Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20170626 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20170626

piseth chhay went missing on mother's investigators think they may have found his body.around 10 saturday morning. san francsico police investigators were called about human remains that were found at a warehouse in hayward.they suspect they belong to piseth chhay but are in the process of matching his dna with his sister and mother. his family hopes it's not a match./wife:i just hope and pray that body part doesn't belong to my husband but if it is bob tang has something to do with it. and i just home adn pray that body part doesn't belong to my husband. he has a family to come home to. he has a family yo come home to. he has these two boys waiting for him to come home. the main suspect in the case is bob tang.a friend of the family. they all used to vacation together.his car was found at sfo on may 25th and he hasn't been seen since.police suspect he may have fled the country. rattana kim/wife:whereever you are bob, if this is my husband's body youa re strictly responsible for his death. i just hope adn pray its not my husband that they found.(hermela aregawi)it's yet to be confirmed if the remains do in fact belong to piseth chhay.police are taking samples from his sister and mother to determine if that's case.reporting live in san francsico, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news,. (jrs) breaking news we are following:a fight at the westfield mall in san francisco it was forced to close a few minutes early tonight. this is new video... police tell us officers responded at about 6:45 this evening to reports of a fight..investigators say officers were confronted by the suspects -- who threw things at them.. in the video you can see officers appear to detain at least one person. there are also people running, screaming,... there also appears to be broken items scatterred on the floors. no word on what started the altercation -- or if any arrests were made.we're continuing to try and get more (justine) another big story tonight: a succesful pride weekend the san francisco. it is estimated one million people came to celebrate diversity... but also to protest prejudice. kron 4's alecia reid has highlight's from today's pride parade. the celebration started early we were like the first ones heresome folks coming to the pride parade for years know they have to plan aheadwe know if we wanna get a good spot and watch the parade and enjoy it and relax, we have to get up here first thing in the morning and reserve the area revelers walking up and down market street were covered with vibrant colors and the pride flag. those here for the first time were in's quite amazing. never seen anything like iti think it's pretty great that san francisco hosts this every year. people come from all over the country all over the world. i heard someone say they came all the way from austriafor those that make this a yearly event, they look forward to what's's always a new experiencepeople can finally express themselves and like, show who they really can be and who they are and not feel pressured or anything about itthere's a big sense of community around everyone, and everyone's excited to be here it's super exciting. i love being in a place where you can be accepted and an amazing atmosphere.we're gonna be here all day enjoying the beautiful weather and fun festivities after watching the parade and all the floats, the culmination is the festivities here at civic center. reporting in san francisco. (jrs) security was tight for pride weekend. those attending events at civic center were screened by walk-through metal detectors or handheld wands. there were increased patrols all across the city. the san francisco police department added additional security measures at last year's parade... after the pulse nightclub shooting in orlando. the same protocol was in effect this year, with no days off for officers this weekend. (jrs) even with more than one million people celebrating pride in san francisco.. no major incidents were reported. . (justine) other parades and festivals were held across the country in honor of l-g-b- t pride month. here is a look at new york.. crowds gathered in manhattan to celebrate equality... ten people were arrested --- police say the protesters were sitting on the street and blocking the route. (justine) there was also a big celebration in chicago... more than 250-thousand peope came to watch the city's annual pride parade. (justine) our pride celebration coverage continues online. on the kron4 mobile app we have highlights from the san francisco pride parade. you can also sign up to get alerted when breaking news happens in your neighborhood. (jrs) we are following developing news in southern california.. evacuations are underway in santa clarita... where a brush fire has spread to 800 acres. this is new video.. it's happening about 30 miles north of downtown los angeles. right now firefighters are working to proect homes. this started earlier today along state route 14 -- a car crash ignited a brush fire. one building has been destroyed.. no one hurt. at this point there is no containment on the fire. (justine) happening now: police got to the bottom of some attempted home invasions in fremont... thanks to the vigilance of people who live on the street. they ultimately helped police catch three kids involved - one is just ten years old. kron four's spencer blake tells us about the crime-stopping group effort of neighbors. earlier this month, fremont police arrived on peregrine way after getting reports of the same maroon-colored car that had been on the street in preceding days.the first time it was there, a woman and her elderly husband got attacked by someone trying to steal keys from them as they pulled into their garage.three days later, the same victim family reported the same suspects trying to break into the house - while they were inside.but the young suspects got away again."i saw some people gathering over there, but i didn't see police catching those culprits but i did know that something again happened." then one day after that is when this surveillance video captured the 15-year-old suspected of the earlier crimes.the car he's walking to - which police later found out was stolen - is one that by now, neighbors had been keeping an eye on."yeah, it looks like that we are together and work together." there's an official neighborhood watch group on the street, and neighors were alert enough to recognize the 15-year-old and confront him in the street.another team effort was several surveillance videos like this one that neighbors quickly and willingly turned over to police."we've been talking about that a lot as a neighborhood to have it and i've been meaning to do this for years, and i probably will do it - not just because of this one incident, but i think long term."(standup)that maroon honda, by the way, had two girls inside -a 14-year-old and a ten-year-old. police ordered them out, handcuffed them, and questioned them, but ultimately released them to their parents."i was really surprised to know that there's a 10-year-old involved. i can not even think of, ya know, a 10-year-old."only the 15- year-old was arrested, and confessed to home invasion robbery, elder abuse, and possessing a stolen fremont, spencer blake, kron four news. (justine) tonight the c-h-p says by using it's "eye in the sky"officers caught a motorcycle driver.... accused of driving recklessly. c-h-p contra costa posted "slow-motion" video from its helicopter on facebook... it shows the driver on a green motorcycle in orinda on highway 24 by hidden valley road. c-h-p says the rider was kicking, punching, and smashing mirrors. the rider led the "air-ops" team and patrol cars straight to his house... where officers were waiting for him. now he's facing charges of reckless driving, vandalism, suspended registration, and his motorcycle was impounded. c-h-p says the rider attacked cars several times last week. and wants to hear from other people who think they are victims. (jr stone) new at ten - in world news....a rescue operation is under way after a tourist boat sank in colombia today. we have new video showing the sinking... at least nine people have died in the incident near the town of guatape. more than 30-others are still missing in the reservoir where the vessel went down. emergency officials say at least 100 hundred people were rescued - and 21-of them are injured. one survivor says the vessel did not have life vests on board. (jrs) more big world news... tonight -- in eastern pakistan --- more than 150 people are dead after an oil tanker exploded that death toll is expected to rise with dozens of people still in critical condition. you can see the devestating aftermath of the explosion in this video.. villagers near by began collecting the oil containers that had fallen out of the truck.....that's when it exploded. lawrence karnow: a nice sea breeze helped bring cooler temperatures to the valleys today. the fog was slow to burn off and continues to linger at the coast. after a sweltering start to summer, most highs were running below average today. the warmest temperatures were in the low 80s inland with cool 60s near the coast. it's a breezy night and those winds will send fog racing into the bay and some of the valleys tonight. more fog is expected with cooler weather over the next couple of days. we'll take a closer look at those temperatures coming up in a few minutes. (jrs) coming up:stunning video of a teen falling off an amusement park ride... what quick thinking bystanders did -- that may have saved the young girl's life.(justine) then - new at ten:a woman pregnant with twins... forced to make a heartbreaking choice between her health -- or the health of her unborn children.(jrs) and next: parents and children stunned.. the popular bay area playground found torched today. .. ♪ introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. the only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. and snoring... does your bed do that? right now save on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, it's the lowest prices of the season with savings of $500 on our most popular p5 bed. happening now:arson investigators are looking for the criminals who destryoed a popular bay area playground. sometime overnight someone torched the koret children's playground in golden gate park. it's the playground near the carousel. those with san francisco recreation and parks described what happened as terrible acts of vandalism. in this video you can see the yellow tape that has been put up. behind that yellow tape you can see melted sections of the playground. we talked with one parent whose daughter saw the damage and didn't understand what happened.(jrs) the oritional playground at this location was built in 1888 and is considered to be the nation's first public playground. the koret foundation made major renovations back in 2007... much of that burned overnight. (justine) new at ten: two possible hate crimes have rocked the muslim community in the sacrmento area. in one case -- a burned koran was found outside a mosque. reporter kay recede has reaction to the crimes -- as the muslim communities celebrates the end of ramadan. the end of ramadan is a celebration for thousands of muslim families in sacramento... (imam azeez, director, tarbiya institute) 'today is a day of joy.'a time of happiness — despite two possible hate crimes that have rocked their community.on saturday the sacramento county sheriffús department says — a burned quran filled with bacon was left hanging on a handcuff near the masjid islamic center in sacramento... (nats cell phone) 'yes, strewn all over the street right in front of the masjid'just 24 hours prior — the council on american-islamic relations or cair — says a driver threw large pieces of the quran at the islamic center of davis... hassan shabbir shared this cell phone footage with us after the attack...(nats cell phone)'and the cops just arrived... unreal.'this is the second time the center has been targeted... last week — lauren kirk-coelho was found guilty of vandalizing the property and leaving bacon on door handles back in january — she was sentenced to five years probation.(basim elkarra, executive director, cair)'it's disappointing, it's sad that people resort to this and try to intimidate a faith community but we're not going to let them win.'muslim community leaders say itús sad that their centers... their faith have been targeted... but they remain united.(nats kids)(imam azeez, director, tarbiya institute)'best statement in the face of evil actions is to stay the course and to stick to your ground and keep moving forward.' (justine) that was kay recede reporting.. no word on if police have any leads yet in the possible hate crimes. (jrs) another big story we are following tonight:with the future of the republican's senate health care proposal in question... the health and human services sercretary is defending the least five republicans say they oppose the current proposal.... reporter david daniel is tracking reaction tonight. "we want to make certain that health care is available to all americans." health and human services secretary, tom price defended the g-o-p senate health care bill sunday... trying to assure the american them that the bill will not cause people to lose their health insurance. tom price / hhs secretary: "the plan that we have - we've put in place - will not allow individuals to fall through the cracks, would not pull the rug out from anybody. we would not have individuals lose coverage that they want for themselves and their family." the legislation, after its big reveal last week, has caused a split in the gop party.five senate republicans have publicly opposed the bill in its current form... including dean heller of nevada.sen. dean heller / -r- nevada: "the biggest lie in healthcare in the last 10 years was if you elect your doctor you can keep them. the second biggest lie is that your premium is going down and there isn't anything in this piece of legislation that will lower your premiums." price countered that argument by saying the bill is only one part of republicans' broader health care plan...tom price / hhs secretary: "the plan in its entirety will absolutely bring premiums down because you increase competition, you increase choices for individuals, you allow folks to be able to purchase the kind of coverage they want, not that the government forces them to buy."senate republicans cannot afford to lose support from more than two of their members, if the bill is to pass.the vote may happen as early as this week. i'm david daniel reporting. (jr) while president trump's campaign is under investigation for possible ties to russa.. the president said today on twitter the "real" collusion happened on the democratic side. claiming -- hillary clinton and the democratic party colluded against bernie sanders. trump appears to be referring to democratic party e-mails published by wikileaks last year. the e-mails suggest some party staffers were possibly trying to prop up clinton. (justine) several governement websites were hacked today with a message supporting the islamic state terrorist group. this is what visitors to different websites in ohio heard and saw this morning... this message was posted on ohio governer..john kasich's official website... making reference to president trump. it said the president would be - quote - "accountable for every drop of blood flowing in muslim countries." the hackers also hit the websites of ohio's first lady and the state department of corrections. all of the servers were taken offline to be investigated. (jrs) tongiht - the nation's largest active wildfire is scorching more land in utah. the brian head fire burned two-thousand more acres saturday night, reaching the total of about 42-thousand acres. nearly one-thousand fire crews and at least 10-helicopters are battling the blaze. it's currently eight-percent contained. the fire has been burning for eight days now, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate. so far 21 buildings have been destroyed. (justine) live picture outside at san francisco.. kron4 meteorologist lawnrene karnow is here with what's ahead for the week. lawrence karnow: a nice sea breeze helped bring cooler temperatures to the valleys today. the fog was slow to burn off and continues to linger at the coast. after a sweltering start to summer, most highs were running below average today. the warmest temperatures were in the low 80s inland with cool 60s near the coast. it's a breezy night and those winds will send fog racing into the bay and some of the valleys tonight. low pressure continues to spin off the coast as high pressure moves slowly eastward. temperatures will continue to cool as the sea breeze reaches further inland the next couple of days. it will be another hot one in parts of the central valley with highs soaring back into the 100's. if you're headed to lake tahoe expect plenty of sunshine and highs in the upper 70s. highs tomorrow around the bay area will be in the upper 70s to low 80s inland, 60s to mid 70s around the bay, and 60s near the coast. we will continue to cool with more fog and low clouds through tuesday. after that, high pressure will begin to build with warmer weather expected into next weekend. (lawrence) i'll have the seven day forecast ahead. (justine) coming up new at ten:there was record snow this winter... and now a lot of it is melting... we'll show the very big problem that is causing in one area. (jrs) but that will make you think twice about getting a on a plane... we'll show you what one group of passengers had to deal with for two was plenty of time for them to pull out their phones. ( jr stone) we have new video tonight... turbulence shook passengers for two hours during a flight to kuala lumpur from australia. here's a look at video a passenger took on board... this was on a airasia-x flight. according to the passenger, "it was really shaky, very scary." the flight had to return back to perth due to the issue on board. the incident was caused by a technical issue with the jets "rolls-royce trent 700 engine." the airline says "it is aware of the incident...and will be working closely with relevant partners to understand the cause of the issue." (justine) tonight -- a teenage girl is recovering in the hospital after falling from an amusement park ride in new york.. it was all caught on camera... take a look. the teen and her brother were on the sky gondola ride at a six flags park near albany, new york..... when she slipped out. luckily a father and his daughter saw the teen dangling from the ride..which is about 25 feet in the air.... and helped catch her. tonight -- we have an interview with someone who watched it all happen. vo (justine) the man that helped catch her did suffer a minor back injury... officials say all of the safety features on the ride were checked after the fall and are working properly. (jrs) still ahead: the diagnosis leaving a mother forced to choose between her health.. and the health of her unborn twins. (justine) and next - new at ten:mayor's from across the bay area descend on miami beach florida... we'll tell you the hot button political issues on the agenda. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. (jr) tonight mayors from across the country...including many from the bay area -- are meeting in miami beach. (justine) it's for the 85th annual mayor's conference.... which continues through tomorrow.(jr) new a ten: cnn's rosa flores shows us the agenda which includes... health care -- climate change -- immigration -- and president trump. former president clinton:"i met with the mayors every single year i was president, and i always looked forward to itwhile the 42nd president spoke to more than 250 mayors at the us mayor's conference in miami beach it was the 45th president who was on some of the mayor's minds...especial ly on issues such as climate change, immigration and healthcare.mayor of louisville greg fischer:"what the promise was more and better healthcare at lower cost. that's really what america is looking for right now. and when you take a look at a city like louisville, 100,000 people could lose their healthcare. marty walsh/mayor of boston:i think it's going to affect in the ballpark of about 300,000 massachusetts folks.sly james/mayor of kansas city: this is unfortunately a political solution. they're looking for a political win. and it wasn't just is the republican mayor of mesa arizona... john giles.john giles/mayor of mesa arizona:if we fumble this you know it could be the end of the republican party if people see us take something that is flawed like obamacare and think that the way to fix that is to make it worse then i think i'm not sure what we have to offer as a party so this is going to be a defining moment for the republican party.but on sanctuary cities a different story.john giles/mayor of mesa arizona:we cooperate with ice..mayor marty walsh, who once offered to turn boston city hall into a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants, says that trump's executive orders on on the matter have only created fear and mistrust.marty walsh/mayor of boston: in boston what we're trying to do is continue to build that trust with people who are undocumented in our city.on climate change - when president trump exited the paris climate accord - more than 300 mayors pledged to honor the commitments of the agreement.mayor of louisville greg fischer:"we see no difference between being environmentally responsible and being successful as a business as well.' so we're moving full speed ahead with all our environmental programs." knowing that the president often turns to twitter, we asked these mayors what their message to president trump would 140 characters or less. sly james/mayor of kansas city:"be careful what you say, it may come back to bite you, and once it's out there you can't take it back." marty walsh/mayor of boston: "act responsible. you're the president of the united states of america. people are watching you."rosa flores, cnn miami (justine) we have a list of the bay area mayors that were set to participate in the event. they include the mayors of.. dublin, livermore, menlo park, milpitas, napa, san francisco, san leandro, and union city. (jr stone) nearly 100 homes are still under mandatory evacuation tonight after leevee breaches along the kings river in cental california.. the river began to flood on wednesday about 25 miles north of fresno.. as temperatures soared the snow started melting in the sierra sending it down stream. at least seven homes and 18 r-v's have been damaged. flood warnings will be in effect until monday. (jrs) in monterey county.... 18 farm workers are recovering after possibly being exposed to pesticides at a ranch south of salinas. it happened early thursday morning at the tanimura and antle celery transplant. crews worked for about an hour...before some of them came down with nausea, headaches,stomach even vomitted. the worers were rushed to a hospital... them from the hospital."> a spokeswoman for the company said all employees but one were back on the job friday morning.... but what got them sick is not exactly clear. one scenario is that pesticides were applied to a nearby field the night before. the workers may have been overcome by lingering odors.. (justine) new at ten: a pregnant cancer patient in kansas had a tough choice to make. either she skips taking medications she desperately needs - or she risks hurting her future twins. reporter michael schwanke has more. pregnant with twins, danielle dick thought she knew what was wrong.danielle dick, cancer patient:"i started having headaches. i thought it was pregnancy brain."but the symptoms got worse.danielle dick, cancer patient:"one day tyler came home from work and i could hardly put three words together."17-weeks pregnant with twins - and a one year old at home. doctors told danielle and her husband tyler what was causing her headaches. danielle dick, cancer patient: "when they told me it was brain tumor i couldn't believe it. i was like this can't be happening."six years ago, danielle was diagnosed with melanoma, after tyler spotted this mole on her back.tyler dick, danielle's husband:"you see those pictures on the doctors office and it didn't look like that it just looked different."doctors treated her and thought she was cancer-free but the melanoma came back. this time in her brain and abdomen. stage 4 cancer.tyler dick, danielle's husband:"just the hardest thing you can imagine, a lot of difficult decisions." reporter: "she's pretty strong sitting here today?"tyler dick, danielle's husband: "yeah."doctors removed what they could, but there's another problem, there are medications you can't take while pregnant.danielle dick, cancer patient:"most of the cancer medications are among them they had to let it run its course."together, this couple made the decision to hold out on some treatment to save their twin babies.tyler dick, danielle's husband:"when we talked about it i told her i would support her and she wanted to carry them as long as she could."danielle is due in september, but doctors will deliver the twins more than two months early, so she can receive all the medications she needs.they share their story to educate you.danielle dick, cancer patient:"skin cancer is not something to be brushed aside, people need to get skin checked and wear sunscreen."tyler dick, danielle's husband:"i hope that people will look at their skin and their family and catch it early."danielle and tyler don't know what the future holds, they say right now it's day-by-day. (justine) danielle was able to start a new drug recently. but she will wait until her twins are delivered to start a full treatment. (justine) coming up:why the award wining disney film "inside out" is now part of a federal lawsuit. (jrs) but first..a controversy over a woman's swim suit.. the swim wear she says she was kicked out of a pool for wearing. (jr stone) a woman's story is going viral after she says she was kicked out of her apartment complex's swimming pool..becuase her bathing suit was inappropriate. tori jenkins and her fiance were at her apartment pool in tennessee when she says one of the leasing office workers came up to her asking her to leave....or go into the water where no one could see her swimsuit. tori said she was wearing this pink one- piece at the time and saw nothing wrong with it... that's when she went to the leasing office to talk to management...but says they made her feel even worse. the apartment complex later said that jenkins was not asked to leave the pool. (lawrence) the fog returns tonight with some patchy drizzle. we'll take a look at the week ahead coming up next. stay out front with tempur-pedic. our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. so you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. find your exclusive retailer at the award-winning disney film, "inside out" is at the center of a federal lawsuit. a minnesota child development expert claims executives stole her concept. reporter angela davis has the story. summary: an award-winning disney movie is now the subject of a federal lawsuit filed by a minnesotan.the animated movie "inside out" was a big hit at the box office in 2015. it features color-coded characters who represent emotions like joy, sadness, anger, disgust and fear. but there's a striking resemblence to these characters called "the moodsters." they were created by a twin cities child development expert, more than a decade ago.the lawsuit was filed in federal court monday in los angeles by denise daniels. she's an experienced parenting and child development expert and a book author, who lives here in the twin the lawsuit, daniels claims disney and pixar executives used ideas that she pitched to them to make the movie "inside out" and never compensated her. (jrs) that was angela davis reporting... denise daniels and her attorney have not commented on the lawsuit (justine) pixar's latest movie came in second this week at the box office. the number one movie was transformers: the last knight. it grossed 45-point-three million dollars... a huge jump from its competitors áand from the original franchise opening. this film hit a franchise low this weekend. "cars 3" came in at number two with an estimated 25-point-2 million dollars in earnings. rounding out the top three with a tie... is "wonder woman" - the first superhero film led by a woman. that film also brought in an estimated 25-point-2 million lawrence karnow: a nice sea breeze helped bring cooler temperatures to the valleys today. the fog was slow to burn off and continues to linger at the coast. after a sweltering start to summer, most highs were running below average today. the warmest temperatures were in the low 80s inland with cool 60s near the coast. it's a breezy night and those winds will send fog racing into the bay and some of the valleys tonight. temperatures will remain a little below average over the next few days beforfe warming up later in the week. (justine) fast food just got even faster a couple of the most popular chains are now delivering to your home or work in the bay area. this works through a mobile app.. on demand. this is nate kristoff he has been ordering mcdonald's the last couple weeks and having it delivered to his work " it's it's a it's kind of a funny concept just cuz you know fast food is pretty fast already but you know anytime that you can you know save some time and have an opportunity to get more done and work more efficiently than i think i think it's a good thing"nate works in a high rise 21 floors up getting out the building. dealing with lines. can eat out of his lunch time so he uses the mcdonald's app to orderhe showed me how it works pretty easy.. once your account and credit card are set up.. you just tap in your order you do this through the mcdonald's mobile app but the actual food pickup and delivery is made by a different app. the food delivery app uber eats the two in partnership claim they will deliver to you within 30 nate's order today took about 20 minutes.. and if you'd like to connect with gabe slate... you can add him on facebook, follow him on twitter. or email - slate-at-kron4-dot-com. giants taking on the mets hoping to avoid their fifth straight loss. a-t and tee park celebrating gay pride by giving fans 'summer of love' blankets. matt moore on the hill for san francisco -- but it just wasn't his day rene rivera takes moore deep for the second time in the game to put new york up 4-1 moore allowed 7 hits, 5 runs in 4 and a third in the eighth -- giants trying to get something going with two on base -- but brandon belt strikes out swinging to end the inning hunter strickland back from his six game suspension -- curtis granderson gives him a little gift in his return -- he smacks a solo shot -- sending it into the water the mets sweep the giants with an 8-2 win san francisco has now lost 12 of their last 13 meanwhile -- sonny gray and the a's looking for their first road sweep of the year against the white sox sonny allowed a home run in the first -- but after that he was unstoppable -- he struck out seven -- and only gave up four hits and two runs to the ninth we go -- a's up 3-2 -- adam rosales smacks his fourth home run of the year... to give the a's a 2-run lead next pitcher -- but not muched changed -- matt joyce hits a back to back home run... to put this game away for the oakland a's win 5-3 -- this is the first time they sweep the white sox on the road since 2005 the yearly nascar stop in the bay area today... the toyoata/savemart 350... sonoma raceway... all set and ready to go...stage 2... lap 31... dale earhardt jr is bumped into danica patrick... who in turn collides with rickey stenhouse jr... who is her boyfriend... it did not end well for stenhouse as his car was pretty mashed up... but some of the comments on social media toward patrick were even worse... very sexist! kevin harvick took the checkered flag for the win... it was harvick's first win in 21 races... and the bakersfield native's first win at sonoma in 17 tries "we've been competitive, we just hadn't got the victory line...felt like we had a couple opportunities to get there but just came up a little bit this is worth the wait you come to sonoma for so many win yesterday coming back to the k&n series and come back here today...i guess we'll have to do that again" coming up(where you trying to go?) pick up a food order (where?) ahhh it's like right down the street (it's a dead end) are you serious i did even know that .a lot of people apparently didn't know that this lane is just for transit . i'll explain in the next edtion of people behaving badly (jrs) in the city of san francisco... there are more than 30 -miles of transit- only lanes.(justine) they are used to help speed- up 'on time' schedules for buses ... but not everyone seems to understand that... let's watch this nissan on folsom street in san franciso, the driver will soon be forced to make a decision and neither one will be the correct decision nats: ambiance the driver is now at the light but she can't go straight . because right here there are two do not enter signs and if she turns right she will have to cross the bay bridgenats ambiance so she flips a u-turn and heads back to this.. backed up traffic from commuters leaving the city after a day of work most drivers know that this is a dedicated transit lane it's only available for buses and taxi .. there are numerous posted signs blocks before even reaching the do not enter signs nats: ambiance that being said .there is always a driver unware of the road configuration like this guy and note of the cell phone in hand (how did you end up in this lane?)i don't know do you know that this is only for the bridge only buses and taxis only)no i did not (i guess you looked at your phone huh) well i'm delivery for postmates (where you trying to go?) pick up a food order (where?) pick up a food order (where?) ahhh it's like right down the street ( dead end) are you serious i did even know that . you can always spot a driver every few minutes, be turning around to head back the other way .. sometimes it's lost tourist you can usually tell from the out of state license plates nats: ambiance and uber drivers who think they fall under the taxi category . but they don't some use the transit lane and make the turn to beat traffic to cross the briderisking a 79 dollar fine for driving in a transit only lane not including court fees and making the u- turn in what would be considered a business district 238 dollars nats: ambianceoften there is a traffic cop waiting there if you to ignore all the signs and drive down the lane . and they don't have a problem issuing you a ticket also, the only bikes permitted in this direction are the ones mounted on the front of the buses .. or being towed by caltrans to get some bicycle commuters across the bridge trust me on this one treat this transit lane like it's a dead end unless you want to make your next turn around midway across the bay bridge in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e-mail us at 'people behaving badly' at kron- four-dot-com ... (jr stone) next at the top of the hour. human remains found in a warehouse in the east bay...(justine) tonight -- how they could be connected to the case of a missing uber driver. all that plus the day's big stories and your weather in half the time -- next. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. thof how q got curly. quin was crazy about curls. curly fries. curly straws. curly haired dogs. even those cute curly tails on pigs. but to quin's chagrin everything about her was so very straight. which made the next twist so amazing. did she expect to find a high-end hair curler at a mind-bendingly low price? never. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. marshalls. your surprise is waiting. (jrstone@bam) now at 11... human remains found stuffed in bags... tonight - police are trying to figure out if they are related to the case of a missing san francisco uber driver.i'm jr stone.(justine@bam) and i'm justine waldman... piseth chhay....vanished on mother's day. tonight...kron4's hermela aragawi spoke to the missing man's wife...who's devastated. (hermela aregawi)piseth chhay went missing on mother's day. now investigators think they may have found his body.around 10 saturday morning. san francsico police investigators were called about human remains that were found at a warehouse in haywardthey suspect they belong to piseth chhay but are in the process of matching his dna with his sister and mother.his family hopes it's not a match.rattana kim/wife:i just hope and pray that body part doesn't belong to my husband but if it is bob tang has something to do with it. and i just home adn pray that body part doesn't belong to my husband. he has a family to come home to. he has a family yo come home to. he has these two boys waiting for him to come home.the main suspect in the case is bob tang.a friend of the family who owns the warehouse where the reamins were found.the families used to vacation together.tang's car was found at sfo on may 25th and he hasn't been seen since.police suspect he may have fled the country.rattana kim/wife: whereever you are bob, if this is my husband's body youa re strictly responsible for his death. i just hope adn pray its not my husband that they found.(hermela aregawi)again it has yet to be

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