded area of san mateo county. she and her dog were found in a 200 feet deep ravine in the woodside area. authorities say haury was tired and dehydrated. she was only wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants. >> there was so many things that could have gone wrong. the weather, her health, the terrain. there's so many things that could have gone wrong but didn't. >> haury and her dog were given water and food. her husband reported her missing thursday evening when she didn't come back after walking her dog at the bed and breakfast where they were staying. she's insulin dependent and suffers from mild dementia and did not have her medication with her. still to come, you may have noticed it over the past year, some seats on airplanes getting smaller. what the government is now doing to give travelers more space. healthcare reform and interest rates are on the minds of many people. >> that's affecting the stocks to watch this morning. pam cook back with us now with this morning's money business. >> definitely, those are among the stocks to watch. bank stocks, healthcare and technology companies have all been very strong and bright spots on the s&p 500 and particularly a lot of the other sectors have been down in the last week. ringing the opening bell this morning, executives and guests of the madison square garden company, that's because of the middleweight boxing match-up this saturday. the two champs are there along with michael buffer, dave clark just educated me, he's the announcer who made famous that phrase "let's get ready to rumble." checking the markets, numbers have been mixed all morning. here's a live look. s&p 500 down just a little bit. nasdaq the bright spot today. it's up 6 points right now. unfortunately though today radio shack will close 200 stores. it comes after the company filed for its second bankruptcy in two years. the closures represent about 9% of the company's remaining stores here in the bay area. at least 11 stores will be closing and that includes locations in oakland, san francisco, san leandro, and hayward. banks are hauling in record fees from customers despite their strongest balance sheets in years. last year customers paid an average of $600 for an atm, overdraft, and low balance fees. some analysts expected bank charges to drop as the expectation of higher interest rates. we'll probably see those wednesday from the fed. one study reports chase, wells fargo, bank of america made a total of $6.4 billion last year in overdraft and atm fees alone. that's up nearly $300 million from 2015. a new bill going before congress this week could stop airline seats from getting smaller. the seat act of 2017 would enforce a minimum seat width and distance between rows. supporters say the bill is not just about comfort but also about safety. they say larger and fewer seats would help in evacuations in case of an emergency. doctors also warn that there are health risks for some passengers who aren't able to move their legs during a long flight. the average distance between seat rows has dropped 4 inches since airline deregulation in the 1970s. the average width, 16 and a half inches and we have been talking about march madness and lost productivity here at work. here's solutions i found out from some office managers. i was reading around. some say give employees timeouts or breaks to check scores or chat with workers. let them wear colors or team jerseys on a particular day. make sure everyone knows the expectations. is there a no checking policy? is it if you're getting your work done, go ahead and check your scores? >> i've got my brackets right here. not that i'm looking at them. >> but you know, part of our job is we do have to know what's going on. >> right. coming up on the 9, we're actually going to talk to somebody about the wisdom behind filling out your bracket. i'm curious to ask, you talk about the camaraderie, the we're all in this together sort of a feeling. that warmth in the office i think has to mean something down the line. >> right. people are happy. it gives you a reason to talk about something other than work and get to know each other. oh, i didn't know you were from florida. or my brother went to that school. >> okay, pam. thank you so much. a u.s. attorney fired by the trump administration after he refused to resign. republicans say this is not unusual. but it's what happened just days before his firing that has some democrats sounding the alarm. joni sledge dies at the edge of 60. the group's biggest hit was "we are family" in 1979. it was made of up joni and her three sisters. they were inspired by their grandmother, an opera singer. the group's publicist says the cause of death is still undetermined. the fight against cancer knows no part lines says joe biden. >> we now have powerful new technologies and tools that makes cancer cells visible to the immine system so natural defenses can destroy the cancer. >> former vice president joe biden says the goal is to get more money to fund cancer research. you will remember his son bo died of brain cancer in 2014 at the age of 26. the u.s. attorney appointed by the obama administration was asked to resign friday and refused and then fired. they can be removed at any time by the president but not every new administration replaces all u.s. attorneys at once and democrats are criticizing the move. republican senator john mccain says it's part of a routine process. >> elections have consequences so for people that complain about it, they're ignoring the history of new presidencies and i think the president had every right to ask for their resignations. >> he had met with then president-elect november who promised to keep him as new york city's top federal prosecutors and they he asked some to investigate president trump and that may be why the president asked for his resignation. arnold schwarzenegger says he won't be back in the run for senate next year. he says he's deeply flattered by all the people but his mission is to bring sanity to washington. p ordinary carelitico reported he might be considering a challenge in 2018. the freezing temperatures back east have caused an incredible site. an entire house in upstate new york is encased in ice. the home is right on the banks of the lake ontario and became a huge block of ice after a wind storm blew in freezing temperatures. some women in massachusetts are helping chickens stay warm. handing sweaters found out the chickened shed their sweaters. today at 9:00, the health care debate heats up on capitol hill. >> the little known story involving the assassination of john f. kennedy and a woman known as the most powerful female voice in america. >> tips for filling out your bracket as march madness approaches. very hot looking monday morning out there as we give you a live look of san francisco bay. the golden gate bridge bay area beaches here we come. don't forget the richmond district. >> i don't, i spent a lot of time there. i don't want to speak for you guys but a day like this is a nice day to go to the beach although we still have a few hours of work left here. we welcome you inside on this

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