Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140116 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140116

police to showcase its members; bravery. >>they work to make your day. >> reporter:find out what people are >>whoosh >> reporter: more than skin deep. >>man up and come down and get your tattoo >> reporter:the faithful flocking to get 49er tattoos for 49 dollars. >>awesome deal man >>whoosh >>my jaw dropped and they said did he take care of you and i saaid uh huh tips for jesus has struck again. >> reporter:a mystery benefactor.resurfaces in san francisco's financial district,. >> reporter: about her four=figure windfall. >>whoosh >> reporter: the batkid >>let me out! >>no! >>it's funny to hear his voice >> reporter: little boy's wish come true that rescue effort the subject of a officers. san fran (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >>".in front of you." >> pam: now at 8-- >> pam: new video showing the a emergency vehicle. ran crash at sfo. the teen from china survived the crash -- only to be hit twice by a fire truck, and killed. >> pam: the video has come out now that the girl's family filed a lawsuit against the city of san francsico. kron4's dan kerman shows us the video. and what we know now about how the incident happened. >> the first set and trios is to take the pulse direct the video which the bank is the best evidence of what happened shows at least five firefighters who saw her and understood that she was there and none of them did the basic step of checking to see if she was alive. >>wait! stop...stop! there is a body right there. presume >> reporter: lee there is 8 body right there and she is still alive. someone is trying to warn them. >> that was taken away because of several mistakes. after >> reporter: the new videos they have no comment pending the outcome of the investigation. >> reporter:and tonight.we're disecting a new commercial about the asiana crash - featuring san francisco police officers. some people are criticizing the police union for putting the rescue re-enactment together.and patting themselves on the back. others say officers actions the day of the crash were heroic.and there's not a problem with it the 90 second spot. >> reporter:we've posted the commerical on our website - of people have already voted in our poll - and it's not too late to vote. >> reporter: the commerical is appropriate. we'll have the results and reaction.tonight at 8:30. >> reporter: take its toll on victims intoday, county health officials confirmed 3 additional flu- related deaths. >> pam: that brings the total bay reported in napa county. in sonoma county. flu- related deaths climbed to three. >> pam: and contra costa county is now reporting two flu- related deaths, but a change up in the type of flu linked to the deaths. >> pam: in the east bay. some stores are reporting a spot shortage of tamiflu that's the drug some use to deal with the flu. several pharmicies say, they have been out of the liquid form used for children for several weeks. and are running low on the oral dose for adults. >> pam: the medicine is manufactured by bay area based genetech. >> pam: the company says it has had a heavy demand for the drug. and is working to get more in circulation. >> pam: we have much more coverage on our website -- kron 4 dot com -- on the home on our flu section.'ll find tips. from how to avoid catching the virus. to locations near you, to get flu shots. we also have new information that spells out what we know about the specific individuals who have died of the flu. those cases areit's all on >> pam: grant? >> reporter: skies this warm winter day. no clouds in sight today from oakland all the way to the embarcadero. not a bad view of the bay bridge. >> reporter:all across the bay area.people were out.relaxing.enjoing the unusually warm weather. in san jose it got as hot as. 73 degrees. >> reporter:take a look at this beautiful sight fromit was a beautiful day for some time in the surf and the sand. degrees. >> reporter: but all this warm winter weather is making for dangerous fire conditions. red flag warnings still bay today. officials say the fire serious risk of grass fires putting fire crews on high alert. >> reporter:fire officials recommend residents in the oakland hills, postpone any yard work which could potentially spark into a fire. during this red flag period. >> reporter: north to bay hills and east bay hills are specifically where the ones are severe. but all over the bay area. >> reporter: and the santa cruz not out of the danger yet. we will talk abou those temperatures, comingup! >> reporter: for more on these red flag warnings and how long this >> pam: a grass fire burning on kimball island is nearly fully contained tonight, this video of yesterday's scene from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. >> pam: kimball island is located just north of antioch near sacramento county borders. fire officials say the fire destroyed three homes and several outbuilding. >> pam: and that it was started by transients. it has burned almost 50 monitor the hot spots which the u-s coast guard people from the island yesterday. but no injuries are reported. >> does not come back until 25 minutes later, he comes back again, and then returns began. for a minute and a second he is off fighting. then handsome in his hand. from the video you can see he goes to the house, where the house is set on fire. when he returns it to the frame again he does not have these items and more. we see him again on route 4:01 more time. we see him again or around 4:01 more time. >> reporter: reporting in san jose police here reid kron4 new spirit >> pam: new charges filed today against a popular, award- who is accused of sexually abusing boys he had been teaching. >> pam: the suspect is andrew nisbet. who worked at the livermore. last month, he was charged with 65 -felony counts of allegedly sexually assaulting boys. he now faces an additional 10- counts. most of which involve a third young boy. police say, nisbet coached children throughout the state and nation. >> pam: he is being held without bail. and will be back in >> pam: a couple is behind bars. after being linked to a string of burglaries in san carlos. 24-year- olds ashley kirk and juan ortega- ramos. are charged with multiple counts of burglary. new tonight at 8-- >> pam: >> pam: the new eastern span of the bay bridge has been open for just over four- months. and already significant work has been completed on removing the old eastern span. >> pam: kron 4's charles clifford was given a tour of the old bridge today. and he has an update on the demolition. >> reporter:so far, demolition crews feet of the upper deck of happening here in the middle of the cantilever section, bridge with the tall steel support beams. >>pics >> reporter:they've also removed about deck and are replacing that section of roadway with wood. caltrans spokesman putting in a woodedn road lighter. >> reporter: and by putting in the timber it makes the bridge lighter but it's strong enough to support the equipment that needs to be on the bottom deck to reach up through the whole to take down the steel trusses. >> reporter:the next big step is to the cantilever section that includes the infamous s-curve. by allowing the contractor to take responsibility that keeps the bid for this project loren and save taxpayers money. low fer. >> reporter: that has to get out of the way first because that's of the bike path all the way to yerba buena island as permanent on ramp from the from the bridge from the island unto the bridge >> reporter: concrete that's removed from the bridge is being recycled profit from the recycling goes to the demolition company. caltrans made that arrangement in order to project. on treasure island, charles for the new mattress models but sleep train's huge year end clearance is ending soon. for a short time, save hundreds on tempur-pedic mattresses. get the most highly-recommended bed in america at closeout prices. plus, get interest-free financing and free same-day delivery. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> pam: new tonight at 8-- he did it again. the mystery man, who goes by the name - 'tips for jesus' left another very generous tip at a restaurant in san francisco. kron 4's justine waldman talked with the lucky waitress, to find out. who the tipper is. and what she plans on doing with all that >>so there is this lapse in time when you have to register this is a lot of money ah! >> reporter: waitress hilary hess, works at row-ka a-core in the financial district. >> reporter:on tuesday night, she served sashimi to a couple sitting in the back. >> reporter:nothing seemed unusual final bill. >>sot there was part of my brain that thought it said $30 and he didn't know how to use a decimal point >> reporter:the man wrote "tips for jesus" at the top of the check and left 3- thousand dollar tip. >>sot my mouth just dropped >> reporter:t4j also paid the entire tab for the table next to him. >>sot yeah i was a little astonished >> reporter:after a brief break, it in the giving spirit. >> reporter:he left big bucks for servers. late last year at restaurant in san francisco. >> reporter:tips for jesus keeps an instragram page showing smiling servers from all seriously generous bonus. >> reporter:the page described as - tip at a time." >> reporter:reports are the tipper is jack selby who made his fortune at paypal. >> reporter:sot he was tall dark and handsome >> reporter:this restaurant pools tips at the end of the night. >> reporter:so all the staff at roka akur gets part of that 3-thousand. >>hilary plans to donate some and indulge just a little >>sot taking a trip and taking my mom out to dinner. >>su what would the waitress tipper? >>sot i would just say thank you thank you thank you and my table again. ha! >> reporter:in san francisco, a group of volunteers is doing their part to make their community a little safer. >> reporter: >> reporter:kron 4's john fenoglio caught up with them in the tenderloin. and shows us how their presence is making a city's toughest neighborhoods. >>"we stand out here from 1:45 getting through the neighborhood safely." >> reporter:kate robinson is just one of a handful of volunteers that make up tenderloin safe organization with a mission to make passing through one of san francisco's toughest neighborhoods a little easier. >>"one of out busiest corners drugs and violence we're here for these kids." >> "these volunteers cover 11 square blocks, 34 street corners, and they tell all of the children they interact with that if they ever fee scared or threatened to look for one the end of it, they'll find someone wearing an orange vest who will help them get >>"this is the safe passage route yellow path. corner captains from one corner to they're a safety presence." >> reporter:their presence is already felt by the kids at san >>"they protect us." >> at kids, and it's like we supposed to get through this." >> reporter: they get through it with a liitle help from their friends in orange. >>"be safe!" >> reporter:in san francisco john >> pam: >> reporter: we are ready are seen '50s on the board as we push forward. with early afternoon we see 70 degree to buttress settle in. east bay as well into the evening not even getting that cold. sunshine and some coaches over the weekend >> pam: you will need to use a promo cold code. if you don't make at least five canceled items to lend and the upcoming royals' game. at least five can foods you will be enteered to win tickets to royal'sh game >> pam: ahead at 8. at a new warning from the f d eight. about a pain killer that is in nearly every once medicine cabinet. and later our stand robbers look at how the city of san francisco is cracking down on bad drivers. pedestrians and bicyclists. >> gary: in this broadcast! >> pam: gary says that with the man who knows tom brady the best, his own father tom the man who knows tom brady the best, his own father tom brady senior. i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time. >> pam: a new warning tonight about >> pam: americans may be risking severe liver damage because they don't realize how many products contain the painkiller. >> pam: catherine heenan reports. >> catherine: de affeldt de base is there is no evidence that a higher dosage will bring any additional benefit. new guidelines will be issued for over-the- counter drugs as well. good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> pam: find out why you will have to with a look time to be and this shotp! >> pam: we will show you why some people may find it offensive. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: now at 830! >> reporter: >> pam: it is a commercial that is generating a huge response online like it or hated it holds your attentiongrant is back. .with the commercial about the san francisco police response to the asiana crash.grant. >>commercial >> reporter: the police union says the commercial is meant to highlight that their officers to a great job it is not a dig at firefighters who have been criticized in their role for that 16 year old death. we also asked people if they think the commercial is appropriate. 90 percent said it is appropriate and 10 percent this note it is not appropriate. reaction of facebook is more split won't be taxed the same question when we taxed asked the same question... >> reporter:mike: yes. it shows what deal with during a crisis. >> reporter:most people don't even know what it takes to be a firstnot to mention that everyone one. >> reporter:angela: that was beyond just. weird. i can't even that is. and why would they single out one cop like >> pam: the countdown continues to 49ers and seattle seahawks. superbowl. >> pam: new tonight at 8-- the buzz over the 49=ers is growing a bay area tattoo studio is offering forty nine dollar 49=er tattoos. and discovered a line out the door. you >> reporter: are not a real 49er fan until you receive a tattoo. >> reporter: here at silver neil they have a deal running as long as the 49ers are planning policies and up until the super bowl game. >> are halfway through the game with 10 people here with a waiting list up front dozens of >> reporter: people have been taking notice of the three budgets thirty promotion. >> m a down i m eight die- hard a 49ers fan. >> (cheers & applause) >> go every sunday watch every game and i want to do something for them but i will have them with me at all times. it is >> pretty cool because this sunday is my wedding anniversary where i propose to my wife at candlestick park years ago. goldminers go niners! >> reporter: silver needle is prospector quarterback is 14 a lot of ink. they doubt he does not goal here but they do know where he goes. >> he goes to a great place. >> pam: and stay tuned to kron4. way to seattle. where the 49ers will take on the seahawks. in the nfc championship. >> pam: he will bring us all the action. live. here on kron4. >> pam: still ahead-- first lady michelle obama is about to turn 50. and she's marking the occasion by speaking candidly about health and fitness. even plastic surgery. >> pam: plus: a public meeting being held right now. about last year's chevron refinery fire. a live report, after the break. >> reporter: people behaving badly coming up! >> reporter: stay with kron4 we are the best in technology will feature 20 new high-tech gadgets from the c e s show. january 24th at right after >> pam: happening now. >> pam: the u-s chemical safety board is holding a public meeting tonight. about the devestating chevron refinery fire. >> pam: the meeting,in richmond -- will discuss whether to consider and vote on a draft report regarding the fire. that forced 15- thousand people to get medical treatment. and shut down one of the major crude oil units on the west coast for months. >> pam: kron4's philippe djegal is at the meeting tonight with what was said. >> reporter: the meeting here as civic center plaza is scheduled to continue about 930 this evening and is open to the public the >> reporter: 3 member board will be rejecting at report. the report calls for the adoption of safety control. to prevent any other chemical accident accurat >> addition to that garrett the system requires that they make a case for their controls that they have to prove that from happening. >> reporter: be sure to share the results of the meeting. >> reporter:the first lady is about to turn the big 5- 0. she's not hiding behind her age, but instead embracing it! >> reporter:even marking the occasion by speaking candidly about things like - plastic surgery. >> reporter: sometimes, we are our worst >> reporter: who is famous for her fit the desperate the first lady is not ruling out plastic surgery or both talks for the future. our larger message for women it is to educate yourself (cheers & applause) just how mrs. obama plans to celebrate the big 50 i am >> not exactly shore but it will involve dancing. >> reporter: slightly cooler thames by the weekend. a fire hazard still a concern. 50 record set broken so far in january patrick 10 of them all today along has hit the highest record to date. after a new high 70 in palo alto, 74 in santa clara and 70's in the east bay. no. bay and peninsula 72. sapper cisco downtown 66. >> reporter: slight cooling but still tried over the weekend. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter: sometimes, we are our worst enemies, we do things that put us at risk then complain >> reporter:lately there have been a rash of vehicle vs pedestrian collisions in and around san francisco >> reporter: the sad part: many of them have been fatal >> reporter:the city has become unsafe for pedestrians but the fact is sometimes the pedestrian takes i have the right of >> reporter:because if you watch it's not uncommon to see people dart out into traffic often at the last moment >> reporter:im at the intersection of new montgomery and market the location of many collisions >> reporter:as a pedestrian if see this symbol it means start walking but watch out for vehicles >> reporter:if you see this flashing means finish walking if >> reporter:however a solid red hand more than often those are ignored >> reporter: following the rules of the road, not making up rules as they go along >> reporter: you to get stuck in the crosswalk or the intersection >> reporter:they same goes for cyclist they have to stop running red lights >> reporter:and using duel ear buds >> reporter:the san francisco police are mode effective a few weeks tickets >> reporter:and that is what i mean by we are our own worst enemies >> reporter:because if followed the rules of the road, or the sidewalk there would be no need for a citywide crack down >> reporter:in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: in sports. jimharbaugh's wife has some very funny remasrks about her husband's wardrobe >> pam: gary suts down with tom brady senior. who tels him a-f-c championship game. the question and the followup female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, female announcer: even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. and through monday, get three years interest-free financing on selected models. don't miss sleep train's year end clearance sale. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ (male announcer): now, the orchard supply sports report with gary radnich. >> gary: really had worked out that they are leaving on friday. harbaugh today, kapernick has had to ruff games in seattle. >> things out with trade to compete as a player in these games. this game. >> yes i wase body part. can i do without an arm? >> (laughter) >> gary:coach harbaugh's wife sarah took to the radio waves yesterday to dis cuss he husband's penchant for wearing pleated kaki pants. >> he has a splattering body. i faxed them to please throw them away. i've asked hi to throw them away. you have to find them at a wal- mart. >> at least he is thrifty (laughter) >> gary: they are in good hands. they're good pants. >> gary: them do you wear them in your garden? >> pam: no, i do not think so. (laughter) >> gary: a pam has a great garden. >> (laughter) >> gary: the alan chick his coach plan around. bellenchamp, plays around. >> when is the last time tom brady surprise you? >> this morning. >> gary: tom says tom sr. says that he and his wife will not be going to denver and here is the reason. >> this week we started we decided to stay home because when you go on the road you receive the worst seats in the stadium and i would not like 77000 people screaming that our kids sachs. sucks. >> gary: you never get over those guys in the basement criticizing him? >> he is still our kid he is not no. 12 on the patriots. >> gary: more with mr. brady on our sports said sports specialty. >> gary:more with mr. brady,sr. on our sports special! >> gary: i would prefer, as an old base may at baseball man myself. many see how he hit. people are saying he lost all that weight so give him millions. i like for him to swing and first. >> pam: when that boy who stole our hearts we have the highlights >> reporter: capturing the hearts of people all round the world when sentences will turn it into got the city for a day last year cree. when san francisco turned it to got them 648 date last year. >> go behind the scenes of miles scott make a wish adventure. now >> reporter: for the first time we are hearing from some of the people who make his dream a reality >> my favorite moment of the day because it could not see it but usually he does not talk much. when he says no to hear his voice. >> reporter: tonight and has a whole lot of people talking. jun comity of facebook says what started out as a little boys which became the work field could keep it. banks make a wish at seven francisco, but mostly think smile for showing me how to drink again. check it out and share your check it out and share your thoughts and feelings on our blood cape crusader. we have posted the entire 10 minute video on our web site kron4 dot com. >> reporter: that is the hottest with salinas and 83. it will be the highest since 1943 it >> pam: see you at 11 in new york city's war on crime the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. these are their stories. (folk music playing, woman chuckles) hi. ah... oh... kyle, this is malcolm bryce. my brother kyle. so you're the high school teacher we've heard about. welcome. siskaar's graansha gramail bloarna. my nephew says you look like a protestant. oh, by birth. i'm not really religious. no matter. let's get you set up with a protestant drink. come on. (laughter, folk music playing) oh, you look so pretty today, fiona. is that him? is that the teacher?

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United States , New York , Sacramento County , California , Kimball Island , Oakland , Embarcadero , China , Sonoma County , Napa County , Yerba Buena Island , Denver , Colorado , San Carlos , San Francisco , Americans , America , Reid Kron , Kate Robinson , Andrew Nisbet , Catherine Heenan , Santa Clara , Tom Brady , Jack Selby , Hilary Hess , Juan Ortega Ramos , Francisco Stanley Roberts Kron , Dan Kerman , Ashley Kirk , Charles Clifford , Malcolm Bryce , Stanley Roberts , Francisco John Pam , Michelle Obama , Justine Waldman ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140116 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140116

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police to showcase its members; bravery. >>they work to make your day. >> reporter:find out what people are >>whoosh >> reporter: more than skin deep. >>man up and come down and get your tattoo >> reporter:the faithful flocking to get 49er tattoos for 49 dollars. >>awesome deal man >>whoosh >>my jaw dropped and they said did he take care of you and i saaid uh huh tips for jesus has struck again. >> reporter:a mystery benefactor.resurfaces in san francisco's financial district,. >> reporter: about her four=figure windfall. >>whoosh >> reporter: the batkid >>let me out! >>no! >>it's funny to hear his voice >> reporter: little boy's wish come true that rescue effort the subject of a officers. san fran (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >>".in front of you." >> pam: now at 8-- >> pam: new video showing the a emergency vehicle. ran crash at sfo. the teen from china survived the crash -- only to be hit twice by a fire truck, and killed. >> pam: the video has come out now that the girl's family filed a lawsuit against the city of san francsico. kron4's dan kerman shows us the video. and what we know now about how the incident happened. >> the first set and trios is to take the pulse direct the video which the bank is the best evidence of what happened shows at least five firefighters who saw her and understood that she was there and none of them did the basic step of checking to see if she was alive. >>wait! stop...stop! there is a body right there. presume >> reporter: lee there is 8 body right there and she is still alive. someone is trying to warn them. >> that was taken away because of several mistakes. after >> reporter: the new videos they have no comment pending the outcome of the investigation. >> reporter:and tonight.we're disecting a new commercial about the asiana crash - featuring san francisco police officers. some people are criticizing the police union for putting the rescue re-enactment together.and patting themselves on the back. others say officers actions the day of the crash were heroic.and there's not a problem with it the 90 second spot. >> reporter:we've posted the commerical on our website - of people have already voted in our poll - and it's not too late to vote. >> reporter: the commerical is appropriate. we'll have the results and reaction.tonight at 8:30. >> reporter: take its toll on victims intoday, county health officials confirmed 3 additional flu- related deaths. >> pam: that brings the total bay reported in napa county. in sonoma county. flu- related deaths climbed to three. >> pam: and contra costa county is now reporting two flu- related deaths, but a change up in the type of flu linked to the deaths. >> pam: in the east bay. some stores are reporting a spot shortage of tamiflu that's the drug some use to deal with the flu. several pharmicies say, they have been out of the liquid form used for children for several weeks. and are running low on the oral dose for adults. >> pam: the medicine is manufactured by bay area based genetech. >> pam: the company says it has had a heavy demand for the drug. and is working to get more in circulation. >> pam: we have much more coverage on our website -- kron 4 dot com -- on the home on our flu section.'ll find tips. from how to avoid catching the virus. to locations near you, to get flu shots. we also have new information that spells out what we know about the specific individuals who have died of the flu. those cases areit's all on >> pam: grant? >> reporter: skies this warm winter day. no clouds in sight today from oakland all the way to the embarcadero. not a bad view of the bay bridge. >> reporter:all across the bay area.people were out.relaxing.enjoing the unusually warm weather. in san jose it got as hot as. 73 degrees. >> reporter:take a look at this beautiful sight fromit was a beautiful day for some time in the surf and the sand. degrees. >> reporter: but all this warm winter weather is making for dangerous fire conditions. red flag warnings still bay today. officials say the fire serious risk of grass fires putting fire crews on high alert. >> reporter:fire officials recommend residents in the oakland hills, postpone any yard work which could potentially spark into a fire. during this red flag period. >> reporter: north to bay hills and east bay hills are specifically where the ones are severe. but all over the bay area. >> reporter: and the santa cruz not out of the danger yet. we will talk abou those temperatures, comingup! >> reporter: for more on these red flag warnings and how long this >> pam: a grass fire burning on kimball island is nearly fully contained tonight, this video of yesterday's scene from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. >> pam: kimball island is located just north of antioch near sacramento county borders. fire officials say the fire destroyed three homes and several outbuilding. >> pam: and that it was started by transients. it has burned almost 50 monitor the hot spots which the u-s coast guard people from the island yesterday. but no injuries are reported. >> does not come back until 25 minutes later, he comes back again, and then returns began. for a minute and a second he is off fighting. then handsome in his hand. from the video you can see he goes to the house, where the house is set on fire. when he returns it to the frame again he does not have these items and more. we see him again on route 4:01 more time. we see him again or around 4:01 more time. >> reporter: reporting in san jose police here reid kron4 new spirit >> pam: new charges filed today against a popular, award- who is accused of sexually abusing boys he had been teaching. >> pam: the suspect is andrew nisbet. who worked at the livermore. last month, he was charged with 65 -felony counts of allegedly sexually assaulting boys. he now faces an additional 10- counts. most of which involve a third young boy. police say, nisbet coached children throughout the state and nation. >> pam: he is being held without bail. and will be back in >> pam: a couple is behind bars. after being linked to a string of burglaries in san carlos. 24-year- olds ashley kirk and juan ortega- ramos. are charged with multiple counts of burglary. new tonight at 8-- >> pam: >> pam: the new eastern span of the bay bridge has been open for just over four- months. and already significant work has been completed on removing the old eastern span. >> pam: kron 4's charles clifford was given a tour of the old bridge today. and he has an update on the demolition. >> reporter:so far, demolition crews feet of the upper deck of happening here in the middle of the cantilever section, bridge with the tall steel support beams. >>pics >> reporter:they've also removed about deck and are replacing that section of roadway with wood. caltrans spokesman putting in a woodedn road lighter. >> reporter: and by putting in the timber it makes the bridge lighter but it's strong enough to support the equipment that needs to be on the bottom deck to reach up through the whole to take down the steel trusses. >> reporter:the next big step is to the cantilever section that includes the infamous s-curve. by allowing the contractor to take responsibility that keeps the bid for this project loren and save taxpayers money. low fer. >> reporter: that has to get out of the way first because that's of the bike path all the way to yerba buena island as permanent on ramp from the from the bridge from the island unto the bridge >> reporter: concrete that's removed from the bridge is being recycled profit from the recycling goes to the demolition company. caltrans made that arrangement in order to project. on treasure island, charles for the new mattress models but sleep train's huge year end clearance is ending soon. for a short time, save hundreds on tempur-pedic mattresses. get the most highly-recommended bed in america at closeout prices. plus, get interest-free financing and free same-day delivery. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> pam: new tonight at 8-- he did it again. the mystery man, who goes by the name - 'tips for jesus' left another very generous tip at a restaurant in san francisco. kron 4's justine waldman talked with the lucky waitress, to find out. who the tipper is. and what she plans on doing with all that >>so there is this lapse in time when you have to register this is a lot of money ah! >> reporter: waitress hilary hess, works at row-ka a-core in the financial district. >> reporter:on tuesday night, she served sashimi to a couple sitting in the back. >> reporter:nothing seemed unusual final bill. >>sot there was part of my brain that thought it said $30 and he didn't know how to use a decimal point >> reporter:the man wrote "tips for jesus" at the top of the check and left 3- thousand dollar tip. >>sot my mouth just dropped >> reporter:t4j also paid the entire tab for the table next to him. >>sot yeah i was a little astonished >> reporter:after a brief break, it in the giving spirit. >> reporter:he left big bucks for servers. late last year at restaurant in san francisco. >> reporter:tips for jesus keeps an instragram page showing smiling servers from all seriously generous bonus. >> reporter:the page described as - tip at a time." >> reporter:reports are the tipper is jack selby who made his fortune at paypal. >> reporter:sot he was tall dark and handsome >> reporter:this restaurant pools tips at the end of the night. >> reporter:so all the staff at roka akur gets part of that 3-thousand. >>hilary plans to donate some and indulge just a little >>sot taking a trip and taking my mom out to dinner. >>su what would the waitress tipper? >>sot i would just say thank you thank you thank you and my table again. ha! >> reporter:in san francisco, a group of volunteers is doing their part to make their community a little safer. >> reporter: >> reporter:kron 4's john fenoglio caught up with them in the tenderloin. and shows us how their presence is making a city's toughest neighborhoods. >>"we stand out here from 1:45 getting through the neighborhood safely." >> reporter:kate robinson is just one of a handful of volunteers that make up tenderloin safe organization with a mission to make passing through one of san francisco's toughest neighborhoods a little easier. >>"one of out busiest corners drugs and violence we're here for these kids." >> "these volunteers cover 11 square blocks, 34 street corners, and they tell all of the children they interact with that if they ever fee scared or threatened to look for one the end of it, they'll find someone wearing an orange vest who will help them get >>"this is the safe passage route yellow path. corner captains from one corner to they're a safety presence." >> reporter:their presence is already felt by the kids at san >>"they protect us." >> at kids, and it's like we supposed to get through this." >> reporter: they get through it with a liitle help from their friends in orange. >>"be safe!" >> reporter:in san francisco john >> pam: >> reporter: we are ready are seen '50s on the board as we push forward. with early afternoon we see 70 degree to buttress settle in. east bay as well into the evening not even getting that cold. sunshine and some coaches over the weekend >> pam: you will need to use a promo cold code. if you don't make at least five canceled items to lend and the upcoming royals' game. at least five can foods you will be enteered to win tickets to royal'sh game >> pam: ahead at 8. at a new warning from the f d eight. about a pain killer that is in nearly every once medicine cabinet. and later our stand robbers look at how the city of san francisco is cracking down on bad drivers. pedestrians and bicyclists. >> gary: in this broadcast! >> pam: gary says that with the man who knows tom brady the best, his own father tom the man who knows tom brady the best, his own father tom brady senior. i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time. >> pam: a new warning tonight about >> pam: americans may be risking severe liver damage because they don't realize how many products contain the painkiller. >> pam: catherine heenan reports. >> catherine: de affeldt de base is there is no evidence that a higher dosage will bring any additional benefit. new guidelines will be issued for over-the- counter drugs as well. good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> pam: find out why you will have to with a look time to be and this shotp! >> pam: we will show you why some people may find it offensive. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: now at 830! >> reporter: >> pam: it is a commercial that is generating a huge response online like it or hated it holds your attentiongrant is back. .with the commercial about the san francisco police response to the asiana crash.grant. >>commercial >> reporter: the police union says the commercial is meant to highlight that their officers to a great job it is not a dig at firefighters who have been criticized in their role for that 16 year old death. we also asked people if they think the commercial is appropriate. 90 percent said it is appropriate and 10 percent this note it is not appropriate. reaction of facebook is more split won't be taxed the same question when we taxed asked the same question... >> reporter:mike: yes. it shows what deal with during a crisis. >> reporter:most people don't even know what it takes to be a firstnot to mention that everyone one. >> reporter:angela: that was beyond just. weird. i can't even that is. and why would they single out one cop like >> pam: the countdown continues to 49ers and seattle seahawks. superbowl. >> pam: new tonight at 8-- the buzz over the 49=ers is growing a bay area tattoo studio is offering forty nine dollar 49=er tattoos. and discovered a line out the door. you >> reporter: are not a real 49er fan until you receive a tattoo. >> reporter: here at silver neil they have a deal running as long as the 49ers are planning policies and up until the super bowl game. >> are halfway through the game with 10 people here with a waiting list up front dozens of >> reporter: people have been taking notice of the three budgets thirty promotion. >> m a down i m eight die- hard a 49ers fan. >> (cheers & applause) >> go every sunday watch every game and i want to do something for them but i will have them with me at all times. it is >> pretty cool because this sunday is my wedding anniversary where i propose to my wife at candlestick park years ago. goldminers go niners! >> reporter: silver needle is prospector quarterback is 14 a lot of ink. they doubt he does not goal here but they do know where he goes. >> he goes to a great place. >> pam: and stay tuned to kron4. way to seattle. where the 49ers will take on the seahawks. in the nfc championship. >> pam: he will bring us all the action. live. here on kron4. >> pam: still ahead-- first lady michelle obama is about to turn 50. and she's marking the occasion by speaking candidly about health and fitness. even plastic surgery. >> pam: plus: a public meeting being held right now. about last year's chevron refinery fire. a live report, after the break. >> reporter: people behaving badly coming up! >> reporter: stay with kron4 we are the best in technology will feature 20 new high-tech gadgets from the c e s show. january 24th at right after >> pam: happening now. >> pam: the u-s chemical safety board is holding a public meeting tonight. about the devestating chevron refinery fire. >> pam: the meeting,in richmond -- will discuss whether to consider and vote on a draft report regarding the fire. that forced 15- thousand people to get medical treatment. and shut down one of the major crude oil units on the west coast for months. >> pam: kron4's philippe djegal is at the meeting tonight with what was said. >> reporter: the meeting here as civic center plaza is scheduled to continue about 930 this evening and is open to the public the >> reporter: 3 member board will be rejecting at report. the report calls for the adoption of safety control. to prevent any other chemical accident accurat >> addition to that garrett the system requires that they make a case for their controls that they have to prove that from happening. >> reporter: be sure to share the results of the meeting. >> reporter:the first lady is about to turn the big 5- 0. she's not hiding behind her age, but instead embracing it! >> reporter:even marking the occasion by speaking candidly about things like - plastic surgery. >> reporter: sometimes, we are our worst >> reporter: who is famous for her fit the desperate the first lady is not ruling out plastic surgery or both talks for the future. our larger message for women it is to educate yourself (cheers & applause) just how mrs. obama plans to celebrate the big 50 i am >> not exactly shore but it will involve dancing. >> reporter: slightly cooler thames by the weekend. a fire hazard still a concern. 50 record set broken so far in january patrick 10 of them all today along has hit the highest record to date. after a new high 70 in palo alto, 74 in santa clara and 70's in the east bay. no. bay and peninsula 72. sapper cisco downtown 66. >> reporter: slight cooling but still tried over the weekend. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter: sometimes, we are our worst enemies, we do things that put us at risk then complain >> reporter:lately there have been a rash of vehicle vs pedestrian collisions in and around san francisco >> reporter: the sad part: many of them have been fatal >> reporter:the city has become unsafe for pedestrians but the fact is sometimes the pedestrian takes i have the right of >> reporter:because if you watch it's not uncommon to see people dart out into traffic often at the last moment >> reporter:im at the intersection of new montgomery and market the location of many collisions >> reporter:as a pedestrian if see this symbol it means start walking but watch out for vehicles >> reporter:if you see this flashing means finish walking if >> reporter:however a solid red hand more than often those are ignored >> reporter: following the rules of the road, not making up rules as they go along >> reporter: you to get stuck in the crosswalk or the intersection >> reporter:they same goes for cyclist they have to stop running red lights >> reporter:and using duel ear buds >> reporter:the san francisco police are mode effective a few weeks tickets >> reporter:and that is what i mean by we are our own worst enemies >> reporter:because if followed the rules of the road, or the sidewalk there would be no need for a citywide crack down >> reporter:in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: in sports. jimharbaugh's wife has some very funny remasrks about her husband's wardrobe >> pam: gary suts down with tom brady senior. who tels him a-f-c championship game. the question and the followup female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, female announcer: even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. and through monday, get three years interest-free financing on selected models. don't miss sleep train's year end clearance sale. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ (male announcer): now, the orchard supply sports report with gary radnich. >> gary: really had worked out that they are leaving on friday. harbaugh today, kapernick has had to ruff games in seattle. >> things out with trade to compete as a player in these games. this game. >> yes i wase body part. can i do without an arm? >> (laughter) >> gary:coach harbaugh's wife sarah took to the radio waves yesterday to dis cuss he husband's penchant for wearing pleated kaki pants. >> he has a splattering body. i faxed them to please throw them away. i've asked hi to throw them away. you have to find them at a wal- mart. >> at least he is thrifty (laughter) >> gary: they are in good hands. they're good pants. >> gary: them do you wear them in your garden? >> pam: no, i do not think so. (laughter) >> gary: a pam has a great garden. >> (laughter) >> gary: the alan chick his coach plan around. bellenchamp, plays around. >> when is the last time tom brady surprise you? >> this morning. >> gary: tom says tom sr. says that he and his wife will not be going to denver and here is the reason. >> this week we started we decided to stay home because when you go on the road you receive the worst seats in the stadium and i would not like 77000 people screaming that our kids sachs. sucks. >> gary: you never get over those guys in the basement criticizing him? >> he is still our kid he is not no. 12 on the patriots. >> gary: more with mr. brady on our sports said sports specialty. >> gary:more with mr. brady,sr. on our sports special! >> gary: i would prefer, as an old base may at baseball man myself. many see how he hit. people are saying he lost all that weight so give him millions. i like for him to swing and first. >> pam: when that boy who stole our hearts we have the highlights >> reporter: capturing the hearts of people all round the world when sentences will turn it into got the city for a day last year cree. when san francisco turned it to got them 648 date last year. >> go behind the scenes of miles scott make a wish adventure. now >> reporter: for the first time we are hearing from some of the people who make his dream a reality >> my favorite moment of the day because it could not see it but usually he does not talk much. when he says no to hear his voice. >> reporter: tonight and has a whole lot of people talking. jun comity of facebook says what started out as a little boys which became the work field could keep it. banks make a wish at seven francisco, but mostly think smile for showing me how to drink again. check it out and share your check it out and share your thoughts and feelings on our blood cape crusader. we have posted the entire 10 minute video on our web site kron4 dot com. >> reporter: that is the hottest with salinas and 83. it will be the highest since 1943 it >> pam: see you at 11 in new york city's war on crime the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. these are their stories. (folk music playing, woman chuckles) hi. ah... oh... kyle, this is malcolm bryce. my brother kyle. so you're the high school teacher we've heard about. welcome. siskaar's graansha gramail bloarna. my nephew says you look like a protestant. oh, by birth. i'm not really religious. no matter. let's get you set up with a protestant drink. come on. (laughter, folk music playing) oh, you look so pretty today, fiona. is that him? is that the teacher?

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