Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20161005 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20161005

going to like today. the lows are cooler but it will be a little warmer. santa rosa going 75. up two for san francisco. livermore from 73 to 76. san jose from 72 to 74. and tony in daly city, 52 and feels like fall. plus clear skies in daly city. that is breaking news. clear skies in daly city. looks like a nice day except on the north coast. 40s and 50s. much cooler on the lows. wood side at 42. menlo park also in there as well. we will rebound with a lot of low and mid-70s. temperatures warming up a smidge there, sal. >> steve, thank you very much. it will be busy in the east bay as you see by some of the pictures i'm about to show you. a 42-minute drive to the macarthur maze. when you drive into san francisco from oakland from the bay bridge, the traffic will be busy. take a look at the bay bridge. traffic is backed up there as you can see. seeing a lot of slow traffic in the east bay. go to the silicon valley commute where a lot of people are up to saratoga, cupertino and mountain view and palo alto. no major crashes but it will be busy. the dunbarton bridge looks good. let's go back to the desk. the first and only vice presidential debate is in the books. >> mike pence and tim kaine faced off in virginia last night. garrett is live from washington, d.c. with more. good morning, garrett. >> reporter: dave and gasia, good morning to you. last night's debate might as well have been part two of donald trump versus hillary clinton. for the most part, that is all the vp candidates wanted to talk about. even when that meant consistently talking over each other. each other. >> gentlemen, the people at home cannot understand either one of you when you speak over each other. >> reporter: it was hard to get in a word but tim kaine's strategy was clear from the start. force mike pence to defend donald trump's comments. >> six times tonight i have said i don't know how you can defend your running mate's position. and in all six cases he has refused to defend his running mate. >> reporter: mike pence wanted to hit hillary clinton on the e- mail server, the clinton foundation and tie her to the short comings of the obama administration. >> after traveling millions of miles as secretary of state, the architect of the foreign policy of this administration, america is less safe today than it was the day that president obama became president. >> reporter: tim kaine did not make it easy for mike pence as he took on the vp role of attack dog, interrupting pence multiple times during the debate. >> the answer to the economy is not more taxes. >> it's not to give away tax relief to the folks at the top. i'm waiting to hear if he will defend his running mate not releasing taxes. >> absolutely i will. absolutely i will. >> reporter: in the final count according to in terms of interruptions, tim kaine had 70 and mike pence had just over 40. now, one thing that should be noted is that vice presidential debates historically haven't had much of an impact on the presidential election or the polls as a whole. but this year of course nothing applies that we have seen in the past. we will see in the next few days how this plays out. dave and gasia. >> thank you, garrett. let's break down the debate as we have been all morning and bring in joe tuman joining us in the studio. as a viewer, this was frustrating to watch. >> why do you say that? what was frustrating? >> all of this. i -- who is saying what? it was like having an argument at the dinner table that i wanted to walk away from. >> that was comfortable for me because we just argued about pass the salt. >> did either candidate come out the clear winner? polls are close on this one. >> gasia, i -- i was a high school and a college debater and i coached debate for a long time. these are not debates. there are not winners or losers. there are ones with stronger performances. more of these men seemed informed on the issues and no one laid an egg last night that will be the kiss of death for the person at the top of the ticket. in that accepts like the doctors say do no harm, they didn't do any harm to the campaign. they also didn't do anything that necessarily guaranteed a victory. these debates, vice presidential debates rarely do that. who had the stronger performance? for the first 25 minutes or so i would have said pence simply because senator kaine's need to interrupt was rude and also reminiscent of al gore saying i know the answer. i have to prove i'm smarter than you. eventually the moderator got them under control and kaine controlled himselfs. it was better as he went on. then the strategy that was mentioned of trying to force by repeating the quotes that mr. trump has made or the positions he has taken, trying to force pence to defend them when he knew that pence couldn't defend those things he would never say those things. >> the things was referred to the mexican thing. let's play the sound byte. your reaction on the back end. >> when donald trump says women should be punished or mexicans are criminals or john mccain is not a hero, he is showed you who he is. >> you whipped out that mexican thing again. >> can you defend it. >> twitter lit up. >> yeah. >> that mexican thing again. >> let's untack that now. in fairness to pence, this was the third or fourth time that kaine was reminding people of what the statements had been. pence is a mid westerner. that's how they speak there. that thing. it was an offhand expression, not thinking about it. if we put in the word black or jewish, that jewish things or muslim thing, the reaction in those communities would have been immediate and harsh so why would it not be that way for hispanic and lit inowes to say you're speaking of us as a thing instead of the seriousness that what mr. trump said and how it insults us culturally. >> a major gaff or not? >> it was a moment i think as i said before that sort of echoed what has already been out in the campaign. i don't know if it did more damage for him to say that than mr. trump talking about building a wall and some mexicans are criminals or rapists, et cetera. i don't know that that population of voters -- he might have a small following but they weren't likely to follow him anyway. it was insight into this. in fairness, he is a midwesterner. it is a mid western kind of speech. >> did it give either campaign any momentum moving ahead starting today. >> you will notice that the clinton campaign was quick to link that mexican thing as a way to reroute to hour campaign. they will take advantage of that. we are talking about it in the news the next morning. it is not telling us anything about the trump campaign. if you didn't like him for being racist before, it's not telling us anything new. we're aware that that bias is there. the last thing that i will say about pence in all of this, i did think that kaine was effective because each time pence didn't take the bait, he was silent. we work in television. it's a visual media. there was a lot of shaking his head in silence. the silence speaks volumes because i don't think that pence was losing his composure so much as he was playing with the lousy cards that mr. trump had dealt him and he has to sit there and defend them and play them in his hand. and on that basis, a metaphor, the deck was stacked against him. kaine was effective when he said those things. it wasn't a debate. it was a performance. >> right. >> now we go back to the top of the ticket on sunday where they will go at each other even more. >> one last point before we go. it was interesting to me i was sitting watching the debate with someone who got tired of the arguing and said turn it off. i wonder how many people did the same thing. >> my wife was watching behind me in the kitchen. she was making me dinner. she said why don't you change the channel. i'm not learning anything. >> interesting. >> okay. thank you, joe, for joining us. will the next presidential debate between hillary clinton and donald trump, that is sunday. don't forget you can watch it right here on ktvu 2 at 6:00 p.m. people in one fremont neighborhood are disturbed about a report of an arsonist on the loose. police say someone is setting fires in the warm springs area. jeanine is live in fremont. police believe that the person is responsible for 15 fires already. >> reporter: yes. and at this point they're not sure if that person is from the warm springs area. for some reason he or she has decided to target that neighborhood. i want to show what you it looks like behind me. you can see the leaves, everything is green, some dead leaves. if you go over here to the right, you can see completely blackened here the land was burned. these trees were set on fire. firefighters were able to put it out before it spread to the office building here. now, since july 25th, there have been 15 fires set on and between warm springs boulevard. the majority are occurring in the overnight hours between saturday evening and monday morning. but now they're starting to happen during the day as well. so far dumpsters, bushes, and trees have been set on fire. but authorities worry that the arsonist may get bolder and target homes. we spoke with a resident who ran out of office after neighbors said the backyard was on fire. she got emotional because it reminded her of a fire when she was young. >> it happened to our house before. it's kind of scary to think about. and so i didn't want to. i didn't want it to happen. >> reporter: fremont police do not have a suspect -- do not have suspect information. they have increased patrols in the area and detectives and arson investigators are working together to solve the case. they're looking for tips and would like to talk to anyone with information. they're telling people to be vigilant and don't hesitant to call if they spot someone suspicious in the neighborhood. something else that they're doing whenever fremont fire gets a call in the warm springs neighborhood, at least two police officers from fremont are also coming just in case it's related to this string of arsons. >> jeanine, thank you. strangers are coming together up in the north bay to help victims of the devastating fire in petaluma. we reported four homes were destroyed, ten more damaged last week. investigators say they believe the fire was started by someone who threw a cigarette out of the car window while driving on highway 101. money and items are steadily streaming in. the effort began the very night of the fire with the creation of a facebook group called helping petaluma which became a fund at the bank for the victims. >> i had a sweet 6-year-old boy empty his piggy bank on my counter. now we're in this huge project that we didn't expect but it's great. i'm surprised how quick it was. but the community is so wonderful. i wouldn't expect anything less. >> organizers say they have collected $8,000. and that's just in one week. >> one week. wow. the time is 7:13. we're also talking about hurricane math i it is blamed for at least 11 deaths. it really hit haiti. it is approaching the bahamas now. coming up at 7:30, how u.s. states are preparing for the storm. also, we showed you this dash cam video earlier in the week. it shows sacramento officers intentionally trying to hit a man before shooting him 14 times. were legal experts say the officers will not face charges despite what you see here. it's pretty slow in many areas. you will see the traffic is going to be busy on 80 westbound as you head over to the macarthur maze. a lot cooler this morning but it will be a lovely and beautiful fall day. temperatures warming up a teeny bit. >> welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:16. following new developments in the deadly shooting of a man in sacramento. in the video two officers can be heard saying they were trying to hit the man with their police car. when that didn't work, the two officers left their car, they shot 50-year-old joseph mann, 14 times. the lawyer representing the two officers says they faced a terrifying situation with a mentally disturbed man who was on drugs, armed with a knife, and acted -- and they acted reasonably. mann's family has called for a civil rights investigation and says the two police officers should be charged with murder. protesters angry about two officer-involved shootings in los angeles last weekend are demanding that the police chief, charlie beck be removed. >> fire charlie beck. fire charlie beck. >> last night demonstrators disrupted an lapd board of commissioners meeting. a brief recess was called until the audience calmed down. they accused the police department of covering up the excessive force of officers. a confrontation that claimed the life of snell. it shows snell holding what appears to be a gun. >> as the face of the police department, it's important that the public be able to trust what i say. you know, i am very, very judicious in what i tell you because that is my goal. in the other confrontation, los angeles police shot and killed a man they say held a realistic looking replica gun. the usual plastic orange tip had been changed to black to match the color of the gun. san francisco police officers will team up with mental health workers to henry solve conflicts with suspects. mayor ed lee made the announcement yesterday at the police acad de. they will partner with the department of public health. officers will be provided training on how to deescalate a situation and crisis intervention specialists will be sent out when there are standoffs with police. sal castaneda has had his hands busy this morning, right, sal. >> yeah. if you're at home just about to join in that, you know, commute, let's say this is highway 24, and you can see that the traffic is going to be busy here in la fayette and orinda. let's go to the bay bridge teleplays a the traffic is also slow here as you drive through the area. seeing a lot of slow traffic in the last little bit arrive at the toll plaza. if you're looking for an alternative, the san mateo bridge, there is traffic there. if you're trying to get to the san mateo, bridge you will have to deal with slow traffic on 880 and 192 before you make it on to the span. the bridge is getting filled in from side to side and that limit freeway is going to give you a lot of slow traffic to deal with. 7:19. let's go to steve. >> a good morning under mostly clear skies. it will be a little warmer today. but the lows are much, much cooler than yesterday by far. we are running cooler. high temperatures will bump up a little bit. let's talk about hurricane matthew. it was category 4. now it is a category 3. it weakened as it went over the land and higher terrain. that knocks the energy off of it. now over open water and feeding off of warm water that will strengthen again and get back up to category 4. now all attention is on florida and the atlantic side here. but 115, i expect that to pick up to 125, 130 maybe in the next update here. but north/northwest -- northwest now. yesterday it was all north. now it's jogging to the west. it is kind of bumping it back towards florida. the question is where will it go? there are many projections. most take it right along it looks like around tallahassee, cape canaveral, right around there, up to jacksonville by late thursday and into friday. again, not on the gulf side but the atlantic side. 40, 50 miles one way or the other can make a huge difference. florida has not had a hurricane make landfall in 11 years, back in 2005. it's been a long time. then it heads up to the carolinas. big nascar race in charlotte, north carolina on saturday. i doubt that happens. it's too close. after that, the forecast models take it out into the atlantic off of virginia. yesterday they took it up to the northeast. that's a huge change. we will see if they hold on to that. for us, cooler lows but sunny and nice today. 60s and 70s. temperatures bayside inland will be close here. bumping up a little bit. santa rosa hit 75 yesterday. we will go 77 today. starting off much cooler. san francisco 65 to 67. livermore 63. we will go 67. that's the spirit. san jose, 72 to 74. jasper, what comes after 75? dave? >> 76. >> 76. absolutely. there you go, livermore. a little bit of -- a couple guys out there going i get that. i get that. a little bit of rain up on the north coast. that's it. not much. but the system is calming things down a little bit. 43 napa airport. cool, cool out there. 46 palo alto and fairfield at 48. santa clara, you folks have dipped to 44. mid-40s morgan hill. saratoga 47. 18 now up in truckee. around lake tahoe, 27. incline at 30. two bits right there at south lake tahoe. everything points to sunshine here. that system comes through and warmer weather kicks in thursday and friday. top it out on saturday. it looks a little cooler on sunday. 70s on the temps bayside and inland. most close to average. maybe slightly below. tomorrow we will get to average. high temperatures will start to bump up each day. let's face it, sunset is 6:45 now. so it gets dark early, the days are shorter. but warmer friday and saturday. >> i like the 80s. >> a little bit. >> thank you, dave. >> you're welcome. san francisco's embarcadero on the list of endangered places. the double threat that could seriously damage it. first, a new state ruling about sex offender's homes in california. the changes that parents may notice this halloween. ♪ amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. with sleep number, you choose the exact firmness and comfort you want and so does your partner for the best sleep ever. the columbus day sale is on now with the queen c4 mattress set only $1399.98. plus 24-month financing. learn more at they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. with a break like this, we could dowhichever's faster. surgery means recovery time. a cast will get you back out there right away, but it's bulky. and can it take a beating? how did you break it again? roller derby. hip-checked. there's a rematch next week. snarling clementine has to be there. that's me. okay. so what color should the cast be? orange. orange is good. yeah, i like orange. it's kinda my thing. at john muir health, we know how big the little things can be. john muir health. be heard. >> some parents are concerned about a decision by california's corrections department. the agency has agreed not to require sex offends to post do not disturb signs on their doors on halloween. this decision comes after a sex offender near san diego sued the state saying he had been ordered to post a warning that he doesn't participate in trick- or-treating. it argued that it violates the free speech rights and could make them targets for vigilantes. it affects california's operation boo which protects young trick-or-treaters from pedophiles. it requires sex offenders to stay in their homes on halloween with no lights on and no holiday decorations. across the country, creepy clown threats have been popping up on social media. you have heard about it. threatened violence in schools. fairfield and ante action schools have been affected by the threats. they have increased school security as a precaution. so far none of the clown threats across the nation have turned out to be credible. a man shot in san francisco last night in the mission district is fighting for his life. he was near 15th and mission when he was shot at 8:20 last night. he was rushed to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. no word from police about what led to the shooting. they're also not giving us information on a suspect. so is it earthquake safe? up next, what a new report finds about san francisco's sinking millennium tower. plus -- >> reporter: keeping kids safe on their way to school. the effort underway this morning to make sure that drivers obey the speed limits and all of the kids walk to school safely. alla lot of it's a hoax.bal warminit's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪[music] >> the mayor blocked by the speed limit sign. i hope he will strap on the roller skates or go on the scooters like the little ones are. this is for rock and roll to school day which is today. this group just walked away from dianne feinstein elementary. they are getting down the basics of pedestrian safety. then they're going to hit the pavement and head over to school. >> he looks excited about it too. >> we ride our scooters to school every morning. no helmet, no wheel. something to pass on. thanks for joining us for mornings on 2. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. let's check your weather. you're going to like it. >> yeah. a little on the cool but higher on the high temps. we made a jump up yesterday. it was cloudy and light rain on monday, rainily north. overall santa rosa 75. bumping up 2 today because your low is so cool. livermore up 3 from 73 to 76. san jose 72 to 74. were you here on this date in san francisco in 1987? it was hot. 102. today will be 67. average is 70. the low, 55. right where we should be. and san jose also on this date, san francisco was hotter than san jose which was also a record but one shy. that 102 in city. 101. 77 today. average 74. 55. temperatures pretty close to seasonal average. it looks clear here. not on the north coast. getting a little bit of rain in arcade a. after the system goes through, look at the temperature difference. napa is down 14 compared to yesterday at this time. livermore minus 6. mountain view minus 8. san jose minus 7. the highs wills close to yesterday but slightly above. 60s and 70s. sal, it's been a long time. a lonely, lonely long time since we've had good rain. >> that's right. >> maybe around the 15th. >> and when we do, i think that the traffic is not going to be good. >> i agree with you on that. >> you should put that in the back of your mind. we will have expanded traffic and weather when we have weather like that. we are looking at the slow traffic this morning. a new crash reported southbound 880. actually it's been reported half an hour now. southbound 880. a bicyclist with major injuries here. now they have called the coroner to the scene. it doesn't seem to be affecting the commute as much as it would if you're using the tennison on- ramp. just keep that in mind. i want to mention the general area has been very slow this morning. if you pull back, you can see 880 is slow from 238 all the way down to fremont. dunbarton bridge slow to the pence l and the san mateo bridge traffic has heavy issues there. while we're here, we will look at the south bay as well. all of the freeways another tough day commute-wise getting into the west valley near sunnyvale, cupertino and mountain view. let's look at the bay bridge. that is backed up for a 20- minute delay. i have a look at 280. i was able to pull it up on the cameras here. downtown san jose will be slow coming around the corner. 7:33. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. this morning we're tracking the path of hurricane matthew. it just tore through the caribbean. it has left at least 11 people dead. >> matthew is expected to hit the bahamas later today. could reach florida tomorrow evening. alex savage is here to show us how people across the east coast are preparing for this powerful storm. >> good morning to you. preparations well underway in florida and other east coast states. a short time ago hurricane matthew was downgraded from a category 4 to a category 3. it will likely be strengthening again before it impacts the east coast. south carolina's governor announced just this morning that two counties are being evacuated as a precaution with people in other counties likely being ordered to leave tomorrow. many people have already decided to evacuate some of the coastal areas on their own from the carolinas all the way down to florida. a short time ago, the governor of florida held a news confer and warned that matthew could bring as much as ten inches of rain to coast rale areas of the state and cause widespread power outages. he said people should not wait to evacuate. to evacuate. >> matthew directly impacts florida. the destruction could be catastrophic and you need to be prepared. we are preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. and we're not going to take any chances. i hope no one in the state takes any chances. >> classes have been canceled tomorrow and friday at many school districts across florida's east coast. many people are also pulling their boats out of the water ahead of the storm. and across florida, the shelves are empty at many of the stores. people are stocking up ahead of hurricane matthew. whatever happies, even if the eye doesn't go, we will get a lot of swell and wind. i think it's best to stay safe. >> bring all of the stuff outside that could get blown around. we will bring it inside. >> and matthew has just finished barreling right through haiti and also impacted the eastern edge of cuba, packing powerful winds and heavy rain. you see some of the damage there left behind. homes were destroyed. trees were toppled. and in the end, the latest report says that at least 11 people were killed. at least five of those people were in haiti. right now, the storm headed straight for the bahamas. so in that area, they are preparing now. and then depending on exactly what path hurricane matthew takes, it could be near the florida coast by tomorrow night. send it back to you. >> the time is now 7:36. back here at home east bay mud crews have been on the scene of the broken water main in berkeley all morning. the main burst yesterday afternoon about 12:30. 40 buildings near university avenue and grant have not had water since. they hope to have water service in the buildings again within the next half hour but there's a lot more work to do around that broken pipe in the intersection. so university will stay closed from mlk way to mcgee just to give the work crews room to continue their work. san francisco's embarcadero is on the list of america's most endangered historic places. the national trust for historic preservation released the risk and says that the embarcadero could be destroyed by a major earthquake. the rising sea level is also a threat. we have been reporting on how vulnerable the 100-year-old sea wall is along the embarcadero. the city is now trying to fix the problem. san francisco's troubled millennium tower can withstand an earthquake. they found the settlement of the 58-story building has not had an impact on the structural ability or earthquake resistance. the homeowners association is doing its own investigation into the singing. the owner blames the sinking on the transit center. the agency says the transit -- the agency says that the millennium tower is sinking because it was built on pile that's were driven into clays instead of bedrock. the time i 7:38. drivers be extra careful today. it is rock and roll to school today. be careful. >> this means more bikes and scooters and little ones walking on sidewalks and roads. >> and they're about to get going. the timing is just perfect. we're at park side square. this is near dianne feinstein elementary. you see mayor ed lee there joined by elementary students on this rock and roll to school day. this is an event they're doing to raise awareness not just for the kids to be safe and get to school safely but also drivers in the area to slow down, obey the speed limit. it's an educational event they are doing for the kids. they just finished their warm- up. they are hitting the pavement. i want to bring in nicole ferrera. you are one of the organizers here. what is the goal here? what do you hope that students learn. >> reporter: the goal is to make sure that the streets are safe for all of the children. whether they're children of elementary school age or high school age. we want to build the safest streets possible. so the goal today is for kids to know their rights, to understand their rights but also to understand that the city is working to build safe streets through the program. >> reporter: san francisco unfortunately has had quite a few pedestrian car collisions over the years. how big a problem is it? >> it is quite a problem. three people are hit by cars every day. and almost every 18 hours in san francisco, we have a serious or fatal crash on our streets. so we -- the solution though, we know that there are solutions. the solution is to tame speeds and increase yielding for pedestrians which we know we have the tools to do. so -- >> reporter: and some of the tools are the road reconstruction projects that have been underway in san francisco, making the sidewalks wider and having pull-outs for public transit. you may get push back from drivers. what do you tell them to convince them. >> some people have the push back because they just see the street as needing to work for people driving. however we know that we can't grow and grow by just improving for vehicles. we need to do our part and really turn the tide so that people walking and biking and taking transit are also safe on our streets. because these are the groups, these are the modes of transportation that are the least safe. we need to make those safer. >> reporter: thanks, nicole with walk sf. we are on our way. we started two weeks away from dianne feinstein elementary. the kids are almost here. cars are being respectful of the kids. obviously heading to class. it's all for international walk and roll to school day. back to you guys. >> great. gasia is watching to make sure that the bicycle riders have a helmet. >> bicycle or scooter. no helmet, no wheels. that's in our house. still talking politics. did mike pence hurt donald trump? coming up in 20 minutes, the potentially detrimental comment he made during last night's vice presidential debate. also a 102-year-old woman handcuffed and put in the back of a police car. up next the sweet story about the reason that she actually wanted to be taken into custody. we are look at a commute where we have new problems developing on some of the bay area bridges. just getting to this brimming is now an adventure. we will tell you what happened along the route to make it slower. clear skies this morning but noticeably cooler. yet it will be a sunny and nice day. temperatures coming up a little bit. we'll show you the numbers. >> welcome back to mornings on 2. 7:43. a showdown of the pitching aces tonight. the giant playing the mets for the right to move on in the post season. yesterday the giants took batting and fielding practice at citi field. the mets are the defending national league champs. the giants have won three world series title since 2010. the mets won four games during the regular season. the giants won three. tonight mad bum will take the mound for the giants. >> it's not a series. that's all you have to know about it. you have to go up there and you have to have your stuff that day. you have to have your command, be on. that's -- that's it. >> that's right. baumgarten will face noah syndergaard 5:00 tonight. the winner of tonight's game moves on to play the cubs in the division series. our question of the day to you is sort of a fun one. it is about the giants. we want to know what do you think is the key ingredient to a giants win tonight? is it mad bomb? the manager? maybe the bats of buster posey? you can tweet us or post a comment on facebook. the american league wild card game, the key ingredient was dramatic fashion in extra innings. >> fly to deep left field. deep left field. >> edwin of the toronto bluejays hit a walk-off three- run home run in the bottom of the 11th inning. they won 5-2. orioles manager buck showalter is drawing criticism for not bringing in the closer. the bluejays go on to face the rangers in the division series. >> when he hit that ball, nobody moved. everybody knew it was gone. it was incredible. sal is right over there. you're watching the east shore and everything else. is that right. >> that's right. we're looking at a commute dave and gasia that has taken more than one hour to drive what it takes 20 minutes to drive when there is no traffic. if you were to get up at 4:00 in the morning and make this drive, it takes 18 to 20 minutes. right now it's taking more than an hour to drive the stretch. you can see for yourself even here in berkeley it is very slow driving down to the bay bridge toll plaza. guess what, when you get to the bay bridge, the clock starts again. we go to the bay bridge and you have to wait another 20, 25 minutes to get on to the span. so your drive from vallejo to san francisco is routinely taking an hour and a half now. that's without factoring in for driving to parking and all of that. kind of a tough one here. as we look at highway 4, it's been jammed. so has 680 and 24. 24 improves a little bit as you get closer to oakland. you will see slow traffic here. look at 24. it looks like something is going on here -- i don't know what that is up there near the bart station. something is in the -- is that something in the lane there's? 24 right before the bart station. and there goes a fire truck in the center divide. we just saw that. they're heading out to an injury accident. it just popped up on my screen as we're talking about. westbound 24 over at 680. there it is. this is just happening. this is not going to help the commute at all. there goes the fire truck in the center divide. 7:47. steve. >> sal, you know that's going to back up to walnut creek. >> yeah. and highway 4. it's a whole chain. >> thank you, thank you. it's nice out there. we have clear skies. when you get clear skies especially on the coast and inland locations it cools off rapidly. by the way, i had a viewer send me a message on facebook and say it's 30 in bernie, california. that's right. point ray is clear and 45 this. month. a little chill there on the coast. but patrick, good morning, steve, orange sky. go giantsed. i get it. go giants. by the way, the forecast is almost the same in new york city as it is for san francisco. sunny and upper 60s to near 70. the lows are very cool this morning. much cooler than yesterday. the high temperatures will bump up, not a lot. santa rosa up 2. san francisco up 2. livermore goes from 73 to 76. and san jose from 72 to 74. san jose, 70s today. but 101 back in 1987. 74 is a little below average. we're close but tomorrow i think we get near average to above on most clear skies and a northerly breeze eastbound september on the north coast. eureka and crescent city, you see the rain there. a weak piece of energy clipping the west part of the state. 49 in half moon bay. fairfield 44. napa airport, 43. palo alto at 46. here is your temperature difference compared to 24 hours ago. clouds 24 hours ago. clear this morning. napa airport down 14. mountain view down 8. livermore 6. oakland down 8 degrees as well. 41. another observation by napa. i know there's a couple people who say it's cold in napa. it is. glenn helen at 41. other locations in the 50s. you think it's cold here, 18 up in truckee. 49, 48. even 48 in monterey. that is cool. the coast is clear and cool. high pressure will start to warm us up. especially tomorrow and friday and saturday look to be the warmest days. 60s and 70s. not a huge difference on the temperatures. slightly below average. so tomorrow looks to be a day where we will have normal temperatures or average temperatures for this time of year. then it looks above dave, especially inland and bayside friday and saturday. >> look at that. >> yeah. >> thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. the time is 7:50. a great story when miss edie sims was asked what she wanted for her 102nd birthday, she wanted to cross something off of her bucket list. in her whole life she had never been in the back of a police car. so the st. louis police department made her dreams come true. the police car pulled up to the senior center where she lives. the police slapped handcuffs on her and drove her downtown. now, she said it was a great ride. but then she turned serious. she gave some advice that she says helped her live a long and happy life. she says volunteer. >> spend some time doing community service. because sometimes the people that you reach out and touch is the only person that they will talk to in a day. >> all right. i love her. miss sims is still following her own advice too. she made 413 gifts for the people who live in her senior center and gave them out at a recent bingo game. she has her police hat on now and she has no plans of slowing down or acting her age. the time is 7:51. well, does the government have access to your private e-mails? up next, the accusations that yahoo is facing this morning. follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. maxx life at t.j.maxx. >> we're following developing news from belgium. officials say two police officers were stabbed by a man in an incident athat may be terror related. one officer was stabbed in the neck. another stabbed in the stomach. a third officer had his nose broken. the suspect was finally captured and detained after being shot in the leg. investigators would not lap rate on the possible terror connection. the injuries of the officers are not life threatening. this is the third violent attack on police officers in belgium since august. well, there are reports this morning yahoo has allowed u.s. intelligence officials to scan private incoming e-mails. yahoo not confirming or denying the reports. but other tech companies like apple and google say they have never been approached by the government to scan e-mails. they also said if they were asked, they would not do it. no one knows why the government might want to see yahoo e-mails in particular. reportedly the government asked yahoo to search e-mails for a set of characters or a particular phrase. well, sears is selling off a big part of its stores and target plans to get smaller. pam cook back in the studio with me now with today's money business. >> a lot of business news this morning. >> yeah. >> sears reportedly close to selling off its craftsman brand for $2 billion. it looks like the lead bitter is stanley black and decker but it will take more than that sale to stay in business. checking in on the stock market. stocks have been pretty quiet, trading in day narrow range for the most part. the jobs report comes out on friday. we have the presidential election that is uncertain and when the fed might raise interest rates. hearsay look at the dow jones. up 92 points. the nasdaq and s&p 500 is also up right now. starting next october prepaid card issuers will have to provide users with basic information about their accounts for free. that includes transaction histories and current balances. protections for lost and stolen cards will expand to cover the prepaid debit cards. they are sold in grocery stores and convenience stores most often. they are used instead of checking accounts by lower income americans. airlines are trying to assist passengers whose flights may have been impacted by hurricane matthew. some are waiving change fees and fare differences for those flying into and out of select airports. delta is refunding tickets for flights delayed or canceled more than an hour and a half. target is going after young you are shoppers, opening smaller more focused stores in college towns. and they won't have strollers and kids toys. but very interesting because target has brought in a lot of shoppers because they're a one- stop shop and now they're targeting a smaller group. they have lost shoppers in the last year. >> thank you, pam. time now to check in with mike and gasia. >> thank you, dave. at least 15 fires in one part of the bay area under investigation. >> what is scary is all fires start small. and you just never know what can happen. >> coming up at 8:00, how officials in fremont are stepping up patrols to catch an arson suspect and keep residents safe. the vice presidential candidates debated last night. we will have the highlights from the clash. i want to show you what is going on on highway 24. they have temporarily stopped and now they're letting traffic through as they cleared an accident from the center divider and moved it over to the side near the bart station. but there's a huge back-up. we will tell you more about it coming up. much cooler on the lows. but we have clear skies and smooth sailing for slightly warmer afternoon temps. j?j?j7 they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. so i got your test results an allergy to cat dander.w there are options, but the most effective course of action would be to remove the source of the allergens. he's got a name. it's herbert. as long as you live with herbert, you're going to have the respiratory symptoms. and i'll have the joy that only a kitty cat can bring. okay, well there are some things we can do to minimize the impact. allergy shots, a nasal steroid... does that sound doable? i'm in. at john muir health, we know how big the little things can be. john muir health. be heard. >> six times tonight i have said to governor pence i can't imagine how you can defend your running mate's position. and in all six cases he has refused to defend. >> don't put words in my mouth. >> the first and only vice presidential debate of 2016 now in the books. we will break down the highlights. an arsonist is on the loose, setting more than a dozen fires in fremont. we will tell you how this person is operating and what is being done to catch them. mornings on 2 continues. >> this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is wednesday, october 5th. i'm mike mibach. >> and i'm gasia mikaelian. we see the sun behind us. weather-wise we're a little warmer and sunnier than yesterday. >> that's correct. mike if you're concerned about the weather in new york city, don't be. >> wonderful. i'm on board. >> thank you, gasia and mike. it will be sunny and nice. 70 at game time. it will be sunny and nice in san francisco. upper 60s to 70. it looks good. a lot of cloud coverage. this time yesterday it was cloudy and temperatures in the 50s. well, clear skies now. and temperatures really dropped off much cooler but it will be much warmer today. a little bit. santa rosa up 2. san jose up 2 from yesterday's highs. san francisco 1987, were you here? 102. wow. it was hot. 67 today. average is 70. clear skies. if there's a high cloud or two it might be to the north. light rain there. 40sand 50s. a lot more 40s this morning. east bay, walnut creek dipped to 43. concord 46. blackhawk 46. but otherwise we look good to go. sunshine and 60s and 70s. sal, highway 24 at la fayette. >> yeah. right before the la fayette bart station. if you drive from walnut creek to oakland and driving past the bart stations in the center median or off to the center median, the first one at la fayette, there's a crash before it. they were removing cars and parts of cars out of the lanes. it seems like they have been successful. but the damage is done. 24 is super heavy now coming from walnut creek which means it will affect interstate 680. people are wondering what the heck is going on. it will takes a while for the traffic to unwind before it gets going. the traffic had been doing very well. it was beginning to get better. but now this has set it back quite a bit. let's go to the bay bridge. traffic backed up for a 20 to 25-minute delay. reminding people of the dreamforce conference in san francisco. that is putting a lot of strain on the streets not closed. 3rd and 4th, for example. we talked about walnut creek and concord. i want to mention highway 4. it is slow. i also notice that 680 from the bridge. driving down from the bridge and getting into contra costa counsel deis slow. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. mike pence and tim kaine faced off in virginia last night for the one and only debate. >> the analysts of the campaign giving their opinions and reactions this morning. carolina shivley has more on the story. caroline. >> reporter: good morning to you, mike and gasia. neither one of the vp nominees had any major gaffs last night but they had plenty to say. >> you are donald trump's sopranist. >> i think it is my time. >> isn't this a discussion? >> reporter: democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine not wasting any time interrupting mike pence a noticeable number of times throughout the 90-minute debate. >> kaine was interrupting, over mod lated, too hot coming in. couldn't settle down. >> reporter: kaine tried to question pence on donald trump's tax returns. >> why won't he release his tax returns. >> his tax returns showed he went through a very difficult time. but he used the tax code the way it's supposed to be use. >> reporter: governor pence fired back again and again. >> so senator, this -- this insult driven campaign, that is small potatoes compared to hillary clinton calling half of donald trump's supporters a basket of deplorables. >> reporter: however some democrats say that pence was dodging kaine's questions. >> mike pence was not engaging at those point snooze republicans are calling pence the clear winner. >> i would imagine that the clinton team will be saying these vice presidential debates never really matter now do they. >> reporter: next up, sunday night in st. louis, donald trump and hillary clinton will face off for their second presidential debate. back to you guys. >> caroline, thank you. >> and now for the breakdown of the debate and who came out on top, we have joe tuman in the studio with us. joe, i know we want to play a byte that captures the dynamic of last night's debate. kaine forcing pence to defend donald trump. >> donald trump and i would never support legislation that punished women who made the heart breaking choice to end a pregnancy. >> why did donald trump say that. >> we never would. >> why did he say that. >> look, he's not a polished politician like you and hillary clinton. >> that was the most personal and intense policy discussion last night. why important to you. >> at that moment that was near the debate. kaine was repeating what he had done as a tactic really since he decided not to be interruptive like the first third of the debate. he was forcing pence to defend trump. and, you know, this is a visual medium. television is a visual medium. pence answered with silence by shaking his head. occasionally he would say you took that out of context or forgot to mention this part of the answer. for the most part he was not denying anything that kaine was saying about quoting trump. and in this moment finally looking exacerbated he said well he's not the most polished politician. what he was really saying, yeah, he did say those things and i'm tired of defending him. and that was i think the clear translation. it was a waving of the flag. pence in this exchange, i don't know if there are winners or losers in debates. the kinds of debates that i did in high school and college and when i coached college debate were arguments accident people talking to each other and not around each other and audience tracked who the winner is. these are performances. but in this performance, if we're judging who had the stronger performance, kaine's tactic of going after pence and making him try to defender forcing him not to defend his running mate's statements i think was probably the smartest strategy. it was a winning performance in that sense of being a winning performance. i think for governor pence, he was basically playing the cards that he had -- the lousy cards that he had been dealt by his running mate. i would like to give him the benefit of the doubt for things that he said like when he berate kaine and said the mexican thing. it didn't sound good when he said that. if you inserted black or jewish in place of mexican, there would be an outcry from the communities saying you should not reduce us to that broad swap. >> did these guys damage clinton or trump? >> no. in that exchange about the mexican thing would be offensive to hispanic and latinos. but trump has already been offensive to hispanic and latinos. that razz obviously adding to an impression of the campaign. they're doing outreach. trump has not tried hard to reach out to hispanic and latino voters anyway. >> you say there were probably not many undecided who decided last night. what does either party have to do to win the undecided? >> if you're hillary clinton, you need to assure them either that you are trustworthy or that the team, the vice president and the president as a team are in some ways trustworthy and honorable, have a good back story. or you have to continue to make that argument while also pointing out that the alternatives are worse. i think that the risk honestly guys for the undecideds is not that they decide to vote for trump instead if you're hillary clinton. it's if they decide not to vote at all. >> hillary clinton would be hurt by someone sitting out. >> i gave a lecture last week at the university of berkeley when i asked how many are bernie sanders originally. almost 800 of 1,000 raised their hands. how many are following bernie sanders' advice and voting for clinton. if you don't vote, that is one of the situations that donald trump wins and hillary clinton loses? do you understand that? that's a message that has to be made to them in this way. some of the people are in the undecided audience you're talking about. they're leaning towards but not enthusiastic. she has to do a better job to increase that enthusiasm and turn them out to vote. >> enthusiasm gap that i hadn't heard before this election. >> thank you for talking about what we saw last night. >> the next debate between clinton and trump is on sunday. you can watch it right here. our coverage begins at 6:00 in the evening. here at home, the search is on in fremont for whoever is setting fires in the warm springs neighborhood. no serious injuries so far. jeanine, you say that authorities want to stop the arsonist before the problem becomes birth. how are they doing in that effort? >> reporter: well, they haven't gotten far. they really need some help. they're not sure why the arsonist is targeting the neighborhood. they're not sure if he is local or from here. as you can see, he has been setting fires, especially in bushes and these trees that you see that are scorched. now, so far that's what the fires have been limited to, just vegetation as well as dumpsters. but people who live in the area are worried that the flames will spread to their homes. there's been 15 fires set on or near warm springs boulevard since mid july. the majority are happening in the overnight hours. but some have occurred during the day. fremont fire officials say the arsonist is tying up resources and putting the community at risk. >> so they have started out small. and now the fires have been progressively growing in size. they are next to homes. >> why does he or she want to do something like this to someone else? because it's terrible. it's a terrible feeling. >> reporter: fremont police are working with arson investigators from fremont fire to track down the person responsible. so far they don't have a suspect description and they don't have a motive. we've been told every time that there is a fire call in warm springs, two police officers will now respond. they have also increased their patrols in the neighborhood. but they really need information from the public and authorities are asking anyone who may know something to give them a call. gasia. >> jeanine, thank you. hurricane matthew and its 115 miles per hour wind are making their way to the southeastern part of the united states. coming up in 20 minutes, the evacuations underway in two states. also more fallout from two deadly police shootings in los angeles. up next, the visible anger towards the embattled police chief. still kind of a rough one out there as you might be able to see with our pictures here. highway 24 is not doing very well at all. we will tell you what happened here that really slowed down this commute. our weather is going to be doing very well later today. a little cool for some of you this morning. all signs point towards sunshine and warmer temperatures. >> santa rosa police are investigating a home invasion robbery of suspects armed with a knife and a gun. a man sleeping in the backyard cottage woke up to two suspects with ski masks in his bedroom. he was stabbed. the man in the main house says four other suspects entered the home. the dog may also have been stabbed. police have not said what if anything was taken from the home. following the developments of a shooting of a man in sacramento. two officers canning heard saying they are trying to hit the man with their patrol car. when that did not work, the two officers left their vehicle and shot 50-year-old joseph mann fourteen times. an attorney representing the officers say they faced a terrifying situation where a mentally disturbed man on drugs and with a knife and acting unreasonable. the relatives have called for a civil rights investigation and says that the two officers should be charged with murders. protesters angry about two officer-involved shootings in los angeles demanding that the police chief charlie beck be removed. >> fire charlie beck. the protesters disrupted the meeting last night. a recess was called until they calmed down. they accused the police chief of covering up the excessive force of the police officers. the video shows snell holding what appeared to be a gun. >> as the face ever the police department, it's important that the public be able to trust what i say. so, you know, i am very judicious in what i tell you because that is my goal. >> in the other confrontation, los angeles police shot and killed a man they say held a real looking replica gun. the usual plastic orange tip had been changed to black to match the color of the gun. let's collect in with sal to see how the wednesday commute is going. highway 24 not in great shape as you're driving over to the tub he will. i want to show you the area near the la fayette bart station. there was an earlier crash. they did a good job get thanksgiving out of the way but slow traffic was left in its wake. 680 is also slow. it has had a chain reaction on the entire region. the good news, no serious injuries. but this traffic is behind schedule. what it might do for you if you are driving in orinda, it might give you an opportunity to get ahead of this crowd before it gets to you if you're going soon you might want to get out ahead of the crowd rather than be stuck in the traffic which eventually will make its way to the bay bridge. let's look at the bay bridge right now. traffic is improving here. with that wave of traffic that is coming this way, i don't think it's going to stay good for too long. if you're going to the city, you know, between 9 and 10:00, i would leave as early as you could to stay on a schedule. let's talk about the silicon valley commute. a lot of traffic going into sunnyvale, palo alto. no surprises there. a couple of incidences but none of them major. just slow traffic getting into the valley. 8:19. today's weather i say it's a perfect day. >> what did sal say at 24. >> 24 the crash is gone near the bart station but it will be super heavy from walnut creek to oakland. >> thank you, sir. sal touched on this. it is a very nice day. this is sal's stamp of approval. clear skies and great visibility. cooler lows for sure. a couple of upper 30s to the north. napa county 36. thank you, gary, for that information. that's his neighbor cliff's thermometer. it said 36. i believe him. 60sand 70s. it will be nice. yesterday we warmed up. partly sunny yesterday. but we bumped up to 75, 65, 63, 72. today, santa rose a77. san francisco up to 2 to 67. livermore from 73 to 76. and san jose from 72 to 74. average is 70-55. the record on this date, 102 in 1987. san jose says our record was also in 1987 on this date but not as hot as san francisco's 101. today 74 and 51. below average on both. 38 back in 1893 the record low. clear skies and a northerly breeze except on the north coast. just a few showers up there. not a big deal. 40s and 50s half moon bay. 49. a lot of 40s. palo alto 47. low 40s around napa county this morning. menlo park, stanford is in there. upper 40s. hillsborough is in there. and belmont. mostly sunny. the system moves through and then high pressure builds in. not big time but above normal temps on friday and saturday. tomorrow it's slightly below with 70s for many. 60s closer to the coast. we're getting to time of year where there's an a huge difference on the temperatures. not today. 60s and 70s on the temps. tomorrow looks warmer. we take that into saturday and a little cooler on sunday. >> thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. a program aim today protect trick-or-treaters gets pulled back. how a sex offender won a lawsuit against california correction officers saying his rights were being violated. also -- how some sailors and marines are helping ill children have a better day. they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. >> the syrian government has released new video that shows the devastation of the civil war there. this video shows what the military government media says is troops running through during daily patrols in aleppo. new satellite images shows a lot of damage. the u.n. says it looks like rubble being pushed around. human rights group from the u.k. says 400 civilians have been killed in aleppo in the past month. wildfires are driving fire fighting costs to record levels. they called on congress to increase funding for the u.s. forest service. for years the obama administration has been pushing to allow the forest service to dip into a disaster fund when its fire fighting allotment has been used up. some say it will cut into hurricanes and floods. some say firefighters won't be as responsible if they have the emergency funds to fall back on. all of the evacuation orders for the destructive loma fire have been lifted. the burning is in the santa cruz mountains since last week. crews started to remove equipment. the fire is 90% contained. the loma fire destroyed 28 structures including 12 homes and burned through 4800 acres. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. some members of the military in san francisco for fleet week took time to contribute to the community. members of the navy and marine corps played with young patients at the children's office. there were games of battle ship and tea parties and story telling. helping the patients is one of the best parts of the service members jobs. >> it means a lot to us. it's what we like to do. flying the jets, smiles on kids faces. it's up in the sky. it's pretty awesome. >> the crew members say many of the children did not even know who the blue angels are, what they did know is for a few hours they had visitors to play with. their new friends in the military says that was more than enough. we have a complete list of fleet week events on the home page under our local news section. it's not even halloween but some schools in the bay area are getting a real scare. the threat by what some are calling creepy clowns are now under investigation. plus -- >> reporter: keeping kids safe and active on the way to school. the event underway this morning for international walk to school day and why san francisco's mayor says the priority for road development should be pedestrians over drivers commutes. it's still slow in some areas. that's been helped along by some of the commute -- some of the crashes that we've had. but this commute is improving here in san jose. and our weather is improving. a little chilly this morning. but it will be sunny and nice today. beautiful fall day. we will see what is in store for the rest of the week. narrator: it wasn't that long ago. years of devastating cutbacks to our schools. 30,000 teachers laid off. class sizes increased. art and music programs cut. we can't ever go back. ryan ruelas: so vote yes on proposition 55. reagan duncan: prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new cuts to our schools. letty muñoz-gonzalez: simply by maintaining the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. ryan ruelas: no new education cuts, and no new taxes. reagan duncan: vote yes on 55. sarah morgan: to help our children thrive. reagan duncan: vote yes on 55. with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be...and more. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> hurricane matthew leaves a path of destruction in the caribbean. now the powerful storm is headed right towards the united states. welcome back to mornings on 2, everyone. i'm mike mibach. >> and i'm gasia mikaelian. hurricane matthew heading towards the southeastern u.s. at this hour. four states have declared a state of emergency. north carolina, south carolina, georgia and florida. hurricane matthew could reach the united states by tomorrow night. at this point it's a category 3 hurricane. maximum sustained winds are at 120 miles per hour. matthew is being blamed for at least 11 deaths, including five in haiti. we know one man drowned while trying to rescue a child that fell into a river. the child was later saved. forecasters predict it will move across the bahamas today and tomorrow and reach florida's east coast on thursday night. >> reporter: there's always been fear but what can you do? that's normal. >> basically i'm just getting sand to put the back of the door in case the water comes. >> hurricane matthew is leaving a path of destruction through the caribbean. the storm destroyed homes in eastern cuba. meanwhile back in the u.s., south carolina ordered the vac weighs of two counties. more counties are expected to be added to the list tomorrow. parts of florida also being evacuated. the national hurricane center in miami issued a storm surge warning with surges potentially hitting florida's eastern coast. government officials are worried about complacence e, especially in south florida which has not seen a major hurricane in 11 years. >> you must leave before it's too late. during the storm we cannot put first responder's lives as risk. you have to prepare yourself. >> residents have been stocking up on supplies. there are reports of dwindling food and water with long lines at gas stations. no one knows for sure where matthew will make landfall in the u.s. but officials are urging extreme caution. we want to bring in our steve paulson right now. no one knows for sure but where does it look like it could go. >> south carolina. >> south carolina. >> the outer bands are the one that's will skirt the eastern part of the atlantic there in florida. they haven't had a hurricane since 2005, october. that was wilma. it's been a long time. 11 years. some of the wave heights could be upwards of 35 feet. that's why they're concerned about it in florida. it has strengthened matthew a little bit. went over the higher terrain there in haiti and cuba and lost some of the strength. now that it's over open water and warm temperatures, it starts to feed on that. there is little wind sheer which has a tendency to knock down the hurricane. that's not the case now. it was due north yesterday. now northwest. slowing around. high pressure built to the north of that. that is allowing it more of a job towards the florida coast. here is the key. again, these tracks can change. but the majority of those take it parallel to the eastern sea board on the atlantic side of florida. fort pierce, melbourne, palm beach, cape canaveral. have to watch for that. cocoa, jacksonville. not the georgia coast. by the way, there has not been a category 4 to hit the georgia coast since 1898. it looks like around the south carolina and skirting north carolina out to sea. the question, what would happen to it after? there are signs it might rotate back around 7 days out. there will be a lot with matthew over the next few days. our weather is beautiful. christian out at moss beach here. boy, clear skies. it was cool on the coast. a beautiful start at moss beach. temperatures will bump up a little bit today. not a lot. the lows are cooler. a couple degrees warming in san francisco and san jose. these are a little below average for this time of year. a beautiful day here. a little bit of shower activity on the north coast. not much to write home about. very cool for some this morning. 30s and 40s. now we're bouncing off the morning lows. not before 42 in woodside this morning. all clear and clouds to the north and warmer temperatures for tomorrow. that leaves the 60s, 70s. no 80s yet. but tomorrow we start to see some. do you want to start with 24 or did something else pop up. >> yeah. we're starting with the bridge, steve. because a lot of people on 24 have now made it to the bay bridge. and as we show you here in this picture that we're about to pop up, it will be crowded at the bay bridge. it is backing up now. although the carpool lanes are good and bart hasn't had any serious problems. if we have been getting into san francisco using bart, it's been the week to do that with the dreamforce conference and fleet week this week in the city. it has been super busy, busier than normal. moving along the maps here. we're showing you the south bay. before you even get to the south bay, we're talking about the east bay commutes on 880 southbound. you can see the traffic is going to be still busy driving on southbound 880 down to fremont, and san mateo bridges and we look at the south bay that had a lot of fender benders. let me show you 280 in san jose. a slight improvement and then reward had more slow traffic. people saw it was better and now it's slow again. this is what we're dealing with getting into the west valley. drivers should be extra careful today in san francisco. this is international walk and roll to school day. ktvu's allie rasmus is live in san francisco. there are more bikers and scooters and walkers out this morning. >> reporter: yes. you're talking about congestion of the bay area ride. a giant way to avoid it, walk instead if you can. we're about a block and a half away from dianne feinstein elementary. earlier this morning we caught up with about 50 kids who walked a couple blocks to get to class this morning. it was part of an event going on for international walk and roll to school day. the goal is really to teach kids about pedestrian safety. also get them active and get their day started with a little exercise and raise awareness with drivers. to go the speed limit, especially in school zones and take it easy on the roads. san francisco unfortunately has had a number of pedestrian- vehicle collisions. an average of three people a day are hit and injured by cars in san francisco. a short time ago we talked with mayor ed lee. there's a lot of road reconstruction projects going on in san francisco where they're adding bicycle lines and expanding sidewalks. we talked to the mayor about why he thinks that needs to be the priority in san francisco even if it frustrates drivers. >> even drivers want safe streets. work with us on engineering streets that can be a little more efficient be when they're trying to get on the stuffed freeways or boulevards, we can work with them on the routes. today it's about safer streets. >> reporter: now, according to walk sf, they estimate about 44%, nearly half of all of the trips kids take to the san francisco public schools every day involve waking, biking or taking public transit. organizers hope that families are already getting the message of the importance of this. back to you. still in the city, san francisco municipal transportation agency will hold an open house to talk about projects rebuilding the two busy streets in city. it clears the way for san francisco's first bus rapid transit system. the animation shows that the bus lanes will be painted red. here it is again. it will separate the bus lane from the other lanes of the traffic. the project adds bike lanes and widens sidewalks as well. construction on that projects peck today take two years. congestion will likely become worse. but the city says the project will eventually improve safety and keep traffic moving. if you would like to have a say, the meeting starts at 6:00 at the tenderloin community school. some parents say they are concerned about a decision by california's department of corrections. they will not require sex offenders to post do not disturb signs on their doors on halloween. the decision comes after a sex offender near san diego sued the state saying he had been ordered to post a warning that he does not participate in trick-or-treating. the lawsuit argued that such warnings violent offender's due process and free speech rights and could make them targets for vigilantes. it aims to protect young trick- or-treaters from pedophiles. it requires sex offenders to stay inside their homes on halloween with no lights on or any holiday decorations. across the country, the creepy clown threats have been popping up on social media, threatening violence in schools. schools in fairfield and antioch have been targeted by the threats. they have increased school security as a precaution. so far none of the clown threats across the country have been credible. tonight the giants will be moving on to the division series or coming back home and packing up from new york. they were down at the field yesterday in preparation for the wild card game against the mets. the mets have a 4-3 series wins over the giants. baumgarten will be on the mound tonight. >> winner take all game. you know, it's not a series. so, you know, that's -- that's really all there is to know about it. you have to go up there and you've got to have your stuff that day. you've got to have your command and be on. i mean, that's it. >> baumgarten faces noah syndergaard at 5:00 tonight. the winner will play the chicago cubs in the division series. so our question of the day is about the giants. what is the key ingredient to a giants win tonight? is it mad bomb starting the game? is it the skipper and what decisions he will have to make or the bats of buster posey or hunter pence. jay hanes tweeting mad bomb is the man but in need the bats to show up. i agree with that one. don't fear playing small ball. keep the responses come. now, meanwhile the american league wild card dramatic fashion in extra innings. watch. tch. >> fly to deep left field. and the ball game is over. >> edwin of the toronto bluejays hit a walk off three run home run in the bottom of the 11th. buck showalter is drawing criticism for not bringing in closer zach who posted the lowest e.r.a. in the majors this year. the bluejays will face the rangers. >> key ingredient you keep him in the bullpen and don't play him. campaign video that prompted a copy right claim. ♪[music] up next, the appeal to katy perry her. and up next, the surprising reason that a 102-year-old woman ended up handcuffed in the back of a police squad car and she did not even commit a crime. we're seeing that it's beginning to improve in some areas. but still very slow in others. marin county commute isn't too bad. heading out of marin county into san francisco. the napa airport reported a little bit of fog. that's the only clouds that we can find. sunny and warmer today. we will have the numbers. they're bringing crime, when mexthey're rapists.ople... are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> the time is 8:44. we're learning about other complaints about a former police officer charged in the bay area law enforcement sex scandal. prosecutors revealed that ex livermore police officer dan black is accused of video taping a sexual encounter without permission as well as having sex with someone under the influence. black is one of the officers arrested in this case. he is facing five misdemeanors, including charges of lewd conduct and serving the teenager alcohol. the teenager used to go by the name of celeste and now goes by jasmine. the san jose police union says a staffing shortage is putting officers and the public at risk. the san jose police department is down about 500 officers from where it should be. city auditor recently released a report showing the city has spent $36 million this year in police overtime to adequately staff daily shifts. some officers have such short turn around between shifts that they have taken to sleeping in rvs at headquarters. >> our officers are humans and get sick and fatigued and you can't come to work in that condition. it's not safe for the officers or the citizens. >> the mayor and the police chief say the fix is measure f on the november ballot. it would overhaul the police departments and pension system and that city leaders would lead to getting more officers out on the streets. edie sims are an unusual birthday request. she wanted to cross something off her bucket list. in her 102 years of life she had never been in the back of a police car. may we be able to say the same, mike. >> yes. we'll just keep moving on. >> there's a story there. maybe we will hear it on the 9:00. the st. louis police department made her dreams come true. she pulled up to the senior center where she lives and put her in handcuffs and in the back of the squad car and drove her downtown. she turned serious and gave a piece of advice. she says volunteer. >> spend some time doing community service. because sometimes the people that you reach out and touch is the only person that they will talk to in a day. >> absolutely. volunteer. it means so much. that person to person contact. sims by the way is still following her own advice. she made these 413 gifts for people who live in the senior center and gave them out at a recent bingo game. she has a new hat and has no plans to slow down or quote, acting her age. >> love her attitude. >> yeah. >> let's go over to sal. >> you've been in plenty of police cars. >> for ride-alongs. >> i didn't think about that. >> oh. >> i thought something else. >> we're going to leave that there of course. mike. good morning, everyone. it's taking a long time unfortunately for you to get to your job or school or wherever you're going this morning. but i do have good news. there's a little bit of improvement here on the bridge to the macarthur maze. 45 minutes. no major problems on the way. just a lot of slow traffic. and trust me, i hear the complaints about the commutes. the last few days we have done stories about how bad the commute is. i'm getting messages about how terrible the drive to work is. i do sympathize. we're trying to help. this is a look at the macarthur maze to the bay bridge toll plaza commute. you see slow traffic. con at that costa county has been acting up. it looks like it's still 7:30 in the morning on 680 because of an earlier accident on 24. 580 through oakland is slow and so is 880 heading north. at 8:48, nice weather. >> very nice weather for us, sal. it will be nice for the giants tonight in new york as well. sunny and nice and clear. upper 60s to near 70. it will be a little dicey here. a little concern over the next three or four days as matthew picks up strength, heading back into the open water. that means feeding off warm ocean temps. the bahamas in line. 120 miles per hour. now a jog to the west. now it's north/northwest. i just saw some of the updated forecast models coming in. one took it parallel to the coast. the other one takes in right about melbourne, florida. cape canaveral sticks out like a sore thumb. that's a huge issue there. along about fort pierce north, towards melbourne and then category 3, category 4 up then off towards maybe daytona beach. it looks to be the window here. maybe it will stay off of the coast a little bit. but there are hints now that it's moving back towards the atlantic coast. atlantic coast. after it goes back out off of the carolina coast. others take it into south carolina. we will focus on florida right now. for us, very quiet. hashedly anything going on except sunshine and warmer temperatures and clouds zipping down the coast. sunny for all today. cooler lows for sure. it looks nice. a lot of sunshine. a system up north. that's about the only place that will have active weather. the breeze has picked up a bit. not too much. 40s on a lot of the lows. 123 degrees cooler at the napa airport this morning than 24 hours ago. few high clouds in the north. everything says sunshine and warmer temperatures. these are still slightly below average. close to the coast and bay are near where they should be. inland temperatures are running a little cooler. by tomorrow they do warm up. and then we will see warmer temperatures taking us into friday and saturday. >> thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. a new development in the yahoo e-mail scandal. more from the silicon valley giant. >> new this morning, yahoo is reacting to a report that it scanned and reported back on what was in users' e-mails. yahoo developed scanning technology and told intelligence officials when it found a set of characters or a police car phrase requested by the nsa. now yahoo says the report is, quote, misleading and mail scanning describe does not exist on yahoo systems but yahoo stopped short of denying e-mail being scanned. electronic frontier foundation says if the report is true, it is a troubling invasion of privacy. >> we're talking about a broad order to a company like yahoo where they're asked to scan all incoming e-mails. that really isn't the sort of thing that they should be complying with. essentially impossible to do that in a constitutional way. >> yahoo has received requests to terminate accounts since the report was released. sears is selling off a big part of the store and target is shrinking. >> yes. target is going after younger shoppers by opening smaller, more focused stores in college towns. the stores will have dorm and apartment sized gadgets and decor. it will place certain items together such as ping-pong balls near the beer. and they won't have any strollers and kids toys in the new stores. checking in on the opening bell. ups visiting the market. actually they will be there later. this is the president's cup ringing the bell this morning. it looks like a pretty good day to start. we will see where we finish. here is a live look at the dow jones. up 120 points. so up another 20 or so since the last hour i was looking at it. three quarters of a percentage point nasdaq and s&p 500 the same. we have an important monthly employment report coming out friday morning. google is pushing to become a familiar name in the hardware business. it is offering a high end smart phone called pixel. the phone is offered through verizon or on google play. the price starts at $650. people who have seen the phone say its camera quality is higher than the iphone 7 and has free unlimited storage for full resolution images shot with the camera. sears was one of the biggest retailer at one point. it developed malls back in the 1950s. and it led the way for customers to order and have it delivered. but now it is falling apart piece by piece. bids for its craftsman brand are due at the end of the month. stanley black and decker and a company out of hong kong are the top bidders. sears is also considering selling off the kenmore and die hard brand but also working on licensing those for possible sale in other retailers. analysts very skeptical this will be enough to save sears. one retailer put it very well. sears will get leaner and meaner but there might not be a reason to walk into the store. people go there for those brands. they're not necessarily shopping there for clothing as the other places. frankly they have to compete with online. >> right. there's a big sears building empty in downtown oak land. a couple miles that way. >> you will probably see more of those. >> is it earthquake safe? what a report found out about the sinking millennium tower. at such an amazing price? no. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. >> the time is 8:57. san francisco supervisor in a copy right trouble issue over a campaign video. watch. ♪[music] ♪ he's always shown the world his worth ♪ ♪ >> it features drag queens singing his phrases to katy perry's fireworks. sony september him a cease and desist letter. the drag queens wrote a letter to katy perry asking her to save the video. a new report says that san francisco's troubled millennium tower can survive a strong earthquake. that report is by a engineer for the building's he will developer. it found that settlement of the building has not an impact on the structural stability or earthquake resistance. the homeowners association is doing its own investigation into the sinking. the partners blames the scything on the transit center. the agency says that building is sinking because it was built on pile that's were driven into clay rather than more supportive bedrock. now to the east bay. east bay mud will continue working in berkeley where a water main broke yesterday. crews have been out there since early yesterday afternoon and working through the morning. 40 buildings lost water service. it took about 20 hours to get it restored. there is still repair work needed at the intersection where the pipe broke. one lane has been reopened in each direction of university avenue. but stay away from the area if you can. a couple in australia is lucky to be alive after a sink hole swallowed up their car. the suv plunged into the 10- foot wide crater. it opened up into an old lead and silver mine shaft. lukely the couple was able to climb out of the hole and only suffered minor bruising. >> and then suddenly felt the cargo down. that must have been a horrible experience. they were quite shocked. we gave them a cup of tea and settled them down. >> a cup of tea. authorities say the heavy rain caused the sink hole while others are blaming the condition of the abandoned mine shaft. the first and only vice presidential debate is in the books. we're talking about the highlights with ktvu's political analyst. litical analyst. and a first of its kind partnership to keep jobs in california. we're speaking with the ceo of one of the companies involved. for more on the california jobs matters campaign. due katy is celebrating the 9 0#o anniversary with a relay. we're live with two of the riders who are part of the journey. of course i had to dip into my song book from one of my favorite groups ever. one of my favorite songs ever. paint it black. or if you're a giants fan, orange and black. look at san francisco. we have new york on our minds. there is a

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