Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20151009 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20151009

people out of arizona university in mourning today after four students were shot early this morning. new details about the confrontation this morning. here we are on a friday morning. good morning, to you i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and good morning, i'm dave clark. let's check our weather and traffic. get you moving this morning. steve paulson a beautiful sunrise. >> sunrise. sunsets the last couple of days. the sunsets have been spectacular. gasia and dave on this friday morning. there is still enough to give us a pretty picture here. a little bit of fog has come back as well. not a lot but enough top hug the coast which will equal cooler conditions there and probably over the bay had a report of a little nice bereave out towards benicia. speaking of last nights sunset. this is our good friend khloe. had a lot of sunset pictures. it was nice. most of the higher clouds are filtering out. the low clouds are in place. san francisco will be a little cooler. 70 the forecast high. the record 93 in 1991. 48 way back in 1906. 60s for some. 50s for others but more 40s to the north. napa 46 and 49. 50 at half-moon bay. any breeze and delta breeze and a little offshore for napa. high pressure will win out for inland areas just a little bit cooler coast and parts of the bay. it is a sign of a cooler pal tern for saturday. the breeze will pick up but still 80s to low 90s for some. 60s and 70s by the water. all right sal 7:02 i guess the usual slow traffic but is there any other hiccup you might mention? >> the 580 mess has cleared up. so that is good. when you get to the bay bridge there might be slow traffic. we can show you the traffic at the toll plaza is backed up. there is no such thing as friday light at the toll plaza or on 880. 880 looks good through oakland. if you go to the teleplay and see the traffic arriving there. things have become quite a bit better. we do have a problem in walnut creek southbound 680 right at the 24 interchange. there is a crash. normally traffic through here on a friday is not as bad as it is. if this is your commute, you need to give yourself extra time to get down to the walnut interchange. let's goal back to the desk. let's go with a major develop regarding two high profile homicides in the bay area. the people accused of killing a man in marin county are also suspected of another shooting death last weekend at golden gate park. alex savidge is live to explain how investigators have linked these two attacks. >> reporter: good morning to you. san francisco police they had a real mystery on their hands. they were trying to figure out who killed a backpacker from canada who was found in golden gate park on saturday morning and investigators thought the case looked similar to the shooting death of the hiker in marin county which happened on monday night. investigators here in the city they reached out to authorities at the marin county sheriffs office right away and they now have been able to make a connection between these two cases. 23-year-old audrey carey was found shot to death on saturday morning. that was after the first day of the hardly strictly bluegrass festival. carey was found dead in a wooded area. much like the case where 67- year-old steve carter was found. he was shot and killed along a rural hiking trail just outside of fairfax on monday night. on wednesday the marin county sheriffs office announced three people had been arrested in connection with carter's killing. they were stopped and taken into custody in portland, oregon. they have been identified as 23- year-old morrison lamply. 24-year-old shawn engel. and lye la allgood. those three were found with items from audrey carey. investigators also say those three were found with the gun that was used to shoot carter and his dog along that hiking trail. but the big question is what was the motive for these disturbing crimes? >> it appears we have three people that off identify as having three lost souls and we're trying to identify exactly what their motivation, their state of mind, all these things will come into play. >> reporter: carter and his wife have been staying with friends in marin county recently while she under went treatment for breast cancer and she posted on her facebook page that this is an excruciatingly painful time as you can well imagine for her and her family. she also says his wife says there will be a public memorial for carter and that will be scheduled for the end of this month. in the meantime we should point out their dog who was shot on monday night is still recovering at this point. at the same time those three people the three accused killers here wanted again or behind bars for two separate crimes in the bay area they remain in custody this morning. up in portland, oregon. investigators from here in the bay area continuing to have conversations with them and conduct interviews up there. but it remains unclear exactly when they will be brought back here to the bay area to face charges. >> we'll be watching. alex, thank you. now to new developments this morning. a deadly campus shooting at northern arizona university in flagstaff. just about 45 minutes ago we brought you am live update from university police as they gave us new details into how the shooting unfolded. an argument started in a parking lot between two groups of people near a dorm at 1:30 this morning. they say that is when the fight turned physical. >> one of our students steven jones 18 years old produced a handgun and he shot four of other students. one of our students is deceased. the other three are being treated at flagstaff medical center. >> university police also said they do not know the conditions of the three students that were taken to the hospital. jones however is in custody. we will of course continue to follow this and bring you the very latest as soon as we get more information right here on ktvu. our time is 7:07. we have an update on something we told you about yesterday on  mornings on 2. doctors now say the prognosis is good for spencer stone. he is one of the heros that prevented the attack on a train until france. spencer stone is in serious condition at uc davis medical center. he had several hours of surgery yesterday after being stabbed three times. this surveillance video shows him in a street fight with two men early thursday morning. at one time doctors were worried he would not survive. >> airman stone's condition is serious. while he has sustained significant injuries, airman stone's care team believes he will make a full recovery. >> during that attack the incident on the french train, stone suffered injuries to his left hand. that is when he and two of his childhood friends from northern california sopped that attack -- stopped that attack on that train in france. police until san francisco -- today marks what many consider the highlight of fleet week. this afternoon is the first official blue angels air show. ktvu fox 2 brian flores is live in san francisco to give us just a taste of what is to come. >> reporter: i can't wait for the blue angels to fly later on this afternoon. i'm sure a lot of people can't wait either. we're live here along marina green and this is very cool as well. this is the humanitarian assistance village here. part of fleet week obviously the pal gentry of the ships, the blue angels will be here. this is the only fleet week in the nation that combines all of that pageantry with dealing with humanitarian disasters and coordinating all of these different agencies and showing the public the capabilities of that just in case the worst happens. it's actually a great demonstration to the public to show that. but yeah everyone is looking forward to the blue angels this morning. and also the parade of ships that is happening at 11:00 as well. but to talk more about what will be happening later on today i'm here with garth langley who is a public affairs officer. thank you for waking up with us. what can people expect when they come here? we are talking about parking as well. talk all about that. >> reporter: we are expecting thousands of people for 35th annual san francisco fleet week. it's bigger and better than any previous year. we have more than 2,000 marines and sailors in town. this day is a big one. we have the parade of ships coming on at 11:00. the blue angels will be featured during the fleet week air show from 12:30 to 4:00. they will go live at 3:00. there are military bands performing throughout the city. we will be going to st. anthony's this morning. a lot of good activities. there will be a lot of people so we encourage people to take public transportation. we have partnered with lift for fleet fest. we have a code fleet week sf that we encourage the public to use to get around of course driving is going to be difficult but come along to marina green and see your military. >> you got to help me out. when is the best time to be there? if i were to come tomorrow obviously we have fleet week and the president will be in town as well. >> i would say anywhere between 10:00-12:00 tomorrow. fleet week goes on throughout the weekend. friday, saturday, and sunday the marina green will be live. anywhere from 10:00 to 12:00 get here early. you want to get a great view for the air show and spend some time and talk to our marines and sailors. >> reporter: langley, thank you for your time. a lot of those events will be happening at 11:00 this morning. we are talking about the marine corp band. they will be starting at powell and march to union square. the navy band will be performing at 11:00 and the parade of ships happens at 11:00 as well. so lots of different events going on. not just the blue angels but lots of different events as we mentioned but get here early. it will be a lot of people. >> you're not getting off that easy. a few minutes ago pam cook challenged you to drink that filtered bay water. did you take a sip? >> reporter: i didn't take a sip. i forgot to get a water bottle. >> so here's the deal. we will check in with you again. you're not off the hook. >> reporter: as long as i'm not going in the tank i will drink the bay water. >> thank you, brian. see you in a few. time is 7:12. making sure pedestrians and drivers are safer when they go across train tracks. coming up in 20 minutes there is a new action plan that is being developed by caltrain to keep everybody safe. >> will he or won't he? orange county congressman discusses whether he all jump into the race to be house speaker. >> good morning. we are looking at the south bay commute and right mow we have slowing on 280 as you drive up to highway 17. you see it there. we'll tell you a little more about this and some of the other slow downs. slow downs. >> we could use some water. hard pressed to find any lately. we do have nice sunrise and sunset but what about the temps? staying warmer or cooling down? we'll have your forecast for this friday. in a remote village lived raymond. his internal clock was off, so he'd wake people for breakfast at all hours. while most were annoyed by raymond, one man was inspired. to serve breakfast all day with freshly cracked egg, ham, grilled bacon and savory sausage. the loaded breakfast sandwich. jack in the box. home of breakfast served all day. time is 7:15. we are following developing news out of washington, d.c. as who will succeed john boehner as speaker of the house. darrell says he is considering jump into the race. in a news conference just minuting ago this morning he didn't really clear up the issue. >> i'm not a candidate for speaker. paul ryan is not a candidate for speaker. the difference is there is a resounding amount of support in the conference for paul ryan to agree to be the speaker. and i'm part of that team that is trying to get him to be a speaker. all of us have to consider serving if paul won't. >> he went on to say that paul ryan answered the call when more more asked him to be president and he believes he will be speaker. paul ryan says he does not want the speakers job. it seems we are hearing from more people who say they don't want to be speaker than from people who are saying they do. >> yeah what a surprise who wouldn't want to lead such a fractured party that has had a tough time passing legislation that keeps the government open, to raise the debt ceiling. those are the two bills the house will have to pass or deal with. government funding runs out in mid december. and the debt ceiling needs to be increased according to the treasury department sometime next month. those there are those fights. you have 30 or 40 of the more conservative members of the republican party in the house who are pushing for more concessions. the white house has said no. republicans are getting the blame for threatening to shut down the government or threatening the nation's potentially defaulting on our debt. so it's a really politically messy situation and one that house speaker john boehner apparently grew tired of. he said he is going to stay on until the house selects a new speaker. he wants to leave by the end of the month but that is up to his membership. >> where does representative jason kay fits fits in all of this? >> reporter: now that mccarthy has bowed up, he would be an attractive candidate. the problem for kay fits there are so many candidates who are courting the vice presidential nominee from 2012 that is paul ryan. ryan has said he does not want to run. he is pending on family reasons and he enjoys the work he is doing at the house ways and means committee. he's not this push to jump into -- he's got this push to jump into this. so it's probably one of the most politically difficult jobs in d.c.. >> it sounds like you foresee john boehner staying on as house speaker past his given end date of october 30th. >> yeah he wants to be out by the end of the month. he says he will stay on until whoever in the house surfaces and that person gets 218 votes. unless there is someone succeeding him. if he were to retire, the house would have to have a leadership election immediately and right now republicans can't even choose their candidate. boehner is not going to leave the house in the chaos that it is right now. our time is 7:19. as we get you out on the road this morning. sal is coming back looking at the roads, the bridge. how are they doing? >> they are better than they were. we are looking at some of these commutes on highway 4 and it's slow. for a friday it's better. 680 at a crash at the interchange. unfortunately today contra costa not doing well. the bay bridge looks like it's super slow. this is one of the commutes that where on a friday really? 25-30 minute delay maybe even more getting on to that span. we are checking to make sure there is nothing on that span. there is the spider. my goodness. yeah it's big. northbound -- we don't want to scare the children. northbound 101, 85, and 280 are slow. just a touch better on this friday than normal. now let's go to steve. thank you, sal. >> you're welcome. >> a beautiful picture here. sunrise over the big city. sunsets and sunrise have been spectacular. this reminds me a little bit of dracula as they were racing to the castle. although that was the sunsetting. this is the sunrising. a beautiful shot. i believe that is joe johnson's special. is that correct? yes, it is. it has to be. yeah, yeah sure. fog returns for some. it's mainly parallel to the coast. not so much moving inland. everything is fine for fleet week here. it will still be warm inland. it's still a dry pal tern maybe for awhile. i have not been seeing anything. i have been looking out to the 25th. the record not that long ago 96. 38 back in 1895. 50s for some. 60s for others and 40s for a few. napa is in there at 49. santa rosa i know sebastopol was in there as well. 60s morgan hill and gilroy. the cooler temps by far have been up in the north bay. east though at oakland. east at napa airport. not much dell fall -- delta breeze at all. high pressure though will give way a little bit as the system right there plows into the pacific northwest. the low is finally moving back. the same low that last saturday night gave us a thunderstorm in the east bay. thunder and lightning has moved all the way to the four corners to texas. now it's heading back. it looks like it wants to punch in around southern california next thursday. we will keep an eye on it. i doubt it does too much for you. fog returns. warm for most though. 80s to near 90s. yet 60s and 70s by the bay. for a few it will be a little cooler today. and temperatures i'll tell you they are not going to stay down very long. they will jump back up early next week. there are hints of a rather warm pattern for many inland areas. a little cooler coast and bay. back to warm again monday and tuesday. >> steve, thank you. time is 7:22. there is a mother in sacramento who says a new toy is racist. the controversial toy figure and why the naacp is getting full. you're on a friday mood aren't you? gasia and dave. fly by sugar ray. requested by angela. thank you angela. our theme today is flying. honor of the blue angels. if there is a special song you want to hear, just use #ktvu on twitter, facebook, or instagram. now to a one of kind partnership. sonoma county sheriff is teaming up with the -- they got to spend the last five months raining two service dogs. burgon taught the inmates how to properly train the dogs and today the two pups will graduate with the skills they need to help those are disabled. >> they are going to be paraplegics so they will be working with those in wheelchairs. we will be teaching them how to get items and staying. >> the inmates are hand picked for the program. they must be well behaved with no history of violence. our time 17:27. people are really showing love to the victims of the valley fire. they are going above and beyond. there is a woman in livermore cindy alcott she saw the fire devastation and she decided to help. she donated 25 bicycles delivering to an evaccenter but the lady discoveredth need was a lot greater so she launched a bigger donation drive and tomorrow she is going to drop off more than 150 new and used bikes for those kids in lake county. >> to a child it's something that is theirs. these children lost all of their toys, all of their leos, all of their possessions. >> the bike angel. those bikes will be handed out tomorrow at noontime at an elementary school in middletown. the valley fire destroyed 2,000 buildings and most of them were homes. helping people who are living on the streets. >> one too many crashes between trains and vehicles is prompting caltrain to ramp up its safety efforts. we'll tell you about recent spike and what is being done. some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. don't let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. visit and get started today. 7:30 on this friday morning i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. steve paulson i'm liking this sky. >> the sunrises and sunsets have been amazing. some fog has worked its way back. a little cooler saturday. then you can see the higher clouds and the higher clouds yesterday were a little more in the way for a sunset. more so than a sunrise. matt is up in la honda he says another gorgeous sunset in la honda taken by my friend kathy at her ranch. if you get there soon enough in the morning, venus still visible to the west but disappearing fast with the rising sun. that is true if you get an opportunity the waning crescent and then venus you can't help it. jupiter and mars disappear really quick. low clouds are there but the higher clouds are moving off. 40s for some. santa rosa 46. napa 49. mill valley is at 50. 47 sebastopol. 49 for healdsburg and windsor. high pressure wins out today but it will cool down on saturday. system will move into the north. that low right there down by old el paso all start heading back toward southern california next week. fog returns mainly for the coast. warm for most but cooler coast and bay. 80s to near 90s for some. 60s and 70s for others. all right sal 7:32. >> steve. >> what do you have? we have getting closer to our weekend. steve and i get in ultra early so we get off a little earlier but you still have to deal with a couple things. >> what might those be? >> the east shore we are going to start there. i want to show you something. you and everyone else. let's take a look at what we have with the east shore freeway. it's a 38 minute drive but considering all the problems we've had, that is actually not too bad. we had a couple of crashes, one was a motorcycle accident that was there for awhile. and for it only o be 38 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur maze that is a little bit of the friday action going on on a wednesday that number would probably be 90 minutes. so there you go. once you get out to the bay bridge toll plaza, it is backing up a little bit and it's very slow. we have our spider. it's one of the biggest spiders. boris has been eating well. traffic is going to be busy as you drive into san francisco. i do want to mention concord to walnut creek is good. we had an earlier accident. 242 is backed up to highway 4. 680 is backed up to highway 4 and highway 4 itself is slow. no problems by the way on 580 today from livermore to dublin a couple of slow downs it's not a major deal today. 7:04 let's go back to the desk. caltrain wants to prevent anymore crashes, injuries, and deaths. the numbers have been going up lately and the latest one was on wednesday. janine de la vega is in burlingame where that collision occurred. good morning, janine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. these accidents are happening at crossings like the one here behind me where cars can pass through. a mile away from here at the broadway crossing trains crashed into two other cars that stopped on the tracks. caltrain wants drivers to pay attention to these signs and gates so they don't wind up in the same situation. so far there has been seven caltrain accidents between trains and vehicles this year. but six of those have happened in the past couple of months. the latest occurred on wednesday when a train struck a vehicle at the bays water crossing near california. the driver escaped the car just before the crash and was uninjured. one of the earlier incidents was deadly. a woman was killed in menlo park when she got stuck on the track so she was following traffic and couldn't get out of her car in time. police are doing special enforcement along the peninsula. warning drivers about the difficult intersections where accidents have happened. >> i think this society is showing. everyone is in too much of a hurry and we all need to slow down and pay attention to things. >> reporter: police have handed out dozens of citations to drivers that haven't been paying attention to the warning signs and driving unsafe around the rails. caltrain is kicking off a driver education campaign on social media to help with this effort. they don't think that drivers are stopping on the tracks intentional. accidents are just happening at those intersections where traffic isback ann and drivers are not paying attention. sometimes when you are sitting there in traffic you zone out and you wind up in a situation like that. hopefully this awareness will have some effect. >> janine de la vega there reporting. the search continues for an oakland man who left his injured daughter behind after crashing his car during a police chase. he has been identified as 29- year-old calvin govan. police say they initially tried to pull him over yesterday because they thought he may have been involved in a home invasion robbery earlier in the morning. authorities say govan ended up leading police on a chase with his six-year-old daughter in the backseat. he crashed his car in east oakland. govan and a passenger ran away. the girl suffered substantial injuries and that she will require surgery. time is 7:36. voters in san francisco will be asked to speak out on what to do about genderification in the mission district. this was last night in the mission district. this is a benefit concert and fundraiser for yes or proposition i. proposition i would put a moratorium on construction permits for 18 months unless it's for affordable housing. opponents are saying stopping all construction is overkill. >> we are trying to make sure neighborhoods determine the development of housing and not the market. >> the solution is not to say let's stop everything and imparticular stop building housing, that is exactly the wrong thing to do. >> both sides are campaigning pretty heavily on these issues. proposition i will be on the ballot in the november 3rd election. president obama is traveling to oregon where he all meet with families of the shooting victims at umpqua community college. we have video of the president at joint base andrews boarding air force one. remember the day of the shooting president obama became emotional making remarks about the shooting and renewing his call for tougher gun legislation. the white house says though the president's visit today is strictly to offer comfort and sympathy to grieving families. not everyone supports the governors call. gun rights supporters will are test during the president's visit. a record number of firearm background checks were done last month. that means a record number of guns were sold as well. pam. >> reporter: nearly 1.8 million federal background checks were made in september by the fbi. that sets the record of gun sells up 20% for that last record set in september of 2012. the number comes from a report in fortune magazine. september is also the fifth month in a row to set a record for background checks. experts warn the correlation between background checks and gun sales is not 1-1 but it is an indication of the number of guns sold in the u.s.. now the article also suggests that the record set in june because we've had five months in a row of records, it could be tied to president obama calling for stricter gun control laws. only five states require a background check. if you purchase a gun from a private individual at a gun show but that is one change gun control activists are calling for. in response to the oregon shooting president obama is considering circumventing congress with his executive authority and imposing background check for buyers that purchase from high gun dealers. of course the new shooting this morning from arizona university there we don't know how the student got ahold of the gun but it will come up in discussion. >> pam, thank you. the faa continues to crack down on drones and in minutes whether talk about what the agency plans to do in order to find out who is flying drones near airports. >> good morning. the east bay commute traffic is getting a little bit slow but not too bad so far here in front of the coliseum. >> well the sunrise and the sunset pics keep pouring in and rightfully so because they are rather spectacular. but what about the temps? san francisco says it has made improvements to a city app that is aimed at helping people living on the streets. the app is called sf311. it's supposed to be an alternative to calling 911 to request city services. along with things like graffiti and potholes they have categories for homeless concerns. they tell the examiner they are concerned the apple be used to complain about homeless people than to offer help. police chief greg suhr says they welcome the app. >> we are heading for our 95% record cold wet winter. we need to make sure that we get the people laying on the ground up and into a shelter. >> the app was first launched two years ago. nearly 24,000 people have down loaded it. more than 50 fossil specimens found in the east bay will have a new home. they were discovered back in 2013 when seismic upgrading work was being done on water transmission lines. the fossils offer further proof that camels, wild horses, and bison once grazed in the area. the fossils are expected to help students learn more about the bay area's past. time is 7:43. let's check our commute right now. everybody behaving for you sal? >> i would say people are doing the best they can, dave. but every once in awhile you get these slow commutes. it will be slow at the bay bridge toll plaza. as a matter of fact, it's a little too slow on a friday for my liking. even 880 is a mess. and we keep seeing boris our friend the spider. boy active. i think the sun angle just shows more if you have arachnophobia perhaps you shouldn't be watching. now you can watch. okay. westbound 580 getting a little bit more slow traffic in livermore as you drive towards the dublin interchange. southbound 680 has been really a mess. we had a couple earlier crashes here. they have been cleared but 680 is slow from highway 4 and so is 242 as you head south. let's go to 280 that was slow but now traffic out of downtown is moving well. let's go to steve in the weather center. thank you, sir. we have some fog going down the coast but that is about it. inland temps will not really cool off that much. maybe tonight and tomorrow will get a sea breeze and the fog is trying but it's running into too much resistance. a lot of the higher clouds are moving off but not until we have spectacular sunsets. this is from joseph sunset in danville. i've had many. i'm trying to post as many as i can. a question was asked of me. why are the sunsets and sunrises so nice in october? that is a good question. the sun rays has to pass through much more of our atmosphere. there will be a quiz on monday. [ laughter ] any way, thank you, that is why. 50s. a little haze doesn't matter either. 51 half-moon bay. 60s for a few but alamo is is at 53. lafayette 57. moraga is sleeping in this morning. very strong system. we will move into the pacific northwest it won't do much for us but it will knock the high down a little bit which will allow temperatures to cool off on saturday. this is the same low last week started up here, went through washington, oregon. gave us that thunderstorm last saturday night, early sunday. gave rain to l.a. and san diego. phoenix and tucson. went into arizona and new mexico and backtracking towards baja and end up off the southern california coast sometime next week. it looks like it will move in again down there around thursday of next week. but forecast models always have a tough time with those kind of lows. fog returns but it's pretty far out there. inland temps probably not impacted at all. still 80s and 90s. these are all well above average. most even around the bay are above average. should be about 70 to 79 this time of year and some areas are blasting past that. upper 80s to near 90 for a few. 60s and 70s coast, south san francisco. parts of the peninsula but then 80s for others. it will be cooler on saturday. the fog will retreat or burn back so everything will be all right. sunday looks okay. warm to hot again next week. for us. >> man. so be outside but expect it will be a little warm. >> next week. the weekend will be cooler. not going to last. there you go. speaking of being outside. it's dirty fun involves a lot of mud and a 5k obstacle course. >> it's all for a very good cause. christien kafton is live at muck fest. i hope you didn't wear your best reporter suit. what is going on? >> reporter: i don't know how you talked me into this. so we are here at the muck fest. this is a fundraiser for the multiple sclerosis society. folks can come on out and still participate. the race gets under way at 9:00 tomorrow morning. we are here with cynthia altamarano. you have a personal reason for coming out here. >> yes i have multiple score low is sis. >> reporter: it's important that they get funded. and 100% of the proceeds from the race we are about to demonstrate goes to the society. >> without this research i wouldn't be able to participate in this? race. >> reporter: and so cynthia andly demonstrate two of the obstacles here. we are going to jump off a platform. we are going to do a one, two, three we are going to jump and come off the front end of the big air pad mattress here and then we are going to run to that mud pit. go through the mud pit. i know you are laughing. i will give a one, two, three count. we will come off the front end and guys just so you know i'm all held together with duct tape here. bare with us here. ready cynthia? this is cynthia's first time doing it. so three, two, one. [ laughter ] cynthia, you okay? >> i'm fine. >> reporter: okay. cynthia came off the back end. i'm aiming for the front. it's already a wet muddy mess. >> how does it feel? >> she is beating you. >> reporter: next obstacle. >> you go backwards. >> reporter: anybody who knows me knows how much i hate, hate getting muddy and messy. >> your son is watching this. >> reporter: i wouldn't be doing this. >> i wouldn't either. >> your little boy is watching this. >> christien and cynthia, can i just tell you cynthia did amazing. and what an ambassador she is. >> reporter: it is called muck fest for a good reason. take a look. you might be able to see. muck fest gets under way here. we're in vallejo right across from discovery kingdom. i'm a little winded how about you? >> oh yeah. >> reporter: we will be demonstrating a couple other obstacles that folks will be going through this weekend. again it's all for a good cause. teams can still show up. show up 7:30 tomorrow morning. the first race kicks off at 9:00. >> christien, cynthia, thank you. cynthia was an amazing example. she is dealing with ms and she beat you christien. she is strong and she can do it. and it's so great to see because so many people have another vision when they think of someone that is dealing with ms. >> reporter: absolutely. and i'm so proud that cynthia did this. she had no idea she would be doing this. she is totally game. proving that you can absolutely live with ms. and also raising how important it is to have fundraisers and make sure the research of this disease gets properly funded. >> bravo to you both. >> reporter: more to come. >> thank you. christien, thank you. see you a little bit later on. mark your calendars because soon you won't have to pay for your next cup of cough -- next cup of coffee. >> strong words from the auto maker of tesla. [ music ] sal's traffic jams today at 7:55. this one is like a bird. and our theme today is flying. thank you for that. came off my twitter page. if there is a special song you want to play, let us know i'll play your request every friday morning #ktvu twitter, facebook and instagram. you he says the company only takes the worst of them. this comes after an interview with a german newspaper. musk says we hired people we fired. we always call apple the tesla graveyard. if you don't make it at tesla, you go work at apple. i'm not kidding. musk thinks building a car is the next logical thing for a but reportedly is not taking apple's plan seriously. a mother is claiming toy mobile as being racist. it's part of a pirate ship set that her five-year-old son received as a birthday gift. these photos were posted on her facebook page. she told a sacramento news station. it came with a silver band around his neck that looks like a slave collar. play mobile said the toy is meant to represent a pirate that was a former slave and says it didn't mean to offend anyone. we continue to follow developments in d.c.. talk about a push to fill house speaker john boehner's seat and why another california republican is considering the job. >> plus three people accused in the shooting death of a hiker in marin county earlier this week now linked to another killing that happened over the weekend. we'll tell teleyou how investigators here -- we'll tell you how investigators made that connection. >> we are looking at a commute that is still pretty busy. here on the sunol grade not too bad as you head south. >> the weather won't be too bad. slightly cooler by the coast but the fog is having a hard time making much of an impact. the higher clouds are moving out so what about the temps? continuing to stay warm. we'll have the friday forecast coming up. go to you. welcome back it's friday, october 9th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm gasia mikaelian. i hope we took a moment to pause and reflect on the sunrise and sunsets we are seeing. >> a lot of people like cooler weather. maybe along the coast but that is about it. it will be cooler on saturday. expect for the sonoma coast there is not much in the way of fog. it continues to work its way parallel to the coast but not inland. we are starting off mostly clear. i say that because we had a couple bands of high clouds. even then it looks like they are heading out of the area and going south. fog returns for some. i would favor dependency though ma and m rain coast. it feels a little cooler for those around the coast and bay. and the dry pattern continues. we will see some additional cooling tomorrow as the system up there moves in. that will knock the ridge of high pressure down. allow a breeze to continue. it looks okay for every activity this weekend. 40s in the north bay. 50s and 60s for some temps. the coolest were up in the north bay and there is just not a delta breeze. if any breeze it's almost offshore. over all though we do have high pressure weakening over the weekend but it looks like it will reload for next week and back up to warm again. fog returns for a few. 80s and 90s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. all right sal 8:01. anything new? yeah right now we are looking at slow traffic, steve. i will start off with the east shore freeway. we had earlier problems there. we had a motorcycle accident that had been cleared for awhile. i will start off with 80 westbound from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur maze. you can see it's a 40 minute delay which is not bad considering all the problems we had. once we get to the bay bridge toll plaza you will see slow traffic there as well. it's beginning to get a little bit better. you know what is is not getting better is the whole drive from don card to walnut creek. i want to show it to you on the maps. it's slow from highway 4. 580 through livermore and dublin is slow. we had a little bit of break on the nimitz freeway. it's not as bad as it normally is. 8:02 let's go back to the desk. thank you. we're still following developing news from washington, d.c. about who is going to replace john boehner as speaker of the house. >> california congressman darrell says he is considering jump into the race. >> a job he doesn't want. he isn't seeking but seeking him. >> congressman ryan has said he does not want the speakers job. >> all of this follows john boehner's surprise resignation and yesterday the surprise announcement by kevin mccarthy that he is removing himself from race of speaker. >> i think i shocked some of you. i think there is something to be said to unite. i will stay on as major leader but the one thing i found in talking to everybody if we are going to unite and be strong, we need a new face to help do that. >> reporter: all of this means is that john boehner will stay on as house speaker beyond his announced departure date of october 30th. boehner says he will stay on until a new speaker is selected. ktvu political reporter ross poe lam bow is joining us later. joe biden joe biden has take an keystone toward running for president. [ technical difficulties ] new information on that deadly arizona shooting. university police held a news conference. we carried it live for you this morning and gave us new details into how that shooting unfolded. they say an argument started in a parking lot between two groups near a dorm. it was about 1:30 this morning. that is when the fight turned physical. >> one of our students steven jones 18 years old produced a handgun and he shot four of our other students. one of our students is deceased. the other three are being treated at the flagstaff medical center. >> university police say they don't know the conditions of the three students who were rushed to a hospital. the shooter is in custody. now we will keep following this. we'll bring you the very latest as soon as we get that info in right here on ktvu. in the bay area police say they have uncovered a connection between a deadly shooting near fairfax with one last weekend at golden gate park. >> while they are still looking far motive, investigators say they know who was responsible. >> alex savidge is live in san francisco that is where police will soon discuss the link between the two cases in a couple hours. right alex? >> reporter: yeah they are expected to hold a news conference, update this information at 10:00 this morning. that's the information we just got from san francisco police. their investigators picked up on similarities. they called up authorities in marin county right after that hiker was shot to death on that trail outside of fairfax to try to see if there may be a connection. that is because investigators here in the city were trying to solve a mystery of sorts. a woman found shot to death in golden gate park over the weekend. 23-year-old audrey carey. she is a backpacker from canada. she was here visiting and found dead in the park on saturday morning. right after the first day of the hardly strictly bluegrass festival. carey was found shot and killed in a wooded area that was much like the situation with 67-year- old steve carter who was killed along a hiking trail outside of fairfax on monday. now on wednesday the marin county sheriffs office amounged that three people had been arrested in portland, oregon in connection with carter's killing. they have been identified as 23- year-old morrison lamply, 24- year-old shawn angle, and 18- year-old lyla allgood. investigators went and say is they found items that belonged to audrey carey with those three. investigators also say these three accused killers were found with the same gun that in all likelihood was used to shoot carter and his dog along that hiking trail. >> it's a weapon that we believe is a weapon that was used in the commission of the crime here in fairfax this past monday night. of course confirmation will only be able to come through scientific testing. >> reporter: authorities in marin county say someone found carter's wallet tossed along the side of the road in that area. him and his wife have been staying in marin county while she under went treatment for breast cancer and she posted the message on her facebook page that said this was an excruciatingly painful time for her. a public memorial is planned for carter at the very end of this month. at the same time the three people that stand accused of these two killings in the bay area. one in marin county, one in san francisco they all three remain behind bars in portland, oregon. investigators continuing to do interviews with them there and waiting to see when they will be extradited to the bay area to face charges here. >> alex earlier on mornings on 2 i heard you tell pam cook that certainly police departments around the bay are looking at these three and unsolved cases they may have. were you getting a sense of a timeline of how long the trio was here in the bay area at all? >> no. they have not released much in the way of details about you know how long they had been in this area. where they had come from before. it seems like in fact tours with trying to map out where they were and law enforcement agencies may start to look and see if they may be connected to anymore crimes. >> all right alex savidge in the city, thank you this morning. our time is 8:09. meantime we have a follow up to a story we talked about yesterday. one of the americans who helped stop a terrorist attack on a train in france is in serious condition now at uc davis medical center after he was stabbed yesterday in a fight outside of a sacramento bar. now airman first class spencer stone is being treated for three stab wounds. he's in intensive care. he was heavily sedated. he was in surgery a long time. surveillance video shows stone in a street fight with two men early yesterday morning. >> airman stone's condition is very serious. while he has sustained significant injuries, airman stone's care team anticipates he will make a full recovery. >> stone suffered injuries on his left hand. that is when he and two childhood friends from northern california they stopped that attack on a train in france. police in sacramento say there is no connection between that street fight and what happened on that train. the police are still looking for the two men who stabbed stone. the faa is looking at ways to spot drones before they get close to commercial aircraft. the government says it's tracking ways to trace drones by its radio ways. it would be able to force the drone to land or return to its operator. there have been some 700 near miss between drones and aircraft in 2015. that is up from 240 near misses in all of 2014. the fear is drones could get sucked into an airplanes engine or hit a windshield. genderification. >> and we are getting ready for san francisco fleet week. we are talking blue angels. we are talking the parade of ships and we're also talking about drinking some bay water. you'll see me drink this coming up in two minutes. >> right now traffic is doing okay crossing that bay. getting a little better any way. we'll show you san francisco's commute which is not bad on 101. >> down the hatch we go with a warmer forecast for those inland. what about the coast? will they cool down on this friday? danger zone and blue angels. oh yeah. fleet week celebrations are on for the day. the blue angels perform today and tomorrow over the san francisco waterfront and the tours of those navy ships they start at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. >>ktvu fox 2 brian flores is at san francisco's marina green. thousands of people will watch the blue angels they will check out other events and they will watch you drink water too. from the bay. >> reporter: they are. [ laughter ] i love that song by the way. i love that movie. that is right ice man i am dangerous. you don't remember that. sorry a little top gun reference. we are on marina green where the highlight of this week will be the blue angels. earlier i know pam had challenged me to drink bay water. we're here at this emergency center here. they said -- they set up historiage area -- this treage area. this water is filtered. i will taste it right now. i'm going to be honest, it's a little briny but it's not too bad. [ laughter ] >> there is a little taste to it. >> reporter: a little taste. but hey if there was ever a natural disaster, this will do just fine. we are also talking about military dogs and to talk more about that lance corporal eric. who do we have here and what is her capabilities? >> this is combat tracker jade. she tracks down people. >> reporter: these dogs are amazing. how are they able to sniff sense of people or things or anything like that? >> okay. she follows human odor. every person has their own scent. what you wash yourself with, ush your teeth gives off a special odor. from there the dog follows it. every person there gives off a chimney effect. you are coming out like a chimney. and from there the dog can pick up that sense in the ground or the air. so we track it down from any article of clothing and exactly where you walked. >> reporter: that say maizing. have you used her many in a real life emergency situation before? >> she has not been utilized yet in a real life situation. but right now we are totally certified and we can be utilized at any point. >> reporter: talk about the relationship. obviously it has to be a really close relationship with you and the dog. is she with you 24/7? do you train her all the time? >> yes. there is a close bond. we build this repore constantly playing and working. we work with her all the time. >> reporter: and there is going to be an event tomorrow. bark at the park. it will be from 10:00 to 12:00 at debose park. how will you show these dogs off? >> tomorrow at the park we will have a big demonstration with not just her. i will do a little track with her but we'll also have another dog out there that does all the bike work. and we will have another dog out you see playing around in the background which is a specialized search dog and we'll show how he can detect explosives. >> thank you, sir for your time. i appreciate that. jade good to see you as well. relaxing for the time being. but may i tell you there is lots of things to do this weekend for sf fleet week. of the blue angels will be flying later this afternoon. the air show starts at 12:30. you have the parade of ships before that at 11:00 this morning. and by the way, you can come here to marina green. bring your own water bottle. test it out for yourself. it tastes really good. check this out. i'm living. i'm living. >> you are drinking bay water. meanwhile the blue angels are soaring to new heights and doing tricks where inches matter. >> reporter: the producers send me anywhere they want me to. [ laughter ] let's get you on the road this morning. beyond brian and all that is he is doing. let's watch our commute. sal, how sit looking? >> it's looking okay as a matter of fact. traffic is doing very well. one encouraging sign dave and gasia is highway 4 is cleared out. what we are seeing is some of the commute that's are closer inside the bay like the bay bridge toll plaza they are still heavy. let's take a look at what we have now. highway 24 we will start there. still some slow traffic here but it's getting better in lafayette. it's also a little better in orinda as you drive to the tunnel. had to use my cough button there. westbound bay bridge as you come up to the toll plaza there it's backed up to the maze. that is still a 25 minute delay waiting in line. southbound 880 it's better than it normally is. it slows in southern hayward and union city into fremont. 8:19 let's go to steve. sal, thank you, sir. mostly clear out there. a few high clouds this morning but it looks like a lot has moved out and fog on the sonoma coast. that is about all i could find. there is too much resistance in the form of a northeast breeze. way above average temps. maybe san francisco and some of the coasts will be near average but everybody else looks to be above to way above. just saw a graphic come out on twitter. california climate in the last four years warmest ever. it's just shooting straight up. straight up. going back all the way back to 1900s. if it feels warmer to you, it certainly is looking that way. because i'll tell you the last four years have been very warm and that continues. the fog returns for some. feeling cooler for a few but not for all. it will still be warm inland and it's a dry pattern. george mccray said will it ever rain? yes. [ laughter ] some day it will rain. i just don't see it this month yet. there is nothing that says rain for us yet. things can change. we'll see. 40s for a few. 50s and 60s on the temps. a little chill for those if you don't have any of that low clouds. had low 50s there and offshore breeze. offshore breeze. a south wind at 3 at fairfield is nothing. this whopper of a system that included the remains of the hurricane oho that came up from the hawaiian islands does not happen in october. hammered jew knee with 7.21 inches of rain. broke the old mark of 6 plus. so there was a lot of energy in that system rightfully so. it will move in over the pacific northwest. that will help over the ridge a little bit allowing for slightly cooler temps. that was the track. again in october and nothing like this has happened since 1949. the last one to do that was in 1992. that was in september. our little low right there which has gone -- is going like this. looks like it will head back into southern california next thursday. something else you just don't see. fog returns for a few. warm for most. near 90 for some inland. clear lake will be in there. vacaville, st. helena. 91 antioch. brentwood and i give up on livermore. >> don't give up on livermore. >> it's always the hottest spot now. hotter than bakersfield, fresno. >> i have a strange pride when i see your graphics on livermore. >> let's get to these temps. 80s for many. 60s and 70s and 80s on the coast, city, and on the peninsula. little cooler saturday. we're fine for fleet week. the fog will retreat back. yesterday at 2:00 livermore was warmer than bakersfield, fresno, stockton, vacaville,hi koa, reddings, and red bluff. i don't remember having that conversation 15 years ago. there we've always been warmest in the bay area but when you move outside and go to historically really hot spot we never beat fresno and bakersfield. it's a strange pride. [ laughter ] thank you, steve. time is 8:23. do you have what it takes to participate in muck fest? not in that suit you don't but if you're wearing jeans and a t- shirt like christien kafton you might. things are getting messy. he will join us in our next half hour to show us how getting dirty is helping a good cause. >> big news surrounding the apple watch. what app is compatible with it. and what else you can buy using that device. ♪ some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. in just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your energy savings up. don't let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. take the free home energy checkup. honey, we need a new refrigerator. visit and get started today. you know this song; right dave? >> i sure do. >> and gasia you know this song. >> yes, toy. >> it is lenny california its fly away. we are doing songs that involve fly for the blue angels. if you want a song played on our friday checklist just send it to us on sal's traffic jams. let's listen for it. wait for it. ♪ i want to fly away wall street has had some ups and downs this morning. dow jones is up 27 points. s & p and nasdaq also in the green but just by a few points. there are reports the federal reserve will raise interest rates. reports 13 of the 17 fed policymakers anticipate an increase this year. some economists aren't sold. they think the fed will wait until next year to make that kind of move. our time is 8:28. if you use an apple watch you can use a facebook feature. the website tech time says the app is really useful when you are on the go and someone is trying to reach you. you don't have to reach for the phone. instead you reply through facebook messenger in the apple watch. the website says you can't type in full replies but you pick from a list of predetermined answers. also you will soon be able to pay for your coffee drinks from starbucks with the apple watch. starbucks and kfc they plan to accept apple pay. star bucks will test the program later this year. then they will accept apple pay at all of their 7500 americans locations. what if you don't want to pay for your coffee? we have good news. how to get a free cup of coffee. you can get one every week at 7- eleven. to get your free cough tee fix, you have to down load the 7- eleven app to your smart phone and then register and go into the convenient store and scan it. 7-eleven says a new code will appear each day for the week and here's the best thing, you can get any size you want. time is 8:29. early today there was another deadly shooting on a college campus. the second in just eight days and it happened just after a report was published by gun sales. >> a spike in caltrain accidents is prompting the transit agency to take action. we'll tell you what it's trying to do to help prevent trains and vehicles from colliding. babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at oh that takes me back. as we looks at this live beautiful picture of the bay we welcome you back to mornings on 2. >> listening to curtis mayfield super fly. we are talking flight and flying. if you have a song with either flight or flying in the title, sal wants to see your requests. just make sure you use the tvu. time is 8:32. let's see if we can get you out the door. steve, we do not tire of looking at pictures of the golden gate and the fog. i know everything is very pretty. very quiet. very warm too for this time of year. we do have mostly clear skies. a little bit of fog on the sonoma coast and a few high clouds but nothing compared to yesterday when we had the beautiful sunrise and sunset. they continued into this morning. but i think we will be mostly clear later today. a little bit of fog. there is not a lot there. but it is a sign of things to come for tonight and tomorrow probably. 40s and 50s to 60s. there will be some areas close to 90 degrees again. just can't find a breeze and what is there is showing components of being slightly offshore. very strong system coming out of the gulf of alaska. it will bump the high out. fog returns for a few. not for much. 80s and 90s. a little cooler 60s and 10:s. i enjoyed kenny's danger zone. that brought back memory. that is a good one. it's been awhile since that movie came out. >> '86 top gun? >> i don't know. does anyone know in the newsroom? they don't know. we'll get it for you. good morning everybody. i have a friend called mr. google who will get it for you. '86. thank you. all right. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza shall we. in 1986 at the bay bridge toll plaza i believe the toll was $0.75. right now at this hour it's $6. thank you very much. $6. you will be waiting for 30 minutes to pay that $6. no problems on the bridge itself. looking at the san mateo bridge on westbound 92 that traffic is moving along relatively well. there are no problems heading out to the peninsula and highway 101 is okay. ly tell you where the trouble spot is. danville, san ramon. southbound and northbound 680 is slow because of earlier issues and accidents on the shoulder. and 680 is still very slow. almost but not quite to highway 4. 242 is jammed heading down to 680. this whole area is not doing well and that is because of earlier issues. let's go back to the desk. caltrain is stepping up enforcement after an increase in the number of collisions between trains and vehicles. >> the latest crash was wednesday in burlingame. ktvu fox 2 janine de la vega you're there now to talk about caltrain's action plan. it's been a big increase since last year. >> reporter: yeah there has. i asked a spokeswoman about the numbers and last year caltrain had a total of four accidents involving vehicles and trains colliding. and so is far this year there has been seven accidents but the crazy thing is that six of them have happened in the last couple of months and caltrain is seeing this spike at certain crossings where traffic backs up. the latest accident happened on wednesday when a train struck a vehicle at bays water crossing near california and burlingame. the driver escaped the car just before the crash and was uninjured. but in one of the earlier incidents it was deadly. a woman was killed in menlo park when she got stuck on the track. police are doing special enforcement along the peninsula warning drivers about the difficult intersection where is accidents have happened. we spoke to people walking near the crossing who say they on serve a lot of bad driving behavior. >> i see people making the turn and scooting off and thinking i'm clear of the tracks. i'm clear of the tracks. i'm okay. wait 20 second. wait 30 seconds. wait a minute. >> reporter: police have handed out dozens of citations to drivers who haven't been paying attention to the warning signs and driving unsafe around the rails. next week caltrain is kicking off a driver education campaign on social media to help with this effort. caltrain officials tell me they don't think drivers are stopping on the tracks intentionally. the accidents are just happening at intersection where is the traffic back -- where the traffic backs up and are not paying to the warning signs. dave. >> janine de la vega, thank you. meantime it may cost more money to ride caltrain next year. caltrain wants a price hike of $0.50 per trip. that monthly parking pass would go up $5. according to the san jose mercury news, despite the record ridership, caltrain is having a money problem. a deficit approaching $30 million. the mercury news reports it's the only transit system in the bay area without a permitted dedicated source to its funding. president obama is traveling to roseberg, oregon to meet with families of the shooting victims at umpqua community college. we are showing you here the president at joint pace andrews. the day of the shooting president obama made emotional remarks once again reining his call for tough -- he newing his call for tougher gun legislation. the president's visit today is to offer comfort and sympathy to grieving family. not everyone in roseburg supports the call for tighter gun regulation. gun sales set a record for the fifth month in a row and that may have something to do with president obama's plan to try to toughen gun control regulations. >> pam cook is back in the studio to explain the possible side of the president here. >> reporter: this morning's report nearly 1.8 million federal background checks were made just in september by the fbi. that sets a record from september of 2012. that also means gun sales set a record. experts warn the correlation between background checks and gun sales is not 1-1 but it is an indication of the number of guns sold here in the u.s.. september is also the fifth month in a row to set a record for background checks. the article suggests that the record set in june could be tied to president obama calling for stricter gun control laws. only five states require a background check if you purchase a gun from a private individual at a gun show but that is one change gun control activists are calling for. in response to the oregon shooting, president obama is considering circumventing congress with his executive authority and opposing new background check for buyers that purchase weapons from high volume gun dealers. that would clarify what it means to be engaged in the business of selling firearm. those businesses would have to conduct background cheekiness their buyer -- background checks on their buyers. >> historically we do see an increase in sales any time the president or legislature says we're going to crack down. it's sort of a cause and effect. >> reporter: exactly. that is how they are tying it together. >> all right, pam, thank you. time is 8:39. we are learning more about a civil rights lawsuit against sonoma county jail officials. press democrat is reporting a former female inmate filed a lawsuit claiming a correctional deputy made lewd comments to her and propositioned her for sex. czar main gray says the deputy made a late night visit to her jail cell. the lawsuit is seeking unspecified damages. the deputy named in that lawsuit he no longer works for the sheriffs department but he told the press democrat there is no merit to the case. earlier this week 21 inmates filed a lawsuit accusing sonoma county deputies of beating them. time is 8:40. one of a kind partnership sonoma county sheriff is teaming up with the burr gone institute. they spent the last month training two service dogs. >> we teach them getting items and staying. >> the inmates are hand picked for the program. voters in san francisco will be asked to weigh in about what to do with gentification in the mission district. a benefit and fund raise was held. opponents say halting all construction is really overkill. >> we're trying to make sure that neighborhoods determine the development of housing. and not the market. >> the solution is not to say let's stop everything and imparticular stop building housing. that is exactly the wrong thing to do. >> both sides are campaigning heavily. proposition i will be on the ballot on the november 3rd election. time is 8:42. not that i can identify with this story but slowly but surely will there is a man that is realizing his dream. he is riding a bike across the united states. even though he weighs almost 500 pounds. >> he jokes and calls himself the fat forest gump. thousands of people following the adventure on instagram. he started out in massachusetts in june and he just made it to manhattan. his goals are to win back his estranged wife, lose weight, and write a book after he reaches the west coast. guess what, his wife is joining him and he's already lost 70 pounds. so two out of three at this point ain't bad. >> it's fascinating. it's intriguing now to see what his goals are. >> yeah. put your mind to it. you can do it. glad to see wife is on board so to speak. 8:43 now. famous singer says he will no longer be performing at casinos with the name trump on it. >> getting down and dirty for a great cause. there is christien kafton right there in the middle of your screen. we will get back to hill. he is making his way through an obstacle course ahead of a big race that is happening this weekend. >> we are looking at the east bay commute and traffic will be busy on 680 heading south from walnut creek into danville because of some issues on the road there. . >> lots of sunshine. looks like another warm day above normal temps. a little bit of fog near the coast. we'll see how that impacts the city. there is a little breeze kicking up. your friday forecast. my name is griselda zendejas. i love working in the salinas area because i always wanted to do something where i could help people around me. so being a construction supervisor for pg&e gives me the opportunity to give a little bit back to my community. i have three boys. they're what keep me going every day. our friends, families live in the area. and it is important for all of us that we keep our community safe. together, we're building a better california. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. tom petty. one of my favorites. old time artist learning to fly. had to ply that one. requested by 650 patrick. that is his twitter handle. i don't know his last name. he follows all of us on twitter. if you want to have a song played on friday, the theme is is fly. send us your request, just tvu on social media. >> you had our bouncing our heads. thank you. time is 8:47. get ready to get dirty. it's time for muck fest involving a lot of mud, a 5k obstacle course and bringing them together for a good cause. christien kafton is there. you have already shown us you've got the right stuff. good morning, christien. >> reporter:you are very generous. i wasn't kidding when i said i don't like getting muddy and messy. i already did an outfit change. cynthia show everybody your back. you can see how mucky and messy this whole thing gets. you will be running this weekend. it's for a good cause. it's to raise money for multiple sclerosis. >> i put out a call last year. a few people showed up. this year we have doubled the size of the team. we will take anybody who comes along and please join us tomorrow because it's really a wonderful event for a good cause. >> reporter: and there is still room. online registry is closed but you can show up 7:30 tomorrow morning. the first race kicks off at 9:00. this is one of the events here. we are going to go through the big balls here. cynthia. ly give -- i will give you a 3- 2-1 countdown. our photographer will be joining us. it looks easy but i believe it will be tricky. 3, 2, 1, go. we've got to make our way through them. yes. [ laughter ] yes. i won. i think that was a clean victory. that was a clean win. so again the event here. see look. your team running tomorrow so you get a little preview of everything that is going on. for the folks at home there are still opportunities for people to sign up here. all the money 100% of the proceeds go to the national multiple sclerosis society. we are here at the fairgrounds. now we have said there is three events that we will be doing coming up in the next half hour. in the next hour rather. we will be going on something called the swinger. it's a ring line that takes me around over some water. i am predicting i will fall into that water and i'll tell you what guys it looks pretty cold. we were going to do the zip line but i was told a half hour ago the zip line finishes in the water. if i go in the water i will short out like a robot. so again in the next hour coming up we will be going into -- we will be going on to the swing line. so it should be a lot of fun. >> all right you took us right there. christien kafton, thank you. you guys were great. time is 8:50. let's talk to sal as you get to where you need to go. the toll plaza, how does it look this >> still busy, dave. still busy out there if you are driving into san francisco. we have seen some improvement which is nice at the bay bridge toll plaza. westbound 80 you can see it's still backed up to the maccarthur maze. those metering lights are on. we are seeing more movement and seeing about a 25 minute delay before you make it on to the span of the bridge. we're also looking at a commute on the nimitz freeway that is backing up out of san leandro. the trouble spot the last hour or so has been 680 between walnut creek and danville. it had a couple problems that have not been in the lanes for too long but the traffic is very slow. both directions. if you can put that trip off, you might want to do that. 8:50 let's go to steve in the weather center. sal, thank you. mostly sunny out there. a few high clouds. it looks like they have moved off. some fog were trying to form. it made it on the sonoma coast. after that there wasn't a lot to deal with. probably tonight it will be back. it's out there. compared to the last couple of days when it disappeared. feeling a little cooler by the coast. coast and bay might have a little cooler pattern here. it will still be warm inland today. cooling does take place over the weekend. higher clouds just too much energy from high pressure kicking those out of the way. rather strong system is move into the pacific northwest. that will give us a little brush of more fog and also a cooler pattern tomorrow. but today we are already in the 60s for some. upper 60s for a few. had a lot of 40s in the north bay. it was cool for a few but there is not enough of a breeze. what is there is north or northeast or easterly component. this system will move in over the weekend. that will allow cooler weather for saturday. and a little rebound on sunday but then back to warm to hot again by next week. this low coming all the way back off of baja and drift up toward southern california. fog returns for a few. not for a lot but it will be back tonight. 80s and 90s again. well above arch on these temps. 60s and 70s around the bay. still most locations are running above normal. even around the bay. and no doubt about it for inland temps they are well above a good 5-10 for many. 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s. no 90s on the peninsula but there is 90s to the not guilty and east and south. a little cooler on saturday. level it off on sunday. warm again monday and tuesday. >> thank you. time is 8:52. taylor swift she achieved a lot but her latest milestone is because of her cats. we'll tell what that milestone is after the break. plus as we head to the break the beautiful sounds of the navy band. this is the navy band southwest. live. mornings on 2 will be right back. back. julio iglesias is fed up with the donald. iglesias he said he will no longer perform at donald trump casinos. he called trump a clown and apologized to the clowns. he went on to say donald trump he met him several times. he thinks quote his brain and his heart are not connected. iglesias made the comments after a series of incendiary comments that trump has made about mexican immigrants. trump responded to iglesias saying good, i don't like his voice or performances anymore, anyhow. there is a new queen of instagram. you met her. that is taylor swift. she now has 50 million followers on instagram. in an instagram she wrote quote 50 million followers. thanks a lot guys. i think it's just because i have cute cats. by the way the music video for the song shake it off it has more than 1 billion view on youtube. that is a composer that came up with the theme the star wars he will get one of the highest honors in movie history. next june john williams will receive the lifetime achievement award from the american film institute. he will be the first ever composer to get that honor. he is 88 years old. he has won five oscars. she has composed music for other clashes like et, jaws, and indiana jones. he's a great guy too. time is 8:57. coming up in two minutes mornings on 2 the 9. our political reporter ross palombo will join gasia, mike, and sal. he will broke down the effort to fill john boehner's house speaker seat. >> and you have to see it to believe it. norman the bike riding dog is right here in the bay area. and this morning he is showing us his tricks. comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. a homicide in golden gate park and along a marin county hiking trail. details on the three suspects that left a deadly mark on the bay area. >> plus free genetic cancer screenings for weep in the bay area -- for women in the bay area. >> and norman the bike riding dog is in the bay area for the largest pet adoption event in northern california. this morning we meet norman and some of the animals looking for a home. good morning. welcome to friday and it is mornings on 2 the 9 along with mike mibach and gasia mikaelian i'm sal castaneda and we have made it to friday guys. >> we made it. >> we have. and fleet week this week. a lot of people heading out to see the blue angels. a lot of people excited for the excitement in san francisco. the weather couldn't be better. beautiful setting. >> nice view out there. we have a lot of news this morning. >> let's start with the house

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20151009 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20151009

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people out of arizona university in mourning today after four students were shot early this morning. new details about the confrontation this morning. here we are on a friday morning. good morning, to you i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and good morning, i'm dave clark. let's check our weather and traffic. get you moving this morning. steve paulson a beautiful sunrise. >> sunrise. sunsets the last couple of days. the sunsets have been spectacular. gasia and dave on this friday morning. there is still enough to give us a pretty picture here. a little bit of fog has come back as well. not a lot but enough top hug the coast which will equal cooler conditions there and probably over the bay had a report of a little nice bereave out towards benicia. speaking of last nights sunset. this is our good friend khloe. had a lot of sunset pictures. it was nice. most of the higher clouds are filtering out. the low clouds are in place. san francisco will be a little cooler. 70 the forecast high. the record 93 in 1991. 48 way back in 1906. 60s for some. 50s for others but more 40s to the north. napa 46 and 49. 50 at half-moon bay. any breeze and delta breeze and a little offshore for napa. high pressure will win out for inland areas just a little bit cooler coast and parts of the bay. it is a sign of a cooler pal tern for saturday. the breeze will pick up but still 80s to low 90s for some. 60s and 70s by the water. all right sal 7:02 i guess the usual slow traffic but is there any other hiccup you might mention? >> the 580 mess has cleared up. so that is good. when you get to the bay bridge there might be slow traffic. we can show you the traffic at the toll plaza is backed up. there is no such thing as friday light at the toll plaza or on 880. 880 looks good through oakland. if you go to the teleplay and see the traffic arriving there. things have become quite a bit better. we do have a problem in walnut creek southbound 680 right at the 24 interchange. there is a crash. normally traffic through here on a friday is not as bad as it is. if this is your commute, you need to give yourself extra time to get down to the walnut interchange. let's goal back to the desk. let's go with a major develop regarding two high profile homicides in the bay area. the people accused of killing a man in marin county are also suspected of another shooting death last weekend at golden gate park. alex savidge is live to explain how investigators have linked these two attacks. >> reporter: good morning to you. san francisco police they had a real mystery on their hands. they were trying to figure out who killed a backpacker from canada who was found in golden gate park on saturday morning and investigators thought the case looked similar to the shooting death of the hiker in marin county which happened on monday night. investigators here in the city they reached out to authorities at the marin county sheriffs office right away and they now have been able to make a connection between these two cases. 23-year-old audrey carey was found shot to death on saturday morning. that was after the first day of the hardly strictly bluegrass festival. carey was found dead in a wooded area. much like the case where 67- year-old steve carter was found. he was shot and killed along a rural hiking trail just outside of fairfax on monday night. on wednesday the marin county sheriffs office announced three people had been arrested in connection with carter's killing. they were stopped and taken into custody in portland, oregon. they have been identified as 23- year-old morrison lamply. 24-year-old shawn engel. and lye la allgood. those three were found with items from audrey carey. investigators also say those three were found with the gun that was used to shoot carter and his dog along that hiking trail. but the big question is what was the motive for these disturbing crimes? >> it appears we have three people that off identify as having three lost souls and we're trying to identify exactly what their motivation, their state of mind, all these things will come into play. >> reporter: carter and his wife have been staying with friends in marin county recently while she under went treatment for breast cancer and she posted on her facebook page that this is an excruciatingly painful time as you can well imagine for her and her family. she also says his wife says there will be a public memorial for carter and that will be scheduled for the end of this month. in the meantime we should point out their dog who was shot on monday night is still recovering at this point. at the same time those three people the three accused killers here wanted again or behind bars for two separate crimes in the bay area they remain in custody this morning. up in portland, oregon. investigators from here in the bay area continuing to have conversations with them and conduct interviews up there. but it remains unclear exactly when they will be brought back here to the bay area to face charges. >> we'll be watching. alex, thank you. now to new developments this morning. a deadly campus shooting at northern arizona university in flagstaff. just about 45 minutes ago we brought you am live update from university police as they gave us new details into how the shooting unfolded. an argument started in a parking lot between two groups of people near a dorm at 1:30 this morning. they say that is when the fight turned physical. >> one of our students steven jones 18 years old produced a handgun and he shot four of other students. one of our students is deceased. the other three are being treated at flagstaff medical center. >> university police also said they do not know the conditions of the three students that were taken to the hospital. jones however is in custody. we will of course continue to follow this and bring you the very latest as soon as we get more information right here on ktvu. our time is 7:07. we have an update on something we told you about yesterday on  mornings on 2. doctors now say the prognosis is good for spencer stone. he is one of the heros that prevented the attack on a train until france. spencer stone is in serious condition at uc davis medical center. he had several hours of surgery yesterday after being stabbed three times. this surveillance video shows him in a street fight with two men early thursday morning. at one time doctors were worried he would not survive. >> airman stone's condition is serious. while he has sustained significant injuries, airman stone's care team believes he will make a full recovery. >> during that attack the incident on the french train, stone suffered injuries to his left hand. that is when he and two of his childhood friends from northern california sopped that attack -- stopped that attack on that train in france. police until san francisco -- today marks what many consider the highlight of fleet week. this afternoon is the first official blue angels air show. ktvu fox 2 brian flores is live in san francisco to give us just a taste of what is to come. >> reporter: i can't wait for the blue angels to fly later on this afternoon. i'm sure a lot of people can't wait either. we're live here along marina green and this is very cool as well. this is the humanitarian assistance village here. part of fleet week obviously the pal gentry of the ships, the blue angels will be here. this is the only fleet week in the nation that combines all of that pageantry with dealing with humanitarian disasters and coordinating all of these different agencies and showing the public the capabilities of that just in case the worst happens. it's actually a great demonstration to the public to show that. but yeah everyone is looking forward to the blue angels this morning. and also the parade of ships that is happening at 11:00 as well. but to talk more about what will be happening later on today i'm here with garth langley who is a public affairs officer. thank you for waking up with us. what can people expect when they come here? we are talking about parking as well. talk all about that. >> reporter: we are expecting thousands of people for 35th annual san francisco fleet week. it's bigger and better than any previous year. we have more than 2,000 marines and sailors in town. this day is a big one. we have the parade of ships coming on at 11:00. the blue angels will be featured during the fleet week air show from 12:30 to 4:00. they will go live at 3:00. there are military bands performing throughout the city. we will be going to st. anthony's this morning. a lot of good activities. there will be a lot of people so we encourage people to take public transportation. we have partnered with lift for fleet fest. we have a code fleet week sf that we encourage the public to use to get around of course driving is going to be difficult but come along to marina green and see your military. >> you got to help me out. when is the best time to be there? if i were to come tomorrow obviously we have fleet week and the president will be in town as well. >> i would say anywhere between 10:00-12:00 tomorrow. fleet week goes on throughout the weekend. friday, saturday, and sunday the marina green will be live. anywhere from 10:00 to 12:00 get here early. you want to get a great view for the air show and spend some time and talk to our marines and sailors. >> reporter: langley, thank you for your time. a lot of those events will be happening at 11:00 this morning. we are talking about the marine corp band. they will be starting at powell and march to union square. the navy band will be performing at 11:00 and the parade of ships happens at 11:00 as well. so lots of different events going on. not just the blue angels but lots of different events as we mentioned but get here early. it will be a lot of people. >> you're not getting off that easy. a few minutes ago pam cook challenged you to drink that filtered bay water. did you take a sip? >> reporter: i didn't take a sip. i forgot to get a water bottle. >> so here's the deal. we will check in with you again. you're not off the hook. >> reporter: as long as i'm not going in the tank i will drink the bay water. >> thank you, brian. see you in a few. time is 7:12. making sure pedestrians and drivers are safer when they go across train tracks. coming up in 20 minutes there is a new action plan that is being developed by caltrain to keep everybody safe. >> will he or won't he? orange county congressman discusses whether he all jump into the race to be house speaker. >> good morning. we are looking at the south bay commute and right mow we have slowing on 280 as you drive up to highway 17. you see it there. we'll tell you a little more about this and some of the other slow downs. slow downs. >> we could use some water. hard pressed to find any lately. we do have nice sunrise and sunset but what about the temps? staying warmer or cooling down? we'll have your forecast for this friday. in a remote village lived raymond. his internal clock was off, so he'd wake people for breakfast at all hours. while most were annoyed by raymond, one man was inspired. to serve breakfast all day with freshly cracked egg, ham, grilled bacon and savory sausage. the loaded breakfast sandwich. jack in the box. home of breakfast served all day. time is 7:15. we are following developing news out of washington, d.c. as who will succeed john boehner as speaker of the house. darrell says he is considering jump into the race. in a news conference just minuting ago this morning he didn't really clear up the issue. >> i'm not a candidate for speaker. paul ryan is not a candidate for speaker. the difference is there is a resounding amount of support in the conference for paul ryan to agree to be the speaker. and i'm part of that team that is trying to get him to be a speaker. all of us have to consider serving if paul won't. >> he went on to say that paul ryan answered the call when more more asked him to be president and he believes he will be speaker. paul ryan says he does not want the speakers job. it seems we are hearing from more people who say they don't want to be speaker than from people who are saying they do. >> yeah what a surprise who wouldn't want to lead such a fractured party that has had a tough time passing legislation that keeps the government open, to raise the debt ceiling. those are the two bills the house will have to pass or deal with. government funding runs out in mid december. and the debt ceiling needs to be increased according to the treasury department sometime next month. those there are those fights. you have 30 or 40 of the more conservative members of the republican party in the house who are pushing for more concessions. the white house has said no. republicans are getting the blame for threatening to shut down the government or threatening the nation's potentially defaulting on our debt. so it's a really politically messy situation and one that house speaker john boehner apparently grew tired of. he said he is going to stay on until the house selects a new speaker. he wants to leave by the end of the month but that is up to his membership. >> where does representative jason kay fits fits in all of this? >> reporter: now that mccarthy has bowed up, he would be an attractive candidate. the problem for kay fits there are so many candidates who are courting the vice presidential nominee from 2012 that is paul ryan. ryan has said he does not want to run. he is pending on family reasons and he enjoys the work he is doing at the house ways and means committee. he's not this push to jump into -- he's got this push to jump into this. so it's probably one of the most politically difficult jobs in d.c.. >> it sounds like you foresee john boehner staying on as house speaker past his given end date of october 30th. >> yeah he wants to be out by the end of the month. he says he will stay on until whoever in the house surfaces and that person gets 218 votes. unless there is someone succeeding him. if he were to retire, the house would have to have a leadership election immediately and right now republicans can't even choose their candidate. boehner is not going to leave the house in the chaos that it is right now. our time is 7:19. as we get you out on the road this morning. sal is coming back looking at the roads, the bridge. how are they doing? >> they are better than they were. we are looking at some of these commutes on highway 4 and it's slow. for a friday it's better. 680 at a crash at the interchange. unfortunately today contra costa not doing well. the bay bridge looks like it's super slow. this is one of the commutes that where on a friday really? 25-30 minute delay maybe even more getting on to that span. we are checking to make sure there is nothing on that span. there is the spider. my goodness. yeah it's big. northbound -- we don't want to scare the children. northbound 101, 85, and 280 are slow. just a touch better on this friday than normal. now let's go to steve. thank you, sal. >> you're welcome. >> a beautiful picture here. sunrise over the big city. sunsets and sunrise have been spectacular. this reminds me a little bit of dracula as they were racing to the castle. although that was the sunsetting. this is the sunrising. a beautiful shot. i believe that is joe johnson's special. is that correct? yes, it is. it has to be. yeah, yeah sure. fog returns for some. it's mainly parallel to the coast. not so much moving inland. everything is fine for fleet week here. it will still be warm inland. it's still a dry pal tern maybe for awhile. i have not been seeing anything. i have been looking out to the 25th. the record not that long ago 96. 38 back in 1895. 50s for some. 60s for others and 40s for a few. napa is in there at 49. santa rosa i know sebastopol was in there as well. 60s morgan hill and gilroy. the cooler temps by far have been up in the north bay. east though at oakland. east at napa airport. not much dell fall -- delta breeze at all. high pressure though will give way a little bit as the system right there plows into the pacific northwest. the low is finally moving back. the same low that last saturday night gave us a thunderstorm in the east bay. thunder and lightning has moved all the way to the four corners to texas. now it's heading back. it looks like it wants to punch in around southern california next thursday. we will keep an eye on it. i doubt it does too much for you. fog returns. warm for most though. 80s to near 90s. yet 60s and 70s by the bay. for a few it will be a little cooler today. and temperatures i'll tell you they are not going to stay down very long. they will jump back up early next week. there are hints of a rather warm pattern for many inland areas. a little cooler coast and bay. back to warm again monday and tuesday. >> steve, thank you. time is 7:22. there is a mother in sacramento who says a new toy is racist. the controversial toy figure and why the naacp is getting full. you're on a friday mood aren't you? gasia and dave. fly by sugar ray. requested by angela. thank you angela. our theme today is flying. honor of the blue angels. if there is a special song you want to hear, just use #ktvu on twitter, facebook, or instagram. now to a one of kind partnership. sonoma county sheriff is teaming up with the -- they got to spend the last five months raining two service dogs. burgon taught the inmates how to properly train the dogs and today the two pups will graduate with the skills they need to help those are disabled. >> they are going to be paraplegics so they will be working with those in wheelchairs. we will be teaching them how to get items and staying. >> the inmates are hand picked for the program. they must be well behaved with no history of violence. our time 17:27. people are really showing love to the victims of the valley fire. they are going above and beyond. there is a woman in livermore cindy alcott she saw the fire devastation and she decided to help. she donated 25 bicycles delivering to an evaccenter but the lady discoveredth need was a lot greater so she launched a bigger donation drive and tomorrow she is going to drop off more than 150 new and used bikes for those kids in lake county. >> to a child it's something that is theirs. these children lost all of their toys, all of their leos, all of their possessions. >> the bike angel. those bikes will be handed out tomorrow at noontime at an elementary school in middletown. the valley fire destroyed 2,000 buildings and most of them were homes. helping people who are living on the streets. >> one too many crashes between trains and vehicles is prompting caltrain to ramp up its safety efforts. we'll tell you about recent spike and what is being done. some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. don't let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. visit and get started today. 7:30 on this friday morning i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. steve paulson i'm liking this sky. >> the sunrises and sunsets have been amazing. some fog has worked its way back. a little cooler saturday. then you can see the higher clouds and the higher clouds yesterday were a little more in the way for a sunset. more so than a sunrise. matt is up in la honda he says another gorgeous sunset in la honda taken by my friend kathy at her ranch. if you get there soon enough in the morning, venus still visible to the west but disappearing fast with the rising sun. that is true if you get an opportunity the waning crescent and then venus you can't help it. jupiter and mars disappear really quick. low clouds are there but the higher clouds are moving off. 40s for some. santa rosa 46. napa 49. mill valley is at 50. 47 sebastopol. 49 for healdsburg and windsor. high pressure wins out today but it will cool down on saturday. system will move into the north. that low right there down by old el paso all start heading back toward southern california next week. fog returns mainly for the coast. warm for most but cooler coast and bay. 80s to near 90s for some. 60s and 70s for others. all right sal 7:32. >> steve. >> what do you have? we have getting closer to our weekend. steve and i get in ultra early so we get off a little earlier but you still have to deal with a couple things. >> what might those be? >> the east shore we are going to start there. i want to show you something. you and everyone else. let's take a look at what we have with the east shore freeway. it's a 38 minute drive but considering all the problems we've had, that is actually not too bad. we had a couple of crashes, one was a motorcycle accident that was there for awhile. and for it only o be 38 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur maze that is a little bit of the friday action going on on a wednesday that number would probably be 90 minutes. so there you go. once you get out to the bay bridge toll plaza, it is backing up a little bit and it's very slow. we have our spider. it's one of the biggest spiders. boris has been eating well. traffic is going to be busy as you drive into san francisco. i do want to mention concord to walnut creek is good. we had an earlier accident. 242 is backed up to highway 4. 680 is backed up to highway 4 and highway 4 itself is slow. no problems by the way on 580 today from livermore to dublin a couple of slow downs it's not a major deal today. 7:04 let's go back to the desk. caltrain wants to prevent anymore crashes, injuries, and deaths. the numbers have been going up lately and the latest one was on wednesday. janine de la vega is in burlingame where that collision occurred. good morning, janine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. these accidents are happening at crossings like the one here behind me where cars can pass through. a mile away from here at the broadway crossing trains crashed into two other cars that stopped on the tracks. caltrain wants drivers to pay attention to these signs and gates so they don't wind up in the same situation. so far there has been seven caltrain accidents between trains and vehicles this year. but six of those have happened in the past couple of months. the latest occurred on wednesday when a train struck a vehicle at the bays water crossing near california. the driver escaped the car just before the crash and was uninjured. one of the earlier incidents was deadly. a woman was killed in menlo park when she got stuck on the track so she was following traffic and couldn't get out of her car in time. police are doing special enforcement along the peninsula. warning drivers about the difficult intersections where accidents have happened. >> i think this society is showing. everyone is in too much of a hurry and we all need to slow down and pay attention to things. >> reporter: police have handed out dozens of citations to drivers that haven't been paying attention to the warning signs and driving unsafe around the rails. caltrain is kicking off a driver education campaign on social media to help with this effort. they don't think that drivers are stopping on the tracks intentional. accidents are just happening at those intersections where traffic isback ann and drivers are not paying attention. sometimes when you are sitting there in traffic you zone out and you wind up in a situation like that. hopefully this awareness will have some effect. >> janine de la vega there reporting. the search continues for an oakland man who left his injured daughter behind after crashing his car during a police chase. he has been identified as 29- year-old calvin govan. police say they initially tried to pull him over yesterday because they thought he may have been involved in a home invasion robbery earlier in the morning. authorities say govan ended up leading police on a chase with his six-year-old daughter in the backseat. he crashed his car in east oakland. govan and a passenger ran away. the girl suffered substantial injuries and that she will require surgery. time is 7:36. voters in san francisco will be asked to speak out on what to do about genderification in the mission district. this was last night in the mission district. this is a benefit concert and fundraiser for yes or proposition i. proposition i would put a moratorium on construction permits for 18 months unless it's for affordable housing. opponents are saying stopping all construction is overkill. >> we are trying to make sure neighborhoods determine the development of housing and not the market. >> the solution is not to say let's stop everything and imparticular stop building housing, that is exactly the wrong thing to do. >> both sides are campaigning pretty heavily on these issues. proposition i will be on the ballot in the november 3rd election. president obama is traveling to oregon where he all meet with families of the shooting victims at umpqua community college. we have video of the president at joint base andrews boarding air force one. remember the day of the shooting president obama became emotional making remarks about the shooting and renewing his call for tougher gun legislation. the white house says though the president's visit today is strictly to offer comfort and sympathy to grieving families. not everyone supports the governors call. gun rights supporters will are test during the president's visit. a record number of firearm background checks were done last month. that means a record number of guns were sold as well. pam. >> reporter: nearly 1.8 million federal background checks were made in september by the fbi. that sets the record of gun sells up 20% for that last record set in september of 2012. the number comes from a report in fortune magazine. september is also the fifth month in a row to set a record for background checks. experts warn the correlation between background checks and gun sales is not 1-1 but it is an indication of the number of guns sold in the u.s.. now the article also suggests that the record set in june because we've had five months in a row of records, it could be tied to president obama calling for stricter gun control laws. only five states require a background check. if you purchase a gun from a private individual at a gun show but that is one change gun control activists are calling for. in response to the oregon shooting president obama is considering circumventing congress with his executive authority and imposing background check for buyers that purchase from high gun dealers. of course the new shooting this morning from arizona university there we don't know how the student got ahold of the gun but it will come up in discussion. >> pam, thank you. the faa continues to crack down on drones and in minutes whether talk about what the agency plans to do in order to find out who is flying drones near airports. >> good morning. the east bay commute traffic is getting a little bit slow but not too bad so far here in front of the coliseum. >> well the sunrise and the sunset pics keep pouring in and rightfully so because they are rather spectacular. but what about the temps? san francisco says it has made improvements to a city app that is aimed at helping people living on the streets. the app is called sf311. it's supposed to be an alternative to calling 911 to request city services. along with things like graffiti and potholes they have categories for homeless concerns. they tell the examiner they are concerned the apple be used to complain about homeless people than to offer help. police chief greg suhr says they welcome the app. >> we are heading for our 95% record cold wet winter. we need to make sure that we get the people laying on the ground up and into a shelter. >> the app was first launched two years ago. nearly 24,000 people have down loaded it. more than 50 fossil specimens found in the east bay will have a new home. they were discovered back in 2013 when seismic upgrading work was being done on water transmission lines. the fossils offer further proof that camels, wild horses, and bison once grazed in the area. the fossils are expected to help students learn more about the bay area's past. time is 7:43. let's check our commute right now. everybody behaving for you sal? >> i would say people are doing the best they can, dave. but every once in awhile you get these slow commutes. it will be slow at the bay bridge toll plaza. as a matter of fact, it's a little too slow on a friday for my liking. even 880 is a mess. and we keep seeing boris our friend the spider. boy active. i think the sun angle just shows more if you have arachnophobia perhaps you shouldn't be watching. now you can watch. okay. westbound 580 getting a little bit more slow traffic in livermore as you drive towards the dublin interchange. southbound 680 has been really a mess. we had a couple earlier crashes here. they have been cleared but 680 is slow from highway 4 and so is 242 as you head south. let's go to 280 that was slow but now traffic out of downtown is moving well. let's go to steve in the weather center. thank you, sir. we have some fog going down the coast but that is about it. inland temps will not really cool off that much. maybe tonight and tomorrow will get a sea breeze and the fog is trying but it's running into too much resistance. a lot of the higher clouds are moving off but not until we have spectacular sunsets. this is from joseph sunset in danville. i've had many. i'm trying to post as many as i can. a question was asked of me. why are the sunsets and sunrises so nice in october? that is a good question. the sun rays has to pass through much more of our atmosphere. there will be a quiz on monday. [ laughter ] any way, thank you, that is why. 50s. a little haze doesn't matter either. 51 half-moon bay. 60s for a few but alamo is is at 53. lafayette 57. moraga is sleeping in this morning. very strong system. we will move into the pacific northwest it won't do much for us but it will knock the high down a little bit which will allow temperatures to cool off on saturday. this is the same low last week started up here, went through washington, oregon. gave us that thunderstorm last saturday night, early sunday. gave rain to l.a. and san diego. phoenix and tucson. went into arizona and new mexico and backtracking towards baja and end up off the southern california coast sometime next week. it looks like it will move in again down there around thursday of next week. but forecast models always have a tough time with those kind of lows. fog returns but it's pretty far out there. inland temps probably not impacted at all. still 80s and 90s. these are all well above average. most even around the bay are above average. should be about 70 to 79 this time of year and some areas are blasting past that. upper 80s to near 90 for a few. 60s and 70s coast, south san francisco. parts of the peninsula but then 80s for others. it will be cooler on saturday. the fog will retreat or burn back so everything will be all right. sunday looks okay. warm to hot again next week. for us. >> man. so be outside but expect it will be a little warm. >> next week. the weekend will be cooler. not going to last. there you go. speaking of being outside. it's dirty fun involves a lot of mud and a 5k obstacle course. >> it's all for a very good cause. christien kafton is live at muck fest. i hope you didn't wear your best reporter suit. what is going on? >> reporter: i don't know how you talked me into this. so we are here at the muck fest. this is a fundraiser for the multiple sclerosis society. folks can come on out and still participate. the race gets under way at 9:00 tomorrow morning. we are here with cynthia altamarano. you have a personal reason for coming out here. >> yes i have multiple score low is sis. >> reporter: it's important that they get funded. and 100% of the proceeds from the race we are about to demonstrate goes to the society. >> without this research i wouldn't be able to participate in this? race. >> reporter: and so cynthia andly demonstrate two of the obstacles here. we are going to jump off a platform. we are going to do a one, two, three we are going to jump and come off the front end of the big air pad mattress here and then we are going to run to that mud pit. go through the mud pit. i know you are laughing. i will give a one, two, three count. we will come off the front end and guys just so you know i'm all held together with duct tape here. bare with us here. ready cynthia? this is cynthia's first time doing it. so three, two, one. [ laughter ] cynthia, you okay? >> i'm fine. >> reporter: okay. cynthia came off the back end. i'm aiming for the front. it's already a wet muddy mess. >> how does it feel? >> she is beating you. >> reporter: next obstacle. >> you go backwards. >> reporter: anybody who knows me knows how much i hate, hate getting muddy and messy. >> your son is watching this. >> reporter: i wouldn't be doing this. >> i wouldn't either. >> your little boy is watching this. >> christien and cynthia, can i just tell you cynthia did amazing. and what an ambassador she is. >> reporter: it is called muck fest for a good reason. take a look. you might be able to see. muck fest gets under way here. we're in vallejo right across from discovery kingdom. i'm a little winded how about you? >> oh yeah. >> reporter: we will be demonstrating a couple other obstacles that folks will be going through this weekend. again it's all for a good cause. teams can still show up. show up 7:30 tomorrow morning. the first race kicks off at 9:00. >> christien, cynthia, thank you. cynthia was an amazing example. she is dealing with ms and she beat you christien. she is strong and she can do it. and it's so great to see because so many people have another vision when they think of someone that is dealing with ms. >> reporter: absolutely. and i'm so proud that cynthia did this. she had no idea she would be doing this. she is totally game. proving that you can absolutely live with ms. and also raising how important it is to have fundraisers and make sure the research of this disease gets properly funded. >> bravo to you both. >> reporter: more to come. >> thank you. christien, thank you. see you a little bit later on. mark your calendars because soon you won't have to pay for your next cup of cough -- next cup of coffee. >> strong words from the auto maker of tesla. [ music ] sal's traffic jams today at 7:55. this one is like a bird. and our theme today is flying. thank you for that. came off my twitter page. if there is a special song you want to play, let us know i'll play your request every friday morning #ktvu twitter, facebook and instagram. you he says the company only takes the worst of them. this comes after an interview with a german newspaper. musk says we hired people we fired. we always call apple the tesla graveyard. if you don't make it at tesla, you go work at apple. i'm not kidding. musk thinks building a car is the next logical thing for a but reportedly is not taking apple's plan seriously. a mother is claiming toy mobile as being racist. it's part of a pirate ship set that her five-year-old son received as a birthday gift. these photos were posted on her facebook page. she told a sacramento news station. it came with a silver band around his neck that looks like a slave collar. play mobile said the toy is meant to represent a pirate that was a former slave and says it didn't mean to offend anyone. we continue to follow developments in d.c.. talk about a push to fill house speaker john boehner's seat and why another california republican is considering the job. >> plus three people accused in the shooting death of a hiker in marin county earlier this week now linked to another killing that happened over the weekend. we'll tell teleyou how investigators here -- we'll tell you how investigators made that connection. >> we are looking at a commute that is still pretty busy. here on the sunol grade not too bad as you head south. >> the weather won't be too bad. slightly cooler by the coast but the fog is having a hard time making much of an impact. the higher clouds are moving out so what about the temps? continuing to stay warm. we'll have the friday forecast coming up. go to you. welcome back it's friday, october 9th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm gasia mikaelian. i hope we took a moment to pause and reflect on the sunrise and sunsets we are seeing. >> a lot of people like cooler weather. maybe along the coast but that is about it. it will be cooler on saturday. expect for the sonoma coast there is not much in the way of fog. it continues to work its way parallel to the coast but not inland. we are starting off mostly clear. i say that because we had a couple bands of high clouds. even then it looks like they are heading out of the area and going south. fog returns for some. i would favor dependency though ma and m rain coast. it feels a little cooler for those around the coast and bay. and the dry pattern continues. we will see some additional cooling tomorrow as the system up there moves in. that will knock the ridge of high pressure down. allow a breeze to continue. it looks okay for every activity this weekend. 40s in the north bay. 50s and 60s for some temps. the coolest were up in the north bay and there is just not a delta breeze. if any breeze it's almost offshore. over all though we do have high pressure weakening over the weekend but it looks like it will reload for next week and back up to warm again. fog returns for a few. 80s and 90s inland. 60s and 70s around the bay. all right sal 8:01. anything new? yeah right now we are looking at slow traffic, steve. i will start off with the east shore freeway. we had earlier problems there. we had a motorcycle accident that had been cleared for awhile. i will start off with 80 westbound from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur maze. you can see it's a 40 minute delay which is not bad considering all the problems we had. once we get to the bay bridge toll plaza you will see slow traffic there as well. it's beginning to get a little bit better. you know what is is not getting better is the whole drive from don card to walnut creek. i want to show it to you on the maps. it's slow from highway 4. 580 through livermore and dublin is slow. we had a little bit of break on the nimitz freeway. it's not as bad as it normally is. 8:02 let's go back to the desk. thank you. we're still following developing news from washington, d.c. about who is going to replace john boehner as speaker of the house. >> california congressman darrell says he is considering jump into the race. >> a job he doesn't want. he isn't seeking but seeking him. >> congressman ryan has said he does not want the speakers job. >> all of this follows john boehner's surprise resignation and yesterday the surprise announcement by kevin mccarthy that he is removing himself from race of speaker. >> i think i shocked some of you. i think there is something to be said to unite. i will stay on as major leader but the one thing i found in talking to everybody if we are going to unite and be strong, we need a new face to help do that. >> reporter: all of this means is that john boehner will stay on as house speaker beyond his announced departure date of october 30th. boehner says he will stay on until a new speaker is selected. ktvu political reporter ross poe lam bow is joining us later. joe biden joe biden has take an keystone toward running for president. [ technical difficulties ] new information on that deadly arizona shooting. university police held a news conference. we carried it live for you this morning and gave us new details into how that shooting unfolded. they say an argument started in a parking lot between two groups near a dorm. it was about 1:30 this morning. that is when the fight turned physical. >> one of our students steven jones 18 years old produced a handgun and he shot four of our other students. one of our students is deceased. the other three are being treated at the flagstaff medical center. >> university police say they don't know the conditions of the three students who were rushed to a hospital. the shooter is in custody. now we will keep following this. we'll bring you the very latest as soon as we get that info in right here on ktvu. in the bay area police say they have uncovered a connection between a deadly shooting near fairfax with one last weekend at golden gate park. >> while they are still looking far motive, investigators say they know who was responsible. >> alex savidge is live in san francisco that is where police will soon discuss the link between the two cases in a couple hours. right alex? >> reporter: yeah they are expected to hold a news conference, update this information at 10:00 this morning. that's the information we just got from san francisco police. their investigators picked up on similarities. they called up authorities in marin county right after that hiker was shot to death on that trail outside of fairfax to try to see if there may be a connection. that is because investigators here in the city were trying to solve a mystery of sorts. a woman found shot to death in golden gate park over the weekend. 23-year-old audrey carey. she is a backpacker from canada. she was here visiting and found dead in the park on saturday morning. right after the first day of the hardly strictly bluegrass festival. carey was found shot and killed in a wooded area that was much like the situation with 67-year- old steve carter who was killed along a hiking trail outside of fairfax on monday. now on wednesday the marin county sheriffs office amounged that three people had been arrested in portland, oregon in connection with carter's killing. they have been identified as 23- year-old morrison lamply, 24- year-old shawn angle, and 18- year-old lyla allgood. investigators went and say is they found items that belonged to audrey carey with those three. investigators also say these three accused killers were found with the same gun that in all likelihood was used to shoot carter and his dog along that hiking trail. >> it's a weapon that we believe is a weapon that was used in the commission of the crime here in fairfax this past monday night. of course confirmation will only be able to come through scientific testing. >> reporter: authorities in marin county say someone found carter's wallet tossed along the side of the road in that area. him and his wife have been staying in marin county while she under went treatment for breast cancer and she posted the message on her facebook page that said this was an excruciatingly painful time for her. a public memorial is planned for carter at the very end of this month. at the same time the three people that stand accused of these two killings in the bay area. one in marin county, one in san francisco they all three remain behind bars in portland, oregon. investigators continuing to do interviews with them there and waiting to see when they will be extradited to the bay area to face charges here. >> alex earlier on mornings on 2 i heard you tell pam cook that certainly police departments around the bay are looking at these three and unsolved cases they may have. were you getting a sense of a timeline of how long the trio was here in the bay area at all? >> no. they have not released much in the way of details about you know how long they had been in this area. where they had come from before. it seems like in fact tours with trying to map out where they were and law enforcement agencies may start to look and see if they may be connected to anymore crimes. >> all right alex savidge in the city, thank you this morning. our time is 8:09. meantime we have a follow up to a story we talked about yesterday. one of the americans who helped stop a terrorist attack on a train in france is in serious condition now at uc davis medical center after he was stabbed yesterday in a fight outside of a sacramento bar. now airman first class spencer stone is being treated for three stab wounds. he's in intensive care. he was heavily sedated. he was in surgery a long time. surveillance video shows stone in a street fight with two men early yesterday morning. >> airman stone's condition is very serious. while he has sustained significant injuries, airman stone's care team anticipates he will make a full recovery. >> stone suffered injuries on his left hand. that is when he and two childhood friends from northern california they stopped that attack on a train in france. police in sacramento say there is no connection between that street fight and what happened on that train. the police are still looking for the two men who stabbed stone. the faa is looking at ways to spot drones before they get close to commercial aircraft. the government says it's tracking ways to trace drones by its radio ways. it would be able to force the drone to land or return to its operator. there have been some 700 near miss between drones and aircraft in 2015. that is up from 240 near misses in all of 2014. the fear is drones could get sucked into an airplanes engine or hit a windshield. genderification. >> and we are getting ready for san francisco fleet week. we are talking blue angels. we are talking the parade of ships and we're also talking about drinking some bay water. you'll see me drink this coming up in two minutes. >> right now traffic is doing okay crossing that bay. getting a little better any way. we'll show you san francisco's commute which is not bad on 101. >> down the hatch we go with a warmer forecast for those inland. what about the coast? will they cool down on this friday? danger zone and blue angels. oh yeah. fleet week celebrations are on for the day. the blue angels perform today and tomorrow over the san francisco waterfront and the tours of those navy ships they start at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. >>ktvu fox 2 brian flores is at san francisco's marina green. thousands of people will watch the blue angels they will check out other events and they will watch you drink water too. from the bay. >> reporter: they are. [ laughter ] i love that song by the way. i love that movie. that is right ice man i am dangerous. you don't remember that. sorry a little top gun reference. we are on marina green where the highlight of this week will be the blue angels. earlier i know pam had challenged me to drink bay water. we're here at this emergency center here. they said -- they set up historiage area -- this treage area. this water is filtered. i will taste it right now. i'm going to be honest, it's a little briny but it's not too bad. [ laughter ] >> there is a little taste to it. >> reporter: a little taste. but hey if there was ever a natural disaster, this will do just fine. we are also talking about military dogs and to talk more about that lance corporal eric. who do we have here and what is her capabilities? >> this is combat tracker jade. she tracks down people. >> reporter: these dogs are amazing. how are they able to sniff sense of people or things or anything like that? >> okay. she follows human odor. every person has their own scent. what you wash yourself with, ush your teeth gives off a special odor. from there the dog follows it. every person there gives off a chimney effect. you are coming out like a chimney. and from there the dog can pick up that sense in the ground or the air. so we track it down from any article of clothing and exactly where you walked. >> reporter: that say maizing. have you used her many in a real life emergency situation before? >> she has not been utilized yet in a real life situation. but right now we are totally certified and we can be utilized at any point. >> reporter: talk about the relationship. obviously it has to be a really close relationship with you and the dog. is she with you 24/7? do you train her all the time? >> yes. there is a close bond. we build this repore constantly playing and working. we work with her all the time. >> reporter: and there is going to be an event tomorrow. bark at the park. it will be from 10:00 to 12:00 at debose park. how will you show these dogs off? >> tomorrow at the park we will have a big demonstration with not just her. i will do a little track with her but we'll also have another dog out there that does all the bike work. and we will have another dog out you see playing around in the background which is a specialized search dog and we'll show how he can detect explosives. >> thank you, sir for your time. i appreciate that. jade good to see you as well. relaxing for the time being. but may i tell you there is lots of things to do this weekend for sf fleet week. of the blue angels will be flying later this afternoon. the air show starts at 12:30. you have the parade of ships before that at 11:00 this morning. and by the way, you can come here to marina green. bring your own water bottle. test it out for yourself. it tastes really good. check this out. i'm living. i'm living. >> you are drinking bay water. meanwhile the blue angels are soaring to new heights and doing tricks where inches matter. >> reporter: the producers send me anywhere they want me to. [ laughter ] let's get you on the road this morning. beyond brian and all that is he is doing. let's watch our commute. sal, how sit looking? >> it's looking okay as a matter of fact. traffic is doing very well. one encouraging sign dave and gasia is highway 4 is cleared out. what we are seeing is some of the commute that's are closer inside the bay like the bay bridge toll plaza they are still heavy. let's take a look at what we have now. highway 24 we will start there. still some slow traffic here but it's getting better in lafayette. it's also a little better in orinda as you drive to the tunnel. had to use my cough button there. westbound bay bridge as you come up to the toll plaza there it's backed up to the maze. that is still a 25 minute delay waiting in line. southbound 880 it's better than it normally is. it slows in southern hayward and union city into fremont. 8:19 let's go to steve. sal, thank you, sir. mostly clear out there. a few high clouds this morning but it looks like a lot has moved out and fog on the sonoma coast. that is about all i could find. there is too much resistance in the form of a northeast breeze. way above average temps. maybe san francisco and some of the coasts will be near average but everybody else looks to be above to way above. just saw a graphic come out on twitter. california climate in the last four years warmest ever. it's just shooting straight up. straight up. going back all the way back to 1900s. if it feels warmer to you, it certainly is looking that way. because i'll tell you the last four years have been very warm and that continues. the fog returns for some. feeling cooler for a few but not for all. it will still be warm inland and it's a dry pattern. george mccray said will it ever rain? yes. [ laughter ] some day it will rain. i just don't see it this month yet. there is nothing that says rain for us yet. things can change. we'll see. 40s for a few. 50s and 60s on the temps. a little chill for those if you don't have any of that low clouds. had low 50s there and offshore breeze. offshore breeze. a south wind at 3 at fairfield is nothing. this whopper of a system that included the remains of the hurricane oho that came up from the hawaiian islands does not happen in october. hammered jew knee with 7.21 inches of rain. broke the old mark of 6 plus. so there was a lot of energy in that system rightfully so. it will move in over the pacific northwest. that will help over the ridge a little bit allowing for slightly cooler temps. that was the track. again in october and nothing like this has happened since 1949. the last one to do that was in 1992. that was in september. our little low right there which has gone -- is going like this. looks like it will head back into southern california next thursday. something else you just don't see. fog returns for a few. warm for most. near 90 for some inland. clear lake will be in there. vacaville, st. helena. 91 antioch. brentwood and i give up on livermore. >> don't give up on livermore. >> it's always the hottest spot now. hotter than bakersfield, fresno. >> i have a strange pride when i see your graphics on livermore. >> let's get to these temps. 80s for many. 60s and 70s and 80s on the coast, city, and on the peninsula. little cooler saturday. we're fine for fleet week. the fog will retreat back. yesterday at 2:00 livermore was warmer than bakersfield, fresno, stockton, vacaville,hi koa, reddings, and red bluff. i don't remember having that conversation 15 years ago. there we've always been warmest in the bay area but when you move outside and go to historically really hot spot we never beat fresno and bakersfield. it's a strange pride. [ laughter ] thank you, steve. time is 8:23. do you have what it takes to participate in muck fest? not in that suit you don't but if you're wearing jeans and a t- shirt like christien kafton you might. things are getting messy. he will join us in our next half hour to show us how getting dirty is helping a good cause. >> big news surrounding the apple watch. what app is compatible with it. and what else you can buy using that device. ♪ some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. in just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your energy savings up. don't let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. take the free home energy checkup. honey, we need a new refrigerator. visit and get started today. you know this song; right dave? >> i sure do. >> and gasia you know this song. >> yes, toy. >> it is lenny california its fly away. we are doing songs that involve fly for the blue angels. if you want a song played on our friday checklist just send it to us on sal's traffic jams. let's listen for it. wait for it. ♪ i want to fly away wall street has had some ups and downs this morning. dow jones is up 27 points. s & p and nasdaq also in the green but just by a few points. there are reports the federal reserve will raise interest rates. reports 13 of the 17 fed policymakers anticipate an increase this year. some economists aren't sold. they think the fed will wait until next year to make that kind of move. our time is 8:28. if you use an apple watch you can use a facebook feature. the website tech time says the app is really useful when you are on the go and someone is trying to reach you. you don't have to reach for the phone. instead you reply through facebook messenger in the apple watch. the website says you can't type in full replies but you pick from a list of predetermined answers. also you will soon be able to pay for your coffee drinks from starbucks with the apple watch. starbucks and kfc they plan to accept apple pay. star bucks will test the program later this year. then they will accept apple pay at all of their 7500 americans locations. what if you don't want to pay for your coffee? we have good news. how to get a free cup of coffee. you can get one every week at 7- eleven. to get your free cough tee fix, you have to down load the 7- eleven app to your smart phone and then register and go into the convenient store and scan it. 7-eleven says a new code will appear each day for the week and here's the best thing, you can get any size you want. time is 8:29. early today there was another deadly shooting on a college campus. the second in just eight days and it happened just after a report was published by gun sales. >> a spike in caltrain accidents is prompting the transit agency to take action. we'll tell you what it's trying to do to help prevent trains and vehicles from colliding. babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at oh that takes me back. as we looks at this live beautiful picture of the bay we welcome you back to mornings on 2. >> listening to curtis mayfield super fly. we are talking flight and flying. if you have a song with either flight or flying in the title, sal wants to see your requests. just make sure you use the tvu. time is 8:32. let's see if we can get you out the door. steve, we do not tire of looking at pictures of the golden gate and the fog. i know everything is very pretty. very quiet. very warm too for this time of year. we do have mostly clear skies. a little bit of fog on the sonoma coast and a few high clouds but nothing compared to yesterday when we had the beautiful sunrise and sunset. they continued into this morning. but i think we will be mostly clear later today. a little bit of fog. there is not a lot there. but it is a sign of things to come for tonight and tomorrow probably. 40s and 50s to 60s. there will be some areas close to 90 degrees again. just can't find a breeze and what is there is showing components of being slightly offshore. very strong system coming out of the gulf of alaska. it will bump the high out. fog returns for a few. not for much. 80s and 90s. a little cooler 60s and 10:s. i enjoyed kenny's danger zone. that brought back memory. that is a good one. it's been awhile since that movie came out. >> '86 top gun? >> i don't know. does anyone know in the newsroom? they don't know. we'll get it for you. good morning everybody. i have a friend called mr. google who will get it for you. '86. thank you. all right. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza shall we. in 1986 at the bay bridge toll plaza i believe the toll was $0.75. right now at this hour it's $6. thank you very much. $6. you will be waiting for 30 minutes to pay that $6. no problems on the bridge itself. looking at the san mateo bridge on westbound 92 that traffic is moving along relatively well. there are no problems heading out to the peninsula and highway 101 is okay. ly tell you where the trouble spot is. danville, san ramon. southbound and northbound 680 is slow because of earlier issues and accidents on the shoulder. and 680 is still very slow. almost but not quite to highway 4. 242 is jammed heading down to 680. this whole area is not doing well and that is because of earlier issues. let's go back to the desk. caltrain is stepping up enforcement after an increase in the number of collisions between trains and vehicles. >> the latest crash was wednesday in burlingame. ktvu fox 2 janine de la vega you're there now to talk about caltrain's action plan. it's been a big increase since last year. >> reporter: yeah there has. i asked a spokeswoman about the numbers and last year caltrain had a total of four accidents involving vehicles and trains colliding. and so is far this year there has been seven accidents but the crazy thing is that six of them have happened in the last couple of months and caltrain is seeing this spike at certain crossings where traffic backs up. the latest accident happened on wednesday when a train struck a vehicle at bays water crossing near california and burlingame. the driver escaped the car just before the crash and was uninjured. but in one of the earlier incidents it was deadly. a woman was killed in menlo park when she got stuck on the track. police are doing special enforcement along the peninsula warning drivers about the difficult intersection where is accidents have happened. we spoke to people walking near the crossing who say they on serve a lot of bad driving behavior. >> i see people making the turn and scooting off and thinking i'm clear of the tracks. i'm clear of the tracks. i'm okay. wait 20 second. wait 30 seconds. wait a minute. >> reporter: police have handed out dozens of citations to drivers who haven't been paying attention to the warning signs and driving unsafe around the rails. next week caltrain is kicking off a driver education campaign on social media to help with this effort. caltrain officials tell me they don't think drivers are stopping on the tracks intentionally. the accidents are just happening at intersection where is the traffic back -- where the traffic backs up and are not paying to the warning signs. dave. >> janine de la vega, thank you. meantime it may cost more money to ride caltrain next year. caltrain wants a price hike of $0.50 per trip. that monthly parking pass would go up $5. according to the san jose mercury news, despite the record ridership, caltrain is having a money problem. a deficit approaching $30 million. the mercury news reports it's the only transit system in the bay area without a permitted dedicated source to its funding. president obama is traveling to roseberg, oregon to meet with families of the shooting victims at umpqua community college. we are showing you here the president at joint pace andrews. the day of the shooting president obama made emotional remarks once again reining his call for tough -- he newing his call for tougher gun legislation. the president's visit today is to offer comfort and sympathy to grieving family. not everyone in roseburg supports the call for tighter gun regulation. gun sales set a record for the fifth month in a row and that may have something to do with president obama's plan to try to toughen gun control regulations. >> pam cook is back in the studio to explain the possible side of the president here. >> reporter: this morning's report nearly 1.8 million federal background checks were made just in september by the fbi. that sets a record from september of 2012. that also means gun sales set a record. experts warn the correlation between background checks and gun sales is not 1-1 but it is an indication of the number of guns sold here in the u.s.. september is also the fifth month in a row to set a record for background checks. the article suggests that the record set in june could be tied to president obama calling for stricter gun control laws. only five states require a background check if you purchase a gun from a private individual at a gun show but that is one change gun control activists are calling for. in response to the oregon shooting, president obama is considering circumventing congress with his executive authority and opposing new background check for buyers that purchase weapons from high volume gun dealers. that would clarify what it means to be engaged in the business of selling firearm. those businesses would have to conduct background cheekiness their buyer -- background checks on their buyers. >> historically we do see an increase in sales any time the president or legislature says we're going to crack down. it's sort of a cause and effect. >> reporter: exactly. that is how they are tying it together. >> all right, pam, thank you. time is 8:39. we are learning more about a civil rights lawsuit against sonoma county jail officials. press democrat is reporting a former female inmate filed a lawsuit claiming a correctional deputy made lewd comments to her and propositioned her for sex. czar main gray says the deputy made a late night visit to her jail cell. the lawsuit is seeking unspecified damages. the deputy named in that lawsuit he no longer works for the sheriffs department but he told the press democrat there is no merit to the case. earlier this week 21 inmates filed a lawsuit accusing sonoma county deputies of beating them. time is 8:40. one of a kind partnership sonoma county sheriff is teaming up with the burr gone institute. they spent the last month training two service dogs. >> we teach them getting items and staying. >> the inmates are hand picked for the program. voters in san francisco will be asked to weigh in about what to do with gentification in the mission district. a benefit and fund raise was held. opponents say halting all construction is really overkill. >> we're trying to make sure that neighborhoods determine the development of housing. and not the market. >> the solution is not to say let's stop everything and imparticular stop building housing. that is exactly the wrong thing to do. >> both sides are campaigning heavily. proposition i will be on the ballot on the november 3rd election. time is 8:42. not that i can identify with this story but slowly but surely will there is a man that is realizing his dream. he is riding a bike across the united states. even though he weighs almost 500 pounds. >> he jokes and calls himself the fat forest gump. thousands of people following the adventure on instagram. he started out in massachusetts in june and he just made it to manhattan. his goals are to win back his estranged wife, lose weight, and write a book after he reaches the west coast. guess what, his wife is joining him and he's already lost 70 pounds. so two out of three at this point ain't bad. >> it's fascinating. it's intriguing now to see what his goals are. >> yeah. put your mind to it. you can do it. glad to see wife is on board so to speak. 8:43 now. famous singer says he will no longer be performing at casinos with the name trump on it. >> getting down and dirty for a great cause. there is christien kafton right there in the middle of your screen. we will get back to hill. he is making his way through an obstacle course ahead of a big race that is happening this weekend. >> we are looking at the east bay commute and traffic will be busy on 680 heading south from walnut creek into danville because of some issues on the road there. . >> lots of sunshine. looks like another warm day above normal temps. a little bit of fog near the coast. we'll see how that impacts the city. there is a little breeze kicking up. your friday forecast. my name is griselda zendejas. i love working in the salinas area because i always wanted to do something where i could help people around me. so being a construction supervisor for pg&e gives me the opportunity to give a little bit back to my community. i have three boys. they're what keep me going every day. our friends, families live in the area. and it is important for all of us that we keep our community safe. together, we're building a better california. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. tom petty. one of my favorites. old time artist learning to fly. had to ply that one. requested by 650 patrick. that is his twitter handle. i don't know his last name. he follows all of us on twitter. if you want to have a song played on friday, the theme is is fly. send us your request, just tvu on social media. >> you had our bouncing our heads. thank you. time is 8:47. get ready to get dirty. it's time for muck fest involving a lot of mud, a 5k obstacle course and bringing them together for a good cause. christien kafton is there. you have already shown us you've got the right stuff. good morning, christien. >> reporter:you are very generous. i wasn't kidding when i said i don't like getting muddy and messy. i already did an outfit change. cynthia show everybody your back. you can see how mucky and messy this whole thing gets. you will be running this weekend. it's for a good cause. it's to raise money for multiple sclerosis. >> i put out a call last year. a few people showed up. this year we have doubled the size of the team. we will take anybody who comes along and please join us tomorrow because it's really a wonderful event for a good cause. >> reporter: and there is still room. online registry is closed but you can show up 7:30 tomorrow morning. the first race kicks off at 9:00. this is one of the events here. we are going to go through the big balls here. cynthia. ly give -- i will give you a 3- 2-1 countdown. our photographer will be joining us. it looks easy but i believe it will be tricky. 3, 2, 1, go. we've got to make our way through them. yes. [ laughter ] yes. i won. i think that was a clean victory. that was a clean win. so again the event here. see look. your team running tomorrow so you get a little preview of everything that is going on. for the folks at home there are still opportunities for people to sign up here. all the money 100% of the proceeds go to the national multiple sclerosis society. we are here at the fairgrounds. now we have said there is three events that we will be doing coming up in the next half hour. in the next hour rather. we will be going on something called the swinger. it's a ring line that takes me around over some water. i am predicting i will fall into that water and i'll tell you what guys it looks pretty cold. we were going to do the zip line but i was told a half hour ago the zip line finishes in the water. if i go in the water i will short out like a robot. so again in the next hour coming up we will be going into -- we will be going on to the swing line. so it should be a lot of fun. >> all right you took us right there. christien kafton, thank you. you guys were great. time is 8:50. let's talk to sal as you get to where you need to go. the toll plaza, how does it look this >> still busy, dave. still busy out there if you are driving into san francisco. we have seen some improvement which is nice at the bay bridge toll plaza. westbound 80 you can see it's still backed up to the maccarthur maze. those metering lights are on. we are seeing more movement and seeing about a 25 minute delay before you make it on to the span of the bridge. we're also looking at a commute on the nimitz freeway that is backing up out of san leandro. the trouble spot the last hour or so has been 680 between walnut creek and danville. it had a couple problems that have not been in the lanes for too long but the traffic is very slow. both directions. if you can put that trip off, you might want to do that. 8:50 let's go to steve in the weather center. sal, thank you. mostly sunny out there. a few high clouds. it looks like they have moved off. some fog were trying to form. it made it on the sonoma coast. after that there wasn't a lot to deal with. probably tonight it will be back. it's out there. compared to the last couple of days when it disappeared. feeling a little cooler by the coast. coast and bay might have a little cooler pattern here. it will still be warm inland today. cooling does take place over the weekend. higher clouds just too much energy from high pressure kicking those out of the way. rather strong system is move into the pacific northwest. that will give us a little brush of more fog and also a cooler pattern tomorrow. but today we are already in the 60s for some. upper 60s for a few. had a lot of 40s in the north bay. it was cool for a few but there is not enough of a breeze. what is there is north or northeast or easterly component. this system will move in over the weekend. that will allow cooler weather for saturday. and a little rebound on sunday but then back to warm to hot again by next week. this low coming all the way back off of baja and drift up toward southern california. fog returns for a few. not for a lot but it will be back tonight. 80s and 90s again. well above arch on these temps. 60s and 70s around the bay. still most locations are running above normal. even around the bay. and no doubt about it for inland temps they are well above a good 5-10 for many. 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s. no 90s on the peninsula but there is 90s to the not guilty and east and south. a little cooler on saturday. level it off on sunday. warm again monday and tuesday. >> thank you. time is 8:52. taylor swift she achieved a lot but her latest milestone is because of her cats. we'll tell what that milestone is after the break. plus as we head to the break the beautiful sounds of the navy band. this is the navy band southwest. live. mornings on 2 will be right back. back. julio iglesias is fed up with the donald. iglesias he said he will no longer perform at donald trump casinos. he called trump a clown and apologized to the clowns. he went on to say donald trump he met him several times. he thinks quote his brain and his heart are not connected. iglesias made the comments after a series of incendiary comments that trump has made about mexican immigrants. trump responded to iglesias saying good, i don't like his voice or performances anymore, anyhow. there is a new queen of instagram. you met her. that is taylor swift. she now has 50 million followers on instagram. in an instagram she wrote quote 50 million followers. thanks a lot guys. i think it's just because i have cute cats. by the way the music video for the song shake it off it has more than 1 billion view on youtube. that is a composer that came up with the theme the star wars he will get one of the highest honors in movie history. next june john williams will receive the lifetime achievement award from the american film institute. he will be the first ever composer to get that honor. he is 88 years old. he has won five oscars. she has composed music for other clashes like et, jaws, and indiana jones. he's a great guy too. time is 8:57. coming up in two minutes mornings on 2 the 9. our political reporter ross palombo will join gasia, mike, and sal. he will broke down the effort to fill john boehner's house speaker seat. >> and you have to see it to believe it. norman the bike riding dog is right here in the bay area. and this morning he is showing us his tricks. comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. a homicide in golden gate park and along a marin county hiking trail. details on the three suspects that left a deadly mark on the bay area. >> plus free genetic cancer screenings for weep in the bay area -- for women in the bay area. >> and norman the bike riding dog is in the bay area for the largest pet adoption event in northern california. this morning we meet norman and some of the animals looking for a home. good morning. welcome to friday and it is mornings on 2 the 9 along with mike mibach and gasia mikaelian i'm sal castaneda and we have made it to friday guys. >> we made it. >> we have. and fleet week this week. a lot of people heading out to see the blue angels. a lot of people excited for the excitement in san francisco. the weather couldn't be better. beautiful setting. >> nice view out there. we have a lot of news this morning. >> let's start with the house

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