Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20170502 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20170502

some do, it's very warm. i don't, it may not be that bad. a northerly breeze along with some high clouds is making for a very warm morning around brentwood four sites show 73, 74, 74, 76. that is warm. you will be in the 90s for many. over by the coast, there are hints of a westerly breeze. 70s, 80s and 90s. bodega bay water to be, 49. san francisco buoy, 51. it's only a matter of time before we get a southwind or a west wind and that fog will come screaming back. i think it will be tomorrow. keep an eye around monterey and santa cruz. today, high clouds will clear out. the fog is down in southern california. it's about to take that turnabout point conception. we have a nice day on the coast. 50s, 60s and 70s. 52, half moon bay. nevada, 65. livermore, 59. 64, san jose state meteorology department. morgan hill and san martin, 51. there is some warm air aloft. you can find 70s not far and some of the higher elevations in the hills. high pressure for another day or two and then big changes. 80s and 90s for most. 6:02 am. is something going on are we easing into this? it's not as bad as yesterday. we do have some crashes out there. we also have slow traffic but it's more along the normal line. we will start with the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see, a 20 minute delay. it's not too bad. the 880 ramp looks good especially if you're using fast track coming in to the city. this is interstate 880. much better than yesterday. traffic looks good from san leandro up into downtown oakland. you still have a good opportunity to get in there. on the peninsula, 101 looks good through daly city, south city and 101. southbound 101 is good through san mateo. in the south bay, traffic is slow. i want to mention northbound 101 in gilroy between san martin , the traffic is affected because of an accident at the truck scales. traffic is very slow from north of highway 152 and also slow in morgan hill into san jose. let's go back to the desk. drivers all over the country may soon pay more for gas and it would have nothing to do with the price of crude oil. >> the president made a surprise announcement that he is considering a plan to raise the federal gas tax. alex savidge is live in emeryville with more on where that extra money would go.>> reporter: tough news for drivers this morning. good morning. this could be tough for folks in california, especially. the state gas tax is set to go up later this year. now you have the president suggesting that he is in favor of a hike in the federal gas tax as well. we are talking with drivers this morning in emeryville. as you can imagine, not many folks are happy about what they are hearing. a hike in the federal gas tax is not happened since 1993. the president hinted at this hike in the federal gas tax during an interview with bloomberg news. he is suggesting that that money would be used to pay for his ambitious infrastructure plan. this is the same idea that governor brown is employing here in california where he pushed for a dollar $.12 per gallon increase in the state gas tax to help repair roads and bridges and pay for mass transit projects. no matter where all that money is going, potentially, drivers are worried about the possibility of paying even more to fill up. >> i think it's unfair. we already pay a lot of taxes in california anyway as far as gas. for me, i live all the way by napa. driving here -- it's expensive. we can't move closer to our jobs because housing is already expensive. >> reporter: the state gas tax will increase by $0.12 per gallon starting this november. across the board, gas taxes have been on the rise as of late. averaging around $2.38 a gallon national wall -- nationwide. closer to three dollars a gallon in california. clearly with these comments from president trump it's clear that the president and the governor in california seem to have some similar ideas about the best ways to potentially repair our crumbling roads. both of them showing their support for increases in the gas taxes both on a state level and federal level. >> the roads are a mess. i think everyone agrees with that but it is a tough pill to swallow having to pay more for gas. you will hear from people out there i'm sure. you already have some good comments. >> reporter: we already do have some good comments. a lot of people point out how expensive it is to find housing in the bay area and that pushes people further out meaning they have to pay more for gas or they have to buy more gas. so, they tend to get hit the hardest when you raise the gas tax like this. 6:06 am. san francisco police are investigating the shooting death of a 15-year-old boy. the teenager was shot as he was driving in the outer sunset neighborhood near kirkham street >> this is the suburban community of san francisco but i guess the reality is that this can spread anywhere. the quite tranquility of the outer sunset suddenly shattered. one neighbor tells us he heard what he initially thought were firecrackers. >> continuous. 5. it was continuous. >> reporter: a witness who asked us not to identify him says he saw the white pontiac going southbound on sunset in the middle lane when a dark blue four-door sedan with tinted windows pulled up beside him. and a passenger in the front seat fired several shots into the white car, hitting the vehicle and the 15-year-old driver. >> we do understand that he may be targeted and so we don't see this as a random act>> reporter: the witness said the white pontiac traveled for another block before stopping. the witness said the passenger, a 16-year-old, takes over the wheel and drives into oncoming traffic. forcing an approaching ambulance to stop. the witnesses he and another man pulled the wooded 15-year- old out of the car and the teenager was clear and coherent when he identified the passenger as his brother. the brother was distraught but the 15 or the victim was calm as the ambulance emt tried to help at the boy was taken to the hospital where he died. >> i was pretty upset thinking i could have been walking by just as it was happening with my son. i don't know -- we chose to raise our family here but it's definitely upsetting to know that shootings can happen a block away from your house. >> we have a lot of homeowners who've lived here for 30 or 40+ years. this is alarming. it's very scary. >> reporter: neighbors say the shooting along with burglaries and even an armed robbery in recent months are giving them pause. >> i grew up here. i don't want to have to move but, you know, i don't want my son to grow up in a neighborhood were things like this can happen. >> reporter: the 16 on passenger was not injured. police are tightlipped about their investigation and would only say that the victim was not from san francisco and they have not yet released any suspect information. in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. a second teenager has been arrested in connection with last month's takeover robbery at a bart train in oakland. investigators say the 15-year- old is among the 50-60 teenagers who hopped over the fare gates at the coliseum bart station and rob seven passengers. oakland police said he was spotted friday during another robbery in east oakland. he was arrested after a short car chase and police connected him to the bart takeover robbery. last week another teenager was arrested at san leandro high school. new this morning, the new state department trouble alert for americans in europe. officials say this is not because of a specific threat but because of the continued threats of attacks on americans on vacation in europe this summer. the alert said that airports, shopping malls, hotels, nightclubs, places of worship, and government facilities are possible targets. and that both isis and al qaeda are capable of planning and carrying out an attack. also today, president trump will talk to russian president vladimir putin for the first time since the american airstrike in syria late last month. the leaders will talk by phone about the civil war in syria in which moscow is backing the assad regime. they will support the rebels trying to overthrow him. this is the second conversation between the leaders since the president's inauguration. they spoke in late january and last month following a terror attack in st. petersburg russia. president trump taking heat for comment about his approach to reducing tensions with north korea. the president said he would "be honored to meet with north korean leader, kim jim un , under the right conditions." no sitting american president has ever met with a north korean leader while in power. >> i wish you would not have use the term owner. he probably regret using that but the broader point is one a time is right for talks, we will do it. that time is not now. >> the white house spokesman said the u.s. must see a change of behavior by north korea like giving up their nuclear program before president trump would sit down with kim jim un. healthcare bill is back on not clear if it has enough votes to pass through congress. mike pence head to capitol hill today to try to get more republican support for the bill. the text of the latest bill has not been released and there is debate over what will be covered. president trump said it will provide coverage for pre- existing conditions. the president is calling on house lawmakers to vote on the bill before they leave for a break on friday. it's not clear if that will happen. 6:11 am. closing argument start today in the case of the accused killer of sierra lamar. coming up, we will look at some of the evidence from the case and the arguments from both sides. from cooking to managing money. the help available from millennials to teach them some basic life lessons. for most it's going to be warm or hot today. maybe near the coast, a slakel down but it looks like warm for everyone until tomorrow. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. rack welcome back. the sonoma county sheriff announced there will be less cooperation between local jail officials and federal immigration officers. the sheriff said sonoma county will not help immigration officials in cases where undocumented immigrants are suspected of committing minor offenses such as driving without a license. the jail will continue to provide the immigration and customs enforcement agency with information about undocumented immigrants convict did of violent or other serious crimes. and march the sheriff had been criticized for complying with all requests from ice. that announcement came as thousands of people lined san francisco's justin herman plaza to share their support for immigrant rights. may day is traditionally a day to celebrate all workers and the people we spoke with at yesterday's rally were marked -- focused on all working immigrants and how they feel threatened by the current political climate. >> we've been targeted by donald trump from day one. but as i see it, we are organized. >> without them, who is going to pick crops or for? without them, america's not going to be great. >> the immigrants we spoke with say they feel safer because of the may day rally. they also told us that it helps them realize they are not alone in the fight against current immigrant enforcement policy. there were several may day events yesterday in the east bay. hundreds of people marched in oakland supporting immigrant rights. they march long international boulevard for a rally in the fruitvale district. no reports of any problems there. but earlier in the day, four people were arrested, suspected of trespassing, at this demonstration as of the alameda county government office building. several protesters chained their arms together, blocking the entrance and called on county supervisors to change their policies. they want to stop posting urban shield police training. and stop cooperating with federal immigration officials. both california and the bay area are having a population boom. the latest figures show in the past year, the state grew by 335 grew by 335,000 people to three point grew by 335,000 people to 3.5 million. los angeles remains the largest city in california with more than 4 million people. the bay area has three cities in the top 10. san jose ranks third with more than 1 million people. san francisco is fourth with 874,000. both cities grew by about 10,000 people. oakland is eighth on the list with 426,000, adding 3000 in the past year. 6:17 am. a school in maine teaches life lessons to millennials. there is no official age range here but a research group defines millennials as anyone born from the year 1982 to about 20 years after that. it's called, and adulting school. it has online courses and webinars. courses include family finances, time management and even coached -- cooking. >> students learning about calculus and chemistry and maybe doing extracurricular activities after school so they can get into a good college. they often are not learning as much about that stuff. >> administrators at this adulting school say their classes are needed because a lot of young people grow up in one parent households or in families where both parents have to work. often they do not have time to teach their kids basic life skills like balancing a checkbook or how to change a flat tire. >> adulting skills. we had to learned along the way, right? >> you learn by failure, sometimes. >> i tell my kids that all the time. you learn more from mistakes. >> you know what, i'm not doing that again. how many times have you said that? around 7:15 am we will have the mayor of oakland and oakland new department of transportation person coming into talk about transportation in oakland. if you are watching come you have access to my twitter, send me a tweet. what do you think is the most important transportation thing is for oakland, specifically. we will talk about that's coming up in about an hour. let's go to the east shore freeway. driving into oakland from berkeley and the richmond area does not look bad. 27 minute drive from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur mage. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza you will see that traffic is backed up. a lot of people are trying to get out of oakland into san francisco. a 25 minute delay at the toll plaza. speaking of oakland, north- and southbound 880 in front of oracle arena, traffic is moving well. there is a playoff game tonight. plan accordingly. a lot of people will be showing up. game time is at 7:30 pm. this is a look at the peninsula. traffic looks good heading south and northbound. 880 traffic will be moderate. at 6:19 am -- let's go to steve. >> how about those rockets last night? >> they played a good game. >> hit this 3 and you can win. we do have mostly sunny skies. it will be a warm to hot day. for those of you asking about the fall? don't worry. it's on its way. it will be here tomorrow. higher clouds and a breeze held up a lot of the lows. many in lindlow's, 60s and 70s. oh, be still my heart when you talk about bowie temperatures. 51 this morning after a high of 80 yesterday and inverness. what's he talking about? 48 in bodega bay. that's as cold as i've seen in a long time. san francisco buoy, 51. half moon bay, 53. what's that mean? when you get a westwind or southwind with these temperatures in the valley that one, that fog will come flying in. that will be tomorrow. all eyes look to the south toward monterey and santa cruz. that's what it will be on wednesday. today it will be hot. 90s through the into it. 70s and 80s -- maybe a few 60s on the coast. there is a hint of a westwind in the richmond district and the sunset district and on the golden gate bridge. other locations have a northerly breeze. eureka valley, 64 right now. 82, 59. what's the average for san francisco, --? 64 and 50. 33 back in 1894 in san jose for the low. 88 for the high, 62 for the low. a westwind. there is a slight easterly are westerly breeze in the delta. west and southwest in travis. that's a big difference compared to yesterday when it was due north. we will see the fog in southern california. it will not make an impact today but i think by tomorrow afternoon it will. 50s, 60s and 70s for some. it's been a very warm night. 52, kelseyville. san rafael, 64. windsor, 63. if you have a westwind are no winded all it's probably pretty cool. if you have any breeze, temperatures have held a. the clouds will clear up and we are set up for a warm day. a system will make its way towards us around wednesday or thursday. today, 70s. 80s and 90s for most. inland areas will be warm. the offshore breeze is not as pronounced as it was yesterday. that tells me it will be nice by the coast but not blazing hot. by tomorrow, that fog will be a huge factor in monterey and santa cruz. not today. >> pam can wear flip-flops today? >> i wear them year-round. speaking of flip-flops -- you know who was watching us? coop. i'm not going to reveal exactly where he is but he did say he is off the mountain. he's enjoying the green and the flowers. and he wants to know where he can sign up for the adulting school. he is a big kid. >> we will take care of you, coup. he's known all over. >> he is up really watching us and said to say hello. 6:23 am. colin kaepernick, he used to be on the 49ers, still has not found a new job. but in 15 minutes we will tell you how he plans to help others find a job. plus, a student went on a stabbing rampage at the university of texas. what he told investigators he did prior to that attack. well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? it is hot here but across the united states, much of the midwest and southwest is underwater this morning. days of heavy rain caused flooding along rivers from missouri to oklahoma. homes and businesses were destroyed. people have been trapped by the floods, keeping rescue crews busy. >> these guys have their assets and their boats and rafts, everything they need to go out and rescue people. we've had some amazing rescues already over the past 48 hours. >> hundreds of volunteers in st. louis are filling sandbags as they try to protect their neighborhoods from rising waters. a street in the heart of toronto, financial district, is closed after yesterday's explosion. canadian officials investigating the cause of an underground electrical vault. during rush hour it triggered several blasts. the intersection was closed for hours after clouds of black smoke filled the area. crews are working on the repairs today and so far there is no word of injuries. classes are resuming today at the university of texas in austin after authorities say a man stabbed another student to death and wounded three others. witnesses report seeing the 21- year-old student without provocation start attacking students with a large hunting knife. the campus police officer arrested the suspect at the scene. witnesses say he was walking around calmly during the rampage. investigators are looking for a motive but local reports say he told authorities that he was taking "happy pills." for the attack. new orleans continues to take down and remove confederate statues. the people who want them to stay are not giving up without a fight. hundreds of people gathered last night at the jefferson davis monument. at least two were arrested. critics call the statues symbols of racism. supporters say the statues are historically important. the cruise started taking down some of the monuments last week. the plans to take them down started as new orleans was rebuilding after hurricane katrina. 6:28 am. accused of filming women and children in a bathroom. the arrest made. we will tell you about the popular peninsula restaurant where it happened.>> reporter: the trial of a man accused of killing sierra lamar is wrapping up, closing arguments scheduled for today. we will tell you about the key question the jury will have to decide in the case. ♪ whatever it is that floats your boat... ...or tickles your tastebuds... ♪ ...or brightens your day... ♪ ...even if you've never tried it before... ♪ ...just know that... you can, in portland. good morning. thank you for joining us on mornings on 2. it's tuesday, may 2. i'm dave clark. >> i'm pam cook. 6:31 am. let's check in with steve. we wanted to write it out until tomorrow evening, it sounds like. >> i think the coast may be slightly cooler but they will still be pretty warm today. inland will take another day or two at least. the lows were very warm for some. not too bad for others. a few high clouds came by and that held the low up along with a northerly breeze. it will be a warm to hot day for many today. temperatures will not take long to start warming up. the key factor here is that sometimes you get water temperatures that are very warm, upper 50s and low 60s. they are very cold 48 in bodega bay. san francisco buoy, 51. monterey, 53. one the water temperatures are that cold and you get 90s through the interior, bogut can form fast. it will be today but it will be tomorrow. i think that's when will start over cool down for the coast and bay. 70s and 80s on the coast. low to mid 90s for some inland. that will add to the fog formation by tomorrow. northwest in vacaville. west, southwest in vacaville. inland temperatures, a lot of warm air aloft and that will translate into twisty readings later today. fog down in southern california trying to take the turn around santa barbara. 50s, 60s and 70s. brentwood, 75. concord, 61. san jose, 62. looking for low to mid 90s for some. around the bay, it is. the high cloud deck will clear out high pressure will stick around for another day or two and we will start to see big changes. 70s for a few, 80s for many and low to mid 90s for some. so far so good. other than yesterday. we had a lot of serious issues. today we have a lot of normal slowdowns which can be taxing. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see there is a backup. now we're getting into that time of the year where the sun will give us a backlit picture. it is about a 25 minute delay if you are at the end of the line before you get onto the bridge with no major issues. san francisco, northbound and southbound 101 does not look bad. northbound 101 is slow approaching the 280 interchange and two 80 approaching the maze. san mateo bridge is crowded not only on the bridge but before it as you get onto the span. this is pretty normal-looking stuff. 880 is slow from hayward down into fremont. i will mentioned that traffic is going to be okay and the south. no major issues on the main part of the south bay freeway's. 6:34 am. let's go back to the desk. today, five years after morgan hill teenager sierra lamar disappeared, the trial against the man accused of kidnapping and killing her is wrapping up. closing arguments are set to begin soon today. >> reporter: after almost 3 months eyewitness testimonies, lawyers on both sides will start to wrap up their case and make the final case to the jury starting today. closing arguments are scheduled for this morning at the santa clara county courthouse and the case of antolin garcia torres. prosecutors say the 26-year-old kidnapped and murdered 15-year- old sierra lamar in morgan hill in 2012. in the months after her disappearance, dozens of volunteers, through trails and rural areas near her home trying to find any evidence in the case and any sign of her. the body was never found but some of her clothing was. dna evidence from those items and other dna evidence found in garcia torres's car linked him to her disappearance. the fact that there is no body and no crime scene has been an ongoing central part of this case. >> the first big decision the jury is going to have to make is whether sierra lamar could still be alive and if they believe that she could still be out there, then the jury obviously will not find garcia torres guilty.>> reporter: during the truck, arcia taurus' attorney questioned lamar's character and they suggested that she was not dead and that she may have simply run away. the last witness to testify in this case was a digital forensic detective with the sheriff's office. he said lamar last look enter email and twitter accounts morning she disappeared and her digital footprint has been silent since then. garcia torres is accused of attempting to kidnap three other women. if found guilty, he could be sentenced to death. given the complicated evidence in this case and all the witness testimony involved, must legal analyst expect the jury could take a while to deliberate. garcia torres's fate. the man accused of killing seven people during the rampage at oaklands university is due back in court this morning. he is expected to enter a plea. a judge recently decided that the suspect is mentally competent to stand trial. the former nursing student is charged with killing seven former classmates and injuring three others in the shooting and 2012. the trial had been put on hold after the judge determined that the suspect had a mental illness that prevented him from assisting his attorneys with his defense. he has been undergoing treatment at napa state hospital. police in san diego state they don't think race was a motive behind last weekend's mass shooting. instead they say the gunman was angry about breaking up with his girlfriend. one person was killed, six others were wounded when 49- year-old peter selis started shooting during a pulse libra they party at an apartment complex. most of the victims were african-american. one was latino. one was white. a partygoers said selis allowed a white female to escape. police say the evidence is not pointing towards a hate crime. they say selis was upset about the breakup and called his ex- girlfriend while he was shooting. >> selis stayed on the phone talking to his ex-girlfriend as he continued to fire his weapon. it is apparent that selis wanted his ex-girlfriend to listen in as he carried out his rampage. >> police say they shot and killed selis when he pointed his gun at the police. selis did live at the apartment complex. two of the victims are still in critical condition this morning. a man celebrating his 50th birthday was among those shot. he is in stable condition. they were caught a half moon bay restaurant is under arrest, accused of using cellphone video to, his cell phone to record women in about them. it happened at jersey joe's restaurant. the victims include children. one woman eating at the restaurant found the phone saturday night. investigators determined it belonged to pedro gonzales. they say the video captured images of two women and four children. anyone who visited jersey joe's is asked to call the san mateo sheriff's office. a man and san jose is in serious condition after being bitten by a snake. this happened yesterday afternoon while hiking with his wife on mission peak in fremont. emergency workers say the man sat down on a rock, that's when a snake bit his hand. he was airlifted to washington hospital in fremont and was given antivenom medicine. uc president janet napolitano will face tough questions from lawmakers in sacramento today. she is scheduled for an oversight hearing after a state audit found that her office had stashed $175 million in a secret fund. napolitano's office disputes the claim saying that the funds are tied to initiatives such as cybersecurity and sexual violence prevention. relations between the university and the state have been strained for years over funding levels and the university's pushed for new tuition hike this fall could depend on how napolitano answers questions today. the oakland school district wants to make sure students will be able to get to school next fall after they canceled a longtime contract with ac transit. the school district held a meeting last night at skyline high school because of a cut in state funding, the school district could no longer pay the $2 million to pay for supplementary bus service for students who go to skyline, montero and community day schools. administrator say a sutro provided this extra transit service to other east bay school districts but that oakland was the only school district that paid ac transit. >> if they are going to be eliminating some buses then she may not get to school on time. then we will get letters of truancy and student should not be penalized for not being able to get to school on time if it's becoming a hardship to get to school. >> the school district is trying to negotiate with ac transit to work out a solution. so far they seem to be far apart. ac transit said it created special routes specifically for oakland schools in addition to providing extra buses and security. tonight, game 1 of the nba second round playoff series between the warriors and the utah jazz. the warriors are back from 8 days of rest after sweeping the trail blazers. kevin durant is back from his calf injury but head coach steve kerr will not be on the bench because of his lingering back problems. the warriors going forward, assuming the coach will miss the rest of the playoffs. >> we are ready but we are going to approach this entire thing as steve is not coming back. that's our approach to this entire playoffs. until we hear otherwise -- >> tipoff is at 7:30 pm at oracle arena. keeping with tradition, all the fans will receive a yellow shirt. this one says -- >> warriors. >> it's cool to hear it in oracle arena. that is the 2017 conference semifinals on the shirt. 6:42 am. the raiders have reportedly finalized the purchase of the property where they will build a new stadium in las vegas. it's a 62 acre site near the vegas strip off interstate 15, west of the mandalay bay resort. the raiders reportedly paid more than $77 million for that property. last month nfl owners overwhelmingly voted to approve the move to las vegas. is not expected to happen until 2020. under the lease with the coliseum authority, the raiders have the option to keep playing in oakland for the next two seasons. former 49ers quarterback, colin kaepernick, has yet to land another job with 18, however, he is donating some of his old suits to help other people find work there are videos and photos posted online showing her neck outside a new york city parole office. he had two boxes of his custom- made suits. his, know your rights, campaign, said the suits will make parolees better equipped to get a job and "live more productive lives.". 6:43 am. drivers in california may be paying more to fill up your car. we will talk about a new gas tax being considered by president trump. also, a car plowed into a santa rosa storefront. >> how just a few feet made a big difference between life and death for dozens of animals. good morning. we have slow traffic all over the place. that includes the golden gate bridge. getting to and from marin and novato is a different story. we will tell you about that coming up. that flag showing a westerly direction. sfo has that also. for most today it will be warm to hot. he was so you temperatures when we come back. welcome back to mornings on 2. we are taking a look live at stocks this money. the dow jones is up just about 20 points. 20,009 25. a lot of stocks, familiar names in the bay area. record territory. tesla, apple, microsoft, netflix, all helping stocks this point. nasdaq starting the day and record territory. 6090. today in washington dc, united airlines ceo is likely to face tough questions when he testifies before a congressional committee. he and top executives of american airlines, alaska and southwest, will all testify in front of members of the house transportation and infrastructure committee. the ceo is also expected to answer questions about that infamous passenger dragging incident on an overbooked united flight. the executives will also face questions about improving the general relationship between airlines and passengers. a pet shop in santa rosa needs serious repairs. last night a car smashed through the front of the pet store in a strip mall. the santa rosa fire department posted this on their twitter page. the crews helped clear the area and boarded up the storefront on montgomery charge -- drive. luckily no people or animals were hurt. the oakland fire department is investigating the latest fire at a homeless camp. this started last night around 8:30 pm at a camp under interstate 580 along 35th and magnolia street near the emeryville city border. firefighters say it burned about a dozen tents. there was a huge plume of smoke. no reports of injuries. it's still under investigation. a cooking fire burned a homeless camp near 880 last month and that fire, a pet dog was killed. 6:48 am which means it's time to check in with gasia mikaelian. good morning. when i join you in minutes, president trump said newly sworn in secretary of agriculture is making changes to the school lunch program. what's happening with whole grains, sodium and chocolate milk. and what he says the changes will help prevent food waste plus we will tell you what some bay area parents say they would like to see more of in their little ones school lunches. we have the oakland mayor and the new head of oakland transportation department in our studio in just minutes. at the top of the 7:00 our we will talk about that and the changes that could be coming to how oakland's travel around the city. minutes ago, sal put out a call to you for your top traffic concerns in oakland. he will get some answers about the top issues you have brought forward. that's when the mayor and the head of oakland transportation join us live in studio this morning. this and more when i join you in a few minutes. 6:49 am. sal joining us. you are watching highway 24 and everything else. house it looked? >> it looks okay. it's a little slow as you drive to lafayette. you will see stop and go traffic. compared to yesterday, these commutes look a little tainted you can see highway 24 is slow and lafayette as you drive toward the tunnel. you will see a lot of slow traffic. i want to mention traffic has been slow in orinda as you drive through. i've been looking to see if there's anything here blocking lanes. chp is not reporting anything. where also checking with our other sources. it's low. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. that is backed up. this is the time of year when we see these backlit pictures. is a 20-25 minute delay. no major problems. i put this picture in by accident. i meant to go to the other 880 camera which is -- there it is. oracle arena. the site of tonight's warrior's game. 7:30 pm. what you may not have thought about is there will be a lot of people going to the game. if you are driving this afternoon on 880, give yourself extra time. a lot of fans will be coming through. i want to mention marin county. traffic is okay in marin county. slowing on the richmond bridge getting to it from the east bay. we have hazy skies and temperatures are on the cool side for some. very warm for others, especially if you get that northerly breeze. for some it's cooler by the coast. any idea what the temps may be in santa rosa on the 13th? no pressure there. i was say 65-68 and windy in santa rosa on may 13. you can write that down if you like. if it's wrong, it's the forecast model, not me. also, check this out -- we get tweets from cottages in point ray. susan and andrew sending our with her tweets from inverness. -- sending our weather treats from inverness. a shout out to susan howard from inverness. a hot tuesday inland. 90s for some. i'm wrestling with the coast because there are a few hints of a west branch. -- west breeze. i think things change to my pick around the bay and inland, today will be warm to hot. water temperatures are cool. 48 at bodega bay. san francisco buoy, 51. 53, half moon bay and monterey. when the water is that cold and you get temperatures in the 90s inland, it's only a matter of hours sometimes when we will see fog. i think this will be around monterey and santa cruz before anywhere else. high clouds are beginning to clear out. speaking of the fog, there it is. maybe by tomorrow it may sneak in passed big sur into monterey. 50s, 60s, 75 in brentwood. peninsula temperatures in the 50s and 60s. belmont, 61. hillsborough, 59. los altos hills, 66. pacifica, 54. north wind at nevada. west and southwest at fairfield. west in oakland in a west wind at sfo. we will see if that turns around or stays the same. it will be warm to hot for many's today. temperatures will max out. if it's not today, it will tomorrow. 70s four if you, 80s and 90s for most. low to mid 90s -- the breeze helps this time of year to get these temperatures. after today we will start to see cooler conditions on the coast and the bay. one more nice day and then a cooling trend starts on wednesday into thursday. 6:53 am. new numbers from this year on the snowpacked this year's final snow survey -- and now a warning about flooding as the snow starts to melt. ♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec®. muddle no more®. try rhinocort® allergy spray for powerful nasal allergy relief. yes, the fuel is complimentary for up to three years. yes, it has an epa-estimated range of 312 miles. yes, you will probably have to answer lots of silly questions from strangers. yes, this is a mind-blowing marvel of technology. and, yes, you can buy it today- because the future doesn't start next week, next month or next year... the future starts now. in the hydrogen-fueled toyota mirai. >> well, some people in modesto were very concerned about that. a major irrigation canal that runs through the city turned red. water officials placed red dye into the canal to track the urban cides. the dye is nontoxic and won't hurt animals or farm land. but they are flooded with calls worried about whether the water is safe. the final snow survey of the year is good news for california's water supply. the sierra snow pack has twice the water content than average. all of that snow can be dangerous. as the weather warms up, melting snow could lead to flooding rivers downstream. most major california reservoirs are almost full. there's way more water in the melting snow pack than they could hold even if they were empty. >> the expectation for the total runoff is we will have two and a half times the average runoff that year. that's a lot of water. >> reporter: that means that dam operators must catch and release. catch enough water to be full by july 1st but releasing enough to avoid a disastrous overflow. sierra foothills dam. >> we have been releasing water at a rate of 5,000 cubic feet per second for many months. >> reporter: that's the equivalent to four big rigs every second. the immense snow pack spells danger down below in the populated central valley. >> the concern that we're focused on is the san joaquin system where wuff the four big reservoirs that used to feed into the same river channel. >> reporter: now our precipitation comes in the form of rain that runs off immediately and snow that melts much more quickly. >> what we are seeing is we're getting faster, bigger runoff events in the winter and the spring. that can cause big problems for our levee system and dam system where we have problems of levees being overtopped and dams facing structural challenges because of so much water. >> reporter: the drought left so much water to run through the infrastructure that consumers paid a dear price for fossil fuel electric generation and the pollution that caused. >> it cost calians an extra $2.45 billion over the drought. >> reporter: now the immense snow pack guarantees that electric ratepayers will save money this year, provided we don't have too much damage. >> the one problem is when the excess water actually causes damage to our dams and our hydroelectricity infrastructure. that happened at the oroville dam. >> reporter: they are working 24/7 to raise its levees. ktvu fox 2 news. the time is 6:59. happening today, you will like this. a new vista point opens up. the lookout area is at the end of the bike and pedestrian path at the bay bridge featuring bathrooms, benches, a hydration station, even bike racks. also starting today, the bike and pedestrian path will be open seven days a week. it used to be closed monday through friday. . good morning. it could soon cost a whole lot more to fill up your tank. president trump suggests he is in favor of increasing the federal gas tax. why this could be especially tough on drivers in california. a 15-year-old boy shot and killed in the middle of the day in what is usually a quiet san francisco neighborhood. what police are now saying about the deadly violence. this is ktvu ktvu mornings on 2. >> welcome back to mornings on 2 on this tuesday morning, may 2nd. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and good morning, i'm dave clark. it

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