Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20170921 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20170921

have showers offshore but staying out there for now. this system is dropping in and sweeping through the visibility will be sparkling with that smoke and haze long gone. we have clear moving in with 48 at lakeport and santa rosa, 44 in kelseyville, calistoga, windsor, sebastopol, rohnert park and all in the 40s. do north at 20 at the half moon bay, west at sfo, oakland and hayward, gusting up to 30 eight -- 38 miles an hour and that is a cool breeze moving in. we have 60s and 70s, cool is the rule. we have mr. sal castaneda oh. we don't have a lot going on but we do have slow traffic as you would imagine. let's take a look at the tracy commute with a lot of slow traffic already on 580 westbound and on 205 four the people coming in from tracy. the speeds are not too low but there are some slow speeds, for example, after the 580 and 205 on 580 down to 15 miles an hour. at the main part of livermore and pleasanton we are at the speed limit and 70. actually even a little more is what the road sensors are saying. here is a look at interstate 880 oakland, no major issues driving through oakland and at the bay bridge toll plaza, traffic is light. it is 5:02 am. the search teams in mexico said they have rescued two women and a man that were trapped in the earthquake rubble 36 hours after the magnitude 7.1 earthquake. that is giving hope to the team that is still focusing on rescuing a teenage girl that is trapped in the debris that was once her school. earlier she wiggled her fingers showing she is still alive which injected the new energy into the struggle to get her out. the frantic search for other buried earthquake victims goes on across central mexico and the death toll is at least 245. in the bay area thousands of people are concerned about relatives and friends in mexico and the san jose church is staying open 24 hours a day through saturday for anyone that needs comfort or to feel a sense of community after the earthquake. hundreds of people gathered to offer their prayers last night. >> reporter: at the lady of guatalupe church in san jose holding hands up united in prayer special attention to the victims of the earthquake in mexico, saying at this time it is their faith they need the most. >> at times like this we can only go to god for consolation. we feel powerless. >> reporter: this 14-year-old is worried about her family members that live near mexico city, showing a picture of the only church in the town now ruined. >> i feel anxious right now and scared. i have not heard from my cousins or my aunts. i don't know what is happening to them. >> reporter: in uncertain times they are hoping prayers will help in the church is collecting donations to send the catholic relief services the message they are not alone. >> we want to make sure we can get back. >> reporter: the san jose earthquake accepting donations and at the wednesday mass they will have a raffle matching funds. last february they raised $40,000 for the victims of the flooding and the goal is to do the same for mexico. >> we have a lot of families with mexican heritage in san jose and their justice much impacted. >> reporter: outside of the mexican consulate office in san jose the flag lies at half staff. >> the assessment is that things are worse than we first thought. >> reporter: the focus is on the relief efforts in the office says the best way to help is to donate through the mexican red cross. >> everybody is helping and anyone can do it. it is amazing and it brings us hope.>> reporter: ktvu fox 2 news. last night three direct flight from mexico city arrived from sfo bringing passengers that came to the earthquake and we saw people leaving customs and hugging their families. the people they divide their time between the bay area and mexico city are haunted by what they saw, ruined homes with people in shelters or on the streets. those that were still unaccounted for as well. >> i feel extremely privileged and blessed. i am lucky. i am sympathetic and i feel sad about all the people that have suffered, and now suffering. >> one passenger said that the damage is severe in some places but nonexistent and others. more than 8 million people live in mexico city. our coverage of the mexico earthquake continues on and you can find all the latest information on the continuing search for survivors. we are following hurricane maria after it battered the caribbean leaving all of puerto rico in the dark. now that the hurricane has moved on people are getting a look at the damage that has been left behind. >> reporter: hurricane maria barreled its way through puerto rico and made landfall wednesday as category 4 storm with so much force that the entire island is now without power. the nighttime curfew is in place through saturday with video showing downtown san juan with by 155 on our wind and soaked with over 20 inches of rain. >> it was a slow crawl across the island with plenty of time for the storm to snap the trees in half and filling the streets with deep waters. >> reporter: the caribbean natives could not do much in the u.s. but watch as maria hammered their homeland. >> what i went through katrina here, and this is the united states, i cannot imagine that small island. >> reporter: the forecasters say that the hurricane became disorganized and got weaker hovering over land but it is expected to restrengthen over warmer waters. in the meantime, guadeloupe fake is dealing with serious damage and two fatalities. the roots were blown away and large trees were brought to the ground creating a mess that will require months to clean up. >> everything fell on the ground. thank god we still have the house. the roof is holding together. the solidarity is there and we will recover. >> reporter: the ultimate path of maria is not set in stone but they're cautiously predicting it will turn to the northeast out to the atlantic. fox news from new york. it is 5:07 am. tomorrow hurricane maria is expected to hit the turks and caicos islands and the residents are scrambling to get out as the hurricane comes closer. lines are forming at the airport and those staying behind her stocking up on food and fuel, and they say turks and caicos will see worsening conditions tonight. >> i am taking all necessary precautions. i just got back on the island but i went down to my house to make sure everything was safe. i came to the gas station and filled up my tank and now i will go stock up on food. i will be good from there.>> hurricane maria is the second major storm to get the caribbean this month and hitting many of the very same islands it -- as in the path of hurricane irma. yesterday the uc berkeley chancellor said that five speakers are confirmed for the event and that is milo yiannopoulos and david horowitz among them and other speakers including former white house advisor steve bannon are expected but not confirmed. they are all set to speak either on the upper or lower sproul plaza. in the statement the uc berkeley chancellor said "i want to first express my deep regret about the stress this is causing for many members of our campus community and the burden it is placing on people to continue their regular routines in the midst of what will cause a disruption." she said the uc police are committed to the safety and security. it is 5:09 am. the oakland city council voted unanimously to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products including menthol cigarettes. this follows a similar ban approved in san francisco. the supporters argue that flavored tobacco targets young people, many that live in low income neighborhoods, and ordinance will ban all flavored tobacco products from being sold in oakland and takes effect mid next year. it is 10 minutes after 5:00. hundreds of san francisco apartment buildings mason be marked with warning signs, and coming up we have the key deadline the owners missed in meeting the earthquake safety mandate. the republicans have one final opportunity this year to repeal replace obamacare and i am doug luzader in washington, and we will have your answers just ahead. welcome back to mornings on 2. they have more than a week to get it done but were congressional republicans are mounting what could be the last ditch effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act. >> a lot of this is happening under the radar on capitol hill but maybe it has gained traction. doug luzader has the story from washington. >> easy, that's expensive equipment. >> reporter: in the halls of congress the chase is on for the votes and republican leaders are scrambling to win over the same gop holdouts that scuttled the healthcare reform in july facing a deadline of september 30 to get the deal done with only 50 votes. at the end of the sit down with president of egypt president trump was asked about the odds. >> obamacare is a disaster and failing badly. >> reporter: the republican plan would dismantle portion of obamacare largely returning the resources and decisions to the individual state and one plan architect is pushing hard. >> we will take the bill up next week, into my republican colleagues, if you have a better idea, now is the time to come forward. >> reporter: president obama weighed in on the signature program saying that all of this is happening too quickly. >> people are paying attention to hurricanes, earthquakes, daca, and they think they can sneak it by. >> reporter: the president says that the slow pace of change has been a surprise. >> i thought i would go to the oval office, sit down at my desk and there would be a healthcare bill on my desk, to be honest, and it has not worked out that way. >> that was doug luzader reporting from washington. special counsel robert mueller has reportedly asked the white house to provide a wide variety of documents related to his investigation into the russian meddling in the 2016 election including the information about the firing of mike flynn as national security adviser and james comey as fbi director. the office is expected to interview at least a half-dozen current and former aides in the coming weeks which includes former press secretary sean spicer and former chief of staff reese priebus. president trump may reduce the number of refugees allowed in the united states. earlier he issued an executive order limiting the number of refugees allowed in the u.s. per year to 50,000. was already the knows number in modern american history. now the department of homeland security once the president to reduce it even more to 40,000. the agency complained about the workload and whether it could properly investigate the people that want to come to the u.s.. right now it is 515, and let's check in on any trouble spots. >> it is getting slower but we don't have any trouble spots, but we do have slow traffic on 280 northbound up to the highway 17. there is a little bit of slow traffic gilroy to san jose and morgan hill. it continues to look good into the main part of san jose. no major issues driving on 101 into mountain view. this is to 80 northbound through downtown san jose, a nice-looking drive. if you're driving to the bay bridge toll plaza we have a few more cars but no big backup which is an opportunity for you to get ahead of the crowd. it is 5:16 am. the cold air is working its way in. and if you are heading up to the mountains, there is a winter weather advisory starting at 8 am through 11 pm for 3 to 6 inches of fresh snow mainly above the passes at 7000 feet. i sent a tweet asking the last time you issued a winter weather advisory before the first day of fall which is tomorrow at 1 pm. we will see what they say but the cold air is moving in. laughing coyote, and where did that cold air come from? out of the north. kelseyville at 49, 47 it calistoga, rohnert park, sebastopol, leila valley are all in their. this system is dropping down which is impressive for the last day of summer. there's not a lot of moisture with this but in this year there was about three quarters of an inch of precipitation with generally less than 1/10 of an inch. still activity offshore. upper 40s for some and low to mid 50s for others. the temperature trending from 24 hours ago with san jose no change, santa rosa down by 10, and -9 in napa, fairfield and napa -6. the half moon bay gusting at 22 miles an hour and it will be breezy and windy for sure. 32 in truckee and 45 and ukiah. the cool air continues to work its way in and some pretty good activity yesterday with decent amount of snow at the higher elevations and there will be isolated areas today with thunderstorm activity popping up as well. we will get a lift with that cold air continuing to move in. to the south this system is holding together in the central valley which is impressive for the first cold front of the season. 60s on the temperatures to 70s and well below average. tomorrow morning will be very cool in the protected areas and i would not be surprised to see 30s and upper 30s to the north with a gradual warming trend with lots of sunshine and a nice fall weekend. it is 5:19 am. google wants to help the users that suffer from depression, and the new tools that google is making available coming up. the celebration beginning for the rosh hashanah, the jewish new year and the event in the east bay hills that was an idea that came from a little girl. at stanford health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. and if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. if we can use patients' genes to predict heart disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. welcome back to mornings on 2, it is 5:22 am. back a new exhibit honoring the go ship warehouse fire victims. -- go ship warehouse fire victims. this features a ship masked with cards -- mast and features the cards hanging from it where people can attach memories and messages and honor of those that died in the ghost warehouse fire. people reflecting on the east and anti-semitic acts over the past year ensuring hopes for the future and we go to this unusual event, rosh hashanah . >> reporter: the sound of the traditional horn being blown during the rosh hashanah. it echoed in the open hills wednesday evening. the children and adults took part in the ancient tradition of the new outdoor celebration that started in 2008 when the eight-year-old daughter of sue reinhold wanted to blow the horn outside. >> we organized a little family service in the picnic area at the park. >> reporter: what started at 15 is now 1100 this year drawing families throughout the bay area. >> the holiday is about community and coming together. these days we are inside all day, and when the holidays come we want to be outside among the trees and to enjoy each other. >> reporter: the celebration was time to reflect on the past year which saw an increase in anti-semitic threats and attacks in the bay area and across the nation. >> the behavior and how scary that is been, and i think back to that. my family survived the holocaust, and to come here and this is scary. what is going on in the world with so much hate going on. >> the anti-semitism and other forms of hate, and we want to come together to say we will fix this and we want to heal the world. >> reporter: some are hoping to build bridges of understanding. >> i am from argentina and i am also jewish. there are so many things to bridge. we the jewish and latinos help each other. >> they are juice -- jews of different colors and different shades of who we are. >> here we can all come together and heal. >> reporter: the parents and grandparents celebrating now with the new generation. >> it is about forgiving yourself and forgiving others for things you've done in the past. it is nice that everybody is here together to bond. >> the new year is to throw away everything they did wrong in the past year, and start over. >> reporter: the old traditions like eating apples and honey revisited and renewed. >> you get apples and honey. >> reporter: why do you do that?>> for a happy new year. >> reporter: sweets symbolizing hope for a sweet year. >> happy new year. >> reporter: ktvu fox 2 news. it is 5:25 am. for president trump it was a major campaign promise but the california attorney general is pushing back against building the border wall, and we have the details of the recently filed lawsuit to block it. a violent attack on the muni bus victim that was repeatedly punched for know of parent reason and the continuing search for two suspects. good morning. traffic is moving along pretty well on westbound 92 with the san mateo bridge a nice-looking drive over the peninsula. we have good visibility today and fall-like even though it is still the last day of summer. ah, dinner. throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh? hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning and welcome back to mornings on 2 on this thursday, september 21. i am dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. it is just about 5:30 am. let's check in with steve and it is almost fall.>> we had to say goodbye to the summer but it was hot. >> we have a winter weather advisory issued in the sierra, nevada above 7000 feet from 8 am to 11 pm for 3 to 6 inches of snow. that is issued by the national weather service and it is a bit early. it had much more punch up there than down here with three quarters coming in -- 3/4 of an inch coming in. they are hanging on or snow in the higher elevations and some thunderstorm activity. we have the system bring in this much cooler air mass. so long as it does not take a turn we will be fine but it could hit monterey. we have talk about the water buoys, and watch the temperatures dropping with bodega bay at 58, san francisco buoy at 56. if you are in the city, it is much cooler. look at this, 55, 56 and 56, and again 56, alameda 59. they have cooled off from the 60s and humid conditions. 50s and 40s on the temperatures, and the breeze out of the west northwest and that will be the direction for most of the day. we have mostly sunny skies with a cool, breezy and windy pattern at the higher elevations and on the coast. 60s and 70s on the temperatures. it is 5:30 am and this is usually the go time. >> you are right. at the bay bridge we have learned well, i have taught you well. let's go to the solano county commute, slow traffic at the bay bridge and steve is absolutely right this is the go time for a lot of people. traffic on 37 already congested having a path away from vallejo. a nice drive from the bay bridge to the maccarthur maze, and sometimes it is closer to an hour later in the morning. the bay bridge metering lights are on. the traffic is backed up for about 10 minutes. it is 5:31 am. san francisco and oakland are suing five of the world's largest oil and gas companies with effects of the climate change and the cost of building seawalls and other infrastructure to protect against the climate change and the lawsuit targets chevron, exxon mobil, conoco phillips, bp and shell. they say that they were wanted that the fossil fuels would cause catastrophic global warming and tried to discredit climate change saying the companies have created a public nuisance. >> decades they were aware of the risk the product spoke to the planet but decided to continue the massive production of the fossil fuels.>> at least two other california counties and one city have filed similar lawsuits and chevron says they welcome the attempt to address climate change but the lawsuits don't do that. the other oil companies have not yet commented. another lawsuit targeting the trump administration and the president's plan to build the wall along the border with mexico, and cristina rendon own tells us the california attorney general has filed the latest. >> no one gets to ignore the laws not even the president of the united states. >> reporter: the california attorney general is suing the trump administration to stop the construction of the wall on the us-mexico border alleging the federal government is overstepping its authority by waiving the environmental reviews and other loss. he contends the government power to waive certain environmental laws expired in 2008. >> we want to protect the ordinary americans and californians that work very hard from arbitrary decisions, including decisions that are arbitrary from the president of united states. >> clearly the attorney general understand so devastating these impacts will be. >> reporter: the sierra club based in oakland filed a similar lawsuit last week with two other advocacy groups, defenders of wildlife and the animal defense fund. she says that the border wall would impact the estuary, wilderness area, california coast and a number of state parks, specifically targeting a 15 mile stretch in san diego where eight border wall prototypes are said to be constructed in a three mile stretch in new mexico. >> we want to homeland security to comply with the decades-old federal protections, laws on the books it's the 1970s, the clean air act, endangered species act and clean water act. >> reporter: when asked about the california lawsuit, attorney general jeff sessions said he expects to win the legal battle saying "the united states government has the control of the border and a responsibility to secure it.">> reporter: they say the legal victory could apply to the entire border from california to texas and the two lawsuits will likely merge together and be heard in front of one federal judge. ktvu fox 2 news. the california judge says the state attorney general decision to repeal the nist -- a new gas tank is misleading and the sacramento superior court judge said the ballot title focuses on eliminating road repair funding instead of clearly stating the bill would repeal the new gas tax and other fees. lawmakers voted to boost the gas taxes and vehicle fees starting november 1 to raise $5 billion a year for the road repairs in april. the judge will consider the case on friday. on sunday the people in germany had to the polls to decide whether to give angela merkel a record four term and the latest polls giving her double-digit lead over the social democrat martin schulte and not much talk about the upcoming election in germany. there is only one television debate but this vote is important in and out of germany, and both parties disagree with many of the president trump policies, especially on trade and immigration. the likely win by angela merkel could strengthen her position with future negotiations with the trump administration and an unlikely win for the social democrats would probably make the rift between the u.s. and germany bigger. the san francisco police are searching for two suspect that attack the man on muni tuesday night around the 11:00 when the bus stopped at mission and geneva. the victim was getting off the bus and two men began to punch him for no apparent reason. >> it does not seem based on the initial report that it was something targeted. we don't know what the motive of the suspects were or what they had in mind by attacking the victim because nothing was taken from the victim. >> the victim was treated for minor injuries and released on the hospital. the police are hoping there is surveillance video in the area where it happened, and hoping witnesses will come forward. the san francisco police are hoping new surveillance video will help them find the man that killed the popular oakland high school teacher and bring his family closure. >> we just want this to be resolved so that the community is a little more safe than it is right now. >> 31-year-old carlo tateo was shot to death in june outside of the nightclub south of market. on monday the police released the surveillance video showing the three people they are calling persons of interest, and these images were taken moments before the deadly encounter. >> at the time of the incident two of these suspects began to harass some female members of the group of carlo tateo and carlo tateo asked them to stop bothering the females and to move along. without provocation one of the suspects produced a firearm and shot mr. carlo tateo . >> the police and the family of carlo tateo hope someone recognizes this woman and the two men in the video and come forward. the two san francisco department heads were chastising connection with the death of three elderly people during this recent heat wave. the board of supervisors in san francisco want to know wymore was not done before the heat wave began and the supervisor criticized the department of public health and the department of emergency management for not opening the cooling centers until the second day of the heat wave. he also said the public campaign to tell people how to deal with the heat was limited to the online media and older residents often are not online. the home explodes elect one california neighborhood covered with debris. firefighters responded to the blast that occurred in los angeles 3 pm yesterday. look at what is left behind and one person was taken to the hospital. paramedics examine three children for injuries at the scene. the blast did not create an active fire but firefighters in southern california shut down the utilities at the location as a precaution. the cause of the incident is unknown. it is 5:38 am. the deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake in mexico raising new concerns about the safety of the homes and buildings in the bay area. last friday was the deadline for the owners of 3500 buildings in san francisco to submit plans to bring the buildings up to code. there are still hundreds of owners of multi family apartment buildings that have not reinforced the lower soft stories of the properties. >> it seems today we have 472 not in compliance. >> letters will be placed on the front of the buildings that have not been retrofitted warning the tenants that the building is not earthquake say. the owners will be summoned to the director's hearing to explain why they did not comply. after that the city attorney can send them to have the building red tagged and to put a lien on the property. the ultimate penalty is to tear down the building. researchers of the largest earthquake laboratory in the world say they have created and successfully tested a way to keep bridges safer during the large earthquakes. scientists at the university of nevada created a new way to connect sections of bridges with ultrahigh performance concrete. they tested the prefabricated pieces on the shake table in the lab yesterday simulating the violent motions of a strong earthquake on a 100 ton bridge model. the researchers say that the connectors work even better than they expected.>> the earthquakes themselves don't kill people, it is the structures. the details and connections that we develop in this project can be used anywhere in the world for any earthquake. >> they say with the new connectors even with the bridges are damaged by the powerful earthquakes it will take less time to repair. it is 5:40 am. the good samaritan and fresno may have to pay out. the violent incident inside the starbucks and wide the hero may be hit with a lawsuit. lawsuit. google is trying to help users that may be suffering from depression, up next, what you can find on the major search engine. good morning. traffic will be busy driving on interstate 880. it is not stop and go yet. we will tell you where commutes are beginning to get bald down. welcome back to mornings on 2. in today's health check we talk about depression, the mental health disorder characterized by consistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities. it causes significant impairment in the daily life and google is trying to help those that suffer from depression. the fox medical team joins us with what you can now find on the search engine. good morning. >> good morning. this is interesting. i type in depression on the google search and you get a description and you have the arrow that says to check if you are clinically depressed, and that is what you click on. this is the way google is saying you can help to get diagnosed. it is not a diagnosis but it could be a step in the right direction. the problem is that depression goes undetected and untreated. if you are on google and search depression or clinical depression, the search engine will take you to the overview and you can answer the questions. it is clinically validated with a legit screening tool that is used in the clinical sense. they put it on google. again, it could give you a resource and raise a red flag for you or someone else you may know. many want to shed light on the clinical depression and we spoke with the north american alliance on mental illness and says it is a good thing. >> it is estimated that 20% of the u.s. population will experience depression at some point in life and many people don't think they're living with depression, and that it is part of the normal life. people are so reluctant to reach out for help with mental health issues. >> there is still the stigma of course that comes with depression. shake it off, you'll be finer what he upset about, and what you have to be upset about, those sorts of things become part of the depression battle people deal with. google says that the tool is not meant to be diagnostic but to answer the question, maybe you can go to the next level. >> the big question, is it depression caused by a loss in your life, a job or something real that is causing depression, or is it the next step of like you said, you may not have anything that is real to be depressed about but it is clinical.>> that is where you get into the nuances which makes depression tough to detect. maybe you don't know exactly what you're dealing with, and we all have bad days which is normal. but when the bad days extend one day after the other and you have lost interest in many things you were once interested in, that is the sign you could be dealing with depression. sometimes it does take a life event to trigger the depression, and it could be a death or loss of job, financial struggles, all the things going on in the world right now between the natural disasters. sometimes it triggers depression that can last short-term or long-term. people need to be aware of what the symptoms are, and be aware that there is help out there. >> bravo to google for bringing that awareness to his. -- awareness to us. google will spend $1.1 billion to be a major player in the smartphone business, hiring engineers from the taiwanese company htc to bring the high- tech know how to the cell phone division and they used the same company to make the first pixel smartphone that came out last year. the next version of the phone will come out next month. in the meantime, apple has confirmed the new series 3 watch can have problems that prevented from making and receiving calls and text. earlier viewers have complained and the problem has to do with the handoff between the cellular information and the wi- fi. the company says that it is working on the fix and the watch is due to begin shipping tomorrow. for now the users can get around the problem by directing the phone to forget the wi-fi network. if you use netflix, there is a new warning about a scam for potential victims that will get the email what looks like the customer support for netflix that says "your account on hold due to a problem with your most recent payment." it tells you to click on the link and to put in the bank information, and all that to try to clear up the problem. it is a fake. scammers are using it to get bank account information. the experts say if you get an email from netflix do not use that click through link and instead go to the page, log into your account as usual, and find out if there really is a problem.>> that is good advice. it is 5:48 am. let's check in with sal for look at the traffic. he is over there somewhere. >> here i am. i am drinking my coffee. we have slow traffic on the altamont pass which you may expect. 580 into a five is getting slower on the interstate 205 as you drive through. the map showing this connection with 588 205, and this is typical. if you're driving on basco road or the other side roads, it looks okay. livermore to dublin is a nice- looking drive with a little bit of slow traffic on a 80 southbound passing 238 and congested at the downtown hayward exit. here is a look at interstate 880 northbound, and traffic is moving along nicely up to downtown oakland. when you get to the bay bridge, you can see traffic backed up for 10 minute delay before making it onto the span. it is 5:40 am. -- 5:49 am. we have a few things going on at the sierra nevada, decent rain with high elevation snow showing up on the radar. they had three quarters of an inch in a couple of isolated areas with the snow mainly above 7000. the national weather service has issued a winter weather advisory from 8 am to 11 pm mainly at the passes and higher with a couple of inches possible with afternoon thunderstorms. we had a little bit of rain yesterday but nothing compared to the totals over the mountains. .02 up to .08 at pacific and west hayward at .08. there are cold air systems working its way in associated with the upper level or -- system with the cloud cover mainly gone that some to the east, west with the few showers that are going parallel to the coast for right now. the water temperatures have come down. we had that strong northwest wind kicking in and they will continue to come down and i am not surprised that bodega bay has not gone lower. this means school and temperatures for the city and oakland. 56 all around. that is not works a lot of the time, and we have two 53 degree readings at oakland, and 40s and mid to upper 50s for some. the coolest of the temperatures are to the north but that cooler air is working its way in with kelseyville at 44, 40s for sebastopol and rohnert park, glen allen, pedestal good, and the leila valley. it would be even colder except for that breeze. there are some very cool air aloft and mount diablo at 40 and mount tam at 45 with northwest wind gusting up to 38 miles an hour. the system is holding together which is a good sign. the cool air coming in with 60s and 70s, a blustery day with temperatures well below normal. this is the last full day of summer. tomorrow morning will be cold with fall beginning at 1:01 pm tomorrow afternoon with a nice fall weekend and temperatures slowly warming up. >> pam cook has her skis ready. >> i just purchased my season pass. there are some good news for the resorts up there and they are ready. >> they are but i don't see anything coming after this for a while. it is 5:52 am. we will be back with more on mornings on 2 and stay with us. people love my breakfast burritos. and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. welcome back to mornings on 2, it is 5:55 am. stanford university and uc davis made it on the list of the top 10 green colleges in the country with separate at number nine on the list compiled by the princeton review. the recycling program diverts 65% of the solid waste from the landfill's. uc davis came in at number 10 for the efforts to reduce the greenhouse emissions and the buyous on campus. the college of atlantic in bar harbor, maine came in first providing organic food to the students and staff with the solar charger open to the public for free. tonight the 49ers are hosting the la rams and the division rival at levi's stadium with the former quarterback jared goff from the rams coming to the bay area to play the 49ers on thursday night football and the 49ers want to win the first game of the new season and even score the first touchdown. earlier this week the quarterback brian hoyer talked about getting ready to play on this short we. -- we. >> we have experience getting a plan that we only have today and tomorrow to put this in, walked through it and play. >> the 49ers last three wins have come against the rams. the game tonight starts at 5:25 pm at the levi's stadium. the a's hosting the detroit tigers and beating them 3-2. the a's scored first with bruce maxwell and mark simeon. mark simeon battling the all three of the a's runs, and pitching seven scoreless innings and the a's begin the weekend series with the texas rangers tomorrow here at the oakland coliseum. we will check in on the weather in the oakland coliseum in a bit. speaking of weather, hurricane maria has moved on leaving puerto rico in heading toward the new target, and we will show you where the storm is now and where it is going. we are following the rescue efforts going on right now in mexico city. we have the latest on the relief efforts and how the bay area is responding. rescue esther -- rescue efforts continue following the deadly earthquake in mexico and what they are doing to help the children that maybe in the collapsed school. honoring the victims of the go ship -- ghost ship or house fire in oakland as mornings on 2 continues. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning and thank you for joining us on this thursday morning, september 21. i am pam cook. >> good morning, i am dave clark. what is it going to be like for the a's game over the weekend? >> it will be a nice weekend and fall starts officially tomorrow afternoon. in the sierra there was plenty going on and they had a lot more rain than we did, and there is still some left, enough that the national weather service in sacramento has issued array or, to me, winter weather advisory before the equinox. that has 8 am through 11 pm above 6500 feet for possibility of 2 to 4 inches and some isolated areas for 3 to 6 inches. the system is swinging in from the north, and it is ushering in cool air for us. most of the shower activity offshore and it looks like it will do that diving down toward southern california. there may be a little bit at the north coast but moving through with dry air dropping that cold ocean temperatures.

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Mountain View , Washington , United States , Nevada , Sierra Nevada , California , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , New Mexico , Russia , San Francisco , Interstate , Maine , Egypt , Sebastopol , Guadeloupe , Monterey , Sacramento , Calistoga , New York , Stanford , Argentina , Rohnert Park , Texas , Oakland , Stanford University , Germany , Puerto Rico , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , San Jose Church , Mount Diablo , Turkey , Americans , Mexican , Russian , Turks , American , Glen Allen , Pam Cook , Brian Hoyer , Conoco Phillips , Atlantic Fox , Dave Clark , Rosh Hashanah , Jared Goff , Cristina Rendon , Steve Bannon ,

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