Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20160714 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20160714

90s for many. a lot of fog by the coast. that's a cold pattern if you're stuck in it. started off around half moon bay and moves north and it's trying to link up with some from the mendocino coast. probably not. it will take a turn teeny point reyes. there is a teeny breeze. it's not going to help inland. mid 60s for some. low-to-mid 50s for others. peninsula 56, 57. belmont 57. hillsboro 57. 58 los altos hills. there are some cool readings. low 50s for some. thick fog to the monterey metro area. patchy fog but warm to hot. near 101 well inland. this looks like the hottest day. by the weekend everybody will cool down. today 60s, 70s, 80s coast and bay and a lot of 90s to 101 inland. 7:01, sal. what's on your screens there? you see something? >> i am trying to save this. it's all computer based. we are ready to go, steve. >> you ready? you sure? you sure? >> let's do that thing that i like. ready? let's do it. do it. love it! traffic authority. westbound 80 as you head towards the carquinez bridge from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze, that traffic there is looking pretty good. there are no major problems. 27 minutes is not a bad time. it's average. average speed 43 miles per hour. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, you will see that traffic is backed up for a 20- minute delay. no major issues as you drive through. getting word of a new crash in san francisco along northbound 101 approaching caesar chavez, and i am going to see, if we can go to the maps, some of the road sensors starting to get a little bit slow, at least to believe that there is indeed something here. we will follow up on that. 7:02. let's go become to the desk. we will start with information that's new this morning. more about that grassfire that started in the east hills of east san jose. >> janine de la vega, you're in san jose with the very latest on the fire. what do you know now? >> reporter: dave, fire captain told us that they think this may have been started by fireworks. they did find a roman candle nearby, and they took it from evidence. here you can see behind me some of the land that is just charred here. this is four miles up sierra road. it's high above the city of san jose. this is what it looked like earlier. the fire was reported 2:30 this morning. when firefighters arrived flames were burning on both sides of the road. they say it was a slow-burning fire, but it was moving downhill, and that caused concern because houses are down below and so is allen rock park. 70 firefighters from san jose and calfire worked to extinguish it. they got a handle on it by 4 this morning. fire officials say the fire looked suspicious because it's all open land and you need a heat source. >> this area here, there has been fireworks activity up here, you know, before 4th of july, after 4th of july. so when you have a fire moving very slowly, as this one was when we got here, having to jump a wide road like that is unlikely. >> reporter: fire officials will look into that possibility. they don't know if somebody was playing with fireworks and this accidentally started, but fireworks are illegal in san jose and for the most part for this very reason. it's dangerous because there is so much dry vegetation in the hills and in other areas. anything can spark a fire from a cigarette to a lawn mower. fire officials say had this fire happened during the day when it was hotter and when there was wind, it could have spread easily and it may have become a threat to the homes and the park below. there are firefighters still here on the scene. there is a crew watching it because every once in a while we can see a little smoldering coming from the ground. >> thank you. we will check back later. to the north bay where firefighters up in novato are still trying to determine what caused a fire that broke out in a two-story home yesterday evening. the department posted this picture of the fire. can you see a lot of active orange flame as well as black smoke rising. the garage and second floor of this home near novato high school were engulfed in flames by the time crews got there. it took 30 firefighters from novato, san rafael and marinwood a half an hour to put out a two-alarm fire. no injuries were reported. time is 7:05. anticipation is building. the clock is counting down until donald trump announces his pick for a running mate. >> christien kafton with a good look at some of those picks. >> absolutely. the big announcement expected to be made at 11:00 eastern time tomorrow morning. donald trump saying the field of potential running mates has been narrowed. the question now, what is trump looking for in a vice president? >> somebody that's very good. somebody who is solid, who is smart. i am not looking for an attack dog. >> if you were following your twitter feed, donald trump tweeted out he will be announcing his pick 11:00 tomorrow morning in manhattan. he says details will follow. the top contenders seem to be new jersey governor chris christie, indiana governor mike pence, and former house speaker newt gingrich. >> the point he made at the meeting to all of us was only one person knows who is gonna be the vice president, and that person doesn't know yet. >> i am honored to be on that list. >> pence and gingrich are both seen as choices that could appeal to the republican establishment. since dropping out of the race, chris christie has become a trusted advisor to the trump campaign. there may be a clue in the list of speakers for the republican convention next week. that includes newt gingrich and chris christie, but not mike pence. of course, the pick for his vp going to set the tone going forward for november. who knows who he is going to pick, really? >> right. >> we have narrowed it down. but he has been such a loose cannon so far, it could be somebody even off the board. >> this campaign has been full of surprises. >> more to come, i am sure. >> christien kafton thank you. 7:07. with those possibilities being discussed this morning our question of the day is, who do you want to see named as vice president? and this goes for either candidate. will that sway your vote? post a comment on our facebook page or tweet us. officials in cleveland, ohio, say they are ready for the republican convention. it starts monday. security is top priority. now, the head of the police union had complained for months that officer had not been trained and would not have the equipment they need because it was ordered late. the police chief says security is a critical priority and his department is ready for big crowds. now, the law in ohio allows people to openly carry guns, but there is a secure zone around the convention hall where guns will not be allowed. 7:08. hillary clinton speaking in illinois talked about race relations here in the united states and the need for unity following last week's violence in dallas, minnesota and louisiana. clinton spoke yesterday at the historic old state house in springfield, illinois, where abraham lincoln delivered his house divided civil war speech. she referenced lincoln a number of times and used history to take swipes at her republican opponent. >> this man is the nominee of the party of lincoln. we are watching it become the party of trump. >> today hillary clinton will speak at the league of united latin american citizens national convention in washington, d.c. 7:08. there is yet another twist in a council member race in santa clara county. an automatic recount is expected to confirm the official results showing councilman win losing his bid. supporters will pay for another recount. the official winner of the race set to take over that council seat in january calls that move an act of desperation. the new recount is set to begin july 19th. it will take about ten days. caltrans has the final design for a third eastbound lane to help ease traffic on the richmond san rafael bridge. the plan was presented yesterday to the bay area toll authority oversight committee. it calls for a third lane on the lower deck. it includes a bike lane on the top deck. the two projects have a $74 million price tag. the new lanes could be ready for vehicles by december of 2017. we are following developing news in oakland. detectives at the scene of a deadly shooting right now. ktvu's alex savidge just talked to police, and in 20 minutes he will tell us what the victim may have been doing when he was shot. after the shooting of police officers in dallas, the new effort by president obama today to calm racial tensions across the country. still kind of a tough commute in some areas, especially east bay where 80 is getting a little bit more crowded coming through the richmond area as you drive towards el cerrito and berkeley. fog free and warm to hot. for others, some of that fog very thick. a big breakdown on the tempts for this thursday forecast. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything, running mate. running mates. man wind damage, lan deep. oman? [squeaking noises] i'm a sucker for proposals. and we covered it, april twenty-sixth, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ el cerrito. welcome back to "mornings on 2". time is 7:12. one week ago today five dallas police officers were killed in an ambush. as the city slowly recovers, those fallen officers are being laid to rest. tonight a visitation will be held for officer michael krol in a dallas suburb. his funeral is tomorrow in texas, but he will be buried in michigan where he grew up. mean tomb, one camera was allowed inside a private service yesterday for sergeant michael smith. a public memorial will be held later this morning. that private service was held at a church where his wife is a teacher and their daughter goes to school. >> there is no comfort for us right now. we are raw and we are wounded. but i know michael is in the arms of god now. >> the funerals were also held yesterday for transit police officer brent thompson and senior corporal lorne ahrens who grew up in california in the san fernando valley. a funeral procession beginning for philando castile. the african-american man who was shot and killed by police last week. a procession will travel from a funeral home to st. paul church this morning. he will be laid to rest later today. a white police officer pulled him over last wednesday for reportedly having a broken taillight. his girlfriend says he was shot and killed while telling the officer he had a legally permitted gun. she live streamed that shooting on facebook. tonight president obama will appear in a town hall event on race relation. he scheduled to discuss race relations, policing and violence. this follows the shootings of african-american men in louisiana and minnesota and the sniper killings of five police officers in dallas last week. today is a bittersweet day for the owner of the pulse nightclub in orlando. she is regaining control of that nightclub. this comes just a month after that mass shooting. the florida department of law enforcement and orlando police took control of the nightclub immediately after the mass shooting. and while the investigation goes on, the club owner can now make plans on what to do next with the nightclub. she is not sure what those plans will be. now, the gunman, omar mateen, opened fire at the pulse nightclub on june 12th. 49 people were killed. dozens more were hurt. mateen was shot and killed by police. time is 7:15. we are in the middle of summer. perhaps your morning routine is changing. sal, you can tell when it is because traffic is different? >> it sure is. gasia and dave, we had lighter than usual traffic last week, but this week has been more back to the same. let's go out and start there at the toll plaza of the bay bridge. i want to bring the traffic in. can you see it's backed up from the macarthur maze to the metering lights. we checked on a crash reported in san francisco along northbound 101. apparently, it wasn't that serious near caesar chavez. moving along to the other parts of the east bay, hayward to foster city, i see some slow traffic on 92 heading out to about the high-rise. most that have is slow. so is the dumbarton bridge. i want it focus on the traffic between concord and walnut creek. you have some slow traffic between 242 and 24, and some slow traffic at lafayette. after that, it looks good to the tunnel. 7:16. let's bring steve in for today's weather. thank you, sal. very good morning. for some sunny, warm, hot. others foggy and cool. the fog is just favoring mostly the coast. a little bit of the city. also around the golden gate. that's about it. won't be in san jose. that's for sure. maybe friday night for sure probably saturday morning, but today will be the hottest day. for many inland it's going to be a cooker. alan peterson, good morning mr. p. out of the frying pan of yesterday, looking at mount saint helena from soon to be hot in geyserville. that's king leo, the of avatar. 59 and a breeze. bad air quality from redwood shores. shout out to my friend janelle who lives there. high pressure building in today, maybe tomorrow as well. probably enough it will be hot inland. the fog will be sweeping in. why? because the system will drop from the pacific northwest. another one. that has been the pattern since going back to may, and that will usher in a significant cooling trend, but not until saturday and sunday. today if you are by the coast, foggy. some areas get the sun, but mainly 60s. i don't think there will be too many 70s. inland it won't take long. a few steps and you find 80s to 90s. the water temps continue to be very cold. 50, 52. by the way, i want to get this out here, the name of the town in alaska is dead horse. that's the name of the town, okay? it was 84 degrees yesterday. that is the hottest temperature for any weather station within 50 miles of the arctic circle. so other locations are very warm. alaska has been very warm. so you know things have to change eventually, and it looks like they will. for us the fog will be flying in, but not today. it's mainly confined to the coast. there is not enough of a breeze. there might be a little one out to sfo or locations near the coast. that's it. 50s, 60s on the temps. looking south gilroy's already 61. 99. santa cruz 54. they get the sun later. it's a tough pattern for santa cruz. i went upper 60s, low 70s there. it's already 62 cupertino and campbell. you know they will warm up pretty quick. 90s there. 39 in truckee. 64 reno. 51 cold, foggy in monterey. 52 incline village. 41 south lake tahoe. no thunderstorm activity. 39 truckee. tahoe city is 52. there is fog and that will play into a cool coast forecast. everyone else warm to hot. it looks like this high pressure system will start to head over to missouri, illinois, somewhere there, and set up shop for all of next week. so that means we will be cool while the middle of the country will be hot and humid. for us today though there is some hot conditions. 90s to 100s. clear lake 103, ukiah, vacaville in there. 60s, 70s bit bay. livermore at 99. 99 gilroy. 90 downtown san jose. 91 santa clara. 92 cupertino. sunnyville 61. 80 san bruno. 92 redwood city. about the same inland friday, but cooler coast and bay. then a big cooling trend on the weekend, guys. >> okay. >> gasia can't jog in that. >> she can't jog period most days. i was jogging on the oakland estuary about 2, 2:30 yesterday. it was hot for me. i wasn't jogging in antioch or brentwood. >> yeah, it's above average. it is warm. by the weekend you will be going, boy, this is nice. >> great. seven minute mile. >> thank you. time is 7:19. speaking of heat, heat and dry conditions are making it hard for fire crews battling wildfires across the west. firefighting planes and helicopters are battling flames near lake sherwood in ventura county. so far no homes have burned, but it is a different story in colorado where 2,000 people around that state have evacuated. >> the sleepless nights are about what we left behind, trying to think about all those things that we should have pulled out that we didn't. >> those colorado fires have burned 15,000 acres, but crews say they hope to contain most of them in the next couple of days. 7:20 now. what your children are learning in school, that's about to change. in 20 minutes, the new curriculum coming to california classrooms after years of delay. a new twist on an old sam, and it should be lesson to others. the unusual payment an irs impostor demanded from a woman in northern california. california air quality officials say a settlement plan with volkswagen to recall its diesel cars is insufficient. they say they rejected the recall of 16,000 diesel cars in our state because it didn't allow the agency to evaluate the effectiveness of the repair. volkswagen admitted to diesel cars cheating on pollution tests. this is the second time the air resources board has prevented a plan by volkswagen. according to the examiner, they say a consultant owes the city $25,000. they specialize in tunnels and underground facilities. the central subway will connect chinatown to the south of market area. 7:24. a woman from el dorado hills learned a tough lesson after she was tricked into giving away almost $3,000 in what turned out to be an irs phone scam. the woman who asked not to be identified says she received several messages from someone claiming to be with the irs. when she called back the person on the other line demanded that she immediately withdraw money from her bank, buy itunes gift cards and read the numbers on the gift cards as a form of payment for money owed to the irs. well, it wasn't until after she gave the scam artist about $2,800 worth of gift card codes that she realized what happened. >> very, very pushy. they just kept sounding like they were trying to reassure me. >> give me the call back and i will be able to assist you. once again, this is the irs. >> now, the woman told her father what was going on, but there was really nothing authorities could do to get her money back. she managed to return some of the gift cards that were not used. she is hoping her story will serves as a warning to others about the scam. a new jersey woman is facing charges of obstruction of justice after authorities say she skipped out on paying a tunnel toll hundreds of times. denise siemian is accused of not paying the $15 toll at the holland tunnel more than 500 times. yesterday police stopped her when she allegedly tried do it again, and later they found she owed more than $16,000 in unpaid tolls. a brazen robbery of gun stores in northern california. more than just one. one in particular was caught on surveillance video. the bay area connection to the suspect and how they were finally caught. plus, the major homicide investigation underway here in oakland this morning after a man was found shot to death close to this gas station. we will tell you what we know about the victim in this case and the next steps for investigators as they try to track down the killer. good morning. we are still looking at a commute that is businessing busier in -- that is getting busier in some areas. you can see it's slow into fog for some. not for many. only by the coast or around the bay. there is just a teeny bit. but that's not going to help anybody san jose or points inland. it's going to be hot. sfx: turbines revving up, getting louder and louder you hear that? that's the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as $69 dollars one-way. so get ready to take off... because sale prices as low as these don't happen every day! book your low fare now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. sfx: clap, clap, ding 7:29. an active scene in oakland at 35th and san pablo. this is not too far away from emeryville. you see a number of opd vehicles and officers on the scene. there is a lot of crime scene tape in the area of a gas station after a man was found gunned down in the middle of the street. this happened in the early morning hours, and we are going to bring in alex savidge in just a moment and he can talk to us about a key piece of evidence officers hope to get that can help further their investigation. it is coming up on 7:30 this thursday morning. i am gasia mikaelian. >> and good morning. i am dave clark. we want to talk about your weather. you will feel some difference. depends where you are. steve paulson has the forecast. >> absolutely, dave and gasia. if you are by the coast, it's going to be nice. maybe even cold. if you are out near the fort, it is freezing. at the base of sutra, that tells us it's low. some came over the golden gate. marin headlands, point reyes south, it's solid. san mateo forecast, the san mateo coast, santa cruz down to monterey very thick as well. some areas like, where is the sun? inland it's about. around the bay as well. there is not enough of a delta breeze. anything less than ten at travis is a sure sign it won't take long to warm up. mid 60s, upper 60s, and some low 50s will change pretty fast. 53 sebastapol. calistoga 67. kelseyville 63. did have some low 50s, but it didn't last very long. fog plays into a cool forecast for some. for many it will be warm to hot. near 101 inland. nice to cool by the coast. probably north of point reyes all right. south of that dealing with fog. 60s, 70s, 80s and a lot of 90s to near 101 inland. sal, 7:31. how would you give the traffic so far? >> a b-plus. it's not too bad. there is a little bit of slow traffic out there, which is to be expected. we have some slow traffic at the toll plaza, of course. you will see that it is backed up to about the macarthur maze. it's very crowded on the 880 ramps as well. you will be waiting at least 15 minutes before you make it onto the span. we are also looking at the san mateo and dumbarton bridges. not a bad commute, but there is waiting to do. again it's characteristically slow hayward to fremont. san jose northbound 280 is filling in. in fact, all the freeways to the west valley is slow. one is not better than the other, so to speak. you will be in a lot of slow traffic. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. you heard gasia say moments ago developing news along the oakland-emeryville border. early this morning the body of a man who was shot to death was found. ktvu's alex savidge here now to tell us what we're finding out about the victim. alex. >> reporter: well, dave, good morning to you. the man who was shot to death early this morning was in his 30s according to police, and in talking with some people in this area we believe that this man was likely headed over to the convenience store at this chevron gas station this morning when he was gunned down. and you can see the area taped off here this morning as this investigation unfolds. it was about 4 a.m. when police got a shots spotter activation from this area. officers showed up here. they found the man in this case lying in the street with several gunshot wounds and he died here at the scene. now, police tell me they are working to pull surveillance video from this gas station in hopes of identifying the shooter who took off after this crime. a sergeant here at the scene told me they are not getting a whole lot of help from people who were in the area when the shooting happened. >> are you getting any witnesses? anyone cooperating in terms of giving you any information? >> at this time, no, we do not. >> reporter: is that unusual? >> no, it's not. >> reporter: one man who was working nearby at the time of the shooting told me he heard as many as five gunshots. now, police say it's so early on here, they don't know what the motive may have been for this killing. but again they are still working to identify the victim or they have not released the identity, i should say, of this victim, but they are saying the man in his 30s shot and killed near this gas station this morning. now, in terms of the investigation, obviously a lot of streets shut down here. we should let folks at home know that the northbound lanes of san pablo avenue are closed because of this homicide investigation, and also 35th street is shut down entirely as well. if you know this area, a lot of people use 35th street to get to eastbound 580. this will be shut down here for the next couple of hours. keep that in mind as you head out the door. >> all right. alex savidge. thank you. we will talk to you later. time is 7:34. two people were arrested in connection with a shooting in the hayward area yesterday afternoon. a man was killed as he sat in his pickup truck at a traffic light. this happened at 1:00 at meekland avenue and blossom way in alameda county. the shooter started shooting, then ran away. deputies searched for him using k-9 units and a drone. an officer eventually found the suspect, but he did not have the gun on him. >> it's a public safety concern to have a weapon on the loose. obviously, it's evidence. it's of vital importance to us. >> authorities later made a second arrest. surveillance video shows an suv dropped off the gunman before the shooting. investigators tracked down that vehicle and took a woman into custody. they are still out there looking for the gun and a possible motive to that shooting. time is 7:35. the san francisco police department could soon get some help in hundreds of unsolved killings. san francisco police department has asked mayor ed lee and the chief for funds to expand the cold case unit. they say the unit has one fun- time expecter and two retired inspectors. it would pay for two more inspectors to work part time. time is 7:35. oakland police and federal agents are investigating several gun store burglaries in northern california. that's after a honda crv used in at least one of the burglaries was linked to oakland. look at this surveillance video. also showing a burglary suspect wearing an oakland usa sweatshirt. this happened during a gun store break-in early yesterday morning. the video clearly shows the faces of three of the burglars in that break-in about 4:00 yesterday morning in rockland. about 45 minutes later there was another gun store burglary in folsom. knew, the rockland gun store owner says it is disturbing to have his store broken into. >> to have somebody just think they can just take it really bothers me. i have worked hard my whole life. >> police in east oakland stopped an suv matching the one used in that rockland burglary. federal agents say they detained several suspects, but wouldn't say anything more specific about their investigation. but federal charges could carry longer sentences if the suspects are convicted. investigators are now trying to figure out if the same suspects are responsible for a series of gun store burglaries in northern and southern california gun stores in the last five months. they include thefts in the bay area, in sacramento, and in the central valley. well, the two men accused of robbing an armored truck and shooting a guard are due in court today in sonoma county. ivan morales and surge gusa, investigators say they robbed the armored truck in front of a chase bank in windsor on tuesday and shot an armored truck guard three times. rd coming "the press democrat," that man is still in critical condition. new this morning, supreme court justice ruth bader ginsberg says she regrets her public criticism of donald trump. she said in a statement just issued by the court this morning that judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. in a statement, she promises to be more circumspect in the future. she told a reporter trump was a faker. trump responded by calling for ginsberg to resign because, quote, her mind is shot. lbgt history is a step closer to being included in california history books. brian flores is here to explain the proposal. >> reporter: the last time the state's public school history and social studies curriculum was changed was about ten years ago. a lot has changed since that time, including the rights of the lbgt community. now this proposed curriculum is scheduled to be reviewed today by the state education board. then the draft starts introducing concepts of diverse families in the second grade. then in the fourth grade students are taught with california's role in the gay rights movement. more on lbgt topics like gender roles in the 18th and 19th century will be taught in fifth and eighth grades. it will continue on through high school. up until now, the implementation has been slow due to attempts to overturn it as well as budget cuts. some people are critical of the curriculum saying other groups and the details of their struggles are being left out. other details including president obama's time in office, the presero program and contributions of the filipino community before world war ii as well as the farm workers movement. now, there is another group that wants changes made to california textbooks. the california chapter of the council on american-islamic relations says there are inaccurate portrayals of islam. this morning the group is submitting new proposals to the state board of education, which is expectled to vote on making those changes later today. an organization known to have children and young adults in oakland. we talk live with the executive director of the east oakland youth development center to tell us what they have in store for more than 40 deserving children this weekend. good morning. we are looking at a commute that is still pretty busy in many areas on 101 north and southbound. it looks okay coming into downtown san francisco. there is a ton of fog out there. the key words are out there. on the coast or west, it's not coming inland, and it's going to warm to hot today. more on that coming up. good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2". time is 7:42. i am here with my friend here. this weekend 45 very deserving bay area students will be awarded college scholarships all because the east oakland youth development center, and this lady here, they help about 2,000 students and young adults every year. this is regina jackson. you are the executive director. as soon as i heard about the scholarships, i got on the phone and said, i got to have you on tv. tell me about the scholarships this weekend. who is getting it? how much money? >> okay. this sunday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at coliseum lexus we are awarding students scholarships from our pathway to college and career program. our young people are getting scholarships from $5,000 to $1,000. we have certain named scholarships where people wanted to give money to particular organizations. our young people are going mostly to four-year institutions across the country. we have got kids at columbia, uc berkeley, at university of san diego and san jose state and through the country, and some of our young people are also going to graduate school. so that's also very exciting. we have an 86% completion rate inside four years. so we're really, really proud of our young people. not only are they starting and accessing college, but they are persisting and completing. we will be presenting 24 young people who graduated this past may. so people can see what college success looks like. >> how long have you been doing this, and why have you been doing this? >> thank you. we created the pathway to college program back in 2003. we recognized our young people did not know how to access college. so many of them are first in their family to go. truth be told, you know, here we are, what, 13 years later, a lot of the systems have changed. so i couldn't even advise my own son on how to go to college because i went so long ago and things have changed. preparing them for the fafsa and navigating, understanding how to pay for school. it is so expensive. and they have got to really put themselves out there and apply for as many as possible. so we decided let's create our own fund to be the first to help our young people. >> that's why i wanted to have you on tv. also, we know that something's happening today. there is going to be a march today. >> yes. >> tell me about that. >> yes. we always want to arm our young people with the power of their voice. so for, let's see, 15 years we have been doing marches against violence. it was an idea that came up from the kids. what we're trying to share with them is we're gonna be going from 98 fire station all the way down the eoydc. the kids have been working on banners and flyers because they understand what violence is going on in their communities and communities across the country. and what we always say is that black and brown lives can't matter until -- until black and brown lives matter, all lives can't matter. so what they can do is fight with the power of their voice. you can't just behavior way through violence. you must act. but you have to act in a way that organizes and states what you want. >> and it's positive, like what you are involved in? >> absolutely. violence is never the answer. >> so the scholarships this weekend very, very positive, and the march later today. regginae jackson, the east oakland youth development center, always doing great stuff. >> thank you so much for your support. >> i am glad you made time for us. >> anytime. >> and you can find out more information about the event. you see it on your screen. sunday, july 17th from 3 to 6 p.m. at the coliseum lexus in oakland. wonderful event. to get ticket information, we have a link on our channel 2 website check it out. click on the web link tab. thank you again, regginae. >> thank you. >> gasia, back to you. >> thank you. at 7:46, we will get you out the door with traffic. sal is here to do that. >> thank you very much. eastshore freeway we have slow traffic especially in the upper part of richmond heading out to the macarthur maze. it gets better by the time you reach emeryville. when you get to the bay bridge, there is waiting to do. a very pro bust delay at the -- a very robust delay at the toll plaza. 780 starts to improve. pretty soon the rest of that backup starts to improve as well. if you are thinking about bailing on the bay bridge and using the san mateo or the dumbarton bridge, i don't think there is much of an advantage, quite honestly. you are just going to drive into more slow traffic that is on those spans as well. when you get to the peninsula, 101 is moderate, but 280 is good except for the part between daly city and san bruno. southbound 280 is slow from the ceremony mall all the way to the 380 interchange. 7:47. let's bring in steve. >> thank you, sal. very good morning. very start off from the san jose hills. it's going to be warm to hot. temperatures to east san jose, morgan hill, gilroy to 93 to 99 degrees. haze. not too bad in the south bay. san jose 90. you don't have to go far to find warmer temperatures than that. low, mid, upper 90s inland, and thick fog over by the coast. only 60s. ken just said to me, he said he i am going to san francisco zoo. what dow think? i said i think it will be cool and foggy. about 63 degrees on the high side. for others it's already 63 degrees. that fog is getting squashed by a dome of high pressure. it's thick, thick point reyes south. generally, they are fog free. big cooling trend on tap for the weekend. it will be warm inland today. look at the fog. there is a ton out here. it's trying to take the turn now point reyes, and i think it will, it's trying to link up with fog off the mendocino county. over by the coast, 50s, 60s. there is zero delta breeze. by the weekend 35 to 40 miles per hour. almost 70 in brentwood. 64 san jose. 58 napa airport. 64 fairfield. 60 hayward. warming up pretty quick. upper 60s antioch, brentwood. near 100 today. many location already in the low-to-mid 60s. sacramento 67. 60 ukiah. a cold foggy pattern down in monterey. lake tahoe incline's 52. 39 truckee. south lake tahoe a little warmer. still cool at 41. you had sunshine all over the sierra nevada and the desert southwest. i mean, san diego 66, but it's really going to be hot in the desert. absolutely no cloud cover. no monsoon moisture. it's rare here. there might be some coming in late on the weekend or next week. but a lot of times this time of year, july and august, that starts to work up the spine of the sierra and goes into tahoe, truckee. that's not the case. you don't have to worry about that. some people like to see it. the skies are clear except for that fog. nice to cool to cold by the coast. highs 60s to 100s. 103 clear lake. 101 vacaville. depends where you are, vallejo, american canyon, benicia. you can get a 10-degree spread on those temps. novato the 2. petaluma 94. 98 walnut creek to 99 at livermore. 78 alameda and for the south bay 90s. 97 morgan hill. gilroy 99. 61 cold and foggy half moon bay. 89 in menlo park. palo alto at 90 degrees. a big cooldown sweeps in, gasia, over the weekend. >> thank you, steve. at 7:50, a call from "consumer reports" could affect tesla owners. why they want them to do away with the self-driving mode. and it was a night of celebration in the sports world, but there were somber moments. the call for action on gun violence from some nba superstars. ?q time is 753 teem. a state appelate court has ruled a girl declared brain dead after tonsill surgery complications, the mother can try to prove the girl is alive. the family did not accept the brain dead declaration and moved her to new jersey where she remains. jahi's family must present evidence she is alive. if the courtsides with the family, the family could sue her surgeon and children's hospital for millions of dollars. but if the court rules jahi is dead, the family would be limited to a wrongful death lawsuit. the cap there is $250,000. time is 7:54. two security robots at the stanford shopping center will stay put this morning after a san jose woman claimed a robot ran over her child's foot. now, the company is apologized, but also says video shows the robot did not run over the child. the company and the mall are investigating. however, the mountain view based manufacturer night scope reviewed video footage and says the child ran into the robot. >> the child came in, looking back over his shoulder, and hit the machine. >> that's totally not true because it hit my son's head. so it has the bruises. the swollen. >> well, the child's mother says the robot's camera angles may not have captured the full story. she says her son bumped the robbery, but then it ran over his right foot. nba superstars carmelo anthony, chris paul, dwyane wade and lebron james called for an end to racial profiling and gun violence. >> we all feel helpless and frustrated by the violence. we do. that's not acceptable. it's time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, what are we doing to create change? >> afterwards steph curry accepted the record-breaking performance award for making 402 three-pointers during the regular season. steph curry thanked his fellow nba stars for their message. the cleveland cavaliers were the winners of the night, taking up the award for best team and best moment for winning the nba title. lebron james received best male athlete, best nba player and best championship performance. one very emotional moment last night was when popular nba sideline reporter craig sager received the jimmy v. award. he has leukemia, cancer, and says the cancer is no longer in remission. he was wearing one of his signature colorful sport coats and he made a very emotional speech thanking everyone who supported him. >> if we don't have hope and faith, we have nothing. whatever i might have imagined, a terminal diagnosis would do to my spirit, it summoned quite the opposite. the greatest appreciation for life itself. >> the vice president joe biden was there presenting seger with the award. the vice president's son bo died of brain cancer in 2010. the award is named after jimmy valvano who died of cancer in 1993. time is 7:56. new this morning, justice ruth bader ginsberg says she regrets her recent comments about gop presidential candidate donald trump. we will have more on the supreme court justice's apology as well as who is on donald trump's short list to be vp. good morning. we are still looking at slow traffic in some areas, including highway 4, which is slowing down on the way to concord. maybe we have a 45-degree spread on some of the temps. there is a lot of fog by the coast. inland warm to hot and fast. . ten acres of grass fire burn this morning in east san jose. we'll tell you why fire officials think fireworks may be to blame. good morning. thank you for joining us on "mornings on 2", thursday, july 14th. i am dave clark. >> i am gasia mikaelian. let's see if we can't get you out the door with weather and traffic. if you are inland, i am guessing the ac is on? >> for some, it already is. the house won't cool down when it's 100 degrees. mother nature says i will take care of you bit coast. it's beginning to fill in north point reyes parts of the marin, sonoma coast, trying to link up there. look at this. there is a lot. santa cruz it always pulls off, that fog, and they get some sun, but i went 71 in santa cruz. i mean, they could be warmer, but not in this pattern. if you are heading over there, hang on. i think they will get sun. other areas may be hard pressed to get much at all. it's solid. there is not enough northwest hayward, northwest oakland, there is a slight breeze but not enough that it will matter. 70 fairfield. san jose 67. santa rosa now warming up quick. same for napa. concord, also livermore. by the coast 52 half moon bay. low 60s for some. los altos, palo alto, atherton in there close for others. fog and low clouds means a cool pattern by the coast, but warm to hot inland. temperatures i think by tomorrow will drop coast and bay and they will really drop by the weekend. more on that in about ten minutes. sal, 8:01. you gave a b-plus on the traffic. has that changed? >> yeah, not too bad. there is slow traffic which you except on a regular morning commute. a 15 to 20-minute before you make it onto the bridge. a tweet from someone saying can you talk about the san mateo and dumbarton bridge? i have been quite a bit. i am happy to do more because a lot of people think that the san mateo or dumbarton bridge are decent alternates. today i really, to be honest, cannot recommend them. they are heavy and slow. getting there on 880 would take you a long time, too. i would just use whatever bridge is closer because all the commutes are slow. san jose has improved right there northbound 280 on the right-hand side of the screen heading away from the camera. traffic is moving better than it was a few moments ago. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. we are following a developing story in oakland. it's an active investigation into an early morning homicide. we will bring in live pictures here. you see a number of police officers and others along san pablo avenue. >> we have had a crew there since 5:30 this morning. they are still collecting information. we will get an update later on in this newscast. also new this morning a fire in the east hills of san jose this morning. look at these pictures. it may have been started by fireworks. >> ktvu's janine de la vega has been on the story all morning long from san jose and is live there with more. janine. >> reporter: gasia, the area that we're standing in is vista point where there is a parking lot and there is benches. you can see the city of san jose behind me and this burned land. this is an area where we're told by the open space authority that is a party area where people have come to drink. you can see there are some beer bottles left here in this burnt area where people were apparently partying last night. firefighters also tell us people have set off fireworks here before, and the way that the fire behaved makes them think this is suspicious. when firefighters arrived here just after 2:30 a.m. the flames were on both sides of sierra road. it was burning in an area where there are no homes. there is just open land. there was no wind, and the fire was moving slowly. so fire officials say it's unlikely the fire jumped the road. a captain told us that it's possible that someone set off fireworks on both sides of the road. 70 firefighters from calfire and san jose were on scene helping extinguish the flames. it took them an hour to get it contained, but it ended up burning 10 acres. here's what they found. >> we have walked around the whole area. we haven't found any in this area over here, but often there are fireworks in a parking area. i think there was a roman candle that was found over in the parking area. weather it was left over from -- whether it was left over from the 4th of july, we don't know. this is an area where people have lit off fireworks in the past. >> reporter: fire officials took the roman candle for evidence. fireworks are illegal in san jose. they want people to know it's very dangerous to play with them, especially where there is dry vegetation. fire personnel and resources were called up here because this fire was moving downhill towards homes. about a two mile hike from where the fire was burning. fire officials say had this fire happened during the day when it was hotter and there was wind, it could have spread easily and it could have become a real threat. back to you. >> and janine, here we are a week and a half away from the 4th of july, and illegal fireworks are still an issue? >> reporter: yeah. you know, i was asking, you know, the people from the open space authority, you know, how often do people come up here and, you know, drink or, you know, or are fireworks happening? she said almost every night, every other night. they have patrols. they have rangers that come up around here. but, you know, they don't always catch it. not confirmed that it was fireworks, but they are saying it's suspicious and it may have been. >> okay. janine, thank you. let's go to the north bay for our coverage where firefighters are trying to determine what caused a fire that broke out in a two-story home yesterday evening. you see a picture tweeted by the fire department on your screen. the garage and second floor of that home near novato high school were engulfed in flames when crews got there. it took about 30 firefighters from novato, san rafael and marinwood about half an hour to put out a two-alarm fire. in the end, no injuries were reported. all right. time is 8:06. new this morning in our election coverage, in just the last hour supreme court ruth bader ginsberg issued saying she regrets comments she made about donald trump. >> christien kafton is here in the studio with what is the latest in the battle of words between the supreme court justice and the presumptive gop nominee. >> absolutely. a lot of developments this morning on the political front. that statement released by the supreme court says that the justice now regrets her, quote, ill advised comments about donald trump. earlier this week ginsberg criticized trump calling him a, quote, faker and saying she can't imagine what the country would be like with trump as president. she questioned why trump is the only candidate to have not released his tax information. trump fired back on twitter calling on the justice to resign. >> for her to come out and to say the kind of things -- there is almost something wrong with her. i don't think anybody has seen that before. >> reporter: are you questioning her mental capacity? >> yeah, i think i am. i think i am questioning perhaps her mental capacity. >> all of this comes as trump is preparing to announce his pick for a running mate. he announced yesterday by tweet that he would be naming his pick in manhattan tomorrow morning at 11 p.m. the frontrunners appear to be new jersey governor chris christie, indiana governor mike pence and former house speaker newt gingrich. to bring it back to the supreme court, keep in mind there is already a vacancy left by antonin scalia's death. if they continue to block the nominee merritt garland, the next president will have a supreme court justice to appoint almost as should be as they get in office. dealing with ruth bader ginsberg and the republican nominee, it adds another layer to the already complex story. >> all right. thank you. officials in cleveland say they are prepared for the republican convention. the gop convention starts in that city on monday. security of course a top priority among city leaders and everyone heading to ohio for the convention. the president of the police union had complained for months that officers hadn't been trained and wouldn't have the equipment they needed because that equipment was ordered late. the police chief says security is a critical priority, and his department is ready for large crowds. ohio law, by the way, allows people to openly carry guns, but there is a secure zone around the convention hall where guns will not be allowed. hillary clinton speaking in illinois talked about race leelations -- relations in america and the need for unity following last week's violence. she spoke at the historic old state house in springfield, illinois, where abraham lincoln made his house divided civil war speech. she talked about lincoln several times and used history to take swipes at her republican opponent, this man is the nominee of the party of lincoln. we are watching it become the party of trump. >> now, today hillary clinton is speaking at the league of united latin american citizens national convention, otherwise known as lulac. there is another west in the council member race in santa clara county. an automatic recount is expected to confirm the official results showing manh nguyen losing. lan diep, the official who won the race, is set to take over the council seat in january, calls the move an act of desperation. this recount is set to begin july 19. it should take ten days. happening today three oakland council members plan it take on the fight over a soda tax. they will file a complaint sec over what they call a dishonest advertisement. soda companies are using it to campaign against the soda tax. oakland city council voted to put a soda tax on the november ballot. if it passes, there will be a one cent per ounce tax on sugary drunks in oakland. they will hold a news conference at 10:30 this morning at city hall. time is 8:10. it's a push hoping to solve some cold cases. in 23 minutes, what the mayor of san francisco promises to do to help bring justice to victims in cold cases. first, the funeral is underway for one of the men killed by a police officer last week. details on the funeral for philando castile in minnesota next. good morning. traffic is going to be busy if you are driving in some areas still. on the east shore, you are going to see stop-and-go traffic from rich and el cerrito. for most, lots of sun and temperatures are warming up. for others, by the coast, man, it is foggy and cold for some. pea soup. we will break down the temps coming up. it's been 60 years in the making. the disneyland resort diamond celebration. don't miss your chance to see it all dazzle. come celebrate new beginnings like hyperspace mountain... and premiering this summer, frozen, a musical spectacular... plus an all new soarin'. so come to the place where summer dazzles. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. scalia scalia time is 8:13. one week ago today five dallas police officers were killed in an ambush as the city slowly recovers, the fallen officers are being laid to rest. tonight a visitation will be held for officer michael krol in a dallas suburb. his funeral is set for tomorrow, but krol is being to be buried in michigan where he grew up. >> ♪[ music playing ]. >> one camera was allowed inside a private service yesterday for sergeant michael smith. a public memorial will be held for him later this morning. the private service was held at a church where his wife teaches and their daughter goes to school. >> there is no comfort for us right now. we are raw and we are wounded. but i know michael is in the arms of god. >> funerals also for brent thompson and lorne ahrens. time is 8:14. happening in st. paul, minnesota, a funeral procession is now winding down for philando castile. the african-american man who was shot and killed by police last week. the procession includes a horse- drawn hearse to a funeral home where a visitation is scheduled. he was pulled over by a white police officer last week, reportedly because of a broken taillight. his girlfriend says he was shot and killed while telling the police officer he was legally carrying a permitted gun. she live streamed the aftermath of that shooting on facebook, seen around the world. tonight president obama will appear in a televised town hall event on race relations. the president is due to talk about race relations, policing, and gun violence. the town hall event follows the shootings of african-american men by police in louisiana and minnesota and the sniper ambush killings of five dallas police officers last week. we will check traffic. sal castaneda has been doing that for us since 4 a.m. >> that's right. gasia, exactly. i have been doing it for four hours and 15 minutes. hey, who's counting? good morning to you. let's go to san jose. northbound 101 if you are driving there you will see some slow traffic getting up, well, this is not -- this is -- this is 280 in san jose. okay. well, let's go to 280 in san jose. that traffic looks good. i will mention that northbound 101 in san jose is going to be moderately heavy driving up to the area. getting up to the san mateo and dumbarton bridge, that has not been good. there has been slow traffic. also 880 i have noticed, last week this area was all right, but this week we're back to the same old grind getting down to fremont out of hayward right through union city. i do want to mention if you are trying to get to the bay bridge, it has been backed up out to the maze, although we are seeing some improvement now on the 880 ramp. so there is some light at the end of that tunnel, if you will. 8:16. let's go to steve. thank you, sir. well, for some already getting warm. maybe the ac has kicked on. it's going to tough to cool down. some areas 90 to 101. for others, fog city. tommy jarvis, good foggy morning, steve. pea soup. thick as thieves. you name it, it's the fog. let's take a look at it. [ applause ] . >> thank you. salinas right there. that's what she is talking about. i bet a couple hours ago it was clear. again, it usually peels off. but it filled in and stops about point reyes, but has taken the turn. it's been solid. monterey, santa cruz coast, san mateo, el granada early, and it kept going parts of the city and trying to make a move up towards the northern part of the marin coast and sonoma coast. it's patchy there. san francisco buoy 52. half moon bay bay 50. that's cold water. no problem for the fog. that warm air rises. it needs to be replaced by natural air-conditioning. it's trying. the fog horns were sounding in central richmond sunset and at the golden gate it stops. it fills in parts of marin county. once it moves past that, it moves into too much resistance. northwest oakland airport. hayward. it's trying. there is not enough of a breeze. already 72 brentwood. 70 fairfield. san jose 67. 63 hayward. but 53 half moon bay. 63 san rafael. so it looks like a lot of 80s and 90s for some. gilroy 64. they get the sun. the fog peels back off and they get the sun. i went low 70s there today. 67 campbell. cupertino is 68 already. that's warm. it's getting warm. 73 in sacramento. 52, foggy, cool out in monterey. lake tahoe 60s. south lake tahoe was 41. now already 52. not a cloud to be found. a lot of times from the southwest this time of year, july and august, you get that monsoon moisture sneaking up. nothing. nothing at all. in arizona, southern california, nevada. the sierra is clear. temperatures are very warm. maybe that will kick in late sunday, monday. for us the only thing kicking in is the fog. we will get a significant cooldown over the weekend. today it's going to be cool by the coast. nice for some. it's going to be hot for others. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, to 100s for many. in fact, low 100s. this will be the hottest day. tomorrow will still be hot inland, but i think coast and bay and that fog will lift a little by tomorrow and it will start a cooldown for some. then a big time cooldown or trend is on tap for the weekend. dave. >> all right. thank you. >> you bet. time is 8:19. over coming obstacles and still living life. in 25 minutes, why a south bay football coach says his differences, they have become an advantage to him, and he loves his job. plus, next in your money business, if you are one of the early adopters of video games, you're in for a treat. what nintendo plans to re- release. that is a blast from the past. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a romantic rodent. [rickie] a romantic what? [squeaking noises] i'm a sucker for proposals. and we covered it, april twenty-sixth, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ welcome back to "mornings on 2". 8:22. tesla is under fire for the autopilot feature. >> also, a hot new company on the new york stock exchange this morning. we go to pam cook, back in the studio with this and more. >> great news when you hear some, you know, initial public offerings. it's a japanese firm called line. it's the largest technology ipo of the year so far. it is owned by south korean internet company. it started trading today. it's up 30% this morning. on the broader markets, the dow and s&p 500 are in record territory this morning for the second week in a row. and that is line right there, as you can see, ringing the opening bell. getting the broader market numbers right now. they are up across the board. the dow, the nasdaq, and the s&p 500. the number of americans filing for new jobless benefits healed steady last week. 254,000 people claimed first- time unemployment insurance. weekly claims have stayed lower than 300,000 for 71 weeks in a row now. that's the longest stretch at that level since 1973. economists warn it is difficult to accurately analyze jobless claims this time of year though partly because some of the car makers shut down to make changes for the new model years. well, tesla now coming under intense scrutiny for the way it deployed and marketed its autopilot driving system. this follows a series of crashes, one of which was fatal. the national highway traffic safety administering has sent a letter to tesla requesting detailed information about auto pie ruth bader. -- autopilot. it wants detailed logs of when the system has prompted drivers to take over the steering. "consumer reports" is also calling on the palo alto-based electric car maker to disable the hands-free operation until the system can be made safer. "consumer reports" also suggests changing its name. they say by marketing it as autopilot it gives consumers a false sense of security because it can't actually drive your car. google is facing new antitrust complaints from the european union this morning. eu commissioners say google is still abusing its position as the world's largest search engine to favor its own shopping service and search results. they say google is restricting third-party websites ability to display search ads for rivals of google. the executives in mountain view say they will look at the latest charges and make any changes if the accusations are accurate. well, signing up for a checking account at certain banks right now, you can earn a few hundred dollars. it may not be easy to get the cash. banks are now offering substantial checking account sign-up bonuses as high as $400. the survey found that 19% of customers say promotions like cash incentives were the reason they switched banks. the sign-up bonuses are enticing, but customers often have to meet certain conditions. at citi bank you have to deposit $15,000 and maintain that balance for 30 days. today the fcc is set to approve the next generation of wireless broadband service. the new 5g service is being tested by at&t and verizon. it promises to be faster and could replace broadband services in your neighborhood. the 5g service needs the fcc approval. it creates new networks that carry that data. first "ghostbusters" made a comeback. nintendo is resident resurrecting a mini version. the nintendo classic mini is a shrunken version of the '80s console. it includes super mario brothers, legend of zel da and donkey kong. plenty of time for christmas. it comes with one controller. you can buy a second one or you can hook up your wii console system. again nintendo really getting back into the game. their stock is up 14% again today. >> we had the original -- my little brother had the original version of that about this big and probably the mid to late '80s. my parents still have it. it's a whole new generation now that's getting hooked on nintendo. >> it's a classic. >> i should sell it on ebay. thank you. 8:27. federal agents have stepped in to help investigate burglaries of northern california gun stores. next, how many stores they are briefed to have hit and where they were found in the bay area after a sacramento gun store was targeted. and there are big changes to the history textbooks in california public schools. why the lgbt is celebrating some of those changes. good morning. we are looking at a commute where traffic is going to be still slow in the valley approach. we will talk a little bit more about that when we come back. foggy, cold for some. warm to hot for others. there is a big difference in the temps today. some of that fog kind of filling in big time on the coast. you guy's be good. i'll see you later. [ bark ] [ bark ] bye. see ya pal. xfinity home provides 24/7 professional monitoring for 24/7 peace of mind. aw. aw. aw. aw. [ dryer running ] know what your pets are up to... party's on! ...with xfinity home, connected, protected home. xfinity customers: get a great deal on xfinity home and ask about free installation. call or go online today. see the secret life of pets, in theatres july 8th. ?q sfx: turbines revving up, getting louder and louder you hear that? that's the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as $69 dollars one-way. so get ready to take off... because sale prices as low as these don't happen every day! book your low fare now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. sfx: clap, clap, ding welcome back to "mornings on 2". it's 8:30. we have develop news in the east bay. oakland police are collecting evidence after a deadly early morning shooting outside of a gas station. >> it happened in oakland very, very close to emeryville. ktvu's alex savidge has been on the scene all morning with information about the victim and evidence police may have to go on. >> reporter: yeah. good morning to you guys. surveillance video from this gas station near where the shooting happened and also other businesses may turn out to be key in this investigation. right now investigators going over some of that video here. you can see it's still a very active crime scene at 35th street and san pablo this morning. you have detectives on the scene here near the chevron gas station where the shooting happened 4:00 this morning. this was a man in his 30s. he may have been walking to the convenience store at this gas station when police say someone opened fire on him. i want to bring in john with the oakland police department. thank you for taking the time. what do we know about the circumstances surrounding this killing? what may have led up to this? >> that's what investigators are looking to find the answers to. we are asking our community, anyone who heard or saw something, to please contact us. and you touched on it, alex. we have solved many homicide cases using video surveillance. using technology. and the community is a key part for helping us to solve where we've lost a life, a member of our community. we are asking any business or residents in this area, it's a very key area for our city, a lot of activity between -- that runs through san pablo and 35th avenue, check your video surveillance system. you may have captured something prior to the crime, during the crime, or after the crime. >> reporter: and as you pointed out a second ago, someone may have captured something important on their video surveillance system and they may not know it? >> right. so we're asking when you come home from work or before you leave for work or if you are off work check your system. you may have captured a key portion or something prior, during, or after that may help investigators. >> reporter: this is the 34th homicide so far here in the city of oakland. how does that compare to where things stood about this time last year? >> 34 losses of life so far this year, and last year we were looking at about 43 losses of life at this time last year. >> reporter: okay. and an on going investigation here as the oakland police department piecing this homicide together, trying to figure out who shot and killed a man said to be about in his 30s near a gas station early this morning near san pablo and 35th street. investigators still trying to track down the shootner this case -- shooter in this case. 8:33. we will help get you out the door by checking weather and your need for a jacket or the tank top and flip-flops. >> i'll tell you, i mean, 45- degree difference on some of the temps depending where you are. if you are by the coast, forget about getting warm. even santa cruz. you know, usually santa cruz, that sun comes out, and it will, but it's not going to be very warm. 50s, 60s, to very, very low 70s. inland 90s to 100s. the fog has been hanging out around sutra tower. it was late to the party, but it continues to work its way north. it's very shallow. maybe some clearing -- if that's true, let me know. but again with this kind of a pattern, it stops about the golden gate, trying to make a move towards alcatraz. this will keep parts of the city cool. i know the fog horns were sounding in richmond this morning. west 3. that won't do it. 60s, 70s for some. 50s for others. half moon bay, montera, 60, 61. 60s on some of the temps. a cold, foggy day for some. there is always pockets of the sun on the coast. one thing to look at, the remains of hurricane celia. look at that moisture. keep an eye on that. see if it will filledder in our area. patchy fog, warm to hot. 100 inland. cool by the coast tonight. if you get the sun, it's not bad. if you don't, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s to 100s. 8:34. sal, what do you have? >> well, we have some slow traffic out there, steve. it's still going to be slow in some of the commutes. eastshore freeway comes to mind. we have a 37-minute delay between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze. can you see now that is red, which means that you see a lot more slow traffic heading out to the bay bridge. when you get to the bay bridge though, we have seen some improvement. that 880 ramp on the left there -- hey, there is our spider. that was weird. the spider is in the carpool lane. okay. it left. it's clearing out. that means that traffic is going to clear up pretty soon. let's move along and take a look at the commute on the metro area. southbound 101 is slowing into mountain view. so is northbound 101. not as bad as yesterday, but certainly filled in on the way up to the west valley. 8:35. back to the desk. in other news, two people were arrested in connection with a shooting in the hayward area where a man was killed sitting in his truck waiting for a traffic light. it happened yesterday afternoon about 1:00 at meekland avenue and blossom way in an unincorporated part of alameda county. sheriff's deputies searched for the suspect using k-9 units and a drone. one officer eventually found the suspect, but he did not have the gun on him. >> it's a public safety concern to have a weapon on the loose. obviously, it's evidence that is of vital importance to us. >> now, authorities later made a second arrest. surveillance video shows an suv dropped off the gunman before the shooting and investigators tracked down that vehicle and took a woman into custody. deputies are still out there looking for the gun and a possible motive for the shooting. the san francisco police department could help in hundreds of unsolved killings. they have asked the mayor for funds to expand the cold case unit. the department says the unit currently has one full time inspector and two retired inspectors. the request for about $160,000 would pay for two more retired inspectors who would work part time. if the funding goes through, the unit should be set by the end of the summer. 8:36. oakland police and federal agents are investigating several gun store burglaries in northern california after a honda crv used inside at least one of the burglaries was linked to oakland. this surveillance video also shows a burglary suspect wearing an oakland u.s.a. sweatshirt during a gun store break in yesterday morning. you see the face of the burglars in that break in yesterday in rockland. 45 minutes later there was another gun store burglary in folsom. that rockland gun store owner says it's very disturb disturbing to have had happen to him. >> to have somebody just think they can just take it really bothers me because i worked hard my whole life. >> police in east oakland stopped an suv matching the one used in that rockland burglary. federal agents detained several suspects but have given no other specifics. however, federal charges could carry longer jail sentences if the suspects are convicted. now, investigators are now trying to figure out if the same suspects are responsible for several gun store burglaries in northern and central california gun stores in the last five months. that includes thefts here in the bay area, in sacramento, and the central valley. here in california, it's usually a misdemeanor to steal a gun. not a felony. it all depends on how much the gun is worth. now, if the gun is worth more than $950, that's grand theft, which is a felony. taking a gun worth less than $950 is petty theft, and that's a misdemeanor. they could have different penalties if they are stolen. >> if you steal a gun, what purpose do you have for it? you are gonna commit a crime yourself or you are gonna sell it to somebody who is gonna commit a crime. >> this was an unintended consequence and we need this loophole closed. >> prop 47 reduced penalties on stolen property and drug possession to reduce crowding. the governor wants voters to decide on gun reforms in november. the two men accused of robbing a armored truck are due in court. search got a and ivan rosales, investigators say they robbed the truck and shot an armored truck guard. the first wave of san jose police officers with body cameras is out on patrol. the city police chief called it a historic moment yesterday. they clip on to an officer's uniform. police went through training yesterday. community groups call the cameras a step in the right direction for improving relations with police. >> i think it's a good thing. i commend the department for bringing forward this idea. i think it's something that can help kind of clarify and help us learn what happens when there is an interaction between the police and a person on the street. >> watchdog groups say they are concerned about police department protocols, which they say haven't made it clear whether the public or an oversight board reviews the cameras of a disputed confrontation with a suspect. lbgt history one step closer to being taught in public schools. >> brian flores in san francisco with more details, brian, and which grades are going to be affected. >> reporter: yeah, you know, the last time the state changed its history curriculum in the public schools was about ten years ago, guys. so certainly a lot has changed during that time, including the rights of the lbgt community. now, what's going to be happening today is a draft of this curriculum will be reviewed by the state education board. in the draft it starts introducing concepts of diverse families in the second grade. then in the fourth grade students are taught about california's role in the gay rights movement. it will continue on through high school. >> the fact that we are able to shine a light on it now, yes, it feels like it's almost been too late to shine a light on it. but it's our responsibility, you know. it's our responsibility to say, like, we need to be more, like, inclusive in order to survive. this is a history that each of us has gone through. >> reporter: up until now its implementation has been slow due to the attempts to overturn it as well as budget cuts that stopped the work on creating these recommendations. again the law was passed back in 2011. some are critical. others someday the details of their struggles are left out. other changes are details of president obama's time in office, the bettersero program and contributions of filipinos to world war ii as well as the farm movement. coming up on "mornings on 2", we are going to talk with a san francisco unified district school board member to get his take. another group also wants california textbooks changed. the california chapter of the council on american-islamic relations say there are blatantly inaccurate portrayals of islam, seikism and cas te system. that group will submit new inside to the state board of education, which is expected to vote on making changes later today. there are new developments to bring you in the case of the oakland teen who was declared brain dead after a tonsil surgery complications more than two years ago. the legal victory for the family of jahi mcmath. another irs scam warning. the strange way a woman was talked into handing over thousands of dollars before she realized she was a victim. we are looking at traffic that is going to be slow in many areas, including the san mateo and dumbarton bridges. still very busy on the way over to the other side. on the other side, the other side inland, it's going to be hot. by the coast a lot of fog there. big differences in the temps. we will show you those coming up. i just picked us up 2 breakfast croissants for $4, when this bear attacked. with one swipe, it devoured one of the croissants. then jack showed up, and took care of the beast, so i could escape. and that's what happened to your breakfast croissant. and yours? it survived. enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. or sausage. two tasty croissants at an even tastier $4 price. it's a deal you'll devour. welcome back. 8:45. a man who won't let his physical limitations keep him from loving and enjoying life and following his dreams. robert mendez has been coaching high school football at san jose high school for a decade. he was born without arms and legs, but what he does have is a great attitude. mendez says his physical limitations have been turned into advantages. he really knows football, and uses a smartphone, a stylus, and his wheelchair to draw up plays for his team. >> i try to be self-sufficient. that's one of my main goals in life, to be independent. i am a different coach. >> he chooses to be out here and teach everyone else. i think that really inspires everyone to pay attention to him and listen to what he has to say. >> they love him, too. now, he uses his story to teach players about life. he doesn't like the world disabled. he said we are all disabled in some way. he describes himself as differently abled. a woman learned a tough lesson after she was tricked into giving away almost $3,000 in an irs phone scam. the woman says she received several messages from someone claiming to be with the irs. well, when she called back the person on the other end of the line demanded she immediately withdraw money from her bank, that she buy itunes gift cards and read the numbers on those gift cards a way of payment for money owed to the irs. but it wasn't until after she gave the scam artist about $2,800 worth of gift card codes that she realized what happened. >> there is a pushy guy. they sounded like they were trying to reassure me. >> give me a call back as soon as possible once you receive this message. once again, this is the irs. >> see, she told her father what was going on, but there wasn't anything authorities could do get her money back. now, she managed to return some of the gift cards that were not used, and now she hopes her story serves as a warning to you and me and others about that scam. time is 8:48. let's go to sal. check our commute one more time, sal. >> all right. dave, thank you very much. the bay bridge toll plaza we are going to see slow traffic still into san francisco. it's getting a little better. a look at that 880 ramp, and that's better, especially if you are using fast track. that should be a nice commute for you there. there are no major problems on the bridge once you get on. we have been looking at san francisco. northbound 101 is heavy and slow from candlestick park or 280. it gets better after caesar chavez. looking at the rest of the peninsula, 101 is a little bit slow in san mateo, and we can do that with the maps here. san mateo. and also in redwood city and menlo park. northbound 101 is very slow still from san jose to mountain view. let's bring steve in here. >> thank you, sir. very good morning. warm to hot. already getting warm for some well inland. by the coast there is a lot of fog there keeping temperatures very cool. does look like it's pulled off on santa cruz. i think it will as well towards stinson beach. okay. not very warm. an offshore breeze, everything would be all systems go. but the fog is hanging in there. inland temps 90s to 100. there is a lot of fog coast and trying to move through the golden gate. high pressure is built in. today it will peak out though. it does look like though by late friday into saturday another low drops down from the pacific northwest. that has been the pattern since may, and that will bump that high out of the picture and allow for a significant cooling trend to take in by the weekend. probably sunday for some well, well inland. saturday i think we will notice it. fog up to bodega bay. it took a turn at point reyes and filled in for some that were clear a couple hours ago. santa cruz has cleared off a bit. there is a ton on the san mateo, santa cruz coast. also the marin coast. trying to get through the getting. a little bit there. it runs into high pressure and too much resistance. in the last few frames, capitola and santa cruz looks like that has pulled off. that's per usual. i went low 70s there. the water temps are cool. 50, 52 bogut and san francisco buoy. fairfield has a delta breeze at 3 miles per hour, they are done. that means they are done as in warm. 70 fairfield. 53 half moon bay. so we'll go from 50s to low 101. kelseyville 76 already. healdsburg 65. well on our way to warm temps. higher clouds from what was once celia right there. now getting caught up in the picture. something to keep an eye on as that system drops down from the south. should stay south. would not surprise me at all, but temperatures today 50s, 60s by the beaches. 70s maybe for a few -- 80s, 90s to 100s. huge difference. patchy fog. some of it is very thick. warm to hot. near 100 inland. nice to cool by the coast, or if you are stuck in that fog it's really tough. this will be the warmest day by far. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, to 101. it's going to take a couple days for contra costa, santa clara. today toasty. but if you have -- if you are in the sales business and you drive around all over the bay, keep an eye on your car thermometer because it may 40 degrees from some to daly city to half moon bay. tomorrow a little bit more fog and then a big fog bank by the weekend. >> all right. i will wait for that. time is 8:51. today is a spare the air day. that means the ozone pollution forecast to reach unhealthy levels. that combined with the inland is causing the alert. everybody is encouraged to try to carpool or take public transportation. avoid using gas powered equipment, too. this is the seventh spare the air day in the bay area so far this year. high-tech security guards are off the job today in stanford. next, allegations by a mother and the evidence that the company says proves otherwise. ?q welcome back to "mornings on 2". our time is 8:54. a state appeals court has ruled that mother of jahi mcmath, who was declared brain dead after complications from tonsil surgery at children's hospital in oakland, can legally try to prove jahi is still alive. the 13-year-old's family did not accept the brain dead declaration, and they moved jahi to new jersey where she is still on organ support machines. jahi's family now must present evidence that she is alive. if the courtsides with them, the family could sue her surgeon and children's hospital for millions of dollars. but if the court rules jahi is dead, the family would be limited to a wrongful death lawsuit. that is capped at $250,000. well, two security robots at the stanford shopping center, they are gonna stay on their charging pads today. they won't be moving around because a san jose woman says a robot ran over her child's foot. now, the company is apologizing, but also says video shows their robot did not run over the child. the company and the mall are investigating. however, the mountain view- based manufacturer reviewed video footage and says the child ran into that security robot. >> the child came in looking back over his shoulder and hit the machine about here. >> that's totally not true because it hit my son's head. so it has to -- he has the bruises. it's swollen. >> the child's mother says the robot's camera angles may not have captured the whole story. she says her son bumped the robot, but the robot ran over his right foot. it's not clear when the security robots will be used again. last night the annual espy awards for sports, it started on a somber note. nba superstars carmelo anthony, chris paul, dwyane wade and lebron james called for an end to racial profiling and gun violence. >> we all feel helpless and frustrated by the violence. we do. that's not acceptable. it's time to look into the mirror and ask ourselves, what are we doing to create change? >> afterwards steph curry accepted the record-breaking performance award. he made 402 three-pointers during the regular season and he thanked his fellow stars for their message on social change. the cleveland cavaliers were the big winners picking up awards for the best team, best moment for winning the nba title, and lebron received best male athlete, best nba player, and best championship performance. one of the more emotional moments last night was when popular basketball sideline reporter craig sager received the jimmy v. award for perseverance. craig has leukemia. he says the cancer is no longer in remission. he was wearing one of his signature very vibrant sports coats, and made a very emotional speech thanking people for supporting him. >> if we don't have hope and faith, we have nothing. whatever i might have imagined, a terminal diagnosis would do to my spirit, it's summoned quite the opposite. the greatest appreciation for life itself. >> vice president joe biden presented sager with the award. biden's son bo died last year of cancer. just ahead of donald trump's vice presidential pick, we break down the possibilities. join us at ktvu "mornings on 2: the 9". it starts in a minute. tomorrow morning donald trump expected to announce who will be his running mate. we are taking a look at the possibilities with political analyst donny fowler. and a unique soccer tournament is taking over union square this weekend. we are joined live by two people behind the game giving players a second chance at supply plus, fundraiser for police k-9 teams. we will introduce you to a handler and his k-9 partner and details on how you can help. all right. hello summer of 2016. it is a hot looking thursday in the bay. looking live there at the golden gate bridge. if you doubt me, let's take camera two

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