Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20150922 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20150922

following the story. coming up he will have another update on the wild chase that led up to the shooting but the freeway was closed down for a little bit of time this morning. at least that is open but again causing some traffic problems. thank you for joining us, it's tuesday, september 22nd i'm pam cook. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. let's talk weather and traffic and i think you will like the forecast for today. >> i think most people will. there are always those that like the warm temperatures but that was yesterday. today will be cooler. in fact, much cooler. a good drop on these temps as the fog is back and the sea breeze has kicked in annularia hernandez said good morning steve. good morning laura. i did fall out of bed. almost 20-degrees cooler. yes, you're not alone. low clouds in place and plenty going around. not really a charging fog bank but it's there. 29 gusts to 35. i mean that is a roaring delta breeze. 60s for some. 50s a lot more 50s especially to the northeast. these were all 60s yesterday. petaluma a cool 52. low clouds and fog will hang back near the coast. low clouds, breezy, windy, and cooler today. cooler for all. fog will be by the coast. 60s and 70s and some 80s. not 90s, not 100s. all right sal an up on san leandro. >> we want to start with that closure of the east 14th off ramp. alameda sheriffs deputies shot and killed a suspect early this morning. alex savidge is there with what led to that shootout. alex. >> reporter: sal, good morning to you. the man that was killed this morning was wanted in connection with a shooting that happened just a few hours earlier in oakland and that led to a long pursuit by oakland police and other authorities in this area and finally this man this armed man was cornered here in an alley way that is just off the off ramps here from northbound 238 to east 14th street. there is an alley way between the freeway wall and the neighborhood. that is where there was an exchange of gunfire, a shotout between deputies and the armed man and the man wound up dead. none of those deputies were hurt here and the investigation again is shut down. and the onramp in the area as well. this armed man he went to great lengths this morning trying to escape. oakland police were initially pursuing him after that shooting that happened just after 2:00 a.m. in east oakland. after that, he was spotted driving the wrong way on 580 before eventually ditching his suv on the freeway and then trying to steal another car. that was unsuccessful and then the man was seen just a short time later walking on highway 238. and that is when he fired shots at the chp officer who came up and tried to take him into custody. the officer was not hit but a passing car was hit by the gunfire. the man ran off the freeway into this alley way where he exchanged fire with sheriffs deputies and ultimately was killed. >> this could have turned out terrible. we already had one vehicle that was hit. clearly you have a person that didn't care where these bullets were going. that is always a tough and difficult situation. >> reporter: authorities do know who this man was killed. he was in his early 30s. they are not going to be releasing that publicly at this point in the investigation. this will be a lengthy investigation by the way. again the off ramp from northbound 238 to east 14th street remains closed in this area for the investigation as they gather physical evidence in this area and it will remain shut down potentially until about 9:00 this morning, sal. certainly it will -- it's only the off ramp that is closed but it's still the right hand lane as you come north on 238. it will be shut down by chp. it will be a distraction for drivers and all likelihood could cause some delays as we move throughout the morning commute. >> i'm already seeing delays in that area. and traffic is going to be busy as you drive from castro valley to the 238 corridor. norrally it continues to be slow. let's go out and take a look at the other conditions we have on interstate 880 north and southbound nearby. it is a nice looking drive. past the oakland coliseum. there has be no major issues. at the bay bridge toll plaza the metering lights went on. it's just a normal commute which means 20-25 minutes to get on to the span. 6:05 let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. palo alto police released a sketch of a man that punched and robbed a mother who was punching her baby in a stroller. the suspects described as latino in his 20s. he is 5'3" to 5'6" tall with a stalky build. it happened on middlefield road on sunday evening. the mother who was in her 30s was pushing her baby in a stroller when the baby started crying. she bent down to take care of the baby and that is when she felt someone trying to take her purse. products that many people use every day they are blame for heavy pollution in our oceans and san francisco bay. brian flores is in san francisco. this is a ground breaking study. >> reporter: the findings are pretty eye opening. it shows nearly 4 million pieces of the bits pour into the bay every day. the rest comes from storm drains and creeks and illegal dumping. they range from cosmetic microbeads. they dragged nets long the surface in the water to collect them. and they found the most polluted areas had one million plastic's. >> the bead is unique and that it's designed to go down the drain. other pieces of plastic that are more familiar from people like plastic bags or bottles are in theory designed to go from the consumer to the trash or recycling system. >> reporter: what is interesting is that some of the microbeads found in the polluted waters is coming from your toothpaste. due to their size plastic microbeads are difficult to clean up on a large scale. water treatment plants were not built to handle may control beads and they do not biodegrate. governor jerry brown has not signed a legislation yet. if he does it would go into effect but not until 2020. so very interesting study here examining the effects of these microbeads. not only polluting the ocean waters but significantically here in san francisco bay. >> all right brian flores in san francisco. thank you. time is 6:08. a residential solar company is calling on the san francisco giants to cut ties with pg&e. sun run sent a letter to the giants asking them to do that. sun run is claiming pg&e misleads customers by advertising its commitment to renewable power while at the same time urging state regulators to impose a new monthly charge on homeowners who install new systems 37 coming up at 6:30 the reason santa clara could possibly cut alcohol sales short at 49ers games. >> a live report in washington, d.c. pope francis preparing to land on american soil. plus the local business getting some big exposure during the pope's visit. >> reporter: we are starting to see some activity on the grounds here. 25,000 people here for one of the pope's first stops. pope francis wrapping up his trip to cuba as he prepares to head north to washington, new york, and philadelphia. around d.c. barricades already line some streets as the faithful prepare. >> i'm very excited he is coming. i think it will be a good shot in the arm for lots of catholics region. >> that is what the pope is hoping for. >> service is never aid logical. we don't serve ideas, we serve people. and when he addresses congress this week and meets with president obama at the white house it will be difficult to avoid political messages. >> but their focus will not be about politics or policies, but about the kinds of values that both men have dedicated their lives to champion. >> reporter: and then there is the matter of security for local and federal agencies one of the largest under taking of its kind. many of the events will require tickets but some visitors may take it on faith that they can catch a glimpse. >> we anticipate there is so many people that will do anything they can to see the holy father. so outside the perimeter we have no idea who will show. if they can get through the metro or walk here, you know best of luck to them. >> reporter: best of luck. as we come back out here live, you can see the huge banner welcoming the pope. that is the sort of preparation we will see repeated at location of location. the pope is not just visiting these three cities, generally he has multiple stops at each place. one of the things whether be running into around here traffic gridlock. dave. >> i'm sure. doug luzader in washington, thank you. the pope's historic trip to the u.s. will also include the first canonization on u.s. soil. father yew nip row serra will be canonized during a trip tomorrow. many california native americans say their ancestors were forced into christianty. they worked long hours and they were severely beaten by soldiers if they tried to run away. for those reasons local tribes have opposed the saint hood of serra. >> i think that is like cannonnizing someone who was outside of the traditional narrative the pope was calling attention to the fact that american catholicism has been multiculture andet lick. >> bay area streets, schools, freeways, and parks were also named in his honor. >> when the pope is here in the u.s., some of the food he eats will come from a marin county bakery. one of my favorites. breads from larkspur base rustic bakery will be served on the flight. the owner says an airline company sent samples to the vatican chef. tara moriarty is going to be in washington, d.c. for the pope's visit. her live coverage begins later today. you're also going to find a special section on the pay fell visit on our website at shifting gears. a boarded up shack for sale in san francisco is a new sign of evidence of the city's crazy housing market. this is a two bedroom, one bathroom shack priced at $350,000. it's on delong street. it's near alemany boulevard. that is what it looks like. the listing calls it a distinguished home in need of work. it's a contractors special $350,000. that comes to about $458 per square foot which is in many cases is considered a deal. it's about half of what some of you would pay in san francisco now. >> that is a fixer. >> yeah i think so. >> wow. sal. now you know why i'm talking about traffic that is over a wide region. we're talking about people who come to work from brentwood and discovery bay. >> they are willing to live far from work. >> they just don't want to live or can't afford to live in san francisco. good morning, everyone. we will start off in the east bay. you can see the traffic on highway 4 which by the way is very slow. it is going to be slow all the way up to concord. as a matter of fact, it's slow all the way back to antioch and i can show you on this map how slow it is. so you saw the picture and now you see the road sensors firing up red from antioch to bay point. a little bit of slowing out of vallejo to marin. no problems in marin. 880 is slow from 238 down to fremont and 580 is slow on the altamont pass as you drive into livermore. no major problems in the south bay. there has been a couple accidents but i'm surprised it's not worse. right now it could be that opportunity to get into the west valley. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. that is backed up. it's been backed up since 5:30. a 30 minute delay before you make it on to the span. let's go to steve. thank you, sir. well, well look what has decided to return back along the embarcadero looking at the fog. i posted cooler today on facebook for my forecast. i have 15 responses so far. 14 from women. all of them said thank goodness. [ laughter ] one guy with a smiley face. low clouds they're back. the sea breeze is back. it will be cooler for everybody. i know summer can be hot but yesterday was a cooker. we had lots of 100s. a few record highs. stockton was in there at 102. fairfield 101. that tied but gilroy at 103. that was a record. it will mark 100 set back in 1967. and brett johnson is happy to welcome back the ocean breeze. 58 degrees this morning. it started off 62 and then the breeze went east and they warmed up along with everybody else. officially 89 in san francisco. today i went 68. low clouds rolling in. it looks like making a move on the marin and sonoma coast. the breeze is in place. 29 gusts to 35. they are done. they are drop 21 degrees today. 101 to 81 today. fairfield south at 20. west at 13. south at 16. even santa rosa has a pretty good breeze. nevada has a couple good breeze. southeast san jose. west sfo. west at hayward. hayward yesterday had an east wind. everything was turned around. 60s and 50s for many compared to yesterday. there are a few locations holding on to low 60s but a lot more 50s. the breeze might be one reason why but even the inland areas brentwood would clear down. 32 up in truckee. 53 ukiah getting a little cooler there. the tropical clouds southern california four corners being pushed off by this system which is going to slowly deepen over the next couple of days. it will be a fight between that system and the high pressure in the four corners. over all we are looking for a cooler pattern. there might be a bump up thursday or friday but nothing like what we saw yesterday. 80s and 70s and 60s. even up at clear lake and st. helena. kent fields is 76. brentwood 88. that is is down from 100. 72 berkeley. oakland 72. down 20 degrees. 80 in san jose. 87 gilroy after yesterday's 103. 60s on the coast. 70s to a soft 80 at wood side. cooler into wednesday. and then comes down on the weekend. >> should folks dress differently? >> some people go from brentwood to the city. it's probably not too bad out there. mixing garbage in with the recycling? the bay area city where you could get hit with a fine for doing just that. >> but first the federal government is now getting involved in the volkswagen emission scandal and this morning we are getting conflicting information about the future of volkswagen ceo. welcome back. peta selling whole foods. saying the store deceived customers of animal welfare claims. peta calls whole food attempts to monitor how suppliers treat their animals a shame. some people who head to one local park to go hiking or biking are taking a double take. the water at the bird refuge has turned a shocking pink. the parks recreation director says it's not a good sign. this was not done on purpose. a lot of people thought it was for breast cancer but a purple sulfer bacteria combined with warm water temperatures is causing the water to turn pink. as the weather cools down, park officials say that bacteria should dispate but if it doesn't, they will have to consider treating the water. your time is 6:26. we're getting some conflicting information about the future of the ceo of volkswagen. there are european media reports that he is stepping down but volkswagen has denied that. they used software to cheat on u.s. auto emissions tests. this morning vw says as many as 11 million diesel cars may have been fitted with that software. at least a half a million are in the southwest. but the epa says those cars dump 40 times the legal limit of pollution into the air. >> if the vehicles are not complying with those standards, the standards themselves are almost useless. >> the epa could find vw $18 billion. in the u.s. volkswagen has stopped selling the models that passed emissions tests using that software. it's also recalling the half a million cars it already sold. they include the audi a-3. vw beatles, gulfs, and jettas from 2009 to 2015 model years. are you ready for an apple car? apple is speeding up work on a project that could lead to the company building its own electric car. it haze been given the -- it has been given the code maim titan. there are also reports that apple has been in discussions for using the old concord naval weapon station for a testing facility for the car. it is 6:27. there has been an outpouring of help for victims of this valley fire but there are also mixed feelings about how the red cross has handled it. the reason volunteers assay they were stun -- volunteers say they were stunned. >> quite a morning commute out there. we're seeing slow traffic everywhere. look at the approach to the bay bridge. it is spilling out to the mccarthur maze. it's one of those days here at the bridge. >> and i'm happy to say it's one of the day where is it's cooler. yesterday was hot but not today. we'll see a good 20-degree drop. temperatures are coming down because of the fog. ♪ ♪ maxx your thing at t.j.maxx with better brands, at prices that work for you. make each day a little better. shop t.j.maxx... and maxx life! alaska. finally. the search for brown bears begins. denali highway. low on gas. pit stop. fill up. double points. yep, that's cold. tired. day 2. coffee. eggs. double points. beautiful. majestic... nothing. where are you, bear? warm. warmer. warmer. yes. wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. it's the gear that gets it done. good morning. welcome back. it's tuesday, september 22nd i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. we want to check in with steve. it definitely feels cooler out there. you could feel the air change in the middle of the night. my windows were open. oh, that is cool coming in. >> yes it has arrived in a big way. low clouds are here. you can see the low cloud deck. it's not moving completely inland but it's making a pretty good push. yesterday was held in check by an offshore breeze. now we are along the embarcadero. who is this? sid. sid. hello sid. he is sleeping. i bet he is. michael says 17 degrees. current temp is 60. yesterday at this time it was 77. normal is good. it is. that means that cool air aloft has made it as well. low clouds and fog and on shore breeze and i mean an on shore wind. the delta breeze will make it out to vacaville and sacramento for a cooler pattern. low clouds filling in nicely. so they are here. windy, cooler, breezy. temperatures coming down cooler for all. fog will be by the coast most of the day. there is always pocket where is it's sunny but 60s and 70s and now 80s. sal has had a busy morning. we will talk about that, steve. we will have traffic everywhere. it has become something people will tweet me about. they send me messages why sit so slow? everyone is back to school at this point. almost everyone. if you are going to school i would think your school is back in by now. san mateo bridge westbound 92 getting out to the high-rise very heavy traffic. dumbarton bridge also slow especially on the newark side. we can go up to the bay bridge toll plaza and that starts getting very slow early on. the backup is beyond the mccarthur maze. so you have a 30-35 minute wait before you start seeing the metering lights and getting on to the bridge. road sensors are showing traffic on 880 and 238. we've been mentioning all morning the off ramp from 238 is shut down for police investigation. so is that onramp there at east 14th and 238. the traffic has recovered now that they have opened the freeway become up. i don't see anything in the south bay. there is slow traffic on 101. a new law for bicyclists is set to roll into the the san francisco board of supervisors today. this law would call for the police to actually look the other way if cyclist don't stop at stop signs. ktvu fox 2 allie rasmus is joining us live now. you're in san francisco. now is this safe? how does this sound? >> reporter: well it depends on who you talk to, dave. cyclists like the idea. they say it would make the roads safer for them. drivers and pedestrians though may have a different opinion about it. we are on oak street and you can see from some of the bike icons and pavement out here, this is part of a designated stretch of bike route called the wiggle. this is where a lot of cyclists and drivers share the road. we have seen about half of the cyclists stop at this intersection and half go right through. in fact, this person we saw this morning did go right through the red light. he did in his defense slow down and look both ways. cyclists we talk to applaud the idea of a bike yield law. it's not always easy or practical to come to a complete stop because they lose momentum on their way down hill. this law would encourage san francisco police to let cyclists treat stop signs as yield signs so they wouldn't face a citation. >> it's a safer solution. we're not cars. we're not 2,000 pounds of steel. >> reporter: do you always stop? why is it not always practical? >> trying to get out ahead of the cars. >> reporter: many drivers on the other hand say the law would not make them safer. many have long complained about cyclists making the rolling stops. they are concerned how it will lead to collisions. pedestrians are concerned they could be hit by cyclists going through those crosswalks. avalos says he has enough support from his fellow supervisors to pass it. >> allie rasmus in san francisco, thank you. here's the latest on the valley fire this morning. it is now 75% contained. it has burned almost 76,000 acres. also destroyed 1200 homes and more than 600 other buildings so that makes it the third worse wild fire in california history as far as homes and buildings that were lost. the outpouring of help for the victims of the valley fire has been one of the bright spots in this disaster. but there were also hard feelings believe it orients about how the red cross handled the situation. at the napa valley fairgrounds in calistoga, local volunteers were cooking food and organized donations that people were dropping off. when the red cross arrived they say and they started taking over the volunteers say they were stunned when the red cross tried to shut down incoming donations. saying they would only accept cash. >> they told us that we were doing this illegally because they were managing the camp site. >> with the safety regulations that we are under to respond to issue like this, we had to be careful. >> the red cross says they are attending to essential needs and that can be overwhelmed by the cost and expense and responsibility of donated items. the butte fire burning in calveras counties it is 74% contained. it has destroyed 545 homes and 350 other buildings. it's burned more than 70,000 acres. animal care officials around northern california they need your help to try to reunit fire victims with their pets. dozens of photos of animals rescued from the valley and butte fire zones are posted online. look at these pictures. we've compiled a slide show of many of those animals and we urge you. take a -- to spread the word and hopefully create some happy reunions. in monterey county two men were killed, two police officers hurt in a shootout right in front of a target store. police in sam city say the officers were attempting to serve warrants on the two men yesterday afternoon when the men opened fire on the officers. the officers returned fire. the monterey county district attorneys office is now investigating that shooting. people in san jose are not doing a good enough job of living green. a recent audit finds some people are throwing away their trash into the recycling bins. ktvu janine de la vega is joining us in san jose with the fine that people could now face. janine. >> reporter: city officials are considering imposing fines on people who dump trash into the recycling bins. we've been talking to people this morning while they are getting their cup of coffee. asking them you no how do -- you know how do they go about doing it. they say it's a guessing game. this all comes from a recent audit by the city of san jose that shows single family homeowners have an alarming contamination rate. california waste solutions says 40% of what they dump into the recycling bins is nonrecyclable. according to the mercury news, the stoliders are talking about stepping up enforcement and possibly penalizing repeat offenders. we asked people how good they are about recycling properly. >> do you wash stuff out? >> yeah. like glass bottles. anything like that can be rinsed out and put in the recycle bin. >> reporter: do you think most people think it's a pain? >> yeah. [ laughter ] it seems like it could be easier but it's something we all have to do to accomplish that goal. >> reporter: city officials want to study this issue further before taking any action. but pam, dave i did take a trip inside to the starbucks that is close to us. the manager helped us out. i brought out some items. to kind of give you a quiz. i don't know. let's go with an easy one. milk carton. recyclable? trash? >> it goes into the plastic and glass recycling; right? >> yes. but what if there is stuff still inside of it? >> i think it depends on the city. now i heard they don't want you to rinse them out because of the drought. but you are usually supposed to rinse them and empty them. >> reporter: yes. that is what i'm hearing. i have not heard that from san jose. and then i will put that down. i don't know if you can see inside here. this kind of looks like aluminum. this is what the coffee beans come in. is this recyclable? or trash? >> i would say that is trash. >> if it's aluminum it seems like it should go in the recycling. >> aluminum foil is recyclable but because this is just covered i don't know if you can see that. yeah. so they are putting this one in the trash. it is really sort of difficult. you have to go on to the website. >> it's the same with shiny magazines pap lot of paper can go in but shiny magazines, anything with a coating is trash. >> yeah like gift wrapping paper. the city of san jose they have a zero waste goal by 2022. so that is why this is an important issue. >> that is good. i like it. i was telling them in the studio that at the marin county fair they pride themselves as being the greenest county. it's so complicated. you come up with your fork and your plate and they guide you as to which is recyclable and which is compost. it's hard sometimes. >> reporter: yeah it is. i'm going to try to find some more stuff that we can do at 7:30. >> good i like it. 6:42 is the time. big changes could be coming to the sale of alcohol at 49er games. this evening the santa clara city council will debate whether to cut off alcohol sales after halftime. the policy change follows last monday nights post where 49ers fans were arrested for attacking a vikings fan. not everyone agrees that cutting back on alcohol sales is the answer. >> i think the owners will protest. the fans won't show up. because you can sit in your living room and drink beer. >> i'm not against cutting off alcohol early but i don't think it will solve the issue. i think we are really dealing with a small percentage of fans. >> santa clara's police chief told the chronicle his officers typically arrest 30 people during 49er games and most of those arrests do involve alcohol. the 49ers told us that one of the fans arrested for last weekends fight was a season ticketholder and the team has revoked that fans seat. more police officers will be added to the oakland police department thanks to a federal grant. congresswoman barbara lee announced the city of oakland will get $1.8 million from the justice department that includes money for 15 additional police officers in oakland. however, oakland police chief shawn whent says that grant only covers one-third of the cost of a police officer's salary. so city council is going to have to approve matching funds. more drones may be coming to san francisco. coming up in 20 minutes what they may be used for and it's not just for public safety. but first. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 6:46. and just a heartbreaking story. the widow of the road construction worker killed on the job over the weekend tells us here at ktvu news that her husband was concerned about the dangers of his job. 33-year-old miguel rodriguez was killed saturday after being hit by an alleged drunk driver. he was a sub contractor for caltrans. workers closed off the two left lanes of 580 near lake shore for repaving. chp says the 21-year-old driver that hit rodriguez had a blood alcohol level of .15 nearly double the legal limit and no driver's license. >> they broke my heart and they broke my family and they leave my son alone with no father. >> she says nothing will bring her husband back but she hopes the drunk driver will serve a long sentence behind bars so he doesn't hurt or kill anyone else. time is 6:47. let's check in with gasia and see what is coming up in the next hour of mornings on 2. >> coming up in the next hour. we'll talk about a case that really touched a nerve with parents everywhere. it's back in court today. the parents of a boy with autism are being sued by neighbors who claim their son is a public nuance. we'll talk about what a south bay judge will rule on today. also take a look at this sign. it declares a no tech zone. why the sign is posted in a very unlikely place in the bay area and how are they going to enforce that $300 fine. >> thank you. let's check in with sal. he's been covering. i know there is the problem in san leandro. that is causing some problems. >> it is pam and dave. we also have slow traffic everywhere. we will start off with a look at the east bay which seems to be have the -- seems to have the most slow traffic. highway 4 has been terrible. it's backed up from antioch all the way to the bay point area and concord and has been one long slow line of traffic. at the bay bridge we have 30 minutes plus. that depends on where you start. but traffic is really slow expect for in the car pool lanes. we're focusing on the south bay for this last little part here because 85 is already slow. so is 101 and 280. things are beginning to get a little slower driving into the valley. 6:48 let's go to steve. we do have a rather big difference compared to yesterday when it was 90s and 100s. today it will be 60s and 70s and 80s. the fog has returned in a big way. sea breeze has kicked in and turned around yesterday afternoon in san francisco. they hit 89 and about 3:00, 4:00 they dropped to 80. however i know most of you enjoy the cooler weather. am i the only one that is sad? i love hot weather. there is a couple out there. nelson wong not here today but also loves the hot weather. we told him to move to bull head city. [ laughter ] he loves hot weather. kevin leavy six days in one month. first time in the ten years i have lived here. that is really warm for usa lee toe. not today though. we will drop a good 20-25 degrees for some. the fog is back. the on shore wind. that is roaring delta breeze. west, southwest at napa. due west oakland airport. pretty good little breeze out to livermore and sfo and hayward. san jose with a southeast at 8. 50s. not sure about that 70s. 50s and 60s. more 50s than what we saw yesterday. water temps are still holding steady. no change in a long time in the water temps. fog continues to work its way up the coast. low clouds and breezy to windy. cooler for everybody. fog will be near the coast. 60s and 70s and now 80s. even drop to clear lake out of the 90s and vacaville as well with 70s between. upper 80s for antioch. 70s for berkeley and alameda. even toward gilroy which was 103 yesterday. not today. 87 and 80 downtown. 60s on the coast. 70s mainly on the peninsula. upper 70s. menially park and palo alto. fog will be with us wednesday. a little warmup thursday and friday. nothing extreme and then it will cool down as we head toward the weekend. >> today ladies may want to grab a sweater. >> if you are going into the city, big change from yesterday. time is 6:51. remember the teenager that wanted to become famous because he was detained for building a clock? the special honor he received during a special visit to the bay area. >> and diving for alabama loan knee. the first public hearing on shipping coal through oakland to asia was a long and noisy one. hundreds of people signed up to express their opinions on allowing coal mined in utah to be sent through the planned bulk shipping terminal development on the old oakland army base. now the city approved the project two years ago but community leaders oppose sending coal on trains through oakland. they say the coal dust will prevent a health and environmental hazard. >> the city council absolutely has the authority to further regulate this development through this quad and the development agreement which says if there is a threat to health and safety, they can put further regulation on this development. >> it will be arriving on colored trains. it will be put into the ground and sent on a conveyor belt. there will be no exposure of the coal to the air. >> supporters of the coal shipment says it will mean much needed jobs in oakland. the meeting ran five hours and more meetings will be scheduled. that terminal is scheduled to open in 2017. the crowded field of republican presidential candidates is a little less crowded. scott walker dropped out of the race. >> i encourage other republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates that can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front runner. >> governor walker tried to appeal to religious conservatives but his campaign never really took off. a recent poll showed his support was less than 1%. so now he's the second republican candidate after rick perry to drop out of the race. we are getting a firsthand look at the dangers of abalone diving. we went out to salt point state park on the sonoma coast. divers are not allowed to use scuba tanks so they have to hold their breath to depths of 20-30 feet or more. the problem is ill prepared divers that don't understand the waters. >> i will tell someone over and over again, you don't go out. don't go out. don't go out. and then they will go out and then we'll have to go retrieve them. >> i can think of many instances where the rescuers became victims themselves. >> rescue officials say you should never go alone when diving for abalone and you should have a backup plan if something goes wrong. looking ahead to halloween hot weather bringing new fears to california's pumpkin crop may not last until halloween. the hot weather is causing pumpkins to ripen early this year. the growers say not only are the pumpkins coming in early, they are also getting really hammered by the sun which makes them soften quick. the growers say they are trying everything possible to save as many pumpkins as they can because pam is coming looking for them. >> i do like going and looking for pumpkins. coming up on our 7:00 hour. we do continue to follow developing news in san leandro. that is where a freeway ramp has been shut down. it has been shut down for hours. the chase that led up to it and the traffic impact right now. >> plus an alarming study about pollution in our oceans. how the products you use every day may be a contributing factor. good morning. a major freeway offramp shut down in san leandro. authorities investigate a deadly shooting by sheriff's deputies. we'll tell you what we've just learned about the man who was killed this morning. billions of tiny little plastic bits floating in san francisco bay. the new study suggesting the contamination there is worse than in other major bodies of water across the country. "mornings on 2" continues. 7:00 on this tuesday morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." what

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