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Itll be a messy next few days weather wise in that well see any and all types of precipitation at some point. This morning, some isolated freezing rain and sleet will eventually switch over to light snow this afternoon from which a dusting might result in some spots by this evening. The rest of tonight wont bring much in the way of measurable precipitation, but some patchy fog freezing drizzzz will be possible. More of the same will be on tap for thursday, so be on the lookout for slick roads the rest of the week as we see a better chance of some light snow from thursday night into friday which could drop an inch or 3 of the white stuff. The weekend still looks to bring frigid air with highs barely reaching 10f by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. Wx timer 40 the search continues this morning for a suspect in knox county, nebraska, whos considered armed and dangerous. Afternoon as the suspect, 25yearold David Hoffman, of santee, nebraska, escaped Police Custody. As he made his escape investigators say hoffman grabbed the officers gun. When he was last seen, hoffman was on foot. As a precaution authorities put the Niobrara State Park on lockdown. They also locked down schools in the Niobrara School district late in the afternoon, the Nebraska State Patrol was escorting children, and teachers, to their cars after school was dismissed. A message over the School Intercom advised everyone to stay in their homes for the night as the manhunt continues. The knox county sheriff says hoffman is a native american male, measuring 5feet, 10inches tall, weighing 150pounds. He has a tattoo on his adams apple. Hoffman was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, and dark pants. If you have any information about hoffmans whereabouts, contact the knox county sheriff at 402 2884261. The Ongoing Investigation into the cause of a Small Plane Crash near pender, nebraska continues. Columbia, missouri on sunday and was headed for sioux city. Now, the National Transportation safety board is leading the investigation into what caused the crash. Ktivs tommie clark was on scene and spoke with investigators. Transportation safety board. Lead investigator, craig hatch, says its a manmachine type of investigation. The aircraft thats the machine, maintenance, how it was operating what was working what wasnt working and then the environment, radar environment, air Traffic Control, obviously the weather. So we kind of put that all together to eventually come up with the probable cause, said National Transportation safety board lead air safety investigator, craig hatch. Then they will start looking at the qualifications and training ofofthe pilot. I have not heard of any problems. He was in fact talking to air Traffic Control. Ive been in contact with our air Traffic Control specialist, whos actually located in d. C. , hes digging up those tapes and those recordings and ill get those when i get back to the office, said National Transportation safety board lead air safety investigator, craig hatch. Tuesday they documented the onsite examination. Then, they will dig deeper into the scenario. It could take up to a year to find the cause of the crash. Near pender, nebraska. Tom mie clark. Ktiv news 4. After the investigation is complete, investigators will have a new list of safety recommendati ons. Those guidelines will be for the the plane, the federal Aviation Administration and other pilotsn they will cover ways to prevent another accident like this from happening. The tip is flight plan. Look for weather, if its a Long Duration of flight look at your fuel management and certainly if youre talking to air Traffic Control they can help you out if you do run into a problem, said National Transportation safety board lead air safety investigator, craig hatch. Hatch says a preliminary report of the Investigation Findings will be issued in about a week. The armed occupation of an oregon wildlife refuge continues on day five. Ammon bundy, the leader of the group of protesters, says they will only go home when a plan is in place to turn over federal lands to locals. Wanda moore has the story. Bundy said before that they would leave if the Community Asked them to. But would they really . They community has already been here, weve been talking with them every night here that are grateful that we are here, so thats the answer to that. Bundy is calling on more supporters to come join their cause. Especially from the community of Harney County. S ammon bundy leader of armed protest 40 43 then they can stand Strong Enough to defend them themselves and then we will go home. But on another cold winter day. The only thing that has increased is the snowfall. People who do not live in this community. Sheriff david ward says. Its time for the group to go home. I do not feel that my Community Wants these people here. Ward says hes been talking with budy and his group since they got toHarney County in november. S david ward Harney County sheriff1 06 1 15 i felt that they were giving me ultimatums. Either i bend to their will or they were going to create civil unrest in my community. The sheriff says he loves his community and his country. He hopes that bundys group will listen to the wishes of the community. S davvd ward Harney County sheriff1 23 1 28 i didnt swear an oath to have just a handful of people decide for the rest of us how were going to live our lives. Now the sheriff wants tohear from his community if the armed group is welcome to stay. S sheriff1 34 1 41 well have to wait to see. They said they would. If they dont then i guess we know what value we can place on their word. Enrique marquez a friend of San Bernardino gunman syed farrk is expected to be arraigned today. Although Officials Say marquez did not take part in the december 2nd mass shooting, he has been accused of buying two of the assault weapons used in the attack. The charges against marquez include providing Material Support to terrorists. Making false statements. And marriage fraud, for allegedly entering into a sham marriage with a relative of syed farook. If convicted on all charges marquez could be sentenced to up to 50 years in prison. Tonya couch. The mother of affluenza teen ethan couch. Appeared in a Los Angeles Court yesterday following her deportation from mexico last week. During the hearing, couch agreed to be sent from california to texas where she will face a felony charge of hindering apprehension. Authorities believe that couch and her son ethan fled to mexico in november while prosecutors investigated whether the now 18yearold had violated his probation for a drunk driving crash that killed four people. Couchs bail has been set at one million dollars. The former North High School band director accused of sending innapropriate texts to a student is pleading not guilty. 34yearold Lucas Sursely the former band director at North High School in sioux city, has pleaded not guilty to Sexual Exploitation of a minor. Court documents say sursely admitted to police he sent pictures of himself wearing underwear to a 15yearold student and asked her a sexual question. Sursley resigned shortly after an investigation into those claims started. If convicted, he if you made a new years resolution to get in shape you might be seeing a bigger crowd at the gym. But january isnt the busiest time for the norm waitt senior ymca in south sioux city, nebraska. They sign up 1 6th of all their new clients this month. But, peak season really hits in march. 28 once the calendar flips, people just come in droves. Year after year. Its t natural if you build it they will come. Its kind of like field of dreams. Except we are the facility of dreams. Heres a look at how busy the ymca gets in march. In january, they see 21,000 individual visits. In march, its 23,000. And, it trails off to 16,000 to 17,000 by the end of the year. Show opens in las vegas. Coming up, well show you some of the cool new gadgets that will make their debut at the show. Ben and ill have your complete better chance of some light snow from thursday night into friday which could drop an inch or 3 of the white stuff. The weekend still looks to bring frigid air with highs barely reaching 10f by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebounda little though by early next week. See graphics. You can expect new gadgets and gizmos at the biggest tech show in the world. Today, self proclaimed geeks and nerds will descend on las vegas for the Consumer Electronics show. Mary moloney has a look at what you can expect. Be unveiled. Big names like lg sony and sharp are forecasted to tout new ways to make your tv watching better. But at least one company is jumping the gun and giving us a look at what it will show off. Samsung has three projects from its super secret creative lab that may someday change your life. The first is the welt. Its the next generation of wearable technology. It looks like a typical belt but hidden inside there is socalled Smart Sensor Technology that can track your health. Like recording waist size eating habits steps and even time you spend sitting down. This is a rink. Its a handmotion controller for those who like to play in virtual reality. And the last project is a little harder to see. Its a watch strap called tiptalk and it lets you hear your smartphone without headphones. All you have to do is touch your ear and voila calls deos and anything else you play can be heard in your ear without pesky headphone chords. Cool huh . Dont expect to find these samsung says the projects are still in the development phases. But well be able to see these prototypes and other eyepopping technology at the ces. For consumer watch im mary moloney. A lot of new and popular gadgets come out of the Consumer Electronics show. Coming up next on news 4 today. Ski resorts usually hope for a lot of snow. But one resort in massachusetts only wanted cold weather. Because workers there are making their own white stuff and have the perfect conditions to do so and get a lift up on the competition. You got people working incredibly long hours. Median Family Income today 4,000 less than it was in 1999. What this campaign is about is to demand that we create an economy that works for all of us rather than a handful of billionaires. If you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. While some of the coldest weather of the season may have made faces hurt yesterday morning in hancock, massachusett s, at jiminy peak, their faces are hurting from smiling. As ben amey explains the cold has them firing up their snow guns to create a winter wonderland. There still are half of the ski resorts in the northeast that are not open not, so for us this weekend to be looking at 75 percent of our terrain being open thats just enormous. S ben amey reportin g 46 51 jiminy peak is actually producing so much snow, and the weather conditions are so perfect the snow is actually showing up on radar. This is an image from our weather app showing the radar blips from our core product. If we cant do thi and more cold weather for us later this week. Bens in next with the details in his forecast. And its never to late to follow your dreams. One 93 year old man is training for the 2016 olympics. Well share his inspiring story zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. Look out america, a 93 yearold man is hoping to qualify for the 2016 us table tennis olympic team and head to rio, brazil this summer. Terra hall has the details. Their garage. Here, for 20 years weve had table tennis and its a really Competitive Group of guys. And for those 20 years, one of them has been guilfoil, who in february will leave behind the green courts at Overland Park racquet club for greensboro, North Carolina where hell try to qualify for the 2016 summer olympics in brazil. Scott fenton, operland park raquet club 561 00 its not an easy sport but it is an easy sport to pick up. And while giulfoil will likely be the oldest athlete at the trials, he says its the sport that keeps him young. Bill guilfoil 93 year old ping pong player 1 071 20 i think table tennis is a contributor to living longer, we have to have better nutrition, better outlook on life, people never have a grudge. I think that all goes along with a package. Love everybody. And go for gold, even in your golden years. Its. Time for a break. But more news and weather for you on news4 today when we come its. Time for a break. But more news and weather for you on news4 today when we come back. First though. Heres a look at some of the events on the good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. In the news this morning. Were following the manhunt in niobrara nebraska as authorities search for an armed man accused of ecaping from Police Custody also. President obama is Challenging Congress with executive orders designed to tighten gun laws, and gop lawmakers are ready to push back. More on their upcoming efforts from washington. Well also hear from president ial candidates on their take on the issue. Also. As state lawmakers get ready to head back to work, well hear from two siouxland representatives about what theyre hoping to accomplish this session. And later. The dakota farm show in vermillion is the place for farmers and producers to check out the latest and greatest in the field. Well take you to the dome and hear from them on the Biggest Issues theyre facing this year. But first ben. Snow this afternoon from which a dusting might result in some spots by this evening. The rest of tonight wont bring much in the way of measurable precipitation, but some patchy fog freezing drizzle will be possible. More of the same will be on tap for thursday, so be on the lookout for slick roads the rest of the week as we see a better chance of some light snow from thursday night into friday which could drop an inch or 3 of the white stuff. The weekend still looks to bring frigid air with highs barely reaching 10f by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. The search continues this morning for a jail escapeed in knox county, nebraska, whos considered armed and dangerous. The manhunt started tuesday afternoon as the suspect, 25yearold David Hoffman of santee, nebraska, escaped Police Custody an officers gun. The knox county sheriff says hoffman is native american, hes 5feet, 10inches tall, and weighs 150pounds. He has a tattoo on his adams apple. Hoffman was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, and dark pants. If you have any information about hoffmans whereabouts, contact the knox county sheriff at 402 2884261. Theres another vote happening today to repeal obamacare and this time it could land on the president s desk. Tracie potts is following developments on capitol hill, where the white house is gearing up for a fight on that. And president obamas new gun sale restrictions. Either sot senator Susan Collins r maine 16 27 once again weve seen the president overstep his authority. And every time he has done this it has not ended well. Theres only so much mr. Obama can do. Redefining which sellers must do background checks. Doesnt change the law sot professor david kopel univ. Of denvers Sturm College of law 35 39 there was no change at all in the law. The president simply restated what has been the law since 1968. The white house is gearing up for a fight on that. And obamacare sot Josh Earnest White House press secretary 45 46 quick were willing to call their bluff. Tonight, the house votes again to dismantle the president s Signature Health care program. For the first time, it could also pass the senate. sot rep. Rob woodall r georgia 541 01 the shame in this institution is that it took 62 times for the will of the people to make its way to the president s desk president obama wont sign it. sot rep. Jim mcgovern d massachusetts 1 031 05 quick this is not going anywhere. The bill would strip millions from planned parenthood sot rep. Alcee hastings d florida 1 08 1 16 where exactly are the women in these areas supposed to go to get a pap smear or to get a mammogram . President obama and congress at odds with his budget request just weeks away. The white house says that request will include millions for mental health. Including restricting gun sales to people who are mentally ill. Im tracie potts in washington, denouncing the president s plans was republican president ial candidate ted cruz. He continued his cruzin to caucus iowa bus tour, in sioux center, last night. The texas senator aims to hit 28 counties, in the hawkeye state, this week. Shortly after taking the stage at Dordt College, in sioux center, cruz explained that he plans to abolish the irs, and repeal and replace the Affordable Health care act. Speaking to a crowd of roughly 500 people, he said his first order of business entails curbing the actions taken by the president yesterday. The first thing i intend to do is to rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive order taken by this president , said republican president ial candidate ted cruz. Regarding immigration cruz says no one, who is in granted citizenship. Enforcing the law means that if someone is deported they are not eligible to come back here to this county, and we need to enforce the law, said cruz. Yesterday, sen. Ted cruz sent a fundraising email that targeted the president s gun control plans. It invited cruzs supporters to register for a chance to win the candidates engraved shotgun. Hillary clinton made her fourth visit to sioux city since announcing her campaign for president. One message hasnt changed. She wants your support in the iowa caucuses. Inside the Orpheum Theatre in downtown sioux city yesterday, the democrat spoke to a crowd of about 450 people in the theaters lobby. The fighting for us town hall allowed clinton to address the economy, and what she says she can do to make americans lives better. Ive been laying out my plans about new jobs, good jobs with rising incomes, more infrastructure jobs, said clinton. You know we need more work on our roads, our along with the economy, clinton also talked about president obamas new executive order tightening the countrys gun laws. Clinton said some of the things the president is pushing for are issues shes supported in the past. In light of president obamas executive action to tighten background checks for gun sales, one local gun shop owner says hes not happy with the president s plan. Paul barrett owns shooters paradise. He says background checks will not stop mass shootings. I am not in favor of background checks, i dont think its going to do a whole lot said shooters paradise owner, paul barrett. If a criminal wants to get a gun, theyre going to get a hold of a gun. Barrett says hes seen a recent rise in gun sales. The woodbury co. Sheriffs office also saw gun sales rise in december. Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts issued a statement yesterday after the president s speech on gun control. The Second Amendment rights of lawabiding americans. These unilateral actions represent yet another attempt by the president to enact his political agenda without respecting the democratic process. Two siouxland lawmakers are weighing in on this years iowa legislative session that gets underway next week. When the gavel falls monday morning, the house will have at least one new member. State representativ e chuck holz of le mars. He replaced chuck soderberg. Holz, who is a republican, says he believes the Biggest Issue facing the state will be money. Theres going to be a lot of need and i dont know how much revenue theres going to be, said chuck holz, republican state representative from le mars. I think the state revenue is probably not going to be down. But its sure not going to be up as much as what wed like. State representativ e chris hall of sioux city says he has some key areas where he would like to see action. They include clean water, antibullying legislation and bringing back economic dollars to sioux city. But, the democrat says there are some concerns. We have a lot of new players, theres a new speaker of the chair, said chris hall, state representative from sioux city. And i think that it may have an impact on negotiations. Last year, lawmakers completed action on a sevenpointthree billion dollar budget for the 2016 fiscal year. Included in that budget was the first increase in the state gas tax in 26 years. Do you ever wish you could decode your babys cries . Coming up in healthbeat four. Well show you a new app that claims to be able to do just ben and ill have your complete forecast next by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. A new app claims to decode baby cries for parents. But does it really work . Megan pringle checked it out in todays healthbeat four. Im like whats wrong buddy. Whats wrong . This is the newsoms first baby. Theyre still figuring out what he needs. sot abby newsom, mother sometimes im just what do you need . I wish he could just tell us. Brayden cant tell them but a Research Team claims an app can. Based on the collection of 200thousand crying sounds the infant cries translator distinguishes between four separate cries hungry, tired, in pain and has wet diaper. reporter stand up Megan Pringle the app is pretty basic. Its just one page. When your baby cries you press this button but heres the catch, your baby has to cry for 15 seconds. nats crying we tested it out on brayden. nats hes hungry . I was going to tell you he was hungry they already knew what the app told them. sot dr. Michael zollicoffer, pediatrician good for fun and a game but not reality. Thats why pediatrician Michael Zollicoffer thinks the app is a crying shame. sot dr. Michael zollicoffer, pediatrician you have to listen to the response of your kid. Their cry is their communicatio n. Its their talking. Their babbling is their discussion. To take your movement away. I dont like it abby and brandon like the idea of an app but theyre not going to buy it. Nothing compares to the quality time of that was Megan Pringle reporting. Just ahead. Another one of the big players in fast food is out with a package deal. 5 items for 4. And siouxland farmers make tracks for the dakotadome. Technology at the dakota farm the dakota farm show is underway, featuring the latest in ag technology. It also serves as a reminder of the challenges farmers face today. Ktivs Michelle Schoening traveled to vermillion, south dakota and talked with farmers and those in the industry about the issues. Average age of the us farmer is 59 years old now, so in the next few years its going to get worse, said david fick, daves repair david fick, farmer and Equipment Sales representative from daves repair, says the way to fight the rising average age of a farmer and lack of labor force is with better and more efficient equipment. Some people ask you know, why does this stuff have to be so big and so large and so expensive. Its because we dont have the people any more we cant do it the way it use to be, said fick. And although Commodity Prices are low and the need for Young Farmers continues to rise, carr says from his 75 years of experience, farming is an up and down cycle. Its a way of life and itll continue to be a way of life. One way or another it will go the dakota farm show runs through tomorrow at the dakota dome in vermillion. Stocks have managed some small gains, but not enough to make up for mondays big losses. Stocks spent most of the day alternating between small gains and losses, and turned positive in the last hour of trading. The dow gained 10 points to close at 17,159. The nasdaq fell 12 and the s p edged up 4 points. Energy prices continued to tumble. Panera bread says its entire soup category is now clean meaning its free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives. The company says the journey to clean soup was a meticulous one. And that it went through 60 revisions in preserving the soups. Todays announcement is the latest step in paneras commitment to clean food and a transparent menu. Last year, it announced a no no list of more than 150 artificial additives it has eliminated or plans to remove from its bakery cafe food by the end of this year. Five item meal for 4 dollars. The promotion includes a bacon cheeseburger, french fries, chicken nuggets, a drink and cookie. Bks deal comes as mcdonalds offers its mcpick 2 and wendys 4 for 4dollar deals. All three restaurants admit, theyre pursuing valueconscious customers looking for a cheap meal. Coming up after the break, well run down the top headlines in siouxland. Plus disneys giving us a first look at its new movie. And hollywood stars are gathering for the Golden Globes this weekend. Thats next in hollywood minute. Wise in that well see any and all types of precipitation at some point. This morning, some isolated freezing rain and sleet will eventually switch over to light snow this afternoon from which a dusting might result in some spots by this evening. The rest of tonight wont bring much in the way of measurable precipitation, but some patchy fog freezing drizzle will be possible. More of the same will be on tap for thursday, so be on the lookout for slick roads the rest of the week as we see a better chance of some light snow from thursday night into friday which could drop an inch or 3 of the white stuff. The weekend still looks to bring frigid air with highs barely reaching 10f by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. Here are the stories making top News Headlines this morning in siouxland. County, nebraska for an inmate who escaped from custody and is considered armed and dangerous. 25year old David Hoffman of santee was being transported in niobrara when he grabbed a gun from the sheriffs deputy and fled on foot. Schools in niobrara were locked down and officers with the Nebraska State Patrol later escorted children and Staff Members to their cars. Everyone in niobrara was urged to stay in their homes for the night. Anyone with information about hoffmanns whereabouts is urged to call the knox county sheriffs office. Hillary clinton brings her campaign for president back to sioux city. The democrat spoke to about 450 supporters at the Orpheum Theatre yesterday. Gun control and the economy were two of the topics the former first lady, us senator and secretary of state spoke about at the townhall session. Clinton says herconomic goals include raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy and equal pay for women. This was clintons 4th visit to sioux city since entering the race. Meanwhile, republican ted cruz made a couple of stops in siouxland. Cruz told a crowd of about 500 that if elected president , he would abolish the irs and repeal then replace the Affordable Health care act. Regarding immigration cruz says no one who is in america illegally may be granted citizenship. Earlier in the day, cruz spoke in onawa. Hes on a sixday, 28stop bus tour of iowa. And the dakota farm show is underway in vermillion. It features the latest in agriculture tecnology. Organizers say with fewer people going into farming and the average age of farmers now at 59, its important to have better, more efficient equipment. The dakota farm show runs through tomorrow at the dakotadome. Admission is free. The stars are coming out for this weekends big awards show david daniel has that and more in the hollywood minute. Him back as his other iconic character stallone says he has no intention of reprising his rambo role, either on the big screen or in the upcoming tv series. He tells variety magazine the hearts willing, but the body says stay home the Golden Globes is stacking the stage with stars oscar winner and current globes nominee helen mirren will also be a presenter at sundays ceremony. Among those joining her as presenters bryce dallas howard, jim carrey, olivia wilde, jamie foxx, amy adams, julianne moore. And mel gibson. There was a Little Prince, in need of. A friend . The Little Prince is landing in california the animated feature based on the muchloved novella by antoine de saint exup0ry will make its us premiere at the Santa Barbara International Film festival on february third. Rachel mcadams, jeff bridges, james franco and benecio del toro lead the voice cast the film is due in theaters march 18th. For hollywood minute, im david daniel. Up his dream of being in the olympics. Even though hes 93 years old. And several basketball teams were back on the Court Last Night for the first time this year. Well have highlights from several games, including west and south sioux good morning. Thanks for joining us on this wednesday, january 6th. Coming up in this half hour, the manhunt continue authorities in nebraska are searching for an armed man they say escaped Police Custody with an officers gun. Well have the latest on the manunt in niobrara. And another story weve been following for you in northeast nebraska. The investigation into the plane that crashed in a rural field near pender. Federal officials have taken over the investigation. Details on the way. And in oregon, its day five of standoff between police and group of protesters at a wildlife refuge there. More on their demands to authorities in just a minute. Also. Most high level athletes begin competing in their sports at an early age, but one missouri man is going for the gold at the age of 93. Well have his story a little later. But first, heres ben. By sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. The search continued overnight for a suspect in knox county, nebraska, whos considered armed and dangerous. The manhunt started tuesday afternoon as the suspect, 25yearold David Hoffman, of santee, nebraska, escaped Police Custody. As he made his escape, hoffman grabbed the officers gun and fled on foot. Authorities put the Niobrara State Park on lockdown. And locked down schools in niobrara. Later, the Nebraska State Patrol escorted children and teachers to their cars after school was dismissed. An announcement over the School Intercom advised everyone to stay in their homes for the night as the manhunt continued. Heres hoffmans mug shot. Hes native american, 5 feet, 10inches tall, weighing 150pounds. He has a tattoo on his adams apple. Hoffman was last seen wearing a sweatshirt, and dark pants. If you have any information about hoffmans whereabouts, contact the knox county sheriffs office. The investigation into sundays deadly crash of a small plane near pender, nebraska continues. The National Transportatio n safety board is leading the investigation into what caused the crash. Ktivs tommie clark was on scene and spoke with investigators. Eventually come up with the probable cause, said National Transportation safety board lead air safety investigator, craig hatch. Then they will start looking at the qualifications and training of the pilot. I have not heard of any problems. He was in fact talking to air Traffic Control. Ive been in contact with our air Traffic Control specialist, whos actually located in d. C. , hes digging up those tapes and those recordings and ill get those when i get back to the office, said National Transportation safety board lead air safety investigator, craig hatch. Tuesday they documented the onsite examination. Then, they will dig deeper into the scenario. It could take up to a year to find the cause of the crash. Near pender, nebraska. Tom mie clark. Ktiv news 4. After the investigation is complete, investigators will have a new list of safety recommendati ons. Those guidelines will be for the maker of the plane, the federal Aviation Administration and other pilots. They will cover ways to prevent another accident like this from happening. The tip is flight plan. Look for weather, if its a Long Duration of flight look at your fuel management and certainly if youre talking to air Traffic Control they can help you out if you do run into a problem, said National Transportation safety board lead air safety investigator, craig hatch. Hatch says a preliminary report of the Investigation Findings will be issued in about a week. The armed occupation of an oregon wildlife refuge continues on day five. Ammon bundy, the leader of the group of protesters, says they will only go home when a plan is in place to turn over federal lands to locals. Wanda moore has the story. Not planning on leaving any time soon. Theyve got their boots dug in and theyre staying. Bundy said before that they would leave if the Community Asked them to. But would they really . They community has already been here, weve been talking with them every night here that are grateful that we are here, so thats the answer to that. Bundy is calling on more supporters to come join their cause. Especially from the community of Harney County. S ammon bundy leader of armed protest 40 43 then they can stand Strong Enough to defend them themselves and then we will go home. But on another cold winter day. The only thing that has increased is the snowfall. People who do not live in this community. Sheriff david ward says. Its time for the group to go home. I do not feel that my Community Wants these people here. Ward says hes been talking with since they got to Harney County s david ward Harney County sheriff1 06 1 15 i felt that they were giving me ultimatums. They were going to create civil unrest in my community. The sheriff says he loves his community and his country. He hopes that bundys group will listen to the wishes of the community. S david ward Harney County sheriff1 23 1 28 i didnt swear an oath to have just a handful of people decide going to live our lives. Now the sheriff wants to hear from his community if the armed group is welcome to stay. S david ward Harney County sheriff1 34 1 41 well have to wait to see. They said they would. If they dont then i guess we know what value we can place on their word. Enrique marquez a friend of San Bernardino gunman syed farook is expected to be arraigned today. Although Officials Say marquez did not take part in the december 2nd mass shooting, he has been accused of buying two of the assault weapons used in the attack. The charges against marquez include providing Material Support to terrorists. Making false statements. And marriage fraud, for allegedly entering into a sham marriage with a relative of syed farook. Marquez could be sentenced to up to 50 years in prison. Tonya couch. The mother of the socalled affluenza teen ethan couch. Appeared in a Los Angeles Court yesterday following her deportation from mexico last week. During the hearing, couch agreed to be sent from california to texas where she will face a felony charge of hindering apprehension. Authorities believe that couch and her son ethan fled to mexico in november while prosecutors investigated whether the now 18yearold had violated his probation for a drunk driving crash that killed four people. Couchs bail has been set at one million dollars. The former North High School band director accused of sending innapropriate texts to a student is pleading not guilty. 34yearold Lucas Sursely has pleaded not guilty to Sexual Exploitation of a minor. Court documents say sursely admitted to police he sent pictures of himself wearing underwear to a 15yearold student and asked her a sexual question. Sursley resigned shortly after an started. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison. If you made a new years resolution to get in shape you might be seeing a bigger crowd at the gym. January actually is not the busiest time for the norm waitt senior ymca in south sioux city, nebraska. They sign up 1 6th of all their new clients this month. But, peak season hits in march. 28 once the calendar flips, people just come in droves. Year after year. Its the natural if you build it they will come. Its kind of like field of dreams. Except we are the facility of dreams. Heres a look at how busy the ymca gets in march. In january, they see 21,000 individual visits. In march, its 23,000. And, it trails off to 16,000 to 17,000 by the end of the year. We always hear about the eating breakfast up next, well head to the kitchen where ktivs Sheila Brummer shows us an easy breakfast recipe in todays centsable health. And ill have your complete forecast next do you think when you are president youll be paid as much as if you were a manmale. This is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. But there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same. As the men who are doing that job. Im Hillary Clinton many experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And ktivs Sheila Brummer shows us an easy recipe you can take on the go in todays centsable health. Burritos that actually you can make all at one time and then throw in your freezer, so that way when its time to head out the door for work during the week, you just pop it in the microwave for about two minutes, um, and then youre ready to go. S so i dont have an excuse. W you dont have an excuse, and if youre one of those people like me, you dont want just a granola bar or a piece of fruit, you want something a little more satisfying, you really dont have an excuse, so these are so easy to make. Im sure you guys can probably guess how im going to assemble this, but im going to show you anyway. So i have gone ahead and scrambled a dozen eggs, you can use Something Like these all whites if you want, you can separate the eggs and use egg whites. If you s or mix it too . W if you want, you can go half and half. There is a lot of the egg protein in the yolk, and thats where most of the vitamins and minerals are, so i personally do like to eat the yolk. So, whatever works for you. And i am using this mission multigrain tortilla, you want to make sure youre using a whole wheat tortilla, and i like this one because it has like 5 grams of fiber, which. S it does have 150 calories. W it does have 150 calories. I think these burritos end up having about 350 calories, which, for a meal, is pretty good. So, im going to add a little canadian bacon, and you can of course add any kind of vegetables, any fillings that you want, a little bit of cheddar cheese, and then, my burrito folding skills can definitely use some work, but im going to show you. S youre going to show us how to do it. W im going to hope i get it right here. S i think its hard for a lot key, what you want to do with these since we are going to freeze them, is you want to fold in all the sides. S so you dont want to fill it too full. W and i probably think here, i probably did, but thats okay, you get the idea, this is really what happens when i cook at home. So, youre going to end up with hopefully something a little prettier than this, but the key is to fold them both sides, i usually leave one side of my burrito open when im eating it, but a lot of times it can come out in the freezer. And then wrap it up in some clear plastic wrap, some surran wrap, and then put these in the freezer, and you have breakfast all week. If you use a dozen eggs, and a little breakfast meat and some cheese, i got, i think 9 or 10, ive eaten a couple out of that bag. You get about 9 or 10 burritos. If you use bigger tortillas than what im using, you should get about 8, so, you know you get at least a weeks worth of breakfast, and mine is just really ugly right now. Theyre usually a little prettier than this. S but it tastes good, right . W once youre ready to eat this, take the plastic wrap off, wrap it in a paper towel, and then microwave it you know, depending on your microwave, anywhere from a minute and a half to two and a half minutes. S there you go, breakfast burritos. Thank you so much, whitney. W thank you. S if youd like more information on any centsable dot com and click on the news link. Several High School Basketball teams across siouxland were back on the Court Last Night after their winter break. Well have highlights from some of those games, including the Crofton Ponca girls teams. And iowa and nebraska do battle basketball is back in session for siouxland high schools. Ktivs brad pautsch has more in the sports fource morning wrap. Quarter Breanna Allen cros court to Lauren Steffen she cans the corner triple. And then it was all about Kelsey Sanger and Katie Petersen warriors on the break sanger with a rocket inside to petersen its 15 nothing. Later its not deja vu just more great passing petersen converting again crofton rolling along. How about one more time on the break sanger to petersen ponca didnt score until it was 25nothing all systems go for crofton tonight, 6134. It was Adam Woodbury bobblehead night for the sioux city east grad. Iowa was down 122 then got hot. Jarrod uthoff doing some work down low. He scored 9 of iowas first 13 points. Then, woodbury spins down the lane for the hoop and the hack iowa has the lead at 2322. Iowa on a 100 run mike gesell the nebraska native he gets the 3point play. Iowa up 9 at the half. Uthoff had another big game the turnaroud is good iowa goes to 30 in big ten play with a 7766 win. For more go to ktiv. Com. Im sports fource morning wrap. Cold and snow is moving into siouxland. Bens in next with the details in his forecast. And its never to late to follow your dreams. Look out america, a 93 yearold man is hoping to qualify for the 2016 us table tennis olympic team terra hall has the details. Its. Time for a break. Were back with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. First though. Heres a look at some of the events on the good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. In the news this morning. Were following the manhunt in niobrara nebraska as authorities search for an armed man accused of escaping from Police Custody with an officers gun. Also. President obama is Challenging Congress with executive orders designed to lawmakers are ready to push back. More on their upcoming efforts from washington. Well also hear from president ial candidates on their take on the issue. Also. As state lawmakers get ready to head back to work, well hear from two siouxland representatives about what theyre hoping to accomplish this session. And later. The swirls and twirls of being a sign spinner on a street corner. A competition in colorado has the best in their biz going head to head. But first bens outside. Is it doing anything yet . Rest of tonight wont bring much in the way of measurable precipitation, but some patchy fog freezing drizzle will be possible. More of the same will be on tap for thursday, so be on the lookout for slick roads the rest of the week as we see a better chance of some light snow from thursday night into friday which could drop an inch or 3 of the white stuff. The weekend still looks to bring frigid air with highs barely reaching 10f by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. The search continued overnight for a suspect in knox county, nebraska, whos considered armed and dangerous. The manhunt started tuesday afternoon as the suspect, 25yearold David Hoffman of santee, nebraska, escaped Police Custody with an officers gun. The knox county sheriff says hoffman is native american, hes 5feet, 10inches tall, he has a tattoo on his adams apple. Hoffman was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, and dark pants. If you have any information about hoffmans whereabouts, contact the knox county sheriff. Theres another vote happening today to repeal obamacare and this time it could land on the president s desk. Tracie potts is following developments on capitol hill, where the white house is gearing up for a fight on that. And president obamas new gun sale restrictions. Done this it has not ended well. Theres only so much mr. Obama can do. Redefining which sellers must do background checks. Doesnt change the law sot professor david kopel univ. Of denvers Sturm College of law 35 39 there was no change at all in the law. The president simply restated what has been the law since 1968. The white house is gearing up for a fight on that. And obamacare sot Josh Earnest White House press secretary 45 46 quick were willing to call their bluff. Tonight, the house votes again to dismantle the president s Signature Health care program. For the first time, it could also pass the senate. sot rep. Rob woodall r georgia 541 01 the shame in this institution is that it took 62 times for the will of the people to make its way to the president s desk president obama wont sign it. sot rep. Jim mcgovern d massachusetts 1 031 05 quick this is not going anywhere. The bill would strip millions from planned parenthood sot rep. Alcee hastings d florida 1 08 1 16 where exactly are the women in these areas supposed to go to get a pap smear or to get a mammogram . President obama and congress at odds with his budget request just weeks away. The white house says that request will include millions for mental health. Including restricting gun sales to people who are mentally ill. Im tracie potts in washington, now back to you. While in northwest iowa yesterday, president ial candidate ted cruz commented on the president s new executive orders on gun sales. Cruz visited onawa, iowa in the morning. Cruz leads the republican president ial pack in recent polling in iowa. He told voters in onawa he would overturn the move. S sen. Ted cruz r president ial candidate 22 you know, this morning president obama is announcing new executive orders to try to go after our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. Well i can tell you right now, those executive orders are not the worth paper theyre printed on because when you live by the pen, you die by the pen. And my pen has got an eraser. Cruz also stopped in cherokee and at Dordt College in sioux center. Hillary clinton made her fourth visit to sioux city since announcing her campaign for president. Inside the Orpheum Theatre in downtown sioux city yesterday, the democrat spoke to a crowd of about 450 people in the the fighting for us town hall allowed clinton to address the economy, and what she says she can do to make the lives of americans better. Ive been laying out my plans about new jobs, good jobs with rising incomes, more infrastructure jobs, said clinton. You know we need more work on our roads, our bridges, our tunnels. Along with the economy, clinton also talked about president obamas new executive order tightening the countrys gun laws. Clinton said some of the things the president is pushing for are issues shes supported in the past. Two siouxland lawmakers are weighing in on this years iowa legislative session that gets underway next week. When the gavel falls monday morning, the house will have at least one new member. State representativ e chuck holz of le mars. He replaced chuck soderberg. Holz, who is a republican, says he believes the Biggest Issue facing the state will be money. Theres going to be a lot of need and i dont know how much revenue representative from le mars. I think the state revenue is probably not going to be down. But its sure not going to be up as much as what wed like. State representativ e chris hall of sioux city says he has some key areas where he would like to see action. They include clean water, antibullying legislation and bringing back economic dollars to sioux city. But, the democrat says there are some concerns. We have a lot of new players, theres a new speaker of the house, a new appropriations chair, said chris hall, state representative from sioux city. And i think that it may have an impact on negotiations. Last year, lawmakers completed action on a sevenpointthree billion dollar budget for the 2016 fiscal year. Included in that budget was the first increase in the states gas tax in 26 years. Yesterday the first mile high sign spinning competition was held in denver, colorado. Well take a look at the twists and turns in the match ups coming up in whats trending. Cordes most nurses are tough. Theyre problemsolvers. They like making things better. People dont have access to healthcare because they just cant afford it. Bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and Major Medical companies are ripping us off. Bernie tells the truth, and hes been consistent. He understands that the system is rigged, and hes the only one who can bring real change. Arrow sign spinners best artists showcased their awesome moves to see who would win the title of best in colorado. Some of the artists say sign spinning is a really good workout its even meditative at times. As you can see, some of the tricks were pretty acrobatic and a little dangerous at times. The winner of the competition gets a free trip to las vegas to compete in the world sign spinning championships. Donald trump is gearing up to be again. Plus. Anne hathaway share some big news on instagram. Weve got the details, coming up. Youve upgraded all your old technology. So what about this . Its time to get into the new with ford come and get it if you really want it. New is ecoboost technology. New is a footactivated liftgate. New is tougher, stronger and lighter. New is ford. Americas bestselling brand. Now get into a new focus, fusion, or escape with 0 financing for 60 months plus 2,000 dollars tradeassist cash. On the tonight show last night jimmy fallon played the whisper challenge with kristen on the show tonight, billy joel and j. K. Simmons. You can catch the tonight show with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10 35 after news 4. Republican president ial frontrunner donald trump is returning to the tonight show with jimmy fallon. Nbc says trump will appear on the late night chatfest on january 11th. Iowa caucuses on february first and the New Hampshire primary on february ninth. Its also one day before president obamas final state of the union address. Trump first appeared on fallons show back in september. That episode was a ratings success, drawing fourandahalf million viewers. You better laugh at her jokes, or you might get hurt ultimate fighting championship star ronda rousey will host saturday night live on january 23rd. The music guest will be selena gomez. It will be the first time a mixed martial artist has hosted the show. A total of twodozen athletes have led the show over the years. Rouseys star has been rising in hollywood. Shes appeared in the expendables three, entourage and furious seven. Confirmed that shes pregnant. And she used social media to do it. Rumors have swirled that the oscarwinner might be expecting a child. Hathaway posted a picture of herself in a swimsuit on instagram. The photo shows an obvious baby bump. The image has racked up more than 270thousand likes and thousands of comments. Wednesday sarah actress comedian Kate Mckinnon tv saturday night live is 32 al actor Eddie Redmayne film the danish girl is 34 sarah actor Danny Pintauro tv whos the boss . is 40 al tv personality julie chen is 46 al tv chef Nigella Lawson is 56 sarah actor comedian Rowan Atkinson is 61 mr. Bean al retired mlb allstar ralph branca is 90 dusting might result in some spots by this evening. The rest of tonight wont bring much in the way of measurable precipitation, but some patchy fog freezing drizzle will be possible. More of the same will be on tap for thursday, so be on the lookout for slick roads the rest of the week as we see a better chance of some light snow from thursday night into friday which could drop an inch or 3 of the white stuff. The weekend still looks to bring frigid air with highs barely reaching 10f by sunday and lows dipping below zero in the morning. We should rebound a little though by early next week. See graphics. When we come back on this wednesday morning, well have the stories making top headlines in siouxland. And christmas might be over, but that doesnt mean santas work is done. Well show you how hes helping raise money for childrens charities. The manhunt continues in knox county, nebraska for an inmate who escaped from custody and is considered armed and dangerous. 25year old David Hoffman of santee was being transported in niobrara when he grabbed a gun from the sheriffs deputy and fled on foot. Schools in niobrara were locked down and officers with the Nebraska State Patrol later escorted children and Staff Members to their cars. Everyone in niobrara was urged to stay in their homes for the night. Anyone with information about hoffmanns whereabouts is urged to call the knox county sheriffs office. Hillary clinton brings her campaign for president back to sioux city. The democrat spoke to about 450 supporters at the Orpheum Theatre tuesday. Gun control and the economy were two of the topics the former first lady, us senator and secretary of state spoke about at the townhall session. Clinton says her economic goals include raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy and equal pay for women. This was clintons 4th visit to sioux city since entering the race. Meanwhile, republican ted cruz siouxland. At Dordt College in sioux center cruz told a crowd of about 500 that if elected president , he would abolish the irs and repeal then replace the Affordable Health care act. Regarding immigration cruz says no one who is in america illegally may be granted citizenship. Earlier in the day, cruz spoke in onawa. Hes on a sixday, 28stop bus tour of iowa. And the dakota farm show is underway in vermillion. It features the latest in agriculture tecnology. Organizers say with fewer people going into farming and the average age of farmers now at 59, its important to have better, more efficient equipment. The dakota farm show runs through tomorrow at the dakotadome. Admission is free. Yesterday proves that santas work is never done. Father frost, thats what santa claus is called in russia, got the crowd warmed up with group dance in moscows kuzminki park. A few hundred diehard runners braved 20 below temperatures to raise money for childrens charities. Runners raised pledges for their participation in the race and all the money will be donated to various childrens hospice organizations

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