Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20160701 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20160701

with just a little edge lit up this morning on the first day of july. thank you for waking up with us. i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. >> let's talk about the weather. rosemary is in for steve. good morning. >> yes, good morning to you. and happy friday. >> thank you. >> we are looking at a pretty nice forecast as we get into your afternoons right now. we do have again low clouds for some. but there is a gorgeous view over the skyline begin to lighten just a little bit less than an hour away from the official sunrise. looking at mostly sunny skies. here is a look at what's going on at the moment. low clouds and the fog hugging up close and we'll be partly to mostly cloudy for the entire day, right along the coast. getting away from the coast line, plenty of sunshine coming our way. 52 degrees in san francisco. 54 at half moon bay. 58 in mountain view. upper 50s in san jose. getting into the inner east bay, a few 50s out there. 52 degrees in santa rosa. 50 degrees outside your door at novato. onshore breeze with us, a little bit weaker. marine layer just a little shallow. because of it, temperatures are up slightly, talking about a degree or two in most cases. most of us will not notice. here we are with the future cast. low clouds will be peeling back. mostly cloudy skies at the coast line, plenty of sunshine to go around for the rest of us. temperatures into the afternoon, low 60s at the coast. 70s and 80s around the bay. 80s to low to mid-90s expected for inland communities. 93 in fairfield. 94 in livermore. temperatures will drop as we get into your bay area weekend. we'll have a look at what we can expect out there. let's toss it over to sal with an update on your track. good morning. >> good morning to you. we are looking at some commutes that are going to be from far away places like tracy, relatively far away, i should say. the tracy super commute is not bad. we are seeing lighter that usual conditions. that's not there this morning. a little pit of slow traffic coming in over the altamonte pass but it definitely is lighter than usual. we'll take it on this friday july 4th. they had to fix the sand barrels and they were temporarily holdingtravel. right now, traffic is slow. it is 5:03. back to the desk. >> we have an important update about that ongoing airbag recall. ktvu's alex savidge is here now to explain why some people are urged to stop driving their cars. >> the government is telling the owners of certain hon das anding a last -- acuras to stop driving their bags because of serious issues with those takata air bags. athethe government says that older inflators are particularly dangerous. chance are as high as 50% that they might explode in a crash. this morning, have a look here at some of the cars, models that are most at risk and need to be pulled from the roads. again, the word from the government regulator is that these cars should be repaired immediately. clearly, the government is doing whatever they can, taking additional steps here to try to get those particular older model cars off the roads because of concerns about the air bags exploding. dave? >> all right. alex savidge in our newsroom. >> thank you. an investigation into the case of a driver killed while his tesla glass self driving road. a tractor trailer turned left in an intersection in front of that tesla and the car field to stop. federal investigators are trying to determine why the sensors didn't detect that truck in its path. tesla admits that the auto pilot feature is still in its beta test phase. drivers should keep their hand on the steering wheel. this is a situation where the auto pilot feature can maybe lull you into a false sense of security because it does a good job of taking over driving but may not handle every situation well. >> in a statement, tesla says that neither auto pilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against the brightly lit skies so the brake did not apply. the high right height of the trailer combined with the circumstances caused the car to pass under the trailer. this is the first deadly crash and it remains under investigation there are new developments in the bay area police sex scandal that now involves at least five different agencies. a contra costa county sheriff deputy resigned after allegations that he had sexual contact with a teenage girl who describes her he have as a sex worker. he is at least the third bay area officer to step down. own. >> now, the teenager at the center of the sex scandal tells the k- cle that she also had sex with three san francisco police officers. two of the san francisco officers picked her up in richmond where she lives to have section in their cars. she spent one night in the home of a third office another vacaville but she told the chronicle that, in each case, she was actually 18 when she had sex with the officers, they were offduty and she says they did not pay her. the chronicle is reporting that a judge ruled that a series of arrests of drug dealers by san francisco police in the tenderloin showed, quote, substantial evidence of racism. all 37 people charged in the drug sting in 2013 and 2014 were african americans and according to court document, the officers were aware of non- african american drug dealers in the same area but did not arrest them. the judge stayed that there is no evidence that federal prosecutors who filed the charges were aware that the african americans may have been singled out for arrests. toll prices on the golden gate bridge go up. now it costs more to cross. 7.50 for cars with no fast track and 6.50 for fast track. a bridge district spokeswoman says that the toll heights will help balance a projected five- year deficit of $33 million. if you are planning to travel this holiday weekend, you will have plenty of company. it's expected to be one the busiest 4th of july weekends for travel in years. aaa says that more than 4.9 million californians are expected to hit the roads, spending mo are than 50 miles away from home. that's at nearly 1.5% from last year, the highest number since 2002. aaa says that economic growth and lower gas prices are the reasons more families will be traveling. the chp will be out in force to make sure that the roads are safe this holiday weekend. the maximum enforcement period starts at 6:00 tonight. it will end monday at midnight. officers will be out looking for drunk drivers, speeders and drivers not wearing seat belts. and security will be tight this weekend at airports since the attack in istanbul. aaa says that more than three million americans are expected to fly over the holiday weekend time is now 5:09. the head of the house committee on security says that a terrorist from chechnya planned the attack in istanbul. a manhunt is underway to bring him. the death rate has risen to 44 now in turkey. and a memorial was held to remember the victims. authorities are releasing more images of the attack. look at this. the is your vialance surveillance footage shows that before they detonated their vests, two of the terrorists opened fire. >> evidence corroborates that this attack was carried out by isis. this will be declared officially once this investigation is completed. >> in istanbul, some people are avoiding parts of the city that attract big crowds. they are worried about another terror attack. but other turkish people say they have become numb by all the violence and they feel helpless. almost 300 people have died in turkey and more than a thousand more hurt. 5:11 is the time right now. a young boy was hit and killed while walking with his family last night in the south bay. coming up at 5:30, we'll have a report from the scene as investigators try to figure out how it happened. and maybe that sit-in by democrats on the floor in congress worked. the announcement by house speaker paul ryan. we are looking at a bridge commute and so far so good on the bay bridge getting into san francisco. minor changes in store for your bay area friday. we'll tell you what to look for your extended forecast coming up. welcome back to mornings on 2. members of the san francisco bike coalition showed down a committee meeting on the city's vision zero project. is a plan to eliminate all traffic deaths by the year 2024. the bike coalition pointed to the two recent deaths. >> as tragedies continue on our streets and we lose lives or more severe injuries continue, we realize this work continues to be incredibly urgent. >> mayor ed lee says that 57 traffic improvement projects will be in the works over the next two years. but members of the bike coalition say that they are just old projects being recycled and many of them are long delayed. >> time now is 5:15. house speaker paul ryan says that the house will vote next week on legislation aimed at keeping suspected terrorists from buying guns. the proposed legislation will keep guns out of the hand of people on government terrorism watch lists. and the vote comes more than two weeks after the deadly shootings in orlando and also follows the 25-hour sit-in on the house floor by angry democrats demanding action on gun control. the gunman in the orlando shooting was able to legally buy an assault rifle even though the fbi investigated him for possible ties to terrorism. in the meantime, state lawmakers yesterday approved more than a dozen bills related to gun control that would put mainly george new restrictions on gun owners. the democratic-controlled legislature approved background bills that would ban high capacity magazineance ban so- called hot buttons. democrats and republicans disagree on whether these will end the mass shootings. >> we will not stop moving forward forcefully to make sure that we protect our families, our children. >> over the last 20-some years, all the bills that have passed supposedly would cut down gun violence. gun violence has gone up because it's not about the guns but about the individuals. >> the bills are headed to governor brown's desk and he is expected to act as early as today. and a judge in baltimore has ordered a new trial in the wildly popular podcast. yesterday, a judge granted a new trial citing doubts about the reliability of evidence from cell tower locations which was used to place ciad at the scene of the crime. time is now 5:17. let's check in with sal. you are already busy on a friday morning. >> busy but things look like they'll be lighter, dave. >> good. >> and pam. this is a look at the gilroy commute. the traffic continues to look good all the way into the valley and that is light. also looking at a commute at the bay bridge toll plaza. friday, we see the slowdowns. i don't think there will be a slowdown at 5:30. people do have this friday before the 4th off. let's move along and take a look at northbound 280. we are hoping for a nice easy commute day on this friday before the holiday. 5:18. >> rosemary, are you going to do weather for us today on the 9? >> absolutely. >> i'll be here all the way through noon. >> so when i toss and i don't know who the weather person is, now i know. >> remember last friday? >> i do. >> i was sitting right next to you. >> i'm trying to forget that. >> i still laugh about that. that's funny. >> good morning to you. here comes the sun and we do have sunny skies away interest coast line for your friday. temperatures will be cool, mild, warm, hot. yes, that's how we roll here in the bay area, right? 52 degrees in santa rosa. 52 in san francisco. 56 in oakland. livermore, 59 degrees. 58 degrees. we do have high pressure still around. we have some out to the east sending some monsoonal moisture into the area. slight possibility of a few thunderstorms there. if you are going to tahoe for your weekend, you are in pretty good shape. high pressure here to the south of us over the pacific but there is a trough to the north of us and this is what will influence us as we get into the bay area weekend. today, we are in the low to mid- 90s for inland communities. friday, starting with today, though, we have 58 degrees as we get to about 8:00 or so. noon time numbers and then mid- to upper 80s in the forecast for you this afternoon. nice warmone coming your way. 84 for petaluma. 70 degrees for sausalito. 70 in berkeley. low to mid-90s for our inland communities. south bay, san jose to 24. 85 expected for cupertino. 73 san group yo. 77 san mateo. 67. if you are going to see the a's play, 75 degrees. they host the pirates. here is a look at the extended forecast and the cooling trend as we get into the holiday weekend. low 60s at the coast, mid- to upper 80s, saturday, sunday, monday, looking just as good. inland city finally getting into the mid-80s. the only caveat is the fog that could impact us as we get into the 4th of july, thinking about all the fireworks show >> that could play a role in the san francisco fireworks in particular. >> it's tricky, sometimes, hour- by-hour. we'll track it. >> thank you, rosemary. 5:21 is the time right now. a new development with the 94- year-old woman whose commemorative coin was stolen during a home invasion robbery. >> we'll work with the white house and get a replacement coin from the president. >> they could not help it when they heard the story as well. the white house now offering to help but the reason the woman shies -- says she would still like the original coin back. welcome back to mornings on 2. we have an update on the 94- year-old woman from richmond who was robbed of a special counsel given to her by president obama during a home invasion robbery this week. the white house heard about it and they are sending her a new coin. ktvu's paul chambers has more on how she reacted to the news. >> >> armed with flowers. that is so nice. >> reporter: tom leatherman came to check on his employee, betty reid soskin. he read a letter from the department of interior. a thief stole a coin given to her by president obama. >> i want the original coin returned. police say an intruder broke into her second story apartment. took her ipad, laptop and her commemorative coin. leatherman had good news about the coin. >> i'm sorry that the coin was stolen. we will work with the white house to get you a replacement coin. what's your reaction is this. >> there is a part of me that really is resistant to having a replacement coin when it was in the experience that the magic is. it was back in december that president barack obama presented soskin the coin for being the oldest park ranger during a tree lighting ceremony. it was that exchange with the president that made the original coin so special but what you don't know is the meaning behind it. soskin's grandmother was a slave. she held a picture of her grandmother. >> to have that experience with the first african american president, you can imagine the emotions that would have produced in me and it's that experience that has meaning for me, not the coin. i want the original coin returned >> reporter: police need your help locating the suspect. it was dark so she has little to go on. he was white, 5'8", slim build. a strength coach on the cal football team is under fire. when we come back, questions surrounding the coach and his possible role in the death of a player two years ago. we have new information about the child killed in a parking lot in san jose. we will have the latest coming up. good morning. we are looking at a commute that seems to be a little lighter today as we get closer to the 4th of july. right now, traffic in the east bay is still looking good. and the forecast for your bay area friday looking good as well. updating the current conditions, showing you what you can expect for your weekend, coming up. i just played it for you. >> i know. >> you're going to make me sing again. it's a little foggy over the bridge this morning. there it is. i know. good morning. >> you know it's the first day of july. >> first day of july. >> i'm dave clark. >> and i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. that's a happy song. >> i know. >> good song. good way to start the day. >> and you know another good day to start the day is with rosemary. >> i agree with you. we should have kept the music. away from the coast, we do have mostly sunny skies. temperatures will be very similar to yesterday for some, perhaps a tad warmer for some, a tad cooler but all in all, subtle changes in store as we get into the last business day of the week. giving you a view here, onshore breeze a little weaker this morning, marine layer not as thick as yesterday and the two combined bringing us a a few light showers. >> napa reporting southerly breeze, at about 10, make that the southwest as we get into the numbers. 54 half moon bay. 50 san francisco. mid to upper 50s for the shore line. around the region, to the north bay, we have 50 degrees in novato and into the south bay, 58 outside your door, san jose. afternoon highs for today, low 60s at the coast with cloudy conditions. 70s and 80s around the bay. 80s and 90s around the inland communities. antioch, 96 for the afternoon. tracking a bit of a cooldown in time for the holiday weekend. i'll line up the number for you in a little bit. first, good morning to sal and let's check on the roadways. >> good morning, rosemary. right now, we are looking at a commute that does look pretty good if you are driving to, let's say, solano county. no major problems. no major issues as you are driving through here and it does appear to be lighter than usual. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we usually have some metering on. i told you, you know, 4th of july is monday. people will stretch that out to four days. bay bridge toll plaza from here to the 101 san jose commute, this commute here does look good. a couple of scattered brake lights but, for the most part, a light drive. we do have new information about a little boy who was hit and killed by a car last night in the south bay. it happened in the parking lot of a popular mall. ktvu's janine de la vega joins us now from san jose. sounds like there are a lot of questions about how this happened but you did get an update? >> yeah, there is. you know, i spoke with the coroner's office. they told me that the boy was six years old. they expect to possibly have his name later today. this accident happened right here in the parking lot of oak ridge mall where you can see that tape that's up. the boy, we're told, was walking with his family at around 9:30 last night in the parking lot that's right in front of the movie theater in oak ridge mall. emergency crews came after he was hit by the vehicle. he was taken to the hospital where he later died. police are trying to determine if the car was backing up, didn't see the boy or was traveling too fast. >> they are walking through the parking lot. can't tell you if they are walking to the car or mall. we are trying to piece that investigation together still. >> the driver did stop and is cooperating. it's unknown if they were under the influence or will face charges. it's too early into the investigation right now. it was tough for officers because any time a child is a victim, it's difficult and a really traumatic situation. back to you. >> thank you, janine. can't even imagine. in oakland, crews are trying to figure out a water main break there. there it is, a water main broke last night on camden street right near mills college. this video sent to us by a ktvu viewer who says that the water main break sent some chunks of the roadway into the air. about 15 customers and their water were affected. new developments in the connection of a football player. you might remember the story. the chronicle reported that some professors have written a letter to the chancellor asking that the school hold off renewing the contract of the football team's head strength and conditioning coach pending the result of an investigation. they want to know if the coach, damon harrington had a role in agu's death and whether harrington may have incited an attack on the freshman player a san jose man shot earlier this week has now died. two men were shot about 2:00 tuesday afternoon as they sat in the car on san carlos street along greek row near the san jose state campus. one man died that afternoon. the second was rushed to the hospital but died yesterday. police are waiting to release their names until their families are notified first. investigators say that they had no known motive or suspects in the case. >> we are learning more about a stabbing at a santarosa movie theater. it happened wednesday afternoon at a movie theater. 23-year-old dellante heart stabbed 21-year-old lucero in the neck and chest several times. the two did not know each other and the stabbing was random. the victim is in the hospital. >> people acted quickly. the witnesses started tending to the victim right away, probably saved his life. police are now trying determine if the same man is also responsible for a deadly stabbing in santa rosa on monday. a kitchen knife was already used in that case and it happened just a few blocks away from the movie theater. hart is homeless and recently moved to the bay area from baltimore. he is due in court later this afternoon. time is 5:36. east palo alto police say that 600-pound of illegal high grade fireworks were seized from a home. it happened on gardenia court. a small marijuana growing operation was found in the backyard. the man living at the home, 54- year-old michael fields was arrested during that raid. meantime, san francisco police say that they are cracking down on fireworks this 4th of july reminding everybody that using any fireworks in san francisco is illegal, including safe and sane fireworks. they are encouraging everybody to watch the free fireworks show right there along the waterfront instead a fire burning in the eldorado national forest is now threatening 600 homes. the fire started near todd valley. right now it's about 12% contained. no homes have burned at this point and no injuries are reported but firefighters say it is burning in steep terrain and it's tough to fight. >> it looks like there's two primarily active areas of the fire. >> a mandatory evacuations -- some mandatory evacuations are still in effect in the valley. the city project in santa clara is being called silicon valley's private development ever. it would sit on land just north of levi stadium. california's great america and the convention center. the santa clara city council approved the project this went it would be nine million square feet and would include office, retail and entertainment space as well as a hotel and apartment unit. a san jose spokesperson said that the city is exploring legal options. it's concerned with the housing, environmental and traffic impacts. >> it's a massive project that could be the location for some 30,000 jobs which, from a regional perspective could be a real thing but the thing is that this project only comes with 700 homes. where are these people going to live is this. >> we have plan to build up to about 10,000 units in the next several years. >> the project could break ground as earlier as late summer but that is only if there are no legal challenges or legal delays. new this morning, 1000 workers at the trump damage what malika -- taj mahal in atlantic city are on strike the taj mahal was run by donald trump until bankruptcy five years ago and it was sold. billionaire carl icahn now owns that casino. mega million fever has hit the bay area. if you have not purchased a ticket yet, be sure to buy one today. the big jackpot, $415 million, the 10th biggest jackpot in american his from time to time the price has been growing steadily since no one has won that jackpot since march. the odds of getting the correct up numbers, 1 in 259 million. 5:40 is the time. tolls are going up for the golden gate bridge. and california's vaccine law takes effect today. the extreme measures that some parents are taking to get around i. good morning. we are looking at light traffic. >> knocking on weekend's door and we have a cooldown in the forecast for today. temperatures very similar to where we landed yesterday. as we get into the second part of your weekend and into the 4th of july holiday, we are looking at comfortable weather, at least for inland communities. we'll take a look at what you can expect for your neighborhood coming up. welcome back. new from overnight, a good samaritan helped police catch a suspect in hayward. a ktvu viewer sent us pictures of this crash involving the suspect. the suspect was trying to elude officers. he got out of a car tried to get away when a good samaritan tripped him up allowing police to catch him. police have not commented on what suspect was wanted california's vaccine law takes effect today. but some parents are going to extremes to fight it. the bay area news group reports some parents are home schooling their kids or finding underground doctors or leaving california altogether. the pace believe that vaccinations are harmful. this bill was introduced after a measles outbreak that started in disneyland and stirred up a lot of controversy. california's law requires children entering daycare, kin der kindergarten and 7th grade to be vaccinated and a judge in mississippi has blocked a law that would allow government employees from claiming religious beliefs for granting marriage licenses transgender group also be formally able too change their gender identification and start receiving medical care including gender reassignment surgery beginning october 1st. we talked to a transgender woman who serve in the army years ago. she joined right out of high school as a high school boy. janet halfin said she had to hide her true identity. >> it was real hard. if i got caught, i could get discharged. >> openly transgender people will be allowed to enlist a year from now. the nba free agency signing period is underway and the warriors are scheduled to meet with the biggest star later today. the warriors will make their pitch to kevin durant in new york although durant is expected to re-sign with the oklahoma city in a short term deal. the warriors are pulling out all the stops. that would include steph curry, draymond green, steve kerr and the owner. the giants beat the a's and bumgarner beat the a's with both his arm and bats. he was used as their designate the hitter. look at this. he doubled in a six-run rally including a buster posey 3-run moon shot. crawford also went deep. the giants avoided a four-game sweep. bumgarner gave up 4 runs in 6 1/3. >> it's weird why mad son bumgarner is batting for himself but they call him the designated hitter. >> in an american league park, they have a designated hitter. you could bat for him. >> if the pitcher hits -- >> that's unusual. >> that's funny. >> most pitchers can't hit. >> true. >> right? >> yes. >> so in an american league park, they have someone who comes up and hits. the pitcher never has to hit. right. >> in the national league, they don't do that because that's a more pure form of -- uh-oh. >> go ahead and send your critical e-mails or tweets to me. i'm just a national league fan. >> westbound 580 as you drive to 205 and 580. does look okay. i'm sure that even some my coworkers will get on me about that one. this is a look at highway 4, bay point westbound. looks good. one piece of good news that i do have is if you do have to work today, it is very likely that you'll find lighter than usual conditions. let's take ally look at the bay bridge toll plaza and there is no slowdown. usually by now, we have a slowdown this morning. the metering lights are turned on so it is nice and light as people are stretching this out to a four-day weekend. now let's bring in rosemary. >> okay. sounds good. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> i'll take it from here. cloud cover along the coast line. i is creeping across the bay. there you have it. a live look across the oakland et -- estuary where we have clear skies. 52 degrees in santa rosa. oakland starting out at 56. livermore, 59. san jose, good morning to you at 58. we do have our micro climate pattern in place where we are cool at the coast, mild to warm around the bay. we have a system dropping out of the gulf of alaska, riding right to the north of us, increase the onshore breeze, beef the marine layer. fog around the bay. 70s, inland cities in the upper 80s as opposed to the mid-90s that we are seeing. 95 for vacaville, 86 expected in novato. closer to the water, 64 in stinson beach. shifting our eyes to the east, 73 in oakland, low 90s in wahl mutt creek. into the south bay, 88 for morgan hill, 84 san jose. sunnyvale, 82. 67 in san francisco going to tahoe for the weekend? possibility of thunderstorms in your forecast but as we get into saturday, sunday, monday looking good. temperatures in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees expected for the next few days. here is a look at the extended forecast here at home temperatures again cooling off saturday, sunday. not a lot of change in store for our 4th of july monday. overall, very comfortable around the bay. warm inland but bearable. we'll call it bearable the not going to be as hot as it's been. cool, not a whole lot of beach weather coming our way. with that said, we'll be tracking that fog as we go closer to the 4th of july making sure that, hopefully, we don't have that impacting it. >> that will impact the fireworks. people will head to the beach. going to be chilly. >> put on the hoody and enjoy the beach. people in are cleaning up after deadly flooding now that the water has receded. just amazing damage there the flood killed at least two dozen people, caused millions of dollars in damage. many families loss everything inside their homes, their home, property. homes were washed away. looking at the flood control, streams, we had a disaster of momentous proportion. >> i cried. i cried. road devastation everywhere. >> lawmakers say that the first round of federal funding has come in. in the meantime, forecasters say there may be more rain next week. >> is that a house there? wow? well, some people, maybe you, will see a higher paycheck. the three cities where the minimum wage is going up. welcome back to mornings on 2, it's 5:54. 21-year-old mark estrada was in court yesterday accused of shooting sergeant scott lung another july of last year during a traffic stop. there have been repeated delays in this case. the defense says it has not received all the evidence in the case so far and he has changed attorneys. yesterday, officers packed that courtroom to supportofficer lunger's family. >> we are not surprised. we would like to move past the plea and move into another phase. it is expected in a case of this complex. estrada is due back in court august 25th. happening today, minimum wage is going up in three cities. . time is 5:56. apple lay be interested in buying a rival streaming service. wall street journal reports that it's interested in tidal, the one owned by the rapper jayzee. apple has its own streaming service but it wants tidal because it could help it compete with pandora or spotify. no comment yet from apple. we are coming up on our 6:00 hour. another resignation to talk about in the wake of a police sex scandal. latest bay area official to step down and what his department is saying about the investigation. also, it is the first death caused by a self-driving car. what car maker says might have caused that that deadly crash. we are looking at a commute where traffic is going to be busy in some areas but lighter than usual. we also have word of a power outage we are following up on coming up. outside our doors this morning, low clouds hugging the coast. some of it crossing into the east bay as i speak. temperatures, low 50s to low 60s to start the day. we have a warmup coming in the inland communities and a cooldown for your forecast. we are live in san jose where a family is mourning the loss of their little boy. we'll tell you what happened in the parking lots of a popular mall. >> and new details in the police sex scandal. what the woman at the center of it all is now revealing as mornings on 2 continues. good morning. >> wow. look at that. >> what a shot. >> sunrise coming up. >> cooler day. >> a new month? >> a lot of people are happy with that. but the coast is not clear. i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. >> lets a' check weather. steve is off today. rosemary is here. how does it look? >> looks actually quite nice. >> yeah. >> as we get into the afternoon today, similar to yesterday and then a bit of a cooldown as we get into the bay area weekend but it is friday. morning to you. giving you a look at the sun. mostly sunny skies for most today. temperatures will range from the low 60s to low to mid-90s inland to summertime micro climate pattern in place for another day. low clouds again riding up the coast line here, perhaps at

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New York , United States , Sausalito , California , Istanbul , Turkey , Solano County , Oakland , Alaska , Vacaville , Mountain View , Bay Point , Stinson Beach , Mississippi , San Francisco , Berkeley , Crawford , Morgan Hill , Greece , Petaluma , American League Park , Todd Valley , Californians , Americans , America , Turkish , Greek , American , Pam Cook , Barack Obama , George New , Betty Reid , Dave Clark , Damon Harrington , Steve Kerr , Taj Mahal , Santa Clara , Tom Leatherman , Carl Icahn , Malika Taj Mahal , Paul Ryan ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20160701 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20160701

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with just a little edge lit up this morning on the first day of july. thank you for waking up with us. i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. >> let's talk about the weather. rosemary is in for steve. good morning. >> yes, good morning to you. and happy friday. >> thank you. >> we are looking at a pretty nice forecast as we get into your afternoons right now. we do have again low clouds for some. but there is a gorgeous view over the skyline begin to lighten just a little bit less than an hour away from the official sunrise. looking at mostly sunny skies. here is a look at what's going on at the moment. low clouds and the fog hugging up close and we'll be partly to mostly cloudy for the entire day, right along the coast. getting away from the coast line, plenty of sunshine coming our way. 52 degrees in san francisco. 54 at half moon bay. 58 in mountain view. upper 50s in san jose. getting into the inner east bay, a few 50s out there. 52 degrees in santa rosa. 50 degrees outside your door at novato. onshore breeze with us, a little bit weaker. marine layer just a little shallow. because of it, temperatures are up slightly, talking about a degree or two in most cases. most of us will not notice. here we are with the future cast. low clouds will be peeling back. mostly cloudy skies at the coast line, plenty of sunshine to go around for the rest of us. temperatures into the afternoon, low 60s at the coast. 70s and 80s around the bay. 80s to low to mid-90s expected for inland communities. 93 in fairfield. 94 in livermore. temperatures will drop as we get into your bay area weekend. we'll have a look at what we can expect out there. let's toss it over to sal with an update on your track. good morning. >> good morning to you. we are looking at some commutes that are going to be from far away places like tracy, relatively far away, i should say. the tracy super commute is not bad. we are seeing lighter that usual conditions. that's not there this morning. a little pit of slow traffic coming in over the altamonte pass but it definitely is lighter than usual. we'll take it on this friday july 4th. they had to fix the sand barrels and they were temporarily holdingtravel. right now, traffic is slow. it is 5:03. back to the desk. >> we have an important update about that ongoing airbag recall. ktvu's alex savidge is here now to explain why some people are urged to stop driving their cars. >> the government is telling the owners of certain hon das anding a last -- acuras to stop driving their bags because of serious issues with those takata air bags. athethe government says that older inflators are particularly dangerous. chance are as high as 50% that they might explode in a crash. this morning, have a look here at some of the cars, models that are most at risk and need to be pulled from the roads. again, the word from the government regulator is that these cars should be repaired immediately. clearly, the government is doing whatever they can, taking additional steps here to try to get those particular older model cars off the roads because of concerns about the air bags exploding. dave? >> all right. alex savidge in our newsroom. >> thank you. an investigation into the case of a driver killed while his tesla glass self driving road. a tractor trailer turned left in an intersection in front of that tesla and the car field to stop. federal investigators are trying to determine why the sensors didn't detect that truck in its path. tesla admits that the auto pilot feature is still in its beta test phase. drivers should keep their hand on the steering wheel. this is a situation where the auto pilot feature can maybe lull you into a false sense of security because it does a good job of taking over driving but may not handle every situation well. >> in a statement, tesla says that neither auto pilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor trailer against the brightly lit skies so the brake did not apply. the high right height of the trailer combined with the circumstances caused the car to pass under the trailer. this is the first deadly crash and it remains under investigation there are new developments in the bay area police sex scandal that now involves at least five different agencies. a contra costa county sheriff deputy resigned after allegations that he had sexual contact with a teenage girl who describes her he have as a sex worker. he is at least the third bay area officer to step down. own. >> now, the teenager at the center of the sex scandal tells the k- cle that she also had sex with three san francisco police officers. two of the san francisco officers picked her up in richmond where she lives to have section in their cars. she spent one night in the home of a third office another vacaville but she told the chronicle that, in each case, she was actually 18 when she had sex with the officers, they were offduty and she says they did not pay her. the chronicle is reporting that a judge ruled that a series of arrests of drug dealers by san francisco police in the tenderloin showed, quote, substantial evidence of racism. all 37 people charged in the drug sting in 2013 and 2014 were african americans and according to court document, the officers were aware of non- african american drug dealers in the same area but did not arrest them. the judge stayed that there is no evidence that federal prosecutors who filed the charges were aware that the african americans may have been singled out for arrests. toll prices on the golden gate bridge go up. now it costs more to cross. 7.50 for cars with no fast track and 6.50 for fast track. a bridge district spokeswoman says that the toll heights will help balance a projected five- year deficit of $33 million. if you are planning to travel this holiday weekend, you will have plenty of company. it's expected to be one the busiest 4th of july weekends for travel in years. aaa says that more than 4.9 million californians are expected to hit the roads, spending mo are than 50 miles away from home. that's at nearly 1.5% from last year, the highest number since 2002. aaa says that economic growth and lower gas prices are the reasons more families will be traveling. the chp will be out in force to make sure that the roads are safe this holiday weekend. the maximum enforcement period starts at 6:00 tonight. it will end monday at midnight. officers will be out looking for drunk drivers, speeders and drivers not wearing seat belts. and security will be tight this weekend at airports since the attack in istanbul. aaa says that more than three million americans are expected to fly over the holiday weekend time is now 5:09. the head of the house committee on security says that a terrorist from chechnya planned the attack in istanbul. a manhunt is underway to bring him. the death rate has risen to 44 now in turkey. and a memorial was held to remember the victims. authorities are releasing more images of the attack. look at this. the is your vialance surveillance footage shows that before they detonated their vests, two of the terrorists opened fire. >> evidence corroborates that this attack was carried out by isis. this will be declared officially once this investigation is completed. >> in istanbul, some people are avoiding parts of the city that attract big crowds. they are worried about another terror attack. but other turkish people say they have become numb by all the violence and they feel helpless. almost 300 people have died in turkey and more than a thousand more hurt. 5:11 is the time right now. a young boy was hit and killed while walking with his family last night in the south bay. coming up at 5:30, we'll have a report from the scene as investigators try to figure out how it happened. and maybe that sit-in by democrats on the floor in congress worked. the announcement by house speaker paul ryan. we are looking at a bridge commute and so far so good on the bay bridge getting into san francisco. minor changes in store for your bay area friday. we'll tell you what to look for your extended forecast coming up. welcome back to mornings on 2. members of the san francisco bike coalition showed down a committee meeting on the city's vision zero project. is a plan to eliminate all traffic deaths by the year 2024. the bike coalition pointed to the two recent deaths. >> as tragedies continue on our streets and we lose lives or more severe injuries continue, we realize this work continues to be incredibly urgent. >> mayor ed lee says that 57 traffic improvement projects will be in the works over the next two years. but members of the bike coalition say that they are just old projects being recycled and many of them are long delayed. >> time now is 5:15. house speaker paul ryan says that the house will vote next week on legislation aimed at keeping suspected terrorists from buying guns. the proposed legislation will keep guns out of the hand of people on government terrorism watch lists. and the vote comes more than two weeks after the deadly shootings in orlando and also follows the 25-hour sit-in on the house floor by angry democrats demanding action on gun control. the gunman in the orlando shooting was able to legally buy an assault rifle even though the fbi investigated him for possible ties to terrorism. in the meantime, state lawmakers yesterday approved more than a dozen bills related to gun control that would put mainly george new restrictions on gun owners. the democratic-controlled legislature approved background bills that would ban high capacity magazineance ban so- called hot buttons. democrats and republicans disagree on whether these will end the mass shootings. >> we will not stop moving forward forcefully to make sure that we protect our families, our children. >> over the last 20-some years, all the bills that have passed supposedly would cut down gun violence. gun violence has gone up because it's not about the guns but about the individuals. >> the bills are headed to governor brown's desk and he is expected to act as early as today. and a judge in baltimore has ordered a new trial in the wildly popular podcast. yesterday, a judge granted a new trial citing doubts about the reliability of evidence from cell tower locations which was used to place ciad at the scene of the crime. time is now 5:17. let's check in with sal. you are already busy on a friday morning. >> busy but things look like they'll be lighter, dave. >> good. >> and pam. this is a look at the gilroy commute. the traffic continues to look good all the way into the valley and that is light. also looking at a commute at the bay bridge toll plaza. friday, we see the slowdowns. i don't think there will be a slowdown at 5:30. people do have this friday before the 4th off. let's move along and take a look at northbound 280. we are hoping for a nice easy commute day on this friday before the holiday. 5:18. >> rosemary, are you going to do weather for us today on the 9? >> absolutely. >> i'll be here all the way through noon. >> so when i toss and i don't know who the weather person is, now i know. >> remember last friday? >> i do. >> i was sitting right next to you. >> i'm trying to forget that. >> i still laugh about that. that's funny. >> good morning to you. here comes the sun and we do have sunny skies away interest coast line for your friday. temperatures will be cool, mild, warm, hot. yes, that's how we roll here in the bay area, right? 52 degrees in santa rosa. 52 in san francisco. 56 in oakland. livermore, 59 degrees. 58 degrees. we do have high pressure still around. we have some out to the east sending some monsoonal moisture into the area. slight possibility of a few thunderstorms there. if you are going to tahoe for your weekend, you are in pretty good shape. high pressure here to the south of us over the pacific but there is a trough to the north of us and this is what will influence us as we get into the bay area weekend. today, we are in the low to mid- 90s for inland communities. friday, starting with today, though, we have 58 degrees as we get to about 8:00 or so. noon time numbers and then mid- to upper 80s in the forecast for you this afternoon. nice warmone coming your way. 84 for petaluma. 70 degrees for sausalito. 70 in berkeley. low to mid-90s for our inland communities. south bay, san jose to 24. 85 expected for cupertino. 73 san group yo. 77 san mateo. 67. if you are going to see the a's play, 75 degrees. they host the pirates. here is a look at the extended forecast and the cooling trend as we get into the holiday weekend. low 60s at the coast, mid- to upper 80s, saturday, sunday, monday, looking just as good. inland city finally getting into the mid-80s. the only caveat is the fog that could impact us as we get into the 4th of july, thinking about all the fireworks show >> that could play a role in the san francisco fireworks in particular. >> it's tricky, sometimes, hour- by-hour. we'll track it. >> thank you, rosemary. 5:21 is the time right now. a new development with the 94- year-old woman whose commemorative coin was stolen during a home invasion robbery. >> we'll work with the white house and get a replacement coin from the president. >> they could not help it when they heard the story as well. the white house now offering to help but the reason the woman shies -- says she would still like the original coin back. welcome back to mornings on 2. we have an update on the 94- year-old woman from richmond who was robbed of a special counsel given to her by president obama during a home invasion robbery this week. the white house heard about it and they are sending her a new coin. ktvu's paul chambers has more on how she reacted to the news. >> >> armed with flowers. that is so nice. >> reporter: tom leatherman came to check on his employee, betty reid soskin. he read a letter from the department of interior. a thief stole a coin given to her by president obama. >> i want the original coin returned. police say an intruder broke into her second story apartment. took her ipad, laptop and her commemorative coin. leatherman had good news about the coin. >> i'm sorry that the coin was stolen. we will work with the white house to get you a replacement coin. what's your reaction is this. >> there is a part of me that really is resistant to having a replacement coin when it was in the experience that the magic is. it was back in december that president barack obama presented soskin the coin for being the oldest park ranger during a tree lighting ceremony. it was that exchange with the president that made the original coin so special but what you don't know is the meaning behind it. soskin's grandmother was a slave. she held a picture of her grandmother. >> to have that experience with the first african american president, you can imagine the emotions that would have produced in me and it's that experience that has meaning for me, not the coin. i want the original coin returned >> reporter: police need your help locating the suspect. it was dark so she has little to go on. he was white, 5'8", slim build. a strength coach on the cal football team is under fire. when we come back, questions surrounding the coach and his possible role in the death of a player two years ago. we have new information about the child killed in a parking lot in san jose. we will have the latest coming up. good morning. we are looking at a commute that seems to be a little lighter today as we get closer to the 4th of july. right now, traffic in the east bay is still looking good. and the forecast for your bay area friday looking good as well. updating the current conditions, showing you what you can expect for your weekend, coming up. i just played it for you. >> i know. >> you're going to make me sing again. it's a little foggy over the bridge this morning. there it is. i know. good morning. >> you know it's the first day of july. >> first day of july. >> i'm dave clark. >> and i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. that's a happy song. >> i know. >> good song. good way to start the day. >> and you know another good day to start the day is with rosemary. >> i agree with you. we should have kept the music. away from the coast, we do have mostly sunny skies. temperatures will be very similar to yesterday for some, perhaps a tad warmer for some, a tad cooler but all in all, subtle changes in store as we get into the last business day of the week. giving you a view here, onshore breeze a little weaker this morning, marine layer not as thick as yesterday and the two combined bringing us a a few light showers. >> napa reporting southerly breeze, at about 10, make that the southwest as we get into the numbers. 54 half moon bay. 50 san francisco. mid to upper 50s for the shore line. around the region, to the north bay, we have 50 degrees in novato and into the south bay, 58 outside your door, san jose. afternoon highs for today, low 60s at the coast with cloudy conditions. 70s and 80s around the bay. 80s and 90s around the inland communities. antioch, 96 for the afternoon. tracking a bit of a cooldown in time for the holiday weekend. i'll line up the number for you in a little bit. first, good morning to sal and let's check on the roadways. >> good morning, rosemary. right now, we are looking at a commute that does look pretty good if you are driving to, let's say, solano county. no major problems. no major issues as you are driving through here and it does appear to be lighter than usual. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we usually have some metering on. i told you, you know, 4th of july is monday. people will stretch that out to four days. bay bridge toll plaza from here to the 101 san jose commute, this commute here does look good. a couple of scattered brake lights but, for the most part, a light drive. we do have new information about a little boy who was hit and killed by a car last night in the south bay. it happened in the parking lot of a popular mall. ktvu's janine de la vega joins us now from san jose. sounds like there are a lot of questions about how this happened but you did get an update? >> yeah, there is. you know, i spoke with the coroner's office. they told me that the boy was six years old. they expect to possibly have his name later today. this accident happened right here in the parking lot of oak ridge mall where you can see that tape that's up. the boy, we're told, was walking with his family at around 9:30 last night in the parking lot that's right in front of the movie theater in oak ridge mall. emergency crews came after he was hit by the vehicle. he was taken to the hospital where he later died. police are trying to determine if the car was backing up, didn't see the boy or was traveling too fast. >> they are walking through the parking lot. can't tell you if they are walking to the car or mall. we are trying to piece that investigation together still. >> the driver did stop and is cooperating. it's unknown if they were under the influence or will face charges. it's too early into the investigation right now. it was tough for officers because any time a child is a victim, it's difficult and a really traumatic situation. back to you. >> thank you, janine. can't even imagine. in oakland, crews are trying to figure out a water main break there. there it is, a water main broke last night on camden street right near mills college. this video sent to us by a ktvu viewer who says that the water main break sent some chunks of the roadway into the air. about 15 customers and their water were affected. new developments in the connection of a football player. you might remember the story. the chronicle reported that some professors have written a letter to the chancellor asking that the school hold off renewing the contract of the football team's head strength and conditioning coach pending the result of an investigation. they want to know if the coach, damon harrington had a role in agu's death and whether harrington may have incited an attack on the freshman player a san jose man shot earlier this week has now died. two men were shot about 2:00 tuesday afternoon as they sat in the car on san carlos street along greek row near the san jose state campus. one man died that afternoon. the second was rushed to the hospital but died yesterday. police are waiting to release their names until their families are notified first. investigators say that they had no known motive or suspects in the case. >> we are learning more about a stabbing at a santarosa movie theater. it happened wednesday afternoon at a movie theater. 23-year-old dellante heart stabbed 21-year-old lucero in the neck and chest several times. the two did not know each other and the stabbing was random. the victim is in the hospital. >> people acted quickly. the witnesses started tending to the victim right away, probably saved his life. police are now trying determine if the same man is also responsible for a deadly stabbing in santa rosa on monday. a kitchen knife was already used in that case and it happened just a few blocks away from the movie theater. hart is homeless and recently moved to the bay area from baltimore. he is due in court later this afternoon. time is 5:36. east palo alto police say that 600-pound of illegal high grade fireworks were seized from a home. it happened on gardenia court. a small marijuana growing operation was found in the backyard. the man living at the home, 54- year-old michael fields was arrested during that raid. meantime, san francisco police say that they are cracking down on fireworks this 4th of july reminding everybody that using any fireworks in san francisco is illegal, including safe and sane fireworks. they are encouraging everybody to watch the free fireworks show right there along the waterfront instead a fire burning in the eldorado national forest is now threatening 600 homes. the fire started near todd valley. right now it's about 12% contained. no homes have burned at this point and no injuries are reported but firefighters say it is burning in steep terrain and it's tough to fight. >> it looks like there's two primarily active areas of the fire. >> a mandatory evacuations -- some mandatory evacuations are still in effect in the valley. the city project in santa clara is being called silicon valley's private development ever. it would sit on land just north of levi stadium. california's great america and the convention center. the santa clara city council approved the project this went it would be nine million square feet and would include office, retail and entertainment space as well as a hotel and apartment unit. a san jose spokesperson said that the city is exploring legal options. it's concerned with the housing, environmental and traffic impacts. >> it's a massive project that could be the location for some 30,000 jobs which, from a regional perspective could be a real thing but the thing is that this project only comes with 700 homes. where are these people going to live is this. >> we have plan to build up to about 10,000 units in the next several years. >> the project could break ground as earlier as late summer but that is only if there are no legal challenges or legal delays. new this morning, 1000 workers at the trump damage what malika -- taj mahal in atlantic city are on strike the taj mahal was run by donald trump until bankruptcy five years ago and it was sold. billionaire carl icahn now owns that casino. mega million fever has hit the bay area. if you have not purchased a ticket yet, be sure to buy one today. the big jackpot, $415 million, the 10th biggest jackpot in american his from time to time the price has been growing steadily since no one has won that jackpot since march. the odds of getting the correct up numbers, 1 in 259 million. 5:40 is the time. tolls are going up for the golden gate bridge. and california's vaccine law takes effect today. the extreme measures that some parents are taking to get around i. good morning. we are looking at light traffic. >> knocking on weekend's door and we have a cooldown in the forecast for today. temperatures very similar to where we landed yesterday. as we get into the second part of your weekend and into the 4th of july holiday, we are looking at comfortable weather, at least for inland communities. we'll take a look at what you can expect for your neighborhood coming up. welcome back. new from overnight, a good samaritan helped police catch a suspect in hayward. a ktvu viewer sent us pictures of this crash involving the suspect. the suspect was trying to elude officers. he got out of a car tried to get away when a good samaritan tripped him up allowing police to catch him. police have not commented on what suspect was wanted california's vaccine law takes effect today. but some parents are going to extremes to fight it. the bay area news group reports some parents are home schooling their kids or finding underground doctors or leaving california altogether. the pace believe that vaccinations are harmful. this bill was introduced after a measles outbreak that started in disneyland and stirred up a lot of controversy. california's law requires children entering daycare, kin der kindergarten and 7th grade to be vaccinated and a judge in mississippi has blocked a law that would allow government employees from claiming religious beliefs for granting marriage licenses transgender group also be formally able too change their gender identification and start receiving medical care including gender reassignment surgery beginning october 1st. we talked to a transgender woman who serve in the army years ago. she joined right out of high school as a high school boy. janet halfin said she had to hide her true identity. >> it was real hard. if i got caught, i could get discharged. >> openly transgender people will be allowed to enlist a year from now. the nba free agency signing period is underway and the warriors are scheduled to meet with the biggest star later today. the warriors will make their pitch to kevin durant in new york although durant is expected to re-sign with the oklahoma city in a short term deal. the warriors are pulling out all the stops. that would include steph curry, draymond green, steve kerr and the owner. the giants beat the a's and bumgarner beat the a's with both his arm and bats. he was used as their designate the hitter. look at this. he doubled in a six-run rally including a buster posey 3-run moon shot. crawford also went deep. the giants avoided a four-game sweep. bumgarner gave up 4 runs in 6 1/3. >> it's weird why mad son bumgarner is batting for himself but they call him the designated hitter. >> in an american league park, they have a designated hitter. you could bat for him. >> if the pitcher hits -- >> that's unusual. >> that's funny. >> most pitchers can't hit. >> true. >> right? >> yes. >> so in an american league park, they have someone who comes up and hits. the pitcher never has to hit. right. >> in the national league, they don't do that because that's a more pure form of -- uh-oh. >> go ahead and send your critical e-mails or tweets to me. i'm just a national league fan. >> westbound 580 as you drive to 205 and 580. does look okay. i'm sure that even some my coworkers will get on me about that one. this is a look at highway 4, bay point westbound. looks good. one piece of good news that i do have is if you do have to work today, it is very likely that you'll find lighter than usual conditions. let's take ally look at the bay bridge toll plaza and there is no slowdown. usually by now, we have a slowdown this morning. the metering lights are turned on so it is nice and light as people are stretching this out to a four-day weekend. now let's bring in rosemary. >> okay. sounds good. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> i'll take it from here. cloud cover along the coast line. i is creeping across the bay. there you have it. a live look across the oakland et -- estuary where we have clear skies. 52 degrees in santa rosa. oakland starting out at 56. livermore, 59. san jose, good morning to you at 58. we do have our micro climate pattern in place where we are cool at the coast, mild to warm around the bay. we have a system dropping out of the gulf of alaska, riding right to the north of us, increase the onshore breeze, beef the marine layer. fog around the bay. 70s, inland cities in the upper 80s as opposed to the mid-90s that we are seeing. 95 for vacaville, 86 expected in novato. closer to the water, 64 in stinson beach. shifting our eyes to the east, 73 in oakland, low 90s in wahl mutt creek. into the south bay, 88 for morgan hill, 84 san jose. sunnyvale, 82. 67 in san francisco going to tahoe for the weekend? possibility of thunderstorms in your forecast but as we get into saturday, sunday, monday looking good. temperatures in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees expected for the next few days. here is a look at the extended forecast here at home temperatures again cooling off saturday, sunday. not a lot of change in store for our 4th of july monday. overall, very comfortable around the bay. warm inland but bearable. we'll call it bearable the not going to be as hot as it's been. cool, not a whole lot of beach weather coming our way. with that said, we'll be tracking that fog as we go closer to the 4th of july making sure that, hopefully, we don't have that impacting it. >> that will impact the fireworks. people will head to the beach. going to be chilly. >> put on the hoody and enjoy the beach. people in are cleaning up after deadly flooding now that the water has receded. just amazing damage there the flood killed at least two dozen people, caused millions of dollars in damage. many families loss everything inside their homes, their home, property. homes were washed away. looking at the flood control, streams, we had a disaster of momentous proportion. >> i cried. i cried. road devastation everywhere. >> lawmakers say that the first round of federal funding has come in. in the meantime, forecasters say there may be more rain next week. >> is that a house there? wow? well, some people, maybe you, will see a higher paycheck. the three cities where the minimum wage is going up. welcome back to mornings on 2, it's 5:54. 21-year-old mark estrada was in court yesterday accused of shooting sergeant scott lung another july of last year during a traffic stop. there have been repeated delays in this case. the defense says it has not received all the evidence in the case so far and he has changed attorneys. yesterday, officers packed that courtroom to supportofficer lunger's family. >> we are not surprised. we would like to move past the plea and move into another phase. it is expected in a case of this complex. estrada is due back in court august 25th. happening today, minimum wage is going up in three cities. . time is 5:56. apple lay be interested in buying a rival streaming service. wall street journal reports that it's interested in tidal, the one owned by the rapper jayzee. apple has its own streaming service but it wants tidal because it could help it compete with pandora or spotify. no comment yet from apple. we are coming up on our 6:00 hour. another resignation to talk about in the wake of a police sex scandal. latest bay area official to step down and what his department is saying about the investigation. also, it is the first death caused by a self-driving car. what car maker says might have caused that that deadly crash. we are looking at a commute where traffic is going to be busy in some areas but lighter than usual. we also have word of a power outage we are following up on coming up. outside our doors this morning, low clouds hugging the coast. some of it crossing into the east bay as i speak. temperatures, low 50s to low 60s to start the day. we have a warmup coming in the inland communities and a cooldown for your forecast. we are live in san jose where a family is mourning the loss of their little boy. we'll tell you what happened in the parking lots of a popular mall. >> and new details in the police sex scandal. what the woman at the center of it all is now revealing as mornings on 2 continues. good morning. >> wow. look at that. >> what a shot. >> sunrise coming up. >> cooler day. >> a new month? >> a lot of people are happy with that. but the coast is not clear. i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. >> lets a' check weather. steve is off today. rosemary is here. how does it look? >> looks actually quite nice. >> yeah. >> as we get into the afternoon today, similar to yesterday and then a bit of a cooldown as we get into the bay area weekend but it is friday. morning to you. giving you a look at the sun. mostly sunny skies for most today. temperatures will range from the low 60s to low to mid-90s inland to summertime micro climate pattern in place for another day. low clouds again riding up the coast line here, perhaps at

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New York , United States , Sausalito , California , Istanbul , Turkey , Solano County , Oakland , Alaska , Vacaville , Mountain View , Bay Point , Stinson Beach , Mississippi , San Francisco , Berkeley , Crawford , Morgan Hill , Greece , Petaluma , American League Park , Todd Valley , Californians , Americans , America , Turkish , Greek , American , Pam Cook , Barack Obama , George New , Betty Reid , Dave Clark , Damon Harrington , Steve Kerr , Taj Mahal , Santa Clara , Tom Leatherman , Carl Icahn , Malika Taj Mahal , Paul Ryan ,

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